AVUCC KALOS United Church of Christ - · PDF fileKorevin tt imo prove the m i crophone, a mp l i f i cat ion, ... com m e nts and e xp lore pos sible nex st teps. 3 Chuchr Counc Noli

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Monthly Newsletter Almaden Valley United Church of Christ 6581 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA 95120 (408) 268-0243; Fax: (408) 268-4207 Visit our website: www.avucc.org Editors, Sue Scaff (448-3038) Kelly Yamanishi (997-3373) Kalos email: [email protected]



Pastor Kevin’s Corner:

Newsletter for the

Almaden Valley

United Church of Christ

In this issue

Pastor Kevin’s Corner—1, 2 Council Notes—2, 3 People in the Pews—3, 4 Many Thanks—4, 5 Emergency Prep.—5, 6, 7 Outreach and Caring—7, 8 Events— 8, 9 Music—9, 10 Youth—10, 11, 12 Calendar—12, 13, 14 October Lectionary—15


My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

--2 Corinthians 12:9b

In the movie Friday Night Lights (which I highly recommend to you) Coach Gaines addresses his football players at halftime and talks of perfection. His

team has just undergone a good old Texas whupping in the first half by a much larger, stronger team from the big city. With his team gathered around

him, the coach looks each player in the eye and tells them what they have been hearing all year, but which he has not explained. He is telling them he

wants them to be perfect. He tells these young high school boys who are bloodied and broken to look each other in the eye and promise to be perfect

for each other. He finally tells them what it means to be perfect. The perfec-tion is not about winning, he says. You could almost see the team’s collec-

tive jaw drop. Not about winning? No, the coach tells them that perfection is about showing up and doing everything that is within their power to love

each other and the community that supports them. Perfection is about giving all of yourself—doing your best—loving your neighbor in all your human-


When Paul states in Second Corinthians that power, perhaps God’s power, is made perfect in weakness he is speaking to the church in Corinth much in the

same manner as Coach Gaines was laying it on the line for his football team. Paul has just finished talking about his mysterious physical ailment that


Pastor Kevin’s Corner, cont.

plagues him and about how the love of God and the

love for the church even when he is weak make him strong. He was talking about what it means to be

perfect for God.

One of my favorite times during our worship ser-vice is the time we take each Sunday to share our

“Joys, Graces, and Concerns.” I think I am espe-cially fond of this time because we get to share our

“perfect” humanity with each other. In those few moments we create a community that cares, and at

the same time, we remind ourselves how fragile and fulfilling life can be in the presence of God and

each other. We share stories of our, or our loved one’s or neighbor’s, physical brokenness; we share moments of grace that we experienced during the

week that somehow brought us closer to God or times in which we experienced God speaking to us

in teaching, comforting, or challenging times; and, we share moments of delight that brightened our

week and bring God’s light into our sanctuary. In those moments of personal connections and sharing

during worship, or afterward in coffee hour, wor-shipping God and caring for each other creates

space that is very perfect indeed. One might say that the perfect caring nature of AVUCC is our

value-added contribution in witnessing to reign of God that is here and now. Thank you for being per-

fect! Amen.

Pastor Kevin

Church Council Notes

Moderator: Steve Coutinho Vice-Moderator: Kelly Yamanishi

Treasurer: Jay Caturay Recorder: Carolyn Dingman

At-Large Members: Dot Allfrey, Sue Hamilton, Al Nieders, Janey Sanders, and Bart Smith

Pastor Kevin Smith, ex officio

Church Council Notes, cont.

This is a summary of the Council meeting held on

September 12, 2006. Official minutes will be posted on the bulletin board outside Fellowship Hall

once they’ve been approved.

Pastor’s Report Pastor Kevin reported he had completed plans for

his schedule next year. Next February, AVUCC will be having an exchange of preachers and choirs

with the Unitarian Church in downtown San Jose, thanks to Kevin and his wife, Nancy, who is senior

pastor there. The Council will be working with Pas-tor Kevin to improve the microphone, amplification,

and recording systems in use for morning worship at AVUCC.

