·oLU.\1E VII. MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 191 6. NUMBER 20. > rill \ Gonzaga Twice Defeated By BENNION ORGANIZES NEW \B-b -- - BASKET BALL SQ UA O o ca ts Sta rt I Of D1scuss1on '11H·lters in Anaconrla gnw the en·I nAen Of 'T'l..e Blue And Gola giu(·Pring t1e1rnrtnwnL two large boil I n On Long Trip eni and they anivecl last week. Mr.1 ptain of Local Company A Makes l-"ark hb.rl rharg:e of the work ot mo\·- 1 Suggestions Re;arding Drill I ng tht'm to the college. This work As a result of the agiwt1on \ by the cl.1ss In Jlll)Stcal Pducauon, C'oach Bennion has organ i 1zed the class Into sr\"Pral new bas :eve n Games, Includ i ng One With ket ball tenms under such expressive Montana School of Mines to Wo: k. l·!-;pPeially difficult as thP rold Montana State's F igh ti ng Bobcats R un Away With Lo ng End of the Scores Wt"<ilh"r 1 1n•\·1·11te<l lhC' USE> ol the larg1 in Both Contests.-First Game t he Be st from Spe c tators' P oin t of View Be Pla yed. a11pellations as Pirates, \\'hilc Sox Cubs. Pt(· ThP 1111rpose of these for - --- \ lractio11 thal thP h'.1.s to\ Second Contest Slowed by Mu ch F ouling. Qf Jgl(l miJit l ·y 1ri1J bC'('n ('3U5· pull thPlll llll from the depot SI) horse mlclab\p organizations will be to C'Om Tomorrow morning the team starts m 11· 1 di3cu ss 1.:i nmong C'ollrge n. .\s no rtnY ofttc·Pr has been Ylrled lt s et null that he only l.\lsible Folut on of the> question Is lN th· ma tc·r rest for thP p ·e Pill n tus It. captain of ('om· ny :\ of th :"\atlon:.tl Guard of :\Ion· jla, made st sup;f;estion 11owC'r had to be to. The boil j hine a tertaii amount of actual g,yff on a se,·en·tmme trip, playing the H el- ers \\ere plnced 011 ski1ls and it I"<'· ::;late a,·enp;:ecl all defeats I Left Forward q111H·d l\\f"hP hot .. ts to pull them to at Lhe hands of ,,hen thei- work with thr A series ot ena Y. ).f. C' A. tomorrow night. From the college these tl_tere "ere\ Bobcats ea!iil) cap t ui Nl both μ;a mes I ' r: foul will be played between th€ Helena they will ro to Butte where 1hreP. more < ar of ec1uq1mL·nt to 1 5; k 1 1 I echnlcal foul. I \"arious the first few .game' the will he taken on :\londay be mo\ ed . rono;;.15ted of auto 1 rrom t le .. po ane team .isl Friday antl n. 11 v of Gonzaga threw 11 frPf' · 1 . 1 d . . : night. Brigham Young C'Ollege and l ·d . 1 l. 1 . r 1 - ·>r · I un mg a rea y been scheduled Fn 1 r our I da ho teams make up the rest matH· a fllt•l f'C"onomizer ano "'a 01 a) mg 1 s, . l) SC-Olf'S n ... >- ... )I throws out of dnwces. Cot11Pr f the TllP fuel t.•co1wmlzf'!' is nn and 21i-16 .. :\!Ontan a worke<l to best thrf>w one out of pight and llamiltcn I <_ny a from :::no has been of the trip. :\rding- mtlit H\" t aining in an open tf'r to •he men of the collf'gC' The arrangemen• h:• whiC'h the heated athamag:e rn the tirst game. Gonzac,a nonr out or one. set aside for thl'se p1-.1mb111g Oneida State academy , at gast•s from the fire-box Jlartlally heat cam<> back in. thP se<:ond con· I neren·t' l lohn. rm pi re· RIC'harJ and a great d€'al of ri\';.ilry ha. s al 1' rPston. Pocatello Academy, Ricks ter Is follow!:'I. th1. water before It ,:wcs into the boil t£>st and the_ Blue and Gol<l I son. ready developed. These contests will and an independent team at .. n :'.\l mt., Feh -. i':'ll6. Pr and its elficit•nc·y to a bard to w111. TIH' llrst gamC' Second Game . probably be cnntinued until warme1 n1,;by will be the Idaho opponents. The n Appral to the of thC' large f'Xtl'Ht The boilerti are known mu<'h the of the two 11.s on tl1t' ).! g (' .. '.?ll; Gonznga . l•L weathrr more outdoor exer tPn.m e:q1erts to rHurn Sunday, Feb. h•n of the s. c '. as Tll·llle hollers an!l earh one a next nii;ht a style was morr In the se<'oncl game Gonzaga C'ame l.'ise shoulci have a good effect in\ t\. 1·11e eight men making th e tr ip 'I 0 vou bf!lieye wHh the prc-:-.;.dent h1 at'ng; sllrfa<:e of :.!,72o tN-'t making in eYi<lence. Both battles wt•re !'lowed ha< k strong and played a different members of the <'lass in are Captain Cotner, Rice. Hamilton, d congrc 5 that \\I'' should be aik !ht>-:n rapahle of :.!7:J hor,.;e- 1 up by fouls bat th€." se<'ond I s ty 1- game. One man. Orion. was de tnm. plan is a 0·1e for it ntely n 1ared 10 dden<l 01 "selv 0 s' 1<ower Each weighs :12.uu11 pounds and 1 "'ffered moRL in this res11ert lailorl lo ride Cotner while another glrns every member or the <" lass "I Pcrgman. Gatton. Burgess. Taylor. and >l n 11 t sit bnc-k and 11::t i !'ark handled the of 1110\··1 !