AutoCAD Commands _ Civil Engineers PK

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    Civil Engineers PK

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    AutoCAD Commands

    Complete AutoCAD Commands

    Command Description Options

    ABOUT Displays a dialogue box withAutoCAD version & serial numbers can be transparent

    APERTUREControls the size of the Object SnapOSNAP) target box should setto 7

    can be transparent

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    AutoCAD Commands | Civil Engineers PK

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  • ARCor


    Draws an arc. The default method ofdrawing arcs is selecting three points(so-called 3 point arc), which arethe two endpoints of the arc andsome other point along its locus.Other methods of drawing an arc canbe specied by three leers, such asSEA, which means Start Point, EndPoint, and Included Angle.

    A Included angleC Center point of arc

    D Direction angle of a line tangent tothe arc

    E Endpoint of arc

    L Length of chord passing thru bothendpoints of the arc

    R Radius

    S Start point of arc

    uses the end of the last line orarc as the start point for the arc


    Computes the area of any shape byselecting points at the corners of theshape, or by selecting a circle orpolyline aer typing or picking theE option

    A sets Add modeS sets Subtractmode

    E computes area of selected circle orpolyline

    ARRAYMakes multiple copies of selectedobjects in a rectangular (parallel withthe snap rotation) or circular paern

    R rectangular array typeP polar arraytype in circular paern, you mustindicate number of items and angle toll, and whether the objects get rotatedwith the angle

    C circular array type in a circularpaern, you must indicate anglebetween items, angle to ll, andwhether objects get rotated with theangle

    ATTDEFCreates an aribute denition entityfor textual information to beassociated with a block denition

    I Controls aribute visibilityC ControlsConstant/variable mode

    V Controls verify mode

    P Controls preset mode

    ATTDISP Controls the visibility of aributeentities on a global basis

    can be transparentON Makes allaributes visible

    OFF Makes all aributes invisible

    N Visibility of aributes set individually

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  • ATTEDIT Permits editing of aributes

    ATTEXT Extracts aribute data from drawings

    C CDF comma delimited formatextractD DXF format extract

    S SDF format extract

    E Extracts aributes from selectedentities

    AUDIT Invokes drawing integrity audit Y Fixes errors encounteredN Reports,but does not x errors encountered


    Species origin of current drawingfor subsequent insertion into anotherdrawing is normally set to point0,0,0

    can be transparent


    Fills an automatically denedboundary with a hatch paernthrough the use of dialogue boxes.Also allows previewing and replacingadjustments without starting overeach time.

    BLIPMODE Controls display of marker blips forpoint selection

    can be transparentON Enablestemporary marker blips

    OFF Disables temporary marker blips

    BLOCKForms a single compound entity froma group of entities within the currentdrawing

    ? Lists names of already-dened blocks

    in the current drawing


    Creates a closed polyline of aboundary by picking an open areawithin a area enclosed by lines, arcsor circles.

    BREAK Erases part of a line, arc or circle, orsplits it into two lines or arcs F allows respecication of rst point

    CHAMFERCreates a chamfer (a angled lineconnection) at the intersection of twolines

    D Sets chamfer distancesP Chamfers anentire polyline

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    A multifunctioning command whichcan be used to alter the following:1.location of individual endpoints oflines

    2. radius of a circle

    3. properties: layer, elevation,thickness, color and linetype of lines,polylines, arcs and circles

    4. style, font, size, location, rotation,and wording of text entities

    P Changes properties of objectsC Color

    E Elevation

    LA Layer

    LT Linetype

    T Thickness

    CHPROPModies properties of selectedobjects: layer, thickness, color andlinetype but not elevation

    C ColorLA Layer

    LT Linetype

    T Thickness



    Draws a circle of any size. Thedefault method is to pick a centerpoint and pick a point on the radiusor type the radius dimension, butother methods can be selected.

    2P Species circle by picking 2 points onthe diameter3P Species circle bypicking 3 points through which thecircle will pass

    D Allows entering the diameterdimension instead of radius dimension

    TTR Species circle by picking two lines,arcs or circles for the circle to be tangentto, and entering the dimension of theradius

    Enters radius of circle (thedefault)


    Sets the current color forsubsequently drawn objects (objectsdrawn aer the command isinvoked). The default current color isa so-called logical color calledBYLAYER which means that thecolor of the object drawn will be thecolor which the current layer hasbeen set to.

    can be transparent setscurrent color to color number entered

    sets current color to color nameentered

    BYBLOCK sets oating entity color

    BYLAYER sets current color towhatever color is assigned to the currentlayer

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    Compiles shape and font les Morethan likely, you will never use thiscommand, unless you are creatingyour own leer design or are creatingshapes to be used as commonlyused symbols in the drawing. Theseare not typically used in architecturaldrawings


    Displays options to allow you torecongure the video display,digitizer, ploer, and operatingparameters.You should not have touse this command, since theconguration of your system hasalready been done and you will haveno need to change it.



