Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing Patrice Godefroid (Microsoft Research) Michael Y. Levin (Microsoft Center for Software Excellence) David Molnar (UC-Berkeley, visiting MSR) Presented by Yuyan Bao

Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing

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Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing. Patrice Godefroid (Microsoft Research) ‏ Michael Y. Levin (Microsoft Center for Software Excellence) ‏ David Molnar (UC-Berkeley, visiting MSR). Presented by Yuyan Bao. Acknowledgement. This presentation is extended and modified from - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Automated Whitebox  Fuzz Testing

Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing

Patrice Godefroid (Microsoft Research)Michael Y. Levin (Microsoft Center for

Software Excellence)David Molnar (UC-Berkeley, visiting MSR)

Presented by Yuyan Bao

Page 2: Automated Whitebox  Fuzz Testing


• This presentation is extended and modified from• The presentation by David Molnar

Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing• The presentation by Corina Păsăreanu

(Kestrel) Symbolic Execution for Model Checking and


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Agenda• Fuzz Testing• Symbolic Execution• Dynamic Testing Generation• Generational Search• SAGE Architecture• Conclusion• Contribution• Weakness• Improvement

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Fuzz Testing• An effective technique for finding security vulnerabilities in software• Apply invalid, unexpected, or random data to the inputs of a program.• If the program fails(crashing, access violation

exception), the defects can be noted.

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Whitebox Fuzzing• This paper present an alternative whitebox fuzz testing

approach inspired by recent advances in symbolic execution and dynamic test generation– Run the code with some initial well-formed input– Collect constraints on input with symbolic

execution– Generate new constraints (by negating constraints

one by one)– Solve constraints with constraint solver– Synthesize new inputs

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Symbolic Execution• A method for deriving test cases which satisfy a given path• Performed as a simulation of the computation on the path• Initial path function = Identity function, Initial path condition = true• Each vertex on the path induce a symbolic composition on the path

function and a logical constraint on the path condition:If an assignment was made:

If a conditional decision was made:path condition path condition branch condition

Output: path function and path condition for the given path

White Box Testing and Symbolic Execution 6

f g f

( )X g X

[ ( )]X f X

Slide from “White Box Testing and Symbolic Execution” by Michael Beder

Page 7: Automated Whitebox  Fuzz Testing

Symbolic Execution



(PC=“path condition”)

- “Simulate” the code using symbolic values instead of program numeric data

Symbolic execution tree: x:X,y:YPC: true

x:X,y:YPC: X>Y

x:X,y:YPC: X<=Y

true false

x:X+Y,y:YPC: X>Y

x:X+Y,y:XPC: X>Y

x:Y,y:XPC: X>Y

x:Y,y:XPC: X>Y Y-X>0

x:Y,y:XPC:X>Y Y-X<=0

true false


Not reachable

int x, y; if (x > y) { x = x + y; y = x - y; x = x - y; if (x – y > 0) assert (false); }

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Dynamic Test Generation

• Executing the program starting with some initial inputs

• Performing a dynamic symbolic execution to collect constraints on inputs

• Use a constraint solver to infer variants of the previous inputs in order to steer the next executions

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Dynamic Test Generationvoid top(char input[4])


int cnt = 0;

if (input[0] == ‘b’) cnt++;

if (input[1] == ‘a’) cnt++;

if (input[2] == ‘d’) cnt++;

if (input[3] == ‘!’) cnt++;

if (cnt >= 3) crash();


input = “good”

• Running the program with random values for the 4 input bytes is unlikely to discovery the error: a probability of about

• Traditional fuzz testing is difficult to generate input values that will drive program through all its possible execution paths.

301/ 2

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Depth-First Search

void top(char input[4])


int cnt = 0;

if (input[0] == ‘b’) cnt++;

if (input[1] == ‘a’) cnt++;

if (input[2] == ‘d’) cnt++;

if (input[3] == ‘!’) cnt++;

if (cnt >= 3) crash();


I0 != ‘b’I1 != ‘a’I2 != ‘d’I3 != ‘!’good

I0 != ‘b’

I1 != ‘a’

I2 != ‘d’

I3 != ‘!’

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Depth-First Search


void top(char input[4])


int cnt = 0;

if (input[0] == ‘b’) cnt++;

if (input[1] == ‘a’) cnt++;

if (input[2] == ‘d’) cnt++;

if (input[3] == ‘!’) cnt++;

if (cnt >= 3) crash();


I0 != ‘b’I1 != ‘a’I2 != ‘d’I3 == ‘!’

