UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA Autonomous Maintenance Programme on Grinding Machine for Job Base Report submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka for the Bachelor’s Degree in Manufacturing Engineering (Manufacturing Management) By Ilyana Binti Abdullah Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering April 2008

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Autonomous Maintenance Programme on

Grinding Machine for Job Base

Report submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Universiti Teknikal

Malaysia Melaka for the Bachelor’s Degree in Manufacturing Engineering

(Manufacturing Management)


Ilyana Binti Abdullah

Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering

April 2008

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I hereby, declared this Bachelor’s Project entitled “Autonomous Maintenance

Programme on Grinding Machine for Job Base” is the result of my own research except

as cited in references.

Signature :

Author’s Name : Ilyana Binti Abdullah

Date :

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This Bachelor’s Project submitted to the senate of UTeM and has been accepted as

fulfilment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering

(Manufacturing Management) with Honours. The member of the supervisory committee

is as follow:


Mr. Wan Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood

Project Supervisor

Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering

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The heart of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is Autonomous Maintenance (AM),

whose mainly principle lies in the first three steps of AM; Initial Cleaning,

countermeasure at the source of the problems and cleaning and lubricating standard. This

project spanned over a time period of seven weeks (16 January 2008 – 5 March 2008) on

the shop floor of UTeM’s Machine Shop Lab for performing the first three steps of AM

on grinding machine (Model: BO 300A). There are three types of abnormalities (fuguai)

identified; safety, physical, and function. The result shows that physical fuguai is a

chronic problem whereas safety and function are more acute problem to the machine. A

number of fuguai are difficult to be eliminated and some of them required high technical

knowledge to be removed.

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Penyelenggaraan Sendiri (AM) ialah jantung kepada TPM yang mana prinsipnya adalah

berkaitan dengan 3 langkah utama dalam AM; Pembesihan Awal, cara mengatasi

masalah pada peringkat punca masalah bermula, dan keseragaman pembersihan dan

lubrikasi Projek ini dilaksanakan selama 7 minggu (16 Januari 2008 – 5 Mac 2008) di

bahagian bengkel mesinsyop, UTeM dengan tujuan dan matlamat untuk melaksanakan 3

langkah awal di dalam AM pada mesin pencanai (Model: BO 300A). Terdapat tiga jenis

kecacatan (fuguai) yang dijumpai iaitu kecacatan keselamatan, fizikal,dan fungsi. Hasil

daripada projek ini menunjukkan bahawa kecacatan fizikal adalah masalah kronik kepada

mesin sementara kecacatan fungsi dan kecacatan keselamatan adalah masalah genting

kepda mesin. Beberapa kecacatan dikenal pasti adalah sukar untuk dihapuskan dan

sebahagiannya memerlukan kepakaran teknikal yang tinggi untuk dihapuskan.

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For my beloved parents:

Abdullah Bin Omar

Che Mah Binti Che Noh

For my cherish brothers and sisters

And my treasured friends

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This thesis would not have been possible without the contribution of several important

people.There is a number of people I want to thank for their help and support in writing

this thesis. Some of them are legends, like Taichi Ohno, Shigeo Shingo, W. Edwards

Deming, and Siiechi Nakajima. Others have become anonymous in the mist of time.

A special word of thanks is due to the people closer to me. Friends and colleagues who

gave me opportunity to develop my writing, all UTeM lecturers and staffs especially to

my PSM Supervisor, Mr. Wan Hasrulnizzam Bin Wan Mahmood who have taught and

relayed the techniques and knowledge. I believe his guidance and advice has made this a

much better thesis.

Last, but not least, my gratitude to my family who have shown an extraordinary amount

of patience and tolerate in supporting me writing this thesis. And with the blessing of

Allah I could finish this thesis. My thanks and gratitude to you all.

