GETTING STARTED WITH BIOGEOMETRY 10 Steps to EMF Protection and Balanced Energy Healing Design BY inc. Healing Design inc. BY

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GettinG Started with B ioGeome try10 Steps to EMF Protection and Balanced Energy

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Getting Started with BioGeometryHealing by Design, Inc.Copyright © 2014 Healing by Design, Inc.www.healingXdesign.com

“If you could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered with our bodies we would have greater

resistance toward disease” - Nikola Tesla

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HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE:Welcome to BioGeometry®! This guide is designed to offer some of the first steps you can take to begin applying Bio-Geometry in your life, and explains some of the basic Bio-Geometry products and tools that can help you. This guide will assist you in getting started supporting and protecting your body while creating a healthier “energy environment”

for your home.

BioGeometry is the practical application of a new innovative breakthrough science that is based on the ‘Physics of Quality’. It was founded by Dr. Ibra-him Karim, an Egyptian Architect and Research Scientist, in the 1970’s. BioGeometry uses spe-cially designed shapes, color, sound, motion, and wave configuration to beneficially affect the ener-gy of all physical environments and living systems it is applied to.

BioGeometry® is not a form of medical diagnosis or treatment, but is a long-term en-vironmental support for the body’s energy system and all types of treatment. Under no circumstances should BioGeometry® products replace professional medical treatment

Copyright © 2014 Healing by Design, Inc.

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ContentsStep 1 - Understanding BioGeometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Step 2 - Cell Phone EMF Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Step 3 - Reducing EMF Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Step 4 - Personal EMF Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Step 5 - Balance Your Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Step 6 - Subtle Body Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Step 7 - Balance Your Work Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Step 8 - Balance Your Home Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Step 9 - Help From a Trained Practitioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

Step 10 - BioGeometry Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

BioGeometry Layer Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

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Hold onto your hat. You’re about to learn a few things about the energies around you, and how you can use and/or correct these energies to improve the way you think, feel, and live. Some people are drawn to BioGeometry intuitively, sensing that it holds answers to a healthier life or a key to experiencing a higher consciousness. Others are curious, even skeptical, and find that BioGeometry stretches their belief system. It’s not unusual for people to scratch their heads with questions like:

• How can simple “shapes” possibly improve how I feel, sleep, heal, or even think?

• How can the angle of a corner affect an invisible energy which penetrates solid objects?

• How can an inanimate object (like a BioGeometry shape) trans-mute EMFs?

You’re about to find out.


We live in an age in which the left brain (logic, analytics, de-tails, etc.) dominates our understanding of life’s experiences. We work with our logical mind more than our ancestors, with information com-ing in at ever-increasing volumes. Meanwhile, the right brain (intuitive, instinctive, energetically sensitive) is where BioGeometry often hits home first. For most people they’ll find that they begin to “feel” the effect of BioGeometry shapes and the energies around them. Soon, a realization comes: I’m now aware of how my body has been

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affected all along by the unseen fields around me.

“After learning BioGeometry I started to be more aware of energy. One day I was in my car at a stoplight and all of a sudden had a slight headache on the left side of my head. I wondered why - was it something I ate? Stress? I looked out the car to my left and noticed I was right beside a tall, high-power electric tower. I never noticed it before. Driving

a few blocks away, the headache was gone.”- M.R., Minnesota

Your body is made up of complex fields of communication. The cells, tissues, organs and organisms all “talk” to each other to keep your body running. BioGeometry wakes up your body to an awareness of the energy all around you. It’s the same sense that our ancestors used when mankind’s consciousness was more prominently right-brained. Back then, understanding these energies provided the information needed to survive. Fortunately, the extensive research Dr. Ibrahim Karim has done on BioGeometry will also give the left brain what it wants - the research and the science behind BioGeometry.

SHapES, EnErGy, anD THEIr EffEcTS

Q: So how can shapes affect the energies around us?A: It’s all about the energetic interaction.

