AUTOHOROSCOPICAL BIOGRAPHY (A TEST ON SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY) 3/Chapter 12.pdf · Scientific Astrology iv. ... Then one is to follow the following ten steps as explained in Stellar

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Page 1: AUTOHOROSCOPICAL BIOGRAPHY (A TEST ON SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY) 3/Chapter 12.pdf · Scientific Astrology iv. ... Then one is to follow the following ten steps as explained in Stellar



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Page 2: AUTOHOROSCOPICAL BIOGRAPHY (A TEST ON SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY) 3/Chapter 12.pdf · Scientific Astrology iv. ... Then one is to follow the following ten steps as explained in Stellar
Page 3: AUTOHOROSCOPICAL BIOGRAPHY (A TEST ON SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY) 3/Chapter 12.pdf · Scientific Astrology iv. ... Then one is to follow the following ten steps as explained in Stellar

Preparation of Horoscopeand Scientific Prediction

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In scientific Astrology, it is absolutely necessary to cast the Birth chart (Natal chart)of a horoscope very very accurately. The particulars, viz.,

i. Birth timeii. Birth Date andiii. Birth place

should be correct and accurate. Even slight error in recording any one of them willlead to blunders and confusions in the usage of the horoscope. There are manymethods in preparing the horoscope and they are not dealt in this book. The readersmay follow the method recommended by Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy in his “StellarAstrological Reader No. 1”. The manual method is laborious and prone to havemistakes. Nevertheless, a brief step by step procedure adopted by Prof. K.S.K. is givenbelow:

Before venturing such an effort of casting Horoscope, the reader should havethe following essential tools:

i. Stellar Astrological Reader No. 1 by Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy as a reference.ii. Krishnamurthi’s or Raphael’s ephemeris for the particular year of birth.iii. The Tables of Houses (Krishnamurthy’s or Raphael’s)

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��� Scientific Astrology

iv. Any reference book containing the geographical longitude and latitude tothe nearest minute of arc of various places all over the world or the mostreliable atlas.

Then one is to follow the following ten steps as explained in Stellar AstrologicalReader No.1 and cast the horoscope:

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#����� ���� Conversion of the birth time normally given in countries standard timeinto Local Mean Time

����� ���� Calculation of sideral time from Local Mean Time

�&���� ���� Finding out the position of the Ascendant and the Cusps of other 11houses using the Table of houses

#���&� ���� Finding the position of 9 planets in the Zodiac

#���&����� Erect Rasi Chakra (Zodiac Sign) or Natal Chart and also a Zodiac HouseChart separately and insert the planets into them

��'�&� ���� Calculation of Dasa Balance at birth

�����&� ���� Prepare a Ready Reference Table for Bhukthis and Anthras

��%&�&� ���� Prepare Astrological position of each planet (Locators of the planetsviz. sign lord, constellation lord and sub lord of each planet)

���&� ���� Prepare the Table of 12 houses with their Significators and Locatorsand also prepare the Table of 9 planets with the houses signified and located bythem. The houses aspect by the planet using the house chart prepared in step 5 isalso to be included in step 9 and 10.

���&����� Prepare the tables of 9 planets with houses primarily signified by themas well.

The above 10 steps in manual preparation of the horoscope as detailed in thebook reader I written by Prof. K.S.K referred above may enable the reader to judgethe horoscope systematically according to Krishnamurthi Padhdhati following theprinciples and guidelines enumerated by Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy in his great books“Stellar Astrological Readers I to VI.

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To make further advance in making scientific Astrological prediction as explainedin this book the reader has to struggle hard to have further information throughmanual process because:

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction ���

i. In the ‘Seventh Step’ in section 1 above, the preparation of Ready ReferenceTable should have Bhukthis, Anthras and Sukshmas also.

ii. In Eighth and Ninth Steps, it is not enough to stop the Locators at sub-lordlevel and it should be extended to sub-sub lord as well as sub-sub-sub lordlevel.

iii. The General significators for each house should also include the planetsaspecting the houses following the Hindu system of planetary aspects.

In view of the above, Computer Aided Casting of Horoscopes has become verycommon. But one should be careful in choosing a suitable computer software touse in casting a horoscope.

In this book almost all the process involved in casting a horoscope and arrivingat the predictions will be easier and accurate if it is done by PC (Personal computer).The software used for the system explained in this book is a special software whichis developed by an expert in the computer field as well as in Astrology. For the benefitof the readers to prepare their own software the system process involved in theComputer Program is explained in section 12.4 of this Chapter.

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Every researcher requires a test case to verify the truth of discovery. Such a test caseshould be responsive transparent and amenable to testing. It is the same for aresearcher in astrology also.

Natal Astrology which concerns with the life of human being is Divine one. Butit is based on shaky foundation and hence had lost its Divine grace. Prof.K.S. Krishnamurthy had made valuable contributions to restore the lost light to thisscience. He had given a strong foundation to this science through “KrishnamoorthiPadhdhati” after continuous research of over forty years and evolved his own systembased on ‘SUB’ theory for astrological predictions.

The author of this book had come across the K.P. System 1975 while he wasserving the bank by destiny and learned K.P. System by reading all his books.Eventhough, he was a management professional with no idea of astrology, he started,getting immersed deeply in learning astrology making use of his leisure time. Initially,he made use of his own horoscope as well as those of his family members and friends.He also read other astrological books written by popular astrologers and they wereall not attractive to him. But, he was very much impressed on the way; Prof. K.S.Kwas explaining the limitations of all existing system of Astrology throughout theworld. Thus, he was continuously studying K.P. System and researching to discovera system which will solve many of the questions raised by Prof. K.S.K to make hissystem more and more scientific. After 2000, when the author started moving towardsspiritual life, he started discovering one after the other elements of the scientific

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��� Scientific Astrology

system explained in this book. In 2010, the author made a break through in hisdiscovery and decided to publish his research and discovery on Scientific Astrology.Astonishingly, he found that every first class events of his past life to reveal the truthof destiny events predicted using the scientific astrology to match the real life eventswhich had occurred already. He also noticed the future predictions at that point oftime to occur correctly. Therefore, the author had decided to use his natal horoscopefor the case study to Test on Scientific Astrology.

Before, deciding to use author’s horoscope, all aspects were considered and foundthat the fitting case for studying the discovery of Scientific System will be that of theauthor. With this decisions, integrated approach for the prediction will be availablethrough this case only as all events will be not available when the horoscopes ofothers are used. Further, other horoscopes cannot be made transparent. Anyclarification on the test application can be easily and correctly provided by the authoras he is alive to answer any quaries on the subject.

The author is quoting below some important thought of Prof. K.S.K on this subjectbecause the author is also having the same view.

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�� ����� -���-�� ����� �� “I want to do research till the end of my life on natalcharts and find out the truth useful to each individual, to find out all mattersconnected with him and these should fit in for modern living conditions. I want toserve the masses. So, I do research”

The author has made an effort to fulfil the desires of Prof. K.S.K. as the objectiveof this book. This book is written to help in the process of study and research ofNatal Astrology like any other Science. Further, every learned person should lead hislife after knowing his destiny path and hence he should be able to use this book in apractical way to follow his destiny path laid by God. Just like a computer is beingused by many, without knowing the technology aspect of it. Scientific Astrology isexpected to be used by many learned persons without approaching AstrologyPractitioner. This book is written with that objective in mind and hence all effortsare made to make Scientific Astrology computer aided to make the prediction easier,quicker and accurate.

