Automated Activity Recognition and Monitoring of Elderly Using Wireless Sensors: Research Challenges Damith C. Ranasinghe, Roberto L. Shinmoto Torres, Asanga Wickramasinghe Auto-ID Lab School of Computer Science The University of Adelaide South Australia, Australia Emails: {damith.ranasinghe,roberto.shinmototorres,asanga.wickramasinghe}@adelaide.edu.au I. I NTRODUCTION A rapidly growing aging population presents many chal- lenges to health and aged care services around the world. Recognising and understanding the activities performed by elderly is an important research area that has the potential to address these challenges and healthcare needs of the 21 st century by enabling a wide range of valuable applications such as remote health monitoring. A key enabling technology for such applications is wireless sensors. However we must first overcome a number of challenges that are technological, social and economic, before being able to realize such applications using pervasive technologies. II. CHALLENGES Difficulties in human activity monitoring in older popula- tions arise from many domain specific challenges. With any monitoring application the person has to interact with sensors to enable the collection of their movement data. Body worn sensors [1], [2], [3], [4] ensure that the readings obtained correspond to the person only. In contrast, environmental sensors [5], [6], where unrelated sensor readings can confuse the system. Such ambient intelligence based approaches limit monitoring to environments with the capability to gather the required sensory data. However, body worn sensors enables monitoring of the subject irrespective of the location [7]; which is essential for prolong observations[8]. In particular, body worn sensors have taken a renewed focus recently with the rapidly increasing interest in body area networks [9]. Firstly, activity recognition system employing wearable sensors must be acceptable to the user and the user should feel comfortable [7], [10], [11] but this is not the case for many existing wireless sensors platforms[1], [2], [3]. Therefore any sensor deployment must be clinically evaluated not only from the patients’ perspective, but also from the carers’ perspective [7], [8], [12]. Secondly, whatever the approach chosen, all researchers must consider privacy related when monitoring peoples’ ac- tivities (such as going to the rest room although relevant from a safety and medical care perspective [13] to ensure the translation of research into practice. The result of the the study by G¨ overcin et. al [7] reveals the dislike among elderly for video monitoring and their concerns regarding privacy violations. Thirdly, robust classification systems are required to deal with sensorial input data in order to recognize activities. Accurate results are important but so is the responsiveness of the system, as promptness to recognize a high risk activity and, for example, seek an intervention in the event of a high falls risk activity (such as getting out of a bed) is crucial for any monitoring system. A key issue in the development of classifiers is that the recognition models developed for one population sample may not work interchangeably in a different population [14]. In particular, classification models based on empirical studies, such as threshold based approaches do not generalize to larger populations and in fact personalized models may be required [15]. Thus, researchers are lured into the machine learning domain in learning generalized classifi- cation models. Most of the machine learning approaches rely on annotated recordings (ground truth) of activities. Though wearable sensors make human activity data abundant [16], data with sufficiently detailed annotations are scares due to: i) the inherent issues in the annotation process [17], [18]; and ii) the difficulty in collecting data from target domains (such as elderly volunteers). This leads to the requirement for more advanced machine learning paradigms [16]. Moreover, most studies are performed with young healthy volunteers but body mechanics are different for young, older people and people with dementia or other cognitive impairments [19]. These differences may result that recognition models often developed in young adult volunteers do not work in elderly populations [14]. Finally, there are challenges imposed by the characteristics of sensor data, the nature of the wireless medium (wireless sig- nal occlusion by interveining objects, noise in sensor data), and more recenly the passive powering of sensors [20]. Interleaving and overlapping activities further increases the complexity [16] and the streaming nature of the data imposes further challenges in data segmenting (defining windows) for feature extraction [21] for classification algorithms as well as the responsiveness of the system (the need to be real-time). In the following sections we will describe our prelimi- nary investigations and results into developing an intervention aimed at reducing the falls rate in older people with cogni- tive impairments and dementia. The intervention is enabled by the development of a wearable passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based sensor [20] to enable the real-time classification of activities recognized as leading to falls [4], [22].

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Automated Activity Recognition and Monitoring ofElderly Using Wireless Sensors: Research Challenges

Damith C. Ranasinghe, Roberto L. Shinmoto Torres, Asanga WickramasingheAuto-ID Lab

School of Computer ScienceThe University of AdelaideSouth Australia, Australia

Emails: {damith.ranasinghe,roberto.shinmototorres,asanga.wickramasinghe}@adelaide.edu.au


A rapidly growing aging population presents many chal-lenges to health and aged care services around the world.Recognising and understanding the activities performed byelderly is an important research area that has the potentialto address these challenges and healthcare needs of the 21st

century by enabling a wide range of valuable applications suchas remote health monitoring. A key enabling technology forsuch applications is wireless sensors. However we must firstovercome a number of challenges that are technological, socialand economic, before being able to realize such applicationsusing pervasive technologies.