Everything, including our bodies, is fundamentally made up of energy, with all physical matter falling somewhere on a wide spectrum of frequencies. Radio, television, satellite, wifi, and cell phone signals are obviously energies that move and pass through solid objects like our walls and windows. But even solid, seemingly inanimate objects like wood, metal or plastic (which never move by themselves or pass through other objects) are also made up of energy. Whenever one energy field interacts with another energy field, both fields are affected and, therefore, changed. In the case of solid objects, these changes are subtle but are none-the-less real. Think of the energetic world as a giant ocean, with currents running through the ocean. When you place a shape in the path of a current, the cur-rent must then move around the shape, affecting its flow. When energy interacts with a shape or an angle that is of a

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highly beneficial nature, then the resulting change is highly beneficial. Dr. Ibrahim Karim has found 3 qualities that, in combination, resonate with the most beneficial balancing energy of all, and has coined it BG3. This is the basis for the Energy Science of BioGeometry. BioGeometry shapes beneficially affect the energies which are passing through your house or body by adding a special harmo-nizing quality to them, so your body can maintain its natural balance. Like our response to a piece of art, or a well-designed home, we can feel the difference when our bodies are balanced. Our response to balance can be measured through testing our brainwaves. Research has found that BioGeometry protects us from the detrimental effects of EMFs and environmental stress, as well as beneficially changes our brainwave patterns.

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THE many Emf “layErS” In TODay’S WOrlD While there are many natural energies and EMFs, both good and bad which we interact with on a regular basis, there are many more layers of man-made EMFs entering and passing through our home every day. The amount of man-made EMFs entering and passing through our home are increasing at an exponential rate. A count of these signals in an average metropolitan area can total over one-thousand known frequencies:

• 600+ TV Station Satellite Feeds• Smart Meter Transmission Grid if you have electrical smart meters

in your area• 6-800+ Cell Tower Transmissions• 26-30 HD local TV Station Signals (antenna)• 15-26 Radio Station Signals• 24 GPS Satellite Signals• 2-10 WIFI Signals (average neighborhood)• Short Wave Signals (police, fire, etc.)• Cell Phones, Tablets, and Computers• Electrical Outlets, Appliances (chargers, kitchen appliances, televi-

sions, etc.)

In addition to the man-made EMFs, there are natural Earth atmospheric grid lines, such as the Banker, Curry, and Hartman lines, all of which are particularly susceptible to modern day electromag-

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netic pollution. As these lines travel across the planet they pick up the energetic signatures of everything they interact with. After circulating around high-tension electrical power lines or cell phone towers these energetic signatures are now impregnated onto the lines, bringing an-other layer of detrimental energies into our homes and everyday life. Not all energies or EMFs are bad, but in many cases the cu-mulative effect from over a thousand sources (or layers) can, over time, wear down a healthy body’s natural defenses.


To offset the many different layers of EMFs in your home and body, as well as to enhance the beneficial energies of BG3, we’ll be creating multiple layers of BioGeometry.

layErS: OnE STEp aT a TImE

Experience has shown that, for many people, BioGeometry should be introduced in gradual steps or layers. Sometimes, the body may have an addiction-like attraction to the hidden stimulus of detri-mental energies. Attempting to reverse the attraction to detrimental energy can sometimes be similar to the experience of someone who stops drinking coffee or eating lots of sugar. Like our body’s need for a cup of coffee everyday, we may have an addiction to energetic stimulus. Computer games and cell phones are examples of stimulus that can create an addiction-like attraction to the detrimental energy of EMFs. When we begin to adjust and beneficially transmute these energies people sometimes need time or a period of adjustment to the healthier, more balancing influences of BioGeometry.

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STEp 2cEll pHOnE Emf prOTEcTIOn

Using BioGeometry to beneficially transmute the effect of EMFs from your cell phone and tablet (iPad, Kindle, etc..) is relatively easy and affordable. Cell phones are some of the worst offenders of detrimental EMF effects due to the amount of time they spend in close proximity with our brains. Dr. Karim has developed several de-vices specifically for this reason:

cEll pHOnE Emf HarmOnIZEr STIcKErcEll pHOnE BIOSIGnaTUrE HarmOnIZEr STrInG

These devices do not reduce the strength of the EMF signals, nor do they have to. Instead, both devices re-pattern the chaotic and disordering effect that EMFs have on our cells as they pass through our bodies by adding harmonizing qualities to the energy. Once the EMF is overlaid with the beneficial energy-qualities of BG3 , the ill-ef-fects are neutralized without weakening or eliminating any part of the EMF.

