DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1877. NO12- :B IRON ERA tUBLTBHHD ErSKT SlTCBDiT Tt J3ENJ.PI.VOGT. EDITOBAK» rnoniEroB. fflMon Morrii Strait mxBlaciwel!. HI OV BUBSCniPTION KUBIULI W ADUKOE. > lent, - - - - - - - 82.00 | llontlu, - ' - - •- l°0 mtha, 60 Dr. P. A, HARRIS, YSICIA.N and SCUGEON, DOVER, N. J. I AT Bli BIMDEJfCB OXOKCIMJta ftttUCT. ». man, Counsellor at Law AND IIASTEU IN CHA-A'CERY, EOOKAWAY. N. J. J. J. VREELAND, rponier and Builder, [jobbing promp(ly attended to. I OR BliAUKWELLfit.,iiaxt.to GaRO. infract, taken; and pi&Urt&l turnhbud. OK IICH1SK. '. | Comer of Blackvrell and SUIIOX 8ti. .DQVEK, N.'j. . JOLUEY, Proprietor, - tiers*,* pud Citrrfagcs to L e t Counsellor at Law, ND MASTER IN CHANOERY,. e<Hn Ibi- Vaifoii*! Uoion Bank JhtUdintf orw«bb ST.", '' DOVISB, J. | Bitmiioun & QWITII. OHNEVS A- COUMSELLOHS AT LAW, H nnrt Biium Bit. DOVElt, N.. i, 1873. Myr L HEiailBOUB. A. C. BW A. OIIXKN, L asncrBl [Furnishing Undertaker POE.VSED ACCWOKEEli ASD CO1DI1S. BlOHBft OF DEED8, All nrtlora promptly ittcmlod to*. H O U G H XfflCli ACKEtf, ; . ')UM1IFACT11|USB 01 .Triages and Sleighs, attantion paid to repairing Mid DVBK LAB0HATO1IY. r Herein C«ualj* N, J, .leu Palmer &Son, tpontcrs ' Builders. DOVER. H. J. Itabing promptly attended to. [8. J. I'ALMEU, Architect. .•PIA.-BTOS, rgansana 1 Melodeous [Repaired" arid Tuned \y, In nuf p*rt or MorrlH County. Ad- W. 8.WIU0HT, .,. - Dorer.NJ • JOIIH DIIUMMEU'S HAVING AND HAIR CUTTING .silooN,- lUSS EX STREET, n theMANBION HOUSE rOVEB, H. I. iepUMhMt««l entirelyrefittedla « nelt net ^luTirjbcitknniliof breign and Domestic Segars AMATSOKHAM). • »!/ JGEO. A. PRESCOTT, jARPENTER and BUILDER, fTiBESNACLE HALT, DOrEB, N. J. - Jcwi or STBRT MwcnmioH It. A. IIENKUTT, M. i)Y HO MCEOPA. TI-1IC PHYSICIAN & SU11GKON, 3or. Blackwell & Warren Sts., (Opposite Dover UnuU,) DOVEIl.N.J,, 'laoiuci. or Women anaClilldi-im, nud at IUu £w>nml £nr spui-isMo*. ifllco Homy: 71<» 0 A. M., 1 to 0 and7 lu 3 P. W. lB3dd yjitS. I,. 0. BR0NS0N, H03KEPA1M' IF FITTERS VKAHS PRACTICE. OETIJE ATSBAKlStJ'.-f 1101III., BtSSKY SI., IlOVEll', N. J. OtTicc lluuiifl; 8 to 10A, u., aud '1to41. u. IjfOSES IiLANCHAED, ATIOlLSliY AT LAW, KO JIABTEIt INCIIAKUI.UV, DOVER, J>. J. ffli-c nvor A. Wlclitfin'rt mnrc ond'tin Hloro, i7-ly p r p r U t l l Ktrei't: W. S. & E. P. DeOAMP, NEGOTIATORS i J>R0SPECT0BS Por Iron Ona ami Mineral Proptttj, POWBKVIIJLE.N. J. T. O. nt B00NT0N, N. J. . 8. DxOAHr. " TO). F. DcOAl ia.ir f" >n3 ciccatcfl, MA miterml fotnirticfl ANSand 8PEOTFIOATI0NS _ l,«naeontraetatMkcnforiHvfork. ., boHtroferencci ftlnn ta.to cifuclty In A, Beemer, [llEAL ESTATE;AGENT, Sussex,Dorer, TS.J. AND LOT! , * P0B SAXE. I dflieripiloni of Froporl; «nd pirtkvlt: tllim ALL KINDS OP , IMSTJIIUMEJVTS, ; 1OCSS, ANDKEWINO HACH1SE6 tEUBEN HOWE,. SX 1 St.. BOVBIt, nbil tollio ZNOWE »B. ;Ortto» kll.M a D. O»*>> r J pHj Mtenrlotl to. . . ~ ~ 3J [EO. W.DRAKE |CIOT and SHOE STORE lilio l.r B.tooi i o r . TWO DOOIt-1 AHO' IOLDSTA»D/|l»l«lr oteaplKl tf J. W. Vp»B) nad one door J n m MatfnH, Sonk I clnltlnn ilorl,.»!»r< he "III bopl«i«oj l II ula uM enntotner. Mid nuuj nonDDCI. AOEST IS WOIU1ISTOWK OK THE SAIEOP R 0. BDBI'S OELKBIUIED SHOES. iistom Work and Jobbing ;Geb."W'. DRAKE <Jurds. 1». hUlTll. B. 0. 3IEU.K, JD. SMITH & MEQIE, ' ATTOIiNEYS AT T..AW. OFFICE OVUII I'1EHSO1>'» I1AJ 1 BTOKK, DLACKWEIX BII1KET, . B.ly BO"XT33OR., XT. ff. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office ou Ulnchwcll titrcct, DOVEH/N. J. CullcctionB ottt'ii'lcd to will) ttlliKCnrr. Also, Agont for Iliulioathifj nuJ l'li'o IiiBtir- uo ^mimulcB. < U-1.V. U. W. THURBER, PEJUNTCVDENr OF I'VlHiW HCi/OUW or HoitmscouxTy. Dfllco orer GKO. lilCHAltDSACn.'K ST011I', DOVEll, N. J. ' RA C. COOPER, Mason and Builder. Coutntclu tnhcu for all kinds of Union Woilc id Jjbliitig. LIM1S, PLASTEll AND CESrEST, J'urjjfslicj'at niiort nottno. HCO unikr "Tbe Iinu JimOilk.-," D°' J. ; Yl-ii Grandin House, oo TAnDS ritOJi D.L. &w. T. F. GRAN DIN, I'lop'r. Exmttt-nt ^ l l t nccitniinnitntluuH fr trnna I lioanlore, nlitn a livery nnil li l([i' altHulitxl tit tlmhnann. ronmiuce mi frum Umld'B l.ako and Lako li II l pntcoii -5-lf MRS. A. BEEMEB IB LOW rrnily ffH&alt tlio treif ntykt for FALL of 1876. Fashionable Millinery AND Fancy Oootln. THE Latest Styles & Newest Designs EJiUkY 01T0BITE NATIONAL DNIOS UAHB DUILDIKQ, DOVEIl, H. 3. Tho iBi-Rest and mont compluig BIUL-II nf Mllll- orynml micyOimua to be found in Dover MiipriFli.B IlDuuctfi, Iliits Flowers, Fiat era, lllliUum: haces—real iiinl imftaUoii—NeLktiea uml ButVB, Collurs, Lace and J^lueii ietBk CrwneH. Muuritlug JUonnetti ' aiulllolls. A lino nflBorlnii'iit uf SWITCHES, BRAIDS, &c. Aloo, a very larpq variety o ZEPHYR GOODS, And a flno itock of . Ladies' Fiiiitisiiing Goods. PASSAGE TICKETS ' AT ' ; RAM, : HANCE& Co.'s STORE, POBT O1UM,N. J. * ^Olt all tbo principal lines or HtcnimMlir 1 from Now Yorti t'< Ltvorpoul at LOWIWT HATES. Aha DitAnVOSTdJUUTUKITAJN .XDItlEtiAKU. »Q-t VOOBHEES BEOTHBK8, VU0U»ALE A«I> HKTML DULUIH » Hardware, Iron and Stoel, NAILS, BUILDERS' HAIIDWAKB, ECHAXICfi' AND FAnMI'.ltS' TnOliSAKD OAU1IIAOK MAKKIt'S Q''ODB, CUB. WASMNOTOS AMD RAH"* STitEETH, MOKBISTOWN.N. J. A GOMTUCTE BtiXH OF Wooden Wnro nncl- : > lloiiKukccping floods. ; : AUO, TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, - MutUannrictunri-Article, gnnnntlj" Lime, Cement, Plaster, Boce Duit, Rup«r tfimphite of Llmt, uid .U 1 j - uthcr Furllliiiir.. . ^ OKOlltlE r, TOOKB'Jia. ' JASIM H. TOOHIIEEa Uonhlmn, Sept. aM,:KN. DENTISTRY U'ALL ITS bllASCHEa AT ' ' ; B. JOHNSTON'S EverytlilDg of tho boat by tUc meat compcloat B-OOMS NSERTING, EXTRACTING, FILLING; AO . N O ntldilibnil charge for oittncttug fflic. nen leolli m-e Iimcrtetl.' Wo aru u«w mok- lugbi-autltalsvlHortootliliir . FIFTEEN DOLLARS. ALL WOP.K WABUANTED. i).ivi;r, 8cplember2Gth,18T5. ; , FABMER'B HOTEL. ALEX. K^JSTOUSE, calb attention to Uia fnet (bat be bna Uiicn tho HOTEI., on BLAOKWEIi St., DOVEtt, N. J. ( lat«ly ktpt bj Chns.'Woteon, and bancompletely nnovAteu auu rofiir- niahed il, BO US togivo'good find ample tUMommcxlutioitfl to both man and beaut.- The »AK will bo supplied with the best bnuidH of IOBM ahd'tiBoiiui, Board will bo fur. ed by tho duy or wcekj on teaaouable B. ily . *" ' y •will bo continued In connection witli this -House. An Invitation U extended tonil my old frionds nuil tho general public to gv iein <S-« KEW WOOD and COAL VARD la I Sfj™ LEIIIOII. SCIUNTCW AND BITU- HIKOnS COAL, DELIVF.IlElJ TO ANT PART OF DUVFIi Oil VIOIMW. WOOD. inVtlnnatfint!, rnruloittttacvardcirilrrllrcml, & JIJOTEIl. nEUEMT, FEED AND UltAIKOFALLKIMJS. ' • . An oxncrirncD or twulyo roar* in tlio biulnrM, arFa j i. I think porttri Kumvfciljf <if It,an all - t o ;a.or mo witb ttalr patronas«, rn; •n'lOES, and promptly In tllli . Office In J. J Vwland'iCanwnUTRbop. Win. IlltX. Doror.Ao JIIMJIS. . .. . Q1TZ . SIGXiER, . BULKS nt ., , i "VCTO OX3I aUTERIALS, Ac, THE IOLD PQTOZ HUMPHEEYS' HOMEOPATHIC BPECIFIC3 (IlfPlitijIiUI tuedlelaen tu lie people \ ilGknetm ani ipeeinctbe ££• HI! ni Tt lu *e for Ted [im a? if" ire Tiier ivlnR Intr. i tried I twenty IlllUt H dUI'l'H JMVjllft tlitll', Iti Xvt f ., It'JtUI one". IllVlO (in oi [mil THE ino!< UIA.] 1'nitnlar Knilocj'. A Pr.prLAii PALLACT EirtoDiD.--Commo- <ro M^ury <i[ Vr'vrli.ngloii, lu miiror tu an i.Kiuir? wlietli'-r tlio oliiiu^na IDtlie ntilil l tl fl f 1. PeTCn,Congwtlon,IndrmmaHori, .'. »; gw«MV?!H»l*!rP..y • • 4. Dll POKTIC. ? wlietlir tril.rnnitlii IIIIBI it lU l i tlio tlie w of tha tli.i mi to diti f i m:k'uli!ie uIiHurTjtionn Tatilup its iDfliK-nce.-Amurffaq J1C**L'Offer. A linir riulnlied ptuntl rullj tbroiiuh ipaco, .ithljurroiTcd ligbt; And orcJnloui p<'0|ilo nnmliip ill mil, Wlion tliu euu-Uod is out ol ilgl.t. Old wonitn plinl (Iicir ^ced* fa (ho WOOD, Tlio f4imi:r» build Ilioir Tciicu; Aii'l fcdHo KtskcH «bou iti burin polut down And tliIM tlicv lull good sun»o, Kuiv tlm eanU null a iliailow no nisi ill dirt, If IIIL'H« aro inVL-rlcd, tlisrif hi rUh, Ut lmri< plcuily nr Bturms. Bnl It pcrtrbanco its imrni turn up; a Punning lor oa Thou will iliu drlnUog cup, llinrbo ilry. . ieMDrocco.orQg, Thene remedies nrn «rnt Ity thtt cn< e mnSrleboxor vlal.ln any part of (lie caiiutOt frtt nr vburse, an receipt or fi l !!ni a i>ln4'Honi'«>i»<>><"I'XI"»'r° !!nii>ln4>Honi» Office and Depot, Mtf Ilmoil.>«y, Knv For Maletornu Uru.:fil=t*. mil Bl J . 0 . BinWK'K drug «tow, r lilacl.wtlUuJ KiiHit-x fin. nnil Vimirn •ore, wow cunirr iJnis Btwo, I)itvcrr N. aterial nnd made up Utanta VEGETINE IrilniB at tlio root of dlnDnBo l»y pnrirjinff tho load, ixttuiltiR inoJtvcr ana Lmltioyi lolicul- IJ- leifau, invigorating llin wnons BJ Vogotine In not a Tito, uinioaus compound, which ilm- urgeH tint lnnrclN, bnt n unto, plwumii* ly wbleh U KDte to purify tbo blood, not byn-iluro lliubunlth. Vegctiiio la n9ir prcHcrllrd In cmci of Bcrufali aodolbcr lutcasi-s ul Ibe hloud, bymany nf tlmlicit •liviiuion^owinR toiiBRU-fti IPL-CO«B In curing ill dlxwuua of tbla naturo. YcgoUno ontdccciTo luvftlldi Into f a nut MM IDoti-arinR midpuflfvint' tlic wliolu syetfui, loatUug tliu paliuot gradually lo porluiit'bealtb. , YiBgclinc VBII 1 noli oil aplin RHnn experiment for no ire bygumu ufunr beat pliyn ciam, but (In._, i.i it iiorudolouH in roganl tn ltnnicrlt i\ro now Ib WJ4t nidttnt frlcadb and nuiipurttrn. Ycgetine la« a Uojiton pb.vjlclan, "bli uo_.t ilood ptlrlfliT, HciiinH of imniany umlcrfu! nrc>>. nftcr alt other rutucillL'H had ill til,I vle- tud tlie heomtciry mi cunvincrdn)>clf nf iti 'onuluo merit. It itt prrparcil frum bnrkf •ooiH »ml herbs, itadi ot wlifcli It hlcbly cfT.-t? tivo, nnil thtiy are comJoumU'i] la mail a man nor aa to proiluoo aatoolnhniu rcHiilii," Yogotlno [i icl(noiTlpil(;i.'d ADU rccomcnotulrd by pbvsj- :;aim anil nputhccatfcH to bo Iho bout puntkr d C1CIIIIM.T of llio blood yol dlncaven-.l, sail ..oussmli Hpcak.in UH praise Khn have huoa rtmtorotllobeiltli. ' pnoou'. WHAT ISNEEDED. UngToM^Fubiuarf I3.li, 1871. Sin, n, H. SIEVESB ; H u n Sin—About nuo rear sinco I fnnnd my- et'lfin Mit-eVle couHltiDn twmfvue:.\\ tUbllllj. VanEUSE nt strongly ltcommcndul lo mo by n Wend who hud Wn much btm-Qiwi by tt D, I procnttd tbo-mltck 1 , BDO alior uslnf ;iral bottiea, winroglureil to health and dii -ullmu-a itanun. I reel qnlle conlltlont tlm [here id no medicine rniiierinr lu il for lliou •.ouiplalnin fur whioh it In eupccmiiy prepared and wuuld vheetialiy recommend it tti-Uioxc who red tbnt they nred Buuiolhinc to roatort thun to perfect health. had fl|icll, (1 AD cicliniigo spoaha of tLo " minority iickncsn." llefereaco ia uncle probubly to ilia oatorxh, ns it ia a dieeiwo or tin DOBO. , , t Honest Tnuloflmiin (very naturally in- Jguaut) "Uixteun a uliillin 1 tliia timo o' yenr. Why, no rcEiieelnble lion could affort] to tloit uttbr 1 ""'" Kost to tlirowing kittens iuto a mill poud, tlie Biid(loat sigUt is tliut of a Inde- nt a fli ti veil Cuir diuwuiug two ur tbree poor little oyatcia iu a gnllon of Uiiu milk. Geuernl 1'IeaBnnton iuafnta tliat ann- liiuo, k't Ibrougli a blue pane, will cure [inin at uluioat uuy color, l'erlw ~ ' •ould tinnwor just as well to wear a Baab. _wJ)[>»v, bave yon lenrufltl during tlio wouk ?" lutktid a teacber of a five-yeiir-old nnjiil. ''Yetb'tn." "Well, lint jait? "Niivwlead a amall trump ben you liold botb bow'ors," Tlio mipoiisioa of tlio Washington Obroiiiolo throws air nblo-bodled pair of scissors out of oiuploymeut riglit ia tlio midst of tbo luirtlcBt winter within tho reoollpctioo of tbouldeat JDbnbitnnta.. "Oood moruing, J)onnel1yl I hear Tour daughter hon a baby ; is ib-n hoy w a girl?" "Sure, Miss, it's moself as dooau'tyct hiiow for the lifaof mo if .'m a firanafnthor .or A —"'"- btalth. Iteapticlfnlly yonr*, U. li.l'EITIN rtlill i C 10 Ut JNOILL. rirm ofS. M. rcttlogill & Co., 10 Utato Ut. IlDktUll. CvtciMtATl, Horcaibcr 2Clb, 1872. Mn, H. R.6TKVEKi: . t Hin-Tbe (no bottio of VEGBTINS IOO mo by your t£*n\, my nilo hus UBCI witb crest betusQi. . « For a bug timo tbo hit been troubled with "toincni and cuBlivcnoa J tbi-do troublea aru mt cntlfiiJy removed byilm awol VEOBTI^B. ftho wm alto troubled nith D.MpcpsI* anil Gotn-ral Btbilfiy, md LBS been grcnily btne- fltC * TH03. UILMOnE, SOTJ Waioi PEEL MYSELF, A NEW MAN. Niticc, UdiB,, Jone lily Ma. H, R.STEVKM: DRAB Sin—Tbninjth the aJvico tnd mrncst FcrBUnniun o n t e r . E. H. Uext, o T Ibi* jilaco, I iiavc been takinc VEOCTIKE tor DyapL-psia, i irliii-li I haTo imfforcd lor yo«n. :d only two Lotties and already fci v man. Iti'Hpcdfully, DB. J. W. CARTER. Report from a Practical Cliem- ist and Apothecary. ltoHTiin, Jannarj 1>I, 1874. DEUt Bm-ThiB IN to certirj that I liaTO itfitt iticiaii JHl-SdinoD (1H32 bultlei) or you YEGET.NE ilneu April 13th, 1870, and ca irulv MT that It hai gmn the beat aatUlictlo C>N!UV ramedv for tl,o cnrnpllrln lor wbfdi it I rccumnit'tidcu thit 1 GVLT HOW. Bcirctlj a da [bout some of my emtomrri tonlirj- tbcfrfriondi. toiti I am port Hcrufnl Tom on buiug cured by VXOCTIHE l iiity ynara, CB Dd Hcrufnloai Tomon b douoin till* virinity. Very rftppoetldll A. V. aiLUAN, To II. tt. STETESI, E»q. - PREPAEPP BY. H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. VEOETINE13 SOLD BY ALT, DHUOni8TS. ho iQuoa Is pnrtUl Ibu nay cho aoli, liiri--iro llilon in liiti ncts»D,ui>no in IliaUkci AnJ uimo intlto Baltic Hut. itrologcni nod lij Ibe fltiRor of rate, Wiule (in lbu starn of tirtTca; dik U-tHlln.ua tbat roiinil u* wait, I! 1 torn v^rldu Uij-atitriuiu Hveu. tulyot tliDHQ licalbao devotees, lura «lnor lu tlitlr day tlian those >ui*i(jo. J.ArrLiaiT. Au lonu b<iy nucj liis father, and got umuKi's—.vim ubkuto simp. Tbcro iiro 43,000 e1org.yuiou in llio uiti'd Mutes. But wlmt oiia tboy do uinst a uiUli ? Wo cflu pencrally loll wlmt a mau'e joinK to do nest, whcij lie \nils tlio lighted end of u cigar iuto liiu mouth by istulio, A cunlcniporary Bays ota ieoo»t at •niiit ut anicitto (iint tuo maa ldn tiint tut us." He must have bud a y ( >B one manufacturer .romiirfeed to inc. 'Wo have ct la»t toutihcd boltora ; wt> passed tbe worot.puiut; mid nowI ixpcet nothiuh but > Btendy imiirovo- lent. It may be a slow one and liiuio I no doubt tbut noma -fma\\ firms will mvo togo into bankrupUsy thin spring; Imt, gt'nerally speaking,-busfnesn is uuw ta a sound basis.'' >,i Iu fact, while orderi for, goodnoomft n Upon the manufricfurern from nil juwters. tbfl grjuit/diAeaUy ]n uow.to iow whom to trust.' 'tltiuy of tlfo Bit oil 'uis aro uuauund, 0411I tbo vntimiti "Mercantile HcportoiVVre now of little value, for tlio "hard times" hnvo «u revolutfuuizad affain) tbui it puzzles tbu best informed to calimoto tbe coujition jf miunr flroiH. ~, ' Tho silk manufacture is ouo of tlm moat extensivo branches, of industry in Pntcrson. Tho willu lor the production f the various kinda of silk fubi-ioH uro ,ulta numerous, and seem to be all fully nt work, I visited tlie Hi Ik fnctury of Mr, Tliom'ns N. D1J0 and hud a Imif,' >aversittion with himia regard lotlie |)rosi)ectfl of trade. Tlio Dale mill ia one >f tbo turgost in Pat orison. Mi-, Dale Jltnself mail ufachi res cltioflj ail It braids, rimming. gimpanndBpoulsilli. On two floors of Ills will tbo flrm ot A. Boletina & Sons mnnufaoture silk ribbons and drcsB goods. According to tbe latest reports tlie number of firms in the silk business nro follows: . •'• ttnntin. draVn ami brokew In raw iltk rowntcra&nddeildralti mini 11Ilk tiutaclUTonufaoirliiii «llki md iwUt . W»venanildjcn .-...' MmiifioUirera—Iricgca, triinniugi, 4c.. . ToUl Of Uieso firms 112 rcaido In New York State,' 57 in NewJersey, 29 in Penim.vl ynuiii, 2 in Marylnnd. i in Cuiifomin, SI in Connecticut, 3 in Ohio, 14 iu MUBHI- huBctts, 1 in enoli of tho Btatc.i of Koiv Hampshire, Vermont, Eansna and Mia- i d 2 lillb;/ The total vnlue It ia true tbnt flowers and vegetables are divided into Boxes, and it k also true, stmiigB ua it nmy appear, tbat tboy bava a language of their own. You turely Uuvo beard of Jack audtboBean'f Bnmc timongoatnotohcrot tbo county jourl nfoiTed to tbo fact tbut lie bn " a verbul.comminiiontion Ills pocket, BuilBubaenuouLty thoeamo justice pro- posed to aujonru "sine die until Thurs- day.". llio New CoDtutj aalto: " Howcan womnn make homo attrnotivo to her hu baud ?" TbiTt) is uo general answer, biit in Borne caaea tbo thing can ba done by iiivitiug. tlio widow timltb arouu 1 ' sj)end the evening. In "Hiirold" TonnjBon says ! "What 1 *, up is faith i wbat'a down -is horosy." According to this, our icy streets bave witnessed a fearful amount of boresy tbi niuter, ninoy persons liave liee (iowu on 'em, juu kuow. * - ltev. Tulmndgo tbinha Jeremiah was tho iournuliBtot Scriptures. Jerry was a very uubnppy man, wo know; but thousands of poreonn will refuse to uban- dan (tia belief tbat Mr, Ananias wes tb journttlUt of. Hint period. 1|F . Many Now York boiidingB nro provi zd wilb speaking tubes wbiuh go ftoit oe story to ann th or. Whore tbore IB ~mch tulkiiiff going on in. the norning ono story can ulways tell what kind ol cocktnils tbo oLb»r story uses. Bnilcy says : " W(j nra all moro or less conceited uulil after we travel." U travel, then, a aovcieign lomady for con- ceit? Dear Jamc», come West,- ana listen a few boura tsoma butty ranining to Iho man who baa been to the Oen- iuuial ' , ' Moody says ho doesn't approve of nrettv sir' 8 at fairs allowing themselves to be* kiwicd for twenty-five cents. That's right. .It'sfnrbetter logo liomo witb tbo prcllv girls after the'fair is over, nnd kiss them at tbe door for nothing. Pro). Swing Bays that common seuno ia Ibe best gimtiliau angel any young wonan cau bavo around. Bat, lucking tilts, u wart ou tbo nose, a twist in tbe eyes, nod.short red hair, aflord a very good substitute is tho way of a protector. .It is gratifying to learn that a plai in progress for preserving wutoraoloni nil winter ; and now* it mil be possibh tot a tit. Louis girl lu bave somttbir round oiiougli to nut In the heel of hi Btdckinc when slio '.wants to dnrn smoothly. A boat containing a Iranian foot was picked up ou tlio beach of Scarboro, Mo., on Saturday, and tbja citizens ol the town consider tlio man who left the bfmt without taking bis foot aiotfg tbe most rcmaikiibla case of absont-minded- i ou record. Probabilities—Increased pressure dollar ifmbrelloB will prevnil during tbi "jr jiart of the month, with gentli _..^t ahovprs nnd" possibly areas r boiled potulocs, after wlu'cli tbo weatbi will bo nettled, and so will tho presiden- tial question. '. ' _t ROOMS TO LET A ITLY TO M. 41. SEARING; BO-tr L BABIV TKMSOnAPIIV.. Vrtinp Me: •ml Wonieu, tnd enrn Irom IM lo «00 per uiontb (loocl mmaiiooH cnRranlDod. Kmnll ti)arr wbiln pn-ctlclnii. Atttlrria, with Ptmnp, M. P HAYWABD, Obtrlln, Ohio. llMw V Drvma roit Vtims.—OjJtoof tlio hot- test regioiis on tho earth iaaloiig*itc Persian Onlf, where little or norail falls. At Siirlun, tbo arid shore lias n< fresh voter, yot a comparatively aume- nuiR populntion cootrlvcs to exist there, (linnbn tocopious springs wbicb burst fnrth from tlio bottom of tho fsea. The ficsb watcria got by diving, Thodiver fiittingio liis boat, vrinda a great gont* skin bag around his arm, tbeband groan- ita rnoutb; then be takes in I ..DjtJi(inda heavy stone, \o which attuolied nstrong lino, nnil thus eqaip- ped hopluugca in antl quickly reaches tlio bottom. Instantly opening tho bag over tbo strong jet of fresh water, ho stiringa up in theascending current, tda same time alaaiag the bag and helped aboard. The stone is tnon hau Ed np, and tbo diver, after taking breath, j-luugcs ngniu, .Tlic source of tbest copious submarine springs is thqnght t bo in fbo Rreen bills of Oman BOOIP n " liaridwd orhixhuodreHaiio$ BILK TIIAI1B OP,.ntKllSON. . :HE PBEBBNX oniturnoR OF TIIE ISDCCTJIY, AKD THE OWTLOOK. Tbe general condition of business itTuirs and mauufuotiimu iu Putcrson iait> munmad up in the woid " impruviug." 'tin JuiIufttricH nf Puterson art RO diverse tat au apercu of theirftpecini vonditiona it this time could haidl.v he mndo ID UH> ipnco at command. AH tlio bii^inets in, however, witb wUum I buro 'alUuil Iho subject, etpreubupeful viuwa iu vgttrd to the latave, itnd aoexa lo con- idor the revival ia trade, uow njtpnrent, ouo tbut Is likely (o bo pfirina'norit, trying to a:ivn llic labor, Wlmt h r t.etvt-'s from nJaunal in reguril t i liii>si!k ind'^ln is Ibni tbo )>ublio put LU cud lo this (VitJ^lant discunBion ol Free, Tirclc end rmUetion. Lot in in. L"t iis fuel Unit tlic policyto« U(J oiio for tbi! prciout, ciud Ibcn c:i]>ilnlmls iviil bo inoi'o ready to invent tlmir money in the ^Ilk industry ; Irade 11 jcvivo mid linaiiit'ss will wceivo o itniitus all over tlm ciumlry." " I atipnoid yon havu muatly foreign aplnjcsiu tliemilia?" "01*. ,ics ; IVencli, German rud Eng- liii!\ Tlicy III'u very cosily. Iu Mac- fluid, f'ir iitsluuco, a. till wearer geifc iibi>al'ta.7C ur 54 a week. Ldnirof tliu me Itinil licio COHIS S12 to 513. Il wiw llio cost ot liilior nliicl) put -jm find to iho eijitiiiuouly [n tbo l-uiuin^ uf sill; inn nnd ntiicnlluiL' lii'ifi. Why, in Italy thopm-fliins who attend to tin: reaving of ilic UBVUVI -rl iiluml. 00 c^utn VYo get about 00 \ivr ct'itt uf our raw silk from Burops nnd the remaining 40 lOaiit, from Asiii." Mossrs. Barbnur-lirofbers woiio of tlm n.uHt I'xtonsivo m:imi fuel (niea in I In* Ciitmlry. nrnl certainly pra-cmiiteiit in pailiciiliir iiiduHif.v. It in rt liruiir! IP Unar quality of (l.ix tlit'oaus urc mini Itictiin'd, tbo uDnrici'y.iniH. tboL'-tlimu id UvM» being niuile here. So liirgnl. in tlieir b n si HUSKdeveloping tliut Llie fhi now putting npauollicr tslcitbivu mill i I'utcimiii, wliitli, wlioti complete 1 , will most duiiblu Ibiui'pindiiulivi' cqi Tlio writer bud n brioC cmivomitiou wilb Mr. TIIUUIIIB Birbour in rclaiton if tlie jirospccfs of tr.id». lienai-l: "Ai iioHpcata xfeva rtsvev bolter. Times, of oiirfio, have been n Mllln du'.l ; but Ibnt lid !i"t nffeol. annoticb, ov lecuVhir oharaeicv of our n: But within tlio lust Iliirty d aouri, end 2 in 1 if the products of tlie homo liuainosg about 820,000,000 per annum, or a HlUo 4* tban the value of imported uiaini- ictured sillt^ Tbo raw silk imported in New York and SOD Francisco fur the supply ofithe factories am mints to 64.C0O.O00 per yenr. Tho American iiinafaotnrer is protected by n tnriiTdi 00 per conton the ilaclnrud valuo uf al impnrtod manufactured silk goods. The most recent itatfstics of tlio wile trade of Now Jcirscyreprqaont that Ibero are forty-nine coDcerns ougoged in silk manufacture in tho Estate, p itli ILcapital 01 abbot CC.OOO.bOO.'hifiGainsTTi^Hlu'd 1 ol builditigB. real eilatu and inachiuory, Tbo unuual product of theae mills 1B valued at $12,000,000. and they employ nltout Bevcn tbuuE&nd eight hundred bauds, mole and fomalo. I asked-JIw Dale bowlong tho silk trade bad existed in'tbo Voitei States. B always existed, according to our tmditiouH," ho iaid. "There is even utorjr of nsilk gown mannfuctu'rml for Qneen' Elizabeth. . It bngan to be an imTnstty,.however, fa 1831." - "Wbat are Iho preaeat. prospects of trad,e inyour HDO ?" "Well, things are' deoidodly improv- ing; but there can' bo no complete' revival. until all these men tbat you seo staudiiig idle at the street corncra bave got employment. It la a quesliou of supply and denand.. All iddushica nr, controlled by that. -Slipply and ilcmDnd form tlio only basis oi) wliicli tiny indus- try can prosper. As for oar eilk trade, it has always, been >"kind of romnutic industry. We ara generally less nffoctcd by fim>naial fluctuntionB, than otlicr trades; still tbore lion been a good deal of depression in tbepast fotv years. In my! opinion the recuperation of trade must oome ,from (lib oinploymBiit of labor, and that tleptaila moro upon tbo ngrienltural resonrcfls of tbo ODiintry tlian upon anyother. 'Moreover, in my opinion it will depoad more iipou bulk tliau Titlue. Wliat I mean inthis: -TIIQ transportation of 5,000,000 gniiu from Ohicsgo to New York require a certain amount of labor. Mow, if 2,000,000 bushels wproip_reprcseiit tlio name amount ia valuo, it would XIDI represent tha Bumo amount in employ' went Labor, therefore, (lepouda on quantity, not an value. Tlio tmnaji tation ol the- products of ibi country gives employment to Uieaoidle laborers, «nd tlic needs of tlieso. laliorcra give n 'Dtimuius tothe maanfeaturing intores! s. Thoreforo recuperation, mnat, in my opinion, first;' commence' with nfjricul tore; theo it' will run; Lbrdiigb all tin various branches bf industry wltich nro prodaciug goods for homo cotiHiimptiou," "But that is putting off tlio rcTival for nmuy months. Dooaihe epring trade offer:no.in(H«tio0B of arorival ?" 'Any real revival from tlio fiuancial troubles of a great patio must necessarily bo a slow one. Look' at tho experience of the past. Alter tho crisis of 1837 tnule throughout thecountry getwrally lid not revive' till 1646—uiue years ifternards. Well, aftor this last crisis o 1873 it will tako us ncvoral yonra t recuperate. Arevival depends uponthe abitity toconsume, as well ns the ability to produce. Tbii ability ninst be felt i all tho branches of industry." "Principally originating with npricul tare and tho exportation of agricultural piodncts?" ' '.TCB, ceitainly," said Mr. Dale, are not an exporting country as ropiird: the produetian of articles of lubrication. Th's arises from tiro nature of otirjnstt- tntiouB. Wo aro & republic based Intelligence,* and an iutelligcnt laburm- is an expensive one. We Imvo nolbing lifeo the poou labor of Europe,"-. "Then jan eipcct to do without Protection when wo become an exporling country ?", . ' "YCB ;Tjut not by the degradation of labor, bttt'by.tbfl superiority of our machinery.' Oar labor saving ronabuiory now bests the world. InUmu our labnr- Bavingmaohinery will unable us to com- pete with the worll in c « r y brancili of ing to LII uitfiirluio B there bin ill; }.i-,<vr ( »f Honolulu, oiguci* wbo y IJoaoltilu tboru (ire-few vlo have an npporluuily lo visit UiuIpp T QernmLut lavery d t'inii^ion, nntl b.it >romii)cu! JDiini.ili-ls, K'ic 'icl iu grant* fmv otitsiilo iiOc men and receive tlicii y p;is by fittMiurr frnm Huiioiulu 'o the orMoIokuiouvnrii^d ubmiL leu ho ulmnnul bciiif; iioim j ci^liiy mile Tbo- first point u-.-.rh^i UKnlu llio luinlms fui-lSitt IDJILT-I. At Ibi wbonilistinfiiiihlio. iug liiimi cirnij J | n^Nua are expected, of lcjicrn grcr-t i fl 10b a msn-bed reviv;il j nnd \vn ha'vo lbout H3 initnv ortk'i'f us we cm attend I lliiult tbnt businn.'s will coutintie tc fniinoco. nud tliiit tlie lovJral u; A Culnr Ihidnr. In nn tincai'iiotcd, Ecaulily-rurnlHlicd room of II tenement building on BuveuMi and BIui'Riin fitrcelfl, n low(juurlor of tbo city ut St. Louin, I Cuuwl olii IIolctildsB, •Him nolor dodlor." Holchlusai claims .lie dinuovcry of color euro, of which tlm bi'lter, a bmiicli. Hehas not prncliscd it for ii iliizcn years or more',' but nt ono timo tbo futuu of liis woti(ti>rful powers extended over tlio west, and lte,Uuil in view llio founding of a «elinol lor life womulgatiiin of bin viows end the per [cclioii (if binB2IOUCC aa be ctiuaidt'red ,1, Holcukiss's ideiis ot color euro mo baseit on the propagation of tlio olchtio- ninpiu'tiR cuircntH, but Iio went furUici- than Pfcanonlon iu one ERIISC. uml < ICH3 H in"hnuthor. He niisociated diff-'retit mya witli tlilYereni dineafli)3, nnd gnvo to ovcry individnnl ono or nioio fuvenlfe TOTB wlu'cli WITH calculated to effect'.a ni.vslcrioiw uuil ibtffMb- jcoU Tho old iiiiiu stoutly mniiiluini'd tlioro WiisnolUiiiijBiiporuntural or occult iii bin treatment ur principles. To liiui " it was till Guienco but he Inckcd tlie abil- ity in explain aud establish it us such. Old HCIIOIIIUSH'B cxplaiintiim of Iiifi Iio visitor.] witb iiluiiilivc, juii'ic, well filling their isolation from tlie »'I>I-'I) iiui) ilw grJff, *.» wo should liipk, witlin their lii-arls. An v,e lonk Hi 1 lie faces nf tlio nH]hioi;ui.i ftic music wuniswelitl nt fituos, nnd iw if coming from Hm inynlerioua cuvoruit of duatli. For wociti hafHty im;tgin« (lint iateUi gence, tb nt Ibedivine Inirnitiiiy uf music enn bo nttribules nt Iho uufortunutcs lufovc U4 tmtl, HI mnatt to retake,. tnintreiitly' ( *A!rhniipy I Afl tbo da.v i« '«Pig.* 'i'fio flesli on Ibufr fu«aa is-milttrl im In' >f a 1'iiddv, rcipjicr oi>l<noil line, the eyes prolviiile tlnoiifrl) enntllor lay on, tuid llmliiuul, lookingulioiL and fitiuited ith ll.ot1ijii>u»D. mum* us if it ooultl not Imftl ibe iuHtruiucnt. The plnytra nro outig, middleiigoi] tiud ol J, nil in tlie iipiliiim'nfitKet of lupiwy ; tbatiH, the ifllicliuii if |wnf>ilty visible, but there no no vanning c.iri^t nor Imvo bolus liec-u onion ttmtii'jli feet, band; or b.uiy. "Vlicn tbuKO uulivj m.Hitiiaiii luvo fill- ilieii phiving lhi>v unh to grnct fild nin}inni(i»H, nud ninny is tbo hourly 'alohu" (love .o,yo>0 wliiuli ]>asscn be-, kveen the It'jiera nnd tht'ii IIICIKIS, Crowila nf native Irporsnvc ou tlmboarb exloiuliug Ibeir bunds nnd cxiivcssing u bcarl.v 'nlolui" lo IIIONO ilicy mccl. Tbe im foil [male vsprcsB Ibc zrcatvul joy nt mooting old frirndn, nnd, ns is com with Uiuvniinns mid oilier I'olyne triljt'f 1 , will ftit down nnil err with cs of pletmnrc for a qmricr of nil hour at a lime. When theHood«.(teaivtisn [ta««d they nro tn uu instant Irminformod intn ibo most Itiiiglitor-loviiig miirhila. Tlie.v aei'in tu forgot their |ili,v3in;il condition, nnd rcvcil in (ho \mnt jmbouudud joy. Tlie confiutit from (curs lo smiles is n veryfitruugc'pli.vsioliiyicil rvactioti. Tho (iiveign tt.nmiH wholook on nt nil tliii nro uficn Mtbjoci tn tlio M it mid hadum^ of tlio lepiiia, find Hpccinlly of the yinilij women, Friqiicnlly n ymiDg and roy- hteriug letier girl will tippronch a for- cigncrnud osteutl lici'liiiud f<iraregutor puinpimndlu nlmlir, but it of!on happens that I lie foreigner, tlimigh nut Inalung in pal Inn fry, will fail lo respond, tbraiigli •imv of tbo lopci'H toiicli. Tli en tho girl will burst out in saucy inn'gtiLct', nud fluisli up niih tlio rx|iie3Hioii of "Miflinuoe" (yon me afniiil). All tbe unlive j.itn iu nud Lsotuim, "Muknu kola hnle" (tli|it foreigner is afraid), "Mai nti oe, n me Imuiliotii kana" (CJIUO hei'O and lot UH kiKH lovingly) was tbo liiutttiog xaiutiitinu ot A ohurming Mttle lepreui, whose i.fflictiou liad nut btoitod out tlie tfnocsof, bciiiily in henobcokR nor dimmed tlic lustre of hoi' .urge, soft, ilicamy eyes. HHy I'eoplo ViKit a TIIB crowd of unbappj jog tbat filled tlie jirisousrs' dock in tlie Wellington Place Police Court in New York City yesterday owed tbefr emhor- niKsiDg position primnrily to their pres- ence in tho tree -and -easy on Orccuf street which liiid b^en raided tbe nigh I before by Uaptnin Byrao's officers. Thr srenndury cuuscs were BO numerous aud conflictiog that n few of them wen 1 noted ns they were given. "Why wcicyuu iu tbatpluco?" asked tbe Court of each prisoner, and the no- ewers camo as follows : " Ercaupo I wus dbry, sor, »n' I went ID togitadbrink." , " Because it was wet, and I vent in to t dry," "EecnuftB I saw tbe light, and I weal to Bee what was going on." "Eecausol WAS comjng borne from ooinir my couaio, aod I went iu to take smoke." " Because I expected to meet a friend en 1 .'" " Bscnuse I bod nowork to do." " Because I play there, being R mem- ec of the band." " Because I wanted to earn an htmest illar by singing a song, sir." ''Bccnuao I wti a stranger, and & i-iend took me in," . "Because I knew the proprietor, and rent iu *n see him." " Becauso I wanted a plow ot betr." " Bocauso I wanted a glass of beer." " UocniiRo I wanted a glass of beer," " EronUBo 1 wantod a RIOSB of " Thiu ^ ill tmvec do," interrupted tbe inn. "Womust bave moro variety." " I wasn't a goin' to ntty beer, Y Sou or." 'No? What then?" •Whiskey." " I flno nil lbnt are habitues of tbe >1acL<," said His Honor, severer*. " Let 10 guilij man escape. 1 ' tliooiy will no doubt ho interesting, if not very BcicDlific nnd plnin. Ho wnys bb ohs snys : Tho rescue of a mule iuBiou- illopnrish, La., from a well sixty feot h ' d thnttbr. htiui i absorbs mys of ligbt df different colors in. different pm- liortiona. "When the rnys BO absorbed nrn pro[iHrly'b»)n»cfl(l according to tlio, temptramout of tho tndiviclual tborfi is perfect licitltb. DiaenHe is oconB.oned by too much or ton littlu of mimo one or more myi in Iho systom. In nearly every s.Tfilem some rny or color predom- inates autl liccomeB a favorite nolnr. To [liifl fovorilo color tlio iuilividnal is pecu- liarly mmcepliblo, and ton much or too littlo of tins favoritu color nbsnrbcd iti be Ciiunn of diseases of various eotts. Tbo colorfi wliicb the (looUm pn( «n, I.o urgucd, produccJ a pympalliv butweon liinaelf audthepaiiont as soon QG ho bad ntlneloil a corresponding nolor to tlie patient. By various losta ho eomplslod his diagnosis, which cansislod in Cm- ontoi* was itr excess or was deficient, and tho ffi!Cti!>1, a doctor (llbtribiilcd Ilia colur? iu such a wiiy OB to obtain what be c'aimotl vus i y natuial Wut what seemed to bo an (icoiilt influence over, liia pnticnl. With tho pntiont under tho si^llHutab- Jtiss, thraiisli clpclro-raujrnctism, hal- micoil tho rays in tlia needed proportion neenrding tothe individual, aud the cure wits complete. Hu KIIVB tbo tioie will oome when others will tnko uphis iH« COVPIIPH, and tho relations of oulor to )[jyBic(il health and mcntul h:i))|'incas will bi) tlernon'MmtoJ an ideally ua DJiilh- cmnticnl problouis.. PrrstiK'nl (Jrnnl'n i'lilurc. The Prrsident will leave tho Execu- M T tive Miu iml witii Ur u Satunlny, AIiucMi 8, . Gmutwill us the guc.-U l l witii Ur G g Bpft-uttiry I'isli imlil their tlopai-lnro E licli will bo early iu April, i*. Sui'l^na wiJl Ulto up tlmir rosiJeuco thin week witti Hfrs, Lewis Don!, in Wn*ihiiiRtnn. nud will raiinin until Mny. when tlioy will also sail (In ~- t » i . ^ y"i . . ... A T.. .I.. T^-.x.. ; jf Bpftuttiry I l m forEuropn, wliicli wi Mr. nnd Mi*. Sui'l^n iJ hi k Ulyssos O, Jr., tbi leave (or New idenlB Secretiivy, will leave (or Net York on March 4, tn begin tho miiclic if lawwilh the ilriu nf which ho ia a jirmlier. Col. Grant, wbo has hcon fn •\\ f iiHliinuloti.fiii- two Wiulew ,ontr.ii;ecl "n innkiiig ciipics or the reciinla ul Gun* 'ml Bluu'iduu dcst.ro.yed in tlm Cliicigo ilre, will rcttirn to tbe headquarters •>f tbo Lieutenant General ah onco. The data which ho bos been nnenuinlntiup ninco bBfc ombrace3 not only the ofQaiul records of lieuti-quurlers, Imliil.-toonii'ia 1 mahriiil f.n-afiill hiatory t»f SIicridanN connection with llio war. Tbo Presi- dent will give no levees nor diiiuors. The alulemcnt that Imwnuid give n foronoll dinner to liis Oubioet wns en- tirely unmitliorizoil. AH tho ubionco of tlio usiiiil Prcbidantini ICVOIM this Win- ter has IIPOU tlio snbjcot of cimmBUt, it can bo stiilfd that they woro nbnndonod on nccount of tlie excited afuto ot feeling iucidout to tbe political content botwcoo Iliofricuds of Hie candidate* for tlio enc' ccjssicisi, iind Hint under tlto cirenra stniicCM it WHS llio'tpln host not Lo li..Ul these levcos. Tho I'l-csideut lins nn in^ tcntinn nt (ircHont fit tilting up Im,ti<>r- maucnt resiilciice in Washington. Tin lioiwo uhinb lie owns llicrn ivai taken by him only to relieve parties wlio lihd .pnieliaseil thotrround fn>m htm which Uis own house partly occupied. Bt'Tnn depnriiug for Europe, tbo PrcMdenl will visit tho WcnL When lie leaver tbo Executive Mansion tbe public prop erty will, ns nsnal, hoplacetl in Ibe cus- tody of tlio titiMvard <if tlio 'liotirahold.' It inpresumed that Mr, Hnyrs will nr- rivo tborosnortly nftL-r lb« formal dec l«rntiou of bis flection, Aft;-r !«•* hi- nugratititi ho wili bn f'.vma'lv wi-'cainei 1 to pnsiowiou of tliu Executive t it^^. T\ !.l a. _ _ - ^ *.f_ jndujtxy. , Qor" ' we* t pio br llio bi xtiie i nnd bis onlgainc, Story. A correspondent'writing lo How Kitting null IUIscd nn Army. It is not generally known among per- wna oiitsije of tbe Siotix coonlry bow the grent Hiaux chief, Sitting Bui], or- Iginally acquired the Httlo band of des- rnte men who follow him so faithfully, ir howhe has solor, g mainlniuedtis mtirokcn file. Ever eince Sitting Dull [rut declared war upon the United tntcs in general, and tbe whites nround llic Black Hills in- particular, bo bos .-ouslaotly extended invitations to the jioux on the reservations to join him rith tlieir families. But the universal pinion among tbe rusgrvatinu ludians l)oiug, as bofore Btnted, that ha was s iol, has prevented nearly all fromen- lIiDBthomaelvea under binbanner, tud jilting Bull ban been compelled to rely 'or rf cruita on the Indians who hnvo com' ittcd oi-jmoB in the settlements, and ho have been forced to leave the juris liction of tbo white mno's government ?ov inslnaee, when a Sioux engage* too intensively ia horso-staaling, or in a liented momeut murders a white man, he lies to Bitting Bull's camp, where is l B received witb open orms, Tbis efuge bos been kept open by tho great thief for 0. number of yean, and thai he ins continuously, although slowly, added to bis forces tho most desperate men, trim dare not reaoace their aVegiuace, o matter how much they might desire, or fear tbat when they return to tbo reservations they will be puuiihed. for their crimes. •' .* j cuusjii n rjir se' and; lerost hero lately that I acntl nu account to yoc. It Uvouclicd for by Bonioof tlio best oitiaonn of Ibo pluoa, wlio wit- Desacdi'ttj and I iissuroyoii it is every word Iruo. -"• This imilo foil litnd feet bncUv into un old dry well Hixty foot decji; it is fitippnsod Hint llin Gdgo c>[ the caved in wilb Iiini, .All offoitu lo rpscuo lim wtirafniilloas, ns be wan completely wedged iu. Finally, the'owner of the lule, Biipposiiig tliat tlio pnor crentura was GDvercly injurod by the fall, decided tliut it «'au!d be morn ajcrcltul in 1 iim killoil than tuitllo^ him to titarvo mleiith. Notknowiugflny otlior way ot dis|>:ilcbins him bohad n on\ load of dirl thrown ill upiiiT him. But, iuntead it ntlowioy himself to be burieil alive, iis nmlealiip quietly ulinoi; off tho dirt and pressed it Ociwn with liis feet; tbus raisinp himself uovpnd iticbes above his orieluul portion. AnotbiiL- load thrown in, with tho pnrao result; niiij thun snmo ono Raid that if tlio mule would cuntiuutt tmmiilingdown Ibu dirt, it was pnssiWe tlwt ho miglit bo cxtri- satcJ ; ibwould l>ono burin to ivy,- any way. Acting on this swgge:,tion, nil the furra hands went to .worji filling the well, curotiiily,pouring the diit in on tbo uidca ao ns not to hurt the mule. It was slow fforfe flllinR tliut awip well, but a hourly Interest wiis awukensil by tho porsevoi-nuco with which the poor aniuaa' troinpkd down Iho,dirt, nud itJl worked with willing Iinnds. . Slowly but surely, inoli by inch, did bo ascend, uulil tlie great well was filled witluu ii few fact of tbo top ; tb'on as conipluo." i ntly as if nothing strnuga had Imppcncd, his niule&liip stepped out safe ind feoimd I I tttiuti, if fitv could Iinvt ben been blessed with tho gift of speech lie would liirvo Biiid : "Ali'H wfll tlm enda well I" Wasn't bo a plucky ok fellow f "Unclu Jlramy " Wiliinnis, tlie Dem- latic Goveraor of Indnuia, <ioan not appear 1)u such n boor aa tlio Ucpnb- licaiis made him out during the canvass. The Republican Indianapolis Herald uya; " The JfcrniW lakes pjeasiirinD ad- mitting thai it wa^ tuiatuUcn in itn es- Minute of Undo Jimmy. .Instead of a rude, nnciiUiviited country pumpkin, Ii has proved himaslf tu bo a dignified", well-bred gentleman, wilb a ; .nd sumctt'bnL courtly grace of deuiGaiior vbich wuuld not 1)0 out of plaea in any ussoi«b).y. By c!oso nttontion to tbo minor details uf bis toilet lie makes ] otne.y garb ot blue Hccm qnitB a% olo- giuit us tho blackest uf clulb would be, and his persistent usa of tlie nail-brua in.irks liitn un a grntlemnti by inmiucl ABliorttiiue OR., lie was invited (o littlo'pait.v ut a private hnnso witb number of otlter Oisnitaries, all <if whom failed to jmt in nnitjiponraucis TJncSt Jimmy fuund him elf in tlic mthcrcin i n g |Hisi(ii> of havin bin he a dozon cquittcd btmsolf iu xucli a uinnci* as to take every licart uan'ive. By the* good 1 iiuiuoipi. way,in nhicli be lakes the playful liadinn^c i-f t.ba prtj** lit hu dia- (itued critioiam, and wo begin to beUerr Mr. Wi!Ham t Trill b3 the mnit popnUr klii? About IKTitOUDCED TUB XELB- F1I0HK AUD DISCARDED II. Perkins is nuo u/ those progressivs eu A'bu wont to Iry every new j,ivcn- iou tlmt in Lruughi <ait. 11M hist frt^ik :n«lo g<j[ etitliuued on-r the tulupliuuc, nd bava ooo pntinlo '-is bou^n, con- ecleri with onoin the < fllee ou Culifor- ift sfrenf. He fore*iw gr.-at ailvutita- m rcsnliiofr friira ihiit niTniiKOineut. Mtb bin wifo when luaiiitisa wanslucf;, md tell her wlmt liuiu Im>v<iuld CDOIB I dinner. Blie c nild tell liiui when ibnuy fell down llieucllur Htni'ra and ilined his DO3C and insiut on Pyrlans piling ilireo or tmr doclora. Iu fact, hd uses of Ib in instrument wpre innii- ruble and invaluable. Parkin i (num\ hem so, as will ho jsliown. Last Mou- luy ho was 1'li'iicn.iitiing witti Mrs. Per- kins abfiut a newbuiiuel, wlieu n broth- er broker cume in to tee'nlinut BOIBO slocks. Porkins Utloplinnei) lo bis wife ;hatlie was CDgupOil. nud tuintd uionnd :o tullt bust cess without dit-councating lie instrumeiit. Uo talked about Jnlia; kjtn nud utber EUJCIB, wbilo Mm. Per- iue listened intently iit^ho other cad of ho Hne| occasionally' ciitcliing a name ind wondering wliat xa oftrtb he GO aid. iie talking ubuiit. Her susuicioDa were somewhat arouaeil, nnd when Perkins said to the broker iu n loud lone m ho wcatont. "IM take Jalla at 6:80,'- flliu iuew tboro was n woman in, tbe cose, md conducted beroelf uccordiuKly, The' Ir&t thing PerkiM knew the teh-plione fas kicking u|» nuawful row. "I'll Ju- ia liina—wrptcb—villnin—married •Hf-" euo yerm—licre, yon Jobuny, saw the ipdlo (iff that brocmi.qiiuU, orl'lUkiu JII alive—tthem's my vilbbrrs ?—just wwit till I get Imlil of in ID." These were mmfl of tbe nnunda tliut.reverberated lirnngli tbotelephone in a crmluscd manner, intermixed with n general rack- et tlmt denoted active aud warlike prop- arationain tLceneinv'a camp. Perkins saw (bat bis only Buicty lay in getting home by ncii-ouitonsrDi'itct, and trust.'us in bis mginuttyin apponBing her wrath pvben shoretuructl fiiim her surtio. He iccordingly lnclicil the door and tint bis plan iuto execution. Hu icnclieu lome it about the samo as Mrs. P. iirrivpd at lie office, and putting his ear to tlio teU nboue, lie beard lior trying tho door. Thinking touppoiso her wrut.i, be pine- ed his mouth near tbn vibrator nod said, n t voice loud enough to be beard hrough tho door, "Don't bo anpiy, ove,I woiildu't loi'k at any oilier worn- iti ; you know I luva nn one bnt you." Mrs. Perkins was listening atlhoiloor, nod henid bis eudcarinp; words, but mis* taking tlieir application; her 8iia[iicit>ns wen> eoniiirnioti. A fttri.iuB broomstick ttaok iij)on thedoor followed, nud tlie irosh of jrlnsa told Pei-Ufus ih&t on en- iratWB lincl been clTi3cted, Mi's. Perkins i rummaged tbo office, tipping ta- over and moving bookcases in her jontcli (or the recreant butiband and tbat btiHiy Julia, lo the infinite- mnu.Be- iut of P«rkhi», until she finally npsot the tele{ihuuQ-stnad nnd broke the con* necting ".ire, A blank oucurs at this noiat, eiteoiiing until lateen tbo oven- ing, whea Mrs. fork ins enmo home of- :cr an unauccesaful scorch at nil the tlip- itres. Fcrkiua sa.vn tbo bvuiso eitend- iiig from thocorner ot bis right eye laross tlic bridge of Iris nose, nou dinap- * peanng in thi loft corner of bis mouth, waseauEcd by mnuing nffninst n closet door in Iho dark, but it IK a significant faot tbat he has Bold bis telepliuno and JBBS tbowire for a clotboa-line. > A Itnllicr Tongh Insect In I860 I made experiment* to iow Boon .locusts won Id drown. After tuunning them in water twelve hours th'o.y Boon showed signs of life when >lnoed iti the Bunsbins, and in a few ninutes commenced to, move. I tried 'rcezlng. and come to the conclusion lliat, they could be frozen up uay length of time uod the warm suuBhine would roviro them. In 1817I tried animal poisons to see wbnt effect they would produce an Ioousts. I put tbe poison im celery, which the IOCUBU prefer to otbor vegrtoblca, nndafter ' obsorviog Iho effect, formed the opinion tbnt they lould eat their weight of HOT asimal )biaon without ill effect to them. As Hiou'ns they hatched out and omnmenc- od eating in Aljril, 1875,1 took a can of coat-oil.unil a pan fur tbe purpose of tnnkiuga nggot to burn some that bad jiiHt commenced 00 my wueat,; coming from a sandy knoll in tbo field. I pour- ed tbe oil in the pan, nad in moving about the pan Ieiiused two or, tbree to leupinioit. I perceived tbat they obnng cd color instantly, and to all appearance dd "" " - . hum to life ngnin. I afterwards triad unl-tnr witb tho same happy result, 'arpoBtine, alcohol, alkali anil- crotou il will kill them, and from the results if ray experiments I bolievs that ony- Lhiugthat will Vill vegetable life will destroy looaat life under tUo aa b litiocs. ' ". I know no. JnHect that exhibits tbo iiinninff of locusts after tiny, we four vcohsolil,' When vnry young they ep- ical'to bave no sense, as they will leap uto wutcr or.fire if iu tbelrcourge. Af f k l d thill f J ler four-weeks-old they: will perform ictsot cunning that, are incredible to tho nb'crvinff. In 1875, after they ato my neighbpr's crop on tbe cast, they set out for my field. I turned, wuter be- tween his and jny Hold,, and caused it to flow four or five feot wide in places, and jet it flow through the wheat tea or fit- t-coo feet wide in places, I soon found icm crossing by tboasands, nwinginf [rom blade toblade of the wheat tlia flood in tlie rnbning water, I then out Ilio wheitnnt, Bnt at the junetloo of t. dilclilladlcfttwo feoco poles in tbe form of the- letter V, the lower ends crossing near the water of the creek, and tbo upper onda on either side of the ditch. They soon touud pomage, and would, and did, climb down a pole fif* teen feot Inaft over the voter uf Bear Creak, nnd uptbo other polo into'in; Hold. They were making this. passage in ono continuous stream wbeu. I made tbo discovery, and thegronnduidjfrheat wcra covered near tbepusag« by those thbt bad crossed.—Milwaukee Jfeitt. TUB OssTEit's ENCUT.—Tho drill fish is a wicked littlo follow, aboat tbo sU« of a «nail, and resemblei sotnewhat n periwinkls in appearance. He bos an iustrument like a saw or svord near tbo point of tbeuase. Ho bores a bole the size of R pin bole ; «nd wben lie ccU :brough with an ovater, hold tbe shell uu to tboligbt and it will look like K sieve. Tlio dnll fish is a singular fish, And is not verj Bootable. Hojirofcra to travel alone, and it found {a Blue Point Bay and other places. Tbore Are now rtuajr moro than tliero used tobe, and •ho oysters planters aro —•*' ibauttliem. The drill ,. |ior|)etrato liis outrages through sheer malice, <as Iio nerer eats an 'oyster. When ban finished borinraholethrotiRl] the shell tbe oyster dies. Tho drill flab worka iti thesmnraar and lias dormau in tho. viator. He goes principally Im , g alarme appears t h h the spawns, bnt tao nass fhiuia wbicb bave iWage, •• Ho RWE prindpally fo bnt taokiM witb readi attained agood Let, Chi 1.11on be Chllilrpn. I alffnys foci like- thanking heaven wbon children aro rcul children ; wben they bave round happy face.i, aud' aro utterly without'nnj eeuse of respbnel- iility, find bulievo that this world is. a IOJ one, meant to'piny in, and that _.amma and papa liajrQ tho power of aa* tocrats and the puraf of PortnnatuB,-,« The pain, the cure, the trotibte; tlie prudeDco will alt coina after awjiilo. They will know what life reallv iaaoou enough. Don't teacli them tooearly to BSTO peonita. and count the coat of clothes,'and know tbat tnon oy is hard to - get, and that this 'ia a world of trouble. Don't; toad them with such cares until you arc forced to do so. Keep tho fam- ly anxieties from their ears and pack them off to bedbefore yon talk over wars and means. Let them beiiavo that all the people ibe/ know are friundly, and true, aud bonoat, just aa long us possible. Turn tbe roue-colored ligbt upon the scene, lad lot oil (lofigures their eyen rest np- in in their young duya look their best and their brightest; and oftcu tell them about leaven and tho angels, - To tins pure all things aro pure. Don't lend the little tliincsyour old npeotaclps. \Vli>!_e .boy believe tliii world a disc it ia one to them. _._ .. pnra- In some senses ignorance is innocence, and tbe better we believe otbor people tobo tbe better e are apt to be onraeives. To watch and work nnd be troubled ihcal. mauj thiagu, to danbtfluJ sus- pect and not guard onrselvesft-om our tics, does not make us any better, ifweacollio ucceaetty of it, and . y it makes as less happy. . Let the ittle ones walove kopp their trust and ._ * a... t 1 * ! . , *'!.*_. - r " leap insoii. i pnsarau in» tuey ouang aT0]y H mntog aa less happy. Let the cd color instant y, and to all appcaroDOe utile ones wo love keep their trust and were dead. I theu forced them in and tbelr hnho ont) llieir Jfjiith wbifa tber oliscrvea the same K&alts,• .On placmg m$jt. an j y_B6p all worldly earo from ft?" !"ffi!"^""V 1 A 1 " Si b "^§ t?™ wb"? ^ IBprmtbto nnd prudent to They will only come to tbo bat- le of life nt last with stronger hearts nnd stronger Honls for having baon' children u long as possible. Ia a recent lecture delivered in Edin- burgh on "Tbe Stars, 1 " Professor Grant gave a graphic idea of Ibe immensity ot space. He Rnid a railway train traveling night and day at tho rate ot fifty tnllcM an hour would rencb tbe moon in six nxmtuB, tho sun inIwn hundred Tears and'Alnba Oentauri, the nearest ot the fixed stars, iaJprtytwomilltouft of years. A ball fronVV&ni), travoling at the rate ot nine hundred miles aa hoae, would s reach Alpha Gentaari in 2,700,000years; whtlo 'lifrtir, trnvolinff as it did nt tbe - rate of 165,000 tnilen in a soantd, would not reach it ia lora than tbreo years. Light from soraa-'ot tbo telescopic stars would .tako 6,760 years tu reach tlie cartb ; and from some of these clusters the distance wns sogreat Mint light would take half a million ot years to pass to tho earth, BO tbat we saw"bjects not us. tliej really are, but as tbe.v were half a million ot yean ago. Thcao stars might liave beeomo extinct thousands of years - ago, and yet their light tnigtit prc&eut itself to us. As ti tlie magnitude of the stars; be noticed tbat it was computed .that Ahilia Lyra was one hundred bil- lions of miles distant troai tho earth, atirt its magnitude asd splendor were as 20 to 1 wuen compared with our sttn. Similar investigations brought out the factth&c onr suu was neither vastly greater nor vastly less ihun the great majority of tlio stars, INCIDENT OF THE ComnsEios.— 8oono: United Staled Snuremo Court Room, while Senator Howe W«B speak- ing on .tbe XiOuiairna cane. Mrs. Tyler, fficlow'of Prysidont Tyler, wlio occapics k seat next to Mrs. Howe, says to a lady friebd ! on'ber Iott:"0, tuy gracious I wben will tbat tiresomo o'dmau get through t" Mr*. Senator Howe (who is unknown to Mrs. Tyler), sliorply: "Tfaero h DO law to compel people to remain if they don't Mko it." Lady friend of Mm. Tvlcr (loud enmigli tb be heard bv Mm. Howe): "Tlmt iiidy evi- dently doesn't know tlmt ahe was speak- ing to tho widow of Prcfiidout Tyler." lu*rn Eugono Unto (wlio nt on ttio left of the lost speaker, nud loud cnonch to . be nurd hy Mra. Tyler, to n lody friend): '•And Mrs. I'yler probably is not aware tbnt tbo Udyon bor right ii tlio wife nf Sermtnr Howe." Hero tbo curtain felL Washington Star. m * * Tboro ia no position intbin Hfo raoro ...„ -.,—., uoboalthy than tlint of Iwing ibo "old- iMoltttento iinall oow, end provw it cat P.-eomaaon." Hois djuiug, nrBUy tt-" 'muBli nil tbe timo ollaU * ' A Smart who*] boy sayi it takes tbi

