Automated Logic and Programming Christoph Kreitz

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Automated Logic and Programming

Christoph Kreitz

Page 2: Automated Logic and Programming - uni-potsdam.de


1 Introduction 7

1.1 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.2 References and further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Logic and computation 11

2.1 Formal Calculi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 First Order Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2.1 Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2.2 Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.3 Meta and object languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.4 Natural Deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.4.1 Propositional Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.4.2 Predicate Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.4.3 Mathematical Induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.4.4 Equality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.5 The Sequent Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.5.1 Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.5.2 Backward proofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.5.3 Additional rules for sequent calculi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.5.4 A sequent calculus for intuitionistic logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.5.5 Proof methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.6 The λ-calculus as a logic of computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.6.1 Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.6.2 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.6.3 Reduction properties of the λ-calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.6.4 The expressive power of the λ-calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.6.5 Semantic questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


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2.7 References and further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3 Typed Theories 39

3.1 Simple Type Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.2 Properties of Simple Type Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.2.1 Soundness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.2.2 A type-checking algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.2.3 Weak Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.2.4 Strong Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3.2.5 Confluence: the Church-Rosser Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.2.6 The strength of the calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.3 The Mathematics of U∈U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

3.3.1 Dependent function types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

3.3.2 Expressiveness of the theory of dependent types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

3.3.3 Girards Paradox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

3.4 A systematic approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

3.4.1 Martin Lofs constructive semantic theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

3.4.2 Semantics of type-theoretical expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

3.4.3 Judgements in Type Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

3.4.4 Propositions as types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

3.4.5 Propositional equality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

3.4.6 A cumulative hierarchy of universes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

3.4.7 A calculus for proof development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

3.4.8 Formal proofs in Type Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

3.5 References and further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4 The Type Theory of NuPRL 71

4.1 Basic constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.1.1 The semantic theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.1.2 The proof rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.2 Logic in Type Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

4.2.1 The empty type void . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

4.2.2 Constructive logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

4.2.3 Classical logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

4.3 Programming in Type Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

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4.3.1 Proofs as programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

4.3.2 Natural numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

4.3.3 The NuPRL type of finite lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

4.3.4 A programming example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

4.3.5 Set Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

4.4 Recursive Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

4.4.1 Inductive Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

4.4.2 Recursive functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

4.4.3 Infinite Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

4.5 Other types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

4.5.1 Quotients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

4.5.2 Atom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

4.6 References and further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

5 Implementing Automated Reasoning 107

5.1 Building systems for interactive proof development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

5.1.1 ML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

5.1.2 Implementing the object language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

5.1.3 The NuPRL system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

5.2 Decision procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

5.2.1 arith: a decision procedure for elementary arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . 117

5.2.2 Equality Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

5.2.3 Other Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

5.2.4 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

5.3 Metalevel Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

5.3.1 Tactical Theorem proving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

5.3.2 Refinement tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

5.3.3 Transformation tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

5.3.4 Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

5.3.5 Writing tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

5.3.6 Experiences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

5.4 References and further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

6 Building Theories 133

6.1 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

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6.2 Simple Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

6.2.1 Elementary logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

6.2.2 Finite sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

6.2.3 Number Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

6.2.4 Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

6.2.5 Finite Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

6.2.6 Real numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

6.3 Automated Theorem Proving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

6.4 Application to Program Construction/Development and verification . . . . . . . 136

6.4.1 program synthesis, verification,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

6.5 References and further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

7 Advanced Topics 137

7.1 Metamathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

7.1.1 Expressing meta-concepts in the object language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

7.1.2 Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

7.2 Alternative theories (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

7.2.1 Girard’s Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7.2.2 The calculus of constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7.2.3 Other Type theoretic calculi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7.3 How to compute well? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7.4 References and further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

8 Summary and future views 141

9 Glossar, Index, ToC 143

9.1 Natural deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

9.2 Details of the type system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

9.3 The rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

9.3.1 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

9.3.2 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

9.3.3 Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

9.3.4 Booleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

9.3.5 Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

9.3.6 Quotients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

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9.3.7 Atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

9.3.8 Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

9.3.9 Void . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

9.3.10 Equality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

9.3.11 Natural numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

9.3.12 Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

9.3.13 List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

9.3.14 Recursive types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

9.3.15 Partial functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

9.3.16 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

9.3.17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

9.3.18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

9.4 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

9.4.1 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Bibliography 155

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Chapter 1


The old dream of mathematicians is to create a system that can be used to automate mathe-matics such that all theorems have an exact formal proof which might easily be checked to becorrect by some by algorithm.

If taken in the rigid sense this means building machines that would decide whether a statementis provable or not, a task which can be achieved - at least in principle - for all and only thedecidable theories. For formal systems presented by recursive sets of axioms and of recursiverules one can - at least in principle - automatically generate the theorems.

Various experiments have been carried out since the advent of computers in both directions. Assuccessful examples apart from the flourishing trade of commercial expert systems one couldquote MACSYMA (a giant expert system based on rewrite rules implementing algorithmsof arithmetic, algebra, and calculus) in the field of computerized symbolic computation, andPROLOG in the field of automatic theorem provers for the Horn-Clause fragment of first-orderlogic.

Evidences for the success of computerized support can also be found in other mathematicalareas like careful explanation (program verifiers), proof checking and counterexample gener-ation ([WOLB84]), detailed case analysis in proofs (4-colours problem), structuring complexalgorithms, revealing hidden assumptions, or even “intelligent” text processing (TEX).

There is, however, a more heroic approach to automatization: to look for a system that wouldboth check and find proofs for all kinds of mathematics. In the words of the sixties, one triesto be realistic by asking the impossible.

Such a system, of course, needs a very expressive language that can be used for an “imple-mentation” of the whole bulk of mathematics within a computer. Unfortunately set theory,the basis for modern mathematics, is highly nonconstructive and therefore inappropriate forthis purpose. A first step towards the unreachable goal, therefore, is to develop suitable con-structive theories for mathematics, similar in scope and universality to classical set theory.Some proposals are: an intuitionistic predicative set theory by Martin-Lof [ML82, ML84], thecalculus of constructions by Coquand and Huet [CH85, CH88], and Platek and Scott’s Logicfor computable functions.

The next step is to turn these universal constructive theories into automatic generic proof-checkers. This has been done with good results starting with AUTOMATH [Bru80] and anumber of successive approximations like Edinburgh’s LCF [GMW79], PPλ (later described in


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[Pau87]) and NuPRL [CAB+86], currently the most sophisticated of the existing systems.

One step further is to find automatic generic theorem provers that would not only checkbut also develop proofs, according to the families of logic that the system could both define anduse. Active work is currently going on in these areas and it seems to indicate that a systemlike NuPRL can be used directly for this purpose [CH90b].

The path towards the automation of mathematics described in this book begins with Martin-Lof’s intuitionistic predicative set theory. Today, this language is better known as Type The-ory because its structure resembles ideas from the development of data types in programminglanguages. As it turned out, Type Theory is even more expressive than set theory since itproperly explains the notion of “algorithm” while set theory has severe problems at that point.Thus Type Theory can be used not only to represent “ordinary” mathematical reasoning butalso for reasoning about the properties of algorithms, particularly the correctness of programs.

The theory will be described in the formulation used by the NuPRL system which not onlychecks formal proofs but can also be used for interactively developing them which in particularmeans that type theory can be used for program development. Implementation aspects suchas these, as we will see, have a major influence on the formulation of the theory itself.

Mechanisms for automating the proof development process will also be discussed. The conceptof tactics, which goes back to Edinburgh’s LCF system [GMW79], allows to program theapplication of inference rules in an otherwise fully interactive system. From a theoreticalpoint of view tactics are one means of representing the metalevel of type theory by algorithms.Although the metalevel can not be a part of the inference system itself large components ofit can be accessed by formalizing the metamathematics of Type Theory within Type Theory.Besides drastically reducing the size of proofs this will allow reasoning about proofs as humansoften do.

1.1 Outline

Chapter 2 begins with a general introduction to formal calculi for logic and computation. Inparticular we will present the sequent calculus for mathematical reasoning and the λ-calculus asa model of computation. Both should be considered as necessary prerequisites for understandingType Theory.

We will begin the discussion of Type Theory in Chapter 3 with two historically importantpredecessors which contain the same basic principles and are much simpler than Martin-Lof’sfull theory of types. Unfortunately the first one is not expressive enough while the second onecontains a paradox. Section 3.4 therefore presents a systematic approach to the developmentof type theory which we will follow in the rest of this book. Chapter 4 explains the type theoryof NuPRL,....basic concepts, those coming from the desire to catch the notion of propositions,and inductively defined structures.


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1.2 References and further reading

The book about the NuPRL System [CAB+86] will serve as a reference. Also Martin-Lof’sbook on Type Theory [ML84] ....

[And86, Bac89, BCM88a, Bis67, CAB+86, Con88, GLT89, vBJ77, Kle52, ML84, Pol45, Pra65,Sch85, Ste72, Tur84]

[CHS72], chapter 17

Set Theory [Ber68, Qui63, Sup72] How [Pol45, Sch85]

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Chapter 2

Logic and computation

This chapter is intended to provide mathematical preliminaries which are needed or at leasthelpful to understand methods for machine support when dealing with mathematics and pro-gramming. We will give an introduction to formal proofs, first order logic, natural deduction,the sequent calculus, and - as a model of computation - the λ calculus. We will do so withincreasing levels of formality. The discussion of semantics is brief and informal; the emphasisis how to make use of formal systems.

2.1 Formal Calculi

A formal logic or calculus is a syntactic game for producing symbolic objects according to givenrules. Sometimes the motivation of the rules is vague but usually they are derived with respectto a well understood meaning or semantics.

Most (formal) mathematical theories are interpreted in set theory: each term corresponds toa set; each rule corresponds to a fact about sets. Set theory is taken to be the foundation ofeverything else. Its axioms are justified by informal but widely accepted intuitions like “setsexist; the union of two sets is a set”. However, when relying on intuition one must be extremelycareful. At the beginning of this century Russel’s Paradox demolished the prevailing notion ofset, together with years of Frege’s work.

Formal logics free logicians from the slippery ambiguities of human language.

A formal logic comprises assertions and inference rules. The assertions A, B, C, ... expressmeaningful statements while an inference rule has the form “from A1 and ... and An concludeB” for n ≥ 0. The usual convention is to write this as

A1, A2, ... , An


The assertions A1, A2, ... , An are the premises of the rule and B is the conclusion. Theoremsare those assertions theat can be proved by applying inference rules to other theorems. In orderto have any theorems ther must be at least one axiom, a rule with no premises. A proof can bewritten as a tree whose branches are the rules and whose leaves are axioms.

Inference rules allow formal proofs to be constructed without having to think about the meaningof a formula. Thus machines can prove theorems. But we must be aware of a difference between


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provability and truth. Ideally every theorem should be true and every (semantically) true facta theorem. An inference rule is sound if its conclusion is true provided every premise is true. Ifevery inference rule is sound then every theorem of the calculus is true. Otherwise the calculusis of little value. A calculus is complete if every true assertion has a formal proof. Completenessis usually unattainable: Godel demonstrated that no logic allowing nontrivial reasoning aboutarithmetic can be complete. 1

It should also be mentioned that a proof calculus explains only the rules how proofs have to beelaborated in order to make sure that they are correct. It is not by itself a method about howto find proofs.

2.2 First Order Logic

First Order Logic is the most familiar language for mathematics.

2.2.1 Syntax

Typically the set of assertions in a calculus is described by a grammar: each assertion isconstructed from atomic symbols using logical connectives.

Terms denote mathematical values such as sets, functions, or numbers. Let there be an infiniteset of variables and, for each n ≥ 0 a set of n-place function symbols. A term is a variable of afunction application f(t1, .., tn) where f is an n-place function symbol and t1, .., tn are terms.A 0-place function symbol is a constant symbol; the term c() is usually written c2.

The assertions of first order-logic, called formulae are built up from terms. Let there be a setof n-place predicate symbols for each n ≥ 0. An atomic formula has the form P (t1, .., tn) whereP is an n-place predicate symbol and t1, .., tn are terms. A formula is either an atomic formulaor one of ¬A, A B, A B, A ⇒ B, ∀x.A, ∃x.A or (A), where A and B are formulae andx is a variable. Every formula thus contains at least one predicate symbol.

There are some conventions for abbreviated writing of formulae.

The bi-implication A ⇔ B abbreviates (A⇒B) ∧(B ⇒A). Precedence conventions lessen theneed for parentheses in formulae. The symbol ¬ binds most tightly, followed by ∧ , ∨ , ⇒ , and⇔ in decreasing order. The scope of a quantifier extends as far to the right as possible. Onequantifier can bind several variables at once.

2.2.2 Semantics

The semantics of first order logic is usually expressed in set theory. An interpretation or modelassigns a mathematical value to each symbol. Variables, functions, and predicates are all definedwith respect to a fixed set (or universe). Each variable is assigned an element of the universe;

1The differential calculus is indeed a formal calculus. It has expressions like du/dx and rules like (d/dx)(uv)=udv/dx + vdu/dx. Each expression and rule has a complicated mathematical justification but the rules maybe used long after their justification has been forgotten

2This does not mean that the constant symbol c is to be identified with the term c. It is only an abbreviation.

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each n-place function symbol is assigned a function on the universe; each n-place predicatesymbol is assigned an n-place relation over the universe.

Under an interpretation, each term has a value and each atomic formula is either true or false.The truth of the other formulae is determined as follows:

The negation ¬A is true if A is false.The conjunction A ∧B is true if both A and B are true.The disjunction A ∨B is true if either A or B is true.The implication A⇒B is true if B is true provided A is.The universal quantification ∀x.A is true if A is true for every xThe existential quantification ∃x.A is true if A is true for some x

Propositional logic is the logic of the connectives ¬, ∧ , ∨ , ⇒ . Adding quantifiers gives firstorder logic, sometimes called the predicate calculus. Adding quantifiers over formula variablesgives higher order logic.

2.3 Meta and object languages

Consider statements we might make about formulae like “The conjunction of a formula with theconjunction of two other formulae implies the conjunction of the first and the second formulawith the third”. While this is a perfectly legal statement it is hardly readable. Readablestatements must use symbols from the logic itself: “the formula A ∧ (B ∧C) implies (A ∧B) ∧C”.Clearly, this does not mean that the symbol “A” is itself a formula. A is just a name for aformula. We must not confuse an object (a formula) and its name (A) in a statement aboutformulae.

To clear up this confusion we have to distinguish the meta language from the object language.The formal language of terms and formulae is the object language while any statement aboutthe object language is made in the meta language. Here the meta language is English aug-mented with mathematical notation: symbols from the object language, proof trees, and namesfor object language expressions which we also call syntactic meta variables. We will use thefollowing conventions:

• names of formulae include A, B, C

• names of terms include r, s, t, u

• names of predicates symbols include P, Q, R

• names of function symbols include f, g, h

• names of object variables include x, y, z

A syntactic meta variable must never be used as an object language symbol. Object languageexpressions will therefore be written in typewriter font.

Inference rules are described as rule schemata using syntactic meta variables:

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A ∧BThis stands for the infinite set of inferences obtained by replacing A and B by actual formulaefrom the object language.

2.4 Natural Deduction

Natural Deduction is a proof calculus designed to mirror human patterns of reasoning. For eachlogical connective like ∧ there are two kinds of rules

• An introduction rule answers the question “what are the conditions for concluding A ∧B?”

• An elimination rule answers the question “what can we conclude from A ∧B?”

A ∧B is fully characterized by answering these two questions. Generally, elimination rules areinverses of the introduction rules: Introducing A ∧B then immediately eliminating it neithergains nor loses information.

Often one connective can be expressed in terms of others. In classical logic, for instance, all theconnectives can be expressed in terms of ∧ , ∀, and ¬. But the natural deduction rule for oneconnective does not mention others. In a proof, each inference involves only one connective.

In natural deduction certain rules discharge an assumption of a premise. The set of assumptionschanges during the proof: “to prove A⇒B assume A and prove B” The premise of a rule isnot a formula but a proof tree with a formula at the root and assumptions in the leaves.

There is a complete search procedure for first order logic. If an assertion can be proved then aproof for it will be found3. In propositional logic this method always terminates thus answeringthe question whether the assertion is true or not while it may fail to terminate for assertionsin full predicate logic. Essentially the method is to “break down” assumptions by eliminationrules and then “build up” conclusions from smaller ones via introduction rules.

Intuitionism is a school of the philosophy of mathematics that question principles of classicallogic. It demands a constructive interpretation of the quantifiers: to prove ∃x.A one mustbe able to construct a value x satisfying A. In Intuitionistic Type Theory proving ∃x.A evenconstructs a function which computes x. The potential applications to the specification andsynthesis of programs are attracting attention. See chapters 4.3 and 6 for further discussion.

Although dealing with classical logic as well natural deduction has an intuitionistic orientation.Classical deduction requires an additional rule and much additional thought.

2.4.1 Propositional Calculus

We will now briefly discuss the rules for connectives in propositional logic.

3See [Gal86]

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The conjunction A ∧B is true if both A and B are true. The introduction rule ( ∧ -intro) stateswhen A ∧B can be concluded


A ∧B( ∧ -intro)

There are two elimination rules stating the consequences of A ∧B

A ∧B

A( ∧ -elim-1)

A ∧B

B( ∧ -elim-2)

It is not hard to see that these rules capture informal reasoning about conjunction.

Putting the rules together yields proof trees such as

A ∧B


A ∧B


B ∧A

which is a proof of

A ∧B

B ∧A( ∧ -commutativity)

This is a derived rule since the formula B ∧A has been proved under the assumption A ∧B.

Another derived rule is A ∧B[A, B]



( ∧ -elim-3)

∧ -elim-3 can be viewed as an alternative rule for conjunction elimination: If A ∧B is true, thenso are A and B. It is, therefore, sound to assume them when proving something else. Thesquare brackets around A and B indicate that these assumptions are discharged from the proofof C when the rule is applied. Given a proof of A ∧B, and one of C from A and B, the ruleconcludes C.

Exercise 2.4.1

1. Derive the rule ∧ -elim-3

2. Derive the ruleA


3. Derive the rule(A ∧B) ∧C

A ∧ (B ∧C)( ∧ -associativity)

Exercise 2.4.2 Show how to transform every proof that uses ∧ -elim-3 into one that uses only

∧ -elim-1 and ∧ -elim-2, and conversely


The disjunction A ∨B is true if either A or B is true. Two introduction rules state that A ∨Bcan be concluded from either A or B


A ∨B( ∨ -intro-1)


A ∨B( ∨ -intro-2)

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Eliminating A ∨B means to do a case analysis A ∨B[A]C



( ∨ -elim)

If C follows from A and C follows from B4 and either A or B is true then C is true.

Exercise 2.4.3

1. State and derive the rule ∨ -commutativity

2. State and derive the rule ∨ -associativity

3. Derive the distributive laws(A ∨C) ∧ (B ∨C)

(A ∧B) ∨C

(A ∧B) ∨C

(A ∨C) ∧ (B ∨C)

(A ∧C) ∨ (B ∧C)

(A ∨B) ∧C

(A ∨B) ∧C

(A ∧C) ∨ (B ∧C)


The implication A⇒B is true if B is true provided A is.

The introduction rule states that if B follows from A then A⇒B can be concluded. It is calledthe discharge rule because it discharges the assumption A. The elimination rule is ModusPonens.



(⇒ -intro)A⇒B A

B(⇒ -elim)

Example 2.4.1 Here is a proof for ((A ∧B)⇒C) ⇒ (A⇒ (B ⇒C))

(A ∧B)⇒C[A] [B]

A ∧B


B ⇒C

A⇒ (B ⇒C)

The assumptions A and B are discharged at different times: first B, then A. Some authorsuse therefore labels to keep track of which instance of a rule discharges each assumption. Aformalized method for that is the sequent calculus which we will introduce in section 2.5.

Exercise 2.4.4 Derive the following rules

A⇒ (B ⇒C)

(A ∧B)⇒C

(A⇒B) ∧ (A⇒C)

A⇒ (B ∧C)

(A ∨B)⇒C

(A⇒C) ∧ (B ⇒C)

(A⇒C) ∧ (B ⇒C)

(A ∨B)⇒C

Exercise 2.4.5 Explain why the introduction and elimination rules for ⇒ are sound.

4This is not the same as “C follows from A and B”

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The negation ¬A is true if A is false. What could be simpler or more problematical thanfalsehood? Prawitz [Pra65] in his formulation of first order logic represents falsehood by a termΛ which stands for contradiction. ¬A then simply abbreviates A⇒Λ. This view of negation issound for both intuitionistic and classical logic.

The rules for negation thus are special cases of those for implication: if assuming A leads to acontradiction then ¬A can be concluded and, by ⇒ -elim, ¬A and A lead to a contradiction:



(¬-intro)¬A A



The rules so far yield minimal logic, where Λ is just another symbol. If we want Λ to expresscontradiction we have to give rules making Λ behave accordingly.

The essential property of contradiction are illustrated by the laws of arithmetic. The assumption0 = 1 implies every numeric equation. Thus a contradiction should imply every formula.

Depending on the mathematical philosophy there are two ways of expressing this in a contradic-tion rule: The classical interpretation is, if ¬A leads to a contradiction then we may concludeA.




In intuitionistic logic contradiction is taken more literally which leads to a weaker contradictionrule. A can be concluded only if Λ can be derived directly:



Obviously there can be no introduction rule for Λ since no set of premises (not involving Λ)can imply Λ.

The contradiction rule is the only difference between classical and intuitionistic natural deduc-tion logics. However, classical reasoning in natural deduction is not really natural unless somederived rules are used along with the primitive ones. To prove A it may be necessary to derivea contradiction from assuming ¬A.



It is this double negation rule which - together with other derived deduction rules - causes thevast difference between classical and intuitionistic reasoning.

Exercise 2.4.6 Explain why “A implies contradiction” means the same as “not A”

Exercise 2.4.7 Once we have a symbol for contradiction we can define a symbol T for truth by

stating formal theorems containing no meta variables and depending upon no assumptions. Give

three examples.

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Exercise 2.4.8 Derive the following rules for classical logic



¬(A ∨B)

¬A(¬ ∨ -elim-1)

¬(A ∨B)

¬B(¬ ∨ -elim-2)5

A ∨¬A (excluded middle)¬(A ∧B)

¬A ∨¬B

¬A ∨¬B

¬(A ∧B)



Exercise 2.4.9 Prove ¬¬(A ∨¬A) without using the classical contradiction rule.6

2.4.2 Predicate Logic

Analysis, the field of mathematics underlying the differential calculus, offers many examplesof quantification. “If ε is arbitrary such that P (ε) holds, then there exists some δ such thatQ(ε, δ)”. Quantifiers are obviously indispensible but require great care. The semantics becomesmore complicated: what is an arbitrary value. New issues arise: substitution, free and boundvariables. Propositional logic is decidable but predicate logic is not.

Let P be a 1-place predicate symbol. In the semantics ∀x.P (x) is true whenever P can beinterpreted as a predicate that holds true for all values. In the formal calculus, if ∀x.P (x) is atheorem and t is a term then P (t) is a theorem. However, the correspondence between “∀x.P (x)holds” and “P (t) holds for every term t” is imperfect because the model may contain valuesthat are not expressed by any term. If, for instance, the universe is the set of all real numbers,and the function symbols are the ordinary decimal numerals and arithmetic operators, thenthere are only countably many terms but uncountably many real numbers. Also the semanticsof ∀x.P (x) may strongly depend on the universe. ∀x.∃y.x < y < x+1 is true when consideringrational numbers but false within the universe of natural numbers.7


Let in the following A be a formula containg a variable x. The formula ∀x.A asserts that A istrue for every assignement of a value to x. Each theorem that follows from ∀x.A is obtainedby substituting a term t for x in A. We will need to be precise about what substituion means,but let us first introduce some notation:

If A is a formula, t a term, and x a variable, then A[t/x] is the formula that results fromsubstituting t for x in A8. Read A[t/x] as “A putting t for x”. If we simultaneously substitutet1 for x1, ... and tn for xn in A we write A[t1/x1, ..., tn/xn]. Observe that this is not the sameas iterated substitution. Substitution on terms is defined correspondingly.

The substitution notation belongs to the meta language, not to the object language of the logic.The formula A[t/x] does not literally contain the symbols [, /, ] or A. Rather it is the result ofsubstitution in a formula denoted by A.

5The ¬ ∨ -elim rules hold in intuitionistic logic as well6In fact, every propositional formula A can be proved in classical logic if and only if ¬¬A can be proved in

intuitionistic logic [Dum77].7Pure predicate logic cannot handle this properly. We need a typed logic for that8Unfortunately there is also a convention of writing A[x \ t] for the same

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In ∀x.A the variable x is said to be bound. The name x is not significant: the bound variable canbe renamed provided that all its occurrences in A are correspondingly renamed. The formula∀x.A is logically equivalent to ∀y.A[y/x].

A bound variable must sometimes be renamed prior to substitution. If x and y range overthe natural numbers then ∀x.∃y.x 6= y is a true formula. Substituting y for x, it is wrong toconclude ∃y.y 6= y. The problem is the capture of a free variable: the free variable y comesinto the scope of ∀y and turns into a bound variable. The cure is to define what it means fora variable to occur free or bound in a term and to restrict substitution accordingly.

In section 2.6 and in the chapters about Type Theory we will give precise definitions of freeand bound variables and substitution. The corresponding definitions for first order logic followthe same pattern and we will not discuss them here.

The semantics of quantifiers

In order to understand the rules for a symbol it is essential to know its meaning. We haveommitted discussing the semantics of the familiar connectives ∧ , ∨ , ⇒ ,¬. But a brief lookat the semantics of quantifiers will make the rules easier to understand. See a logic textbook[Gal86, MW85] for a rigorous treatment.

A formula A is valid if it is true in every interpretation and for every assignement of valuesto its free variables. So A is valid if and only if ∀x.A is valid, regardles of whether x is freein A. Thus A should count as a proof of ∀x.A. Proofs depending upon assumptions requiresomething stronger:

Theorem 2.4.2 If the variable x is not free in B, then B ⇒A is valid if and only ifB ⇒ (∀x.A) is valid.

Given assumptions A1, ..., An where x is free in no assumption, let B be A1 ∧ ... ∧An in the abovetheorem. If the assumptions A1, ..., An imply A then they imply ∀x.A.

To frame a rule of existential elimination, we need to characterize the logical consequences ofan existential formual:

Theorem 2.4.3 If the variable x is not free in B, then A⇒B is valid if and only if(∃x.A)⇒B is valid.

Given a formula C and assumptions A1, ..., An where x is free in no assumption nor C, let Bbe A1 ∧ ... ∧An in the above theorem. If A and the assumptions A1, ..., An imply C then ∃x.Aand those assumptions imply C.

Exercise 2.4.10 Prove the theorems 2.4.2 and 2.4.3

The universal quantifier

The universal quantification ∀x.A means that A is true for every x. The introduction rule(generalization), justified by theorem 2.4.2 states that if A is a theorem and x is an arbitraryvariable then ∀x.A is a theorem:

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Provided x is not free in the assumptions of AA


The rule is subject to a proviso: the conclusion holds if the proviso is satisfied.

The elimination rule (specialization) states that if ∀x.A is a theorem an t is a term then A[t/x]is a theorem.



Exercise 2.4.11

1. Prove (∀x.A ∧B)⇔ (∀x.A) ∧ (∀x.B)

2. Prove (∀x.A⇒B)⇔A⇒ (∀x.B) provided x is not free in A

3. Prove (∀x.A) ∨ (∀x.B)⇒ (∀x.A ∨B)

4. Show that (∀x.A) ∨ (∀x.B) does not follow from (∀x.A ∨B)

The existential quantifier

The existential quantification ∃x.A means that A is true for soem x. The existential introductiontakes this value from a term t



The elimination rule is justified by theorem 2.4.3:




provided x is not free in B nor in the assumptions of B apart from A

Exercise 2.4.12

1. Prove (∃xy.A)⇔ (∃yx.A)

2. ProveA⇒B

(∃z.A)⇒ (∃z.B)provided z is not free in the assumptions of A⇒B

3. Prove (∃x.A) ∧B ⇔ (∃x.A ∧B) provided x is not free in B

4. Prove in classical logic (∃x.A⇒B)⇔ (∀x.A)⇒B provided x is not free in B

2.4.3 Mathematical Induction

Many parts of mathematics deal with inductively defined objects like natural numbers. Rea-soning about these involves mathematical induction:

If P (0) is true and if P (x) implies P (x + 1) for every natural number x then P (x) istrue for for every natural number x.

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Within the universe (c.f. section 2.2.1) of natural numbers this principle is expressed by thefollowing formal rule:

A[0/x] ∀x.(A⇒A[x + 1/x])


However, this rule involves quantifiers in addition to the induction principle. Following the phi-losophy of natural deduction, a rule should mention as few constructs as possible. Fortunately,the rule


A[x + 1/x]



is as powerful as the previous one and often allows shorter proofs.

Mathematical induction is not restricted to natural numbers. For other recursive structureslike lists and trees there is a similar principle structural induction. We will discuss both in moredetail in Section 4.4.

2.4.4 Equality

Dealing with equality is essential for reasoning about mathematical objects and their values.Equal terms can be substituted for each other in terms and predicates and term rewriting couldnot properly be defined without a notion of equality.

The equality predicate, usually denoted by “=”, is an equivalence relation because it satisfiesthree fundamental laws. It is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. The corresponding rules are:

t = t (Reflexivity)t = u

u = t(Symmetry)

s = t t = u

s = u(Transitivity)9

The congruence law of a function states that equal arguments give equal results. Addingequality to a logic thus requires a congruence axiom for every function symbol. If f is ann-place function symbol then

t1 = u1 . . . tn = un

f(t1, .., tn) = f(u1, .., un)(Congruence rule for f)

needs to be added as a rule. This can lead to a huge set of rules. A way of asserting thecongruence laws for all functions at once is by adding substitution rules for terms:

t = u

s[t/x] = s[u/x](Substitution on terms)

It states that if t equal u then any term constructed from t equals the term constructed similarlyfrom u. The term s serves as a template for substitution of terms at occurrences of the variablex.

Exercise 2.4.13 Prove the congruence rule for a 3-place function symbol f from the substitution


9Actually this is a redundant rule system since symmetry and transitivity follow from reflexivity and sub-stitution. Consider, for instance, P [x] ≡ x = s. Then P [s/x] follows from reflexivity and symmetry fromsubstitution s = t⇒ t = s ≡ P [t/x]

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Note that the substitution rule can not be derived once and for all from all the congruencerules since each term s requires a different proof tree.

On formulae the bi-implication ⇔ assumes the same role as equality on terms. ⇔ is anequivalence relation and for all the logical connectives one can prove congruence laws like

A⇔B C ⇔D

A ∧C ⇔B ∧DFor predicates, as well as functions, equal arguments should yield equal results. Similarly, wemust add a congruence law for every n-place predicate symbol P :

t1 = u1 . . . tn = un

P (t1, .., tn)⇔P (u1, .., un)(Congruence rule for P )

A rule for substituting equal terms in formulae reduces the set of necessary rules. We mayconclude A[u/x] from A[t/x] and t = u

t = u A[t/x]

A[u/x](Substitution on formulae)

Exercise 2.4.14

1. State and prove the equivalence rules for ⇔

2. Prove the congruence laws of the logical connectives with respect to ⇔

3. = itself is a predicate symbol. Prove the congruence axiom for =

2.5 The Sequent Calculus

Reasoning in natural deduction requires to be precise about assumptions and discharging them.Writing an assumption above a proof and later crossing it off again is in fact natural but it iseasy to get confused about which assumptions are still in force.

In a sequent calculus, the current set of assumptions is listed at every line of the proof. Asequent A1, ..., A ` C means that C depends upon the set of assumptions A1, ..., An. Thesequent A ` A represents the assumption of A.

Each proof in natural deduction can be reworked using sequents. Example 2.4.1 becomes

(A ∧B)⇒CA ` A B ` B

A, B ` A ∧B

A, B ` C

A ` B ⇒C

A⇒ (B ⇒C)

Sequents require a notation for sets. Let Γ, ∆ and Θ be syntactic meta-variables for sets offormulae. The union of sets is written with a comma, set brackets are omitted: write A1, ..., An

instead of A1, ..., An and Γ, A instead of Γ∪A. The conjunction introduction rule ( ∧ -intro)becomes:

Γ ` A ∆ ` B

Γ, ∆ ` A ∧B

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i.e., the conclusion depends upon every assumption fo A and B.

To express the discharge of an assumption A it is conventional to partition the assumptionsinto A and a set ∆ not containing A. ∨ -elim thus becomes:

Γ ` A ∨B ∆, A ` C Θ, B ` C

Γ, ∆, Θ ` C

2.5.1 Semantics

There is an obvious correspondence between a natural deduction proof tree with root C andleaves A, B and the sequent proof with root A, B ` C and leaves A ` A and B ` B. However,the sequent calculus is more than just a different notation for natural deduction, since anysequent can be the premise or conclusion of a proof. Thus a sequent must be an assertion inits own right.

Let Γ be a set of formulae and A be an individual formula. The sequent Γ ` A means that Ais true provided every member of Γ is true. When there are no assumptions then ` A meansthat A is true.

Many authors view the sequent calculus as a meta logic about provability: Γ ` A then meansthat A can be formally derived from Γ, and ` A means that A is a theorem. ` belongs to themeta language of the calculus. In this book, Γ ` A is an object language assertion which, likeany assertion, maybe false. ` A is false if A is false.

The semantic justification of a sequent follows that of the corresponding natural deduction rule.

Exercise 2.5.1 Give semantical justifications for the above ∧ -intro and ∨ -elim rules

2.5.2 Backward proofs

Inference rules given so far are designed for forward proofs: working from known theorems tonew ones. The ( ∧ -intro) rule, for instance, given A and B concludes A ∧B, forming the unionof the assumptions.

In normal mathematics we often proceed in the opposite way: starting with a desired conclusion,or goal, we work backwards from goals to subgoals. For instance, to prove A ∧B, we have toprove A and B. Since we cannot predict which assumptions are necessary to prove A or toprove B we use the same assumptions for the premises and the conclusion:

Γ ` A Γ ` B

Γ ` A ∧BFrom now on we are concerned with backwards proofs exclusively. Proof trees are constructedstarting from the root working towards the leaves. A rule takes a goal and produces subgoalsrather than taking premises and producing a conclusion. The logical meaning of “rule” and“proof” is the same as before; we are merely changing perspective, emphasizing the process ofconstructing a proof.

The above form of rules is somewhat misleading. It still suggests forward inferences. We willtherefore use a graphical form which represents the top down style of proof construction better:

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Γ ` A ∧B by ∧-intro

· Γ ` A

· Γ ` B

This is also a form which can easily be represented on a computer.

2.5.3 Additional rules for sequent calculi

The cut rule allows a proof to be structured into lemmata. When trying to prove C, the lemmaL can be added to C’s assumptions, provided it can be proved

Γ ` C by cut L

· Γ ` L

· Γ,L ` C

The cut rule can be derived from the ∨ -elim and ∨ -intro rules given below.

A thinning or weakening rule allows to get rid of a set Θ superfluous assumptions:

Γ ` C by thinning Θ

· ∆ ` C

where ∆ = Γ \ Θ

A rule derived from thinning is a general assumption rule

Γ ` C by assumption where C ∈ Γ

In a typical sequent calculus introduction rules operate on the right hand side of the assertionsign (`) where elimination rules operate on the left hand side. The formula being eliminated isassumed in the conclusion and the elimination rules illustrate how to handle the assumptions,especially, when to delete an assumption. Sometimes the rules are called left or right rule insteadof elimination or introduction rule.

2.5.4 A sequent calculus for intuitionistic logic

We give the rules only.


Γ ` A ∧B by ∧-intro

· Γ ` A

· Γ ` B

Γ,A ∧B ` C by ∧-elim

· Γ,A,B ` C

The ∧ -elim rule is based on the natural deduction rule ∧ -elim-3: to prove C from A ∧B, proveit from A and B instead.

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Γ ` A ∨B by ∨-intro-1

· Γ ` A

Γ ` A ∨B by ∨-intro-2

· Γ ` B

Γ,A ∨B ` C by ∨-elim

· Γ,A ` C

· Γ,B ` C


Γ ` A⇒B by ⇒ -intro

· Γ,A ` B

Γ,A⇒B ` C by ⇒ -elim

· Γ,A⇒B ` A

· Γ,B ` C

⇒ -elim has little resemblance to modus ponens: to prove C from A⇒B first prove A then Cfrom B. The assumption A⇒B is redundant in the second subgoal but not in the first.

Negation and Intuitionistic Contradiction

Γ,Λ ` C by Λ-elim Γ ` ¬A by ¬-intro

· Γ,A ` Λ

Γ,¬A ` C by ¬-elim

· Γ,¬A ` A

· Γ,Λ ` C

The rules for negation are instances of the corresponding rules for ⇒ and Λ.

Universal Quantifier

Γ ` ∀x.A by ∀-intro

· Γ ` A

provided x is not free in Γ Γ,∀x.A ` C by ∀-elim t

· Γ,∀x.A, A[t/x] ` C

∀x.A is retained in the subgoal beacause it may be needed again.