Ilyana Binti Abdullah

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Declaration …………………………………………………………...……………..…iii






Table of Contents…………………………………………………………........……...ix

List of Figures .......................................................................................................…..xiii

List of Tables ………………………………………………………………...............xvi

List of Abbreviations, Symbols, Specialized Nomenclature…………………...…...xviii

1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………….1

1.1 Background……………………………………………………………………….1

1.2 Objectives……………………………………………………………………….. 2

1.3 Scope……………………………………………………………………………..2

1.4 Importance of Project…………………………………………………………….3

1.5 Outline of report ………………………………………………………………….3

2. MAINTENANCE ………………………………………………………………….5

2.1 Introduction to Maintenance…………………………………………………....5

2.2 Evolution of Maintenance Concept………………………………………….....7

2.3 Importance of Maintenance…………………………………………...…….….9

2.4 Types of Maintenance ………………………………………………………...10

2.4.1 Breakdown Maintenance………………………………………………….11

2.4.2 Preventive Maintenance (PM)……………………………………………12

2.4.3 Predictive Maintenance…………………………………………………...13

2.4.4 Time Based Maintenance (TBM) Also Called Periodic maintenance……13

2.4.5 Corrective Maintenance…………………………………………………..14

2.4.6 Failure - Finding Maintenance……………………………………………15

2.4.7 Reactive Maintenance…………………………………………………….15

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2.4.8 Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)………………………………. 15

2.5 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)…………………………… …………..16

2.5.1 TPM Definitions…………………………………………….…………….16

2.5.2 Pillars of TPM……………………………………………….…………… 20 Pillar 1- 5S……………..………………………...…….……………...21 Pillar 2 - AM or Jishu Hozen (JH)……………………………………22 Pillar 3 - Kobetsu Kaizen……………………………………………...23 Pillar 4 - Planned Maintenance…………………….………………….24 Pillar 5 - Quality Maintenance…………………………….…………..25 Pillar 6 - Training and Education……………………….……………..25 Pillar 7 - Office TPM…………………………… ……………………27 Pillar 8 - Safety, Health and Environment…………………………….27

2.5.3 Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)………………………………….28

2.6 Autonomous Maintenance…………………………………………………….31

2.6.1 Introduction to Autonomous Maintenance………………………………..31

2.6.2 Steps to Autonomous Maintenance……………………………………….32 Step Zero……………………………………………………...………32 Step 1- Initial Cleanup…………………………………………….…..33 Step 2- Counter Measures…………………………………………….34 Step 3- Cleaning and Lubrication Standard…………………………...36 Step 4- General Inspection……………………………………………36 Step 5- Autonomous Inspection………………………………………37 Step 6- Organization and Tidiness……………………………………38 Step 7- Full Autonomous Maintenance……………………………….39

2.6.3 Fuguai …………………………………………………………………….39

3. GRINDING MACHINE (MODEL: BO 300 A) ………………………………...41

3.1 Grinding Machine……………………………………………………………..41

3.1.1 Types of Grinding Machine……………………………………………….41

3.1.2 Grinding Wheels…………………………………………………………..43

3.1.3 Grinding Fluids……………………………………………………………45

3.2 Grinding Machine (Model: BO 300 A)……………………………………….46

3.2.1 Technical Data………………………………………………………………47

3.2.2 Operating Instruction……………………………………………………..50

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3.2.3 Safety Rules……………………………………………………………….51

3.3 Troubleshooting……………………………………………………………….52

4. METHODOLOGY……………………………………………………………….54

4.1 Planning of the Project………………………………………………………..54

4.1.1 Process Flow………………………………………………………………54

4.1.2 Gantt Chart………………………………………………………………...57

4.2 Data Collection………………………………………………………………..58

4.2.1 Primary Data………………………………………………………………...59 Field Observation……………………………………………………...59 Archival Collections…………………………………………………...59 Fuguai Investigation…………………………………………………...59 Focus Group Discussion…………………………………………….....60 Site Visit………………………………………………………………..60

4.2.2 Secondary Data………………………………………………………….…60

4.2.3 Analytical Technique………………………………………………………61 Frequency vs Fuguai…………………………………………………...61 Fuguai vs Area…………………………………………………………62 Fuguai Analysis ……………………………………………………….62

5. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION S………………………………………………...64

5.1 Initial Cleaning………………………………………………………………….64

5.1.1 Fuguai Characteristic……………………………………………………….65

5.1.2 Defect Map on Grinding Machine (Model: BO 300A) ……………………69

5.2 Analysis of Fuguai……………………………………………………………..71

5.2.1 Analysis of Fuguai versus Frequency………………………………………..72

5.2.2 Analysis of Fuguai versus Area……………………………………………77

5.2.3 Analysis of Types of Fuguai……………………………………………… 81

5.3.3 Why-Why Analysis………………………………………………………...85


6.1 Conclusions……………………………………………………………….…….94

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6.2 Recommendations………………………………………...……..…………….95

