Awakening as One: Ambassador Guidelines

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  • 8/8/2019 Awakening as One: Ambassador Guidelines


  • 8/8/2019 Awakening as One: Ambassador Guidelines


    for you intrepid soulswho have responded to

    the call to unite,the following is offeredas a gift, along with our

    deepest gratitude for yourwillingness to work togetherfor the greater good of all.

    this is not a means to an end,nor is it an end in itself,

    for it is, indeed, a beginning.


  • 8/8/2019 Awakening as One: Ambassador Guidelines


    Greetings One and All,

    The following Plan for Unification is presented to all those who are willing to acknowledge that the time of living for theself has passed, and that the time has come for humanity to realize the peace, liberty and power of Unity.

    For years some small part of each one of us has lived out of alignment with what we know to be true as we lived tosupport a system that many of us felt helpless to leave. But now, as Mother earth gives and gives and gives her black

    blood that humanity has been so hungry for, we have been gifted the opportunity to transmute disaster into liberty.

    Mother earth now gives of herself in excess knowing that there are those of us who would see the truth, thatthere is nofuture in following our current path. Our mother, forever aware of her connection to her children, feels the rising waveof Awakening that is sweeping across her surface, and is waiting for us to demonstrate our love, wisdom andwillingness to do what we know we must.

    For if it can be agreed that our current system is leading us ona path of inevitable destruction, and if it can also be agreedthat WE in living for the self (more money, more pleasure, &more prestige) are the onlyengines driving this system, then wemay also see that WE hold the power to stop it throughUnity.

    So let us begin the Grand Process of Unification that will allowus to lend each other our special skills, knowledge andresources so that we may support each other, and thereby,relieve ourselves of our dependency on this failed andcrumbling system for survival. And instead let us give, andshare, and depend upon each other to co-create a new realitythat honours our Mother and all living things. And in sodoing, we shall be free.

    That said, we feel it is important to express to all of our rising Ambassadors that Awakening As One should never bepresented to others as the Way, for there are many paths to Unity. What we offer in this document is a starting point;a framework by which those who are willing to unite, may begin to do so. It is a gift for those who would like to knowwhere to begin, and one, which we humbly seek your assistance in refining so that we may re-gift it to others.

    Also of note, is our acknowledgement that there will soon come a time when none of what is presented here will benecessary; for events that are soon set to unfold have been designed to make letting go and uniting the sanest andsimplest choices for those with the willingness to do so. So why should we bother with all this work now?

    Because its fun, and because it nourishes our spirit to live by what we know is true: and also because we live to serve.If we wait for the time when it is easy, we serve ourselves; confident that we will make the right choices as they arepresented to us. But if we start now, then we are doing it for others; for the work that we put into uniting now, will bethe solace that others will seek in the times ahead.

    One note regarding the reading of this document; please dont get bogged down in the details in your first readthrough. Read it once to get a sense of the entire vision of how we might unite a city. And then, when you are ready,come back to the First Step. Get a feel for it, get some inspirations, and then connect with us so that we can movethrough it together. And know that whatever we achieve, with heart, is what we are meant to achieve.

    And so, without further ado, here are some guidelines by which we may begin to unite the world.

    With faith, we areAwakening As One


  • 8/8/2019 Awakening as One: Ambassador Guidelines


    Ambassadors Next Steps

    Now that Im an Ambassador, What do I do next?

    1. Get Informed - Read the following pages for an overview of The Plan to Unite your citys peace-loving citizens. This will give you a deeper understanding of the purpose, and means, ofimplementing such Awakening As One initiatives as; Community Councils, Vision Councils and

    Solstice-Type Events.2. Get Connected - With this understanding we would then encourage you to contact us by phone oremail, so that we can assist you in taking your first steps towards creating a Community Council.During this contact we would also be happy to answer any questions and learn from your insightsthat may have arisen after reading The Plan for Unification.

    3. Get Busy Speak your truths often and of the importance of uniting, with others. And through yoursharing seek others who are willing to unite and co-create a new world of peace and harmony.

