The Official Book of D1.1 Interpretations A Collection of Responses to Formal Inquiries about the Requirements of AWS Dl .1 (1 976-1 994) An American Welding Society Publication First Printing, September 1996 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services

AWS D1.1-B1

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Page 1: AWS D1.1-B1

The Official Book of D1.1 Interpretations

A Collection of Responses to Formal Inquiries about the Requirements of AWS D l .1 (1 976-1 994)

An American Welding Society Publication First Printing, September 1996

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 2: AWS D1.1-B1

The Official Book of D L 1

An Amerlcan Weldlng Saclety Publlcatlon

Text Compiled By Lee G. Kvidahl

AWS President, 1993-94

Edited By Alexander M. Saitta

AWS Publication Services Division


Miami, Florida 331 26

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 3: AWS D1.1-B1

International Standard Book Number: 0-87 I7 I -502-3 Copyright O 1 9 9 6 by the American Welding Society 550 N.W. LeJeune Road; Miami, Ronda; USA

All rights reserved. No pan of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical - including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

The American Welding Society, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the information contained i n this publication. An independent, substantiating investigation should be made prior to reliance on or use of such information.

Pritrted i n the United Sm&s of America

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 4: AWS D1.1-B1

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5 Dl.1-76 ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Dl.1-79 ............................................................................................................................. 1 ......... 5

DI . 1-81 ....................................................................................................................................... 7 DI . 1-80 ............................................ i .......................................................................................... 6

DI.1-82 ..................................................................................................................................... I0 Dl.1- 83 .............................................~....................._..................................................................II Dl.l-84 ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Dl.1- 85 ..................................................................................................................................... 15 DI.!- 86.. ................................................................................................................................... 16 Dl.1- 88 ..................................................................................................................................... 17

01.1-92 ..................................................................................................................................... 27 DI.1- 90 ..................................................................................................................................... 17

DI.1-W .................................................................................................................................... 29 Index by Subject of Inquiry .................................................................................................... 30 Index by Code Provision ...............................-........................................................,............... 3 1 User's Log of official Intcrpntations ..................................................................................... 32

NOTE: This Publicorion Contains Interpretations of ANSIIAWS D1.1, Structural Welding Codc . Steel, by the AWS Dl Committee . The inierpnrariorrJ contained henin am the nsltlts of ballotcd responses to submitted inquiries approved by the Dì Structural Welding Cornmitree. d e for specific Code cdirion .

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 5: AWS D1.1-B1

hNSI/.r\WS DI.l. 9rucruml W d i t q Code, i s prepared by the AWS Structural Wclding Cormittee. Because thc Code i s rvrittca i n the f o r m of a spcx.ification. i t cannot present background material or discuss thc comrnittcc's iatrnt.

Since rhc publication of the first edition of the (=ode. the nature of inquiries directed to thc Anwican Welding Socicty and 111e Structur;ll \Vclding Cornmittcc has indicated th,\t tlrcrcclrc soctrc rcquirctrreots irr tltc Cudc that ;;IC cithcr tlirficult lo undrrst;wd or n o t sr~l l ir icntly spL.cific, and otkcrr that appear to tw overly conservative.

I r h u l d trc rcruynixed thnt the fundarnealal prealisc of the Cc& is t o provide gcnrnl s~ipulntions applicahlr. t o any sir- r u l i o n ; I lrd IO Ic;rve suflicient Ialilude for lhe exercise of cnginccring judgcnrent Anorhcr poiat ttr lx. rcrcognizctl is th;rt rhc ('L&

wprcsrnrs thc collcct~ve cxpcricncs of the cornmitter; a d . while some provisions m a y secm overly conwn*ative. the); have txsn Lxwd on sound engineering pracricc.

'I'he forrn:it o r this docunwnt presents Ctkls intcrprstations gmupcd accordins to the Code darc. Irtdividuirl inquiries for the sllccific issue date of thc Codc are arrangcd 11): the applicablc scction number within the code. 'To assisr the reader. an i n t h is provided that i s compiled by subject n~atter; and a sccond index is provided that supplics the various scction numbcrs referenced in IJIC dcxcumcnt in numerical order. regardless of Code datc.

Kmdcrs are rernindcd that the basic format of the Code was rcorganizcd extrnsivcly in thc 199G edition. lhercfore. t h e provision numbersof the interpretations included hercin in most cases wil l not be similar to the provision numbers of cditions for I'r)G or later.

Kcccnt official interpretations of ANSI'AWS Dl.1 recllrlical requirements are published rcgularly in the July and Novcrnlxr issues of the AWS IV'fdkg Journtrl. Original requests for official inrerprctation of any (lode rcquircment shall be sub- rrlitted ill writing to tl~c Managing Director of 'Technical Senices. .I\rncrican Welding Society. 550 N. W . Ldeune Road. Miand. Florida 33 126.

Subject: Essential Variables Code Edition: Dl .1.76 Code Provision: Section 5.5 AWS Log: D1-86-011

Inquiry: I n procedure qualification. does the Gode permit the use of several different variations of current. voltage. travel speeds, or wire f e d speeds during the course of m he qualifications? Response: Yes. provided that the variables used during qualification are recorded on a form similar to Appendix E. Form E-2. Welding Qualification Test Kemrd.

~ ~~~ -~~ ~~

Subject: Code Thickness Limitations Code Edition: 01.1-79 Code Provision: Section 1.2.2

-~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~-

AWS Log: D1-85-017(1)

Inquiry: What i s the meaning of the thickncss limitation provisions of 1.2.2 in AN'S Dl.1-79 (1.2.3 i n A W S 01-1-83 through 111.1-94 cditions)? Kcsp0n.w:

( I ) When thc thickness of the material i s over O. 18 in.. the rulcs of AWS DI. I apply. (2) When the thickness of the matcrial i s between IL3 and 0.18 in., either AWS DI.l or AWS DI.3 apply, as applicable. ( 3 ) When the thickness of the marcrial i s less than 1 1 8 in.. the roles of AWS D1.3 should apply. (4) R'hcn welding a material less than 118 in. thick to a material more than 0.18 in. thick, the rules of AWS DI .3

should apply, but they are lo be supplemented by the provisions of AWS D 1 . I (e+ adequate p r c b t . low hydro- gen electrode. etc.).

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 6: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject: Prequalified Skewed N o i n t s Code Edition: Dl.1-79 Code Provisions: Section 2.7.4, Fig. 2.7.1 AWS Log: Dl-85-026

Inquiry: Are welds made in skewed T-joints, (e.g.. Fig. 2.7.). where the groove angle is less than 60 degrees, accorded prequali- fied status? Response: Yes. Welds made in skewed T-joints, where the groove angle is less than 60 degrees, are accorded prequalified status provided that the welds are made with a prequalified joint welding p::ocedure in accordance with 5.1. I and the welder is quali- fied for groove welding.

Subject: Inspector Responsibilities Code Edition: Dl.1-79 Code Provisions: Sections 6.5.4, 6.5.5 AWS Log: 01-86-010

Inquiry: (I) Docs 6.5.5 require that all welding related activities listed in Section 3. including preparation of hase metal and

(2) Is the inspector required to systematically verify that the criteria i n Section 3 are met by random checks to assure assembly, [have] 100% documentation of inspection by the Inspector?

compliance with the workmanship requirements? Response

(1) No. (2) Yes. 6.5.4 and 6.5.5 require observation of the work at slr:itable intervals to verify that applicable requirements of

Section 4 and Section 3, respectively, are met.

Subject Web flatness Tolerances Code Edition: Dl.l-80 Code Provisions: Sections 3.5,9.23 AWS Log: 01-85424

Inquiry: What tolerances should be used for the flatness of the panel between the bearing stiffener and the end of the web? Response: These dimensional tolerances are not addressed by AWS D1 .I except in 8.13.3 and 9.233 when end panels are con- nected to other girders by bolted splices. Agreement between the contemor and the owner should be in accordance with 35.1.13.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 7: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject: Mill Scale on flange Surfaces Code Edition: Dl.l-81 Code Provision: Section 3.2.1 AWS Log: 0185421

Subject: Prequaliid WPS Requirements Code Edition: Dl.l-81 Code Provision: Section 5.1.1. Appendix E AWS Log: D1-84014(51

Inquiry: Why does 5.1.1 not spccifically state the required information to bc presented on Form E-I for prcqualified joint weld- ing proccduns. and reference at least one qualified procedure with a history of satisfactory performance? Responw. Table E-l lists the mandatory Code requirements for prequalifkd joint welding p m e d u n s ; listing in 5.1.1 would k awkward and ndundant.

Subject Welding Personnel Qualification Responsibility Code Edition: 01.1-81 Code Provision: Section 5.3 AWS Log: D1-84-014(7]

'nquiry: Who should actively participate in the qualification of welders and welding operators?

individual organization. . Response: It is clearly the responsibility of the contractor. although the actual mechanism of qualification varies with the

Subject: Witness of Tests Code Edition: Dl.l-81 Code Providon: Saction 5.13,531 AWS Log: D1-8Ml41)

Inquiry: Does S. 13 and 531 rcquirc the mtracror to witness all tests and record all data on suggested forms in Appendix E? Response: Yes.