•'or ab.out two minu_tes at th<' guard hoYer ed the chance to work out in the gym at Ress. let +he oth(' rdlow Io it. lf t•\ llll:" tl. "m 1 11 a m. sl tret.11tablf' mannPr. of the ganw nenher team wns basket all the tun€'. 1 he h:1ll was lll on<'e a week. :\ext TuE:sc\ny the fr eshman team )one w uld do th tl. wr. woultl 1 1 n"' ahh• to S{'Ore. althouph tbf' BohC'atR tli e <'o ll ege's J)OS::;ession most of the \will play the Gallatin h'.gh t eam at 1 annY or nav• J tried about a dozen shots. ThPn Cot· I timt', but as socn as it was worker! thC' <'ollege gym. Admission will be ··our corntri that 1 , •r ST A GS REM A IN ner rlribbletl free and netted. <Jon- down lo striking clistar.ce the Gonzaga MANY SURVIVE I free to students or both college and I zaga e,·enl?d it up when Berry 1mt in\ guardi- came 011 the scene. The shoot high H hoot and 25 rents wCl be u-:g m1·n a e lO Sl'f\"e ier VERY STRAIGHT DOE TORTURE d .... de iends 'lpon thcn 1 lll'CIH 1 two free throws on n personal foul on 1 ing Pyes of the Bob ats s..:_emed. s.ome ldrnrgE:d outsiders. Th e fr,•shmen have d ti pt n t'lc mC'n o( this town , ---- .. Abnlm!o; then. got a rrip11le what more clouded in the first --- been working regularly against the is c llu:e and thb state of I Attendance Smaller But Qua li ty of tmg his trnm two 111 the lead. 1his 1 gamP. :\fcntana starred rn whnt team Score of F reshman ' rls U de 9 Ar first team and ha,·e a sc ra ppy organ wn. collt·ge and ,t, le of lhe l"nion. Part Much Better. is the onl,. time Gonzaga wns in the wo rk the re was. but now and then duous Ordeal ; 1 1 0 · zation. The high team has been going ·' 1 1 Y I lead for C'olnPr'5 bunrh hit th<'ir Go11z c.a would pull of a long pass nn 1I strong and a gootl game is assured. u. un ts we ont "e are un· 1 I ---- stride. J rom th is time on there wa15 count Jrthy of thD t '"Ust 11laces in us. l (L'ont rned. on P g\" .. on ) "The best and cleanest stag party I nothing to it hut a long series of bas- Game Slowed by Fouls. . Twenty four-year girls _were initiateO M sc RE "!MENTAL eve held in Bozeman," was tht'." Hnan J kets. whirh rol'e1l in with <'lork-lil\e The sero nd wa s closer hut mto the Does last Fnday e\·ening t.j imous Yerdkt <if e\"ery Slag, or Jll"Pl·.sion pla v was slowed up to frequent stand· Those who undt:'rwent the tortunus in EGISTRATION FOR Stag. or Fawu, who attended the an Exc ellent Tea m Work. by the many l'onls. On Con itiation are not hard to pit-k out a" irnal re\C'IS 01 thC' Ancient Order ol. The Bobcat teamwork was np,·er zaga, nine 1 wrsonal a nd two technical the majority ol' then'l. are either limp BAND TO TOUR STATE NEW SEMESTER SLOW held last Friday night \better. working like a seC'· fouls were called while on !\Juntana ing 01 have th e facia l beauty more 1 he ) 3 rt,· this vr·ar, although tlH self with his mate Colner. and the··e were eleYen 11ersonals :m-J four or less deranged. Just what went on Thirty- Five Members With Di rector I -·e ·fell a little be lo,.,· that ot I Rice alway_s al th e proper. place when tec liuicals. nt the in itia tion has not leaked out Lou Howard Will Make d I I needPd while the smothenng wnrk of C'c1t11er lost three field probably never will. Ji after ap Ann1,;a\ Tr · 1 p. la.."t ve:.ir. umloubte Jy muc 1 1e Day Proves too Shcrt a T ime for I · . 1 d Rur!?,ess :lnd Ross kPJH Gonzaga from tbrongh be•ng foulpd hefore he pearances it is safe to say that perh;I\ as all the good 11ornts ta . . Completion of the Reg is- been re sen ell and some oUJec'tlon I e\ en Sb('lolmg '1 he sho< ting\ shot l lowe' er. he Jl11 1 led off . lus the ini ti ales must have suffered much 1 --- - trat•on. I p . . h 1 1 I was uncn1111y Long shots. cri pples. usn.11 fre.1k bask et fn m the side lrnes. during the course ol the ordeal. T.hirty-(i\·e membern of the :\l S. able one:s C'hminated .. '. ere tad freaks. and t:'·erything to roll Ha mil t on i1Inyed up to his standard at Does Furn ish Ushers for the Game reg1mcnt:i.l band. unde r the leade rship ---- ways been some ri ·iucism irec 1 e in. -:\ ow and th en a Gonzaga man flo or work and Rire. haYing th e jump of DireC'tor Lou 110,vard. will make a 1 .,.. 