Automation of Nested Matrix and Derivative Operations Robert Kalaba Departments o f Electrical and Biomedical Engineering and Economics University o f Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089 Thomas Plum Department o f Biomedical Engineering Universittj o f Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089 and Leigh Tesfatsion* Department o f Economics University o f Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089 ABSTRACT In 1983 an algorithm ~ was introduced for the systematic exact evaluation of higher-order partial derivatives d functions of many variables. In 1986 the library was extended to permit the automatic differentiation of hmctions expressed in terms of the derivatives d other fimctions. Building on this work, the present paper further extends the ~ library to permit the automatic differentiation of expressions involving nested matrix and derivative operations. The need to differentiate such expressions arose naturally in the course of designing sequential filters for a class of nonlinear tracking problems. *Please address correspondence to Professor Leigh Tesfatsion, Department of Economics, Modelling Research Group MC-0152, University of Southern California, ~ Angeles, CA 90089. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 23:243-268 © Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1987 52 Vanderbflt Ave., New York, IVY10017 243 OO96-3OO3/87/$O3.5O

Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×

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Page 1: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×

Automation of Nested Matrix and Derivative Operations

Rober t Kalaba

Departments of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering and Economics University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089

Thomas Plum

Department of Biomedical Engineering Universittj o f Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089


Leigh Tesfatsion*

Department of Economics University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089


In 1983 an algorithm ~ was introduced for the systematic exact evaluation of higher-order partial derivatives d functions of many variables. In 1986 the library was extended to permit the automatic differentiation of hmctions expressed in terms of the derivatives d other fimctions. Building on this work, the present paper further extends the ~ library to permit the automatic differentiation of expressions involving nested matrix and derivative operations. The need to differentiate such expressions arose naturally in the course of designing sequential filters for a class of nonlinear tracking problems.

*Please address correspondence to Professor Leigh Tesfatsion, Department of Economics, Modelling Research Group MC-0152, University of Southern California, ~ Angeles, CA 90089.


© Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1987 52 Vanderbflt Ave., New York, IVY 10017



Page 2: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×



In a recent paper [1] an algorithm is introduced for the systematic exact evaluation of higher-order partial derivatives. Building on a key idea of R. Wengert [3], the evaluation of a complicated kth-order diIierentiable func- tion F : R n ~ R at a specified domain point x is decomposed into a sequence of simple evaluations of special functions of one or two variables. The evaluation of each special function is accomplished by calling a calculus subroutine which automatically computes and returns the distinct partial derivatives of the special function through order k, along with the special- function value. The final stage in the sequence of special-function evaluations yields the distinct partial derivatives of F at x through order k, along with the function value F(x) .

The special functions considered in [1] for function decomposition are the two-variable functions

u + v , u - v , u v , u / v , u (1)

and arbitrary one-variable continuously differentiable functions such as

sinu, cosu, expu, logu, and a u t ' + c (2)

for arbitrary constants a, b, and c. For example, as detailed in Section 2, evaluation of the flmction

z = F ( x , y ) = x +log(xy) (3)

and its distinct higher'order partial derivatives at a given domain point (x, y) is accomplished by calling, in order, calculus subroutines for the list of special functions

a = x ,

b = y ,

c = ab, (4)


z = a + d .

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Automation o f Matrix Derivative Operations 245

T h e calculus subroutines called for the special functions in (a) re turn wel l -ordered ~ arrays of function and derivat ive evaluations, using well-ordered ar rays ob t a ined in previous list calculations. Fo r example, the calculus subrout ine cal led for the special function c ffi ab in (4) re turns the well-ordered array C f f i (c ,c~ ,%,c~,c~v . . . . ) for the value and dis t inct par t ia l deriv- at ives of c, using the previously obta ined well-ordered arrays A = ( a , a ~ , a v , a ~ , a ~ v . . . . ) and B f f i (b ,b~ ,bv , b~,b~v . . . . ). Thus, c = a b , c~=

a=b + abe, % = avb + ab v, and so forth. By construct ion, the well-ordered a r ray Z = (z , z=, z v, z ~ , z~v . . . . ) ob ta ined for the final special function z = a + d in (4) yields the desired evaluations for the value and dist inct part ia l der ivat ives of the basic function of interest , z = x + log(xy).

In a subsequent pape r [2] it is shown that this different iat ion algori thm, or FEED (" fas t eff icient evaluation of derivat ives") as we now call it, can be a pp l i ed to a much broader class of hmct ions than envisioned in [1]. Specifi- cally, a t each s tage in the sequential evaluation of a function via FEED, certain special funct ion tier/vat/yes are evaluated which in turn can be used as specia l funct ions in subsequent stages. Thus, FEED can be used to evaluate a n d d i f ferent ia te functions which are def ined in terms of the par t ia l der iva- t ives of o the r functions. The explicit extension of FEED to pe rmi t this capab i l i ty is potent ia l ly useful, since the need to different iate hmct ions of der ivat ives occurs natural ly in a wide var ie ty of applications: for example, power-ser ies expansions, and the solution of Euler-Lagrange equations for calculus of variat ions problems via quasil inearization or Newton 's method.

T h e p resen t p a p e r takes another s tep toward the deve lopment of a comple te , accura te , and user-friendly FEED library. I t is shown how expres- sions involving nes ted matrix and derivat ive operat ions can be di f ferent ia ted au tomat ica l ly b y means of matr /x FEED subroutines.

