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Aztecs, IncasAztecs, IncasMyans #1Myans #1































Base your answer to the question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.… At Tenochtitln, the Aztecs perfected an unusual method of farming. They built huge rafts, covered them with earth, and floated them on thelake. On these chinampas, or “floating islands,” they grew enough maize and vegetables to feed their expanding population comfortably. Eventually, rootsfrom the tree rafts attached themselves to the bottom of the shallow lake to become permanent foundations for buildings.… — Lois AtheyWhich conclusion is best supported by theinformation in this passage?1. The Aztecs terraced the land.2. Large plantations provided food for themarkets.3. The Aztecs were limited to subsistencefarming.4. Environmental adaptation aided economicdevelopment.

4. Environmental adaptation aided economicdevelopment.

What was one reason the Spanishconquistadors were able to conquer the AztecEmpire?1. The Spanish soldiers made effective use oftheir military technology against the Aztecs.2. Aztec religious beliefs promoted nonviolence.3. Spain joined the Incas in their fight againstthe Aztecs.4. The Spanish cavalry outnumbered the Aztecwarriors.

1. The Spanish soldiers made effective use of their military technology against the Aztecs.

A study of Aztec, Maya, and Inca agricultural systems would show that these civilizations1. relied on mechanized agricultural techniques2. carried on extensive food trade with each other3. adapted to their environments with creative farming techniques4. relied on a single-crop economy

3. adapted to their environments with creative farming techniques

The location of the Inca civilization of SouthAmerica demonstrates the1. importance of trade with western Europe2. ability of humans to adapt the environment3. influence of cultural diversity4. complexity of indigenous belief systems

2. ability of humans to adapt the environment

In colonial Spanish America, which system was developed by the Spanish to support plantation agriculture?

1. barter 3. domestic2. encomienda 4. guild

2. encomienda

After contact with Europeans in the 1500s,millions of native peoples in the Americas died as a result of1. new foods, which the native peoples couldnot digest2. religious persecution resulting from theSpanish Inquisition3. new diseases to which the native peoples hadno natural immunity4. slavery and the terrible conditions on theirsea journey to Europe

3. new diseases to which the native peoples hadno natural immunity

A study of the achievements of pre-ColumbianMesoamerican cultures would show that they

1. sustained dense populations through intensiveagriculture2. engaged in an extensive exploration of thePacific Ocean3. built vehicles with wheels to transport goods4. developed rice paper and wood-blockprinting

1. sustained dense populations through intensive agriculture

The destruction of the rain forests in LatinAmerica is primarily due to the1. diseases carried by insects2. wildfires occurring during dry seasons3. devastation caused by high winds during the tropical storm season4. demand for timber, farmland, and grazing land

4. demand for timber, farmland, and grazing land

Which of these situations was the direct resultof the other three?

1. Nations of Latin America wonindependence.2. Revolutions occurred in North America andFrance.3. The Napoleonic wars weakened Spain’spower.4. Creoles and mestizos became discontentedwith Spanish rule.

1. Nations of Latin America wonindependence.

Which was a characteristic of the policy ofmercantilism followed by Spanish colonial rulers inLatin America?1. The colonies were forced to develop localindustries to support themselves.2. Spain sought trade agreements between itscolonies and the English colonies in NorthAmerica.3. The colonies were required to provide rawmaterials to Spain and to purchase Spanishmanufactured goods.4. Spain encouraged the colonies to developnew political systems to meet colonial needs.

3. The colonies were required to provide rawmaterials to Spain and to purchase Spanishmanufactured goods.

What was one effect of the Columbianexchange on European society?1. Migration to the Americas declined.2. Horses were acquired for the first time.3. The population increased with theintroduction of new foods.4. The Christian Church was divided intoRoman Catholic and Orthodox.

3. The population increased with theintroduction of new foods.

Which statement demonstrates a majorcharacteristic of mercantilism in colonial LatinAmerica?1. Colonies developed local industries tocompete with Spain.2. Spanish colonies traded freely with Englishcolonies.3. Spain instituted democratic governments inits colonies.4. Colonies were a source of raw materials forSpain.

