Bachelor 1 Guide

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This information brochure contains all neccessary information for your first bachelor year and is made by the EFR in cooperation with the ESE.

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bachelor guide Year one

academic Year 2012-2013for Economics and BusinEss Economics and iBEB studEnts

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Fore word

Prof. dr. Ivo ArnoldVice-Dean Erasmus School of Economics

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‘ One of the advantages of studying at the ESE is that our school has a large and broad faculty’

Dear stuDent,

Welcome to the erasmus university and especially to the erasmus school of economics. Coming years the ese

will provide you with all facilities you need to deve-lop yourself into an outstanding academic. one of the advantages of studying at the ese is that our school has a large and broad faculty. this allows us to provide you with many opportunities in order to help you get the most out of your studies in rotterdam. starting a new life always involves a lot of organisation: enrolling at the university, applying

for a grant, finding accommodation and getting acquainted with your new environment. this brochure is meant to help you organise your life as a student and provide you with all information you need to successfully complete your first year. I hope this guide will help you find your way through the beginning of your Bachelor career.

I wish you a fruitful first year!

Prof. dr. ivo arnold Vice-Dean Erasmus School of Economics

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00 contents

01 Year calendar

02 First week at eur

2.1. GettinG startedeSe Take-offTutorialsGuidancebooksStudy associationsStudent associations

2.2 information accesslogin portal Myeur blackboardosirisSiN-onlineWebmaileSe NewsletterGood to know

03 during block 1

3.1 facilitiesSportcultural facilitiesPersonal developmenteFrFood & drinksother facilities

04 exams

4.1 exam preparationregistration for exams Where to study?G-buildingextra help to pass your examscalculator

4.2 after exams exam resultscompensation rules calculation of average Quitting your studies

05 block 2, 3, 4

Preparations for the third bachelor yearWhere to go with your questions?

06 block 5

Second year jobsSubscription for bachelor 2 during the holidays bSa negative?














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block 1 3 September – 27 october

efr-committee application 9 September

exams 22 – 26 october

block 2 29 october – 21 december

exams 17 – 21 december

cHristmas HolidaYs 22 december - 6 January

block 3 7 January – 2 March

exams 25 February – 2 March

block 4 4 March – 26 april

easter WeeKend 29 March – 1 april

exams 22 – 26 april

block 5 29 april – 28 June

QUeens daY 30 april

ascension daY 9 May

pentecost 19 and 20 May

stUdY sWitcH eVent May

exams 17 – 21 June

resits 1 – 20 July

01 Year calender

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First week at eurat eur0

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2.1 getting started

ESE Take-offDuring the fi rst day at university you will participate in the ese take-off . this is a day that shows you the university and tells you something about the upcoming period. you are obligated to att end this take-off , as it is part of your fi rst year. Part of the ese take-off is a math test. this test contains questions about the math you are supposed to know from your high school. your time schedule will be announced aft er the ese take-off . this schedule will automatically appear in sIn-online (My timetable), there is no need to contact the school.

tutorialsDuring your fi rst and second year you will follow tutorials (lessons in small groups). For these tutorials you are obligated to att end at least 70%. If you do not att end at least 70%, your grades for the exam and resit are not valid. If personal circumstances aff ect your ability to be present during the tutorials you can contact a study adviser. If your weighted average grade in your fi rst year is 7 or above, you will obtain an exemption for att ending your tutorials in your second year.

Guidanceanother part of your fi rst year is the guidance class. you are not allowed to miss any of these classes. During these classes your mentor will help you with your transition from high school to university. If you have any problems or questions, you can always ask your mentor for help.

BooksIt is recommended to buy your books before the start of every block. you can buy your books in the erasmus studystore and at the eFr, the study association for ese students. Here registered members can buy their books at a discount.

study associationsstudy associations are ran by students and they are there to provide services for students. If you become an active member of a study association, you and your committ ee will be actively involved in organising career, study or social events. If you are not an active member you can still benefi t from the wide range of activities the association organises, e.g. you can buy your books at a discount and participate in events. the study association for ese students is the eFr.

student associationsDuring the eureKa week you probably came in contact with student associations. these associations give you the opportunity to extend your social network and fulfi l a committ ee. student associations are not related to your studies and consist of students of diff erent schools.

ese take-off . this schedule will automatically appear in sIn-online (My timetable), there is no need to contact the school.

tutorialsDuring your fi rst and second year you will follow tutorials (lessons in small groups). For these tutorials you are obligated to att end at least 70%. If you do not att end at least 70%, your grades for the exam and resit are not valid. If personal circumstances aff ect your ability to be present during the tutorials you can contact a study adviser. If your weighted average grade in your fi rst year is 7 or above, you will obtain an exemption for att ending your tutorials in your second year.

