Automated Game-Based Cryptographic Proofs Santiago Zanella B´ eguelin IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain 2011.11.14 SEFM 2011

Automated Game-Based Cryptographic Proofs

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Automated Game-Based Cryptographic Proofs

Santiago Zanella Beguelin

IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain

2011.11.14SEFM 2011

Based on joint work with

Gilles Barthe Benjamin Gregoire Sylvain Heraud

Federico Olmedo Yassine Lakhnech Daniel Hedin


CryptographyUsed to achieve security goals in many areas:

confidentiality and integrity in distributed systems

aunthentication of mobile code

non-repudiation in electronic commerce

anonymity in electronic voting



CryptographyCryptographic primitives

Symmetric encryption

Asymmetric encryption

Digital signatures

Message Authentication Codes

Hash functions

Zero-knowledge proofs


CryptographyMany potential sources of failures when using cryptography

primitives may not be secure

protocols may be logically flawed

implementations may introduce weaknesses

applications may make an improper use of cryptography

users may ignore security issues


CryptographyMany potential sources of failures when using cryptography

primitives may not be secure

protocols may be logically flawed

implementations may introduce weaknesses

applications may make an improper use of cryptography

users may ignore security issues


Perfect cryptography is not practical

One-Time Pad is an encryption scheme that achieves perfectsecrecy. Relies on the absorption property of XOR:

b ⊕ a⊕ b = a

To encrypt a plaintext m ∈ {0, 1}n, use a key k ∈ {0, 1}n andcompute c = k ⊕m.

To decrypt a ciphertext c ∈ {0, 1}n, xor it with the key k,obtaining m = c ⊕ k .

NOT PRACTICAL: a key must be used only once and must be atleast as long as the plaintext to be encrypted.

Shannon proved in the 40’s that OTP is the sole way to achieveinformation-theoretically secrecy


Practical cryptography

Modern cryptography is built on the assumption that there existproblems that are hard on the average.

Efficiency is associated with the tasks that can be performed by

probabilistic polynomial-time Turing machines (the class BPP).

Thus, modern cryptography is meaningful only if



Cryptanalysis-driven design

Propose a cryptographic scheme

Wait for someone to come out with an attack



Cryptanalysis-driven design

Propose a cryptographic scheme

Wait for someone to come out with an attack



Cryptanalysis-driven design

Propose a cryptographic scheme

Wait for someone to come out with an attackAttack found!



Cryptanalysis-driven design

Propose a cryptographic scheme

Wait for someone to come out with an attackAttack found! Patch


Cryptanalysis-driven design

Propose a cryptographic scheme

Wait for someone to come out with an attack


Enough waiting

Declare the scheme secure


Cryptanalysis-driven design

Propose a cryptographic scheme

Wait for someone to come out with an attack


Enough waiting

Declare the scheme secure

How much time is enough?


Cryptanalysis-driven design

Propose a cryptographic scheme

Wait for someone to come out with an attack


Enough waiting

Declare the scheme secure

It took 5 years to break the Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem


Cryptanalysis-driven design

Propose a cryptographic scheme

Wait for someone to come out with an attack


Enough waiting

Declare the scheme secure

Ok, let’s say 7 years


Cryptanalysis-driven design

Propose a cryptographic scheme

Wait for someone to come out with an attack


Enough waiting

Declare the scheme secure

It took 10 years to break the Chor-Rivest cryptosystem


Cryptanalysis-driven design

Propose a cryptographic scheme

Wait for someone to come out with an attack


Enough waiting

Declare the scheme secure

Can’t we do better?


The Provable Security paradigm

1 Define a security goal and a model for adversaries

2 Propose a cryptographic scheme

3 Reduce security of the scheme to a cryptographic assumption

IF an adversary A can break the security of the schemeTHEN the assumption can be broken with little extra effort


IF the security assumption holds THEN the scheme is secure


Proof by reduction

Assume a polynomial adversary A breaks the security of ascheme

Build a polynomial algorithm B that uses A to solve acomputational hard problem

IF the problem is intractableTHEN the cryptographic scheme is asymptotically secure


Problem instance Solution


Proof by reduction

Assume a polynomial adversary A breaks the security of ascheme

Build a polynomial algorithm B that uses A to solve acomputational hard problem

IF the problem is intractableTHEN the cryptographic scheme is asymptotically secure


Problem instance Solution


Proof by reduction

Assume a polynomial adversary A breaks the security of ascheme

Build a polynomial algorithm B that uses A to solve acomputational hard problem

IF the problem is intractableTHEN the cryptographic scheme is asymptotically secure


Problem instance Solution


Exact security

Assume an adversary A breaks the security of a scheme withintime t with probability ε

Build an algorithm B that uses A to solve a computationalhard problem with probability ε′ ≥ f (ε) within time t ′ ≤ g(t)

Bounds matter: the greater f (ε) and the smaller g(t) are, thecloser the security of the scheme is related to the problem.

