B Lt - Atlantic County Libraryo ¯ / other ealnabla f~ney Jewelry/Toilet and The-l;troresleenrpiauO Fort~’ ;~ill r~tains ill precedmlee and great popularity, and tilter tmdergetng

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Page 1: B Lt - Atlantic County Libraryo ¯ / other ealnabla f~ney Jewelry/Toilet and The-l;troresleenrpiauO Fort~’ ;~ill r~tains ill precedmlee and great popularity, and tilter tmdergetng





+."." .,"

the au|a and lht61L’4;el ~r, taway, N.Y. ’ ¯~ Iu addition to our amln buelnejaof Fhoto-

for thevl~t:

PIIILA. 8teroscopel:~J~hDiPo’st~plo Vlewl.

or the’ee we have an immeaeo ud0"rtment, in,,-Atom-lean:trod

61r ~.-For ever’b~n troubled ,with s,sevoreqWo or three Umes n year

w’hleh together, for

kb|d’w’Rh out. ~ ̄ ,~ .t~.~ "IIt¯AngtleLJ~tt. Ilmd ~,veryaevsre hems..^ ’’, ~rahg~ had, ~g’. to~tbe Judgment of n.

. "~.Yo.rk p~ei+!a.,, ̄ w~ mas,, .**79++.J’llAd,~l~l rmmh ~[-.mtmtgmo, .sou Wu nuvlseu m

. .," ~j~i~pi~ iro.+Gt’;l+ as pPol~rty matmre we+ eon.+..,:~~Ve.th~.+orldst short notice. The-~ ~~dL,~y~O+d frl~de> said,that th.,,~+~+"~uld:I \’tbok i~teb" prove, fatal¯ Early in¯ .: ~ta~y I took : n nev~er~’ cold, and fOrtunataly

".altlvoeettpying room* st No. ~OND.sTREET~¯ ~ ever your ease. I think about~o 16th

feets were¯ very much ~.bs

death ae¢om-



friends ~at

¯ uade~

’You can takharm." lie

last st+minor.

liesee no ho

Jd relatlon~I’wa* taki~

much to bla

"increasing inad ̄ wish to have you

Ale0. Rovoh’lnzhibRio/~e..addmseon receipt of stamp... -- ¯

\~ + .

We were the’first to Introduce there IntoUnited Stets’s, and we manufacture immensequantlth~+ in geeat.vikrlety, rauging in price from5U+e~.._~o l~0..s~ .Oitr. Albola~ hays the rep-utation of being sni~rior in beauty and durabil-ity to any other¢, 7\~hey+ will ~be sent by mall,free oh receipt of+p’~’lbe~ : .+" ’ "

.jC~". Fine Albnm~ made’t0 order. "G~’+

C~arcl Photographs.Our ental#gus~ttow embraces Over Five Thous.

and dlf~’~.+ nh$~ets (to- wl/teh additions srecontinually being tn~ado)of poLtruite of eminentAn~erl0ane, &e., ’vim : about1,00. M~iolLGe~erals, .... 550. State;men. ~-....

Colonels, - 125 Aothors,"ColoneIs~ 40 Artists,

250 Other Ol~ccr.% 125 Stage,75 NaVy Officers, 5~Promineet Women,

I b0%Prominont- l¢oreign Portraits¯


I t075;000 1._ - ...... .. - +:-_ :,_~.. : ..... -: + :_ -¯ _


¯ lmnuflteture’rs s Agents ! !+ . , . . .

, -.- +Out’.New.Mcde~- ~.~,

Due st_our+ GOLD or SILVER -,Watches, or Silver Tea Sets

fbr $2, aa below stated¯ ’

Our articles consist ofPIANOS, for which we Will g~ve $800 cash

preferred ., - - -.M£LODEO~ :~, " ...... 160 "SEWI.’¢O+ MACHIN~ S, 40 "O 0I, D-WAT(~tlE8, " 150 "PHOTOGRAPII ALB.UMS "m 20 "

¯ " " " 5 . "SILVBR-TEA-SETS-- :,, ....... 40-" ~(’-

% " SPOONS " ’ 1+ "~-: " TABLE " ’" 18 "

" " FORKS " 18 "" LADLES " 13 "" ~YA ITERS 18 "’


noet-eelelffated=~fi~= ....................An.. CataSo~ues sent And ~theY valuable fancy Jewelry, -Toilet and

An cadet,for one doton Work’boxes, and axt|elce.

others g goods C:O.

amount with "their order¯ ~E¯ & 1I. T¯ Ah~TH(

2fff!m,factar~rr~of P~oto~rap]lle Jfoter~a~I$O1 Broadway, N. y.