1 1 thC' St11gs on account of t 1e . . . I '!'he girls who were taken into the 'Reg1ster£>d yet wa':i t 1c popu a1 . . would dribble tree and SC'OOP one 111 on .\brams stnrtecl the ball whl'"re he Does in th e llrill Tl' 'l about tour or the StalP next month. making eeting dll oYer the campus all da) il<·thins o( a few \\ho sc or a guard wou ld c·ome tearing down wan t ed to. He 11la,·ec1 a sp lendid l'.OO o'cloC'k nnd u!'hereu tl:e spec:ta· a stCJl at e\"ery im po rtant city en of(icers were ex far forgot them!=;el\'es as to O\"t..•l'step the OlJposilP side and conYP r ' a pretty floo r p;nme fi\·e flelcl tors to their Reats. ).lani· a bashfu l rou t e. This yearly tri p has been an t the bounds of legitimate celebration I euingly pupular if their under·> uct This iirocedure seriously interfered long pass into two points. 'J"he r:on· goals an d holding hi s oppone nt sro re young- man was forced to blush '" a nnual event. but this year"s schedule > had pn.ss{;'d nrn5ter and rather the zaga boys l rnp t n11 their fight. but th£'y 1<' nurgess p1aY<'d the floor anrl some fair noe-to-be t ook him \Jy the is much more ambitious than any ot posite if they were not so success with the pleasure of the rest. a nd <'O\lldn 't ge t close enough to the ball was nlwnys where thC' game was arm nncl esrortecl him to Ids seat. In its predecessors. Jn other years it :. Schedules were the cause of ruon fer that to ap11enr in thP fi1rnl sro r P. thickest. at bnck guard. held ot h er instances hair pulling matches has b een customary lO visit one or went a way toward kt'e\iine. I )Uble than ever before, many or the down the membe r ship this year. The half ended 3'7-13. Berry and g ra bbPd many were threatrned when some u-;her I two of the nearer C'i ties. but a trip per classmen hn\·ing to be coutent The sentiment aga i .nst pro Gatt on and Bergman In . long 1rnsses whi<h would h :i.Ye meant stepped till and took a youthful 1 CO\er111g an enttre week. and including th about tweh·e hours work for the cedure became so suong tllls )eai ln the second ha\( Gatton replaced lrn:-.kets for the Yii::dt(1r9:. ca rt from his ladv The usheimg public ap11ea r ances at six different cit· until electi\·es can be ar that the Stngs and their an \ Hami lton and Bergman went in Ho ss' Tay lor Re places Cotner . stunt "as the last pub hr perfo1 man re ies is a new d eve lopment The b oys ).!any of the juniors and se that. anyone .·in I tilare. P lay was s lowed down by 1 Tn the last half Taylor was sent in of the noe party \'\ill start on March 30. Jrs who are regular in their work r owdyism or Ill any way mterfeimg J many fouls, out-of- bouncls an d jumping 10 re1llac-r rn t ner and Gatton fnr lfam \\"hf'n it became knO\\Il that the e unable to get r equired ·be \with the of {he others. would for the ball.' \\'ith the frequent i:;to1 1s iltnn Jn the time left these two Morning Ent ... rtainment. band was to make a long trip, no dif· 1se of conllicts. The sc·hedule com· be speedily r emo\•ed from. the it was im110ssible to get the college j men speedl""d up thP gnme and showed rt is r loubtf ul if )tontana hall has I firulty was experienced in securing ttee, howp\·er, hopes to have thit theatre or banquet. .as thP might I machine to working, a lthough flashes I some real clat:-s in their work. eYer been in a more sanitary cone\! acreptab'e dates and terms from the atter adjusled by the enrl or the be. and would not he a'lo\\ ed to re I of true rorm we re shown nnd four Gonzaga, Bakl,e. away for three ti on thnn il was last SeY different cities. The state wide repu· •ek. 'turn. Sentiment a<ainst lhis sort ol i field goals made. In this half Goll· nent 'hot• and Berry was a whirlwilhl e ra! home economics students decided I 1ation or the S. C bnnd makes it s general that there wac:- I I · I thnt n house rleaning necessary au attraction whereYer it np11ears. and As a usual thing the registration tung wa netled two field goals and Berry I on the floor Abr ams. play ng wtt l mmitlee has an easy time in the no occasion to enfcr<'e the ne_w rule put in seve n free makinJ?, the a !Ja d kn ee, got into near!).