1An array Z containing the value and distinct partial derivatives through order k of a kth-order continuously differentiable real-valued function z ffi F(xl , . . . ,x , ) at a given domain point x ffi(x t . . . . . x .) will be referred to as weU-ordered (for F through order k) if Z has the form Z ffi (F, A t, A 2 .. . . . Ak) , where A t is a row vector consisting of all the distinct partial derivatives of F at x of order i which satisfies the following two properties: (a) H Fu... L appears in Ai, then I ~ 1 ~ "'" ~ L; (13) H F:l...u L and Frl, u, L, beth appear in At, then the former term precedes the latter term if and only if either I < I', or I ffi I ' and ] < 1'. or .... or I ffi I ' and 1 ffi 1' and ... and M ffi M' and L < L'. For example, if k = 3 and n ffi 4, then Z is well- ordered if and only if Z f f i (F,A 1,A2,A3), with A l f f i ( F I , F z , F 3,F4), A 2ffi ( F n , Fl~, F13, F14, F22, F~, F~4, F33, F3,, F. .) , A3 ffi (FHI, Fn2, Fn3, F u . , Flz2, Fx23,/:124, Fx~ 3, F134, Ft44 , F ~ , F2z3, Fgu, F~33, Fz34, Fu4, F~3, F3~t, F344, F444). As is well known, given any kth-order continuously dtfferentiable function F: R" --* R, and any integer m such that 1 ~ m ~ k, the number of distinct partial derivatives of F of order m at any domain point x is given by ( '÷~-t ) ffi(n + m - l)I/ml(n - 1)I.

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For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n × 1 state vectors x into m × 1 observation vectors y, and let Hr(x) denote the n × m transposed Jacobian matrix of H at x. Let K denote an m × m constant matrix, and let Z(x) denote the n × n Jacobian matrix defined by

O ( H r ( x ) K [ v - H(x)]) Z ( x ) = ( 5 )

This expression involves nested matrix and derivative operations. In the course of determining sequential filter solutions for a class of nonlinear tracking problems, expressions such as (5) had to be evaluated. It quickly became apparent that matrix FEED subroutines would have to be devised to handle this evaluation automatically ff a practical filter was to be obtained.

To illustrate the extension of FEED to nested matrix and derivative oper- ations, it is shown in Section 3, below, how the Jacobian matrix Z(x) in (5) can be automatically evaluated by means of matrix FEV.D subroutines for any given x, H, y, and K. The design of general matrix FEED subroutines is considered in Section 4. Numerical tests demonstrating the accuracy of the matrix Fv.~.D subroutines are discussed in Section 5. Concluding comments are given in Section 6.


Consider the function F: R2+ + ~ R defined by

= = x +log(x ). ( 6 )

Suppose one wishes to evaluate the function value z, the first-order partial derivatives z x and zy, and the particular second-order partial derivative zx~ at a given domain point (x, y). Consider Table 1.

The first column of Table 1 sequenfiaUy evaluates the function value z = x +log(x{/) at the given domain point (x, y). The second, third, and fourth entries in each row give the indicated derivative evaluations of the first entry in the row, using only algebraic operations. The first two rows initialize the algorithm, one row being required for each function variable. The only input required for the first two rows is the domain point (x, y). Each

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Automation o f Matrix Derivative Operations

T A B L E 1 s~.Qor.Na't~ EWmVA~ON Or Z ffi X + log(xy), Z,, Z r, AND Z,~


Special function a / a x c9/c9y a2/Ox 9"

a = x ax ffi l au = O axx = O

bfv b,=0 br=l b==0 c ffi ab c x = a , b + ab x % = arb + ab r c, , = ax~b +2a,b~ + ab,, d ffi log c d , ffi c - lc, d r = c - lc r d~x = - c - 2c~ + c - l c , z ffi a + d z, • a , + d~ z r = a r + d r z, , =a~x + d~,

subsequent row generates a well-ordered array of the form (p, px, Pv, P - ) , using well-ordered arrays obtained from previous row calculations. The final row yields the desired evaluations ( z , z x, z v, zxx ). These evaluations are exact up to round off error.

I t will now be shown how the rows of Table 1 can be sequentially evaluated by means of FORTRAN calculus subroutines at any given domain point (x, V). To facilitate understanding, single-precision subroutines specifi- cally tailored to the example at hand will be presented, using the same nomenclature as in Table 1.

The first two rows of Table 1 can be evaluated by calling a calculus subroutine k I N. The evaluations performed by k I N for rows 1 and 2 can be separately depicted as follows:

SUBROUTINE L I N I ( X , A ) SUBROUTINE L I N 2 ( Y , B ) DIMENSION A ( 4 ) DIMENSION B ( 4 ) A ( 1 ) = X B ( 1 ) ffi Y A ( 2 ) = 1 . 0 B ( 2 ) = 0 . 0 A ( 3 ) = 0 . 0 B ( 3 ) = 1 . 0 A ( 4 ) = 0 . 0 B ( 4 ) = 0 . 0



Subroutine L IN1 implements the usual calculus formulas to obtain the value and first three partial derivatives A f ( a , ax , av , a x x ) = ( X , l , O , O ) of the function a of x and y defined by a ( x , y ) ffi x , given any part iodar value X for x. Thus, the array A evaluates the first row of Table 1 at X. Similarly, subrouUne LIN2 obtains the value and first three partial derivatives B =

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(b, b~, by, b~ ) = (Y,0,1,0) of the function b of x and g defined by b(x, y) = g, given any particular value Y for y. Thus, the array B evaluates the second row of Table 1 at Y.

