Ayurvedic Professionals Association Membership Criteria 2018 1 AYURVEDIC PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION (APA) MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA APA membership is offered under the following categories 1. Practitioner (Full) Membership These are qualified individual clinicians and practitioners holding a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS) degree from a recognised Indian or Sri Lankan University. This category also includes Practitioners holding a Masters or Bachelors Degree or at least 3 years full time diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine and who have completed their clinical internship requiring a minimum of 500 hours of clinical training at a recognised Ayurvedic teaching hospital or training institute. Conditions of the Practitioner (Full) Membership Practitioner (Full) membership of the APA is conditional upon producing the following written evidence: 1. A Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS) from a recognised Indian or Sri Lankan University or a holding one of the following degrees MA, MSc, MCM, BA (Hons) or a BSc (Hons) in Ayurvedic Medicine from or a recognised University outside India which has been professionally accredited or a 3 years full-time Diploma in Ayurveda by a recognised educational provider (minimum of 3600 hours contact hours of teaching). 2. At least 500 hours of clinical Internship at a recognised Ayurvedic teaching hospital or training clinic (certificate required). 3. Maintenance of the Continual Professional Development (CPD) log.

AYURVEDIC PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION (APA ... Professionals Association Membership Criteria 2018 3 3. Affiliate Membership Individuals who have successfully completed a minimum of 100

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Ayurvedic Professionals Association Membership Criteria 2018



MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA APA membership is offered under the following categories

1. Practitioner (Full) Membership These are qualified individual clinicians and practitioners holding a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS) degree from a recognised Indian or Sri Lankan University. This category also includes Practitioners holding a Masters or Bachelors Degree or at least 3 years full time diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine and who have completed their clinical internship requiring a minimum of 500 hours of clinical training at a recognised Ayurvedic teaching hospital or training institute.

Conditions of the Practitioner (Full) Membership

Practitioner (Full) membership of the APA is conditional upon producing the following written evidence:

1. A Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS) from a recognised Indian or Sri

Lankan University or a holding one of the following degrees MA, MSc, MCM, BA (Hons) or a BSc (Hons) in Ayurvedic Medicine from or a recognised University outside India which has been professionally accredited or a 3 years full-time Diploma in Ayurveda by a recognised educational provider (minimum of 3600 hours contact hours of teaching).

2. At least 500 hours of clinical Internship at a recognised Ayurvedic teaching hospital or training clinic (certificate required).

3. Maintenance of the Continual Professional Development (CPD) log.

Ayurvedic Professionals Association Membership Criteria 2018


4. Current UK registered Professional Indemnity Insurance. 5. Evidence of fluency in English language. 6. Evidence of current residence in the UK. 7. For overseas practitioners a valid evidence of permission to live and work in the UK.

2. Therapist Membership This can be fully qualified Panchakarma Therapist working in the capacity of physician assistants to full Ayurvedic practicing members, or Ayurvedic Massage Therapist, Ayurvedic Dietician and Wellness Counsellors working independently alongside or under the guidance of Ayurvedic Doctors and Practitioners. Therapist membership may also be granted to qualified Complementary Therapist with a special interest in providing Ayurvedic Therapies as part of their holistic practice providing they have been granted accreditation for such practices by the awarding body or recognised Ayurvedic Institution. Ayurvedic therapists will have a sound knowledge of anatomy, physiology, foundations of Ayurveda, basic Sanskrit language for Ayurveda understanding, essential Ayurvedic spices, Ayurvedic principles for health maintenance, Ayurvedic nutrition, Ayurvedic health maintenance focused body therapies (e.g, Abhyanga, Shirodhara).

Conditions of the Therapist Membership

Therapist membership of the APA is conditional upon producing the following written evidence: 1. Completion of a full time study, which consisted of minimum of 1000 hours, of which at least 60% has been delivered face-to-face at level 5. Graduates must produce transcripts of their assessments along with appropriate certificates. Graduates must provide the full curriculum document outlining core competencies and assessment methods from their training establishment. 2. Completion of Anatomy and Physiology ITEC Level 3 (certificate required) 3. Maintenance of the Continual Professional Development (CPD) log. 4. Current UK registered Professional Indemnity Insurance. 5. Evidence of fluency in English language. 6. Evidence of current residence in the UK. 7. For overseas practitioners a valid evidence of permission to live and work in the UK.