    The Plan for Unification

    The three simple steps for uniting the peace-loving citizens of a city are to:

    1. Unite with Friends Community Councils

    2. Unite with Like-Minded Communities

    Vision Councils3. Unite with the Citys General Public Solstice-Type Events

    AAO has specifically designed initiatives such as Community Councils, Vision Councils and the SummerSolstice Events as means to facilitate the process of unification on each level of The Plan.

    In presenting a deeper understanding of AAOs plans, suggested initiatives, and how they assist unity oneach of the three levels, Ambassadors will then be empowered to begin these activities, or their ownversions thereof, to facilitate the process of unification in their area.

    Here it is important to note that no Ambassador can, or need, bear the responsibility for the unification ofthe people in their region alone. For all that is set to unfold in the coming months and years is divinelydesigned to encourage us to seek the love, wisdom and assistance of others.

    Therefore, we suggest that each Ambassador start the process of unification by reaching out to like-mindedfriends with the intention of finding one, three, or thirteen others who will help achieve unification on thevarious levels.

    Below we will walk you through the three-step process of how to unite a city. The importance of uniting oneach level will be explained, along with directions on how to implement the co-relating AAO initiative. Andso now, let us take our first step together.

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  • 8/8/2019 Awakening as One: Ambassador Guidelines


    Step One The Plan for Unification

    1. Community Councils Unite with Friends

    Over the years many of us have established a union with friends that has manifested itself in the form of

    gatherings and conversations on such topics as spiritual growth, healing, community and the environment.However, the increasing intensity of world events, along with the escalating abuse of our planet and itspopulace is now asking us to Deepen our Union with our like-minded friends by bringing Truth and Purposeto the foreground of our interactions.

    1.1 Community Councils Basic Purpose

    Through AAOs Community Councils we propose a structure whereby any and all individuals may gather inacknowledgment of the truth that, together, we can peacefully free ourselves from our dependency on ourcurrent self-destructive system.These Councils then afford the opportunity to meet with friends, old andnew, who share the vision of a more harmonious existence, that they may discuss and implement actionableplans for how that vision may be realized, with particular emphasis on gathering people throughCommunity Councils and Solstice-Type events. Community Councils also afford the vital opportunity to cometogether in focused meditation, intent and invocation.

    Any individuals with an expressed interest in uniting in collaborative selfless service are free to attendCommunity Councils. The accessibility and social nature of these Councils are intended to facilitate theregular gathering and expanded sharing of an increasing number of the areas like-minded citizens. Thus,the growing number of individuals involved with the Community Council will constitute the main resourcepool that will serve to assist in actualizing initial steps of the Vision Councils strategy to create a new co-operative system in their area. (See Vision Councils below.)

    It is the Councils efforts to unite, share liberating truths and co-create with as many peace-loving people aspossible that gives the Community Council its name. Any Ambassadors who resonate with these objectivesare heartily encouraged to create a Community Council in their area by following the steps below.

    1.2 Community Councils Getting StartedAll you have to do to start a Community Council in your area is:

    1. Reach out to friends and acquaintances you know who hold a vision for a more harmoniousexistence here on earth and ask them to gather. You may do this by simply making a few phonecalls or emails, or by showing people videos such as The Call and The Plan and inviting themto meet to discuss plans for how the group might collectively free itself from its dependency on ourcurrent self-destructive system.

    2. Once Ambassadors are comfortable with the Councils structure, we would encourage them tobegin expanding the list of those invited, to include friends of friends, community members,colleagues and the randomly encountered.

    1.3 Community Councils Meeting StructureUnderstanding that some Ambassadors are already facilitating gatherings of their own, we present thefollowing Community Council structure with the intention of adding a harmonized purpose to those existingmeetings. For it is our belief that if all the spirited groups that were presently gathering around the worldadded the purpose of uniting to support each other in stepping away from our current self-destructivesystem, we would immediately take huge strides towards realizing our mutual dreams.


  • 8/8/2019 Awakening as One: Ambassador Guidelines


    That said, the following Community Council meeting structure, which typically runs between 1.5 2 hours isoffered to inform and supplement existing groups, as well as offer a guideline for those who would likeassistance in starting their own Councils. A suggested structure for Community Council would be as follows:

    1. Welcoming (10 mins) The host or Ambassador(s) welcomes those in attendance, and provides anintroduction to the space (bathrooms, etc). He or she may also give a brief account of the Councils

    schedule for the day as people settle.2. Opening Ceremony (10 mins) A brief opening ceremony may also be included immediately aftereveryone is seated. This unites everyone in spirit.