Difficulties in human activity monitoring in older popula-tions arise from many domain specific challenges. With anymonitoring application the person has to interact with sensorsto enable the collection of their movement data. Body wornsensors [1], [2], [3], [4] ensure that the readings obtainedcorrespond to the person only. In contrast, environmentalsensors [5], [6], where unrelated sensor readings can confusethe system. Such ambient intelligence based approaches limitmonitoring to environments with the capability to gather therequired sensory data. However, body worn sensors enablesmonitoring of the subject irrespective of the location [7]; whichis essential for prolong observations[8].

In particular, body worn sensors have taken a renewedfocus recently with the rapidly increasing interest in body areanetworks [9]. Firstly, activity recognition system employingwearable sensors must be acceptable to the user and the usershould feel comfortable [7], [10], [11] but this is not thecase for many existing wireless sensors platforms[1], [2], [3].Therefore any sensor deployment must be clinically evaluatednot only from the patients’ perspective, but also from thecarers’ perspective [7], [8], [12].

Secondly, whatever the approach chosen, all researchersmust consider privacy related when monitoring peoples’ ac-tivities (such as going to the rest room although relevantfrom a safety and medical care perspective [13] to ensurethe translation of research into practice. The result of the thestudy by Govercin et. al [7] reveals the dislike among elderlyfor video monitoring and their concerns regarding privacyviolations.

Thirdly, robust classification systems are required to dealwith sensorial input data in order to recognize activities.Accurate results are important but so is the responsivenessof the system, as promptness to recognize a high risk activityand, for example, seek an intervention in the event of a highfalls risk activity (such as getting out of a bed) is crucialfor any monitoring system. A key issue in the developmentof classifiers is that the recognition models developed forone population sample may not work interchangeably in adifferent population [14]. In particular, classification modelsbased on empirical studies, such as threshold based approachesdo not generalize to larger populations and in fact personalizedmodels may be required [15]. Thus, researchers are lured intothe machine learning domain in learning generalized classifi-cation models. Most of the machine learning approaches relyon annotated recordings (ground truth) of activities. Thoughwearable sensors make human activity data abundant [16], datawith sufficiently detailed annotations are scares due to: i) theinherent issues in the annotation process [17], [18]; and ii)the difficulty in collecting data from target domains (such aselderly volunteers). This leads to the requirement for moreadvanced machine learning paradigms [16]. Moreover, moststudies are performed with young healthy volunteers but bodymechanics are different for young, older people and peoplewith dementia or other cognitive impairments [19]. Thesedifferences may result that recognition models often developedin young adult volunteers do not work in elderly populations[14].

Finally, there are challenges imposed by the characteristicsof sensor data, the nature of the wireless medium (wireless sig-nal occlusion by interveining objects, noise in sensor data), andmore recenly the passive powering of sensors [20]. Interleavingand overlapping activities further increases the complexity [16]and the streaming nature of the data imposes further challengesin data segmenting (defining windows) for feature extraction[21] for classification algorithms as well as the responsivenessof the system (the need to be real-time).

In the following sections we will describe our prelimi-nary investigations and results into developing an interventionaimed at reducing the falls rate in older people with cogni-tive impairments and dementia. The intervention is enabledby the development of a wearable passive Radio FrequencyIdentification (RFID) based sensor [20] to enable the real-timeclassification of activities recognized as leading to falls [4],[22].

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High Risk Activity Sensitivity SpecificitySitting down on a chair 92.2% 97.9%

Getting up from a chair 90.4% 94.0%

Getting into bed 100% 100%

Getting out of bed 100% 100%

Entering a room/restroom 100% 100%

Leaving a room/restroom 100% 100%

Walking without a walking aid 100% 100%

Ceiling Mounted


Alarms/Response Team

Sensor (S)enabled RFID tag





Real-Time Monitoring EnvironmentEvent Driven




Other Wards

Fig. 1. An overview of the architecture of the MSA intervention.