: Thep~rlccs and quality of our zoods ~an-to satisfy. [3x243Z34Atbeo "

V luablo Re=aJ Estate,D. :.MEGRONIGLE,



T~a’~ foll-Ow-i/~-ret/1 es~ttta is offi+ro~l for ~als nnIloslra]flo tor/ns¯ The farms offered a~o elt,:st~dsober,bar -th-e-~Ub~e,-tT~ s afferdlog ~u a~’: adV~n---tage~ not offered by lanti:.mttmmd_furfller’ fromthe+mac-the’most important of which is the fsct

can be obtained, from the s~ and bays at triflingex:wensc. " ¯._-~o+A. A .+farm containing from 800 to 800aerek.’=AT~-6-o~-~iitnral- soil uS-can be form-d-inAtlantic Ci,an~y..’- , --. " .... "-

No. 2. A farrfi.on the shoru road about three611lee fibre Abseeon confining¯about forty acres.

No¯ 3. A farmof ’-five acres gt Port

-Upri-ght saws, i~’good ia~nnihg order, with farmof abont fifty acres attached.

No. 5. A furm’+of’.200 acres With’bnildi6

No¯ O. A farm at I.ecd’s Point~" of about60 acres, with good buildings sad ether i’n-

-No¯ ~. ¯ A~mallgood bui!ding,. . .

Several of the above farmshsv6 gressmeadowsattached. .

No. 9. A deslrablebusificss st~+nd iu Abseeou.No. 10. A number of building lotain Absecon,

-., ¯For further Information, call on or address,

1). MEGRO~IGLE,2X,|9+ AnsE¢O.% N. J.

~. e+..:. T. /¯ ~+.HO~ ~ dc tIQ.,?.T:,:r,/.~’..,r.x’,. of Pnn:o’.rr.l’+~ 10~trri~.L

63! 3~ ).4. t.’~T:~" ?.L Y¯, ..t ¯. ,,*, .¯,.,.u ,+t,, ,,~ ;,- .¯I ,r ;’H’l’J~i,~t ’¯ 1 t¯’l+:b qA-

~.t+ ;,~ ~.~CO-.~ ~t:~ ,~ Lt.+rt; o~,~tows.

¯ v-.~’.~-~ J£ i’trz W’..Ll’lltl~Ot R ̄ ’ tJ IL+Iklll~+.t+J~’" K ~lel~.’+T I.¯,% |~.’g IJt .~rm.t

tea ate or one

Jewelry ! I ""


We have adopted the rollowibg mode of

DISTRIBUTION;by sale 6f 75,t00 articlea of value l

Our. New RIode I !

deoue, Gold end Silver s, Sewing Ms-allot #,_Tea and Tuble_~pt_~SqJidJjjl~er ~ca and

e~i~oos add Forks~

Toilet Cmsa~, Photograph ’Albums, 0pen fpecSilver Watohes,-and fzney.artlelee’fn great

put into+ sealed, en~¢el~well mixed, and one of theas Is taken" out

and sent to the.perSon sending to Us.~5 o’6"nts to

-and the article or goods corresponding’ with" thenumber on the aeries will lm eent-h3 the h.ulderof the came immedia, tely (if.he desires to pur-chase the article,lea the recclptof two dollars.Fur instance :--If the nmnbor on the notice sent

Set or- Gold’- Watch be. it-will be sent to you for $2, and so on f~r everyarticle in our list of 75,000 article,

~e ~- it does ,oir̄et,rn" it, and ~/our money

’-five cents bo sent to"ete,~on o~e

notice¯ " ....Remember. that wEatever article corresponds

wiih the number cn your notice, you can have itl,v payin;~ TWO Dollar~’fb+ it, wheiher it be~s:orth f~lOO ,,r ~800. And it Is for ~ur in-tereaLto true and ~oud ~utour fine

dur ."ales.

Ynl’+.t Lowi;l~ PealOottyah~txgh, Ihnovor Jun0:ion ....~’a[r 0;xk~, Lookout Moaatain~ AGENTS" ullowed a’large c~s& commissionj byFavago St,,ti0u, C~.!okahomtny, which they can make 8~i weokl~y. ""Fredoriokshurfih: City Point. " "

--~--FairDL~., Noahvillo, ............. -- --BiclLmond, Fotdr~burgh~ .........Dee~Bottouh EeltoPlain ....... Address plahtl~+, . _ ;---~ .... ~ ~.---’t~o~/itors,-/, ~FortMorgan, .....

