1 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE PAPER 1 GRADE 12 SEPTEMBER 2012 TIME : 2 HOURS _______________________________________________________________________ __ SEN IOR CERTIFICATE INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION 1.This question paper consists of THREE sections: SECTION A: Comprehension (30 marks) SECTION B: Summary (10 marks) SECTION C: Language (40 marks) 2. Answer ALL the questions. 3. Read all the instructions carefully 4. Start EACH section on a NEW page. 5. Leave a line between answers 6. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.

Ba…  · Web viewspread the word that she ... below appeared in the “Letters to the Editor” section of Bona ... Snoop Dogg has carved out a place in musical history as hip

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_________________________________________________________________________SENIOR CERTIFICATEINSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION

1.This question paper consists of THREE sections:

SECTION A: Comprehension (30 marks)

SECTION B: Summary (10 marks)

SECTION C: Language (40 marks)

2. Answer ALL the questions.

3. Read all the instructions carefully

4. Start EACH section on a NEW page.

5. Leave a line between answers

6. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.

7. Pay special attention to spelling and sentence construction.

8. Write neatly and legibly.



QUESTION 1: Read both TEXT A and TEXT B below and answer the set questions.

NOTE: Multiple-choice questions: write only the question number and the letter of the answer you have chosen .



Khanyisa Bunu is a schoolteacher from the small town of Whittlesea in the

Eastern Cape. She is the founder and coach of the Soul Buddies Football

Club (SBFC). This women's football team plays in the Provincial League, and

was twice provincial champion of the Eastern Cape. Two of their players,

Phumuza Thunyezwa and Hleliwe Nkitha, play for Banyana Banyana, the

national women's football team.

But, says 37-year-old Khanyisa, building a women's team and getting as far

as the provincials wasn't easy. Because soccer is still seen as a male sport,

she first had to overcome the problem of finding women who wanted to play.

Then she had to deal with resistance from their families.

"People think that girls who play soccer are strange and they call us ugly

names. The families of girls who showed an interest were afraid their children

would be rejected by others," she says.

But this didn't put Khanyisa off her dream of starting a women's team. She

spread the word that she wanted to train young girls to become soccer


In 2000 Soul Buddies was born with enough members to form a full team with

reserve players. Khanyisa says that the public doesn't come to support them

at local matches unless there are male teams playing as well. Men's soccer

is taken more seriously than women's soccer. As a result, sponsorship deals

are few and far between, so money is tight for the team.


She runs the club from her own pocket, using the money from her teaching

job and the newspaper distribution business she started.

Khanyisa spends most of her spare time organising matches, training the

team and providing leadership for the young women. She uses her own small

car to transport some of the players to their matches and gives the rest of

them money to travel by taxi.

[Adapted from an article in Move! 12 December 2007]



1.1 Refer to lines 2 – 3.

''She is the founder … of the Soul Buddies Football Club.''

This means that she …

A. pays the players of the football club.B. started the football club.C. manages the football club.D. plays for the football club. (1)

1.2 Refer to paragraph 2.

State TWO problems Khanyisa experienced when she started building a

women's football team. (2)


1.3 State whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE. Give a

reason for your answer.

1.3.1 Khanyisa Bunu's only occupation is coaching football. (2)

1.3.2 Phumuza Thunyezwa and Hleliwe Nkitha used to play football for Soul

Buddies Football Club. (2)

1.3.3 Many spectators come to support Khanyisa's team whenever they play

a match. (2)

Refer to line 18.

1.4 Why do you think is it necessary to have ''reserve players'' on a team? (2)

1.5 Refer to the following sentence:

''As a result, sponsorship deals are few and far between, so money is tight for

the team.'' (Lines 20 – 21)

This sentence shows us that ...

A there are many sponsorships for the women's team.

B there are no sponsorships for the women's team.

C there are hardly any sponsorships for the women's team.

D the sponsors of the women's team live far away. (1)

1.6 Quote a phrase of four consecutive words that proves that Khanyisa Bunu supports the club financially. (1)

1.7 State any TWO personal sacrifices Khanyisa makes to ensure that the team continues playing. (2)






Read the passage below and answer the set questions.

Be The Best You Can Be

Are you being the best you can be? Oprah Winfrey has a story that tells how she learnt one of life’s greatest lessons. If you ever wondered what helped Oprah to become so successful, read on and learn about one of her most important motivations.

Adapted from: The Oprah Magazine, April 2006

What I Know for Sure

THERE I AM SITTING IN MR. HOOPER’S algebra class, dreading the test we’re about to take, when an announcement over the intercom tells us to go to the auditorium for a special guest speaker. “Hooray, I’ve been saved!” I say to myself, figuring that’ll be the end of algebra for the day. My escape is the only thing on my mind as my classmates and I enter the room. I position myself in my seat and prepare to be bored to sleep in yet another assembly. But when the speaker is introduced as Reverend Jesse Jackson, a civil rights leader who was with Dr Martin Luther King when he was shot, I sit up a little straighter. What I don’t know yet is that I’m about to hear the speech of a lifetime.