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The Cell Phone BioSignature harmo-nizer Sticker has a brain and ear energy pattern on its surface. These BioSignatures are precise linear diagrams that enter into resonance with the patterns of energy flow in our body’s organs. Through the interaction between the BioSignature and our body’s corresponding organs, our organs are stimulated into following the same ideal energy pattern. In turn, this causes a harmonic amplification in our organs which restores the correct energetic balance. When these patterns are placed on an EMF-producing item, such as a cell phone or a wifi-enabled tablet, the beneficial BioSignature pattern is then “carried” into our bodies through the electromagnetic radiation coming off the EMF-producting item. These patterns then resonate with our own body’s energy field resulting in a twofold effect: The EMF is transmuted by the beneficial energy pattern the EMF is now carrying, while also beneficially reso-nating with the part of our body that first interacts with the incoming EMF, our brain and ear.

cEll pHOnE Emf HarmOnIZEr STrInG

The Cell Phone EMF Harmonizer String has an L 66 EMF protection pattern and the EMF Harmonization (electro-stress) BioSignature pattern on a string. The EMF Harmonization BioSignature enters into resonance

with the subtle energy of our brain due to its precise duplication of our own energy operating patterns.

Through the interaction between the BioSigna-ture and our subtle energy, the targeted brain’s

system is stimulated into following the same ideal energy pattern. This ultimately causes a

harmonic amplification in our brain that restores the correct energetic balance. The L 66 EMF pattern provides protection from EMFs by transmuting detrimental energies into beneficial energies. When these patterns are placed on an EMF-producing item, such as a cell phone or a wifi-enabled tablet, the beneficial BioSignature pattern and L shape is then “carried” into our bodies through the electromagnetic radiation coming off the EMF-producting item. These patterns then

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resonate with our own body’s energy field, resulting in a twofold ef-fect: The EMF is transmuted by the beneficial energy pattern the EMF is now carrying, while it also beneficially resonates with the brain as the brain interacts with the incoming radiation.

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Here are some powerful “do-it-yourself” ways to minimize your daily exposure to EMFs.

• Remove Dimmer Switches - Dimmer switches produce more EMFs than regular switches. If you can live without dimmer switches, or have dimmers you never use, consider replacing them with normal light switches.

• Limit Wifi - Even though your neighbors probably have wifi turned on all the time, consider turning off your wifi router or modem at night. Some wifi routers even have buttons which turn off only the wifi. Some people use a timer to turn off their modem and/or wifi when they’re asleep or at work. Otherwise, you can simply stick to Ethernet or wired connections.

• Turn Off Electronics - Turning off electronics at least 90 minutes before bed will give you a better nights sleep. Electronics can negatively affect the brain, and spending some time without elec-tronics before bed can enhance sleep and healing.

• Limit Cell Phone Use - Turn off cell phones at night or let it charge in another room.

• Proximity to Cordless Phones - The base stations of a DECT phone are always transmitting at full power and can produce very harmful EMFs. Avoid putting these stations near your bed or on the kitchen counter or anywhere you spend an extended period of time.

• Replace Digital Alarm Clocks - Even from across the room digital alarm clocks emit EMFs. Try a battery operated alarm, or an alarm

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in another room to wake up.

• Power Supply - If the electric panel is convenient consider turning off the breakers to the bedroom and kitchen at night. When test-ing household appliances, such as the kitchen stove, the level of EMFs is found to be quite high and can interfere with sleep.

• Unplug Unused Appliances - Unused appliances or chargers that are plugged in create a field, even when they are not on. Unplug them when not being used.

• If you really want to avoid EMFs in your home, turn off the main electrical breakers while you are sleeping. This might sound a bit extreme, but it is a simple “do-it-yourself” solution until you can use tools such as BioGeometry to transmute the detrimental ener-gies these panels emit.

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STEp 4pErSOnal Emf SUppOrT

Even when you’re not using your cell phone, EMFs coming from cell towers, electricity in your home or workplace, and appliances are in constant emission around you. Using a personal pendant can both support your health and help you stay balanced during the day.

l 66 pEnDanT In STErlInG SIlvEr

The shape of this pendant is one of the most powerful and useful patterns in BioGeometry. Wearing this pendant provides protection from EMFs by trans-muting detrimental energies into beneficial energies. The shape of the pendant also emits proven beneficial energy into our own personal magnetic field promoting balance to our entire system. This shape is extremely stable in its ability to transform these unwanted energies and, thus, does not need to be regularly cleared.