    Draws a copy of selected objectsusing two methods base pointmethod, or displacement method.

    M Allows multiple copies to be made ofan object

    DBLIST Lists database information for everyentity in the drawing


    Displays a dialogue box that allowscreation of an aribute denition fortextual information to be associatedwith a block denition

    I Controls aribute visibilityC ControlsConstant/variable mode

    V Controls verify mode

    P Controls preset mode

    DDATTE Allows aribute editing via adialogue box

    DDATTEXT Displays a dialogue box that extractsdata from a drawing.

    C CDF comma delimited formatextractD DXF format extract

    S SDF format extract

    E Extracts aributes from selectedentities

    DDCHPROPDisplays a dialogue box that modiesthe color, layer, linetype, andthickness of selected objects

    C ColorLA Layer

    LT Linetype

    T Thickness

    DDEDIT Allows text and aribute denitioneditingUndo Undoes edit to return to theprevious value

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  • DDEMODESSets current entity properties (layer,linetype, elevation, thickness, andtext style) via a dialogue box

    can be transparent

    DDGRIPSAllows you to enable grips and settheir colors and size via a dialoguebox

    can be transparent

    DDIM Controls dimensioning variablesthrough a series of dialogue boxes can be transparent


    Allows you to insert a previouslymade block or le into the currentdrawing, select X- and Y- scalefactors, rotation angle, pre-explodethe block, and select the insertionpoint, through a dialogue box


    Sets layer properties and allows youto set the current layer, create a newlayer, freeze and thaw layers, freezeand thaw layers in the currentviewport, assign or reassign colorsand linetypes to layers, through adialogue box

    can be transparent

    DDOSNAPAllows you to set running OSNAPSand set the size of the target boxaperture through a dialogue box.

    can be transparent

    DDRMODES Allows you to set drawing aidsvariables through a dialogue box can be transparent


    Allows you to rename layers, textstyles, linetypes, blocks, views, UserCoordinate Systems, viewportcongurations, and dimension styles

    DDSELECTAllows you to set entity selectionmodes, size of the pickbox, and entitysort method through a dialogue box

    can be transparent


    Allows you to save the current UserCoordinate System and give it aname for future retrieval, or to selecta UCS that is already saved


    Allows you to set the unit type(Architectural or Decimal), angledisplay format (degrees-minutes-seconds, or decimal degrees), andprecision of the units,

    can be transparent

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    This command is used with SCRIPTles. It will delay the execution of thenext command for the time inmilliseconds specied aer theDELAY command.

    can be transparent


    Takes you out of the drawing editorand into the semi-automaticdimensioning program built intoAutoCAD. Will display a Dim:prompt on the command promptline. To get back to the drawing editorand the Command: prompt, type the key.


    Same as above, but only allows onedimensioning command to be used,and then takes you automaticallyback to the drawing editor and theCommand: prompt.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Draws a lineardimension with the dimension lineparallel to the selected dimensionorigin points. This lets you align adimension with an angled line thatis not either exactly horizontal orvertical.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Draws an arc andcalculates the angle between twonon-parallel lines, and draws thetext and arrowheads. Arrowheadsare the standard AutoCAD lledtriangles, regardless of your denedArrow Block.

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    Dimensioningsub-command:Continues a lineardimension from the baseline (theso-called rst extension line) ofthe previous or selected dimension.This is not frequently used inarchitectural dimensions. Thespacing between each dimensionline is controlled by the AutoCADvariable DIMDLI (Dimension LineIncrement), which you should setat 0 normally, but if you use thebaseline command, you shouldreset to 1/8.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Draws a pair ofcrossed lines at the center of a circleor arc on the current layer


    Dimensioningsub-command:Continues a lineardimension from the secondextension line of the previous orselected dimension. It is used tocreate a so-called string ofdimensions. This is used quite a bitin architectural drawings.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Draws a dimensionthrough the center of a circle or arc,calculating the diameter, with oneof the arrow heads located at thepoint on the circle or arc which ispicked.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Exitsthe dimensioning program andreturns from the Dim: prompt to thenormal Command: prompt


    Dimensioningsub-command:Restores the text ofan associative dimension to itsdefault (home) location if you havemoved it.