· e\"ery play and n squad of dirt thnsers were set this trip will aid g reatl y in contirminr; I vas I JllO\\ ed out I lo work. The freshmen girl:. proved and s1> r eadi n "' the good name of the Jrning and is OYerrun In the after '.1 and t le Jffogram '. ' 1inal Li-26. The entire Gonzaga team was exce11 I o OD b ut thlo year the rush starteti com1iletely and on time. Li neup and Sc ores. tionally good on dribb'es themselves exceeclingl)" efficient clea_n o rgani zation. . I ers nn<l Jack now hopes the Does wtll New Mus"1c for Concert. •oon a" the committee took its Owing to the large number o[ Fawns .\lontana State Position Gonzaga I Lineup and In divid ual Scores. , d make their meeting weekly instead 01 Dlrertor Lon Howard has b een ex· ;t and continued tlirotF•hout the en to be initiated into th_e m_yl4terics an I C'ot11er, (C'a11t.) ... Bal\ ke \Mon tana State P os ition Gonzagc1 1 1 I f annually. Front all O\'N t H t ending himself to the limit e d ai· The committee was unab l< se('rets of the orga111zat1on. a e'' 2:i 1 P Left Forward 6 1 P C'otner 1 t d f 1 1 II ft I -1-. campus were> a so swep an the last few months getting th e band IJ' . 15 s 011 all registrations hefore Stap;s a111)eared. <tl th e ha soon a e i. lf a milt rn Br11yl 13 3P 1T Lef t Forward 6-.1 . f l" b I 1 . from snow. The freC> m or ma ion · into s ha pe for thi s trip and getting up osing time so was compelled to su11pPr a nd oiled and tuned U\l t rn tor _! 2 1 p Hight Forward . 1 ;1 H.i.milton Berry reau and tlw free watrr senire in the a prClgram of entirely new music. This ,rk for several house after suppe r tnre 1t wo_rked I Ric·e Abrams 2 lP H.1ght Forward l1"b1·ar,.· wt·t"" the t"eatures ot · l . ... """ t'> task was made more difficult by the .e demaud for inore than 1 9<TPdits 1 and e1flc1entl). and wit l an a\\e-111 l-t-3P Center 4 lP 1 Rice. tlie da,_·. I i 11 0 c lT' fart that a large numher of new men 1 s exceptionally this semes I spiting power. aR tie 1 Ross Lav ery 1 · 3 T en lt..• r Bordeaux Initia t ion Filled With Thrills. ha\"e entered the musi ca l g:i.me this and such rPi.dstrations were lett that filtered th rough the oc ·. lP Lefl OuarU 4P I Ross b 1 . cl 11 . 1 1 orcle'll wac:- 0 . 'I P Left Guard 2 p Immediately after the fall and it took some time to h3rmon· thi s committeP lh· y were mor1· 01 ed door8 e im ."./<·d 1 t lP •• · 1 Burgess G 1 r 1 1 , 011 . 1 ' Orion trimmed the Dees went t 1 ize the b3nd All th e> music that Lou ;s delayed by them. amply lei;ti ie · 1- 2 P fli ght 'uard 1 C d 9 1 P lhP Aggie buildinL;" wherP th e fre··1 hands out is :-.;tric tl)' first-class stuff before• has the committf'e 01 1 Initiation Effective. -- ·- · ig 11 . uar - men rerein.'d the oath and initin and interest this year has been keen . ... istration had to pass on so large a Two or three misguided Fawns were Gatton Clar k for Abrams; La lion and later became run-fledged and Jlnlrtices rigorous. In Yiew of ol ln a single : t'O ras h to assume an and 2P Hight Forward C'ry for Orlon; Gatt on for 1 t amiltnn: membPrs of the organization Ea ch this l\ncl the past perform an res of y Lr•st fall the same were h an defiant attitude at th e begrnnrng 01 Bergman llonleaux T aylor t'or Co tner . girl who entered that hall brim ful tl'ontinued on P:ige l-our .) (Continued on Page Fum·) I the initial on , but afte r th e first or 1T Left Guard ReferP<' llolm l'mpire· Richard of torture was rom11elled to ·1 tleal their aimle!'S steps and sh akinf Taylor thrnuμ.h eir:ht of th e mcst knees were gu id ed by caref ul h ands 1 _ forms of imagitnblf'. )f an) and although they exhibited spas are still wearing the green brand on et 1 1 1 1 •e•rg,vyh· CHANCELLOR EDWARD C , ELLIOTT WILL their neck while others are jnst '1bi< 1 r-o to hP around 'I he St:'lg: managemen ALUMNAE ARE ADDRESSED BY WALTERS. HARTMAN o\er them for hacl<IJone. Tile Fawnf VISIT MONTANA STATE COLLEGE SOON 1 for next year has llied l•> get lho.i ---- f<nclu r ed the tests with yario11s in of the rnitiation tll tell l'I Decide at Meet ing to Hold an Easter of fo rtit ude. but the efrc>rt was 11 11 some of t.hP e\·ents so that thC'Y n1lr.i1· SENATORS ARSENT \T WEONESDA Y MEETING Lun c heon for Members ' This Spring. commendation Made T. hat Part of r1uestionahly wholesomr . . be incorporated into next yp::i:··._ Activ i ty Surplus Be Given for I E C'hanrellor Edward c F.l11ott, head I ,.\fte1 lus first horned \'ISJt to the 1n111 "at1on. but $0 rnr the' ha\(' bPPl Debate . Lots of . ats . 'I he banouel was s rngularlr of til e component 1 1a 1ts or the Univer four b1anch tl's of Lh e. l'nhers1ty, unsncressful AltPr tlH? rn1u'lt1rn I ---- fu l and dill more to instill a fpplrng of \l o ntan a, will arrhe at the co l re!lo r Elliott wt!