The Sea Witch Presents: A Week of Magick A Free EBook! Created by : Katie McBrien The Sea Witch www.katiemcbrien.com Presents: A Week of Magick EBook! pg 1


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  • TheSeaWitchPresents:




  • Bydefinition:

    Which is exactly what you will be able to do with the information in this ebook craftandcreatetheworldyouwanttolivein!

    There is so much magick to be experienced during the week, each day with its own powers and areas of influence. In this short ebook you will learn about each day of theweekanditsmagickalproperties!Howexciting!

    Maybe you already know this information and just wanted to see what I have to offer,Idohopeyoullprintoutthisebookandadditintoyourbookofshadows.


  • I provide a brief explanation below on how to use these correspondences in magickalapplicationssoyoutoocanstartcraftingmagick!

    Thesecorrespondencesareperfectfor: MojoBags SpellCandles Incense Brews Oils Spells Rituals Healing andmore!

    ABriefExplanationOnHowToUseThisInformation:As we begin our enchanting journey into the magick of the Days of the week and how they can affect our magick. I want to explain how to navigate these correspondences so you can make the most out of eachmagickalday!

    To craft a spell, charm, potion, ritual, or really anything in the witchs world we need to prepare and do research in magickal correspondences. We look at correspondences because everything is connected! Like a spiders web or tree, each offshoot affects the whole, each touch or breeze influenceseverything.

    So when we use Mugwort on Mondays to create a dream charm to increase our psychic dream time we


  • arecraftingaverystrongpsychicweb/tree!Allthesethingsareconnected.

    So lets look at the day Monday, we are going to focus first on the Magick section. The Magick section contains the different types of magick you could work that day such as Goddess work, Fertility, Psychic ability and more. Pick the type you are going to focus on. For example purposes we will do dreamwork and psychic ability. Then we would move our attention at picking an Herb/Plant/Food that we may have on hand, maybe mugwort or possibly Jasmine. These items we have gathered then become the ingredients in our magickal workings. The more things you can add the better from the different categories tools, colors, herbs, stones, foods,etc!Useyourinstincts,thatsmallquietvoiceinside!

    ASachetforPsychicDreams: Silverand/orbluefabric Riceasthefiller SeveraldropsofjasmineEssentialOil afewwillowleavesfromafavoritewillowtree Apinchofmugwort Moonstone,clearquartz,andanamethyststone. ChargeduringthehourofthemoononMonday

    If you look at the example above A Sachet for Psychic Dreams and the magickal correspondences for Monday you can see how I created a magickal formula just by looking at what is listed! Each item above is tied into the powers of Monday which rulesDreamsandPsychicability!



  • Another way to incorporate the magickal energies in these items listed and craft a silent but powerful magick is through finding edible options on the the Herbs/Plants/Foods section, create a meal using these items and enchant the meal as you prepare it! We cook every day, not every meal is magickal, but when we cook for magick the big difference is action with intention is magick! You craft your magickal meal with the intention that the dish will be magickal and create a powerfulchanges!!

    You can also carry a stone, herb, or tool around for the day focusing on your intentionsasyoucarrythisitem.

    Another pointer, try wearing a particular color associated with the day while you are awaketoreinforceitsmagicktoyou,craftyourselfanenchantedday!

    I provided the information about the Chakras and the Elements because we can further use this information in our spellwork and our healing. Chakras provide an energetic pathway towards healing and aligning our bodies energetic/power system. If the chakras are operating at full capacity then so will our magick. Consider doing cleansing and renewal meditations or work within appropriate means to cleanse and empower your chakras during the days they are highlighted! The elements can be present on the Altar, or the Witchs working space, in addition to their energies being the prime vehicle during a spell or rite (a potion for water, a candle spell for fire,etc.).Thepossibilitiesarelimitless!



    Monday:Planet:MoonColor:Silver,BlueChakra:ThirdEyeHerbs/Plants/Foods: Mugwort, willow, water lilies, cattails, watercress, rice, jasmine,Azalea.Tool:Cup/CauldronStones: Moonstone, Aquamarine, clear quartz, selenite, pearls (an actual pearl or motherofpearl),shells,Opal,labradorite,Amethyst.Element:WaterMagick: Healing, The Goddess, connecting to the feminine, psychic ability, fertility,divination,dreamtime,journeying.



  • Planet:MarsColor:red,orange,yellow.Chakra:SolarPlexus/RootHerbs/Plants/Foods: Cinnamon, Allspice, Cayenne Pepper, Hot Peppers, Red Peppers,RedRoses,Curry,Ginger,JapaneseMaple,BurningBush.Tool:Candle,Incense,bonfire.Stones:Fireopal,fireagate(red/orange),(red/orange)calcite,Carnelian,Element:FireMagick: Successful completion of goals, setting goals, moving things forward, defensework.