6.2.1 Current Study……………………………………………………………...95

6.2.2 Future Studies……………………………………………………………..97

7. REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………….98


A Main Spreadsheet for Fuguai Analysis

B Check Sheet for Frequency of Each Fuguai Description

C Check Sheet for Area of Each Fuguai Description

D Check Sheet for Area of Each Fuguai Types

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2.1 The Evolution of Maintenance Concept 8

2.2 The Importance of Maintenance 10

2.3 Types of Maintenance 11

2.4 Six Major Losses in Productivity 20

2.5 5S Pillars in TPM 20

2.6 Seven Steps for Developing Autonomous Maintenance 22

2.7 Improvement Categories 23

2.8 Six Steps in Planned Maintenance 24

2.9 Phase of Skills 26

2.10 Overall Equipment Effectiveness Model 30

2.11 Design of Autonomous Maintenance 33

2.12 Example of “Why-Why” Analysis 35

2.13 Step 4-General Inspection 37

2.14 Step 5-Autonomous Inspection 38

3.1 An Example of Belt Grinder 42

3.2 An Example of Bench Grinder 42

3.3 An Example of Cylindrical Grinder 42

3.4 An Example of Surface Grinder 43

3.5 An Example of Tool and Cutter Grinder 43

3.6 An Example of Tool and Cutter Grinder 43

3.7 Straight Wheel 44

3.8 Cylinder Wheel 44

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3.9 Tapered Wheel 41

3.10 Straight Cup Wheel 41

3.11 Flaring Cup Wheel 41

3.12 Dish Wheel 42

3.13 Saucer Wheel 42

3.14 Grinding Machine (Model: BO 300 A) 47

3.15 Orthographic- Technical Drawing for Grinding Machine 48

(Model: BO 300A)

3.16 Isometrics- Technical Drawing for Grinding Machine 49

(Model: BO 300A)

3.17 Operating Instruction of Grinding Machine (Model: BO 300A) 50

4.1 The Process Flow of the Project 56

4.2 Red Tag 63

4.3 Blue Tag 63

5.1 Dust 65

5.2 Coolant Spill 65

5.3 Corrosion 65

5.4 Cobweb 66

5.5 Scratches 66

5.6 Broken Hose 66

5.7 Misspelling Label 66

5.8 Misplace item 66

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5.9 Area1:- Front 67

5.11 Area3:- Left Side 68

5.12 Area1 Tagged with F-Tags 69

5.13 Area2 and Area3 are Tagged with F-Tags 70

5.14 The Trend Chart of Fuguai vs Week 73

5.15 The Pareto Chart for Fuguai. 74

5.16 Fuguai and Weekly Chart 76

5.17 Percentage of Fuguai for Each Area 79

5.18 Fuguai Frequency versus Area 80

5.19 Trend of Fuguai for Each Area 81

5.20 Trend of Types of Fuguai Frequency versus Week 83

5.21 Types of Fuguai versus Week for Area 1: Front 84

5.22 Types of Fuguai versus Week for Area 2: Right Side 84

5.23 Types of Fuguai versus Week for Area 3: Left Side 85

5.24 Area 1: Front before Initial Cleaning 86

5.25 Area 1: Front after Initial Cleaning 86

5.26 Area 2: Right Side before Initial Cleaning 86

5.27 Area 3: Left Side before Initial Cleaning 86

5.28 Area 2: Right Side after Initial Cleaning 86

5.29 Area 2: Right Side before Initial Cleaning 86

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2.1 Definition of TPM letters-acronym 17