Treasurer’s Report

Financial reports as of 8/31/06 were reviewed, and Jay Caturay reported that it appears AVUCC’s defi-

cit for the current year will be less than anticipated. Looking ahead to the 2007 budget, the JV Bond re-

payments will be gone but there may be a need to budget for capital improvements or additions to the

church building. Sunday School classrooms and air conditioning are two areas being mentioned for im-

provement and expansion.

Outreach Council members discussed the allocation of church

funds for Outreach and the way the program has been functioning in recent years. It was felt that some members of the congregation may not be

aware of where money is being directed. Outreach Committee members will be asked to meet and ex-

amine the program.

Old Business The Council reviewed the feedback received from

church members on the Long Range Planning Com-mittee’s Guidelines for Communication. It was de-

cided to ask members of the LRPC to respond to the comments and explore possible next steps.


Church Council Notes, cont.

New Business

A nominating committee is being formed to develop a slate of candidates for the Council and Committee

vacancies this fall, and volunteers are welcome to call Steve Coutinho. The date of AVUCC’s annual

meeting has been set for Sunday, November 19th at

10:10 AM in Fellowship Hall.

Nursery care during church services will continue to be provided by Amanda Phillips for the present.

Agendas for future monthly Council meetings will

be communicated to church members one week in advance by email.

Carolyn Dingman

AVUCC Recorder

People In The Pews The Memorial Service for Wai Mun Syn was very

special. Wai Mun was such a quiet man but his smile and wonderful presence will be greatly

missed by all of us. There were over 250 folks at the service and that was a tribute in itself to what a

special person he was. Wai Mun was instrumental in designing our web site (also thanks to son Meng

for all his help too) and through that site we have several new church attendees who liked what they

saw on the web and then decided that they liked our church family enough to become active members.

We continue to hold Toh-Bee and her family in our thoughts and prayers for the days ahead.

The reception that followed could not have hap-

pened without all our wonderful helpers who signed up, called to volunteer or just showed up to help

where needed. By my count (rough as it is) there were at least 35 folks participating. Some served as

ushers, or set up fellowship hall, or provided food, and several stayed to help clean up and put the hall

back in order. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful support at times like this. My personal

thanks to all of you.

People In The Pews, cont. New Babies Have Arrived!

The Gerbers welcomed two new grandsons. Grey-son Ellis Gerber was born to their son David and his

wife who live in CO. Greyson weighed in at 5 lbs. and is their first child. Quin Thomas Cristfano was

born Sept. 1st to Anne and John and he weighed 6 lbs. 5 oz., and joins 2 year old brother Tate. We

know Tom and Carla are really delighted with the new additions and look forward to spending time

with all three of their grandchildren.

Congratulations to Amanda Phillips, daughter of Esther and Ken, who just had a 7 lb. 21 in. baby boy

born on Aug 27th. Adrian Phillips joins sister Isa-bella who is 2 years old. Amanda plans on being back in the nursery on Sundays real soon. She has a

new apartment in San Jose. Helping Amanda in the nursery is Pat Garcia.

Thanks to Our Wonderful Musicians

Debbie Bemis (flute) and Alex (trumpet) and Josh (sax) did a great rendition of “When the Saints Go

Marching In” on a recent Sunday.

Melanie Click (flute) and Karen (violin) shared their musical talents playing a combination of tunes,

“Simple Gifts” and “Canon in D” with John Leslie joining in on the organ.

Thanks to all of you who shared so graciously your

musical gifts during the summer Sundays.

Welcome to our newest Folk Choir member, David Sanders playing the trumpet. Also good to see

Kevin Haley joining folk choir again. We have such a wonderful mix of instruments in this group

and they all add so much flavor to the music. Thank you all for sharing your musical gifts with


Keeping Up With Our Church Folks Betsy Dingman is studying at the Northern Univer-

sity of Ireland in Galway for this semester. She will be attending a “Joint Venture” church. One Sunday


People In The Pews, cont.

the preacher is a Methodist and the following Sun-

day a Presbyterian minister leads in worship. We hope her experience in the next few months will be

especially enriching for her.