    DIMHORIZONTALDimensioningsub-command:Draws a horizontallinear dimension line

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    Dimensioningsub-command:Draws an a line orseries of lines with an arrow head(commonly called a leader) topoint to an object to notate it. Thiscommand will also prompt you forthe note at the end of the leaderline, but it will allow only one lineof text. The most useful method ofusing this command is to simplydraw leaders between the object tobe notated and text that you createwith the DTEXT command.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Permits changingtext of an associative dimensionwithout exploding it. However, oncethe text has been changed, thedimension will no longer beassociative.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Adjusts theobliquing angle of a linearassociative dimensions extensionlines. Useful in dimensioningisometric drawings.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Draws the X and Ycoordinates within a box with aleader line aached to the point, fora selected point. Automaticallycalculates the coordinates.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Overrides thedimension variable seings on aselected dimension.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Draws the radiusdimension of an arc or circle fromthe center to the point on its locuswhere the arc or circle was selected.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Redraws theviewport, just like the regularREDRAW command.

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  • DIMRESTOREDimensioningsub-command:Makes a dimensionstyle current


    Dimensioningsub-command:Draws a lineardimension with the distancemeasured origin points, but withthe actual dimension line set at adierent angle.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Savesthe currently set dimensionvariables under a dimension stylename for future retrieval throughthe RESTORE command.

    DIMSTATUSDimensioning sub-command:Listsall dimension variables with theircurrent status.

    DIMSTYLEDimensioningsub-command:Switches to a newText Style for all future dimensions.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Allows moving textin associative dimensions withouthaving to explode the dimensions.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Allows rotation ofthe text of several associativedimensions at once.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Undoes any changesmade by the most recentdimensioning command.


    Dimensioningsub-command:Changes selectedassociative dimensions to use thecurrent dimension variables, thecurrent text style, and the currentunits seing.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Liststhe seings of dimension variablesassociated with a particulardimension style.

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  • DIMVERTICALDimensioningsub-command:Draws a verticallinear dimension line

    DIST Finds distance between two points can be transparent

    DIVIDEPlaces points along a line, polyline,arc, or circle, dividing it into thespecied number of equal parts

    B Uses a specied Block to divide theobject instead of a point


    Draws lled rings with speciedinside and outside diameters

    DRAGMODEAllows control of dynamic draggingfeature for copy and movecommands

    can be transparentON Makes draggingof object visible

    OFF Disables visual dragging

    A Auto mode enables dragging whenpossible

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  • DTEXTDraws text Dynamically so that asyou enter text leers or numbers,they are visible on the screen

    J Prompts for Justication optionsSAllows you to select text styles that arealready created

    A Aligns text between two points, withstyle-specied width factor, AutoCADadjusts height to keep leer proportionas designated in the style.

    C Centers text horizontally

    F Fits text between two points, with aspecied height, AutoCAD adjustswidth of leers to t

    M Centers text horizontally andvertically

    R Right-justies text

    BL Boom-le justication

    BC Boom-center justication

    BR Boom-right justication

    ML Middle-le justication

    MC Middle-center justication

    MR Middle-right justication

    TL Top-le justication

    TC Top-center justication

    TR Top right justication

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  • DVIEW Allows perspective viewing ofdrawing

    CA Sets CAmera angle relative to theTargetT Sub-option, toggles betweenangle in the X-Y plane, and angle fromthe X-Y plane

    CL Sets Front and Back CLipping planes

    D Sets Camera to Target distance andturns on Perspective viewing

    H Removes hidden lines on theselection set

    OFF Turns Perspective viewing o

    PA PAns drawing across the screen

    PO Allows specication of Camera andTarget points

    TA Rotates the TArget point about theCamera

    T Sub-option, toggles between angle inthe X-Y plane, and angle from the X-Yplane

    TW Twists the view around the line ofsight

    U Undoes a DVIEW sub-command

    X Exits the DVIEW command

    Z Sets lens length

    DXBIN Inserts specially coded binary lesinto the drawing


    Loads a drawing interchange le(DXF le) to be able to read adrawing le created by another CADprogram


    Writes a drawing interchange le(DXF le) to be able to use anAutoCAD drawing in another CADprogram

    B Writes binary DXF leE Outputsselected entities only

    (0-16) Floating point precision

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    Constructs a 3d Polygon meshapproximating a Coons surface patchinterpolated between 4 adjoiningedges