.Chattaaooga,atlanta, REED A-BI[~OTHE~, -’ - Cha~lelton, Mobil ’+, Salesroom, " Be:e, 5138,FIorhla, 6tmwborry Plains,¯ &e..- As.. 34 Liberty St. New Ydrk City, N. Y¯

Amerl~t ~ C’ltl~ and lJm,l~¢al,~, G~m] lth~l~.

," ~ " : ._ +d,~ im~ fik. ~," T¯z- t̄ ‘

, :.. .: l ....st.Wldnelldl~Na + Hov~IJ~r. llle ’"

"."" 11;60;. " ,

Upon’ recclpt of 25 cevt~, which pays for. cur.rospoudence, postage, etc.. we send one notice¯

Upon receipt of $1 which poys for correspon-dence, postage, ete¯, we send six notices¯ ’

Upou receipt of $5, which p~ye ft~r corroepon.deuce, postage, etc., we send 40 notices, and afine present, Valued at $14, Is ~" sample of Our

Ul~.ou receipt of $18, which pays-for.oo~¢s-~ndenee, postage, etc.. we will send 150 notices,

.a SOLID SILVER WAI’CU, by returnmail ....... : -

Agents Wanted.. Send for’our tinnier."

~YS .

~Vhlm.yon.first eame to my room and. made th,e~nation, you gave me hut t~tlJe

_~n~o~ t~j+~ reseedof my seer being helped out ~f my then seeming"di~eultle~ The second time that you called,.auding me still &~ning, yon gave’me, encourage=.

¯~lleat, e~yiag+ "my eymptome+were, il~proving ;qho Falmonio Jyrnp, Sea weed Tonic and Man-,~lrak~ Fills had a~ted likeYfi chsrnt." My eireu-3is~on, my cougb, my appetite, all began to im

and I could.walk about my roam ̄ llttle.

of May.while under your treatment, my appetite becamefiret-ratc,’and you told.ms to eat evorythiog I~Ish~’d~of-~ ni/tfltiVfii’-ia/t(~fre~-and-to cxercish+~’bont - the --room-:a~--mtreh--a~r--’p 6sslb I~---Tfollowed your advio¢~ and to the surprise of my

much better

|sdg, ~1~o left being completely dried up. I feel’Is rul to you, and consider y~ae"advicetd ~e~_J~x~Imahle,- ’ ’ ---- =~ly; ....... -; ........

- " , T.S.~SHELDDN.

Dn. ,~cakxcK-~Dcar Sir:~Abent two years~go I Was t~gen with a very~troubieeome cough:

_ laid a

ael£ Tlien I appl~d-to a physician who attended¯acfor about three months without rendering me-ny service. I also obtaioed "~-e/tdvice and treat-

~dsohad th’e advise nnd

po.ahyeicianl but all to. n~ purpose. During thisg space of time I was nearly dead ; several

- ". drit world.. X was ounfined ’to my’ bed two months at:a time. My brealhing was~xeoediugJy short. I gays up several times all

" " - , hops of g, ettisg bet~r; mad as regarded gettlag.¯ .well, thgt was entirely out of the question. AntF

¯ tothink this [ sm wen and hearty! I was

¯ - .~oa~xcg’a ~Medieines. + I--accordingly bonght" bottle sfts~ bottle, until I reached the nintlt;

then I found ̄ decided change in my cough fortho better. Isufferud severely from ~aIpitotionof the hesrib aud two weeks after I commencedtaking your ~cdieh~o thl~ diO~oulty ceased.

" When I first wenito Dr. 8ehenek’s o~ee it was_ with di~eulty that I could get op into bin re

ceptian roomj I wu so weak and eo swelled ; myakin wu es sallow ~ts though I had the jaundice;I felt dull, heavy and sleepless. Dr. S*henck,after examining me, said both my lungs w~ro

, aflooted,’tmd gave me but. little hope; bnt his"s,~, C. 3nedlcines, In about-two ~eek% t,,ok r~g]~t bold of

-+me; itueemed to go rlght-thro~rg’b my wl~ole ~ys-’r L~~" ~" The Pulmoni~ Syrup, Ec~ ~geed ’l’enie avd

~lnndrako ]Pills, nil took riEht hohl in the rightplata+_ _T.ho Pile+h:of bile and clime ; the Syrup loosened the matterin m~ luuge, which:: earns off. very free; the SeaWOod Toni0 gave me ~.n appc’tite, at/d everything;seemed totaste good.