:B IRON ERA - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · T. F. GRAN DIN, I'lop'r. Exmttt-nt ^l l t nccitniinnitntluuH fr trnna I lioanlore, nlitn a livery nnil li l([i' altHulitxl tit

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Page 1: :B IRON ERA - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · T. F. GRAN DIN, I'lop'r. Exmttt-nt ^l l t nccitniinnitntluuH fr trnna I lioanlore, nlitn a livery nnil li l([i' altHulitxl tit




fflM on Morrii Strait mx Blaciwel!.



> l e n t , - - - - - - - 82.00| l l o n t l u , - ' - - •- l ° 0

mtha, 60



». man,Counsellor at Law



rponier and Builder,[jobbing promp(ly attended to.

I OR BliAUKWELL fit., iiaxt.to GaRO.

infract, taken; and pi&Urt&l turnhbud.


| Comer of Blackvrell and SUIIOX 8t i .

.DQVEK, N.'j.. JOLUEY, Proprietor,

- tiers*,* pud Citrrfagcs to L e t

Counsellor at Law,ND MASTER IN CHANOERY,.

e<Hn Ibi- Vaifoii*! Uoion Bank JhtUdintf

orw«bb ST.", ' ' DOVISB, j £ J .

| Bitmiioun & QWITII.


H nnrt Biium Bit.

DOVElt, N..i, 1873. M y r

L HEiailBOUB. A. C. BW

A. OIIXKN,L asncrBl

[Furnishing UndertakerPOE.VSED ACCWOKEEli ASD CO1DI1S.

BlOHBft OF DEED8,All nrtlora promptly ittcmlod to*.

HOUGH XfflCli ACKEtf,; . ')UM1IFACT11|USB 01

.Triages and Sleighs,

attantion paid to repairing Mid


r Herein C«ualj* N, J,

.leu Palmer & Son,tpontcrs

' Builders.DOVER. H. J. „

Itabing promptly attended to.[8. J. I'ALMEU, Architect.


rgansana1 Melodeous[Repaired" arid Tuned

\y, In nuf p*rt or MorrlH County. Ad-W. 8.WIU0HT,

• .,. - Dorer.NJ



.silooN,-lUSS EX STREET,


rOVEB, H. I.iepUMhMt««l entirely refitted la « neltnet ^luTirjbcitknniliof

breign and Domestic SegarsAMATSOKHAM). • » ! /


- Jcwi or STBRT MwcnmioH


H O M C E O P A . TI -1 ICPHYSICIAN & SU11GKON,3or. Blackwell & Warren Sts.,

(Opposite Dover UnuU,)

DOVEIl.N.J,,'laoiuci. or Women anaClilldi-im, nud at IUu

£w>nml £nr spui-isMo*.ifllco Homy: 71<» 0 A. M., 1 to 0 and7 lu 3 P. W.


yjitS. I,. 0. BR0NS0N,H03KEPA1M'


BtSSKY SI., IlOVEll', N. J.

OtTicc lluuiifl; 8 to 10 A, u., aud '1 to 41. u.



DOVER, J>. J.ffli-c nvor A. Wlclitfin'rt mnrc ond'tin Hloro,i7-ly prprUtl l Ktrei't:

W. S. & E. P. DeOAMP,


Por Iron Ona ami Mineral Proptttj,

P O W B K V I I J L E . N . J.

T. O. nt B00NT0N, N. J.

. 8. DxOAHr. " TO). F. DcOAlia.ir

f" >n3 ciccatcfl, MA miterml fotnirticfl

ANSand 8PEOTFIOATI0NS_ l,«naeontraetatMkcnforiHvfork.

., boHtroferencci ftlnn ta.to cifuclty In

A, Beemer,[ l l E A L ESTATE;AGENT,

Sussex,Dorer, TS.J.


I dflieripiloni of Froporl; «nd pirtkvlt:t l l i m



tEUBEN HOWE,.SX1 St.. BOVBIt, nbil to llio ZNOWE

»B. ;Ortto» kll .M a D. O»*>> rJ

pHj Mtenrlotl to. . . ~ ~ 3J


|CIOT and SHOE STOREl i l io l . rB . too i ior . TWO DOOIt-1 AHO'IOLDSTA»D/ | l» l« l r oteaplKl t f J. W.V p » B ) nad one door J n m MatfnH, Son k

I clnltlnn ilorl,.»!»r< he "III bo pl«i«oj lII ula uM enntotner. Mid nuuj non DDCI.




iistom Work and Jobbing

;Geb."W'. DRAKE


1». hUlTll. B. 0. 3IEU.K, JD.




JUSTICE OF THE PEACE,Office ou Ulnchwcll titrcct,

DOVEH/N. J.CullcctionB ottt'ii'lcd to will) ttlliKCnrr.Also, Agont for Iliulioathifj nuJ l'li'o IiiBtir-uo ^mimulcB. < U-1.V.


or HoitmscouxTy.

Dfllco orer GKO. lilCHAltDSACn.'K ST011I',

DOVEll, N. J. '

RA C. COOPER,Mason and Builder.

Coutntclu tnhcu for all kinds of Union Woilcid Jjbliitig.

LIM1S, PLASTEll AND CESrEST,J'urjjfslicj'at niiort nottno.

HCO unikr "Tbe Iinu Jim Oilk.-," D°'J. ; • Yl-ii

Grandin House,oo TAnDS ritOJi D . L . & w.

T. F . GRAN DIN, I ' l o p ' r .

Exmttt-nt^ l l

t nccitniinnitntluuH f r trnnaI lioanlore, nlitn a livery nnil li

l([i' altHulitxl tit tlmhnann. ronmiucemi frum Umld'B l.ako and Lako li

II lpntcoii


MRS. A. BEEMEBIB LOW rrnily ffH& alt tlio treif ntykt for

FALL of 1876.

Fashionable MillineryAND

Fancy Oootln.THE

Latest Styles & Newest DesignsEJiUkY 01T0BITE NATIONAL DNIOS UAHB

DUILDIKQ, DOVEIl, H. 3.Tho iBi-Rest and mont compluig BIUL-II nf Mllll-orynml micyOimua to be found in DoverMiipriFli.B

IlDuuctfi, Iliits Flowers, Fiatera, lllliUum: haces—realiiinl imftaUoii—NeLktiea

uml ButVB, Collurs,Lace and J^lueii

ietBk CrwneH. Muuritlug JUonnetti' aiulllolls.

A lino nflBorlnii'iit uf

SWITCHES, BRAIDS, &c.Aloo, a very larpq variety o

ZEPHYR GOODS,And a flno itock of .

Ladies' Fiiiitisiiing Goods.



POBT O1UM,N. J. *^Olt all tbo principal lines or HtcnimMlir1 from Now Yorti t'< Ltvorpoul at LOWIWT



Hardware, Iron and Stoel,N A I L S , BUILDERS' HAIIDWAKB,




Wooden Wnro nncl-: >

lloiiKukccping floods.; • :

A U O , •

TAINTS, OILS, GLASS,- MutUannrictunri-Article, gnnnntlj"

Lime, Cement, Plaster,Boce Duit, Rup«r tfimphite of Llmt, uid .U

1 j - uthcr Furllliiiir.. . ^OKOlltlE r, TOOKB'Jia. ' JASIM H. TOOHIIEEa

Uonhlmn, Sept. aM,:KN.



EverytlilDg of tho boatby tUc meat compcloat




NO ntldilibnil charge for oittncttug fflic.nen leolli m-e Iimcrtetl.' Wo aru u«w mok-

lugbi-autltalsvlHortootliliir .

FIFTEEN DOLLARS.ALL WOP.K WABUANTED.i).ivi;r, 8cplember2Gth,18T5. ;,


ALEX. K JSTOUSE,calb attention to Uia fnet (bat be bna Uiicn tho

HOTEI., on BLAOKWEIi St.,DOVEtt, N. J. ( lat«ly ktpt b j Chns.'Woteon,and ban completely nnovAteu auu rofiir-niahed il, BO US to givo'good find ampletUMommcxlutioitfl to both man and beaut.- The»AK will bo supplied with the best bnuidH ofI O B M ahd'tiBoiiui, Board will bo fur.

ed by tho duy or wcekj on teaaouableB. i ly . *" '

y•will bo continued In connection witli this-House. An Invitation U extended to nil myold frionds nuil tho general public to gv— iein • <S-«


S f j ™ LEIIIOII. SCIUNTCW AND BITU-HIKOnS COAL, DELIVF.IlElJ TO ANT PARTOF DUVFIi Oil VIOIMW. W O O D . k »inVtlnnatfint!, rnruloittttacvardcirilrrllrcml,& JIJOTEIl. nEUEMT, FEED ANDUltAIKOFALLKIMJS. ' • .

An oxncrirncD or twulyo roar* in tlio biulnrM,arFa j i . I think • porttri Kumvfciljf <if It,an

all - t o ;a.or mo witb ttalr patronas«, rn;

•n'lOES, and p r o m p t l y In tllli .Office In J. J Vwland'iCanwnUTRbop.

Win. IlltX.Doror.Ao JIIMJIS. . .. .


. BULKS nt ., ,

i "VCTO O X 3 I




(IlfPlitijIiUItuedlelaen tulie people \ilGknetm aniipeeinc t b e




l u *e forTed [im

a?i f "ire


i tried I

twentyIlllUt HdUI'l'H

JMVjllfttlitll', Iti



one".IllVlO(in oi

[mil THE ino!< UIA.]