    3. Statement of Purpose (5 mins) Host or Ambassador(s) expresses gratitude to those in attendance,and states the Council Purpose for the benefit of newcomers.

    We extend our humble gratitude to each of you for your willingness to gather today, and toacknowledge the truth that, together, we can peacefully free ourselves from our dependency on ourcurrent self-destructive system. The purpose of these Councils is to meet friends, old and new, whoshare the vision of a more harmonious existence, and to discuss actionable plans for how thatvision may be realized. We will also join tens of thousands around the world in a unifiedmeditation for the love of our planet and all living beings.

    4. Circle Sharing (10 mins) The host or Ambassador(s) may invite others in the circle to share a fewwords about their intent for coming, or some other personal sharing. Groups may also wish toshare feelings in relation to the Unified Meditation focus. This activity unites everyone in heart.

    5. Unified Meditation (30 45 mins) A Unified Focus for meditation will be provided forAmbassadors every two weeks before Council. The focus may be read or paraphrased bysomeone in the circle, after which the group meditates for an agreed upon period of time.

    6. Focused Co-Creation (30 60 mins) During this time the Council discusses plans andimplementation strategies that could be taken to free the Community from its dependency on ourcurrent system. Also discussed are plans to facilitate the process of unification in their city throughthe implementation of Community Councils, Vision Councils and Summer Solstice Events, asdescribed below. They may also discuss currently relevant truths surrounding events such as the BPoil disaster, and their implications regarding the state of the world, and their Community.

    It is through the ever-expanding group of people that the Ambassador connects to through CommunityCouncils that he or she will find others to share the responsibilities of hosting Councils, planning SolsticeEvents, or forming Vision Councils. Perhaps the most significant role of Ambassador is to find others whowill happily serve alongside them. Should you decide to move forward with the creation of a CommunityCouncil in your area, we would ask you to please contact us immediately so that we may provide you withwhatever assistance you might require and connect you to others in your area who would wish to attendCouncil.

    1.4 Community Councils Divine Timing

    Community Councils are held every two weeks on the New and Full phases of the Moon. In addition totuning our awareness to the natural cycles of time, our decision to follow the two-week moon cycle allowsus to unite with other groups around the world that are meeting at the same time. Thus, every time we hold

    a Community Council we are supporting another like-minded global network by joining tens of thousands inunified meditation for the earth and all beings.

    Meeting every two weeks also allows that invaluable time to check-in on the co-creation and implementationof the groups plans to relieve its dependency on our current system, and to unite its citys peace-lovingcitizens. It also provides those precious opportunities to meet and interact with other like-minded individuals.


  • 8/8/2019 Awakening as One: Ambassador Guidelines


    Community Councils are synchronized to occur at the same time as others in their region on the day of thenew or full moon. The times that Community Councils are held in each region may be determined based onthose of the following cities:

    Sydney, Aus: 8pmParis, France: 8pm

    New York, US: 9pmVancouver: 6pmMumbai, India: 8pm

    1.5 A Special Note Regarding Friends

    When asking friends and family members to take part in Community Councils and other initiatives inservice of the greater good, it is important to remember that The Plan of Unification follows the path of NOresistance. For you will encounter many along your way who do not share your willingness to let go of theold, so that they may move on to the new. And, in such cases, it would be best if you did not expendvaluable time and energy trying to convince others to see the world, and the Way, as you do.

    The truth is that each person will have many opportunities along the path to see the good sense of uniting inselfless-service of humanity and the earth. And these people will be better served if each of us follows the

    path of NO resistance that leads us to those souls who are willing, and waiting, for our call to Unite.

    That said, now that weve begun to unite with those in our immediate social sphere, lets expand ournetwork by moving on to the second step.

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  • 8/8/2019 Awakening as One: Ambassador Guidelines


    Step Two The Plan for Unification

    2. Vision Councils Unite with Like-Minded Communities

    Having acknowledged that in nearly every city around the world tremendous work is being done by bothindividuals and organizations to assist with the transition towards a more harmonious existence, we alsorealize that the vast majority of these efforts plod along at a fraction of their potential effect because most ofus continue to work in relative isolation from one another.