Subject: Performance Qualification WPS Code Edition: 01.1-81 Code Provisions: s a i o n 5255.36 AWS Log: 0184-01412)

Inquiry: Do qualification provisions in 5.25 and 5.36 require a welder oc welding operator to follow a qualified or a pqua l i - ficd joint procedure specification? R a p o - Yes. Either a qualified or prequalificd procedure specification is acceprable.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 8: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject Evidence of Qualification Code Edition: Dl.1-81 Code Provision: Section 5.29 AWS Log: D1-84-014(3)

Inquiry: What constitutes evidence; what are the specific time intervals; and what degree of further training or practice must be established before a retest is valid in 5-29? Response: The contractor must determine the individual requirements.

Subject: Ultrasonic Inspection Code Edition: D l . l - 8 1 Code Provision: Section 6, Part C AWS Log: Dl-SUT

Inquiry: (1)One of the questions concerns the evaluation of discontinuties once they have been located by one of the scanning

methods specified in Table, Page I17 and 118 of the 1 9 8 0 Edition. The method numbers are derived from the procedure chart, based upon the type of joint and material thickness. The number in the left side of the box refers you to the procedure legend, which specifies the angles that will be usad to scan the various weld a m . In the procedure chart, the only way you get to the right side of the box under the asterisk, is when a fusion zone discontinuity is sus- pected. In the case of aT-joint in 2" thick material, the pmxiure chart refers you to "F or "XF" for further evaluation of a suspected fusion zone discontinuity. Paragraph F reads as follows:

Further evaluatefision :one indìcalions. with either 70 O, 60" or 45" search unit, whichever sound path is nearest to being perpendicular IO lhe suspected,hion surface.

In the type pints in question face "c" ulwap has a continuity plare shop welded between finges. thereby nullihing eraminations from face 'C".

"X" Check From Face "C"

We interpret this to mean that if the indication being evaluated is suspected of being in the vertical member fusion mnc. we would use a 70" search unit to evaluate the severity of the discontinuity regardless of its elevation in the weld t h m Further, if the indication found is suspected to be in the horizontal member fusion tone (¡.e., flange bevel), an angle which most nearly intersects the fusion zone perpendicularly would be used for evaluation. For example, if thc fusion zone bevel is 30". you should use a 60" search unit along the entire 30" bevel. If the fusion zone bevel is 450, you should use a 45" search unit along the entire 45" bevel. Quesrion: Arc vou limited r 0 makino evaluation of a discontinuitv from face "A" onlv. or can vou evaluate from face "B"?

(2)In the past, we have evaluated discontinuities from whichever face (A or B). that allowed us to perform the evaluation in Leg 1. We use a search unit whose sound path angle is neIrest to being perpendicular to the largest plane of the dis- continuity for further evaluation. Duestion: Are vou limited to usine only the anoles smified i n the mcedure leaend for the upper. middle. and bottom porttons of the weld. when evaluating a discontinuitv?

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(3)Another question which has been raised concerns discontinuity indications which a n not in the vertical column fusion zone or in the horizontal member fusion zone bevel. Indications of discontinuities may occur anywhere in the weld arca and may be indicative of slag inclusions, cracks. or lack of fusion between individual weld beads or layers. It has been our practice to evaluate these indications with a 70". 60" or 45" scarch unit to determine at what angle the largest nflccting surface of the indications is perpendicular to. Then. an accept or reject evaluation is made using t h e attenuation formula and the appmpriatc severity level from Table 8. I53 for the angle used. We have been challengal relative to our ultrasonic examinations. as questioned and exampled above, due to the fad that the Code does not state specifically that examinations may be conducted i n these nlanners. It has been suggested that the intent of the Code was to evaluate only flaws in the fusion zone. as these are the only flaws of interest ..., We f e d it is evi- &nt that the Code p d u r t chart does not cover all situations as evidenced by paragraph G. 13.2 under Part C. Q uewon . : Do we'o I non fla %V S o t her than fusion zone flaws. which exceed the cnttcal Ilms of Ta ble 8.15.3? Also. should

sects the largest ulane of the flaw oemendicularly?

.. . - o I whelEp9sslble and should we not also usc whatever 0

Response: ( I ) l t is correct to interpret that flaws in the verical member fusion zone be evaluated with a 70" search unit, and that flaws

in the horizontal member fusion zone be evaluated with either a 45", 60". or 70" seach unit angle using the search unit that produces a sound kam most nearly n o r m a l to the intersecting fusion zone. The evaluation should be made fmm Fact A only. It is the intent of the Code that other faccs be used only when the full volume of weld cannot be tested from Face A, except as required by the ProCadure Legend on Page I21 and 6.19.5.

(2)For discontinuities in the weld, only the angles listed i n Table a n to be used. It i s the intent of the Code t h all T-joints be tested from one face only; Legs II and III arc to be used when necessary to achieve full coverage (sec Table notes 3.4 and 5). I t is not the intent of the Code that such discontinuities be calculated with search unit angle selected to maximize the amplitude responses.

heat affected zone be evaluated to the weld criteria. As stated in the response above, it is not the intent of t h e Code that discontinuities bt evaluated by selecting an angle based on discontinuity rcflectcd characteristics. While searching at scanning level with angle(@ s e l c c t c d as prescribed in the first column of Table, it is the intent of the Code that fusion zonds) be further evaluated. Either a 70". 600 or 45" transducer - whichevcr s o u n d path is nearest 10 being normal to the vertical face of the column or the bevel surfacc of the beam - shall be uscd for evaluation.

(3)ft is not the intent of the C& that any flaw be ignored. It is the intent of the Code that flaws in the weld metal and

Subject: Qualification Supervision coda Edition: Dl.l-81 Code Provision: Section 6.4.1 AWS Log: D1-84414(6)

Subject: Appendix E Minimum Requirements Code Edition: 01.141 Code Provision: Appendix E AWS Lw: 01-84-014181

Inquiry: Are the mandatory requirements for test mord data, as presented on Appendix E forms to be completed. a mini- mum requirement? Response: Yes.

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Page 10: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject Reentrant Corners Code Edition: Dl.l-82 Code Provision: Section 3.2.4 AWS Log: D1-84-016

Inquiry: ( I ) What is the definition of reentrant corners as used in 3.2.4of AWS DI.1? (2 ) Is it readily deducible by a user of DI. I that 3.2.4 applies in general to welded joints at intersections between members? (3) In the specific case illustrated in the attached sketch, does Dl.1 automatically require a 314 in. or any c e r t a i n radius at

(4) If the designer quires a specified minimum radius at intersections between members, should it be detailed clearly in intersections between the flanges. as are shown i n the sketch?

design drawings or specifications? Response:

( I ) Reentrant corners are defined in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary and in Webster's Third lnrernarional Dieriona?. (See also AIS? Manual of Steel Conslruction, 8th Edition, Page 4-167).

(2) No. ' (3) No. (Sketch does not illustrate a "reentrant corner.") (4) Yes.

Subject WPS Qualification Tables Code Edition: Dl.l-82,01.1-90 Code Provisions: Table 5.10.5, Table 5.4 AWS Log: ID1-90-02143

Inquiry: (1) Do AWS Dl.1-82.Tabfe 5.10.5 and D1.1-90, Table 5.4, have text stating that groove weld testing on plate will also

qualify for fillet?

(2) Will a pipe groove 6GR procedure qualification rest qualify for complete and pamal penetration groove (butt &T) joints and fillets on plates?


(2) Yes, see Table 5.4 of DI. 1 - 9 0 and applicable footnotes for joints qualified.

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Subject: Welding of Nuts Codo Edition: 01-1-82 Code Provisions Sections 5.16.1, 5.24, 10.2 AWS Log: 01-85423

Inquiry: May welding procedures and welders be qualified for t h e purpose of welding an ASTM A563 nut to a s t m u r a l member? Response: AWS DI. I dots not cover the application of welding a nut to a structural member.

Subject: Root Openings Code Edition: 01.143 Code Provisions: Fig. 2.10.2 AVUS Log: 01-85-012

Subject: WelderDVelding Operator Qualification Code Edition: 01.1-83 Code Provision: Section 5. Part O AWS Log: 0144413 Inquiry:

( I ) Dots qualification as a welder under pari C, Section 5, qualify the welder as a welding operator under Part D.

(2) Under what condition, if any. does a welder qualified in acoordancc with Part C, Section 5. qualify as a welding Section 5?

operator in accordancc with Pan D, Section 5? Response:

( I ) No. (2) None. No!e: For A WS Dl .I -85. the Commime itas approved provisions for a welder under certain specNed condi!ions !o be qualified as u welding operatoc

Subject: Fillet Welder Qualification Code Edition: Dl.1-83 Code Provisions: Sections 5.10.3, AWS Log: 01-85-022

Inquiry: May a welder who has successfully performed a p d u r e qualification test for fillet welds using a fillet weld test plate qualify as a welder for fillets welds only? Response: No. The performance qualification requirements for fillet welds are diffennt fmm the p d u r r qualification rquircments for f i l l e t welds.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 12: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject NDT Operator Responsibilities Code Edition: 01.1-83 Code Provision: Section 6.7.7 AWS Log: D1-84-011

Inquiry: Should the phrase "...working under. .." be interpreted as foll!ows: ( 1) Must a Level I I be watching over the shoulder of the Level I as he performs NDT? (2) Does the Level I I NDT operator, working as a supervisor of Level I operators. and providing surveillance or puid-

ance or both to the Level 1 operatotfs), retain responsibility for the work of the Level I operator(s)? Response:

(I) No. (2) Yes.