1'nitnlar Knilocj'.A Pr.prLAii PALLACT EirtoDiD.--Commo-<ro M^ury <i[ Vr'vrli.ngloii, lu miiror tu an

i.Kiuir? wlietli'-r tlio oliiiu^na ID tlien t i l i l l tl fl f

1. PeTCn,Congwtlon,IndrmmaHori, . ' .

»; gw«MV?!H»l*!rP..y • •4. Dll


? w l i e t l i rtril.rnnitliiI I I I B I it lU


i tliotlie wof tha

tli.i mito diti

f i

m:k'uli!ie uIiHurTjtionn Tatilup

its iDfliK-nce.-Amurffaq J1C**L'Offer.

A linir riulnlied ptuntl rullj tbroiiuh ipaco,

.ithljurroiTcd ligbt;And orcJnloui p<'0|ilo nnmliip ill mil,

Wlion tliu euu-Uod is out ol ilgl.t.

Old wonitn plinl (Iicir ced* fa (ho WOOD,Tlio f4imi:r» build Ilioir Tciicu;

Aii'l fcd Ho KtskcH «bou iti burin polut downAnd tliIM tlicv lull good sun»o,

Kuiv tlm eanU n u l l a iliailow no nisi ill dirt,

If IIIL'H« aro inVL-rlcd, tlisrif hi rUh,

Ut lmri< plcuily nr Bturms.

Bnl It pcrtrbanco its imrni turn u p ;a

Punning lor oaThou will iliu

drlnUog cup,llinrbo ilry. .

i e M D r o c c o . o r Q g ,Thene remedies nrn «rnt Ity thtt cn< e

mnSrleboxor vlal.ln any part of (liecaiiutOt frtt nr vburse, an receipt or

fil!!niai>ln4'Honi'«>i»<>><"I'XI"»'r°!!nii>ln4>Honi»Office and Depot, Mtf Ilmoil.>«y, Knv

For Male tor nu Uru.:fil=t*.mil Bl J . 0 . BinWK'K drug «tow, rlilacl.wtlUuJ KiiHit-x fin. nnil Vimirn•ore, wow cunirr iJnis Btwo, I)itvcrr N.

aterial nnd made upUtanta

VEGETINEIrilniB at tlio root of dlnDnBo l»y pnrirjinff thoload, ixttuiltiR inoJtvcr ana Lmltioyi lolicul-IJ- leifau, invigorating llin wnons BJ

VogotineIn not a Tito, uinioaus compound, which ilm-

urgeH tint lnnrclN, bnt n unto, plwumii*ly wbleh U KDte to purify tbo blood, notbyn-iluro lliubunlth.

Vegctiiiola n9ir prcHcrllrd In cmci of Bcrufali aodolbcrlutcasi-s ul Ibe hloud, by many nf tlm licit•liviiuion^owinR to iiBRU-fti IPL-CO«B In curingill dlxwuua of tbla naturo.

YcgoUnoontdccciTo luvftlldi Into f

a nut MM ID oti-arinR mid puflfvint' tlicwliolu syetfui, loatUug tliu paliuot gradually loporluiit'bealtb.

, YiBgclincVBII 1 noli oil aplin RH nn experiment for noire by gumu ufunr beat pliyn ciam, but (In._,

i.i it iiorudolouH in roganl tn ltn nicrlt i\ro nowIb WJ4t nidttnt frlcadb and nuiipurttrn.

„ Ycgetinela« a Uojiton pb.vjlclan, " b l i uo _.tilood ptlrlfliT, HciiinH of imniany umlcrfu!nrc>>. nftcr alt other rutucillL'H had ill til,I vle-tud tlie heomtciry mi cunvincrdn)>clf nf iti'onuluo merit. It itt prrparcil frum bnrkf•ooiH »ml herbs, itadi ot wlifcli It hlcbly cfT.-t?tivo, nnil thtiy are com JoumU'i] la mail a mannor aa to proiluoo aatoolnhniu rcHiilii,"

Yogotlno[i icl(noiTlpil(;i.'d ADU rccomcnotulrd by pbvsj-:;aim anil nputhccatfcH to bo Iho bout puntkr

d C1CIIIIM.T of llio blood yol dlncaven-.l, sail..oussmli Hpcak.in UH praise Khn have huoa

rtmtorotllobeiltli. '


UngToM^Fubiuarf I3.li, 1871.Sin, n , H. SIEVESB ;

H u n Sin—About nuo rear sinco I fnnnd my-et'lfin M it-eVle couHltiDn twm fvue:.\\ tUbllllj.VanEUSE n t strongly ltcommcndul lo mo byn Wend who hud W n much btm-Qiwi by tt

D, I procnttd tbo-mltck1, BDO alior uslnf;iral bottiea, winroglureil to health and dii

-ullmu-a ita nun. I reel qnlle conlltlont tlm[here id no medicine rniiierinr lu il for lliou•.ouiplalnin fur whioh it In eupccmiiy preparedand wuuld vheetialiy recommend it tti-Uioxcwho red tbnt they nred Buuiolhinc to roatortthun to perfect health.

had fl|icll,(1

AD cicliniigo spoaha of tLo " minorityiickncsn." llefereaco ia uncle probublyto ilia oatorxh, ns it ia a dieeiwo or tinDOBO. , , t

Honest Tnuloflmiin (very naturally in-Jguaut ) "Uixteun a uliillin1 tliia timoo' yenr. Why, no rcEiieelnble lion couldaffort] to tloit u t t b r 1 " " ' "

Kost to tlirowing kittens iuto a millpoud, tlie Biid(loat sigUt is tliut of a Inde-nt a fli ti veil Cuir diuwuiug two ur tbreepoor little oyatcia iu a gnllon of Uiiumilk.

Geuernl 1'IeaBnnton iuafnta tliat ann-liiuo, k't Ibrougli a blue pane, will cure[inin at uluioat uuy color, l 'erlw ~ '

•ould tinnwor just as well to wear aBaab.

_wJ)[>»v, bave yon lenrufltl „during tlio wouk ?" lutktid a teacber of afive-yeiir-old nnjiil. ''Yetb'tn." "Well,

lint jait? "Niivwlead a amall trumpben you liold botb bow'ors,"

Tlio mipoiisioa of tlio WashingtonObroiiiolo throws air nblo-bodled pair ofscissors out of oiuploymeut riglit ia tliomidst of tbo luirtlcBt winter within thoreoollpctioo of tbouldeat JDbnbitnnta..

"Oood moruing, J)onnel1yl I hearTour daughter hon a baby ; is ib-n hoy wa girl?" "Sure, Miss, it's moself asdooau'tyct hiiow for the lifaof mo if.'m a firanafnthor .or A—"'"-

btalth.Iteapticlfnlly yonr*,

U. li.l'EITINr t l i l l i C 10 Ut

JNOILL.rirm ofS. M. rcttlogill & Co., 10 Utato Ut.

IlDktUll.CvtciMtATl, Horcaibcr 2Clb, 1872.

Mn, H. R.6TKVEKi: .t Hin-Tbe (no bottio of VEGBTINSIOO mo by your t£*n\, my nilo hus UBCI

witb crest betusQi. . «For a bug timo tbo hit been troubled with

"toincni and cuBlivcnoa J tbi-do troublea arumt cntlfiiJy removed by ilm aw ol VEOBTI^B.ftho wm alto troubled nith D.MpcpsI* anil

Gotn-ral Btbilfiy, md LBS been grcnily btne-

fltC * TH03. UILMOnE, SOTJ Waioi

PEEL MYSELF, A NEW MAN.Niticc, UdiB,, Jone lily


DRAB Sin—Tbninjth the aJvico tnd mrncstFcrBUnniun onter . E. H. Uext, oT Ibi* jilaco, Iiiavc been takinc VEOCTIKE tor DyapL-psia, iirliii-li I haTo imfforcd lor yo«n.

:d only two Lotties and already fciv man. Iti'Hpcdfully,


Report from a Practical Cliem-ist and Apothecary.

ltoHTiin, Jannarj 1>I, 1874.DEUt Bm-ThiB IN to certirj that I liaTO itfitt

iticiaii JHl-SdinoD (1H32 bultlei) or youYEGET.NE ilneu April 13th, 1870, and cairulv MT that It hai gmn the beat aatUlictloC>N!UV ramedv for tl,o cnrnpllrln lor wbfdi it Irccumnit'tidcu thit 1 GVLT HOW. Bcirctlj a da

[bout some of my emtomrri tonlirj-tbcfrfriondi.to iti

I am portHcrufnl Tom on buiug cured by VXOCTIHE

l i i i t yynara,

CB D d

Hcrufnloai Tom on bdouoin till* virinity.

Very rftppoetldll

A. V. aiLUAN,

To II. tt. STETESI, E»q.


ho iQuoa Is pnrtUl Ibu nay cho aoli,

liiri--iro llilon in liiti ncts»D,ui>no in IliaUkci

AnJ uimo in tlto Baltic Hut.

itrologcni nod lij Ibe fltiRor of rate,

Wiule (in lbu starn of tirtTca;

dik U-tHlln.ua tbat roiinil u* wait,

I!1 torn v^rldu Uij-atitriuiu Hveu.

tulyot tliDHQ licalbao devotees,

lura «lnor lu tlitlr day tlian those>ui*i(jo. J.ArrLiaiT.

Au lonu b<iy nucj liis father, and gotumuKi's—.vim ubkuto simp.Tbcro iiro 43,000 e1org.yuiou in lliouiti'd Mutes. But wlmt oiia tboy douinst a uiUli ?

Wo cflu pencrally loll wlmt a mau'ejoinK to do nest, whcij lie \nils tliolighted end of u cigar iuto liiu mouth by


A cunlcniporary Bays o ta ieoo»t at•niiit ut anicitto (iint tuo maaldn tiint tut

us." He must have bud a

y (>B one manufacturer .romiirfeed to inc.'Wo have ct la»t toutihcd boltora ; wt>

passed tbe worot.puiut; mid now Iixpcet nothiuh but > Btendy imiirovo-lent. I t may be a slow one and liiuioI no doubt tbut noma -fma\\ firms will

mvo to go into bankrupUsy thin spring;Imt, gt'nerally speaking,-busfnesn is uuwta a sound basis.'' >,i

Iu fact, while orderi for, goodnoomftn Upon the manufricfurern from niljuwters. tbfl grjuit/diAeaUy ]n uow.to

iow whom to trust.' 'tltiuy of tlfo Bit oil'uis aro uuauund, 0411I tbo vntimiti

"Mercantile HcportoiVVre now of littlevalue, for tlio "hard times" hnvo «urevolutfuuizad affain) tbui it puzzles tbubest informed to calimoto tbe coujitionjf miunr flroiH. ~, '

Tho silk manufacture is ouo of tlmmoat extensivo branches, of industry inPntcrson. Tho willu lor the productionf the various kinda of silk fubi-ioH uro,ulta numerous, and seem to be all fully

nt work, I visited tlie Hi Ik fnctury ofMr, Tliom'ns N. D1J0 and hud a Imif,'

>aversittion with him ia regard lo tlie|)rosi)ectfl of trade. Tlio Dale mill ia one>f tbo turgost in Pat orison. Mi-, DaleJltnself mail ufachi res cltioflj ail It braids,rimming. gimpanndBpoulsilli. On two

floors of Ills will tbo flrm ot A. Boletina& Sons mnnufaoture silk ribbons anddrcsB goods.

According to tbe latest reports tlienumber of firms in the silk business nro

f o l l o w s : . • ' •ttnntin. draVn ami brokew In raw iltkrowntcra&nddeildralti mini 11 IlktiutaclUTonufaoirliiii «llki md iwUt .

W » v e n a n i l d j c n . - . . . 'MmiifioUirera—Iricgca, triinniugi, 4 c . . .


Of Uieso firms 112 rcaido In New YorkState,' 57 in New Jersey, 29 in Penim.vlynuiii, 2 in Marylnnd. i in Cuiifomin, SIin Connecticut, 3 in Ohio, 14 iu MUBHI-

huBctts, 1 in enoli of tho Btatc.i of KoivHampshire, Vermont, Eansna and Mia-

i d 2 l i l l b ; / The total vnlue

It ia true tbnt flowers and vegetablesare divided into Boxes, and it k alsotrue, stmiigB ua it nmy appear, tbat tboybava a language of their own. Youturely Uuvo beard of Jack audtboBean'f

Bnmc timongoatnotohcrot tbo countyjourl nfoiTed to tbo fact tbut lie bn"a verbul.comminiiontion i» Ills pocket,BuilBubaenuouLty thoeamo justice pro-posed to aujonru "sine die until Thurs-day.". •

llio New CoDtutj aalto: " How canwomnn make homo attrnotivo to her hubaud ?" TbiTt) is uo general answer, biitin Borne caaea tbo thing can ba done byiiivitiug. tlio widow timltb arouu1 'sj)end the evening.

In "Hiirold" TonnjBon says ! "What1*,up is faith i wbat'a down -is horosy."According to this, our icy streets bavewitnessed a fearful amount of boresy tbiniuter, B« ninoy persons liave liee(iowu on 'em, juu kuow. * -

ltev. Tulmndgo tbinha Jeremiah wastho iournuliBtot Scriptures. Jerry wasa very uubnppy man, wo know; butthousands of poreonn will refuse to uban-dan (tia belief tbat Mr, Ananias wes tbjournttlUt of. Hint period. 1|F .

Many Now York boiidingB nro provizd wilb speaking tubes wbiuh go ftoitoe story to ann th or. Whore tbore IB

~mch tulkiiiff going on in. the norningono story can ulways tell what kind olcocktnils tbo oLb»r story uses.

Bnilcy says : " W(j nra all moro or lessconceited uulil after we travel." Utravel, then, a aovcieign lomady for con-ceit? Dear Jamc», come West,- analisten a few boura tsoma butty raniningto Iho man who baa been to the Oen-

i u u i a l ' • • , • • '

Moody says ho doesn't approve ofnrettv sir'8 at fairs allowing themselvesto be* kiwicd for twenty-five cents. That'sright. .It 'sfnrbetter logo liomo witbtbo prcllv girls after the'fair is over,nnd kiss them at tbe door for nothing.

Pro). Swing Bays that common seunoia Ibe best gimtiliau angel any youngwonan cau bavo around. Bat, luckingtilts, u wart ou tbo nose, a twist in tbeeyes, nod.short red hair, aflord a verygood substitute is tho way of a protector.

.It is gratifying to learn that a plaiin progress for preserving wutoraoloninil winter ; and now* it mil be possibhtot a tit. Louis girl lu bave somttbirround oiiougli to nut In the heel of hiBtdckinc when slio '.wants to dnrnsmoothly.

A boat containing a Iranian foot waspicked up ou tlio beach of Scarboro,Mo., on Saturday, and tbja citizens olthe town consider tlio man who left thebfmt without taking bis foot aiotfg tbemost rcmaikiibla case of absont-minded-

i ou record. •

• Probabilities—Increased pressuredollar ifmbrelloB will prevnil during tbi

"jr jiart of the month, with gentli_..^t ahovprs nnd" possibly areas rboiled potulocs, after wlu'cli tbo weatbiwill bo nettled, and so will tho presiden-tial question. '. ' _t


M. 41 . SEARING;BO-tr

LBABIV TKMSOnAPIIV.. Vrtinp Me:•ml Wonieu, tnd enrn Irom IM lo «00 per

uiontb (loocl mmaiiooH cnRranlDod. Kmnllti)arr wbiln pn-ctlclnii. Atttlrria, with Ptmnp,M. P HAYWABD, Obtrlln, Ohio. llMw


Drvma roit Vtims.—OjJtoof tlio hot-test regioiis on tho earth ia aloiig*itcPersian Onlf, where little or no railfalls. At Siirlun, tbo arid shore lias n<fresh voter, yot a comparatively aume-nuiR populntion cootrlvcs to exist there,(linnbn to copious springs wbicb burstfnrth from tlio bottom of tho fsea. Theficsb watcria got by diving, Tho diverfiittingio liis boat, vrinda a great gont*skin bag around his arm, tbeband groan-

ita rnoutb; then be takes in I..DjtJi(inda heavy stone, \o whichattuolied n strong lino, nnil thus eqaip-ped ho pluugca in antl quickly reachestlio bottom. Instantly opening tho bagover tbo strong jet o f fresh water, hostiringa up in the ascending current,tda same time alaaiag the bag andhelped aboard. The stone is tnon hauEd np, and tbo diver, after taking breath,j-luugcs ngniu, .Tlic source of tbestcopious submarine springs is thqnght tbo in fbo Rreen bills of Oman BOOIP n "liaridwd orhixhuodreHaiio$



Tbe general condition of businessitTuirs and mauufuotiimu iu Putcrson iait>

munmad up in the woid " impruviug."'tin JuiIufttricH nf Puterson art RO diversetat au apercu of theirftpecini vonditiona

it this time could haidl.v he mndo ID UH>ipnco at command. AH tlio bii^inets

in, however, witb wUum I buro 'alUuilIho subject, etpreubupeful viuwa iu

vgttrd to the latave, itnd aoexa lo con-idor the revival ia trade, uow njtpnrent,

ouo tbut Is likely (o bo pfirina'norit,

trying to a:ivn lliclabor, Wlmt h r

t.etvt-'s from nJaunalin reguril t

iliii>si!k ind'^ln is Ibni tbo )>ublio putLU cud lo this (VitJ lant discunBion ol

Free, Tirclc end rmUetion. Lot inin. L"t iis fuel Unit tlic policy to «U(J oiio for tbi! prciout, ciud Ibcn

c:i]>ilnlmls iviil bo inoi'o ready to inventtlmir money in the Ilk industry ; Irade

11 jcvivo mid linaiiit'ss will wceivo oitniitus all over tlm ciumlry."" I atipnoid yon havu muatly foreignaplnjcsiu tliemilia?""01*. ,ics ; IVencli, German rud Eng-

liii!\ Tlicy III'u very cosily. Iu Mac-fluid, f'ir iitsluuco, a. till wearer geifc

iibi>al'ta.7C ur 54 a week. Ldnirof tliume Itinil licio COHIS S12 to 513. Il wiw

llio cost ot liilior nliicl) put -jm find toiho eijitiiiuouly [n tbo l-uiuin^ uf sill;

inn nnd ntiicnlluiL' lii'ifi. Why, inItaly tho pm-fliins who attend to tin:reaving of ilic UBVUVI -rl iiluml. 00 c^utn

VYo get about 00 \ivr ct'itt uf our rawsilk from Burops nnd the remaining 40

lOaiit, from Asiii."

Mossrs. Barbnur-l i rofbers woiio of tlmn.uHt I'xtonsivo m:imi fuel (niea in I In*Ciitmlry. nrnl certainly pra-cmiiteiit in

pailiciiliir iiiduHif.v. I t in rt liruiir!

IP Unar quality of (l.ix tlit'oaus urc miniItictiin'd, tbo uDnrici'y.iniH. tboL'-tlimuid UvM» being niuile here. So liirgnl.

in tlieir b n si HUSK developing tliut Llie fhinow put t ing npauol l icr tslcitbivu mill

i I'utcimiii, wliitli, wlioti complete1, willmost duiiblu Ibiui'pindiiulivi' cq iTlio writer bud n brioC cmivomitiou

wilb Mr. TIIUUIIIB B irbour in rclaiton iftlie jirospccfs of tr.id». l i e nai-l: "Ai

iioHpcata xfeva rtsvev bolter. Times, ofoiirfio, have been n Mllln du'.l ; but Ibnt

lid !i"t nffeol. an noticb, ovlecuVhir oharaeicv of our n:

But within tlio lust Iliirty d

aouri, end 2 in 1if the products of tlie homo liuainosg

about 820,000,000 per annum, or a HlUo4* tban the value of imported uiaini-ictured sillt^ Tbo raw silk imported in

New York and SOD Francisco fur thesupply ofithe factories am mints to64.C0O.O00 per yenr. Tho American

iiinafaotnrer is protected by n tnriiTdi00 per conton the ilaclnrud valuo uf alimpnrtod manufactured silk goods.

The most recent itatfstics of tlio wiletrade of Now Jcirscyreprqaont that Iberoare forty-nine coDcerns ougoged in silkmanufacture in tho Estate, p itli IL capital01 abbot CC.OOO.bOO.'hifiGainsTTi Hlu'd1

ol builditigB. real eilatu and inachiuory,Tbo unuual product of theae mills 1Bvalued at $12,000,000. and they employnltout Bevcn tbuuE&nd eight hundredbauds, mole and fomalo.

I asked-JIw Dale bow long tho silktrade bad existed in'tbo Voitei States.

B always existed, according toour tmditiouH," ho iaid. "There is even

utorjr of n silk gown mannfuctu'rml forQneen' Elizabeth. . It bngan to be animTnstty,.however, fa 1831."- " Wbat are Iho preaeat. prospects of

trad,e in your HDO ?"

"Well, things are' deoidodly improv-ing; but there can' bo no complete'revival. until all these men tbat you seostaudiiig idle at the street corncra bavegot employment. It la a quesliou ofsupply and denand.. All iddushica nr,controlled by that. -Slipply and ilcmDndform tlio only basis oi) wliicli tiny indus-try can prosper. As for oar eilk trade,it has always, been >"kind of romnuticindustry. We ara generally less nffoctcdby fim>naial fluctuntionB, than otlicrtrades; still tbore lion been a good dealof depression in tbe past fotv years. Inmy! opinion the recuperation of trademust oome ,from (lib oinploymBiit oflabor, and that tleptaila moro upon tbongrienltural resonrcfls of tbo ODiintrytlian upon any other. 'Moreover, in myopinion it will depoad more iipou bulktliau Titlue. Wliat I mean in this: -TIIQtransportation of 5,000,000gniiu from Ohicsgo to New York requirea certain amount of labor. Mow, if2,000,000 bushels wproip_reprcseiit tlioname amount ia valuo, it would XIDIrepresent tha Bumo amount in employ'went Labor, therefore, (lepouda onquantity, not an value. Tlio tmnajitation ol the- products of ibi countrygives employment to Uieaoidle laborers,«nd tlic needs of tlieso. laliorcra give n'Dtimuius to the maan featuring in tores! s.Thoreforo recuperation, mnat, in myopinion, first;' commence' with nfjricultore; theo it' will run; Lbrdiigb all tinvarious branches bf industry wltich nroprodaciug goods for homo cotiHiimptiou,"

"But that is putting off tlio rcTivalfor nmuy months. Dooaihe epring tradeoffer:no.in(H«tio0B of arorival ?"

'Any real revival from tlio fiuancialtroubles of a great patio must necessarilybo a slow one. Look' at tho experienceof the past. Alter tho crisis of 1837tnule throughout the country getwrallylid not revive' till 1646—uiue yearsifternards. Well, aftor this last crisis o

1873 it will tako us ncvoral yonra trecuperate. Arevival depends upon theabitity to consume, as well ns the abilityto produce. Tbii ability ninst be felt iall tho branches of industry."

"Principally originating with npricultare and tho exportation of agriculturalpiodncts?" '

'.TCB, ceitainly," said Mr. Dale,are not an exporting country as ropiird:the produetian of articles of lubrication.Th's arises from tiro nature of otirjnstt-tntiouB. Wo aro & republic basedIntelligence,* and an iutelligcnt laburm-is an expensive one. We Imvo nolbinglifeo the poou labor of Europe,"-.

"Then jan eipcct to do withoutProtection when wo become an exporlingcountry ?", . '

"YCB ;Tjut not by the degradation oflabor, bttt'by.tbfl superiority of ourmachinery.' Oar labor saving ronabuiorynow bests the world. In Umu our labnr-Bavingmaohinery will unable us to com-pete with the worll in c«ry brancili of

ing to LII

uitfiirluioB there bin

ill; }.i-,<vr ( »f Honolulu,

oiguci* wboyIJoaoltilu tboru (ire-few v l o have annpporluuily lo visit UiuIppT QernmLut la very d

t'inii^ion, nntl b.it>romii)cu! JDiini.ili-ls, K'ic

'icl iu grant*fmv otitsiilo

iiOc men and

receive tlic ii y p;isby fittMiurr frnm Huiioiulu 'o theorMoIokuiouvnrii^d ubmiL leu houlmnnul bciiif; iioimj ci^liiy mileTbo- first point u-.-.rh^i U Knlullio luinlms fui-lSitt IDJILT-I. At Ibiwbonilistinfiiiihlio.

iug liiimi cirnij

J |n^Nua are expected,

of lcjicrn grcr-ti f l

10b a msn-bed reviv;il j nnd \vn ha'volbout H3 initnv ortk'i'f us we cm attend

I lliiult tbnt businn.'s will coutintietc fniinoco. nud tliiit tlie lovJral u;

A Culnr Ihidnr.In nn tincai'iiotcd, Ecaulily-rurnlHlicd

room of II tenement building on BuveuMiand BIui'Riin fitrcelfl, n low (juurlor of tbocity ut St. Louin, I Cuuwl olii IIolctildsB,•Him nolor dodlor." Holchlusai claims.lie dinuovcry of color euro, of which tlm

bi'lter, a bmiicli. He has not prncliscdit for ii iliizcn years or more',' but nt onotimo tbo futuu of liis woti(ti>rful powersextended over tlio west, and lte,Uuil inview llio founding of a «elinol lor lifewomulgatiiin of bin viows end the per[cclioii (if bin B2IOUCC aa be ctiuaidt'red,1, Holcukiss's ideiis ot color euro mobaseit on the propagation of tlio olchtio-ninpiu'tiR cuircntH, but Iio went furUici-than Pfcanonlon iu one ERIISC. uml <

ICH3 H in"hnuthor. Heniisociated diff-'retit mya witli tlilYerenidineafli)3, nnd gnvo to ovcry individnnlono or nioio fuvenlfe TOTB wlu'cli WITHcalculated to effect'.a ni.vslcrioiw uuil


jcoU Tho old iiiiiu stoutly mniiiluini'dtlioro WiisnolUiiiijBiiporuntural or occultiii bin treatment ur principles. To liiui "it was till Guienco but he Inckcd tlie abil-ity in explain aud establish it us such.

Old HCIIOIIIUSH'B cxplaiintiim of Iiifi

Iio visitor.] witb iiluiiilivc,juii'ic, well filling their isolation fromtlie »'I>I-'I) iiui) ilw grJff, *.» wo should

liipk, witlin their lii-arls. An v,e lonk

Hi 1 lie faces nf tlio nH]hioi;ui.i ftic music

wuniswelitl nt fituos, nnd iw if coming

from Hm inynlerioua cuvoruit of duatli.

For wo citi hafHty im;tgin« (lint iateUi

gence, tb nt Ibe divine Inirnitiiiy uf music

enn bo nttribules nt Iho uufortunutcs

lufovc U4 tmtl, HI mnatt to retake,.

tnintreiitly'(*A!rhniipyIAfl tbo da.v i« '«Pig.*

'i'fio flesli on Ibufr fu«aa is-milttrl im In'

>f a 1'iiddv, rcipjicr oi>l<noil line,

the eyes prolviiile tlnoiifrl) enntllor lay on,

tuid llmliiuul, lookingulioiL and fitiuited

ith ll.o t1ijii>u»D. mum* us if it ooultl not

Imftl ibe iuHtruiucnt. The plnytra nro

outig, middleiigoi] tiud ol J, nil in tlie

iipiliiim'nfitKet of lupiwy ; tbatiH, the

ifllicliuii if |wnf>ilty visible, but there

no no vanning c.iri^t nor Imvo bolus

liec-u onion ttmtii'jli feet, band; or b.uiy.

"Vlicn tbuKO uulivj m.Hitiiaiii luvo fill-

ilieii phiving lhi>v unh to grnct fild

nin}inni(i»H, nud ninny is tbo hourly

'alohu" (love .o,yo>0 wliiuli ]>asscn be-,

kveen the It'jiera nnd tht'ii IIICIKIS,

Crowila nf native Irporsnvc ou tlmboarb

exloiuliug Ibeir bunds nnd cxiivcssing u

bcarl.v 'nlolui" lo IIIONO ilicy mccl. Tbe

im foil [male vsprcsB Ibc zrcatvul joy nt

mooting old frirndn, nnd, ns is comwith Uiuvniinns mid oilier I'olynetriljt'f1, will ftit down nnil err with csof pletmnrc for a qmricr of nil hour at alime. When the Hood«.(teaivtisn [ta««dthey nro tn uu instant Irminformod intnibo most Itiiiglitor-loviiig miirhila. Tlie.vaei'in tu forgot their |ili,v3in;il condition,nnd rcvcil in (ho \mnt jmbouudud joy.Tlie confiutit from (curs lo smiles is nvery fitruugc'pli.vsioliiyic il rvactioti. Tho(iiveign tt.nmiH who look on nt nil tliiinro uficn Mtbjoci tn tlio M it mid hadum^of tlio lepiiia, find Hpccinlly of the yinilijwomen, Friqiicnlly n ymiDg and roy-hteriug letier girl will tippronch a for-cigncrnud osteutl lici'liiiud f<iraregutorpuinpimndlu nlmlir, but it of!on happensthat I lie foreigner, tlimigh nut Inalung inpal Inn fry, will fail lo respond, tbraiigli•imv of tbo lopci'H toiicli. Tli en tho girlwill burst out in saucy inn'gtiLct', nudfluisli up niih tlio rx|iie3Hioii of"Miflinuoe" (yon me afniiil). All tbeunlive j.itn iu nud Lsotuim, "Muknukola hnle" (tli|it foreigner is afraid),"Mai nti oe, n me Imuiliotii kana" (CJIUOhei'O and lot UH kiKH lovingly) was tboliiutttiog xaiutiitinu ot A ohurming Mttlelepreui, whose i.fflictiou liad nut btoitodout tlie tfnocsof, bciiiily in henobcokRnor dimmed tlic lustre of hoi' .urge, soft,ilicamy eyes.

HHy I'eoplo ViKit a

TIIB crowd of unbappj j o gtbat filled tlie jirisousrs' dock in tlieWellington Place Police Court in NewYork City yesterday owed tbefr emhor-niKsiDg position primnrily to their pres-ence in tho tree -and -easy on Orccufstreet which liiid b^en raided tbe nigh Ibefore by Uaptnin Byrao's officers. Thrsrenndury cuuscs were BO numerous audconflictiog that n few of them wen1

noted ns they were given.

"Why wcicyuu iu tbatpluco?" askedtbe Court of each prisoner, and the no-ewers camo as follows :

" Ercaupo I wus dbry, sor, »n' I wentID togitadbrink." ,

" Because it was wet, and I vent in tot dry,""EecnuftB I saw tbe light, and I wealto Bee what was going on.""Eecausol WAS comjng borne from

ooinir my couaio, aod I went iu to takesmoke."" Because I expected to meet a frienden1.'"" Bscnuse I bod no work to do."" Because I play there, being R mem-

ec of the band."" Because I wanted to earn an htmestillar by singing a song, sir."''Bccnuao I wti a stranger, and &

i-iend took me in," ."Because I knew the proprietor, and

rent iu *n see him."" Becauso I wanted a plow ot betr."" Bocauso I wanted a glass of beer."" UocniiRo I wanted a glass of beer,"" EronUBo 1 wantod a RIOSB of" Thiu ^ ill tmvec do," interrupted tbeinn. "Womust bave moro variety."" I wasn't a goin' to ntty beer, Y

Sou or."'No? What then?"•Whiskey."" I flno nil lbnt are habitues of tbe

>1acL<," said His Honor, severer*. " Let10 guilij man escape.1'

tliooiy will no doubt ho interesting, ifnot very BcicDlific nnd plnin. Ho wnys


ohs snys : Tho rescue of a mule iu Biou-illopnrish, La., from a well sixty feot

h ' d

thnttbr. htiui i absorbs mys ofligbt df different colors in. different pm-liortiona. "When the rnys BO absorbednrn pro[iHrly'b»)n»cfl(l according to tlio,temptramout of tho tndiviclual tborfi isperfect licitltb. DiaenHe is oconB.oned bytoo much or ton littlu of mimo one ormore myi in Iho systom. In nearlyevery s.Tfilem some rny or color predom-inates autl liccomeB a favorite nolnr. To[liifl fovorilo color tlio iuilividnal is pecu-liarly mmcepliblo, and ton much or toolittlo of tins favoritu color nbsnrbcd itibe Ciiunn of diseases of various eotts.

Tbo colorfi wliicb the (looUm pn( «n, I.ourgucd, produccJ a pympalliv butweonliinaelf aud thepaiiont as soon QG ho badntlneloil a corresponding nolor to tliepatient. By various losta ho eomplslodhis diagnosis, which cansislod in Cm-

ontoi* was itr excess or was

deficient, and tho ffi!Cti!>1,

a doctor (llbtribiilcd Ilia colur? iu sucha wiiy OB to obtain what be c'aimotl vus

i y natuial Wut what seemed tobo an (icoiilt influence over, liia pnticnl.With tho pntiont under tho si^llHutab-Jtiss, thraiisli clpclro-raujrnctism, hal-micoil tho rays in tlia needed proportionneenrding to the individual, aud the curewits complete. Hu KIIVB tbo tioie willoome when others will tnko up his iH«COVPIIPH, and tho relations of oulor to)[jyBic(il health and mcntul h:i))|'incaswill bi) tlernon'MmtoJ an ideally ua DJiilh-cmnticnl problouis..

PrrstiK'nl (Jrnnl'n i'lilurc.The Prrsident will leave tho Execu-


tive Miuiml witii Ur

u Satunlny, AIiucMi 8,. Gmutwill us the guc.-U

ll witii Ur G gBpft-uttiry I'isli imlil their tlopai-lnroE licli will bo early iu April,

i*. Sui'l^na wiJl Ulto up tlmirrosiJeuco thin week witti Hfrs, LewisDon!, in Wn*ihiiiRtnn. nud will raiininuntil Mny. when tlioy will also sail (In~ - t » i . ^ y"i . . . . . A T.. . I . . T^-.x.. ;

jf Bpftuttiry I l mforEuropn, wliicli wiMr. nnd Mi*. Sui'l^n

iJ hi k

Ulyssos O, Jr., tbileave (or NewidenlB Secretiivy, will leave (or Net

York on March 4, tn begin tho miiclicif law wilh the ilriu nf which ho ia ajirmlier. Col. Grant, wbo has hcon fn•\\fiiHliinuloti.fiii- two Wiulew ,ontr.ii;ecl"n innkiiig ciipics or the reciinla ul Gun*'ml Bluu'iduu dcst.ro.yed in tlm Cliicigoilre, will rcttirn to tbe headquarters•>f tbo Lieutenant General ah onco. Thedata which ho bos been nnenuinlntiupninco bBfc ombrace3 not only the ofQaiulrecords of lieuti-quurlers, Imliil.-toonii'ia1

mahriiil f.n-afiill hiatory t»f SIicridanNconnection with llio war. Tbo Presi-dent will give no levees nor diiiuors.The alulemcnt that Im wnuid give nforonoll dinner to liis Oubioet wns en-tirely unmitliorizoil. AH tho ubionco oftlio usiiiil Prcbidantini ICVOIM this Win-ter has IIPOU tlio snbjcot of cimmBUt, itcan bo stiilfd that they woro nbnndonodon nccount of tlie excited afuto ot feelingiucidout to tbe political content botwcooIliofricuds of Hie candidate* for tlio enc'ccjssicisi, iind Hint under tlto cirenrastniicCM it WHS llio'tpln host not Lo li..Ulthese levcos. Tho I'l-csideut lins nn intcntinn nt (ircHont fit tilting up Im,ti<>r-maucnt resiilciice in Washington. Tinlioiwo uhinb lie owns llicrn ivai taken byhim only to relieve parties wlio lihd.pnieliaseil tho trround fn>m htm whichUis own house partly occupied. Bt'Tnndepnriiug for Europe, tbo PrcMdenlwill visit tho WcnL When lie leavertbo Executive Mansion tbe public property will, ns nsnal, hoplacetl in Ibe cus-tody of tlio titiMvard <if tlio 'liotirahold.'It in presumed that Mr, Hnyrs will nr-rivo tborosnortly nftL-r lb« formal decl«rntiou of bis flection, Aft;-r !«•* hi-nugratititi ho wili bn f'.vma'lv wi-'cainei1

to pnsiowiou of tliu Executive

t it^^. T\ !.l a. _ _ - ^ * . f _

jndujtxy. , Qor" ' we*

t p i obr llio


x t i i e innd bis onlgainc,


A correspondent'writing lo

How Kitting null IUIscd nn Army.