    However, as oil pours into the ocean with no sign of stopping, the world is now requiring us to searchinside, and ask ourselves are we doing all that we can, to bring about the healing that is so urgentlyneeded in our world today? An honest appraisal of our current progress towards a harmonious existence,when compared to what we might achieve by working together, shows that, in fact, there is much more thatwe can do.

    2.1 Vision Councils - Basic Purpose

    Through the creation and implementation of AAOs Vision Councils we propose a program, and tools,whereby Ambassadors may unite the like-minded leaders of their areas holistic communities, in order to co-create a plan that will help free their regions peace-loving citizens from their dependence on our current

    self-destructive system. By facilitating the unification of established leaders in your citys holistic health,sustainable living, spiritual and visionary-thought communities Ambassadors will also be serving to helpunite ALL of the people within those individual communities as well.

    Any Ambassadors who resonate with the purpose of uniting the holistic leaders of their city, so that theymay co-create a strategy to relieve their regions dependence on our current self-destructive system isencouraged to begin creating a Vision Council in their area by following the steps below.

    2.2 Vision Councils Council Structure

    In order to assist Ambassadors in creating Vision Councils in their area, we propose the followingguidelines for the Councils structure as well as a set of criteria to be considered when seekingCouncilmembers. Here we offer a reminder; to not get bogged down in the details, just take them in and you willget a deeper sense of the Councils purpose and Vision a little further down.

    We suggest that each Vision Council be comprised of 12 individuals (6 men & 6 women), with the ever-present Spirit that unites us all as the 13th member. Also, in order to ensure that the diverse fields of wisdomessential in creating a cooperative system that will enable us to free ourselves from our current system arerepresented, we would ask Ambassadors to seek Vision Council Members with experience and expertise infour vital areas of community creation, those being:

    1. holistic healing,2. spiritual guidance,3. visionary-thought (artists, scientists, philosophers, new economists, etc),4. sustainable development (builders, perma-culturists, and alternative energy gurus, etc).

    Vision Councils would ideally be held every two weeks on the New and Full Phases of the Moon, duringthe same time as the Community Councils. By meeting every two weeks the Vision Council will be able tojoin the global network of unified meditators, and thereby begin strengthening the circles practice of groupvisioning, intent and invocation, which will be of vital importance in the time to come.

    Meeting with such frequency is also encouraged because NOW is our final period of relative luxury, inwhich we may prepare for the dramatically intensified events that are fast approaching. (For moreinformation on the Community Council Schedule see Community Councils Divine Timing Pg. 6)


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    2.3 Vision Council Community Council

    We also feel that it is essential to maintain a connection between the wisdom and resources that areavailable through members of the Community Council with those of the Vision Council. For, although thecombined wisdom and expertise of the Vision Council is vital to crafting a strategy that will liberate its cityspeace-loving citizens from our current system, it will be the added genius and sheer numbers of the

    Community Council that sees that the plan is manifested in the physical.

    Thus, we propose that a rotation of 4 Community Council members attend the Vision Council, as observers,to facilitate communication between the Vision and Community Councils. Any insights or inspirationsgenerated by Community Council members that may be helpful to the Vision Council, can then bepresented during an allocated period of time before the end of the meeting. By rotating the CommunityCouncil members who attend the Vision Council, those who attended previously may give an account of theVision Council activities by email in the following days and when they attend their next Community Council.

    2.4 Vision Councils The More the Merrier

    Though we propose an initial Vision Council of 12 for the sake of keeping the group small, and thereforefocused and efficient, we acknowledge that in some cities there may be dozens of individuals who carry

    wisdom and resources that would be essential for achieving the groups goal. Thus, we would encouragesuch cities to establish multiple Vision Councils, which would then combine their insights and resources. Forthe sake of efficient service to the Community, all actions deemed to be immediately actionable would thenbe carried out through the combined efforts of the Community and Vision Councils.