Guidanceanother part of your fi rst year is the guidance class. you are not allowed to miss any of these classes. During these classes your mentor will help you with your transition from high school to university. If you have any problems or questions, you can always ask your mentor for help.

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2.2 information sYstems

login portal myeur this is a single sign-on access to all information systems (www.myeur.nl). you can log in with your erna ID and password, which were sent to you by post. your erna ID consists of your student ID (six digits), followed by two initials and the suffix @eur.nl, for example [email protected] homepage will show you the headers of the last ten sIn-online messages, Blackboard announcements and official results in osiris. For access to Blackboard, sIn-online or your erna email box, click on the link at the bottom of the concerning box. Furthermore, you will find useful study related links and the last five messages of your webmail (university mail).

Blackboardthis website contains the course content, such as course announcements, course information, course documents (presentation slides, articles), assignments, discussion boards, etc. the most important windows on the homepage of Blackboard (My Institution tab) are ‘My announcements’ and ‘My Courses’. at the end of your course some professors publish the grades of your exam here. note that those are always ‘preliminary’ grades. only your grades in osiris count as your final grades.

osirisWhenever you want to see your final grades or register for written examinations you will use osiris. In the homepage you click on ‘my results’ to see your official results or on ‘register’ to

register for written exams (see requirements & examinations for more info). only the grades that are published here will be final and appear on your transcript.

sin-onlineIn sIn-online you can find information about the course guide, your personal timetable, subscription to channels/courses, registration for tutorials, messages, online questionnaires, non-course channels (mentor groups, study associations), attendance registration, preliminary grades, etc. Furthermore, under ‘staff ese’ an entire list of all professors teaching at ese can be found, including their room, phone number and email.

If you would like to receive information on your mobile phone about your grades or last-minute cancelations of classes you can click on ‘config/settings’ and check the box ‘grades & messages via sMs’ and fill out your phone number.

on the main page you will find all your active courses. When you are able to register for exams, there will appear an ‘exam’ button that directly links you to osiris.

application for your smartphoneIn the app-store you can download a sIn-online app for free. this app allows students easy access to their relevant timetable, messages, folder and grades.

02 first week at eur

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WebmailMake sure you regularly check you webmail, since all formal university communication will be sent to this address. to login you add ‘student’ to your erna ID, for example [email protected]. In the eur Identity Manager (http://personal.idm.eur.nl) you can forward your webmail to a different mail address (tab email) and change your erna password (tab Password).

ese newsletterIt is recommended to read this newsletter each month, as it contains useful information. the ese newsletter is sent to you via e-mail and can be found in sIn-online.

Good to knowhow to address professors and faculty members:p use university webmail, if possible.p add a meaningful subject line. p start your email with “Dear (Professor) Last-

name” p Briefly and politely state the reason why you are

emailing.p Finish politely and do not forget to include your

full name and student number. p read over your e-mail before sending it.

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during block 10

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during block 1

3.1 facilities

sport erasmus Sporterasmus sport centre provides various sport possibilities. In the s-building you can enjoy diff erent kinds of sports: boxing, karate, dancing, aerobics, etc.