Emf HarmOnIZaTIOn (ElEcTrO-STrESS) pEnDanT

For EMF sensitivity and improved brain function this pendant represents a single BioSignature which works extremely well in eliminating headaches by balancing the detrimental

effects of EMFs. When worn regularly it creates resonance with the subtle energy of our brain due to its precise duplication

of the brains “ideal energy operating pattern”. In turn, this causes a harmonic amplification in our brain’s subtle energy

that restores balance.

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I lIvE aBOvE 30 “SmarT mETErS”

“When PG&E decided to install “Smart Meters” all over Cal-ifornia, my apartment building was not excluded from the in-stallation. I knew nothing about “Smart Meters” at all before this was done, but have since learned plenty. It was not more than a week after they were installed that I started suffering from non-stop headaches and sleeping issues. Nothing else had changed in my life to instigate such a dramatic change in my well-being. I began to research the situation and real-ized that I wasn’t the only person suffering from the effects of these new electricity reading devices. I attempted to gath-er the residents in the building so that we could all protest against this installation. Many other residents were suffering similar effects, but my apartment was directly above all the

meters and I was most definitely the worst affected.

“After many months of working on this issue, I was only able to get a handful of other residents to ask PG&E to replace their “Smart Meters” with standard electrical meters. The main resistance came in the form of a higher price for every “Smart Meter” removed. We all had to pay $10.00 a month extra for the privilege of having the standard reading de-vice installed. Needless to say, I still live above a great deal of “Smart Meters”, but now I have found another solution to my problem. I started wearing the EMF Harmonization Pendant and have been for the last 2 years. It is rare that I find my head pounding in the middle of the night even with many “Smart Meters” below my floor. I am so grateful to BioGeometry for giving me the gift to be free from the extreme insult that the additional EMFs were causing in my

life”- C.A., Santa Cruz, California

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My problem with being sesitive to electrical fields did not begin until the spring of 2013. Up until this time, I never was bothered by any of this. It happened after being ex-

posed to the new wireless smart meters while on vacation.

At first I had no idea why each day I would wake up feeling a very odd tightness in the front of my head. The feeling was accompanied by an inability to think clearly. I would alwasy feel better after being outside for a while, but the feeling would come back sporadically while I was out and about. I later realized that this was happening anytime I

was in a building that had one of these new meters. It was brought to my attention that these meters could be the

cause of my problem and so began my search to find out all I could about them. Once back home, things were back to normal. That was short lived, as these meters began to be installed in many places. I began to have a list of once frequented places that I could no longer visit or shop in, as

my symptoms were greatly intensifying.

What I was now experiencing were symptoms that were becoming very debilitating. I knew immediately when I was going into a place or area that had these meters. I would get a feeling that I can only describe as walking into what

I imagine a force field to feel like. I would then get that familiar, uncomfortable feeling in the front of my head, ac-companied by the usual confusion and an inability to make any kind of decision in regards to the simplest thing. Along with that, I would begin to feel extremely nauseous, get a

sharp, boring pain deep in the right side of my head, facial flushing and my heart would pound. Needless to say, this

was turning my life upside down. I had no idea how I would be able to function in this world once these meters were


I began to read everything I could find about electromag-netic hypersensitivity and how to protect oneself from it. I tried many of the suggestions I came across, but nothing helped. Then a friend told me to look at the BioGeometry

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website. I had never heard of it, but was desperate to try anything. Of course I was very skeptical, so I decided to

read Dr. Karim’s book before I invested in another product.

I was only half way through the book and finding it diffi-cult to put down, when I knew this was the answer to my problem. I ordered the BioSignature pendant, along with L66 and L90. I received it on a Friday afternoon and on

Saturday I went to four different places that always made me sick. The first three left me feeling no ill effects at all. I could still feel something there, but it was not bothering me. My head was clear; I had no pain, no nausea or rapid heartbeat. I was utterly amazed and thought maybe it was just too good to be true. My final test was the fourth place I went to. This was a wonderful neighborhood market that I could no longer step foot in because the feelings were so intense, I could not function in the store. I have since found out that along with the new meters, this store had installed all new, high efficiency smart refrigeration. I went in feeling

that surely I would feel sick. I spent ½ hour in the store. I walked every aisle and along all of the refrigeration. I felt great. I came home with a clear head and so much grati-

tude for the work Dr. Karim has done.

It has been several weeks since I began wearing my pen-dants. I still know when I am in a place that has wireless

meters, as I get that “force field” feeling. It just no longer makes me sick. Thank you, Dr. Karim.