Choosing scheme parameters

What is the best known method to solve the problem?

Choose parameters so that the reduction yields a better one


Exact security

Assume an adversary A breaks the security of a scheme withintime t with probability ε

Build an algorithm B that uses A to solve a computationalhard problem with probability ε′ ≥ f (ε) within time t ′ ≤ g(t)

Bounds matter: the greater f (ε) and the smaller g(t) are, thecloser the security of the scheme is related to the problem.

Choosing scheme parameters

What is the best known method to solve the problem?

Choose parameters so that the reduction yields a better one


Game-based proofs

Security proofs in cryptography may be organized assequences of games [...] this can be a useful tool intaming the complexity of security proofs that mightotherwise become so messy, complicated, and subtle asto be nearly impossible to verifyV. Shoup

Game G0 :. . .. . .← A( . . . );. . .

Pr[G0 : A0]

Game G1 :. . .. . .. . .

≤ h1(Pr[G1 : A1])

· · ·Game Gn :. . .. . .← B( . . . ). . .

≤ . . . ≤ hn(Pr[Gn : An])

Start from an initial game encoding the security goal


Game-based proofs

Security proofs in cryptography may be organized assequences of games [...] this can be a useful tool intaming the complexity of security proofs that mightotherwise become so messy, complicated, and subtle asto be nearly impossible to verifyV. Shoup

Game G0 :. . .. . .← A( . . . );. . .

Pr[G0 : A0]

Game G1 :. . .. . .. . .

≤ h1(Pr[G1 : A1])

· · ·Game Gn :. . .. . .← B( . . . ). . .

≤ . . . ≤ hn(Pr[Gn : An])

Stepwise transform the game keeping track of probabilities


Game-based proofs


Problem instance Solution

Game G0 :. . .. . .← A( . . . );. . .

Pr[G0 : A0]

Game G1 :. . .. . .. . .

≤ h1(Pr[G1 : A1])

· · ·Game Gn :. . .. . .← B( . . . ). . .

≤ . . . ≤ hn(Pr[Gn : An])

Reach a final game encoding a computational assumption


Example: Public-Key Encryption

A public-key encryption scheme is composed of a triple ofalgorithms (KG, E ,D):

Key Generation Given a security parameter η : N, KG(η) generatesa public key pk , used for encryption, and a secretkey sk, used for decryption

Encryption Given a public key pk and a message m, E(pk,m)returns a ciphertext c

Decryption Given a secret key sk and a ciphertext c , D(sk , c)returns the decryption of c under sk, if c is a validciphertext or ⊥ otherwise

KG and E are probabilistic, D is deterministic.


∀η, pk, sk ,m. (sk, pk) = KG(η) =⇒ D(sk , E(pk,m)) = m


Example: ElGamal encryption

G is a cyclic group of order q

g is a generator of G

KG(η) def= x $← Zq; return (x , g x )

E(α,m) def= y $← Zq; return (g y , αy ×m)

D(x , (β, ζ)) def= return ζ × β−x



Example: ElGamal encryption

G is a cyclic group of order q

g is a generator of G

KG(η) def= x $← Zq; return (x , g x )

E(α,m) def= y $← Zq; return (g y , αy ×m)

D(x , (β, ζ)) def= return ζ × β−x


D(x , E(g x ,m))


Example: ElGamal encryption

G is a cyclic group of order q

g is a generator of G

KG(η) def= x $← Zq; return (x , g x )

E(α,m) def= y $← Zq; return (g y , αy ×m)

D(x , (β, ζ)) def= return ζ × β−x


D(x , (g y , g xy ×m))


Example: ElGamal encryption

G is a cyclic group of order q

g is a generator of G

KG(η) def= x $← Zq; return (x , g x )

E(α,m) def= y $← Zq; return (g y , αy ×m)

D(x , (β, ζ)) def= return ζ × β−x


(g xy ×m)× (g y )−x


Example: ElGamal encryption

G is a cyclic group of order q

g is a generator of G

KG(η) def= x $← Zq; return (x , g x )

E(α,m) def= y $← Zq; return (g y , αy ×m)

D(x , (β, ζ)) def= return ζ × β−x


(g xy ×m)× g−xy


Example: ElGamal encryption

G is a cyclic group of order q

g is a generator of G

KG(η) def= x $← Zq; return (x , g x )

E(α,m) def= y $← Zq; return (g y , αy ×m)

D(x , (β, ζ)) def= return ζ × β−x




Security of Public-Key Encryption

Let (KG, E ,D) be an encryption scheme and A a probabilisticpolynomial-time adversary.

