avveolar bone loss determination

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  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    Lira-Junior R, Freires Id, de Oliveira IL,da

    Silva ES, da Silva S, de Brito RL J Indian Soc

    Periodontol 2013;17:87-90

    Comparative study between twotechniques for alveolar bone loss

    assessment: A pilot study

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination



    To conduct a comparative study between twotechniques for assessment of alveolar bone loss.

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    Materials and Methods:

    Absolute and relative techniques were evaluated.The sample consisted of 16 radiographs

    supposed to meet a single criterion:

    The reference points applied (Cementum-enamel

    junction (CEJ) alveolar bone crest and root apex)

    should be visible. Bone height was measured in

    the selected radiographs as the percentage of

    root length through both techniques

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    Data were submitted to the Statistical Packagefor Social Science software.

    Results obtained by both methods were

    converted into bone loss index values and then


    Sensitivity and specificity of the relative

    technique, compared to the absolute technique,

    were calculated. Wilcoxon test and the Bland and

    Altmans method were employed for


    Significance level was set at 5%.

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination



    For the absolute and relative techniques, meansof bone loss index were respectively of 4.81

    (2.25) and 4.75 (1.80). Bone loss index 6

    (alveolar bone loss 50%) was found in 5 (31.2%)

    teeth, in the absolute technique, and in 4 (25%)teeth, according to the relative technique.

    There was no statistically significant difference

    between both methods (P>0.05).

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    According to the Bland and Altmans method, itwas verified a bias of 0.06, and limits of upper

    and lower agreement of, respectively, 1.58 and


    Sensitivity of 0.8 and specificity of 1 were found

    for the relative technique compared to the

    absolute one.

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    There was no significant difference between thetechniques evaluated, and the relative technique

    was found to be reliable for measuring alveolar

    bone loss.

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    Absolute technique

    We measured, in millimeters, the distancebetween CEJ and

    the alveolar bone crest, as well as the distance

    between CEJ

    and the root apex.

    Bone loss percentage was determined by the

    difference between those distances multiplied by

    100.All measurements were made in different days

    within a dark ambience on the negatoscope by a

    single previously trained examiner, with the aid of

    a needle point compass and a millimeter ruler.

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    Relative technique

    It was conducted by using the Schei ruler.

    It is a transparent plastic ruler stamping 1 mm

    thickness along its margins and 10 equidistant

    lines radiating from a central point, each one

    representing a bone loss equivalent to 10%.

    The marking of 1 mm thickness represents the

    distance between CEJ and the alveolar crest in

    normal humans without bone loss.

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    Schei ruler - representative image

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    This technique results in the determination ofbone loss as a percentage of the original bone

    level, starting 1 mm below CEJ, regardless root

    length, its extension in the radiograph and

    direction of the X-rays beam.

    The bone crest level was defined as the point

    along the root where an intact lamina was found.

    As for the absolute technique, data were

    registered in a form. For both techniques, after 30

    minutes of evaluation, a 15-minute break was

    respected to avoid eyestrain.

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    DISCUSSION Radiographic assessment complements the

    periodontal clinical examination, contributing tothe establishment of a diagnosis and beingeffective for a retrospective analysis of

    periodontal disease evolution. Numerous scientific evidences have aroused

    attention to the importance of clinical andradiological follow-up of periodontal patients.

    Nonetheless, there is still no consensus on thebest technique for measuring bone level.

    This study was designed in order to analyze thedifferences between two techniques for alveolarbone loss assessment

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    Wolf B, Von Bethlenfalvy E, Hassfeld S, Staehle HJ, Eickholz P:

    Reliability of assessing interproximal bone loss by digital

    radiography: intrabony defects. J Clin Periodontol 2001; 28: 869


    The aim of the present study was to assess thereproducibility and validity of linear measurements ofinterproximal bone loss in intrabony defects ondigitized radiographic images after application ofdifferent filters and magnifications.

    In this study, the chosen digital manipulations (filters:spreading, structure) of radiographic images failed toresult in statistically significantly more reproducible or

    valid measurements of interproximal bone loss withinintra-bony defects when compared to the digitized butunchanged images. All radio-graphic assessments onthe digitized images except for use of enhancement ofgrey level differences (structure) came close to the

    intrasurgical gold standard.

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    When comparing techniques, the absolute onemeasured greater alveolar bone loss than the relative,but without statistically significant difference.

    Although evaluating different methods, Teeuw et al.found that an analyzer software measured a greater

    extent of bone loss than the Schei technique, but nostatistically significant difference was found as well.

    Albandar and Abbas[compared three techniques formeasuring bone loss (absolute, Scheisand Bjornstechniques (bone level as a percentage of the tooth).

    Absolute technique was found to demonstrate ease ofreading, while the Scheis technique demonstratedgreater ability to detect changes in bone level.

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    Benn DK: A review of the reliability of radiographic

    measurements in estimating alveolar bone changes. J

    Clin Periodontol 1990; 17: 14-21.

    Despite tlieir widespread use, denta! radiographshave numerous shortcomings for measuring

    alveo!ar bone changes. In order to develop

    guide!ines for improving the re!iability of

    radiographic measurements, factors affecting theformation of an image v^^ere reviewed.

    These were considered regarding the design of a

    clinica! monitoring system, capab!e of detecting

    the loss of smal! amounts of a!veo!ar bone crestfrom serial fi!ms

  • 7/30/2019 avveolar bone loss determination


    it appears that routine screening of patients bygeneral dental practitioners for small amounts of

    bone loss is unlike!y to be successfu! without the

    use of

    (i) repositionab!e stentless film holders to

    standardise the irradiation geometry,

    (ii) a very accurate reproducible measuring

    technique which

    (iii) wil! probably require an automatic computer-

    based measuring system.

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