Part-time Year 2012 XXth Intake www.cityu.edu.hk/ce/bscbme This programme is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (reference number 451686).It is matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this programme may lead. Programme Code: 123-29270 Bachelor Bachelor’s Degree (Top-Up) Programme Applied Business Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business Management (Engineering) 20-month Part-time Year 2012 6th Intake Incorporating Modern Business Management Skills into Your Engineering and Technology Background “Ranks 48 in Business and Management Studies” University Guide 2012, The Guardian “Entrepreneurial University of the Year ” Times Higher Education Award 2011

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business Bachelor 3 10 Level 3 20 Theme 2: The Business Environment Theme 3: Design and Strategy Level 3 Business Management Strategy 20 Management and

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Part-time Year 2012 XXth Intake

www.cityu.edu.hk/ce/bscbmeThis programme is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education

(Regulation) Ordinance (reference number 451686).It is matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this programme may lead.

Programme Code: 123-29270



Bachelor’s Degree(Top-Up) Programme

Applied Business

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in

Business Management (Engineering)

20-month Part-time Year 2012 6th Intake

Incorporating Modern Business Management Skills into Your Engineering and Technology Background

“Ranks 48 in Business and Management Studies” University Guide 2012, The Guardian

“Entrepreneurial University of the Year ” Times Higher Education Award 2011


9% 19%





Engineering / Engineering Management

Telecommunication and Engineering

Building Services Engineering and Constructions

Applied Science & Technology

Information Technology/ Network Application

Computer Studies



5% 18% 5%


8% 8%

Engineering / Engineering Management

Telecommunication and Engineering

Building Services Engineering and Constructions

Applied Science & Technology

Information Technology/ Network Application

Computer Studies


Why a BSc (Hons) in Business Management (Engineering)?In Hong Kong, there are many holders of engineering and technology related sub-degrees that end up working in the business sector in jobs like technical sales and marketing. However, these sub-degree holders may not have the appropriate education to help them do well in business-related positions. A business top-up degree which explicitly recognises their non-bisiness background and helps them become business graduates would be an attractive option.

Your Choice for Career Advancement in View of the Economic UncertaintyThe programmes have been updated to include additional elements in business and management that have a strong analytical or technological component in the face of the current financial and economic uncertainty. The programme encourages the development of innovation and creativity, essential qualities that students from an engineering background can bring to management tasks.

Student Support from CityUTeaching will be delivered mainly by CityU academic staff with input to teaching from Coventry academic staff. Teaching will mainly take place in SCOPE Tsim Sha Tsui East Learning Centre and selected modules may be held at SCOPE Learning Centre located at Kowloon Tong.Students will be provided with access to CityU's Library (including electronics resources) and Computing Services Centre located on Kowloon Tong campus. Students can also utilize the Resources Centres managed by SCOPE.

Programme Aims and ObjectivesThe aims of the programme are to: • educate graduates capable of applying their knowledge and abilities

to those areas of commercial management where a combination of academic, technical and managerial skills are required;

• provide an educational experience that offers students opportunities to develop professional capabilities and a range of personal transferable skills and English language skills that will enable them to pursue a range of employment opportunities within the business and commercial fields;

• allow students to build upon an existing base institutions during their studies at their previous institution. This will be both a broadening and deepening experience.

Coventry University in the United Kingdom, through the School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU), offers a two-year, part-time programme leading to theBSc (Hons) Business Management (Engineering) since 2007. There are over 196 graduates and 94 part-time students currently studying on this programme in the 2011 - 2012 academic year.

Introduction to Coventry UniversityThe history of Coventry University can be traced back over 150 years. The academic structure of the University comprises three faculties and one school: Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Faculty of Business, Environment and Society, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, School of Art and Design. Currently around 18,000 students are studying at University.

There are about 200 academic staff and 150 support staff currently in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing. The Faculty offers a board range of programmes within the field of Engineering and Computing, including Foundation, BSc, BEng, MSc, MBA, as well as a range of research programmes. The programmes being offered are highly regarded by many companies for their practicality based on a sound theoretical foundation to help students achieve their maximum potential.