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Practical limitation


void top(char input[4])


int cnt = 0;

if (input[0] == ‘b’) cnt++;

if (input[1] == ‘a’) cnt++;

if (input[2] == ‘d’) cnt++;

if (input[3] == ‘!’) cnt++;

if (cnt >= 3) crash();


I0 != ‘b’I1 != ‘a’I2 == ‘d’I3 != ‘!’good

Every time only one constraint is expanded, low efficiency!

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Generational search

• BFS with a heuristic to maximize block coverage• Score returns the number of new blocks covered

14Slide from “Symbolic Execution” by Kevin Wallace, CSE504 2010-04-28

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Generational SearchKey Idea: One Trace, Many Tests





“Generation 1” test cases


void top(char input[4])


int cnt = 0;

if (input[0] == ‘b’) cnt++;

if (input[1] == ‘a’) cnt++;

if (input[2] == ‘d’) cnt++;

if (input[3] == ‘!’) cnt++;

if (cnt >= 3) crash();


I0 == ‘b’I1 == ‘a’I2 == ‘d’I3 == ‘!’

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void top(char input[4])


int cnt = 0;

if (input[0] == ‘b’) cnt++;

if (input[1] == ‘a’) cnt++;

if (input[2] == ‘d’) cnt++;

if (input[3] == ‘!’) cnt++;

if (cnt >= 3) crash();














bod! bad!

badd baod

The Generational Search Space

Page 16: Automated Whitebox  Fuzz Testing

SAGE Architecture(Scalable Automated Guided Execution)

Task: TesterCheck forCrashes


Task: TracerTrace


Task: CoverageCollector

Gather Constraints(Truscan)

Task: SymbolicExecutor


Input0 Trace File Constraints




Page 17: Automated Whitebox  Fuzz Testing

• Since 1st MS internal release in April’07: dozens of new security bugs found (most missed by blackbox fuzzers, static analysis)

• Apps: image processors, media players, file decoders,…

• Many bugs found rated as “security critical, severity 1, priority 1”

• Now used by several teams regularly as part of QA process

Initial Experiences with SAGE

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Experiments ANI Parsing - MS07-017

RIFF...ACONLISTB...INFOINAM....3D Blue Alternate v1.1..IART....................1996..anih$...$...................................rate....................seq ....................LIST....framicon......... ..

RIFF...ACONBB...INFOINAM....3D Blue Alternate v1.1..IART....................1996..anih$...$...................................rate....................seq ....................anih....framicon......... ..

Only 1 in 232 chance at random!

Initial input Crashing test case

Initial input : 341 branch constraints, 1,279,939 total instructions. Crash test cases: 7706 test cases, 7hrs 36 mins

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Different Crashes From Different Initial Input Files 100


1867196225 X X X X X

2031962117 X X X X X

612334691 X X

1061959981 X X

1212954973 X X

1011628381 X X X

842674295 X

1246509355 X X X

1527393075 X

1277839407 X

1951025690 X

Media 1: 60 machine-hours, 44,598 total tests, 357 crashes, 12 bugs

Bug ID seed1 seed2 seed3 seed4 seed5 seed6 seed7

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Conclusion Blackbox vs. Whitebox Fuzzing

• Cost/precision tradeoffs

– Blackbox is lightweight, easy and fast, but poor coverage

– Whitebox is smarter, but complex and slower

– Recent “semi-whitebox” approaches• Less smart but more lightweight: Flayer (taint-flow analysis, may

generate false alarms), Bunny-the-fuzzer (taint-flow, source-based, heuristics to fuzz based on input usage), autodafe, etc.

• Which is more effective at finding bugs? It depends…

– Many apps are so buggy, any form of fuzzing finds bugs!

– Once low-hanging bugs are gone, fuzzing must become smarter: use whitebox and/or user-provided guidance (grammars, etc.)

• Bottom-line: in practice, use both!

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• A novel search algorithm with a coverage-maximizing heuristic

• It performs symbolic execution of program traces at the x86 binary level

• Tests larger applications than previously done in dynamic test generation

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• Gathering initial inputs• The class of inputs characterized by each symbolic

execution is determined by the dependence of the program’s control flow on its inputs

• Not a general solution• Only for x86 windows applications• Only focus on file-reading applications

• Nirvana simulates a given processor’s architecture

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• Portability• Translate collected traces into an

intermediate language• Reproduce bugs on different platforms

without re-simulating the program• Better way to find initial inputs efficiently

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