The year was 1969. Because I was an A to B student, I thought I already understood the importance of doing my best. But that day, Reverend Jackson lit a fire in me that changed the way I see life. His speech was about the personal sacrifices that had been made for all of us. He talked about those who’d gone before us, who’d paved the way for us to be sitting in an integrated high school in Nashville. He told us that what we owed to ourselves was excellence. “Excellence is the best deterrent of racism,” he said. “Therefore, be excellent.”

I took him at his word. That evening I went home, found some paper, and made a poster bearing his challenge. I taped the poster to my mirror, where it stayed right through my university years. Over time I added my own maxim: ‘If you want to be successful, be excellent.’ ‘If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best.’

Those words have helped me over many a hurdle, even when less than my best was evident. To this day, excellence is my intention. To be excellent in giving. In graciousness. In effort. In struggle and in strife. For me being excellent means always doing my personal best. In Don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Four Agreements, the first agreement is just that: ‘Always do your best.’


I know for sure that this is the most fulfilling path to personal freedom. Your best varies from day to day, Ruiz says, depending on how you are feeling. No matter. Give your best in every circumstance so that you have no reason to judge yourself and create guilt and shame. Live so that at the end of each day you can say, “I did my very best.” That’s what it means to excel at the great game of living your best life.


2.1 What is the main message of this text? (1)

2.2 Describe how Oprah felt when her algebra class was interrupted? (2)

2.3 What was her general attitude regarding assemblies? (2)

2.4 When did she realise that she was going to experience something

worthwhile? (2)

2.5 What do you understand by Reverend Jessie Jackson’s advice? (2)

2.6 What does Oprah believe “is the most fulfilling path to personal freedom”? (2)

2.7 According to Oprah how should you go about living your best life? (2)

2.8 Explain how you think you can take this advice and apply it to your life. (2)


TOTAL SECTION A – 15 + 15 = 30]


QUESTION 2: SUMMARY Read the following article and complete the instructions that follow:

Be A Team PlayerTeam sports can teach kids many lessons to equip them better for life, even for the workplace. Pierre Nel, a Bloemfontein-based sport psychiatrist says, “Some people work better in teams than others, but the communication and other skills young children learn in team sports are valuable in the rest of their daily lives too.” Maretha Claasen, a sport psychologist of Elardus Park in Pretoria, also favours team sports and emphasizes the mental aspect of sport. She maintains that team sports help children to develop a range of qualities that will help them throughout their lives.

If you’re low on confidence, a team sport is the best thing to start with, Claasen says. If you win or lose a game there are a team of players that carry the responsibility with you. If a player knows his team trusts him to do something well it gives him confidence, which makes the team dynamic that much better.

For some people working in a team may not be easy but it’s a necessary skill to cope at school and in the adult world. One place kids learn this skill is in a sports team.

You’ll either become a leader yourself or learn to accept the leadership of others in a team situation. In a team you learn to submit to leadership but sometimes your own leadership skills are also called on. A good leader will reassure the rest of his/her team.

“When playing in a team you have to take criticism at some point – whether from the coach or other players. But it’s a great place to learn how to take it, because there’s also more support,” Claasen says.

Claasen cautions against the danger of shifting blame for defeats onto other team members. Taking responsibility is an essential skill all good sportsmen eventually learn, since a team can’t function if all the players don’t work together.

Being disciplined is a very important skill to learn in team sports. “We all have a certain way of doing things but in a team we put that aside to do what’s best for the team”, Nel says, “You have to be able to stick to the game plan and play only your part, not try to take over someone else’s position.”

It’s important to learn to control your emotions on the field. It’s not always about suppressing emotions- sometimes it’s also about asserting yourself appropriately.

“One of the important things sportspeople have to learn is that the game, and whether you win or lose, isn’t everything”, Nel says. “A good sportsmen is a balanced person who has a life outside of sport and can deal with disappointment.” This, and the other skills mentioned here, are important skills that can assist you in the rest of your life as well.


2. Identify the SEVEN skills, mentioned in the article above, which you can learn from participating in team sports, that will help you later in life as well.

Your summary needs to be done in POINT FORM. Number the skills from 1 to 7. You may not use more than 70 WORDS to complete the summary. Indicate the number of words you have used at the end of your summary. Use your OWN WORDS as far as possible. Mark any rough work clearly. [10]





NOTE: For one-word answers, write only the question number and the word. For multiple-choice questions, write only the question number and the letter (A-D) of the correct answer.

Study the advertisement on the next page and answer the set questions.