Falls in hospital is a major safety and quality issue. Fallsprevention is a national priority. It is established that despitebest clinical practice (relying on staff) falls rate in hospitalsremain worryingly high. Our innovative approach [23] auto-matically and in real-time: i) monitor patients activities; ii)identify high falls risk related activities (see Table I); and iii)alert clinical staff in the event of a high falls risk activityallowing for pre-emptive supervision to mitigate the risk ofa fall (see Figure 1). Furthermore, in the event of a falla caregiver is able to provide immediate relief and executeemergency protocols.

The Movement-Sensor-Alarm (MSA) intervention is ex-pected to reduce falls and therefore healthcare costs, injuryand trauma, a common sequela of falls. In-hospital fallsoccur far too commonly in older people and have long termdevastating impacts not only on functional independence butalso on healthcare costs. It has been estimated that fallscontributes to an additional 886,000 bed days per year inAustralia (population 23 million, Australian Commission onSafety and Quality in Health Care 2009). Clearly, the costimpact will be greater in countries with larger populationsor with greater population ageing. Falls prevention will avoidthe negative health outcomes arising from injury and fractureswhile large gains will be seen as a result of health and agedcare cost savings. Table I outlines the results of a study withhealthy adult volunteers to investigate the effectiveness of ourtechnological innovation. Here the activities are identified inisolation to inform our future research.

Sensitivity and specificity estimates above 90% were ob-tained across the board indicating satisfactory performance.The researchers are currently: i) developing a new wearablesensor; ii) developing classifiers cable of automatically recon-ising multiple activities; iii) developing a middleware extensionfiltering and collection of sensor data based on sensor enabledRFID tags; iii) undertaking older volunteers trial to evaluatethe performance of the classification algorithms (first results

Fig. 2. Wearable wireless RFID based sensor with flexible antenna.

are published in [24]); iv) developing automated methods foraddressing the data imbalance issue (inherent to this domain)in training activity recognition classifiers.


To date, there has only been one clinical study confirmingthe benefits of a technological intervention (Health InformationToolkit) in acute care. However the technology only involveda tool to aid the implementation of best clinical practice (careplanning, risk patient education, etc. [25]). In contrast, thenovel MSA intervention aims to prevent falls among patients inacute hospitals using a wearable, single sensor (accelerometer)enabled, passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tagsfor inferring patient activities (Figure 2) [20]. Therefore, amajor innovation of this research is the development andapplication, for the first time, of low cost passive (battery freeand maintenance free) and wearable RFID tags for elder carein hospitals as well as real time interpretation to alert cliniciansin a timely manner. The MSA intervention, in contrast to usingcameras, preserves a patients privacy since patient activities areinferred indirectly.

Previous studies focused on the monitoring of single highrisk activities such as bed exiting, as in the case of Hilbe et al.[26] and Bruyneel et al. [27]. These methods relied on the useof different types of sensors such as pressure sensors on railsand presence sensors in bed mats. These studies achieved highperformance results. However their methods were constrainedto a single activity; moreover, required constant maintenancedue to the mechanical nature of the devices and high risk ofcontact with contaminated fluids. Other studies focused on themonitoring of human activities by instrumenting the patientas is our case, studies by Karantonis et al. [3] and Godfreyet al. [2] achieved good results, the former even resolved realtime monitoring; however, the use of bulky sensors and data-loggers or transponders make this technology not applicable toelderly patients. Other studies focused on self monitoring ofthe subject with prevention routines such as Timed up-and-gotest (TUGT) and Alternate step test (AST) [28], [29]. Thesemethods achieved high performance results; however, are notdesigned for long term monitoring and require the subject tobe cognitively healthy. Finally, other studies [30], [31], [17],[32] have considered the use of machine learning techniquesto build strong classifiers achieving high performance results;however the use of bulky sensors and equipment as in [30]

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and multiple sensors on body [31], [33] make these studiesdifficult to deploy in an elderly care environment.


The proliferation of pervasive technologies into the health-care space is now a reality, however, there are significantchallenges to be overcome before we will see the widespreaduse of such technologies in practice.

The MSA intervention, in contrast to using cameras, pre-serves a patients privacy since patient activities are inferredindirectly. The innovative system has wide ranging application:i) application in nursing homes; ii) automatic prediction ordetection of medical symptoms using data mining and; iii)tailoring of treatments such as monitoring and medication doseadjustment to minimise symptoms and disability in people withhealth conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease.

Finally as with other healthcare related technologies, inorder to make an impact we must first show evidence thatsuch technologies can indeed make a real impact. This willrequire that we undertake controlled trials (such as randomisedcontrolled trials) to show the effectiveness of the technologyin practice.


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