,~ ;(C " ~"~~,:~' .~. : :;; "! ',: . J.': :r~f , : .. '--' . ' .. i' ~;, .. , f.J r (b; ) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA - MINISTRY OF RAILW AYS RESEARCH DtsIG'NS &. STANDARDS ORDANISATI0N- ~ ~AKNAGAR, LUCKNOW·226011. , No.ThifHMlll 1'ho General Man~g~r(Engg!Wo~B) Dated: 0&"9 -98 l. 2. 3. 4. 5_ 6. 7. 8. 9. Central Railway, Mumbai-CST·400 001. Eastern Rallway, Fnirlie place, Calculia-'700 001. Northern Railway) BarodaHouse, New D~lhi"110 001. North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur-273 012. Northeast Frontier Railway, Maligaon, Guwahati- 781 011. South Eastern Railway.-Gerden Reach, Co1c~HD..700 043. Southern Railway, park Town, Chennai-600 003_ South Central Railway, Rail Ni Iayarn, Secunderabad-500 371. Western Railway; Churchgate, Mumbni:400 0201 Sub: final maximum Permissible speed for BI111nst Cleaning Mac hlne RM'· 80_ Ref This office letter no, CTITMJSClItM·80 dated 09/11·8·89, , t I 1.0 Vide letter under reference, M/s Plasser India's Balla.sl Cleaning Machine RM·80 as per diagram nOB,EDOrr ~2148 & 2148/1 with maximum axle low of 18.5 t has been perrniued to run ut provisional maximum speed of 40 krnph: when running on Its own power .end ut 30 kmph max when running in train format,loll ~9 dead vehicle, As per provision of Policy CircularNo.ri governing p~ocedll.re for i~~ue of speed certificate, CCRS was requested vide letter no. TWHMI1117 Hated 30/31-3-98 to accord approval fbr dispensatiort with detailed oscillation trials for iB$U~ of final maximum p~Nl'1ilJlJ;bl~ >lpe-od oortU1cq,ieo. vid •.. CCRS' l~ttet' No, M150i3/1/97-RS d!l1~d 16_4_9B, this dispensation hM been granted. i, I , i fn viow ofthe above, th~ machine l!lay !lOW be p(lnnilt(ld to filii on n'Mlllm- bHHili lip to 1111IliXilllllll' ~11'",,,d,,/,110 kllll'h W"VII r'lIIl1i,,~ 1)11 ih, own po'v\,~1' ilud Jt) 1{lOpll IIIIIX, whou 1'lltIrdllp, III (ruin l<lI'IIIH/lolI IlIl u drHld vohiolo, JIlIi>lo()t to Ill!" ()OIHlIlloIlH ill Ihn (1)lIoWII113 1H1~flt,ff1plltl; , , I - 1,1 '~·l~.' \ l,' ~<, , " , j. .1,1 The truck "llnl! ht' to a minimum standard of ~OR rails Oil slecuers to l\,I-f't ill'II!.dv , , nlld rio-pill ilt't,q!lw! cnshiou be;lnw ~lt't'perH 01'200 nuu, which may consist ofnfi:'d }<:, I!IIII ! j,-'ll ;"1,1 ,!" I' I III ,,:d{':IIIIIJI c\'lIldiliOll. \l" t.'()llltllll;I~\(1 Hnd H(Hld,~ lilllfl:lli',)rl_

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1'ho General Man~g~r(Engg!Wo~B)

Dated: 0&"9 -98


Central Railway, Mumbai-CST·400 001.Eastern Rallway, Fnirlie place, Calculia-'700 001.Northern Railway) BarodaHouse, New D~lhi"110 001.North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur-273 012.Northeast Frontier Railway, Maligaon, Guwahati- 781 011.South Eastern Railway.-Gerden Reach, Co1c~HD..700 043.Southern Railway, park Town, Chennai-600 003_South Central Railway, Rail Ni Iayarn, Secunderabad-500 371.Western Railway; Churchgate, Mumbni:400 0201

