Hello! Welcome to third termly Youth at Well Street newsletter. As I’ve said previously, this newsletter is all about providing more information and news to parents, visitors and anyone else who’s interested in the youth work at Well Street. If there is something missing that you’d like to see here then please let me know. I hope you all had a restful summer. It proved to be a busy one for me. An excellent one, but a busy one nonetheless. In brief, Holiday Club happened, I had a short family break then launched straight into Hill End and before we knew it term had re-started, summer was over and the usual activities were back up and running. This term looks to be an exciting one. New relationships are blossoming around Buckingham, Christmas is on its way (aaah!) and I believe God has great things in store for the youth of Buckingham over this next year. Thanks for reading, God bless! Nick Francis Youth Minister AUTUMN TERM 2010

Autumn Term Newsletter

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Autumn Term Newsletter

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Page 1: Autumn Term Newsletter


Welcome to third termly Youth at Well Street newsletter. As I’ve said

previously, this newsletter is all about providing more information and

news to parents, visitors and anyone else who’s interested in the youth

work at Well Street. If there is something missing that you’d like to see

here then please let me know.

I hope you all had a restful summer. It proved to be a busy one for me.

An excellent one, but a busy one nonetheless. In brief, Holiday Club

happened, I had a short family break then launched straight into Hill End

and before we knew it term had re-started, summer was over and the

usual activities were back up and running.

This term looks to be an exciting one. New relationships are blossoming

around Buckingham, Christmas is on its way (aaah!) and I believe God

has great things in store for the youth of Buckingham over this next year.

Thanks for reading, God bless!

Nick Francis

Youth Minister


Page 2: Autumn Term Newsletter

Last Term

The Summer term is always a long one. So long in fact that

I’ve had to look back at rotas to see what we got up to at the

start of the term!

Proteens started using a new resource provided

by the Youthwork magazine. This has made the

Bible more accessible to the young people who


React went back to basics looking at key topics

such as sin & forgiveness and the importance of

the Bible. React numbers continue to

grow and it’s great to welcome many

young people in from outside the church.

Growing Leaders continued to meet and

study together, proving very fruitful,

encouraging and an excellent investment

in our young people.


What are we learning?

A brief paragraph on what groups are studying this term:

React are looking at women in the Bible and a few other topics,

including a visit from Christian Aid.

Proteens are continuing to use the Youthwork magazine resource and

this term are looking at creation, living as a Christian and the real

meaning of Christmas.

Chill’n’Chat are using a number of different resources—a Release

International book called Back2Basics, we will also be looking at some

Nooma DVD’s and following the Origins & Lemons play at the Parish

church– a DVD of some short sketches and discussion questions.

Cupcakes made by girls house group

Page 3: Autumn Term Newsletter


Here is an overview of what is

coming up this term at Well



I have obtained a special offer

for paintballing in Leighton

Buzzard. This very exciting trip

should happen in October half-

term, and, as they provide

armour, shouldn’t be too painful!


Our annual trip to Milton Keynes

in Novembers to watch the

excellent, free, firework display

will happen as usual, followed by

hot-dogs & hot chocolate.

Circuit Events

Following Hil l End, and

Bicester’s appointment of a new

youth worker—Darrel Hofland—

circuit relationships have

massively improved. We have

been in discussion and want to

keep the relationships and

friendships forged at Hill End

going, and not just make our

gatherings a once-a-year thing.

So, we will be planning a

sleepover for October and a

weekend to a PGL centre

sometime in May. Watch this



Christmas will be celebrated by the

youth department in it’s usual style

and flair. We won’t be doing a ―posh

do‖ like last year, in fact, something

completely different! I’ll keep the

plans under wraps for now to keep

you in suspense.

Letters will be distributed for all

these events, and information posted

on the website, so keep your eyes


How Can You Help?

There are always opportunities to

get involved with the youth work.

Our biggest needs at the moment

are help with Proteens and

Housegroups. For more information

or details please speak to Nick.

Calendar Dates

It can be tricky to try to keep track of

all the dates. To make life easier

there is a calendar on the website

which has all the youth events on.

To find it just go to:



Page 4: Autumn Term Newsletter

HOUSE GROUPS House groups are a key part of

the ministry here at Well Street.

Whilst currently there are only

two there are plans for

expansion. To give you an idea

of what happens, Liz who runs

the girls house group has written

a brief report:

We have a great time each week

at Girls’ House Group. Since Hill

End, we now get about 10 girls

each week, and we also have

Emma Podmore helping to lead.

We have studied Esther and how

she made tough decisions with

God’s help. We’ve also got

studies on Hallowe’en, the big

bang theory, encouraging, the

Lord’s Prayer and Christmas.

Activities include candle making,

chocolate making, a trip to

Quasar and a Christmas party.

We’ll also be making Christmas

cards and decorations for the

Christmas day meal.

Hope this gives you a taster of

what we get up to. If you want to

join the fun, do call me.

Liz Francis (07757 121109)

For more information on the details of the

youth work please look at the website, or

see the notice board in the Lower Hall. If

you would like to contact Nick you can do

so via e-mail or phone. His details are


This newsletter can also be viewed on-line

– go to:


and click on the Newsletter link.

Mobile: 07735 427811

E-mail: [email protected]

Hopefully this report has given you

a brief insight into what we get up to

each week with our house groups.

These groups are such important

places for discipleship, friendship

and being part of a Christian

community. House groups are a

safe place for young people to

explore their faith, ask questions and

grow together.

If you want to find out more about

joining a house group, or helping

lead one then please speak to me

(contact details are below).