To chow whet "g~at/I~wcr thc mcdk’ines have]n~h~-ifying-6/y system, and- F~h~w h Ow.’bsd’- Iwas-dieeased, beside all the/bile thatbowels, and the great quanttttss~nttter I sxpcctoratcd,~ broke nut all over in

" large bolls, that wohldcontinue "to gusher midran.for about six:wee~s, and I’ had at one timeover twot/ty-ffve boils. ~i have nothing of theklnd now, and feellike soother person altogether.3[ can safely say that I have not

....... h-~1 tli- T0r ll~ ~T/~" -as and cannotprulee ~ou and your medicine enough. May God

" ab’undantly bless an~-p+r~k-e~vdy%~! I-~-tlf6 sincer~_ ." desire:of one who has_been eo wqndei’full~ re-" " - ~:-lteved through yom’-a-~oey-; ~nd=l( any one do-

" - sires to know with regard to the truthfulness of-this: report~ if they-will call--upon any of-my~ie~’ds, ’or Upon me, "I(o. 4 Dodden Place, near.Thomps0h’stre, t below Cadwaloder, philsdelo.phial.they will be perfe0tly catisiied With the

¯ validity of the eale.. Yours, b’t]h+~-uch:’rospeet,MAKY SCHNAIDT.

~Yhe above e~ase, ms described, is perfectly cor-.. I~t. I hmow it to be,true. Yours,.

- ¯ "i . T. B,re.

No. 1.~ Norris SiztE strsst, oorasr of

No. 32 Bond¯ ~ Yo:k, ever] 3; No. 38 Sum-. mer .I troet, ~ry Wsdnesdny,

tYom .ll to.~[ lay at l£/8~Bahi-- - - more~e~ L advice free, but

for ¯ thriver ~xnmination of the lungs with his.., .Rospiromete.r, thn,oharge is three dollar~. ’ +

....... Prio~ OI the Pulmonie S~’rup and Seaweed" . Tents,.slash:S1 5fiper botUe,.e~$7 50 per h~f

¯ do~en.: f~mdraks pills, 25 senti;per box. .¯ FO~ la~l~".all "Dragglst~ and Dealers. r

¯ ly.

:¯ ,~1~; E. W. S~iiTII,.; - : ..’ (m ~oi.t, acs; i~g+/,) . :- ,¯~+

: "!~0W’~ TBAINS>.,Mr11.,-

¯ .L30_.- ’t(4s "-+

’ 8.1b .: ....8.31"

Aecota.,..+ ~ 1;.I.

- 3.45 ....

9.0A -

9.~SprlugGarde~;-9.49 ~ "Wlnslow, " T0.0~ ’Hammont,m, J0.17 .D¯ ~oet.ll 10.28~Elwood, .10.48Egg ]Iurbor, 1].06l’a~onk, - 11.30Ab~eon, 11,50Arrive,Atlantis, 12.20

-+ ....... ,Aceom. .... Mail¯

LSAVn A,W. P,M.Atlautic, 0.12 !.26Absecoo~ 0.3~ ̄ ~.01Patkoml~’. "" - 8.50 ~.22Egg Harbor, ....... ~.00-’ ~ ........... ~40Elwood,~ J ?. ] S -- "3.04Da Cost~, 7.30 8.23tlammonten, ~’.37 ~.34Wfntlow, ~.4 ~ at.48

Oar.des, ?.~4 ~.’3~_ .8.02 ~ - 4.13

,g, 8.2i " " 4+.4-~+?rmo> .- 8.30 . -. 5.00

"" ’ 6.14

Ltt,̄ ° +,:+ ...... + ..... .¯ ,,,-, .....

:_+ ;¯..+. .... :+Pot ......i..¯./_¯:.... ,._: _+ .S~oo.oooi~.sm.u.,t+~ ~,:¯ e+..u.......... .....+ ............̄ ........

"~" "~ ’~4.40 "..,.~--4.67-. .