Sub: final maximum Permissible speed for BI111nst CleaningMac hlne RM'· 80_

Ref This office letter no, CTITMJSClItM·80 dated 09/11·8·89,

, t I1.0 Vide letter under reference, M/s Plasser India's Balla.sl Cleaning Machine RM·80as per diagram nOB,EDOrr ~2148 & 2148/1 with maximum axle low of 18.5 t has beenperrniued to run ut provisional maximum speed of 40 krnph: when running on Its ownpower .end ut 30 kmph max when running in train format,loll ~9 dead vehicle,

As per provision of Policy CircularNo.ri governing p~ocedll.re for i~~ue of speedcertificate, CCRS was requested vide letter no. TWHMI1117 Hated 30/31-3-98 to accordapproval fbr dispensatiort with detailed oscillation trials for iB$U~ of final maximump~Nl'1ilJlJ;bl~ >lpe-od oortU1cq,ieo. vid •..CCRS' l~ttet' No, M150i3/1/97-RS d!l1~d 16_4_9B,

this dispensation hM been granted. i, I, i

fn viow ofthe above, th~ machine l!lay !lOW be p(lnnilt(ld to filii on n'Mlllm- bHHili

lip to 1111IliXilllllll' ~11'",,,d,,/,110 kllll'h W"VII r'lIIl1i,,~ 1)11ih, own po'v\,~1' ilud Jt) 1{lOpll IIIIIX,

whou 1'lltIrdllp, III (ruin l<lI'IIIH/lolI IlIl u drHld vohiolo, JIlIi>lo()t to Ill!" ()OIHlIlloIlH ill Ihn(1)lIoWII113 1H1~flt,ff1plltl; , , I -

1,1 '~·l~.'\ l,' ~<, ," ,

j ..1,1 The truck "llnl! ht' to a minimum standard of ~OR rails Oil slecuers to l\,I-f't ill'II!.dv, ,nlld rio-pill ilt't,q!lw! cnshiou be;lnw ~lt't'perH 01'200 nuu, which may consist ofnfi:'d }<:,

I!IIII ! j,-'ll ;"1,1 ,!" I' I III ,,:d{':IIIIIJI c\'lIldiliOll. \l" t.'()llltllll;I~\(1Hnd H(Hld,~ lilllfl:lli',)rl_

Page 2: (b; ;(C OF INDIA - MINISTRY OF RAILW AYS STANDARDS RM-80.pdf · ;)T,/l~ '.• 1


,/l~ '.•• ' .$



", ... 1.1. 2 For track of lower standard than that mentioned above, the Chief Engineerconcerned shall decide the lower maximum permissible speed In tills connection,Railway Board's letter No ..65/WD O/SRl26 dt19/20 ..10.66 may be seen, vVhen the Chief

, 'Engineer considers that the road bed is not compacted or' there is improper druinage, he,:; , may suitably restrict the maximum permisnible speed depending on the local oonditions ..•:~>

, ,',


1.1.3 'I11e'lmaximum pennissible .speed 011 CUfY~S shall be decided on tile basis of theexisting provisions of the Indian Railways Permanent Way ManunJ.1986.

,.',1.1.4 Maximum speed on points, "nnd crossings shall be restricted to l Okmph n,'] pCI'

para 1227 of the Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual -1986,

.' 1..2 BRIDGES

"-..---" ~" ,.;:",~ 1..2..1 Th~ clearance in regard to bridges refers to standard design of girders, slabs, pipe

.. culverts, piers nnd abutments etc. issued by RDSO for BGML, RBG and MDO-87ahultJw-d 1~1l,,1ii18B'

1,2,,2. AJ I oth~r dN1isna' of flUp~NftructurCfl and 8ub8fJtrUGtur~~ are 'to be eXlimlned underthe directions of the Chief Engineer concerned 'and certified 9J~ by him in terms ofcurrent IRS Bridge Rules, Swel Bridge Code; Bridge Sub-structures and FoundationCode etc. read with up-to-date correction slips,


-" The speed of'vchicle/machine while running through a station will be decided by ZonalRailways depending upon type of route release circuit adopted, Ifl 11':: tt! of FVT truckcircuit provided ahead of last stop signal and. standard, of interlpcking existing at astation. 'I '