Existential Quantifier

Γ ` ∃x.A by ∃-intro t

· Γ ` A[t/x]

Γ,∃x.A ` C by ∃-elim

· Γ,A ` C

provided x is not free in Γ or C

Mathematical Induction

Mathematical induction is the same as before

Γ ` A[t/x] by IN-induction

· Γ ` A[0/x]

· Γ,A ` A[x + 1/x]

provided x is not free in Γ

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As we have seen before, equality is best described by the rules for substituing equal terms andthe reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity rules

Γ ` A[t/x] by substitute t=u in A

· Γ ` A[u/x]

· Γ ` t=u

Γ ` t=t by reflexivity Γ, s=t ` t=s by symmetry

Γ, t=u, u=s ` t=s by transitivity

Exercise 2.5.2 Give semantical justifications for the rules of the intuitionistic sequent calculus

Exercise 2.5.3 Derive the rule Γ,A,¬A ` C by Λ¬-elim

Exercise 2.5.4 Adding the classical contradiction rule to the intuitionistic sequent calculus would

make it classical. State this rule and derive laws for classical logic corresponding to those in exercise


Exercise 2.5.5 Derive Pierce’s law ((A⇒B)⇒A)⇒A in classical logic

2.5.5 Proof methodology

A proof calculus consists only of rules which can ensure the correctness of a mathematical proof.There are, however, some general guidelines on how to find a formal proof for a given problem.We give a few hints about proofs in the sequent calculus. Most of these are incorporated in theproof tactics which we will discuss in section 5.3.1.

Work backwards from the goal building a proof tree top down. Use elimination rules to breakdown formulae on the left; use introduction rules to break down the formula on the right.Assumption and contradiction rules terminate branches of the proof tree.

If more than one rule applies, it rarely matters which one applies first. For intuitionisticdeduction avoid using ∨ -intro rules before ∨ -elim rules. Otherwise one may end up with falsesubgoals.

In backward proofs the rules ∃-intro and all-elim should never be used before ∃-elim and ∀-intro.The former may put free variable into the goal, violating the provisos of the latter.

When the above constraints leave a choice of rules, choose the one that produces the fewestsubgoals.

Quantifier reasoning involves the correct choice of a term t to be substituted for a variable x.The value of t can be determined only by completing the proof, yet the proof cannot proceeduntil a value for t is supplied. This situation can only be resolved by user interaction. In general,a full automation of the proof is not possible without making use of meta-logical techniquesbefore executing the proof10

10Resolution theorem provers can determine t by unification during the proof. Using resolution-like techniquesto analyze the goal a term t to be supplied in quantifier rules can be determined beforehand

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The use of induction requires real intelligence. An induction rule can be applied to any goalbut rarely leads to a proof. Often a proof of a formula requires induction on some strongerformula: the induction step requires the stronger induction hypothesis.

2.6 The λ-calculus as a logic of computation

Among the existing calculi for formal reasoning about programs the λ-calculus is the mostsimple one. It has very few constructs and thus it is easy to prove theorems about the calculusitself. Nevertheless it is rich enough to express all the computable functions. This means thatall the programming languages we might be interested in can be expressed in terms of theλ-calculus.

As a formal system, the λ-calculus can be used for studying ways in which functions can beformed (defined), combined (applied) and used for computation. Unlike set-theoretic accountsof functions, the λ-calculus takes an intensional view of functions. Functions are understoodas computation rules for establishing a correspondence between an object, the argument ofthe function, and another object, the value or result. The process of using the rule to obtainthe correspondence is called function application. Arguments and results of functions can bearbitrary expressions, including other functions, which makes the λ-calculus a calculus forhigher order functions. The basic objects in λ-calculus are λ-terms and the notation for theseobjects reflects the above viewpoint.

2.6.1 Syntax

Let there be a countable set of symbols called variables11

Definition 2.6.1 λ-terms are defined inductively by the following clauses

1. If x is a variable then x is a λ-term.

2. λ-abstraction: If b is a λ-term and x is a variable then λx.b is a λ-term.

3. Application: If f and t are λ-terms then so is f(t)

λ-abstraction allows us to express a function without having to give it a name. In λx.b the xis the formal argument to the function and b represents its body.

Example 2.6.2 In mathematical textbooks we often find definitions like “let f(x) = 2x”.What is really intended was to say “define a function f by f(x) = 2x”. Using λ-calculus weexpress this in a brief and mathematical correct form as “let f = λx.2x”.

The name f is rather unimportant. It is the behaviour of f which really counts and λx.2x isall we need to express it.

11In pure λ-calculus there is no need for constants. In practical applications, however, it may be convenientto have them available.

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Note that the functions defined in the λ-calculus are one-place functions. This is not reallya restriction because functions which take several arguments can be expressed in terms offunctions of a single argument: Suppose f is a function of two arguments x and y, then wemay think of f as a function of a single argument x which returns as a value another functiontaking y as its single argument. Thus, instead of writing f(x, y) we simply write f(x)(y).This representation is called currying12 and f is called a curried function. In the λ-calculus allfunctions are written in curried form unless we use abbreviations.

Terms in the formal syntax are unambiguous but lengthy. The convention is to omit bracketswhen the meaning is clear and to write fxy for (f(x))(y) assuming associativity to the left.Also a sequence of λ’s can be abbreviated with a single one, writing λxy.t instead of λx.λy.t.

2.6.2 Evaluation

To use the λ-calculus as a computation formalism we need to describe what happens whena λ-term is applied to an argument. Roughly speaking, when the λ-term λx.t is applied toan argument a the occurrences of x in t are replaced by a. In the previous sections we haveaccepted this informal description. We will now make it more precise by defining the conceptof free and bound occurrences of variables in expressions:

Definition 2.6.3 Bound and free occurrences of variables are defined inductively by the fol-lowing rules:

1. In x, x occurs free, no other variables occur at all.

2. In λx.f all the free occurrences of x in f become bound. Free occurrences of variables ydifferent from x remain free in λx.f .

“λx.” is called a binding occurrence of x with scope f .

3. Any variable which occurs free in f or in t remains free in f(t).

A term a with free variables among x1, .., xn is denoted by a[x1, ...x ].

A term without any free variables is called a closed term (or combinator )

Note that a variable may occur both free and bound in a given λ-term. For instance, inλx.y(λy.xy) the first occurrence of y is free while the second one is bound.

Bound variables establish a correspondence between the argument of a function and positionswithin the body of a λ-term where the argument is to be substituted. The actual symbol usedas a bound variable is, of course, irrelevant. This notion of bound variables corresponds closelyto the notion of bound variables in predicate calculus or to parameters appearing in functiondeclarations in programming languages. Typically free variables only arise in subterms of somelarger (closed) λ-term. The following diagram illustrates the concept of free and bound variablesin a λ-term.

λf. λx.

x free︷ ︸︸ ︷

(λz.fxz)x︸ ︷︷ ︸

x bound

12though it is due to Schonfinkel and not to Curry

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The process of substitution of terms for variables is the key computational mechanism in theλ-calculus.

Definition 2.6.4 Substitution

The term derived from b by substituting every free occurrence of x in b by a is denoted byb[a/x]. It is defined inductively by the following clauses:

1. x[a/x] ≡ a 13

2. y[a/x] ≡ y where x 6≡ y

3. (λx.t)[a/x] ≡ (λx.t)

4. (λy.t)[a/x] ≡ λy.(t[a/x]) where x 6≡ y and y does not occur free in a or x does not occurfree in t

5. (λy.t)[a/x] ≡ (λz.(t[z/y]))[a/x] where x 6≡ y, z is a new variable different from both xand y not occurring in either t of a, y does occur free in a and x does occur free in t.

6. f(t)[a/x] ≡ (f [a/x])(t[a/x])

The reason why clause 5 is so complicated is that we need to make sure when substituting aλ-term for a variable that a free variable does not become bound. This phenomenon is calledcapture. Consider the λ-term λx.y which returns y when applied to a λ-term. Suppose weperformed the substitution (λx.y)[w/y]. If w 6≡ x clause 4 would apply and we would get λx.was expected. If, however, w ≡ x and clause 5 were not included in the definition we would getλx.x, a function returning the λ-term it is applied to. The trick of renaming a bound variableto avoid the capture of free variables is sufficiently useful to deserve its own formal definition.

Definition 2.6.5 α-conversionA change of bound variables in a λ-term t is the replacement of a subterm of the form λx.bwith x not bound in b by a term of the form λz.b[z/x] where z is a variable that does not atall occur in b.

A λ-term t is said to be congruent to another λ-term u if u is the result of applying a seriesof changes of bound variables to t.

For all practical purposes congruent terms are regarded as being the same. We will often say“identical” when we should be saying “congruent” if the difference does not matter. A changeof bound variables is often called α-conversion or α-reduction.

We are now ready to define the important concept of reduction which is the key to formalizingthe process of “computing with λ-terms”.

Definition 2.6.6 Reduction between λ-terms is a binary relation −→ which is inductivelydefined by the following rules:

Provided z does not occur or bound in b λx.b−→λz.b[z/x] (α-reduction)

13≡ stands for identity of λ-terms as syntactical constructs.

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(λx.b)(a)−→ b[a/x] (β-reduction)t−→ u

λx.t−→λx.u(ξ-reduction) 14


f(t)−→ f(u)(µ-reduction)


t(a)−→ u(a)(ν-reduction)

t−→ t (ρ-reduction)t−→ u u−→w

t−→w(τ -reduction)

Example 2.6.7 Reducing a λ-term: (λxyz.x(yz))fgβ

−→ (λyz.f(yz))gβ

−→ (λz.f(gz))

The original λ-term performs function composition

Exercise 2.6.1 Show that (λx1..xn.t)u1..un is equivalent to simultaneous substitution t[u1/x1..un/xn]

(see section 2.4.2)

The only rule with nontrivial computational content is the β-reduction from (λx.b)(a) to b[a/x].The basic expectation, as in any computational system, is that this computational process“simplifies” a term producing another term of “equal” value. So far, we have defined thecomputational process but do not yet have a notion of equality. Congruence or identity of λ-terms will not serve since β-reduction does not preserve them. Equality of values will thereforebe defined in terms of the reduction relation, adding a rule for symmetry.

Definition 2.6.8 Equality of λ-terms, written =, is defined by the following rules:

Provided z does not occur free or bound in b λx.b = λz.b[z/x] (α-conversion)

(λx.b)(a) = b[a/x] (β-conversion)t = u

λx.t = λx.u(ξ-conversion)

t = u

f(t) = f(u)(µ-conversion)

t = u

t(a) = u(a)(ν-conversion)

t = t (ρ)t = u

u = t(σ)

t = u u = w

t = w(τ)

Equality is often called convertibility. We shall say that two λ-terms are equal if we can provethat they are equal using the above rules. But how do we establish that two terms t and u arenot equal? Assuming that in λ-calculus there is more than one function which can be definedwe can approach this problem by showing that from t = u we could conclude that any twoλ-terms are equal.

Example 2.6.9 Define T := λu.λv.u and F := λu.λv.vAssuming T = F we can show that t = u for all λ-terms t and u.

14Note that capture can occure when using the ξ rule. Indeed it should occur if this rule is to make anynontrivial statement.

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T = F Assumption

T (t) = F (t) ν

T (t)(u) = F (t)(u) T (t)(u) = t ν, β

t = F (t)(u) F (t)(u) = u τ, β

t = u τ

Thus we could “prove” two terms unequal if we can show that assuming their equality leadsto the equation T = F .

So far we have shown how the single steps of a computation in the λ-calculus proceed. Normallywe think of a computation as proceeding until a “result” is obtained. What is the result ofa computation in the λ-calculus? That is, how do we know when we may stop the reductionprocess? A straightforward answer to this question is to stop when no more reduction withcomputational content is possible. These considerations lead us to single out a special class ofλ-terms which serve as the results of computations in the λ-calculus.

Definition 2.6.10A term of the form (λx.b)(a) is called a redex and b[a/x] is called its contractum.

Definition 2.6.11 Let t be a λ-term

1. t is in normal form (or normal) if it contains no redices.

2. t is normalizable iff there is some normal s such that t−→ s. s is said to be a normalfrom of t.

The appearance of a normal form in a sequence of reductions signals the end of our computationand the normal form is the resulting value.

Note that the definition of redex refers to the possibility of β-reduction only. Clearly we couldperform α-reductions indefinitely if we wished but this does not lead anywhere. Essentially therules which come in addition to β-reduction are nothing but a formal justification for applyingβ-reductions to any redex within a term t in order to deduce that t reduces to some term t′.

Our interest will therefore be focused on β-reductions and we write t

−→ s to denote the factthat s is the result of reducing a single redex in t to its contractum.

2.6.3 Reduction properties of the λ-calculus

The definition of normal forms raises some interesting questions.

1. Does every λ-term have a normal form? Clearly not, as the following example shows

Example 2.6.12 Consider the expression (λx.x(x))(λx.x(x)).There is exactly one opportunity for β-reduction. If we carry out this reduction we getexactly the same term as before and have again an opportunity for β-reduction.

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Terms without normal forms are the analogues of non-terminating programs.

2. If a λ-term has a normal form does any choice of reductions lead to that normal form?Again the answer is “no”:

Example 2.6.13 Define W := λx.xxx and I := λx.x.Consider the term F (WW )I with F as in example 2.6.9.

There are two opportunities for β-reduction. Choosing the leftmost one we would get Iimmediately. If we would choose to reduce the subterm WW first the result would beF (WWW )I and applying leftmost reduction we would get I again. Thus there are infinitelymany sequences starting with F (WW )I and ending in I but there is also the infinite sequenceF (WW )I −→F (WWW )I −→F (WWW )I −→ . . . which never reaches normal form.

3. How do we know that we will find the normal form if there is one?

This is a fairly subtle question and we will not try to justify the answer formally.

Performing always the leftmost reduction will lead to a normal form if there is one15.

Intuitively the reason why this works is that a term which does have a normal form mayhave a subterm which does not normalize. However, this subterm may never be needed so weshould apply the “outermost” function to see if a particular subterm is actually needed beforetrying to reduce potentially nonterminating subterms. This particular strategy is called normalorder reduction and corresponds to “call-by-name” evaluation. The price we have to pay forguaranteed termination is a lack of efficiency. Calling by name means that we may have tonormalize the same expression twice if it is doubled by the calling function. If we would knowit to terminate it would be better to reduce it beforehand (“call-by-value”). There is, of courseno way of looking at a generic λ-term and deciding wether a normal form exists or not16

4. If a λ-term has a normal form, is it unique? The answer to this question follows from theso-called “Church Rosser”or “confluence” theorem.

Theorem 2.6.14 Church RosserFor all λ-terms t, u, v if t−→u and t−→ v then there is a λ-term z such that u−→ z andv −→ z.

In section 3.2.5 will will sketch a proof of the confluence theorem for the typed λ-calculus.For the unrestricted λ-calculus a proof is quite complicated. Again we refer to textbooks like[Bar81, HS86, Ste72].

As an immediate consequence we get

Corollary 2.6.15 Let t, u, v be λ-terms

1. If t has normal forms u and v then u and v are related by α-conversion.

15See a textbook on the λ-calculus (e.g. [Bar81, Ste72]) for a proof.16The halting problem not decidable - see Section 2.6.5

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2. If u = v (can be proved) then there is a λ-term z such that u−→ z and v−→ z.

(i.e. the calculus defined by Definition 2.6.8 is consistent)

3. If u = v and u is in normal form then v−→u.

4. If u = v then either u and v have no normal forms at all or the same ones.

5. If u and v are in normal form then they are either α-convertible or not equal.

Thus normal forms are unique which justifies viewing λ-terms as functions.

2.6.4 The expressive power of the λ-calculus

So far we have looked at the λ-calculus as a purely formal system for playing around with terms.We will now show how to compute with it and that its computational power is equivalent to thatof recursion theory17. Because of its simplicity there is no doubt that all the constructs fromthe λ-calculus are in fact computable. It is, however, this simplicity which makes it awkwardto prove the reverse. Recall that the λ-calculus is a formalism where computation is expressedvia the successive application of reduction rules. Thus expressing computations involves takingterms that mimic familiar constructs and reducing them to their normal form.

Before investigating recursion theory we will examine a few standard constructs. The pureλ-calculus provides only one mechanism for making “programs” and “data” interact, namelyapplication. Quite frequently, however, we would like to have a part of a program execute onlywhen certain conditions are met. In short, we would like to have a conditional construct. Forthat, we need a notion of boolean expressions which can evaluate to “true” or “false”, and aconstruct “cond(b; s; t)” that takes a boolean expression b, evaluates it, and depending on theresult either evaluates s or t

Example 2.6.16 Boolean expressions and conditionals

As discussed in Example 2.6.9 the combinators T := λu.λv.u and F := λu.λv.v perform verywell as representatives of “true” and “false”.

Now consider the λ-term b(s)(t) where b evaluates either to T of F . If b evaluates to T thenb(s)(t) = s; otherwise b(s)(t) = t. Thus the conditional is well represented by cond(b; s; t):= b(s)(t)


Besides structuring the program we need to be able to structure the data as well. The mostbasic construct is “pairing” two terms a and b into 〈〈a, b〉〉. For this to really qualify as a “datastructure” we need also a means of recovering the original terms a and b from the pair.

Example 2.6.17 Pairing and projections

17According to Church’s thesis this means that all the effectively computable functions can be expressed inthe λ-calculus.

18Note that for the sake of readability we have introduced a shorthand notations adopted from programminglanguages which does not follow the syntax of the pure λ-calculus.

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Define 〈〈a, b〉〉 := λpair.(pair(a))(b) 1 := λp.p(λa.λb.a) 2 := λp.p(λa.λb.b)

Pairing keeps a and b separate as long as the variable pair remains uninstantiated. 1of〈〈a, b〉〉instantiates pair with λa.λb.a thus projecting the first component a. 2of〈〈a, b〉〉 returns b.

A uniform way to recover both components for usage in another term t is the “spread”operator spread(pair; a, b.t) := pair(λa.λb.t) which should be read as “In t instantiatea, b such that pair = 〈〈a, b〉〉”

Exercise 2.6.2 Prove that 1of 〈〈a, b〉〉 = a, 2of 〈〈a, b〉〉 = b and spread(〈〈a, b〉〉;u, v.t) = t[a, b/u, v]

One way of characterizing the class of computable functions in recursion theory is by µ-recursivefunctions19. For studying computable functions it is sufficient to consider functions over theset IN of natural numbers.

Definition 2.6.18 The class of µ-recursive functions is defined inductively by the followingrules:

1. All constant functions λx1x2...xk.m where m, k ∈ IN are µ-recursive.

2. The successor function S := λx.x + 1 is µ-recursive.

3. The projections λx1x2...xn.xi are µ-recursive.

4. If f = λx1...xk.tf is µ-recursive and the functions gi = λx1...xm.tgi where 1 ≤ i ≤ k areµ-recursive then the function λx1...xm.f (g1(x1)...(xm))...(gk(x1)...(xm)) is µ-recursive.

5. Primitive recursion:If h = λx1...xkxk+1.th and g = λx1...xk−1.tg with k ≥ 1 are µ-recursive then the functionf which is uniquely defined byf(0)(x2)...(xk) = g(x2)...(xk) and f(x + 1)(x2)...(xk) = h(x) (f(x)(x2)...(xk)) (x2)...(xk)is µ-recursive.

6. µ-operator:If f = λx1...xkxk+1.tf is µ-recursive then the function λx1...xk.µx[f(x1)...(xk)(x) = 0] isµ-recursive. 20

There are many ways to represent natural numbers and operations on them in the λ-calculus.We shall use a representation due to Church which basically encodes a number n by a λ-termwhich takes two arguments and applies the first argument to the second n times. To distinguishnumbers n, m from their representation we will denote the corresponding λ-terms by n, m.

Definition 2.6.19 Church numerals

For every n ∈ IN the Church numeral n is defined by n := λf.λx. f(f(...f(x))...)︸ ︷︷ ︸


19See a textbook like [HR67] for details on recursion theory20A function of 0 variables represents a constant.

If P is a predicate on IN then µx[P (x)] denotes the minimum of the set x : IN|P (x). µx[P (x)] is undefined ifthis set is empty.

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In particular, the Church numeral for 0 is λf.λx.x, for 1 it is λf.λx.f(x) and for 2 it isλf.λx.f(f(x)). A shorthand notation the representation of n is by λf.λx. f

(x). We will

need this in proofs.

Exercise 2.6.3 Show that n = m iff and only if n = m.

Constant functions (Clause 1 of Definition 2.6.18), Projections (Clause 3) and functions definedby composition (Clause 4) are now directly representable. We are left with the successorfunction, primitive recursion, and µ-recursion.

Now we are ready to do some basic arithmetic within the λ-calculus keeping in mind that thechurch numeral for n applied to two arguments applies the first argument n times to the second.

The very first thing we need is the sucessor function.

Example 2.6.20 Successor function

Keeping in mind that the Church numeral for n applied to two arguments applies the firstargument n times to the second, the successor function can be represented by

S := λn.λf.λx. (n(f))(f(x))

If applied to n the inner term of this operation applies f to f(x) altogether n imes , resultingin ¯n + 1. This is easy to check as the following calculation shows:

(λy.λf.λx. (y(f))(f(x))) (λg.λu.gn(u)))∗

−→ λf.λx. (λg.λu.gn(u))(f)(f(x))∗

−→ λf.λx. (λu.fn(u))(f(x))∗

−→ λf.λx. fn(f(x)) = λf.λx. fn+1(x)

The other basic arithmetic functions can be encoded fairly easily.

Example 2.6.21 Define plus := λu.λv.λf.λx. (u(f))(v(f)(x)). Then plus(n)(m) = ¯n + m

λu.λv.λf.λx. (u(f))(v(f)(x)) (n)(m)∗

−→ λf.λx. (n(f))(m(f)(x))∗

−→ λf.λx. (fn)(fm(x))∗

−→ λf.λx. (fn+m)(x)

Exercise 2.6.4 Show that mult := λu.λv.λf.λx. (u(v(f)))(x) represents multiplication.

Show that exp := λu.λv.λf.λx. ((u(v)(f))(x)) represents exponentiation.

Show that t0 := λn.(n(λu.F ))(T ) represents a test for zero.

Encoding the predecessor function P with P (0) = 0 and P (s(n)) = n is a rather complicatedexercise but the key for the representation of primitive recursion. We have to build a functionwhich on input n applies the successor function s to 0 n − 1 times. This can be achieved bycausing s to be applied with a delay of one step. The pairing operation is helpful for dooingso. The actual definition is hard to be justified intuitively but can be proved to be correct.

Exercise 2.6.5 Show that P := λn.2of (n(λfx.〈〈S, spread(fx; f, x.f(x))〉〉)(〈〈λz.0, 0〉〉)) represents the

predecessor function

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To express primitive recursion, and µ-recursion we need a concept that allows us to definefunctions recursively via equations of the form f = t[f ] i.e. equations containg f on both sides.In the λ-calculus, such an equation does not define a term. It merely states a condition that theterm has to satisfy. Fortunately, there is a way to construct such a term from a given recursiveequation. If we rewrite the above equation into f = T (f) were T := λx.t[x/f ] then solving theequation means finding a fixed point of the function T .

Definition 2.6.22 A fixed point combinator is a λ-term R such that for all λ-terms t theequation R(t) = t( R(t) ) holds.

Example 2.6.23 The most commonly used fixed point combinator is Y := λf.(λx.f(xx))(λx.f(xx)).The following calculation shows that Y is indeed a fixed point combinator.

Y (t) = (λf.(λx.f(xx))(λx.f(xx)))(t)−→ (λx.t(xx))(λx.t(xx))−→ t(λx.t(xx))(λx.t(xx)) = t( Y (t) )

It is important to note that Y (t) does not β-reduce to t( Y (t) ). We have merely provenequality of the two terms.

Exercise 2.6.6 Show that (λx.λy.y(x x y))(λx.λy.y(x x y)) is a fixed point combinator that actually

β-reduces a λ-term to its fixed point.

We can now represent recursively defined numeric operations in the λ-calculus.

Example 2.6.24 An operator for primitive recursion can be defined as

PRK := λg.λh.Y (λf.λx1...xk.cond(t0 x1; g x2...xk; h (P x1) (f (P x1) x2...xk) x2...xk))

On input g and h it creates a fixed point of

λf.λx1...xk.cond(t0 x1; g x2...xk; h (P x1) (f (P x1) x2...xk) x2...xk)

which is exactly the function defined in Clause 5. of Definition 2.6.18

Example 2.6.25 The µ-operator can be represented by a fixed point of unlimited searchstarting at x. If f x1...xk x = 0 then the search terminates. Otherwise it continues startingfrom x + 1. We begin the search at x := 0.

Thus µ := λf.λx1...xk.(Y (λMIN.λx.cond(t0(f x1...xk x); x; MIN(x + 1)))(0))

is a representation of the µ-operator

2.6.5 Semantic questions

Since the λ-calculus is intended to be about functions there must be some model in which aterm λx.t can be regarded as a mathematical function. It is not difficult to construct a termmodel (see [CR36]): each term t denotes the set ‖t‖ of terms equal to it21, and ‖λx.t‖ is thefunction that maps ‖u‖ to ‖t[u/x]‖. But this leads us nowhere. What we are really interestedin is a connection between functions in the λ-calculus and functions in ordinary mathematics.

21In the sense of Definition 2.6.8

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Simple mathematical models, with λ-terms interpreted as plain functions over some functionspace can be ruled out by cardinality considerations. Since λ-terms have to play the doublerole of functions and arguments we can construct λ-functions that can be applied to themselvesin a meaningful way.

Example 2.6.26 Consider twice := λf.λx.f(f(x)). Applied to terms f and u, it producesthe twofold application of f to u: twice f u−→ f(f(u)).

It is perfectly legal to apply twice to itself: (twice twice) f u−→ f(f(f(f(u))))

Self-application of functions, however, violates a basic axiom of ordinary set theory. Thus wecannot expect “natural” models for the λ-calculus as long as we do not put restrictions on theterms as we will do in the next chapter22.

Besides the problem of finding a model the general λ-calculus has some severe drawbacks whichmake it hardly acceptable as a calculus for reasoning about programs and their properties.The price we have to pay for its computational power being equivalent to that of recursiontheory is the consideration of partial functions on the one side and undecidability on the other.The former follows from the fact that not every λ-term has a normal form. A formulation ofthe latter is Rice’s Theorem (see e.g.[HR67]) saying that no nontrivial extensional property ofλ-programs is decidable. In particular we cannot decide whether

• the application f(x) of a function f to an argument x terminates (Halting Problem),

• a function f is total,

• a value y is in the range of a function f ,

• for given values x and y f(x) = y is true,

• two functions f and g are equal.

Many more questions occurring in reality are not decidable within a theory as powerful asthe unrestricted λ-calculus. Our search for a calculus for reasoning about programs and theirproperties must therefore be directed towards weaker models of computation which providemore reasoning power and are sufficient for handling all practical problems.

2.7 References and further reading

Introductions to logic for computer scientists can be found in [BM79, Gal86, MW85, Tur84].

The reader interested in mathematical accounts of logical calculi should refer to books like[Ric78, Sch77, Tak75] where many aspects are worked out in detail.

The beginning chapters of various textbooks on logic and computation [And86, Bib87, GLT89,Lak76, Pau87] contain many more examples and are also worth looking up.

22In Section 3.2 we will see that this can be resolved by viewing the definition of twice as a generic name fora series of functions which in reality are all different because they operate on different spaces.

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The classical account of natural deduction has been written by Prawitz [Pra65]. It is notintended for beginners.

Dummet [Dum77] describes the philosophy, inference systems, and semantics of intuitionisticlogic. Further books worth reading are [Cur70, Hey71].

Hindley and Seldin [HS86] wrote a good introduction to the λ-calculus while Barendregt [Bar81]has written the comprehensive reference. A gentle introduction is also the article of Huet[Hue86]. The book of Stenlund [Ste72] is also a valuable book in many details.

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Chapter 3

Typed Theories

In the previous chapter we have seen that the λ-calculus is both a simple and powerful math-ematical model of computation. Because of its expressive power, however, no extensionalproperty of λ-terms is decidable and therefore it is extremely difficult to automate reasoningabout programs which are defined by unrestricted λ-terms.

Undecidability of program properties, as it turned out, is strongly related to Russels paradoxin early set theory. As the capability of impredicatively forming a set X|X 6∈ X leads toparadoxical situations in set theory1 so the presence of a general fixed point operator Y withY (f) = f(Y (f)) in λ-calculus allows diagonalization arguments proving the undecidability ofextensional properties.

Russel [Rus08] isolated the essence of the paradoxes in the lack of predicativity and restrictedset theory by introducing a type discipline on the objects. Types represent the universes ofmathematical reasoning which do have a meaning in reality. Thus sets like X|X 6∈ X cannotbe formed anymore since “∈” relates objects of different types (or cardinality).

In the same way a type discipline can be added to the λ-calculus in order to increase itsreasoning power. In the typed λ-calculus [Chu40] types are both syntactical restrictions anda representation of natural models for the function spaces where the λ-terms belong to. Thetype discipline will help to banish many of the strange constructions in the untyped λ-calculus.

Before we discuss the typed λ-calculus let us approach two questions.

• What is a type or what are the characteristics of a type?

• Which types need to be considered?

To answer the first one, let us consider an example.

Example 3.0.1 Natural numbersThe set IN of natural numbers has elements 0,1,2,3,4. . . and operations between elementslike + - * / etc. An expression like 2*3 uniquely denotes an element of IN and should thusbe considered as a name for it. On the other hand we can reduce 2*3 to the value 6 which is

1Consider the set S := X |X 6∈ X and try to determine whether S is an element of S or it is not.If we assume S ∈ S then as any other element of S the set S is not contained in itself, i.e. S 6∈ S. From

S 6∈ S, however we have to conclude S ∈ S since S consists of all the sets not contained in themselves. Thusboth assumptions lead to contradictions.


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the normal form of the expression. Therefore we distinguish between canonical members ofthe type IN, i.e. names denoting normal forms like 0,1,2,3,4. . . , and noncanonical members,i.e. expressions which can be reduced.

So rule number one for constructing a type is:

A type is defined by defining its canonical members and operations on the members.

As to the second question, the types we need to consider shall allow interpreting λ-terms asfunctions. Therefore we obviously we need a type A→B representing the type of all functionsfrom some type A into the type B. λ-abstractions λx.b will be the canonical objects of thistype and applications f(a) the noncanonical ones. No other types are necessary for typingλ-terms. As in the untyped λ-calculus there is no need for concrete types like natural numbersor booleans.

We will now formalize how types can be assigned to terms and how to formally prove that anassignment is correct. For this, the untyped λ-calculus will be extended by another abstractformalism about handling type informations.

Following the course of history we will first present a very simple calculus which incorporatesall the basic principles but later turned out to be too weak in its expressive power. We willthen discuss extensions which have been introduced to strengthen the calculus or make it moresuitable for practical purposes. Some of them will cause slight modifications of definitions givenin the first section but the general principles remain the same.

3.1 Simple Type Theory

There are two ways of imposing a type discipline on λ-terms. The first follows Church’s originaltyped λ-calculus [Chu40] and puts types into the terms as in λfA→B .λyA.fA→B(yA). Essentiallythis means modifying Definition 2.6.1 into one for typed λ-terms2.

The other formulation keeps the untyped λ-calculus in its original form and adds Type Theoryas a separate calculus proving whether a terms belong to a certain type, a statement which isexpressed in the form λf.λy.f(y) ∈ ((A→B)→A)→B

Although these formulations are not exactly the same, their logical consequences are identicaland we will use the names typed λ-calculus and Type Theory interchangeably. We will startwith a formal definition of type- and object-expressions.

Definition 3.1.1Type-expressions are defined inductively by the following rules

1. Any variable from a predefined set of variables is an atomic type(-expression).

2. If T1 and T2 denote types then also T1→T2.

Object-expressions are λ-terms as defined in Definition 2.6.1.

2From this approach we get the notion of a “typed variable” which we use to express that a variable is aplaceholder for terms of a certain type. in λfA→B .λyA.fA→B(yA) the variable f is a variable of type A→B.

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It should be noted that the same set of variables is used in type-expressions and in object-expressions. It can be determined from the context whether a variable denotes a type or anobject. For an easier distinction, however, we will use the convention to denote type variablesby capital letters A,B,S,T,. . . while small letters x,y,z,. . . denote object variables.

How do we assign types to λ-terms? Since types shall represent the function spaces where thefunction denoted by a λ-term shall belong to there is a simple intuitive scheme we may follow.Each object variable must belong to some type; a λ-abstraction λx.t must belong to a typeS→T where T is the type of t and S the type of x; an application f(a) has type T if f hastype S→T and the argument a is of type S. Otherwise a term cannot be typed.

Example 3.1.2 The term λf.λx.f(x) has the type (S→T)(→S→T).Following the above scheme the chain of reasoning is as follows. x must have some type whichwe denote by the type-variable S. In order to apply f to x the object-variable f must be ofa function type S→T which causes f(x) to be of type T. Twofold abstraction leads to theabove type structure for the complete term.

Obviously there are λ-terms which cannot be classified by the above scheme.

Example 3.1.3 Consider the expression λx.x(x).Because of the λ-abstraction it must be a function of some type S→T . Thus, for every s ∈ Sthe term s(s) must be in T . Therefore s itself must be in the type S→T . As a consequence,in order to classify λx.x(x) we must find type-expressions S and T solving the equationS→T = S. This is not possible since no space in reality is identical to its own functionspace.

Based on the above intuitive description how λ-terms should be assigned a type we will nowdevelop a calculus for formal reasoning about the types of λ-terms. For this we have chosenthe style of a top down sequent calculus as described in section 2.5. To prepare a later imple-mentation and to provide a means to prove metatheorems about properties of typed λ-termswe will also precise the notion of a formal proof by adopting concepts from proof theory. Letus explain these by an example proof:

Example 3.1.4 We want to prove that (λx.x + 1)(2) has type IN. A formal proof of thisstatement reads:

top ` (λx.x+1)(2)∈IN by intro using INtop 1 ` 2∈IN by IN-intro

top 2 ` λx.x+1∈IN→IN by λ-introtop 2 1 x:IN ` x+1∈IN by +-intro

The proof consists of an initial (top-)goal ` (λx.x+1)(2)∈IN, an inference rule which isdenoted intro using IN and two subgoals named top 1 and top 2 which again have proofs.Technically, thus, a proof is nothing but a tree whose nodes consist of goals and inferencerules. Obviously the children of a goal are drived from it by applying the rule.

A goal itself is a special form of a sequent. x:IN ` x+1∈IN should be read as “Under theassumption that x is a variable of type IN we can prove that the conclusion x+1∈IN is true”.x:IN is called a declaration of a variable x of type IN, x+1∈IN a typing of the expression x+1.

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It should be pointed out that the focus of the above proof is checking the type of the expression(λx.x+1)(2). Provided a sufficiently high expressiveness, however, all the other properties ofa term can be expressed through its type which makes typechecking essentially the same astheorem proving. This justifies calling Type Theory a proof calculus although it contains onlyrules about typehood.

There are two more concepts which did not occur in Example 3.1.4.

Example 3.1.5 We want to show that λx.x is a function which is defined on any type.

top A:U ` λx.x ∈ A→A by λ-introtop 1 A:U, x:A ` x∈A by hyp x

In addition to what we had before there is a declaration A:U. We use U as a reserved symbolstanding for a universe of types. A:U declares A to be a type in the universe U and is thereforeoften called a type declaration while x:A is an object declaration.

These examples lead to the following definition

Definition 3.1.6

1. A declaration has the form A:U or x:A.A:U declares A to be a type variable; x:A declares x as object variable of type A.

2. A typing has the form t ∈ T or T ∈ U where t is a λ-term and T is a type expression.

3. A hypotheses list H is a list of declarations x1:T1, x2:T2,. . .

4. A goal is a sequent of the form H ` t ∈ T where H is a hypotheses list and t ∈ T atyping.

5. A hypotheses list is proper iff each variable is declared only once and every type variableappearing in an object declaration occurs first in a type declaration.

6. An initial goal is a goal H ` t ∈ T where H is a proper hypotheses list containingdeclarations of all the type variables in T and no object declarations.

7. A proof is a tree whose nodes are goals and rules such that the goals of the children of anode are given by the rules.

8. A rule is a mapping from a goal into a list of subgoals.

Rules are intended to be used as rules of inference, i.e. the subgoals they create shall besufficient evidence for the original goal. Consistency provided, rules determine the logic thecalculus shall handle. They have to be given explicitely by rule schemes which have to describethe syntax of the rule and its consequences. As announced, we will describe rules in a top-downfashion.

Rules for Simple Type Theory come quite naturally. We have to give sufficient conditions foran expression to form a type expression (denoted by T ∈ U, a λ-abstraction to be a memberof some function type, and an application to be a member of a type.

First of all we may conclude x ∈ A if x:A is a declaration3. This is the assumption rule fromSection 2.5.3, a rule without any further subgoals. Rules for the formation of types followimmediately from Definition 3.1.1: “S→T is a type-expression if S and T are”.

3This includes the case T ∈ U.

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Rules dealing with λ-abstraction and application have to express the typing scheme mentionedabove: λx.b belongs to S→T if S is a type expression and, provided x is of type S the termb can be proven to be of type T by such a rule the canonical forms are introduced. It may benecessary to rename x to some new y if x already occurs in the assumptions. We express thisby adding the (optional) clause [new y] to the rule. Noncanonical members f(a) of type Tcan only be introduced if the type S of the domain of f is provided since in general there isno way to guess it. We then just have to prove that f is of type S→T and that A is in thedomain type of f since then we are allowed to apply f to a.

In the presentation of rules H, A, H ′, where H and H ′ stand for lists of hypotheses, is used todenote that the assumption A occurs in the hypotheses of a goal.