In part I and part II of this book, the author had made an exhaustive presentationof basics of scientific astrology, its logic, system and discovery which are expected tobe useful to researchers in Scientific Astrology. But every one will not be aiming, nordestined to do the research in Astrology. Nevertheless, many learned persons will beinterested to know the secrets of his life atleast in critical junctions of his life. Forsuch people as well as the researchers, the part III of this book is added, to be apractical guide.

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction ���

In part III, the author wants to unravel the truth of the Scientific Astrology, bysubjecting the principles and system discovered to real test to a live case frombeginning to end of a human life. It should not be a piece meal presentation ofevents in the lives of various individuals as being done so far in any astrology book.Probably every reader of this book will appreciate the fact, that the Destiny eventsare highly secret ones, and they will be known or experienced only by the nativewho may or may not like to reveal them. Also, such events belonging to othersshould not be made public without obtaining their permission. Such individualscannot be approached by the readers for verification or clarification of events whendesired. No body will be prepared to expose all secrets of his life events, as such, in atruthful way.

In view of the above, the author decided to subject his own life as a test case tobe used in testing the truth of Scientific Astrology. Also, the author has researchedall the events of his life from birth to end of life and verified the truth of the scientificAstrology during his research of last three decades.

��� ����� -���-�� �%��� ���� “My caravan will go on doing research work and findingsome truth for the benefit of the people than to benefit myself with such cheappopularity and use astrology for my pot-boiling (lively hood). I work to improve thescience and make it a pucca (perfect) science”

Following the foot steps of Prof. K.S.K., the author has decided and madetransparent all his life events (Destiny) of the past, present and future to the readerswith the hope, that it will enable them to master the mechanism of applying thescientific astrology to know their future clearly and become the men with clearwisdom.

���� �&�����������,�� ������������ �� 0���� ��� �0��� The Great Tamil poet ‘Thiruvalluvar’has defined the Wise and Unwise as below:

“The enlightened (wise) will be the one who can know (beforehand) what willhappen (in his life): one who is illiterate in such learning (his future) is unwise(unenlightened)”

The author desires that every reader of this book to become enlightened byforeseeing the destiny events of his life and lead a purposeful and enjoyable life inthis birth.

In view of the above back ground, the third part of this book is titled as AutoHoroscopical Biography as a Test on Scientific Astrology. As such the third partcontains only important destiny events of the author from birth to end of his life inthis universe.

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��� Scientific Astrology

All the events are presented into two major categories viz.

1. Social Life Events and2. Spiritual Life Events

Again each of the above two categories is further sub-divided into four or fivesub groups. This type of division will help the readers to easily understand and analysethe subject matter.

��� #��� �'�1�� �� �����2� �� .�� 3���� �� 1�� The author never consulted anyprofessional astrologer in his life to know his destiny events. Because, he never believesthat such astrologers can find the truth of his life. The author is very strong in thefollowing concept of Destiny.

� Destiny is predestinated by God and not surpassable.� Destiny is implemented/activated correctly in time by God through the mind

of the person concerned.� Because of the above truths, one’s happiness and sorrow never occur due

to others but by himself.� Destiny events cannot be known through others, who ever may be without

influencing the mind of the native.Thus, the challenging posture of any astrologer will be only for weaker minded

individuals. Nobody will desire to be weaker minded.

Therefore, every one is advised to learn scientific astrology by mastering thisbook and become enlightened.

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction 199





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Scientific Astrology

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In section 12.1 of this Chapter, manual casting of a horoscope is explained briefly,through ten steps. The manual preparation of a horoscope following these steps islaborious. It is prone to have errors in human calculation. It will be very difficult tocalculate manually the minute details like,

� Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthra, Sukshma level in Vimshoddhari dasa system.� Astrological locator’s of 12 cusps and planets having star lord, sub lord,

sub-sub lord and sub-sub-sub lord levels.Therefore, computerisation of the 10 step manual process had become a necessity

for every astrologer in India. Thus, there are many computer softwares to cast ahoroscope following every type of astrological system misleading the astrologers.K.P. system is also having a number of such softwares available, some on paymentand some on free of cost. The readers of this book will be tempted to make use ofsuch a software for casting a horoscope. But, one should be careful in choosing onesuch software because, the horoscope prepared using such software should give anaccurate Natal chart. The accuracy of the Natal chart is the basic requirement forthe accurate scientific prediction. It is important that the software choosen shoulduse K.P. method of casting a horoscope as explained in his book (reader I) and itshould use Prof. K.S.K.’s Ayanamsa.

In order to enable the readers to choose one of the softwares available in themarket as well as to make their own add on software for further processing thetotal process involved in Scientific Predictions are split into 2 stages and given below:

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The author has used the software ‘Astrowonder’ which has the capability to meet thetwo requirements mentioned above. ‘Astrowonder’ software requires Date, Time andPlace of Birth as basic input and they should be correct and very accurate. There aremany places (cities and towns of the world) in the software to be selected by thenative of the horoscope and such place should be the nearest to the place of birth.The software will calculate internally, the local meantime and the sideral time. Itwill also calculate the position of 12 cusps and 9 planets. The software will give outone page print out as shown in the Figure 12.2.

The Natal chart will have the position of 12 cusps and 9 planets with accurateastronomical locations in degrees, minutes and seconds. At the bottom of the chart,‘Dasa balance at birth” will also be given in one line. Besides the Natal chart, it willalso give the following tables in the same page.

� Astrological position of 9 planets� Astrological position of 12 cusps

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction �

� General significators of 12 houses, but not the significator which aspectsthe houses

SAR 10°30 41´´ ´

VII 05°02 09 ´´ ´

VIII 05°46 48 ´´ ´ IX 06°03 30 ´´ ´

K 17°41 42 ´´ ´

X 05°13 21 ´´ ´

M °43 28 ´25 ´ ´

VI 04°20 26 ´´ ´

V 04°16 2 ´´3 ´

JR 24°46 2 ´´2 ´

IV 05°13 1 ´´2 ´

XI 04°16 2 ´´3 ´

V 08°17 ´´17´

XII 04°20 26 ´´ ´

S 15°14 ´´04´

Ma 18°48 ´´40´

Ra 17°41 ´´42´

III 06°03 ´´30´

II 05°46 ´´48´ I 05°02 09 ´´ ´

MeR 06°42 ´´38´

Natal Chart

Natal Chart (01/09/1937 AD 07:28:00)

Place : Kallal, India

78E43.00 : 10N00.00

Time : 07:28:0.000

Date :01/09/1937 Wednesday

Nakshatra : 2 Pada Punarvasu

Tithi : Krishna Ekadasi

Yoga : Vyatipata

Karana : Balava

Rasi : Gemini

Time zone : +05.30

Ayanamsa : 022°58´31

Sidereal Time :



Obliquity : 023°26´47́´

S Leo 15°14´01́

M Gem 25°43´28́ ´ Me J Me Sa Ra

Ma Sco 18°48´40́ ´ Ma Me K M Me

Me Ret Vir 06°42´38́ ´ Me S Me Sa Sa

J Ret Sag 24°46´22́ ´ J V Me S V

V Can 08°17´17́ ´ M Sa V V Ra

Sa Ret Pis 10°30´41́ ´ J Sa S Ra Me

Ra Sco 17°41´42́ ´ Ma Me Me ma V

K Tau 17°41´42́ ´ V M Sa J Su

´ S V V Me S

Planetary Positions

Dasa balance at birth—Jupiter 9 years 1 month 16 days

Figure 12.2 (Continues)