-A.M., Chicago, Illinois

After note: Ann later purchased the “Electro-Stress” Pendant and, since wearing it, no longer feels the “force field” she spoke about when entering certain places.

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BIOGEOmETry® 16 pEnDUlUm anD BalancInG EmITTEr

After researching hundreds of sacred sites across the world Dr. Ibrahim Karim discovered that they all contained the same ben-eficial energy composed of three very unique energy qualities: the higher harmonic of gold, the higher harmonic of ultraviolet, and a beneficial carrier wave of consciousness called “horizontal negative green”. The combined effect of these energy qualities is harmonizing and uplifting to anyone within their field. Dr. Karim calls these three energy qualities “BG3” (BioGeometry® 3). This pendulum was developed by Dr. Ibrahim Karim for both detecting, and emitting BG3. Many people use it as a quick and easy way to clear chakras, and to balance acupuncture points. Use the BG16 pendulum by pointing the tip at tense areas of the head, back, neck, or shoulders. The pendulum can be rotated clockwise or any other part of the body to clear detrimental energies from the brain and for broad coverage of BG3 charging. When directed at an object, the BG16 pendulum emission can also help charge objects with BG3.

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STEp 5BalancE yOUr BODy

One of the most beneficial beginning steps you can take is to wear BioSignatures which will start balancing your body and its many functions. BioSignature Balancing Pendants do just that. They also have been proven to be one of the best products for protection from EMFs and environmental stress. Wearing a BioSignature Pendant on a daily basis will help you to acclimate to more BG3 energy and begin to balance your organs, as well as your vitality. Remember, just like removing an addictive substance from your daily routine, this pendant will begin to clear the accumulation of detrimental energies in your system. For some it may feel uncomfortable to lose those detrimental energies at first. If this is the case for you, start off slow with this pen-dant and work your way up to daily wear. In general, any adjustment experiences will pass after 2-3 days.

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BIOSIGnaTUrE BalancInG pEnDanT

The BioSignature Balancing Pendant comes with or without stones (Coral, Zircon, Brown Agate, Green Agate, etc.) like the Tur-quoise Stone pictured above in Sterling Silver or Bronze. This Pendant will support and maintain greater overall health, and will remind your body’s organs, muscle groups, glands, etc., of their “ideal energetic operating pattern”. Developed and created by Dr. Karim, the pendant features over 150 embossed “BioSignatures”.. BioSignatures begin to interact with our body’s energy field instantly upon first wearing the Pendant and once one acclimates to the bal-ancing effect of the Pendant, it is recommended that the pendants be worn every day. This provides a gentle harmonic amplification in the body’s organs that naturally restores energetic balance and harmony. The pendant includes a “clearing plate” which removes daily accumu-lation of detrimental energies in the metal.


“I started wearing one of the circular BioSignature Balanc-ing pendants, and within 4 months I found an amazing and unexpected change with my thumbnail. 30 years ago when I was 19, a refrigerator smashed my thumb against the wall while I was moving it into my home. When my thumb healed shortly after, I found that the thumbnail no longer grew nor-mally but with an indent all along the center of the nail that looked like gathered fabric, rather than the natural growth

of a thumbnail.

“After wearing the pendant for 3 months I looked at my thumbnail and noticed that nothing was left of the “gath-ered fabric” look the nail had before. It was now only in-dented at the tip of the nail, and less than a month later you

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could not even tell that there had ever been any damage at all. There had been no change to my environment, eat-ing habits, or intake of supplements, only the addition of the BioSignature pendant. Consequently, my body learned through resonance how to once again produce a properly

shaped thumbnail.”-B.B., Minnesota


“The first 2 days I wore the BioSignature pendant, I felt like crying all the time; but I noticed it gave me more energy. I also experienced bad memories of times I had not thought about in decades. I realized the BioSignature pendant was clearing sadness/grief from my body as I have suffered many losses the past 5 years. My mind had been cluttered and my chest felt heavy all the time. Then I ordered the L90 pendant. The first day I wore it along with the BioSignature pendant my mind cleared and my chest became light. Now, I no lon-ger experience bad memories and if I encounter a stressful situation; I don’t get as upset as I used to because the pen-dants protect me and clear emotions from my body quick-ly. I can honestly say I have not felt this good in decades. This is also the first winter in 7 years that I did not catch a cold or the flu. Clearing the emotions have strengthened my immune system. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS TECH-


-R. Richardson

BIOSIGnaTUrE BalancInG rInG In STErlInG SIlvEr

This ring will support and maintain greater overall health similar to the Balancing Pendant, and will remind your body’s organs, muscle groups, glands, etc., of their “ideal energetic operating pattern”. Developed and created by Dr. Karim, the ring features multiple embossed “BioSignatures”. When worn regularly, the BioSignatures energetically interact with the body. This provides a gentle harmonic amplification in the body’s organs that naturally restores energetic balance and harmony. The ring in-

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cludes a “clearing plate” which removes daily accumulation of detri-mental energies in the metal.