    2.5 Vision Councils Councilor Characteristics

    As important as the criteria for seeking Council members is the manner in which we would encourageAmbassadors to approach potential candidates. Just as some say that we must humble ourselves in orderto see the new world, our profound realization of our needfor the combined love, wisdom and resources ofothers, to help relieve our dependency on our current system has been very humbling indeed. Thus, wewould encourage each Ambassador to approach potential Council Members with the same humblegratitude that they may use for a teacher and respected Elder.

    That said, the following criteria for members of the Vision Council is presented with the intention ofestablishing a core group of wise and mature individuals in each city who may serve as a Council ofElders, of sorts. The unshakable faith, love and wisdom of this group will serve as a comfort and inspirationfor others during days of increasing intensity, just as the united voice of these known and respectedindividuals will be more readily received from the people in their community.

    Thus we ask Ambassadors to consider the following criteria when seeking members for their regions VisionCouncil. Councilors must be:

    1. Spirited it is essential that all members of the Vision Council have a connection to Spirit andunderstand that we are in the process of an accelerating spiritual evolution. The Councilors mustacknowledge the Universal Nature of true spirituality, which is neither sectarian, nor dogmatic, andwould thereby refrain from using the AAO platform to promote any spiritual affiliations or dogmaticbeliefs.

    2. Fearless members of the vision council must be fearless. Their involvement in the council should bebased on their loving willingness to serve, not to save themselves or to attain any personal gain.

    3. Proven Leaders council members should be visible contributors to their community by sharingwisdom or guidance in at least one of the four aspects of society as either a: holistic healer,spiritual teacher, visionary thinker (artist, scientist, philosopher, new economist), or sustainabledeveloper (builder/gardener/engineer.)


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    Also note that we are always available to speak with you to work out the best strategies to find andapproach potential Vision Council members in your region. If necessary, we would also be happy to speakwith Council Candidates to bring clarity to the vision or to assess their harmony with the Council criteria.We would also ask all those who begin the process of creating a Vision Council to please inform us so thatwe can co-ordinate your efforts with those of others in your area.

    Now that you have an understanding of the basic Vision Council structure and the important role that theseCouncils will play in unifying the like-minded communities within your city, we would like to introduce you tothe deeper purpose and actions related to the Vision Council.

    2.7 Vision Councils Council Purpose & Prophecy

    Based on our understanding that most humans tend to work more efficiently when they have a clearlydefined purpose, we are in the process of creating a one-page document that proposes a best-guessscenario - based on much intelligent research, an attention to prophecies, and the wisdom of our Elders -of how events could possiblyunfold in the next 12 months. This document will be presented to eachcommunitys Vision Council so that it may pool its wisdom and resources to devise a strategy to address theproposed events.

    Here it must be understood that our intention with this document is not to prophecies events as they aregoing to occur, but rather to present a framework by which united communities who are ready to act, yetwho are currently paralyzed by the possibilities of what to prepare for, may have some frame-of-referencefrom which to work. And here it is essential to note that the Vision Councils motivation for doing so is notout of fear for its survival, but out of its compassionate willingness to pool wisdom and imagination in orderto create something better for their community, the earth and humanity.

    It has been said, that Imagination is the ship by which we may navigate the Unknown. Thus, byexpanding our imaginations to explore possible future events we may prevent ourselves the shock of gettingcaught unawares as the previously unimagined becomes manifest. And as a result of having alreadyexperienced these events in our minds we will be more centered, and able to act, when they or somethingsimilar occurs.

    Vision Councils will also work with Community Council members to immediately implement anypreparations deemed to be both necessary and easily actionable. Thus,in addition to expanding peoples minds to meet the unimaginable, theCouncils are also preparing their communities to meet changes in theirphysical reality as well.

    Here, one might also consider the perspective that not all prophecies existto tell us what is to be, but rather they tell us what we need to hear inorder to inspire us to do, what in many cases, we know we must. For, if aprophecy may be viewed as a projected outcome based on the trend ofpreceding events, then it may be realized that the instant we respond tothe prophecies of our Elders by doing what we have neverdone before

    (such as uniting and living for each other), we immediately alter theprobability line of our future and effectively begin creating a new reality.

    It is this Councils use of wisdom and imagination to envision and preparefor possiblefuture events, with the focused intent of co-creating aharmonious new reality that gives the Vision Council its name.