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��� Scientific Astrology

I Vir 05°02´09´

II Lib 05°46´48́ ´ V Ma M Ra Sa

III Sco 06°03´30´́ Ma Sa Me V Sa

IV Sag 05°13´21´́ J K Ma Me Ma

V Cap 04°16´32́ ´ Sa S Sa M J

VI Aqu 04°20´26´́ Sa Ma V Sa Ma

VII Pis 05°02´09´́ J Sa Sa Ra K

VIII Ari 05°46´48´́ Ma K Ra Ra V

IX Tau 06°03´30´´ V S Me Ma Ma

X Gem 05°13´21´´ Me Ma S Sa Me

XI Can 04°16´32´´ M Sa Sa V J

XII Leo 04°20´26´´ S K M Me K

´ Me S Sa J M

Cuspal Positions

Cusp In Star of Occu Occupants In star of Own. Owner Aspectant

I Ma Ra Me Ma Ra Me Sa


III Ma Ra Ma


V V Sa Sa V

VI V Sa Sa S

VII V Sa Sa M J Me


IX K S J Ve Sa Ma

X K M Ma Ra Me J Ma



General Significators

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Vimsoddhari Dasa

Cusp Up to

J 19/10/1946

Sa 19/10/1965

Me 19/10/1982

Ke 19/10/1989

Ve 19/10/2009

Su 19/10/2015

M 19/10/2025

Ma 18/10/2032

Ra 19/10/2050

Dasa (S)

Bhukti Up to

S 05/02/2010

M 07/08/2010

Ma 13/12/2010

Ra 06/11/2011

J 27/08/2012

Sa 06/08/2013

Me 13/06/2014

K 19/10/2014

V 19/10/2015

Vimsoddhari Dasa

Anthra Up to

Sa 18/10/2012

Me 07/12/2012

K 27/12/2012

V 23/02/2013

S 12/03/2013

Mo 10/04/2013

Ma 30/04/2013

Ra 21/06/2013

J 06/08/2013

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Except the above three basic tables, all the other details in that page (Natalchart) will not be useful for our purpose and hence they may be ignored. In additionto the above three tables, the software will also produce any of the followingVimshoddhari dasa tables as desired by the native (Figure 12.3).

� Vimshoddhari dasa for life� Vimshoddhari dasa (Bhukthi level) for a period as desired� Vimshoddhari dasa (Anthra level) for a period as desiredAmong the above, the 3rd one viz., Vimshoddhari dasa (Anthra level) table will

be sufficient for the accurate and meaningful scientific prediction and hence othertables need not be considered.

Existing version of ‘softwares’ will be useful only up to the above stage which isconsidered as the First stage. The readers may use any of the available software toget the above details. Alternately, they can also prepare them following the 10 stepmanual process explained in this Chapter. The native has then to prepare manuallyother details required for the scientific prediction making use of the details in Firststage as briefed below: (Please refer the Figure 12.1).

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� ��� � ������ �� ����� ���� � ��� �������� �������� �� ���� The readers are wellaware of the difference between 12 zodiac signs (Natal chart) and 12 zodiac houses(Bhavas) explained in chapter 4 and 5 of Part I.

House I is nothing but the sign in which the Ascendant (first cusp) falls. In thechart the second house is the next sign clockwise, the third house is the next signand so on until the 12th house, the sign just before first sign. In this house chart,

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� Scientific Astrology

Figure 12.3 Vimshoddhari Dasa—Anthra level

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction �

name of the zodiac sign is not marked; astronomical location of cusps are not markedin order to avoid confusion. But it is understood that, the first house will have itsboundry from the beginning of first cusp to the beginning of second cusp. Similarlysecond house will extent from the second cusp to 3rd cusp and other houses followingthe same logic. This information of house boundries will be useful in locating theplanets in a particular house whose boundries accommodate the planet as per theastronomical locations of planets and houses. Thus, the house chart, including the 9planets in which house each planet is situated is marked without degrees, minutesor seconds. Making use of this zodiac house chart with planets located, the nativehas to prepare and include the aspecting planets of houses as their significators with‘0’ power base in the general significators chart which is produced by the Astrowondersoftware in the First Stage Process. It is then called the significators chart (markedby 3 in the flow diagram)

����� � ���������� �� ��.��� ����� 51��3��� ��� 6� 7,� �� �&�� ��0� ���%��18 The Table 12.1contains the houses signified and located by Nine Planets, together with the houseunconnected in bracket just under the planet. The Table 12.1 is self-explaining andhence needs no elaboration of it. This table is prepared,

� Making use of astrological location of 12 zodiac houses (indicated by 4 inthe flow diagram) and

� Significators chart (modified) (indicated by 3 in the flow diagram)Table 12.1 for the reference horoscope follows:

TABLE 12.1 9 Planets and their linkage with 12 Houses

Planet code

Houses signified as Planets (unconnected houses)

Houses located (ascending order of closeness)

Prime Sub-prime Ordinary

S 114, 22 123+ 1, 92, 60 NIL Sun (3, 4, 7, 8) 10a, 1*, 5*, 9*

M 44+ 2+0 103, 72 111 Moon (3, 6, 8, 9) 1c, 5b, 2a, 12a

Ma 14+ 2, 33+1, 81 60 102+0, 90 Mars (5, 7, 11, 12) 4ca, 6c*, 9cb, 2*, 10*

Me 124+2 13+1 101, 70 Mercury (2, 5, 6, 8, 11) 10c, 4b, 12b, 3a, 9a

J 114, 22 43+1, 92, 80 71, 100, 120 Jupiter (3, 6) 5c, 11c, 1b

V 74, 52+0, 62 113, 21 91 Venus (1,4, 10, 12) 8c, 3b, 11b, 6a

Sa 74+ 3, 52+1, 62+ 1

NIL 10, 40, 90 Saturn (8, 12) 2c, 3c*, 6b, 10b, 1a, 5a, 7a*, 11a*

R 14+ 2, 33 NIL 102 Rathu (4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12) 25, 7b, 8ab

K 104, 93 NIL 112 Kethu (1, 2, 3, 5, 6) 12c*, 7c, 4*, 8*

����� ) ���������� �� ��.��� ����� 51��3��� .2� 6� 7,� �� ��0� ���%��18 The Table 12.2contains, Significators and the Locators of 12 zodiac houses together with the planets(codes) unconnected in bracket just under each house. Table 2 is also self-explanatoryand hence needs no elaboration of it. Table 2 can be prepared for 12 houses makinguse of Table 12.1. In this table, the planets connected are shown with their codes.Table 12.2 for the reference horoscope follows:

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� Scientific Astrology

TABLE 12.2 12 Houses, their Significators and Locators

Sl. No. Prime & other significators Houses (unconnected planets)

Locators (ascending order of closeness) Prime Sub-prime Other

I Ma4+2, R4+2 Me3+1 Sa0 I

(V, K)

Mc, Jb, Saa, S*

II S2, J2 V1 - II

(Me, K)

Sac, Rb, Ma, Ma*

III Ma3+1, R3 - - III (S, M, J, K)

Sac*, Vb, Mea

IV M4+2+0 J3+1 Sa0 IV (S, V, R)

Maca, Meb, K*

V Sa2+1, V2+0 - - V (Ma, Me)