A Record of Teaching ExcellenceWe are delighted that recent teaching quality assessments conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), higher education's quality watchdog, have found our teaching to be in the 'excellent' range, i.e. 21 or more points out of a possible 24 for a wide range of our provision. In addition, under a previous assessment method, the University was rated 'excellent' in Geography and in Mechanical Engineering. The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) reviewed the quality of research in all UK universities. Research units are judged on the basis of the quality of their research. Coventry showed a marked improvement in its results from the RAE 2001. The University has seven subject areas which received the highest rating of 4* in the overall quality profile this year and 81 per cent of subjects assessed improved their scores. Coventry University’s average grade is now 1.9* compared to 1.2* in 2001. In the same period, the proportion of researchers working at national/international level has significantly increased and numbers submitted in these units almost doubled. Coventry University's Department of Industrial Design also won the Queen's Anniversary Prize 2007 for Higher & Further Education for its work in automotive design. Recently, Coventry University has been crowned the ‘Entrepreneurial University of the Year’ at the 2011 Times Higher Education Awards, and has also won the ‘Outstanding Support for Students’ award for a joint submission with Loughborough University in recognition of the institutions’ collaborative maths support centres.


* The combination of selected modules and the teaching sequence are subject to further revision by Coventry University.

Level Module CreditsTheme 1: Management and Business Practice/Language ProficiencyLevel 2 10Level 2 10Level 2 20Level 3 10Level 3 20Theme 2: The Business Environment

Theme 3: Design and Strategy

Level 3 20Level 2 20

Business Management StrategyManagement and Organisational Behaviour

Level 3 30Level 3 20Level 3 20

ProjectProduct Development Strategies

Project Management

Programme StructureThe programme structure consists of core modules on three themes: (I) Management and Business Practice/Language Proficiency which

provides a sound basis in the different functional areas of a business organisation,

(II) The Business Environment, which assists in the understanding of the context in which business organisations operate, and

(III) Design and Strategy, which provides the tools to analyse problems and identify solutions.

In order to further benefit the students, two Add-vantage modules focusing on key transferrable skills of English and effective communication are designed to improve students' employability.

Core Modules

Introduction to Research MethodsAdd-vantage Module (English)

Business Finance and AccountingAdd-vantage Module (Effective Communication)

Total Quality Management






Senior Management

Executive/ Officer





26% 21%



Senior Management

Executive/ Officer




7% 3%






Building / Construction

Information Technology

Civil Service / Public Sectors

Telecommunication / Network

Consultancy Service


Banking / Finance


3% 9%



3% 21%



Building / Construction

Information Technology

Civil Service / Public Sectors

Telecommunication / Network

Consultancy Service


Banking / Finance


Curriculum Outline

Management and Organisational BehaviourThe module aims to provide an understanding of the practical and professional issues associated with organisational behaviour and how these relate to effective management practice. The module demonstrates the application of behavioural science within the workplace and emphasises the role of management as a core integrating activity. It will provide an understanding of the human aspects of the management of change.

Add-vantage Module (English)Students are encouraged to build upon their knowledge of English so that they can justify their opinions, answer unpredictable questions, develop or explain complex points, explore the differences between language use and meaning in context, and use the language in a creative and flexible way, producing quite long and complex structures.

Introduction to Research MethodsThis module introduces students to the process of business research and decision making. It provides an understanding of the practical and professional issues associated with the analysis, design and choice of solutions to business problems, and demonstrates the need for formal planning and management in the development of business projects.

Add-vantage Module (Effective Communication)The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of the principles and techniques which will assist them to enhance personal communication skills, and to require them to analyse and apply appropriate communication strategies. Participants will be given the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe environment and reflect on current performance and future development need.

Product Development StrategiesThe aim of this module is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to critically evaluate the business risks associated with the product introduction process.

Total Quality ManagementThe intention of this module is to convey the importance of quality as a strategy for continuous improvement in business performance. This will be achieved through the study of philosophies, tools, systems and techniques associated with Total Quality Management.

Project ManagementThis module introduces students to project management and provides a foundation for developing project skills, both human and technical, that will enable them to work on a variety of projects, primarily with a computer or knowledge based element.

Business Finance and AccountingThis module extends the knowledge of accounting by introducing the tools commonly used in management accounting and demonstrating their application in a decision making context. The sources, acquisition, and deployment of financial resources in a business and methods for comparative evaluation of financial performance are presented.

ProjectThe project module will be a major individual study at Honours level in a subject related to the degree award. It serves as the main vehicle for integration of the various programme modules and provides a focus for practical application of the knowledge gained on the programme.

Business Management StrategyThe aim of the mdule is to provide students with an understanding of strategic decision making and a capability to contribute to the process of business strategy making. The module critically examines techniques available to companies aiming to develop sustainable competitive advantage in their industry.