    Sets Elevation (distance above theground plane) and Thickness(extruded distance from the boomof an object to the top) forsubsequently drawn entities

    ELLIPSE Draws ellipses

    C Allows specication of Center pointof ellipse rather than rst axisendpointR Allows specication ofeccentricity rotation rather than lengthof second axis

    I Draws Isometric circle in currentisoplane

    ENDSaves the drawing and exitsAutoCAD back to DOS orWINDOWS


    EErases selected entities from thedrawing


    Separates a block, dimension orhatch paern into its constituententities or makes a polyline into aseries of straight lines. In the case ofa block that is exploded, if it wasoriginally drawn on the 0 layer, itreturns to that layer, regardless of thelayer it was inserted on, and it losesits referential connection to theoriginal block. In the case of adimension or hatch paern that hasbeen exploded, their parts go back tothe 0 layer, and are assigned thelogical color (BYBLOCK) regardlessof the layer they were drawn on. Inthe case of an exploded polyline, itloses any width it may have had.

    EXTEND Lengthens a line, arc, or polyline tomeet a specied boundary edge

    U Undoes eect of last Extendcommand

    FILES Allows DOS disk and le utility tasksto be done through a dialogue box can be transparent

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  • FILL

    Controls whether solids, traces, widepolylines, and donuts will be lledwith ink. Note that ll is only visiblewhen viewing these entities in plan(perpendicular to line of sight)

    can be transparentON entities visuallylled with solid ink

    OFF entities not visually lled but areshown in outline only


    Constructs an arc of specied radiusbetween two lines, arcs, circles, orwill create arcs of the specied radiusat the vertices of a polyline. Radius ofthe arc to be constructed may be setto 0, which will make a sharp corner

    P Fillets an entire Polyline at theverticesR Allows seing of the lletradius. Default value is 0. Radiusremains set until changed again

    FILMROLL Generates a le for rendering byAutoShade, a separate program


    A toggle. Flips the display onsingle-screen systems (most of them)from text-screen to graphics-screen,and vice-versa.

    can be transparent

    GRIDDisplays a rectangular grid of whitedots on the screen at a specied X-and Y- spacing

    can be transparentON Turns griddisplay on

    OFF Turns grid display o

    S Locks grid spacing to SNAP resolution

    A Sets grid aspect (dierent X- and Y-spacings

    Sets grid spacing for both X-and Y- coordinates

    Sets grid spacing tomultiple X of snap spacing

    HANDLES Assigns a unique, permanent numberto each entity of the drawingON Enables HandlesDESTROYDiscards all entity Handles

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  • HATCH Allows drawing of cross-hatchingand paern lling

    uses hatch paernname from library le to ll designatedarea with a pseudo-block hatch entity can be reduced to individual lines andpoints by EXPLODEingit. uses hatch paernname from library le to ll designatedarea with individual lines and points,not a block

    U User-dened hatch paern drawnof parallel lines with a specied distancebetween, at a specied angle, and eithersingle-hatching or double(cross)-hatching

    ? Lists names of available hatch paerns

    or U can be followed bya comma and the followingsub-commands:

    I Ignores any boundaries inside theoutermost boundary

    N Normal style of selecting boundarieswith alternating hatched and unhatchednested areas

    O Hatches outermost boundary areaonly



    Displays a list of all valid commandsand data entry options, or obtainshelp for a specic command orprompt

    can be transparentif invoked whileanother command is in process, it willassume that you want help on thatcommand

    HIDE Regenerates a 3d visual image of thedrawing with hidden lines removed

    ID Displays the X,Y, and Z coordinatesof a point selected can be transparent

    IGESIN Loads an IGES interchange le

    IGESOUT Writes an IGES interchange le

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  • INSERT Inserts a previously created block ordrawing le into the current drawing

    Inserts a lename from the

    default directory into the currentdrawing, assuming that there is no blockby that name in the currentdrawing=Creates a block in the current drawingwith the same name as the le

    Inserts a block in itsconstituent entities rather than as ablock also called a Star Block orPre-exploded block

    C Reply to X scale prompt allowsscale to be specied by two points(Corner specication of scale)