Row 3 of Table 2.1 can be evaluated by calling the calculus subroutine MULT for multiplication:


C(1) = A(1)*B(1)

C(2) = A(2)*B(1) + A(1)*B(2) C(3) = A(3)*B(1) + A(1)*B(3)

C(4) = A(4)*B(1) + 2.0*A(2)*B(2) + A(1)*B(4)




Subroutine MULT implements the usual calculus formulas to obtain the value and first three partial derivatives C = (c, G, %, Gx) of the function c = ab, where a and b are any two real-valued twice differentiable functions of x and g, and A=(a,a~,ay, axx) and B=(b,b~,by, bxx ) are well-ordered arrays for a and b obtained from previous row calculations.

Row 4 of Table 1 can be evaluated by calling the following calculus subroutine for the log function:


DIMENSION C(4), D(4) D(1) = ALOGCC(1))

D(2) = C(2)/C(I)

D(3) = C(3)IC(I)

D(4) = -D(2)*.2 + C(4)/C(I)




Subroutine LOGG implements the usual calculus formulas to obtain the value and first three partial derivatives D=(d, dx, dv, dxx ) of the function d = log c, where c is any real-valued, positive, twice differentiable function of x and g, and C =(c , cx, %,c~x ) is a well-ordered array for c obtained from previous row calculations. Note that the calculus subroutine LOGG calls the Fom'ns~ library function subroutine ALOG for the log function.

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Automation of Matrix Derivative Operations 249

Finally, row 5 of Table 1 can be evaluated by eMllng the following calculus subroutine for addition:

SUBROUTINE ADD(AtDzZ) DIMENSION A ( 4 ) , D (4 ) . Z(4) DO 1 I = 1 , 4

Z ( I ) = A ( I ) + P(1) RETURN END


Subroutine ADD implements the usual calculus formulas to obtain the value and first three partial derivatives Z f ( z , z ~ , z y , z~ ) of the function z = a + d, where a and d are any two real-valued twice differentiable functions of x and y, and A =(a,a~,av, a, , ) and D = ( d , d , , d v , d , , ) are well-ordered arrays for a and d obtained from previous row calculations.

The complete sequential evaluation of the rows of Table 1 is accomplished through use of subroutine FUN:


C(4), D(4), Z(4)


Given any specified domain point (x, y) = (X,Y), subroutine FUN obtains the value and first three partial derivatives (z, zx, zv, z,,~) of the function z - - x +log(xy) at (X,Y) by means of the indicated sequence of calls to the calculus subroutines (7) through (10). These evaluations are returned in the array Z.

In principle, a FUN subrouUne can be constructed to calculate the value and partial derivatives through order k, k > 1, of any function F: R" --* R which can be sequentiMly evaluated by means of the special two-variable functions (1) and arbitrary one-variable kth-order continuously differentiable functions such as (2). Systematic rules for constructing general kth-order calculus subroutines/or the special functions (1) and (2) are presented in [1].

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3.1. The Purpose o f Matrix FEED Many practical applications involve multidimensional variables, so the

evaluation of partial derivatives evolves into operations on matrices. An efficient algorithm to evaluate partial derivatives of matrix expressions with the same ease as illustrated in Section 2 for the scalar ease is thus highly desirable. In this section we will investigate a simple multidimensional example with specific interest in the evaluation of the partial derivatives.

3.2. Analysis

3.2.1 Criteria. We will apply the following criteria to the concept of efficient evaluation of derivatives in the following priority:

1. The same accuracy in the numerical calculations as in the one-dimen- sional case.

2. User-friendliness in the sense of a straightforward, logical, and easily checked representation.

3. Applicability to general arrays, that is, scalars, vectors, and matrices. 4. Low computer processing time.

3.2.2. A Simple Example. In this example we are designing a sequential intertmlating filter, and the evaluation of the right-hand side of the resulting differential equations involves the calculation of the following expression:

Z ( X ) = { H f ( X ) K [ Y - H(X) ] }x, (12)

where X = ( X 1 . . . . . Xn) T = n × 1 vector of independent variables, H = (h i . . . . . . hm) T maps R" into R m, H ( X ) = (h i (x1 , . . . , x , ) . . . . . hm(xl , . . . , xn)) r, Y = (Yx . . . . . gin) T = m × 1 observation vector, K = constant m × m matrix, H x = the m × n Jaeobian matrix

O h l / ~ x 1 . . . ~ h l / a x "

Oh2/ax 1 . . . cgh2/ax"

1 Ohm/OX 1 . . . c~hm/tgx,

H r = n × m transpose of the Jacobian matrix H x.

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Automation of Matrix Derivative Operations 251

We choose a specific example with n = 3, m = 2, and

H: R 3 --* R 2 defined by H -- (h 1, h2), (13a)


hl(x t , x2, x3) ~ x l x 2 ,

= + (13b)

The expression (12) involves matrix multiplications, matrix subtraction, and formation of Jacobian matrices at two levels during the calculation. In the general case, with arbitrarily large values for n and m and with nonlinear expressions for H---(ht . . . . . hm), the evaluation of (12) represents a consider- able task.

3.2.3. Operations Involved. The evaluation of expression (12) consists of the following operations:

(1) Form the m x n Jacobian matrix H x from the m x I column vector H by performing partial differentiation.