2010 cohort- by Discipline

2010 cohort- by Job Position

2010 cohort- by Industry 2011 cohort- by Industry

2011 cohort - by Job Position

2011 cohort- by Discipline

Students’ Profiles


9% 19%





Engineering / Engineering Management

Telecommunication and Engineering

Building Services Engineering and Constructions

Applied Science & Technology

Information Technology/ Network Application

Computer Studies



5% 18% 5%


8% 8%

Engineering / Engineering Management

Telecommunication and Engineering

Building Services Engineering and Constructions

Applied Science & Technology

Information Technology/ Network Application

Computer Studies


Why a BSc (Hons) in Business Management (Engineering)?In Hong Kong, there are many holders of engineering and technology related sub-degrees that end up working in the business sector in jobs like technical sales and marketing. However, these sub-degree holders may not have the appropriate education to help them do well in business-related positions. A business top-up degree which explicitly recognises their non-bisiness background and helps them become business graduates would be an attractive option.

Your Choice for Career Advancement in View of the Economic UncertaintyThe programmes have been updated to include additional elements in business and management that have a strong analytical or technological component in the face of the current financial and economic uncertainty. The programme encourages the development of innovation and creativity, essential qualities that students from an engineering background can bring to management tasks.

Student Support from CityUTeaching will be delivered mainly by CityU academic staff with input to teaching from Coventry academic staff. Teaching will mainly take place in SCOPE Tsim Sha Tsui East Learning Centre and selected modules may be held at SCOPE Learning Centre located at Kowloon Tong.Students will be provided with access to CityU's Library (including electronics resources) and Computing Services Centre located on Kowloon Tong campus. Students can also utilize the Resources Centres managed by SCOPE.

Programme Aims and ObjectivesThe aims of the programme are to: • educate graduates capable of applying their knowledge and abilities

to those areas of commercial management where a combination of academic, technical and managerial skills are required;

• provide an educational experience that offers students opportunities to develop professional capabilities and a range of personal transferable skills and English language skills that will enable them to pursue a range of employment opportunities within the business and commercial fields;

• allow students to build upon an existing base institutions during their studies at their previous institution. This will be both a broadening and deepening experience.

Coventry University in the United Kingdom, through the School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU), offers a two-year, part-time programme leading to theBSc (Hons) Business Management (Engineering) since 2007. There are over 196 graduates and 94 part-time students currently studying on this programme in the 2011 - 2012 academic year.

Introduction to Coventry UniversityThe history of Coventry University can be traced back over 150 years. The academic structure of the University comprises three faculties and one school: Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Faculty of Business, Environment and Society, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, School of Art and Design. Currently around 18,000 students are studying at University.

There are about 200 academic staff and 150 support staff currently in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing. The Faculty offers a board range of programmes within the field of Engineering and Computing, including Foundation, BSc, BEng, MSc, MBA, as well as a range of research programmes. The programmes being offered are highly regarded by many companies for their practicality based on a sound theoretical foundation to help students achieve their maximum potential.

A Record of Teaching ExcellenceWe are delighted that recent teaching quality assessments conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), higher education's quality watchdog, have found our teaching to be in the 'excellent' range, i.e. 21 or more points out of a possible 24 for a wide range of our provision. In addition, under a previous assessment method, the University was rated 'excellent' in Geography and in Mechanical Engineering. The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) reviewed the quality of research in all UK universities. Research units are judged on the basis of the quality of their research. Coventry showed a marked improvement in its results from the RAE 2001. The University has seven subject areas which received the highest rating of 4* in the overall quality profile this year and 81 per cent of subjects assessed improved their scores. Coventry University’s average grade is now 1.9* compared to 1.2* in 2001. In the same period, the proportion of researchers working at national/international level has significantly increased and numbers submitted in these units almost doubled. Coventry University's Department of Industrial Design also won the Queen's Anniversary Prize 2007 for Higher & Further Education for its work in automotive design. Recently, Coventry University has been crowned the ‘Entrepreneurial University of the Year’ at the 2011 Times Higher Education Awards, and has also won the ‘Outstanding Support for Students’ award for a joint submission with Loughborough University in recognition of the institutions’ collaborative maths support centres.


* The combination of selected modules and the teaching sequence are subject to further revision by Coventry University.