\ 1111111Pd1atel) st.lit was O\er all of thC' lloes pal took: 01 The meeting of thP \lumnae A poorly atlencJed meeting of thr of romradeship among the men of eit h er the la st of this week or I out aga111 and make morC' Pxte nd t>d an PXl'el\Pnt s1iread "lnrh "a"' 11lnnn'tl «it•b wa" held on T11esday eYeni ng nt oate was 011 \\'edncsday after c-oll ege ih an any other gathering the [1rsl of nex t. lo spend a fe\\ dny s stays al the L'ozeman. Mi<soula. Bulle' and 1>repared by the girls of tht• he home ol .l une Hartman on on . A decision was rea<'hecl lo rer vear. The table<; were 1 '. 1 ,..,,ntc an d Dill on unHs ot the tTnh e r :-.1 t' ol JU!l"H c la <:"s 1 d I E d the prtiH.'I looking O\e r the <'oll ege and , · P ty a Success Ce>ntr.d H.\"('trne 1 lw clu l \\aS a · 1 menrt the aPJ>rOpri<ition or the form of a etter an '\lont ana nurrng this later round o ar · \\' 1 !=:. H 0 the )'nthe, ·1t·t1·,.·1t)· 11·cet rnnd..,fordP 11al s11Pal,er!=; wPre seate_d tin i1ng \\ llh the facu\h For th C' JMStl· · t · I 11 es tnhhsh on off ice al Jn sp1teofalltlH'ttr'111es,thc>P1t\ dn'::-;setlL) artman n ,.. " 1 \ 1s1 s ie \\ 1 · 5 h\ I t of " \\" omen Before Montana le and oratory. After talking O\'et 8ldP so tlH·r could easily iac<·. t\ e te w days he has been at the :\l1ssoula i each p\ar(' durmg lus sta) and ''ill 11ro11ount·('d a dt•<Hled , ., l ·I It . bl , \.n exrc>llPnt (•hwken . j 11 I lt ·1 he ])of' 11a1•·· ' La\\ The talk ''II< I \\l\S an n er e matt er of student memhers in the whole assem Y branch ot th e t111 t \e rs1ty on a si111ila 1 rpma in for three or four \\t•eks ma! .. a '' 10 a t•ntt · . . , ti, esting and mstru<:t1\e one dealt with h leti" rciundl. in r<•l'e r ence to rec dinnf'I' with all tlH' 1rimmin!'.!,!i occu . g Ill\ estif'at1ons !\l l•: I otw ol thl' .rnnual f11nd1 ci l 1 · I I I f ' ·1 I attention e rrand . . . .. ,·11.1·1 '.la<I lt"I". a11<l I." l'·,1inin"" in 11opal·!d1r i•u1h thl• }JOsiuon of won_1en n t1e_ aws.o 1 men(l atlo 'l s lna(le 1)) . the athletic 11iPd t.h P almost lllH IYIC N ' I lt a d th c btld1 e n a1 st I .\ g '"' '"' r-. ,., · bl C" 1 Durin g his \'isil here C'hancellor 10 n L-' . . .• • • A I isu31h· large ·1: '.\l<>ntana nnd <'onsu lera e ume \\RS uncil lt was tlPdded lo insert an acl of the Stags for some timP. i< er wa ison, \\' i scons111. where tht.•) ''ill rP ) e.tr J"'l.n t IH • . . . l"O i\ en to thE' dlsrussion of th P .l ·onal. 11!11·a·.··e ,·,, tl1e "la11se relatino 'sC>nE'd in!'tead ol 1mnc·h as in 1,rM·\ons liolt will de,·otP the greater part ol \ 111ain until .lune in o rder that the stud wa!'; reporh·cl this )Par._ 1 11nr1;. .' '"" .. '"' · rl•"· ·•·· t 1r --nudl ta;.,.. the student members or the •·oun yearr. Several Talks En joyed . his time to making arrangements .fot ies OI the thildren will nut be Inter ,.: hr;, tl.r the athlress the cl ub deci ded to the effel'l that in o rd er to quali the annual college planning rupted. r 011 , )'\'i"ll to ha\"e :.1n Easter lun c heon. ).!ore for the position of athle ti c man \\'.en th e co rr ee h ad been sPr,·ecl for the s ummer anci -- --- adjourned or conrN ning th ''°' will be published later er or of s tud e n1 member or atl\ looking after sut h ot her work as re I Everett s;nclair wl; 0 rrittenclen hns cleelded " 1 he of le eoun <"il C"a ndidal e nrns be of introdul"e<I th• s110akers. Tho se who quires hi s attention al this time. lli s severa yen•;s '\ill th 's week ahnndon his search for a higher edu .\frs Carl \\'1dene_r.h. ''"es ch st nnding as to be a mPm er o d ses wp1·p: visit will be th e fir :;t one that he ha s quaintnnc s on t 1e l .. . k cation and is planning to do some I Pearl lle!g a . g :: jun ior or senior at th<' time gil\'e t oasts an . mad e to th e rollege sin<'e the tim e I Since leaving Boz man \\Or ·e lnd pra"t1·cal fa1· 111ing Jlis ran ch is lei Switzer. ).lrs. \\. , a m. n is the . . . n. :'.\lilburn for lhf' !'enlOl' l'.; . . glneer III \ enezue ' r h I b ass umes offire T he 1>rons1on g1v 1 he actunll\' assumed officr, February as n mrnrng en cated about two miles from town . \·president o t e cu . the team mana ger a. seat in the John \\'hitesicle for the juniors; Lew- 1. f('l'\l and Alaska.. lleti c cou ncil was left unaltcrC'd. I (C'0ntinued on Page F ou r)