4. Colonies were a source of raw materials forSpain.

One way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture,Simn Bolvar, and Jos de San Martn aresimilar is that they all were1. supporters of mercantile policies2. leaders of independence movements3. democratically elected leaders4. industrial labor reformers

2. leaders of independence movements

“Juarez Defeats French Troops inMexico”“Bolvar Leads Revolutions in SouthAmerica”“San Martin Liberates Argentina”These newspaper headlines refer to the emergenceof1. colonialism 3. Marxism2. nationalism 4. mercantilism

2. nationalism

During the colonial period in Latin America, a major reason for the importation of Africans as slaves was the1. scarcity of native Indian labor2. development of subsistence farming3. need for skilled industrial workers4. desire to promote Christianity

1. scarcity of native Indian labor

A lasting result of colonial rule in many LatinAmerican nations has been the1. elimination of national debts2. control of power by wealthy landowners3. decrease in the power of the CatholicChurch4. creation of industrial economics

2. control of power by wealthy landowners

4. distribute the land more equitably

The struggles for political independence inLatin America during the early 1800s were mostdirectly influenced by the1. Berlin Conference2. doctrine of liberation theology3. American and French Revolutions4. writings of Count Camillo di Cavour

3. American and French Revolutions

Which has been an important factor that has discouraged investment in the economic development of many Latin American nations?

1. lack of natural resources2. history of colonial dependence3. declining birth rate4. political instability

4. political instability

Which is a valid statement about landdistribution in many Central American nations?1. The Spanish distributed land equally amongthe people.2. The largest amount of land is owned by thesmallest number of families.3. The largest amount of land is owned by thelargest number of families.4. The government owns most of the land in thename of the people.

2. The largest amount of land is owned by the smallest number of families.

Which condition is most closely associatedwith Mexico between 1910 and 1930?1. revolutions and political instability2. establishment of a state religion3. rapid industrialization by locally ownedcorporations4. widespread support for foreign intervention

1. revolutions and political instability

Which issue has raised significantenvironmental concerns in the Amazon Basin?

1.desertification 2.deforestation 3.tsunami threats4. acid rain

2. deforestation

The Columbian exchange is most closely associated with the beginnings of

1. mercantilism 3. mass production2. humanism 4. scientific socialism

1. mercantilism

The major reason the Mexican Government strongly supported the North American Free TradeAgreement (NAFTA) was that this agreement would1. raise tariffs on United States products entering Mexico2. reduce Mexico’s economic dependence on Europe3. promote investment and economic growth in Mexico4. stimulate trade between Asia and Latin America

3. promote investment and economic growth in Mexico

Why is Catholicism a major religion practicedin Latin America?1. Spain conquered and colonized much ofLatin America.2. Disputes over international boundaries withinLatin America were settled by the pope.3. The traditional beliefs of Africans wereincorporated into the cultures of LatinAmerica.4. The Church provided Latin America with astrong central government.

The encomienda system in colonial Latin America led to the

1. use of forced labor2. establishment of trade unions3. increase in landownership by NativeAmericans4. weakening of the power of peninsulares

1. use of forced labor

In announcing the Monroe Doctrine, PresidentMonroe aimed to1. protect United States interests in the PacificOcean2. block Cuban expansion in Africa3. increase United States influence in Europeanaffairs4. prevent European nations from establishingnew colonies in the Western Hemisphere

4. prevent European nations from establishing new colonies in the Western Hemisphere

The main purpose of the European Union (EU)and the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) is to1. reduce the spread of nuclear weapons2. address the problem of international politicalcorruption3. increase educational opportunities forunderdeveloped nations4. stimulate economic growth for participatingcountries

4. stimulate economic growth for participating countries

Which environmental issue most concerns Central Africa, the Amazon River Basin, and the MalayPeninsula?1. nuclear contamination 3. overpopulation2. desertification 4. deforestation

4. deforestation