It is not generally known among per-wna oiitsije of tbe Siotix coonlry bowthe grent Hiaux chief, Sitting Bui], or-Iginally acquired the Httlo band of des-

rnte men who follow him so faithfully,ir howhe has so lor, g mainlniuedtis

mtirokcn file. Ever eince Sitting Dull[rut declared war upon the Unitedtntcs in general, and tbe whites nround

llic Black Hills in- particular, bo bos.-ouslaotly extended invitations to thejioux on the reservations to join himrith tlieir families. But the universalpinion among tbe rusgrvatinu ludians

l)oiug, as bofore Btnted, that ha was siol, has prevented nearly all from en-lIiDBthomaelvea under bin banner, tud

jilting Bull ban been compelled to rely'or rf cruita on the Indians who hnvo com'

ittcd oi-jmoB in the settlements, andho have been forced to leave the juris

liction of tbo white mno's government?ov inslnaee, when a Sioux engage* toointensively ia horso-staaling, or in aliented momeut murders a white man, helies to Bitting Bull's camp, where h» isl B received witb open orms, Tbisefuge bos been kept open by tho greatthief for 0. number of yean, and thai heins continuously, although slowly, addedto bis forces tho most desperate men,trim dare not reaoace their aVegiuace,

o matter how much they might desire,or fear tbat when they return to tbo

reservations they will be puuiihed. fortheir crimes. •' .*

j cuusjii n rjir se' and ;

lerost hero lately that I acntl nu accountto yoc. It U vouclicd for by Bonio oftlio best oitiaonn of Ibo pluoa, wlio wit-Desacdi'ttj and I iissuroyoii i t is everyword Iruo. -"• •

This imilo foil litnd feet bncUvinto un old dry well Hixty foot decji; itis fitippnsod Hint llin Gdgo c>[ thecaved in wilb Iiini, .All offoitu lo rpscuolim wtira fniilloas, ns be wan completely

wedged iu. Finally, the'owner of thelule, Biipposiiig tliat tlio pnor crentura

was GDvercly injurod by the fall, decidedtliut it «'au!d be morn ajcrcltul in 1iim killoil than tuitllo^ him to titarvomleiith. Notknowiugflny otlior way

ot dis|>:ilcbins him bo had n on\ load ofdirl thrown ill upiiiT him. But, iunteadit ntlowioy himself to be burieil alive,iis nmlealiip quietly ulinoi; off tho dirt

and pressed it Ociwn with liis feet; tbusraisinp himself uovpnd iticbes above hisorieluul portion. AnotbiiL- loadthrown in, with tho pnrao result; niiijthun snmo ono Raid that if tlio mulewould cuntiuutt tmmiilingdown Ibu dirt,it was pnssiWe tlwt ho miglit bo cxtri-satcJ ; ib would l>o no burin to ivy,- anyway. Acting on this swgge:,tion, nil thefurra hands went to .worji filling thewell, curotiiily,pouring the diit in ontbo uidca ao ns not to hurt the mule. I twas slow fforfe flllinR tliut awip well, buta hourly Interest wiis awukensil by thoporsevoi-nuco with which the poor aniuaa'troinpkd down Iho,dirt, nud itJl workedwith willing Iinnds. .

Slowly but surely, inoli by inch, didbo ascend, uulil tlie great well was filledwitluu ii few fact of tbo top ; tb'on asconipluo."intly as if nothing strnuga hadImppcncd, his niule&liip stepped out safeind feoimd I I tttiuti, if fitv could Iinvtben been blessed with tho gift of speech

lie would liirvo Biiid : "Ali'H wfll tlmenda well I" Wasn't bo a plucky okfellow f

"Unclu Jlramy " Wiliinnis, tlie Dem-latic Goveraor of Indnuia, <ioan not

appear t« 1)u such n boor aa tlio Ucpnb-licaiis made him out during the canvass.The Republican Indianapolis Heralduya; " The JfcrniW lakes pjeasiirinD ad-

mitting thai it wa tuiatuUcn in itn es-Minute of Undo Jimmy. .Instead of arude, nnciiUiviited country pumpkin, Iihas proved himaslf tu bo a dignified",well-bred gentleman, wilb a ;.nd sumctt'bnL courtly grace of deuiGaiiorvbich wuuld not 1)0 out of plaea in any

ussoi«b).y. By c!oso nttontion to tbominor details uf bis toilet lie makes ]

otne.y garb ot blue Hccm qnitB a% olo-giuit us tho blackest uf clulb would be,and his persistent usa of tlie nail-bruain.irks liitn un a grntlemnti by inmiuclABliorttiiue OR., lie was invited (olittlo'pait.v ut a private hnnso witbnumber of otlter Oisnitaries, all <if whomfailed to jmt in nn itjiponraucis TJncStJimmy fuund him elf in tlic mthcrcin

ing |Hisi(ii> of havinbin he

a dozoncquittcd

btmsolf iu xucli a uinnci* as to takeevery licart uan'ive. By the* good1

iiuiuoipi. way,in nhicli be lakes theplayful liadinn^c i-f t.ba prtj** lit h u dia-(itued critioiam, and wo begin to beUerrMr. Wi!Ham t Trill b3 the mnit popnUr

kli i? About



Perkins is nuo u/ those progressivseu A'bu wont to Iry every new j,ivcn-

iou tlmt in Lruughi <ait. 11M hist frt^ik:n«lo g<j[ etitliuued on-r the tulupliuuc,nd bava ooo pntinlo '-is bou^n, con-ecleri with ono in the < fllee ou Culifor-ift sfrenf. He fore*iw gr.-at ailvutita-m rcsnliiofr friira ihiit niTniiKOineut.

Mtb bin wifo when luaiiitisa wan slucf;,md tell her wlmt liuiu Im >v<iuld CDOIB

I dinner. Blie c nild tell liiui whenibnuy fell down llieucllur Htni'ra andilined his DO3C and insiut on Pyrlanspiling ilireo or tmr doclora. Iu fact,

hd uses of Ib in instrument wpre innii-ruble and invaluable. Parkin i (num\

hem so, as will ho jsliown. Last Mou-luy ho was 1'li'iicn.iitiing witti Mrs. Per-kins abfiut a new buiiuel, wlieu n broth-er broker cume in to tee'nlinut BOIBOslocks. Porkins Utloplinnei) lo bis wife;hatlie was CDgupOil. nud tuintd uionnd:o tullt bust cess without dit-councatinglie instrumeiit. Uo talked about Jnlia;kjtn nud utber EUJCIB, wbilo Mm. Per-iue listened intently iit^ho other cad ofho Hne| occasionally' ciitcliing a nameind wondering wliat xa oftrtb he GO aid.iie talking ubuiit. Her susuicioDa weresomewhat arouaeil, nnd when Perkinssaid to the broker iu n loud lone m howcatont. "IM take Jalla at 6:80,'- flliuiuew tboro was n woman in, tbe cose,md conducted beroelf uccordiuKly, The'Ir&t thing PerkiM knew the teh-plionefas kicking u|» nu awful row. "I'll Ju-ia liina—wrptcb—villnin—married •Hf-"euo yerm—licre, yon Jobuny, saw theipdlo (iff that brocmi.qiiuU, orl ' lUkiu

JII alive—tthem's my vilbbrrs ?—justwwit till I get Imlil of in ID." These weremmfl of tbe nnunda tliut.reverberatedlirnngli tbo telephone in a crmluscd

manner, intermixed with n general rack-et tlmt denoted active aud warlike prop-arationain tLceneinv'a camp. Perkinssaw (bat bis only Buicty lay in gettinghome by ncii-ouitonsrDi'itct, and trust.'usin bis mginuttyin apponBing her wrathpvben shoretuructl fiiim her surtio. Heiccordingly lnclicil the door and tint bisplan iuto execution. Hu icnclieu lomeit about the samo as Mrs. P. iirrivpd atlie office, and putting his ear to tlio teU

nboue, lie beard lior trying tho door.Thinking touppoiso her wrut.i, be pine-ed his mouth near tbn vibrator nod said,n t voice loud enough to be beardhrough tho door, "Don't bo anpiy,ove,I woiildu't loi'k at any oilier worn-iti ; you know I luva nn one bnt you."Mrs. Perkins was listening atlhoiloor,nod henid bis eudcarinp; words, but mis*taking tlieir application; her 8iia[iicit>nswen> eoniiirnioti. A fttri.iuB broomstickttaok iij)on the door followed, nud tlie

irosh of jrlnsa told Pei-Ufus ih&t on en-iratWB lincl been clTi3cted, Mi's. Perkins

i rummaged tbo office, tipping ta-over and moving bookcases in her

jontcli (or the recreant butiband andtbat btiHiy Julia, lo the infinite- mnu.Be-

iut of P«rkhi», until she finally npsotthe tele{ihuuQ-stnad nnd broke the con*necting ".ire, A blank oucurs at thisnoiat, eiteoiiing until lateen tbo oven-ing, whea Mrs. fork ins enmo home of-:cr an unauccesaful scorch at nil the tlip-itres. Fcrkiua sa.vn tbo bvuiso eitend-iiig from tho corner ot bis right eyelaross tlic bridge of Iris nose, nou dinap- *peanng in thi loft corner of bis mouth,waseauEcd by mnuing nffninst n closetdoor in Iho dark, but it IK a significantfaot tbat he has Bold bis telepliuno andJBBS tbo wire for a clotboa-line. >

A Itnllicr Tongh Insect

In I860 I made experiment* toiow Boon .locusts won Id drown. Aftertuunning them in water twelve hoursth'o.y Boon showed signs of life when>lnoed iti the Bunsbins, and in a fewninutes commenced to, move. I tried'rcezlng. and come to the conclusionlliat, they could be frozen up uay lengthof time uod the warm suuBhine wouldroviro them. In 1817 I tried animalpoisons to see wbnt effect they wouldproduce an Ioousts. I put tbe poisonim celery, which the IOCUBU prefer tootbor vegrtoblca, nnd after ' obsorviogIho effect, formed the opinion tbnt theylould eat their weight of HOT asimal)biaon without ill effect to them. AsHiou'ns they hatched out and omnmenc-od eating in Aljril, 1875,1 took a can ofcoat-oil.unil a pan fur tbe purpose oftnnkiuga nggot to burn some that badjiiHt commenced 00 my wueat,; comingfrom a sandy knoll in tbo field. I pour-ed tbe oil in the pan, nad in movingabout the pan Ieiiused two or, tbree toleupinioit. I perceived tbat they obnngcd color instantly, and to all appearance

dd "" " - .

hum to life ngnin. I afterwards triadunl-tnr witb tho same happy result,'arpoBtine, alcohol, alkali anil- crotouil will kill them, and from the results

if ray experiments I bolievs that ony-Lhiugthat will Vill vegetable life willdestroy looaat life under tUo aa blitiocs. ' ".

I know no. JnHect that exhibits tboiiinninff of locusts after tiny, we fourvcohsolil,' When vnry young they ep-ical'to bave no sense, as they will leaputo wutcr or.fire if iu tbelrcourge. Af

f k l d t h i l l f Jler four-weeks-old they: will performictsot cunning that, are incredible totho nb'crvinff. In 1875, after they atomy neighbpr's crop on tbe cast, they setout for my field. I turned, wuter be-tween his and jny Hold,, and caused it toflow four or five feot wide in places, andjet it flow through the wheat tea or fit-

t-coo feet wide in places, I soon foundicm crossing by tboasands, nwinginf

[rom blade to blade of the wheat tliaflood in tlie rnbning water, I then outIlio wheitnnt, Bnt at the junetloo of t.dilcl i l ladlcfttwo feoco poles in tbeform of the- letter V, the lower endscrossing near the water of the creek, andtbo upper onda on either side of theditch. They soon touud pomage, andwould, and did, climb down a pole fif*teen feot Inaft over the voter uf BearCreak, nnd up tbo other polo into'in;Hold. They were making this. passagein ono continuous stream wbeu. I madetbo discovery, and thegronnduidjfrheatwcra covered near tbe pusag« by thosethbt bad crossed.—Milwaukee Jfeitt.

TUB OssTEit's ENCUT.—Tho drill fishis a wicked littlo follow, aboat tbo sU«of a «nail, and resemblei sotnewhat nperiwinkls in appearance. He bos aniustrument like a saw or svord near tbopoint of tbe uase. Ho bores a bole thesize of R pin bole ; «nd wben lie ccU:brough with an ovater, hold tbe shelluu to tbo ligbt and it will look like Ksieve. Tlio dnll fish is a singular fish,And is not verj Bootable. Hojirofcra totravel alone, and it found {a Blue PointBay and other places. Tbore Are nowrtuajr moro than tliero used to be, and•ho oysters planters aro —•*' •

ibauttliem. The drill ,.|ior|)etrato liis outrages through sheermalice, <as Iio nerer eats an 'oyster.When ban finished borinraholethrotiRl]the shell tbe oyster dies. Tho drill flabworka iti the smnraar and lias dormauin tho. viator. He goes principally Im

,g alarme

appears th h

the spawns, bnt taonass fhiuia wbicb baveiWage, •• •

Ho RWE prindpally fobnt taokiM witb readi

attained a good

Let, Chi 1.11on be Chllilrpn.I alffnys foci like- thanking heaven

wbon children aro rcul children ; wbenthey bave round happy face.i, aud' aroutterly without'nnj eeuse of respbnel-iility, find bulievo that this world is. a

IOJ one, meant to'piny in, and that_.amma and papa liajrQ tho power of aa*tocrats and the puraf of PortnnatuB,-,«

The pain, the cure, the trotibte; tlieprudeDco will alt coina after awjiilo.They will know what life reallv iaaoouenough. Don't teacli them too early toBSTO peonita. and count the coat ofclothes,'and know tbat tnon oy is hard to -get, and that this 'ia a world of trouble.Don't; toad them with such cares untilyou arc forced to do so. Keep tho fam-ly anxieties from their ears and pack

them off to bed before yon talk overwars and means.

Let them beiiavo that all the peopleibe/ know are friundly, and true, audbonoat, just aa long us possible. Turntbe roue-colored ligbt upon the scene,lad lot oil ( lo figures their eyen rest np-in in their young duya look their best

and their brightest; and oftcu tell themabout leaven and tho angels,- To tins pure all things aro pure. Don'tlend the little tliincsyour old npeotaclps.\Vli>!_e .boy believe tliii world a

disc it ia one to them._._ .. pnra-

In some sensesignorance is innocence, and tbe betterwe believe otbor people to bo tbe better

e are apt to be onraeives.To watch and work nnd be troubled

ihcal. mauj thiagu, to danbtfluJ sus-pect and not guard onrselvesft-om our

tics, does not make us any better,i fweacol l io ucceaetty of it, and

. y it makes as less happy. . Let theittle ones wa love kopp their trust and. _ * a... t 1 * ! . , * ' ! . * _ . - • r "

leap insoii. i pnsarau in» tuey ouang aT0]y H mntog a a less happy. Let thecd color instant y, and to all appcaroDOe utile ones wo love keep their trust andwere dead. I theu forced them in and tbelr hnho ont) llieir Jfjiith wbifa tberoliscrvea the same K&alts,• .On placmg m$jt. a n j y_B6p all worldly earo fromft?" !" ffi! " ^ " " V 1 A 1 " Si b"^§ t?™ wb"? IB prmtbto nnd prudent to

They will only come to tbo bat-le of life nt last with stronger hearts nnd

stronger Honls for having baon' childrenu long as possible.

Ia a recent lecture delivered in Edin-burgh on "Tbe Stars,1" Professor Grantgave a graphic idea of Ibe immensity otspace. He Rnid a railway train travelingnight and day at tho rate ot fifty tnllcMan hour would rencb tbe moon in sixnxmtuB, tho sun in Iwn hundred Tearsand'Alnba Oentauri, the nearest ot thefixed stars, iaJprtytwomilltouft of years.A ball fronVV&ni), travoling at the rateot nine hundred miles aa hoae, would sreach Alpha Gentaari in 2,700,000years;whtlo 'lifrtir, trnvolinff as it did nt tbe -rate of 165,000 tnilen in a soantd, wouldnot reach it ia lora than tbreo years.Light from soraa-'ot tbo telescopic starswould .tako 6,760 years tu reach tliecartb ; and from some of these clustersthe distance wns so great Mint light wouldtake half a million ot years to pass totho earth, BO tbat we saw "bjects not us.tliej really are, but as tbe.v were half amillion ot yean ago. Thcao stars mightliave beeomo extinct thousands of years -ago, and yet their light tnigtit prc&eutitself to us. As t i tlie magnitude of thestars; be noticed tbat it was computed.that Ahilia Lyra was one hundred bil-lions of miles distant troai tho earth,atirt its magnitude asd splendor were as20 to 1 wuen compared with our sttn.Similar investigations brought out thefactth&c onr suu was neither vastlygreater nor vastly less ihun the greatmajority of tlio stars,

INCIDENT OF THE ComnsEios.—8oono: United Staled Snuremo CourtRoom, while Senator Howe W«B speak-ing on .tbe XiOuiairna cane. Mrs. Tyler,fficlow'of Prysidont Tyler, wlio occapicsk seat next to Mrs. Howe, says to a ladyfriebd! on'ber I o t t : " 0 , tuy gracious Iwben will tbat tiresomo o'd mau getthrough t " Mr*. Senator Howe (who isunknown to Mrs. Tyler), sliorply:"Tfaero h DO law to compel people toremain if they don't Mko it." Ladyfriend of Mm. Tvlcr (loud enmigli tb beheard bv Mm. Howe): "Tlmt iiidy evi-dently doesn't know tlmt ahe was speak-ing to tho widow of Prcfiidout Tyler."lu*rn Eugono Unto (wlio n t on ttio leftof the lost speaker, nud loud cnonch to .be nurd hy Mra. Tyler, to n lody friend):'•And Mrs. I'yler probably is not awaretbnt tbo Udy on bor right ii tlio wife nfSermtnr Howe." Hero tbo curtain felL— Washington Star.

m * * —Tboro ia no position in tbin Hfo raoro

. . . „ -.,—., uoboalthy than tlint of Iwing ibo "old-iMol t t tento iinall oow, end provw it cat P.-eomaaon." Hois djuiug, nrBUy

tt-" 'muBli nil tbe timo o l l aU * '

A Smart who*] boy sayi it takes tbi

Page 2: :B IRON ERA - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · T. F. GRAN DIN, I'lop'r. Exmttt-nt ^l l t nccitniinnitntluuH fr trnna I lioanlore, nlitn a livery nnil li l([i' altHulitxl tit

•: ' . !;•; I H O X FAIA. iv;•-••:'"••;••--:'•;•'

) >f!i:ilii"rf: HAICTIO,

!».. !„.! «l Lit.

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a to 14^Ctti 1G.4 to 13.

PrECE^QOODSSprr-iiee mm* inuWistH. itfrirt srlptitjim iv pair!

iu«J I t i i t f.r;jjraorA) ii ?«vl in or na wilf-, nn.I »J»fp- ouijuititlttn. throng-boot I

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^'«.T«(IT4 i.'oLcuex. j .vow i.s-TriE 'rniB TO sscirfiE rr..« ; Milit Cimitr. I'fstit'c ji.nl. h.-st I'unntrV for:

- . . . . . . . i w w . l i .-*,.>pip. „ • . r , n . . , . , , - v . ..,..( . . i- i • : . . « , . , „„! H.f/ ' -v. i i .•! Mrt.n-lil x ' " ' ' , \ i > . - . , . —. jBi /v i i . " . - li! l . » n « i , „ ' ' L a m b d a , K-;t a h i t t b nf Di-. 11 arum1* Khun . U ^ " " ' . (>. t . i i l V J K .

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fr, May Uih, 1S7H


v a r i y i . i 'H ' MitT-r- l i -Tn- ' :;,,,I r .nM.wh. . - . '11-M.I- ' rreniMBtvl.* CSTTIAI to thri

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Mi.m mrt on V ' . n d « I1''"1 " • " * ' * « • " " • • " • • ' ' " ' " " • ' " • ' ' • " • "•'• I!r».V"i-. " / l'(.a,«Wp!ii«. J,|.I<~ I l..n;,,H >I,..,,:,,,«, IIr..l..1..(!<..

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i .'..Vi.' riff II'IIVU "The ii"o» .,fl'i"'*w .'i.r'i'i^.1. Ti'-v-tw nwivi"'"""^'11'''"';"",'"'"•('.'•"I''";""';"(•Mi to tliMc«!Ht(ttt, ti'it witfi-' nil r.ioti Tnvn^f itni!

(JM.-It'in! ^r i^ t , TJfii'i'ttvMi, ritit-sckwl tliM1"''** I'-irlinnfttN, nn iui'trn] .slii. ;:.ifhri«-!t« nn.? w-nt »*w with *A)«n'! | f'"" jr '»*!-i; ' V1iiMf-lj>b>-, in"

"'•riri:mf. IJ. KniiMt's honi»», 113 ?ama! "ai'Wi.",-->i-,'f, un;i i-fter Iioritifi (bronph tire ^j-,_ ^"onf^r/of T(*KIH, in n (

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tit nf A tunjvirtirr lnnn.'Mr, llltl wiiti Mill further of ('it»nm>.

3mt« of UM JUniR nf fijMn»p» daring,

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h<' r.,jnt>rr.!ly kit.

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tl.ywe tlirw ywr« ni followsiMi. - irJiv IMS.

ULIHJ IVlgiU l l B . f l O l (1K91T.10.•)ini"rT*«n" 19.ni.*)- •UA'A W tn .M *lHi4li..ii»rr. l.Lk-0Tvi 't.lui.ur |ij.iiil.(«JL«^»i»to"r*, i t u i -W ; « * . : .IJ TD.v.l.niUrtnKsa. l.iSltll'J- JM»»IW llrtiWHHTititffl'ntMf «»t . , 1 J.HU1 7.141 «) l.ftt* MTr«l>apnrt>lli)ti, 11.14(1 W- Kl.fttf f ' ."<K '.I.S. <Hmtri'*. j[>.e-ns4 7J.W w 3itu.v»i'

It I Hisl-'flbn**. A'.. U.iSVlM- 4 US* <*fJT,im.lff •


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| to flii> filfnow .S'ttffiT'w fI'»nw. i>f tvlnVft t i]^ j , , tini. SKJIIM;), r.h'.cli !•; H.I «r«itnjhfl- is TrfHimircr. Hi* ••pniirH ilehf* 1«) to tlMriirwt rwnrtliP-jtun. m

Hilnrt*»ofJinll"l*rrr •Clrrti'll *<T»lf« (In

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A Curiwa Cnta of Imamly.

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ri'siiftt*flt of K*!*v V.>rk siaf«v

Tl)» r^iirn" fntrrf HK* pMM<lf.nHnl t * i f* .f>f f i. ;T ' '"H .

i( hy II *;ititfl*tnttilt t

•nt to thiit nclnvt, l>rtf tt

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fl^M ttrtifett titnBl

lltM.ln.vfl.iW. II is^.l.l in Lii f.u't Ihtit IliH ecltfttil. whWi- (s- iiAinr|miv|i

W hMllbiMt or All: (Sn ii U (1M nwtil t,

; tli« Mp.jn'litnw'D/imr'Hfiilfcnt' lliili ijinrk."«l 1 Limn wtitltliA jirwient, whonliriciviiiTG nearly

at finite nnn-tmlf, lli^rit ton vcty striking rnn-

* firm of «-IVrnk «

• >t, inVn.l IJ-ith, Him, Henry r 'rr^n* I b r F ' ° t v ' * t»*nri*n.

I.-in. V«\. J. J. H. VVif-in. C- U. Sfm- Th«-«it!wMk of IK*- vin.l.Tl>M( in-.W-

i tli*i;ilittf<trni. .Sfrisic pln^-. ,•.! in r.ritw

••!>-i»r i inrl

*! in tlt^ im

.•.nuHtntiffnrn'T in Mi"wanke«"an/1tfiifi-r(vtt«ir.l hj-tlteanatefuw. Tb--(m'lffttif! tllnfttnitlon!! >pr«'(int"rliiinii)(jihrnrrtrhoRt1 J'tofpurnr ffiUT p t w - d</<>iif iiiI*rrifrtTOT IWf, of IV^Irtfi, ftIji« n-mairkuWe* <lfttotoiim«'Til « ' Hi<*(>-.i»ahm'r Ifli*gnip1>-which tli« loelnreri i t t

T i f t T i . ! ^ R , pwtw of lliiV*.-t Twon'v.nfnOt Street fiftpiW

I!r-v, !iff. ]f(iirHItc1titnt>i ortSilttflayrvirninp.fnif. The iiwd- wrtfirtn' wni

litr.Int worlt 'at hw* h»!rt#hold rintirs.H(» MIM that shu wa* in 'Pliitft^crffliM,r.»'l IIMPI (!i(?«)f1 Lfhrrtj ' ttMlriiiS o»lit-! ..f.il unit'.ntiFid^ lh« MigiiiHfe. of t.hftIi-i^irrtrinn of IH'Icp^riffcnpi*. J)«KttR!*>'- J!*-T(j|»'inn»j7 wnrt.IiB' lived in Nt«wVt-!-*{ urtil N*'w Jprp^V. Sit*- M ^ tliflt(!i- !•( tii* ""I(I<**.t oMmftifJ'* iniliPcity,f-!;« IJ.-M livt-d »tn«Io liccnnse of' lier.uii-v~'A'tH%at>fii In la*<i » li!>*bnn<l tf)l httrv.1 nt **iii.* tuii^f or tntmt not ' <f«*. Slie'ta*. ti*| Jfiv* AiiileraoT), uod U not ' lilfplytrt

An E»w;Iil))JJ)1»'i'wri)pA from Part* thntn«-v fit titfm i»' Ulie*1 ninctiiuRti" ia

T J W f(ttf;-i( «!)!)»»or \>in\t fiilk, thn CIHPK tiMttg

:,•! nr'liii'rrT linndA'Chitiii, ahont o- thfckit* (* tn.-mS'liUi** finyer, nml onmm*mli'(t

iv!fj»i) j-Wfm" vr r 'u l i 'wp. With1 oi'j{lil-

i.'i'l l/i'l ilivs f** wfii""i c tt fmift '120 'to.'^i^'/iiifcafl r.piff1, wft Jilnll moil nttflinji'1 Arr-rniiiiM lini'iHHly of tnilt-t," and' ii

portt ft«atti»l i'r

A f

rhT fii»*n -iMitriijtr, tiftltti^rharm tin-chiR Sli* lolil

i'-m lif t..f fio'nff to

TTi*'tramp Iiw* limy 1M* iirfprtiv^ in tatniirtthit'rw. lmt' i t wnrktt'*(•!!• licrmhrttiW

nlmti.'fcntilnrlng tltn jiflwt wltitj-r t\nr pitlnoniliAVfl \i*tm imnftyd <tliifl P]IW«I nf pirwirw.- Tfcrfnfly Ffn(«{; Aft Krvm A


rt- hFotrn lift, nml nutfivjifi*.-J>IA tt-Wtt Mllwi <m tli*. Wp(.l: fillv'-tlir*!tiro in I ho1 b^mi'iil. Of MiMu'tJIHwndfrrf dim"nf( 'Liie'ufifM ; inf 'ilie if»mftiti':

dw f«-w nn> ^ T ^ t ' " ! t<i 'i-pfloWr, PJnirpolicMn^n un; nmnnfflliH liilW. Theeisct nuttilj r of c&Mtnilieala natyctknown.

nzfaw (n (wn nniJ « linff years ttnprm

t, Ilin^Hi(]ii1li< tninnw»nii|cnt, for

tkntbnrity '•( tlie Htntc.' 'l')a(*o funiifl fffiitly.nf bi»li t

i i r t h o p a s t . \oni- , - s l m w u t i i f i i l ••r! ' ' l to'litafahtlife

tlif <rttpinpt.UTnl f aIjnt (livtliKfi limn ni TonM m.t fj«

OIT/, F*h.- t'7tlif tltT

ft:— f nod'rpii m your I/wtivpek'w^ Ut wiy Hint uiy

Arn yon nftlAvdl <thf- h-liM trt tnw» (lifit tli^y nnr vftry^K'tiv«ion tlmt-(wint?" }Ty.Gratdm*Ur,'fyimifjet thrtTi'j-ou.Tnpntlnn^ WhiTi yon fjoBk1|ijrinf( ftlKint His ccinnkry frtr teenV'lild iip yoWjaptr and maba it1<WIJC nut rind t>* pirtfmitnf nf whrtfn 5'0n fie^

i down on yon and Hi" charniof» will I* lwt forOTcr. Jui.u.

'. " ' • - • • *.|—xht • I ri « 1 I 1 ' 1* r r t W(W a 'iiowhi* emif(riitmrt fromnlitnh'ttip li^t of :13 CPtflnd'iiniinii^vVwl I *WrH» rJnin*TJinmlfti*; the cmlj^rntit'i ti-nv-

aji|m>]irinit»ly iliwl inmt t ; ' litlmlr>dth: IK-nttli onfl ili* ptf fcrt hr UiHr own«. • T1S*7jcar," ut«y"

Soiift of |lie oil Sn-<vhi(*prrf of^PeonM-I-'wnKdwrn-mnHilmtfim wftli-ftwi Wl-nhn*,"' tin*' liiillininre' origineftT,*1 wilh'' n

netor, lo nin Iby «(! iiSpi ]l)»t oil*imnflpnrtiifirtrt; III' h Hiolij;l>t: Lh«t'.can ilftHver'itiafe:• Uiittioinre • (Inuft-ia)f Die cmt o!' mUway: tram


*r BfKl now'wjnflii th«n trt LongUtnnchmlntn^. Amoog Hie dpyiartarvn, ivhlch

Frdnd" ami •(WMforn tW*

« dmicB pseli Oilriny the1

.V HIST:—Aii'nbontl-'iivr ffwiil nbont n n'el( mr*tn; if Ihs H*»

U it own.1*; untU'rinii itlj*ek oRttiti inan liAarnr l*f». T" *ff»re th« pBTrrnl'-u'.J.it^r] ftvr '1 l r'liiM Milfl from niesl' Uiif till, in li^piM thn'- li*» 'will cftt it trt' th*>i'llcfvnl. M nimpty (« jjr*t"?n( bfni irrtm

]..iii'nti litf-rftftyirieipuettittH frntrt inkin;: .me uriMt of fnn.l ntt+rartwhtTiiy'

^ w i l tii* riftW: tlrm-, • nnH"be' tifcMii'ttiV. rtilfin nr nnrtir**!, • at in* rigat

tlnnj'" (ilwuyf* lUiwhn^ liy liirrt.' if',V"«i'Itin'i ifittfi t(> tJi«ffD t liinl ofefftrj'llitngt'

r, M ml *i

i•thkf "IiHtiV't

tbeend is nht :ypt:!. MfPtfriRj ,if£-lio!<]klmrnt ntgbtfy; ^tfi ; i speenhej, Mrntailft,'t J l l > f 1 d ' d k h d j i llib'

n M n n d . v e r y b i i j s ( o m »I, HHtl nvet'iins.^iilnifl^d' ii' tlie jilwlee; In' Allenloivn;

cftB'lrtiiHlrtiil noil Mxlj-fiiiifiijiflrt hlgnbd,(ti:m{*tit»*o«n;'Nfx* liiirttlmtjnn.il Wtiny»t <:r->i>'"itr; T 'yr t fipemt to be'ii'^eri-i-rai uwrik*Mii!i(rnii thn sn'ijtiet; otf ti*m-irfTnne-. Tim »(»(<• Tenii»'Mni'a -\lii-mn»]in*arr:tnffti1 fom revivilctinljViujni;

n In prpvair"intry, uliit -lirincn'ilffltli

mil r^nfttw ixi mftTiy Ii'itiwI^iftU" Atlhit-'-Qn'iilu-Ctiulntitnity," i t ia irMtod

Jmrl/imr fitly flidflm, ni »- ownii.l. -,iiil t.vtm ttnrtlt 3.1(1(1' jwr tiiiiriB--,

»f''(fw» "{rtfc (»»•**; •« lim-n f i lni"

l;» nil of whlcl. I


, Afl old tramp by.tHit- nftm«' afcnnrnwnlf. I iwwn'w " IJiill«»nip," Vtifl li

by(.tiitif; difttlipwti^pbfftoii"!! frtm-clicrtln "fa'tftltf tn'tfi^'ni'ns or-'ths' dnf#

hJfhli"lih<11«'TO'hpI]iing- to- dwitiou-lvtiW^ Apollo.'

In jofot' mmtld^'biw' ap.owiiiB.' fSnrtinlwtnnw*' ofotintyi Bi«Vi»tmy,Stnplien'

IV. C.i(tpnr^lIannvfir*T>ii*fiI'-G.' Qutntti;1;; Cyftmn Tfoe; S l l l l CIj y

i' (?in<ii; MmiWlUw, C

B.-M. Qulmby; of M

l*»Ti>1i.ni);Olil»ifoffl'l 'to Col-'Ely; of

tiln"(*-;D5.1Vhich'riva B M ^

, trocew, of

d itrt .14 oeotipanfi) )n Ute cminty.joli.

U!y*V. I V ci«»ra gore; p p w)uva bfiKo iwpoct«4 the private1 nna.

»^7i\rni, Xl/U lJ*i*»fn"!iL':iri

» iny .Tail. Wititr flrut

TTi y fir*?" pon^rftlly" H*?nt ^ip' fnr .Hi** nr t

iviiiwi fof.' \Vh*n llt^lr t»nil* -oflipirn t)t*y Iwivfl town in" xtxnrt;

rf>h*vhlr fnr fiiir:of'aH*ln- b*fiip .irtii ixft Ifft li trt Jti'. • 1\V (Jm

Inww'ibst tli .T firti «TPr rii rrv>«tp<l;'l»nt 'i

^fit "\fftr 3i*fltL fjuti'*'5." relict' of t\lti tn

» wrmnn in nmnr-nf!DR Jivl th« jtWiMsiim of til h»inltnpiiM't until bpr <1HI»I. fih•nn cipeTt-XTflii-lil* n«ii11«'r.n i:

(•T ' itnyd. fJirrfufl (lip. (twt r#f«iirfuin sb»T'Vi't Hi* TwipffJ'p.i^^rh

f, fnlIr.l.H»rr-


chnrch (in'Siiiwlivy \wt:

- Fin* 'ftiftffctwiijw; Ifiiilfton Cmmly, W:Jr,

Kft Wnrwn Fonnrlry, nt Tfi(IHp»hnn|. ivhliont 'nrclfp* nnel ltnv<* rlwwrt *i)t''f

kn." iHM-pky: liiniwini,' a - IIIT^O TI timber of€Til1b#n* rnf tif rmplnynii-nt.' TTiUls'tiinp lliMft'ivnrii* hnw limn>nUn»ly


yai>lHAVP«tiifUipKliTliiiR Mfiin, atImryhi- nml liAi b"nn' Khfppinf;- H

usntftliM- Irt

Hntf fill" lifN Mnra uri'l htvivfiinR (I

TfiW dptnilB HTM tfto r^Tdlting for pnttiiml

jwnio in FAiil lo bfl j d t n«V Ulfl1 irto^ti thn Stnt.', a

britiff in oppralirtn; Anil"ragal*rty:

ft-r; IVUrnviwrty. hM joltifd: tin* M.'

f thpWnkr (iap-lKTZ-CKntoii.-

teinlny'Iwt,"killeil "a1 baef .-whtc-h veifiliMl*.1o ptnmrltt fltJJiwttng,' unit ilrn»«!-i irtMpmnulB of inent"-

#g tttnV were t^ih) u f«w (3»y* RIWin, ^ • tier," At !-a per hUrfi.

Orin ihndiwd ami- nhiMy.t«o

nlrtnl ,\nil fjiit lijtok lofjrin»r liiiv1" unrt trtiinl timi'ibwis,In 1 Wl WWTB wf>rd Fnvi>tit*t'n nfl'i^rs in tlw

nuKe nnil IfftUHP.- Now w# Iwv*''iti. ilw^twl* «!*n»* IH, ttutl iinnrly NX MHHT? in !lli"i>'oM». lit isn3 it -(vtMiMrly SS,t«ln-fur rx-onw fifofflwrsft-rbntH J^MIKM. hi ' IS7<f

7 iitftwre; nn.J f 14>'JM {u 81 R*nntoT**urt n-«io*Tors;t>f tlio Hmw(it'Afawmliff 1 Hud itUv^rf ^*J^ut>tran Itu.

IN fa t>A !r(fi*Mif!ri thitrWtnp-irnnti in' tk»fiiliir», &>t ft timont limst, WhirhniratlrRWii

tiin qtciil f.iUlng AiT'of work iu nil tli» df-part-'

f ilJJn^ off lit 111* runninjf t-i}»9n*!«. •tli*nnp(bniit tli* tStnte <U"mnn(t ii(-

bt will lo*6t1Il#tijiptu*ulof*ll t«piyOTWint1i«»fait#.-. -

for The Udte

p tvonti«t«« cmtrnaim ratiHt (Itlili

pir.r.«~*ti*in vrr* wiifi.rt)j>»'nr,tirnni>inii tlAuU li miliitnt' t«'liE>rp I'tlwi, Y-f turn r.»»..n

I!IM oafiirtni«t» »)»Hi-irr a*n Ti>ry-llptni»nn(i«l.v,til" ».;nii]r tit T.i(iti*l t« tinl nr rail, lint l>« n.nrhw w ! ) * ) tli* 1'iiinr* F.star*f1 liy tiilllloniunn

Ifhlnirjill'ot. Ul^^ililtiiu* n^thpmiiTi'tTr. llrije*'

luirrmt iniriD: SPECTACLES,--


'\\« n*mwiVouifUt A KillMnr*. drna>nintw**i*l>IUtwd3;

r».; Snliili

titfl*.' I t - f i t OllMVIinr • » <1

[*orouh»irtlrtM(nuVrH l<llijViiuj(lit

- - H«wii2J.HsJ7,v.Mkufnnt Bf«m)n,..F ( ; t f

Wm,!fo- Harriet I ,

. John K*Hj; •Wirt'.Hlhtffli. •

( ) "VVm, Wwtiwj..D«in O'Crmiwti; , Hrd(mt(l'Lnn^hlni;John riMHMij-, J.-.'MMDTM- Kybaw.Dftvii) SiniUi, .^Eiairiptwu*.-

mtnni" iad gitu <i*to of thl»tlm,- ' ...; A.MiEEHun; r.- ir.i-

nr. ht tlii;r Hmjkiun*) trtwn»t?ip-

: CCfiPARTNERSHfR?.1 Vtititm iw Ij*r«hy> g'rvi'n; tlttt1 n • ctpftrtnHliip; hii>t- te-ni'tonmil hy Ui« imhwrib

otltr (ii& rirnt tiiuii* of T rdnotltr (ii& rirnt tiiuii* of TuKianr A^irdiyi(-rr Uift pnrp»H> of' contiirainir, :th<t bnnt ahrt h i A w I i H W l t ciuriml i


it Utfl ivnnaal tnwn T

irtjwi, inn T H t n u Y XDuEh *tii; at 2

Mt Wfarm alitikrttrt b» vnt«ll t tirih

mtttr lJlh, ISf*.