Game INDCPA :(sk , pk)← KG();(m0,m1)← A(pk);b $← {0, 1};c ← E(pk,mb);

b ← A(pk, c);

return b = b

AdvAINDCPA(η) def=

∣∣∣∣Pr[INDCPA : b = b]− 1


∣∣∣∣The scheme is semantically (INDCPA) secure if AdvAINDCPA(η) isnegligible


INDCPA-security of ElGamal Encryption

ElGamal is secure under the Decision Diffie-Hellman assumption

Game DDH0 :x , y $← Zq;d ← B(g x , g y , g xy )

Game DDH1 :x , y , z $← Zq;d ← B(g x , g y , g z )

AdvBDDH(η) def= |Pr[DDH0 : d = 1]− Pr[DDH1 : d = 1]|

DDH Assumption

For every PPT adversary B, AdvBDDH is negligible

One can prove:

∀A. PPT(A) =⇒ ∃B. PPT(B) ∧ AdvAINDCPA = AdvBDDH

which implies, under the DDH assumption, that for any PPTadversary A, AdvAINDCPA is negligible


INDCPA-security of ElGamal Encryption

ElGamal is secure under the Decision Diffie-Hellman assumption

Game DDH0 :x , y $← Zq;d ← B(g x , g y , g xy )

Game DDH1 :x , y , z $← Zq;d ← B(g x , g y , g z )

AdvBDDH(η) def= |Pr[DDH0 : d = 1]− Pr[DDH1 : d = 1]|

DDH Assumption

For every PPT adversary B, AdvBDDH is negligible

One can prove:

∀A. PPT(A) =⇒ ∃B. PPT(B) ∧ AdvAINDCPA = AdvBDDH

which implies, under the DDH assumption, that for any PPTadversary A, AdvAINDCPA is negligible


Things can still go wrong: RSA-OAEP


Bellare and Rogaway



Fujisaki, Okamoto, Pointcheval, Stern




Bellare, Hofheinz, Kiltz

1994 Purported proof of chosen-ciphertext security

2001 Proof is flawed, but can be patched

...for a weaker security notion, or

...for a modified scheme, or

...under stronger assumptions

2004 Filled gaps in Fujisaki et al. 2001 proof

2009 Security definition needs to be clarified

2011 Filled gaps and marginally improved bound in 2004 proof


Things can still go wrong: Identity-Based Encryption




Boneh & Franklin

2002 2003 2004 2005

Gentry & Silverberg, Horwitz & Lynn,Al-Riyami & Peterson, Yao et al,Cheng & Comely


1984: Conception of Identity-Based Cryptography

2001: First practical provably-secure IBE scheme.

2002-2005: Extensively used as a buliding block

2005: Proof is flawed, but can be patched

...for a weaker security bound


Beyond Provable Security: Verifiable Security

GoalBuild a framework to formalize game-based

cryptographic proofs

Provide foundations to game-based proofs

Notation as close as possible to cryptographer’s

Automate common reasoning patterns

Support exact security

Provide independently and automatically verifiable proofs



Language-based cryptographic proofs

Formal certification of ElGamal encryption. A gentle introduction to CertiCryptInternational Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, FAST 2008

Formal certification of code-based cryptographic proofsACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL 2009

Formally certifying the security of digital signature schemesIEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy, S&P 2009

Programming language techniques for cryptographic proofsInternational Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, ITP 2010


Language-based game-playing proofs

What if we represent games as programs?

Games =⇒ probabilistic programsGame transformations =⇒ program transformationsAdversaries =⇒ unspecified proceduresEfficiency =⇒ Probabilistic Polynomial-Time


Language-based game-playing proofs

What if we represent games as programs?

Games =⇒ probabilistic programsGame transformations =⇒ program transformationsAdversaries =⇒ unspecified proceduresEfficiency =⇒ Probabilistic Polynomial-Time


Language-based game-playing proofs

What if we represent games as programs?

Games =⇒ probabilistic programsGame transformations =⇒ program transformationsAdversaries =⇒ unspecified proceduresEfficiency =⇒ Probabilistic Polynomial-Time


Language-based game-playing proofs

What if we represent games as programs?

Games =⇒ probabilistic programsGame transformations =⇒ program transformationsAdversaries =⇒ unspecified proceduresEfficiency =⇒ Probabilistic Polynomial-Time


Language-based game-playing proofs

What if we represent games as programs?