    XYZ Reply to X scale prompt allowsspecication of X, Y, and Z scales

    ~ Displays a le dialogue box

    ? Lists names of dened blocks within

    the current drawing

    ISOPLANESelects the plane of an isometric gridto be the current plane for anorthogonal drawing

    can be transparentL Le plane

    R Right plane

    T Top plane

    Toggle to next plane in series,Le, Right, and Top

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  • LAYERor


    Creates named drawing layers,assigns color and linetype propertiesto those layers, allows layers to befrozen and thawed, locked andunlocked, and allows current layer tobe set

    can be transparentC Assigns color tonamed layer

    F Freezes named layers (commaseparates a list of layers to be frozen, *can be used as a wildcard) currentlayer cannot be frozen

    L Assigns linetype to named layer

    LO Locks named layer

    M Makes a layer creates a new layerand makes it the current layer

    N Creates new layers with namednames (comma separates a list of layersto be created, * can be used as awildcard)

    ON Turns named layers on if they wereturned o (comma separates a list oflayers to be turned on, * can be used asa wildcard)

    OFF Turns named layers o if they wereturned on (comma separates a list oflayers to be turned o, * can be used asa wildcard)




    S Sets named layer as the current layerTThaws named layers which are frozen(comma separates a list of layers to befrozen, * can be used as a wildcard)

    U Unlocks named layer

    ? Gives information about named layers,* can be used as a wildcard


    Changes the imaginary boundaries ofthe drawing, and controls whetherdrawing can be made outside of theboundaries. If Limit-checking is ON,drawing cannot be done outside oflimits.

    can be transparent Setslower-le and upper -right drawinglimits

    ON Enables limit-checking

    OFF Disables limit-checking

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  • LINEor

    L Draws straight lines

    In reply to From Point: prompt,line begins at end of previous line orarcC In reply to To point: prompt, closesthe polygon back to rst From Point

    U In reply to To point: prompt, undoeslast line segment


    A linetype is a series of lines andspaces dots and dashes Sets thecurrent linetype to be used for allsubsequent entities to be drawn,allows creation of new linetypedenitions, and allows loading ofpreviously created linetypes fromDOS les

    can be transparent? Lists a linetypelibrary , or named linetypes which areloaded

    C Creates a linetype denition

    L Loads a previously creatred linetypedenition

    S Set current linetype note that thecurrent linetype should always be set tothe logical linetype BYLAYER


    Lists all information about selectedobject, such as what type of entity itis (Line, Arc, Circle, Block, etc.), whatlayer it is on, what color it is, thelocation of its endpoints, what itsZ-axis (elevation), what its thicknessis, etc.

    LOAD Loads a le of user-dened shapes tobe used with the Shape command? Lists the names of loaded Shape les

    LTSCALE Sets scale factor to be applied to alllinetypes within the drawing can be transparent


    Places points (or, optionally, Blocks)at intervals along a selected line,polyline, arc or circle. The intervaldistance is given by the user. If pointsare used as the marker to be placedalong the entity, they are not visibleunless the Point type is set to type 3with the PDMODE command.

    B species that a dened Block is to beused as a marker instead of a point.

    MENULoads a Menu le into the menuareas (Screen, pull-down, tablet, andbuon)

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    Inserts multiple copies of a Block in arectangular paern (word stands forMultiple Insert. The entire arraycreated then becomes a Block.

    fname Loads fname and forms arectangular array of the resultingBlockfname=f Creates Block fname fromle f and forms a rectangular array

    ? Lists names of dened Blocks within

    the drawing

    C (as a reply to X scale prompt)species scale via two selected points(Corner specication of scale)

    XYZ (as a reply to X scale prompt)readies Minsert for X, Y, and Z scales)

    - displays a le dialogue box

    MIRROR Reects designated entities about auser-specied axis


    MMoves designated entities to anotherlocation


    Makes a slide from the currentdisplay. Slide shows the drawing only,and not the UCSICON, the Toolbar,the Aerial View or menus.

    MSPACE Switches to Model Space

    MULTIPLE Causes the next command to repeatuntil cancelled

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  • MVIEW Creates and controls Viewports

    ON Turns selected Viewports on andcauses the Model to be regenerated inthe selected Viewports.OFF Turnsselected Viewports o and causesModel to be not displayed in theselected Viewports.

    Hideplot Causes hidden lines to beremoved in selected Viewports duringPaper Space ploing.

    Fit Creates a single Viewport to t thecurrent Paper Space view

    2 Creates 2 Viewports in specied areaor t to the current Paper Space view.

    3 Creates 3 Viewports in specied areaor t to the current Paper Space view.

    4 Creates 4 Viewports in specied areaor t to the current Paper Space view.

    Restore Translates viewportcongurations saved with the VPORTScommand into individual Viewportentities in Paper Space.