Facing surgery on Sept. 19 was David Dunlap. He underwent a heart valve replacement and our

prayers are with David and his wife Gloria.

Good news! Chuck Smith has been given a clean bill of health in his struggle with lymphoma.

Good News for Davis Larson, son of JoAnn Sparks.

He is now home following his heart transplant over 8 weeks ago. He is doing well and we pray he will continue to do so.

Rae Harris got a good report from her doctor, and

she is feeling so much better.

Alice Bullard is home! She continues to be positive and a joy to visit with.

Barbara Thompson is recovering slowly from an

infection which has set her back a bit after her sur-gery. We hope she will be back worshipping with

all of us before too much longer. Always good to see her husband Al on Sundays.

Missing Church Folks

There are still some folks that we have missed see-ing on Sunday mornings. We hope that you will not

stay away too much longer; you are missed. Our Sunday morning worship services have been well

attended but we still have empty pews and will look for you to join us soon.

Pastor Kevin is a wonderful spiritual leader and our

time shared from 9 to 10 a.m. each Sunday provides us with a good start for the week ahead of us. We

invite and encourage you to come and be in worship with us on Sunday real soon.

People In The Pews, cont.

Former Members Update

Visiting recently were Bruce and Marcia Bush and then Dave and Carolyn Hennings. Always glad to

see their smiling faces worshipping with all of us.

Jean Plassmeyer, who lives in Redding, had surgery

on September 14th for an aneurysm. We hope all will go well with her.

Jo Skilling’s daughter is doing better in her battle

with Hodgkin’s disease. Jo lives in Arizona.

“Sometimes if we would just take the time to listen to people, we could help initiate a healing process in their lives. So many

people today have hurt and pain bottled up inside them. They have nobody they can

talk to’ they don’t really trust anybody anymore. If you can open your heart of

compassion and be that person’s friend – without judging or condemning—and sim-

ply have an ear to listen, you may help lift that heavy burden. You don’t have to

know all the answers. You just need to care.”

--Joel Osteen, “You Best Live Now”

Dot Allfrey

A Note from Toh-Bee Syn

Dear AVUCC friends,

My family and I would like to extend our apprecia-

tion and heart-felt thanks to Pastor Kevin, members of the caring committee and our friends in the

church community for making Wai Mun’s memo-rial service one to be cherished. We also appreciate

all the cards and flowers that were sent to comfort us in our loss.

Shalom, Toh-Bee Syn


Thanks Desi! Let's hear it for Desi...worth her weight in gold! Did

you know that about a month ago she performed a miracle on the too long-time sick paper-folding ma-

chine in the church workroom? And voila! Now it's back, up and running! Desi also unjammed the

stuck church kitchen drawer not long ago, and knew that dear Pete Mayo might be able to help fur-

ther. Nevermind that Desi was not feeling well in June; her help was needed again, and she got the

cantankerous kitchen can opener to function. And we always hear this response from Desi when she

has given assistance..."Not a problem".

And Thanks to Bill Allfrey! Many thanks to younger Bill Allfrey and his son

who once again gave the Joint Venture Churches the gift of cleaning all the carpets on Thursday, July

27th. Phyllis Chai.

San Jose Prepared!

Emergency Training Class

Following are pictures from the AVUCC/ECA fire suppression class taught by San Jose Prepared!

Volunteer members of our Joint Venture churches have completed three classes in preparing to be-

come members of the Community Emergency Re-sponse Team (CERT). Everyone is welcome to

take the classes. The final two classes will be held on Saturdays: Oct. 14th, and 21st (graduation).

Volunteers can make up modules they missed at other training locations offered by San Jose Pre-


Reveling in a job well done!


Sandy Baldwin and Jim Wright get the

job done!

Audrey Weidrick & Betty Benson get the fire under control.

Emergency Training Class, cont.

George Romer and Dick Okumura

Supervise the action!

Pastor Kevin and Jim Ballek team-up to

put out the devil’s fire!

(left) Ariss & Bob Thomas prepared to smother the flame.


Emergency Training Class, cont.