“Like most who visit the center, Hisham Fattouh, a 24-year-old engineering student with a low platelet count, had some reservations about the healing power of shapes. But hav-ing already undergone a $25,000 course of treatment in the United States and had his spleen removed to no avail, he decided to try Karim’s method. “When I met Ibrahim, he put a ring on my finger with a design print on it, then he gave me a medallion. At first I thought it was strange, but after all I’d been through, I was prepared to give it a go,” he said. Overnight his platelet count went up to 35,000, he claimed,

and in four more days it soared to 250,000.”-”Healing the Sick with Geometric Designs” (Reuters, 1999)

EnErGy cHarGInG Tray

This tray uses BioGeometry design principles of shape, an-gular relationships, and geometrical ratios to produce an energy-bal-ancing field at the central area of the tray. The tray can be used for balancing the energetic patterns of items such as medications, sup-plements, and food, to name a few. The balanced energy qualities are then superimposed onto the item being charged on the plate, result-ing in a more energetically balanced item which can then be ingested with greater benefit.

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As humans, we are clearly not just a bundle of bones, muscles, chemicals, and water! We have intuition, we have emotions, and we have mental capacities that are still not fully understood by modern science. The more subtle parts of ourselves also make up who we are, although they are not always treatable through established medical practices. These parts make up our well-being and the quality of our life. BioGeometry addresses these parts of ourselves through the quality of shape so that we can find balance and harmony within our lives. The L 90 Pendant and the Subtle Energy Pendant are superb for added protection alongside the BioSignature Balancing Rings and Pendants

l 90 pEnDanT

The shape of this pendant works to clear detri-mental emotional disturbances and detrimental psychic energy from our own personal subtle energy field. This shape is extremely stable in its ability to transform these unwanted energies and does not need to be regularly cleared.


This BioGeometry® Pendant is a single BioSignature. This BioSignature enters into resonance with the subtle en-

ergy of our body’s systems, restoring the subtle energy flow and function within our body. This, in turn, causes a gentle harmonic amplification in our own subtle energy that restores

the correct energetic balance.

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HUman arcHETypE pEnDanT

This amazing pendant was developed by Dr. Karim after he discovered energy grid templates within the most ancient of the Egyp-tian Hieroglyphic images of male and female depiction. Dr. Karim’s modern development of the Human Archetype Pendant in BioGe-ometry has its roots in Ancient Egyptian Temple Sciences and holds the geometric energy coding of a human being. It acts as a map for our personal energy system, reminding us of proper alignment and balance. Wearing this pendant creates a resonance between the grid and our energy system, restoring balance and alignment.

my DaUGHTEr’S mIraclE

“From the day my daughter was born, she was emotionally out of balance. For the first two years of her life, she cried almost non-stop. As she grew older the crying fits turned into tantrums. A good day was maybe only 10 tantrums and on a bad day they would just come one after the other. The main issue was her inability to find balance within herself, as every little adjustment to her life threw her into complete confusion, instead of her understanding the extent of the adjustment. By the time she was 7 years old we were all des-perate to find a solution. She really wasn’t “diagnostically” sick or deficient. It was her well-being that was in jeopardy

from her own inability to find balance.

“I tested my daughter on multiple BioGeometry Pendants and the Archetype Pendant tested very strong. Within less than one week of her wearing the pendant, the little girl that

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I enjoyed 10 percent of the time; a loving, compassionate child, turned into the girl that I now had 85% of the time. I can only describe it as a miracle because the change was so apparent and amazing. Now when she’s faced with hav-ing to make an adjustment to her carefully laid plans and feels overwhelmed, she has enough foundation within her to quickly rebound and either not go overboard or come to me with an apology for her actions. This pendant is truly a map to her emotional and mental bodies. When she finds herself lost she now only has to allow her true self to read the map

“home” to balance.”- C.C., Minnesota

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STEp 7prOTEcT yOUr

WOrK EnvIrOnmEnT

If you’re like most of us, you’re on your computer and wifi most of the day. The accumulation of EMFs over time can slowly damage your body by damaging the brain/blood barrier to allow in dangerous toxins that don’t belong in the brain, and can also increase the oxidation process by creating free radicals in our bodies. At some point, our bodies don’t have enough resources to clear out the free radicals and the free radicals start inhibiting our own ability to heal. Here are some ways to protect yourself from the detrimental energies that surround you every day.