Rule Schemes 3.1.7 Simple Type Theory

H, x:T, H ′ ` x ∈ T by hyp x

H ` S→T ∈U by → formation

· H ` S ∈U· H ` T ∈U

H ` λx.b ∈ S→T by λ-intro [new y]

· H ` S ∈U· H, y:S ` b[y/x] ∈ T

H ` f(a) ∈ T by intro using S

· H ` f ∈ S→T· H ` a ∈ S

Note that in addition to these rules we have the computation rules from the untyped λ-calculusas meta-rules expressing the semantics of λ-terms.

Exercise 3.1.1

1. Prove X:U ` (λx.λy.x(y))(λz.z) ∈ X→X.

2. Prove A:U, B:U, a:A, f:A→B ` (λeval.λarg.eval(arg))(f)(a) ∈ B.

To establish a relation between Church’s typed λ-calculus [Chu40] and Type Theory we call aλ-term t to be well-typed (or typed) if t ∈ T can be formally proven for some type T .

3.2 Properties of Simple Type Theory

We will now show that adding a type discipline to the λ-calculus has a lot of advantages sincea couple of good properties of Simple Type Theory can be proven.

First of all, the calculus is sound and properly respects the semantics of the λ-calculus (Section3.2.1). This appears to be a trivial statement but for a formal theory it is very important tohave a proof for it because there is always a chance for having severe errors in the constructs.Therefore, as a rule, one should always prove even the most simple facts if one wishes to relyon them later.

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Secondly, it is effectively decidable if a λ-term can be typed and the proof gives us a type-checkingalgorithm for Simple Type Theory (Section 3.2.2).

For λ-terms which can be typed will get new answers to the questions stated in Section 2.6.3.Contrary to the untyped λ-calculus every typed λ-term does have a normal form (Section 3.2.3).Even more, every reduction sequence of λ-term a terminates (Section 3.2.4), which allows usto use very efficient reduction strategies. The Church Rosser Theorem, saying that the normalform of a λ-term is unique, has a much simpler proof than the same theorem for the generalcase (Section 3.2.5) since we can make use of the above reduction properties of typed λ-terms.As a consequence, equality of two typed λ-terms becomes decidable. Thus, altogether, the typedλ-calculus is a decidable theory of total functions.

Natural models for the typed λ-calculus are easy to find: Interpret a type T as a set D(T ) andeach function type S→T as the set of all functions from D(S) to D(T ). The type constraintsmake sure that λx.t can be interpreted as a function in the corresponding set, in the functioncall f(a) the argument a is sure to belong to the domain of f . A term can have at most onetype.

3.2.1 Soundness

The following metatheorem shows that the rules of Simple Type Theory do not generate non-sense.

Theorem 3.2.1 Let π be a complete proof for the initial goal H ` t ∈ T . Then

1. t is a closed λ-term.

2. T is a type expression.

3. In all the hypotheses lists of all the nodes of π

• any term in the right hand side of a declaration is either U or a type term,

• all the free variables of the conclusion are defined exactly once.

4. No variable is declared unless it is free in the goal.

5. Every subterm t′ of t receives a type4 such that in each term of the form f(a) the f getsa type T1→T2 and a gets the type T1.

Proof: By simultaneous induction on the shape of proof trees. 2

We can also prove that Simple Type Theory respects the semantics of λ-terms. Semanticallyequal terms, i.e. terms having the same normal form, behave identical under the proof calculus.This again seems to be trivial but is not since the appearance of partial functions in our calculuscould destroy it.

Theorem 3.2.2 If t−→ t′ and t and t′ have the same free variables then H ` t ∈ T isprovable iff H ` t′ ∈ T is provable.

4By “t receives a type” we mean there is a subgoal of the form H ′ ` t′ ∈ T ′.

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Proof: It suffices to show that if t β-reduces to t′ (in one step) then the proof of H ` t ∈ Tcan be modified into one of H ` t′ ∈ T and vice versa. The rest follows then by an inductionon the length of the reduction t−→ t′. We give a proof by induction on the term structureof t.

If t is a variable then t′ must be α-convertible to t. By the above condition on free variablest and t′ must be identical.

Assume we have shown the hypothesis for all λ-terms f, a, f ′, a′ (of depth n) such that f −→ f ′

and a−→ a′.

1. If t is λx.a then t′ must be some λx.a′ where a−→ a′.Assume H ` t ∈ T is provable. Then the first step in the proof must have been theλ-intro rule resulting in H ` S ∈ U and H, x : S ` a ∈ T .

By induction hypothesis H, x : S ` a ∈ T can be proven iff H, x : S ` a′ ∈ T has aproof and applying the same λ-intro rule to H ` t ∈ T gives us a proof for this goal.

The opposite direction can be proven similarly.

2. If t is f(a) and t′ is f ′(a′) (no outer β-reduction) then we may reason similarly to theabove.

3. If t is (λx.b)(a) and t′ is b[a/x] then in any case we must apply the rule intro using S toH ` t ∈ T and then the λ-intro rule which leads to the following three subgoals:H ` S ∈ U, H, x : S ` b ∈ T , and H ` a ∈ S

A proof for H, x : S ` b ∈ T can be modified into one for into H ` b[a/x] ∈ T byreplacing any application of the rule “by hyp x” by the proof for H ` a ∈ S.

Conversely, in a proof for H ` b[a/x] ∈ T the subexpression a must receive a type(Theorem 3.2.1). To modify the proof into one for H, x : S ` b ∈ T any proof forH ′ ` a ∈ S can simply be replaced by the rule “by hyp x” while all the other proof stepsremain the same.


As a consequence we may shorten proofs by reduction knowing that semantically equal λ-termsbehave identically under the calculus of Type Theory.

Corollary 3.2.3If t and t′ are semantically equal then H ` t ∈ T is provable iff H ` t′ ∈ T is provable.

3.2.2 A type-checking algorithm

As a reversal of Theorem 3.2.1 we will investigate the type-checking problem:

Given an untyped λ-term determine if it is typeable and, if it is, produce it’s principaltypescheme.

The answer to this question is “yes” and is based on an algorithm of Hindley and Milner[Hin69, Mil78, DM82]5 developed for the language ML which has a very rich polymorphic type

5See also [Hin83, HS86, CC90]

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structure. Its basic strategy is to start with the term t and a type X0 and to try to proveX0 : U ` t ∈ X0 in the proof system and during refinement also refine X0 and try to proveconstraints of the form Xi = Xj on the type variables.

Example 3.2.4 Try to give a typing to λf.λx.f(x) (c.f. Example 3.1.2).

To prove X0:U ` λf.λx.f(x)∈X0 in our proof system we need to apply the λ-intro ruletwice. This is only possible if X0 is a function type (X1→X2)→X3. Thus, after applying theserules we have the subgoal:

X1:U, X2:U, X3:U, f:X1, x:X2 ` f(x)∈X3

Here only the rule intro using X2 will lead to a correct proof since X2 is the type of theargument x. As a result X1 must be X2→X3 in order to correctly type f. Considering theseconstraints we get a correct proof for:

X2:U, X3:U ` λf.λx.f(x) ∈ (X2→X3)→(X2→X3)

which gives us the desired typing.

Theorem 3.2.5 Hindley/MilnerIt is effectively decidable if a term can be typed or not.

Proof: We present a version of the Hindley/Milner algorithm. Because of the appearance ofbut one type constructor it is quite simple and clean:

ALGORITHM:Start with X0:U ` t ∈ X0 where X0 is a type variable as an initial goal. Construct a proofby recursively applying one of the following steps to a goal H ` t ∈ Xi until the proof isfinished or fails.

1. If t is f(a) then use the rule by intro using Xi+1. Update the environment H accord-ingly.

2. If t is λx.b then refine Xi to Xi+1→Xi+2 and use the rule by λ-intro. Update theenvironment H and the rest of the proof.

3. If t is a variable x then try to unify6 T and Xi where x:T is a part of H. Update theenvironment H and the rest of the proof. If the unification fails then stop with a failuremessage.


Later we will consider how the Hindley/Milner algorithm generalizes to further type constructs.

Example 3.2.6 We want to type trice ≡ λf.λx.f(f(f(x))). The typing algorithm yields:

top X0:U ` λf.λx.f(f(f(x)))∈X0 by λ-intro Refine X0 to X1→X2.Note that updating affects the top goal as well.

6Unification is a method to find substitutions for variables such that T ′ = X ′

i after applying the substitution,i.e. if T = t[x1, .., xn] and Xi = s[y1, .., ym] look for a unifying set a1, .., an, b1, .., bm such that t[a1, .., an] =s[b1, .., bm]. An algorithm for unification takes terms (as trees) and looks for the first mismatch, replaces variablesby subterms (the ones from the other term), does an occurrence check of these variables in the subterms, andfails if there are no variables to match.

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top 1 X1:U, X2:U ` X1∈U by hyp X1

top 2 X1:U, X2:U, f:X1 ` λx.f(f(f(x)))∈X2 by λ-intro Refine X2 to X3→X4.top 2 1 X1:U, X3:U, X4:U, f:X1, x:X3 ` X3∈U by hyp X3

top 2 2 X1:U, X3:U, X4:U, f:X1, x:X3 ` f(f(f(x)))∈X4 by intro using X5

top 2 2 1 X1:U, X3:U, X4:U, X5:U, f:X1, x:X3 ` f∈X5→X4 by hyp f

For this rule to apply X1 must be unified with X5→X4. Updating removes the declaration of X1 anddeclares f:X5→X4 in all the nodes of the proof tree. As a result the yet unsolved second subgoal is:

top 2 2 2 X3:U, X4:U, X5:U, f:X5→X4, x:X3 ` f(f(x))∈X5 by intro using X6

top 2 2 2 1 X3:U, X4:U, X5:U, f:X5→X4, x:X3, X6:U ` f∈X6→X5 by hyp f

Unify X6 with X5 and X5 with X4.top 2 2 2 2 X3:U, X4:U, f:X4→X4, x:X3 ` f(x)∈X4 by intro using X7

top 2 2 2 2 1 X3:U, X4:U ,X7:U, f:X4→X4, x:X3 ` f∈X7→X4 by hyp f

Unify X7 with X4.top 2 2 2 2 2 X3:U, X4:U, f:X4→X4, x:X3 ` x∈X4 by hyp x Unify X4 with X3.

Thus just one type variable remains. Writing A instead of X3 we have proven:

top A:U ` λf.λx.f(f(f(x)))∈ (A→A)→(A→A)

Note that a typing of the function trice restricts the possibilities for self-application. Althoughit is still perfectly legal to apply trice to itself a typing reveals that in trice(trice) bothinstances have a different typing. While trice as argument has type (A→A)→(A→A) the typeof trice as function is ((A→A)→(A→A)) → ((A→A)→(A→A)) and thus of much higherlevel.

Exercise 3.2.1

1. Give a typing for λt.λy.t(y)(y).

2. Give a typing for f(a) with f ≡ λx.x(x(x(y))), a ≡ λz.(g(z))(z).

3. Show that the principal type-scheme of the Church numerals (Section 2.6.4) representing a num-ber n by λf.λx.fn(x) is (X→X)→(X→X).

4. How does the typechecking algorithm behave on λx.x(x)?

5. Show that the fixed point operator Y ≡ λf.(λx.f(x(x)))(λx.f(x(x))) cannot be typed.

3.2.3 Weak Normalization

In this section we want to show that for every well-typed λ-term there actually is a terminatingterm-reduction sequence. We know from Section 2.6.3 that leftmost reduction will always leadto a normal form if there is one. But there is a much more efficient reduction strategy whichcan also be proven to terminate7. It follows from taking a look at the complexity of the typestructure of an expression. For instance, a type-structure (A→B)→(C→D) has two levels offunction space formation. Another way of speaking is to say “(A→B)→(C→D) has depth 2”.If we try to reduce the depth of the type structure of an expression then the reduction shouldterminate. This, of course, requires some typing of an expression.

7Although the next section proves that all reduction sequences terminate this result is quite valuable. Itgives us a very effective way to compute λ-terms which also terminates for classes of λ-terms which are notstrongly normalizable. See Section 4.2.1.

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Definition 3.2.7The depth d(T ) of a type T is inductively defined by

1. d(A) = 0, if A is atomic,

2. d(A→B) = 1 + maxd(A), d(B)

The depth of a redex (λx.t)(a) is the depth of the type of λx.t.

The depth of a λ-term t is the supremum of the depth of the redices it contains. (The depthof a term in normal form is 0.)

A first idea would be to reduce the maxdepth-redex first. This strategy however may not alwayssucceed because reduction may blow up the number of maxdepth-redices if they are argumentsof a function application.

Example 3.2.8 Consider the redex trice(trice(λx.x)) with trice ≡ λf.λx.f(f(f(x)))from Example 3.2.6. The type of trice is (A→A)→(A→A) thus both trice(trice(λx.x))and trice(λx.x) are redices of depth 2. Reducing the outer redex trice(trice(λx.x)) firstyields λx. (trice (λx.x)) ( (trice (λx.x)) ( (trice(λx.x)) (x)) ) which containsone redex of depth 2 more than we had before. Thus combinatorial arguments alone wouldnot guarantee termination of this reduction.

If we reduce the rightmost redex with maximal depth first then this effect cannot happen:

Lemma 3.2.9 If we reduce the rightmost maxdepth redex r in a term t which is typed thenthe number of maxdepth redices in t decreases.

Proof: When we perform rightmost maxdepth β-reduction then the following things happen:

• The redices outside r remain

• The redices strictly inside r remain unchanged but sometimes are proliferated when re-ducing r. Their depth, however, is less than the depth of r since they appear as argumentsin the redex rigth of r.

• The redex r itself is destroyed.

Thus one maxdepth-redex will disappear with a chance of increasing the redices of lesserdegree. 2

Example 3.2.10 Again consider trice(trice(λx.x)) with trice ≡ λf.λx.f(f(f(x))).Reducing the rightmost max-depth redex trice(λx.x) first yieldstrice (λx.(λx.x)((λx.x)((λx.x)(x))), i.e. a term which contains only one redex ofdepth 2. Although the overall number of redices has grown all the new redices are of lesserdegree while the number of maxdepth-redices has been reduced. Repeating this process willstepwisely eliminate all redices of depth 2 then all of depth 2 until there are no more redices.

Theorem 3.2.11 For any typed λ-term t ∈ T we can find a number n such that a sequenceof rightmost maxdepth reductions terminates within n steps.

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Proof: Show by double induction over d and m using Lemma 3.2.9:For all d, m ∈ IN: If t has at most m redices of depth d and none of greater depth then thereis some n ∈ IN and some t′ which is normal such that t

∗−→ t′ in n steps. 2

Exercise 3.2.2 Complete the proof of Theorem 3.2.11

Corollary 3.2.12 Every typed λ-term has a normal form.

3.2.4 Strong Normalization

By Theorem 3.2.11 we have shown that there is a terminating reduction sequence for everyterm and that there is a strategy to find it. But in the simple typed λ-calculus the typed termseven have a much stronger property, namely that every reduction eventually terminates. Thisproperty is called strong normalization.

Definition 3.2.13A term t is strongly normalizable (SN) if every reduction sequence of t is finite.

We will now show that all typed λ-terms are strongly normalizable. For simple Type Theory,there are proof theoretic techniques which are much simpler than the method we will presenthere8. The advantage of the so-called TAIT computability method [Tai67] (with technical im-provements by Girard [Gir72]), however, is that it generalizes to higher order and polymorphicλ-calculus and other constructs will appear later in our theory. The proof therefore considerssituations which may appear trivial in the current context but become important later.

Essentially, it is an inductive proof which proceeds in two steps. In the first step we willshow that all typed λ-terms are computable, a condition that is even stronger than strongnormalization and yields more information as induction hypothesis. The second step then is toshow that all computable terms are strongly normalizable.

Definition 3.2.14 Computable λ-terms are defined inductively by the following rules:

1. If t ∈ A for some atomic type A and t is SN then t is computable.

2. If t ∈ (S→T ) and t(s) is computable for every computable s ∈ S then t is computable.

Definition 3.2.15 A λ-term is neutral if it is not of the form λx.t

Both notions can easily be generalized to other type theoretic constructs.

Lemma 3.2.16 For all types T and all λ-terms t, t′ of type T

1. If t is computable then t is strongly normalizable.

2. If t is computable and (t−→ t′) then t′ is computable.

3. If t is neutral and every β-reduction of a redex in t leads to some computable term t′ thent is computable.

8Using combinatorial arguments as for the case of weak normalization

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4. If t is neutral and normal then t is computable

Proof: Clause 4. follows immediately from Clause 3..We prove the other clauses by simultaneous induction on the type structure of t.

Atomic types: By definition 3.2.14 a term is computable iff it is SN.

1. is a tautology.

2. If t is SN and (t−→ t′) then all the reduction sequences of t′ are subsequences of reductionsequences of t. Thus they must terminate and t′ is SN.

3. By assumption any reduction sequence of t passes through some computable term t′. Sinces is SN the reduction sequence terminates. Thus t is SN.

Arrow types: By definition 3.2.14 a term is computable iff all its applications to computableterms are computable. Assume 1., 2., 3. hold for all terms of type T1 or T2:

1. Let t ∈ T1→T2 be computable and x be a variable of type T1. Since x is neutraland in normal form it is computable by the induction hypothesis for Clause 3.. Bydefinition t(x) is computable and SN by the induction hypothesis for Clause 1.. Lett−→ t′ −→ t′′ −→ . . . be a reduction sequence for t. The we can construct a reductionsequence t(x)−→ t′(x)−→ t′′(x)−→ . . . for t(x) which must terminate in finitely manysteps. Since x is already in normal form the original reduction sequence terminates aswell and t is SN.

2. Let t be computable and (t−→ t′) and s of type T1 be computable. Then t(s) is com-putable and (t(s)−→ t′(s)). By the induction hypothesis for Clause 2. t′(s) is computableand thus t′ as well.

3. Let t be neutral, every β-reduction of a redex in t lead to some computable term t′, and sof type T1 be computable. Since, by the induction hypothesis for Clause 1. s is SN we canprove by another induction on the number of reduction steps of s that every β-reductionof a redex in t(s) leads to some computable term. There are two ways to β-reduce t(s):

• If (t(s)β

−→ t′(s)) then t′(s) is computable because t′ is.

• If (t(s)β

−→ t(s′)) then s′ is computable by the induction hypothesis for Clause 2.and the number of reduction steps of s′ is smaller than that of s. Thus by inductionhypothesis for s′ every β-reduction of a redex in t(s′) leads to some computable termand thus t(s′) (a neutral term) is computable by the induction hypothesis for Clause3..

• Since t is neutral t(s) cannot itself be a redex.By the induction hypothesis for Clause 3. t(s) is computable. By definition t is com-putable.


The technique of choosing variables of some type T allows a proper treatment of all typesuniformly. The variable represents all the members of T and the case that a variable of type Toccurs in a reduction sequence although T has no members which could be instantiated for it.

Lemma 3.2.17 If for all computable terms b the term t[b/x] is computable then λx.t iscomputable.

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Proof: By Definition 3.2.14 we have to show that (λx.t)(b) is computable for any computableb.

By Lemma 3.2.16 t = t[x/x] and b are computable and SN. We may therefore reason aboutthe number of reduction steps of t and b and try to apply Clause 3. of Lemma 3.2.16. Thereare three ways to β-reduce (λx.t)(b).

• If (λx.t)(b)β

−→ t[b/x] then t[b/x] is computable by assumption. (This also covers thebase case of our induction.)

• If (λx.t)(b)β

−→ (λx.t′)(b) then tβ

−→ t′ and thus t′ is computable. By induction hypoth-esis (λx.t′)(b) is computable.

• If (λx.t)(b)β

−→ (λx.t)(b′) then bβ

−→ b′ and thus b′ is computable. By induction hy-pothesis (λx.t)(b′) is computable.

In any case (λx.a[x])(b) β-reduces to computable terms only. Since (λx.a[x])(b) is neutral itis computable. Thus λx.t is computable. 2

The next lemma prepares the main theorem by proving a stronger result which is better fit forinduction.

Lemma 3.2.18 Let t be an arbitrary typed λ-term all of whose free variables are amongx1, ...xn and let bi be computable terms of the same type as xi. Then t[b1/x1...bn/xn] iscomputable.

Proof: By induction on the type structure of t[x1, ...xn].

Base case: If t is a variable xi then t[b1/x1...bn/xn] = bi is computable.

Assume we have shown the claim for u, f and a.

• If t = λx.u then t[b1/x1...bn/xn] = λx.u[b1/x1, ...bn/xn] and by Lemma 3.2.17 we have toshow that u[b1/x1, ...bn/xn, b/x] is computable for all computable terms b. This, however,follows by the induction hypothesis.

• If t = f(a) then t[b1/x1...bn/xn] = f [b1/x1...bn/xn](a[b1/x1...bn/xn]). by induction hypoth-esis f [b1/x1...bn/xn] and a[b1/x1...bn/xn are computable and by definition of computabilityof f [b1/x1...bn/xn] the term t[b1/x1...bn/xn] is computable.


Theorem 3.2.19 All typed λ-terms are computable.

Proof: Using Lemma 3.2.18 with bi := xi and Clause 3. of Lemma 3.2.16 2

Theorem 3.2.20 All typed λ-terms are strongly normalizable.

Proof: By Theorem 3.2.19 and Clause 1. of Lemma 3.2.16 2

As a consequence we can apply an even more effective strategy which we could hardly justifyto terminate if we had not strong normalization.

Exercise 3.2.3 Show how trice(trice(λx.x)) with trice ≡ λf.λx.f(f(f(x))) reduces under

Leftmost reduction (“call by name”), Rightmost-maxdepth reduction, and under Rightmost reduction

(“call by value”).

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3.2.5 Confluence: the Church-Rosser Theorem

From the untyped λ-calculus we know that different reduction sequences always lead to thesame normal form (Theorem 2.6.14) but because of the chance of nontermination the proofsof the general Church-Rosser Theorem are very complicated. In this section we will prove aspecial version, the confluence theorem, of this theorem for the typed λ-calculus. Since we knowthat every reduction sequence terminates the proof will be much easier.

Definition 3.2.21 Letr

−→ be a reduction relation on terms, x and y be terms.

1. x∗

−→ y iff y results from x within finitely many reduction steps.

2. x+

−→ y iff x∗

−→ y but at least one reduction step has taken place.

3. ∆+(x) = y|x+

−→ y.

Note that a reduction relation is not necessarily transitive.

Definition 3.2.22 Letr

−→ be a reduction relation on terms, x and y be terms.

1. x ↑ y iff ∃z. z∗

−→ y ∧ z∗

−→ x.

2. x ↓ y iff ∃z. y∗

−→ z ∧ x∗

−→ z.


−→ is confluent iff for all terms x, y: x ↑ y⇒x ↓ y


−→ is locally confluent iff for all terms x, y, z: (zr

−→ y ∧zr

−→ x)⇒x ↓ y

Confluence means that the following reduc-tion diagram commutes while local conflu-ence guarantees x ↓ y only if x and y arederived from the same term within one step.

x ↑ y

x ↓ y

? ?

? ?






y x


Under the assumption of strong normalization confluence and local confluence is just the same.

Lemma 3.2.23 Let −→ be strongly normalizable and locally confluent. Then −→ is aconfluent reduction relation.

Proof:Let x

∗−→ xn and x

∗−→ ym within n resp.

m steps. Show xn ↓ ym by induction on well-founded trees of all reductions of a term follow-ing the so-called well-founded induction princi-ple:

“If (∀y ∈ ∆+(x). P (y))⇒P (x) is true thenP (x) holds for all terms x.”

By local confluence x1 ↓ y1 (to some z),

Since xn, z ∈ ∆+(x1): xn ↓ z to w (induction),

Since ym, w ∈ ∆+(y1): ym ↓ w to y (induction).








@@R w@@



@@R y


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Lemma 3.2.24 In typed λ-calculusβ

−→ is locally confluent.

Proof: Analyze all possible cases by consideringthe following diagram:

(λx.b)(a) b[a/x]-


? ?(λx.b)(a′) b[a′/x]-

? ?(λx.b′)(a)

?(λx.b′)(a′) b′[a′/x]-


Theorem 3.2.25 [Church-Rosser Theorem for typed λ-calculus]

In typed λ-calculus −→ is confluent.

Corollary 3.2.26 Any typed λ-term has a unique normal form.

Proof: Using weak normalization (Theorem 3.2.12) and the Church Rosser Property 2

Corollary 3.2.27 Denotational equality of typed λ-terms is decidable.

Proof: Let t and s be arbitrary λ-terms. In the first step decide if both can be typed (Theorem3.2.5). Then compute the unique normal forms and check if they are α-convertible (Corollary2.6.15 2.). 2

3.2.6 The strength of the calculus

A close look at the rules of Simple Type Theory and the implicational fragment of the sequentcalculus for logic (Section 2.5.4) reveals intriguing analogies which were first exposed by Curryand Feys [CFC58], Tait [Tai67], and Howard [How80]:

The rule for λ-abstraction saying how to build from a variable x of type S and a term b of typeT a new term λx.b ∈ S→T is quite similar to the ⇒ -introduction rule:

H ` λx.b ∈ S→T by λ-intro [new y]

· H ` S ∈ U

· H, y:S ` b[y/x] ∈ T

Γ ` S ⇒T by ⇒ -intro

· Γ, S ` T

Also the rule for applying a function f ∈ S→T to an argument a ∈ S to get a value f(a) ∈ Thas some similarity to modus ponens9.

H ` f(a) ∈ T by intro using S

· H ` f ∈ S→T

· H ` a ∈ S

Γ ` T by ⇒ -elim

· Γ ` S ⇒T

· Γ ` S

In both cases the only difference is that the rules of Simple Type Theory contain more infor-mation. If, however, instead of looking only at the truth of a proposition we consider the set

9Recall that the ⇒ -elimination given in Section 2.5.4 rule is modus ponens written as a rule operating onthe hypotheses.

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of all its proofs the similarity becomes even more striking. If assuming a proof x of S we havea proof b for T then λx.b is a proof of the implication S ⇒T , and a proof f for S ⇒T and aproof a for S can be combined (f(a)) into one for T . Thus, there is an isomorphism betweenSimple Type Theory and the implicational fragment of logic10 if we translate according to thefollowing vocabulary:

Variable of type STerm of type S (with free variables of type Ai)Rule for λ-abstractionRule for application

Assumption SProof of S (from assumptions Ai)⇒ introduction⇒ elimination

This isomorphism, which has become known as the Curry-Howard Isomorphism, indicates thatType Theory is not limited to reasoning about datatypes and programs but can simulate logicas well. It therefore is a promising approach towards a unified formalism for both mathematicalreasoning and programming. As for the simple version, however, there is a price we have topay for all the good properties:

Example 3.2.28 In Exercise 3.2.1 we have seen that the principal type-scheme of the Churchnumerals is IN ≡ (X→X)→(X→X). Recalling that the Church numeral for n applied to twoarguments applies the first argument n times to the second (c.f. Section 2.6.4) the followingoperator PR represents a simplified primitive recursion:

PR ≡ λh.λg.λn.n(h)(g)

where n and g have to be of type IN and h a member of IN→IN. There is, however, no wayto properly type PR since and n-fold application of h to g, as PR shall do, requires n to be oftype (IN→IN)→(IN→IN) as well. This leads to a recursive equation for the type IN which hasno solution: IN = (IN→IN)→(IN→IN).

The key to the primitive recursion in PR is an unrestricted polymorphic use of n as a memberof (X→X)→(X→X) for different instantiations of X at the same time which is not possiblein Simple Type Theory. The function trice from Exercise 3.2.6 gave us a similar problem. Itis legal to apply trice to itself only if we give it two different typings at the same time andthus consider trice nothing but a generic name for a class of functions.

Thus there are computable functions which cannot be expressed in Simple Type Theory. To bemore specific the strength of Simple Type Theory is way below the primitive recursive functions,as we just have seen11. Such a weakness forbids the consideration of simply typed λ-terms asa serious programming language.

However, types are useful in programming because they provide partial specifications and check-ing the type of a term can thus be seen as partial verification. Thus we should look for extensionsof Simple Type Theory to systems with the same global properties but with greater expressivepower.

10i.e. the part of logic which is based on implication only11One might also deduce this from the fact that the complexity of the normalization procedure is “only”

superexponential which means that only algorithms with a comparably small complexity can be expressed.

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3.3 The Mathematics of U∈U

In the late sixties Per Martin-Lof [ML70] developed an extension of Simple Type Theory basedon intuitionistic second order logic which is also called the Theory of Species [Ste72]. Theresulting calculus is still very simple but extremely powerful. Although it turned out to containsome other severe problem it gave rise to the development of many successful calculi which arebased on its ideas12.

3.3.1 Dependent function types

Obviously, the simple function type constructor does not catch all of the meaning of λ-termswhich do have a function as counterpart in reality. We already saw that even simple primitiverecursion cannot be expressed in a simple type-scheme. Let us investigate a few more examples.

Example 3.3.1 The function eval ≡ λf.λx.f(x) expresses a general interpreter for a func-tional programming language. Obviously we need to be able to express such a function.

According to the Hindley/Milner Theorem the principal typescheme of this function is(A→B)→(A→B) and everything appears to work. What we see here, however, is again apolymorphic typing of a function, i.e. the type is determined up to the instantiation of typevariables. Thus, as long as we have only simple types, we can apply eval only to functionson some fixed space S→T and to others we must apply a different evaluation function. Thisis obviously not what we intend to have.

Besides polymorphic functions there is another kind of functions that cause problems:

Example 3.3.2 Consider f ≡ λx.if property(x) then λy.b else b.

Depending on the properties of an input x the range of f is either a function space S→T orsimply the type T of b. Although we can immediately give an interpretation to f it cannotbe typed even if we would allow polymorphic typing.

Functions of that kind often occur when strategic behaviour, for instance in search problems,shall be programmed. Depending on the value of x the result can be determined immediatelyor further input is required before an answer can be given.

In the above example we have a dependency between the output type and the value of the input.In order to catch this notion we will introduce a new type concept that expresses dependenciesand denote by x:S→T a function space where the type T of the result b of a function λx.bdepends on the value of the argument x ∈ S. This modification has various consequencesbecause we have to allow proofs for sequents of the form

A:U ` λa.f(a)∈ x:A→T .

Considering the meaning of dependency, applying an introduction rule will result in

A:U, a:A ` f(a)∈ T [a/x].

12Girard’s Systems F and Fω [Gir71, Gir86, GLT89] and Coquand’s Calculus of constructions [CH85, CH88]and, of course, Martin-Lof’s predicative Type Theory [ML73, ML82, ML84].

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For that we must be able to express the type T as a function depending on a parameter x, i.e.T [a/x] is the result of reducing B(a) for some B ∈ A→ U. But what shall be the meaning of A→U? If we want to avoid unnecessary complications of the theory it must be a type expression.As a consequence, U itself must be a type expression, i.e. the collection of all types is a typeagain13. If we would modify Definition 3.1.1 accordingly we would get

1. U is a type expression.

2. If T is a variable from a predefined set of variables then T is a type-expression.

3. If T1 and T2 denote types and x is a variable then x:S→T is a type-expression.

However, dependencies cannot be expressed in such a simple way since we have not yet solvedthe problem of how to make sure that also the expression T (a) is a type-expression for T ∈ A→U and a ∈ A. Apparently the definition of type-expressions would become quite complicated ifwe would try to find a proper syntactical restriction.

The only real answer to this question seems to abandon the syntactical separation of object-and type-expressions and rule out semantical nonsense by the proof calculus. Consequentlythe notions of objects and types are mixed, becoming the same concept. We will be allowedto formulate terms which have no meaning but are not rejected by a syntax-check. Only thefailure of a formal proof where these terms are involved indicates that they are not well-formed.

As a result we get the following new definition of expressions without a distinction betweentypes and objects.

Definition 3.3.3 An expression is

1. a variable from a predefined set of variables not including U,

2. an application f(a), where f and a are expressions,

3. an abstraction λx.b where b is an expression and x a variable,

4. x:S→T , where S, T are expressions and x is a variable,

5. U.

Independent types S→T then would be just a shorthand notation for the type x : S→T withT being independent of x. Still, we use small and capital letters to make distinctions betweentypes and objects but this is just a convention which does not affect the theory itself.

The rules for the theory of dependent types are only a slight modification of those of SimpleType Theory. Dependencies must be incorporated in the range type of a function space andthe rule for introducing application has now to include the full type x:S→T 14 because there isno general way to automatically discover the dependencies of T from x ∈ S. Only one axiomU∈U needs to be added in order to express that the collection of types is itself a type.

The result is a very clean theory which is quite similar to the untyped λ-calculus whose com-putation rules are still used besides the calculus for the types.

13This has nothing to do with Russel’s paradox - we are just considering one specific class which becomes amember of itself.

14It has to be given in canonical form since S appears explicitely in the second subgoal.

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Rule Schemes 3.3.4 Theory of Dependent Types15

H, x:T, H ′ ` x ∈ by hyp x

H ` U∈U by U-formation

H ` x:S→T ∈U by → formation

· H ` S ∈U· H, x:S ` T ∈U

H ` λz.b ∈ x:S→T by λ-intro [new y]

· H ` S ∈U· H, y:S ` b[y/z] ∈ T [y/x]

H ` f(a) ∈ T [a/x] by intro using x:S→T

· H ` f ∈ x:S→T· H ` a ∈ S

We need one more modification of Simple Type Theory in order to rule out semantical nonsense.So far constructs like λx.U are not prevented from appearing on the left hand side of legal proofgoals. If we forbid initial goals (c.f. Definition 3.1.6) to have any assumption then all constructsare checked by the proof rules before they appear in an assumption and we are on the safe side.

Definition 3.3.5 An initial goal has the form “ ` t ∈ T” where t and T are expressions.

Exercise 3.3.1

1. Show why the fixed point operator Y ≡ λf.(λx.f(x(x)))(λx.f(x(x))) cannot be typed in thetheory of dependent types.

2. Prove ` λA.λx.x ∈ A:U → (A→A). 16

3. Prove ` λA.λB.λg.λb.λx.b(g(x))∈ A:U → B:(A→U) → g:(A→A) → b:(y:A→B(y)) → x:A→B(g(x))

4. Prove Strong Normalization for the theory of dependent types.

5. Does the Hendley-Milner result (Theorem 3.2.5) hold true for a theory with dependent types?17

3.3.2 Expressiveness of the theory of dependent types

Although the theory of dependent types is still a very simple theory it is much more powerfulthan Simple Type Theory because many explicit constructs can be expressed in it18.

Let us begin with further exploiting the Curry-Howard Isomorphism we mentioned in Section3.2.6. We already know how to express the implicational part of logics. With the dependent

15In addition to these rules we still have the computation rules from the untyped λ-calculus as meta-rulesexpressing the semantics of λ-terms.

16i.e. λx.x is the identity on any type A.17Probably it is classically solvable but not by an algorithm.18In a practical implementation this would mean to formally prove properties and rules of these constructs

and then, for the sake of efficiency, implement them directly. The outer appearance would be a large formalbut the kernel would be very small and metatheorems would be much easier to prove. The advantage is thateverything represented within the theory does not need to be proven consistent anymore and we only have toworry about faithfulness.

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types we find another correspondence. The rules for x:S→T strongly resemble those of ∀x.Tif we assume the universe of x in the latter to be S (denoted by ∀x:S.T . Now λ-abstractioncorresponds to ∀-introduction and application to ∀-elimination (see Section 2.5.4)19.

Exercise 3.3.2 Explain the correspondence between dependent functions and universal quantifiers

Since the Theory of dependent types is a higher order theory the Curry-Howard Isomorphismimplication and universal quantification allow us to express all of logics as the following ex-amples will show. Note that a construct simulates another if the proof rules or the logicalconsequences are the same. Recall that ∀x : S.T and S ⇒T are simulated by x : S→T andS→T .

Example 3.3.6 Conjunction: A ∧B is expressed by ∀P:U.(A⇒ (B ⇒ P))⇒ P which maybe read as “Any proposition is true if we can prove it from B while assuming A”.

According to the sorted versions of the rules in Section 2.5.4 a proof for the right hand termwould read as follows:

top ` ∀P:U.(A⇒ (B ⇒ P))⇒ P by ∀-introtop 1 P:U ` (A⇒ (B ⇒ P))⇒ P by ⇒ -intro

top 1 1 P:U, A⇒ (B ⇒ P) ` P by ⇒ -elim

top 1 1 1 P:U, A⇒ (B ⇒ P) ` Atop 1 1 2 P:U, B ⇒ P ` P by ⇒ -elim

top 1 1 2 1 P:U, B ⇒ P ` Btop 1 1 2 2 P:U, P ` P by assumption

The only remaining subgoals are top 1 1 1 and top 1 1 2 1. Thus, in order to prove∀P:U.(A⇒ (B ⇒ P))⇒ P it is necessary and sufficient to prove A and B which is exactlythe same as the ∧ -introduction rule. A slight modification of the above proof shows thatA ∧B implies ∀P:U.(A⇒ (B ⇒ P))⇒ P. The opposite direction can be proven accordingly.

Example 3.3.7 Disjunction: A ∨B is simulated by ∀P:U.((A⇒ P)⇒ (B ⇒ P))⇒ P.

This expresses the elimination rule for disjunction: “A proposition follows from A ∨B iff itfollows both from A and from B”.

As before negation ¬A is simulated by A⇒Λ where Λ stands for falsehood. There are twointerpretations of falsehood, a classical one and an intuitionistic one. We give the intuitionisticversion.

Example 3.3.8 Intuitionistic Falsehood is expressed by ∀P:U.P which formalizes the state-ment “everything is true”. If this statement would have a proof then we could prove everyproposition to be true. This corresponds to the intuitionistic Λ-elimination rule.