AVUCC’s Dick Shipe and ECA’s Anna Spanjaart

perform a little joint venture teamwork!

Dick & Joan Okumura douse the fire!

Vice Moderator Kelly Yamanishi and San Jose neighbor prepare to fight the flames.

Outreach and Caring

Caring Committee

Thanks to Dottie Allfrey and Barbara Alumbaugh for co-chairing the months of August and Septem-


The co-chairs for the months of October and No-vember are Linda Farr, 268-8210 and Carolyn

Dingman, 997-7891. Anyone in need of assistance with food, transportation, or home and hospital vis-

its, please call Linda or Carolyn. Bee Mannia

Caring Committee Chair

Beneficio Coffee

More than once, someone has come to me, crying (well, so-to-speak)

because they've run out of Beneficio More Than Fair Trade Coffee (It

just about happened to me this month!). Some of those same peo-

ple have decided to order more than one bag each time, since 24 bags

comprise a total order. You just may want to do that, too.


Beneficio Coffee, cont.

One person not long ago asked whether the "decaf"

coffee is processed using a ("Swiss") water process to remove any chemicals. Tom Angus, the co-

owner of Beneficio assured me that the process used by his company leaves only a minute amount

of chemical which then evaporates at 204° F. The beans are roasted at 450° F ...Beneficio is more

chemical-free than other "decaf" brands.

Please contact Phyllis Chai with questions or your request at 226-7150.

Phyllis Chai


Events and Schedules

John Dominic Crossan Lecture Series

John Dominic Crossan is generally acknowledged to be the premier historical Jesus scholar in the

world. He has written 21 books on the historical Jesus and earliest Christianity. Five of these books

have been national religious bestsellers for a com-bined total of 23 months. His latest book, The Last

Week: A Day by Day Account of Jesus' Final Week in Jerusalem, co-authored by Marcus Borg, was

published in February, 2006.

Prof. Crossan will give four lectures at The Stone Church in San Jose (1937 Lincoln Ave.) beginning

on the evening of Friday, October 27th, at 7:30 pm and continuing the next day on Saturday, October

28, beginning at 9:00 am. The Friday evening lec-ture is "The Roman World of the Jewish Je-

sus." (Pastor Kevin tenatively plans to attend this lecture.) On Saturday the lectures are: "The Life of

Jesus," "The Death of Jesus," and "The Resurrection of Jesus," begining at 9 am and finishing at 3 pm.

The cost of the Friday evening lecture is $20. The

cost of the Saturday lectures is a total of $20. If you wish to attend all the lectures the cost is a total of

Crossan Lecture Series, cont.

$30. For further information, contact the Stone Church office at 408.269.1593 or Patrick Magee at

408.927.0862. Pastor Kevin has copies of the regis-tration form if you would like to get your tickets

ahead of time.





EDUCATION: B.S.E.E. from University of TEXAS 1955

M.S.E.E. from OHIO STATE University 1960 Ph.D. from NORTHEASTERN University 1968



Hi-Dong will discuss many difficult moments in his

life. With hard work and determination, he was able to visualize a clear light and a new life.

Professional Experiences:

Instructor, Merrimack College 1962-9165 Instructor, Northeastern University, 1968

Engineer, IBM, 1968-1987 Professor in Electrical Engineering, San Jose

State University 1987-2002

Inventions: 10 Inventions submitted and

7 U.S. patents granted 39 Inventions published in the IBM Invention

Disclosure Bulletin

Honor Societies and Awards: Tau Beta Pi, University of Texas

Etta Kappa Nu, Northeastern University Phi Kappa Phi, North Eastern University


MEN'S BREAKFAST, cont. Sigma Xi, Northeastern University Fifth Invention Achievement Award, IBM Hobbies: Hi-Dong enjoys golf, raquet ball, singing (baritone), writing songs and writing. A brilliant engineer, he has accomplished a great deal in his field but has the talent for singing and writing music as well as enjoying many sporting activities. You must come and listen to his most interesting and exciting story of his life. Saturday October 07 8:00 AM at the Fellow-ship Hall. Ladies are invited at 8:30 AM

Dick Okumura

Music Notes

VOICE RECITAL – featuring

HI-DONG CHAI (and friends!)

