3000 BC CLAY TABLETS are used to record commercial transactions. Backup consisted of duplicating the tablets. PAPYRUS starts being used in Egypt. Manually copying a papyrus is the only form of safeguarding it. 197 BC VELLUM OR PARCHMENT , made from animal skin, eventually replaced papyrus. 1960S MAGNETIC TAPES start replacing punch cards for data storage. 1969 FIRST FLOPPY DISK 1970S TAPE CARTRIDGES and cassette tapes start being widely used as a low cost data storage system. 1890S HERMAN HOLLERITH invented the punch card, so that data could be recorded in a medium that could also be read by a machine. 105 AD PAPER is invented and kept in safes for storage and protection. 1800S TYPEWRITERS are invented, gaining momentum in the 1860s. Carbon paper was used to create copies of typed documents, to be stored 1900-1950S PUNCH CARDS are the primary method for data entry, data storage, and data processing. Cards had to be handled with care and stored accordingly. 1980S CD-R & CD-RW conquered the market. 1982 MAYNARD ELECTRONICS is founded, and Archive, a backup software that later is renamed Backup Exec, is created. 1987 DAT (DIGITAL AUDIO STORAGE) tapes hit the market, gain interest from the corporate world for data storage and backup. EARLY '90S DECLINING COSTS of rewritable CDs (CD-RW) help boost the media as a viable Later replaced by DVDs. 1994 IOMEGA ZIP DRIVE , is released, becoming very popular. LATE '90S SANs (STORAGE AREA NETWORKS) gain traction in the corporate world. VTL (virtual tape libraries) start being used to replace tape libraries. 2000S USB FLASH DRIVE enters the market. Kills IOMEGA and their removable disks. MID 2000S EXTERNAL HARD DRIVES start gaining market share and being used for backup. LATE 2000S NAS (NETWORK ATTACHED STORAGE) climbs in reputation in the corporate world. 2005 VTL GAINS WIDER ADOPTION , replacing tape libraries in an increasing number of companies. 2006 AMAZON LAUNCHES EC2, and S3 for cloud storage. 2007 DROPBOX FOUNDED , makes cheap cloud storage available for of cloud platform for data protection and recovery, focusing on the corporate market. 2009 SSD (SOLID STATE STORAGE) technology starts gaining traction and wider adoption. 2013 SYMANTEC EXITS THE GARTNER RELEASES CLOUD SPACE shutting down Backup Exec.cloud. Gartner coins the term "Recovery-as-a-Service" based on the popularity of cloud-based disaster estimates a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of at least 2500 BC 2015 2015 the rst Magic Quadrant for Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service IDC PUBLISHES the rst MarketScape report for DRaaS. DRaaS gains momentum as the next step in the evolution of data protection and recovery. axcient.com 800.715.2339

Axcient-Evolution Infographic-20160202...2016/02/09  · Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service IDC PUBLISHES the !rst MarketScape report for DRaaS. DRaaS gains momentum as the next step in

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Page 1: Axcient-Evolution Infographic-20160202...2016/02/09  · Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service IDC PUBLISHES the !rst MarketScape report for DRaaS. DRaaS gains momentum as the next step in

3000 BC

CLAY TABLETS are used to record commercial transactions. Backup consisted of duplicating the tablets.

PAPYRUS star ts being used in Egypt. Manually copying a papyrus is the only form of safeguarding it.

197 BC

VELLUM OR PARCHMENT , made from animal skin, eventually replaced papyrus.


MAGNET IC TAPES star t replacing punch cards for data storage.



TAPE CARTR IDGES and cassette tapes star t being widely used as a low cost data storage system.


HERMAN HOLLER ITH invented the punch card, so that data could be recorded in a medium that could also be read by a machine.

105 AD

PAPER is invented and kept in safes for storage and protection.


TYPEWRITERS are invented, gaining momentum in the 1860s. Carbon paper was used to create copies of typed documents, to be stored


PUNCH CARDS are the primary method for data entry, data storage, and data processing. Cards had to be handled with care and stored accordingly.


CD-R & CD-RW conquered the market.

1982MAYNARD ELECTRONICS is founded, and Archive, a backup software that later is renamed Backup Exec, is created.

1987DAT (D IG ITAL AUDIO STORAGE) tapes hit the market, gain interest from the corporate world for data storage and backup.


DECL IN ING COSTS of rewritable CDs (CD-RW) help boost the media as a viable

Later replaced by DVDs.


IOMEGA Z IP DR IVE , is released, becoming very popular.


SANs (STORAGE AREA NETWORKS) gain traction in the corporate world. VTL (vir tual tape libraries) start being used to replace tape libraries.


USB FLASH DR IVE enters the market. Kills IOMEGA and their removable disks.

MID 2000S

EXTERNAL HARD DR IVES star t gaining market share and being used for backup.

LATE 2000S

NAS (NETWORK ATTACHED STORAGE) climbs in reputation in the corporate world.


VTL GAINS WIDER ADOPT ION , replacing tape libraries in an increasing number of companies.

2006AMAZON LAUNCHES EC2, and S3 for cloud storage.

2007DROPBOX FOUNDED , makes cheap cloud storage available for

of cloud platform for data protection and recovery, focusing on the corporate market.

2009SSD (SOL ID STATE STORAGE) technology star ts gaining traction and wider adoption.



CLOUD SPACE shutting down Backup Exec.cloud. Gartner coins the term "Recovery-as-a-Service" based on the popularity of cloud-based disaster

estimates a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of at least

2500 BC


the first Magic Quadrant for Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service

IDC PUBL ISHESthe first MarketScape report for DRaaS. DRaaS gains momentum as the next step in the evolution of data protection and recovery.

axcient.com 800.715.2339