Level Module CreditsTheme 1: Management and Business Practice/Language ProficiencyLevel 2 10Level 2 10Level 2 20Level 3 10Level 3 20Theme 2: The Business Environment

Theme 3: Design and Strategy

Level 3 20Level 2 20

Business Management StrategyManagement and Organisational Behaviour

Level 3 30Level 3 20Level 3 20

ProjectProduct Development Strategies

Project Management

Programme StructureThe programme structure consists of core modules on three themes: (I) Management and Business Practice/Language Proficiency which

provides a sound basis in the different functional areas of a business organisation,

(II) The Business Environment, which assists in the understanding of the context in which business organisations operate, and

(III) Design and Strategy, which provides the tools to analyse problems and identify solutions.

In order to further benefit the students, two Add-vantage modules focusing on key transferrable skills of English and effective communication are designed to improve students' employability.

Core Modules

Introduction to Research MethodsAdd-vantage Module (English)

Business Finance and AccountingAdd-vantage Module (Effective Communication)

Total Quality Management






Senior Management

Executive/ Officer





26% 21%



Senior Management

Executive/ Officer




7% 3%






Building / Construction

Information Technology

Civil Service / Public Sectors

Telecommunication / Network

Consultancy Service


Banking / Finance


3% 9%



3% 21%



Building / Construction

Information Technology

Civil Service / Public Sectors

Telecommunication / Network

Consultancy Service


Banking / Finance


Curriculum Outline

Management and Organisational BehaviourThe module aims to provide an understanding of the practical and professional issues associated with organisational behaviour and how these relate to effective management practice. The module demonstrates the application of behavioural science within the workplace and emphasises the role of management as a core integrating activity. It will provide an understanding of the human aspects of the management of change.

Add-vantage Module (English)Students are encouraged to build upon their knowledge of English so that they can justify their opinions, answer unpredictable questions, develop or explain complex points, explore the differences between language use and meaning in context, and use the language in a creative and flexible way, producing quite long and complex structures.

Introduction to Research MethodsThis module introduces students to the process of business research and decision making. It provides an understanding of the practical and professional issues associated with the analysis, design and choice of solutions to business problems, and demonstrates the need for formal planning and management in the development of business projects.

Add-vantage Module (Effective Communication)The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of the principles and techniques which will assist them to enhance personal communication skills, and to require them to analyse and apply appropriate communication strategies. Participants will be given the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe environment and reflect on current performance and future development need.

Product Development StrategiesThe aim of this module is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to critically evaluate the business risks associated with the product introduction process.

Total Quality ManagementThe intention of this module is to convey the importance of quality as a strategy for continuous improvement in business performance. This will be achieved through the study of philosophies, tools, systems and techniques associated with Total Quality Management.

Project ManagementThis module introduces students to project management and provides a foundation for developing project skills, both human and technical, that will enable them to work on a variety of projects, primarily with a computer or knowledge based element.

Business Finance and AccountingThis module extends the knowledge of accounting by introducing the tools commonly used in management accounting and demonstrating their application in a decision making context. The sources, acquisition, and deployment of financial resources in a business and methods for comparative evaluation of financial performance are presented.

ProjectThe project module will be a major individual study at Honours level in a subject related to the degree award. It serves as the main vehicle for integration of the various programme modules and provides a focus for practical application of the knowledge gained on the programme.

Business Management StrategyThe aim of the mdule is to provide students with an understanding of strategic decision making and a capability to contribute to the process of business strategy making. The module critically examines techniques available to companies aiming to develop sustainable competitive advantage in their industry.

2010 cohort- by Discipline

2010 cohort- by Job Position

2010 cohort- by Industry 2011 cohort- by Industry

2011 cohort - by Job Position

2011 cohort- by Discipline

Students’ Profiles


9% 19%





Engineering / Engineering Management

Telecommunication and Engineering

Building Services Engineering and Constructions

Applied Science & Technology

Information Technology/ Network Application

Computer Studies



5% 18% 5%


8% 8%

Engineering / Engineering Management

Telecommunication and Engineering

Building Services Engineering and Constructions

Applied Science & Technology

Information Technology/ Network Application

Computer Studies


Why a BSc (Hons) in Business Management (Engineering)?In Hong Kong, there are many holders of engineering and technology related sub-degrees that end up working in the business sector in jobs like technical sales and marketing. However, these sub-degree holders may not have the appropriate education to help them do well in business-related positions. A business top-up degree which explicitly recognises their non-bisiness background and helps them become business graduates would be an attractive option.

Your Choice for Career Advancement in View of the Economic UncertaintyThe programmes have been updated to include additional elements in business and management that have a strong analytical or technological component in the face of the current financial and economic uncertainty. The programme encourages the development of innovation and creativity, essential qualities that students from an engineering background can bring to management tasks.