Ayurvedic Professionals Association Membership Criteria 2018


3. Affiliate Membership

Individuals who have successfully completed a minimum of 100 hours of face-to-face study in Ayurvedic Medicine and hold qualifications in Anatomy and Physiology.

Conditions of the Affiliate Membership

Affiliate membership of the APA is conditional upon producing the following written evidence: 1. Completion of a full time study, which consisted of minimum of 100 hours, which have been delivered face-to-face. Graduates must produce transcripts of their assessments along with appropriate certificates. Graduates must provide the full curriculum document outlining core competencies and assessment methods from their training establishment. 2. Completion of Anatomy and Physiology ITEC Level 3 (certificate required). 3. Maintenance of the Continual Professional Development (CPD) log. Members must complete at least four CPD events related to Ayurvedic Medicine from the date of joining to the next membership renewal date. (Certificates required) 4. Current UK registered Professional Indemnity Insurance. 5. Evidence of fluency in English language. 6. Evidence of current residence in the UK. 7. For overseas practitioners a valid evidence of permission to live and work in the UK.

4. Associate Membership

Associate members may be any healthcare provider such as a GP, Clinician or Clinician Assistant, Naturopaths, Complimentary Therapists, Herbalists, Integrated Healthcare Practitioners or Providers, including Physicians in special interest areas related to Ayurvedic / Complimentary Medicine Practice or working in collaborative partnership within the healthcare sector.

Conditions of the Associate Membership

Associate member of the APA is conditional upon producing the following written evidence: 1. Certificate confirming your medical health profession based in the UK. 2. Current Professional Indemnity Insurance. 3. For overseas practitioners a valid evidence of permission to live and work in the UK.

Ayurvedic Professionals Association Membership Criteria 2018


5. Overseas Associate Membership

Overseas Associate Members may be any healthcare practitioners living and working outside the UK. This also includes fully qualified Ayurvedic doctors (BAMS, MD or PDH) working outside of the UK.

Conditions of the Overseas Associate Membership

Overseas associate member of the APA is conditional upon producing the following written evidence:

1. Certificate confirming your medical health profession in the country of practice. 2. For Ayurvedic doctors a certificate confirming completion of studies and certificate

confirming completed internship at the recognized Ayurvedic Hospital or clinic.

6. Student Membership

Students on an undergraduate and postgraduate degree programme in Ayurvedic Medicine at an approved University as well as Internees. Also students registered on the short study courses providing they are delivered face-to-face, run for a minimum of 10 days and lead to a qualification, which allows one to register as an Affiliate or Therapist member.

Conditions of Student Membership

1. Evidence of the registration as a student issued by a recognized educational institution e.g. valid student card or letter from the education provider confirming the student status.

7. Friends of the APA

These are supporting members of the general public having special interest in or learning about Ayurvedic Healthcare including those who have attended seminars and workshops organised by the APA.

Ayurvedic Professionals Association Membership Criteria 2018


Membership Fees for 2018 (renewed annually on the 1st January each year)

• Practitioner Member - £100 • Therapist Member - £70 • Affiliate Member – £50 • Associate Member - £65 • Overseas Associate Member - £65 • Friends Member- £35 • Student Member - £35

Benefits of the APA Membership

• Practitioner, Therapist and Affiliate members are able to list their clinic details on the APA

website free of charge. Each category is listed separately on the APA website. • Practitioner, Therapist and Affiliate Members are able to advertise events on APA social


• Practitioner, Therapist and Affiliate Members receive a discounted Professional Liability

Insurance rate. APA has negotiated a very reasonable annual Professional Liability Insurance fee of £53.25 pa for its members (£77.25 if Basti is also included as a therapy), with Holistic Insurance Services www.holisticinsurance.co.uk

• Practitioner, Therapist and Affiliate Members receive guidance on code of conduct & ethics:

issues on safety, professional accountability and practice.

• All members receive discounted ticket rates to APA events and special offers for external


• All members receive free access to APA webinars.

• All members receive a quarterly members newsletter and up to date information about

current legislation applicable to Ayurveda in the UK.

• Practitioner (Full) members are allowed to stand for elections for posts in the Executive

Committee. Full members have voting privileges.