ElEcTrIcal aTTacHmEnT STrIpS

These attachments use BioGeometry design principles to transmute EMFs associated with the electrical device or cord they are placed on. When these design principles (specifically, numbers,

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interface, and the 66 degree L shape) interact with an EMF-producing item, such as an electrical device or wire cord, the beneficial patterns are then superimposed and “carried” through the electromagnetic radiation resulting in a balanced energy field. You can put these strip attachments on the electrical cords for your computer, copier, printer, power strips, and monitors. They are also great for transmuting the EMFs in your wifi emitter. For fastening the strips to cords, the attachments come with 4 slits that you can either attach with thin ribbon or electrical cable ties from your local hardware store.

66° “l” cOrrEcTOr

Our computer monitors and our computers emit strong elec-tromagnetic fields. The BioGeometry “L” 66° shape is used to trans-mute EMFs associated with computer monitors, electrical appliances, or the TV screens they are placed on. When this BioGeometry shape is placed on an EMF-producing item such as a computer monitor or TV screen, the beneficial energy pattern is then superimposed onto and “carried” through the electromagnetic radiation resulting in a balanced energy field. The 66° “L” correctors work great to balance the energy of monitors and computers. You can put one 1 in each of the four corners of the screen or on the lid of a laptop, the corners of a tablet, or apply one medium bronze 66 “L” on any other electronic device.

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STEp 8BalancE yOUr

HOmE EnvIrOnmEnT

Once you have acclimated to the BG3 energy within your body, protection and balancing can then start on your second skin - your home.



The 3 Cube BioGeometry Home Kit comes with 3 cubes, elec-trical strip attachments, and water strip attachments. The BioGeome-try Cubes were developed and tested as a general home solution for individuals suffering from environmental stress. To learn more about locating and care of the cubes, please see the instructions that are included in the Home Kit. You can also start to balance your electric-ity with the Home Kit by adding the Electrical Strip attachments to electrical cords and using double stick tape to attach them to the face of your electrical panel, the refrigerator and other large appliances,

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or your digital clock. Again, for detailed descriptions of placement for these electrical strips, please see the Home Kit instructions. For bal-ancing your water, you can use a strip along the incoming main water line and then another at the water line exiting your hot water heater, secured with a cable or double sided tape. The cubes offer effective solutions in the balancing of homes and living/working environments. There are currently two types of home kits: the single-cube home kit and the 3-cube set home kit. Both types have a harmonizing emission, as well as some differences in how they work. The single cube works to balance whatever environmental energies are impinging into the space, and brings those environmen-tal energies into harmony. The range and power of the cube will be affected by the nature and toxicity of these energies. A cube in an average home has a different job than one in a factory office that is heavily polluted with electromagnetic radiation from large machinery, etc. The set of 3 cubes works in the same way as the single cube, only they include the human occupant as part of the equation. A major difference is that the set of three cubes are designed to work together, thus each cube in the set - if used on its own - would be weaker than the single cube. However, when they work together in a set of three, they are far more powerful.

90° “l” cOrrEcTOr

The BioGeometry® 90° “L” shape transmutes the detrimental energies associated with certain items, such as a mirror or window When the 90 L Corrector is applied to these itemsthe beneficial pattern of the 90 L is then superimposed onto the light reflected out of the item and is “carried” through the energet-ic frequencies resulting in a balanced energy field. You can put the 90° “L” correctors in corners of your window panes and in corners of mirrors to correct the energy and harmonize the light.