Student Support from CityUTeaching will be delivered mainly by CityU academic staff with input to teaching from Coventry academic staff. Teaching will mainly take place in SCOPE Tsim Sha Tsui East Learning Centre and selected modules may be held at SCOPE Learning Centre located at Kowloon Tong.Students will be provided with access to CityU's Library (including electronics resources) and Computing Services Centre located on Kowloon Tong campus. Students can also utilize the Resources Centres managed by SCOPE.

Programme Aims and ObjectivesThe aims of the programme are to: • educate graduates capable of applying their knowledge and abilities

to those areas of commercial management where a combination of academic, technical and managerial skills are required;

• provide an educational experience that offers students opportunities to develop professional capabilities and a range of personal transferable skills and English language skills that will enable them to pursue a range of employment opportunities within the business and commercial fields;

• allow students to build upon an existing base institutions during their studies at their previous institution. This will be both a broadening and deepening experience.

Coventry University in the United Kingdom, through the School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU), offers a two-year, part-time programme leading to theBSc (Hons) Business Management (Engineering) since 2007. There are over 196 graduates and 94 part-time students currently studying on this programme in the 2011 - 2012 academic year.

Introduction to Coventry UniversityThe history of Coventry University can be traced back over 150 years. The academic structure of the University comprises three faculties and one school: Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Faculty of Business, Environment and Society, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, School of Art and Design. Currently around 18,000 students are studying at University.

There are about 200 academic staff and 150 support staff currently in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing. The Faculty offers a board range of programmes within the field of Engineering and Computing, including Foundation, BSc, BEng, MSc, MBA, as well as a range of research programmes. The programmes being offered are highly regarded by many companies for their practicality based on a sound theoretical foundation to help students achieve their maximum potential.

A Record of Teaching ExcellenceWe are delighted that recent teaching quality assessments conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), higher education's quality watchdog, have found our teaching to be in the 'excellent' range, i.e. 21 or more points out of a possible 24 for a wide range of our provision. In addition, under a previous assessment method, the University was rated 'excellent' in Geography and in Mechanical Engineering. The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) reviewed the quality of research in all UK universities. Research units are judged on the basis of the quality of their research. Coventry showed a marked improvement in its results from the RAE 2001. The University has seven subject areas which received the highest rating of 4* in the overall quality profile this year and 81 per cent of subjects assessed improved their scores. Coventry University’s average grade is now 1.9* compared to 1.2* in 2001. In the same period, the proportion of researchers working at national/international level has significantly increased and numbers submitted in these units almost doubled. Coventry University's Department of Industrial Design also won the Queen's Anniversary Prize 2007 for Higher & Further Education for its work in automotive design. Recently, Coventry University has been crowned the ‘Entrepreneurial University of the Year’ at the 2011 Times Higher Education Awards, and has also won the ‘Outstanding Support for Students’ award for a joint submission with Loughborough University in recognition of the institutions’ collaborative maths support centres.


* The combination of selected modules and the teaching sequence are subject to further revision by Coventry University.

Level Module CreditsTheme 1: Management and Business Practice/Language ProficiencyLevel 2 10Level 2 10Level 2 20Level 3 10Level 3 20Theme 2: The Business Environment

Theme 3: Design and Strategy

Level 3 20Level 2 20

Business Management StrategyManagement and Organisational Behaviour

Level 3 30Level 3 20Level 3 20

ProjectProduct Development Strategies

Project Management

Programme StructureThe programme structure consists of core modules on three themes: (I) Management and Business Practice/Language Proficiency which

provides a sound basis in the different functional areas of a business organisation,

(II) The Business Environment, which assists in the understanding of the context in which business organisations operate, and

(III) Design and Strategy, which provides the tools to analyse problems and identify solutions.

In order to further benefit the students, two Add-vantage modules focusing on key transferrable skills of English and effective communication are designed to improve students' employability.

Core Modules

Introduction to Research MethodsAdd-vantage Module (English)

Business Finance and AccountingAdd-vantage Module (Effective Communication)

Total Quality Management






Senior Management

Executive/ Officer





26% 21%



Senior Management

Executive/ Officer




7% 3%






Building / Construction

Information Technology

Civil Service / Public Sectors

Telecommunication / Network

Consultancy Service


Banking / Finance


3% 9%



3% 21%



Building / Construction

Information Technology

Civil Service / Public Sectors

Telecommunication / Network

Consultancy Service


Banking / Finance


Curriculum Outline

Management and Organisational BehaviourThe module aims to provide an understanding of the practical and professional issues associated with organisational behaviour and how these relate to effective management practice. The module demonstrates the application of behavioural science within the workplace and emphasises the role of management as a core integrating activity. It will provide an understanding of the human aspects of the management of change.