Games =⇒ probabilistic programsGame transformations =⇒ program transformationsAdversaries =⇒ unspecified proceduresEfficiency =⇒ Probabilistic Polynomial-Time


A language-based approach

Security definitions, assumptions and games are formalized using aprobabilistic programming language


C ::= skip nop| C; C sequence| V ← E assignment| V $← DE random sampling| if E then C else C conditional| while E do C while loop| V ← P(E , . . . , E) procedure call

x $← d : sample the value of x according to distribution d

The language of expressions (E) and distribution expressions(DE) admits user-defined extensions


Some design choices

CertiCrypt is built on top of the Coq proof assistant

Deep-embedding formalization

Strongly-typed language

Syntax is dependently-typed(only well-typed programs are admitted)

Monadic semantics uses Paulin-Mohring’s ALEA Coq library


Language-based Game-playing Proofs

Deep-embedded in the language of Coq, using adependently-typed syntax:

Inductive I : Type :=| Assign : ∀t, Vt → Et → I| Rand : ∀t, Vt → Dt → I| Cond : EB → C → C → I| While : EB → C → I| Call : ∀l t,P(l ,t) → Vt → E∗l → Iwhere C := I∗

Programs are well-typed by construction



Measure Monad

Distributions represented as monotonic, linear and continuousfunctions of type

D(A) def= (A→ [0, 1])→ [0, 1]

Intuition: Given µ ∈ D(A) and f : A→ [0, 1]µ(f ) represents the expected value of f w.r.t. µ

unit : A→ D(A) def= λx . λf . f x

bind : D(A)→ (A→ D(B))→ D(B) def= λµ. λF . λf . µ(λx . F x f )



Programs map an initial memory to a distribution on finalmemories

Jc ∈ CK :M→D(M)

The probability of an event is the expected value of itscharacteristic function:

Pr[c ,m : A] def= JcK m 1A

Instrumented and parametrized semantics to characterize PPT:

Jc ∈ CKη :M→D(M× N)



Programs map an initial memory to a distribution on finalmemories

Jc ∈ CK :M→D(M)

The probability of an event is the expected value of itscharacteristic function:

Pr[c ,m : A] def= JcK m 1A

Instrumented and parametrized semantics to characterize PPT:

Jc ∈ CKη :M→D(M× N)


Intuition behind semantics

Think of JGK m as the expectation operator of the probabilitydistribution induced by the game:

JGK m f =∑m′

f (m′) Pr[〈c ,m〉 ⇓ m′]

Computing probabilities:

Pr[G ,m : A] def= JGK m 1A


Let G def= x $← {0, 1}; y $← {0, 1}

Pr[G,m : x 6= y ] = JGK m 1x 6=y =

+ ++


Intuition behind semantics

Think of JGK m as the expectation operator of the probabilitydistribution induced by the game:

JGK m f =∑m′

f (m′) Pr[〈c ,m〉 ⇓ m′]

Computing probabilities:

Pr[G ,m : A] def= JGK m 1A


Let G def= x $← {0, 1}; y $← {0, 1}

Pr[G,m : x 6= y ] = JGK m 1x 6=y =14 1x 6=y (m[x 7→ 0, y 7→ 0]) + 1

4 1x 6=y (m[x 7→ 0, y 7→ 1]) +14 1x 6=y (m[x 7→ 1, y 7→ 0]) + 1

4 1x 6=y (m[x 7→ 1, y 7→ 1])


Intuition behind semantics

Think of JGK m as the expectation operator of the probabilitydistribution induced by the game:

JGK m f =∑m′

f (m′) Pr[〈c ,m〉 ⇓ m′]

Computing probabilities:

Pr[G ,m : A] def= JGK m 1A


Let G def= x $← {0, 1}; y $← {0, 1}

Pr[G,m : x 6= y ] = JGK m 1x 6=y =0 + 1

4 +14 + 0


Intuition behind semantics

Think of JGK m as the expectation operator of the probabilitydistribution induced by the game:

JGK m f =∑m′

f (m′) Pr[〈c ,m〉 ⇓ m′]

Computing probabilities:

Pr[G ,m : A] def= JGK m 1A


Let G def= x $← {0, 1}; y $← {0, 1}

Pr[G,m : x 6= y ] = JGK m 1x 6=y =


+ ++


Deductive reasoning about programs

Art of proving that programs are correct

Foundations: program logic (Hoare’69) and weakestprecondition calculus (Floyd’67)

Major advances in:

language coverage(functions, objects, concurrency, heap)automation(decision procedures, SMT solvers, invariant generation)proof engineering(intermediate languages)


Hoare logic

Judgments are of the form � c : P ⇒ Q (typically P and Qare f.o. formulae over program variables)

A judgment � c : P ⇒ Q is valid iff for all states s and s ′, ifsuch that c , s ⇓ s ′ and s satisfies P then s ′ satisfies Q.