.... ~t,08 . ,’5.13

-" " ¯ b;30"~.~5"51

¯ 0.03~.I0

: "f 0.34

Cooper’o Point, 9.05 LS0New York Trom this ~sr’t 0f

ill find it-to their int~Srests go by.

moruingtrain to Philadelphia .c(@aneeta with IhoBrooklyn t~in air Jackson.. By. this rout theexpense is le~s aud New’fro k can be resoled sev-eral hours sooner than by the other rout Retui’n-iug the Brooklyn tr~.i.u, m,,en~m~ ~ith the doWhevening trpin from P-htla~e)ph]a.





All of which, ~"ogether with a great variety ofpt~er Goods~ ar~ offered for sale at the vvr$ lot~-st morket prfeea :

~ . - .FOR .READX’.PAX_ON.I,.V.. =~loe-ly HAMMON~ON, N. 3.

Page 2: B Lt - Atlantic County Libraryo ¯ / other ealnabla f~ney Jewelry/Toilet and The-l;troresleenrpiauO Fort~’ ;~ill r~tains ill precedmlee and great popularity, and tilter tmdergetng

15. T H J~Um.

94+h, " -.

~pn~. ive~ol tlu~iau~tqpon tim d_eaLh or Pmt..M.~+,

t~ n eOlltlllltt~,,LOIl~"0lt

. ],- +



mi ln~ ~.n+ox~eeI wit!! the hParlyjpprt.~al

a, here s ta4te"f,,l"tl, ia ki.d~noh

: I,~:myette eiea ~hich,linkth, em witlJ ~y.... sue. rao0m .qars.n’t I the tni~hty o~an,.~_L_

,~+ndL~+en [~ear~ Wi-ll:debD’r+’ffr.! + : .Mr¯ P+.litJ~P:.:/:~.~’n. my .in!~t,~’+:.~b|i+ed

Ill~e,,eeof t..e dmth. of Prufessor Jan,e~ b+,i+g that ll+e to,iv+ ha+. arrlved, in th~ .his’.

’town: wl/~ ~ltat in the ’tlee;+a~6~of.nne 1l+m~¯ of .l+l:,+m+m,m.~n:~WhSr~. nn ~eh~/,t..e or~.lnie Sill,| fehl~’havo },ten i+t+ ]nn:z e+ terpris~, h,)w+everpmperfi~’+~.+ 0r.eutopta!t,

+.~.the order of the m,d endn~,,Iv e ,rr,+q~ed+ wbh the cadre..t’ l:bilo~ophi.~l "or *eon,erv~,’t~ve.. can t"-’il of;T~erff. ¯rOve ~ei0tme.and. a~.q’imlltorm, wo’deldore a rtlblie ~U~e.~, prov;ii,~l k¯+h’t~’+’tl~o.. " ~ ̄

h~+~. o,mmon =like tOr. the.. 8tat~ attd tile¯ anelionand undivided lapp.at.of..!


B Lt 0 A

u+tit tee 1o

nr, eoove~:la,* a thnda0rlelPldsaid 8tater, as Ibetwe<Jn e,;c’h of said



cine are ali’(+.d ’a do0ble iheit will+ I,+

The Slat,,


aid of" the i~eb

aft+stud the Ut

righte In

re.u :.wa~ ~t- fi,mlAn e~enini~ s:~aion was held fi)r t he of..peeelpu0t;khtg on thert~Uge.

an n,, ,,or l.)+ie¢ on ’the other sho tld-b~+d+e+elne+d of-!¯ . .+ th~-iPt; ent-t’- m~+,,r.o.n the mb’~ect ~d’. the .enl*ivmtldn ol +,k~+;t,;,~t ~+ n<~e :.~;a!:,’u- Ci::L+’:;J:++u~rv ;+,, ,t- ,+ +,- ,,,~Vo tad l~J e,,.he l, +i+lativ+’ d,mnnt,,.t., services in: + "energy oLnd the soil:, no nan hal enhlribntt+,d ’ more or

i iqiia+hd:,villa+aeom, p?i.h(,l ~:m,~Ierserviee to +he taurus in~ti,me,,~a’it|e;+ morejn;iP, le~iii,~taie dild Cri~wi,I "+4 t~o Patter>on ’l~’e;s, n,ou.dy. ¯The bill it6 l)mteet

,*l ner+ruhnre than Proi.mm+fM~pe+ ¯.+ dl)i,ri,ppt-l+tearo ~+n+_mtd+pf the~,t*~lves mn]li-31N~I ~+pie+ of" II. law~ ol the l+".~ent m~ Ih.+~*’ :civil tights war t~keU