E7EHVB00Y •Itonlit ilwiji nr at Ihn nM pbtm.»ndMK« 11M- iupi>rti ktnek J>f TOVS if ill

*,nntifiitid nr tiiu lim-ldiwiKtw. U\SH!Ki<»]-'vf1rrj]('*rnftti0HI GMIJV, ilmwina Leninnienci OifcOittii", Coaniiiut* «Pd • 'NhtH'tifk'tirt-, wfr, t(*., Ut ha- inbi wir? thaap U tilm> limn-. L'diuo »iul mu fut- jijorujbJW.

' Tlio-nhwrlhiT. Aiinunistmtw nr tlM putt.nt ittlltt'.RV W-MtHIM, ilieesmt), irill f'Sal TIJII11U S \ r K Ml tiia l aw rua i funr -

vnntaibtnir fi«r i.mni witll'-< triiir. Thelii

buililrnft*. FWir'o[''.'\LL"alii>l]s'.'li:heroiR

J'Jienalf wit) uku [jticji balwafuib* Jiflnruot l ' i in l -5 i.Vloik, niico:t-<ii»litli>ni ivi"- '

favor:Nontiiimly cromiA u n : tH*- awwt f

Tfi» Spring;; cbrown.-

frol,1 bHwVJe

Tfi»TWnf' Silting

iJf-rj.cn b w i»: coming

tciriT vitt'iiiko tlta jiitoe of car-

ore Jolrauis And

Galloon in tlw to' trimming -taxIk.lrn^*.Enttrr lillm'nw alrtfKtly.'abiinrliuit Id'the

Chi Omnd Htwet, .^ \V, liMMWnno nilk-n ftll thn neurust «hu)M am tilling et $1 p«rfflnl.

if«?ly;hrij>OTtod; i t : in ftlniond^red, wiiii«i UIH t,h»rHJ of it UlilivBpoou nwl tha color

Thunfit OnmiV'Jory; of-Shw111-find nil TwnMWt'hmnimt'ofMii

«ill U if of k net otimmp*'i l b

>nd tmtfiriont Thf-ir Inrt Knd 'crowningartrun cmnmlliort im; Ifmiitay, when: n .comrilo anil ft ronfcfjMittt* imdorfrtnk1 trt' cheat

*>WT IrJi-h«roni»T); uitli IIIHIB rhililirn; IKWt nnly | mnnllU-> oH.-ont'nf i M;ltiif thM tlwy.hwl u MUohm»mttin

;omk TIi" KWHI* VP•y' ntilma«*. MBII thfi

niMmtM be nhlppcdW

j p y ,fmn'inftl thl* ilnrmn'l. Tijjal 'Advlra m

llt, a lawyer ^ iiiU-mfiiett liimwlf-iin-tho

ITiioiielTK'ntm "wiir nnt >titi[it". !(«• SpritiR

Thfl'Tj-'ir^ a A.' of IMrliWs IFd ? i«BMb'


nn in truili. 'if Hn-rni"«y'jU«'re wo ftivnV*- u

' nn<l 1m«t lli*( nn KIHHA will I.B U-ft tan-i'tmiil'tU^j' rawivo meriltvJ

n n.m\ b U cmifiwler-

ft in J


] TSd Annual-Ti'nt"hfp;Sff>Ptiue!Atra«-'['own»hlp;\riUb*b»id«U


drblrt litilir«nh4crtlH-ri>Tnn'qii^t. ..to iwmiiiff iiiimwrfiaii'Ir, unit Mlo^ififinnfeU ti)R sir&iiii* run in) hPruU* HotWM tri I

1 Id wi[ililllllIfli»l1llT'lf..im llllnrft'UYiiniM Iti^rtte'riillr,'.

l2-iwT> jolismrtirii

i'l-avftcxl (it IffT<J;,"/t,;t Mto^nitirnrtmt Aiit*-rttl»Lrg»li.tiiro,'»'tlinHiliMlmttKinn ur tilt:iinrt«-'th*n<nq, hi- pin*** Turin; IM IHV^H.nitjidnDnldtn i n r ^ W i

J33 MurUfii Hr.J I'liil* oljiliji, .• AUo »Renitnr Sinrtrt'* Dicwt .if y , J.'ni'i.


::.>r.fiitnT£KTOs; i^ixtii:-i«»^ifevftk.

rs first-rimime>nfrin^

t-rim a*wmR.f>rin rTV anl)oniiKr^i^t

o > F w i R » A rTiil M9-TJH)»ilwiy •


Bt Virtnanfdn order- Cif ilio CfiBrtorCtsn

.Into li«r«ir,iiiaii»nj|rwtiarriii Viler FlCimk

,-vim Jini ri^airprt-- ut uppesr nod lil^S,tmnar.ir4n'wer tn ctre cnrnpUitiuit'i Mllita otMnrnllif, Illirtitmtll .Is* ,} Atin1 uexWrtlw

F.'Ofce, dau-ii Jriirl3.H"lB7!I.eoo Tno*- i'lTiTieliTvo*liipi"f iltiiKlnlptti' l[mn»: Qinnty.'Ntw

Cli-rk'n'OIUPP. inil"V)kV>2nt>ntfirir;{t^eii, [u

lllivoimpbuiant UmtmhtirtEltmDilt.. An.i;,


unites tha attPBtinn ot :

Jr...is <l..r<tn.UTii. IlUurniWe iu Febrntrr





C offeeSr Caameti Ernits and; YegetafaleSi.A EULI. .USB ATI


Until purtaliio »urf £>riek »t-t. HxULSO

PLUM ai N t wa.RK<. ^ • a j ^ ^

- H . 1 ;1 Tim riiroplBltun of KniKUt'4-'Amanrtn JJ&U--

! of liu-rnturei- iu.tl*ui cunmrr, n» Ulnarkilhu.tuliuiiucixt niimplellon ula ft«oit l l b t

! uailuriPkic^,tin' lulbir nn vliicU

l i I I i il3 l)« ™ * « M p « n f t ulx utpunit*. Amerinn »ml f-Wicir, l i m ,

I buen- <li3CHUtlP iPda«ltiii,|)roc«Mwa ul itnr«v) uaLnrc liivu-litmu (saiflincil, uml lliu bt«tt htt»,!prot1inuiiUtli.ireiQiinici».;£h(tiiiBwitw«Mks,i niicnUlio itinnmrriPH. tnd trujiB t>l i-Mvwtnuft ;' li^vi^^uwuilieilvaixldiulli.ftUtliiHimDiaiiiu"

, , CfjlllfC,iWi#;KJ,u,«wl jmrailw wimhtfldd-ot«)>.'-_ ! [tlii'd njionen. lu» tw.m HiibicuKsU-tu tircfill;EJ rL^|iiin taU cnniicnntttotn nod, tor•-'«»»!«•**•;

iiiHi-nioiml* cnnitivtKl s.tiieim- (jf 'ittiicKinifmndereit itiYiJu>6'e fur. riarptt*** cf t

l d AdJ t O i t! I l

rLUUBEHS fur tbu branoli Qfllw t

uoorrxo; GiiTat kurert mwkot ral«», -

f itttoffi'of .iU'-kintU' IJ*-•DBlVEH1\TKtLS:Onr'TUBvyyi^is tapenencti intbe kbnvc tradeahlim niiM»JM*rt -wnb confiiltiucHconbih'trdaaar tjjdnli'rurt Un ilrii line o( ttwk W

M) cnnihtaimfiCtlotrottlw emptuyrr.r


„ jrliiuicftl nod iiieilifln iibrarr, tarvinl u|»to lim Utmtdatc*^jiwttHtiatlt ut i\ia tiflsprrtifiuti*" ni tmmil .flnrk, and ill1 itnjMHSHCi; ta..in

i l i i l n

Tlieicnim of tliin«nrk enncrrns AcricniinrilM»oJ»«n;rr. \Trt.iil/MtLBi.:(>liiM. Ptone.-tliYC*niunt. .tari LUIUUM-"Wiukintr

f l d J i M i i A l U

andcttM'r Mhlurm; sbiBR;. hiUH,i T ^ l b U s r j F&lfArt-t Etertrte,

h O b t l i J o t l

nnU;utK.Im talni, t w n i l (herft werntn ,|

that it h3t,prOT)»r)T-»F „,. „„ , _...nternm (iab4Wheil no iKwti'ot i»imilii-muut* ii itli tfl-tt o''M'ft<r twee, fuvv?U)IIit*lrBtulj wotaMlr brnaubtdo*iH(itlK prrwnt fln&.aud'•o foil fi/ijita*tf«tianm. Vtntitit^ nrtT^mn^p b i io^"*itiflr?K kt nftmlBi tf' c n^iiiflftm^ ^ fnoniu DICRI '.and 1ciciiti6o aisn >ad mio'eni* nf**wrT*mdi>

witl lifleji «ii*p««iiiJi,eJ*cl J

fJevJspaperS: andc Magazines:

lappty of SOTION

»»oldcheap and ra«t.;.


XL ACKE3, bii HB it »nv

notxcillFTtt qnalil?tiaciliw»ISoHpMimer." and Lit htnn inentMfnll,riinrbHi)

fur • jium* time Tli*. machinery • rjicmst* of tiai Uiltr aiiipmi fur ;llif »ork

l i t l 6 i t

KHtrrarfmniettiKiTfie owiitr not baini; a-niiatniritl e*U ;lhehWGr*'perty»'

ljRvelifrmuh«am sod t u n n A i n r B ; init'tli*»-irili:aii»-

I dad a ci»itant -nnpjitoin(nlai^-rnnn»n[ in-(•traciioagiMrransCft a* to ba'tifnibbte'-fijt-intutnt rnerrmeti: Tfia imrkmnitthiaf ihrmluod«am-ficuvn Tolamei,:nod Aiill:b4 fraud..•o inrnttuMa' IH DIC «f.«feW"ji« Isth« ftjmijf,tbn emtntins-ronKr; nrnt tb*. wnkabort: Kol.rttri-rilomi(ion«i»or(ccuBWt*.pti(Jtiibefnn7clifliiren^aiiapteit t i it U t.i iwikon 1 ilntmllame wbicli -tmy bi*o an unportnutbeujng; «n;

llieir if Te famer^.

I TnE:MW.npiDE:raEss;-c!A«niiipOBi.


1.1er. Site. as*,-. jw<:

NKlQHBOUn A-SMEy virtnh ol'Hip abnvifftaiod writot'fiun

A^Dt<lHT7;>Urt«ri««i:tbA:UniV ) l l l

omrionil htntfi

plity-*i'n.(i.-il«Bri!Pir' invt >nn"iinniTn^"'3ntii? r.*i; incno. ,3, •nnliii<thi» . l ^ i ^ C, ' ; / " ' I o """•|M("n!«<'««r ihnSTniriBitn*!

nnwi lifahit»|j-llipWwMr»hti^Mf"»!iVl^i(«i['fttlr thliv-dnrnint-<<i*r f,no tmtnired'fort t

•bir, 3p(t and Fli-itllt-Good* furlidii;»

U-CAPE:• GAIIMZKTS; at redpccij p

Adjpnrned: SlierifEs SalfeJ;In aianccry nf NWJer«er.-ri;.rs,-.Terrainor

WJ'MIMCWJlirp-niw*- ITiafBin JicahSkinnrr-iYbniBdTYdta

Dated Jano»ry.J3Uij 1

I a«mit jitKtljf dua tlib Sturris CnttLifv'lifti- and ~F7r9<ld«iira*ieecCuiiiptJiji/l'Mtite>'J

Irntn-.thcni.ibls I1HTH)[ tht) inH.nniDQiil *

iihuut rebuiauf.iatorstt;MrIwli»Hi

M6mitanmt.N£ IS,. Jin nary jOOlhi-l 3TT.'

Page 3: :B IRON ERA - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · T. F. GRAN DIN, I'lop'r. Exmttt-nt ^l l t nccitniinnitntluuH fr trnna I lioanlore, nlitn a livery nnil li l([i' altHulitxl tit

THE IRON ERA.. tlAKCM 3, 1811

DTL. & ff. K, H. TIME TABLE.l i e * DOVEH OCIIBO mtrt;

Tbroneh Hi l l . B-25 A. J j . ; OiweRO Exprcii,I 50 A. 41. ; Eiiton Exprei*, 1 M P. U ; E»tonExprrta, J .H ,P. M. J Os*efio E i p r a u , 6.17 P.M-i HacketUtawn Eij i rci i , 7.JW IV1I.; Harris*burg Bptclal. I<M° P . M.

ntoit DOTKB actxo E M T :HtrriKbutK HpwUl, 1.2s 1 . I I . ; Dover Ei

prt i i , G.SO \M^l IUcketUkmn Mall, 7.30 A,

E^rcfs" 5.20 T. BI^ThronKh M.ll, U I P . V JBvncusc Eiprm*, 8.08 P. M,; Eaiton Accom-

,i:on, 8.30P.M.CHESTER BRANCH :


10. MJO-(B

7.05057M S«,«6 4S


Cbeiter 'TlortonIroniaSnccamnintM=C»in«rill«-

1 Port OwnDt

tiarwuuA.M. P.M.T.W 8.657.na i.is8.03 4.30-8.W 4.408.19 4.508. SS 5.10


HIRII Bridi4.00 ,e.ioB.37 c»iir™, " '6JW jlidiitcYailoi0.47 O-rrrinV.K,

6 S 8 - ' Birtley,7.0S Fliriden,T.lB Kravil,

SOWH TBIWIA. M. r. IT.0.5O cm7.43 4.407.37 4.197.18 4.067.0T 3.M7.oi aaa«.« SM(J.« 3136.35 16S

Weekly Statement oi Iron Ore'juisjxa THB HicEKratrowK SCALES, n i


TUB WEEK ESDISO T E C M P A I XIKO, March 1st, 1877,

)b«t2t H.ft. (Hnrton a, Conrin'i,Soecasrinns, Vanatta and Chea-ter JnoctlonBtallotu,)

•ortOram . . . . .fMhope /louriuin View, .-..'.., ...... . \ .

434 001,311 19


ToUl .

LOOAL jorfmss.EL Patrick's D*y—17ft inst

Spring opens nther Hajwy.

Town JItaiiagi occor on tb« 13th.

^uJland-Jlo&ca^ ofScotls an? both*?rwl fe

oal thieves, ^ t ,

IissGre«nhaa opened a select school In

V Bine glass bethi are to be naed in the Mor-a Plains Lunatic JUjtwn. :

[ Spring made tti appearance on•itb K very fine, dear countenance.. An entertainment, g^en in,

i flQO tar the poor ot Boonton.| Mr. J M . r . Kelly will visit Washington to'

A the inauguration ot Mr.tlayes. ' ,*." SiViil' Morrow, of Horrirfown; fell

p> the Ice latt weok and broke her arm.|, Bar; W, II. WoBrine, of the Bocond i l . E.

b has been quite ill the pant week.| I t l*jald the natch will be applied to the

« furnace on tho day of Mr. Hayes*

I John Lawrence of DrakeviUe will removeD German Valley ana at*rt a harness .shopnthat place.' ' . -

|, John Peer, » veteran of the war of 1612,d i n Sianhppe on Washuigton'B Birthday,

[jed 86 years, -_ •

in, of Morristfiwn, hoc jnst1 his periodical drool and commitment

b the county J a i i ^

E Mr. Jetxo a t Sharp, of Budd's Lake, pro-erecting a fine residence' in llorristown

d taking up his residence there.\ A bin has been introduced in the I t g l i b .

t to exempt from military service firemenrho have served aa such seven yean.

I There are at present 212 inmates Sa the7 Coor House, crowding It to its great-Mcity, Two-thlrda of this number are

S. Ljoa, of BoontoD, has leaned &{aPassalc, N. J., and will shortly

it with a fall stack of general merc

Afeativalfortheoenc&t of the Stanhopeding room will be given in ths Crosson

g on the evenins« of U * " 1 1 1 3 U t * n d

A man never loot* so Helplesst as when staodlo^ trpand I

1B Bton waiting for hia wife to t

"Hard timea" hare, bad a dapreesinfrt on the "secret societies" In many parts

| ' t h a State, MOW* of which ham had lo

3 quarterly -fttrion of Morris countys, I . O.- pf.*O. T., will bo held with

jiirrnonnt Lbdae, Mine Hill, on Wednesdayh H t h . • . •

e steam saw mlQ properly" below theriittown depot WM sold at Sheriffs- Kale

I Monday to Jan. G. Voungblood, £wj., for

E,.~..n<>, Iba photographer ii deKir ins -1 ) highest praise (or the *artlstio excellenceM* picture ot the Into John Eoderer whichf ban jaat completed. -

ie of the papers about here haves...—ectlythat the Newark M. E. Confer-* would meet March 1st I t win meet ouj^neada* 5SU> inst

wtecelpVof the Women's Muuonsryy of tan South Street Presbyterianh of Morriatowa for the year endinga r y S d w e n 91,231.33.

L « W . r«rtv, ftjr thB-bencflt of Mill'fck M. E. Chorcb, will be held at the rosi-| c e « f Mr. Jerome B, Vonng on Wednes-| . eTening aeit, if the weather prove fair.

' s lEtgineer Crook of the Newton Firient was in town on Wednesday an

.d trimiieU-ereaUy pleaBed with thex in which tho Engine Honse and flp-

<* entortaivjient vrBJl b^ given by theit school of Flandefs cqnaitting °* reci-

,n^, tnnaje, etc., on ThnredoyS nest, tba p r o m d i to b« 4eioted to

I erection cf a •tage.] ! Tonj^* Keenan and '• Ed « King, th« wi

o engineers, are holding »pecial religioiwKola tho M . i £ . 7 > p o t , N « w i r k , the

JB-of which has been kindly gives then bywriutendent ZUaaoner..

e glast baa advanced from 10 ccnla toIs a foot, and caunot ba had In large

» for thai mun. In fact i t b difficultit i t for chorea -window*, so gna t Ii th<

d for H for madlcinal rrarpo«»'I Jarga nnmber.o| labaren have1 of M«en employed in tbe new D., L. A \9". Tan:I itiider Btrgra B0L,' Hie arching of ItsV " length ia abort completed and if ?a'.byyU wdy forUMIn»h«» vffM

Burglars liave robbed Mr. Olnrk, o( (

The D., L . 4 W . railroad bridge flCBoonion Is bsiug htreugiheucil.

The men at the enr nhops have bfipu wort-ing ten hours a day this wculc.

Reformers meet In the Countyne i t Monday morning, at lt>$ o'clock.

Mr. " Ad." •\VimJ-iuH liae gone to Bethlo-hflm to work. His ' family still rciiido ii

X11B firm of C u n l l & Searing, Uoniabiwiihas been d s o l v e d . Mr. Carrel]

coatinuts (lie btiFsicces.

Hill, AiKctnbiymau Cooper aniother Iioontonians pxpeet to witness the

" a of nayea.

Dxwlhly meeting ot TroiectianHook and Ladder Coiupnny next Monday

fcniug, X full nileutlnuco ia desired.Pnrties who indulge themcsilves In writini

mrrilouH things uu COHHUIIIICB' Sales portedabout town ata ia a fair way to get ia Irouble.

Oue or the finest of tho many parties thissrason was (riven by Miss Emma KIIIR, at Ihiresidence ot her mother, on Wednesdayevening.

Mr. C. 5f, Jackson, one of the most r<iMted employees of tbe car ahtp«, will

Btart on avUit to Sweden, his native country,next Tuesday.

. i " ia a gams that IIAH lout inter-est In the eyes of onr Democratic fricndM. Itwill take eight poIuUhereafter in "old sledge'to contit game.

Kov. Mr. Pintter^of llockawiiy, will preachIn the Presuyterlnn Church.fiabbnth morn,ing. Tlie pastor will preach In th« bvemng

i Scripture Holinewt.County Clerk McCarty announces that the

ballot-boxes deposited with him last Full, maybe bad after the 3d ot Mnrcli, ngrcnnbly to

recent enactment of tho Legislature.The Dalldtln saya tho best looking girl ii

Boonton is not ashamed to carry a marketthe strueta. Vibcn amarriecl

man geU Has bad as tbat hs nacds watching.Iu the Senate on Thursday the amendment

to the Morristown Airylum bill, nitl.W.'OOO to complete the work, furnish thebuilding anil Uy out tlio grounds, won agreed


It Is not at all ptubalilc that tiiero will be"any Democratio' post mimUrs in Morris

county the coming four years. The westerntide of tbo Union Rinlt building isn't near asattractive as it used to WAS,

Eyareeeutactof tho Legislature ballolboxes deporited with the Clerk of tbe countycan be delivered to the Judges or Inspectorsof Election of any township (en days previ-

vi to any flection held therein.Another abaft will be worked at the Rich-

ard Mine at once, giving employment to 18additional n*/n. Laut month 2,800 tons ofere wer» rained from thia mine—tho largestmonthly production ercr made there.

The opening of the spring season Is ex-pected to be very lively after tho long' laction, caused by "hard titaen and pentiluutpoliticians. We have ons word lo say—theEu'is a good advertising medium i try it.

In tbe Morris Cotiuty Courts oa Saturdayie coie of Mrs. Mary II. Luse TS. Jesse

Hoffman and Samuel Jones, was postponedtill March £Hh, and Ihe jurymen, except thepanel intLft case, discharged fur the term.

The February meeting of the AmericanInstitute of Mining Engineers Is being heldin New York this week. An invitation warreceived from the D. Ii. 4 W, I t It. Com-

ty to visit Uio now tunnel yesterday after-noon. ( *

Expressman Wner has bad a new officefitted up for him In the depot to which hewill removo about the lGtli lost I t Is largerthan his present pines of buaineBs and offer*other' facilities for the convonlenca of bispatrons, . '

The firm of King & Johnson,town havo gone into bankruptcy and hav<made art assignment for tlio benefit of theircreditors to Lewis PJcrson, Jr. ' Their liabil-ities. ,it is alleged, will amount from $22,omi

m tbe Isrnelitisb feast of QuoeVEsther, 'a day of rejoicing' among nil theiHraelitcB. I t !• celebrated in commemora-tion of the elevation of tho Jewish raci

idcr king Ahasuerns, by Boeani of the beau-tiful Qneen Esther. . • - i'..

It is expected that a biU will bo Introducedi tlie present Beau'cn or.tbo Lcglalature lira

iling tho number of polling places to one foieach district of 800 voters. Bbould this panany further division of Randolph townnhi]would bo mndo Impossible.

Tbe Cavnnagh Bros,, livery stable teepenat Madiaon, bnve b«en Bold out by foreclosure, They intend to contlnuo their bushieiwat tbe some stand. Mr. Bamnol Kcjee, olMadisou.ailcnlerln hides, has also failed,aud will prclmhlj be sold out Boon. -

Dr. Blakely, of Madison, who htm beoiapplying tho pbwo olDr, 3. E, Tao Wagner,while abtent, is to locate at New ProvIJorice.Mr. Bliier, priuoipnl of tba Madison Rcledschool for boyi, ban moved to Brick Church,nnd Mr. Lowry, a graduato of Princeton,succeeds him.

Attbslale mcelingnof tbo'Convocation!of Newark and'Jersey City at Hobokcn re-cently, a committee was appointed to makinmngementa Tor a joint ineetiug of tho tw<Convocations in May noxt, tho meeting t(partake in a measure of the nature of a dio-:csan Church Conference.

FroF. Miller, of Bockaway, berides biiFriday evening singing. nehool for adults.tiaa opened one for children, giving lesson)at 4 o'clock each Friday afternoon la tlirooms of the Y, II. C. A. FarcuU shoulcaot overlook nuch an excellent opportunity

ir learning the little onea to sing.

At a meeting held in Trenton of member.of the bar of Now Jersey, it was resolveftbat a bar association be.formed, called UuHew Jeruey State Bur Association. #Thejmeet again on tho^ 14th of this month. ExChaucoUor ' Williamson, Attornej-Uonern!VflUBttA, J. O. Bhlpmon, Eaj, , and othenwere present.

On Sunday nfUrnoon Theodore Hiring near Springfield, was kicked under

the lower jaw by hi* horno.which he wotleading to water, Tba wound i i a tcrrihltone, Beeves lying in on unconscious rtahnnd but little hopes of his recovery beingentertained. Ho 1B A boas carpenter by

Hourly cltwenhonr* between Huurise

]ltu,'.j;UB« griddlca oro recommended for

Home of tha M>«li»ou folks waut to c*>:i,OU0 on BiduwnlkB.


All llHliing for gome fUh has beeu prohib-ited in Greenwood I-nke.

Delavrare, LaAuwnnna k Weblcru etockftn down to O'JJ on Thursday.

The Huwton Debuting Sniriety has declineda cUtllcogo from the Stnubopo society.

TJhler'a Farnuae, ahore GlvnUon,blown out ou Tliurecby last for rcpuirs.

An extra train in carrying eight car loadsice from Greenwood Lake to Jewey City,

daily.In Ino P , , h. i. W, cool calos o& STondny

tluro wns un uvtrnge advance of about tun:uLs per ton.A club (UROcmtion intend building a new

UoLul lit Deatoa'n l 'olnt, Greenwood Lake,it coining scauon.

Tbn Hummer resort pwprielor nlreadycVkH his prospective patrons with \t

(it b!ue-(jliis8 windows,Ancxrivationbafl l ieen made aud walled

uj> in the river, near the engine house, fortho use of the ntcaraer.

Thix is tbe Um« Hint entorpriiiingclnnU Bboultl beyin to court tho spring trade

trough t

"Andy," being now sure of his tenure intho post office, ha« gone to wi tneu tho

lauguration of Mr. Hayes . .

The congregation and friends of Itav. W.II. Mi-Bride will make him a donation visit,at Ilia parsonage"1 oa Wednesday evening,Murch Cth, o t half-pant ueita o'clock.

Tliomas Lindelcy, formerly of tliip place,D I engineer of Fox's Thealru, Fhibdalpbia,hich triM 'dMtroyed by flro lost Sunday.

Ho Is no«r»lBltltiB-liliTrron(I«*tn Dover.' ~^

Tho IVenton T m « American 'roys that8>'nat«r Kill's record does not agree with his

sent profession—that during tho lout twor s lie ha* pendsteuU/ Toted for every bill

appropriating mtney which, came beforotbnl body.

Fox's Theatre, FhilaSelpbia, was destroyed>y fire on Sunday morning, and s carriagea;U>r}- adjoioicg, bclougifig t o l&r. 0. J .

Rogera, of JIorrifilowD/was damaged to themount of 8 LI,000, which is covuredby on

inBiirouco of 405,000.

The raining of tho water of GreenwoodLato has caused soste damage to ihe differ-ent docks around the loko, caused by theirnot being properly filled with stones, to keepthem to their places. They art now haulingstones, and filling the same,

Mr. Samuel Coss Is lowering «nd straight-ning the Itockawny river, beginning below

the residence of Mr. 0, A. Gillon. which willgive him a fall of about throe feet where theriver borders the lots he is laying out, com-

Jetoly draining ibo property.There are indications in all qunrtcrn of the

tAtc of a revival of the iron intureBt withtho opening of Bpriug. Tho Tbouias andCrano Iron Companies have recently receivedlarge contracts. Tbe former company busalso negotiated a sale of 10,000 tons of ironatobout (13 per ton.

. Dr. Miley, of Drew Seminary, willbo present at all the services of tbe M. E.Churoh to-atorrofr. In tho' attemoaa hawill delivor en address at tho Missionarymeeting of tho Babbath school, and in Iba

renlog will preach a nermon. Dr. Mile/ isconsidered one of the ablest preachers in the.11. E. denomination.

By advertisement elsewhere it will be neenthat Mrs. Itoderer and Mr. F . 0. Ilungnu,

ave entered Into t, co-pnrtnershlp to con-tlnno tho boot and Eboe at tha


Th* erer imneranco drama ofTen HigkUino, UarWom,'1 will bo given

ia the Siiccosunna SI. B. Church on Thusdayanil Friday evenings of next week, upilor theauspices of Etnanncl Ixxlge, L O. of G. T.of that place. We have no doubt tbat thepeople cf that section will Uzd their, pres-ence to make it a cenrty success.

Tke Miniu'g and Engineering Journal saysbut week of American pig i We note sales ofabont 3,000 tons of the. Thomas IrotfCo.'nNew. 1 and 2 X at quotations. With this ex-ception we learn of no business worthy ofnote. Tha weakness in the prices of certainbrands of iron wbich we noted in our last,continues. We quoU No. 1 foundry at $20}No. 2 foundry $13, and forgo $18.

In noticing 1*4 week the death of Sir. andMnt, Hezekioh'B. Timbrel, of Mino I|U1, wemade on error in Baying tbat they both diedon tha same day, ' i l r . Timbrel died onThnrsdiy and Mrs. Timbrel On Friday,although there was but eight hours inter-vening between tba two. The husband wasMventyflli yean old and the wife elgtty-one,and they had been married fifty-Jive jeora.

Tha milk eoDectors, running on .the Mid-land, did a rnoct praineworUiy act Itwf. week.They scoured Ae hifil»T«v» «>d by-»»J«.o?New York »nd vldnily and supcoeded In ro;coymng «hoql two hundred Jniljt cons bsf

longing to famera shlppmg milk over thqrood, which had been BO long in tho possess;ton oTdishonest dcalcpi tbaj Utey' lookc^upon thent aa their own. Tbo cam were re-tunied*to ^ f j fofnwi j F r i d ^ . .

jornero/ Warren nnd Dlokeraon xtreeta. Iatholr hands Uio reputation of this old estab-lifthed IIOUHS will loaa nothing, and we wiaiithe now firm abundant SUOCOHH.

Itev. C. Olark, Jr. , of Baskingridgo, wanpleasaatly "surprised" by hrs peoplo lastFriday evening, the occasion being his 43dbirthday, at vbldi time a handsome familyBible was presented to him. Mr. C.'s pas-loratfl with this congregation expires thisSpring, find it is reported by some thai hisaext charge will be tho Socond M. E. Churchof Dover. . • , '.

In the United States Circuit Court ut Tren-ton, on Tuesday, an interlocutory decree wattentered in (lie cam at Moses Taylor agent ofIhe New Jersey Zuia Company iu favor ofIho complainant, .Thin decree'perpetually

•joins tiie defendants from tbo mlinite'and magnetic ores to be found in Mino£18, Sussex cructj>, and appoints 8. D. Oly-,ihant tnanter to take account of what hasbeen used.

A Sussex County debating BOcIetydlscaBsedthe question ;"R«BolvcdF That'tho love oftntmoy has more in&tiauce orer the mind cfinad than the love of woman." If wo wereliaoutstng tha matter we would take IntojomtideraUoa the cost of keeping thewoman that confers 'tho love Tbe lovejf woman 1B a good thing, but when it costs athousand or two a year it becomes monoto-IOUB after a while.

Two hoys of Hibernladecamped from thapiooo on Monday taking from the hoi•he father of the youngest a gold chain and£40 in monuy. The wuno eveulug they wen>bfiemd by Mrs. Trowartha ot this placevba ttiought it otrongo they should havo BOJiuch money*- The father of tbe youngerInd captured him in town oa Tuesday morn-ng, with nearly all the money, but the eldervnd tlie'chain wero missing.

Kenslor & Smith, the populnr barbers, have•emored to their new quarters in Chaso'swilding, on SUBSW s t ru t , where they will bejlad-to sec all their old friends and the publiotenoralry. ! Hesidce attending to tha needs of'heir trade, they will keep a choico aelectionif Began, Imported and domestic, and everything pertaining lo a gentleman's toilet,ouffg, collars, 'ties, perfumes, etc. They

i' huslaus, and will do their work Insuch a manner as to deservo a genoraus sHareof Ihe public patronage.

Calvin Lock and Willhm Tiller; (tba latterknown as Granny), appropriated to theirn u a bag of mool, belonging to P. V. k H.Salmon, on Saturday night hut. They weretracked through tha snow to the unassumingdomlcll of,'Calvin, where, the meal wasfound. They wero arrested by Dtmstoblo-Toebbus on Sunday and placed In tho lock-up.

; Theyhndabearing on Monday before JosticoI ISlQilam, and in default of boil, wero com-

mitted to tbo county prison,' to await theaction of the Grand Jury.—Bulletin.

Mondial Arraitngo inforniBiis that wheu bowent to turn the tramps out of the stationhouse on Wednesday morning nix hardy fcl-lows rat before an improvised table mnde ofboards upon which was placed.enough foodto feed at: least twice their number. Aftergorging tbereselvoti upon tho food they tooktho Urge amount thai yet remained and do.

Those whiliberotcly throw itgive Indiscriminately to tramps would do wellto reflect upon this in connection with thefact that t h e n are many families in tills townwho need food too badly to waste it.

After a Lapse of Time.During tha Revolutionary war, a young

English officer was killed in an engagementwith th,e AjnerJMiiM near Phckamln , $ . Jt,-and, .foe yeafs b,w ancestors have endeavoredto Had U s burial place, llecent AaTclop-nients have farnlshed a clao to the restingp l u e of the British officer. The Hon. Ron-ald Leslie Ifelville, brother of the Ea r l ofLeyaa and Uelrille, and Mr. Hugh McCoI-loch's partner, mentioned, when he visitedthis country last year, that one of his ances-tors, a young British officer, had fallen herodaring the Devolution, and that the familybad never boen abje to learn where he v o sburied. An American Mend of Mr. Mclyiljefyfl Just found the grave, well preserved, inthe gtavo-yapl of Fluckomln, Over it was anjonomont erechid. by Dr. Benjamin Hush, towhom tho voong CapL Leslie's father hadl»«fl kind i a Edinburgh.—Semeratt G a u t t e .


- Tin, Krcniid M. E- fiwisly rf this piBontu lime i<go pi)rtbased for tho porjDtwpublU' worhhiji Iho c-lil edifice ronci-rly u

ori^iitul *(icii.-1j. tnitl lutviuif Viimpruvtil il dcdieuU'd i t with appro-

prime f t re monies GII Wctliiehduy of Ihi

iiiHTonr o r TRE EDDTICK.This old liiiIldinK, alllifiDyb now greatly

iiUiiforiDitd, retalld to tuiud tlie primidiiy of Mtitbixllhin in this iwctlon. The fir*tcentvr of religious inttrcut for thin donoiui-

ition was thu house of Morrift Duty, the p:-u-rr of MethadiHin in Duver, wLoru tlie god-

ly nrj.l tlw cantioM u-nul.l collect at Klatcil in-tervals to listen to lliti csposi t ioaol Ood'a

by l i e devoted circuit rkl.>r. Thatco»t houiulhlng to be aMulhodiht in thote

niiy be infirred fmiii the fuct thnt tbc*oof l lm lU-uniijIiiution were then looktj ion ruiuiticfl liy the nibble who uxjirmuiGd l

of them by eauting at them jeersiiwultfl, aud oltiiuea uildlnd cygrt. How w< 'fttbo fuitliful Tuw [wrformod t h t i r work undc,KUcb diKtiHir.igiuy circutmtnuco* k miwleptttniit by Iho p r t w o t Mruugll of tbo societyilicy thui iouiided iu thin place.

Tlia firat rvguliir prencbiuu in Dover wasabout tbo yeur 1B34, the place being tueu ii

it-.' iu the Newton circuit, wbich etended (rum Nuwlou to U i IK) root , aud wuathus iu charge of Itev. JOB. Ayrctt, who hadiu bis n»4uUint Ucv. BKIIUILJ' AudrcwB.Evt-ry othur week one of those miuUtcrs

ould VIKII this Kcction, prtncbiug i n tliemruiug In the B e r b b i n Valluy Hchool

Ilnuso, in the afternoon at Milllrook, wheretbe pretuut cburch hn-l b teu ereuled snnie

jirovious, aud in tbe uveuiug In tbeold ucudemy in t b u pLice.