2.2 The Definitions of 5S 21

3.1 Types of Grinding Machine 42

3.2 Standard Types of Grinding Wheels 44

3.3 Technical Data of Grinding Machine 46

3.4 Grinding machine Troubleshooting 52

4.1 Gantt Chart of the Project 57

4.2 The Differences between Primary and Secondary Data 58

4.3 The F-tags and the description 63

5.1 The standard criteria for each fuguai 65

5.2 Inspection checklist for Grinding Machine (Model: BO 300A) 71

5.3 Data Collection Of Fuguai Frequency for Seven Week 72

5.4 Data of Fuguai Frequency 78

5.5 Frequency of Types of Fuguai in the Three Areas 82

5.6 Frequency of Types of Fuguai 82

5.7 Machine Condition Before and After Initial Cleaning 86

5.8 Why-why analysis for Dust 87

5.9 Why-why analysis for Coolant Spill 88

5.10 Why-why analysis for Coolant 89

5.11 Why-why analysis for Cobweb 90

5.12 Why-why analysis for Misplace Item 91

5.13 Why-why analysis for Broken Hose 92

5.14 Why-why analysis for Scratches 93

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A - Availability

AM - Autonomous Maintenance

Anon - Anonymous

BGSU - Bowling Green State University

CBN - Cubic Boron Nitride

dB - decibel

DVC - Diablo Valley Collage

FKP - Fakulti Kejuruteraan Pembuatan

F-tag - Fuguai Tag

JH - Jishu Hozen

JIPM - Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance

JIT - Just-In-Time

kg - kilogram

KK - Kobetsu Kaizen

kW - kilo watt

MI - Maintainability Improvement

min - minutes

mm - milimeter

MP - Maintenance Prevention

NPC - National Productivity Corporation

OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness

PdM - Predictive Maintenance

PE - Performance Efficiency

P-M - Planned Maintenance

PM - Preventive Maintenance

QM - Quality Maintenance

QR - Quality Rate

RCM - Reliability Cantered Maintenance

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Rev - Revolution

SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

TBM - Time Based Maintenance

TPM - Total Productive Maintenance

TQM - Total Quality Management

UWM - University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

WC - Work Centre

WCM - World Class Manufacturing

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1.1 Background

Most industrial production systems are subject to deterioration with usage and age. Such

system deterioration may lead to higher production costs and lower product quality and

the increased possibility of breakdown (Wang and Hwang, 2004). Therefore, a well-

planned maintenance management program is important to reduce costly breakdowns

(Dohi et al., 2001). In some cases, system failure leads to uncountable costs, for example,

the failure of an airplane engine during flight may bring property damage and loss of life.

Therefore, extensive maintenance is necessary to improve the system availability

(Murthy and Hwang, 1996).

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a proactive and cost-effective approach to

equipment maintenance which is widely adopted in Japanese industries with successful

results (Nakajima, 1988). The successful implementation of TPM depends on a number

of factors, such as a culture of mutual trust, operators agreeable to providing basic care to

their machines, and maintenance personnel trained in management and people skills

(Albert and Chan, 2000).

Tsang and Chan (2000) stated that TPM involves a restructuring of work relating to

equipment maintenance. Being relieved of such routine tasks, the expertise in the

maintenance unit can now be deployed to focus on more specialized activities such as

major repairs, overhauls, tracking and improvement of equipment performance, and

replacement or acquisition of physical assets. Instead of having to continuously fire-fight

and attend to numerous minor chores, it can now devote its resources to address strategic

issues such as formulation of maintenance strategies, establishment of maintenance

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management information systems, tracking and introduction of new maintenance

technologies, training and development of production and maintenance workers.

Total employee involvements, autonomous maintenance, small group activities to

improve equipment reliability, maintainability and productivity, and continuous

improvement, or kaizen are the principles embraced by TPM (Tsang and Chan, 2000).

One of the main arms of TPM is Autonomous Maintenance (AM), called as Jitshu Hozen

(JH) in Japanese. The success of TPM, to a large extent, depends upon the success of


Grinding machine is extensively used in the Machine Shop Laboratory, University

Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) to perform the task given especially in

manufacturing practice subject. The machine is exposed to the breakdown as it is not

well maintained. Maintenance and machine could not be separate to each other. Machine

needs maintenance like human needs water. Daily maintenance, although it is simple but

still could improve the effectiveness and expand the life time of the machine. This project

will provide an organized methodology to perform AM on the grinding machine.

1.2 Objectives

The aims of this project are to:

1. Perform an AM programme on the grinding machine (Model: BO 300 A).

2. Identify and analyze the abnormalities on the grinding machine (Model: BO 300

A) and the remedies.

1.3 Scope

The scope of this project is only focus on the development of AM programme. The

grinding machine (Model: BO 300 A) which is used in Machine Shop Laboratory of FKP

in UTeM is selected for the project. This project is only focused on the first three steps of

AM; initial cleaning, counter measure at the source of the problem, and cleaning and

lubrication standard (refer clause 2.6). The data is gathered from primary and secondary

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data sources. The project is started from December 2007 until April 2008. The result of

this project may not applicable to other types of grinding machines or other machines.