Hi-Dong Chai, a member of AVUCC, will present a voice recital on Saturday, October 28

at 7:00pm in the sanctuary. He will sing music from the classical, musical theatre and sacred reper-toire, including opera and oratorio arias, art songs, love songs, Broadway show tunes, hymns and spiri-tual songs. Hi-Dong will be accompanied by his wife Phyllis Chai and JV Music Director John Les-lie. Also on the program will be soprano Susan Gaydon, and mezzo-soprano Gwen Hacker. All are welcome to attend this recital at no charge, as well as a reception following in Fellowship Hall to meet and greet the artists.


The AVUCC Shalom Choir rehearsals have re-sumed. If you are interested in joining us, please talk to John Leslie or one of the choir members. Rehearsals are held Wednesday nights in the Choir Room at 7:30pm.

Music Notes, cont.


JV Bell Choir will resume rehearsals Wednesday, October 4 at 4:30pm in Fellowship Hall. If you are interested in joining us, please talk with John Leslie or one of the Bell Choir members. JV CHILDREN’S CHOIR AND BELLS A new group of young handchime ringers is form-ing. Rehearsals will be Saturday mornings from 10:15-11:00am, beginning October 7. Young peo-ple will learn about music note-reading, counting rhythms, and the appropriate ways to ring handbells and handchimes. No experience is needed. In late October we will add one half hour of rehearsal time for singing, to prepare music for the upcoming holi-days. Please sign up, or talk to John Leslie if your child is interested in the student handchime choir.

All God’s critters got a place in the choir.

Some sing low, and some sing higher. Some sing out loud on the telephone wire,

And some just clap their hands, or paws, or anything they got now.

- Bill Staines

To God alone be all the Glory! John Leslie

You can always reach John, or leave him a mes-sage, by calling the church office (408) 268-0243 or by E-mailing him at: [email protected].

Almaden Adventures in the Arts

Our 2006-2007 concert series is really shaping up! We are very excited about the concerts we have lined up for you. As of the press deadline for this issue, we were still awaiting confirmation from one or two artists, and when all performers have been confirmed, we will have our money-saving sub-scription package ready for you all!


Almaden Adventures in the Arts, cont. As of this writing, the artists include a Celtic Heart (St. Patrick’s Day concert), A Touch of Brass (big band group with vocal soloist), Jeff Strametz (60s & 70s rock: Eagles, Mamas and Papas, Jimmy Buffett, Simon & Garfunkel), Peninsula Banjo Band, and our two January “Soup, Salad & Sound” organ concerts: Ruthanne Adams (organ, harp, piano, handbell solo-ist) and an organist to be confirmed. In April we will also present many of your JV performing favorites in a tribute to the music and lyrics of Cole Porter, a re-vue featuring John Leslie and cast members from our JV Musicals. To God alone be all the Glory!

John Leslie

Youth News

Sunday school Sunday school started without a hitch. I ended up helping Leslie Rousseau who had 13 1st and 2nd graders. If there are any teens who need service hours, we could really use your help in Sunday school classes. Please contact Katie McCormick at [email protected] if you are interested.

Sunday School Calendar


Sept. Sunday School Sept. 17 and 24

Oct. Sunday School Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Sat. Oct. 7 10 AM Blessing of the Animals

Nov. Sunday School Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26 Nov. 23 Thanksgiving

Dec. Sunday School Dec. 3 and 10

Dec. 3 Advent wreath making during

breakout Dec. 17 - Instant Christmas Pageant SJUSD winter break Dec.18-29 Dec. 24 – no Sunday School Dec. 25, Monday- Christmas - no Sunday school Dec.31 - no Sunday School

Jan. Sunday School Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28

Jan. 21(no Sunday school for Junior High due to ski trip)

Feb. Sunday School Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25 Feb.11 - Alleluia banner signed

Feb. 18 - Receiving of the Scripture for 5th graders SJUSD winter break Feb. 19-23 Feb. 20 shrove Tuesday – pancake dinner

Feb. 21 Ash Wednesday

Feb. 25 – bury the alleluia banner

Mar. Sunday School Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25 Fri. Mar. 30 6-8:30PM Seder dinner for JHYG’s & SHYG’s

April Sunday School April 15, 22, 29 April 1 Palm Sunday - stations of the cross no S.S April 8 Easter - dig up the Alleluia banner and have Easter egg hunt During Sunday School hour


Sunday School Calendar, cont.