Tho erection ut tbe church nt Millbrookroved uu incentive to the denomination ia

tlilK vicinity, and ihe congregation becuuiiugLrgu a cburch ut Dover wan tnlkcd of to ac-

lodiito the tunny wlio were conipellodto atteuil Bcrvlco ut Milllrook. Iu Ihe menu-limo tho Millbrook cliurcb was net of fromNewtou Circuit, and added to the Kockuwuychnrt-e. Aflcr t u b nuiou tbe flist preacherla nkiirgewiis Viuccut Bheiirwrd, ft young un-married i m u . In fuel, nil the early preach-

OHtul Rilitry L.lLg but S2U0, lo wblcu weielidded a fow preseulH diulug Ibe counw of tbeyenr. Mr. Btieppuril, after a pustonito of oneyeur, wux HUuiteded by Wexloy lludflou, whowould preneti iu ItouLimiy Iu Uio morning,Millbrook iu tbo afternoon, and occasioiiul-ly in tbe eveuiug during t be Summer i n tbeild red school bouse which stood o i t h e site

of tlio old fcehaol house «UU Btaiullng ouDkkersott ultevt Alter Her . Mr. Hudsonuiid nerved oue year XUv. Jnmes O. BvgeraIteeano pfwtcr, lu tbe spring of 1838. H e

I every other ftibbatli evcuiug iu tbeiild.red Hcbool house, which wis tbe u n trpfiuUr prtachiiitf iu Dover aHer tbo sejura-ioti from the Newton f i r cu i t Shortly af-

ter the iKlVL-ut oT Mr. ltoeem, Millbrook wastaken from llueluwny nod pluecd with Do-fer, and tho uuiou WUH called tlio Millbrookmil Dover oluirge. Bt i ly in t i e xpriup; of

thnt yenr (1833) tbe uubject of organising anoclety lu Dover uud buildiug a charcb lierovm (liRcasHod, aud for this purpose a meet-ing wiut mlled one ovaulng iu tba old BCIIOOIhouse, of which David Bandford vrw Chair.man and Her. U r . Rogers, Clorfc. AfterB n t deciding to organize, an election was

, the following Board Df TrusteesDavid Bandfonl, Aaron Daly, JameR

McDavit, James Devore and Henry 0 . Bon-uell. Two uf UieM Trustecfl ora ctlU l i r ingIn Uiis v i c in i ty -Mr . James Dovore, of Djrk-Bblre Valloy, and Mr, Henry O. Sonnell, whoresides on Frospect street, in this place.Aflcr organising, subscriptions were solicitedand tho work of building commenced. Mr.Hfenry McFarlan gavs the lot upon whichthe row cburch w u to be bail t—not, an aomoauppose, oiily for ft* long as i t Bliouldbo usedfor churub purposes—but forever, in consid-eration of the sum of on? dollar, Mr. S: W.Hearing, etill living in tbiH placo, waa tbebuilder. . lhe.paoDle.gaye_m>enaij of theirmoney, mateiiala and labor, and Mr, Begempreached ia the old BCIIOOI house, o r academy,

s new cbar tb vras building. Tbework progTOBsod rapidly and tke cliurcb wasdedicated early i n tha. •winter of 1838, tbefirst bouse of worship in Dover. Our infor-mant (Mr. Honry 0 . Bonnell) docs not recol-lect who preached the dwlicatory Bermoi

it too Bov. James Ayrcs preached tba aer-on a t thu laying of tbo comer atone. T b e

new structure was in thosedays considered aflue specimen of architectural beauty, andthe congregauott grew rapidly in site and In-fluonce. Immediately after the dedication agreat r o m o l of religion was carried on, andlarge numbers, including many beadi offamilies, wero converted, and joining thochurch gave a great impetus to it* new life.

Mr. Bogers waa portor in charge one year,nngBccceedcdin tboSpriog of 1B#9, by Itev.

J . M. Tottle The other pastors of thochurch, and t b e . order of their successionwere : Bevs. B . Winsns, W. E. Perry, M.E. Ellison, N. - Vansant,, Jus. DobWrts, TVtn.Burroughs, J . V. Fort, Wm. Christine; J . 0 .Winner, E . 11. Griffiths, A. I t . Primer, Q .Tan Horn, S. W. Hilliard, John Kcnrlct, E.A.'Hill, Martin Herr, J ; W. Benin, a 8.Coil, Tlins. Walters, J.. K. Dntfels., ,

Tbe project of building % now cburch wasbroached wlillo air . Seranwasstntiooedhere,bu t nothing defluate was done until Mr. Coltp u t the proposition i n practical effect byraising $3,1100 In subscriptioni In $1,700 inborrowed money for tbo purpoao, and pur-chasing tho lot upon which tba M. E. Chapelis located on tho 1st, of. July, 1870, for$.1,000. On tho 11th of BepUmber, 1B72,tlie first yea r 'o f 3lev. Mr. AVuItert connec-t ion; thfl corner- Htono was laid, and $1,000additional was subscribed. On thB 18th ofJuly, 167^, the second year of Ecv. Mr.Daniels'charga.tho old church was abaudouedAnd the chapel dedicated.

Her . Mr. Doniela diBcoumged the comple-tion of tlie new chapel aud during his pas-toratti a. diBUOutiou arose betTeeu Ihose wbifnvoredthe pastor in this view of "the caseand the friends of the chapel. Ttus cuitniiated—shortly Biter HOT. 8 . B. Jloonoy be-cause pastor, in tbo Spring, of 1875—in tho

\ wo! of a numbef of the tncmbers oftho church. These formed the Second M.

Society, over which H a r . Wm. H.MeBrida was appointed. They securedPiereon's llall an a place of worship .and con-t i n n e d ' t h s use of it till Wednesday loutDuring the post W a t e r tho old eOiftce was

afterword disposed of i t to tbo 8cc«nd M. E.TrufitecB. and they at onco began tbe workof remodeling and repairing just completed.

•mi KfFltOVXMXKTfi HIDE.h a r o added ft freshness and beauty to theaid structure tba t Is charming. T h s foun-dation has been raised sevenl feet, tbo ont-elda luu boen repainted, and tbe Interior hatibeen transformed inappeamnce by tbe brushof tbe a r t i s t The ceiling is neatly laid outin frescoed panels and UIB vail In the rearof tbe pulpit bos been omunented with adesign in i rewo, creating tha Qluiion of au,arched recess.' Overhead la the motto, ingold, " Holiness to the Xxird," and above alla Bible illumined with rays of t igh t By ablending of drab and dork, colon ttfsv{<work of the seats and, ^ e ga^ory la made toCfotriUuU (o |he pleasing effect, which Ufurther enhanced by a-handsome wabautpulpit , the work of Mr..George A. Prcscott.Tha Trustees, under whoea superriaion thiswoTk hua boen done, are MeaerB. -AlfredGoodale, Jamca A. Ooodole, John A. Lyon,Mablou Stage and William George.

, ten, « id 11-VR f . H. firnilli, il.-llrid.'I l iUu*nv,l iurriL . lSraitb, l>Qiiw!hniidlXil .r

Dr. Uariiiie uminuuc-d the r.;kl H j n i n :

Ti/tt tni'ili* i/vfitifl Thy Ilir'iU!:.''Attlip Mncliwion of this Ilymu Bev. J. It.nitielN oflt-rf d prayer.

W. W. Halloway, Jr., and IJev. J. K, Dan-iels—the former readiiiji the ttilh PmJjn and

were followed by the singing of tlio SCitbbymn:

"Orcat EiuR of Olory coma

Rev. Dr. Bartine in conilng forward todeliver hiB ucmion thanked tbe peopluttutt hymn. H carried hint back forty years,lie rather likud preaching and thhiiked C>odho was a prcacuur. Ha Iikc4 all religiousdenominations, but liktd his owu the bestTborefore he van ttmnUul thiit be nan ailctbodist preacher. Ilowaiited to turn the^tleulion of llio people to » practical sub-juct, the text for which was contained In the

vento of tbe 13lh diepter of Ut Coriti.Uitatis;

Tliercfore, my beloved brethren, be yesteadfast, uiimovtiable, alwnyi abnunding inUio work cf the Jjjrd, foratuuucb as yc knowthat yuur labonr is not in vain in thu Lord."

Kxiowiujj Uio pressure upon .our coin innswe did uot attempt to got more than tliotopical outlines of the grand nerniontlutfollowed. Tho text, be naid, was a grandone—one of tbe Apostle's very best, an tboUicme was one of tbe very finest Tor Chris-Muiis. It was tlie practical conclusion of avery Rublhne and important subject. Heirestimed that there were some people in

the Corinthian Church Uint found noinc frou-derfiil truths behind the truths tliat God bud

] in the Word. Tou remember bowgrandly 1'aul in this olinpter dcBrribes ttoresurrection of the human body, follows It

ji by rekrriug to the itriumphn of tboresurrection day, and fhen CIOSCB witii (lilatent.

Uo tlien refcrrod to Cbristian labor andits reward. -You will find ft Utt of your,knowledge of saving grace liy asking your-

B Iho question, ore jo« irorkiug forChrist? Ia spcaiing of labor the Apostledoes pot say employment, or pursuit, butsimply labor. I t Is tha strongest word InOur language in regard to the interests ef

la. Scmia perrons thick that Christianihor la a kind of kid glove operation—notno of bearing the tmrdonB of toil. A strong

contrast was drawn between sham labor andreal labor ia tho Church of Christ, in whichlbs speaMerstrongly denounced tba idea thatthe lutter was a kid glove employment. A.CbriBtian'sdutyls that of a dayhibbrerlntho vineyard ot the Lord. Labor is thoallotment of man. ' Ood iui|KWcd labor intho Garden of Eden, directing Adam to tirest)

id euro for It, Bad what wan truo of Qod'apurpose theu is truo now. He directedattention to the unfortunate apathy that

B—tho terrible sleepiness of the Churchof God In Uio 19th century-tlio wont of arealization of the Interests of 6od's wort,and tbe way God works with imttrumeutaK-ties. * Conversion Is the first preparation forlabor. Some parsons think that God con-verted them, to twice thara happy. Why,tayou ean soul. Do you suppoKO thnt Godwas so 'encumbered about you as to wantOnly to mako you happy i Gods purpose isif course to. make you happy, but uot only

you. He converts men to make others happyu well, and! to male them co-laborers in hisVineyard.

The neceesity of cicrclsing. Ulents, capa-bilities and opiKirtunilici wan neit disoussod,together with' tlis Ai>o*tolia standard ofCbrlbllau woik. raulEays, "alvfayuobounil-Ing in the work of tlie Lord." I t in t i egrace of benevolence abounding iu munifi-

3—the groca of charity, a grace revealed*in all Christian activities. We aro not only

> have this graco.but fa abound in it.A dtstiuction was drawn between a hollow

profession and a living Chrletinn life as ex-emplified by works, the Divine command

to lone our neighbor ts oumelves, nnd realChristian work ie a labor like that ot a toiUr

his family.' Ha wanted those just start-in-tula vaaenble-oldcbunh to realiM

tbo necessity of labor. Tbo maa who laborsIntelligently Initorkbly has the, best garden,and tlio fanner wJio does so often reaps fromtho Boll he tills a good hnrvcBt of sheave*,oven, in a Beaaon of general sterility;. So willit be with him who labors'intelligently forthe Church of God. He Ulustnted forciblytbe seed of a congregation praying for its

ir. Pray for you* pastor, but do notput all tho work upon htm.. One of tlie worstsins in the world In tbe sir! of doing nothing.Get to work at onco, then, aud coma up tothe help of the Lord, against tho mighty.Tbe difficulties in the way of Clirietian laborwere noted, with illustrations showing howlabor accomplishes all things and overcomesall obstacles, , • _'.' • ,.

The use God molei of instrumentalitiesnext claimed thelcarnodpKftcher'BaUchtioQ,who in many vrnys illustrate how & Httluthing uader Qod'o care has been made pro-ductive of great results., In Kpentdng of bowths bolplera infant nay become a power intbo world bo used the.expression that hemight some day he standing in1 the Halls ofCongrc&B, but quickly interrupted himselfby exclaiming; God save' tho mark, justnow) I speak riglifout in meeting and youdon't like- i t I don't cither. He dosed thinport of Ills discourse with a grand appeal forhonesty in high places which could only bebrought about by Christian labor and theproper education of the youth.

Don't nay you have no talents ^ and canuotdo anything, for God can bless little things

tho accomplishment of- Wonderful remits^Hot; by might, nor fay power, but by myiplrit, u i tb t hoUnl . Put theSpiritof God

in anything yon may say or do, audi t r i l lbe mighty for tho pulling down of strong-holds. . " ' • ' ' '

The reward of labor' VM the concludingtopic One means of revVw-d 1B tbo pleasurefound ia Bueces*. The old stying ot tli.Bomani, "Lnbor conquers all tbingn,1

is a worthy one, Buocessis thjp pledge ofGod, and If we go and do our labor we shallDot fail of reward. lie who sows Bhtll contoagain rejoicing, brinsina; tbe sheaves withhim. The doing of labor aleo brjngH happl-ness to the laborer, which is ona of tho, hcrtrowordn of toil. People get dyapepaia'.byeating too much and working toa little.- Ofall tbo miEenbb objects in Iho voridnext toa physical dyspeptic is a moral one. Wowant a robust Christianity that will weighMmethluQ in tto acolca of the grace of God!Ho urged bo&OYoloncp in all tilings, particu-larly in tho matter of contributing to thewantn of tba poor, and quoted on Incident toshow that thia worlc often gives no opportu-nity for speaking a work for Jesus. Ncgll-

o loses the reward of tha blessettatisu ofdoing good. Work for the results thatsparkle and Bhine beforo the everlastingthrone of God. How glorious it will bo

ihon wo get up there and see tho men' whohave labored and triumphed. In concluuionho made • beautiful portrayal of the veinhomo, coupled with an appeal to all to laborfor BOUIB, and tans gnin a good reward eitherIn timo or eternity, or in both. ', Too outlines above noled wero filled iiwith sound logic and eloquent pautancs, andtho Eflnnoa m ^ e t\ deep impression upon all.

The service* attendant upon ^ e ie^]«tlon of tlte Clturch began n> 2>;clock P . M.',In fhe prcsenos of on ftndienco that filled ti\ocb,urchi with the volantary "BeanUfnl Ziort"faudt-red by t h e choir. And vro may heretake occasion to say Unit the singing of theoccasion, conducted by Mr ' Jobn T h o m u ,wnu'Indeed very fine.- The ministers inattendance * • ! • D n . SarUnc ao4Y«£§«a*.

(tic opened with nn anUieniby tlio choir, " Mercy for All." which wasallowed by the sluging of lbs SUTtlt I ly tnni

111 fove Thr KiUjfdom Lord,Tbu b •use or 'I bluo nljodtf."

An clofjucnt pniycr, by Hev. S. 1). Docker,followed, succeeded by the mtliem, " H oBeautiful are Thy Dwellings, 0 l o r d c

Tbo Presiding Elder Iben mnde the appealfor BUbRcriptions lo tba amount of $2IH) to

tbo balance of tho sum fin,t pro-pcucd. 'Iho hum of &1W) we* Unt ra iwd in%\O subscriptions. Tli en $ M was raised In

mibRcriptiona to mnke Dr. Burtine a lifemember of the church. The learned doctorexpressed his ttiaiiks for having been nindu' n life member of this meeting house" audtbco nroiHWud that i'SO bo raised to make.

'. J . I t . Danfela a lift' member, This wasdono in pledges amounting from $1 to $5 .

this cobla work credit must be given tothe gpiiQroflily of lUum. J a n e s A. Goadale,Airrerl Goodalo, J . A. Lyon, William Goorgeand D.*A. Deny , tliroiigh nhoea liberalityabout ono-balf tlio eutiro a u o u u t was Bub>scribed.

Tills concluded tho Trustees assembled inout of tbe altar, and tlie ceremony of•dudicating t i e church was conducted l y

Ituv. J . R. Daulelx, followed by tho Bingiig' t w o verses of the byiuii,

"Come Ihou fonul of ovcrr blrulnRTune my h u r t lo ulujj '1'liy pra)«e.''

H e v . ' U . Olnrk, J r . , who had been np-poiutcd to preach tha evening gennon,thought tbe hour too late, but tieiujto preach, lie read a few

Bex. Thos. II. Smith, the Presiding Elder,after urging all to remain till t h e conclusionof tho prococdiQga, modo an appeal for con-tribution* to ait] i s the good work of support-ing the church. The wbole amount of thecost or the church m a little ore? $3,01)6, audtliey desired to raise UMUJ $1,700. On MIsums of o u r (2£ a note for - three monthswould be token,

A prppoftition w a s first made thn^ S-TOO boraised' i n $100 Bubscriptio'ns, 'which wasfilled by the foUowingj } , A, Lyon, A U T ^Gopdaia, W m / q e b r g e , *nd 4fW-. At flootWc,'

h.o too* tflrp l i

The sum of $$00 WOB next nisei iu fijl)subscriptions, as-fol lows; Alfred Goodnlc,D. A. Dorry, A. 'Wlgbtoo,

E'iii: !•""• jirnpostlon riceived fouriatL.soril>-r«: M I A Preficotl, Johu C. Force,iiu.:l Caw, M M . BrmrKO, Daviil King, J .Lyon, Mix.. L. C. I3Ii rwitli, W. O. Dono-

le, Hrx. IVJJ,. Ovor^i, Jlffi. Alfred GMIH. W w J , Si™. S. 'ircwwihtt, J . A.

idule oiid Jim. tjiuirgo.of iS.TO, UIKI t


•ledgf* Th-E then- Mtro about•'1 enlijicriptktiw uud Ecvcral subsmpt ious of

$ 1 , itnDging up the total amount Eubucribtd\ good aftQruoon'n work—and

leaving a bal-uico of only $200 to be raistd

At five o'clock the meeting adjourned tillcvtin o'clock in tbo tveninu

THE EVENIXU BtnviCK.The church was d^uiwly jweked with people

nt tho timo dotiianated, and brsides tho uiiu-xtorn noted in tlio morning thererat 3torn. Mnyliein, Witiaas, l looaey, Clurk

Succasunna.We wouM like t» rull the ai t tn t i^n t>t the

Ki>w York Ui'ruld to a plicmmienuu incidentlo thih fitchon in thu linpo Ilmt, u-ilh thon n r i i i i SVUIDI) U>%, of diverting its ntteu-tiou from tbe l,mli inmH cli.iructtr of '-J< ncyJoKtii'L.'iiHdiKpliyi-d in ths rrctiit sjcriliccuf OiifawJil nud Bytm, ul Ncwnrk.

Tlio reiuurkiLiile tiling wu utf.T for iuvmti-pitiun in u sini.II ulrip ofgrmiud itljuut owhimhiiud ft'M iu length, and ime buuciruri iuriilth, running diug(tu.ill,v UITIWB th« tf-p olI'liiit in kuowti UK thu "Fl.iudeM l louctluiitcd nbout oue iniie north of t h e F k n -lew pout ofDce. There is uothiu^ j»a

kr iy reniarkiiblo in the Djiptjnmcfl ol thi«

of the ir,thclinpler of John, nnd selected as liin test thoIth verse of this chapter and the 2d and ad

vurftca of the nth cliflpttr of Qalatfons. 8al-ratlon, he Bald, waa tho result of faith inChrist, and in his Bcrmon ho wished lo nbowtlmt religion menus cbnractcr and not pro-fctaion merely. In l i b sermon hs offeredthree p ropo r t i ons : First, that tlie religionDf.JexuH Christ i s not one of creed o r pro-fusion merely. Second, that a profesfiiouthat docs uot result in character is not a

ivicg Chrietlfluity. Third, tbat salvationand character aro lusepnmblc. These prop-omtions tho preacher dUciiGBcd tiVjly nnd

eelved the profound attention of his oudl-

Itcv. J . B . Dnuials said that owing to tliolateness of tbo hour tho roEctiiig would close

ithout t i e prayer meeting thut bad beenproposed. This1 was a dny ou wbich thinSooitly bad entered with greet joy, and withgroat satitfaction, and flu trusted of greatgood in t h h community. Ho felt i ^ . i m lthat their religion was not a professionmerely; tliat thoy would uot lie or cheat, orittetid (he bull room, tlio tliiatru, or ciruux.

I hardly ercr apeak In L'ovcr, eafij he, witlt-out raying circuit, you know—a remark tbatcreated great laughter. Uo bad no doubtb u t tliat tbe divine benediction would boipon them and lend them to many new

Bekh ot conq«o«e. He did unt th&uk them,like Dr. Bartino, for electing him a . life

mberof this " meet Ing lioujte," but of tUiabeautiful church. l i e eaid he used to cnllit a " Bbuhang"—another allusion to oldtimes that created mnch hughter. lie thanwent ou to toll of his experience when hefirst came hem as pastor of this church. Hesaid tha t bis-congregation numbered only75 or 80 mvnibon, and there were amongthem only a few men and women tbat couldBiiduro a Sunday morn lug service. Allseemed to be dirt and dilapidation. B i t hewas glad to observe now t in t there was aincrtABcd interest in all the Societies, tliatthe forces of Gideon wero dividing end stir-

rounding tho enemy in Dover. In conclu-iion be paid a compliment to Ihe way tlieleoplo used to ding, and Hiked them to joinl im In singing ^ % .

" WliM » friend we liavo in Je iu i , "The hymn was sung with zeal, and Mr.

Daniels announced that he would preacha week from uext Sabbath, as o thank

offering to this people.

Aflcr tlio doxoivgj tbe meeting wan dis-missed .with the Benediction, pronounced byRbv. Mr . IlaUoway.

The D., L d W- Rai/nad.Quen&tl papers ora predicting that this

corporation 1B not la as good condition as itBrecent onntml statement 'would seem to indi-cate. Tba tribune, for one, thinka it will

ive to do a much lnrger business this yearthan i t did lost to keep it out of tbo bondsof a receiver. In its statement it lumpsmuch of its property together in a bulk audestimates It to be worth n. Bltlo over twenty-nine millions of dollars. In speaking of tbieainpilnx procedure, tlio Enginetriujf a idMining Journal snyi

The afisots of Ibe company nrc lntnped sotbat no one can ascertain their value, but it

/ould appear as If tho 15,000 acres of coalland tbo company claims to otro enters Into:be to tod as nearly ona-h'oJf. Ko such state-ment as this can possibly do otherwiicrento a feeling of dialmU in tbe SOUUIUICBAof ncoactrn that fears to let the public htbe manner'In which It "f lguresup" its

ita. 'Wbat amount of workable coal doestho company possess? AVbnt doog it cost tomina its cool, and bow much to transport Itto irmrket? What value does it put *n itscoal lands? We would suggest to the man-agement of this company also the-desirabilityof furninhing maps and \n expert's reportBloving tbe extent and. value of the com-pany*s coal estate. Audit wlU. Uothepattof wisdom to supply thin and much otterirjiomullon btiore that want of conQdencowhich this report is admirably calculate toinspire has puuedHUdi Btrength nn to endan-ger, if not altogether dcntroy, tho financialcredit of tho

iber of emmnrkut value of tho stock under tbe weightol such A etatcmcut must find a limit, unless^indeed, they conclude to buy and bold It all;and when they cease supplying the abnormalitimulss, tlie reaction wij] be all t i e greater.

company. The ability oF anytot financiers to ntstaln the

An Amateur Mechanic.A ludy of Duvcr some t ime since had uight aecidetit btfall a IUDBIC box nhjch ib (

greatly prized, and reqiortod her lnubttmlto take it to n jumper,'H foi rcjuifB. But he,thinking it too trivial a uiutttr, concludedhe would repair it lilmself, aii^ at oucu li>.guitho mirk, very much ngniiiBt tbe wijdictof bin better hiilf, who hadu't'much fuith iuliia tuccbnntcul abilities. But ho," confidentur bis hkill, not about tho tank', nnd. took ttu-

aebiuo npirt Then tbo iliultully wiu nd-JQHtod, aud Ihe works x>Wcd, aahosupiiofltd,ia thtir proper [Kjuitinua. With u Mtij\o oitriumph ho exhibited the rupiiirtid box toJiiwife uud iusB^iiii tho koy *buud i t up for^ 1 trip. Auotbariuiuutoftud tbe aU'wifllled-not with mubiliouii nonnds, but withthe teeth that b-id buaatcrji from (ha cylii).dor, nccompaniod with a grand CRmj^imern-lion of alt the uotetj ihp eca,le. \t, U Raidto have Xifim absolutely yfont, than the Ovatytloa of Esther us produced' tu nil tho {awotlhia i[io.aii>. Ttio um.itc j ^ "ravcrw^ thfs «yiii»der icourwotho maohiuo yrtbuugtit thai Uiu iirii^i bl {.eaceiuUutboase*told will twoMW wade box' ani"» ibonne t" ' • . ' , "

n replacing jt , 0 U i l ofm inoiwHrds. I t is

rip. Ktvo thitt ur> rocks urn visibler any frui-s, eictpt n BIUHII hickory ua.ite Bouthcnj ettrennty, while botli roc)(BHUefs hurrouud it uu 1>oth Bid en. Thti Htruug

fca(ur<! a(i«n( it in, (luit to stump uu it pro-iliiccsn revuberklioneimil.tr to that ciIJJ Htriking on tho bond uf an oniply Ijbend with tlie fist. The gcnmil imiireot t low who have vwitL'd the pluco in Ilj.il acyvtru vxititn Qitth-riioiith, n^i) HGXorAl £?JJ^1pilnbiivo UL'U dug on Ht surface with tb<view no doubt of uncertain! ng the I b k k a t.if tho crust over it. There in a Htory cur-rent thnt a party whilo digging one of tb<jilts, jubbed ii crnwbar hu Wiisiirting pretty

lyon tho hot loin, wlion. tho U r pent

tod tho Khell, hiippcdnntl diHoj)])ptired iu tbe


w, frigbtouiiiK the iudiviiluul no th.it Lced out with all poMiilln badte, andi>d furtliLT Pti>lamtiotiij iudefiuittly.

ate aovcrul theories advanccil ex-jilvnutory of thi> hollow sound proilitced by

i g or {Mantling ot. thti Ktirfure. Onein tbnt homo time during the ji , thereu deposit of quick Kind, which boa bteti snb-

cully wiwlied out and curried away bywater; nud imotber in thnt, instead of Kind,tlie tlc|MJsil wnH linieutoue, wliicli thrnughlha name Egeucy bas be,en corrolud and cur-r«d nmy.

Wu invita tlio molnuclioly editor of theIlfnild to mnke a visit to tins H\M, nud luiuiitR wlio will cnj»y a temporary rc»pit<hoia the K-aJud weight of nlooni which op-pMvuvB'him, roaiwijiwiit ou Ibe tragic eud ofOihwuld nnd Ryan, nud we will have a briefrest on tbo unbject also, nud the sojourn of ufew dnyu oreu iu this wild itgion will con-Inee bim that Jeneytncn nro notnucli augunnint, aavupe, bluodlhimty set ns b« iru-giucfl. Tbo mountain nir of thia locality

eJij, Brother Carpenter doesn't fuel verymournful over the neat slice of State print'ing awarded him but week.

It gives us pleasure to note that the Hack-cttatown Herald in dosing tbosoCounty Finiitrs witb religiout* (ditoiiali,Tlie editor in to be cornmeoded fcr bis zealin the ftood cause, but be has gut awful toughmaterial lo work on.

The WimMrgton BUr i« gtrongly favoringreduction in taxation. And yet editors archardly ever troubled with heavy tax bills,

The JMvidure Apollo complain* that theparents of children in that town do not'isit tlie public school. Nothing strangey ', that. Those primitive eld mona bocks•ever took much interest In education at i n r

period of their lives.

The abolition of capital punishment Is ad-vooit«d by the Orange Chronicle. Wenuverwill do so while tramps run loone and delin-queut subscribers starve to doath our con-


The subject of nunkeo crawli:igDul of tbeirholes is attracting tlio attention of the "local

u Dulletin, It Is always a badsign for a man to get hia mind on snakes atthis season of tbe year.

The Somerset Gazette calls upon the pof tbat county to raise big hogs to competewith those of other portions of the State.This is unnecessary. The biggest b o p w<txer hetirfl of am some who liva over thiline in Somerset that join with Uorrucounty «og8 In disturbing rellgloua meeting!in t i e neighborhood of Fox Hill.

We hope tba sprightly little BhurstowuPreBH is not dead. We have not noon isince the first number,

Thos. Williams announces bunstlf as aTor Found Kocpcr'of Belridci

rive liis J>KOn hirt rolurn to thenut outy ti> k'll tbo

ted ycity bo will bo jircpnworld of 00other uo

(Uncovered wonder, but iu addition, to writ*in interesting nrtiele ou Jerwy c unto run ani:usnLiitt-B, and surprise cvorybody niili the

intelligence (hat the whole county abiwithsuboolfl, cburuhes, asylums, etc., aajuils nud gibbets.He wilt uLto bo conviDced (!IA( 7erae;

now bow tOBympdthiie with thato lift up t ie howe3 down, :>r the

•ay thee, thnt

>dy, nnd in teuderuera to wipe n;if ths fiorrowful; nud tttill monow how to Meet out even jiitjfii

all. uud kuowtug how, aru pnrnipl to per-form.

Wubcpc, whether or no, the Herald wiltsend nu uxpioriug parly iuto the iuttrbr ot•U'r»cyf liBiJfd by thu 'ciidiivcniUB editor,thiit it will givo ut a it«t ou tbe Oultwulduud Ryim case, witb the ammnuice thut Jer-leymcn nro ut well "di«po«e<3 to do right aaiiiyon en-lee.

T ie necktie or wristlet parly rntbe'r, givenut Ibe leHiilouca of A. It. lliggt, uu Wt Fri-iky evening, the K)d of Fub,, drew togetheru lurgo nud pioasiint coiupaiiy from Jlerris-town, Milton, Dover, Htiuihope, FUnderH,'tc. The ucxt event of this binds cornea offiu IVeduttidiiy uvuulug, JIurch Tth, ot the

PreBbyteruin jwrsonnge at ttuccakuunn, hithe tonu of a handkerchief-pnrty. TIIB In-dies furuitib tho korcbitfa. Tbe kerchieft)•ill ho divided in \n\n nnd each pair wille nuirkcC uiikc liicfi Jurfy rt'tiifuing oneliiln its follow vill ue deposited in a bug.

Tlie Keullcmeu ou pnying BCveuty-tlvB ceuls11 be ontilled to t»ka one kerchief Trom

the bog. aud to the one h&viug a correspond-ing nurk in tbopomefwiuB of the young htdy,lino, to the partneri-hip of aiiid young lady*ur the evtuliig and a uhnra.fer the "ul* nii"1

uud daiutii's couiprelitudctl in the term'ten." Au Invitntiou in cordiitUy csteadedlo nil lo participate. The procicds to beiMii for the benefit of the FreHbylurhu «uu-.Jny Scliool.

On Thursday aud Fiidny evenings, March3 and 9, tho members of Emouuel Lodge otGood Teniplurs, will pcrTonn "Ten NighUin a Bur-room" iu the Jlethedist Cliurcb.

e of mlinisslon 20conta Nearly every; in fuuilllitr witb the story of '-Ten

NEglti in a Ilur-rooui," by T. 6. Arthnr,ruia which Ibo above dmniu is tnicn, vhTchi calciilubid to illiiHlrato In a forcible inau-

iier tome of the aliikiug beauties of the ruut

[raffle ^*^_ Gosto. •

Port Morris.

Tho anxiety lo Had oat how much cool iheD. h. & ,\V. Conl aud Iron Co. sold and theprico it brought WAS greater than that aliout

is going to be President up this way fortbe U t week.

aremge advance ot ten cents a tonr

sent np the stock, aud we aro hoping for avtttr huhinciui here this mouth thus litnt, luilte of thi) newBixipere. 'I t is only (v Bhoit time since I beard a gen-

laintui Hny nevrhjHiper people ought to bohuug, correnpoudeuts and (ill L hnve nnimrticulur hunkering utter that kind or tak-ing off, but jnut imagine tie United Smilestith tho nev.-H]npuas all buried and priutiug

Among the lout arts I

It in currently rv|wrtcd liiat ueveml dogrfmd two cnU huve died very JiVbteriomdy at

Alleutown witliiu tbe bwt lew days.Tlie young folks nt Stanhope nre going to

hold a festival in the Crossed buiiainfj ouale 13th aud lltti im*., for tho beunufolthe ItcAdiug room1 nudtr tbe auupicen of thejtnnho|>Q Litertry AKSOCUIUII. When they.ladertuke to do do luiylhing those Stanhope

iys rnabu it a sue'eesi Thoilijuct is a wartlir one, and I Lope those ol

your renders who cnu.will gc to tbo ftwllvitl.fheir next question for debute is, "Inmodem pniriotlma etjont to Uint of auciimttitncit?" ' Tiuie, next Monday evening,liiire, nvhft61 bnuse, 730 P. IL

tolil the yonnfi rueu are hitiofi rjnite AUiutcrtwt in the debutes, and bid fuir to bi<

The Jury in tho case of Knight vs..IUn-na Iwivjjjp dimgrt'td tbe fiiht time nnollier

jurj* wwi'oillod aud a new trial hnd on lastilondiiy evening. The jury retired ubcutten o'clock, L*. M-, and ntnld oat mli'l 7,31),\. M., TnCKddy, when they brought in a ver-,lii-t of fifteen dollars for plniutin*. Van Vhr-

manilRofiBfnrpliiiutiDf;'J. Suwari Willifur defondiiut Wm the piuio worth thiandle?

They u y n 1 roost nil thohope hare bad, or are lavirjg the mumps.

' D. J.

Paregoric Sauce.A man living on EWkwi-U street,whom we

till cnll Jones, tuo other dny invltftd a friendla diuncr, and on going boom lo bis DDODilny tncul won blglily gmtincd to Uiirn tliailiitt rfifo bad prepared a pt>:li1Ing of whicltie WOH very fond as deshcrt. * Tbe raeul pro-^repsed famonhly aud in doe season tbo an-

•bo approaching election, and the Jcumal"thinks he Is qualified for the position.ThBt't* «n awful roRponnihiIi!y you are takingBrother Bellis.

Tbe Somerset Meaenger remarks: " W h e nmnn hoa to buy bin potatoes by the pecke realitcs that the potato bug has not livedi vain." We congratulate the Uessengerian on being able to buy bog oranges in any

jnantity. They are now a l u i u r y beyondtho IHMUS ot most of tbe fmtemity.

Tbe " local" of the Jenieyninn boles artsittotlio County Poor House, " /or tho Brat:iiue in upwards of twBntyyearB.11 Weknowoflothing t ta t will recall more hollowed iseo-ihtlonn tlian a visit to the scenes of anVireuth alter an absence of a score of years.

ta with blue jjlaw crowns aro advocatedjy the HunterdonDemocrat The " local '->t thib paper has been wearing one ,for sometime, vlikb bos put his brain In such aUcaltby condition that bis department cf thopoper la slowing marked progress

Kewlon tnust bo an awful place just nowi live In If we ore to judge from tbe Sussex

[tegiBter of the operations of gamblen androughs in that town. We understand thatcontributions there for Home Missions or*now greatly In excess of thoso' for Foreign


Tlio Roonton Bulletin remark*: " G ofi-t, young won, go TVest." I t strikes us

tliat wa have heard this expression some-where before.

• Mrs. Anna Stitklt.The character of Mia Anna BUckle, who

lied recently at tbe family homestead nearipiicb. Gkn, was such ai to deserve moraInn a mere pwaing notion. 8b« wns theil daughter of David And Elimbeth Cooper,

Ltid wus born near Bockaway, Aug. 23 d.1788. 8be united with the PreibyteriancbnrcJi gf Jlcck/iwny, Jan. Bib, J8W. »J]ortJyafter the installation of Itev. Banubos. Kingtuits pajitor, and n t u i n v d A M of Ita nem-brra till ber d» th , Feb. 1Mb, 1877. Sheww married to George Stickle Mirch lClh,LS09, and was left a widow b ; bw-dctlb I8«pt.

llcijtatcd Ircat mnde its appearance upon tbeboard, gttnitthed with* an. ample layer ofauice. A youno hopuM who occupied aneud of tlio ^b\i>,' lUMUiutng hin primitive ofpun-tinting peace by tlreatoning wnr if beOld uot i<Bt hia piulding, accomplUhed hie(leulre and had his pbto partly corumrtifiwhen the rewt begun, but afle; the ^p>tmouthful, there wiw j \ sa«cwlo)- ut ttorcieiclamnliws Vf 8m^ lfc«- "Patcgorio, by thellg horu i-pooQft 1" exdHimed ihe nslonndehead of the haaficbold, ns the anxious tipo^&t

Enwped tho nliurat finite A dteh trora heh ^ i t rosstitotcd himself (

il iflvr due liivi-stigntinn decieil by tho fiuhiuiuUQ majurity of ana thntUto imrcyorio liottla Itnil ireuu mistaken fothu riMpticlo cf TuuilJa in lltToring tlipndJinp. Meanwhile the baby isteh*dtLtoipporiQc atile and alumbete.4 oeac^JqQy cdjthia, tnernoop.


Notes From our Exc.''*nBeo-e HacketUtawn Owette nc . '**"^

of that placu hoi a new beu.could pay our inilk bills U CM.

Brothf r Carpeutor of tbe Ch'nton Demo-erat get* mad becuune nercn into eight onlywtii t once aud left J l r . Juwtice Bradley ore)and ruvcrw-s tho Aiuoricao flag uudds amcuruiiit; border. Tiutt is will so far as thepajit-r gotK, but we'll wamui l thut , iudividi

Watering- Horse*.