(2) Transpose the m × n matrix H~ to form the n × m matrix H T. (3) Postmultiply the n X m matrix H~ by the m × m matrix K to form

an intermediate n × m matrix M a = HTK. (4) Subtract the m × 1 column vector H from the m X 1 column vector Y

to form an intermediate column vector M 4 = Y - H. (5) Postmultiply the n × m matrix M 3 by the m × 1 column vector M4 to

form an n X 1 column vector M s = M3M 4 = H T K ( y - H). (6) Form the ]acobian n × n matrix Ms× from the n × 1 column vector

M s by performing partial differentiation. This is the desired result.

How do we actually implement this in a program that automatically performs the partial differentiations? We have two principal options:

Option 1: Breaking the expression down to its scalar components and applying scalar FEED subroutines to the resulting sc~alar operations.

Option 2: Designing FEED subroutines that handle matrix operations such as the above mentioned, and applying these in a sequential manner.

Evaluating (12) by choosing option 1 is certainly possible. However, the derivation of the scalar components is time-consuming and especially error prone. Option 1 thus |ails to satisfy the criteria chosen above with respect to

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user-friendly representation, applicable to general arrays. In the rest of this paper we will investigate option 2. The algorithm obtained will be imple- mented in roaraXN, but could as well be implemented in any other language with the proper modifications.

3.2.4. Subproblems. The problem of designing an algorithm involves the solution of the following subproblems:

Subproblem 1: Definition of storage locations for a general FEED array (matrix, vector, and scalar).

Subproblem 2: Representation of an array operation (how the user specifies, for example, a matrix multiplication).

Subproblem 3: Definition of the elements of the general array (as con- stants or as a function of the independent variables).

Subproblem 4: Communication of input and results with a calling pro- gram.

Subproblem 5: Numerical calculation of an array operation.

3.3. Synthesis

3.3.1. Defining Storage. In the conventional scalar rEED algorithm de- scribed in Section 2, a scalar and its derivatives are stored as a list of the following form:


where the l i s t contains the value of the scalar as its first element, and the partial derivatives with respect to the independent variables as the subse- quent elements, in a well-ordered sequence as described in footnote 1 in section 1. A general well-ordered FEED array is then logically stored in the form

ARRAY ( t i s t , row, co L umn )

the order of indices here selected to be apparent in a moment. A column vector is, according to this scheme, stored as

COLUMN( l i s t , row, I )

In order to maintain the use of conventionally defined FEED subroutines, a scalar will be defined as


for reasons to be clarified in the further pursuit of the example. The actual allocation of storage can be performed at run time, or the

arrays can be created large enough to hold any matrix the program will

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Automation of Matrix Derivative Operations 253

encounter. However, run-time storage allocation is not supported by all programming languages, so for the sake of general apph'cation we will here choose to define sufficiently large arrays. In that case, some parts of the arrays may not contain in/ormation. Therefore, the dimensions of the vector or matrix saved in the array must be carried along. We choose to define an integer array with two elements, O IN( 2 ), giving the size of the matrix or vector for each array--for example,

integer DIRH(2) DIRH(1 ) - 2 DIMH(2) = 1

stating that the matrix H contains a column vector with 2 rows, that is, H is a 2 x 1 matrix.

Also, the Following variables are in this implementation chosen to be carried along in a {0RRON statement:

(1) The number NVAR d independent variables. (2) The highest order N D E R I V of derivatives desired. (3) The resulting length NLIST of the FEED Hst.

However, other means of transmission can be selected as well.

3.3.2. Representation o f an ArraF Operation. In this part we will deal with criterion 2: The user-~endly representation. Continuing along the lines of the scalar FEED algorithm, we would be satisfied if we could obtain a representation of an array operation of the form

ca I l ~subroutine-name)(<matrixl)[, <matrix2)], ~resulting matrix))

- - fo r example,

call RULTR(RI,R2,R3)

for porforming the matrix operation M 3 = MIM 2.

3.3.3. Definition of the Elements of an Array. To define an element in a column vector H, one possible representation is

ca l t (subroutine-name)((operandl)[,(opemnd2)],(element))

- - fo r example,

call RULT(XI,X2,,H1 ) [or defining the first element h 1 of the column vector H as xlx2, using conventional scalar FE~D subroutines.

We are now ready to pursue the example of Section 3.2.2 htrther. Firstly, we want to define the elements of the column vector H as a function of the

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independent variables (x 1 . . . . . xn) as stored in the column vector X. The function H = (h 1, ha) is given by

h 1 = XlX2,

h 2 = x 2 + x 3 ,

so we write

call MULT(X1,X2,H1) call ADD(X2,X3,H2)

The program has to recognize X 1 as the first element of the column vector X, X2 as the second element, and X3 as the third element, and H1 and H2 have to be identified as the elements of the column vector H. The user should not have to be concerned with this identification problem; it should be handled intrinsically in the program. This can be achieved by the equivalence statements

real*8 X(list,row,column),X1(list),X2(list),X3(list) equivalence(X(1,1,1),Xl(1)),(X(1,2,1),X2(1)),

(X( 1,3,1 ),X3(I ) )

for the vector X. and similarly for H. The values of I i s t. row. and co I umn can be defined at rtm time or defined large enough to hold any matrix the program will encounter.