April 29 (no Sunday school for Junior High

due to New Beginnings)

May Sunday School May 6, 13, 20

May 20 last day of S.S. celebration in class

rooms and cake in fellowship hall May 28 Memorial Day

Thanks to all the volunteer teachers.

Thanks to Stephen, Desi and Kevin for helping with the cleaning of the S.S. classrooms.

God Bless,

Katie McCormick

Junior High Youth Group

We had a great first meeting Sept. 10th with 12 youth attending. I'm sending along an updated version of

our calendar as some of the dates in the spring have changed. We do need parents to sign up for dinners

and driving. There are sign up sheets on the bulletin board in the hallway.

Katie and John

2006-2007 JHYGs Calendar

Sept. Sun.10- meeting 6-8 Sun.24-meeting 6-8

Oct. Sun.8 – meeting 6-8

Sat. 21 – Great America 10-7

Nov. Sat.- Sun 11-12 24 hours retreat at All Saints Episcopal Church in Carmel

23- Thanksgiving Sun.26 meeting 6-8

Dec. Sat.2nd 4-5:30 bring baked goods to church to

package for bake sale Sun.3rd 10am Alternative Christmas bake sale

Sun.3rd 6-8pm meet at church to go shopping for adopted family

2006-2007 JHYGs Calendar, cont. Sun.17-meeting 5-8 pie baking

18-29 SJUSD Christmas break

Jan. Sun.7-meeting 6-8 Fri-Sun.18-21 ski trip – Joint SHYG and


Feb. Sun.11-meeting 6-8 19-23 SJUSD winter break

Tues.20 Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner - Joint SHYG and JHYG

Sun.25 outing

March Sun.11 -meeting 6-8 Sun.25- meeting 6-8 Fri 30- Seder – Joint SHYG and JHYG

April Easter April 8th

6-13 SJUSD Spring break Sun.15-meeting 6-8

Fri – Sun 27-29 New Beginnings

May Sun.13 meeting

June 1(Friday) end of the year party


Oakhurst ROPES Course September 15th we kicked off SHYGs this school year with a trip to Camp Oakhurst to go on the

ROPES course there and to begin planning for the year. There were a total of eleven people who went,

nine youth plus Mike and Desi.

We left the church around 4:30 on Friday afternoon for the long drive down to the camp. Including a din-

ner stop in Los Banos we made it to Oakhurst in about four and a half hours. Saturday morning we

played around on the skate park right outside the guys cabin. We didn't let only having one skate board

stop us from having fun. After breakfast we played a


Oakhurst ROPES Course, cont.

lot of games and had fun getting to know each other.

Just before lunch we got a chance to try out the giant 65 foot swing. Everyone had a turn using the swing,

with some of the more adventurous guys flipping up-side down. After lunch it was on to the climbing wall.

Some of the youth were brave enough to take on the more challenging of the two walls and all made it to

the top with encouragement from the others. Next it was on to the high ROPES course where we had to

first climb up a cargo net, then cross a series of dif-ferent types of bridges, and finally launch down a zip

line. All the while we were made to sing songs, tell jokes, or do dances by the Camp Oakhurst staff. Eve-

ryone had a great time. Saturday night we started to plan out just what we

wanted to do for the upcoming school year. The teens came up with a lot of good ideas and we will discuss

them more at the first SHYGs meeting with the rest of the group. The night was capped off by board

games and movies. The trip was a big success and everyone had a lot of fun. We are looking forward to

the rest of the year and the activities that were planned.