First year bachelor students can get a free pass that is valid until the beginning of november. you can only acquire this free pass online with the unique code that you receive aft er your subscription at erasmus university. you only have to pay €5 deposit for the sport pass. Dutch students will receive this code by post at their home address and international students will receive it by e-mail.

all additional information about sports and training can be found on: www.erasmussport.nl

cultural facilitiesStudium Generale and erasmus cultuurstudium Generale organises lectures, debates and workshops on scientifi c, social and cultural issues. erasmus Cultuur organises a wide range of cultural activities and courses. erasmus Cultuur also off ers tickets for concerts, theatrical, comedy and dance productions with student discounts.

courses and workshops:actingp audiovisual (Indesign, Photoshop)p Dance (Classical ballet, Modern Jazz, salsa,


p Fine arts (Drawing and painting)p Music (Chamber music ensemble, Guitar lessons,

Latin percussion, Pianocard)

Student societies:p studentorchestra Majeurp erasmus student Choirp erasmus Dance societyp symphony orchestra rJsop student theater society rIsK

For more information about courses, student societies, performances and lectures, please visit the website: www.eur.nl/english/sgec/

language coursesthe Language and training Centre can provide you with expertise for language testing and off ers many language courses.

evening classesevening classes start three times a year, in october, January and april. the classes consist of ten group lessons and a fi nal exam. Most of the courses are held on the Woudestein Campus.

intensive coursesp Dutch (January and august)p english (august)p spanish (august)

on-line coursesIn addition to the regular study programme, the Language & training Centre now also off ers the

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online programme tell Me More, via which you can independently learn a language. the Language & training Centre sells licenses with which you can learn one or two languages during a year.

For more information about language courses at eur, check: www.eur.nl/english/essc/moreaspects/courses_training/language_courses/

personal developmenteFrWith over 4500 members, the eFr is one of the most active and most professional faculty associations of the netherlands. Becoming a member of eFr will give you a lot of advantages. you can buy your books for a better price than in the studystore, and you are able to participate in various activities. as a first year student you can also join a first year committee. Participation in a committee is great for your personal development and of course for your resume. the application deadlines for committees are september 9th and in June. If you decide not to become an active member you can still benefit from all the activities eFr organises, for instance you get a discount on the eFr-skitrip and eFr-Citytrip. For more information go to www.efr.nl.

Study Skill coursesBesides language courses, the Language and training Centre offers several study skill courses to develop yourself:p Build a better brain: During the workshop

the trainer will teach you how to improve your studying and make it more efficient and interesting.

p Presenting your thesisp Workshop effective studyingp Workshop planning your studyp Workshop exam preparationp Writing in englishp academic writing for Bachelor and Master

studentsp Business writing course

For more information visit the web-site: www.eur.nl/english/ltc/

cum laudeCum Laude is a special status you achieve if your grades are high enough. Cum Laude: the weighted average of first obtained valid grades is at least 8.25 and the thesis is graded at least 8.0. see page 19. for the calculation of the weighted averagesumma Cum Laude: the weighted average of first obtained valid grades is at least 9.0 and the thesis is graded at least 9.0.

bachelor honours class the Bachelor Honours Class is designed by the erasmus school of economics to provide an extra challenge in addition to the regular curriculum to excellent students. Participating students follow intense and interactive guest lectures by experts in the fields of science, business and politics concerning various current economic issues.

03 during block 1

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the Honours Class starts in the first bachelor year and covers two full years. access to the programme is restricted in order to guarantee exclusivity. the top 10% students over the first two blocks are invited to write a motivation letter and an essay. From these letters and essays, the best students are invited for an interview. upon successful completion of the programme you earn 12 eCts and receive a certificate of participation. Furthermore, students who excel during the programme will receive a letter of recommendation from the Dean of the erasmus school of economics.

erasmus honours Programme (ehP)the erasmus Honours Programme is a university wide, highly ambitious programme, designed especially for the most talented second year students of the eur. Distinguished professors from all eur schools challenge the eHP students to transgress the limits of their own discipline.there are two Honours Programmes running simultaneously: the Dutch and the english Honours Programme. the programmes start in January and end in July. you can be a candidate for a place in one of the erasmus Honours Programmes if you have completed your first bachelor year within one year (latest by late september 2013) and if you achieved a (weighted) average score of at least 7.5.

For more information regarding participation go to: www.eur.nl/onderwijs/honours/.

successful participants will earn 20 eCts, special Honours on the bachelor’s diploma and a Letter of recommendation by the rector Magnificus.

foods & drinksFoodplazasrange: varied selection of sandwiches, hot and cold snacks, other lunch items, drinks and hot meals.p De Carrousel (L-building)p De etude (H-building)p the Company (t-building)

coffee cornersrange: Different flavours of coffee, fresh juices, sandwiches, crisp salads and panini.H-building, V-building, t-building, C-building

other facilitiesp De smitsep student bar and café in t-buildingp starbucksp Coffee corner in L-building

Maria’s cantinaself service restaurant, J-building – ground floorGrand Café siena and De etage are available for group reservations.