Let us analyze the exact meaning of this equivalence statement. It states that the following variables share the same memory location, o r - - i n other words - - tha t they are numerically equal:

X(1.1,1) = XI(1) X(2,1,1) = XI(2) X(3,1,1) = XI(3)

X(list,l,1) - Xl(list)


X(1,2,1) = X2(I) X(2,2,1) = X2(2) X(3,2,1) = X2(3)

X(list,2,1) = X2(list)

and similarly for X3 and H. It is important to remember at this point that the first index is updated before the subsequent indices. When the user then

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Automation of Matrix Derivative Operations 255

defines the value of H 1 as

c a l l MULT(XI,X2,HI)

this is interpreted as: Mu]tip]y the first dement of X by the second dement of X and store the result in the first element of H. ALL these dements are regarded as FF~ZD scalars in the meaning of a FF~D list as described above.

3.3.4. Communication with Other Programs. Special subroutines have been written to communicate with a calling program. Assume, for example, that the values of the column vector X are stored in a simple array INPUT(n). According to our general definition of a FEED array, this has to be converted into an array

X( I i st, now, column)

This is done by a subrouline l I N , which is the matrix analogue to the scalar FEED subroutine of the same name. It has the following hmction:

(1) I t stores the elements of the column vector INPUT in the elements X(1,1,1), X(1,2, I), X(1,3,1),..., X(1,n,1).

(2) I t initializes the FEED list by setting

- 1 for i = 1 , . . . , n , Ox i

OX i = 0 for i ~ j , i=1 . . . . . n, j = l . . . . . n.


Similar subprograms have been written to convert vectors and matrices that are independent of X into matrix FEED arrays. These serve the same function as LIN, except that all derivatives are initialized to zero for obvious reasons.

3.3.5. Implementation. The full calling program to solve the example problem in Section 3.2.2 would then be:

p r o g r a m EXAMPLE

C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c T h i s p r o g r a m evaluates the e x p r e s s i o n


c [ H ~ ( X ) * K * (Y - H ( X l l ] x . where


c H ( 1 ) = X ( 1 ) * X ( 2 )

c H(21 = X ( 2 ) + X (31


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c and K and Y a re i n d e p e n d e n t o f X.

c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


r e a l * 8 X ( I O , 3 , 3 ) , X I ( I O ) , X 2 C I O ) , X 3 ( I O ) , I N P U T ( 3 )

r e a l * 8 H ( l O , 3 , 3 ) , H 1 ( l O ) , H 2 ( 1 0 ) , H S ( 1 0 )

r e a l * 8 KC10,3,3),KIN(3,3)

real*8 Y(IO,3,3),YIN(3)

real*8 RI(10.3,3),M2(10,3,3),M3(IO,3,3),

- N4(IO,3,3),MS(10,3,3),RES(IO,3,3)

integer DIRX(2),DIMH(2),DINK(2),DIMY(2),


DIRR4(2 ) ,D IRMS(2 ) ,D IMRES(2 )

The e q u i v a l e n c e s t a t e m e n t s f o r X and H.

equivalence - (X(I,1,I),XI(1)),(X(1,2,1),X2(1)),(X(1,3,1),X3(1))


- (H(I,1,I),HI(1)),(H(1,2,1),H2(1)),(H(I,3,1),H3(1))

COMMON statement with information about the FEED list.


Input statements to determine the actual dimension of the arrays

X, H, Y and K. These are stored in DIMX, DIMH, DIRT and DIMK,

respectively. Furthermore, input statements save the values of X

in the array INPUT, the values of Y in the array YIN, and the values o~

in the array KIN.

The h i g h e s t o r d e r o f d e r i v a t i v e s d e s i r e d i s saved i n the v a r i a b l e

NDERIV. The l e n g t h NLIST o f the FEED L i s t can then be c a l c u l a t e d .


Initialization of FEED arrays X, Y and K.

Page 15: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×

Automation of Matrix Derivative Operations 257

c a l l L IN ( INPUT,X )

c a l l L I N C I ( Y I N , Y )

c a l l L I N C 2 ( K I N , K )



c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

D e f i n i t i o n o f H(1) and H(2)

c a l l MULT(XI ,X2sH1)

c a l l ADD(X2rX3tH2)



c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The m a t r i x o p e r a t i o n s a re now per formed by c a l l i n g m a t r i x FEED

s u b r o u t i n e s ,

c a l l DERN(HtDImH,MI,DIMM1)

c a l l TRANM(N1,DIMM1,M2,DIMM2)

c a l l MULTM(M2,DIMM2,K, DIMK,M3,DIMM3)






c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The r e s u l t i s now ~n RES(1 , row, co l umn) .



do 10 4 = 1,DIMRES(1)

do 1 j = 1,DIMRES(2)

w r i t e ( 5 , ' ( ~ R e s u l t r o w # ~ ' p t l , ~ ' C o l u m n # ' ' t i l ,

' ' : ' ' , f 1 6 . 8 ) ' ) i , j , R E S ( 1 , i t j )

c o n t i n u e


3.3.6. Implementation of Matrix FEED ~broutsnP_~ The matrix FEED subroutines are written once and for all and saved in the

FEED library. These subroutines are then linked with the user-written pro- gram, as the one described above. The matrix subroutines can be regarded as generalizations of the corresponding scal~r FEED subroutines, applied to a matrix with a FEED list appended for each element.

Page 16: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×


Matrix addition. The matrix FEED addition subroutine has the following implementation:



c .......................................................................

c MATRIX FEED LIBRARY: A d d i n g t w o m a t r i c e s .

c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This subroutine adds MTX1 (with dimensions DIMI) and MTX2 (with

dimensions DIM2) and stores the result in MTXOUT (with dimensions


r e a l * 8 MTXI(IO,3,3),MTX2(IO,3,3),MTXOUT(IO,3,3)

integer DIRI(2),DIM2(2),DIMOUT(2)


Check that the dimensions of the operand matrices are correct for

a matrix addition.

if (DIM1(1).ne.DIR2(1).or.DIMl(2).ne. DIM2(2))

write(5,'(''Invalid matrix addition.'')')