]a~g~a-g~.~rrthelday; t~Lqp|aee ,: l~m|v,..d. Th:ttwc eh.ii;h the renan,+. ei,.nt t,+.ee,we ’the. d+,.ir~+d 0ihb,et. : T*+"i,. .minOr; A. S;: B~tmr,+ of "t+he, W,mdbhry baled. ̄ .. : , :::~

-:++~c"+":+~+t~ .’No"t nY 3’;are l~’ee+ br"l’ee°l~ ,,b, vir-,le~+, lit, ,,,you+nod ,il~ra, ,,u.e-seen, b,,rn O~:ri-k:evelTtl+til,g: h,,lt,e, to.if#uP+., lt!~iUt:,q,i¢~l,f;he MilBlte, of the n. r+e,/waa

.-+ ++ , o, ,,,,t+l’llrlt+ al,d k,t-I ¯nt,,t ~,nt+e. vn+,,nom._a+, e, oitntry..il.norsa+l.lnrtu,tet~,t, tlm .louder

the .AL;etuhly+. aud F. F. Patlerm,n’ 101)o ....:+iv at+ :" . +:." =+-’, : ’ ¯ .....

+’I c,,pie,~ .f +l|++ J+m?ual<>l+ tli’e-+6n~|’t;: ’01~mgnton wi~ l~:t+ +he+++[!orento+t town.o di~pL~vt:d in a+l the rehri,.,~ o! lit3,. "and a ,n,,,,,.t , anil.witl, a b ld tbi+ di_~trlhution w+ ~hall take _e~l =~+~’a-....... t,,nd,.r +o hi~-n~l eta l-hi,t+fi’v ,m~ h,+.artl+l Is:¯ ,silt] to ;ay’a teww.rd~. " " tie+,

th~e]hnn~e nnd, That a e,+py.-of the~e "’p,n. -wi~h a kind ¢.heroi.m thai" ’ ~" .’Its: n~e~r~ .f. th~ " " rivah COIlgreBB. an

+- ..... - ......... -r~-pnrted, excel+tin+I. the Senate. on ¢..a ute.lnri.I ion- |~r:’ direct t~xe.+;"

ever be

no, to mnthe Clara of’Create

’~r t,f Aththtie ill the Sill i nfstill ~e’s.ld at Public Ven~uih onI day of March 18B0. at 2 q+el~h+ Ill

slid day. *tthe.lletal of A."’A4m"a~f’l~-NnyTs Lln,llng the lblb+wlag "ttlretn ofI¯~d thnnta in the e+ml lind

f+~ear, wlte6 .he puhli+l<ed. - "" :’ t. n~-.apl),’.+.:

~.tb~t~t~oj~adddo|lar~w~rlh<~f:str~- , l)r. T,-it,tl,te. aetin~ a. die e.tom+l:,gi+i :.-i,h,l;l;,at.~ ,~" d;,,i,,~, e,d fr,,tu tile st. Paal’s l+tmed ..+kin

- " . . : ....... :"" " ......... " ’ " ¯ " ¯ : ¯ nt the Snei++,,’. t+nale a hi.hiP "nter,.stl,g l~lli/mt;evideeqtlthe’highe~I ,or the iu,prov+~n.mt-~d tile1)err]is+ alone were sold from th s pln+, hse ...... iI ii,~+i-thy’if+Ot .i-pI)i~-Wa. i,+~en+cd.:

tr,teli,,n +~eetk.;.Th~. I,ll,q-(;i’fl+illn, /Tt’ae territory .I tIOa’~ t~ie~+o’~!~]~tti+.~"of+r+e’t.w+allh. The eleeti.n .’op.romel.r.q t+,r the tm-,tlnA year re+at(i, Let wht.n t+eniue or an,hilton b~+.. Cuustitution. law. 6r oilier ,’egu:atb,n,.,tmke

~.~+.~O~. :’ttfid "nnt ~t train naP+ire+ tn,+k idae,+ ,m lhe opohi,,~ nf the aftePm.mnt,i;,i,e+~+’inli.lt+ifi, d a.d’mtdnly .tit,mainted ,,+ cnl;u’t.e, or it,. ally nm,aer rcotganlze art.+,’+o+ae’i,,u +hat it. re,ear,ca’a: tellqie~.t or di+ticttt,n+_betv/e~n citizen+ of" the United

at ~.dep0t t~t.~oes not br~ngpu~fha+eF+ .-.i.,,..-h.,, GL..: ~.~ N. flaLre:l "wa,+ + t,utttlagrati,}u ’ , tl~eu conilnon prud,mee.