Add-vantage Module (English)Students are encouraged to build upon their knowledge of English so that they can justify their opinions, answer unpredictable questions, develop or explain complex points, explore the differences between language use and meaning in context, and use the language in a creative and flexible way, producing quite long and complex structures.

Introduction to Research MethodsThis module introduces students to the process of business research and decision making. It provides an understanding of the practical and professional issues associated with the analysis, design and choice of solutions to business problems, and demonstrates the need for formal planning and management in the development of business projects.

Add-vantage Module (Effective Communication)The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of the principles and techniques which will assist them to enhance personal communication skills, and to require them to analyse and apply appropriate communication strategies. Participants will be given the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe environment and reflect on current performance and future development need.

Product Development StrategiesThe aim of this module is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to critically evaluate the business risks associated with the product introduction process.

Total Quality ManagementThe intention of this module is to convey the importance of quality as a strategy for continuous improvement in business performance. This will be achieved through the study of philosophies, tools, systems and techniques associated with Total Quality Management.

Project ManagementThis module introduces students to project management and provides a foundation for developing project skills, both human and technical, that will enable them to work on a variety of projects, primarily with a computer or knowledge based element.

Business Finance and AccountingThis module extends the knowledge of accounting by introducing the tools commonly used in management accounting and demonstrating their application in a decision making context. The sources, acquisition, and deployment of financial resources in a business and methods for comparative evaluation of financial performance are presented.

ProjectThe project module will be a major individual study at Honours level in a subject related to the degree award. It serves as the main vehicle for integration of the various programme modules and provides a focus for practical application of the knowledge gained on the programme.

Business Management StrategyThe aim of the mdule is to provide students with an understanding of strategic decision making and a capability to contribute to the process of business strategy making. The module critically examines techniques available to companies aiming to develop sustainable competitive advantage in their industry.

2010 cohort- by Discipline

2010 cohort- by Job Position

2010 cohort- by Industry 2011 cohort- by Industry

2011 cohort - by Job Position

2011 cohort- by Discipline

Students’ Profiles

Part-time Year 2012 XXth Intake

www.cityu.edu.hk/ce/bscbmeThis programme is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education

(Regulation) Ordinance (reference number 451686).It is matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this programme may lead.

Programme Code: 123-29270



Bachelor’s Degree(Top-Up) Programme

Applied Business

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in

Business Management (Engineering)

20-month Part-time Year 2012 6th Intake

Incorporating Modern Business Management Skills into Your Engineering and Technology Background

“Ranks 48 in Business and Management Studies” University Guide 2012, The Guardian

“Entrepreneurial University of the Year ” Times Higher Education Award 2011

Admission RequirementsThere is one entry point for this programme in order to provide study opportunities for prospective students with different academic qualifications at the time of admission.Candidates for admission should possess one of the following:• Higher Diploma in Engineering, Computing, Building and

Construction, Multimedia or Information Technology, Logistics or Supply Chain Management from The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE);

• Higher Diploma / Associate Degree or a comparable qualification in a subject area related to the above from a university or recognized post-secondary institute in Hong Kong.

• Applicants who are currently working in the engineering or technology related fields with non engineering HD / AD will also be considered.

• A qualification deemed to be equivalent to one of the above.

Programme Delivery and AdministrationThe programme will be delivered over 5 trimesters in two years (180 credits) and will follow a normal trimester structure. Lecturers from Coventry University will welcome the students at the start of the programme and play an important role in preparing the students for the Honours Degree Project. They work alongside academic staff from CityU so as to ensure the students' best chance of success.

Module 1 (Level 2 - 10 credits)

Module 2 (Level 2 - 10 credits)

Module 3 (Level 2 - 20 credits)




Module 7 (Level 3 - 10 credits)

Module 8 (Level 3 - 20 credits)

Project Part 2

Module 4 (Level 2 - 20 credits)

Module 5 (Level 3 - 20 credits)

Year 1 Year 2

* the teaching schedule is subject to further revision by Coventry University

General Language RequirementApplicants whose first language is not English or whose previous qualification was not taught and assessed in English must provide evidence of attainment in English Language by achieving an IELTS of at least 6.0 or an equivalent qualification. IVE Higher Diploma/ Diploma graduates as well as HD/ AD holder from local universities are deemed to have satisfied this language requirement.