    Wednesday:Planet:MercuryColor:YellowChakra:SolarPlexus,Throat,Crown.Herbs/Plants/Foods:Lavender,Dill,Couscous,Lime,Resins,Fennel,Parsley.Tools:Athame,Wand,Incense,Pen&Paper,Brush&Paint.Stones: Sodalite, citrine, Amber, Turquoise, clear quartz, Opalite, amazonite, Fluorite.Element:AirMagick:Inspiration,creation,newideas,channeling,writing.



  • Chakra:Spleen(2nd)Herbs/Plants/Foods: Mint, Dill, Thyme, Garlic, Star Anise, Tabouleh, Bruschetta, patchouli.Tools:Pentacle,Scales,Stones.Stones: Emerald, Onyx, Aventurine, Jade, Pyrite, Moss Agate, Citrine, Green Calcite.Element:EarthMagick:Growth,Expansion,Money,Prosperity,BusinessSuccess,Jobs/Career

    Friday:Planet:VenusColor:Red,Pink,Green.Chakra:Heart,Spleen(2nd)Herbs/Plants/Foods: Strawberry, Basil, Rose, Oysters, Chocolate, Catnip, Apple, Wine,AuthenticItalianFood(yeahIthinkitalianshavethelovethingdown!).Tools:Cauldron,Cup,Bath,Candle,Oil,Hearts.Stones: Ruby, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Pink Calcite, Danburite, Emerald, Kunzite, Rhodochrosite,Rhodonite.Element:Water,FireMagick: Love, Passion, Relationships, Sex, Friendships, Mending relationships of allkinds.



  • Chakra:Root,Crown.Herbs/Plants/Foods: Lima beans, Beans, Ivy, Poison Ivy (caution skin irritant), Vines(Wisteria,Honeysuckle,Grapes,Morningglory),Nettle,Liver.Tools: Cauldron, Water, Pentacle, Wasp/Hornet Paper (from a dead nest), Nails, Pins,brokenglass,binding/sinew,Stones:Iron,Hematite,BlackTourmaline,BlackOnyx,BlackObsidian.Element:Earth&WaterMagick:Banishing,Retribution,Hexing/Cursing,Binding,Justice,TruthMagick.

    Sunday:Planet:SunColor:Gold,Yellow,WhiteChakra:SolarPlexus,HandChakras.Herbs/Plants/Foods: Sunflower, Calendula, Honey, Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis, Marigold, Bay, Cinnamon, Cedar, Cumin, old bay seasoning (a summer favorite!), Salsa,Mexican/IndianFood.Tools:Candle,Bonfire.Stones:Sunstone,Carnelian,Garnet,FireAgate,Element:FireMagick: Success, Movement Forward, God magick/work, connecting to the masculine.



  • So now you have a comprehensive list of the days of the week and their magickal correspondences.YouNOWhavetheabilitytocreatemagickeveryday!




    You can and will, if you put forth the time and effort, create the opportunities for all your dreams to come true!Ijustknowit!Ihave,soIknowyoucantoo!


    A deep Thank You from me to YOU for the support of The Sea Witch and all its various projects! If you havent stopped by my website please do so now! It contains so much magickal information, its basically bursting at the seams waiting to be discovered by YOU! Please do not distribute or give away copies of this Ebook, remember tell yourfriendstheycansignupandreceivethisfreetoo!!


  • AboutKatieMcBrienTheSeaWitchThemissionstatementfrommywebsite:

    Welcome to the enchanted world of the witch. The Witch empowers her life with acts of natural magick to bring about desired changes in her life. A Witch walks with nature she speaks the language of the natural world including the animals, insects, trees, herbs, roots, stones and the weather. Witches have been around for centuries, they started off as the village wise woman or the village shaman, an intermediary between the world of the living and the realm of the spirits. They provided healing, spiritual work, mediumship, sacred dreaming, and of course spells and charms. Then the world of the Witch shifted, people do not go to the Witch as they used too and have put them in a box (well they really have put themselves in a box), and done a great disservice to the true spirit of who the Witchis.

    My website is my way of unearthing the ancient spirit of the Witch. Someone who is free to walk the path our ancestors once lived, freeing us of the restricting dogma that binds us now. In doing this we are allowing the spirits, guides and ancestors to speak to us directly freeing us to explore the path of the wild Witch. Allowing their powerful and timeless craft to once again envelope us giving us the opportunity to help all that we comeincontactwith.

    Withthatbeingsaidyouwillfindonmywebsitethefollowing: FreeSpellsandRituals MagickalCorrespondences AWebStore(ItsAWitchsLife) Photographs&Videos ABlog.andmuchmore!ComeWalkthepathoftheWildWitch


  • ResourcesForThisFreeEBook:1http://www.katiemcbrien.com/magickalcorrespondences2www.katiemcbrien.comPhotosarecreditedtoDoverElectronicClipArt(CDs)



    AllinformationcontainedhereiniscopyrightedtoKatieMcBrien,theowner.20122014: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
