Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

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Page 1: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Authorship & Publication Ethics

Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD.Epidemiologist

Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics

School of Public Health

Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

Page 2: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University


Authors are listed to provide a public record of responsibility and credit for the work

Only those who can take both responsibility and credit for a work should be authors

Page 3: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Author or Contributor !

Author or ContributorAuthorship or ContribtionshipCorrespondence or Guarantorship

Page 4: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Authors Roles !

Page 5: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Authorship Policies Try to

Ensure that all those who deserve authorship are listed as authors

Ensure that those who do not deserve authorship are not listed as authors

Page 6: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University


1. Substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of date

2. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content

3. Final approval of the version to be published

All 3 conditions should be met for assigning authorship(Consensus Statement, International Council of Medical Journal Editors)

Page 7: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University


All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgments section who provided purely technical help writing assistance department chair who provided only general

support Financial and material support

Page 8: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

How to avoid problems with authorship?

1. Follow the international guidelines.

2. Agree before starting

3. Don’t add a senior author to improve the chances of publication

4. Agree on who will be corresponding author.

Page 9: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Gift AuthorshipGoust Authorship

Types of Authorship !

Page 10: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Gift Authorship

Gift authorship: inclusion of authors who made no substantial contributions (heads of departments, superiors, family, colleagues & collaborators).

Some one who has NOT contributed substantially to the work is listed as a byline author.

Often a senior person whose name has cache.

Page 11: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Ghost Authorship

Ghost authorship: exclusion of authors who did contribute significantly (junior staff, "supporting" contributors)

A “nobody” writer (the ghost) writes an article, then a “somebody” agrees to put his or hername on the byline

Page 12: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

ترتيب نويسندگان

به ترتيب الفبا:به ترتيب نقش

نويسنده اول: مسئوليت اصلي جمع آوري وآناليز داده ها و نويسنده ويراستار اول مقاله

نويسنده آخر: محقق صاحب نام, مسئول کليمطالعه

نويسندگان مياني: به ترتيب اهميت نقش

Page 13: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

What is Plagiarism?

According to Webster's New World Dictionary, to plagiarize is to "take the ideas, writings, etc. from another and pass them off as one's own“

Plagiarism is the act of presenting the words, ideas, images, sounds, or the creative expression of others as your own.

Page 14: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

(Plagiarism) سرقت ادبي

از ايده و اثر بدون ذکر ماخذاستفاده ,انتشار يافته يا انتشار نيافته ديگران.

.تمام منابع بايد ذکر شوند اگر ميزان قابل توجهي از اثر ديگري قرار

است مورد استفاده قرار گيرد بايد از وي اجازه گرفته شود.

Page 15: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University


،در مقاله نويسيFraud درجات مختلفي دارد که بدترين درجه را Data است به اين معني که داده ها و Fabrificationآن

سنتز کنيد. يعني داده هايي را بسازيد که اصال وجود خارجي نداشته اند.

درجه خفيف ترfraud ، Falsification يا به اشتباه انداختن مي باشد، يعني اينکه تعدادي از داده ها را حذف کنند و يا تعدادي

Falsification را اضافه کنند و به طور کلي دستکاري داده ها را مي گويند و يا اينکه تعدادي از داده ها را که جواب هاي آن ها با

ساير داده ها هم خواني ندارد را حذف کرده و کنار بگذاريد. اگر داده های عوارض جانبي را در يک مطالعه clinical trial

اتفاق افتاده است. Falsification گزارش نکنيد، باز هم به نوعي

Page 16: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

How to avoid Plagiarism?

1. Quoting

2. Re-wording or Re-phrasing

Page 17: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Direct Quotes

If you use someone else’s writing without putting it in quotes, you have blatantly plagiarized.

Even if you add the source in your bibliography, it is still plagiarism !

Page 18: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University


Be careful about rewriting someone else’s words. If your sentences use many of the same words and grammatical structure as the original source, it could be construed as plagiarism. Just put the text in your own words.

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When Paraphrasing…

Be sure you are not just rearranging or replacing words.

Rewrite the phrase in your own words and credit the original source.

Double check what you have wrote by comparing it with the original writing.

Page 20: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Let’s Practice: Are the Following Plagiarism or Not?

Original source: The effort required to provide online information literacy instruction is intense.

Your paper: Smith stated that: ”The effort required to provide online information literacy instruction is intense.” (Smith 2006, p.42)

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Answer ?

Not Plagiarism

You’ve used quotation marks and cited the source so that no one believes that these are your own words

Page 22: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Let’s Practice: Are the Following Plagiarism or Not?

Original source: The effort required to provide online information literacy instruction is intense.

Your paper: Smith (2006, p.42) argues that providing online courses in information literacy is hard work.

Page 23: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Answer ?

Not Plagiarism

You’ve interpreted without quoting, have cited your source, and have not used a great deal of the original terminology

Page 24: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Let’s Practice: Are the Following Plagiarism or Not?