1.4 Importance of Project

The importances of the project are to:

1. Promote the clean, neat and friendly workplace in FKP Machine Shop


2. Reduce the accident occurs in the FKP Machine Shop Laboratory.

3. Establish an orderly shop floor where any departure from normal conditions

can be identified immediately.

4. Extends the machines life and improves availability and effectiveness.

5. Foster the development of knowledgeable students since most of the routine

maintenance tasks are carried out by themselves.

6. As a reference for academic studies related to AM.

1.5 Outline of Report

The organization of this report is as follows:

Chapter 1 is the introduction of this project, describes the background and problem

statement of the project. The objectives, scope, importance of the project and the project

outlines are also presented in this chapter.

Chapter 2 is the literature review about maintenance, describes the definition, concept

and evolution of maintenance concept and Total Productive Maintenance. Besides, the

importance of maintenance, characteristic of 8 types of maintenance and TPM are

discussed. It is also includes 8 pillars of TPM, OEE, 7 steps in developing autonomous

maintenance, and Fuguai.

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Chapter 3 is the literature review about grinding machine (Model: BO 300A), discusses

about types of grinding machines, grinding wheels and cutting fluid. Besides, this chapter

also explain about grinding machine (Model: BO 300 A) operation, safety and the

machine troubleshooting.

Chapter 4 is the methodology, presents the appropriate methodology of this project. This

chapter includes the project process planning, flowchart, Gantt chart, data gathering

method and analytical which is includes Fuguai analysis.

Chapter 5 is the analysis and discussion, presents findings of the project. This chapter

also discussed the autonomous steps that were carried out and shows the results obtained.

Chapter 6 is the conclusion, summarizing the project work that has been done. This

chapter gives recommendation and proposes future work to improve the maintenance in

FKP Machine Shop Laboratory in UTeM.

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Chapter 2 presents the literature review regarding the definition, concept and evolution of

maintenance and Total Productive Maintenance. Besides, characteristics of maintenance

with description of types and six big loses are discussed. It is also includes the literature

review regarding TPM Pillars, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, autonomous

maintenance, and fuguai.

2.1 Introduction to Maintenance

Nowadays, organizations are under great pressure to enhance continuously their

capability to create value to customers and improve the cost effectiveness of their

operations (Campbell, 1995; Duffuaa and Al-Sultan, 1997; Shenoy and Bhadury, 1998;

Tsang, 2002). In order to safeguard their performance, organizations need to formulate

viable maintenance strategies and develop a fair measure of overall effectiveness aligning

with industry's best practices (Al-Najjar, 1996).Once a system or a piece of equipment

has been purchased, it must be maintained. The decisions made at purchasing always

determine the type of future maintenance to be carried out (Levitt, 1997).

Maintenance can be define as activities intended to preserve or promptly restore the

safety, performance, reliability, and availability of plant structures, systems, and

components to ensure superior performance of their intended function when required

(Weinstein and Chung, 1999). Levitt (2005) defines maintenance as acting in the act of

holding or keeping in a preserved state of the asset to avoid the failure. Maintenance also

can be define as the combination of activities by which equipment or a system is kept in,

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or restored to, a state in which it can perform its designated function (Duffuaa et al.,


Willmott and McCarthy (2001), state that the definition of maintenance of a Japanese

person from a world class manufacturing company as maintenance means maintaining

and improving the integrity of our production and quality system through the machine,

processes, equipment and people who add value to the products and services, that is the

operators and maintenance of the equipment. Whereas, the maintenance definition to a

typical Western manufacturing company as carry out planned servicing at fix intervals or

fix it when it break down.

Maintenance can be defined most effectively by what it does, namely, the preservation or

restoration of the desired function of a given process, at the lowest total cost (Narayan,

1998). Duffuaa et al. (1999) stated that maintenance as an integrated system that can

provide a substantial edge in organization’s ability to be competitive and provide quality

products or services. Whereas, according to Campbell et. al. (1999), maintenance is

defined by which equipment or a system is kept in, or stored to, a state in which it can

perform its designated functions.

According to Wireman (2004), maintenance is a unique business process. It requires an

approach that is different from other business processes if it is to be successfully

managed. Levitt (1997) define maintenance is war. The enemies are breakdown,

deterioration, and the consequence of all types of unplanned event. Drury (1999) describe

maintenance is a complex part of the lifetime of a dependable embedded system. Design

and maintenance must be simultaneously planned in order to ensure an efficient and cost-

effective outcome over the life of the product.