Addition is performed for each element (ir,ic) in the matrix and

for each component il of the FEED list.

do 3 ir=l,DIMl(1)

do 2 ic=I,DIMI(2)

do 1 il=I,NLIST

MTXOUT(il,ir,ic)=MTXl(il,ir,ic)+MTX2(il,ir, ic)



Determine the dimensions of the r e s u l t i n g m a t r i x .





Matrix ~ED subroutines can be written for any matrix operation, although more complicated implementations may be necessary. To illustrate, a sub- routine for matrix multiplication is given below:

Page 17: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×

Automation of Matrix Derivative Operations

Matrix multiplication.


s u b r o u t i n e MULTM(MTXltDIMI,MTX2,BIM2,MTXOUT,DIMOUT)


C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c MATRIX FEED LIBRARY: M u l t i p l y i n g two m a t r i c e s .

C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c This sub rou t i ne m u l t i p l i e s MTX1 and MTX2 ( w i t h d4mensions DIM1 and

c DIM2s r e s p e c t i v e l y ) and s to res the r e s u l t in m a t r i x MTXOUT (w i t h

c d imension DIMOUT).









r e a l * 8 MTX1(10,313),MTX2(10,3,3),MTXOUT(10,3,3)

i n t e g e r DZMI(2)sDIR2(2),DZMOUT(2)


Check t h a t the dimensions of the ma t r i x operands are c o n s i s t e n t

w i t h a m a t r i x m u l t i p l i c a t i o n .

i f ( D I M I ( 2 ) . n e . D I M 2 ( 1 ) ) then

w r t t e ( 5 , ' ( ' ' I n v a l ~ d m a t r i x m u l t i p l i c a t i o n . ' ' ) ' )

go to 999


Determine the dimensions o f the r e s u l t i n g m a t r i x .



I n i t i a l i z e MTXOUT.

do 10 t r= I ,DIMOUT(1)

do 9 tc=l tDIMOUT(2)

do 100 4pos=l,NLIST

MTXOUT(tposptr, fc)=O.

We ape now about to determ|ne the va lues of the element ( t r , t c )

and i t s d e r i v a t i v e s . According to the ru les o f m a t r i x

m u l t t p l t c a t t o n t t h t s ts done by formtng the sum o f p roduc ts :

MTXOUT(1 , | r l l c ) = ~ ( M T X 1 ( l l i r , i e ) * MTX2(1,te,ic)) t e=1 ,#co l

Page 18: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×


The derivatives of the element MTXOUT(1,ir,ic) are then calculated

and stored at the appropriate location ipos in the FEED list, as


do 8 ie=1,DIMl(2)

Calculate the value of the element:

MTXOUT(1,ir,ic) = ~ (MTX1(1,ir, ie) * MTX2(1,ie, ic))

i e = l , # c o l


MTXOUT(ipos, lr,ic)=MTXOUT(ipos,ir,ic)+

MTX1(ipos,ir,ie) * MTX2(ipos,ie,ic)

Calculate the first derivatives of the element. Given the expres-

sion for the value of the element above, we have:

d ( R T X O U T ( 1 , i r . i c ) ) / d x i =

( R T X l ( 1 , i r . i e ) * d ( M T X 2 ( 1 , i e , i c ) ) / d x i +

i e = l , # c o l

d ( M T X l ( 1 , i r , i e ) ) / d x i * M T X 2 ( 1 , i e , i c ) )

A w e l l - o r d e r e d FEED l i s t has the f o l l o w i n g s t o r a g e l o c a t i o n s :

d (MTXOUT(1 , i r , i c ) ) / d x i i s s t o r e d in M T X O U T ( i p o s , i r , i c ) ;

d ( R T X l ( 1 , i r , i e ) ) / d x i i s s t o r e d in M T X l ( i p o s , i r , i e ) ;

d ( M T X 2 ( 1 , i e , i c ) ) / d x i i s s t o r e d in R T X 2 ( i p o s , i e , i c ) .

where the coun te r i p o s = l + i .

i f (NDERIV .ge .1 ) then

do 1 iv=I,NVAR

i p o s = i p o s + l

M T X O U T ( i p o s , i r , i c ) = R T X O U T ( i p o s , i r , i c ) +

M T X l ( 1 , i r , i e ) * M T X 2 ( i p o s , i e , i c ) +

M T X l ( i p o s , i r , i e ) * M T X 2 ( 1 , i e , i c )

c o n t i n u e

e n d i f

C a l c u l a t e the second d e r i v a t i v e s o f the e lement :

Page 19: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×

Automation of Matrix Derivative Operationa 261





d2(MTXOUT(1. t rs tc ) ) /dx t *dx jz

( M T X l ( 1 . t r . t e ) ~ d2(MTX2(1.te.tc))/dx~P~dxj+ ie=1. col d 2 ( M T X l ( 1 . t r . t e ) ) / d x t * d x j , MTX2(1. te. ic)+

d ( M T X l ( 1 . t r . t e ) ) / d x i * d (MTX2(1 . i e . i c ) ) / dx j÷

d ( M T X l ( 1 . t r . t e ) ) / d x j * d (MTX2(1 .~e . tc ) ) /dx i )