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exams 4.1 exam preparation

registration for exams you can register yourself for exams 35 days in advance of an exam until 7 days before the exam. By going to sIn-online, scrolling all the way down you will be able to see behind each course ‘’exam’’. By clicking on the button, you will automatically go to osiris. Here you can register yourself.

If you forgot to register for your exam, you have to go to the essC in the e-building. there you can subscribe at a costs of € 12,50 per exam. this is possible until 2 working days before the exam. In the two days before the exams you can still subscribe at the Information Desk at H6-02, but then the costs are € 50. It is even a possibility to subscribe after your exam. you have to go the same day to the Information Desk and register for the exam. If your exam finishes after 16.00h or on a saturday, you have to go to the Information Desk the next working day.

Where to study?university library If you have trouble concentrating when reading or doing your homework, go study in the library! there are plenty of places in the library to sit and read. there are also computers available to work on. you can use them by logging in with your erna-name and password.

a list with the currently available computers can be found here: www.eur.nl/english/erna/information/erna_information/students_workplaces/map_workstations_ul/

When working on projects with 2 to 5 persons, you can book project rooms.

you have to book a room in advance, which can be done here: www.eur.nl/ub/english/facilities/project_rooms

h-buildinganother place to study is in the computer rooms on the third floor of the H-building. Here, every ese student can log in to the computers. However, make sure that the computer room is not booked for any activity, such as an exam or a tutorial. G-buildingLastly, you can also work in the G-building. on the ground and first floor are plenty of computers to work on.

Here you can see if there are places available: www.eur.nl/english/erna/information/erna_information/students_workplaces/overview_workplaces Moreover, you can reserve meeting studios where you can work with a minimum of three and a maximum of thirteen persons. nearly all of these rooms are equipped with a pc. at the desk at the first floor (G1-39) reservations can be made up to 30 days in advance. reservations can also be made by telephone (010-4082484), or by email ([email protected]). When you pick up the key, the student cards of all the users of the room must be handed in. It is also possible to borrow a

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04 exams

whiteboard, eraser and markers against a deposit of € 10,00.

extra help to pass your examsPodcastsPodcasts are available for several courses on the ese website.

www.eur.nl/ese/english/information_for/students/bachelor_students/webcasts/) and for some courses also on Blackboard.

these podcasts can help to pass your exams. Keep in mind though that podcasts do not replace lectures!

Studybooststudyboost offers extra lessons to small groups of students. there are 8 lessons of 1.5 hours, which are offered during the last 5 weeks of the block, twice a week. studyboosts are usually offered in Dutch, but if enough non-Dutch speaking students apply, an english studyboost course will be offered. Participation in a studyboost programme will cost you € 275. However, if you manage to pass the exam with a 5.5 or higher, you can get a refund of your money

Visit www.esaa.nl/studyboost/ for more information.

Slimstuderenanother good way to help you prepare for exams is to buy summaries from www.slimstuderen.nl,

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however, these are only available in Dutch.

calculatorFor some of the exams you will need a calculator. there are rules concerning the use of these calculators. these are the only types of calculators you may use: FX-82sX Plus (Casio), FX-82Ms (Casio), FX-350Ms (Casio), tI-30Xa (texas Instruments) and tI-30Xs Multiview (texas Instruments).

note: not for every course you are allowed to use a calculator. the lecturer of the course will inform you whether the use of a calculator is allowed.

4.2 after exams

exam resultsthe results of your exams can appear in many forms, by sms, on Blackboard, sIn-online and osiris. remember that only the grades on osiris are final. the exam results will normally appear within 3 weeks after your exam.

compensation rules If you failed a course you might be able to compensate it within its cluster. the courses are divided into three clusters. If your average over the whole cluster is higher than a 5.5, and no more

than one of the grades is between the 4.5 and 5.5. you will still get your eCts for the compensated course.