I s regard t o watoriug hones immediatelyafUr k full feed cf grain, a 'writer iu theStock Jonroo] says: " T h e flrut effect of thiaii to largely dUU'iid t ie stomach; and tbe•H;UH may b« leriom ns if the inat-irtuJ wtire

^ Seated grain and saliva. But, nhould

tins ds ^ r ** » T * » ! ( W ' m n t t c r B • " u e c :U in a bettei; state. The suddenri] ,

di ot vr y t 0Slide

tbe inttstines bofipica nave been <eitricatioBofand inflammations rcsvJt. .all. Tbe application of anvt-etcr on the raucous membra. 'stomach and inUbtincs causes YOAcul;.'r c o n *geition and vislunt nuEi:ular contractions, m

iliot allUuid todlgofctire difiordft of a AMI-gerousnatnra." Hero you have thu result

iutsliL'11, and to ovoid fouuderiug ahorse he should never be watered, beyond a


imtsofike tlomonh iulo

t ' td , and ferm^ntatiuu,•otic*

•n thia IB no t'CC6K Of COld

,,r tb«

v quarts, wh«n heated. In fact, it is HIl h

qsafe to giro a lior&s any water whenbeiUsd.

men's Union hare called on Mr, Lathrop,tho receiver of the Central Bailroad of New

:y, for tlie purpose of learning sometliiagdennite as to when they would receive their

rages for December and January. Mr. 'atUrop recelred them kindly, nnd Informed

them tliat the State of New Jersey gave theboaftiolfcn preference, hat that a bill irould

introduced into'the Legislature to enable-him to pay tha employee! first. Oa beingtold that great suffering eiiste among someof tlie employees of the Lcbigh and Busque-

) dirhloa. ID consequence ot 'store-keepers refusing them further credit, lie saidbe was willing to advance (1,000 out of hisprivate funds for their .relief. I t is fearedthat unless some definite nrmngtmcut is

•ed at tbe m m on the Lebigb and Sus-quehanna Division will strike in a dsy or two.

Do not msillT i-iilt Consumption when a Tewdrops or " HaKu Honor ol Ku roll on ml andrar'willinerltnb:7ci]r«congbR,culdi.i-at«rrli,

nta, add cvtrv other ailmout itttilag ton-fal mtUtlv. Hald by til Druggist*.

L1. ToalUaL'lie Drupe cure in 1 wiuule.

Tbo fiwt nix yean of h«r mar-

ConinmptUci Take If otic*.Every moment of delsy nikca jonr cure more

hupeloss. and mutb dtpendson tbcJuOiciouiboicccjarcrncdf. Theimonot of testimonyi fivor of Dr. Bcbevck't lulmoale Bjrap, as Iire for Consumption, fir execeda all that canihrouglit to support tbo pretenaionB of anyliter medicine. 8ce Dr. Sclienck's Almanac,

conUiuluu tlio coitiucatvi of mmj persona oft o * IJigbcst teopcctahllity, vho bare baa re~itored to bcsltb, after bi-iujr. pronsnncodincur-

ablo by pbyilclans of acknowledged ability.Bcheuck's Fulraonic Syrup alons b u caredminy , as these evidences will ihow; bu t tbacure i i c f t en promoted by the-employment ortwo other rrroeillck wuicfi Dr. Sclicnck pro*rides for tbe purpnac. Tbvte kddlllonai rem-idk-a are Bcbenck'a 8es Wetd Ton ie iod Mao- ,Irako Pills. Dy the timely aau of these med-

" *' *' clloni, S r . ScheDckrise of CoummpUon

Dr.ficheDtk la pfofctilonatly a t blnpriad*.offiL-e, Corner Bii th and A n n Bti . , l'lill*-

. every Uonday, wbera a l l letters foridvic* must ba addreaied. ,

klnea, according to dlreertlnca tbit moit mymiy be cured.

ried life were spent nt White Ueadow, the re*maindercf bor life at the homentead nearBench Glen where she died. E a r i n g he rwbole lire Blie had more of affliction thanIHIIH to the common lot, aud for many y e a nprevious to her ilenta, tboash all Atmln forife wag pone, aba WQS called t o naffer onn wearineaHnnd pain. The dimalatlon ofIcath was longed and wished far l a U t ^ucssof sou l .ye t i t catbe n o t - "Only wait-iUR." had heun the patient otferanea of the

<or tried heart through tevea long weitry:nrs, and nt last, wheD tha wondrouH vltalf.

ty had spent i ts force, the safforinff ipir i tWM relmmd from its prison'of pftin, »ndtook ibrfllgbt to ret t and borne. Tbtoiighnil he r Bnffuring tbera was never a word ofrepining ot her oppoinled lot, n a v e r a wordof inurmnring agninst the hand that v i aholding the rod which waa amitiug her noirely. Great as w t t a he r sufferinKt, nho« e nbove them by a patient, heroic endnr>Dce. Under snoh ovtrwhelihinR affliction,

tdsny "Thy will be done," and show theive«tPpirU of submiasirtn i n a '

, pnlienee thatfagged not through w e a r y days, and months,and yearn till (lie end,]* lbs blobest triranphntcbriitlftnfiiith. Trnly may we say nf herOod chose her in the lurnaee of affliction.Not unmeaning to her will be the heavenlycry. "ThMKi nrc they who have come nnthrongh mnch inhu la t inn . H Tra lya "Uotl ierin Israel" ban Mien, and the choioh enn illuparehor, nselera auher l t fe u e m e d to her,She hAd learned letwons of fnlth and ptUoncein anch a school as faw are « n t to, and hhetflitflht thorn, aa only one can, who baa FOlenrned Christ. With her b u sane anotherof the old Lindmarka. A few of tbe com-

i of her yonih st!J] linger bebintlfacr,waiiiug till they Hhall join tbo ««neruiuuthey luwe rnirvived. Them last few yearsnro miridly ronpoving rrom ui theno Tenorft-ile forms and ttces. Le t m bo very kind

nud cunaldemte to them while thy remainwith on. I t iabard for ns to appreciate thesenBO oi" lonelinena they feel, OK one after an-other, tbe companions of thei r youth arelaken,and they left yetmoro and more alone.How one generation horrieB upon the hctldDf another, and fnirly crowds t h t m off theilrtCe of life. T b e senseless waves rf theocean ef huinfto life roll on, and break" them-

;lves upon the fhore of i terni ty . regard-JBS or our crying and our dying. S o l manyreura bonoo, now yoatbfut voices shall chant

er us the requiem for the dead. Than letl iveasbecoraeth those who have bn t n

HUla lime to live and* mnch Ut in In life.Than art tinniDrtol, «ad lha life ihon art sow' iiig id but the prelude of that which i s to

m e ; bu t npou it bang issues of onatUra-lilo moment Then •"Bo!i»( tlial wbcn thy unojmoui «anra to loinTbe ihnnmerable nn,<nn lb»t move*To UiopakireKhni of shade, where eacb

Ilia chsmber in tbe silent balls or deatb,T i o Ro not liko tha qmrry tl»v« »t night,

rgeil to a l l dnnjjeoo, but, • m u t i n g andBDOtbed «

I; »ftunf»lier!ng t r a i l , r.p]uc*oh thy |;r»»»Uke nne wlio wraps the diaptty of bis eenchAbout him and lien down to p l e u t n t dreuni . '

inaia*I t wan my privilege mblU spending a few

JUT* in Ironio, to bo p n u n t at tba Conationgiven by the people of Ironia, on Wednesda:evening, foi Iho benefit of tha three Fantorairlio ultcrnntely break nnto them the - bicadof life at the chapel. Theviaitwaa held atthe reuiaonce of David Btrykei; and l » hadpnrcd no palna to mnka the dowtion a BOO-

ceiw. Two of tbe mioIitciH wero pteaent,and bdded greatly to tbe enjoyment of the

ulug. I t T « lh* common feeling oftho» presenl'tbAt grs*t di b

imHe* who bnd charge of (he enlinary. d»-porinest ; thuy Becaed to b loUow

at the BCriptoal injunction, '-let MU thingsbe done decently and ia Mdet/'to.'-tbt vex;

sttcr. while a d?*ite la p^ane waa manifeiisllihrirftvUoau,' pxtCQ was ths n iudQ Inmiatwd by thronUoB, nnd otbern frgm r. dUtane*.

TUey ml i ie*(« '4 t* retott of Ifeelr b b o nl Mit ween *l*ty. Wd. w s o t j <fclln»a, wbich,

•Wniue tbu ficancialcrya throogfe whichifo juw-big, Urat tch larger than could

bo excepted. A. Tisrroa.

Kewton is inie i ted wi thblurs « b a publicly neec< th» nnh i i t kUd

168 out of their money along the publicjvtU i u Ui« V«aft4,Hg]jt«,' d i f . The litest

opthtUon was, Uu diusglBg and rolblng of asitapUtQa tern the

"th* tow* with*.

Burned lo Death.it fiandura, aged eleven years, I

daughter of Mr. George Sanden of FortOram, met with a terrible accident nt die

iace in that phvoe on rriday of (crnoou nfWeek, which resulted fa her death. She

was engaged In picking up coals about tlieTumAce and accidentally got hold of a hotout which burned her hands. Dropping itin liaete the coal caught in her dress and in amoment it was in flmnes. • A workman ntonea nut to her umatance and carrying herto a tub containing water eitinguiulied thoflames, but not beforo die w u terriblyburned about tha breast, stomach aud or ma,bho was taken to her home and carefullyt ra tod, but died Sunday afternoon. Thefuneral services took place on Tuesday in thoFort Oram I t £ . Church, and were attendedby about 800 children of Urn Sabbath School,of wbich she was a member. As a token oftheir rogtrd for thbir unfortunate schoolmatethoy contributed funds sufficient to defray

Judge Lnthrop's Liberality,

Committees of the Firemen and Brake*

There ianu doubt "but Ibe pnaen t noodlHe-a 'of atl \lai» of bnuneM and i n q u i r y ii rear-

illr di-prasted, t a d It belioovet every fumil/i look urchiUy to tbeir cipcn*cfl. Wiatcr )•)aiagDa nbcu cbJlilren are liable tQ Croup,booulnc Oongb, e t c Cough I and Cold* will

prevail everywhere, and. Comutnptioo withotber Tfaroit and L a n S aiaer.tc wlU V*rry offt s m v . Theiediwasrishoaldboti ienoglccted,Doctei Diltsirfl»p«Qrivo,an(l«e woaldadviM

never bai WI«1. Ooo bi t tU at 7S conlk will''P your wbole family well during tba winter,a dotes will rel i t is any C S M . Bold In all

Mwn.ln lb«TJoit«dataUM, and by your Drug-glit, VoogbtatK '

D e U y a * r* D » M i e r a u * . - I ( thi l axiom IItrue respecting tbe erdiuiry t t u l r i of life, still .more obviouilv to as rcc;arda tbe ulcenoios ofapprotclilng dlseaao. UinjaeiUooibly 1 Tothow muiv BPCIMI to practical? reeognlie ihiaplain truth t h e n hei i tu U In the U l i n c s . Of -tbe m m ; premonitory ajmptoma of diiease a

" IDS; cough Is the moit prophnlc of peril.it It at tun oaUet with Dr. Wisbirt 's Pino

_ T»r Curdiil, and so avoid CuDuiumtion,IronchltlH, InUflinnuiion or tlie iriinsB, i"oldi,

Voagh*, «m), iudwi), all Aflrclfojii) uT tliolleapintury Ori;in» ir« entirely enr td Ly ibisfovtrcign rcmi'Uy, v/bhib atio erailkaies Dys-iwpftla, ttnTitli Pilot, KiTvon* Dubllliy, TorinU-tv or ibe Llrer, Urioary tUtHcaltlti. Coiiftip*-

llon, PmlptUtion fll the l les r t , Herululuo*Aflcotioni. and Ibo inUrmltlm peculiar t o ibeEouilcracx. Tlila-Oonltil de r i r e i l t s Tirlavsrum iho vcgeUble t tugdom, and is inflntuttr

to be prolcrred, uoih en ecwact ot ita Btipenorefficacy and frtwlom from nauwbns anil ia]n-rion» nropertivt to ttie ctBcml d tug i to lAltsx-'-linlatcrcd with no other (.(Tcct U r n to offend— paUt* •nd(UMtrderlh«alo<iuu!li. Tlio l'ino

Treo 'Far OonUil can a lw. j " " "."bat ii clauneil far- l l . Hi

H i r v o u Debility.Vital weikneit or depreasioa: t weak e i -

•LQited feeling, no energy or Mnrftgo ; tU»iDh of nenUl otor-nwk uaJwcretiDnn or •Lcciwt, or mme drain upon the ijitom, la*

ilfrays enrod by HamjJowjt' HomeopatbleipecIBc Ko. 18, I t tone* up and Ii.vigor*b-iiIhe syitem.diipeli the Rloom ttxldctpoiidcncy,Imparia itiedSlUi and energy—itopi tht drain&c] rtjoftiwwi ttie entire nan. Boea aaeti WetrswilhperfcctincceMby tbonundt. Bold

by deilcts. Trice t l per ningle v'al, or 16 purpackipe ' the Vlnla anil I i vbl of powder. .8oct by .malt on receipt ol ptlca. AUdrttaH f h r e y i ' Bouecnatbio Ucdtciaa Company.S«olIJic*dwaj, New Vork, ir-..'





Newspapers and Periodicals,





Gilbert's Pure Confectionery.


S. H. B B E E S E • .


Page 4: :B IRON ERA - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · T. F. GRAN DIN, I'lop'r. Exmttt-nt ^l l t nccitniinnitntluuH fr trnna I lioanlore, nlitn a livery nnil li l([i' altHulitxl tit

TO ALL WHO WANT TO UDY TUli BE.VJS AT THIS i.uttM»r x 'aiciu.na TO

All llallatlir* I .IJLiaiH

ATinut'tbo year 1812, iu c_. -—Tritb Eiir-lnud, eevenil pliers on tha . - .flCura fruutiet were buru&l by tbft eonbiuod ftitcea of Brilisb.MiDd Indians

»t'.-n J:.-Jrwit]i luany utioeitiqs upou Un

elnuiil. ffrrl run tlieir 'usual course ©:toimliawUiiig nml n'itl(iiiig. XiievillHgt

in ..-iiiiiT. .mil tin' affrighted rciidontsJl-I IV their Hwsuaslward on the nidge'1E.J . Tlw.v wem iiiimuud for .erei«niJ.M, JIIIJ maiiv i>ls.cfc> ati.Djj the w

i-i[HTii'(jri> of ti farmer wliom weI <j'l.i>in|»>ijn wns rutliL-r inure In-

tli.ni ti\i£:ic.il, and illustratedI;,!.,'* i.K'.M.I n practic.il ji.ke. nl-it w:is r a t h e r " ciMlj1 one to poor

•ijii. Ill--* li'i:is« was Milne discwi'li from Iliu road, un.i upon.' li.im tiii-iii-a fii(!itivfsi,r tin!


,..ii ,,f v-ut. in ii,w,.iililovrrl....k

u i l i l u t lp:fumi Ill

Unit the.. So tliu; tliocollar,

i 1,-,'v H'niiiiinilrol iliu distant roudtlin>ii:!in c.*ck in tin- demr. He H.IWiiKinv Iiidiuns jKiM on buraelinch, nnd.lvi. ..,.* i,.i-,. li;nl I'KiuiiHfci'uJ to return.]iis iinih-Kcri'iv bi'ijjUiur, tor l.ia dangerWiiutd boon bu over, wlicu be was endd .i •• iiiiovvn iiitiiu niaL«riiLilit»u by thei.;.!)t ol hm Kuv.iyu*, fi'iiii-'iiiiiswitli war-in ' i i 'ur i l fij.ithcw, vidiuff up tho lime.1,, v'lv tt'lii-. Imiw. With ii groan oftLiTiiL-'hc' fjuve himself up, ami all tliutu.i-i iiis, l\>r liM. From WUUH'IIH stoodhe i-.nilil bf.- the Biiioko ni two biirumt'(killings, uml Iu1 liud iu) reason toati-tn-mitc .Hiylliinff bat ler for liiimelf tliaui» .ssua- ulid duritniclioii. In a moment\vt IILMII] ilieir luitcluJls |>imu'liii({ at Umtl.it-i- ami witli burli fi'tlings us cannotl.j il-tci-ibcd, be <>i>i>ui.-d il, and tliotwuii.'sC: intruders stiilkcd in.

••lT,Ji!" grunted one of tbem. turn-i,.- Tii'iio|>sim ubuut by tto fJi wilder.'I l;i- victim uftcrwiirds declared tliut the1:1i:ni luol.cJ tu him K'ti fret Uifili, andus bi» ns n barrel. "Ugh—pale luce—gnus?1'

••No, n«—iiotic al all."' U,jli! Palu fucii—squaw?"VCiUt ii •.inking li.'.ut the poor man

«!•£. 11 liio eellariU.or nnd titled upM-Vi'liums'son, wlio ii|ii!oarcd iu tlii)f'lll i'S|M;ctiiii'»u tliut film wns to bo tmir-i] >u-<l immoiliiituly.

"Uj'li!" Thcliidinn looked ut licr,aul then turning to TbumpBOQ ogamashed, " ra le face—tianio ?"

'J IK']L< IVUH IMI'IIGIJI fur it, anil 11* Hiiroti'i>ij/.jiiu{{ children cumo up. 'i'be In-dim, luulii'd Htoliill.v at Ibom—in. tort,h's f.itifl uivcr onec ob.tngod dialog thaulin'o uf thiij eiugular intcrvion-—a^iviiifi iiuotlier grunt, lit? Buiil :

••Iiijtiii liiingEV inucli. Thorn umiiifsil, [lulftto, wlnsliej—iiijitn meat, \,t i ! i , wbialioy. Tliun)|isoii flqiiuw—got

Tlio idea convoyed by tin's brokenI-ji-lisli, Hint OVITJ tiling iu tlio liuuaoWHS to be ciiij^iiliiL-d tbo properly oftill-so uiiliiddun RIIPSIS, waspurfuctlj un-dvi-bloml. and Mrs. Tlininitsun jiruiuptlyli-stirit.l livnuir tn get wlint tliuy waol-.•d. llor iniKb.iiul oltRii ns.iortt'U after-Man) llutttli '^c two Indiaii8 tbou oudI in >ii' ilevoini'il tnu loaves uf bread, aK- of lutilcd imitton, im.ro tliau- hull aIHH'k (jS[Hil;itoufl, "Hid left opt a drop iuii tlircf'-piutaiiMiBiiro .iUulvilb wbiskey.Tlirii- Ivc[neudod3 utoal van finiahodwith tnutuul Bi-uuU oI.Batihfuctiou, aud

"llnim|i«on caluiiKjt, tobock—'Jiyunejhimet, toljnclt. TIlomiiHOU got liim."

Tivocob |)i|ie3 3iuln n,tiuiitity uf nm-niiinition fur tbem were jiruducqil, ai *f'ir nbcut two lidiii's following tbo t'vi-iiiofssat un tlio fl.ror and smoked; atthe lime lifei'iiiK tlidr eyes wntc.ifaHyon Tlnnni^ou, ami thoir kutves' amhitches .iiiudy, auil « n « in a whilo ex-cluui»ii)f;u worJ in their own laQgujpe.Tbo iviio nnd cbi'drun atood hy un..olict'il, irondcritifc what wus to bo tbeend of it. At liiHtboIiidiiuisarosewitlifii^.13 of wtiafnotion, doiiusited tlio pipesnnd eur.iUia tobatco somcwlicro oboutfm'ir porsous, nod were apparently nboato leave, wlien one nf them lmp[ieiied tctool; out of tlie window, lie guvoanoth*rr ,','runt. and taking Tlium|inun againbv tlio tlmillder, pointod tu t»u baudMiinn )iorw3 in thu bafn-ynvd.

"Ui'h ! ' lie mid, '•Thoinpann borson,Jujui^lioxses. ThoiirfNun eatldlo bridle,Injun saddle briillo. Tbdtnpfiou getliim."

There wns nothing to be dona but tocomply, nud inn lew mimitcn tlia honeswore iit tlio door. Then, with imdimin-islied grnvity, Ibo savage took Tbornp-flon oiicc mure hy tbo aboitlOcr, andremarked, iu. a hind of gracious way.pointing to. Mrs. Thompson aud tho

' Ugh I Thompson squaw, Thompio, fijuaio—Thorn pHon pnppooao, Thompson

pnppoote. K-.tp him.And inounting hif* horsen, the Indian

•]ir,it|i|it>nrcd, leading their onu. Anto hii dying dnv Thampadn never krewIi => i-i-ni'oa of tho unexpected clemencywith which lie wns that duy trcatcii.

A Hew Jcrefy woninn IBBO clearly tlmtthe UHL'd tno rolling pins, onp for thfepiocniKt nut! tlio oilier for her husband'liead.

SHERIFF'S SALE!•« .Icr^ry Ku|>ri>tni> Court, Murrii Omnly.

Kdlommi KI-IVIT vH.Tlit; Cirbonlrun CoiKjianv.Fi. fa.de bun. c>t u-r. In MXC Jleturuabfoto PuUruarj TtrtD. A. H. 1M77.

BY virtue itt tin-abnvi> MnU-il uri't or ll<riUtuz* In my luniK I tliull I>II>DII.' fur tuhi

T'olilie Vfmluc nn th'i iminiMHin K'ickxiavnnt ip. MoniH cuuutf. KL<W JCIKUV, onWUP.SESDAY, tlit< 7tli ilay of SUltClI

;i, A. I>. 1611, between iliu liuitra ol D i. » .[id ioVIurk v. it.. Hint In M nay al 10u'cloit^ Ikf rortiKion ( j |m i l dru, all tlini-o ttaiift olooa sit null', lyiiic ntul I.I-'IMR in the (nniihlilp•r Kuckaira.v, O.mniy «l Jli.rrn anil Hiati-or

uir Jtrut'v, btiiiK thu KHIIU [.run,law thatcro runu'Vi'd tu mid Tliti Ctirh<iii Iron Cum-liny livili-'filhum Diiiuii UUIIIIII.II ami wirealiil S[»y 15lh, A. 1>. 1W-, and ircnrticil Inauk K 7 ot iht-ilit, I-URD S20, &.e* on a knumii Ike WiHhf.if.lnii i'onto pruiwrtjr, loimcily

iy iiarmkmr.'Ctli

• eutlretrdir

i..ii|.'iiiiBi.il allif 1r,i>llly Man »"I''

lr f jn i»o1 K e i l - 1VMI~ " "Sfnfllo Lntion wflltiu'

. I I I lulUmmatlnn n">m' I U ttir»tir« eomiMiuntl

_... iiJ7 TliB dvmanil 1> •»treat for thi« new .nil elm, ilng reined}- IfaitB.l'HHoiial fm-MiCI-'1 tttdaUj reqh*Teiltu•iiH'b''"liinri'iive ami liicrtulnit dcm»uil« for tWn wood

t *<•» ft [line. It In l J v •» I U i \ iwrhvt Iu prl'ii'lit, mnuita, in clTi'ct, mriirisliiij In rtiulu, rli-'.."L-.Niiiinnlllnu, n 'Tt'rRblc to tbe moil rsutlJloiIn f.c-i m a toilet arthlP it U Im-'lupftimlile (tllntcdwlii! water for clcnntmt tbo twtU noil |>unfylng tbnbrculli.lirBTiuit^JII | i j ^ V I * K S T * c U*n u l uSii ' i 'niul; » «tnall quantity tn the wnlor wUli'wblGnrii'in Uic sldn, it will linn.pdUM>ntopi,nil..

x.-Kfi.s:: A S i> BBsrattiSti!

j*.va u'uijVs.'roVrr.'s.j..''

POH T U B HAITI ASDSCAI.P-OibomiI)mvirnfimiiii>bcT.»ilrJ)ii*tk.-it|an<lFrciirrTull<TliU iiniiarailnn la elwrnilnslj' pernimtd. p(wif»-


„ ,l mil l'»pll», which «lTo:

o-iiipiillliiti uo »rilm»l oil* an ailmlttPri. can-Tir,.t1y tLtlr |rt-rntet.«u_« •iTesl. ir*!_••

; iiutnml of hnrulnc tlio liU.n sculji, drylns out itu natup it hard, devoid ur fecl

E E S K ";:.";:.';&'iii»sEASESK"-;b-aitiliving to tbo Imlr, proniotlns the hraiof botb. Sold l iyJ, II . Buoffn, Dover. N.J .

.... .J CHBAM OP UF,\VT\...Ins. jfciuw f - •l i X cimnnins. Ikauiy fa HIV- ana furtmoi

in ail UHLH nrfOclclT. Thnno to wliom natnt!n H l«.-cn k%» ccncrouH in regard to Ueaatr caKui.nl f in n u'rent wnxnrn tl.u (lullctrnci.-i I

KriSCREAMOETM1KriSCREAMOETacrfcnblo loitri arliolti ktioirTL tta tliu 'iilll-uutv," which lia* boon ininulnWiI IncuuirvtK"[>T? 4 TTrlvV'«Cl ' l t ; l

J J l U X

clicmiat, i J J l i i A U X X Ocllcciiiviulnj; npnlkatiou, nlilch bBUinbea al])<-mutlt.ii>, furrows, ncan. Un, frtckioi,(lUcolnruUDtia from tlio okiti, leaving UR IM

iluro cli-ar vdrot.* and luioolb, SoldWS liovor N J

(lUcolnruUDtia from tlio okiti,L-atn iciluro cli-ar vdrot.* anby J. II. I1I10WS, liovor, N. J.

r p l U A R A C K n i T T K ft IK Um benltoiiiX la lino. \ r»ro couiblnahon or oicdl

i.,g a n , i maii>rlali, Fr.iUalilj (lm nn_. ._ , i . . — . . -•jcctHsmi co

and mmTjinnrftck uuicm. JTI Ihln f rcat tr^ota.>tcnlo «rn iilutnl."l. l» ill" mo«t Lariuntiinai

^QtlWliOMl- » f * * « « « l i t o loo'Iliii roo.it ntterativn, inr(j;nratlnp anil put

• tilrmcntit that «n bo atlirtcJ tnim tltn\,liloLing'lom. KoWLyJ.Ii; I1-™- " -


I tlllimMS'H HIAGIC CATAIIIUtTWI.r^T T l ^ i l i i . a l r t l . l l . <l. l.«a1.*..h • | , . 1 p


H1lwi8tillT(liiiloi!Ku« and r i-cr«linni Irom Ihobiad.nnliin, cl«'*rinR tlie

1 |> |> t | am]

l « ftfRtti* topiirlfnnfttlia

il th l' ' ' ' x lallf llVinj4 Ilia »m . • , , ! , . » " I ^ . I I I , hk'siaa,,'

v -"- nil tho pal»inu><i>i'.ioi"r>, t>Hf[li'fttJi,g in i

>'+ SSfe-KXPELLEB »,;•,, pr.'V.c : ninlina lioalili. i.leimnro. cfjnrmt.aiKl h.pi.i-; -" - HCBfor Hie anffurcr. anil ffnturr [or tlii> ai 1K-1 - |n. l . , r . Kvnl 1» nai l . FKo. » rla. AiMi.i,' m l l O l s S E t Co.. 7*0 Ilroidw..v. Kfv Ygrl.* ' • a i u t f J . " • BBOWN, Darar, K. J.

CLOTHING HALL.Jtttpli W. Wil i i l t , An.litw Bay, Jr., Wiu. C.

Warner *nd'r"red. E- Babbitt, have foni.txl aj i iDSfiliip for luo tmcgactlnn or tbo

CLOTHING BUSINESS.Mr. Warner acumen l!ir care anil Pieriitimi

>I the MAXl'TALTLHINU AND CUBTCUI>Kl'AJJTMi:ST. »bi.:hiit*Bui»niiitr.oof .


TIJI' firm in maiic of njf» wbo know liow toml irill rfnrk nuil kucp up tbo rojioJiriiy ofL0THING HALL by



niatiu^ nf 1I.UTIU.VG, and flving our

CLOTHING BUSINESS,Lnncxly, cnturiirim.- uml tarffnlueBi, buviu;

GOODS fur CASH lud wiling at

'oinvitu one and tJJ tu come anil Judge ou


, .Tsnnary 23.1, l»77.

iiiiTri.nd »f Urn

rth t«i'riiT-:ko ili^rot-nrnt tvn-ntj-lw) Inita

lii-iiM* i'J) fonlfi (i«lily-btv-fivcl


IK 01* *EY AND r

. . . _..__ i u miinlll1.,-u.iii Kaplln^'; iliunct: (U) lunih seven tit-•i'i'n went four tliaius and Urij-tivo luiki* tn ••up el stolid [>v tlio roiil; Hiuncn H) nottllii-tj-lhrco decri'i'9 Hunt cislit cLnitin In BliftD-onl. ircuniitt i) till ride near the river;ivncc (G) noolh tu Ihu tivur and donn tbo

lllB btcoHD TKAUT brpiim at & |ioiut in tlienilluailiiiK from Mount I'lcamin to ihUcr'iIII on aconrni) titurib bixiy-tliroe anil & Imir'trees cant Uihlant ouu tlmin and tbiny-iiiiioils trmn tint mnst nurlLcrlv (.vinitr or thuinliK'ftninuh<Mi»o biiill l.v A. It. Seymour,jirth -if tho WtiBliitiKtoii Furco poml; 'I1K.II™ljtmrlli nittT-oiiu anil • liulf ni'«".•(•» wvtt»u CLKHDH and fifty-two linki; tliL-iica (2)

'nt live cha-iiH ami >-lRlity hntn to llmnildulciliutbnvo-niutitloncil road: iliriR't alone

..id rond folloiviug the Bevcrcl coiirit-rt thurtuf3) utir'li noviutv-lhroo dcgiL-iH wc«t four•Lftim and Inrly l.iiku : tliunu.' (4) north ni!V>

ly-nino and u hnlf . tegm* went t i i cliainii i:nen (5) nurtli richly-oii»» and a lair iU>.•fuwtwt iix chaiuBj tinmen (G) norlh BO?-

ciilT-ilKhtaud itiiuurkr dogrrea went BOTOOchiliuntia U c u i y l h i l i ; tliuui-o (7J noiili HUH- - ilujjrccs writt all cliiltiM nnd tllty links;

ion (8) mirth nuvciujf-ihri-u (lesri-cH wonttwn clinittB tu a lioimdirv line orln.ul.t lic-lous-ine tu HIO hiirn orDnriO, Dniihum, deceancU;tliunce (!1) ulutiK »aid Duuhani tine In i sotiih-

(10) easterly alimj; tlio r.oclawny riveru^'lliv «eretal tourntn thfreof to tlio

inimtwuterlylioundarr lint of Ilic WaslilDRtouForg* tract; ilicnco (Ii) nortbcily alung laattnnntiJined Uintiilary lino to aWiTnt where saidlino lntt'rBcctn Ibo aiWdleoT HBIO rind ; Un

THSTHIUD TRACT brains at n point In •tho'fifteenth Imp or tno Unrrcil fnrtn ntnl rlinxtliL-tico(l) along Mid UlWiilhlinuuortU >'ivn (Icsrooi t-aitnbout ten clinlni to a m . . . .athennnilahulni; the flltooi|lb coroor of unliltiirrcll truot; .thtneo (3) ultra;i Mluvrlnff :h

11 uo offcaid Barrtll traot noith ulRhty-Hli <loRICCH cn»t itcvcn olmi in aud forly Hal.a t tluotlur cortior lii Ibo pom]; Ilionco (0) Boutliliity-nlno decree* eait nli chains and mventyllnhii; ibaucc (4)'nonth plsty-lbroo tfeffrueaiTC«t abunt otio tliiiti and Qtty linkii along thulam Iin<; nf .alii llurrdl tract until It Htnhca nr

Kt'otnOio bank on Hie Houth K.ilooftbianny nverabont one olmliiBnd forty Imki

below .tlio hriilgo wl.icb cromui tlia same;tlitDCoJ[[5) winterly along ibo odga of tl.iiwater at liiKh wnlrr iinrlt tn Iho beginning.Tlio Intention of Ilio tbnro Ii to oonvey all tuoland vrhlch is ciiTerrd or Unwed bjr tbo nor tha Wiubingtwi Fornoroncl.

EirepliOKOutor nnia tr tcls tno tola __vvyud h ; Henry Mi^Fariaml aud wife to Juhu \ .Tone by deert tuiccl Hnicli 24tb, A. D, lfUi.l,and recorded In huoh QG of d ceils psao 2H9,i c . Th» flrht Kit containing ono anil elRlity.twnJjanOrfdthuaci-ee of land mnrn nr InnsTlio aecoml tract containing rorly-liomlredHi>l an acm of laud mor.i or Ions. Moo, all thmta.K, right, tllla firnl Intorcsl of tbe dclY-nd-intH in a rnrluiu Uutra for mlncit, urus ami

.nmcrali on lands nf Daniel L. Dalrlmplo tnJuha Onlo and I'll must Trrcftnorvan, datHNnvctiibL-r 10th, ltltil, and tccnnleil In hunk It0, pfico IS7, Ac, Hid duly aiftiRncd to a.iidt'eli.'iidan.iiul.d reenrdndin tlioMnrrin County

in iun.li. In the tosmtnip or ltfltidoljiii, countir Murrii and Blolo nf Now Jerney.

1'IEIWOS A. FllEEWAN, Bborlfl,Hated Janimry 3d, 1B77, [IV. U. MH.Ofl



DOVKli, >. J.,

ivili-!i ajl ln« TrimilK ami HK- (irniTat piililic lo

li'l'.r'us'Lj'^iMNritn^rfadl'illifl to uictt tln.tr


lirr|>m-il tu mil. r, iircmiiul? aai" cla-aplj.

OYSTERSnvrtdintTirv n.ylr, anil mlilby thttlmnilred

ur Ihnutu'ud.' Tiic choiwul branilii of


ilwjy* be fmini. ai my place, ai well At


I'artirn. BMIIR, FoMiivalu, etc., *upi>lk-<! withJval.iP.fream.fnnticliuiHiy and other dell-'ilrii-'ii JIIKI NU|)i>c-rii at r<;4tiuhtl ratrri FurnisliDd

ESI-ECIAIJ NOTICE!Ha.In;; li.ca ippuntcd SOLE ACEST Iur

thin uciuitj for

DAYS ICE CEEAM,iad liartni, Btlcd up liiuhuiiif parlor" anil airi cutu n i t r a u ^ Iur ludicn, I t.linll luubu tlioial t or 1CF. CJIEA3I a Hjiitlaltj tho ciimltiKM^OII , and trill Bii«ioatet i*rHDDal comfortimr IMil.1111 ftom Minof lure to m? got.la.



WA1U1EN ST., DO^'EE, N. J.

Pin ST.Itecnni^i tlio nti'ok IN liir^u at nil limea and

nnlimcc-K rverv vnriiitv of FjiESII MEATS.tiUdAlt Ol l ' tE l ) HAMS, SALT rOUK,FltKSIJ iiii.l SALT I'lSH. nml nil kintls <>l

SECOND.Jlerauso uincrlnl roinanra la ta l . lha t lilt!

atos'li almll li» nlw,iv« I'llliSII, OOOB anilI'LI'AN, tbo Vt'KOttiUcH boinK recfivoil ilollT

iofln n* thi'T niiiHjur in tlto Kow Yorktola, »nil lilil « ' ml'lilly * » ' " " " I" ' 0

In aru ever fouuil nhout the promisca

THIRD.QonUHO oonrtoay in uniting on eu&loinentrnlo «r tbe morkut, nil cnntuuinrH l>o'- -tell ulike, null piircluDiuH boiug ilullvoi

troo ofolnirgu.

FOURTH.— l i e pricca nre inuilo lo auit tbe

• » „ . book. o[ tlie people In lbe«o time.VIIBII cbeiip wagea dtinmud cbunp entnbli'a,ii llbcr.il diHruunt Iwivfe tuailo lo UIOM} vbobuy !> (jiumtily at u Uinu.


PRANK 00X, Proprietor,

H JS. r t 1ST ES »S S


vr Lnowo to bo a. choapbeforc an now at



DOVER, N. J.A largo ami trull m-Ice ted stock or


HORSE CLOTHING,Hlieoti.,FlvNVm,CiirT.rr[.mliH,Jirii8hrR,Ihirs*

Boots, of all dubcritilioiiB bi>lb for roa.l aniltncli. AI) Hilda uriwavj llam'n and Collttmrordraiifiht piiri.iim"n, HnltiTH, (.'linmoln Kklim,

[WIIBCS am) KVKIIV'i'HIKa In llie DUHINI'J^.A flno Tarietj of Uarhvtt Olln, Hoof Oint

it-'iili Tbo alwta Kamls, Ilka all cluo lhe»(Urn.*,' h.vo l.-J ' I ' tar; laU hi prico an.l trillbe sold ai Iiivint liuurc*.

October Slut, 1871.


E. & G. H. Ross & Bree&e,CEKZEIL nsr. kvn un

Insurance Agents,Ofllce.Old Ilou Bank llitiliHuB,

Morristown, N. J.;D»t!lllo3n, Qra. ll.ltoas, UTKPIIIU. IIUKKM:.

A.JOOE, Colleotor,DOVER, N. J.

SHERIFF'S SALE!n ChnDCorr of Kow Jonov, Fi. t». fur sale imorleaccil pn-miaci. wliereln Willinm Jccniiah in com ilia i nun t, ami Dnrl.l Llojil anilRnriiol hii n i b , Daniel Lhiyil, Jbibort i\Orim.Jnlm Hance ami ffililnm O.Lst l inpare clofMulanfi.. 'HulurmWu to Pcbrunr-

•Term, A.D. 1S77.JJliiaHCOUIl & SMITH, Oil'm.