A we l l -o rde red FEED l t s t has the fo l l ow ing storage locst4ons:

d2(MTXOUT(1 . i r . t c ) ) /dx t *dx j :MTXOUT( tpos . i r . i c )

d Z ( m T X l ( 1 . i r . t e ) ) / d x t * d x j : M T X l ( i p o s . t r . t e )

dZ(NTX2(1.te.tc))/dxt*dxjeMTX2(tpos.ta.tc) d ( M T X l ( 1 . i r . i e ) ) / d x t : N T X l ( l + t . t r . t e )


where the counter ipos runs through a l l the second d e r i v a t i v e s in

the FEED l i s t .

i f(NOERIV.ge.2) then

do 3 tvlal.NVAR

do 2 4v2=tvl.NVAR



MTX l (1 . t r . t e ) * MTX2(tpos.4e.tc)+

M T X l ( t p o s . t r . t e ) * MTX2(1.te. tc)+

N T X l ( l + t v l . t r . t e ) * MTX2( l+ tv2 . te . i c )+

N T X l ( l + t v 2 . t r . t e ) * M T X 2 ( l + t v l . t e . t c )

cont inue


endt f

cont inue

cont inue

cont inue

cont inue

re tu rn


Formation o f the 1acobian matrix.


Page 20: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×


This subroutine forms the Jacobian matrix Hx:

{dhl/dxl ... dhl/dxn}

{dh2/dxl ... dh2/dxn}

{ . . . . . . }

{dhm/dxl ... dhm/dxn}

and its derivatives from the column vector (hl,...,h.) T and its

derivatives. Recall that the derivatives are stored in the subse-

quent elements of the FEED list.

real*8 MTXIN(IO,3,3),MTXOUT(IO,3,3)

integer DIMIN(2),DIMOUT(2)


The subroutine is only applicable to a column vector - this is


if(DIMIN(2).ne.1) then

write(5,'('' Subroutine DERM can only be called for '',

''column vectors.'')')

goto 999


Find the dimensions of the Jacobian matrix.



The DO-loop scans through every element of the Jacobian matrix:

do 10 ir=I,DIMOUT(1)

do 9 ic=I,DIMOUT(2)

Initialize MTXOUT.

do 1 ipos2=l,NLIST


Find the values of the element:


Page 21: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×

Automation of Matrix Derivative Operations 263




where d ( M T X I N ( 1 , t r , 1 ) ) / d x t c i s s t o r e d in the l o c a t i o n

M T X l N ( l + i c , i r , 1 ) .

i f ( N D E R I V . g e . 1 ) then

i pos2= l



Find the f i r s t d e r i v a t i v e s o f the e lements o f the Jacob ian m a t r i x ,

which a re the second d e r i v a t i v e s o f the column v e c t o r MTXIN, and

s t o r e them in the FEED l i s t o f the Jacob ian m a t r i x :


R e c a l l t h a t the w e l l - o r d e r e d sequence o f the second d e r i v a t i v e s i n

a FEED l i s t i s :

d 2 / d x l * d x l , d 2 / d x l * d x 2 , d 2 / d x l * d x 3 ,

d 2 / d x 2 * d x 2 , d2 /dx2 *dx3 , d2 /dx3 *dx3 .

The c o u n t e r s iv1 and i v2 scan th rough the FEED l i s t o f MTXIN. When

a second d e r i v a t i v e w i th r espec t to x t c i s encoun te red , t h i s

d e r i v a t i v e w i l l be p laced in the FEED l i s t o f the Jacob ian m a t r i x .

i f ( N D E R I V . e q . 2 ) then

ipos l= l+NVAR

do 8 iv l= I ,NVAR

do 7 iv2=ivI,NVAR


if(ivl.eq.ic.or.lv2.eq.ic) then












Page 22: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×


3.4. Comments on the Example in Section 3.2.2 The filtering algorithm designed for the specific example in Section 3.2.2 is

quite general, and can be dimensioned to handle arbitrary H functions. The user simply has to alter the scalar ~ED subroutine calls dearly marked in the implementation of program EXANPLE above. As the example demonstrates, once a matrix FV.ED library has been constructed, filtering problems involving numerous matrix operations with partial derivatives are easily implemented using the library subroutines. We have thus found the use of FEED matrix subroutines highly efficient and user-iriendly in this application.


4.1. Applications The matrix FEED algorithm as illustrated in Section 3 is of general use in

any multidimensional problem involving evaluation of partial derivatives. We will here compare the use of the matrix FEED algorithm with an algorithm based on derivation of analytical expressions for the matrix expression, [It[ we combine equations (12) and (13), we can form an analytical expression for Z.] The matrix FEED algorithm has the following advantages:

(1) User-friendly representation. Each matrix operation is represented by a subroutine call with a mnemonic name.

(2) Easy error check. Although we have not implemented matrix oper- ations by the expressions themselves, error check is nevertheless easily performed. One can simply write the list of operations performed by the subroutine calls, combine them, and compare the resulting expressions with the desired expressions.

(3) Easily changed expressions. If changes in the matrix operations are desired, the FEED matrix algorithm allows this to be done simply by changing the subroutine calls. In methods involving analytically derived expressions for partial derivatives, such changes may require considerable effort by the user.

(4) General applications. The matrix l~ED algorithm handles both vec- tors and matrices of arbitrary dimensions. The defined storage allocations can easily be increased when needed.