Example 3.3.9 Existential Quantification: ∃x : S.A is expressed by its elimination rule“A proposition follows from ∃x : S.A if it follows from arbitrary A[x]”:∀P:U.(∀x:S.(A⇒ P))⇒ P

19Actually, the dependent type construct is more general since it also catches the notion of “sorted logics”,i.e. logics, where variables can be assigned different universes.

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We can even simulate equality of two terms:

Example 3.3.10 Equality: Two terms x and y of type A are equal if they cannot bedistinguished by any proposition: ∀P:A→U.(P(x)⇔ P(y)).

Thus the theory of dependent types is strong enough to represent all the concepts of predicatelogic.

Exercise 3.3.3 Show that the above simulations do in fact represent Conjunction, Disjunction,

Falsehood, Existential Quantification, and Equality.

Furthermore, we can assign types to all the programming concepts discussed in 2.6.4:

Example 3.3.11 Boolean expressions and conditionals:

In Example 2.6.16 we already discussed that T ≡ λX.λu.λv.u and F ≡ λX.λu.λv.v can beused as representatives of “true” and “false”. The corresponding type would be

Bool ≡X:U→X→X→X.

Why the additional type variable X is needed can be seen from the conditional, formerlysimply cond(b;s;t) ≡ b(s)(t). The boolean term b must accept terms s and t of arbitrarytype X and therefore must be passed X as additional parameter in order to be typed uniquely.Thus the conditional cond is expressed bycond ≡ λX.λb.λs.λt.b(X)(s)(t) and gets the type X:U→Bool→X→X→X.

Example 3.3.12 A unit type, 1 with just one element can be expressed by X:U→X→X. Thiscorresponds to the logical statement that every proposition implies itself (∀P:U.P⇒ P) whichis always true.

Example 3.3.13 Pairing and projections: (c.f. Example 2.6.17)

Pairs have been expressed by 〈〈a, b〉〉 ≡ λpair.(pair(a))(b). Again, a unique typing requiresan additional type variable determining the range type of pair:〈〈a, b〉〉 ≡ λX.λpair.(pair(a))(b). The corresponding type is the product of the types A andB with a ∈ A, b ∈ B and is expressed by: A#B ≡ X:U→((A→B→X)→X).

Example 3.3.14 Natural Numbers had been represented by Church Numerals with a num-ber n expressed by λf.λx.fn(x). If we add an additional type variable we can avoid theproblems mentioned in Section 3.2.6. As a consequence, the type of Church numerals becomes

IN ≡ X:U→((X→X)→(X→X)).

Thus for n ∈ IN we get n(IN) ∈ (IN→IN)→(IN→IN) and primitive recursion can now beexpressed as a typeable term PR ≡ λh.λg.λn.n(IN)(h)(g).

Having understood how to define a type of natural numbers we can go even further and try todevelop a technique for representing arbitrary recursive datatypes like lists and trees.

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Example 3.3.15 Finite lists over elements of A can be defined by inserting A into the typewe used for Church Numerals: A list ≡ X:U→((A→X→X)→(X→X)). The empty list nilcorresponds to 0 and list-consing a.l to the successor function:nil ≡ λX.λf.(λx.x) a.l ≡ λX.λf.λx.f(a)((l(X)(f))(x)).Consequently we have

a.nil ≡ λX.λf.λx.f(a)(x),a.b.nil ≡ λX.λf.λx.f(a)(f(b)(x)), anda1.. . . .an.nil ≡ λX.λf.λx.f(a1)(f(a2)(. . . (f(an)(x)). . . ))

Recursive definitions of list functions f : A list→B with f(nil) = g andf(a.l) = h(f(l)) where g ∈ B and h ∈ B→B would be expressed by λl.l(B)(h)(g).

The question arises whether this method can be generalized to arbitrary recursive types. SeeSection 4.4 for more discussion of inductive definitions.

As we have seen dependent types give us enough freedom to overcome the weakness of SimpleType Theory discussed in Section 3.2.6. By only six axioms one may express all the impor-tant data structures of programming languages, all kinds of mathematical objects and the full(higher order) propositional calculus. It is powerful enough for arithmetic but still decidablesince fixed point operators are excluded. Many of the good properties of Simple Type Theorylike Strong Normalization and the Church Rosser Property remain. So it seemed that thetheory of dependent types would be the solution in the search for a constructive foundation ofmathematics.

Exercise 3.3.4 Show how to simulate the disjoint union of two types A and B in the theory of

dependent types.

3.3.3 Girards Paradox

The reason why the Martin-Lof’s early theory of dependent types is not being used as a construc-tive foundation of mathematics is a paradox that had been discovered shortly after Martin-Lofwrote down his first notes [ML70]. Together with dependent types the axiom U∈U allows toformulate a counterpiece to the paradox of “largest ordinals” in set theory, a fact which wasfirst discovered by Girard.

Example 3.3.16 Consider the set of all well-ordered types 〈〈A, <A〉〉 where <A is a transitiveand well-founded order relation20. Define an order <U on this set by

〈〈A, <A〉〉 <U 〈〈B, <B〉〉 iff ∃f : A→B.(f order− isomorphic ∧∃b : B.∀a : A.f(a) <B b).

Then <U is a transitive and well-founded order relation on U and thus 〈〈U, <U〉〉 belongs tothe set of well-ordered types. Furthermore, 〈〈U, <U〉〉 is a maximal element of this set, i.e. wecan prove 〈〈A, <A〉〉 <U 〈〈U, <U〉〉 for each well-ordered type. Consequently 〈〈U, <U〉〉 <U 〈〈U, <U〉〉must be true which contradicts well-foundedness of <U .

20An order relation <A on A is well-founded if there is no infinite decreasing sequence relative to <A:“¬∃f : N→A.∀n.f(n + 1) <A f(n)”.

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The axiom U∈U, although avoiding Russel’s Paradox, allows to formulate the above para-dox within the Mathematics of U∈U. Thus the Theory of dependent types with U∈U is self-contradictory, i.e. inconsistent. This incident shows how important it is to prove the correctnessof a theory even after only slight modifications.

Having discovered an inconsistency in an otherwise extremely promising theory there are twoways to proceed:

Safety first and back to the roots: this means to retreat to a safe position in the theoryand start again with a new theory. This is the path we will follow in the rest of this bookwhen studying Martin-Lof’s predicative theory of types and the Type Theory of NuPRL.

Fix the bug and keep the theory: This means to essentially keep the theory as it is whileperforming only slight modifications in order to avoid the inconsistency. This was success-fully done by Girard in the development of System F [Gir71, Gir86, GLT89]..

He did this by carefully looking at what needs to be avoided. Clearly one does not wantU∈U and (A→ U)∈U. However, quantifying over types or propositional functions shall stillbe possible and thus constructs like X:U→B or X:(A→U)→B must be definable withoutrequiring U and A→U to be types. According to these considerations the syntax of theabove theory has to be modified in a way that no contradiction can arise anymore.

In our notation the rules are:

H ` X:U→B ∈U by formation

· H, X:U ` B ∈U

H ` X:(A→U)→B ∈U by formation

· H ` A ∈U· H, X : A→U ` B ∈U

Note that in X:U →B and X:(A→ U) →B the constructs U and A→ U are used onlyas syntactic devices and not as types. To avoid confusion the theory of species uses specialsyntactic notations x:A, where x, y, z denote individual variables while X, Y, Z denotespecies variables in ∀XA.B, an abbreviation for ∀X:A→U.B (or X:(A→U)→B).

In order to justify that a theory coming out of the above rules is in fact sensible a compli-cated metatheory is needed which has not been properly done yet. However, it is unlikelythat the theory contains another bug and thus it is already being used as a powerful the-ory producing all kinds of types from scratch as described above. In particular there is noneed for any primitive type which makes it quite appealing as a constructive fundament ofmathematics. See [Gir71, Gir86, GLT89, CH85, CH88] for further details of this approach.

3.4 A systematic approach

Simple Type Theory and the mathematics of U∈U provide a lot of useful ideas how to developa fundamental theory for automating mathematics and programming. As discussed in theprevious sections, both theories themselves are not appropriate for this purpose. Nevertheless,our investigation of the mathematics of U∈U showed that in principle it is possible to reach thisgoal. The path indicated by this theory should therefore be used as a guideline for a systematic

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development of a Type Theory that can be used for both checking and developing proofs forall kinds of mathematics, including programming problems.

The Type Theory we will develop in the rest of this book is based on Martin-Lof’s IntuitionisticTheory of Types, first presented in [ML82], and contains some fundamental differences withearlier treatments. In particular, computation is no longer a metamathematical feature butdirectly expressible in the theory. Thus, type theory is now a constructive semantic theory, i.e.a theory reflecting the semantics of the terms it deals with. As a result, we have to considernot only a formal language and inference rules also concepts for expressing semantics within atheory.

In this section we will first explain the general principles of constructive semantic theories andthen describe how Type Theory is build up as a semantic theory and a proof calculus for it.The Type Theory of the NuPRL proof development system which we will describe in Chapter4 will is developed according to these principles.

3.4.1 Martin Lofs constructive semantic theory

The methodology for building constructive semantic theories presented by Martin-Lof evolvedfrom Tait’s computability method for proofs of strong normalization. It can be applied not onlyin mathematics and computer science but also in other sciences dealing with formal languages(like linguistics) as well.

1. Fix the formal language of the theory by defining expressions and binding occurrences ofvariables.

2. Divide expressions into values (canonical expressions) and expressions relating to values(noncanonical expressions). In a larger theory this is usually done by tables.

3. Fix the semantics of the expressions by giving computation rules for noncanonical ex-pressions in the form of term-rewriting-rules. The computation rules define a reductionrelation −→ on expressions.

4. Introduce judgements about expressions and define their meaning. Define them explicitelyfor canonical expressions and deduce the meaning of judgements about noncanonical ex-pressions from their normal forms.

5. Introduce hypothetical judgements to allow reasoning under assumptions and define theirmeaning.

Simple Type Theory could have been developed as a semantic theory if we would include thereduction rules of the λ-calculus.

Example 3.4.1 In Simple Type Theory we had canonical expressions S→T and λx.b andf(a) as noncanonical expression. The x in λx.b was a binding for all occurrences of x in b.

A computation rule for f(a) follows from the untyped λ-calculus:“reduce f until it has the form λx.b and then replace f(a) by b[a/x]”.

The only judgement we had was a typing t ∈ T . A hypothetical judgement is the logicalcounterpart of a proof goal.

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The notion of judgements should not be confused with that of propositions. A proposition isa term of a formal language which, when interpreted, may be true or false while a judgementstates what is true in the theory. The meaning of a judgement must therefore be properlydefined before we can build a proof calculus for the theory.

Judgements will constitute the claims of a formal proof although they cannot themselves bepart of it. Nevertheless, the definition of proofs and the rules of inference have to respect themeaning of judgements and hypothetical judgements.

3.4.2 Semantics of type-theoretical expressions

In Type Theory canonical expressions either denote type constructors like x : S→T, IN orconstructors for canonical elements of a certain type like λx.b. Noncanonical expressions likef(a) are also called destructors of elements.

When introducing new types we will try to avoid introducing redundant type constructors,i.e. those that could be simulated by others. Otherwise proofs about important metatheoremswould have too many cases to be investigated. For the same reason the general policy will beto define only one element constructor and one destructor for each new type, if that is possible.21

This does, however, not mean that a user of Type Theory will be forced to use only theseexpressions. Quite the reverse, syntax and semantix are, at least in principle, open ended sincea user is allowed to extend the predefined language of Type Theory by abbreviations usingdefinitional equality. Such an abbreviation is introduced by

new-expression ≡ term

where new-expression may be any text in the alphabet which is available and term is an ex-pression in Type Theory including the abbreviations so far. The semantics of the abbreviationfollow immediately from the term it is defined by. Definitional equality is a purely syntacticalmatter since it relates linguistic expressions. The equality is intensional and not to be confusedwith equality of values which is extensionally defined by the computation rules.

For the semantics of Type Theory lazy evaluation is essential. λ-abstraction makes λx.f(x)a canonical expression regardless of the fact whether the inner term b is canonical or not.Thus Type constructors define lazy elements. As a consequence, reduction will have reacheda normal form where in principle further reduction would be possible. This is reflected in thecomputation rule for function application:

In f(a) reduce f until it has the form λx.b and then replace f(a) by b[a/x]

For (λx.λy.x)(g(z)) reduction will stop at λy.g(z) although g(z) may be reduced. Thus, evenif g(z) would not be normalizable in the original sense of the λ-calculus we would still reachnormal form. While this decision was made in favour of efficiency of the reduction mechanismit lays a heavier burden on the inference calculus if we want the results to be meaningful.

Principle 1 Type Theory uses lazy evaluation

21The only exception from this rule is adding standard constructs for user convenience. Essentially this is,however, nothing but an explicit “encoding” of abbreviations and their derived rules. The NuPRL type ofintegers in Section ?? is an example.

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3.4.3 Judgements in Type Theory

So far the only judgement we had in the type theories so far was a typing t ∈ T saying thata certain expression is a member of a type or, if T is U that the expression denotes a type. Inorder to reason about semantics we must also be able to make judgements about values, i.e.we must be able to judge that two expressions have equal values. This may, of course, stronglydepend on the type we are dealing with. Two sequences of rational numbers may be differentas sequence but if we look at the real number they define by their limits then they may denotethe same. Therefore the type of the objects to be compared must be included in the judgement.

In Type Theory there are the following four forms of judgements:

1. A type: “A is a type” (Typehood).

2. A = B: “A and B are equal as types” (Type equality).

3. a ∈ A: “a is an object of type A” (Membership).

4. a = b ∈ A: “a and b are equal objects of type A” (Member equality).

Now let us explain what the meaning of these judgements shall be. According to Bishop’sconstructive set theory [Bis67] a set (type) A is defined by prescribing how to build (canonical)members and when two (canonical) elements of A are equal. Thus the definition of a type mustautomatically induce a notion of membership and equality of members. Classical set theory(see e.g. [Sup72, Qui63]) defines two sets to be equal if they have the same members. Thusequal types must have the same membership and equality although the the converse may notbe true. Obviously, the equality judgements must be equivalence relations on terms and alljudgements must respect the semantics of expressions.

These consideration led to the following general method a formal definition of the judgementshas to follow.

1. A type: Canonical types are given by declaring a particular set of canonical expressionsto denote types (e.g. IN, x : A→B, A#B). A is a type if it reduces to a canonical type.

2. A = B holds iff A and B reduce to the same canonical type22.

3. a ∈ A iff A is a type and a reduces to a canonical value in A. Canonical members of a typeare defined inductively (e.g. 0∈ IN, λx.b ∈ y : S→T iff ∀a.(s ∈ S)⇒ b[s/x] ∈ T [s/y]).

4. a = b ∈ A iff a and b reduce to the same canonical value in A, which again needs aninductive definition.

Hypothetical judgements in Type Theory will have a form corresponding to sequents:

x1:A1, . . . , xn:An ` J “under the assumptions xi:Ai we judge J”.

Hypothetical judgements have to be functional23 and extensional, i.e. for all canonical ai ∈ Ai

the judgement J [ai/xi] is true and if ai and a′i are objects (possibly noncanonical) of equal

value in Ai then J [ai/xi] = J [a′i/xi].

22This requires a long inductive definition since “the same” is to be taken in a semantic sense: If, for instanceA reduces to x : S→T and B reduces to x′ : S′→T ′ thenA = B iff S = S′

∧ ∀s, s.(s = s′ ∈ S)⇒T [s/x] = T ′[s′/x′]23See [CAB+86] pp. 141f or [ML84] pp. 16ff for a detailed definition.

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A type: a ∈ A

A is a datatype (set) a is an element of A A is nonempty (inhabited)A is a proposition a is a proof (construction) for A A is trueA is a problem (task) a is an method to solve A A is solvableA is an intention (expectation) a is a method of fulfilling A is fulfillable (realizable)

(realizing) A

Table 3.1: Interpretations of Judgements

3.4.4 Propositions as types

Type Theory, as we mentioned before, shall serve as a unified fundamental theory for automat-ing mathematics and programming. We will now investigate, how the above judgements canbe used for that purpose. Each of them admits several different interpretations as shown inTable 3.1.

The third column represents a different reading of the second where some information (aboutthe specific member) is missing. Its consequences for the proof calculus will be discussed inSection 3.4.7. The last interpretation was suggested by Heyting [Hey31] and the third byKolmogrorov [Kol32]. Today, “a is a method to solve the problem A” can be read as “a isa program which meets the specification A” which means that Type Theory will in fact beapplicable to programming24. The second, logical interpretation is what we already know asCurry-Howard Isomorphism and indicates that Type Theory can express logics as well. Todistinguish proofs of judgements from those of propositions (a term which we judge to be aproof of the proposition) will will often use the word “construction” for the latter if confusionmight appear.

In Section 3.2.6 we have investigated the implicational component of the Curry-Howard Iso-morphism. Knowing that a proposition is true if and only if we can find a proof for it we willnow continue this investigation by interpreting the meaning of the logical operations:

Conjunction To prove A ∧B we must be able to prove A and B. If a is a proof for A and b onefor B then 〈〈a, b〉〉 is all the evidence we need to know that A ∧B is true. Thus, essentiallyA ∧B behaves like a product type.

Disjunction Provided a constructive interpretation of ∨ (the other can be simulated with ∧

and ¬) a proof of A ∨B must either prove A or B. Thus the set of all proofs of A ∧B is adisjoint union of the sets of proofs for A and B.

Implication In order to prove P ⇒Q we need to know how a proof p of P can be transformedinto a proof q of Q. Apparently, the transformation must be a function from the set ofproofs of P into those of Q. Thus P ⇒Q behaves identical to a function space.

Negation ¬A is a shorthand for A⇒Λ

Falsehood Λ is a proposition that does not have any proofs. It thus resembles the empty setand can be represented by an datatype which has no members.

24See Section 4.3 for a discussion of the impacts of this interpretation.

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Universal Quantification To prove ∀x : A.B we need a general method for proving B(x) forany x ∈ A. Essentially this method is a function creating a proof B(x) for all inputs x ∈ A.The output type of this function depends on the input value so the only appropriate typeconcept corresponding to ∀x : A.B is a dependent fucntion type x : A→B.

Existential Quantification To prove ∃x : A.B we must be able to provide and element x ofA and a proof b for B(x). Thus essentially a proof of ∃x : A.B consists of a pair 〈〈a, b〉〉where b is a proof of B(a). The datatype concept behind these pairs is, as in the case offunctions, the notion of a dependent product. The nonconstructive interpretation of ∃ canagain be simulated.

Thus, if Type Theory can provide proper definitions of (dependent) functions, (dependent)products, disjoint union, and of an empty type, then it can simulate all logical connectives andwould allow to automate logic within Type Theory.

This leaves one problem open. How do we integrate propositions into type theory? Lookingat the above similarities we certainly do not want a separate term category like propositionbesides members and types. Instead, we simply identify propositions with types. To be morespecific, we syntactically identify a proposition with the type of all its proofs. This is thepropositions-as-types principle on which Intuitionistic Type Theory is based.

Principle 2 Propositions are Types in Type Theory

There may be philosophical objections to this principle since propositions and types are con-ceptually quite different. One should, however, keep in mind that Type Theory is intended tomake mathematical reasoning accessible to computer systems which in the end do nothing butsymbol manipulation and cannot handle philosophical considerations anyway.

3.4.5 Propositional equality

In our investigation of Judgements in Type Theory we have discussed the need of having equalityjudgements in the theory. What is still missing, however, is a capacity to reason about equalitywithin a formal proof. How shall we, for instance, reason that a λ-term describes a functionand not just an “operator” or “algorithm”? In the definition of the equality judgement thismay be expressed properly but how can we conclude f(a) = f(a′) for f ∈ A→B if we know aand a′ to have equal values in A?

Equality reasoning is essential to most of mathematics and programming and we must thereforebe able to use equality in the assumptions of a proof. Since typings are all that is allowed in thehypotheses of a proof and we do not intend to burden us with new concepts, we will introducea type for propositional equality and denote it by a=b in A. This type represents one of themost basic logical propositions. There is hardly another proposition which is as important.There will be one canonical member which we call axiom. All proofs will eventually reduce toaxiom, thus bearing evidence that a=b in A is true.

The type a=b in A is not to be confused with the judgement a = b ∈ A. Note, however, that“a=b in A true” is a judgement that is intended to be equivalent to a = b ∈ A. Thus thejudgement p ∈ a=b in A will be true if p reduces to axiom and a = b ∈ A. We will includethis in our formal definition in Section 4.1.

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3.4.6 A cumulative hierarchy of universes

While typehood and type equality can be defined with complete freedom a formal proof systemrequires a representation of “A type” and “A = B” in the formal language. Knowing that A ∈U and A = B ∈ U can be used for that purpose we again have to face the problem that U itselfmust be an expression of the formal language.

If we allow the theory to contain dependent types, as we wish to, then allowing U to be a typewhich is a member of U leads to a paradoxon (c.f. Section 3.3.3). On the other hand, dependenttypes force us to make judgements about the typehood of terms like A→U25 and in the end wehave to assign a type to U. The easiest solution to this problem is to view A→U as a “large”type, i.e. as a member of some higher universe which we call U2. This consideration leads to ahierarchy of types U1:=U, U2, U3, etc., viewing U1 itself as a collection of “small” types.

This idea was not entirely new. Looking into “Principia Mathematicae” [WR25], the root ofmodern mathematics, we already find a type structure though a complicated one. A simplifica-tion by Quine [Qui63] lead to to a cumulative theory of types by which indexed type constructslike A→iB could be avoided. The clue is not only to have U1 as a member of U2 but also of asubset of it. Thus every universe contains all the universes below it and their elements.


⊂ U2∈

⊂ U3 . . .

In some sense this is quite close to U∈U but avoids its problems. The Ui are called universes ofhierarchies.

3.4.7 A calculus for proof development

Table 3.1 in Section 3.4.4 already indicated that besides typehood and membership there is athird concept in between the two. This becomes particularly interesting after we have acceptedthe propositions-as-types principle.

Example 3.4.2 Consider a proof for the judgement “a=b in A true”. By the propositions-as-types principle this is represented by p ∈ a=b in A where p reduces to axiom.

The term p will entirely depend on the proof we have to give for a being equal to b. If, forinstance, we already know p1 ∈ a=c in A and p2 ∈ c=b in A then we could apply the ruleof transitivity which forces p to be something like trans(p1,p2).

The important point is that p must already have this form in order to get a valid proof.

The matter becomes even more complicated if we think of all the other rules that could beapplied for proving a logical proposition. We would be forced to calculate a construction (aproof term) beforehand according to the proof rules we intend to apply and then redo the proofin the formal system just to check the construction correct. This definitely would be doublework although proof checking (i.e. type checking) can be partially automated26.

25The judgement about x : A→B can be defined in terms of B[a/x] which is a member of U. The formal proofcannot use β-reduction without typing B as member of A→U which leaves the question of the nature of A→U

open.26But see Section 3.2.2

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What we really want to prove in the above example is that a and b are equal and not that acertain construction is in fact a proof element for a=b in A. That is, we would like to developa proof (construction) of a proposition in the formal theory while developing the formal proof(of the judgement). In other words, we would like to make the distinction between judgementsand propositions as invisible as possible27.

This requires on major change in the representation of the judgements in the formal prooftheory. Instead of p ∈ a=b in A we write a=b in A [ext p] to indicate that we intend tohide the evidence p.

For the theory itself this change has no effect at all because it is just a different representationof the same judgement. In connection with a system that implements Type Theory this change,however, becomes important. A goal

x1:A1,. . . , xn:An ` T [ext p]

is to be read as “under the assumptions xi:Ai we judge that T is inhabited” and the evidencep does not have to be provided beforehand but can be extracted from the proof. p is thereforecalled the extract term of the proof. It remains hidden until completion of the proof.

Technically this means applying the proof rules top down as if they would apply to the typesonly. Once the formal proof is finished the resulting proof tree is used to construct the extractterm bottom up according to the kind of terms each individual rule requires to actually lead to avalid proof. Constructing the extract term from a complete proof tree can easily be automated.

3.4.8 Formal proofs in Type Theory

We will now summarize the above considerations and show how they can be used in a prooftheory which, if implemented, promises to yield sufficient support for automating mathematicsand programming.

As we have seen, each equality judgement a = b ∈ A is properly represented by the judgementp ∈ a=b in A. Typehood “A type” can be expressed by “A ∈Ui” for some universe Ui. Forthe formal proof system we can therefore reduce all four kinds of judgements to a typing anduse the concept of formal proofs as defined before (Definitions 3.1.6 and 3.3.5). Typings willbe written as statements about inhabitance of a type.

Principle 3Judgements in Type Theory are represented by goals of the form T [ext p] .

Consequently we get the following representations of the four kinds of judgements as proofgoals.

1. Ui [ext A] will be used instead of “A type”. (A is a witness for Ui being inhabited, thusa type).

2. A=B in Ui [ext p] instead of A = B.

3. A [ext a] instead of a ∈ A. (A is inhabited which is proven by a).

27and turn what was formerly a theory for proof checking (in the classical sense) into one for proof development

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4. a=b in A [ext p] instead of a = b ∈ A.

Note that although an explicit version of a ∈ A does not occur in the formal proof systemit can be simulated by a=a in A [ext p] which we will abbreviate by a in A [ext p] .Thus, without the aspect of proof construction, a in A [ext p] and A [ext a] would beredundant proof goals.

If the extract term is not of particular interest (as often in a=a in A [ext p] ) we omit it.This reflects the fact that a system would show extract terms only on demand.

In the proof calculus we use four kinds of rules for each type construct.

1. Type formation rules describe how a certain type can be formed from certain other types.Since types are members of some Ui these can be viewed as introduction rule for the typeconstructor as a member of Ui. These rules apply to goals like Ui [ext A] and A=B in

Ui [ext p] .

2. Introduction rules for canonical members say how canonical members of a certain type areto be constructed. These rules apply to goals A [ext a] and a=b in A [ext p] wherea and b will be canonical members of A.

3. Elimination rules for determine when a noncanonical member belongs to a certain type.Applied to a=b in A [ext p] where a and b are noncanonical it may be interpreted asan introduction rule for the destructor. On a goal A [ext a] it extracts a noncanonicalmember A which is possible only by operating on a variable of the corresponding typewhich is defined in the hypothesis list.

4. Computation rules relate introduction and elimination rules by describing how a noncanon-ical member operates on the corresponding canonical one. They apply to goals a=b in A[ext p] where either a or b is a redex and reduce it to its contractum.

There will be a few other rules serving miscellaneous purposes like the hyp rule. Since for eachconstruct the actual rule name can be determined from the context once its kind is given we willuse generic names like intro instead of →-intro. Type formation is the same as introducinga member of the type Ui and will also be denoted by intro. In general the name intro isused when we break down the conclusion of a goal. Sometimes we have to give an object to beintroduced as a parameter. The elim rules operate on a hypothesis which we have to identifyby either its position in the hypothesis list or the variable being declared. reduce rules performcomputation steps and need a parameter to determine the term to be reduced. Some rules havekeyword parameters of the following form.

• new x1,. . . ,xn is used when new variables may have to be introduced if the variablenames derived from the conclusion (e.g. the x from x:A→B) already occur.

• using T over z.T is used when judging the equality of noncanonical forms in dependenttypes. using T specifies T to be the type of the principal argument. over z.T specifiesthe dependence of the type T over which the equality is being judged on the principalargument of the form. Each occurrence of z in T indicates such a dependency

• at Ui determines the universe level at which any type judgements in the subgoals are tobe made. The default is U1.

Each rule must be given in its most general form. Optional parameter are enclosed by squarebrackets as in [new x]. If the extract term is trivial (i.e. axiom) it will be omitted.

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3.5 References and further reading

There are various books and tutorials containing general introductions to Type Theory. Thetheory described here is derived from Martin-Lof’s Type theory [ML73, ML84, NPS90, BCM88a,BCM88b, Bac89] but we use the syntax of the NuPRL system [CAB+86] which we will describelater in more detail.

The book of Girard [GLT89] contains a different Type Theory but is worth looking up fordetailed proofs about properties of Type Theory. Another source is the book of Andrews[And86]

Besides an unpublished manuscript of Martin-Lof [ML70] the book of Stenlund [Ste72] gives agood introduction into Simple Type Theory and the theory of species.

Alternative theories based on Martin-Lof’s original theory are described in [Gir71, Gir86,GLT89, CH85, CH88].

Martin Lofs constructive semantic theory and its impacts on the development of Type Theoryare implicitely contained in [ML84] and Chapter 8 of [CAB+86]. Several individual articles[All87a, All87b, Con89, CH90b, Smi84] give additional insights about the semantics of TypeTheory.

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Chapter 4

The Type Theory of NuPRL

Following the methodology developed in Section 3.4 Type Theory can now be developed brickby brick. In this chapter we will introduce the type theory of the NuPRL1 proof developmentsystem and show how it can be used as a unified fundament for mathematics, logic and pro-gramming. We will begin with an in-detail description of the most fundamental constructs.Further types will be added according to our needs.

4.1 Basic constructs

According to our discussion in Section 3.4 Type Theory should provide at least propositionalequality, universes, a type of (dependent) functions, (dependent) products, and disjoint union.All these types can be introduced straightforwardly.

Propositional equality, as mentioned in Section 3.4.5 is the essential type for reasoning aboutvalues of expressions. “a=b in A” represents the statement “a and b are equal members of A”.It is inhabited by the element axiom if the statement is true and empty otherwise.

Universes (c.f. Section 3.4.6) Ui denote the collection of all types of level i. All canonical typesare canonical members of some universe Ui including the universes of lower level and theirmembers. Specific type destructors do not exist (so far).

The need for dependent function spaces as types for λ-terms is obvious. We will keep thenotations x:A→B (or A→B, if there is no dependency),2 λx.b and f(a).

Another fundamental concept in both mathematics and programming is the formation of tuples.Set Theory, for instance, starts with the definition of unordered pairs in order to derive otherconcepts like ordered pairs, functions, etc. All major programming languages use arrays orrecord structures. Essentially, tupling can be reduced to forming pairs 〈〈a, b〉〉 of objects a and b.Forming the product A#B of two types A and B is the corresponding type construct. Complexstructures like n-tuples or arbitrary records can be constructed by nested pairs. To undo pairing

1The name NuPRL stands for Proof (or Program) Refinement Language, version ν (the “new”, nearlyultimate version after λ-PRL) which has been developed at Cornell University in the early 1980’s [CAB+86]

2It should be noted that due to the set-theoretic view of functions as sets of pairs 〈〈argument, value〉〉 the typex:A→B can also be denoted as infinite product

a∈A B(a). Many authors (see e.g. [ML82, ML84, GLT89,NPS90]) use this notation although the use of λ-terms as canonical members suggests an operation or programrather than a set of pairs.


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in a uniform way we use the term spread(p;u,v.t) (c.f. Example 2.6.17) which should be readas “In t instantiate u, v such that p = 〈〈u, v〉〉”. To be able to represent programming languageconstructs like variant records we also introduce dependent product types: x:A#B3 denotes thetype of all pairs where the value of the first component determines the type of the second.

Disjoint union A|B of two types A and B represents a type whose elements can be determinedto come from either A or B.4 Canonical elements must therefore yield information about theorigin of an element. We use inl(a) and inr(b) to denote the left and right “injection”. Toundo injection we have to decide where an element d came from. decide(d;x.s;y.t) is to beread “if d evaluates to inl(x) then result s; if d evaluates to inr(y) then result t”. Obviously,disjoint union cannot have any meaningful dependencies.

4.1.1 The semantic theory

Following Martin-Lof’s prescription (c.f. Section 3.4.1) we will now develop a semantic theoryfor propositional equality, universes, a type of (dependent) functions, (dependent) products,and disjoint union.

Definition 4.1.1 An expression is

1. A variable5,

2. (t), where t is an expression,

3. Ui, where i is a positive integer constant,

4. axiom,

5. a=b in A, where a, b and A are expressions,

6. an application t(a) where t and a are expressions,

7. an abstraction λx.b where b is an expression and x a variable,

8. x:A→B and A→B, where A and B are expressions, x a variable,

9. a pair 〈〈a, b〉〉, where a and b are expressions,

10. a spread term spread(p;u,v.t), where p and t are expressions and u and v are variables,

11. x:A#B and A#B, where A and B are expressions and x is a variable,

12. inl(a) and inr(b), where a and b are expressions,

13. decide(d;x.s;y.t), where d, s and t are expressions and x and y are variables,

14. A|B, where A and B are expressions.

3Category theory describes dependent products as infinite disjoint unions∑

a∈A B(a) but this is a rathermisleading notation. In order to express disjoint union of sets which are not really disjoint like IN+IN both setsneed to be tagged (IN1 + IN2) to become distinct. Tagging, however, means adding something to an element(01 ∈ IN1), thus making it essentially a pair.

4Forming an arbitrary union of two types as set theory does is a highly nonconstructive operation. It wouldmean clashing together two types without leaving a chance to decide from which type an element came from.A computable destructor for such a type cannot exist.

5Variables are written as identifiers with distinct identifiers indicating distinct variables. An identifier is anystring of letters, digits, underscores, or at-signs (@) which starts with a letter. The only identifiers which cannotbe used are operator names like inl and other identifiers which already have a fixed meaning.

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Lower Precedence

=, in left associative#, →, | right associativeinl, inr ———λx. ———(a) as in f(a) ———

Higher Precedence

Figure 4.1: Operator precedences

Parentheses must be used to resolve ambiguous notations correctly. By precedence conventionswe may lessen the need for parentheses. The equality sign = should have the lowest precedence.λx.f(y) should abbreviate λx.(f(y)) and not (λx.f)(y). Thus function application bindsstronger than λ-abstraction. Typically, 2-ary operations are understood left associative (i.e.6-2-3 is the same as (6-2)-3). Type constructors, however, must are right associative: λx.λy.t∈ A→B→C is the same as λx.(λy.t) ∈ A→(B→C). Figure 4.1 gives a complete list ofprecedences.

Open terms, i.e. terms containing free variables, cannot be considered executable since a valuecannot be properly defined. A variable x occuring in a term t occurs free unless it becomesbound by a binding operator.

Definition 4.1.2 Binding occurrences of variables in expressions:

• A variable x occurs free in x; no other variables occur at all.

• In λx.b the x in front of the dot and all the free occurrences of x in b become bound. Freeoccurrences of variables y different from x remain free in λx.b.

• In spread(p;u,v.t) the u and v in front of the dot and all occurrences of u and v in tbecome bound.

• In decide(d;x.s;y.t) the x and y in front of the dot and all occurrences of x in s andof y in t become bound.

• In x:A→B and x:A#B the x in front of the colon and all the free occurrences of x inB become bound. Free occurrences of variables y different from x remain free in x:A→Band x:A#B.

• No variable becomes bound by forming (t), a=b in A, axiom, t(a), A→B, 〈〈a, b〉〉, A#B,inl(a), inr(b), or A|B.

Among the closed terms we distinguish canonical and noncanonical expressions. 6 Termswith the outer form f(a), spread(p;u,v.t), or decide(d;x.s;y.t) are noncanonical. Allother forms are canonical. Thus λx.b, 〈〈a, b〉〉, inl(a), and inr(b) are canonical expressionsregardless of the fact whether a or b are in canonical form or not. We have defined them aslazy elements.

Definitions 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 and the separation of canonical and noncanonical terms can besummarized in a table as in Figure 4.2 which simply lists all terms and binding occurrences.Variables written below a term indicate where the variables become bound. Diamonds ()

6It does not make sense to call an open expression canonical because it has no value

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canonical, if closed noncanonical, if closed(types) (elements)

x (t)

x:A→B A→B λx.b t(a)x x x x

x:A#B A#B 〈〈a, b〉〉 spread(p;u,v.t)x x u v u


A|B inl(a) inr(b) decide(d;x.s;y.t) x x y y

a=b in A axiom ————

Ui (all canonical types) ————

x, y, u, v range over variables, a, b, d, p, s, t, A,B range over terms, i over positive integer constants.Variables written below a term indicate where the variables become bound.Diamonds () indicate the positions of principal arguments in noncanonical expressions.

Figure 4.2: Terms

indicate the positions of principal arguments in noncanonical expressions, i.e. arguments whichplay the key role in the evaluation procedure. Note that although we have written types andtheir members separately, there is no distinction between types and objects on the syntacticlevel. Such a distinction can only be made through judgements, i.e. semantical constructs.

An immediate consequence of defining canonical members as lazy elements is that the compu-tation rules perform lazy evaluation by only looking at the outer structure of a term.

Definition 4.1.3 Computation rules for the functions, products and unions

• In f(a) reduce f until it has the form λx.b and then replace f(a) by b[a/x].

• In spread(p;u,v.t) reduce p until it has the form 〈〈a, b〉〉 and then replace spread(p;u,v.t)by t[a, b/u, v].

• In decide(d;x.s;y.t) reduce d until it is in canonical form. If d=inl(a) then s[a/x] isthe contractum, if d=inr(b) then t[b/y] is the contractum.

Essentially these rules describe how to rewrite redices into their contracta. Thus, given a tableof redices and their contracta, as in Figure 4.3, these three rules may be considered as instancesof a general evaluation procedure which is given in Figure 4.4.

Comparing this algorithm with the reduction rules for the untyped λ-calculus (Definition 2.6.6)one may notice that the reduction rules of type ξ and µ have been abandoned while the α, β,ν, ρ, and τ -reduction is still in force. In contrast to the simple typed theories, therefore,

Figure 4.3: Redices and contracta

Redex Contractum

(λx.b)(a) b[a/x]

spread(〈〈a, b〉〉;u,v.t) t[a, b/u, v]

decide(inl(a);x.s;y.t) s[a/x]

decide(inr(b);x.s;y.t) t[b/x]

x, y, u, v range over variables, a, b, d, f, p, s, t,A, B range over terms.