About Mike and Desi Brown: Desi grew up in San Jose until the age of 16 when

she moved with her parents to Newman in the central valley. She has been an active participant in the vari-

ous youth activities put on by the Diocese of El Camino Real since 1997. For the last two years she and Mike have been the coordinators for New Begin-

nings. Desi is also the Coordinator of Youth Activi-ties for the Diocese.

Mike grew up in Salinas. Growing up he was active

with his local scout troop where he eventually earned his Eagle Scout award. He also worked at the local

scout camp for 5 years, most of it as a councilor. Like Desi, he has been involved with ECR's youth activi-

ties since 1997, including being the music team leader for both Happening and New Beginnings.

Both Desi and Mike have a real passion for working

with youth, especially teens. They are excited about the chance to work with SHYGs and are looking for-

ward to the year ahead.

October Birthdays

Carol Pullen Oct. 01 Phyllis Chai Oct. 03

Bev Brichetto Oct. 09 Bill Duerksen Oct. 11

Ed Lind Oct. 12 Desire Brown Oct. 18

David Gaydon Oct. 18 Chris Coutinho Oct. 22

Steven Coutinho Oct. 25 Shirley Lucas Oct. 26

Bruce Sunseri Oct. 27

October Anniversaries

Londa and Richard Daley Oct. 20





Lay Readers:

Oct. 1 John Hawes Oct. 8 Dot Allfrey

Oct. 15 Oct. 22

Oct. 29 Bob Thomas


Oct. 1 Jan Blake Kristi Bemis

Debbie Bemis

Oct. 8 Diane Hawes Dave Crowley

Oct. 15 Betty Benson

Chuck Benson

Oct. 22 Carol Pullen Dave Pullen

Robert Thomas

Oct. 29 Kathy Kisabeth

Ladies Lunch/Dinner

Ladies dinner for August is:

Tues, August 8th, 6 pm, At PFChang's, Oakridge Mall.

Meet at 5:30 pm at church to carpool.

More information: Amy Griffith


JV Book Club

JV Book Club will meet at Kathy Kisabeth's on Octo-

ber 19th at 7:30 p.m. Please call the hostess for the title, and if you are coming. Kathy..227-3898.

This group is open to women of both churches, and

meets monthly. Hope to see you there.

Robyn Dorsey


For Current Updates, Please visit the onine calendar at www.avucc.org

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


8:00 AM SHYG Habitat

for Humanity

9:00 AM AVUCC Worship

2 3

7:30 PM Christian

Ed Committee




Shalom Choir


5 6 7



Men's Breakfast


AM Blessing of

the Animals


9:00 AM AVUCC Worship

9 10

7:00 PM UCC




Shalom Choir



Kalos Deadline

13 14

8:00 AM Emer-

gency Prepard-

ness Training


Kalos Deadline

9:00 AM AVUCC Worship

10:00 AM Stewardship “TV

Show” in Fellowship Hall

16 17

4:15 PM Avucc

Shelter Food Ser-


7:30 PM JV Board




Shalom Choir



7:30 PM JV

Book Club

20 21

8:00 AM Emer-

gency Prepard-

ness Training





9:00 AM AVUCC Worship



Outreach Com-

mittee Meeting

24 25


Shalom Choir


26 27 28

7:00 PM Hi-

Dong Recital


8:00 AM AVUCC Children

Bread Making

9:00 AM AVUCC Worship

9:15 AM AVUCC Children

Bread Making

10:15 AM Gospel of Mary


30 31 1


Shalom Choir


2 3 4



-Daily Lectionary- October, 2006

These lectionary readings are from A Daily Lectionary-Scripture readings for Every Day based on the New

Common Lectionary. Please share this resource with members of your church.

*The readings listed for Sundays are from the UCC Desk Calendar and are not part of the daily lectionary cycle.



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Return Service Requested

For questions contact one of the editors: Sue Scaff

(448-3038) and Kelly Yamanishi (997-3373)

KALOS—October 2006

KALOS Deadline for the November Issue

The deadline for the November issue of the Kalos is Sunday, October 15th. Items may be

left in the mail slot labeled Kalos, or prefera-bly may be submitted via email to:

[email protected]