Subject: NDT Level 111 Qualifications Code Edition: 01.1-83 Code Provision: Section 6.7.7 AWS Log: Dl-84-012

Inquiry: (I) Is it the intent of the Code to prohibif Level I I I NDT individuals from performing NDT testing if they are not quali-

fied as Level II NDT operators? (2) I s a Level I I I who also has been qualified as a Levei [I NDT operator, and who maintains his Level Il NDT operator

status on a regular basis, qualified to perform NDT testin:: under the Code?

Response: ( I ) Yes. ( 2 ) Yes.

Subject Earlier Code Editions Code Edition: 01.1-84 Code Provision: None AWS Log: 01-84-015

Inquiry: May the current Code (e+. AWS DI:I-84) requirements be applied to contract documents that specify an carlier edi- tion of theCode(e.g..AWS DI.l-W)? Response: The Code edition specified in the contract documents governs the work under that contract. However, when request- cd by the contractor, the Committee recommends to the Engineer that rhe provisions of the current AWS D1.I be permitted in lieu of the edition specified in the contract documents.

Subject: Prequalified Partial Joint Penetration Groove Welds Code Edition: Dl.l-84 Code Provisions: Section AWS Log: D1-85-027

Inquiry: Is i t the intent of the Code in to restrict all such prqualified welds to the design catcgory "partial joint pene- tration groove welds" in Tables, and 10.4.1 - Allowable Stresses in Welds? Responsc: Yes. However, the procedure may be qualified for a full joint penetration groove weld under the provisions of 5.2 for other appropriate stress categories and allowable stresses.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 13: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject Notches and Gouges on Oxygen Cut Surfacer Code Edition: 01.1-84 Code Provision: Section 3.2.2 AWS Log: 01-85425

Inquiry: (1) Does 3.2.2 mean just oxygen cut areas adjacent to welds, or arcas to be welded? (2) What is meant by “occasional notches or gouges”; and how close or far away is “occasional”? (3) [S repair required for notches and gouges up to 3\16“. or is repair required for notches and gouges 3/16“ and larger? (4) What a n the requirements pertaining to other conditions such as ends of girder flanges. ends of beams. cope and

notches in beams. base plate and gusset plates? RC!SpoIW:

(1) Applies to all oxygen cut arms. (2) nhe meaning of occasional is] as defined i n Wehrer‘s New Collegiafe Dicrionary (¡.e.. infrequent occurrence) and

as explained in the Commentary 3.2.2. [Spacing is] determined by the fabricator, together with the Inspector or Engineer or both. (Also KC Commentary 3.2.2)

Notches or gouges over 3/16 in. are repaid by welding only with app&val of the Engineer. (3) For norchcsand gouges up to and including 3\16 in.. repair is to be made by fairing, grinding, or machining.

(4) All oxygen cut edges must meet the requirements of 3.2.2.

Subject Camber Tolerances Code Edition: Dl.l-84 Code Provisions: Section AWS Log: 01-85-028

Inquiry: ( I ) In 3.5.13 there a n three different tolerances available to determine the variation from camber of welded beams or

girden, and the Code states that when the calculations are made that the greatest variation from specified camber is to be used. Ate these tolerances appropriate?

(2) In 3.5.13 it states, “camber of welded beams or girders.’ Do thesc tolera~s also apply to rolled beams?

( I ) The tolerances of 35.13 are appropriate. (2) No. Tdelanas in 3.5.13 arc applicable to beams with weldments, such as cover plates. For unwclded beams. AlSC


specifications should apply.


Subject: Shelf Barr for Horizontal Column Splice Welds Code Edition: O1 . l a Code Provision: Section 3.6.2 AWS Log: 01-85-018

Inquiry: During the welding of column splices in the horizontal position. it appears to be standard practice in building construc- tion to provide a shelf to facilitate completely filling the joint. The shelf, attached to the lower member [similar to a weld rab). supports the excess weld metal beyond the joint.

~ ~~~ ~ -~

( I ) Is the use of a shelf for wetding column splices in the horizontal position permitted by the Code? (2) Does the use of a shelf in column splices welded i n the horizontal position violate the 1 / 8 in. maximum rinfom-

ment pcrmitkd by 3.12.2?

Response: ( I ) Yes. The use of a shclf or weld tab is acceptable when welding compression munbers. For removal, see 3.1 2.2. (2) No. The 1B in. reinforcement refers to face of unsupported wcld metal only; when a shelf or welded tab is used this

q u i r e m n t does not apply.

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Page 14: AWS D1.1-B1

0784265 05187bb 1 8 3 b

Subject Tods for Welder Qualification Test Code Edition: 01.1-84 Code Provision: Section 5, Part C AWS Log: D1-86-010

Inquiry: In performing the welder qualification test, does the Code prohibit the use of power tools (mechanical, pneumatic. electrical, or other) to remove weld imperfections? Response: No.

Subject: Combination of Qualified and Prequalified WPSs code Edition: 01.184 Code Provision: Section 5.1.3 AWS Log: Dl-85-019

Inquiry: Does 5.1.3 permit a welding procedure to be used that combines a welding procedure qualified in accordance with 5.2 for the mot of the weld and a prequalified procedure for the remainder of the weld? Response: Yes. A combination of qualified or prequalified joint welding procedures may be used without qualification provided the limitation of essential variables applicable to each process is observed.

Subject 6GR Test cade Ediiion: 01.1-84 Code Provisions: Table 5.10.5, Figure 5.21A AWS Log: 01-85-029

Inquiry: (1) In the welded 6GR test joint (Fig. S.21A). is it permissible to machine the ID of the heavier wall pipe to the other

pipe before performing radiographic examination? (2) In pints between parts of unequal thickness. does the tem "complete joint penetration" refer to the situation where

the weld metal completely fills the groove and is fused to the thinner basc metal throughout its total thickness? (3) When mnoving side bend specimens from the 6GR welded test joint. is it permissible. prior to bending, to machine : I

suficient metal from the thicker wall pipe section to obtain a uniform test specimen cross section? (4) When removing test specimens from the S R welded te:;t joint for tension testing, is it permissible to machine the

ID of the heavier wall pipe to the ID of the other pipe to obtain a test specimen of uniform cross section? (S) For qualification of T-, Y- and K-connections. is it permissible to use job size pipe? (6) In qualifying in the 6GR p i t i o n , may job size pipe of diflerent wall thickness other than shown in Fig. 5.12A be used? (7) Does p d u r e qualification of pipe or tubing in the 6GR position qudify for all positions of plate and pipe welding? (8) Are there prerequisites for p d u r e or personnel qualification?

Response: ( I ) Yes, if so stated in the contract documents. (See also 6.10.3 of the Commentary.) (2) Yes. (3) Yes. Figure shows the pipe thickness the same as the size of the weld. (4) Yes. In AWS Dl.i-86, Fig- 5.10.13F, the specimen thickness is shown as being uniform throughout the test speci-

(5) Yes. (Set Table 5. I O. 1-2) (6) Yes. The specific thickness and root "high-low" conditions need not be met. but the thickness differcntial between the

pipes should be maintained to the extent possible. (SeeTable 10.12. Single Welded T-, Y-, and K-Connections, Other.) (7) Yes. (8) No. The contractor need only have a qualified (or prequa'lified) joint welding procedure for the work to be per-

men except for the edges of a pipe specimen.

formed: the contractor only needs to have qualified personnel for the work they will perform.

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Page 15: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject: Qualification Requirements Code Edition: Dl. l -84 cod% Provisions: ng., Sections 5.18,5.19 AWS Log: 01-85431

Inquiry: ( I ) Docs Note 4 in Fig 5.10. I .3F. reduced section tension specimens. apply to the capacity of the testing machine? (2) In Figure 5. IO. 1.3D. location of test specimens on a welded test plate over 318 in. thick - procedure qualification, is

(3) Is the rolling direction important for test plate validity? (4) Is a welder who qualified using groove details of 5. I8 or 5.19 qualified to weld other groove details? ( 5 ) Is it permissible for a welder to qualify using a test plate with thickness larger than 3l8 in. and smaller than I i d ? (6) Must only the standard joint details specified for plate in Figures 5.18 and 5.19 be used for qualifying welders?

the 20 in. minimum plate width required?