EnquiriesSchool of Continuing and Professional EducationLocation : LG/F, Academic Exchange Building, City University of

Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel : 3442 5802 / 3442 7423

Fax : 3442 0399

Email : [email protected]

Website : www.cityu.edu.hk/ce/bscbme

Tuition fee : HK$88,000, payable in 5 instalments1st instalment : HK$20,000 (to be paid within two weeks

of notice of admission)2nd instalment : HK$20,000 (to be paid in December 2012)3rd instalment : HK$15,000 (to be paid in April 2013)4th intsalment : HK$20,000 (to be paid in August 2013)Final instalment : HK$13,000 (to be paid in December 2013)

Graduation Fee : HK$400, due upon admissionAdditional fees will be charged in the case of re-assessment and/or re-taking a module.

FeesApplication fee : HK$140 (non-refundable, to be paid on application)

Programme Commencement September 2012

Programme Leader (Hong Kong) Dr. KO Yu-chun EdD, MPhil, MBA, BSocSc(Hons.), FIFireE,

AFHKPS, Registered Psychologist

Application Deadline20 July 2012 (Friday) All applications will be processed on a rolling and competitive basis until all available places have been filled and, thus, early enrollment from interested parties are highly encouraged. The whole process and selection outcome would be endorsed by the Programme Team and Coventry University. All decisions will be final.

Loans and Tax DeductionGovernment Non-means Tested LoansApplication forms can be obtained from District Offices and the Student Financial Assistance Agency. For details or enquiries please contact 2150 6222 or visit the Government website www.sfaa.gov.hk. Current interest rate per annum: 3.174% (as at June 2011). The actual rate will be determined at the time of loan application. Repayment: repayable in 40 equal quarterly instalments within ten years upon completion of the programme or after six years from the first disbursement of the loan, whichever is earlier.

Tax Deduction for Self-Education ExpensesStudents of this programme are eligible to apply for a tax deduction in relation to the course fees. For details or enquiries please contact 187 8088 or visit the Government website at www.info.gov.hk/ird.

Continuing Education Fund (CEF)The programme has been included in the list of reimbursable module for Continuing Education Fund purposes. Eligible applicants will be reimbursed 80% of the module fees, subject to a maximum sum of HK$10,000, on successful completion of the programme. For more information, please visit the government’s website: www.sfass.gov.hk/cef/ or call the government’s 24-hour hotline at 3142 2277. Interested parties should refer to the official website of The Continuing Education Fund (CEF) for the updated reimbursable course status of this programme/course after 1 May 2012.


Written test or Interview will be arranged if required.

Module 9 (Level 3 - 20 credits)

Project Part 3

Module 6 (Level 3 - 20 credits)

Project Part 1

On-line Enquiries of Application StatusEnquiries on your application status can be made by visiting

our website www.cityu.edu.hk/ce/enrol/que 7 working days

after submission of your application form. An acknowledgement

of application will be sent to applicants via email.

Bachelor of Science (Hons)Business Management (Engineering)

AssessmentThe assessment of students is by means of coursework and examinations. The weighting of these two components varies among modules.

* Details in this publication are accurate at the time of printing but subject to revision in the future.

Project Supervisor detailing the assessment requirements of the Project

Students attending a management seminar

Graduation Ceremony 2011

Graduate Representative delivering a note of thanks at the Graduation Ceremony 2011

Part-time Year 2012 XXth Intake

www.cityu.edu.hk/ce/bscbmeThis programme is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education

(Regulation) Ordinance (reference number 451686).It is matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this programme may lead.

Programme Code: 123-29270



Bachelor’s Degree(Top-Up) Programme

Applied Business

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in

Business Management (Engineering)

20-month Part-time Year 2012 6th Intake

Incorporating Modern Business Management Skills into Your Engineering and Technology Background

“Ranks 48 in Business and Management Studies” University Guide 2012, The Guardian

“Entrepreneurial University of the Year ” Times Higher Education Award 2011

Admission RequirementsThere is one entry point for this programme in order to provide study opportunities for prospective students with different academic qualifications at the time of admission.Candidates for admission should possess one of the following:• Higher Diploma in Engineering, Computing, Building and

Construction, Multimedia or Information Technology, Logistics or Supply Chain Management from The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE);

• Higher Diploma / Associate Degree or a comparable qualification in a subject area related to the above from a university or recognized post-secondary institute in Hong Kong.

• Applicants who are currently working in the engineering or technology related fields with non engineering HD / AD will also be considered.