Selected rules

� x ← e : Q{x := e} ⇒ Q

� c1 : P ⇒ Q � c2 : Q ⇒ R

� c1; c2 : P ⇒ R

� c1 : P ∧ e = tt⇒ Q � c2 : P ∧ e = ff ⇒ Q

� if e then c1 else c2 : P ⇒ Q

� c : I ∧ e = tt⇒ I P ⇒ I I ∧ e = ff ⇒ Q

� while e do c : P ⇒ Q


Relational judgments

Judgments are of the form � c1 ∼ c2 : P ⇒ Q(typically P and Q are f.o. formulae over tagged programvariables of c1 and c2)

A judgment � c1 ∼ c2 : P ⇒ Q is valid iff for all statess1, s

′1, s2, s

′2, if c1, s1 ⇓ s ′1 and c2, s2 ⇓ s ′2 and (s1, s2) satisfies P

then (s ′1, s′2) satisfies Q.

May require co-termination.

Verification methods

Embedding into Hoare logic:

Self-composition (B, D’Argenio and Rezk’04)Cross-products (Zaks and Pnueli’08, Barthe, Crespo andKunz’11)

Relational Hoare Logic (Benton’04)


Relational Hoare Logic

Selected rules

� c1 ∼ c2 : Ψ⇒ Φ Ψ′ ⇒ Ψ Φ⇒ Φ′

� c1 ∼ c2 : Ψ′ ⇒ Φ′ [Sub]

� c1 ∼ c2 : Ψ⇒ Φ � c2 ∼ c3 : Ψ′ ⇒ Φ′

� c1 ∼ c3 : Ψ ◦Ψ′ ⇒ Φ ◦ Φ′ [Comp]

� c1 ∼ c ′1 : Ψ⇒ Φ′ � c2 ∼ c ′2 : Φ′ ⇒ Φ

� c1; c2 ∼ c ′1; c ′2 : Ψ⇒ Φ[Seq]

� x ← e ∼ x ← e′ : Φ{x〈1〉 := e〈1〉, x〈2〉 := e′〈2〉} ⇒ Φ[Asn]

Ψ =⇒ e〈1〉 ⇔ e′〈2〉� c1 ∼ c ′1 : Ψ ∧ e〈1〉 ⇒ Φ � c2 ∼ c ′2 : Ψ ∧ ¬e〈1〉 ⇒ Φ

� if e then c1 else c2 ∼ if e′ then c ′1 else c ′2 : Ψ⇒ Φ[Cond]


Probabilistic Relational Hoare Logic

Probabilistic extension of Benton’s Relational Hoare Logic


� c1 ∼ c2 : Ψ⇒ Φ def= ∀m1 m2. m1 Ψ m2 =⇒ Jc1K m1 'Φ Jc2K m2

µ1 'Φ µ2 lifts relation Φ from memories to distributions.

µ1 'Φ µ2 holds if there exists a distribution µ on M×M s.t.

The 1st projection of µ coincides with µ1

The 2nd projection of µ coincides with µ2

Sets with positive measure are in Φ


A specialized rule for random assignments

Let A be a finite set and let f , g : A→ B. Define

d = x $← A; y ← f x

d ′ = x $← A; y ← g x

Then d = d ′ iff there exists h : A1−1→ A such that g = f ◦ h

A rule for random assignments

f is 1-1 Ψ =⇒ ∀v . Φ{x〈1〉 := v , x〈2〉 := f v}� x $← A ∼ x $← A : Ψ⇒ Φ


From pRHL to probabilities

Assume� c1 ∼ c2 : P ⇒ Q

For all memories m1 and m2 such that

P m1 m2

and events A,B such that

Q =⇒ A〈1〉 ⇔ B〈2〉

we haveJc1Km1 1A = Jc2Km2 1B

i.e.,Pr[c1,m1 : A] = Pr[c2,m2 : B]


Observational equivalence


f =X g def= ∀m1 m2. m1 =X m2 =⇒ f m1 = g m2

� c1 'IO c2

def= ∀m1 m2 f g .

m1 =I m2 ∧ f =O g =⇒ Jc1K m1 f = Jc2K m2 g


� x $← {0, 1}k ; y ← x ⊕ z '{z}{x ,y ,z} y $← {0, 1}k ; x ← y ⊕ z

Only a Partial Equivalence Relation

� c 'IO c not true in general (obviously)

Generalizes information flow security (take I = O = Vlow)


Observational equivalence


f =X g def= ∀m1 m2. m1 =X m2 =⇒ f m1 = g m2

� c1 'IO c2

def= ∀m1 m2 f g .