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STEp 9HElp frOm a lIcSEnSED

HOmE pracTITIOnEr If you are enjoying the results of these new changes and would like to take BioGeometry further, you can have a licensed BioGeometry Home Solutions Practitioner come to your home and continue the advanced balanc-ing process. The practitioner will perform 4 steps:


BioGeometry Environmental Harmonization Services are designed to balance your home by transforming the detrimental energies that are found all around us in modern society into beneficial energies. This service creates an environment that supports and nour-ishes our personal energy systems rather than depleting them. Many of the materials and Earth atmospheric energy fields in-and-around our homes, as well as man-made EMF emissions, can potentially carry detrimental energies. The BioGeometry Environmen-tal Harmonization Service is a very thorough examination and correc-tion of these energies within our homes. It also helps with identifying and enhancing all existing BG3 energy locations. The main problem areas within a home that are addressed include atmospheric Earth energy lines called Curry, Benker, and Hart-man grid lines. These lines will be balanced so that your home now has a “grid of gold” running through it, rather than EMFs and possibly toxic pollution that these grid lines now carry. All of the electrical ap-pliances and EMF-producing devices in the home, including the elec-trical panel and meter, will be balanced to create a harmonious field of energy, as opposed to the detrimental energies these EMFs emit. All water lines and other utilities will be harmonized. As many building and furniture materials as possible will have their energies tested and harmonized, keeping in mind and balancing the possible issues creat-

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ed by radioactivity, allergens, and toxicity of these products. Mirrors, windows, doorways, domes, pyramids, arches, and niches will all be evaluated and harmonized through this process. At the conclusion of this service, you will find that you now live in a home that has a true perimeter of energetic protection, in which the constant pressure of electromagnetic stress of modern conveniences that weaken our immune systems and cloud our minds has been transformed to be a place that is beneficially supportive and nourishing to all your energetic systems. The BioGeometry Environ-mental Harmonization Service opens the door to allow you to enjoy the beneficial effects of harmony and balance in your home.

Read More at www.healingXdesign.com

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You can begin training to learn more about how you can continue to balance and harmonize your life and environment. Believe it or not, there is still a lot to learn about BioGeometry. The topic is so holistic that it can encompass every part of life. BioGeometry truly lifts the veil for us to see the ever unfolding flower of life.

For more information on BioGeometry, consider purchasing Back to the Future for Mankind by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, where you’ll find an in-depth discussion on the background and the application of BioGeometry by the developer, himself.

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BIOGEOmETry layEr cHEcKlISTpErSOnal ElEcTrOnIcS: ⎕ Balance Cell phones with either the Cell Phone Harmonizer Stickeror String⎕ Balance tablets with 66° “L” Correctors and/or a BioSignature Harmo-nizer Sticker

lImIT Emf ExpOSUrE:⎕ Turn off wifi at night, or use wired Ethernet⎕ Shut off or unplug unused appliances and electronics⎕ Unplug chargers when not being used⎕ Turn off electrical panel breakers if you are extremely sensitive⎕ No TV or cell phone usage 90 minutes before bed for better rest⎕ Eliminate dimmer switches⎕ Remove DECT base stations for cordless phones from areas where you spend a great deal of time⎕ Remove digital clocks from the bedside table

BODy:⎕ Balance and support your organs and your bodies functional systems by wearing a BG pendant or BG ring⎕ Balance your subtle body energy by wearing an L90 Pendant, a Subtle Energy Pendant or an Archetypal Pendant⎕ Protect yourself from EMFs by wearing an L66 pendant or an EMF Har-monization (Electro-stress) pendant

WOrK:⎕ Balance computers with 66° “L” Correctors on the monitor and Electri-cal Strip Attachments on cords⎕ Balance wifi with an Electrical Strip Attachment and 66° “L” Correctors⎕ Balance TV with an Electrical Strip at the cord and at the back of the TV and 66° “L” Correctors near or behind the screen⎕ Use a single cube Home Kit to balance energy around your workspace

HOmE:⎕ Use the BioGeometry 3 Cube Home Kit to balance your electrical sys-tems by using Electrical Strip Attachments on your electrical panel and on any wires plugged in by your bed.⎕ Balance EMFs caused by flowing water in pipes water by using Water Strip Attachments on outgoing hot water from heater, purified water lines, and shower head pipes⎕ Create a layer of balance by using the 3 Cube Home Kit` in bedrooms or rooms that you spend a lot of time in⎕ Balance the light from windows and mirrors by adding two 90° “L” Cor-rectors in opposite corners

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BioGeometry® is not a form of medical diagnosis or treatment, but is a long-term en-vironmental support for the body’s energy system and all types of treatment. Under no circumstances should BioGeometry® products replace professional medical treatment

Copyright © 2014 Healing by Design, Inc.