By virtno nf ilia BIIQVO atntcj writ ot Herfadot in UIT liandK,' 1 all ill oiposo for i<ale n

JnLIU VfeNUUIi, al thu Umlcd States lietrl,Momntown, X. J . ,nnMONDAY, Liu i'ilU U«y vt MAItCn urxt,

A. p . 1877, l>otvTccn tho Liotira ot 12 H. ami 5tVolock 1'. JL, that ia to . iv . at 1 o'uhick in IlicatluTitiion or uald day, til tbi! oemtn lot ortract ol land anJ prcinltea. situate, lying midl*i n« la the townithip oi Ilaailcihili, ia tbocnunt* of llorris anil State of Nuw Joracy,Uiamlod nml cleacribul an rullown, to-wlt:

Utilns l 'artor the tract of land dcucr.hctl In •_deodfrn,n Cunrad I'nnpciihuiiPii noil vriro toMid parties nr tho first part, beariac ih le tliutli-Bt daj of NoTumber, VlRliieeu Imnilrtid an<(lilv-netcn, and racnnlcil in tha 3Inrt-!« countyrecord ur ileodn la hook K 7, mBe» VXl.&c, audItea on ibo wunt ititl« of First utrect, at 1'ortOrarn, and In ilcBignatca • • Lot No. 47 oninapof Midleu(tK,»ua Imginimt a point on tL.neat ilde of ssld t tmt t , bolnir a comer to lotNu. 4B NUIL] tu Walton Alltp. aiid i* dlalanlirty-fonr Tcct from the beginning corner o" t d Allmi'i lot, walcb In tbo nnrtliwoat cornci

" • «nd Pir»t itrouti. and .UIn_ more partlcularlj dfitcrlbod

1 thonco alontc tbo Kent (Ids or aaldfiroL atrcct as tbo nocillo nnw t rav t r iu (1north twoutT-ninen and one-bM dcttrcci camIwonly-flvefuet to earner of tha wolt[limn»tiT'ilot; (nonet a l tight ancloii BIDUR bli lo; (3north *litj-two and ft hair d e f e c t wod onolinndrod t « t tocornur or.said lot; thence (3

>Ttn and 41 half ilegrecu wen:. (0 corner or naitl Alien lot

thence 1 lone tho «ame (O lonth i-litT-tiro atn.hair degrten tent onu handrcd ftot to the

u.^Blunins, conUiDing Xntniv-Qro hiimlmM]narn foct niors or ]I:BS. tinini tho minitiri'iiiliici ncscrlbcd In A moittraiTo from DAVII'IIOJO .ml vtire to VlStaaI J&° S , " I S»ardi 1.1, 1971. and rpcurilud In book U 2,piffo 2CS, Ac. of Uortia cnnnls- roronl of rjorl-

KC... r iEllaONA.FimJiUAN, HbqrllT.'led Jauoirr 4tb, 1B77. [Fr. !«T 10..I

•lidand r


ro now prcpiroc! to farnttb FAftMEBS andother* la car-load lot 1 aa estra quality or

BROWN LIMEroLi Ibo Btcwarliville Qnarrli-ii. Tbia Limn Irocommouited aa ttm tlronccat in mBtkot, andwill be .old it lor r r r*tti than «*er iwToro onJin linB or tlio Uorrii A Eiirx and Ctio.tor

Itollroadi. Alao

Ra'ston. & Kirke's Bone Dust,

North River Barrel limo.BEI.IVF.nED Al D0VEH.'

Lltac la cat'I1..1I., ptr ta.htl, (W lb.. I 121 ti

Jlonuuuiil. purcitt. 179aS.irtb Ili^rLiiimitlmr yerlibl. I ; M ..\UM1I Blt.r FlmdiliiKljDX.iar tU. l . n -

Llmo iiHlmroa tn anr prtlnfon lUo CUoiiaIlailrtmil nt 11J ctn. ptr Im.ljcl.

A OHO ii««lily ot WHITEWASH UME onbaud and sold In any i]uautitks. . . .Onkr. will rwrite i>runipt illtntiun. Aildre

I ' .VL . I l l i l l ,tOVEB, N. J.

COMPANIESAmerican Mutual Ins. Go,, or Newark

N.J., A s m ever £1,00.000

Korouant^ Hutaal Im. Co., of !!«'N. J., Aiseuovor 600,000

Firemen's Mutual Ins. 0o-, of Keirark

H.J., Aisets over EOO.000

Oinnatis Mnl'inl Inl. Co., of HewttrlH.J., Capital, 100,000

n Insuranco Oompaa, of HartfordOoun., Assets, 6,000,000

Contlutntal Inturt.nco Oompniiy, of Hit,M r . Capital, 1,000,000

Mutnal Benefit Lift l i i . Co., ofHoKtuk.H.J., Auet>, 0,000,000

49 •













IE Htibaarilior, liaflDit ilolcrmlnoil to elo.o

e1?li>, AT COST.on and'.(ler IbtMU'lfl, until tb«\iho\t xtock id soli!. Tula i. not [Dtandud todraw en.inmcra aud thenaol) atoldiirleea, batIft a Kenolne nffor, the anbaoribcr inVodiiis ttrotlro rrotn tbe fomltiire baaititrsa andupou anotlior enterprlBO.


UNDERTAKING.Budlea prcRerrcd with or vitliont Ice, and al]

iniUBtprliilaoItliu'bnaliicBM furnlabiHl at Mm•liortcat Lotlco. OolDg poiaeiacd of all tbemodem appliances pertaining tn tlio trade, ambhrins'conaidcnble ciporiouo •, I feel con 11 dento iwrfurm iit duties eitJifactorilj and reiianably toward tboao who require aucli aenricn.

r . 0. YAWOER.


Stove and Tin Ware Store,CORAVIN'S HAXL BUILDING,

SUCCASUNNA, N. J .mHKanhsc r l t a r lakca p1os*nro.in .nrormlnaX tl»o cltisoni of SaccaaonDa and anrrounu' ,II country. Hint bo bn» enUbliidied •' atuv

ill tin - a r t rnlabUibmont i t tlie above aUudTbe atock nf gonda ouofiitiiig ot tbe laical

and niOHt iinpruvod


IIions nn.l

theTar-balm CtT.ASSCS ASIHtrM-ithe tlitontand air pus» £cs leadinr; to the 1""E«- <•»',»additional ingrcdlcnta keep tlie organs cool,moist, and In healthful .elion. la no pre.odicc keep you from lryir,e tins peat mem.

dnc of a famous duelor who has sauil llioti-lands of lives by it in his l.rBe private practice.

N.B.—Tilt ta r -na lm hiu. no HAD Tt.!nr. o .imell.

PRICES SO CENTS AXD $t TF.R Sonl.E.Great uiin^ to buy l"t^ "**•

'PHte'8 Tootlinclio Brups" CureIn 1 lliiitllc.

Sold hy all Druggist".0. H. CEITTENTON, Prop,, N.T.

HARDWARE!a complete atoulfof


Moobanion' and Farmer's Tools,



F I S H I N G TACKLEBlank Keys nnd Keyi Filled


S. H. BERRY'S,Bkciwell St., near Morris,

O O V E B , N- Jvtr, Ausnst 3mb. 1875..





New Mourning Dress Goods,. HEVr llK-'ilOXI.


BRAP D'ETE,lull lino fruia fl 40 |wr yard up.

SLACK D11F.53 H1LK, at rormcr price

BIBBONS.alltto new .!>*..Full bno BUNI1ET8, FLANNELS, AND

UNDl^rtWEAlt Tor LaJ ic , Oolit. aod Cbilar.ii -oiror Ibaii overborne,

D O M E S T I C S nt nil kind, v.ry olitnp,

TADclcr and Ronrri-v GINailAMft for 11elH. |*r yard. OLAbQDW wr 0 ola. pcryanl.



HOEEISrOWN.N.J.September 23d, 1870.

Freeman Wood


DOOVJEIt.IV. J .cpally aotliorizcd igeat'uf Ibc rollening Qi-at.

clas. companlM-tho boat iu llw woild:

LONDON and LIVEnFOOL nndGLOBE, Capital i20.00O.00O.



B O Y A I J OP LXVEBTOOL,Capital $10,000,000.


HOME, •• - ". 00O.00O.

STAR, J c n e j City, " 500,000.

HUDSON COUNTY, Jersey a t j .

Capital 5300,000,

STAHDAED, Tronlon, " 800,000.

PEOPLE'S. Noirark. " 80O.i»a


UUMBOLT, " " 200,00a



Choice Lots in Dover,foriftloeliMp, and


Freeman "Wood,Jnitlcd of tha Potco and Fotle o M» ittnte

[QE8 anil HEATERfl, h»TD lint ucc5_pninVinil iro ootiK-qnontl* ths VE/lY NEWlihT111 PEHIQH. ItOi>KIHO. PLUMDIISO n a dJOUUlNU.Bt lboiovci t JIARD-rAN Fricea.Our itock ol lia *»ra or oierr ilew.iptian litRial) now, ind cbran. Call >uu ice our Oooubufore pnrcbm>ltig rli»wher«. •_

JOS. 3. COB"WIN.BDCcinitjiia, N. J., Oct. Bill. 1873. 15-tf

Morris Co. Surrogate's Office[II tho mit tcr or Toieph Bodero.-, tbo Eiccolo

ol*Joho Uolnt, di-cuueil. Burrofiile'i Onlelo Limit Croilllori.

f\S •ppllMtlDD of Ibfl »bflra.n»n.cJ E i « a\J tor . i t In urderea by »ho eutropilo thatthu Ul'l EiDcntor Slvo PD1IL1O NOTICE tothfl crediUiTH of Iho o m t e nmaid ilfCTilont tobring la tbtlr tlohU, doraandi m d olftlmnSRiInst tha isme, nodcr (mtb, wilUin ninemontlm from th.mlit*, br « l t lnc tip iwipyoftlii* order, witbin lWL-nt71U.fi turoiher, la B»ecf iho moat nnUtcri.aci'aiii tb^ennntj u i j l n r .HN for twn niDnthn, >nd HIM within Ibc laidttrtuiT Ctjt hf ulvcrtiiitiK tbe Mtna Is theIEON EnA, ODD or Itio ncwipipem nt, tli.ii 8Utc,for Dm mino ppacgnnimoUlio aurrog*ttJmlK-Injt i n j fnrlliBt notlc« ID beUD0000*1.117): andIran* crcilltor iu«ll r.cRlKt to exhibit lift orher tlehUrtleminil and claim wltliln tbo fcmlpt'riml utnitiD ninniht, public nutlM IxinRgiven aMdriirmnid, snoh cipJitor in*ll bo far-iitor onrn>a nf bli or br r acllun tLerofor,ig».n*ttho MIU EiBcnlor. ' -

E. E. WILLIS, BuiTORitc.>i trno copy from tbo mlnntt*. 10-10vf

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale !ew J m t y Supreme Coprt, Horni Conn IT.D. Jolloj y». Nntbao D&TII. p i . fa, do Lotel tor. In c»<-. On dot*oted jnitnmmi]tetttrn*blo to Novctabor Term, A. D. 1876.

• OSCAR JEFKUEX, A t f j .'GIT Jcrtov Rapremo Canrt, N o r m CountsOicur Jt-ffrt.T v i . Nulhnn D&vm. Fi. U. Al>f>u, ct ler. In tlebi. It«tnriiab1o to Nibur Term, A. o. 1376. . • ,

OSUAR JEFFlll ir . At t ' j ?mo. i tn n E a.to on buhiif or (he abovo-nanii-d p*r-L tifc«,iiinujoarutdtoi»keplacisil t in Unitedti ler Hold, In UorrlMovrii, H. J,, on

MONDAY, MAUOd 13th,A.D.18TT. botirflOD the hoora ol 15JT. anilo'clock r . 21.

riERSON A. FREEMAN, BIifcrllT.i6NnT.20Lb,lB76. . [Pa*, h . tl.SO

unout.OoaaiMllnfri elegant witchmin, UJiei* hinil-

brooch, dpfpftir (Iropf.p

nt noli]vra bnlto

_ . — r . . ( I .ilmt Binili, eolla', boaTjr flaio wudilioj ring, and scnu'n diamond pin. Tho kbove «rlide« lent,

nid, for ijCetir. blTa Usun tut«ik<d Tor |fl.ll.ukr'Vu tito V imlmnnl he • .Id. <.k,\u] Mill'nGold Watcbci,- (10 each; for optcnlatke pur-|w>w«,60oa>tlnwr».e<roUlo.B|»lK-.m..iT;.i) a1200 l o td " a l tl f h|>w«,60atnwr».<Ulo.B|»lK.m..iT;.i) a1200 ffouDlno Rutd, . " a l l repuutlon fnr him-cury, fMrilottinp and injerainjr IM nni nntlcil IITany mlTffHwr In this eitj."-N*. Y. D n ROOK,*-«cnlwrl6lb.t8n. 10^w



0o.,li, (Mil, Illaaaia, Eaaiiaiail, Bl«t»llSmtlilag, aod all Affuctlosi or lha Throat,

Bnmthlil !•»••, ma Lung"; I""«Jto OoninmptiDa.

Tiiis Infallible renmly is composed of IlicIIONEVof Ihe ( t a t Ilurilmuiiu, la dicmloilunion with T M - B A U I , cxlraclcil from 1»«LlPF. PmsciriE of the forest lite M »1KLSAMF.A, or nal"l of Gi!e:ul.The Honey of Horclimmd SOOTHES AN

KATTERB all irritations anl i l l l i s nntheTar-balm CtT.ASSCS A

l d i






htm rcailv-miJc Bl'IH in


-I.E.I. >nll bo i.f.1.1 .1 OnE-VTuV !lEni.CK!»I'niClis tuCIUBI- lli.m out. Wo Imvo i t i t i iodimr FALL STOCK ot


ALE. Kiatia AKU aizc .



IKON, rA(« ISO, Ac.

M, H. DICKERSON,BbokwellSt, Dover.

Dover, N. 1. , A UK. Int. 1H70.


MACHINE SHOPS,M. HoDRlaud, Proprietor,


Chill mid Dry Sand Rolls,ioj>llaind. ol


Engines, Pumping Machines,A1LEEMOF

GEAHI.\O ». 1'Cl.l.LVS.SlIKina BlAClilNKRV

AND, .

Hoisting Apparatusor all kind! a aiioctalUjr, ana '

F u i n l i l i e d a t SUorteBt Not ice .

Turned and Grooved to Order,




Prompt attention givon to ItEPATR "I'OIIK,

1876. Centennial Year. 1876PALL AMD WINTER.


Merchant Tailor,tISTOWN. IV. J. ,

r1 IK witb a Rn t l dim)innonncc to my rriaiida

t?mBi-f, Ibil tornioo thin

QUARTER-OF A CEKTUEY,I hue beer able i« tniulilor lo thnlr wmiln intbelinoof-OLOTHLN'ti with mnil) proflt butnrcit pluiiare lo mneir, inuwiili incruaiinftKatiiroettoD lollioroj-aml lhal I am nmvpro-

unid witb m IDH Mm of N1SW OQODH lo fil"iun WtUt EAKOAIN8 tlinn nt-t buforo. .Ooodi tin cli.«l«r now than tlio.v J i a « bocu

l'M»tiri,indYODlliiCBOnh lostcp ' n t n J 1:~ look at BIT r IN it'CLOTHS and UANIKIO!

HAB0,TIMES. -Tbe FALL ST'iLES U T O ultaliieil Hi

ippv medium for leugtba aud size tbal nonen.-d LeiiUte about ortlerbs eanucnla toirln-ler will be out uf hilitou m n ten tuunlhH.VOT douliio-broiitcd Froot Coals, ibu Vrevcli

ind Epgluli.diagonil wouluU arc Ihu UIUBwon., and for * '

BUSINESS SUITS'all aixaa of rLAisa and diccia arc m vogue.




.i uniU*[ mdltwtlllMMujriitnoaloDiloavoDntbefuil lw» been ID thapftM.tosira m.Yeniiniiro iitinrittion. t«tti In tbe fltlinu antl m»k-

Kbftbrir«TutfDti, HHUtTBraidetoorritriml tt foil line or OEKT81 FDUNlMGOODS on linnd. Al roagt iKl iincrinicu. of11EADY-UAI1E CLOTaiNO *TJ clio»|),


April l*t, 1B76. 10-iT

BOllER WORKS,BKOH, Proprietor,




TANKS ana 0BE BU0KETS,co'QBtaQttycD.batid

rnoiirTLV xmxim TO.

9 - FAVCV CAI1DS 1J . I T ' I , .Ill, > , » , «f,O ell. uom-nala. J,Il.LCSIi;D,.Vis.iu,lt*ns Co., Sow Vork. 10 iw




I.IMi:. CKiirNT,L-Al.'.INl'U 1'LrtSTKII,

FJiONT lll.Ii'Ki

I>"LAU STONES, CtfitillMG,



Uouc Jinsf, Cuaiio, I'mitlrettt1,LAND PLASTER, £-c. v

WOOD aawed in stove lengths.


STOVE, - - - $ 4 . 5 0EGG, . - - . 4 .25CHESTNUT, - - 4.25

Tmvii dulin-rv 49 els.; Mino Hill 7.1 olH.Ordcm uiny tip ndilrr^Hi.'J throng!) thopoit

OOlcit /.ock Hot -2% or loft nt A. ] twiner'* nfth*In l>hcl.ivL'll Kt., war HUBB'H, <>r at. tho yarii,

tCi.riillTlTrt CDAI-timHlnntlj nn Imml.



Dealers in




Uhiss Ware,

Wood & Willo-w Wai'e


Iron and Steel,

Gns Pipo and Fittings,



Powder, Fnse nnd .Miiilns;

Materials eonstnntlj' on

l i i ind,

Cor. Qlaohwell and Morrts Streets,

Stoves. Stoves.TIIK OLD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,. itUckivoll utreel, TJtivor,

Hot Air Furnaces,if liio latent .md niuHt imjirovMl MJICH, furnnniiiB public niid in IvnU' luillilingB. A largi

nssr.rtuit.Li', nr tStCYcM, chonp fur C3H1I.


STOVES. RANGES,&c. Aliu a vtricfy of

T . A TVr'i=» f g ,KEROSENE OIL,



A fill nBnuttiuintof .

TIN &JAPA-N WARE,pnair CANS, i c .


L13AD111S, nl all llml« ofJoll.luB Itim.tllnc,dim.! In tlie 'jcHtiitnuucr nml al liio nliorlcsluliuu. HlKlieM pricca paid Iur uld lrou.Copper leal aDd Jimrtor'tnlion Iu tixchauc

°re<J0IH* ALDXANDEH WIGHTON.DtfL-mljoi aith.lHTO. l -Ur

CHAS. i.







Dover , N . J .

Orders for Sawing and Planing

. promptix e

H. P. SANDERSON,hMOn bmdiUrge (tack of ' '


^lIEELS.flfllowMtarrOptrKt. Mof FINE GOLO11S for carriaiia and VRDOUMinting. AIM OILS wiA VAHK1KH, both1'orDignaniJIkiniBBtlc/ Tonpornur, Wnnnl i u s , cto. Paint, -Coloring nml VaniinhBrunhea nad Striping PuncUa, a fnll stock.:

All of tho above goods from tie best mak*en known by painters. .


[itTio^ hlA'a long (ipurtonteifi thuCarrtn);Ba&lacM auahk'i mt to In' i\ coutnulunt jmlgiof auj t r l ide connculcil • illi t ie IJUHIIIVBH, KDtny pohniii fnrorlnK tun r.'itli thtilr urditrt ra»'rely ttimn IDT furoiahinR tliL-m willi no artldo•nllablo to their KBDI»,**BI1,II m ma-wnablanricei at can be obtained nl any other pined,

Ordun br loiter Tar Cirri age ami Kldgli Ornimmili will tin i n l h h l ; flIMbj utminR tontiat pnrpnio Ihvj iro ncnled, BliJ Miniliniraoncj enough tu coior thu amount. Yua|iilroDB]ieiiircipco!IilU uolk-ltcd. '

H. P. SANDERSON,S3 _ • Opposite S u m Dupol



WSOAKconvioctyua ilial jou canmoney this HprltiR onil rtatnm"r by

Injtyonr Bwili ami fiUota at dm. W. fitClmaplkmtBuil Ubangiara. On) mm •tnck 1»' ijfiu anilwaitmrer more coipplclniu everj

•pect tbfta al^rcMDt. Kvotj 3»lrahli> - -

IlBttan L*CB *oa Coogrii* Oaitem and Kb liftconn tan llr ou hihil. B.I). ltD1LT*K ' hona car.b sbaaoaVa t a. w . DitAKU't* Cheap l i r i ttnd Shi>« Uiorckn CUSTOM WOtllCaiid Jittiblocirotuptlr •llendot'i a. Oho door rroo Sin"o >t Cg.'i Clot!) laK Btorf. - -

M. & I. SearingCARPENTERS,



Jobbing in General.DoontaotUU 11711,











CnOCKEltr, Tin, Wooden tin*\Yillow Ware.

Groceries nml Provisions.

Panfir Grocunca, Omtietl Uoqila, Drioil Fruit^ a a , (.'nftbfs, HnifSr^ Snltii's ami avurj-

tiling ill HID Gloi'ury HIM.



HABDWABE:Iron, Bled an] JHniiitt HaMsIa or all kind

Fiiwdir. and l'nxe, K,catn and Uas I'ipo andFlltinsa, Cut Nmla, Uoiltiuris' HaiYhrarn, lllauk.•mill), and CurponlurN' 'XouU, Htnam Paekluiiuriiuimli.

B«liig larRo whok-aalf Iniycra.wp arp oiullo offer all (food, at t'liunpcal miia.

Con. BLACK WEI &i and SUSSEX Bt.,



The Old Rcliablo Market illNEW QUARTERS!

.7, It. EEEMEBIVIDIT rcmoveil bis mntltfit—Ibo olditt Ii

Dov-er~to bia

NEW'BUILDIIMGon sunsI:XSTI:I:I:T, t»a .i«m, >out>> ui IL

gU aland, alll bt.rcafler lumiali choice

MEATS .AND VEGETABLES,,._ _ .' ( cnEAPEn ,T»AS Bvjsn.) ,..__.;'•._


CINCINNATI HAMS,'.llin brat lo HID market. Wo nulie a ipoclaUit,f killing all our awn mcat.ftinl tliorofnro linoillutilUoftlieliL-Ht. Allklndaof

kept en liana ** won OR limy appiar Inmirlit-ln, and noli! at rcanDimblu prints.

TiicbigLcntiuartotprkCri paid hi ca«h. (olJltof lli'U-i,Vu»IH!,lii«AndHU«.pHkliis,bl1

t tlio laarlict. Cualnmura unppliid bymTucudojtt ThunJajaUDjlJitunlaye.

17-ly ^ . •*' '


In tbe matlcr or J . AnJriliT Unturlnic, AiTniln-

ltulc io »hi>w cmisR wliy tbi>ra ulionld not ben HAIO oDaoili. • .

J A <lrfw ftilcrllw, Ihn Ailroln ml rater o• J..bu A; Unturllne. lot-.- ol tlio Uounlv c

Muiui, tkctRBiu, baviiiR mnde aud Dilnhltoitu tlilnCouit, iimluruutli, » jusl and trna ncuonutof (hi-pciBotial rulatc auil dclrii of saltIfRdim-it. IR IsraH ho liaBbftiq nlilo lo iliacnvciibe MIT.V. l<7 winch H Ki'peaig tlmt the (Mimnnutulatuoi laid ilccutincil isiiiriiiiTJabuL tutia.-albm.Just il.il.in. md nlntiiiir tlmi mili7 diAwisud(liMTwwd of Innili, trpemi'iiln, hcii-Oiinmo IInnd rial iMMc.nhmit* in llmCimniyot llnrriemid |iMylua Hie iiiit ur Uif Crtnrt in ibo nirin.'jeit. lhctrriin', n la orilwcd" by lliu Cuart,(lint all ixirm-nniiilcrwit-d In the larnlr, lt>ni>nii'Dtt, hiTiditsni1 oln and rual c t l i tuof middtHi'iiMl. iln nii,eir be(iiretli( JIKIRIH' oftbiil^A.**.111?. "•nri.llirpm In lU.irmlt.wii, oni.ui(n. •* niv uuLiri-iiiirjnii in aliirxiKliiWfi. on1MNHAY. tbr niolh dar of APKIL, A. D.IH77; *nrl aliinr nmw, i ' anr tluv bar- -1-- -inclinf I lit nalil Uii.l*. K-mmonts,]fin*nn<t mnlri-i.ilc of mild dwrumut tiuHuliIoi wilUj-ujflivIent in pay hli dobd,

t E 1!. WIXUP, ' 'A true cupy Crrm itio mino leu,

PAMPAS. OR UPLAND RICE..C.n.KHWSACft;, or Jsriun,: Mieli., irill

.'ml lit an* ndilrt'^s, clrculiM Jurji-ilnns tlilntrnla,ttiil ccriiBi'-nto nf nn.'ni, uo • itci-ipt ofltm|i In p t t poHl'RO- 1> iloci mi l In Ibeicrlli. Cdul>oprnlltali!r-ro5rri. Eiinllenllornblu iuu>, ami f.ir .tuObR all kin0« ur Htn-b.ulbtns fqiiil to it lor fttloalns lovilt i adaLlDi[ Ilitm U j . r . " io-tw


Capital, • §200,000.ilaiikin^liiiamfrninO A , X . t o ! r .H. Pmtiipi

tti-titin.i fiUvii tn ili« iiur.-bn8« mi'l mtU* "1ioii(!i anil otbor Hci-iiHin-H ; Hie .ci.llcclidn nl


D 111 E C T O I t S .

GEGBOE ittciurtDs, ErmiAiu LIKDSLEV,ilUlINU;,* HoAObASU, JAS. W.BllOrnKUTKALiimtT It. Itmoa, CoLvuuns IIUAIRAAC \i; SKKUIHU, I s s i c H, J o u - ,itictiAiui GKOIUIE, Jonx W. JACKSON,

on.The .lllno'i-s' Suviiigs Hunk


twnnE nv THR NmosiL If.siox HASH.

?.u. I will bo paid ou ilni t* titndn nilL bDt rc tlm lirtst duj'H uf Msncit, JCM:, UC

rn end DpccauiF.n.- Opnn daily Inim 9 o'clock A. u. to 4li i*. u.



Dnver, Fol,. 17,1878. l?-tf





: Opora XPlnusiol,

Jlrdlualcd Flaiinol, Caalnn Flimniil, ni-aii£u

Flannel, Union Flauucl, Doraul Flannel,


AYI1ITK ROSi: UJ.AKKKTfrom 12 to *12 per pair. .

Ulna BtntibtMB, Itod BlanVolft, Oiay BianbdHBlown Ulanket*, at

W.'S. BABBITT'S.MoniHlonn, KDT. IGtli, 1876.

1776. CENTENNIAL I 18?6.

AT itEDnanos I N pmuisa AT

Tliu BubHcrlber tias-luu Jnat received a LAHQF.• STOCK nr


Tor Bpriug and fiunimer ffoar trill offer tlicmtoucrii »t tho LOWEST riiicu»i a i follow*

17.00 tu (IB.MCH'H Sultir, .]

Ucti'a Slack Coat . , - • - - - fi.00 '•ha1 Sulla, a.00 " 15.00. SilltH (a largo quant i ty) 3.50 " S.OOirun'a Bull! J.OO » 7.00

Working Pauls , . . - - • - ' l.uo

" i " extra, • 1.50A LABOX QCiKtlTI Or

Gents' Furnlsliing Goods.

txct«tlluDly low, ,nd a eoncral aiiorttncut or


Diagonals, Worsteds, Testings, Ac,Bold by tho yard md cnlgrnlti. Clotlilnff tniid*lo t i rdunn tie boat and htoi t ttylo at BliUrtuoiloc. i l l iwruoiii dc*trlng ftUjtliinftln I In»bo,o.m(UtloiiPd line nr goods iro edvmeiltocall anil oinnino this itock'nud cnnflOor thepriced, whlcli t re much LOWEB tlmu i t wtwforo sold In Dover. • Do not forgot the plico

; WM. SIMOIST,SVSSJCX St. , n e a r B l a c k w t l l

Dover, N. J., April 32d, 187P. V -;. . il

PEOJECT YOUE BUILDINaSkVlilcb m»y ba done with onc-rnmlli tba

1 iiptUHO, b» aaing our


fire-proor, Water-proof, Durablo,Economical and Ornamenlal.

10 lattl from iU to 25 v t i r i . . Old roofs oat] beIIPJ aud coDtud, lankinR moth bttmr, amnolaDgor*1I«D neTiulngk ' i nrilhoat tii

ONE'l'IiirtD THE COSr OP ltE3IIINGLWq.Tlio mpoi-re or siatinit OPtr shlncU't la on)'

about ibu curt of gttnj.lv laving tbcra. Hitpaloi Ii FIHE-PRDOF koamat njiarka or flyiiuinlx-re, an iniy lie emilj'Jf'itciT by any ono, *

, IT STOPS EVERY LEAK,iml for tin or Iron ban nn onunl, U It otpamliliv beat, wntracta by cold, and uevur c 'icirsciiloa. lloofscovered witU Tur 8!»i!alL-'dlpun bo madn water-tight at1 a nua1

^oiwc. nnd pruKtYeil fur tuaur yoara, *TbiiHIato r amt f i .

EXTREMELY CHEAP. \TITO BBIIOHI. nil) corer a hundred square foul

iriliinglero'if. whilnun tin, Iron, fiill.maldii'cboni-il*. or an; nramith inrface, rrum t mu nuartiUi oiio tptloii un roquirod tu 100 square fvvlaorfiico, nnrt nllbnoiili Uif Pxlnt htm a ltr|body ii Ii easily applied with a brunh.'NO XAIIOM USED IN THIS COMPOSITION

lorofiiro it no! tlio r cracks in IV In lor, our runt

Oadcojvod shingles It fliltnp flin bnlonnn.poren, and gin-s a nen unlj*lanl!*l rmT Iliawill iHHt FuV lenu , Cnrlwl nr warpid nblD^JeIt brlufin to tlcirphccf, and keeps them thora',I t Illli up all holvii in i'tll fours, blopi Hie Uiks-an i l ttlrlioucb « ulow drynr, Tt\n J D M ' un ta tT™t It n lew hours after applying. Ai noarlvTlllieinU tbi t ai-o black euotain TAB, IW lur iins nblnin tiur OCMUISE article, which lloriliingle i w b ) in

C H O C O L A T E COI iOR,whtn Unit nppi!u<],cbnoclnR In about'imnnth•oaumioruiilatuciilur. suit is to all Intent,uilpurpoica«L4TB. (in ••

. T I K E O O F S ' : • • ' '•(orrpit color It usually preferred, an mto cdaB t-qital lo flvo or toy onllnirT pniut. For .

BEICK WALLStirnninar nm fa tie onlv reliable Blalc Paluvur tntroilnu'd Ilint' will eflfotimllv picvouinmpuiM from ponctratltif, tlid dlicoIorinK tinjlitfltir,'- Them, paints ire al»a largely n«ud on

nuMionsm and foucun, or an a prituinR coat on



iiamii , , ._ .',!!'. ra onu uno barrel .31)00Wo liBTo'ra »tock, of .our jvrn mamirucMirc,

Joflnn mattrlala. etc., a t tbo foltuwiisg low

B,canakegl i aTr l


L'tv roof, at i\ cents nor pquiro Tint.) •vmrnnBt-gjTatTodltouflDBJult.atIi cm

' 3000 roiln a-|ily Tnrretf Hoofing Pi.lt, al 2* etiicr Hntmrc nuil.

200 rails Tirroi} Shcithing, al 1 ount iioinqtiire Toot. ' ;

StlOO gallant.fino Ennmr 1 r«Jut t uUuil rood,.»rn«c, on imido orotHudo wort, a t \*o dul-

fli'nd Tnr aamplo can! or enlum All ordort.' ' -ipatatod witb thn roor

Trrtnouit. No fcoods




nAnA.XK. SKW nunnitAX, IIRLF rLATIw. IMUIVIV.I, Cllildrui'a l'luldii, DUAt' D'KrC,Hhii»l,, CloaklnffH. Wnli r-Proof, la ' ! :

culorB,ac. allusfc,tcai,Lp>frcK,al 0 >

W. S. EABMTTIurriaiosm, Kor. lath, 187A.



Successor lo Stgur's It a mi a, ttotlie Lt H nl on IJjuik ut iiovn.')

Capital, - $100,000.ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE rullCJUHE-aiifl Pjln or-all Itourlfi-toHis rnlliulian ol n)j»(itt'H, L'lii'Rkf. An Alt'i Aginitv for tlie snli- c.

»riiItKi)iiJ.H.3li.rcnii1VCo.,Loml,iii, V,au\a ,d'•ml Reliant Ilankiny Cnm]inity. Ircldncl. " '


5S-(f filHON' HIHI1L.

Dover Savings Institution,OFFICE IN DOVER DANK,


TRUSTEEbjJohn linnet

AIBJ;, Wik-litouJOI. ItOdlrl-iT,

Sylvciitfit l)iti!u-i

iVilliam Hi'italiiir.r.KauikTaoB

ThU InstitutiJC liliHini'SH,


Jm. A. (londtlo,llkliord intildDB.K.N. Nor 'G 1

n Is'now organiEe


dn.Tof March i h

])ororltaiik. fslinl! cniniu,<D«) rniiiiiiii; nnon all

xmiii d.^ioailnd nn tlio tlrwtdn.Tof Marcli, Jntie«"|>tninl.t.r nnd Dm-i'mhcr, which ever jbi.llnmt linnpo,, u»xt aflur tliu duimtll fH umflf, .

" S P • • ;.„•*'"•<»"•

The New Empire

JIot-Air, Gas & Bnsc-J)nrn-ingCooliliiirjaiovo:''''"

THE UEar 1IACIKO STOVE I S THE W0B1BP, a Lircu ABHtirtmcnl of olhor Slrlc,r Cooking Biovpn, IlatiKfi^ parlor

BtuVOB, &C,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER 19E.Also, a cholcfl utock of

Hardware, Cutlery,QJan8, Wooden, Conprr, Plain and Jupinced

» T H WARE. , •*

Oil Clotiii, Ciritati, hnm^n, Pa. nt a and Olln,rd C'agoB, Fcnthcri, Pratt'« Aainl Oil (uoo, •

jplnalve.) Also,

;, Plumbing and Jol>Work pmmptlj attondml to^ J"


^ n i r l i a n k ^ BfuleH fit M a u u f a c -t u r e r ' s i t r t c e t ; • J I *

Old Iron. Cappur, Urniin, Jjiad^Mgti andjOrooubncki taken In oxcbinjio f« KOOIII,

JAMBS K. UllUES 4 Uo.,•,MBrCtl.ia73. •



^tfrperfect LooBiiniai;;^-'.;^'';.1?..';^1-?'1-^;-!', •"Within tho past year, important imnroTe-,

lenta bftia been naded mid no trouble wllr"bo spared'in keeping tha REMINGTON r

ihoau ot oil competitors.




CUBEDMOOU,'t8'I4, ; .

DOlLYMOUtiT, 1815, •

'•• ' CBEED5100B, 18^.




".• W B B : B * B ;;•:••:-;:


Tlie only comploto BppnraluH evci invented,'cpmbininB ID one complete iuul "portable tan,-oliino all tho various Implements employed i a :

loading jinper and moUdlic eheUs,

JvolTen, Itcpcating rifltols, Ammunition,*Giia Moiiuflnpt, Iron and Steel lUfl© .

and Shot Barroln, for Oiistom '



CuHiTalors, Solid St^el CnltiTalor Teeth! an*JoiutB, AVronijht Itoii Blanilan. Cultivator-Teeth, imd Poiiits, Btyn'* PatontHone Hoe,Shovel Plot™, SiiDvel Flaw Blades, Plain andwith VingK. or aU Bttes.' • ' ..-';-•'/ ™

WROUGHT (RON BRIDGES.Lrch.iradTrQiMzoliUl, Truw,- Cas t - Steel*

8ho*elB,. Cask Stool Hoes and Qiirdon"Hal£e8..•lanteni* Handled ' HOCB." i rowcra, ' Wheel

llorwi E u l t s , Needle Cotton 01ns. *' f '

ArniuryandPrinoipal Office, Dion,,

INCH OFTICXS t—281 and'3 AS'Bread wny,'Row York, Amu. Madison Square; 6 E,. 23d'3t,* Now. Tor i , S..,Madiine(j.. .BOBWD, HO-.VcitDnt St., Bewina MJUIIIIIEII tuiil ArroSv

Chlcngo," 2M7 BUite Bt , Sewing Machine andrmft. S t LCU.B, 601).North Fourth street,'ewlng MwhinuR.nnd A n n a 'Piiilodelphlay

fltOCttpBtnnt St, SewinfiMacliinenand Arni*.lUItimoro, 47 North Chnrlca ?L'(Miwonlo

—iplo). StwingMnohlnesiindAJJUB. Waali-. OD, D . O..T.21 -Sotenth, BL, Sewing

MootilncB and Anna. . • . n.* • 7-lGw


tiEil),:.OOITBB, iatASS, 4cs': .,;.'-.... MlOHAEt ytESJSEQ. '..

• LLAUEWaXJ.8t., IK)VrB,S.*'afldraaa Djr mall ' ' l l t l .