m1 =I m2 ∧ f =O g =⇒ Jc1K m1 f = Jc2K m2 g


� x $← {0, 1}k ; y ← x ⊕ z '{z}{x ,y ,z} y $← {0, 1}k ; x ← y ⊕ z

Only a Partial Equivalence Relation

� c 'IO c not true in general (obviously)

Generalizes information flow security (take I = O = Vlow)


Proving program equivalence


� c1 'IO c2


Proving program equivalence


� c1 'IO c2

Mechanized program transformations

Transformation: T (c1, c2, I ,O) = (c ′1, c′2, I′,O ′)

Soundness theorem

T (c1, c2, I ,O) = (c ′1, c′2, I′,O ′) � c ′1 'I ′

O′ c ′2� c1 'I

O c2

Reflection-based Coq tactic(replace reasoning by computation)


Proving program equivalence


� c1 'IO c2

Mechanized program transformations

Dead code elimination (deadcode)

Constant folding and propagation (ep)

Procedure call inlining (inline)

Code movement (swap)

Common suffix/prefix elimination (eqobs hd, eqobs tl)


Proving program equivalence


� c 'IO c

An –incomplete– tactic for self-equivalence(eqobs in)

Does � c 'IO c hold?

Analyze dependencies to compute I ′ s.t. � c 'I ′O c

Check that I ′ ⊆ I

Think about type systems for information flow security


Example: ElGamal encryption


x $← Zq; y $← Zq;(m0,m1)← A(gx);b $← {0, 1};ζ ← gxy ×mb;b′ ← A′(gx, gy, ζ);d← b = b′

x $← Zq;y $← Zq;d← B(gx, gy, gxy)

Lemma foo: � ElGamal0 '∅{d} DDH0



Example: ElGamal encryption


x $← Zq; y $← Zq;(m0,m1)← A(gx);b $← {0, 1};ζ ← gxy ×mb;b′ ← A′(gx, gy, ζ);d← b = b′

x $← Zq;y $← Zq;α← gx; β ← gy; γ ← gxy;(m0,m1)← A(α);b $← {0, 1};b′ ← A′(α, β, γ ×mb);d← b = b′

inline_r B.

Lemma foo: � ElGamal0 '∅{d} DDH0



Example: ElGamal encryption


x $← Zq; y $← Zq;(m0,m1)← A(gx);b $← {0, 1};ζ ← gxy ×mb;b′ ← A′(gx, gy, gxy ×mb);d← b = b′

x $← Zq;y $← Zq;α← gx; β ← gy; γ ← gxy;(m0,m1)← A(gx);b $← {0, 1};b′ ← A′(gx, gy, gxy ×mb);d← b = b′

ep.inline_r B.

Lemma foo: � ElGamal0 '∅{d} DDH0



Example: ElGamal encryption


x $← Zq; y $← Zq;(m0,m1)← A(gx);b $← {0, 1};ζ ← gxy ×mb;b′ ← A′(gx, gy, gxy ×mb);d← b = b′

x $← Zq;y $← Zq;α← gx; β ← gy; γ ← gxy;(m0,m1)← A(gx);b $← {0, 1};b′ ← A′(gx, gy, gxy ×mb);d← b = b′

ep.inline_r B.

Lemma foo: � ElGamal0 '∅{d} DDH0




Example: ElGamal encryption


x $← Zq; y $← Zq;(m0,m1)← A(gx);b $← {0, 1};b′ ← A′(gx, gy, gxy ×mb);d← b = b′

x $← Zq; y $← Zq;(m0,m1)← A(gx);b $← {0, 1};b′ ← A′(gx, gy, gxy ×mb);d← b = b′

ep.inline_r B.

Lemma foo: � ElGamal0 '∅{d} DDH0




Example: ElGamal encryption


x $← Zq; y $← Zq;(m0,m1)← A(gx);b $← {0, 1};b′ ← A′(gx, gy, gxy ×mb);d← b = b′

ep.inline_r B.

Lemma foo: � ElGamal0 '∅{d} DDH0





PrElGamal0,m[b = b′] = PrDDH0,m[b = b′]

x $← Zq; y $← Zq;(m0,m1)← A(gx);b $← {0, 1};b′ ← A′(gx, gy, gxy ×mb);d← b = b′


Demo: ElGamal encryption


Reasoning about Failure Events

Lemma (Fundamental Lemma of Game-Playing)

Let A,B,F be events and G1,G2 be two games such that

Pr[G1 : A ∧ ¬F ] = Pr[G2 : B ∧ ¬F ]

Then, |Pr[G1 : A]− Pr[G2 : B]| ≤ Pr[G1,2 : F ]



When A = B and F = bad. If G0,G1 are syntactically identicalexcept after program points setting bad e.g.