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(semantical) equality of expressions cannot be defined by simply saying “a and b are equal ifthey reduce to the same value” which we could do because of the Church-Rosser property. Forthis reason the notion of equality must be contained in the definition of judgements.

Four judgements “T type”, “S = T”, “t ∈ T”, and “s = t ∈ T” are defined as predicates onpossibly open terms. It will turn out that these predicates will hold only for closed terms. Assuch they constitute the NuPRL type system.

Definition 4.1.4 Judgements


−→ denote the reduction relation induced by the evaluation procedure and the table ofredices and contracta. The predicates “ T type ”, “ S = T ”, “ t ∈ T ”, and “ s = t ∈ T ”are defined by mutual induction according to the rules given in Figures 4.5 and 4.6.

One should keep in mind that judgements express the semantics of NuPRL’s type theory andshould not be confused with the notion of provability.

Lemma 4.1.5

1. the relation S = T is transitive and symmetric,

2. for all terms S and T : S = T if and only if there is a term S ′ such that Sβ

−→ S ′ andS ′ = T ,

3. the relation s = t ∈ T is transitive and symmetric in s and t,

4. for all terms s, t, and T : s = t ∈ T if and only if there is a term s′ such that sβ

−→ s′

and s′ = t ∈ T ,

5. for all terms s, t, and T : s = t ∈ T implies “T type” (T = T ),

6. for all terms s, t, S, and T : if s = t ∈ T and S = T then s = t ∈ S,7

4.1.2 The proof rules

According to the principles discussed in Section 3.4.8 all the judgements can be properly rep-resented in the proof calculus by goals of the form T [ext p] which is another way of writing“p ∈ T” and better fits the concept of proof development. The judgements have been defined

7Therefore the membership relation for A→B and A#B is induced by the corresponding membership relationfor the dependent version.

Figure 4.4: The general evaluation procedure

Given a (closed) term t, evaluate as follows:

• If t is canonical then terminate with result t.

• Otherwise, execute the evaluation procedure on each principal argument of t, and if each has avalue, replace the principal arguments of t by their respective values; call this term s.

- If s is a redex then continue by evaluating the contractum of s.

- If s is not a redex then terminate without a result; t has no value.

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T type iff T = T .

S = T iff exists A,A′, B,B′, x, x′.


−→ x:A→B or Sβ

−→ A→B) and (Tβ

−→ x′:A′→B′ or Tβ

−→ A′→B′)and A = A′ and (for all a, a′. B[a/x] = B ′[a′/x′] if a = a′ ∈ A)

or exists A,A′, B,B′, x, x′.


−→ x:A#B or Sβ

−→ A#B) and (Tβ

−→ x′:A′#B′ or Tβ

−→ A′#B′)and A = A′ and (for all a, a′. B[a/x] = B ′[a′/x′] if a = a′ ∈ A)

or exists A,A′, B,B′. (Sβ

−→ A|B) and (Tβ

−→ A′|B′) and A = A′ and B = B′

or exists a, a′, b, b′, A,A′. (Sβ

−→ a=b in A) and (Tβ

−→ a′=b′ in A′)and A = A′ and a = a′ ∈ A and b = b′ ∈ A′

or Sβ

−→ Ui and Tβ

−→ Ui.x, x′, y, y′ range over variables, a, a′, b, b′, A,A′, B, B′, s, t, S, T range over possibly open terms, i, j over positive integers.

Figure 4.5: The type equality judgement

t ∈ T iff t = t ∈ T .

s = t ∈ A if A = B and s = t ∈ B.

s = t ∈ x:A→B iff x:A→B type and exists y, y ′, b, b′. sβ

−→ λy.b and tβ

−→ λy′.b′

and (for all a, a′. b[a/y] = b′[a′/y′] ∈ B[a/x] if a = a′ ∈ A).

s = t ∈ x:A#B iff x:A#B type and exists a, a′, b, b′. sβ

−→ 〈〈a, b〉〉 and tβ

−→ 〈〈a′, b′〉〉and a = a′ ∈ A and b = b ∈ B[a/x].

s = t ∈ A|B iff A|B type and (exists a, a′.sβ

−→ inl(a) and tβ

−→ inl(a′) and a = a′ ∈ A

or exists b, b′.sβ

−→ inr(b) and tβ

−→ inr(b′) and b = b′ ∈ B).

s = t ∈ a=b in A iff sβ

−→ axiom and tβ

−→ axiom and a = b ∈ A.

S = T ∈ Ui iff exists A,A′, B,B′, x, x′.


−→ x:A→B or Sβ

−→ A→B) and (Tβ

−→ x′:A′→B′ or Tβ

−→ A′→B′)and A = A′ ∈ Ui and (for all a, a′. B[a/x] = B ′[a′/x′] ∈ Ui iff a = a′ ∈ A)

or exists A,A′, B,B′, x, x′.


−→ x:A#B or Sβ

−→ A#B) and (Tβ

−→ x′:A′#B′ or Tβ

−→ A′#B′)and A = A′ ∈ Ui and (for all a, a′. B[a/x] = B ′[a′/x′] ∈ Ui iff a = a′ ∈ A)

or exists A,A′, B,B′. Sβ

−→A|B and Tβ

−→A′|B′ and A = A′ ∈ Ui and B = B ′ ∈ Ui

or exists a, a′, b, b′, A,A′. (Sβ

−→ a=b in A) and (Tβ

−→ a′=b′ in A′)and A = A′ ∈ Ui and a = a′ ∈ A and b = b′ ∈ A′

or exists j < i. Sβ

−→ Uj and Tβ

−→ Ujx, x′, y, y′ range over variables, a, a′, b, b′, A,A′, B, B′, s, t, S, T range over possibly open terms, i, j over positive integers.

Figure 4.6: Equality judgements for members of a type

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such that S = T holds if and only if S = T ∈ Ui for some positive integer i, and s = t ∈ Tholds if and only if axiom ∈ s=t in T .

Proof rules will as far as possible reflect the definitions of the judgements. We will list themin groups according to the type constructs, each group separated in rules for type formation,for introducing canonical members, for noncanonical ones, and rules for computation. Thereare two versions of each rule for type formation, canonical and noncanonical members, onefor constructing elements as extract terms of proofs and the other one for proving equality ofelements. In the latter case the extract term is always trivial (i.e. axiom) and will be omittedin our presentation of rules. We will use t in T as an abbreviation for t=t in T .

Universes are given as a cumulative hierarchy as discussed in Section 3.4.6. All type construc-tors, including Uj for j < i, construct canonical members of some universe Ui. Therefore allthe type formation rules can be viewed as introduction rules for some universe type and aredenoted by the name intro instead of formation. There are no rules for analyzing universes.A cumulativity rule is important when proving goals like T→ U1 in U2 with T being anelement of U1.

Rule Schemes 4.1.6 UNIVERSES

Let i and j are positive integer constants with j < i.

FormationH ` Ui [ext Uj] by intro universe Uj

H ` Uj in Ui by intro

CumulativityH ` S=T in Ui by cumulativity at Uj

· H ` S=T in Uj

The type a=b in A mirrors the judgement a = b ∈ A. The rules follow straightforwardly.


FormationH ` Ui [ext a=b in A] by intro equality A

· H ` A in Ui· H ` A [ext a]· H ` A [ext b]

H ` (a=b in A) in Ui by intro

· H ` A in Ui· H ` a in A· H ` b in A

CanonicalH ` axiom in (a=b in A) by intro

· H ` a=b in A

H, x:A, H ′ ` x in A by intro8

Equality decisionH ` a=b in A by equality

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SubstitutionH ` T [s/x] [ext t] by subst at Ui s=s′ in S over x.T

· H ` s=s′ in S· H ` T [s′/x] [ext t]· H, x:S ` T in Ui

The subst rule allows substituting in a type T a subterm s by another term s′ of equal value(with respect to the type S), provided the dependency between T and s is known and Tis generally wellformed. The equality rule is a decision procedure that subsumes multipleapplication of reflexivity, commutativity, and transitivity rules in a single step. It applies if theequality of a and b can be deduced from assumptions that are equalities over T (or equalitiesover S where S = T is deducible) using only reflexivity, commutativity, and transitivity. Thealgorithm behind it and its justification is discussed in Section 5.2.2. Except for the equality

rule there are no rules for analyzing equalities.

Rule Schemes 4.1.8 FUNCTION

FormationH ` Ui [ext x:S→T] by intro function S new x

· H ` S in Ui· H, x:S ` Ui [ext T]

H ` x:S→T = x′:S ′→T ′ in Ui by intro [new y]

· H ` S = S ′ in Ui· H, y:S ` T [y/x] = T ′[y/x′] in Ui

CanonicalH ` x:S→T [ext λy.b] by intro at Ui [new y]

· H, y:S ` T [y/x] [ext b]· H ` S in Ui

H ` λz.b = λz′.b’ in x:S→T by intro at Ui [new y]

· H, y:S ` b[y/z] = b′[y/z′] in T [y/x]· H ` S in Ui

NoncanonicalH, f:(x:S→T), H ′ ` T [ext t[f(a)/y]] by elim f on a [new y]

· H, f:(x:S→T), H ′ ` a in S· H, f:(x:S→T), H ′, y:T [a/x], y=f(a) in T [a/x] ` T [ext t]

H ` f(a) = g(b) in T [a/x] by intro using x:S→T

· H ` f = g in x:S→T· H ` a = b in S

ComputationH ` (λx.b)(a) = t in T by reduce 1 9

· H ` b[a/x] = t in T


10This rule is a strengthening of the original one appearing on page 162 of [CAB+86] which became necessarydue to the introduction of subset constructors (Section 4.3.5). It also applies to unary equalities. Using thisversion of the extensionality rule, it is possible to prove goals such as f:S→T ` f in x:S|P(x) →T whichwould otherwise not be provable. If the using terms are not supplied, then x:S→T is used.

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H ` f = g in x:S→T by extensionality [at Ui]

[using x1:S1→T1, x2:S2→T2 ][new y]· H, y:S ` f(y) = g(y) in T [y/x]· H ` S in Ui· H ` f in x1:S1→T1

· H ` g in x2:S2→T2

Note, that the elimination rule has to add the term y=f(a) in T [a/x] to the hypothesesbecause there might be some other references to f and a in T which are not replaced byapplying this particular rule. The equality y=f(a) in T [a/x] itself will not contribute to thecomputational content (extract term) of a proof. Therefore its label, that is the variable oftype y=f(a) in T [a/x] declared in the hypothesis, is superfluous and will be supressed.

The independent function space S→T may be considered as a special instance of x:S→T wherethere is no dependency between T and x. Therefore rules for the independent function spaceare special versions of the above where all the components indicating the dependency betweenT and x are dropped. This causes major simplifications in the following three rules.


FormationH ` Ui [ext S→T] by intro function

· H ` Ui [ext S]· H ` Ui [ext T]

H ` S→T = S ′→T ′ in Ui by intro

· H ` S = S ′ in Ui· H ` T = T ′ in Ui

NoncanonicalH, f:S→T, H ′ ` T [ext t[f(a)/y]] by elim f [new y]

· H, f:S→T, H ′ ` S [ext a]· H, f:S→T, H ′, y:T ` T [ext t]

For the product type we only give the rules for the dependent version. Rules for the independentproduct again follow by a simplification. See [CAB+86], page 163 for details.

Rule Schemes 4.1.10 PRODUCT

FormationH ` Ui [ext x:A#B] by intro product A new x

· H ` A in Ui· H, x:A ` Ui [ext B]

H ` x:A#B = x′:A′#B′ in Ui by intro [new y]

· H ` A = A′ in Ui· H, y:A ` B[y/x] = B ′[y/x′] in Ui

CanonicalH ` x:A#B [ext 〈〈a, b〉〉] by intro at Ui a [new y]

· H ` a in A· H ` B[a/x] [ext b]· H,y:A ` B[y/x] in Ui

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H ` 〈〈a, b〉〉 = 〈〈a′, b′〉〉 in x:A#B by intro at Ui [new y]

· H ` a = a′ in A· H ` b = b′ in B[a/x]· H,y:A ` B[y/x] in Ui

NoncanonicalH, p:(x:A#B) H’ ` T [ext spread(p;u,v.t)] by elim p new u,v

· H, p:(x:A#B) H’, u:A, v:B[u/x], p=〈〈u, v〉〉 in x:A#B ` T [〈〈u, v〉〉/p] [ext


H ` spread(p;u,v.t) = spread(p′;u′,v′.t′) in T [p/z] by intro [over z.T]

using x:A#B [new a, b]· H ` p = p′ in x:A#B· H, a:A, b:B[a/x], p=〈〈a, b〉〉 in x:A#B

` t[a, b/u, v] = t′[a, b/u′, v′] in T [〈〈a, b〉〉/z]

ComputationH ` spread(〈〈a, b〉〉;u,v.t) = s in T by reduce 1

· H ` t[a, b/u, v] = s in T

Note, that the elimination rule has to add the term p=〈〈u, v〉〉 in x:A#B to the the hypotheseslist because there might be some other references to p in t which are not replaced by applyingthis particular rule.

Rule Schemes 4.1.11 UNION

FormationH ` Ui [ext A|B] by intro union

· H ` Ui [ext A]· H ` Ui [ext B]

H ` A|B = A′|B′ in Ui by intro

· H ` A = A′ in Ui· H ` B = B′ in Ui

CanonicalH ` A|B [ext inl(a)] by intro at Ui left

· H ` A [ext a]· H ` B in Ui

H ` A|B [ext inr(b)] by intro at Ui right

· H ` B [ext b]· H ` A in Ui

H ` inl(a) = inl(a′) in A|B by intro at Ui

· H ` a = a′ in A· H ` B in Ui

H ` inr(b) = inr(b′) in A|B by intro at Ui

· H ` b = b′ in B· H ` A in Ui

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NoncanonicalH, d:A|B, H ′ ` T [ext decide(d;a.s;b.t)] by elim d [new a,b]

· H, d:A|B, H ′, a:A, d=inl(a) in A|B ` T [inl(a)/d] [ext s]· H, d:A|B, H ′, b:B, d=inr(b) in A|B ` T [inr(b)/d] [ext t]

H ` decide(d;x.s;y.t) = decide(d′;x′.s′;y′.t′) in T [d/z] by intro [over z.T]

using A|B [new a, b]· H ` d = d′ in A|B· H, a:A, d=inl(a) in A|B ` s[a/x] = s′[a/x′] in T [inl(a)/z]· H, b:B, d=inr(b) in A|B ` t[b/y] = t′[b/y′] in T [inr(b)/d]

ComputationH ` decide(inl(a);x.s;y.t) = r in T by reduce 1

· H ` s[a/x] = r in T

H ` decide(inr(b);x.s;y.t) = r in T by reduce 1

· H ` t[b/y] = r in T

In the introduction rules for inl and inr we must guarantee typehood of the whole ex-pression which makes the second subgoal A in Ui (or B in Ui) necessary. In the rules fordecide(d;x.s;y.t) the third subgoal has to be proven even if d is known to evaluate only tosome inl(a).

Some miscellaneous rules are useful for structuring and simplifying proofs. First of all a typeT is inhabited by some x if x is declared as element of T in the hypotheses.

Rule Schemes 4.1.12 HYPOTHESISH, x:T, H ′ ` T ′ [ext x] by hyp x where T ′ is α-convertible to T

A term T can be proven to be inhabited by some term t by explicitely introducing t and provingthat t is in fact a member of T .

Rule Schemes 4.1.13 EXPLICIT INTRODUCTIONH ` T [ext t] by explicit intro t

· H ` t in T

A proof can be structured by first proving a sequence of internal lemmata which then are usedin the proof. This “rule of consequence” extends to the “cut” rule of ordinary sequent calculus.

Rule Schemes 4.1.14 CUT / CONSEQUENCEH ` T [ext λx1.(. . . (λxn.t)(tn). . . )(tn)] by seq T1, . . . , Tn [new x1, . . . , xn]

· H ` T1 [ext t1]· H, x1:T1 ` T2 [ext t2]

...· H, x1:T1,. . . xn:Tn ` T [ext t]

For the sake of legibility superfluous hypotheses may be eliminated. Given a list i1, . . . , ikof integers referring to existing hypothesis numbers the thinning rule removes the minimumnumber of hypotheses from the original hypotheses list such that the referred-to hypotheseshave been removed and the resulting sequent is closed. The rule fails if no such sequent exists.

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Rule Schemes 4.1.15 THINNINGH ` T [ext t] by thinning i1, . . . , ik· Hj1,. . . ,Hjm

` T [ext t]

Judgements about noncanonical terms have been defined by the corresponding judgements ontheir values. Therefore it is legal to replace a term T in a goal or in a hypothesis by any otherterm T ′ that evaluates to the same value, i.e. to reduce a certain subterm t or to undo reductionthat may have led to it (backward computation). By tagging subterms the computation maybe controlled.

A subterm t of T is tagged by replacing it by [[*;t]] or [[n;t]] where n is a positive integerindicating the number of reduction steps to be performed (* means “reduce as far as possible”).11 In the case of backward computation the term that will eventually occur in the subgoal hasto be given in a tagged form.

Rule Schemes 4.1.16 DIRECT COMPUTATIONH ` T [ext t] by compute using S

· H ` T ′ [ext t]

H, x:T, H ′ ` G [ext t] by compute hyp i using S

· H, x:T ′, H ′ ` G [ext t]

H ` T ′ [ext t] by reverse direct computation using S

· H ` T [ext t]

H, x:T ′, H ′ ` G [ext t] by reverse direct computation hyp i using S

· H, x:T, H ′ ` G [ext t]

where S is obtained from T by tagging some of its subterms and i refers to the hypothesisdeclaring x:T . T ′ is generated by performing computation steps as indicated by the tags.

Exercise 4.1.11. Define a boolean type Bool (see Example 3.3.11) with canonical members T and F and a destruc-

tor cond(b;s;t). Describe its judgements and appropriate rules.

2. Disjoint union can be viewed as a generalization of the type Bool (see above). Show how tosimulate A|B by dependent products and the type Bool and derive the rules of A|B from thoseof Bool and the dependent products.

4.2 Logic in Type Theory

We will now come back to the logical interpretation of types according to line 2 of Table 3.1.According to the propositions-as-types principle discussed in Section 3.4.4 the type constructorsfor (dependent) functions, (dependent) products, and disjoint union allow us to simulate all ofthe logical connectives. Thus, if we can provide a type corresponding to logical falsehood, TypeTheory will give us a calculus for dealing with logic for free and thus allow a uniform treatmentof logic and computation.

11The so-called “tagging restrictions” described on page 172 of [CAB+86] have been eliminated, so that alltags are legal. This extension is justified by a new theoretical result [How89].

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4.2.1 The empty type void

Following the propositions-as-types principle logical falsehood corresponds to the type of all itsproofs, i.e. to a datatype representing the empty set. We will call this type void.

Although propositional equality already gives us the means to express types which we know tobe empty12 there are several reasons to introduce void explicitely.

• The concept of an empty set and logical falsehood is primitive and should be representedby a type belonging to U1. All simulations are at least of order 2.

• The peculiarities of an empty type need to be made explicit.

• The equality type does not provide noncanonical expressions for analyzing equalities. Inparticular there is no way of using the fact that an equality is not true. Adding this tothe equality type would mean the same as introducing void explicitely.

By adding void to Type Theory we are forced to deal with constructs like void#A, void|A,A→void, and void→A. The first two are simple. Since void has no members void#A mustempty again while void|A essentially is the same as A. But what about A→void? If A is notempty any function in A→void would introduce a member of void. Therefore A→void must beempty if A is not. Under the Curry-Howard isomorphism this perfectly fits our understandingof falsehood; there can be no proof for A⇒Λ if A can be proven.

Dealing with void→A is the most complicated case since such a type must be inhabited. Thisis the case even if A is empty since, according to our logic, λx.x is of type void→void. Butwhat shall be the members of void→A in general? Obviously they must be functions, i.e.expressible as λ-terms λx.b where b evaluates to a member of A if x is instantiated by a termin void. We know that x cannot be instantiated. Nevertheless on the syntactical level we haveto provide a term as the function’s body. Thus the type void has to come with a noncanonicalform. Since void has no members this form has to create elements of arbitrary types out of noinformation, i.e. it must be a member of any type provided we can instantiate its argumentwith a member of void.

At a first glance this sounds very strange but we will give a plausibility argument that it doesmake sense to introduce a term any(a) which is a member of any type A if a can be instantiatedwith a member of void.

In Example 2.6.16 we have argued that assuming T=F where T ≡ λX.λu.λv.u andF≡ λX.λu.λv.v would cause all λ-terms to be equal. Thus T=F in Bool whereBool≡X:U1→X→X→X is a meaningful representation of the empty type void. As-suming x to be a member of T=F in Bool we could therefore prove s=t in T forarbitrary s, t, and T . In particular we could prove A=void in U1 for any type Aand hence the whole type hierarchy collapses.

Essentially this is nothing but another formulation of the logical law that from a proof forfalsehood we may draw any conclusion we want and anything will serve as a proof for that.In other words, we are justified to make use of the form any(a) since it cannot be instantiatedwith a member a of void unless the whole type hierarchy collapses. Thus declaring the functionλx.any(x) to be a member of void→A for arbitrary types A will not be “computationalnonsense”.

12e.g. A:U1 → (A = A→A in U1)

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We cannot expect to avoid all complications when adding an empty to the type system. Nev-ertheless, a theory that shall be used for expressing all of mathematics and programming mustincorporate a notion of falsehood which essentially is the cause for all these complications. Thetype void as discussed above seems to be the most appropriate counterpiece to this concept.Following the spirit of these considerations we extend the type system as follows.

1. The following line will be added to the table of terms (4.2)

canonical, if closed noncanonical, if closed(types) (elements)

void any(a)

2. Since there are no canonical members of void the term any(a) cannot be reduced. There-fore adding the type void will not change the redex-contracta table (4.3).

3. The type equality judgement “S = T” (Figure 4.5) will be extended by the case

“or Sβ

−→ void and Tβ

−→ void”.

The equality judgement for members of Ui (Figure 4.6) will be extended by the same case.

The equality judgement “not s = t ∈ void” is added to Figure 4.6.

The proof system will is extended by the following refinement rules for void.

Rule Schemes 4.2.1 VOID

FormationH ` Ui [ext void] by intro void

H ` void in Ui by intro

NoncanonicalH, a:void, H ′ ` T [ext any(a)] by elim a

H ` any(a) in T by intro

· H ` a in void

There is no introduction rule for members of void and no computation rule as well.

As a consequence of adding void there are some complications one should be aware of. Dueto the presence of the elimination rule for void there will be valid proofs of some strangeconstructs.

1. “ ` (void→F) in U1” can be proven although F ≡ λX.λu.λv.v is not a type. After thefirst introduction step we have x:void ` F in U1 which is accepted by the eliminationrule. As a consequence during the proof one might create garbage in hypotheses lists likex:void, y:F ` T.

There is no way to get around this. It should be noted, however, that the declaration ofx:void must appear in order to create nonsense like the above. Thus the whole set ofhypotheses is contradictory anyway and it does not hurt to accept any kind of nonsenseas a consequence of something that can definitely not be true.

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2. Using a similar argument we can prove A:U1 ` λh.(λx.x(x))(λx.x(x)) in (void→A).After the first introduction step we have A:U1,h:void ` (λx.x(x))(λx.x(x)) in A

which again is accepted by the elimination rule.

Strong Normalization has got lost.

However, the term λh.(λx.x(x))(λx.x(x)) already is in normal form and needs nofurther reduction. Also function application will not lead to a nonterminating reductionsince the type system accepts (λh.(λx.x(x))(λx.x(x)))(t) only if t can be proven tobe a member of void. Thus h cannot be instantiated.

The lack of strong normalization13 is not particularly due to introducing a noncanonical formfor the type void. The possibility of having types without members alone suffices to provethat λh.(λx.x(x))(λx.x(x)) is typeable . This was one of the main reasons to use lazyevaluation in the reduction strategy leading to normalization in a type system that acceptspossibly nonterminating constructs as subterms.

It should also be noted that terms like λh.(λx.x(x))(λx.x(x)) will not occur in a proof unlessthey are explicitely introduced. If we would restrict ourselves to terms that are generated asextract terms we would still have strong normalization.

Exercise 4.2.1 Prove λA.λh.(λx.x(x))(λx.x(x)) in A:U1→ (A=A→A in U1)→A) without us-

ing the rules for void.

4.2.2 Constructive logic

We will now have a look at the logical consequences of introducing the type void. View-ing propositions as types as discussed in Section 3.4.4 we can define logical connectives andquantifiers via definitional equality according to the Curry-Howard Isomorphism.

Definition 4.2.2 Connectives and Quantifiers are defined as logical notations for typeconstructs by the following equalities.

A ∧ B ≡ (A)#(B) ∀x:A.B ≡ (x):(A)→(B)

A ∨ B ≡ (A)|(B) ∃x:A.B ≡ (x):(A#(B)

A ⇒ B ≡ (A)→(B) ¬A ≡ (A)→void

As a result of these definitions we get A:U1 ` A⇒¬¬A but the opposite direction is not true:A:U1 6` ¬¬A⇒ A. Consequently the law of excluded middle cannot hold (A:U1 6` A ∨¬A) andthe logic we have got definitely is not the classical logic. But there is also some other interestingresult. Though not starting with constructive logic we exactly got intuitionistic logic as thesemantics of the formal logic represented by the propositions-as-types principle under the Curry-Howard Isomorphism.

Theorem 4.2.3 The propositional logic defined by the “propositions as types” correspondenceis in fact the intuitionistic propositional logic (IPL).

13in the sense of “any sequence of steps rewriting an arbitrary redex into its contractum is finite”

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Exercise 4.2.2 Prove that Definition 4.2.2 does in fact define intuitionistic logic.

As a consequence we now may analyze the intuitionistic propositional logic and properties ofthe intuitionistic propositional (sequent) calculus (IPC) within Type Theory. Important meta-theorems about IPC which had quite complicated proofs will now become astonishingly simple.We will give two examples.

The cut-rule in sequent calculus (i.e. the seq rule in Type Theory) helps structuring proofs bylemmata but is a major obstacle to the automation of proofs. It is also a rule that does notappear in natural deduction and thus an a problem when proving the equivalence of the twocalculi. Cuts can be eliminated from formal proofs at the cost of exponential growth of theresulting proof. This theorem can be proven in Type Theory by simply using reduction.

Theorem 4.2.4 [Cut elimination]If H ` G follows from IPC then it also can be shown without cuts

Proof: Look at G as a type. Any proof for G generates a member g of G which essentiallyexpresses how to prove G. Now normalize14 g to g′ which is also a proof for G. Since g′ hasno redices a term (λa.g∗)(a), which is generated by the cut-rule can not have appeared inH ` g′ ∈ G 2

The Cut-elimination theorem makes a proof for the consistency of IPC quite simple. Togetherwith the completeness of the calculus this means that it is sound, i.e. no theorem which is falsein intuitionistic propositional logic can be proven in IPC.

Theorem 4.2.5 IPC is consistent.

Proof: If IPC would be inconsistent there would be a proof for a theorem and its negation.By modus ponens we would be able to prove ` Λ. Using Theorem 4.2.4 we could thereforecreate a direct proof for ` Λ. Since, however, there is no Λ-introduction rule (i.e. nointroduction rule for void) this is not possible. 2

With similar techniques we also will be able to prove consistency of Gentzen’s sequential calculus[Gen35].

There is another proof theoretic result which tells us that the introduction and eliminationrules for elimination of canonical members are redundant. Unnecessary detours in a proof, i.e.introduction of formulae which are eliminated again before being used, can be eliminated. Suchformulae are called maximal.

Definition 4.2.6 A formulae M is called a maximal formula iff it is the conclusion of anintroduction rule and the major premise of an elimination rule.

14Recall that normalization is possible for terms which are generated.

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Example 4.2.7 A ∧B is the major premise of the ∧-elim rule and the conclusion of the∧-intro rule.

Γ, A ∧B ` C by ∧-elim

· Γ, A, B ` CΓ ` A ∧B by ∧-intro

· Γ ` A· Γ ` B

A⇒B and A ∨B are maximal formulae for the same reason.

Theorem 4.2.8 If H ` G follows from IPC then there is a proof without any maximalformulae in the hypotheses.

Proof: We only illustrate the key idea:If we have A ∧B in the hypotheses list, then there has been a proof of A ∧B and therefore,since A ∧B had to be introduced somewhen, there must be a separate proof of A and B.Thus the hypothesis A ∧B may be replaced by the hypotheses A, B. 2

Corollary 4.2.9 If G is provable from H then there is a proof of H ` G which only usessubformulae of H and G.

The isomorphism between constructive logic and Type Theory is not restricted to first orderlogic. Together with the hierarchy of universes the dependent function space allows representingany higher order quantifier. Thus we also get

• The ω-order functional calculus, where quantification over arbitary functions occurs (asin ∀f : A→B.T [f ]).

• Any i + 1-order predicate calculus, where quantification over predicate symbols of order ioccurs (as in ∀P : A→Ui.T [P ]).

4.2.3 Classical logic

So far constructive logic. What about “real”, i.e. classical logics? We do not want to lose theability of proving “classical” theorems that do not hold true constructively. If we use Godel’stranslation of classical logic into constructive one we get a solution easily:

Definition 4.2.10 Connectives and Quantifiers for classical logic are defined as ab-breviations for type constructs by the following equalities.

¬A ≡ (A)→void A B ≡ ¬A BA ∧ B ≡ (A)#(B) A B ≡ ¬¬A ∧ ¬B)

∀x:A.B ≡ (x):(A)→(B) x:A.B ≡ (¬(∀x:A.¬B)

Hence classical logic can be expressed in Type Theory as well. The basis of the above repre-sentation is the following theorem.

Theorem 4.2.11 Let denote the Godel translation from classical logic into constructive logicand ′ be a translation replacing all the atomic propositional literals A by ¬¬A. If H ` Gfollows from the classical Gentzen sequential calculus then (H )′ ` (G)′ holds true in TypeTheory.

Exercise 4.2.3 Prove that Definition 4.2.10 does in fact define classical logic.

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4.3 Programming in Type Theory

4.3.1 Proofs as programs

The theory developed so far provides all the constructs we need to express mathematics andprogramming. We will now take a closer look at concepts that will support using the theoryefficiently. In particular we will consider the aspect of program development in Type Theory,knowing that a judgement a ∈ A can be read as “a is a program which meets the specificationA” (c.f. Section 3.4.4). Let us consider an example.

Example 4.3.1 Assume we have constructed a proof for a theorem saying that every naturalnumber has a integer squareroot:

` ∀x:IN.∃y:IN. (y2 ≤x) ∧ (x<(y+1)2).

Then the proof will give us some evidence p that the theorem is true. Instantiating thedefinitions of quantifiers we can see that p has the type x:IN→ y:IN#((y2 ≤x)#(x<(y+1)2)).Thus p must be of the form λx.〈〈y, pf〉〉 where for every x the value y actually is the squarerootof x and pf is a proof term for that fact. Therefore λx.spread(p(x);y,pf.y) defines afunction computing integer squareroots which is proven correct by the above theorem.

This means: a proof gives us a program for free and thus we can use Type Theory not only fortheorem proving but also for developing programs. In fact one can even prove that theoremsof the kind ∀x:A.∃y:B.P(x,y) lead to the construction of functions from A to B.

Theorem 4.3.2For each positive integer i the following theorem can be proven in Type Theory.

` ∀A:Ui.∀B:Ui.∀P:A#B→Ui.∀x:A.∃y:B. P(〈〈x, y〉〉) ⇒ ∃f:A→B.∀x:A. P(〈〈x, f(x)〉〉)

Proof: The formal proof reflects the argument used in the above example. We give a sketchof it, omitting wellformedness goals:


` ∀A,B:U1.∀P:A#B→U1. ∀x:A.∃y:B.P(〈〈x, y〉〉) ⇒ ∃f:A→B.∀x:A.P(〈〈x, f(x)〉〉) by intro (3x)top 1 1 1

A:U1, B:U1, P:A#B→U1 ` ∀x:A.∃y:B.P(〈〈x, y〉〉) ⇒ ∃f:A→B.∀x:A.P(〈〈x, f(x)〉〉) by intro

new h

top 1 1 1 1

A:U1, B:U1, P:A#B→U1, h:(∀x:A.∃y:B.P(〈〈x, y〉〉))` ∃f:A→B.∀x:A.P(〈〈x, f(x)〉〉) by intro λx.spread(h(x);y,pf.y)

top 1 1 1 1 1

A:U1, B:U1, P:A#B→U1, h:(∀x:A.∃y:B.P(〈〈x, y〉〉))` ∀x:A.P(〈〈x, (λx.spread(h(x); y, pf.y))(x)〉〉) by intro

top 1 1 1 1 1 1

A:U1, B:U1, P:A#B→U1, h:(∀x:A.∃y:B.P(〈〈x, y〉〉)), x:A

` P(〈〈x, (λx.spread(h(x); y, pf.y))(x)〉〉) by explicit intro spread(h(x);y,pf.pf)

top 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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A:U1, B:U1, P:A#B→U1, h:(∀x:A.∃y:B.P(〈〈x, y〉〉)), x:A

` spread(h(x);y,pf.pf) in P(〈〈x, (λx.spread(h(x); y, pf.y))(x)〉〉)

The proof of the last goal is a simple exercise. 2

In Set Theory Theorem 4.3.2 has become known as the axiom of choice. In axiomatizations ofSet Theory (e.g. Zermelo-Fraenkel) there is no proof for it, so it must be taken as an axiomwhich, however, is not very easy to justify. In Type Theory, however, we can turn this theoreminto a method for developing programs.

Principle 4In Type Theory program development is the same as proof construction.

This principle, which has become known under the name “proofs as programs principle” [BC85],provides a meaningful way to develop programs which are guaranteed to be correct. At a firstglance, programming by proving the satisfiability of a program specification seems to be quiteunnatural and inefficient. However, it has turned out that many program methodologies madeby Hoare [Hoa72], Dijkstra [Dij76], and others are nothing but special reformulations of method-ologies for proofs, a fact which was discovered by David Gries [Gri81]. Therefore programmingmay be considered to be just a special case of proving theorems and as a result, prescriptions ofproof methodologists like Polya [Pol45] automatically become program methodologies as well.We will discuss this in further detail after introducing type constructs which are necessary for“real” mathematics and programming.

4.3.2 Natural numbers

Most of mathematics and programming is based on fundamental arithmetical constructs. Wetherefore have to discuss how arithmetic, that is a type of numbers including the concept ofinductive definition, can be handled in Type Theory efficiently.

In the untyped λ-calculus we could simulate numbers by Church Numerals but this wouldmake even the most primitive concepts very tedious. Therefore we will introduce a concretetype of numbers and its operations directly. We will first discuss the constructs and rulesthat are specific to this type and then turn towards a more practical definition based on theseconsiderations with a few more operations and rules which are already predefined. 15

The type of natural numbers will be denoted by IN. Following the typical axioms the canon-ical members of this type are either 0 or generated via the successor function s ∈ IN→INfrom other canonical members. Equality on IN is defined such that s(n)=0 in IN is falseand s(n)=s(m) in IN implies n=m in IN. Natural numbers can be used as arguments of anexpression which represents primitive recursion: ind(x;b;n,F.h) defines a function f withf(x)=b if x=0, and f(x)=h(n, f(n)) if x=s(n). F is a placeholder for f(n) in the term h. Thesemantics of these terms is reflected in the following rules.

15The arithmetic presented here refers to two conventional arithmetics:PRA - the Primitive Recursive Arithmetic, and HA - Heyting Arithmetic or Constructive Peano Arithmetic.

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Rules for INFormationH ` Ui [ext IN] by intro nat H ` IN in Ui by intro

CanonicalH ` IN [ext 0] by intro 0 H ` 0 in IN by intro

H ` IN [ext s(n)] by intro s

·H ` IN [ext n]H ` s(n)=s(m) in IN by intro

·H ` n=m in IN

NoncanonicalH, x:IN, H ′ ` T [ext ind(x;b;n,F.h)] by elim x [new n,F]

·H, x:IN, H ′ ` T [0/x] [ext b]·H, x:IN, H ′, n:IN, F:T [n/x] ` T [s(n)/x] [ext h]

H ` ind(x;b;n,F.h) in T [x/z] by intro over z.T [new m,F ′]

·H ` x in IN·H ` b in T [0/z]·H, m:IN, F ′:T [m/z] ` h in T [s(m)/z]

ComputationH ` ind(0;b;n,F.h)=t in T by reduce 1

·H ` b=t in T

H ` ind(s(m);b;n,F.h)=t in T by reduce 1

·H ` h[m,ind(m;b;n,F.h)/n, F ]=t in T

From these rules the whole number theory can be developed. We will only make a few pointsabout it:

Define x+y ≡ ind(x;y; n,m.s(m)) and then prove that addition is commutative. A proof for` ∀x:IN.∀y:IN. x+y=y+x in IN turns out to be very tedious because after introducing theallquantified variables and eliminating y we are left with the subgoals

top 1 1 1 x:IN, y:IN ` x+0=0+x in IN andtop 1 1 2 x:IN, y:IN ` x+s(y)=s(y)+x in IN.

After performing reduction steps (with the definition of + re-instantiated) in both subgoals weend up with

top 1 1 1 1 x:IN, y:IN ` x+0=x in IN andtop 1 1 2 1 x:IN, y:IN ` x+s(y)=s(y+x) in IN.