B-b · 2016. 5. 19. · wn. collt·ge and ,t, le of lhe l"nion. Part Much Better. gamP. :\fcntana starred rn whnt team Score of F reshman ' rls U de 9 Ar first team and ha,·e a sc

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    >rill ~ubjec~ \ ::.'.~E:.~'°M:g:El~•T:n::~e~E0~E;hrj Gonzaga Twice Defeated By BENNION ORGANIZES NEW \B-b ---BASKET BALL SQ UA O o ca ts Sta rt I Of D1scuss1on '11H·lters in Anaconrla gnw the en·I nAen Of 'T'l..e Blue And Gola giu(·Pring t1e1rnrtnwnL two large boil lYl~ I n On Long Trip

    eni and they anivecl last week. Mr.1 ptain of Local Company A Makes l-"ark hb.rl rharg:e of the work ot mo\·-


    Suggestions Re;arding Drill I ng tht'm to the college. This work

    As a result of the agiwt1on ~larter · I un mg a rea y been scheduled Fn

    1 r our Idaho teams make up the rest

    matH· stokr·r~. a fllt•l f'C"onomizer ano "'a 01 a) mg 1 s, . l) SC-Olf'S n ... >- ... )I throws out of 1:~ dnwces. Cot11Pr f the hk~. TllP fuel t.•co1wmlzf'!' is nn and 21i-16 .. :\!Ontan a workew one out of pight and llamiltcn I i~ers that 1, •r ST A GS REM A IN ner rlribbletl free and netted. had pn.ss{;'d nrn5ter and rather the zaga boys lrnp t n11 their fight. but th£'y 1 m orma ion u· · into sha pe for this trip and getting up osing time so was compelled to su11pPr a nd oiled and tuned U\l t rn to r _! 2 1 p Hight Forward. 1 ;1 H.i.milton Berry reau and tlw free watrr senire in the a prClgram of entirely new music. This ,rk for several house after supper tnre n~a.el_1inery. 1t wo_rked smoo_ll~l~ I Ric·e Abrams 2 lP H.1ght Forward .·\lbPra1111~. l1"b1·ar,.· wt·t"" ·,11110111~ the t"eatures ot · l . ... """ t'> task was made more difficult by the .e demaud for inore than 19S~s of ~e e'e~ing ~·:;·; le eoun




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    THE VIEEKLY EcXl>O•lEllT, FRIDAY. FE8'1~ARY 1. 19'6.

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    l The Bungalow =o=-c=i=e~ ~t=y::::111;,;"' ~~;:;;;~~;;;;~;;;:;;:;;~;;;:;;:;;~;;;,'

    I WH:~~;~RE ACCEF-TABLE TIIAN all I 01 1 I I


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    A. G. McKEY The Printer

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    1 , L Poz1 'tn n hotel Tli llf l r wa·

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    ! fv'Ion a.~a State College of Agriculture I and l\1echanic Arts I I

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    Prar'k 1 cour$"E:S i1 Ci\"il Electri ·al and Mechanical Fn incc-ri11g. :\I chawc a\rts. Agric11Jtufe, Dairy. Hartl-



    You --i1 II COLLEGE BRIEFS f 11 Alumni and Them? I L•·wb .Toll•·\ ,.,., >\hilP high mogul I Students

    ave •



    HI !1.· i't 1 l ,l} 1,

    e..::t \( r .... , \ \ .• ll I !l\l" 1'

    nf lh P Forks, wris ln

    R~Zf>tll31l 1asl Wf•t•k in t'OJ\SUltalion . -- I wllh tlll• .\nuual l111l!\stry dPpartment l·.arl l'hauin \\ho kit school Uct.tuse ;..i_r Thnnqi~lill was fornwrly 11 r indpnl

    ot ill htalth lasl ) Par, l1a~ C'nn11 llaC'k ol .th1· Tlir ·ouPtl~ A sin. 1ilar trip i~ t lJE:illf, nlanned for next Suncla,· I I - . 1 llf"~in l'nn n. Jlerrkk will kavt;> Snn

    1.:r l t· ... , < 1i1 ~h .. n ... , I day or Pnli1ig~. Dean Herrit k will ~u.ldres~ the cirls of the Hillin~" lligh

    AlUMNl I l

    CHARLES H . ORAPER, ·12.

    \\'lw h; pd1tor nl 1he Carbon Count' .Journal of H1·U LodgC>. :\lontana. · 1

    C\'1)11 ... }iirc.: t ldth. \\ 1 lt1) I )- I . . I

    ~t~;lr::ch':L::orris, ~lont

    Musta:;he that \\ill please ynu.