(5) Few hardware requirements. The algorithm can be implemented on any microprocessor with sufficient storage to handle the arrays. The sub- routines can readily be transformed to BASIC or any other general-application computer language.

Of course, additional experiments are needed to determine more htlly the advantages and disadvantages of the matrix FrED approach.

Page 23: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×

Automation of Matrix Derivative Operations 9.,65

4.2. Design C ~ t ~ n s In due l~ne new matrix operations will be needed as applications of

different types are implemented. When planning the addition of new matrix operations to the FEED library, the following issues should be considered. First, matrix operations should be broken down to unary and binary operators to ensure easy representation. Second, the operations should be made as generally applicable as possible, so that the subroutines can be used in future applications. For example, the trace operation fulfills these requirements and can easily be implemented.

4.3. General Matrix FEED Subrou~ne Below is given the general form of a matrix FEEO subrou~ne.

s u b r o u t i n e OPER(MTI1 ,DIMI [ ,MTX2,DIM2] tHTXOUT,DIMOUT)


c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c MATRIX FEED LIBRARY: General M a t r t x FEED Subrout ine .

c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c T h i s s u b r o u t i n e performs a m a t r i x o p e r a t i o n on MTXl [and HTX2 i n

c the case of a b ina ry o p e r a t o r ] wtth d4mensions DZM1 [and DIM2,

c r e s p e c t 4 v e L y ] and s tores the r e s u l t tn mat r i x MTXOUT ( w i t h

c d i m e n s i o n DIMOUT).


r e a l * 8 MTX1 ( < l t s t > p < # r o w > , < # ¢ o l > ) ,

MTX2 ( < l t s t > p < # r o w > , < # c o l > ) ,

M T X O U T ( < 1 4 s t > , < # r o w > , < # c o l > )

t n t e g e r DZMI (Z ) ,D IMZ(Z ) ,D IMOUT(2 )


Check t h a t the dimensions of the mat r tx operands are c o n s i s -

t e n t wtth the matn|x o p e r a t i o n .

t f ( < l o g i c a L express |on I n v o l v l n g DIM1 [and DIM2]>) then

w r ~ t e ( 5 . ' ( ' ' Znva l td m a t r i x o p e r a t t o n . ~ ' ) ' )

goto 999

e n d t f


c Determine the dimensions o f the r e s u l t | n g m a t r t x .

Page 24: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×






DIMOUT(1)=<express ion i n v o l v i n g DIM1 [and DIM2]>

DIROUT(2)=<expresston involving DIM1 [and DIR2]>

Th i s loop i d e n t i f i e s each element o f the v e c t o r / m a t r i x .

do 10 ir=I,DIMOUT(1)

do 9 ic=I,DIMOUT(2)

I n i t i a l i z e MTXOUT ( t h i s may not be r e q u i r e d ) .

do 100 i pos= l ,NL IST

MTXOUT( ipso , i r , i c )=O.

Determine the value of the element (ir,ic).

i pos= l

MTXOUT(ipos, i r , ic )=OPER (RTX1 [ ,RTX2] )

Calculate the first derivatives of the element.

if(NDERIV.ge.I) then

do I iv=I,NVAR


RTXOUT(ipos,ir,ic):dOgER/dxiv (NTXl [,MTX2])



Calculate the second derivatives of the element.

if(NDERIV.ge.2) then

do 3 ivI:I,NVAR

do 2 iv2:ivl,NVAR


RTXOUT(ipos, ir,ic)=

dzOPER/dxivl*dxlv2 (MTXI [,MTX2])




Similar nth-order Loops involving nth-order derivatives

when required.

Page 25: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×

Automation of Matrix Derivative Operations 267


9 con t inue

1 0 cont inue

999 cont tnue

r e t u r n



For the example given in Section 3.2.2, a program implementing two algorithms was constructed:

First algorithm. Matrix FEED subroutine calls for the evaluation of (12), with H given by (13).

Second algorithm. Evaluation of the analytical expression formed by combining (13) with (12) and analytically performing the partial differentia- tions involved.

The results from these two algorithms were compared for several values of the independent variables. The two algorithms gave results which were in agreement to sixteen decimal places.

The detailed numerical example is available from the authors upon re- quest.


In the original presentation [1] of the FF_,ED algorithm, three types of scalar calculus subroutines were included in the FEED library: subroul~ne kIN for independent variables, subroutines such as L066 for real-valued functions of one variable, and subroutines such as ADD for real-valued functions of two variables. In a subsequent paper [2] a selection subroutine was added to the FEED library to facilitate the automatic differentiation of real-valued hmc- tions defined in terms of the derivatives of other functions.

In the present paper it is shown that the automatic differentiation of expressions involving nested matrix and derivative operations can be sys- tematically handled by introducing matr/x calculus subroutines into the F~.~.D library. These matrix FEED subroutines have been thoroughly tested, and have proved to be a very useful tool of general application..

Page 26: Automation of Nested Matrix Derivative - Iowa State University · 246 R. KALABA, T. PLUM, AND L. TESFATSION For example, let H: R" ~ a m denote an observation function mapping n ×



1 R. Kalaba, L. T~Jatsion, and J.-L. Wang, A finite algorithm for the exact evaluation of higher-order partial derivatives of hmctions of many variables, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 12:181-191 (1983).

2 R. Kalaba and L. Teshtsion, Automatic differentiation of hmctions of derivatives, Comput. Math. Appl. 12A:1091-1103 (1986).

3 R. Wengert, A simple automatic derivative evaluation program, Comm. ACM 7:463-464 (1964).