Subject Bend Jigs Code Edition: Dl.l-84 Code Provision: Figure 5.27.1 AWS Log: ID185-010

Inquiry: f i g u e 5.27. I(A, B, or C) shows t h n t test jigs for the testing of guided bend specimens. May any deviœ which uni- formly bends the specimen around the radius as required by figure 5.27.I(A, B, or C) be u&, provided the entire weld is locat- ed in the bent portion? Response: Yes

Subie& Single Pass Fillst Weld Sizes Code E d i t h . D1 .I45 Code Provisions: Table 2.7 AWS Log: D1-86412

Inquiry: In Table 2.7. is it permissible to make a single pass fiflet weld that is less than the weld size specified? Response: Yes. by procedure qualification test in accordance with 5.2 and as mutually agreed upon with the Engineer.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 16: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject Corner Radii Code Edition: Dl.l-85 Code Provisions: Sections AWS Log: 01-85-020

Inquiry: ( I ) Is it the intent of 3.2.4 that the intersections of built-up plate girders shall have filleted comers of no less than

(2) Is it the fabricator's obligation to build-up such radii i n weld metal i n which such transitions have not been created

(3) Is it the intent of 3.12. I that the ends of welds not create a sharp cornered "stress riser" condition?

(1) No. (2) No. (3) Yes. 3.12.1 covers termination of welds to ensure sound welds.

3/4in. radius in bridge construction and in building con:struction?

in the base metal?


Subject Test Plate Root Opening Tolerances Code Edition: 01.1435 . Code Provision: fig. 5.22A AWS Log: Dl-85-030

Enquiry: Is i t permissible to have a 0-1116 in. root opening between the test plates shown in Figure 5.22A? Response: Yes. The Committee has not specified any tolerances for the dimensions in Figure 5.22A. The dimensions shown arc nominal and need not be exact. (The contractor may place dimtmsional tolerances on shop drawings. such as those required in 3.3.)

Subject Backgouged Double Welded Joints Code Edition: 01.1-86 Code Provisions: Fig. 2.9.1 AWS Log: D1-88-003 Inquiry: For double welded joints, may the detailed weld groove on the second side of the joint be prepared simultaneously with the back gouging operation after welding one or more passes on the fint side? Response: Yes.

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Subject Qualification to Chber Codes Code Edition: 01.1-86.01.1-92 Code Provisions Commentary C5.4.2, C5.4.3


AWS Log: 101-90-045-03

Inquiry: ( I ) Is i t the intent of DI. I to address qualification to other cades? (2) May the Engineer accept qualification of welders qualified to other codes?

( I ) No. See C5.4.2 (D1.1-86) or C5.43 (D1.l-92). (2) Yes. Sec (3.4.2 (D1.l-86) or (3.4.3 (01.1-92).



COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 17: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject Welder Qualification (Allowable Undercut) . Code Edition: D1.1-86 Code Provision: Section 5.28.6 AWS Log: 01-88-001

Inquiry: In 5.28.6. directions are provided for visually evaluating a welder qualification test plate in accordance with 9.25.1. There a n two maximum limits of allowable undercut in 9.25.1; which of these values should be used for evaluation of the welder qualification tesf plate? Response: Undercut shall be no more than 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) deep. Note that the maximum allowable undercut for qualifying procedures. welders. welding operators. and tack welders was revised to 1/32 in. max in AWS D1.1-88.

Subject: Welder Qualification Retests Code Edition: 01.1-86 Code Provision: Section 5.30 AWS Lw: 01-88-002

Inquiry: When a welder fails the requalification tests permitted by 5.30. do the rules of I and 5.29.2 for retests apply? Response: No. The welder must be retested as a new welder. .

Subject: Fillet Weld Qualification by Pipe W S Code Edition: D1.1-88 Code Prouisiono: Table 5.10.1(2), Table 5.6


AWS Lw: IR1-90-004-03

Inquiry: Does the procedure qualification on %inch SchcduIe 80 pipe described in Table S.lO.l(Z) of 01.188 alsa qualify f i l l a welds in thickness from 1/8 inch to unlimited? Response: S œ ANSIiAWS DI. 1-90. Table 5.6, and Note 2.

Subject: Fatigue figures Code EdÍÍon: 01.1-88 Code Provisions figures 9.4B.9AC AWS Log: 101-9093601

Inquiry: Are the stress ranges shown in the ordinate of Figure 9.4B and 9 . C in DI .L88 for completely reversed stresses (¡.c.. alternately tensile and compressive) or for zero-temaximum stresses (¡.e.. application and wmoval of load)? Rcsponse: The smss range is the algebraic difference of stnss variation caused by the cyclic load. For example. 5 ksi tensik to 20 ksi tensile is 15 ksi; however, 5 ksi compression on 20 ksi tensile is 25 ksi.

Subject: Unequal Leg Fillet Welds Code Edition: Dl.l-90 Code Provisions: None

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AWS Log: 101-90-035-1

Inquiry: Is i t AWS's inrent by not addressing unequal Ieg fillets in the AWS D1.l and D1.3 (Sheer Steel) codes that this type of weld is not applicable to weld a structure?

Response: No.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 18: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject Groove Depth Code Edition: D1.l-90 Code Provision: None AWS Log: 101-90638-02/03

Inquiry: ( I ) Is a joint design ( in DI.1) in which the shallow gm,ve equals 1/16 in. or less technica[[y still identified as a

(2) What is the reason for limiting the shallow groove delpth to ñ o less than T/4"? double V-groove?

Response: ( I ) No. Code requires St to be T14 (2 ) See Foreword of DI. I (history of satisfactory perfomlance.)

Subject Surface Porosity Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provision: None AWS Log: 101-91-010-09

Inquiry: (1) Is surface porosity a requirement for visual inspection'? (2) I s surface porosity acceptable?

(1) No, the code has no requirement for sudace porosity telative to visual inspection. (2) If surface is of concern to the Engineer. the limit of porosity shall be established by agreement between the owner


and contractor.


Subject: Depth of Fusion Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provision: None

~ ~ ."

AWS Log: Dl-90-041-03

tnquiry: ( I ) Is them any requirement in the DI . I Code for a specifilsd "depth of fusion or penetration" along each leg of the joint

(2) Is the Committee awarc of any code or standard which q u i r e s a specified "depth of fusion or penetration" along as distinguished from "fusion to the m o t of the joint?"

the legs of a standad WegreeT-joint fillet weld and ; a s described in D1.1-90,5.123? Response:

( 1 ) No. (2) It is beyond the Committee's responsibility to reference or comment on other des and their requirements.

Subject Designer's Responsibility Code Edition: D1.1-90 Code Provisions: None AWS Log: IDI-~O-OI~-OS

Inquiry: For Dl. 1. is it thc designer's responsibility to identify which welds on a structure are tension or compression? Response: Yes.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 19: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject Ultrasonic Acceptance Tables Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provisions: None AWS Log: lD1-91413-05

Inquiry: ( I ) Is Note 3 of Tables 8.2 and 9.3 of D L. 1 -W applicable to backgouged joints? (2) I s the term "root face area" to be interpreted to mean the m o t face dimension times the groove length? (3) Are "reversal-of-stress joints" ccnsidered tension joints?

( I ) Yes. ( 2 ) Yes. (3) Yes.


Subject: Base Material Approval Code Edition: Dl. 1-90 Code Provision: Section 1.2 AWS Log: 1-8/91-01-02

Inquiry: How docs a base matcrial become approved in the AWS DL1 as a prequalified material? Response: Material supplicrs advise the DI Comrninee of their particular material type. including the applicable ASTM or API designation, and furnish to the committee upon request a variety of Welding Procedure Qualification Records, history of usage. and other mechanical testing properties (e.g., impact properties, hardness test results. etc.). The Code committee determines if the material has demonstrated successful weldability in the industry. If all of the above information is favorable. then the Code committee, utilizing these operating parameters, can translate them into the applicable Code requirements for prqualification status of the material.

Subject: Code Thickness Limitation Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provisions: Section 1.2.3 AWS Log: 1-91-0143

Inquiry: (1) Does Dl.1-90 place a minimum thicknessof 1 1 2 in. on the materials welded within the scope? (2) D o e s D1.1-90 specify a tolerance below lB in. for base metal thickness that can be welded within the scope? (3) If the answer to Inquiry 2 is no, may material of thickness 0.105 in. be welded using prequalified welding proccduns?

Response: ( 1 ) Subsection 1.23 states, "The provisions of this code are not intended to apply to welding base metals less than 1/8

in. (3.2 mm) thick." (2) Subsection 1.2.3 does not address a tolerance for base metal thickness. Tolerances for base material thickness are

addressed by other recognized industry standards or practices, such as ASTM. which may be used in conjunction with the D1.1 Code.

(3) The Code does not prohibit the use of prcqualified procedures on 0.105-in. thick material.