Both subgaols need to be proven by something like induction on equalities. For this we needan induction scheme of the following kind (c.f. Section 2.5.4)

H, x:IN ` P(x) by induction [new n]

·H ` P(0)

·H, n:IN, P(n) ` P(s(n))

where P is a predicate function on integers. Let us complete this rule by adding the evidenceswhich are constructed by it.

Suppose in the first subgoal we have b as evidence for P(0) being true. Assume v isa witness for P(n) in the hypotheses of the second subgoal. Then the evidence for

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P(s(n)) will be some term h which depends on n and v. Hence the evidence for P(x)is built recursively from b and h which fits exactly the semantics of ind(x;b;n,v.h).The above induction rule therefore is nothing but a special case of the eliminationrule for IN.

Inductive proof and recursive definition become identical in Type Theory, that is they can usethe same form.16 In fact, using the propositions-as-types principle the induction rule can beviewed as nothing but a special case of the elimination rule for natural numbers, that is therule which is dual to the introduction rule for recursively defined expressions.

Although the type IN together with 0,s and ind would be sufficient to express all of arithmeticit is still impractical. Therefore the type of numbers in NuPRL comes with a lot of expressionspredefined that could have been simulated as well. Natural numbers are extended to integers(int), canonical numbers 0,1,2,3,. . . are used instead of the lengthy form with the successorfunction. Standard operations like the unary - and the binary operations +, -, *, /, mod

and the predicate < are predefined and can be used in infix notation. A form int eq(n;m;s;t)returns s if n=m in int, otherwise t. less(n;m;s;t) does the same while testing n<m. Theinduction form is extended to the negative case.

Exercise 4.3.1 Give proper definitions of difference (x-y), multiplication (x*y), square (x2), integer

division (x/y), quotient remainder (x mod y) and the predicate x<y .

For the NuPRL type of integers the type system is extended as follows:

1. The following line is added to the table of terms (4.2)

canonical, if closed noncanonical, if closed(types) (elements)

int n ind(a;x,y.s;b;u,v.t) x y x u v u

y v

a<b int eq(a;b;s;t) less(a;b;s;t)

-a a+b a-b a*b a/b a mod b

n ranges over integer constants

2. The following line is added to the redex-contracta table (4.3).

16This was the reason to choose the name ind for recursive definition.

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Redex Contractum

ind(0;x,y.s;b;u,v.t) bind(n;x,y.s;b;u,v.t) t[n,ind(n-1;x,y.s;b;u,v.t)/u, v] if n is positive

s[n,ind(n+1;x,y.s;b;u,v.t)/x, y] if n is negativeint eq(a;b;s;t) s if m is n; t otherwiseless(a;b;s;t) s if m is less than n; t otherwise-n the negation of nm+n the sum of m and nm-n the difference of m and nm*n the product of m and nm/n 0 if n is 0; otherwise the floor of the obvious

rational numberm mod n 0 if n is 0; otherwise the positive integer nearest 0

that differs from m by a multiple of nn,m range over integer constants

3. The type equality judgement “S = T” (Figure 4.5) and the equality judgement for mem-bers of Ui (Figure 4.6) are extended by the cases

or Sβ

−→ int and Tβ

−→ int

or exists a, a′, b, b′. Sβ

−→ a<b and Tβ

−→ a′<b′ and a = a′ ∈ int and b = b′ ∈ int

The following equality judgements for members of int and a<b are added in Figure 4.6.

s = t ∈ int iff exists n.sβ

−→ n and tβ

−→ n

s = t ∈ a<b iff sβ

−→ axiom and tβ

−→ axiom

and exists m, n.aβ

−→ m and bβ

−→ n and m is less than n.

The type of integers comes with many predefined rules. For the sake of legibility we havewritten the equality rules in an abbreviated form omitting the second term and the equalitysign. The full form follows by a straightforward extension.17

Rule Schemes 4.3.3 INTEGERS

FormationH ` Ui [ext int] by intro int H ` int in Ui by intro

H ` Ui [ext a<b] by intro less

· H ` int [ext a]· H ` int [ext b]

H ` a<b in Ui by intro

· H ` a in int· H ` b in int

Canonical Let n be an integer constant.H ` int [ext n] by intro n H ` n in int by intro

H ` axiom in a<b by intro

· H ` a<b

17For instance, the full form of the formation rule for a<b would beH ` a<b = a′<b′ in Ui by intro

· H ` a=a′ in int

· H ` b=b′ in int

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Noncanonical Let op be one of +,-,*,/, or mod.H ` -t in int by intro

· H ` t in int

H ` int [ext m op n] by intro op

· H ` int [ext m]· H ` int [ext n]

H ` m op n in int by intro

· H ` m in int· H ` n in int

H ` int eq(a;b;s;t) in T by intro

· H ` a in int

· H ` b in int

· H, a=b in int ` s in T· H, (a=b in int)→void ` t in T

H ` less(a;b;s;t) in T by intro

· H ` a in int

· H ` b in int

· H, a<b ` s in T· H, (a<b)→void ` t in T

H, z:int, H ′ ` T [ext ind(z;x,y.s;b;x,y.t)] by elim z new x [,y]

· H, z:int, H ′, x:int, x<0, y:T [x+1/z] ` T [x/z] [ext s]· H, z:int, H ′ ` T [0/x] [ext b]· H, z:int, H ′, x:int, 0<x, y:T [x-1/z] ` T [x/z] [ext t]

H ` ind(z;x,y.s;b;u,v.t) in T [z/w] by intro over z.T [new m,h]

· H ` z in int

· H, m:int, m<0, h:T [m+1/w] ` s[m, h/x, y] in T [m/w]· H ` b in T [0/w]· H, m:int, 0<m, h:T [m-1/w] ` t[m, h/u, v] in T [m/w]

ComputationH ` ind(z;x,y.s;b;u,v.t)=t′ in T by reduce 1 base

· H ` b=t′ in T· H ` z=0 in int

H ` ind(z;x,y.s;b;u,v.t)=t′ in T by reduce 1 down

· H ` s[z,ind(z+1;x,y.s;b;u,v.t)/x, y]=t′ in T· H ` z<0

H ` ind(z;x,y.s;b;u,v.t)=t′ in T by reduce 1 up

· H ` t[n,ind(n-1;x,y.s;b;u,v.t)/u, v]=t′ in T· H ` 0<z

Let a and b are canonical int terms.

H ` int eq(a;a;s;t)=t′ in T by reduce 1

· H ` s=t′ in T

H ` int eq(a;b;s;t)=t′ in T by reduce 1 (where a 6= b)

· H ` t=t′ in T

H ` less(a;b;s;t) =t′ in T by reduce 1 (where a is less than b)

· H ` s=t′ in T

H ` less(a;b;s;t) =t′ in T by reduce 1 (where a is not less than b)

· H ` t=t′ in T

Arithmetic decisions

H ` T by arith at Ui

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The arith rule is a decision procedure which is used to justify conclusions which follow fromthe hypotheses by a restricted form of arithmetic reasoning. arith can deal with terms denot-ing arithmetic relations, namely terms of the form t1ρt2, where ρ is one of =,6=,<,>,leq,≥18

and t1, t2 are arithmetic expressions built up by integers and +,-,*,/, mod.

The conclusion T has to be void of of the form G1| . . . |Gn where each Gi is an arithmeticrelation. If T can be justified then the subgoals of arith are of the form ti in int, wherethe ti are the terms occurring on the left- and right-hand side of each Gj. The algorithmbehind arith and its justification is discussed in Section 5.2.1.

H ` T [ext t] by monotonicity i1 op i2· H, hyps ` T [ext t]

where i1 and i2 are numbers of hypotheses that are arithmetic relations and op is one of +,-,*.hyps are the additional hypotheses that can be deduced from from op and hypotheses i1 andi2 using monotonicity rules.19

4.3.3 The NuPRL type of finite lists

NuPRL provides a type of finite lists over elements of an arbitrary type A denoted by A list.The canonical elements of A list are the empty list nil and a.l, where a is an element ofa and l in A list. Functions on lists are built inductively in terms of a list-induction formlist ind(x;b;y,l,F.h). The meaning of this form is given by the following equations.

list ind(nil;b;y,l,F.h) = b andlist ind(a.r;b;y,l,F.h) = t[a, r,list ind(r;b;y,l,F.h)/y, l, F ].

The definition of natural numbers by 0 and the successor function s may be considered as aparticular instance of lists over a type with only one element. Therefore the rules for lists canbe derived as extensions of those of IN. See page 159 of [CAB+86] for details.

4.3.4 A programming example

Having introduced the standard types for programming we will show by a larger example20 thatprogramming and mathematical problem solving are in fact closely related and that applyingthe “proofs-as-programs” principle is a meaningful way to develop programs. Consider thefollowing simple but real programming problem.

Given an integer sequence [a1, a2, . . . , an] of length n write a program to find the sum∑p+q

i=p ai of a consecutive subsequence ap, ap+1 . . . , ap+q that is maximal among all thesums of consecutive subsequences ai, ai+1 . . . , ai+k.

18The rule does not make use of definitional equality, so the relations will appear in terms of NuPRL primitives.a=b is represented by a=b in int, a6=b by (a=b in int)→void, a>b by b<a , a≤b by (b<a)→void, and a≥bby (a<b)→void.

19For instance, if i1 refers to t1>t2 and i2 to t3=t4 and op is +, then the new hypotheses are t1+t3≥t2+t4+1

and t1+t4≥t2+t3+120The example goes back to [BC85] where the principle of proofs of programs was first elaborated.

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program maxseg (A:array of integer);


max := 0;

for lower = 1 to n do

for upper = lower to n do begin

sum := 0;

for count = lower to upper do sum := sum+A[count];

if max < sum then max := sum;




Figure 4.7: A straightforward solution to find a maximal segment sum

Such consecutive subsequences are called segments and the problem has become known underthe name maximal segment sum. For example, given the sequence [−3, 2,−5, 3,−1, 2] themaximal segment sum is 4, achieved by the segment [3,−1, 2].

Let us approach the problem systematically. The first task is to make the problem specificationprecise in mathematical notation.

“Given a list a of length n find M such that M = max∑q

i=p ai | 1≤p≤q≤n”

Since the set over which we are computing the maximum is finite the value M can be computedby brute force; for example, just list all segments, compute their sums and take the largest (seeFigure 4.7). This however is a very inefficient solution since it needs O(n3) steps.

Confronted with a problem of the structure “for all n find p such that A(p, n)” there are reallyonly a few strategies for solving it.

One possibility is that the construction of p and proof of A(p, n) is uniform in n, as in theexample “for all n find p such that p is not divisible by any y ≤ n”. Here we take p = n! + 1and prove the proposition without regard for the structure of n. The possibilities for such auniform analysis depend heavily on which functions are available for building p and the proofof A(p, n) directly

Another possibility is that we proceed by induction of one form or another on n. This issuggested whenever the answer p must be built in stages. Still another possibility is to generalizesome property of A(p, n) by adding an extra parameter m and performing induction on m. Thistechnique which we will use below is called generalization in Polya’s book on mathematicalproblem solving [Pol45] while in the context of programming [Gri81, Dij76, Rey81] it is calledweakening.

Quite often the formal specification of the problem already suggests a method for solving it. Inour example induction is suggested because the problem can be solved trivially for sequencesof length one, and it seems likely that we can decide uniformly how to solve it after adding asingle new element to the list.

So suppose the problem has been solved for lists of length n, yielding sum M on the segmentof length p beginning at index i. Suppose now that we add a new element an+1. Then we haveto consider two (exhaustive) possibilities.

The new maximal sum is the sum of a segment including an+1.

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The new maximal sum does not include an+1.

How can we decide which of the two cases holds? We cannot simply compare M with M +an+1

because M may be the sum of a segment not contiguous with an+1. In order to comparecorrectly we have to know what the largest possible sum of segments containing an+1 is. If wecall this sum Ln+1 then the new maximum is the maximum of M and Ln+1.

How do we compute Ln+1? Since we proceed inductively we will already know Ln from theprevious step (L1 will be a1). Ln+1 will be Ln + an+1 unless Ln is negative, in which case weknow that the maximum segment including an+1 is simply [an+1]. So the computation of Ln+1

is max(an+1, Ln + an+1). This analysis tells us precisely how to solve the problem.

How do we express the above proof in Type Theory? Since integers and lists are primitivedata types we cast the problem in these terms. List are naturally built from the head soit is convenient to recast the argument in terms of adding a new element a0 at the head ofA. It is also convenient to perform the induction on a list directly rather than on its length.These modifications actually simplify the formal treatment of the problem although one couldas well formalize exactly the original argument. The key argument of the formal proof whichdetermines the computational part of the resulting algorithm is sketched in Figure 4.8. It usesthe following definitions.

max(a,b) ≡ less(a;b;b;a)|A| ≡ list ind(A;0;a,A’,lg.lg+1)

hd(A) ≡ list ind(A;0;a,A’,hd.a)

tl(A) ≡ list ind(A;nil;a,A’,tl.A’)

A[i] ≡ hd(ind(i; m;s.s; A; m;s; tl(s))

sum0(i,j,A) ≡ ind(j;m,s.0; A[i]; m,s.A[i+j]+s)sum(p,q,A) ≡ sum0(p,q-p,A)

M = maxseq(A) ≡ (∀p,q:int. 1≤p ∧ p≤q ∧ q≤|A| ⇒ M ≥ sum(p,q,A) )

∧ (∃a,b:int. M = sum(a,b,A))

L = maxbeg(A) ≡ (∀q:int. 1≤q ∧ q ≤|A| ⇒ L ≥ sum(1,q,A) )

∧ (∃b:int. L = sum(1,b,A))

For the arithmetic relations =,6=,<,>,≤,≥ we have used the abbreviations mentioned in theprevious section.

The algorithm extracted from the proof is

λA.list ind(A;〈〈0,〈〈0,pf0〉〉〉〉;a,A’,M-L-n. spread(M-L-n;Mn,Ln,〈〈max(Mn, max(a, Ln + a)),〈〈max(a, Ln + a)〉〉, pfind〉〉))

where pf0 and pfind are subterms proving the correctness of the given solution. An optimizedversion would remove those parts because they have no computational meaning. It should benoted that the algorithm runs in linear time. Thus programming by proving the satisfiabilityof a program specification can lead to a solution which is not only guaranteed to be correct butalso much more efficient than the one programmed ad hoc.

4.3.5 Set Types

As we have seen in the above example, a program extracted from a proof may have parts whichnever will be used when computing the program since they only prove the correctness of theresult. The reason for this is that the standard interpretation of propositions as types identifies

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` ∀A:int list.∃M:int.∃L:int. M=maxseq(A) ∧ L=maxbeg(A)

by intro THEN elim A

1 A:int list ` ∃M:int.∃L:int. M=maxseq(nil) ∧ L=maxbeg(nil)

by intro 0 THEN intro 0 ...

2 A:int list, a:int, A’:int list, Mn:int, Ln:int, Mn=maxseq(A’), Ln=maxbeg(A’)

` ∃M:int.∃L:int. M=maxseq(a.A’) ∧ L=maxbeg(a.A’)

by intro max(Mn,max(a,Ln+a)) THEN intro max(a,Ln+a)

2 1 A:int list, a:int, A’:int list, Mn:int, Ln:int, Mn=maxseq(A’), Ln=maxbeg(A’)

` max(Mn,max(a,Ln+a))=maxseq(a.A’) ∧ max(a,Ln+a)=maxbeg(a.A’)

by reasoning about lists and arithmetic reasoning

Figure 4.8: Sketch of the final proof

existential quantifiers with products. While for proving correctness of the algorithm (once andfor all) this component may have been necessary it must be considered garbage during thecomputation process. We could eliminate it again using the spread construct but it would bemuch more efficient to avoid it being inserted into the algorithm in the first place.

A similar problem occurs when we try to restrict the input domain in the specification to a typewhich is not predefined. For instance, in order to express the squareroot problem on naturalnumbers (Example 4.3.1) we would have to formulate it as

` ∀x:int. 0≤x ⇒ ∃y:int. 0≤y ∧ (y2 ≤x) ∧ (x<(y+1)2).

But this would force us to explicitely carry around information which is uninteresting andmakes the true main goal invisible. It is much more desirable to express IN as a subtype ofint and use the original formulation of the theorem. More general, we need a type constructx:A|P which for each type A consists of those elements of A which satisfy a proposition P .

One might try using the product type for that purpose and express, for instance, IN asx:int#0≤x. But this is not the same as our intuition of subsets. A function f on x:int#0≤x

would have to take pairs 〈〈i, pf0≤i〉〉 as arguments where i is an integer and pf0≤i a proof thatit is nonnegative. On the other hand this proof will not be used in the computation and f hasto apply the spread operation in order to get rid of it. Thus a user would be burdened withproviding for each input i a proof of 0≤i which then is thrown away again. We should look fora more elegant concept for expressing subtypes.

These considerations led to the introduction of a subset constructor x:A|B which directlyreflects the concept of set comprehension. The members of this type are the members of a of Asuch that B[a/x] is inhabited. Equality on x:A|B is equality on A restricted to members ofx:A|B.21 In contrast to x:A#B the subset constructor is designed such that an element aof x:A|B does not contain a proof for B[a/x] (being inhabited). Thus we know that B[a/x]holds for a in x:A|B but we must not use this information in constructive proofs simplybecause a itself does not provide it unless, of course, there is a method of proving B[a/x]directly from a (as x≥0 can be proven for x=5).

21There is also an independent version A|B which contains the same elements as A if B is inhabited andis empty otherwise.

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The difference between these notions becomes more clear in the following example.

Example 4.3.4 Consider the following two types defining integer functions having roots.

F ≡ f:int→int|∃y:int. f(y)=0 and F’ ≡ f:(int→int)#(∃y:int. f(y)=0)

It is easy to define a function g in F’→int finding the root of each function fp in F (thatis spread(fp;f,p.f(g(f)))=0) simply by pincking the second component of fp which isthe witness for fp having a root. There is no such function h in F→int doing the same forfunctions in F because this would require an unbounded search which we cannot express inthe type theory so far.22

To catch the full notion of subsets, however, we should allow knowledge about B[a/x] to be usedin nonconstructive proof parts, that is those which generate axiom as extract term. Therefore,an elimination rule for a in x:A|B will introduce B[a/x] as a so-called hidden assumptionin the hypotheses list. Hidden assumptions, denoted by being enclosed in square brackets, arehypotheses whose names cannot be used computationally, that is, they cannot be object of anelimination rule or the hyp rule. These restrictions will only be removed in subgoals of ruleswhose the extract terms do not contribute to the extract term of the complete proof as in thesubgoals of all rules which have axiom as extract term.

The extensions due to the subset constructor ar the following ones.

1. The following line is added to the table of terms (4.2)

canonical, if closed noncanonical, if closed(types) (elements)

x:A|B A|Bx x

2. The redex-contracta table (4.3) remains unchanged.

3. The type equality judgement “S = T” (Figure 4.5) is extended by the case

or exists A, A′, B, B′, x, x′, a, a′, u.


−→ x:A|B or Sβ

−→ A|B) and (Tβ

−→ x′:A′|B′ or Tβ

−→ A′|B′)and A = A′ and u occurs neither in B nor B ′

and a ∈ u : A→B[u/x]→B ′[u/x′] and a′ ∈ u : A→B′[u/x′]→B[u/x]

Correspondingly, the equality judgement for members of Ui in Figure 4.6 is extended bythe case

or exists A, A′, B, B′, x, x′, a, a′, u.


−→ x:A|B or Sβ

−→ A|B) and (Tβ

−→ x′:A′|B′ or Tβ

−→ A′|B′)and A = A′ ∈ Ui and ∀b.b ∈ A⇒B[b/x] ∈ Ui and ∀b.b ∈ A⇒B ′[b/x′] ∈ Uiand u occurs neither in B nor B ′

and a ∈ u : A→B[u/x]→B ′[u/x′] and a′ ∈ u : A→B′[u/x′]→B[u/x]

As equality judgement for members of x:A|B the following is added in Figure 4.6.22In Section 4.4.2 we will introduce the concept of partial functions that will allow us to define h∈F→int

such that f(h(f))=0 for all f∈F using an unbounded search. The search is guaranteed to terminate becauseof the (nonconstructive) information about f .

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s = t ∈ x:A|B iff x:A|B type and s = t ∈ A and exists b.b ∈ B[s/x]

The proof system is extended by the following refinement rules (rules for the independent subsetfollow by a simplification).23

Rule Schemes 4.3.5 SET

FormationH ` Ui [ext x:A|B] by intro set A new x

· H ` A in Ui· H, x:A ` Ui [ext B]

H ` x:A|B = x′:A′|B′ in Ui by intro [new y]

· H ` A = A′ in Ui· H, y:A ` B[y/x] = B ′[y/x′] in Ui

CanonicalH ` x:A|B [ext a] by intro at Ui a [new y]

· H ` a in A· H ` B[a/x] [ext b]· H,y:A ` B[y/x] in Ui

All hidden hypotheses become unhidden in the second subgoal.

H ` a = a′ in x:A|B by intro at Ui [new y]

· H ` a = a′ in A· H ` B[a/x]· H,y:A ` B[y/x] in Ui


H, p:x:A|B, H’ ` T [ext t] by elim p

· H, p:A, [B[p/x]], H’ ` T [ext t]

H, p:x:A|B, H’ ` T [ext (λy.t)(p)] by elim i new [y]

· H, p:x:A|B, H’, y:A, [B[y/x]] ` T [ext t]

Which of the two cases is applied in any instance is determined by whether or not the variablep of the goal actually appears to the user (as opposed to being generated internally by theextractor). If it does appear, the first case applies. Otherwise the hypotheses number i hasto be specified. Note that one of the new hypotheses is hidden.

4.4 Recursive Definition

25 For anyone experienced with mathematics or programming recursive definition needs nomotivation; its expressiveness, elegance, and computational efficiency is unsurpassed by any

23Note the similarity of set and product rules except for the handling of extract terms.24This is a simplification of the elimination rule described in [CAB+86]. The well-formedness subgoal has

been removed since it turned out to cause unacceptable practical problems. The equality rule which differedfrom being an extension of the introduction rule for the set constructor had to be dropped.

25This section is not completed yet. So far it gives only a sketchy description how the question of handlingrecursive definitions can be answered.

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other construct. The possibility for defining algorithms or mathematical objects by recursiveequations is essential for real mathematics and programming.

In this section we will discuss three extensions of Type Theory by concepts for recursive defin-itions: an inductive type constructor permitting inductive data types and predicates, a lazy tpeconstructor permitting infinite objects, and a partial function space constructor permitting atreatment of arbitrary recursively defined functions in an always terminating reduction concept.Details can be found in [CM85, Men87a, MPC86].

4.4.1 Inductive Types

Inductive definition means interpreting a recursively defined object by the smallest fixed pointof the equation defining it. Nearly all recursive equations are to be understood as inductivedefinition. A typical example of an inductively defined type are binary trees over integernumbers. One of the standard definitions is:

“A tree is either a number n or a tripel 〈〈n, t, t′〉〉 where t and t′ are trees and n is a number”.

Thus a type tree representing the binary integer trees has to fulfill the recursive equation

tree = int|int#tree#tree.

We introduce the notation rec(tree. int|int#tree#tree) to describe the type which is de-fined as the smallest fixed point of the above equation. That is, the rec-constructor does notprovide canonical members on its own but gives us a prescription for constructing members ofthe type tree: “To construct a member of tree construct either one of int or an element ofint and a pair of elements of tree.”

The definition of trees over interges can be considered a special instance of trees over an arbitrarytype A. Thus a more general definition should allow defining

tree(A) = A|A#tree#tree.

and instantiating this definition to trees over int. The appropriate NuPRL notation for sucha type is rec(tree,A. A|A#tree#tree; int). It describes a recursive type parameterized by A

and specialized by int.

In Definition 4.1.4 we have defined the judgements of typehood, membership and equality bymutual induction. Equality of function types x:A→B was defined depending on the notion ofequality of members of the argument type A which depends on the typehood of A and thuson type equality again. Mutual recursion is also a familiar concept in modern programminglanguages: two procedures may call each other several times during execution. Thus it isdesirable to allow recursive types to be mutally recursive.

Therefore, the most general form of defining n mutally recursive types ti parameterized by xi

and instantiated by ai is introducing terms rec(t1,x1.T1;. . . ;tn,xn.Tn; ti;ai) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.Any of the xi parameters (and the corresponding instance ai) can be omitted. The ti are boundin all the Tj but xi only in Ti.

Recursive types are a manifestation of the basic ideas about recursive data structures (see[Hoa75] and [GMW79] for a detailed rigorous account) in the setting of Type Theory.

Far more delicate than the above examples is the concept of recursive types when function

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spaces are involved as in rec(T.T→T) or rec(T.T→A).26

Example 4.4.1 Consider the type S ≡ rec(T.T→int). The recursive equalition S = S→intgives us a prescription how to build members of S. Any term λx.b in S→int is also a memberof S if b is a term building integers from members of S. So let x be of type S. Then x is alsoa member of S→int and thus x(x) ∈ int. As a consequence we would have λx.x(x) ∈ S.

Why does this example cause problems? The combination of the rule for introducing functions(“to construct a function in A→B assume a member x of A and construct one of B”) and therule for introducing members of a recursive type produce a vicious circle. If such a circle occursin the definition of a recursive type then the type will contain elements whose computationsfail to terminate. Therefore, it is necessary to give syntactic restrictions on the right hand sideof an equation.

So far the best syntactic restriction on terms occurring in a recursive definition is that inrec(t,x.T;a) the variable t may occur only positively in T (which is roughly the same as notoccurring on the left side of an arrow).27

There are no specific canonical forms coming with recursive types since the members are entirelydetermined by the right hand side of the equation. However, analyzing the members of arecursive type provides us with an induction form rec ind(r;x,y.t) which can be viewed asa generalization of the induction form ind on integers. For the type of binary integer treesrec(tree. int|int#tree#tree) the following term computes the sum of the values at thenodes of a tree.

λt.rec ind(t; sum,a-tree.





If closed, rec ind(r;x,y.t) is a redex which evaluates to t[λz.rec ind(z; x,y.t), r/x, y].

4.4.2 Recursive functions

In the previous section we have seen that recursive types provide a recursive computation formrec ind(r;x,y.t) which, as in the case of integers, is the extract term of the elimination rulefor recursive types. As such it denotes a well-defined computable function whose domain issome recursive type. Quite often, however, we know a recursive solution to a problem withouthaving an exact recursive description of the domain of application.

Example 4.4.2 The so called 3x+1-function is defined by


0 if x = 1,f(x/2) if x is even,f(3x + 1) otherwise

26Such types are legal in languages like Algol or ML but require a notion of partial functions (see Section4.4.2).

27See [CM85, Men87a] for a full definition.

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It could be easily defined as

λx.rec ind(x;f,y.int eq(y;1;0;int eq(y mod 2;0;f(x/2);f(3*x+1))))

and applied although its domain is unknown.

Example 4.4.3 Unbounded search for the root of an arbitrary function could be defined as

λf.rec ind(0;min,y.int eq(f(y);0;y;min(y+1))).

This function is well-defined and terminates for inputs in f:int→int|∃y:int. f(y)=0(c.f. Example 4.3.4) but we have no information about the recursive structure of domain ofthe rec ind form.

It is therefore desirable to to provide a concept for representing “all algorithms” in TypeTheory even without knowing the exact domain of application. This would facilitate efficientprogramming in Type Theory and explain ordinary programming in it. As a result Type Theorywill not only provide a logically adequate foundation for reasoning about computation but alsoa practically adequate foundation in the sense that it can be used as a real programminglanguage. For this we have to accept algorithms which by their very nature could be partial.

A convenient and natural account of partial functions follows insights from Herbrand [vH67]which arose from studying algorithms in the context of constructive mathematics and logic.The key idea is that a computation rule as the reduction rule for rec ind can be understoodand treated as a formal concept before the domain of application can be given. This meansthat it can be used to define its domain which depends on what can be proven about it.

Partial functions, therefore, are handled by viewing them as total functions over their domainof convergence. Following the approach of LCF [GMW79] we denote a partial recursive functionby fix(f,x.t) where f and x are variables which become bound in the term t.28 Applicationis denoted by f[a] to keep a distinction from application in the context of total functions.fix(f,x.t)[a] reduces to t[fix(f,x.t),a/f, x].

Based on this computation rule we know how to say that a fix form converges on an inputa ∈ A to a value b ∈ B. It would be possible to prove fix(f,x.t)[a] = b in B by a seriesof reduction steps. For example we can prove

fix(f,y.int eq(y;1;0;int eq(y mod 2;0;f(x/2);f(3*x+1))))[1] = 0 in int

in two reduction steps. We might prove some other instances of fix(f,x.t)[a] = b in Bby induction. But we cannot reason about y:A|fix(f,x.t)[a] in B, the exact domain ofconvergence, inductively although it has an inductive structure.

In order to provide access to the inductive structure of the domain of partial functions, anew (noncanonical) form dom(f) is introduced. If f is in canonical form fix(f,x.t) thendom(fix(f,x.t)) is a redex which reduces to a contractum of the form λx.rec(f ′,x.E[t];fix(f,x.t); x) where the essential term E[t] is computed by a rather complicated (meta)algorithm.The contractum cannot be defined as easily as in the other cases since it strongly depends onthe term t used in the function’s body. In the case of the 3x+1 function the algorithm yieldsthe following domain predicate

28fix(f,x.t) can be viewed as extension of λy.rec ind(y;f,x.t). The most general form of fix againallows mutal recursion: fix(f1,x1.t1;. . . ;fn,xn.tn;fi).

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4.5. OTHER TYPES 103

λn.rec(D,y. (y=1 in int)

∨ 1<y ∧ (y mod 2 = 0 in int) ∧ D(x/2)

∨ 1<y ∧ (y mod 2 = 1 in int) ∧ D(3*x+1)


For a partial function application f[a] to be sensible one must prove that dom(f)(a) is true.This will guarantee that the function terminates on the given argument. But the algorithmgiven by the term f may also be executed for an element a′ where we cannot prove dom(f)(a′).In these cases the properties of the algorithm are not guaranteed.

The domain predicate allows a proper treatment of partial functions in the frame work ofalways terminating computations. A partial recursive function f from A int B actually mapsx:A|dom(f(x)) into B. It is convenient to collect all the functions mapping a subset of Ainto B into a single type which is represented by a new type constructor x:A6→B, denoting thepartial function space.

Contrary to total function spaces partial functions can be used in recursive types without anyrestriction. In particular rec(T.T6→T) is a legitimate type and fix(f,x.x[x]) is a member ofit. This function, although an analogue of λx.x(x), is defined only for arguments a which bythemselves are partial functions and satisfy dom(a)(a) such as fix(f,x.x).

4.4.3 Infinite Objects

Besides looking for the smallest solution of a recursive equation we could also search for thegreatest. The equation

tree = int | int#tree#tree

could also be understood as defining finite and infinite binary trees over integers. The conceptof streams, that is infinite sequences of, for instance, character inputs on a computer terminal,follows the equation

stream = char # stream

where char is a type of single ASCII characters. Such types can be implemented via cyclicpointer structures which are computed on demand only (lazy types).

In NuPRL they are represented by terms of the form inf(t,x.T;a) and the rules coming withthese types are in some sense dual to those of the rec type. See [Men87a] for a detailed analysisof infinite types.

4.5 Other types

In this section we will briefly discuss types not mentioned yet. Details can be found in theNuPRL-book [CAB+86].

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4.5.1 Quotients

Quotient Types are helpful to define new types from given ones by changing the equalityrelation. Rational numbers, for instance, are defined by fractions of integers (c.f. chapter 11of [CAB+86]). Real numbers are constructed by converging sequences of rationals. In theseand similar cases a new equality needs to be defined. Since this kind of equality should notbe treated differently from equality of other types a quotient type construct (x,y):A//E hasbeen introduced. The members of this type are the elements of A and equality is defined bythe equivalence relation E: s = t ∈(x,y):A//E iff E[s, t/x, y] is satisfied.

4.5.2 Atom

The type atom is provided to model character strings. Its canonical elements are arbitrarycharacter strings embraced by double quotes. Equality on atoms is decidable. The noncanonicalform atom eq(a;b;s;t) returns s if a=b in atom, and t otherwise. The extensions due to thistype are the following.

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4.5. OTHER TYPES 105

1. The following line is added to the table of terms (4.2)

canonical, if closed noncanonical, if closed(types) (elements)

atom " string" atom eq(a;b;s;t)

string ranges over character strings

2. The following line is added to the redex-contracta table (4.3).

Redex Contractum

atom eq(a;b;s;t) s if a is b; t otherwise

3. The type equality judgement “S = T” (Figure 4.5) is extended by the case

or Sβ

−→ atom and Tβ

−→ atom

The equality judgement for members of Ui in Figure 4.6 is extended by the same case.

As equality judgement for members of void the following is added in Figure 4.6.

s = t ∈ atom iff exists string. sβ

−→ string ∧ tβ

−→ string

The following refinement rules is added to the proof system

Rule Schemes 4.5.1 ATOM

FormationH ` Ui [ext atom] by intro atom

H ` atom in Ui by intro

Canonical Let string be a character string.H ` atom [ext "string"] by intro "string"

H ` "string" in atom by intro

NoncanonicalH ` atom eq(a;b;s;t) in T by intro

· H ` a in atom

· H ` b in atom· H, a=b in atom ` s in T· H, (a=b in atom)→void ` t in T

Computation Let a and b be different canonical atom terms.H ` atom eq(a;a;s;t)=t′ in T by reduce 1

· H ` s=t′ in T

H ` atom eq(a;b;s;t)=t′ in T 29 by reduce 1

· H ` t=t′ in T

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4.6 References and further reading

Most details about the individual type constructs can be found in the book describing theNuPRL proof development system [CAB+86]. Several other books and articles [ML84, NPS90,BCM88a, BCM88b, Bac89] give introductions to Martin-Lof’s theory of types, on which theabove theory is based.

Semantical questions have been dealt with in [All87a, All87b, Con89, CH90b, Men87a].

The aspect of programming in Type Theory and extracting proofs from programs has been in-vestigated in [BC85, Bac85, Con83, Con84, Con85, Con88, Hay86, Chi87, Smi83, NS84, NPS90,Lei90].

The concept of recursive types is fairly new. Chapter 12 of [CAB+86] and [CM85, CS87, CS88,Men87a, Men87b, Smi88] present the current research.

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Chapter 5

Implementing Automated Reasoning

In the previous chapters we have discussed the development of NuPRL’s type theory out of thetyped λ-calculus. The theory is strong enough to express all of mathematics and programmingand provides everything that is needed for developing formalized proofs “by hand”. The truepractical value of such a formal theory, however, is that its rules show how to reduce semanticalreasoning to syntactical rewriting of sequents, a task which can also be executed by a computersystem. It should therefore be investigated how to provide sufficient machine support forproving theorems and developing programs in Type Theory efficiently.

One can identify at least three distinct general approaches to automating reasoning.

• At one extreme is pure proof checking, as exemplified by AUTOMATH [Bru80, vBJ77].These methods rely on a very expressive language to capture the abstractions that makerigorous mathematics possible. They require large libraries and use a minimum amountof algorithmic metamathematics. Such techniques are thus very safe but also extremelytedious and unexciting since the computer only checks that the proof provided by theuser is in fact correct. The level of machine support is extremely low and the loss factorbetween formal and ’ordinary’ proofs is very high which makes formal proofs also difficultto read.

• At the other extreme is automatic theorem proving, as exemplified by various well-knownprovers [Ble77, Bib87, BM79, LSBB90, WOLB84]. They rely on Godel’s completenesstheorem which essentially says that for each theorem that is true a proof can be found byan exhaustive search procedure. These methods can discover unexpected results but canalso be very costly since in general theorem proving is an undecidable problem.

• In between are approaches which rely to some extent on proof checking and on decisionprocedures. They might be characterized as nonheuristic theorem proving since the auto-matic support is restricted to problems that are quickly recognizable by algorithms.

Decision procedures rely on a deep analysis of theorems and require complex algorithmswhose correctness is a major factor in judging the reliability of a system using them.Algorithms for simple theories such as equality and arithmetic have been quite successfuland efficient.

The paradigm of tactical theorem proving, first investigated within the LCF Project [GMW79]offers a method to combine the strengths of all these approaches. The idea was to build a


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system that allows a user to program (safe) extensions of the deductive apparatus and thus toexperiment with a mix of strategies along the spectrum from pure proof checking to full theoremproving. This can be accomplished by formaling the (informally present) metalanguage of theunderlying theory as an interactive programming language.

During the LCF project this idea resulted in the design of the metalanguage ML which now hasbecome a widely accepted functional programming language. Experiences with LCF [GMW79],PL/CV [CJE82], and λ-PRL have shown that implementing a proof system within such ametalanguage also results in a greater flexibility of the proof system. Since the EdinburghLCF approach to automated reasoning was especially compatible with the design principle ofNuPRL and the language ML also strongly reflects the structure of Type Theory the LCF ideawas adopted to the implementation of Type Theory as well.

In this chapter we will discuss the principles of implementing automated reasoning in TypeTheory. We will begin with a description of a flexible, fully interactive system for developingproofs in Type Theory and then show how to extend its reasoning power by decision proceduresand the paradigm of tactical theorem proving.

5.1 Building systems for interactive proof development

Before we discuss some principles of an implementation we will give a brief summary of thefeatures of the language ML.

5.1.1 ML

Since the development of ML as the metalanguage for the LCF proof system several dialectsof the language have evolved, including Cambridge ML (of 1985), the implementation of MLused in NuPRL.1 Three important characteristics make it a good language for our purposes.

• ML is a higher order functional programming language.