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    2.8 Vision Councils Council Purpose & Prayer

    In addition to the important role the Vision Council will play in bringing healing to the physical reality byuniting the intents and actions of the like-minded communities in their area, it will also serve an even greaterenergetic purpose through its practice of focused prayer and meditation. Though these practices will alsobe shared by members of the Community Council, the collective spiritual wisdom and maturity of the VisionCouncil members will serve to guide and assist those from the Community Council towards a deeper

    understanding of the purpose and practice of prayer.

    For, in our not-to-distant future the crisis faced by humanity will elicit an urgent demand for effective spiritualservice, and this will incite a far-reaching global invocation; which, in turn, will speed up the reunificationof groups of willing souls, such as yourselves, as they hasten forth in response to the call of mankind andthe immediate needs of the world.

    As inspired ceremonies and prayers take place at the same hour with common understanding and withidentical spiritual intent all around the world, the powerful collective invocation of a united humanity willpenetrate far deeper into the hidden worlds and more than ever before will evoke a correspondinglyprofound response from divine spheres.

    The unselfish and intelligent use of such a powerful method of conducting divine energy gives rise to the

    construction of a potent ethereal circuit that blazes a stream of loving energy through every opened heartand bestows Revelation upon the whole group as each individuals consciousness fuses and unites with thegroup mind and is subsequently lifted into luminous spiritual realms where the experience of unconditionallove for everyone and everything is known.

    Thus by employing the Law of Invocation within the group the corresponding influx of divine energy notonly uplifts the consciousness of those responsible for its invocation, but then proceeds to radiate outwardsfrom the centre, simultaneously effecting the transmutation of negative energies in the surroundingenvironment by purifying, healing and revitalizing all the kingdoms of life on Earth: mineral, vegetable,animal and, of course, human.

    Due to the vital nature of this work, important considerations must be made when preparing for thisgenuine, spiritual work. It should be remembered that since everything in the universe is interconnected,each thought, feeling and activity evokes a response from the subtle energies of the various planes. Eachmember in the circle of prayer and invocation depending upon their own auric condition and its affectson the whole either hinders or aids the group.


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    Mental and emotional handicaps such as fear, pride,selfishness, etc., even if maintained upon subconsciouslevels, will hold the group vibration down and attract likeenergies into the intended work, thus restricting the potentialof the groups positive spiritual effect. Mixed motivationstoo, may easily prevent a positive synergy. If members are

    thinking of themselves in any way; if they possess personalvanity, such as might show itself in the desire to shine or totake a prominent part in the proceedings; if they have anyselfish motivations for joining the group, however subtle, orif they have not wholly or selflessly consecrated themselvesto selfless service, then they constitute a weak link. Suchindividuals must understand that they join, not to receive,but to give; not to be interested and amused, but to taketheir share in a great work for the good of all.

    The Vision Council being thus comprised of members with the purest motivations of love and selfless-service,impeccable trust and resulting fearlessness, will, in addition to all they do above serve the vital purpose ofexisting as a shining example that may inspire others (such as community council members) to deeper and

    more pure levels of love and service. This will, in turn, result in the increasing number of individuals whoqualify to serve on the Vision Council, and will naturally lead to the creation of an increasing number ofthese Councils and their related invocational circles in each region.

    With humble hearts and the deepest gratitude we thank youfor considering assuming a position on the Vision Council,and would ask you to please search your own heart toevaluate yourself considering the criteria above. If you areready to serve in this capacity we welcome you heartily, andif you do not feel ready at this time then we honour you for

    your awareness and would invite you inform us at any suchtime that you feel sufficiently prepared.

    Having brought the essential clarity of purpose and structureto the topic of Vision Councils we offer the followingguidelines for holding your first meeting.

    2.9 Vision Councils Holding Council (1st Meeting)

    Ideally Vision Councils will be co-facilitated by the group once each member becomes clear on theCouncils structure and purpose, along with their individual roles within it. However, for the first meeting itmay be necessary to have one or two of the Vision Council Members with a clear understanding of theCouncils purpose serve as facilitators for the meeting.