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Page 20: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject Reinforcing Fillet Welds Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provisions: Section 2.3.4, Appendix I AWS Log: 1-91-01-01

1-9141-01 Inquiry: Does the sketch !at right J depict a panial joint penetration groove weld reinforced wi th a fillet weld? Response: The Inquiry sketch accu- rately depicts the AWS D I. I definition of effective rhroat for a partial joint penetration groove weld reinforced with a fillet weld.

f\ I

Subject: Prequslified Flare Bevel Groove Weld Radius Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provisions: Fig. 2.5, Table 2.1

Inquiry: Should not the dimension ”C‘ in Fig. 2310) of Dl. 1- 90. flare bevel groove weld. be stated as a radius to be consis- tent with Table 2.1? Response: No. Fig. 2.3 10) is a special case applicable to cold fornled tubes. Practical experience h a s shown that corners of cold formed tubes a n not standardized, for a11 manufacturers do not have symmetrical corners or quadrant comers. The designer cannof reliably know the radius of cold formed tubes; however, he m y specify thickness. A reliable average ratio of radius-to- : :I wall thickness is 2; therefore. Table 2.1 and Fig. 2.310) are essentially equivalent.


AWS Log: lR1-90-009-01/02

Subject: Runoff Tab Welds Code Edition: D1.1-SO Code Provision: Sections 3.121,3.12.2 AWS Log: ID1-90-011-01/04

Inquiry: ( I ) Does the Code require welds to be tenninated on runoff tabs or extensions in a sound manner? (2) Should the Engineer require removal of runoff tabs or extensions where erection loads may result in cmcking?

( I ) No, insofar as weld tabs are concerned (See 3.12. I .). ATVS D1.l is silent on “runoff extensions” in the sense of ful l

(2) Subsection 3.12.2 is clear and speaks for itself.


cross-section material extending beyond the design length.

Subject: A5.29 FCAW Electrodes Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provision: Tables 4.1 and 4.2 AWS Log: Dl-90-033-02

Inquiry: Is A5.29, E71T8-Ni I electrode prequalified io DI.1 to weld ASTM ,434, A572 Gr. 50 and A588 base metals? Response: A36. No; A572 Gr. M, No (see Table 4.1): A588, Yes (Sec: Table 4.2.).

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 21: AWS D1.1-B1

Subied: Base Metal Qualifications Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provisions: Table 4.1, Section nws L-: 101-90-027-03

inquiry: ( I ) A Group V to Group V metal of Table 4. I weld qualifications is made. Is the procedure and/or the welder qualified

(2) A Group V steel to a nonlisted metal weld qualification i s made. Is the procedure and/or welder qualified to weld to weld a Group V metal to any other Group V metal listed in Table 4. I ?

the nonlisted metal to any other Group metal listed in Table 4. I? Response:

( I ) No. Subsection 5.5. I .3 covers welding Group V to Group V base metals. However, the procedure applies only to welds made [using] t h e specific ASTM material specification and minimum specified yield strength as the base metal [for running] the pmodure. without regard for Group number. Set the example cited in 5.5.1 3 . However. the welder is qualified to weld all steels in Table 4.1 by vinue of the fact that the material grouping of the steel i s n o t a welder variable.

combination of materials tested (See I .2.2.). The welder in this situation again is qualified to weld on any Table 4.1 material by, virtue of the answer given to Inquiry I above.

(2 ) No. Stoels that are n o t listed in Table 4. I require pmedure qualification and the procedure only qualifies on the

Subject: Vibratory Stress Relief Code Edition: 01.7-90 Code Provision: Section 4.4 AWS Log: 101-9O-OIO-02

Inquiry: ( 1 ) In accord with D1.1, Subsection 4.4. may vibratory stress relief be usad as an alternate to thermal stress relief! (2) If the drawing/spac. is silent relative to vibratory stress relief, may vibratory stress relief be used?

(1) NO. Set4.4. fbstweld heat treatment does more than relieve stress. (2) If compliance with D1.1, Subsection 4.4. is not nquired. this is not a Code question.


Subject Change from "Bridger' to "Dynamically Loaded Structures" Cade Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provision: Sedon 4.15 AWS Log: ID1-90-W-03

Response: Subsection 4.15 was changed by the 1 9 9 0 Edition of the Code to be consistent with the other scctions of the Code. However, the intent has remained the saw. In the 1985 Edition of the Code, Section 9 was titled 'Design of New Bridgeen" I n the 1 9 8 8 Edition. this section was changed to "Dynamically Loaded Structures."

Subject: Welder Qualification Documentation Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provision: Section 5.1.2 AWS Log: 101-90-040-02

Inquiry: Are welder qualification records sufficient documentation for prcquaIified welding? Response: No. see Dl. I , Subsection 5.1.2. The fabricator shall also prepare a written WPS for the prcqualified WPS.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 22: AWS D1.1-B1

subject: Qualification of Mixtures of Shielding Gases Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provision: Section 5.2 L

AWS Log: 101-91-006-WO3

Inquiry: Can 95% Ar - 5% O2 shielding be used to weld with EXXT- I electrode? Response: This mixture cannot be used in a prequalified W B . However, gas mixtures not i n compliance with A5.20 may be qualified in accordance with 5.2.

Subject GMAW-S Welder Qualification Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provision: Section 5.3.2 AWS Log: 1-9/91-011-03

Inquiry: Is the bend test essential for welder qualification even when only one pass of GMAW (short circuiting transfer) is used (as a weld metal backing)? Response: Yes..

Subject Engineer Acceptance of Welder Qualification Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provision: Section 5.4.2 AWS Log: 101-90-028-03

Inquiry: For D1.1, if a fabricator submits documentation to the Engineer of tests conducted by a municipality, state agency or government agency, should the Engineer accept the documentation Ibr qualification purpose of welders? Response: As stated in 5.4.2 of D1.l-90, the Engineer has the discretion to accept or e jec t the documentation.

Subject: Quafiication of Multiple Welding Processes Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provision: Section 5.5 AWS Log: 1-9/91-10-03

Inquiry: (1) Can one or more welding processes be deleted fmm a qlJalified welding procedure in accordance with AWS D1.1,

(2) Based on a qualified welding prooedure involving a GMAW root pass, SMAW backweld, and SAW fill and cap Section 5.5, if each of the essential variables for each of the remaining processes is maintained?

passes; [can this WS] be seprated into its component ~ m s to qualify other WPSs. as shown in the Inquiry letter? Response;

(1) No. (2) No, the acceptance or rejection of specific WPSs is beyond the authority of the DI Committee.

Subject Gas Mixtures Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provisions: Secb'on 5.52.3151 AWS Log: 101-90-02393

Inquiry: We use a gas mixturt of 90% argon and 10% CO, for the GMAW ptocess. When we measure CO, levels, we some- times get 9- or I 1-percent CO,. Is this acceptable under the Code? Response: Yes, see section 5.5.23(5) of D 1.1-90.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 23: AWS D1.1-B1

Subi&: Fillet Weld Qualification by Pipe W S Code Edition: D1.1-88.01.1-90 Code Provisions: Table 5.10.1(21, Table 5.6


AWS Log: lRI-90-00d03

Inquiry: ';rises the procedure qualification on 8-inch Schedule 80 pipe described i n Table 5. IO. l(2) of DI. 1 - 8 8 also qualify fillu welds in thickness from !B inch to unlimited? Response: See ANSllAWS DI. 1 - 9 0 . Table 5.6. and Note 2.

, Subject: WPS Qualification Tables Code Edition: O 1.142, Dl. 1-90 Code Provisions: Table 5.10.5, Table 5.4 AWS Log: 101-90-021-03

Inquiry: ( I ) Do AWS 01.1-82,Table 5.10.5 and AWS 01.1-90. Table 5.4 have tcxr stating that groove weld testing on plate will

( 2 ) Will a pipe groove 6GR procedure qualification test qualify for complete and partial penetration groove (butt & t e ) also qualify for fillet welds?

joints and fillets on plates? Response:

(I ) No. Information contained in tables need not have supporting text. Provisions stated in tables of the Code are qual-

(2 ) Yes, see Table 5.4 of D I . 1-90 and applicable footnotes for joints qualified. ly as binding as textual material.

Subject: Welding Procedure Qualification Using Plate for Pipe Application Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provision: Sedon 5.10.5 AWS tog:2.24

Inquiry: A contractor has qualified weld procedure using FCAW with gas shielding in the lG, 2G, 3G, and 4G positions using plate as test coupons. According to AWS Dl.1-90. Subsection 5.105, arc these procedures qualified to weld in the SF poaition on a pipe, rollcd from steel plate, with a diameter range of 33 through 144 inches. with the same welding pmcess? Response: Yes. See Table 5.4, Footnote 1.

Subject: Fillet Weld WPS Qualification Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provision: Section 5.12.3 AWS Log: 1-91-0343

Inquiry: What are the D1.I-90 requinments for a fillet weld p d u r e qualification test? Response: Subsection 5.123 sets forth the requirements for Dl.1-90 fillet weld procedure qualifitions.