• A qualification deemed to be equivalent to one of the above.

Programme Delivery and AdministrationThe programme will be delivered over 5 trimesters in two years (180 credits) and will follow a normal trimester structure. Lecturers from Coventry University will welcome the students at the start of the programme and play an important role in preparing the students for the Honours Degree Project. They work alongside academic staff from CityU so as to ensure the students' best chance of success.

Module 1 (Level 2 - 10 credits)

Module 2 (Level 2 - 10 credits)

Module 3 (Level 2 - 20 credits)




Module 7 (Level 3 - 10 credits)

Module 8 (Level 3 - 20 credits)

Project Part 2

Module 4 (Level 2 - 20 credits)

Module 5 (Level 3 - 20 credits)

Year 1 Year 2

* the teaching schedule is subject to further revision by Coventry University

General Language RequirementApplicants whose first language is not English or whose previous qualification was not taught and assessed in English must provide evidence of attainment in English Language by achieving an IELTS of at least 6.0 or an equivalent qualification. IVE Higher Diploma/ Diploma graduates as well as HD/ AD holder from local universities are deemed to have satisfied this language requirement.

EnquiriesSchool of Continuing and Professional EducationLocation : LG/F, Academic Exchange Building, City University of

Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel : 3442 5802 / 3442 7423

Fax : 3442 0399

Email : [email protected]

Website : www.cityu.edu.hk/ce/bscbme

Tuition fee : HK$88,000, payable in 5 instalments1st instalment : HK$20,000 (to be paid within two weeks

of notice of admission)2nd instalment : HK$20,000 (to be paid in December 2012)3rd instalment : HK$15,000 (to be paid in April 2013)4th intsalment : HK$20,000 (to be paid in August 2013)Final instalment : HK$13,000 (to be paid in December 2013)

Graduation Fee : HK$400, due upon admissionAdditional fees will be charged in the case of re-assessment and/or re-taking a module.

FeesApplication fee : HK$140 (non-refundable, to be paid on application)

Programme Commencement September 2012

Programme Leader (Hong Kong) Dr. KO Yu-chun EdD, MPhil, MBA, BSocSc(Hons.), FIFireE,

AFHKPS, Registered Psychologist

Application Deadline20 July 2012 (Friday) All applications will be processed on a rolling and competitive basis until all available places have been filled and, thus, early enrollment from interested parties are highly encouraged. The whole process and selection outcome would be endorsed by the Programme Team and Coventry University. All decisions will be final.

Loans and Tax DeductionGovernment Non-means Tested LoansApplication forms can be obtained from District Offices and the Student Financial Assistance Agency. For details or enquiries please contact 2150 6222 or visit the Government website www.sfaa.gov.hk. Current interest rate per annum: 3.174% (as at June 2011). The actual rate will be determined at the time of loan application. Repayment: repayable in 40 equal quarterly instalments within ten years upon completion of the programme or after six years from the first disbursement of the loan, whichever is earlier.

Tax Deduction for Self-Education ExpensesStudents of this programme are eligible to apply for a tax deduction in relation to the course fees. For details or enquiries please contact 187 8088 or visit the Government website at www.info.gov.hk/ird.

Continuing Education Fund (CEF)The programme has been included in the list of reimbursable module for Continuing Education Fund purposes. Eligible applicants will be reimbursed 80% of the module fees, subject to a maximum sum of HK$10,000, on successful completion of the programme. For more information, please visit the government’s website: www.sfass.gov.hk/cef/ or call the government’s 24-hour hotline at 3142 2277. Interested parties should refer to the official website of The Continuing Education Fund (CEF) for the updated reimbursable course status of this programme/course after 1 May 2012.


Written test or Interview will be arranged if required.

Module 9 (Level 3 - 20 credits)

Project Part 3

Module 6 (Level 3 - 20 credits)

Project Part 1

On-line Enquiries of Application StatusEnquiries on your application status can be made by visiting

our website www.cityu.edu.hk/ce/enrol/que 7 working days

after submission of your application form. An acknowledgement

of application will be sent to applicants via email.

Bachelor of Science (Hons)Business Management (Engineering)

AssessmentThe assessment of students is by means of coursework and examinations. The weighting of these two components varies among modules.

* Details in this publication are accurate at the time of printing but subject to revision in the future.

Project Supervisor detailing the assessment requirements of the Project

Students attending a management seminar

Graduation Ceremony 2011

Graduate Representative delivering a note of thanks at the Graduation Ceremony 2011