Original source: The effort required to provide online information literacy instruction is intense.

Your paper: The work needed to provide online information literacy teaching is intense.

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Your version is a paraphrase of the original with a lot of the original terminology still there as well as the same sentence structure.

Answer ?

Page 26: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Guidelines for Publication

Widely cited guidelines for publication written by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Guidelines can be found at


Page 27: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Guidelines for Publication

Avoid misrepresentation in publications Authors responsible to publish accurate,

complete, clear, and unbiased work Publish manuscripts that represent new and

substantial findings Avoid fragmentary publication – dividing

research findings into the smallest publishable units

Page 28: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Guidelines for Publication

Avoid redundant manuscript submission & publication Submission of a paper provisionally gives the

journal copyright of the work Readers may be misled into thinking the research

represents two separate data sets Readers may be led to think that a study has been

successfully repeated

Page 29: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Guidelines for Publication

Criteria for Authorship Authors should:

Make a substantial contribution to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data

Write draft of the article or revise it critically for important intellectual content

Provide final approval of the version to be published Agree to be named as author

Avoid authorship disputes by discussing plans and criteria for authorship at the outset of collaboration

Page 30: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Guidelines for Publication

Do not plagiarize! Always credit the work of others Be sure to cite sources Include all cited sources in the reference list and

vice versa Obtain permission to include figures, models,

graphs, etc.

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Guidelines for Publication

Acknowledge those who contribute to the research but do not qualify for authorship May provide space, financial support, materials,

etc. Be sure permission to be acknowledged is


Page 32: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Guidelines for Publication

State in the manuscript when research has been approved by institutional review committees

Acknowledge / disclose in the manuscript any real or perceived conflicts of interest to avoid the appearance of any bias

Page 33: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Guidelines for Publication

Adequately and accurately cite literature Include adequate references to document ideas Verify that referenced works are consistent with

the ideas and information credited to them Cite original sources whenever possible Check the accuracy of citations so readers can

locate referenced work

Page 34: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Guidelines for Publications

Admission of error is generally perceived as a sign of integrity and concern for high standards; thus: Submit letter of erratum to the journal when minor errors

are discovered in a manuscript Submit a letter of correction to the journal if

unintentional errors are found that undermine part of the manuscript

Submit a letter of retraction to the journal when unintentional errors or errors of misconduct are great enough to invalidate the entire manuscript

Page 35: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Publication Ethics

Reduntion Publication دSا چنSه دو يSت کSتي اسSه( : وقSودن مقالSراري بSتک(اSز يSک اسSتفادSه کSرده Material و Data مقSالSه بSدSون SاينکSه ذکSر کنSنSد،

باشند و در حSقيقت شبSيه به هSم باشند.Duplicate Submission زءSيز جSه نSد مجلSه چنSه بSک مقالSان يSال همزمSا ارسSي

تخلفات به حساب مي آيد.( کامSل کSه Full textمنتشSر کSردن متن در Abstract ( مقSاله اي آن قبال

گنگره اي ارائه گرديده، اشکالي ندارد.دن قبليSچاپ شabstract ل آنSه کامSه مقالSت کSانع از آن نيسSه، مSک مقالSي

را چاپ کنيد. وردSم در رعSايت AbstractاصSوال آن مSورد در کمSتر رايت کSپي قSانون ،

اSرSسSال Sو چSاپ کSردSن SيSک SمقالSه حSتي SبSه صSوSرت Abstract ميS شSوSد و همزمان درچند کنگره مختلف اشکالي ندارد.

Page 36: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

Publication Rules

دSدارد ولي بايSکالي نSر ، اشSان ديگSک زبSه يSه بSردن مقالSر کSمنتشذکSرS کنيSد کSه SاينS مقالSه قبالS بSه زبSاSن ديSگSري چSاSپ گرSديSده اسSت.

الSري ارسSه ديگSه مجلSود را بSه خSه مقالSد کSر مي خواهيSه: اگSنکتکنيSد، در صSورتيکه قبال بSه جSاي ديگSري ارسSال کSرده ايSد ولي بSه دSليSل گSذشSت زSمSان SطSوالني هنSوز SجSوابSي نگرفتSه اSيSد، SبهSتر SاسSت کSهS ابSتSدا بSا مجSلSه اوSلي مکاتبSه کSرSده Sو مقالSه خSوSد رSا پس بگيريSد

و سپس آنرا به مجله جديد ارسال کنيد . ايSمقاله ه خالصSه از خSود مقالSه در کSه کنيSد سSعي نکتSه:

کSنگرهS هSا، بSه عنSوانS رفSرانس اسSتفاده SنکنيSد و SاصSوال Sآن هSا را بSه عنوان رفرانس قرار ندهيد.

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Page 38: Authorship & Publication Ethics Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics School of Public Health Isfahan University

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