Subject: Third Party Welder Qualification Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provision: Section 5, Part C

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AWS Log: 101-90-026-03

Inquiry: D o c s the D I. I Code state that we have to qualify our welders by a third party service company, or a n we qualify our welders by ourselves in accordance with DI . I ? Response: AWS Dl. I does not indicate the use of a third party inspection service to qualify weiden, welding operators, ar tack welders.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 24: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject: Bend Speamen Requirements for Pipe Welder Qualification

Code Provisions: Table 5.6 CO& Edition: D1.1-90

AWS Log: 1D1-90-03643

Inquiry: Table 5.6 of Dl.1-90. under the heading "Job Size Pipe or Tubing," requires four side bends for material 24 in. in diameter, w i t h a wall thickness >318 in. Figure 5.30 requires Wo side bends and two face bends for pipe with a wall thickness (318 in. When qualifying a welder for a groove weld in the 6G posi1:ion using 5 in pipe. 3/8 in. wall thickness. which is required - four side bends, or two face and two root bends? Response: According to AWS DI. 1-90, the material size and thickness would require four side bends per Table 5.6. Figure 5-30 is to be used for location of the bend samples only.

Subject Qualification of Welder to Fillet Weld Studs Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provision: Section 5.17 AWS Log: lD1-91-001-03

Subject Welder Qualification (Backgouged Joints1 Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provision: Section 5.19 AWS Log: 101-90-024-03

Inquiry: Are welders qualified to Subsection 5.19 of the D1.1-90 Ccde also qualified to weld a full-penetration groove weld without backing, provided the root is backgouged prior to the second side? Response: Yes. within the limitations of variables.

Subject: Pipe Welding Qualification Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provisions: Section, Table 5.4. Table 5.1 AWS Log: 1D1-90-022-03

Inquiry: ( 1 ) Does a groove weld procedure qualification test plate welded in the IG (flat) position qualify longitudinal pipe

(2) Does a maximum 16411 diameter weld test pipe qualify circumferential welding procedures for welding 16-in. and Seam welding procedures to be welded in the IG position?

24-¡n.-diameter pipe, provided wall thickness rcquiremcnts are met? Response:

(l)Yes,~ee5.23.1.1andTabie5.4ofDI.I-90. (2) Yes. Sce Table 5.1 afD1.1-90.

Subject Welder Qualification for Partial Penetration T-, Y-, and K- $Connections Code Edition: D1.l-90 Code Provision: Section AWS Log: 101-90-03143/06

Inquiry: If a welder qualifies in the 6G position on pipe with backing.. is the welder qualified to make partial joint penetrarion groove welds in T-, Y-. and K- connections? Response: Yes.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 25: AWS D1.1-B1

m 07842h5 0518777 Th9 m Subject Nationally Approved NOT Qualification Schemes Code Edition: Dl.l-90 Code Provision: Section 6.7.8 AWS Log: 101-90-048-05

Inquiry: If NDT operators are qualified to other nationally approved NDT certification schemes. such as that of the South African Qualification and Certification Committee for NDT (SAQCC-NDT). and are operating within a manufacturer's quality assurance program with its own section on NDT training, qualification and certification. would AWS consider that its q u i r e - ments had been met? Response: Refer to 6.7.8 of DI. 1 - 9 0 . Thc owner has the prerogativc to compare the South African NDT requirements to ASNT- TC-IA. If their requirements meet or exceed the ASNT-TC-IA requirements.then i t mccts the intent of the AWS DI.1 Cde.

Subject: Definition of "Partial" and "Spot" Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provision: Section 6.8 AWS Logs: 1-7/91-02-05. ¡Dl-91-014-05.101-91-015-05

Inquiry: \.Ve request a definition of the terms "partial" and "spot" examination (in DI.1 subsection 6.8). Response: The rquircments for exploration of discontinuities and additional testing arc identical for "partial" and "spot' rest- ing. See commentary C68 for additional information.

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Subject: UT Transducers Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provisions: Section 6.15.6, Table 6.3

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AWS tog: 1-91-01-05

Inquiry: ( I ) Subsection 6.15.6 of Dl.1 states in part that straight beam (longitudinal wave) Karch unit transducers shall have an

active area of not less than IR in.' (323 mm?) nor more than I in.? (645 mm?). Areas of 112 in.' and I in.' convert to diameters of 0.8 in. and I . 13 in., respectively. Since all commercially available straight barn transducers are round, the only transducers capable of meeting this requinment have a diameter o f 1 in. S i n n a range of transducer arcar is specified, can these dimensions be interpreted as diameters (112 in. to I in.) rather than arcas?

(2) Table 63 of D 1. I , procedure numbers 4 and 5. specify lower refracted angles (45 degrees and 60 degrees. respec- tively) for the top quarter of the weld than for the middle half and bottom quaner (70 degrees) of the weld. This is contrary to the other procedures, and it appears to violate the intent o f the inspection requirements.

RfSpoIW!: ( 1 ) No. (2) See Table 6.3 for the application of procedure numben, 4 and 5. The intent is to usc a IO in. screcn.

Subject: IIW 8locks Code Edition: D1.l-90 Code provision: Section AWS L* : IR 1 -9 1-032-05

Inquiry: This inquiry covers Section 6, Subsection 6.21.23 of AWS D1.I. Srrucrural Welding Code -Steel-W. The use of the International lnstitute of Welding (IIW) reference block. T y p 2, is discussed. We have found that using the Type 2 reference block for calibration doesn't follow the Code. The Code states that there should be an indication at 4 in. and 8 in. on the CEZT for aType 2 block. Yet. when the Type 2 reference block is usad, there isn't an indication at 8 in. An 8-in. indication is not obtained bccause the signal travels in this fashion: the signal leaves the transducer, and attenuates out into the block. Response: The calibration procedure referenced in 6.2 I .2.3 i s c o r d as written. The 8-in. indication is attained from t h e WO

milled slots which are shown as the reference point for the 4 in . radius on the Type 2 IIW Block.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 26: AWS D1.1-B1

07811265 0518778 9T5 m

Subject: Stud Material Selection Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provision: Section 7.3.1 AWS Log: 1-12/91-0147

Subject: Auxiliary Attachments Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provision: Section AWS Lag: 1-8/91-0241

Inquiry: What does the statement in 8.2.33, ¡.e., "auxiliary attachmmts or components" apply to? Response: The applicability of the statement "auxiliary attachments or components" is the responsibility of the Engineer. Therefore, the answer to the inquiry would be yes or no, depending cm the Engineer's judgment.

Subject: Transition.Joints Code Edition: D 1 .L90 Code Provision: Section 8.10 AWS Log: ID 1-88-008-01

Inquiry: Is a transition required in the joint per the sketch shown [at right]? Response: Yes, if the joint is i n ten- sion (see 8.10 of D l. 1-90).

m l - ~ s - o l

Subject Alignment of Members Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provisions: Section 8.10 AWS Log: IDl-90-037-01

Inquiry: ( I ) Do provisions of 8.10 (of D1.l) apply to axially aligned members only? (2) Do the provisions of 8.10also apply to intersecting members not axially aligned - i.e.. normal or

angled intersections? Response:

( I ) Yes. The subcommittee is reviewing the wording of 8.10. (2 ) No.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 27: AWS D1.1-B1

- ~~ ~ ~~ -~ .

m c 1 ~ 8 w b s O S I , ~ ~ 831, m Subject: Welding Procedure Qualification for T-, Y-, K- Connections Code Edition: 01.1-90 Code Provisions: Section and Table 10.5 AWS Lag: IO 1-90-047-03106

Inquiry: Can a procedure used to qualify T-, Y-, and K- connections (i.e.. Fig. 5.25) usc a groovc anplc Icss than 37.5 dcprccs and still meet all other Code requirenlcnrs? Resp0n.w: Yes: see Table 10.5 and IO. 12.1.3.

Subject: Low Hydrogen Welding Process for Base Metal Repair Code Edition: Dl.1-90 Code Provision: Appendix X I AWS Log: 101~91-004-02/04

Inquiry: Arc CiMAW and FCAW low-hydrogen processes in relation to base meml repair? Response: See /\WS D I . 1 , Appendix SI, Page 287 (D I. 1 - 9 0 ) . Subsection X16.2.2 for low-tlydrogcrr definitions. See DI. 1, Subsection for base metal repairs.


Subject: Company Name Change Code Edition: 01.1-92 Code Provision: None AWS Log: 3.8

~ ~~~ ~~ -~

Inquiry: (I) Is i t permissible to use our new company name on all previously qualified WPS's without rcqualification? (2) Is additional documentation required?

( I ) Yes. (2) No.


Subject: Recrushed Slag Code Edition: 01.1-92 Code Provision: Section 4.8.5 AWS Logs: I-8/91-06-03,1-8/91-07-03

Inquiry: Does ANSUAWS D1.1 permit the use of recrushed slags? Response: Yes, per subsection 4.8.5 of ANSIlAWS Dl.l-92.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 28: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject: Effect on WPS Qualification Because of Changes in Filler Metal Classification Code Edition: 01.1-92 Code Provisions: 5.4.4, 5.15 AWS Log: 2.23


- -~

( I ) Are welding procedures that have been previously qualified by test. and that employ filler metals previously classi- fied under a separate filler metal specification with a different classification. required r 0 be requalified when the filler metal specification committee makes a change thar results in a reclassification of the electrode?

(2) Are welders who are currently qualified to weld w i t h a r.pccific clcctrode required to be requaiified when the activi- ties of the fitler metal committee cause the electrode to lx reclassified under a different filler metal specification?