Jc, Mb, Saa, S*

VI Sa2+1, V2 Ma0, S0 - VI

(M, Me, J)

Mac*, Sab, Va

VII Sa4+3, V4 M2 J1, Me0 VII

(S, Ma)

Kc, Rb, Saa*

VIII Ma1 J0 - VIII (S, M, Me, Sa)

Vc, Rba, K*

IX K3 S2, J2 V1, Ma0, Sa0 IX (M, R)

Macb, Mea, S*

X K4 M3 Ma2+0, R2, Me1, J0

X (V)

Mec, Sb, Sa, Ma*

XI S4, J4 V3 K2, M1 XI (Ma, Me, R)

Jc, Vb, Sa*

XII Me4+2 S3+1 J0 XI I

(Ma, V, Sa, R)

Kc*, Meb, Ma

����� 4 ��3�%� �&�� �����2� ���� 51��3��� .2� 9� �� �&�� ��0� ���%��1 8 This plan is basedon Multi House inter linkage of a planet as a significator of more than one house aswell as a locator of atleast one of those houses. The preparation of Destiny Planmaking use of Table 12.1 (step 2) and the Prasanthi formulae from chapter 10. Thepreparation of Destiny Plan is discussed in chapter 11. Destiny Plan is extensivelyused in the prediction of,

� General prediction (12-A of flow diagram)� Ordinary and ephemeral events (12-B of flow diagram)� Detailed prediction sheets for selected prediction periods (12-E of flow

diagram)� Destiny Plan for Event groups from Primary Potential (step 10) and a sample

Destiny Plan is given below for Sun

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction �

Sample for Step 4: Destiny Plan for Sun

Sun is a Locator: (1*), (5*), 9* and (10a);

Sun is a Significator of: 22, 60, 92, 114 and 123+1

(3, 4, 7, 8 are Houses not connected with Sun)

5�8 ���1��2� �������� �� ��

Sl.No. Formula Description of events

1 1*, 22, 60, 114 Earning by self efforts

2 1*, 22, 60, 123+1 Balanced income and expenses

3 1*, 22, 92-9*, 123+1 Financial Problem and crisis

3a 1*, 22, 123+1 Attaining 'Samathi'

4 1*, 22, 114 Earning through personal efforts

5 1*, 60, (92-9*) Top rank in merit rating indebted after 2nd marriage

5a 1*, 60, (92-9*) Suffering due to changes in the body and due to Poorva Karma

6 (1*), 60, 92-9*, 123+1 Going abroad for medical treatment

6a (1*), 60, 92, 123+1 Going abroad for rendering spiritual service / management

7 1*, 60, 114 Successful and satisfied life

Winning first place in sports, lottery, etc.

A second rank politician

Successful spiritual servant / political manager

8 1*, 60, 114 + Sun / Jup. A successful politician

9 1*, 60, 114, 123+1 Fulfillment of desires by awards from Government

10 1*, 60, 123+1 Medical treatment and inability to clean the debts

11 1*, 92-9*, 114 Excellence in higher education

12 1*, 92-9*, 114, 123+1 Success in Research (Astrology or spiritual managerial)

13 1*, 92-9*, 123+1 Research management in spiritual field and success in it

Life in a foreign country

14 (1*), 92-9*, 123+1 + Sun / Jup. / Sat. or managerial

A glorious spiritual achievement

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� Scientific Astrology

Sl. No. Formula Description of events

15 22, (5*), 60, 114 Getting money from children

Unexpected gain

Gain in lottery, speculation

16 22, (5*), 92 Living without income

17 22, (5*), 92, 123+1 Unexpected troubles in matters signified by 2nd as amends for wrong deeds in previous birth

18 22, (5*), 114 Fulfillment of desires by children or other matters signified by 5th house.

Having child is sure

19 22, 60, 92, (10a), 114, 123+1 Overseas assignment / employment with prosperity

20 22, (5*), 114, 123+1 Repayment of loan quickly

Money spent for a good cause

21 22, (5*), 123+1 Clearing the debts

22 (5*), 60, 9*-92 Disappearance of the disease due to unknown reasons resulting normal health

23 (5*), 60, 92-9*, 123+1 Not re-appointed

24 (5*), 60, 114 Winning in speculation or other matters signified by 5th house

Relief from disease

End of litigation smoothly on negotiation

Winning the opponents

24a (5*), 60, 114 2nd rank politician / spiritualist

25 (5*), 60, 114 + S / J Status and respect added

26 (5*), 60, 114, 123+1 Materialisation of love affairs

27 (5*), 92-9*, 114 Foreign trip for pleasure

Truthful to others

Enjoying good things in life due to belief in God

28 (5*), 9*-92, 123+1 A researcher in spiritual life leading a care free life without any labour

(5*), 92, 114, 123+1 A successful researcher in religion management and spiritual life

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction �

Sl. No. Formula Description of events

29 (5*), 114, 123+1 The native being the cause for the separation

30 22, 60, (9*-92) Hereditary diseases for spirituality

31 22, 60, (9*-92), 114 Receipt of money for spirituality from abroad or father (inherited)

32 22, 60, (9*-92), 114, 123+1 Taking up higher education residing at a far-off place including abroad

33 22, (9*-92), 114 Lucky

Enjoying a fortune

Ornaments and properties from ancestors

Gain of money and material

34 22, (9*-92), 123+1 Going abroad to earn, save and invest

35 (9*-92), 114, 123+1 Going abroad for higher education

Fulfillment of desires through research and discovery

36 22, 60, 92-9*, 10a No prosperity in profession

No gain from the profession

37 22, 60, (10a) Entry in to employment

Getting a job

Getting promoted

Getting re-appointment

38 22, 60, (10a), 114 Difficult between income and expenditure compelling to borrow

Earning through profession by having promotion in service to a higher post

Earning from existing job

39 22, 60, (10a), 114 + Mars / Mer. / Jup.

Owning a printing press to earn for the lively hood

40 22, 60, (10a), 114 + SUN Getting loan / Service income Government related institution

41 22, (10a), 114 Earning by self-acquisition or through profession

42 60, (10a), 114 minus 8, 12 Success in film shooting

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� Scientific Astrology

Sl. No. Formula Description of events

43 60, (10a), 114 minus 5, 9 Success in the job

44a 60, 92, (10a), 114 Successful in establishing an institution for spiritual services

44b 60, 92, (10a), 114, 123+1 Prosperity to the spiritual institution headed by the native

44 60, (10a), 114 Fulfillment of desires winning in professional services / in games

45 60, (10a), 114, 123+1 Prosperity to the institution headed by the native

46 60, (10a), 123+1 Having a second job

46a (92-9*), (10a), 114, 123+1 Successful in publishing the research in astrology

47 (92-9*), (10a), 123+1 Retirement from profession service

5.8 ������2� �������� �� ��

Sl. No. Formula Description of events

1 (1*), 22, (5*), 60, (10a) Frequent change of job

2 (1*), 22, (5*), 60, 114 + Mercury Good orator

3 (1*), 22, (5*), 92-9* Enjoying life without any job to do

4 (1*), 22, (5*), (10a), 114 A professional in the field signified by 5th house

5 (1*), 22, (5*), 114 A performer in the field signified by 5th house

6 (1*), 22, 60, (10a) Service life with status

Note Further events with their interlinking formulas (Prasanthi formulas) areprepared in the similar way for other planets making use of Table 1.