Game G0 :. . .bad← true; c0

. . .

Game G1 :. . .bad← true; c1

. . .


PrG1,m[A | ¬bad] = PrG2,m[A | ¬bad]

PrG1,m[bad] = PrG2,m[bad]


|PrG1,m[A]− PrG2,m[A]| ≤ PrG1,2 [bad]



When A = B and F = bad. If G0,G1 are syntactically identicalexcept after program points setting bad e.g.

Game G0 :. . .bad← true; c0

. . .

Game G1 :. . .bad← true; c1

. . .


PrG1,m[A | ¬bad] = PrG2,m[A | ¬bad]

PrG1,m[bad] = PrG2,m[bad]


|PrG1,m[A]− PrG2,m[A]| ≤ PrG1,2 [bad]


Application: PRP/PRF Switching Lemma

Game GRP :L← nil; b ← A()

Oracle O(x) :if x /∈ dom(L) theny $← {0, 1}` \ ran(L);L← (x , y) :: L

return L(x)

Game GRF :L← nil; b ← A()

Oracle O(x) :if x /∈ dom(L) theny $← {0, 1}`;L← (x , y) :: L

return L(x)

Suppose A makes at most q queries to O. Then

|Pr[GRP : b]− Pr[GRF : b]| ≤ q(q − 1)


First introduced by Impagliazzo and Rudich in 1989

Proof fixed by Bellare and Rogaway (2006) and Shoup (2004)



Game GRP :L← nil; b ← A()

Oracle O(x) :if x /∈ dom(L) theny $← {0, 1}`;if y ∈ ran(L) then ;

bad← true;y $← {0, 1}` \ ran(L)

L← (x , y) :: Lreturn L(x)

Game GRF :L← nil; b ← A()

Oracle O(x) :if x /∈ dom(L) theny $← {0, 1}`;if y ∈ ran(L) then ;

bad← true

L← (x , y) :: Lreturn L(x)

|Pr[GRP : b]− Pr[GRF : b]| ≤ Pr[GRF : bad]



Failure Event Lemma

Let k be a counter for O and m(bad) = false:

IF Pr[O : bad] ≤ f (m(k))

THEN Pr[G : bad] ≤qO−1∑k=0

f (k)

Oracle O(x) :if x /∈ dom(L) theny $← {0, 1}`; if y ∈ ran(L) then bad← true;L← (x , y) :: L

return L(x)

Prove that Pr[O : bad] ≤ |L|/2`

Summing over the q queries, Pr[GRF : bad] ≤ q(q − 1)



ApplicationZero-Knowledge Proofs

A Machine-Checked Formalization of Σ-Protocols. 23rd IEEE ComputerSecurity Foundations Symposium, CSF 2010


Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Victor Peggy


Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Victor Peggy


Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Victor Peggy


If you ever need to explain this to your kids

How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to your ChildrenJean-Jacques Quisquater, Louis C. Guillou. CRYPTO’89


Properties of Zero-Knowledge Proofs

CompletenessA honest prover always convinces a honest verifier

SoundnessA dishonest prover (almost) never convinces a verifier

Zero-KnowledgeA verifier doesn’t learn anything from playing the protocol


Formalizing Σ-Protocols

Prover knows (x ,w) s.t. R(x ,w) / Verifier knows only x

Prover Verifier

Computes commitment r

(r , state)← P1(x ,w)


c Samples challenge c

c $← C

Computes response s

s ← P2(x ,w , state, c)

s Accepts/rejects response

b ← V2(x , r , c , s)


Formalizing Σ-Protocols

Prover knows (x ,w) s.t. R(x ,w) / Verifier knows only x

Prover Verifier

Computes commitment r

(r , state)← P1(x ,w) r


Samples challenge c

c $← C

Computes response s

s ← P2(x ,w , state, c) s

Accepts/rejects response

b ← V2(x , r , c , s)


Formalizing Σ-Protocols

A Σ-protocol is given by:

Types for x ,w , r , s, state

A knowledge relation R

A challenge set C

Procedures P1, P2, V2

The protocol can be seen as a program

protocol(x ,w) :(r , state)← P1(x ,w);c $← C ;s ← P2(x ,w , state, c);b ← V2(x , r , c , s)


Formalizing Σ-Protocols


∀x ,w . R(x ,w) =⇒ Pr[protocol(x ,w) : b = true] = 1


There exists a polynomial time procedure KE s.t.