    The following Vision Council meeting structure, which would run for 2 hours, is offered as a guideline toinform and supplement any existing models that Councilors would wish to use.

    1. Welcoming (5 mins) The facilitator(s) welcomes those in attendance, and provides an introductionto the space (bathrooms, etc). He or she may also give a brief account of the Councils schedule forthe day as people settle.


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    2. Opening Ceremony (10 mins) A brief opening ceremony may also be included after everyone isseated. This ceremony will be facilitated by a willing soul from within the group. This uniteseveryone in spirit.

    3. Circle Sharing (25 mins) The facilitator(s) may invite others in the circle to share a few words ofintroduction along with their intent for coming, or some other personal sharing. This activity uniteseveryone in heart.

    4. Unity Consciousness Experience (25 mins) We have been gifted with the offer to have aspecialized individual guide the group into a tangible experience of Unity Consciousness. Thisexercise and other such practices will serve to heighten the experience of the unified heart, mind,intents and actions of the group.

    5. Break (10 mins)6. Statement of Purpose (5 mins) Facilitator(s) call the group back, and once everyone is settled,

    states the Councils Purpose.

    Through the creation and implementation of AAOs Vision Councils we propose a program, andtools, whereby Ambassadors may unite the like-minded leaders of their areas holistic communities,in order to co-create a plan that will help free their regions peace-loving citizens from theirdependence on our current self-destructive system.

    7. Purpose & Prophecy (15 mins) The Facilitator(s) shares a few words on the nature of prophecyand the power of Imagination to navigate the unknown as expressed above in the Vision Council -Purpose & Prophecy section of this document. The facilitator(s) then reads the one-page documentexpressing possible events that could occur in the next year, as mentioned above. (This documentwill be provided once a regions Vision Council has been formed.)

    8. Focused Visioning (30 mins) The Council would then go around the circle and each person wouldspeak their thoughts on 3 5 immediate actions that they would suggest be taken to meet thedemands of such events; included here are strategies for alleviating dependency on our currentsystem. (These ideas would then be recorded for their groups reference, as well as for that of theglobal Vision Council network.)

    9. Focused Meditation (10 mins) A few words would be spoken on the power and purpose ofprayer as mentioned in the Vision Council Purpose & Prayer section above. The group would thenunite in focused prayer/meditation.

    10. Closing (5 mins) Perhaps a few words of gratitude, or a song, could be could be shared by eachperson around the circle as a means of closing it together.

    The structure for next Vision Council would vary slightly, with the Purpose & Prophecy portion moving up totake place right after the Opening Ceremony (60 mins+) and a brief (10 min) Circle Sharing. You may alsowish to extend the Focused Meditation at the end to 15 mins. That said, now that weve begun to unitethose in our immediate social sphere, along with our like-minded communities, lets expand our network bymoving on to the third step.

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    Step Three The Plan for Unification

    3. Unite with the Citys General Public Solstice-Type Events

    Having acknowledged how gifted we are to have been blessed with the lives, interactions and

    environments that have supported our search for truth and harmony we feel called to give some of that backby reaching out to others in our city, whose lives may not have supported such experiences of peace andunity.

    3.1 Summer Solstice-Type Events Basic Purpose

    Through AAOs Summer Solstice-Type Events we propose a means by which those of us who are unitingmay gather and shine a light for others on the streets of our own cities. Our action of uniting in publiclocations will allow us to find, and be found by, others who are seeking change in the darkness of thisfalling age, and by those whom we would not typically encounter because of our varied socialbackgrounds.

    Summer Solstice-Type Events will unite the voices and actions of their participants in public expressions oflove and gratitude for the earth, her oceans and all living things. And in accordance with universal law actssuch as this, where people Unite, to spread Truths, in Compassionate Service; will bring increased balanceand healing to the worlds corresponding negative aspects of fear, ignorance, hate and greed.

    Though a Summer Solstice Event could be ANY activity where people Unite to acknowledge Truth, inCompassionate Service, we offer the following guidelines which may be adapted according to eachAmbassadors own interests.

    3.2 Solstice-Type Event Suggestions

    UNITE IN WHITE: Participants wear white tops to symbolizethe love, light and unity, which connect the individuals in theircity with others around the world who are shining for peace,the planet and all living things.