For more information: www.eur.nl/ese/english/information_for/students/bachelor_students/compensation/

calculation of average If you calculate the weighted average you have to take the eCts into account. an 8-eCts course counts twice as heavy as a 4-eCts course.

Quitting your studiesIf you discover that you do not like your studies as much as you thought, you can decide to quit. you can do this at every time, but there are some dates to keep in mind. If you quit before the first of october, and cancel your registration in studielink, the year will not count as a study year. this is important for the ‘langstudeerboete’ (long term study fine). If you quit before the first of February, you do not have to pay back your ‘studiefinanciering’ (study financing). also you will not get a Bsa, either negative or positive. this means that you are allowed to start again with the same study the next academic year. If you decide to quit during the academic year you can also get back your tuition fee. you get a refund of the amount that you did not use. so if you attended 3 months of college, you will get a refund of 7/10th of the tuition fee.

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block 2, 3, 40

2, 3, 4

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block 2, 3, 4

5. block 2, 3, 4

preparations for the third Bachelor yearyou have some freedom regarding the content of the fi rst two blocks of your third Bachelor year. If you think you might want to go on exchange it is important to know the requirements. you can apply for an exchange during your second year. In order to be eligible to apply you have to meet the following criteria:

preparations for the third Bachelor yearyou have some freedom regarding the content of the fi rst two blocks of your third Bachelor year. If you think you might want to go on exchange it is important to know the requirements. you can apply for an exchange during your second year. In order to be eligible to apply you have to meet the following criteria:

where to go? For what?mentor everyday questions about your new study environment, study

skills or practical matt ers.

teacHinG assistant Questions related to your course.

information desK of tHe edUcation serVice centre

almost all questions about the programmes, regulations, or problems related to the ese.

essc Questions unrelated to your programme, but related to study-ing, like administration problems, problems with studielink, tuition fee, student cards, ect.

stUdY adVisers advice and guidance regarding your study progress. For instance, compensation rules, study delay, study planning, functional impairment , personal circumstances, etcetera.

stUdent coUnsellor Personal situations, like disease, handicap, top-level sports, housing and your fi nancial situation.

UniVersitY psYcHoloGist resolving problems that inhibit you from focusing on your studies.

asK erasmUs online database for Frequently asked Questions.

p you must have obtained all 60 credits of your fi rst year

p In order to go on exchange outside of europe you need an average of 7 or higher at the moment of application

p see the Bachelor 2 Guide for more information.

Where to go with your questions?When you have questions there are several places where you can go to for answers.

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Mentoryour mentor will be able to help you with questions regarding your first year and regarding your obligations. you can ask him/her anything about your new study environment, study skills or practical matters.

Teaching assistantIf you have a question regarding the content of your current course, for example if you do not understand a certain formula or line of reasoning, you can contact your ta (teaching assistant, the person who teaches your tutorials). this is usually done via email, or by going to the ta’s office during his or her office hours. the email address and office location/hours are given by the ta at the beginning of the first tutorial and can be found in the course guide for that course on sIn-online (click on the course under “My Channels” at the homepage of sIn-online)

education Service centre (eSc)students of the erasmus school of economics can turn to the Information Desk with their general

questions about the programmes and rules of erasmus school of economics. you can reach the Information Desk at H6-02 or via the telephone number +31 (0)10 4081380. If the Information Desk is not able to answer your question, you will be referred to the person or department who can answer your question, for example a study adviser.

erasmus Student Service centre (eSSc)For information that is not related to your study programme, such as information about student administration, registrations, counselling, your legal position as a student and information about financing (insurance, scholarships etc.).

Go to the website of the essC : www.eur.nl/essc/

It is also possible to go to the essC itself with your questions. the essC is located in the hall of the e-building and is open Mondays to Fridays from 09.30 to 16.00 hours. the essC can also be contacted by phone: +31 (0)10 408 2323

05 block 2,3,4

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Study advisersFor more specific information, you can contact the study advisers to get advice about your study programme. the study advisers can give you advice and guidance concerning:p the study programmep compensation regulations p study planning, study progress and study delay p the Binding study advice p individual arrangements in case of illness, personal

circumstances and top sport p writing a request to the examination board p studying abroad