c1 6= c2

(x , r , c1, s1) accepting(x , r , c2, s2) accepting


Pr[w ← KE(x , r , c1, c2, s1, s2) : R(x ,w)] = 1


Honest-Verifier ZK vs. Special Honest-Verifier ZK

protocol(x ,w) :(r , state)← P1(x ,w);c $← C ;s ← P2(x ,w , state, c);b ← V2(x , r , c , s)

protocol(x ,w , c) :(r , state)← P1(x ,w);s ← P2(x ,w , state, c);b ← V2(x , r , c, s)

Special Honest-Verifier ZK

∃S. ∀x ,w , c . R(x ,w) =⇒� protocol(x ,w , c) '{x ,c}{r ,c,s} (r , s)← S(x , c)

Honest-Verifier ZK

∃S. ∀x ,w . R(x ,w) =⇒� protocol(x ,w) '{x}{r ,c,s} (r , c, s)← S(x)


Honest-Verifier ZK vs. Special Honest-Verifier ZK

protocol(x ,w) :(r , state)← P1(x ,w);c $← C ;s ← P2(x ,w , state, c);b ← V2(x , r , c , s)

protocol(x ,w , c) :(r , state)← P1(x ,w);s ← P2(x ,w , state, c);b ← V2(x , r , c, s)

Special Honest-Verifier ZK

∃S. ∀x ,w , c . R(x ,w) =⇒� protocol(x ,w , c) '{x ,c}{r ,c,s} (r , s)← S(x , c)

Honest-Verifier ZK

∃S. ∀x ,w . R(x ,w) =⇒� protocol(x ,w) '{x}{r ,c,s} (r , c, s)← S(x)


What does it take to trust a proof in CertiCrypt

Verification is fully-automated!(but proof construction is time-consuming)

You need to

trust the type checker of Coqtrust the language semanticsmake sure the security statement (a few lines in Coq) is theone you expect

You don’t need to

understand or even read the prooftrust tactics, program transformationstrust program logics, wp-calculusbe an expert in Coq


Contributions of CertiCrypt

A language-based approach to computational crypto proofs

Automated framework to formalize game-based proofs in Coq

Probabilistic extension of Relational Hoare Logic

Foundations for techniques used in crypto proofs

Several case studies

PRP/PRF switching lemmaChosen-plaintext security of ElGamalChosen-plaintext security of Hashed ElGamal in ROM and SMUnforgeability of Full-Domain Hash signaturesAdaptive chosen-ciphertext security of OAEPΣ-protocolsIBE (F. Olmedo), Golle-Juels (Z. Luo), BLS (M. Christofi)


The road ahead

CertiCrypt bridges the gap between fully formalmachine-checked proofs and pen-and-paper proof sketches

Fact: cryptographers won’t embrace proof assistants(CertiCrypt) anytime soon

What if we start building a bridge from the other side?

Start from a proof sketch and try to fill in the blanks and justifyreasoning steps, building into the tool as much automation aspossible. Record and highlight unjustified proof steps and let theuser give finer-grained justifications—perhaps interactively, usingautomated tools.


EasyCryptComputer-aided proofs for the working cryptographer



Generate from a sequence of games and probabilistic stataments afully verified proof.


Crypto papers provide sequence of games and statements

Probabilistic statements have a direct translation to relationalHoare judgments


Automatic verification of relational Hoare judgments

Invariant generation for adversaries


Automatic verification of relational Hoare judgments

Verify the validity of

� G1 ∼ G2 : Ψ⇒ Φ

by generating VCs and sending them to an SMT solver

Key idea

Use one-sided rules (a.k.a. self-composition), except for:

Procedure calls (procedures have relational specs!):

use inlining if possibleif not (e.g. adversary calls), use two-sided rules. Needs callgraphs to be similar

Random assignments:

put programs in static single (random) assignment formhoist random assignmentsuse specialized two-sided Hoare rule for random assignments


EasyCrypt tool chain

Parsing mode

OCaml toplevel

Why CertiCrypt

CoqSMT solvers


EasyCrypt demo

� x $← {0, 1}k ; y ← x ⊕ z '{z}{x ,y ,z} y $← {0, 1}k ; x ← y ⊕ z

m1 Ψ m2 =⇒ m1{~t/~x} Φ m2{f (~t)/~y}� ~x $← T ∼ ~y $← T : Ψ⇒ Φ



There is a problem with cryptographic proofs

Cryptographic proofs can (and should be) machine-checked

Verification technology is mature enough to provide a solution

We provided two:

CertiCrypt: fully formalized machine-checked proofs in CoqEasyCrypt: automated SMT-based tool with guarantees asstrong as CertiCrypt

Have we reached the point where formalization effort pays off?

Are cryptographers willing to adopt these tools?