    ONE WORD GIFT: Each individual writes their one-word giftto the world (peace, harmony, fun, acceptance, etc) on awhite balloon. This is an important aspect to the eventbecause it allows each individual the opportunity to Serve byBEing their gift to the world through the embodiment of theiroffering.

    THE PRESENTATION: Imagine if you will. a silent single-file procession where participants dressed inwhite hold white balloons displaying their one-word gift to the world in front of their hearts.

    Silently embodying their individual offerings of peace, joy and playfulness the procession brings a sense ofupliftment to the space through which it moves and peaks the curiosity of strangers stirred by the curious

    sight. Each of the silent participants carries cards that they provide to the curious onlookers. (Card designswill be emailed to Ambassadors upon request.)


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    On one side, the cards reads: And on the other:

    Before, the procession begins the groups intentions are aligned through the presentation of a Unified Focusand Intent from one of the groups organizers. (This to may be provided upon request, or created by theorganizers.)

    The above guidelines are suggested because they are simple, yet versatile, and because they provide eachperson the oh-so-important opportunity for self-expression, and personal service. We invite you to create

    your own format for bringing a vision of love, unity and service to the streets and ask you to share it with usthrough photos and video at: [email protected]

    3.3 Summer Solstice-Type Event - Variations

    VARIATIONS: if the means lie within a citys participants we heartily encourage the inclusion of Song andMusic to the event, in addition to one or two roaming facilitators (people who are outside of the single-fileprocession & who pass out cards and/or interact with the onlookers.)

    THE PLACE: The striking simplicity of a group of people united in compassionate service, with whiteballoons and tops, may be further expanded and explored by taking this basic concept and installing it in

    different settings.

    It is one thing to weave the procession through a park or sunlit sidewalk teeming with weekend shoppers,and it is something similar, yet entirely new, to move the procession through soup kitchens, special carehomes or through the chaotic streets of night-time revelers.


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    Please note, when deciding on a location for your event each group must have safety as the number oneconsideration. It is also important to note that the nature of these events is NOT to be mistaken for protests,rather they are meant as presentations of love and inspiration which occur to reflect the light inside of thepeople who experience them and to open the doorway for them to find new information and interactions.

    When possible we will synchronize these events to take place at the same time as those in other regions so

    that we may unite in prayer and presentation for our Earth, humanity, and all life. Please let us know if youare interested in facilitating a Solstice-Type Event so that we can inform others in your area, who wouldwish to attend.

    Now that we have covered methods by which you may begin the process of unifying the peace-lovingcitizens of your city on three different levels of interaction, we invite you to imagine how we will unite theworld.

    3.4 How We Will Unite the World We are Awakening As One

    Having presented you with The Plan for Unification detailing ideas that you may adopt, adapt and co-craftwith us, and others in your city, to unite and alleviate the peoples dependence on our current self-

    destructive system; we ask you to turn your thoughts to the other 100 willing Ambassadors who havestepped up in nearly 20 countries around the world to begin the process of unification in their regions.

    And now consider that this is just the beginning. For Awakening As Ones release in May was merely asoft-launch, intended to find others around the world, such as yourselves, with whom we could co-create ThePlan and infrastructure that we would then gift to the world with our global launch of the Prophecy nearthe end of July.

    During this launch, which is being planned with the gracious support of professional marketing strategists,we will release multiple language versions of The Call, The Plan and The Prophecy, which volunteersare so generously translating to bring the films messages to others around the world.

    As the message of peace and unity, and of our infinite potential, spreads across the globe the unified light

    of our current 100 Ambassadors will expand as we raise our collective hearts and voices to the world tosing the song of peace and unity that stirs in the souls of humanity and the earth. And through the brillianceof our shared light and the clarion ring of our unified voices we will find, and unite, with others who arewilling to work towards harmony for the greater good of all.

    Have faith, for we areAwakening As One.

    * * *


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    if you have any questions,

    or suggestions, regarding theimplementation or improvement

    of the ideas and strategiespresented herein, please do not

    hesitate to contact us so thattogether we may co-create thebest possible plan to unite the

    peace-loving citizens of the world.

    [email protected]

    (001) 250 938


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