• ML has an extensible, polymorphic type discipline with secure types.

• ML has a mechanism for raising and handling exceptions.

In order to understand the principles of an implementation of Type Theory it is not necessaryto know many details of ML. The following summarizes some of the more important, and lessobvious constructs.

Functions are defined in ML using either an abstraction construct as in

let divides = \x.\y.((x/y)*y = x);;

or an equational definition as in

let divides x y = ((x/y)*y = x);;

Both versions define the same function divides which maps integers to functions from integersto boolean values. \ is an explicit abstraction operator which stands for the more conventional

1There have been some extensions to specialize the language to NuPRL’s Type Theory. See [GMW79] and[CAB+86], chapters 6, 9, and Appendix A for a complete account.

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λ. The equational form is more general since it can also be used to define functions by recursionas in

letrec min f start = if f(start)=0 then start else min f (start+1)

The function min is a higher order function. It accepts a function f from integers to integersand maps it into a function from integers to integers. ML allows arbitrary functions to bearguments of other functions2 as long as they can be typed.

Every value in ML, including functions, is associated with a type. This allows expressing andenforcing type constraints on the arguments and results of functions. For example, the resultof a function may be forced to be of the type proof. The basic ML data types are tokens,integers, booleans (tok, int, bool) and a special unit type (written “.” or void) whose onlymember is “()”. Tokens are character strings surrounded by back quotes as in ‘PRODUCT‘.More complex types can be built by means of type constructors →, #, +, list standing forfunctions, products, sums (disjoint unions), and lists. There are no dependencies.

A user may extend the type system by assigning names for types built with type constructorsas in

lettype intervals = int#int .

ML also allows the definition of abstract data types (using abstype, absrectype) which preventapplication programs from accessing the representation of the type directly. Functions thattranslate between the new data type and its representation are visible only in the definitionswhile other functions on the new type can be used outside. The definition may be recursive.All the basic types for the NuPRL object language as proof, term, rule (see below) aredefined as abstract types.

The programmer is usually not required to declare types explicitely since the ML system as-sociates a type with every value using Milner’s type-checking algorithm (c.f. Section 3.2.2).Such a type assignement is polymorphic; a given value may have a number of different typesassigned with it. The degree of freedom depends on the presence of explicit type declarationsin the definition of the object. For instance, the identity function \x.x is associated with thetype *→* where * is a placeholder for types.3 Thus \x.x can be used as identity on any type.A more interesting example is the typical append function which “glues” two lists together. Itwill be assigned the type * list → * list → * list. It can be applied to two lists overthe same type but if we attempt to append a list of integers with a list of tokens then a typeerror will result.

ML has a sophisticated exception-handling facility. Certain functions yield runtime errors oncertain arguments and are therefore said to fail on these arguments. A special operator ?

allows to catch failures. The result of evaluating e1?e2 where the ei are expressions is the resultof e1 unless a failure is encountered (such as division by 0), in which case it is the result ofevaluating e2. For instance, the following function returns false if y is zero instead of failingas the above one.

let divides x y = ((x/y)*y = x) ? false;;

Exceptions can be raised using the expression fail. The exception-trap mechanism is a con-venient way to incorporate backtracking into proof strategies.

2This becomes important when combining predefined tactics into new ones using tacticals (Section 5.3).3It is clear from the context that * does not refer to multiplication at this point.

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5.1.2 Implementing the object language

The features of ML discusssed above allow an implementation of NuPRL’s object languagewhich is nearly identical to the definitions given in the previous chapters. One should, however,keep in mind that there is has to be a distinction between the internal representation of terms,proofs, rules, etc. and the displayed form. The definition suggests a representation by treeswhile a legible display must be text that can be printed as a token. Given the unique grammarof Type Theory a conversion between the two forms can be done using standard methods.


According to definition 3.1.6 proofs are represented as trees where each node represents onerefinement step. A node consists of a sequent, a refinement rule and proofs of the children ofthe refinement. A sequent consists of a list of declarations representing the hypotheses anda term representing the goal (or conclusion) of the sequent. Therefore proofs are recursivelydefined as abstract datatypes.

absrectype proof = (declaration list # term) # rule # proof list

Due to the abstract definition a direct access to the components of a proof by the usual ML selec-tors is prevented. Instead the destructor functions hypotheses, conclusion, refinement,

children have to be used. Proofs can be constructed only by applying rules to a proof goalusing the function refine. Incomplete proofs are proofs which at some leaves have a specialinternal rule occuring in the refinement part which is to be replaced by the actual rule if theproof is continued at that point.


A declaration associates a variable with a term. The corresponding datatype representing thetype of NuPRL bindings is a simple product:

abstype declaration = tok # term

A declaration can be built using construct declaration and split into its components via theML function destruct declaration.


The datatype term is a recursively defined abstract datatype mirroring Definition 4.1.1 and itslater extensions. It is a gigantic union of term-constructs following the pattern

term-kind # identifier-list # term-list

where term-kind is a token indicating what kind of term is to be built and identifier-list andterm-list describe how many terms and identifiers are involved.

absrectype term = ‘VOID‘ | ‘UNIVERSE‘#int | ‘FUNCTION‘#tok#term#term . . .

Again the abstract definition prevents a direct access to the components of a term. Instead foreach kind of term there is a constructor and a destructor function like the following ones.

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make void term : term

make function term : tok→term→term→term

make product term : tok→term→term→term...

destruct function : term → (tok# (term # term))

destruct product : term → (tok# (term # term))

Besides the internal representation every term has a print representation which is the corre-sponding NuPRL term enclosed in single quotes as in ’x:int→int’.4 A reasonable printrepresentation is computed automatically with the execution of a constructor. Thus executingmake function term ‘x‘ ’int’ ’int’ produces the term ’x:int→int’ while the destruc-tor destruct function goes the opposite way. It fails if applied to a term that is not of kind‘FUNCTION‘. The kind of a term can be determined via the function term kind:term→tok.If applied to ’x:int→int’ it returns the token ‘FUNCTION‘. The function term to tok mapseach term into its print representation.


A rule was defined to map a proof goal into a list of subgoals. A proof goal can be viewed asa degenerate proof without a rule and without children and it would be convenient to thinkof rules as mappings from proofs to proofs. However, in order to find out whether a proofis actually complete, we must also be able to go the opposite way. Each rule must validateits proof goal provided the subgoals it produces have been validated, that is achieved by acomplete proof. A validation will describe how to combine complete proofs of the subgoals intoa complete proof for the main goal. Thus the actual proof is built by the validation, not bythe rule itself. A validation also includes a method to construct the extract term for the maingoal from those for the subgoals and is therefore necessary if one intends to make use of thecomputational contents of a proof.

The idea of validations arose first within the LCF concept of proof tactics [GMW79] and willbe discussed further in Section 5.3 when we investigate programming proofs on the metalevel.Adopting this concept to the implementation of Type Theory led to viewing a rule as a special(single step) instance of a tactic. Therefore rules are abstract constructs that are executed bybeing mapped into tactics which then actually construct the proof. The representation of TypeTheory in ML is thus contained in the mapping refine from rules to tactics which is describedbelow. The ML-datatypes of rules, tactics and validations are the following.

abstype rules = . . .abstype tactic = proof → proof list # validation

abstype validation = proof list → proof

It should be noted that the NuPRL rules like ‘intro at U1‘ do not precisely correspondto the internal representation of a rule. Strictly speaking the notation intro refers not toa single rule but to a collection of rules.5 In addition to this ambiguity the various sortsof rules require different additional arguments like ‘‘at U1’’. Although the context of anactual proof can be used to disambiguate the name intro during execution there may be

4Note that the quotation marks have to be different from those used for tokens in ML.5The user should not be burdened with more than a hundred individual names.

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reasons to use individual rules independently of a proof context.6 Therefore internally therule constructors are subdivided beyond the ambiguous classes that are normally visible to aNuPRL user. For instance, there are constructors like function intro, product intro whichare normally designated in proof editing with intro. The function parse rule in context

will convert a token which corresponds to a rule like ‘intro at U1 new y‘ in the context ofa proof with the goal ’x:int→int’ into the actual rule function intro 1 ‘y‘. The sameparser is also used in the proof editor. The function rule to tok maps each rule into its printrepresentation.

The function refine is the representation of the actual NuPRL logic in ML. It maps a primitiverule into a tactic which then can be applied to a proof. For instance the deduction of subgoalsof the current proof node when executing refine (function intro 1 ‘y‘) pf (where pf

is a variable of type proof) proceeds according to the following ML algorithm:7

let H = hypotheses pf

and x,A,B = destruct function (conclusion pf)


let H1 = append H (construct declaration ‘y‘ A)

and C1 = substitute [(x,y)] B

and C2 = make equal term [A] (make universe term 1)


[ ((H1,C1),,nil); ((H,C2),,nil) ]


That is, on a proof goal of the form H ` x:S→T it creates the subgoals H, y:S ` T [y/x]and H ` S in U1 which is the same as having executed the rule by intro at U1 new y.

5.1.3 The NuPRL system

So far we have investigated how to implement the individual parts of the NuPRL object lan-guage in ML. We will now briefly discuss features of the NuPRL system for interactive proofdevelopment in Type Theory. The reader interested in further details may look up chapters3-5 and 7 of [CAB+86].

The purpose of such a system is developing mathematical knowledge and programs in a style asit is done in mathematical textbooks. The user will introduce definitions, state formal theorems,prove them under the control (and with support) of the system, evaluate programs, and storehis results in a library. Therefore the system has the following components.

• A library containing the various user defined objects,

• A definition facility to allow using definitional equalities in objects to make them morereadable,

• A proof editor for claiming theorems and proving them,

• A text editor (which can also handle definitions),

6A tactic (Section 5.3) defined to introduce all the all-quantified variables, for instance, has to be restrictedto apply introduction on the function space only.

7 is an abbreviation for the internal rule indicating incomplete proofs.

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• An extraction mechanism generating the extract terms of a proof,

• A program evaluator,

• A command interface to create, delete, and manipulate library objects, invoking editors,

It should be mentioned that for the sake of user-friendliness all interaction with NuPRL happensinside a window. Windows for the command interface and a library display are permanent,others are dynamically created and deleted as necessary.

The Library

The library may be viewed as a computerized counterpiece of a mathematical textbook. Itcontains all the components of a formal theory: theorems, definitions, methods and evaluationbindings. Each library object comes with a name, a kind, a library position, and a status. Theseinformations together with a summary description are displayed in the library window.

There are four kinds of objects: THM, DEF, EVAL and ML.

• THM objects contain (incomplete) proofs in the form of proof trees as defined above.

• DEF objects define new notations by definitional equality (a text macro) that can be usedwhenever text is edited.

• EVAL objects contain bindings of the form let id = term;; which shall be available whenthe evaluator is invoked.

• ML objects contain ML programs that enrich the ML environment. This becomes par-ticularly important when user-defined deduction methods (tactics - Section 5.3) shall beadded.

Every object has associated with it a status, either raw, bad, incomplete or complete (indicatedby ?, -, #, *). A raw object has been changed but not yet checked. A bad object is foundto contain errors. Proofs can be incomplete which means they contain no errors but are notfinished yet. A complete object is checked to be correct and finished.

The position is important since a library will be checked sequentially. All references to otherobjects mentioned in an object must be defined, that is the other objects must be positionedbefore it.

In the context of the library environment it makes sense to add another expression constructorand two rules to the type system which refer to existing theorems.

term of(theorem-name)

is a noncanonical NuPRL expression that reduces to the extract term of the THM object theorem-name if this is complete. The lemma rule is logically the same as the cut rule seq. A lemmais stated and proven separately and then used in the hypotheses. The difference is that lemmarefers to a complete proof which is to be found in a separate library object and inserts itsconclusion concl into the hypotheses list.

Rule Schemes 5.1.1 LEMMAH ` T [ext t[term of(theorem-name)/x]] by lemma theorem-name [new x]

· H, x:concl ` T [ext t]

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The def rule provides even more details. It not only adds the conclusion of the theoremtheorem-name but also its extract term ext-term to the list of hypotheses.

Rule Schemes 5.1.2 DEFH ` T [ext t] by def theorem-name [new x]

· H, x:term of(theorem-name) = ext-term in concl ` T [ext t]


Commands are used to enter objects in the library, move or delete them, invoke editors, checkdefinitions, save a session, load back a saved session, invoking ML and EVAL modes, scrollingthe library, etc. For instance, to create a new object of type THM one has to type the command

create theorem1 thm top

The result is that a new raw object of type THM with the name theorem1 is created whoseposition is at the top of the library.

create all def before theorem1

creates a raw definition object with the name all positioned immediately before theorem1.

view theorem1 invokes the proof editor on the object theorem1 while view all will invokethe text editor on all.

The Text Editor

The text editor is the basic tool for communicating with the system when editing objects. Itis used to enter definitions, main goals of theorems, names of rules to be applied to a goal,etc. Entry of text is restricted to the ASCII characters unless a graphical display and specialfonts are available. 8 Text will be read, parsed and put in the library at the instance the textwindow is closed. Besides editing regular text the NuPRL text editor is designed to handledefinitions.


The definition facility allows users to define their own notation by definitional equality andthus extend the formal language according to their needs. The general form of a definition is

new-expression == term

where new-expression may be any text in the alphabet which is available and term is an expres-sion in Type Theory including abbreviations defined so far. The left hand side gives the syntaxof the user-defined notion and the right-hand side its meaning. Formal parameters, which inthe theory have been represented by meta-variables are identified by angle brackets as in

∀<x>:<S>.<P> == <x>:<S>→<T>

A definition may be used whenever text is edited. If, for instance, the above definition hasbeen stored in the DEF object all it may be invoked from a text editor by typing a special key

8Therefore >>, ->, == must be used to simulate `, →, ≡.

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Name of the theorem EDIT THM theorem1

Status and Path from the root to here # top 1

The goal’s first hypothesis 1. x:int

The conclusion ` ∀y:int. y<y+x*x

The rule BY intro

The first subgoal together with the 1# 2. y:int

additional hypothesis and its status ` y<y+x*x

The second subgoal and its status 2# ` int in U1

Figure 5.1: A sample Proof Editor Window

and then typing its name all. This will cause the left hand side of the definition to appearas template ∀<>:<>.<> and the user may enter text into the definition wherever the anglebrackets appear. Entering ‘x‘, ’int’ and ’x=x in int’ will result in ’∀x:int.x=x in int’.Internally the instantiated definition will be handled as if ’x:int → x=x in int’, that is thecorresponding right-hand side, would have been used. Essentially, the definition mechanism ismanaging text macros.

Each parameter on the left hand side of a definition may also include a desciption of what theparameter shall represent as in

∀<x:var>:<S:type>.<P:prop> == <x>:<S>→<T>.

A description will not influence the meaning of a new notation. It will only affect the templatethat appears when invoking the definition which will now contain information on what the useris expected to enter: ∀<var>:<type>.<prop> . After entering text there will be no differenceto the previous form.

The Proof Editor

The proof editor, or refinement editor, is invoked when a THM object is being viewed. The proofeditor window always displays what is visible from the current node of the proof. When theeditor is first entered the current node is the root of the proof tree. The user may change thecurrent node by going into subgoals or going to a parent node. Figure 5.1 shows a sample proofeditor window.

A user can use the proof editor to edit the main proof goal and to refine goals by refinementrules. An intermediate goal can only be modified by changing the refinement rule that has ledto it. Usually the main goal is edited when viewing a theorem for the first time. Then thedisplay will be

EDIT THM theorem1

? top

<main proof goal>

Selecting the goal field will cause the text editor to be invoked. If the user types

` ∀x:int.∀y:int. y<y+x*x

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and closes the text editor again, the input will be checked for syntactical correctness and storedas main proof goal. The proof will be marked incomplete since no proof step has yet beenexecuted. 9

EDIT THM theorem1

# top

` ∀x:int.∀y:int. y<y+x*x

BY <refinement rule>

To refine a goal, a refinement rule must be supplied. This is done by selecting the rule fieldand entering a rule in the text editor. If the editor is closed the following steps occur.

1. A global variable prlgoal of type proof is associated with the current sequent. Allsubgoals and rules in the proof tree below are ignored.

2. The rule is parsed and applied to prlgoal resulting in a (possibly empty) list of subgoalsand a validation.

3. The validation is applied to the subgoals resulting in a refinement tree of depth 1.

4. The name of the rule is installed as the name of the refinement rule. The refinement treeproduced by the validation is stored in the proof.

5. The proof window is redrawn with new statuses and subgoals.If the proof rule fails then the refinement is marked as bad and a message displayed in thecommand window.

Thus the result of entering intro as refinement rule will be:

EDIT THM theorem1

# top

` ∀x:int.∀y:int. y<y+x*x

BY intro

1# 1. x:int

` ∀y:int. y<y+x*x

2# ` int in U1

Term extraction

If a theorem is completely proven its computational content can be extracted recursively fromthe proof. Briefly, the extraction form of the top refinement rule becomes the outermost formof the term being constructed. The parameters of the form then become the terms constructedfrom the subgoals generated by the refinement rule. To display the extract term of a theoremtheorem-name one has to evaluate the term term of(theorem-name).

9If an existing goal is modified then all the proof steps performed before are removed since they may notapply anymore.

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Program evaluation

The NuPRL terms define a functional programming language whose reduction rules have beendiscussed in the previous chapter. Besides reasoning about values by using the computationrules within a proof the NuPRL evaluator gives a user the means to compute the values of termsand actually use NuPRL to run programs which are either explicitely defined or extracted fromtheorems. The evaluation procedure (lazy evaluation) has been presented in Figure 4.4.

5.2 Decision procedures

In mathematical reasoning one quite often encounters problems which in principle are wellexplored but whose formal proofs are lengthy and do not yield any computational content. Forsuch problems the main interest lies in finding out whether it is true or not while the individualproof steps do not matter. It is, therefore, reasonable to provide fast algorithms which decidethe problem in a way not necessary understandable for the user of a system. These decisionprocedures which have to rely on a deep analysis of theorems will from the outside appear asa single, sophisticated inference rule.

Obviously, such a decision procedure can only be added to the proof system if its consistencywith the rest of the theory can be proven. Since in general Type Theory is undecidable we haveto restrict ourselves to certain subtheories which are known to be decidable and play a majorrole in practical mathematical resoning. In this section we will describe decision procedures forelementary arithmetic and equality reasoning which have been successfully added to the TypeTheory of NuPRL.

5.2.1 arith: a decision procedure for elementary arithmetic

Experience has shown that without a decision procedure for elementary arithmetic one cannotget very far in practical work with a reasoning system. 10 There are several reasons for that.

1. Arithmetic reasoning appears nearly everywhere.

2. A lot of the arithmetic reasoning is utterly trivial.

3. Results come in an astonishing variety. There are hundreds of lemmata for the same result.For instance, x+1<y, 0<t ` (x+1)*t < y*t and x<y, 0<t ` x*t < y*t

are syntactically different theorems although the first is a simple variation of the second.

4. A formal arithmetic proof is not always clear, even if it appears to be so. The fact “ifthree integers differ at most one from each other then two of them are equal” is intuitivelyobvious but has a quite complicated formal proof.

Therefore we have good reasons for handling arithmetic by a decision procedure arith whichfrom the outside will be viewed as one rule. Of course, before adding such a procedure to the

10In fact, the LCF project ([GMW79]) got stuck because of that and in the AUTOMATH project([Bru80,vBJ77]) people spent about 5 years just for proving ring axioms and a few other ones for real numbers simplybecause too many proof steps were needed.

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proof system its theoretical limitations need to be considered and a proof for the correctness ofthe resulting procedure has to be given since otherwise we would have no reason to trust in themechanical proof. In this section we will give a rather short and informal description. Detailscan be found in [CJE82].11

Let us begin with some examples that can be handled by arith and would have been quitedifficult to prove without it. 12

Example 5.2.1 Let i :hyp denote that i is is the number of the hypothesis hyp. Then thefollowing problems are solved immediately by

i :0<x ` 0<x+2 by arith

i :0<x ` 0<x*x by arith i * ii :x+y≤z, j :y≥1 ` x<z by arith i - ji :x≤y, j :x6=y ` x<y by arith

` x-5 < x+10 by arith

i :x<x*x, j :x6=0 ` x≥2 | x<0 by arith i / ji :x<y, j :0<z ` x*z<y*z by arith i * ii :x+y>z, j :2*x≥z ` 3*x+y ≥ 2*z-1 by arith i + i

One should be aware that there are some theoretical limitations for an arith-rule, since not allarithmetic problems are decidable.

Example 5.2.2 [Hilberts 10th problem]

If f is an arbitrary computable function then there is no way to decide whether f has a rootor not. That is, the problem ∃x1,. . . ,xn:int. f(x1,. . . ,xn)=0 in int is not decidable. Infact, even provability of this problem is undecidable.

Therefore we can only expect a to write a decision procedure which is complete for a restrictedarithmetic which handles most of the common problems. Problems involving reasoning outsideof the restricted arithmetic have to be proven by the user or a user-defined strategy (seeSection 5.3). We will therefore define a restricted arithmetic theory (without induction) whichis decidable and then describe a complete decision procedure for it. For simplification we usequantifier-free arithmetic since all the variables may be assumed to be all-quantified, that is tobe declared as arbitrary variables of type int.

Definition 5.2.3 The restricted arithmetic theory1. Terms are NuPRL-terms which are built up only from integer constants, variables, and

+, -, *, /, mod.

Atomic formulae are terms of the form t1 ρ t2 where t1 and t2 are terms, and ρ is one of=,6=,<,>,≤,≥.

Formulae are built up from atomic formulae and the connectives from propositional cal-culus ∧, ∨, ⇒ , ¬

11The arithmetic decision procedure has first been written for the PL/CV system (1976) and sucessfully beenused in λ-PRL. Its version for NuPRL required some modifications since the previous systems did not use TypeTheory as underlying formalism. The article “An algorithm for checking PL/CV arithmetic inferences” byTat-hung Chan in [CJE82] gives a detailed account and a proof of the correctness.

12It should be noted that all the problems which are proven by the arith procedure could also be proven inType Theory directly. Adding arith comes out of purely practical considerations .

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2. Equality axioms are the usual axioms for reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity and arestricted form of substitution which allows only compound13 substitution. We describethe axioms by the corresponding rules.

t = tt = u

u = t

s = t t = u

s = u

t1 = t2 t1ρt3


t1 = t2 t3ρt2

t3ρt13. Arithmetical axioms are the ordinary axioms of number theory, that is

• Axioms of constant arithmetic like 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+1=4, . . . 14

• Ring axioms of the integers and the definition of -. For all integers x,y,z:

(a) x+y=y+x, x*y=y*x (Commutativity)

(b) (x+y)+z=x+(y+z), (x*y)*z=x*(y*z) (Associativity)

(c) x*(y+z)=(x*z)+(y*z) (Distributivity)

(d) x+0=x, x*1=x (Identities)

(e) x+(-x)=0 (Additive inverse)

(f) x-y=x+(-y) (Subtraction)

• Axioms of discrete linear order. For all integers x,y,z:

(a) ¬(x<x) (Irreflexivity)

(b) x<y ∨ x=y ∨ y<x (Trichotomy)

(c) x<y ∧ y<z ⇒ x<z (Transitivity)

(d) ¬(x<y ∧ y<x+1) (Discreteness)

• Definitions of order relations and inequality.15 For all integers x,y,z:

(a) x6=y ⇔ ¬(x=y)

(b) x>y ⇔ y<x

(c) x≤y ⇔ x<y ∨ x=y

(d) x≥y ⇔ y<x ∨ x=y

• Monotonicity Axioms of addition and multiplication. For all integers x,y,z,w:

(a) x≥y ∧ z≥w ⇒ x+z≥y+w (Addition)

(b) x≥y ∧ z≤w ⇒ x-z≥y-w (Subtraction)

(c) x≥0 ∧ y≥z ⇒ x*y≥x*z (Multiplication)

(d) x>0 ∧ x*y≥x*z ⇒ y≥z (Cancellation / Factoring)

(If z and w are constants, then the monotonicity axioms for addition and subtraction arecalled trivial monotonicities.)

It is easy to see that restricted arithmetic is a subcomponent of Type Theory. Furthermore,since only +, -, * and quantifier-free propositional logic is involved classical and constructiveinterpretations of arithmetic formulae become identical. Therefore formulae from the restrictedarithmetic theory can be decided by algorithms. To make such an algorithm reasonably pow-erful, many variants of the above axioms, including the typical laws of computing with integerconstants, should be directly incorporated into it. These variants, modulo the ring axioms, aregiven in the tables of Figure 5.2. The rows and columns of these tables are indexed by termschemas. Every entry contains the conclusions from the hypotheses corresponding to its rowand column

13This means that from x=z and x6=x*y one may conclude z6=x*y but not z6=z*y.14Laws like 4+9=13 or 4*9=36 are derived from these by using the ring axioms.15These equivalences give rise to the following representations of the order relations in NuPRL. a=b is

represented by a=b in int, a6=b by (a=b in int)→void, a>b by b<a , a≤b by (b<a)→void, and a≥b by(a<b)→void. The arith procedure accepts the right hand sides as placeholders.

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z>w z≥w z=w z6=w

x>y x+z≥y+w+2 x+z≥y+w+1 x+z≥y+w+1 -----


x≥y x+z≥y+w+1 x+z≥y+w x+z≥y+w -----


x=y x+z≥y+w+1 x+z≥y+w x+z=y+w x+z6=y+w

y+z≥x+w+1 y+z≥x+w x+w=y+z x+w6=y+z

x6=y ----- ----- x+z6=y+w -----



z>w z≥w z=w z6=w

x>y x-w≥y-z+2 x-w≥y-z+1 x-w≥y-z+1 -----


x≥y x-w≥y-z+1 x-w≥y-z x-w≥y-z -----


x=y x-w≥y-z+1 x-w≥y-z x-w=y-z x-w6=y-z

y-w≥x-z+1 y-w≥x-z y-w=x-z x-z6=y-w

x6=y ----- ----- x-w6=y-z -----


Multiplication using xy for x*y

y≥z y>z y=z y6=z

x>0 xy≥xz xy>xz xy=xz xy 6=xz

x≥0 xy≥xz xy≥xz xy=xz -----

x=0 xy=xz xy=xz xy=xz xy=xz

xy=0 xy=0 xy=0 xy=0

x≤0 xy≤xz xy≤xz xy=xz -----

x<0 xy≤xz xy<xz xy=xz xy 6=xz

x6=0 ----- xy 6=xz xy=xz xy 6=xz

Cancellation using xy for x*y

xy>xz xy≥xz xy=xz xy6=xz

x>0 y>z y≥z y=z y6=z

x<0 y<z y≤z y=z y6=z

x6=0 y6=z ----- y=z y6=z

Figure 5.2: Variants of the basic axioms

Since every formula in restricted arithmetic has an equivalent one in conjunctive normal formand all conjunctions can be dealt with seperately it is sufficient to have arith deal only withgoals of the form H ` G1 ∨ . . . ∨Gn where each of the Gi are atomic formulae in restrictedarithmetic. As usual, the case n = 0 means that the conclusion is false, that is void.

We will explain the decision procedure by a running example. Consider the goal

H, i :x+y>z, H ′, j :2*x≥z, H ′′ ` 3*x+y≥2*z-1

The first step of the arithmetic decision procedure is dealing with monotonicities. That is, con-clusions which can be derived from the monotonicity axioms will be added as new hypotheses.Some monotonicity steps which we call trivial monotonicities can be performed automaticallywhile others need greater care and have to be specified explicitely.

Definition 5.2.4 A trivial application of monotonicity is an application of a monotonicityaxiom for addition with one of the hypotheses given in the form nρm where m and n areinteger constants and ρ is any infix arithmetic relation operator. Any other application of amonotonicity axiom is called nontrivial

Intuitively, a trivial application of monotonicity corresponds to adding constants on both sidesof a relation in a meaningful way. For instance, we may conclude x+26=y+4 from x=y but wecannot draw any conclusions about x+2 and y+4 from x6=y.

Example 5.2.5 In our example the monotonicity is nontrivial. We want to add hypotheses iand j and thus have to call arith i + j. As a result we get according to the addition table.

H, i :x+y>z, H ′, j :2*x≥z, H ′′, x+y+2*x≥z+z+1 ` 3*x+y≥2*z-1

Since in restricted arithmetic classical and intuitionistic reasoning is the same we are allowedto choose a negative representation of the problem. That is, we prove that assuming all the

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conclusions of the sequent to be false leads to a contradiction. This is a standard trick whichreduces the problem to finding a contradictory conjunction of hypotheses since it is easy toprove that H ` G1 ∨ . . . ∨Gn is provable if and only if H, ¬G1,. . . ,¬Gn ` false can beproved. The example sequent thus is modified to

H, x+y>z, H ′, 2*x≥z, H ′′, x+y+2*x≥z+z+1 ¬(3*x+y≥2*z-1) ` false

In the hypotheses we may safely ignore all those which are not arithmetic formulae since thesewill not contribute to a arithmetic solution of the problem. The next step is a normalizationof the comparands in each formula into the standard representation of polynomials by sumsof products a*xn

1*xn2 . . . +. . . . This is a standard arithmetical conversion which obviously does

not affect the truth of the sequentbut causes equal terms to become syntactically identical.In our example we get

x+y>z, 2*x≥z, 3*x+y≥1+2*z ¬(3*x+y≥(-1)+2*z) ` false

Now all the comparands are transformed into monadic linear polynomials, that is expressionsof the form c + ui where ui is a variable. This means tha all the nonconstant componentsare treated as a (possibly new) variable. It can be shown that the resulting comparation iscontradictory if and only if the original one has been. The proof, however, is quite tedious.In the example we select u0≡x+y, u1≡2*x, u2≡3*x+y, and u3≡2*z which results in

u0>z, u1≥z, u2≥1+u3 ¬(u2≥(-1)+u3) ` false

Now all the formulae are converted into the form t1 ≥ t2 where t1 is either 0 or a variableui and t2 is a monadic linear polynomial with a nonnegative constant. This can be done byusing conversion tables.16 In our case the result is

u0≥z+1, u1≥z, u2≥1+u3 u3≥u2+2 ` false

Such a form can now be converted into a graph representing the order on the variables. A

node represents variables or constants and an edge ui2

−→ uj indicates ui≥uj+2. If thehypotheses are contradictory the graph must have a positive cycle (and vice versa). Whetherthe graph has positive cycles or not can be easily decided by a standard algorithm. In theexample the resulting graph is

u0 u1




u2 u3




There is a cycle involving u2 and u3 which means that the original sequent is true.

The arith procedure for NuPRL deals also with nonelementary arithmetic expressions, that iswith arithmetic relations whose comparands are build not only from +, -, *. These expressionsare treated as atomic integer terms. arith does not perform any wellformedness proofs andtherefore leaves subgoals of the form t in int where t is a term that cannot be decomposedany further by splitting additions, subtractions or multiplications. As a convenience, arith

accepts also goals containing terms which are not arithmetic relations. Such terms are simply

16Typical conversions are ¬x≥y ⇔ x<y, x>y ⇔ x≥y+1, x=y ⇔ x≥y ∧ y≥x,x6=y ⇔ x≥y+1 ∨ y≥x+1, etc. The last of the equivalences destroys the nice conjunctional form we had before.Therefore, in the worst case the arith algorithm may have exponential complexity (with respect to the numberof arithmetic relations involved). Since the key application of arith is drawing conclusions from a rather smallnumber of hypotheses it works very fast in the usual cases.

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Given a goal of the form H1, . . . ,Hm ` G1 ∨ . . . ∨Gn (false or void in the case n = 0) the algorithmfor arith i op j (where op is one of +, -, *, /) performs the following steps:

1. According to the requested operation perform monotonicity steps and create new hypotheses asindicated in the corresponding table for op in Figure 5.2,

2. Modify a sequent A1, ..., Am ` G1|...|Gn into A1, ..., Am,¬G1, ...,¬Gn ` false.

3. Convert all the arithmetic formulae to the form t1 ≥ t2.

(If disjunctions occur due to the conversion of an inequality try each case separately until thefollowing steps lead to a positive answer.)

4. Replace all occurences of terms which are not build from +, -, * by a new variable, replacingmultiple occurrences of the same term by the same variable.Remove all hypotheses which are not arithmetic relations.

5. Rewrite the comparands in each formula into the standard representation of polynomials.

6. Replace all the comparands by monadic linear polynomials c + ui selecting new variable names,if necessary. All nonconstant parts are treated as a variable.

7. By addition convert all formulae to the form t1≥t2 where t1 ≡ 0 or t1 ≡ ui and t2 ≡ c ort2 ≡ ui + c.

8. Convert the whole goal into a graph: Build nodes named 0 for constants and use variable namesotherwise. An edge ui

c−→ uj indicates ui≥uj+c.

9. By a standard algorithm decide whether the graph has positive cycles or not.

Figure 5.3: The arith algorithm

ignored and left to be proven wellformed in the subgoal. The algorithm behind arith is givenin Figure 5.3.

It should be noted that in the current implementation of NuPRL the first, nontrivial monotonic-ity step has become a seperate rule monotonicity while arith performs the other steps andtrivial monotonicity operations only.

5.2.2 Equality Reasoning

Reasoning about equalities is the problem of verifying that one equality follows as a consequenceof several other equalities, e.g. that f(f(a, b), b) = a follows from f(a, b) = a or that g(a) = afollows from ggg(a) = a and ggggg(a) = a. Nearly all the problems occurring in practice,particularly reasoning about programs and the values computed by them require reasoningabout equalities.

As discussed in Section 2.4.4 equality reasoning essentially involves reflexivity, symmetry, tran-sitivity and substitution rules. But a formal proof using these axioms can become extremelytedious and since 1954 this particular problem is know to be decidable (see [Ack54]). Thereforeit is reasonable to implement equality reasoning as a decision procedure that subsumes multipleapplication of reflexivity, commutativity, and transitivity rules in a single step.

There are several algorithms for dealing with equality. The one we will describe here is basedon work by Greg Nelson and Derek. C. Oppen ([NO79, NO80]) and has been successfullyimplemented as equality rule in NuPRL. Its key idea is constructing the congruence closure ofa relation on a graph. This method is not restricted to equality reasoning but can be extended

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to reasoning about list structures and similar problems as well. Let us explain the algorithmby an example.

Example 5.2.6 Show d=e ⇒ a(b(d,f),c) = a(b(e,f),c) where a, b, c, d, e, f arearbitrary terms.

We represent expressions as trees in the usual way for representing terms and equalities ofexpressions as “equality links” between nodes. Proving two expressions to be equal then isthe same as showing that a link between the corresponding top nodes can be constructed.In the above formula the two expressions have c and f as common nodes while d and e arelinked.

d e f

b b c

a a







Equality link

The equality link means that d and e can be lumped together which essantially is the sameas changing

d e f



Equality link into e f





In the next step we look for subtrees in which d and e have been subterms and which areidentical in all the remaining nodes. Between the top nodes of these an equality link can beconstructed. In our example we may link b(d,f) with b(e,f) and continue until we havelinked a(b(d,f),c) with a(b(e,f),c).

Mathematically, constructing links between nodes corresponds to computing the congruenceclosure of a relation on a graph.

Definition 5.2.7 Let G = (V, E) be a directed graph with labeled nodes (vertices).For each vertex v let l(v) denote its label and δ(v) the number of edges leaving v. For

1 ≤ i ≤ δ(v) let v[i] denote the i-th successor of v.17 u is a predecessor of v if v = u[i] forsome i.

Let R be a relation on V . Two vertices are congruent under R if l(u) = l(v), δ(u) = δ(v)and (u[i], v[i]) ∈ R for all 1 ≤ i ≤ δ(u). R is closed under congruences if for all vertices uand v which are congruent under R the relation (u, v) ∈ R holds. The congruence closure ofR is the unique minimal extension of R which is an equivalence relation and closed undercongruences.

The algorithm MERGE, shown in Figure 5.4 can be shown to construct the congruence closureof R∪(u, v) where R is an arbitrary relation on a graph G which is closed under congruencesand u and v are vertices of G. For the sake of efficiency an equivalence relation is representedby the corresponding set of equivalence classes.

The following example shows how MERGE operates.

17Multiple edges are allowed, that is for i 6= j v[i] = v[j] is possible.

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Given a relation R on a graph G which is closed under congruences and two vertices u and v in G.

1. If the equivalence classes of u and v are identical then return.

2. Let Pu be the set of all predecessors of vertices equivalent to u and Pv the set of all predecessorsof vertices equivalent to v.

3. Combine the equivalence classes of u and v (by a link).

4. For each pair (x, y) with x ∈ Pu, y ∈ Pv:If the equivalence classes of x and y are different and x and y are congruent (that is l(x) = l(y),δ(x) = δ(y) and the equivalence classes of x[i] and y[i], 1 ≤ i ≤ δ(x) are identical) then MERGEx with y.

Figure 5.4: The MERGE algorithm

Given hypotheses s1=t1,. . . , sn=tn and a conclusion s=t,

1. construct a graph G which corresponds to the set of all terms in the hypotheses and the conclu-sion. Let τ(u) be the vertex in G representing u and R be the identity relation on the verticesof G.

2. For 1 ≤ i ≤ n MERGE τ(si) with τ(ti)

3. If τ(s) is equivalent to τ(t) then s=t follows from the hypotheses. Otherwise it does not follow.

Figure 5.5: The equality algorithm

Example 5.2.8 We want to compute the closure of ggggg(a) = a and ggg(a) = a.