    Creates a new Viewport

    within the area specied by 2 points.

    Sub-options to the 2 Option:

    Horizontal Creates a horizontal divisionbetween the 2 new Viewports

    Vertical Creates a vertical divisionbetween the 2 new Viewports.

    Sub-options to the 3 Option:

    Above Species placement of largerViewport above the other 2

    Below Species placement of largerViewport below the other 2

    Horizontal Splits area into thirdshorizontally

    Le Species placement of larger

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  • Viewport to the le of the other 2

    Right Species placement of the largerViewport to the right of the other 2

    Vertical Splits area into thirds vertically


    Creates a new drawing. Whenselected from a menu or typed in atthe Command: prompt, thiscommand brings up a dialogue boxwhich allows seing a name for thenew drawing by typing the name inthe box, selection of a prototypedrawing or typing a name of the newdrawing and then an = sign and thenthe name of a drawing to be used asa prototype.

    OFFSETCreates a new line, polyline arc orcircle parallel to the entity and at aspecied distance from it.

    species oset distanceT

    Through allows specication of apoint through which the oset line,polyline, arc or circle is to pass

    OOPS restores erased entities, or entitiesmade into a Block

    OPEN Opens an existing drawing


    Constrains drawing so that only linesaligned with the grid can be drawn usually means only horizontal orvertical lines, however, if thecrosshairs are rotated through theSnap Rotate commandsequence, the lines drawn areconstrained to being parallel with thecrosshair rotation. Constraint can beoverridden by snapping to a point orby entering exact coordinates forendpoints.

    can be transparent

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    Enables points to be precisely locatedon reference points of existingobjects. This is the so-calledRunning Mode of OSNAP, whichsets selection method to runcontinuously until set to NON (none)or until overridden by selectinganother Interrupt Mode OSNAPmethod from the cursor menu.Combinations of OSNAP methodscan be used by selecting a series ofoptions separated by commas. Forinstance, if you want ot always pickeither endpoints or intersectionpoints when locating endpoints oflines, you would issue the commandas follows:OSNAP END,INT

    can be transparentCEN CENter of arcor circle

    END closest ENDpoint of arc or line

    INS INSertion point of Text or Block

    INT INTersection of line, arc, or circle

    MID MIDpoint of line, arc, rectangleside, or polygon side

    NEA NEArest point selected byaperture on line, polyline, arc, or circle

    NOD NODe (another name for a Point)

    NON NONe used when a RunningOSNAP is on to temporarily turn oOSNAP selection

    PER PERpendicular point to line, arc orcircle when used with an arc or circleit will draw a line to the surface of thearc or circle heading toward the centerpoint

    QUA QUAdrant point of arc or circle(top, boom, right or le side)

    QUI QUIck mode this is a modier toone of the other OSNAP options itwill nd the rst point that meets therequirements, not necessarily the closestpoint to the aperture.

    TAN TANgent point to arc or circle

    PAN Moves the display window withoutchanging the magnication factor

    can be transparent

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  • PEDIT Allows editing of polylines which arealready drawn

    C Closes an open polylineD Decurves,or returns a Spline curve to its controlframe or series of connected straightlines

    E Edit vertices

    F Fits curve to a polyline makes aseries of straight lines into a curve whichwill pass through the vertices

    J Joins a line or arc or another polylineto an open polyline

    L Toggles linetype generation to beeither a continuous paern of dashespassing through the vertices, or apaern which starts and ends at eachvertex

    O Opens a closed polyline

    S Uses the polyline vertices as a framefor a Spline Curve type of SplineCurve is set by the VariableSplinetype.

    U Undoes one editing operation

    W Sets a uniform width for the Polyline

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  • PEDIT (Continued)

    Vertex Editing Options:B Sets rstvertex for Break

    G Go performs a Break orStraighten operation

    I Inserts a new vertex aer current one

    M Moves current vertex

    N Makes the Next vertex current

    P Makes the Previous vertex current

    R Regenerates the Polyline

    S Sets rst vertex for Straighten

    T Sets tangent direction for currentvertex

    W Sets new width for the followingsegment

    X Exits vertex editing, or cancels Breakand Straighten

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  • PEDIT Mesh Allows editing of Meshes which arealready drawn

    D De-smooth restores original meshEEdits mesh vertices

    M Opens (or closes) the mesh in the Mdirection

    N Opens (or closes) the mesh in the Ndirection

    S Fits a smooth surface as dened bythe Variable SURFTYPE

    U Undoes one editing operation

    X Exits Pedit command

    Vertex Editing Options:

    D Makes previous vertex Down in Mdirection current

    L Makes previous vertex to Le in Ndirection current

    M Moves the marked vertex

    N Makes the Next vertex current

    P Makes the Previous vertex current

    R Makes next vertex to Right in Ndirection current

    RE Redisplays the polygon mesh

    U Makes the next vertex Up in Mdirection current

    X Exits vertex editing

    PFACECreates a 3D mesh of arbitrarycomplexity and surfacecharacteristics


    Puts the display in Plan view, withVpoint set to 0,0,1, relative to eitherthe current UCS, a specied UCS, orthe World Coordinate System

    C Establishes the Plan view of theCurrent UCSU Establishes the Planview of a specied UCS

    W Establishes the Plan view of theWorld Coordinate System

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  • PLINEDraws a 2D polyline, which areconnected line or arc segments withuser-determined width and taper

    H sets the half-width of the polylinesegmentsU Undoes previous segment

    W sets the width of polyline segments

    Exits the Pline command

    The following options are available onlyas long as you are drawing in Linemode:

    A Switches to the Arc mode to allowintegration of arcs into the polyline

    C Closes the polyline with straightsegment

    L Segment length (continues previoussegment)

    The following options are available onlyas long as you are in the Arc mode:

    A Included angle

    CE Center Point

    CL Closes with arc segment

    D Starting direction

    L Chord length, or switches to linemode

    R Radius

    S Second point of 3-point arc

    PLOT Plots a drawing to a ploing device, aprinter, or to a Plot File.

    POINTDraws single points. Appearance ofthe points is set by the VariablePDMODE

    POLYGONDraws regular polygons with aspecied number of sides. Polygonsare Polyline entities.

    E Species size and rotation of polygonby picking endpoints of one edgeCCircumscribes polygon around a circle

    I Inscribes polygon within a circle

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    Controls the appearance of animported Postscript image that isbeing dragged (that is, positionedand scaled) into place by the PSINcommand

    0 Only the images bounding box isdisplayed as you drag it into place1 Thecomplete rendered PostScript image isdisplayed as you drag it into place

    PSFILLFills 2D Polyline outlines withPostScript ll paerns dened in theACAD.PSF le

    . Entering a period results in no ll

    paern? Lists the ll paerns dened inACAD.PSF le

    PSIN Imports Encapsulated PostScript(EPS) les

    PSOUTExports the current view of yourdrawing to an EncapsulatedPostScript (EPS) le

    PSPACESwitches to Paper Space this willwork only if the Variable TILEMODEis set to 0.

    PURGERemoves unused Blocks, Text Styles,Layers, Linetypes, and DimensionStyles from current drawing

    A Purges All unused named objectsBPurges unused Blocks

    D Purges unused Dimstyles

    LA Purges unused LAyers

    LT Purges unused Linetypes

    SH Purges unused Shape les

    ST Purges unused Text Styles


    Saves the current drawing Quicklywithout requesting a lename (aslong as le has already been given aname)

    QTEXT Controls display of text commandstands for QuickTEXT

    ON Lines of text displayed asrectanglesOFF Lines of text displayed astext


    Exits AutoCAD if the currentdrawing has not been Saveds in itscurrent state, a dialogue box willappear asking if you want to Save thedrawing, Discard the changes, orCancel the Exit command

    RECOVER Aempts to recover damaged orcorrupted drawings

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  • REDEFINERestores a built-in command whichmay have been deleted by thecommand UNDEFINE

    REDO Reverses a previous command if itwas U or UNDO

    REDRAW Refreshed or cleans up the currentViewport can be transparent

    REDRAWALL Redraws all viewports can be transparent

    REGENRegenerates the current Viewport byrecalculating the vector locations ofall endpoints

    REGENALL Regenerates all Viewports

    REGENAUTO Controls automatic regenerationperformed by other commands

    can be transparentON Allowsautomatic regens

    OFF Prevents automatic regens


    Allows the I/O ports, the digitizer,the display, the ploer, and theACAD.PGP le to be reinitialized.This command allows selection ofwhat you want to reinitialize througha dialogue box. It is most useful whenyou make changes on the y to theACAD.PGP le and want toimmediately make use of thosechanges without having to exitAutoCAD and get back into it.


    Changes the names associated withText Styles, Layers, Linetypes, Blocks,Views, User Coordinate Systems,Viewport Congurations, andDimension Styles.