����� : (������ �� (����2� ���� ��� ����� %����� 51��3��� .2� �;� ��� <� �� �&�� ��0���%��18 Entire events listed in Destiny Plan (Step 4), as Primary potential is furtherdivided into Worldly (Social) Life Events Group and Spiritual Life Event Group.

Each of the above two groups are further divided into 4 or 5 sub-groups. Thistype of event grouping will make the prediction of a particular event quicker andeasier.

(a) Worldly (Social) life event group with its code of ‘W’ is further divided into subgroups as below:

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction ��

� Family life events with event code of ‘WF’� Higher Education events with event code of ‘WE’� Employment service events with event code of ‘WS’� Business service events with event code of ‘WB’� General worldly life events with event code of ‘WO’

(b) Spiritual life event group with its code of ‘S’ is further divided into sub groups asbelow:

� Ascetic life events with event code of ‘SA’� Spiritual study, education and Research related events with event code of

‘SE’� Glorious spiritual life related events with event code of ‘SL’� Glorious spiritual service events with event code of ‘SG’

� Writing and publishing spiritual literature� Construction of place of worship� Establishing a Spiritual Institution

� General Spiritual events with event code of ‘SO’The above event grouping is useful in the process indicated also in the flow

diagram. In each of the above two groups, the events can be again grouped asplanet-wise event group and event-wise prime potentate group as below:

Prasanthi Formulae in the above event grouping are given in chapter 11.

(a) Planet-wise event formulae grouping Grouping all the events of an event group,say family life events, under each potentate, under the following order, viz., Sun,Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and finally Kethu.

This grouping can be done taking first primary events and then secondary eventsof each of the above planets. This is called Planet-wise event grouping. It is highlyuseful to have a general idea of the influence of the planets in different walks of lifeof the native. The use of such event grouping is shown in section 1.5.2 of this chapter,where general prediction based on destiny plan is explained. Such general predictiontogether with general prediction, based on potentates making use of Table 12.1 andTable 12.2 will be highly useful to judge the overall life of the native.

(b) Event-wise prime potentates grouping Prasanthi Formulae for worldly life, aswell as spiritual life events are given separately in chapter 11. Making use of thesegrouped events formulae; the prime potentates for each destiny event can be listedout with the help of Table 12.1. Alternately, planet-wise event grouping made asexplained in the previous paragraph, can also be utilized to prepare the Event-wiseprime potentates. While preparing such grouping, it will be observed that an eventin Destiny Plan may have either one prime potentate, or more than one potentate.

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� If any event is having only one potentate it is an indication that the event willoccur only when the conjoined activation of all the houses by their respectivesignificators. It will be a rare occasion or less frequent occurring dependingupon the activation of houses.

� If any event is having more than one potentate, then, it is an indication that theevent will occur more frequently, when there are more potentates. On the otherhand, with less number of potentates, the occurance of the event will be lessfrequent.Event-wise prime potentate grouping will be highly useful to locate the exact

time of occurance of event, making use of destiny schedule. Event-wise primepotentate grouping is shown,

� For worldly (social) life events in section 1 of chapter 13.� For spiritual life events in section 1 of chapter 14.

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����������� ������������ ����� Kindly refer Destiny Schedule for Social Life inChapter 13 and that for Spiritual Life in chapter 14.

Chapter 11 explains about Destiny schedule and the Activators. The duration ofeach Prediction Period (PP) of destiny schedule will normally be very short runningin days only when 4 levels of Activators (Sukshma level) are taken into account. Theduration of Prediction Period will be slightly more when 3 levels of Activators (Anthralevel) are considered. But its usefulness will be very much limited, when we compareit with that of 4th level PPs. Similar is the case for the PPs with two levels (Bhukthilevel) and 5 levels (Pran level). Therefore, only 4th level PPs are taken up in thisbook for the study and research.

Nevertheless, when the fastest moving Activator, ‘Moon’ is the dasa lord or Bhukthilord, PPs with 2 levels will appear to be sufficient because the duration of such PPswill be short. But for the conjoint activation of sufficient number of Prime houses /Sub-prime houses for meaningful prediction (Sukshma level activation) will beneeded.

At the extreme end, when slow moving Activators like Saturn, Rahu or Kethu,are the Dasa or Bhukthi lord, PPs with 5 levels (Pran lord) will appear to be usefulbecause the durations of such PPs will be long enough with more number of conjointactivated houses. But, reduced accuracy of 5th level periods will be there givingmisleading predictions, particularly, when Birth time and place are not accurateenough for such predictions.

In view of the above aspects, PP’s with 4 levels are only considered. At times, 3levels, whenever fast moving Activators are involved are also considered. Also 5levels whenever slow moving Activatorsare involved are also considered.

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction ��

Entire Destiny schedule from Birth to death of any horoscope will be running inmany pages. It is the case with the Destiny schedule for the reference horoscope inthis book. Therefore, Destiny schedule for selected PPs only are taken up in the CaseStudy and they are not continuously running even though they are continuouslynumbered. They are in two groups, one group for Social Life and another group forSpiritual Life.

(b) Preparation of destiny schedule Destiny Schedule is prepared for each predictionperiod (PP) in a standard format so that it will be concise and clear to study andunderstand. Destiny schedules for a number of PP’s may be compiled and listed oneafter the other in chronological order as shown in section 2 of the following chapters.

Standard format used for preparing the Destiny schedule is briefly given below:

1. The Top Row of the FormatThe top row of each sheet of PP’s contains headings of 6 columns below as commonheading for the PP’s below in the page.� The first column contains a ref. No. to be used conveniently.� The 2nd column contains PP No. indicating the serial number of prediction

periods listed.� The 3rd column contains the ‘dates from to end’ for indicating the duration

of the PP concerned.� The 4th column contains the heading ‘Activators with end dates’ for the

four level Activators (Dasa lord at the top, Bhukthi lord next below the dasalord, Anthra lord next below the Bhukthi lord and Sukshma lord at thebottom of each PP) with end date of each activator in brackets taken fromVimshoddari Dasa periods (Step 5).

� The 5th column contains the heading ‘Potentates with end dates’ for the fourlevel Potentates Activated (the Dasa Potentate at the top activated by Dasalord, the Bhukthi potentate at the next level activated by Bhukthi lord, theAnthra potentate at the next level activated by Anthra lord and Sukshmapotentate at the bottom activated by Sukshma lord). The above potentates inthe Destiny schedule are found out making use of the Krishna MurthiEphimeris (Inputs (v) in flow diagram) for the concerned activator in column3 during the running period of the concerned activator. The end date of thetransit period of a potentate is marked in the bracket against each potentate.The earliest end date of either the Activator or the Potentate is the end date ofthe Prediction Period and it is to be rounded for an identification. The startingdate for each Prediction Period will be the end date of the immediate previousPrediction Period if the PPs are continuously prepared.

� 6th and last column contains the heading ‘Houses signified by Potentates’indicating the house numbers with power index in the order of first PrimeHouses, then after a slash the Sub-Prime houses signified and finally after a

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slash ordinary houses signified by the respective potentate.These signified houses are taken out from Table 12.1 prepared in step 2.

2. Bottom row of each pp with heading ‘Conjointly Activated Houses’ for indicatingthe houses conjointly signified by the Potentates in each of the 4 levels picked upfrom 6th column above in the order of first prime houses signified, then after aslash the sub-prime house signified and finally ordinary house signified after aslash.The same details as applicable to each PP are repeated for the next PP and so on.