It suffices to construct a graph for ggggg(a) as on the right. Let R be(v1, v6) (ggggg(a) = a), u=v3, v=v6. v2 and v5 are the predecessors of uand v. Combining the equivalence classes of u and v constructs the classv1, v3, v6. Since the equivalence classes of the successors of v2 and v5

(that is of u and v) are now identical MERGE is called with v2 and v5. Inthe next step v1 and v4 are investigated while v2, v5 are combined. Inthe following step the combination of v1 and v4 yields v1, v3, v4, v6 andv3 is checked to be congruent with v2 (and later v5). This calls MERGEon (v3,v2) which constructs the equivalence class v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6.Since all equivalence classes are now identical the algorithm stops. Allsix vertices are equivalent. a (v6)

g (v5)

g (v4)

g (v3)

g (v2)

g (v1)






Quantifier free equality reasoning with uninterpreted function symbols can be easily reduced tothe congruence closure problem. To find out whether s=t follows from hypotheses s1=t1,. . . ,sn=tn it suffices to stepwisely build the congruence closure of the given equalities and then findout whether s and t are equivalent. The algorithm is described in Figure 5.5.

5.2.3 Other Methods

For classical first order logic there is a rich variety of proof methods which usually code somecomplete search strategy (see, for instance [Rob65, And71, Bib87]). Inherent in these methodsis the possibility that the procedure will fail after an investment of considerable resources. Since

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the full first order logic is undecidable these methods can aid in the discovery of a proof butcannot be used as decision procedures except for the case of reasoning without quantifiers.

Usually a decision procedure like arith or equality either succeeds completely or fails. Thereis, however, a method to combine decision procedures in a way that they cooperate by ex-changing information about all the equalites detected.18 An algorithm which combines decisionprocedures for quantifier-free theories into a single decision procedure for their combination isdescribed in [NO79]. It has been sucessfully used in λ-PRL.

5.2.4 Limitations

In the early λ-PRL which did not have the rich type structure of NuPRL the cooperation ofbuilt-in decision procedures (arith, equality, list-theory etc.) was quite powerful. InNuPRL, however, some more difficulties arise from the typing problem and therefore only afew decision procedures can be incorporated into the more general theory.

Therefore there are limitations to the concept of automating reasoning by decision procedures.There will always be mathematical problems a user may want to reason about which do notbelong to a theory which is decidable.

Furthermore, it would not even make sense to extend a “fixed proof system” by a new decisionprocedure anytime a user finds a new type of problems that cannot be handled by the existingones. Such a rule would have to be “hacked into the system” by some system programmer andafter a while the system is not intelligible anymore because its original clean structure is lost.It is also impractial since any new method that is to be added to a system has to be provencorrect before which usually is quite difficult.

Thus decision procedures are helpful only for solving problems of a small number of well knownkey theories (like arithmetic) but cannot be considered as a general paradigm for automatingreasoning.

5.3 Metalevel Programming

As we have seen, the concept of “fixed proof systems” whose reasoning power entirely dependson the mechanisms built in by the system programmer is not flexible enough to deal withreasoning in all parts of real mathematics and programming. Therefore a system should providea mechanism that allows a user to experiment with a various strategies while providing thegreatest possible security against faulty proofs.

This idea first came up in the LCF Project [GMW79] and has been realized by allowing the userto program proof strategies interactively using the metalanguage ML. Freedom to access themetalanguage from the NuPRL system gives a lot of power for building terms, manipulatingproofs etc. to the user of a system while the desired security is provided by the abstractdefinitions of the key datatypes like proof and rule.

Access to the metalanguage allows planning individual proofs in advance and program theminstead of developing them fully interactively. Furthermore, and this is the really interesting

18This technique is called equality propagation.

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aspect of the LCF idea, the user may program simple proof strategies which try to apply severalrules at once and use them for completing those parts of the proof which follow straightforwardlybut are quite tedious because of their length. Such metaprograms (which are called tactics) canbe used to search for proofs, to modify existing ones, to hide uninteresting details, to structurecomplex proofs, and - together with the definition mechanism, to extend the formal languageof type theory to user-defined concepts. The paradigm of tactical theorem proving provides amethod to combine the accuracy of a machine with the ingenuity of human professionals whichcan turn a simple proof-checker into a powerful tool for proving theorems, generating programs,and developing formal mathematical theories.

5.3.1 Tactical Theorem proving

The concept of tactics is derived from the idea of heuristic problem solving. This method wassystematized already by the Greeks and is a key element in Polya’s heuristic [Pol45] and alsothe basis of the Logic Theorist of Newell, Shaw, and Simon [NSS63]. Here, a problem or goalis viewed as “a set of possible solutions and a test for verifying whether a given element of thisset is in fact a solution to this problem” ([Min63]). In LCF [GMW79] the latter is expressedby a notion of achievement between events and goals. Thus “many problem solving situationscan be understood as instances of three notions: goal, event, and achievement.”

Tactics are the result of formalizing the idea of top-down heuristics. A tactic decomposes agoal G into a finite list of subgoals G1, . . . , Gn and a validation v. If the events gi achieve thesubgoals Gi then a validation v will build an event g := v(g1, . . . , gn) as an event for G.

In our setting we think of G as a theorem and g as its proof, that is the evidence for its truth.To be more specific, we may identify goals with sequents and events with proofs of sequents.Proofs are allowed to be partial19 and sequents can be considered as degenerated partial proofswhich leads to the datatypes mentioned in Section 5.1.2. The notion of achievement is quitesimple: we say that a proof p achieves the goal G if the top-level sequent of p is the same asthe top-level sequent of the degenerate proof G.

Thus a tactic completes some portion of a proof and produces subgoals that it was unableto prove completely and a validation that will take any achievement of those subgoals andproduce an achievement of the original goal. If the validation is applied to achievements thatare complete proofs, then the result of the validation is a complete proof of the main goal.In particular, if a tactic produces an empty list of subgoals then the validation applied to theempty list produces a complete proof of the goal.

The advantage of this system becomes apparent when one composes tactics. Since a tacticproduces an explicit list of subgoals another tactic can be applied to each of the subgoals; thetactics thus decompose goals in a top-down manner. This makes it easy to write specializedand modular tactics and to write special tacticals for composing tactics.

Tactics are classified in two categories, refinement tactics and transformation tactics.

19Since tactics shall be invoked in an interactive environment, it is desirable to allow them to succeed even ifthey leave some subgoals unproven.

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5.3.2 Refinement tactics

Refinement tactics are like derived rules of inference. They are invoked by typing the name ofthe tactic where a refinement rule is requested by the proof editor. If the tactic succeeds, thenits name will appear as the refinement rule in the proof. Any subgoals that are not completelyproved will be presented as subgoals of the refinement. As we will describe below, it will havebuilt a refinement proof which connects the original sequent and the resulting subgoals. Thisportion of the proof will be hidden from a user although it is saved for other uses (such asprogram extraction). When a refinement tactic is invoked the following steps occur

1. The variable prlgoal is associated with the current sequent. All subgoals and rules in theproof tree below are ignored.

2. The tactic is applied to prlgoal resulting in a (possibly empty) list of subgoals and avalidation.

3. The validation is applied to the subgoals resulting in a refinement tree.

4. The name of the tactic is installed as the name of the refinement rule. The refinementtree produced by the validation is stored in the proof. All remaining unproved subgoalsbecome subgoals of the refinement step.

If the tactic fails then the refinement is marked as bad, precisely as if a primitive rule hadfailed. Note that since the actual proof is built by the validation, not by the tactic itself thereis no need to undo the work of a failed tactic.

Example 5.3.1 A typical refinement tactic is a tactic performing a case analysis by firstclaiming a disjunction A ∨B and then proving the goal under either of the tow assumptions.Thus instead of the two-step proof

H ` T by seq A ∨B1. H ` A ∨B2. H, A ∨B ` T by elim A ∨B

2.1. H, A ∨B, A ` T2.2. H, A ∨B, B ` T

one would use

H ` T by cases A B1. H ` A ∨B2. H, A ` T3. H, B ` T

The intermediate step is invisible when using the tactic cases.

5.3.3 Transformation tactics

Transformation tactics are used to transform one proof into another. In contrast to refinementtactics they are allowed to examine the whole subproof below a designated node in the prooftree. If the transformation succeeds then the result of the tactic replaces the previous subproof.The name of the tactic will not be included in the proof.

Transformation tactics may be used to complete and expand unfinished proofs, or to producenew ones which are in some sense analogous to a given proof. When a transformation tactic isinvoked by a special keysequence the following steps occur

1. The variable prlgoal is associated with the proof below, and including the current sequent.

2. The specified tactic is applied to prlgoal resulting in a (possibly empty) list of subgoalsand a validation.

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3. The validation is applied to the subgoals.

4. The proof resulting form the previous step is grafted into the original

Although in general the result of a transformation tactic will depend upon the result of exam-ining the whole subproof below the current node any refinement tactic may be invoked as atransformation tactic as well. The main implementation difference between refinement tacticsand transformation tactics is how the result of the tactic is used. In the former, the actualproof constructed is hidden from the user and only the remaining unproved subgoals are dis-played. In the latter, the result is explicitely placed in the proof. Thus applying cases A Bas transformation tactic would result in the original proof including the intermediate step.

Example 5.3.2 A typical transformation tactic application is the pair mark and copy whichcan be used to use the same argument at several nodes of a proof without applying externallemmata. The technique is to save the proof below a proof node in some global variable,move to a different proof node and then invoke copy to re-execute it resulting in a verbatimcopy of the previous proof at the current node.

NuPRL provides the facility for a distinguished transformation tactic known as the autotactic.This tactic is invoked automatically on the results of each primitive refinement step. There is adefault autotactic but any other tactic t may be used by executing the function set auto tactic


5.3.4 Validity

The implementation of proofs as abstract data type ensures that there is only one way to modifyproofs, that is by the function refine which is is the representation of NuPRL’s type theoryin ML. Thus all tactics have to be based on refine which is a very simple way of guaranteeingthat any proof resulting from the application of a tactic is logically correct. In fact, one caneven prove the following theorem.

Theorem 5.3.3The result of a tactic (either transformation or refinement) is a valid NuPRL-proof.

Therefore a user may extend the deductive apparatus of Type Theory by his own strategieswithout having to care about the correctness of these new rules. The fact that any proof built byuser-defined rules in the end has been constructed by primitive inference rules of Type Theorymakes user-extensions automatically consistent with the rest of the theory. This gives a usernearly complete freedom for experimentation while on the other hand guaranteeing correctnessof the results. Together with the definition facility this allows safe extensions of the semanticsof Type Theory.

5.3.5 Writing tactics

We now examine how simple tactics are written. The basics of all tactics are calls to thefunction refine.

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• t1 THEN t2: “apply t2 to all the subgoals resulting from t1”. (Sequencing of tactics)

t THENL [t1; t2; ..tn]: “apply ti to the ith subgoal resulting from t”.

• t1 ORELSE t2: “apply t1; if it fails apply t2”.

• REPEAT t: “repeat tactic t until it fails”.

• COMPLETE t: “apply tactic t if it completes the proof”.

• PROGRESS t: “apply tactic t if it makes progress”.

• TRY t: “apply t; if it fails apply IDTAC”

Figure 5.6: Important predefined tacticals

Example 5.3.4 Assume we already have written a function new id: proof→tok which foreach proof computes a new identifier which did not occur in the hypotheses yet. Then thefollowing tactic performs first-order introduction for function spaces x:S→T while automat-ically supplying a new identifier if necessary.

let f1 intro proof = refine (function intro 1 (new id proof)) proof;;

To combine simple tactics like the above into more sophisticated ones a user does not haveto go into the details of ML. Instead, he may make use of tools called tacticals which are MLfunctions that map tactics into tactics. Figure 5.6 lists a few predefined ones20 which haveproven particularly helpful for creating tactics.

Let us explain their usage by some examples.

Example 5.3.5 The tactic cases described above can be implemented as follows.

let cases c1 c2 =

refine( seq [make union term c1 c2] [‘nil‘])



;\pf.( refine (union elim (length (hypotheses pf)) ‘nil‘ ‘nil‘)

THEN refine (thinning (length (hypotheses pf)) )

) pf



The first refine will execute the seq rule. The ‘nil‘ indicates that no new variable namewill be given to the new hypothesis. The list of tactics listed after THENL is applied to thetwo subgoals of apllying this rule. The first will remain unchanged (IDTAC) while in thesecond case union elim is applied to the new hypothesis, that is the last hypothesis of theresulting subgoal. Afterwards the now superfluous disjunction is removed from the hypothesesby thinning.

20IDTAC is a tactic that essentially performs no operation.

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The tactical REPEAT causes a tactic to be applied to a proof goal and then to the childrenproduced by it until it fails. REPEAT will catch all failures of the argument tactic and cannotgenerate a failure. For example

let repeat intro = REPEAT (refine (parse rule in context ’intro’));;

will perform simple introduction on the proof until it no longer applies. By this all the all-quantified variables of a formula are moved to the hypotheses list.

The ORELSE tactical is used if one does not want to care about the exact tactic which has tobe applied. If one tactic fails the given alternative is executed.

Example 5.3.6 The tactic hypothesis checks whether a goal is known because it appears inthe hypotheses. This is done by trying to apply the hyp rule to all the hypotheses of a proof.

letrec hypothesis proof =

let n = length (hypotheses proof)


let try hyp no =

if no<=n then refine (hyp no) ORELSE try hyp (no+1) else IDTAC

in try hyp 1


With the above tactic we can easily define a tactic that performs several alternatives of trivialimmediate reasoning:

let trivial = hypothesis ORELSE (refine (arith 1)) ORELSE (refine equality);;

Just with these tacticals, refine, the NuPRL rules, and some predefined tactics a user canwrite remarkably powerful tactics. A very interesting one of this kind is a tactic performing“immediate” reasoning which is extremely helpful if one does not want to do all the boringproofs of easy facts. Its construction also shows how to set priorities on the tactics applied ina heuristic mechanism. The priorities in this case are calculated through sorting by the costsof their application.

Example 5.3.7 Assume, we have written the following tactics (similarly to hypothesis)

void elim - “Try to find inconsistent hypotheses”and elim - “Split conjunctions in a hypothesis into components”imp all intro - “Introduce implications or all-quantifiers”and intro - “Prove each conjunct separately”imp elim - “Prove by modus ponens”or elim - “prove by considering each case individually”.

Then a tactic for immediate reasoning can be defined as follows.

let immediate =


( hypothesis

ORELSE void elim

ORELSE refine (arith 1)

ORELSE refine (equality)

ORELSE and elim

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ORELSE imp all intro

ORELSE and intro

ORELSE imp elim

ORELSE or elim

) ;;

The first four tactics either fail or succeed without leaving subgoals and may therefore beconsidered cheap. The last ones have relatively high costs because they could go wrongdirections in a proof. Tactics like quantifier-elimination could have been included but are notin this particular tactics.

Occasionally it is desirable to require a tactic to completely prove a goal or to make someprogress towards proving it. Tactics with these properties may be implemented using COMPLETE

and PROGRESS. If tac is a tactic then COMPLETE tac is a tactic that will either completelyprove the goal or fail and PROGRESS tac fails unless the argument tactic performed at least onerefinement step.

The tactical TRY catches every failure of a tactics and executes a no-operattion step instead.This is particularly useful in combination with THEN if a failing followup tactic should not causethe whole tactic to fail.

To illustrate the use of transformation tactics we examine a pair of tactics mark and copy thatcan be used to copy proofs.

Example 5.3.8 The mark tactic saves a verbatim copy of the given proof in a reference variablesaved proof while copy recursively traverses the saved proof and refines the actual proofby using the refinement rule of the saved proof. Since this will fail if the saved proof isincomplete a predicate is refined is defined which causes a stop where no further refinementrule has been provided.

letref saved proof = void goal proof;;

let mark goal proof =

(saved proof := copy proof goal proof; IDTAC goal proof);;

letrec copy pattern pattern goal =

if is refined pattern

then TRY

(refine (refinement pattern)

THENL (map copy pattern (children pattern))

) goal

else IDTAC goal;;

let copy goal proof = copy pattern saved proof goal proof;;

5.3.6 Experiences.

The tactic mechanism has proved very successful for a broad class of very simple proof tech-niques. A number of users have written several small special purpose tactics and a varietyof general tactics such as those discussed above (See, most of all [How88a]). These generaltactics have allowed to achieve in a matter of days most of the capabilities of the mechanisms

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in earlier systems (e.g. PL/CV [CJE82]) which had to be hand coded (on a scale of weeks).Moreover, these tactics are much easier understood in detail and can be employed in buildingmore complicated tactics.

The tactic mechanism also allows to structure the deductive power of the system around spe-cialized reasoners. Users have been able to write a collection of tactics and theorems designed toconstruct proofs about a particular concept (see, for instance [How86, How87, How88a, Kre86,Bas89]) Experiences with tactics have demonstrated the effectiveness of the tactic mechanism.Tactics provide a level of abstraction comparable to that of the object theory. Thus users canbuild proofs and tactics with nearly equal facility.

There is an open end to the ideas one might program but this we leave to the users of NuPRL.However, one should resist the temptation of trying to write tactics whose task is doing allthe proof labour. This would have the same effect as attempting to write a complete TheoremProver for Type Theory. Such tactics are usually inintellegible and difficult to control. Theymay go wrong paths in the proofs, and make them much bigger than they should be. Itis rather advisable to write small and controllable tactics which are fast and powerful for aspecial purpose and are initiated by a user at the right position in a proof.

5.4 References and further reading

The book describing the NuPRL proof development system [CAB+86] should be considered asa reference book for this chapter.

Futher informations about decision procedures can be found in [CJE82] (particularly the Ap-pendix “An algorithm for checking PL/CV arithmetic inferences” by Tat-hung Chan) and[NO79, NO80].

The concept of tactical theorem proving has been first discussed in [GMW79] and been elabo-rated for Type Theory in [CKB85]. Tactical theorem proving is also used in Cambridge LCF[Pau87], λ-PROLOG [FM88], the Oyster system [Bun89], and the KIV system [HRS90].

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Chapter 6

Building Theories

We have discussed the theory in which to express mathematics and programming and conceptsfor efficient proofs and program development. We will now investigate aspects of “implementingmathematics”, i.e. developing object theories in a system that implements Type Theory. Forthat we need to discuss how to systematically develop theories with a system such that theyare understandable for humans as well.

Applications are very important because they give a lot of insights into the problems thatneed to be solved in order to make a proof development system useful. In this section wewill discuss problems and methodologies arising from experiments with the implementation ofmathematical theories with Type Theory.

6.1 Methodology

Auch Polya etc...

Proof Methodology, building libraries, NuPRL Buch ch.10 mit verweisen

math theories (Basin...)

hier vor allem aus Basin + Beispiele Entsprechend meinen Habil ch. 3 Beispielen vorgehenaxiomatisch + extrakt aus modellierungstheorem.

+ using conventions

Conventions for faster search/access

Define objects by theorems with trailing underscores. Use type object for polymorphic defini-tions.

DEF name,

A formal theory1 consists of a signature Σ = (S, Ω) where S is a set of names for datatypesand Ω is a family of sets of operation names indexed by arity and result type Ωdom,range|dom ∈S∗&range ∈ S. A theory presentation is a pair (Σ, Φ) where Σ is a signature giving thevocabulary of the theory and Φ is a set of axioms for the theory.

A concrete theory presentation can have the following components:

1taken from [BG90] and the quoted standard books


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• A name used to identify the theory

• A list of names of imported theories, i.e. theories where the new theory depends on.

• A list of type variables involved. We use greek letters α, β, γ to range over type variables.

• A list of new types and type constructors in terms of the type variables (e.g. Set(α).

• A list of operation signatures on the types involved (e.g. ∅:Set(α), ∈:α × Set(α)).

• A collection of axiom schemata for the theory.

• A list of operation signatures which are constructors for a new type. A list of constructorsop1, ..opn for a new type τ essentially states that all information about operations on τ isfinitely constructible from op1, ..opn. In particular they introduce induction schemes forpredicates on τ like the following:

∀ P:PROP(τ). (∀op ∈ op1, ..opn. ∀ x:domain(op). P(x|τ ) ⇒ P(op(x))) ⇒ (∀ y:τ .P(y))

and similarly a scheme for the existence of functions defined by structural induction on τ .

By these a theory is uniquely determined.


For such such a theory presentation to be represented in NuPRL we need to perform thefollowing steps:

• Have all imported theories available. This is an operation on the meta-level of NuPRL.

• Prove a metatheorem about the existence of a type theoretical model of the theory. Thetypical form would be:

Theorem Model-<name>

∀<type variables involved>:TYPES.

∃<names for new types>:TYPES

∃<names for operations and their typings>

<axioms for the theory>

<induction schemes introduced by the list of constructors>

• Give a series of definitions extracting the newly defined concepts from the theorem (pro-jecting from term of(Model-<name)) and giving the appropriate names to them.

∅:α term of(MODEL-set)(α)2

Note that all the type-variables have to appear in a correct definition because the newconcepts depend on them.

Note that a proof for the theorem Model-<name> is also a proof for the consistency of the newtheory. In the proof we have to give a concrete model for the theory (e.g. simulate finite sets byfinite lists) but due to the open-ended semantics of NuPRL we may use the new concepts as ifthey would be NuPRL-primitives. Note also giving a model for a new datatype automatically

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induces an equality on the type which satisfies the typical equivalence and substitution axioms.Thus these axioms need not to be mentioned in the axioms of the theory explicitely.

Given all the informations of a theory presentation all the above steps - except for the creationof induction schemes from the list of constructors - can be automated. Thus introducing a newtheory can be represented as an ML-object of the NuPRL library (an object of the meta-levelof NuPRL) which loads the theories to be imported, creates an unproven theorem and theappropriate definitions. We are left with only the proof.

For a more intuitive presentation we will describe this object using the following notation.

¡Name¿ ¡Imported theories¿ ¡Type variables¿ ¡New types¿ ¡New operations¿ ¡Axiomschemata¿ ¡Induction schemes¿

Theorem MODEL-<Name>

Theory <Name> has a NuPRL model

Proof: Give a model and prove the axioms 2

Definition [Theory of <name>]

A series of definitions giving appropriate notation for using the newly defined con-cepts.


The development part of the theory: a sequence of definitions and theorems usingonly operations declared within the theory or from imported ones.

In particular theorems about finite constructability of the new types from the con-structor operators are important.

6.2 Simple Theories

6.2.1 Elementary logic

c.f. section 4.2

6.2.2 Finite sets

6.2.3 Number Theory

6.2.4 Strings

6.2.5 Finite Automata

6.2.6 Real numbers

Auch zuerst die axiome geben: Peano (imported from IN), Korper, limes dann modellieren.

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6.3 Automated Theorem Proving


6.4 Application to Program Construction/Development

and verification

6.4.1 program synthesis, verification,...


6.5 References and further reading

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Chapter 7

Advanced Topics

There are still a lot of issues about NuPRL which will be the research topics for the next years:

1. How to compute well?

2. How to program well?

3. How to automate typechecking?

This is mainly an issue of automated theorem proving.

4. How to prove theorems efficiently in NuPRL?

This might also be stated as “How to automate reasoning?” and we will discuss this issuein the following.

7.1 Metamathematics

7.1.1 Expressing meta-concepts in the object language

Motivate: metareasoning macht beweise kurzer mochten wir gerne ermoglichen, also uber termereden (rekursiv) Diese Idee kann auf teile der ITT angewandt werden und FOL aber schwerlichauf die ganze (see ch.8). In jedem fall brauchen wir es aber.

But at least we are able to map ML into NuPRL so far that term and proof can be reflectedwhich means that we can argue about tactics from within NuPRL itself. We could prove resultslike

∗: “if P (proof) then t: tactic succeeds”

and create new rules of inference like

H ` proof by tactic t1.H ` P (proof)2.H ` ∗

See the Ph.D. Thesis of Todd Knoblock [Kno87] for more details.


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Experience shows that there is a lot of metareasoning1 in usual mathematical proofs which isnot as easy in formal proof systems.

Example 7.1.1 In a proof of (∃x : A.B)|(∃x : A.C) ` (∃x : A.B|C) one would eliminatethe hypothesis resulting in

(∃x : A.B) ` (∃x : A.B|C)(∃x : A.C) ` (∃x : A.B|C)

and then have to do “the same” subproof twice. A less formal proof could argue that thesubgoals are practically identical and thus avoid double work.

Can we capture this in tactics? Formulated as a metatheorem this would be:

“If a tactic t proves g(s) then the tactic f(t) proves g(h(s))”.

e.g. if t proves x : A, B ` (∃x : A.B|C)

then f(t) shall prove x : A, C ` (∃x : A.B|C)

The consideration is to prove a goal now just by stating “by tactic f(t)” without actually havingto run the tactic f(t) which might be very time consuming. But how would we do this? Intoday’s NuPRL there is no way to do so2. However, ML and NuPRL resemble each otherstrongly and one could think of putting the metalanguage into the object theory. Because ofGodel’s incompleteness theorem, of course, this is not completely possible but at least a big dealcould be achieved. If one provides term and proof as NuPRL types then a lot of metareasoningcould be done. Before doing so, we have to solve the question of recursive types and partialfunctions. Both of them are very difficult and not quite solved yet. Particularly expressingpartial functions in an always terminating reduction concept is extremely complicated.

In the following we sketch some ideas and the current NuPRL solution


7.1.2 Reflection

[ACHA90, GS89]

7.2 Alternative theories (optional)

Since the introduction of dependent types in many of the rules defined so far we are forced tospecify the exact universe. This is particularly annoying when trying to model set theoreticnotions. For instance, subsets of a set A can not always be defined via p : A→U1

3 since alsoconcepts from U2, i.e. properties of propositions may play a role in their definition. So wewould have to express a whole powerset hierarchy Powj(A)4. Therefore, the question arises ifwe could drop the distinction between universes and just have one universe type U . This wouldmake things a lot easier.

1i.e. reasoning about proofs and proof methods2But see [KC86a, KC86b] for recent work intended to change this3see Section ??4This is mainly a problem caused by defining sets. Function types do not need a hierarchy like (IN→IN)2 in

their definition

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7.2.1 Girard’s Theory

7.2.2 The calculus of constructions

[CH85, CH88, Coq90]CoquandHuet in VL einfließen lassen als Konkurrenz, intro o.a. wegender vielen guten eigenschaften. KOntexte etc.

7.2.3 Other Type theoretic calculi

[AC90, Ber68, Sup72]

7.3 How to compute well?

This means better evaluators, compilers for Type Theory, faster computation

For λ-PRL, a previous version, there are already some studies by Jim Sasaki [Sas85]. Veryhelpful are also

• A study of functional programming in general [Car84] from which we may import tech-nologies

• procedural components to be added to NuPRL

This would help making NuPRL as effective as other programming languages which means itmight compete with “real” languages.

7.4 References and further reading

a fairly new subject, Weyhrauch

[AL84, ACHA90, CH90a, Coq90, How88b, KC86b, BM81, Wey80]

[Gri88b, Gri88a, HHP87, Myh75] for other foundational theories

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Chapter 8

Summary and future views

For a powerful theorem proving system we need the following parts

• A maximum expressive language1

Otherwise there are ideas about proofs one can not express in full generality. If, for instancewe would restrict the language to first order constructs quantification over predicates andfunctions would not be possible. As a result there would be several hinderances whichwould cause a user of the system to lose enthusiasm dramatically2.

– Instead of ` ∀P : TY PE.F (P ) one would have to prove F (P0), F (P1), .. whichmeans reproving a simple proof several times simply because there is no way toformulate what one really has in mind.

– Quantification over real numbers would not be possible.

This topic was presented in the course in many details

• A flexible user defined deductive apparatus

This includes tactics, tacticals, proved tactics, derived rules, etc.

• A highly cross-referenced modular library3

Such a library would allow to formulate a rather abstract theory and use its results inother proofs.

We could, for instance, define a module for group theory as follows

MODULE: GROUP G operations constants id

G1:thm ` ...G2:thm ` ....

1It has to be noted that there are authors who have a different opinion on this and believe in minimallanguages

2which is an important factor for achieving results or not3Future Work


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If then in another theory like calculus one has to deal with a fact that follows from grouptheory one should be able to prove it “by GROUP”, i.e. by applying theorems from themodule GROUP.

• Modern user environments like good editors, file systems, etc.

The last point may be the main difference to the so-called “creative mathematics” since acomputer system simply can do a search in a library and will probably proceed in a way verydifferent from human beings. It may therefore be able to prove difficult theorems where noproof exists so far.

Some people think that automated theorem proving is not worth any effort since at the timepresent the systems are quite weak. But an instructive analogy to the world of chess playingcomputers shows that there is a future for the theorem proving world.

From being a weak B-class in the early 70’s chess computers today are better thanmost human players. This did not happen because of revolutionary new ideas butmainly because of the improvement of hardware. Since now millions of steps can beconsidered in a reasonable time it was possible to just take the best partial ideas(like tree search and board evaluation) regardless of their complexity and put themtogether.

In theorem proving also the major components (rule generator, tactic box, library, principles)already exist and are not likely to change very much. We probably will not need any newprincipal concept beyond these. However, efforts have to be put into the following areas.

• Details of any component need to be filled in. This includes type studies, particularlyrecursive types, partial functions, and self-reflection.

• The library part of NuPRL needs to be improved. Currently this is the weakest componentof NuPRL.

• An improvement of the computing power is desirable. A factor of 100 is not out of reachand would be enough to allow much more computation instead of user interaction.

The general idea presented during this course has been proven to be effective and is worth beingsupported further. Everybody who works in it from now on can only expect to do partial work,i.e. fill in details.

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Chapter 9

Glossar, Index, ToC

ToC/Glossar liste aller design decisions

reduktion, sets, void, props as, dual-elim (hidden terms),....

+ consequences

Liste von Ubersetzungen wichtiger begriffe

9.1 Natural deduction

tabellen der nat deduction fur klassisch, intuitionistisch fur Ubungen.

9.2 Details of the type system

Exten: im Wesentlichen alle Tabellen aus NuPRL 8.1.

summary aller rules etc. auf dem heutigen stand + NuPRL short manual


atomic types: canonical members

int ...-1, 0, 1,...atom ”....”void none

type constructors

A#B < a, b > a in A, b in BA|B inl(a), inr(b) . .A− > B λx.b . .Alist a.l . , l in Alistx : A#B < a, b > . , b in B[a/x]x : A− > B λx.b . .x : A|B members a of A satisfying condition B[a/x]


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x, y : A//B members of A(Equality changed: a = a′ iff B[a, a′/x, y] )

rec(z, x.T ;A) members of T [λx.rec(z, x.T ;x), A/z, x]A > B (partial functions from A to B

propositions as types

a = a′inA axiom, if a = a′, empty type otherwisenot wellformed if a(a′) not a member of A

i < j axiom, if i < j, empty type otherwise

Typestructure is extremely rich but undecidable (because of dependent types).Wellformedness cannot be checked automatically.

Typechecking has to become part of the theorem proving process (userdefined typechecking): show that a type belongs to some universe.


U1 atomic types and everything that can beconstructed via type constructors.

U2 U1, members of U1, and everything that can beconstructed via type constructors.

U3 U2,..........

Universes allow higher-order reasoning too.

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9.3. THE RULES 145

Definition mechanism in NuPRL

Creation: create an object of type DEF and type in a definition of the form

text<formal parameter:description>text == text

E.g. object one t on: 1..<n:nat> == i:int| 0<i & (i < <n>+1)

Using a definition: Instantiate the definition by typing Control-I and then the object name, e.g.Control-I one to n. At the cursor’s position the template (left hand side) of the definition willappear and values for parameters have to be filled in.

E.g. the template 1..<nat> appears. Typing in 20 instantiates it to 1..20 .

Essentially, a definition is a text macro.

Proofs in NuPRL:

Sequent calculus of the form:

x1 : T1, .., xn : Tn ` S [ext s]

“Under the assumption that xi are variables of type Ti a member s of S can be constructed”.

Baue große syntaxvergleichstabelle(n):

Nuprl Type, member, destructor, Logical equivalent, programming, ML-syntax, automath, coquand,smith etc. auch fuer die wahl anderer begriffe (see ch. 2.2.)

9.3 The rules

Proof by stepwise refinement using refinement rules:

H ` S [ext s] BY rule-name1. H1 ` S1 [ext s1]



n. Hk ` Sk [ext sk]


H ` A#B [ext < a, b >] BY intro1. H ` A [ext a]2. H ` B [ext b]

H ` x : A#B [ext < a, b >] BY intro a at Ui1. H ` a in A2. H ` B[a/x] [ext b]3. H,x : A ` B in Ui

H, f : (x : A− > B),H ′ ` T [ext t[f(a)/y]] BY elim f on a [new y]1. H, f : (x : A− > B),H ′ ` a in A2. H, f : (x : A− > B),H ′,

y : B[a/x], y = f(a)inB[a/x] ` T [ext t]

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9.3.1 Functions

9.3.2 Products

9.3.3 Union

9.3.4 Booleans


Not implemented in NuPRL

Rule Schemes 9.3.1 IN2

1. H ` IN2 ∈ U1 by intro

2. H ` 02 ∈ IN2 by intro

H ` 12 ∈ IN2 by intro

3. H ` cond(b; s; t) ∈ T by intro over z.T1. H ` b ∈ IN2

2. H ` s ∈ T [02/z]3. H ` t ∈ T [12/z]

9.3.5 Sets

9.3.6 Quotients

9.3.7 Atoms

incl atom-equality ist entscheidbar

9.3.8 Unit


Not implemented in NuPRL

9.3.9 Void

9.3.10 Equality

9.3.11 Natural numbers


Not implemented in NuPRL

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9.3.12 Integers

9.3.13 List

9.3.14 Recursive types

Simple recursive

9.3.15 Partial functions

9.3.16 Miscellaneous



9.4 Implementation

9.4.1 Commands

Names of library objects given to both NuPRL commands and CTRL-I now refer to the object withthe same name if there is one, or else to the first library entry whose name extends the given name.

See the NuPRL-book, chapter 7 for details.

Additional key bindings can be defined in your init file by using the function define-key-binding.This requires a bit of knowledge about how Nuprl deals with characters internally. See the fileimplementation-notes for more details on this.

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Figure 9.1: NuPRL-commandsstatt < > nehmen em font, key-namen nicht control sequenzdump <first-obj> - <last-obj> to <file> Write a representation of the selected objects to the

file. If no filename is given, the name of the last file to be loaded is used.

Existing extractions of theorems are also written to the library file.

load <location> from <file> read a library produced by dump. Library entries are added startingat the given location. Objects with names identical to already existing ones are not loaded.Theorems are loaded in unexpanded form for faster loading.

load fully <location> from <file> : When ”load fully” is used in place of ”load”, the proofs oftheorem are expanded as they are loaded in. This guarantees that the library that is loaded iscorrect.

create <name> <kind> <location> create a new object with the given name, of the named kind(thm, def, ml, eval), at the given location

check <objects> make named objects available for use in other objects. The status will be updated.

When you check a theorem, if the proof is good then the extractor is called. Checking largetheorems will take long.

delete <objects> Remove the named objects from the library

view <objects> Invoke the appropriate editor (text- or refinement editor) to the named object.

eval put command window in EVAL mode. (terminated by C-x)

ml put command window in ML mode. (terminated by C-x)

save <name> delete the entire library and save it in the Lisp state, attaching the given name

restore <name> will cause NuPRL to revert to (a copy of) the state it was in when the ”save ¡name¿”was done (destroying whatever is currently around)

states causes a list of the currently known state-names to be printed

copystate <state1> <state2> does what one would expect

kill <state> will cause the named state to go away

up / down Scroll the library up, or down, respectively. These commands take an optional numericargument – they scroll the library the specified number of pages (default 1)

move <objects> <location> move named objects to the position immediately afetr the specifiedlocation

jump <object> jump to the named object

top / bottom Scroll the library to the top, or bottom, respectively.

exit Leave NuPRL

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Figure 9.2: NuPRL-keybindings‘‘C-n’’: simultaneously press Control and ‘‘n’’. N (caps) achtung - nonstandard

C-n, M-, next line

C-b, M-a backward one character / proof node

C-f, M-l forward one character / proof node

C-p, M-i previous line

C-2, C-s select object

C-h, Backspace Backward delete character

C-w, C-d, C-k, Delete Kill selected object (current character, or region if both ends are selected)

C-u kill line in command window

C-c, C-y copy (= yank)

C-l Long (multiple movements)

C-q Diag (for moving up a proof tree)

C-i, M-x Insert definition

C-m Toggle bracket Mode

C-t Invoke Transformation tactic

C-o write snapshot to Output file

Tab Command mode

C-x Exit

C-M-<charcter> Insert Special symbols according to table

Figure 9.3: NuPRL-mouse-effects

left Mouse-select

in library window: grap name of object and insert into current window.

in text window: mark object (don’t move cursor)

in refinement window: select object (rule and main goal for editing, others for display only)

middle Mouse-jump:

in library window: scroll proportionally

in text window: move cursor to position

in refinement window: move cursor to position (If pointed to a subgoal, the cursor will move inthe proof tree making the subgola to become the current top-goal)

right Mouse-help (documentation string diplayed in commad window)

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List of Figures

4.1 Operator precedences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

4.2 Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.3 Redices and contracta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.4 The general evaluation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.5 The type equality judgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4.6 Equality judgements for members of a type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4.7 A straightforward solution to find a maximal segment sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

4.8 Sketch of the final proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

5.1 A sample Proof Editor Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

5.2 Variants of the basic axioms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

5.3 The arith algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

5.4 The MERGE algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

5.5 The equality algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

5.6 Important predefined tacticals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

9.1 NuPRL-commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

9.2 NuPRL-keybindings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

9.3 NuPRL-mouse-effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149


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List of Tables

3.1 Interpretations of Judgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65


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