How Does Acupuncture Work In The Treatment Of Infertility

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How Does Acupuncture Work In The Treatment Of Infertility

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Acupuncture is a complementary medical practice that requires motivating certain points on the body, usually a needle probing the skin, to ease pain or help in treatment for many health conditions. 

It is a system of complementary medicine in which fine needles injected in the skin at precise points along what are measured to be lines of energy.

Acupuncture is a motivation of specific points positioned near or on the surface of the skin that have the aptitude to alter many biochemical and physiological situations for the achievement of desired effect

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How does Acupuncture Work ? Acupuncture points areas of selected electrical sensitivity. Injecting

needles at those points rouses various sensual receptors which in turn, motivate nerves that transfer impulses to hypothalamic-pituitary system to the base of brain.

The hypothalamus-pituitary glands are in control to release neuro transmitters and endorphins, which the body naturally pain-killing hormones. It is predictable that endorphins are 200 times more powerful than morphine. Endorphins also play a vital role in the working of the hormonal system. That is why acupuncture work fit for back pain, arthritis , P.M.S. and infertility.

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Facts About Acupuncture The needles used are very thin and elastic that maximum people just

sense a minute prick and a warm feeling in the affected zone

Spines are injected into muscles. A certified acupuncturist has wide education in human anatomy, so he or she recognizes the safe spots to use needles

Acupuncture have known to treat a host of other difficulties together with insomnia, fatigue, digestive problems, infertility, as well as inflammation related illnesses and many others etc.

acupuncturists are essential to do three to four years of graduate work in Traditional Chinese Medicine, they have to pass national certification exams, Clean Needle Technique certification, and also CPR which is licensed by the state.

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Is Acupuncture a Safe Treatment According to British Acupuncture Council:

Two surveys lead self-reliantly of each other and which was published in the British Medical Journal in 2001 determined that risk of a serious adversative reaction to acupuncture have less than 1 in 10,000. This is far fewer than many conventional medical treatments.

One survey is of traditional acupuncturists and the other of doctors whom practice acupuncture. Overall of 66,000 treatments had reviewed altogether, which only a a few of minor and temporary side effects recorded.

A survey during 2003 round about 6,000 patients of acupuncture produced nearly matching figures.

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Is Acupuncture A Painful Treatment ?

Frankly speaking, A i little pain allied with acupuncture treatment. Many patients feel that just a very small pinprick , any a mild tingling feeling or a little dull ache

When persons think of needles, they think of the perception of drawing blood or taking a vaccination. Acupuncture needles have between the size of a small stitching needle and you can say a horse hair.

Maximum individuals do not sense them at all or you can say they may feel a minute stab as when the needle enters into the skin.

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Health Benefits Of Acupuncture

When it is completed correctly then it is safe option

There are little side effects you can say but in rare chances

It is a healthy and efficient way of treatment

It is handy in monitoring some types of pain

It is considered for patients whom do not reply to pain medications

It is a effective substitute for the patients who do not need to take pain


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 Possible Risks Factors of Acupuncture 

This is dangerous for those patients who have a bleeding disorder

unsafe if the patient is blood thinners

it may be bleeding, bruising or even soreness during insertion sites

The needle may be break or may harm an inner organ (in rare cases)

Unsterilized needles can also poison the patient

At the time when needle injected deeply into the chest or upper back then there is a little danger of collapsed lung ( in rare cases).

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Acupuncture in the Treatment of Infertility

Lets Discuss how Acupuncture works in the treatment of infertility :

For Infertility Treatment Acupuncture used thousands of years in past and in the present as well. Many studies recommend a positive outcome of acupuncture in the treatment of ovarian dysfunction, male infertility, and also its over all effect on the embryo transfer during IVF.

Through the start of modern technology and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedures, some ancient and new have married together in order to create a more positive outcome .

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Does Acupuncture for Infertility Work?

Acupuncture rises blood flow to the reproductive organs, moderates hormone levels, declines stress levels, as well as cuts side effects of medications, relaxes the uterus for embryo transmission and hence, helps in the success rates of pregnancy.

Regarding physical benefits, acupuncture work on emotive level as well. It is believed that improvement of emotional inequity will have improve physical body roles. In that way, acupuncture creates balance through easing anxiety, tension, depression and insomnia.

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Causes of InfertilityIn general, infertility factors are fairly evenly divided between the man and the woman. Here are some of the most common causes of infertility or trouble conceiving:

Age/Biological Clock Ovulatory Factors Endometriosis Tubal Factors Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Implantation Failure Immune Factors Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Uterine Fibroids Male Factors

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Tel Aviv University research Report about Acupuncture According to a university research Acupuncture rises conception rates by

26%. A current study from Tel Aviv University reports that ““When combining IUI with TCM treatments, 65.5 percent of the test group was able to conceive, if compared with 39.4 percent of the control group, whom received with not at all herbal or you can say acupuncture therapy.” 4.5 million couples suffering infertility every year, acupuncture is just what the doctor advised .

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Fertility Tests Analysis

Fertility Test for men

An analysis of male fertility should include the following:

Sperm/ Semen Analysis test Male Fertility or Bodily Exam Hormone Assessment test Genetic examination Anti-sperm Antibodies test (ASA) Post coital Test (PCT) Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)

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Male Infertility Signs and Symptoms

IF a male facing the following sign and symptoms then he needs infertility treatment for men for healthy and satisfied sexual life:

If he feel Absence of ejaculate Thin, watery ejaculate also a sign facing Difficulties in ejaculating If facing Erection problems as well if he feels his sex drive is not up to the expectation Sensitivity or feeling pain in testicles if you are suffering from Past groin injury or surgery containing scrotum, penis or you can say

testicles If owns the History of prostate or the sexual problems

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Fertility Tests Analysis :Fertility Test for women Infertility treatment for women have go through the following test analysis if facing any problem regarding this issue.

Have to go for Blood Tests this test of Follicle Stimulating Hormone Lutenizing Hormone Post coital Test Ultrasound Exam you can also go through Hystero salpingo gram Sclero therapy for Ovarian Cysts Semen Analysis on Male Partner can also be required if complusory

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Phone : +971 4 385 6658 Email : [email protected] Website : www.beijingacupuncturedubai.com Timing: Saturday - Thursday 10:00AM - 9:00PM