    Lil.;e the pron·rbial grnnnlrY- havp ht•Pn kn own to rlPrlarP positivp\v thal thf' mnstac·h hns some myslPr ions utility in determining just how many Yinims are to re1.·ei n) f>ll· corps whf'H the linal sf'nws1Pr

    ::=:U:n:~:::~:T:G5:a:I l:::ti:~:A:TR:r:::~t:1 :5s:. a:n:k:.=j I )R. W. E. DEAN,

    aC'countint-?; ta.krs plac·P. Another version ,,1 tlw matter ·we..~ unc-ov. erPs and be:1ming fair.

    Qu ick !::ihift- a wonl -an answer g: y; The llNlth hecnme a pair.-Ex.

    All Kinds of


    C. ~:.i der.ts' Headquarters.

    T~E GENTR~l ~T~OIO

    I I

    C ·111~ to our shop. Xr·~h;n~ I h ut lirst s..:Ja .... ..;, wcr'.'111C'!l c111-pluyctl. ~tridly ~:rnitt:ry and tqrtn



    FRED HINM .. VI Manager


    Klassy Kicks

    and Ql" ALITY .·oOT\\"EAP. [Or

    College ~!en and \\'omen



    I I rtraiturc, : lontana SC enery. I I I I turc Framing.

    The Schlechten Studio I

    12 Obck Ar-enue. I EOZEMi: ~l MONTANA

    Coal, Wood Lumber

    with the m:-m \\ho prides hirn~c lf on s.11ok ing 'I\1xcdo . I Ie kn01\'S \'. hcTof he speaks whci1 he talks of mildness, fra ;,;rance, fL1\or, S\\"eet comfort and h.1 ppy days. JEROME G LOCKE, ·oa; c. E. '1 0 r-~HEN IN DOUBT I Ree~s Bootery

    I --- I \ 1hn11e ~..:! • ·-=~==:;::=:;;=:;::=:;::~=========~==~======= -------~·

    The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette

    "Tux·· h8.s all t11e sweet, mellow flavor and rich relish you are hoking for in a pipe tobacco -and tl'.at sound, solid, serene satisfaction that you get only from Durley leaf.

    Ar. cl yo c:m smoke Tuxedo every time you hap-pen to thi'lk of ~t-all day Jong,

    C' if you wioh. The "Tuxedo Proc-ess" rem ove~ all th'! l:arshness, all th e parch, dl t'1e bite-and this original Focesl ;~ t..::ed only in Tuxedo. YOU CAN BUY TU}lll and (;l'ueral ~lanagcr o I 1• ~::::·~;:::: , ... ,., .... ,., •• "'""" "" 1. ... ,.,,., ,,,,, "'"' '""'"' 1 0 Specialties ---- -- !-:::~-;=~~.-111 ur 11 ! TcJ, (1Jife~. :-:pi,c>. C:Jnnetl fruits and \'c~clables l~~=~=--J I THE '~'(;~'iL'~'R~'(;ERY

    1 Phone SS --George Bart::, P rop.-- Prom pt Dell ,·ery

    Dell !'bone 88 P HR ON 1 lE ~UR ~~HRTISrnS I 2:• west Ma in ----------1------------·---

    TRY LEES EGG MAKER For the Wort h While Egp:.

    thal 1H1 matter "·hat \Pl\ ar1..' fl"l·din!.:!· and rl'l-!·ardi1..''-'"' 1 i l\11.. 11umh1..·r uf egg-:-. >-nu an: gt..·tti 1_ ... :tl t·h ... · prl'St..'l;t tim~. ii Lee's Egg Maker b added tu tht..· dail; r:ni1l1l ma 11..· a portt•lll • •t 1t lhc in1..rea~c l'!.!< ~·1 hi n-..u'ting thl'rdr11111 will n1111T th · 11:i: tlH' n1 ... t ni thl l·~g· ;'\.\al,1..·r.


    M. S. C. BAND I efforts to a1tr.11'$ rHnrned t.o the b~ll _au~ I I ~\\lL 31111 J'li1..~;. plr d1 zt:n. 3 ·c. .... ,md 45t.:.

    0 ti l ,.o~ram of tl1c con· pre !"/ c·eed in tlll'Jr.Pft1_1Tl$ ~bat som_e sca1n Cockrell an:I Lee P lace Tnn:i.th::rn--. pt.T h1 :'\ APPLES

    a ,cJ PXccl.c .t rogrs.m. r mil 11 n:- nd in the buil~- got houH lll umi? ior brl?akfa.,.t. Hi£h· t ~ILinto:.;.11 f~t:d..; , pu· lH1x Stop Mar;y r·o .... c-s. •1i b •I d labo alOJ',l'~. Ill short lt : R l!llan 111.:'alltic..:.. per bf1'.\:

    Tiu 110} \\ul beard tile ea~tll1 un p

    NEW SEMESTER (Ccntinncd from Pnge One.)

    l:ed in 1wo Jays with comparntin "'ase aull t ue day was dt:l"meU sutfi

    ii?nt tim(' fot this semC'ster. bnt ac onling to :l n 1 111Ler of this ('Ommit C'f, !he linH ""I h,1\ r to be extend0t

    u1111 h1. r yf',1. 1 ·n ~hmen are e::tsr tt lO ha11tllt· lint ll e upprr t'las:-:men w!lc c·hoosl~ eler l ttle ln1l

    \\-c111lrl ne\er mix wit• nnthiu' dat waf;

    1 ofl .1 ii :.1u' t'iuk how nkn it would !11 ~N· wlliz!