The Destiny schedule is used in the following process indicated in the Flow Diagramof the process for Destiny events prediction.

� Destiny schedule abstracts of event groups (Premier and Sub-premierEvents) as explained in section (vii) which follows:

� Ordinary and Ephimeral Events Prediction (’12B’ of flow diagram)� Detailed prediction sheet for selected pps (’12E’ of flow diagram)

����� < �.�������� �� (����2� ��&������ ��� ����� %����� 5�2� ��� ���1���� ��� ��.>���1���� �����8� 51��3��� .2� ��� �� �&�� ��0� ���%��18 A sample of abstract of destinyschedule of the reference horoscope is given in Chapter 13.

Abstracts of detailed Destiny schedule (step 6) is prepared for the Dasa Potentateof that period related to an event group (e.g. social / family life events). It is preparedmaking use of a standard format, which is briefly explained below:

� In the format the first column is having the heading Ref. No for recordingthe Reference Nos. of the event, ‘F1’ indicating the first event of Family lifeof the native.

� 2nd column with the heading ‘PP No.’ for recording the Prediction PeriodNo. in which the expected event is predicted to occur.

� The 4th column with the heading PotentatesActivators for recording the codes of

the potentates in the order of Dasa Potentate, Bhukthi Potentate, AnthraPotentate and finally Sukshma and also for recording below, those of theDasa lord, Bhukthi lord, Anthra lord and finally Sukshma lord, the playersof the prediction period.

� The 5th column with the heading, activated houses of premier events forrecording the houses of the event formula conjointly activated by theconcerned Prime significator of the house as the potentate.

� The 6th column with the heading, activated houses of sub-premier eventsfor recording the houses of the event formula conjointly activated by theconcerned sub-prime significators of the houses as the potentate.

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction ��

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After having prepared the horoscope following the two stages and 7 steps processexplained in the above section of this chapter, the native of the horoscope is ready tomake the Astrological prediction scientifically (systematic and accurate) makinguse of it. The scientific predictions are designed to meet the differing needs of thenative, of a horoscope.

The native may require astrological prediction under the following threesituations:

(a) First native may require a bird’s eye view of his life before proceeding furtherin an elaborate way. The prediction of this type is called the GeneralPredictions. General prediction will not indicate any time frame of whensuch event will occur.

(b) Second, the native may be eager to know when a particular event in his lifewill occur. The events like, getting married, entering an University for highereducation, having a child, owning a house or vehicle, passing anexamination, going abroad, getting scholarship, etc. All such events areclassified as First class events as explained in Chapter 11. The native maybe interested to know: When such an event will occur or whether such anevent will occur at a particular point of time.

(c) What events can be expected during a particular prediction period (PP),whether such events will be the indicators of future life during suchprediction period as well as in latter life?

The above three situations requiring astrological predictions are to be dealt withdifferently to meet the differing situations. There are mainly three types of predictionsbased on the nature of the need for the prediction as explained below:

�� !��������������� In order to know the nature of life of the native in general aswell as the general role of the planets expected to be played in the life of the native ismade initially through a general prediction. It is done by making use of Table 12.1and Table 12.2 without entering into the elaborate system of scientific astrology.Such a prediction is also made by an analysis of the Destiny Plan. General predictionwill not predict the time of occurance of the events. The native will have a feeling of“how his life will be in general in this birth”. Such general predictions are given insection 12.5.1 of this Chapter for the reference horoscope.

��� ��������� �����2� ������ ��������� Destiny events are of two types, viz., Ephimeraland ordinary events and important events (First class and second class events).Prediction of event of ephemeral and ordinary nature will not help much in leadingthe life purposefully. Nevertheless, the predictions of such events are made to servethe academic interest rather than life interest of the native. For such prediction aswell as other event, the following three step procedure is to be followed:

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1. First it should be checked whether there is a Prasanthi formula for such anevent. If there is no formula, a formula has to be formulated for such anevent making use of the logic and system explained in Part II. Prasanthiformula is a must for event predictions.

2. Second the Destiny Plan of the native prepared using Prasanthi formulashould have such event included as the primary potential of one or moreplanets. There should be atleast one prime potentate for the event underconsideration.

3. Third, such an event should be scheduled to occur in the life and it shouldbe checked in the Destiny Schedule of the native for the time of the occuranceof the event. That is to say that the Prime potentate should be the dasapotentate of a prediction period and the event should be a premier event,with all the houses of event formulae being conjointly activated by theirprime significators. Thus, for the prediction of such event, the native shouldgo through the Destiny Plan, to select the prime potentates for such anevent, arrange all such potentates in the descending order of their powerbase. The prime potentate which is comparatively powerful will have itspreference for the occurance of the event. Then, Destiny schedule needs tobe screened to find out the earliest prediction period (PP) in which the selectedpotentate happens to be the Dasa Potentate together with all the houses ofthe formula are being conjointly activated by their respective primesignificators as Dasa-Bhukthi-Anthra-Sukshma potentates. In brief the eventunder consideration should be premier event in the PP. If not a premierevent, at least, it should be a sub-premier event for the occurance of theevent during the prediction period.

This is the way to predict the time of occurance of any type of event as ananswer to:

� When a particular event will occur in life, or� Whether a particular event will occur during a particular period of timeThis type of prediction can be made for covering all events of interest to the

native for a particular period of time and kept them arranged chronologically forfuture reference when ever wanted. The particular period of time for such destinyschedule may be,

� The entire life period of the native� Each dasa period in life of the native� Every calendar year in life of the nativeFurther such events of interest can be classified into two major groups, viz.:

� Social (worldly) life event group� Spiritual life event group

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction ��

Again each of the above major group can be sub classified for easy futurereference. For more details, the readers are advised to refer Chapter 13 for social lifeevents and Chapter 14 for spiritual life events in part III.

���� ����� ������ ��������� ��� �� ��������� ������ Total events to be predicted forany prediction period (PP) will consist of the following four types of events:

� Premier events� Sub-premier events� Ordinary events� Stand by eventsThe above four types are also indicators of the four stages in the occurance of

First Class Events as explained in chapter 11. But in the case of Second Class Eventsonly premier and sub-premier events are considered and not ordinary and standbyevents. In the case of Third Class Events, only premier events are to be considered.

The total events prediction needs a special format to accommodate all theinformation required. It is called Prediction Sheet. Such prediction sheets for FirstClass Events of social life are given in Chapter 13 and those for spiritual life aregiven in Chapter 14. Readers may kindly refer them.

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Astrologers expertised in scientific astrology will be able to make a preliminarygeneral prediction based on Table 12.1, Table 12.2 and the Destiny plan. A studentin Scientific Astrology can also make such general prediction, which will be usefulto assess his degree of expertise in scientific astrology as well as ascertaining theaccuracy of the horoscope. Therefore General predictions are explained below:

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It will be interesting to have a bird’s eye view of the destiny of the native, making useof Table 12.1 and Table 12.2. Such a prediction for the reference horoscope is givenbelow:

� � ������ ��� �&�� 1��� �0������ �������� ��� ��1��2� ���� A cursory look of table 12.1will indicate that the planet Saturn is signifying and or locating 10 importanthouses except the houses 8 and 12. It is also the Prime Significator of the houses52+1, 62+1, 74+3 which are very important houses for the family life. Saturn isexcluded from undesirable events in life during its activation because of its non-connection with the houses 8 and 12. Further, its Prime significance of the houses52+1 and 74+3, Saturn will make the family life successful and pleasant wheneverit is activated. He will also enjoy Divine grace during Saturn’s activation due toits Prime Significance of 5th house particularly in family and business life (7th

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�� Scientific Astrology

house) and service (6th house) life. The native will be facing competition (6thhouse). The native will also enjoy happiness with prosperity, name and fame dueto children (5th house).