3.1 What is the slogan in the advertisement? (1)

3.2 What product is being advertised? (1)

3.3 The word “nike” means victory.

How has the athlete in the advertisement, Oscar Pistorius, been victorious? (2)

3.4 Name two things Oscar Pistorius may be referring to when he says, “This is my weapon.”? (2)

3.5 What is Nike trying to say by using a disabled athlete and not an able bodied athlete in this advertisement? (2)

3.6 What proof is there in the advertisement that it was published by the South African branch of Nike? (1)





NOTE: For one-word answers, write only the question number and the word. For multiple-choice questions, write only the question number and the letter (A-D)

of the correct answer.ead the cartoon below and answer the set question

4.1.1 What does the word “SLAM” in frame one tell us has happened? Do not use the word “slam” or slammed in your answer (1)

4.1.2 Why is the word “SLAM” written in a large font and in capital letters? (1)

4.1.3 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence. Write down ONLY the question number (4.1.3) and the letter (A-D).

The word, “SLAM”, in frame one is an example of …

A assonance. B onomatopoeia. C rhyme. D alliteration (1)

4.2 Name three aspects about the girl’s body language in the last frame that tells usshe is upset. (3)




NOTE: Multiple-choice questions write only the question number and the letter of

the answer you have chosen.

One-word answers: write only the question number and the word.

The two texts (TEXTS H and I) below appeared in the “Letters to the Editor” section of Bona magazine of February 2008.

Read each text carefully and answer the questions that follow.

5.1 TEXT H


1. Our schools have become hunting grounds for drug dealers. Schools are meant to educate the young and produce future leaders, but drug dealers are destroying that future, and leading us towards disaster.

2. Let us stand up and take back our schools. Chase away the drug dealers!

3. Let us blow the whistle on these abusers of our children. Don’t let our children’s dreams be sold to make drug dealers rich.

4. Parents, no matter how hard it may seem, let’s try to guide our children in the right direction, instead of sitting back, folding our arms and shaking our heads at the state of the nation. - Adam Mazibuko, Daveyton

5.1.1 The term “drug dealers” appears in line 1. Another word that can be used instead of dealers is …

A) Buyers.B) Producers.C) Sellers.D) Manufacturers. (2)

5.1.2 Rewrite the following sentence in Reported Speech:

Mr Mazibuko said. “Our schools have become hunting grounds for drug dealers.” (2)

5.1.3 Give the correct form of the word in brackets. Schools are meant to provide (educate) for the young. (2)


5.1.4 Choose the correct meaning of the underlined expression from the list below.

“Let us blow the whistle on these abusers of our children.” (Line 5)

A To blow a police whistle B To call the police by blowing a whistle C To report the matter to the police D To warn people by blowing a whistle (2)

5.1.5 “Don’t let our children’s dreams be sold to make drug dealers rich.” (Lines 5-6) Write the word don’t in full. (2) ____________________________________________


1. I believe we can fight crime through co-operation between the police and the community. Police must be visible in all areas especially in the townships.

2. The community must be involved in fighting crime and must always report criminal acts to the SAPS. If we as a community stop buying stolen goodsfrom the thieves, the burglary problem will be solved immediately.

-TV Madonsela, Bethal

5.2.1 Refer to lines 1-2.

Give the plural form of the underlined word in the following sentence:

I believe we can fight crime through co-operation between the police and the community. (2)

5.2.2 Refer to line 2

Give a word opposite in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentence:

Police must be visible in all areas especially in the townships. (2)

5.2.3 Choose the correct answer.

“SAPS” (line 4) when written out in full is:

A South African Protection Services

B South African Police Service

C South African Prisoner Service

D South African Public Service (2)


5.2.4 Refer to lines 4-5.

Give the singular form of the underlined word in the sentence below.

If we as the community can stop buying stolen goods from the thieves, the burglary problem will be solved immediately. (2)

5.2.5 Give the correct form of the word in brackets.

He is a (crime) because he was tried and found guilty of theft. (2)





1. Its a Doggs life for the man they call snoop. As a mega-successful Recording artist, producer and actor. Snoop Dogg has carved out a place in musical history as hip-hop’s ultimate wordsmith and most laid-back superstar.But beneath that smooth exterior is a fimily man rising three children and the founder of a youth football league.

2. In this new series, the real Cordozer Calvin Broadus Jr. aka Snoop Dogg, shows what makes him tick. In coming weeks, the show take viewers with the family to Germany for the European Music awards and a birthday bash.

3. Snoop is best known as an MC in the west coast hip-hop scene and for being discovered by Dr Dre’. His mother nicknamed him ‘Snoopy’ as a child because of his love of the cartoon’ ,Peanuts. [Adapted from Sunday Times Magazine, 15 April 2012


5.3.1 Refer to line 1.Fill in the two missing punctuation marks in the following sentences:Its a Doggs life for the man they call Snoop

5.3.2 Refer to line 1. The term mega-successful means …

A successfulB partially successfulC extremely successfulD unsuccessful (1)

5.3.3 Refer to line 3-5.

The underlined word in the sentence below has been used incorrectly.Replace it with the correct word

But beneath that smooth exterior is a family man rising three childrenand the founder of a youth football league. (1)

5.3.4 Refer to line 7-8 Correct the underlined verb in the following sentence.

IN coming weeks, the show takes viewers with the family to Germany for the European Music awards and a birthday bash. (1)

5.3.5 Write the abbreviation “Dr” (line 10) in full. (1)