( I ) No, Subsection 5.4.4 of DI. 1-92 would permit the continued use of these procedures without requalification. The

(2) No. The code intent is expressed in Subsection 5. I5 of D I . 1-92. I f there i s no change i n the electrode, there i s no


written WPS, however, should be changed to reflect the new filler metal classification.

need to redetermine the ability of the welder to produce sound welds.

Subject: Qualification of Welders for Structural Shapes and Tubular Joints over 24 inches in Diameter Code Edition: Dl.1-92 Code Provision: Table 5.4 AWS Log:2.2?

Inquiry: Is a welder who is qualified by a plate test also qualified to weld grooves and fillets on rolled structural shapes or tubulars that are over 24 inches in diameter? Response: Yes.

Subject: Welder Qualification Limitations Code Edition: 01.1-92 Code Provision: Table 5.6 AWS Log: 3.4

Inquiry: Is a welder rvho qualified on a 318" CJP groove weld test coupon qualified to make a groove weld a size less than or equal to 3/4" on a base metal(s) greater than 314" thick? Response: No; see Table 5.6.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 29: AWS D1.1-B1

Subject: Ultrasonic Inspection Code Edition: Dl.1-92 Code Provisions: Sections 6.13.1. 6.13.4, 6.15.6,,,8.15.4 AWS Lag: 5.7

Inquiry: ( I ) Why is there no screen height setting for reiercnce line hcight indicarion whon ;rnglc kam resting? Rcfcr to

( 2 ) D o c s Section 8.15.4 covcr welds, base metals. or b o t h ? (3) I s it acccptablc IO use smaller diameter transducers on th in material'? Refcr IO 6.156. (4) 1s it acceptable to use smaller transducers (or circumfcrcntial transducers) whcn joint configuraion does not pcrrnit DI.1.

.62 x .C? in. transducers? Reler to Kcsponsc:

( I ) 'lhe reference line is relarive and can tX. set at any convcnient level the tcchnician rvants to work with. (2) Weld and HAZ only. See 6.13. I and 6.13.4. (3) No. (4) No.

Subject: Qualification to Other Codes Code Edition: 01.1-86. Dl.1-92 Code Provisions: Commentary C5.4.2. C5.4.3


AWS Log: lD1-90-045-03

Inquiry: ( I ) Is i t the intent of DI, I to address qualification to other codes? (2) May the Engineer accept qualification of welders qualified to other codes?

( I ) No. See C5.4.2 (Di.1-86) or C5.4.3(Dl.1-92). (2) Yes. See (3.4.2 (D I ~ 1-86) or C5.43( D l . 1-92).


Subject: Prequalified Joints Code Edition: Dl.1-94 Code Provision: Figure 2.4 AWS Log: 2.28

Inquiry: Are lhe joint details (see figure) prc- qualified according to D l . 1-94, Figure 2.4? Response: Yes. -t¶- t

4 & t l

12 +

Joint A Nole: All dunensions meet require- menls of Figura 2.4. TC-U4a-X. excepl T, = I , t 1,

I r Joint B

Note: Mer U P groove weld of 1, lo I, is complete. then pbte t2 is added and welded lo I,. Dimensions of both CJP welds meet requirements d TC-U4a-X

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 30: AWS D1.1-B1

Index By Subject Of Inquiry

P.9. NO .

Base Material Approval ................................ 19 Thickness Limitations -5.19

Backgouged Double Welded Joint ....................... 16 flare Bevel Groove Weld Radius ......................... 20 Partial Joint Penetration Groove Weld .................... 12 Reinforced Fillet Weld Joint Design ...................... 20 Rootopening ........................................ 11 Single Pass Fillet Weld ................................ 15 Skewed TJoint 6

Camber Tolerance .................................... 13

Oxygen Cut Surfaces (Notches and Gouges) 13 CornerRsdii 16

Reentrant Corners .................................... 10 RunoffTabWdds ..................................... 20 Shelf Bars for Column Splice Welds ...................... 13 Sudoce Cleanliness .................................... 7 Web Flatn.n Tolorance ................................. 6

Base Metal Qualification .............................. - 2 1 Change From 'Bridges" to 'Dynamically Loaded Structura' ................................... 21 FCAW Electrodos ..................................... 20 RanushedSlag ...................................... 27 V i ra to ry Stress Relief 20

Base Matm-al Qualification ............................. 21 BcndJi gs ........................................... 15 Bend Specimen Rsquirenmnts lor Pipe W d d u Oudifications ............................. 24

D.pthofFu*on ...................................... 18 E I s a on WPs Oualificstion Becausa of Changea in Filk Metal Usailication ..................... 28 Enginoer Acceptance of W d d r O u d i k a t i o n .............. 22

Evidenu of Qudlcation - 8 Fillet Weld O u a l i ~ o n by Pipa WPSs ................. 17, 23 Fil4 W d d WPS Oudification ........................... 23 fillet W d d w Q d i i t i o n .............................. 11 GMAW-S Weldor C l d i o n .......................... 21 Puformane* Qsl i f idon RTIBsnd Requir*m art.. .......... 8 Porformanco Chmlificotion W S s ........................ - 7 PipeWddingOualifiution ............................. 24 Prequafifid Joints .................................... 29 Prequalified W S Requirem.ntr ......................... - 7 Q u a l i r i o n of Multiple Proe- ....................... U Qualification of Shielding Gas Mixtur- ................... 22 Qualification of W d d a for P d W

Qualification of W d d m for Structud Shapes and Tubular Joints OYU 24 inch- in Diameter ............. 28 Quelifiwtion of Welder to Filet Wdd Studs ............... 24

Using PlPte for Pi p. A p p h t i o N 23 Qualification of Wolding Procedures

Qualiication Requirements (Welder and WPS) ............. 15

General Provisions

.............................. Design of Welded Connections

....................................... Workmanship

......................................... ...............

TKhniqu .

................................. Qualification

Combination of O u a r i d and Prequelified WPSs ........... 14

..................................... Euem-dVariaM er 5 ...............................

P.netration T . Y. and K Connections ..................... 24


P.(l . No .

6GRTest ............................................ iI T M Plata Root Opening Toleran- ....................... 16 Third Party W e l k Qualification ......................... 23 Tools for Welder Qualitication Test ....................... 11 Weider Qu*M¡cation (Allowable Undarcut1 ................ 17 Welder QuaM-tion IBackgougsd Joints1 ................. 24 Welder Qvslification Documentation ..................... ZI Wddor Qualification Limits ............................. 28 Welder Q u a l i i t i o n R e t e - ............................ 17 Welder Qualification to Other Standards .................. 28 WslderMd&ng Operator Oualifiution ................... 11 W.ldingofN ......................................... 11 Wdding Personnel Qualification Respom.bility .............. 7 Wmers of Oudifiution Tests ............................ 7 WPS Qualification Tables 10.23

Definition of 'Partial' and Spat' ....................... . 2 S.

Nationally Clpproud NOT Qualificstion Schemes 25 Inspector Rssponu.bilities 6

NOT Level 111 Qudifmtions ............................. 12 ND1 Operator Requirements ........................... - 1 2 Qualification SupmWon ............................... 9 Ultrasonic Inspection ............................... .8 , 29 UTTrananrduMn ...................................... 25

Stud M a t a h l Selection ................................ 26

Alignment of Members ................................ 26 Auxiliary Altachmonts ................................. 26 Transition Joints ..................................... 26 utbasonic Accaptmc* Tables ........................... 19 Ultrasonk Inspution .................................. 29

............................ Inspection

I I W Cslibretion Blocks ................................. 25 ............................... ...........

Stud Wdding

Statically Loaded Stmctures

Dynamically Loaded Sttucturas ......................................

Ultrasonic Acc.ptanc* Tables 19 Web Ran- Toleram* ................................. 6

f 8 t i ~ O F i W f ~ 17 ...........................

Tubular Structwos Qudicstion of Welding ProCufures For T, Y, and K Connmaonr ............................ 27 W d d i n p o f N uto ...................................... 11

Reinforang Filet Wddr ................................ 20

Low Hydrogen Wdding ProCror for B- Metal Repaim 27

A p p d i x E Minimum Requiremutts ...................... 9 Prequdied WPS Requiremsnt .......................... - 7

Qualification To Othœ Codes ........................ 16, to

CompanyNameChnng 27 CodeEdition 12

Designers Responu'bility ............................... 18 GrooveDepth ....................................... 18 SurtscePoros-ay ..................................... 18 Unequal Log Fillet Wd& ............................... 17

A a P n r d i X I

Appmdix XI

................................ Appandix E


Inquines Without Spdfic Code Provisions ........................................ ...............................

. 39

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services

Page 31: AWS D1.1-B1

m 07842b5 0518783 262 m

IndexBy Cöde Provision (Code Year in Parentheses)

Page No .