� � � @������� ��� �&�� 1��� �1������ ��� ���������� ���� Jupiter is also signifying and/orlocating all the 10 houses except the houses 3 and 6. It is also Prime Significatorof the houses 114 and 22 which are very very important for any walk of humanlife (both spiritual life and worldly life) and it is superior than Saturn in thisaspect (whether worldly life or spiritual life).

� � � � ��� ��� �&�� �1������ ��������� �� @������� ��� ���������� ���� Sun is signifying and/orlocating eight important houses except the houses 3, 4, 7, 8 which are not soimportant for the spiritual life. Being the Prime significator of the houses 22 and114, thus falling in line with Jupiter and not with Saturn. Sun’s event potentialparticularly, for spiritual life will be similar and supportive to those of Juptiter.Since Sun is not connected with 7th house, its potential will be of highly inclinedtowards. Spiritual and service oriented rather than materialistic and familyoriented events.

� � � A���� ��� �� �1������ ��������� �� ������ ��� ��1��2� ���� Venus is also signifyingand / or locating 8 important houses except the houses 1, 4, 10 and 12 which arealso important. Venus is also the Prime significator of the houses 52+0, 62 and 74

similar to Saturn. Venus is connected with 8th house which also signifies desirableevent like unexpected gain without pain. Thus, Venus will be having potentialsfor a worldly life. In many respects Venus will be similar to Saturn and hence thenative will enjoy Divine grace in family life, business life and service life andfacing competition but not linked to professional skill/competence (10th house).

� � #����.�������� From table 12.1, it is inferred that the native will enjoy potentialof the four important planets, viz.i. Saturnii. Jupiteriii. Sun andiv. Venusand all other 5 planets viz. (Moon, Mars, Mercury, Rahu and Kethu) will be

supportive to them. All the important events in life will be held as potential by any ofthe above four potentates. Among them Saturn and Venus will be associated forfamily life where as Jupiter and Sun will be associates for spiritual life. The nativewill be having a life of mixed one with spiritual and worldly life events and he can beexpected to be equally successful in both (worldly life and spiritual life). The readerswill also find that the above findings of the horoscope in this preliminary potentatebased prediction concurring correctly with those found latter in a detailed mannerin chapter 13 and chapter 14 of this part.

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction ��

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Prediction based on strength of the houses signified by planets can also be madeusing the Table 12.2 which indicates the potentates connected with each house withdiffering power indices.

� � #�����&����5-��&���&���8 The most powerful significators (Prime Significators)of the 1st house are Ma4+2 and R4+2, besides two other significators, viz. Me3+1

and Sa0 (and connection with all other planets except Venus and Kethu as locatorsof the house). Thus the house 1 is considered to be strongest. Therefore, duringthe period when Mars and Rahu are activated the native’s health of mind andbody will be good. The native is expected to have a long life. He will be egoistic,but unassuming with vitality and vigour.

� � � �����&� &���� 5-��&��� &���8 The most powerful significators of the 7th houseare V4 and Sa4+3, besides three other significators viz. M2, J1 and Me0 (andconnection with all other planets except Sun and Mars as Locators of the house).Thus, the 7th house is more powerful than first house and hence, married life,Social contacts and business life together with influence, honour and reputationin abroad during the activation of these potentates can be expected.

� � � � ������&� &���� 5-��1�� &���8 The most powerful significators of 11th houseare S4 and J4 besides three other significators viz. V3, K2, M1 (and connection withall other planets except Mars, Mercury and Rahu as locators of the house).Therefore, realization of Kama which shows the fulfillment of desires, hopes,wishes, aspirations and ambition will be sure. The native will have good friends,supporters and well wishers together with success in his efforts and undertakings,higher studies, writings, competitions, etc. The native can be expected to besuccessful in Life achievements like building temples, occupying high position, inrendering services.

� � � #���&� &���� 5-��&��� &���8 The most powerful significator of 4th house isM4+2+0 besides 2 other significator, viz. J3+1 and Sa0 (and connection with allother planets except Sun, Venus and Rahu, as Locators of the house). Therefore,the native will be destined to possess properties like houses, building, land, vehicle,etc. He is destined to be a learned man with wisdom possessing good educationalqualifications, awards, honours, scholarships.

� � ���&� &���� 5-��&��� &���8 The most powerful significator of 10th house isK4, besides five other significators viz. M3, Ma2+0, R2, Me1 and J0 (and connectionwith all other planets, except Venus, as Locators of the house). Thus, 10th houseis also powerful. Therefore, the native will be gifted with good worldly attainmentsand standings like honour, dignity, public esteem, through name, fame, power,prestige, respect, reputation, conduct, etc. He will enjoy popularity, connectionand influence with higher authorities.

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He will be gifted with Karma (Deeds) related events in management andexecution of various deeds involving creation and destruction of materials. Hewill also be gifted with spiritual functions, rites, yogas, meditation, yagnas, etc.He will enjoy holding high positions with a good influence in profession relatedservice/business/spiritual/management.

� � � ������ � ���� �� ����� � ���� The most powerful significator of 12th house isMe4+2 besides two other significators viz. S3+1, J0 (and connection with all otherplanets, except Mars, Venus, Saturn and Rahu, as Locators of the house). 12thhouse is equal in power with 4th house. Therefore, the native will be destined toenjoy spiritual related events like:� Divine worship and Final emancipation from chain of birth and death

(Moksha)� Inspirational nature and advancement in spiritual life with destruction of

“Karma” (10th house) and Kama (11th house)� Spiritual manifestation through successful practice of “Yogic Life” and

attainment of “Yoga Siddhi”The native will also face unexpected and undesirable events like, obstacles,

impediments, mental agony and termination from service as a mend for wrongdeeds in the previous life. The native will incur all types of expenses, donations,charity, quicker repayment of loan, investments in philanthropic/spiritualinstitutions together with facing financial problem and crises; but it will bemanageable.

�� � � ������ � ��� The most powerful significators of 3rd house are Ma3+1 and R3

besides all other planets, except Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Kethu, as Locators of thehouse. Thus, the 3rd house is powerful moderately. Therefore, the native will bemoderately vested with Firmness, valour, prowess, mental toughness to face eventscourageously, prosperity, intellect, ordinary mental inclination and continuity tostudy, learn, write and practice of any field including spiritualism. He will bemoderately good and successful in writing and publishing books and journals.

He will be moderately good in arguing and counseling together with amoderate success in interviews, negotiations, correspondence, trading andcommission agency business. The above results will be sure because of the samepotentates, viz. Ma3+1 and R3 are linking this house with 1st house. He will bealso mentally and physically strong.

The native will have lack of interest in like and dislike as well as love andsex due to the non-connection of Ma and R with 5th house. Similarly he will notbe having desires and attachment due to the non-connection of Ma and R with11th house.

At the same time he will not be interested in Ascetic life because of the non-connection of Ma and R with 12th house. This is also again confirmed by thenon-connection of Venus and Saturn, the prime significators of the houses 5th

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction �

and 6th house together with the non-connection of Mercury the prime significatorof 12th house.