~tutes. ’,r uf any ~iate l, rT+rritory, uu at.for~roperty. +Thero’~ note fno~+ of lan,t el+,eted Pr~..-idi,nt. nt,d M++~.;~r+.~;tulr~w K. e..’erYl,r,H,il,tiilgol ~,o,,d ~en.e, and ev,:ry couuC of race nastier+or t~,ndlliOll.. J~v-

in Hkmmonton tb,da~,l~at might not be ll,,y, N.~S, It.,:. J: ,~.:¯B.ckale~, 31. J’. iie ol a!Te~bluceto bgme awl to our ~i,t- Icl’rcd tit the C0ntniitteeun [U:cm,strt~ct,on." l{ye~mtand The: P:’Htiw,ql. E ~ ~were dred ot,d khtd.; require that it .~b,,u!d be+ Mr. llarri.~ intr,,dnccd a bill tu ....

~u~.e’ed to a ri~idpml,0.~of m,.ntait~iu- tte jttdi~arv :.r tile Uhi,~¯ old:for many~mes the ori _~nal eost., were el~te,lV,i~ 1’re~ide,t~ ; Bi Haim.~.-Tn.,~- .in~nd.~. e._th,~;u~lll _.W.dm._.ffe.~d.a.bilLIt(, a--. to ra.i~, the btandard ut ud-

x~en~lstktn to the C"altfnrnta gn]d fever. Fot~e, ~eeretarle.~.~_iTho’l+~xye~t_li);e+ Clay ~ll/tie ,h,,r the nr

,,h., I, k,,o+r I. mo:dl+V~ljp~ +hm.,~tC~ th,Oloa~t~mFV/r’d,’~£’,+~ JUi~t,,ll, es Itr’-men Aveuue;.t~qnq~.~)~t,D~t~il coals wtlh abe¯ ahl’ItaJlr<.Id i a+’tbn oeutheestt.rly |ine of slidA Venue, teeth lorly-ifll.l~lreee s nd.Ott, on m~-utes west.®: .11311’I I~llhl,;thence (2)’ ~’0ad nertb P, l~l’a¯ minute, weslulld flrty.fou~" lh~kt-’lewhat tt kmmn’ek]I. theavenue at a ri tLe sold Railroad

~lly~l.bt~ lhtkq t~.l~ middle

ral]P.ad eoulhIniqutel Cllelfll’,~- fuur links to "~be +poiht ; Cun.taimng’twtite h,l*tdr~d "4mtl -rain .3{+.1o4

,n~i~ll, ...... ++’+ :.-. ’5.’:’

~o. 2. Theequ’l

Offien of. Atlnntie County In book L. of "decdl -

No. 3. All Ihal tilla.lmd illllreJt whkh-lsameBmith .nd wi,e I+ad~q~41~d I~rt;~u Itadl which "

wua nd~pted i,y the n e<~-.~sary tWo.third~ right filleted lm~m~;,tkbnCb, deed datm+.Atriiyole. "+.1~a~./20, naye,.4~+¯¯ ~+ ~ j+~+¯.+.,!~ ,¯, .’+It, lamB, tu,y recerd~dAu ihe Clerh*e OMee of

in the ~,.ate. on Thu +r~day, 4~he’Beeon- ~tl~lle Co..ty.i. book L. of deed, p~-* :~e

uire tntu the +Jxpedicl!ey’.tto

power over tho--:States.Unmmittee. was i~.truoted.¯to+ bring "hdl ,o ext~nd th~ judicial l~werUuited States Cuurts+oCer .aUit~cullof the war. m~l)eedy trial ¯after which the.big

~’u. 8..~ The abl*. !..Ever# praetiti~ne~:nnd every family

b$~0 x 2~-three etories. It will atandnear. the delmt~ and.be an intportant addi-tion to the nppearanoe of the+ town, as well

asan .+a~¢ommodation.to the traveling.pubIio u~gJy’]fi~le]" by the throngeonst,~ntly

here. The+e~rpenter~ are at work, and+ th0building will he: +pe~h~d :f,~-wa-rd with tbeUtmost ddspateh.-

ren’tlpg the pews has been adopted, andwe,learn that. eve~ pew in the church hasbeen ’redt~l, j ud ther+e, is atilla demaindfor.tm~,,;, The ehumh has been built but


.And o.f.Unequa|led Perfnrmsnee in it~ Effee~.:Old establt*bed "*nd alway, to be retied upon.

