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  • The assignment is due on 6 Mar 2015, Fri, 2359hrs. Research and references, and

    are not merely opinion pieces. Max 6 pages, 1.5 line spaced, 12 point font

    Part 1 (80 marks)

    Compare and contrast the use of social media in the public relations and

    advertising efforts of one organisation that has used social media successfully

    and one organisation that has not.

    My choices: Old Spice twitter

    Negative choice: myNYPD

    1. Describe how each organisation uses/used social media (please include a link to

    the organisations campaigns or social media efforts) (25 m)

    a. Is it part of a campaign? Is there a strategy or is it ad hoc? If there is a strategy

    or campaign, describe what it consists of. What are the strategies and tactics?

    Old spice: Yes there is a campaign which is to rebrand itself and create a

    brand personality and equity. There is an overall strategy behind it. The update

    their social media platforms routinely and is consistent throughout. Most

    platforms cross post across against each another. They organize campaigns to

    promote and advertise their products. [write like redbull] Engagement

    strategies: RTM (superbowl, holidays (thanksgiving)), Tactics: regularly have

    updates: nonsensical, don't link to their products but build on their brand

    personlity. Their

  • NYPD: It is technically part of campaign. However doubt there is a strategy

    behind. More gimmicky as they did not follow up or have routine activities on

    that engagement level?? [learn if they did something like that on other sites]

    Describe the shit that happen. Their platforms is mainly used to disseminate

    information (press agency)

    b. Analyse the organisations use of the various social media platforms.

    Old spice uses twitter, FB, youtube, instagram, tumblr

    Facebook: List down the activites, talk about the purpose, and whether it is

    effective in





    NYPD: Facebook, utube, twitter




  • Se the dialogic theory thing. Is there a lot of participation involved? What

    kind of content. What kind of PR model is it.

    c. What are the organisations goals and objectives? Is this clear from their use

    of social media?

    Old spice: yes. State the goals and objectives. Then give evidence to support.

    Goals: vaguish: develop brand equity and become a market leader? (google

    their main mission for support)

    Objectives: its

    d. What is/are the key message(s)?

    2. Describe the target audience (think in terms of both traditional as well as social

    media segmentation) (25 m)

    a. How has the organisation segmented its audience?

    b. Analyse the relationship between audience segmentation and the social

    media platform(s) used?

    c. Suggest an alternative/additional platform.

    3. Why do you consider the organisations use of social media

    successful/unsuccessful? (5 m)

  • 4. Are any of the theories (or some part of the theories) that you have learnt so

    far applicable to how the organisations have used social media? For the

    unsuccessful organisation can the application of the theories help in making

    its social media efforts more successful?

    (you might want to consider Diffusion of Innovation, Social Object Theory,

    Social Network Theory, Dialogic Communication, Relationship Management,

    Strength of Weak Ties among others) (25 m)

    - Viral content: Diffusion of Innovation [info is spread via attributes of the

    product/idea], Social Object Theory, Social Network Theory, social capital,

    Dialogic Communication, strength of weak ties??, Emotional connection:

    humor, [how to form communities]

    Part 2 (20 marks) Answer the following question. Your answer should be between

    300 - 500 words:

    The social media scene is fast paced and fast changing with the constant

    introduction of new apps and trends. Analyse one recent/new app or trend and

    state why/how you think it will have an impact on advertising and public

    relations, and/or society.

    New app or trend:

    Exactly what is advertising and PR. Skip to the slide on how PR has changed