    If a fe:11Pr was de teller dat his mud dl'.'r l'inli:s he is."

    So my fric•1Hls llf' your:::; a life of t ·ii til' lllldihltL•d joy,

    \"t n < .. n ll'~lrn a lt..»s:mn from Lhai

    I Central A Hnue. I I- Ph?:LJ.(\ 300 J. .::::::::::=:=::::::::::=:=::::--J. f i:.mnll 11n!t>ttPred hoy;

    I E. ~;,~,h,:::;•on i I st oc ii n gs : ::::: .::::£ ,;f~i~::g~·;;:,:::: I rndr.r :\3.L·onal f~:.tnk of Ga!!, ... , f I u~ t It r J y : : "'. l l I · Id "illP 1w\·er touHdf•r. add n straw F•

    __ 1 ' ,r ·', 1 J r~tl a1id J,!.t·!,:

    1lling is done) to we;1r a button hook in place or the missing \\'atCh. l C'OlljUl'f' YOll lH'Yf')' to do

    it unle~s yon ::U'p snre no one will as nu what it is o'clock.

    Do no1 mo11 your foreheatI with your haudkerthief after hot dnnrP; this di~plays phy!=kal dis-romfort that shon'd lw i~nored in publiC'; ra1hn. use n portier for the Jltll'Jlo::>e. when no onP is look-ing. A ra11id 11r.~snge of th(' coat slee\·e across the race :ic·bieYes the same cffeC't anr1 passes fer an eleganl gesture or delie:ht.

    Speak only wheu spoken to. un-les.s you ('an cnm1TJallll a few

    Frl'.'nch expres::iou:::. surh as '·bon ton," (ne'er use thC'm to.;t~tber) ··naiYe.'· "tlistiugue:· "e]il('," l·ll'.

    If you are nut sure of lh~ tironuu-riatit n. smile knowingly-peo11le will tllin'k it is intrnded humor

    Finally. refrain from )·awning~ the intPrence might easily be dra\,-n that rou w ·r.~ in 1he hnbit ol g-oin~ early to heel. wh·ch is Yulgar.

    These rn~es wilh your natural good sern;e. "ill. 1 a111 l"ure, r:rnk(' you n wonhy sc n of your \oviug

    PAPA. l"tah Chronicle.

    TeaeliH- -""'hat is in cc n~P" · UriglH pnpil

    We'll A!I Take a C·J.iplc. Ckrk-":'l[y hoy. this 1'1'1 " \ ul ,10

    half your kssons for ) ou. ·· Frc~h -"I guess I'll tak1~ 1 \\ o ·· E.'\.

    At the C!'n1. ' I la Ye ynu taken a show ":\'o. i~ there Dill n;i. s!·1~ ~'

    Wilh the FussPr;;. I '·And would ~ 011 put yom·s('lf out n r

    my stdu: ... ~·· I "Ye~. indt'P11.'. I

    '"Them plt. ~l' lln. I'm awfully'

    slee11.1 ,"- "'· I \\'hf'n a girl :..:11e111ls twenty minnle~

    tellin~ you hrrn cli~11\easf'd slw 1s ,. ·•.h ~011, yon ~11e [Qrgi\Cll Ex,

    .. \\"h:tt do YOU think Of lllf llt·W HUit'!I Ain'1 il st:me- fit~ ..

    ··Aw, lh~1t ain't n !"it. That's spaf.m."

    ··r•rh·IHl \\.illiam i;..1.;1e1.11s to IJe wan- t r Lily. P:111sy_ Hus(•.

    AIH.l en:ry other llower th1t grows. he lllushecl n rosy n~d. lrnr sniti

    "You Fure do Lil~w C'\"C'rrthing:· Ex

    Ii ' ~§§§§§§§§~~~~§§§ I lj The Gallatin Lumber Co. I Heaclquar!ers [or the famous OWL CREEK and PEERLESS BEAR

    I CREEK COA LS.-Y uur trade will be appreciated. Opposite Court House Phone 20.

    ~~TRONllE OUR ~OVERTl~t~~

    The C.:reat Ame::ican Smoke Fall in l:ne ' "ith hcmdreds of thou$ands of red-

    blooded smokers of ihe good cld U.S. A. Smoke the cigarette tobacco tLcct's been an American insti-tution for three generations-"Bull" Durham. The rich, reli:;hy, star-spangled taste of "Bull" Durham puts the national spirit of get-up-and-hustle into your hand-rolled cigarette. "Bull" Durham is the freshest, snappiest, liveliest of ~;-:1okes.



    "Roll your uwn" with "Bull" Durham and you'll find a far greater satisfaction in smoking ycur ciga-rette than you ever did befm-e. A • k r

    0, FR£ e

    Made of the richest, mild- p o. ' 0::;{'t;P;;~~ est leaf gmwn, "Bull'' Durham has a delightful mellow-sweet flavor foun.d in no other lo~x1cco.

    Men who never smoked cigarettes before are now "roll-ing their own" with "Bull" Durham.

    FREE > n l\tu'l"l"I Boob lc-1, show1u~ c >rrl"'ct Qwn'' Cigueltt';:·u~n~~~ ri., ~~~l,,~~0~f