The Study advisers of the erasmus School of economics are:• Ms. Drs. C. M. Beijk• Ms. K. noot Msc• Mr. n. Kosterman Ma

For the contact information of the study advisers, visit: www.eur.nl/ese/english/education/study_advisers/

Student counsellors (studentendecaan) student counsellors offer advice, assistance and information regarding:p personal matters or problemsp student grants and loansp financial supportp social securityp housingp assistance in appeal proceedingsp selection of a course of study, scheduling,

motivation, sitting of exams, transfer from one course programme to another

p top-level sports p functional impairment: students who have a

functional impairment that impedes their study can contact a student counsellor to help them arrange the necessary facilities/accommodations

you can email to [email protected] for short questions, not for making appointments. appointments can be scheduled by phone on 010 408 2323 or in person via the essC.


university Psychologiststhe goal of the university psychologists is to help students resolve problems that inhibit them from focusing on their studies.scheduling an appointment can be done by phone on +31 (0)10 408 2323 or in person via the erasmus student service Centre


ask erasmus / ask eSeask erasmus is an online database where a lot of frequently asked questions have been posted and answered. you can also send new questions which will be answered and posted in the database.

the link to asK erasmus is: www.eur.nl/english/essc/ask/current_students/the link to asK ese is: www.eur.nl/ese/english/contact/ask

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block 50

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6. block 5

second year jobsat the end of the year you can apply for different jobs in your second bachelor year.

Student assistantIf you liked specific courses and obtained high grades, you can try to become a student assistant. there are two types of student assistants; there are the lecturers you have had in your tutorials, and there are student assistants who help with other activities. Becoming a student assistant is a very useful experience and you even get paid for it. regularly check sIn-online for openings and the application procedure.

Mentoryou can also apply for a position as mentor. In order to become a mentor it is beneficial to have obtained good grades and to act pro-active.

ibuddyeach year the ese accepts students from all over the world for the IBeB-Programme. you can become an iBuddy to help the newcomers, provide them with correct information, guide them to the right parties, introduce them to all social activities and enhance and develop the international network of the ese. application for this programme starts in the beginning of april.

Go to www.efr.nl for more information.

ambassador ambassadors are students who provide informa-tion about their study programme to prospective students. every year 40 ambassadors of different studies are active within the ese. you will represent the ese at numerous extension activities and study fairs, both at the eur and at different locations throughout the country.

you can apply for the ambassadorship by filling in the registration form on www.eur.nl/eao.

subscription for Bachelor 2 during the holidays If you passed your first year and want to continue with your second year, you have to subscribe yourself again in studielink. this is called re-registration (herinschrijving). you can start the registration for your second bachelor year in June, but you can only finalise it when you have received your final positive Bsa in the third week of august 2012. your re-registration has to be approved by the university before the first of september. notice that a delayed subscription or payment of the tui-tion fee can have negative consequences for your study financing and right of free public transport! Late re-registrations are not accepted.

In your second year you will have to subscribe yourself for all courses and tutorials.

to subscribe for courses you can go to: www.eur.nl/ese/english/information_for/students/bachelor_students/registering_for_courses/

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and for your tutorials to:


Bsa negative? If you have obtained a negative Bsa you cannot continue your studies for three consecutive years. a negative Bsa for economie en Bedrijfseconomie implies a negative Bsa for Fiscale economie and IBeB, and vice versa. a negative Bsa for Inter-national Bachelor econometrics and operations research implies a negative Bsa for econometrie en operationele research.

you can start another bachelor programme, and in order to make the right decision next time you can attend a special workshop: www.eur.nl/essc/adviesbegeleiding/trainingen/studie/ or the study switch event in May.

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created by:eFr academic events Committee 2011-2012Marjolein KramerManon Dillen Jonathan van der Meer Jesse Koenders Michiel slag Jakub (Kuba) romanszewski tatiana Gorigledzhan

efr-BoardJeroen HuismanLaura Cramer

design by:Curve Bno, Haarlem; roy Wolfs

special thanks to:Kimberley noot Wietske rowaan aleksandra stuip Franca takelaine rouwetIvo arnold Monique Doornhaagstudyadvisers and all the ese professors who contributed

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‘Your personal guide to navigate You through the

first Year of Your bachelor