    B Renames BlocksD RenamesDimension Styles

    LA Renames Layers

    LT Renames Linetypes

    S Renames Text Styles

    U Renames UCS

    VI Renames Views

    VP Renames Viewports

    RESUME Resumes an interrupted commandscript can be transparent

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    Creates a 3D polygon meshapproximating a surface ofrevolution, by rotating a curvearound a selected axis

    ROTATE Rotates existing objects parallel to thecurrent UCS

    RSCRIPT Restarts a command script from thebeginning

    SAVE Requests a lename and saves thedrawing

    SAVEASSame as SAVE, but also renames thecurrent drawing and keeps the newname current

    SCALE Alters the size of existing objects R Resizes with respect to a referencesize


    Runs a command script. A script is aan ASCII le which contains variouscommands that when executedoperates just as if you typed in thosecommands, one by one, by hand

    can be transparent

    SELECT Groups objects into selection sets foruse in subsequent commands


    Allows you to display or change theseing of system variables. Thiscommand is no longer necessary tochange the value of system variables.You now can type in the name of thevariable to change it.

    can be transparent? Lists specied (orall) system variables and their seings


    Short for SHell. Allows access tointernal operating system (DOS)commands. Once SH is invoked,followed by two s, the DOSPrompt will be displayed, so you canenter any DOS command. To getback to AutoCAD, simply type EXITat the DOS prompt.

    SHADE Shades 3D model in current ModelSpace Viewport

    SHAPE Draws predened Shapes ? Lists available Shape names

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    Allows access to internal operatingsystem (DOS) commands. Once SH isinvoked, followed by two s, theDOS Prompt will be displayed, soyou can enter any DOS command. Toget back to AutoCAD, simply typeEXIT at the DOS prompt.

    SKETCH Permits freehand sketchingsimulation

    C Connect: restarts SKETCH atendpointE Erases (backs up over)temporary lines

    P Raises/lowers sketching pen

    Q Discards temporary lines, remains inSKETCH

    R Records temporary lines, remains inSKETCH

    X Records temporary lines, exitsSKETCH

    . Draws line to current point

    SNAPSpecied a round-o interval forpoint entry so that entities can beplaced at precise locations

    can be transparent sets snapalignment resolution

    ON aligns designated points

    OFF does not align designatged points

    A sets aspect ratio (diering X and Yspacing)

    R Rotates the snap grid and crosshairs,and turns on SNAP aer, if not alreadyturned on

    S Selects either Standard (rectangular)or Isometric Snap grid

    SOLIDDraws lled polygons. Fill can beturned ON or OFF with the FILLcommand

    STATUS Displays drawing statistics andmodes on the Text Screen can be transparent

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    Allows moving a portion of a drawingwhile retaining their connections toother parts of the drawing. Youcannot stretch Blocks, Hatchpaerns, or Text entities, however.


    Creates named Text styles, withuser-selected combinations of font,height, mirroring, obliging, andhorizontal scaling.

    can be transparent? Lists specied (orall) currently dened text styles

    TABLETAligns the digitizing tablet withcoordinates of a paper drawing toaccurately copy it with AutoCAD

    ON Turns Tablet Mode ON (but it hasto be CALibrated rst)OFF Turns TabletMode OFF

    CAL Calibrates Tablet for use setsthe distance to be used to copy thedrawing to an accurate scale

    CFG Congures tablet menus andpointing area


    Creates a polygon meshapproximating a general tabulatedsurface dened by a path and adirection vector

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  • TEXT Draws text characters of any sizewith selected styles

    J Prompts for justication optionsS Listsor selects text style

    A Aligns text between two points, withstyle-specied width factor, AutoCADcomputes approximate heightproportional to length of text line

    C Centers text horizontally about adened point

    F Fits text between two points, withspecied height, AutoCAD computesapproximate width factor to ll thedistance between the two points

    M Centers text horizontally andvertically about a dened point

    R Right-justies text

    BL Boom Le justication

    BC Boom Center justication

    BR Boom Right justication

    ML Middle Le justication

    MC Middle Center justication

    MR Middle Right justication

    TL Top Le justication

    TC Top Center justication

    TR Top Right justication


    A toggle. Flips the display onsingle-screen systems (most of them)from text-screen to graphics-screen,and vice-versa.

    can be transparent

    TIMEDisplays drawing creation andupdate times, and permits control ofan elapsed timer.

    can be transparentD Displays currenttimes

    ON Starts user elapsed timer

    OFF Stops user elapsed timer

    R Resets user elapsed timer

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