. 2 Base Material Approval (901 ............................ 19 2 . 2 Thickness Limitations (791 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 6

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 4 Reinforced Fillat Wald Joint Design (901 20 1.2.3 Thickness Limilations (901 19

2.1.4 Skewed TJoint 1791. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Partial Joint Penetration Groove Weld (84) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.2.1 Surface Cleanliness 1811 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2.2 Oxygen Cul Surfaces I841 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3 2 4 CotnsrR.diil8Sl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Rmontrant Cornars 1 8 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.5 Web Flatness Tolerance ( 8 0 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.6.2 Shell Bars for Column Splice Welds 184) 13 Camber Tolerance I841 13

3.12 1 Corner Radii I851 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Runoff Tab Wolds 190) ................................. 20

3.12.2 Runofl Tab Wolds 190) ................................. 20 4.4 Vibralory Stress Rdid ( 9 0 1 ............................ 21 4 8.5 R w r u r h d Slag 1921 ................................... 27 4.15 Change From 'Bridger' lo 'Dynamically

Loaded Structures' ( 9 0 1 ............................... 21

Section 5: Wolder Qualification to Other Standards (921 ............ 28

Third Party Welder QudifcatMn 1 9 0 1 ..................... 23 Tools for Wdder Qualification lost (841 ................... 14

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Section S . Part C:

Section 5 . Part D: WelderlWdding 0p.rator Oudification (83) ............... 11

5.1.1 Praqunlifiod WPS Roquiramenb (811 ..................... t 5.1.2 Welder Qualification Doarrmntation I901 .................. 21 5.1.3 Combination of (*rditkatiOn 4nd

Proqudi f id WPSs (841 ................................ 14 5 2 Qualifiution of Shielding Gas Mitturos (901 ............... 22 5.3 Welding Pmonnal Qualification Rasponsibility (81) .......... 7

5.4.2 Engineor Accapbnco of Wddu ~ t k b t i O n (SOI ........... 22

m Rllu Mot4 CIourficoUon 192) ......................... 28 Essontial Varioblr {XI- ................................ 5 ( I d f i r a t i on of Multiple Rocossos ( 9 0 1 ................. ..U

s.s.1.3 easa Matoa au.lific.tion { s o l ......................... 21 5.52.31rrQualifimion of Shiddg Gm M i a u o s (901 ............... 22 5.10.3 fil1.r w d d r audifiution ( 8 3 ) ....................... - .. 11 5.10.5 Qualiition ol W.lding Rocduros Using

5.12.3 Depth of FU.~QR 1901 .................................. 19 Fillet W d d WPS Quolificalion (Sol ....................... 23

5.3.2 GMAW-S WddU Ouol icat ion (901 ....................... 22

#.4.4 Effut on WPS (luJ?iutjon Bacou- of Changes

Plata for P;pe Appliutlons (Sol .......................... 23

5.13 Witn.ir of Oudificotion Tosts (El l ........................ 7 5.15 Effoct on WPS Oudifiution Rocou- of Changas in

Filk Mota1 Classification 1921 ........................... 28 5.16.1 Welding of Nuts (821 ................................. -11 5.17 Quelifiution of W d d w to Fillet Wold Studs ( 9 0 ) ............ 24 5.17.12 WIot W d d u &alific.mtion 183) .......................... 11 5.18 Qualification Roquiremonts Woldor mnd W S ) (841 .......... IS 5.19 Qualification Roquiramonts WJdr and W S ) (So .......... 15

Welder Oudificalion IBsckgouged Joints) 1901 ............. 24 Pi p. Wdbng Qualification (90) .......................... 24 Qualifimtion of Walder for Partial Penetration

5.24 Wdding of Nuts I821 11 T V and U Connections 190) 24

5.25 Patormanco Qualification WPSs (81) ...................... 7 5.26 Performarno Qualification RTIBend Requiraments (BY) ....... 8 5.28.6 Welder Qualification IAllowabla Und.tcut1 (861 ............. l? 5.29 Evidence of Qualification 181) ............................ 8 5 30 Wdder Qualification Rotesr 1%) ........................ 17 5.31 Wttnew 01 Oudification 1-ts I811 ........................ t 5.36 Performance Qualification WPS (811 ....................... 7 5.37 Performance Qualification RTlSend Requirements (81) . . . . . . . 8

. . ............................ ..................................

Section 6. Part C 1811 ......................................... 8 6.4.1 Qualification Supervision 1811 ............................ 9 6.5.4 Impactor Rarponsibilities (791 ........................... 6 6.5.5 Inspector Responsibilities (791 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 T.7.7 NOT LeVd 111 Qualifications I831 ........................ .I L

NOT Operator Requirements 1831 ........................ 12 b.7.8 Nationally Approved NOT Qualification Schemes (90) . . . . . . . . 24

6.8 Definition of "Partial' and 'Spot' I901 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.13.1 Ultrasonic Inspection 192) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.13.4 Ultrasonic Inspection (921 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.15.6 Ultrasonic Inspection 1921 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Ultrasonic Insput ion (921 29 UT Transducers ( 9 0 1 25 IIW Calibration Blocks 1 9 0 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Ultrasonic Inspection 192) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.1 Stud Material Selection 190) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Auxiliary Attachments I901 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 8.10 Alignment of Members ( 9 0 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

8 15.4 Ultrasonic Inspection (92) 29 Transition Joints (901 26

9.23 Web FIetnsu Tolorance leo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10.2 Welding of Nuts 1 8 2 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 10.123.3QuaIifi~ation of Welding Procedure for T . Y .

and K Connections ( 9 0 1 ................................ 21 Table 2.1: Flare Bevel Groove Weld Radius (90) .................... 20 Tabla 2.7: Sinda Pass Fillet Weld 1 8 5 1 ........................... 15 Tablo 4.1: Bau Metal Oudification 1901 .......................... 21

FCAW Electrodes 1901 ..... - .......................... 20 Table 4.2: FCAW Elutroder ( 9 0 1 ................................ 20 Table 5.1: Pi p. Welding Quolification 190) ........................ 24 Table 5.4

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Qudification of Welders for Stmcttd S b p a and Tubular Jonits ovw 24 inches in Diamator 1921 .......... Ts Pipe Wdding Qualification I 9 0 1 .......................... 24 WPS Oualifkation Tbblrs 1 9 0 ) ........................ 10 . 23

Table 5.6 Band Specimen Requirements for Pipe Wdder Qualifiution 190) .......................... 24 Fillet W d d Qudifieation by Pipa WPS (881 .............. 17.23 W d d r Qudification Umits (921 ......................... 28

Tabla 5.10.5: 6GR Tost l84l .................................. 14

Toble 6.3: UT Tramducus (Sol ............................. 25

Table 5.10.1 (21: Fillet Wold Qualification by Pipa WPS ( 8 8 1 ..... - .. l t . 23 WPS Quolification T a M r 1821 .................. 10 . U

Table 83: V(8aranic 4cwptonco Tabla 1901 ................. 18 Tablo 9.3 Ultrasonic Accoptmco Tabla I901 ....... - ......... la

lor T, V. and K C o n n ~ o n r 1901 ............... - . - . 27

Rgurr 2.5: Flur Bwd Groovo Wold Radius 1 9 0 1 ............... 20 f igure 2.7.1: Skewed TJoint 091 ................. - ............ 6 figuro 2.9.1: 6aekgoug.d Doubto W d d d Jdnt ( 8 6 1 .............. 16 figuro 2.10.2: Root Oponing 1 8 3 .............................. 11 Figuro Roqulromm Iwoldu and WPSl (841 ..... 15 figuro 511k 6GR Tost (841 ............ - ..................... 14 Figure SXZA: T& Phta Root Opening Tdranco 185) ............. 16 Figure 5.27.1: Bond Jwr (841 ................................. 15 Figuro 9.4B Fatipue Rgwn (SS) ... - ..... - ................... 17 Figuro 9.42 Fatigue Figura (881 ......... - ................... 17

Tablo 10.5: Q u a l i t i o n of Waldig Proc.duo

Figure 2.+ Pr.qu.li6.d Joints (SU ........ - ................. 29

A p p d x I: R.inforced Fillet Wold 19W ........................ 20 Appendir XI: Low Hydropan Wddin Process

for Bas Metal Rep& B O I ........................ 21

Appendix E Minimum Raquiraments I811 ............................ 9 Prequalifiad WPS Raquirament 1811 ....................... 7

Commentary C5.4.2: Qualification to Other C o d a (86.921 ............ 16.29 ~5.4 .1: Qudifiwtion to 0th Cod- I= 9a ............ 16.29

Inquiries Without Specific Code Provisions Codo Edition I841 ..................................... 12 Company Name Change (921 ............................ 27 Designers Responsibility I901 ........................... 18 Depth of Fusion I901 .................................. 18

SurfacePorosity(901 .................................. 18 Uhrasonic Acceptance Tablas 1901 ....................... 19 Unequal Leg Fikt Welds (90) ...........................

G r o o v e D ~ t h ( 9 0 ) .................................... 18



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Page 32: AWS D1.1-B1

User’s Log Of Official Interpretations New officia1 interpretations of ANSUAWS D1.1 technia1 rtquirements are published twice a year, in the July and November issues of the AWS Weldinn Journal. The space below is provided for the purpose of maintaining a bg of these additions, so that -

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling Services