Cue#tast(y oa land, and for gale aa menufa~.to+rat’s priuel, by


-+.¢ .

¯ o ~ +r " . ~.

:; }-,r

t~~+~ . , ":. ~.-+~:

+Wile~ .nd J.hu Jeeohin eaeeution at the suit ul Pet,iV Uelter ehd to be




Bctw~peu R,tiltpa& Avenue a~ad Agses!= .Stre~: At POI’I ilep N. "J.EGO IIARBOR CITY. Ab.ut fill3’ yards frt~m the Bridge. "

’- "We;rid Inf.rm the- -puh||6+~3 erally that-he is I ’ : .............................The Buildings are large end iu go’od eondition.prepared to iuake toorder, ur furnieh ready mede, large’Barn with ,I! utheLaccessary out boildtng~ksgood cl.thing as can ho I~auud i" Phi.adelphlaConvenient’landiag atluched. Pofibing ueurO0rNew York. and at wwei~=price!. :dl new. J.atti,i iu iu high ntal"e of eultirati.,n.

A fine ass,,rtmcnt nf Goods for L:~,iies’ Persnns wu.liing Io purei, a.e property, wan+d Oentlemeu’s wear ~rioes It auk the well to call, nudex,mine as it elLnnut be a

eolors--Yell.w. Brown, Orevn. ~.. lwblvh wiUbe sold iu Iota to eult purehasors. ApFly to

,SIJ~’ANNA T. SM1Tll,25x3t .qmithvilloo ~ .

~oplsin_lng 54 ~ Acres.All in g0,od feuve, aud inrlnding n guod


lily el mUk

la’all dh~se~ of ~twlne+ tn

t~) a pap+’r I~b3~rel of swill.theisbqva dlleaae8

¯ will b+, ertclleated

Page 3: B Lt - Atlantic County Libraryo ¯ / other ealnabla f~ney Jewelry/Toilet and The-l;troresleenrpiauO Fort~’ ;~ill r~tains ill precedmlee and great popularity, and tilter tmdergetng


¯ /

other ealnabla f~ney Jewelry/Toilet and

The-l;troresleenrpiauO Fort~’ ;~illr~tains ill precedmlee and great popularity,

and tilter tmdergetng gre,lunl lml r~vement~ for

Patented Febrttor$14, 1800.


__~o s s es~inpjL’m a nZ.. r~-

hy thn most profnund expm’ts,.and pronounced tobe shnpllc~ty aud j~rf¢cllon eomblned.

It ha~ a straight needle, POrl,eodieular twtion.makes Itt~ L.ekt~,~i~tatte .t;teh,:wbich ,wilt nei-ther ll;p. c,r lin~rel,.’~td Is alike nn, beth sides ;perfor/nspert’eet. ~ewln~ on every deseril, tion ofmtLtoriat, Ir~m leather to the fine.t ,N~anso.k runs-lid. with cetton; lilfen7 ori’0]kiTth~t~ ~ from the

to the finest tmmBer.|Ievh,~ noitlief :~,it~.no~i Omj ,s’~ed, ~.nJ’(tlhe

e~t poss’ible friction, it ru¯e ae smooth es glassand ie

][treqntr¢~ ~.ft!tper cent. less pewee to driee Itthin arty other Maebine|n the marhet. A girl~wolvo v~,m of.. ~,~ ean work"atigUe’or inJery_ tqbe~,lth ....... .

Itt str~gtb :and ~*nderfu~l etmpliclty ol~ eo¯-strnqtion’renders it uhao~t impossible to’ get Outof’order, and is gunranteed hy the eompHny-logl~e entire satisfnelinn.. We re~peetfnlly,lnvitO all ibose who may wish

to supply theme elve~ with a superior artiela, tosO0 n ~.fid exam[no thi. ~*~rlrnled JIachlu~.Bnt Io a more especial m’~Tnner do we solicit the

ofCar~,t JIol~r~, .


"The H0 Ultufist/;Twenh’~tA Ai,t.al Vo/omd. 1885.

Publishod.M,,uLhly et Two Dollsrs¯at~d

Dr. Wilffam) wns at "the bead of the Oeol6gieat

not like t,,’reo th,: re, eultsror Llaoflahnr lost In t and

ctionHnjust lives to’ ie~



Joan We d’ress entirely to please the