�� � � ����&�&��� The most powerful significator of 9th house is K4 besides the othersignificators viz. S2, J2, V1, Ma0, Sa0 (and connection with all other planets, exceptMoon and Rahu, as locators of the house). Thus, the 9th house is more powerfulthan 3rd house, and not as powerful as 10th house. But it can be equal in itspower with 4th and 12th houses. Therefore, the native is blessed with Bhagyam(Fortune and Prosperity) as well as Dharma (spiritual power) enabling him toenjoy the fruits in the present birth as a result of good deeds done in the previousbirth.

He will also be blessed with higher thoughts, education, research andinvention. He will also be blessed with life achievement in building temple, writingand publishing volumes of intrinsic value in the fields of spiritualism, astrology,etc.

� ' � "�&��� &����� 5�B� :� ��� 78 Among the other houses, the houses 2, 5 and 6 canbe considered as weaker houses being equal in power because:� 2nd house is with Prime Significator viz. S2 and J2, together with V1 also as

significator and having connection with all other houses except Mercuryand Kethu.

� 5th house is with Prime Significator viz. V2+0 and Sa2+1 and connectionwith all other planets except Mars, Mercury, Rahu and Kethu.

� 6th house with Prime Significators viz. V2 and Sa2+1 together with Ma0 andS0 as other significators and connection with all other planets except Moon,Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu and Kethu.

' � ��%&�&�&����5 ����������.��38 8th house is the house with least power because,its only Prime significator is Ma1 and other significator is J0 together withconnections with all other planets except Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn.Therefore, the set back to be faced by the native in his efforts will have very lessimpact or severity.

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For this horoscope all the 9 planets and 12 houses are grouped into three each asbelow based on their total events potential:

� � �&���� %����� �� ��������1. Major Power Potentates consisting of:

� Saturn (Prime significator of 52+1, 62+1, 74+3)� Jupiter (Prime significator of 22, 114)� Sun (Prime significator of 22, 114)

2. Minor power potentates consisting of:

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Scientific Astrology

� Moon (Prime significator of 44+2)� Mars (Prime significator of 14+2, 33+1, 81)� Venus (Prime significator of 52+0, 62, 74+2)

3. Supporting power potentates consisting of:� Mercury (Prime significator of 124+2)� Rahu (Prime significator of 14+2, 33)� Kethu (Prime significator of 93, 104)

� � � �&���� %����� �� &����1. Most powerful houses consisting of:

� First House (House of native)� Seventh House (House of married life)� Tenth House (House of wordly attainment and profession)� Elevent House (House of Kama, Success and Gain)

2. Powerful Houses consisting of:� Third House (House of Courage and Propensity)� Fourth House (House of Possessions)� Ninth House (House of Bhagya and Dharma)� Twelfth House (House of Moksha, Divine Worship and Expenses)

3. Supportive Houses consisting of:� Second House (House of Money and Fortune)� Fifth House (House of Love, Pleasure and Divinity)� Sixth House (House of Health and Services)� Eighth House (House of Mystery, Misery and Pain)

� � � � #���� .������� A cursory look and analysis of the classification of Potentatesand Houses above will clearly indicate that, the native will be highly successful inFamily Life with profession oriented service in materialistic world because:� The major power potentates (Saturn, Jupiter and Sun) together with

supporting power potentates (Rahu and Kethu) and� The most powerful houses (1, 7, 10 and 11) together with the supportive

houses (2, 5 and 6)will ensure the occurance of Destiny Events towards such life whenever they

are activated and signified. Minor potentates will also support the occurance ofsuch events whenever they are activated conjointly with Jupiter/Sun/Kethu/Rahu.

At the same time, this horoscope will be a classic example in indicating that thenative will lead Divine Life without choosing an Ascetic Life path but through social/family life because:

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction �

� All major power potentates (Saturn, Jupiter and Sun) supported by allsupporting power potentates (Mercury, Rahu and Kethu), a total of 6 planetsand

� Majority of most powerful houses (1, 10 and 11) and also all the powerfulhouses (3, 4, 9 and 12) a total of 7 houses

will be supporting the occurance of events for the successful pursuit of spirituallife.

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After having prepared the Destiny Plan as shown in section 12.4.2 (iv), all the eventsof the Destiny plan should be divided into two major groups, each of which is againsub-divided into sub-groups as explained in section 12.4.5 step 5 of this chapter. Fulldestiny plan for the reference horoscope is not given in this book as it runs intomany pages. Nevertheless, a sample is shown for Sun, as a reference.

Such classification of destiny events in the Destiny Plan for the referencehoroscope is made as shown in the following table. It shows that more than 50% ofthe total destiny events are for social life events and that for Spiritual Life events it isbelow 16%. Similarly, Family life events make about 11% of the total and that ofAscetic life is about 2.5% only. The above figures show that the native will be livinga family oriented social (worldly) life with high inclination toward spiritual life. Hewill care for the social life than for his family life/spiritual life and this indication isstrengthened by a very low percentage for the Ascetic life. His mind will not hate theAscetic life as almost all the planets are indicating the Ascetic life. Thus, the nativewill be highly successful in social life following the high principles of the spirituallife, at times even sacrifying the family life. Social life (service or business orprofession) will be the most important one than the spiritual life with a least interestin Ascetic life because family life pre-dominates the Ascetic life.

Therefore, the native will be having social life with family with great interest inspiritual life and this may lead him to final salvation, after having lived as a TrueAscetic for sometime, in the latter part of his life.

The classification Summary of Destiny Plan into 4 groups are shown in thefollowing Table 12.3.

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� Scientific Astrology

Table 12.3 Summary statement of destiny events classified

Sl. No. Potentates

Total Events

Social Events

Spiritual Events

Family Events

Ascetic Events


1 Sun 96 55 18 9 4

2 Moon 65 30 6 10 3

3 Mars 52 16 4 2 1

4 Mercury 37 20 9 4 2

5 Jupiter 135 63 22 11 3

6 Venus 58 27 9 11

7 Saturn 173 112 29 21 3

8 Rahu 12 8 1

9 Kethu 25 13 4 4 1

10 Total of all potentates

653 344 101 73 17 118

11 Percentage of Total

100% 52.7 15.5 11.2 2.6 18

12 Top three potentates

Sa-26% J-20%


Sa-32.5% J-18.3% S-15.9

Sa-28.7% J-18.3%


Sa-28.7% J-15%

V-15% M-13.6% S-12.3%

S-23.5% M

J -17.6% Sa each


13 Ranking of type of life (excluding others)


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i. The special feature of scientific astrology is to help in predicting systematicallyand accurately the following:� When a particular event will occur� Will a particular event will occur during a particular period of time� The total events for a prediction period (PP)

ii. For this purpose the native has to prepare the following details from the horoscope:� Event-wise prime potentates grouping

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Preparation of Horoscope and Scientific Prediction �

� Destiny schedule chronologically� Abstracts of destiny schedule for each event group

iii. Then with the above details, the native will be able to make the prediction on:� Destiny events in chronological order� Destiny events in event groups� Total events in first class PP’s making use of prediction sheets.The above predictions are demonstrated for social (worldly) life events in

Chapter 13 and for spiritual life events in chapter 14 for the reference horoscope.The readers may go through them and master the technique of scientific prediction.They will be able to conduct research and make contributions for furtherimprovements, modifications in Scientific Astrology.

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