I '. i'\_.- ...'---' lA GENERAL


1.4.1 '11II'! d~illglI()flh~ mnohlue ilifHlle'~uChll!flO£l 2 (11),17, 1!J (h), 20 (h), 21 (b) 1111(1

22 of Chnpter iV (A) nnd nlno !lHIJ(. moving dlmensicna of 1929, ns shown in dingrun:nos. IA and others of BO Schedule of Diuieusions 1973 nil detailed in Annexure-L.N~C~BBary condo nation ie required tobe obtained from Railway Board by the concernedrai lway, ' i .

,1.4.2 All the permanent nnd temporary speed restrlctloOft In force nnd those i!lIp(lfl~\dfrom time to time due totrack, bridges, CUI-ve9, signalling a..nd interlocking etc. <:hl1ll ht'observed.

1.1.3 When the 1llIlchi;lC" i"81)t~lllS moved ill non-working condition, it ::;liull 1>:' r,!t';ilit·d

II1Ilt 1111 fIll' pl'otrllClinp, pnr1n nr.i' witlulruwn nod 1l\lil(lbl(' t(\(:lic'd, r


. \

Page 3: (b; ;(C OF INDIA - MINISTRY OF RAILW AYS STANDARDS RM-80.pdf · ;)T,/l~ '.• 1

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1.4.4 The design of the machine infringes clause 22 of Chapter IV(A) of BO Scheduleof Dimensions-lv'[J, as the max, distance apart between any two adjacent Wd~8 if} higherthan 11890 mm. Care should ~e taken to ensure that the points are not inadvertentlyoperated below the wheels of this machine.

DA: 1\vo drawing NOB, EDOff-2148,EDOtr-2148/1 and Annexure 1.

Copy to i-

r. q,i .'-.....\....:- .cL.._'/

(P. BHATIACHARYA)Executive Director Standards/Motive Power

nl~Secretary I(F.ngg.)lRuilway Board, ~l Bhawnn, Ne\y Delhi- 110,001., . I

iDA: Two drawingsNos. EDOIf-2148,

EDOrr-2148/1 and Annexure-I



r ~'~\._ ••.••\.Cc.~--,---\/(P. BHATlrACHA.R."r"A)

~.ecutive Director ltmldorddMotive Power




Page 4: (b; ;(C OF INDIA - MINISTRY OF RAILW AYS STANDARDS RM-80.pdf · ;)T,/l~ '.• 1

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.. f),No Item of De.SGripti on Dirrwnsi-on Actual, ':~~~

,. chapter asper dimenstons inI'

ll··· IV(A) of schedule [he machineSOD·::r ,~

\ i'..

" 900 mm and1. 2 (ii) Minimum diameter on 914 mm 700 mm for

i wheel tread measured wheels as. ; gt 63.5 mm from ~hovro in the...

" wheel gauge face, drawing,! .'~.

.." '.:~

~< :.'-.../'.;".. ,,

.,-- II I

2, 17 Maximum distance 14785 mm' 2,2200 mmapart of bogie centres, ' ,

•• ,t 19 (b) Max, lenuth of body 21340 mm

or reef


219joO mm'.

~\ .

.~. .r f,.

.r ."

4; 20 Cb) Max. l~ngth Oyer 21030 mm 29360 mmheadstock '


f.5. 21(b) Max length over side 223,00 mm 30600 mmbuffers,



- .~' .-:_.....•<.:»

•(i, 7.7. Mux,. cll,JI,lllHlo lip11I1 IlR90 nun ],0;170 mill

behNe~n any hNoadjacent axles.



of 1929' videdineram lA, and othersof Schedule of'Dime~8ion8-1973.


.H" I,

'The actual profile is intHnging,1929, profile, as per diagramn{)JmOITM·~14g/1 enclosed,considering the height, The

. profile is' howcvof Witillri-UlC'--'Jlr~tile ,()f' ~tlllldllf'd ·X.' c111~\5

engines as shown in drawing.




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