Aurora Watching walkthrough - solution -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ___| | |_) ____| |_) | \___ \ _ \ | _` | | _ \ __| __| | | __| _ \ | ( | | ( | | __/ | | | | | __/ _____/ \___/ _|\__,_|_|\___|_| _____|_|_|\__|\___| and Aurora Watching FAQ/Walkthrough >>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>== For PC Version 1.0 By Chris Zawada User: antseezee E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.antseezee.com Created: 7/5/06 Last Update: 7/13/06 Copyright 2005 Chris Zawada -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- Author's Note ---------------------------- Ever since the reigning days of Metal Gear Solid and the resurgence of the stealth-action genre, few titles have been able to hold a steadfast lid on the success of such titles. Soldier Elite is a budget title modeled mainly after a title such as Metal Gear Solid. Many aspects ranging from the storyline (twists and turns here and there) plus a plethora of stealth-action elements are tossed in to mimic the MGS gameplay engine. Unfortunately, the game comes up short in gameplay elements which are crucial to the success of a title. Because of this, Soldier Elite is a fairly unknown gaming title that few gamers will ever play - and it's most likely for good reasoning. Most people play a game like MGS and are blown away, but most gamers would probably shun at the idea of a MGS & a half. This is essentially what Soldier Elite is. Will you thrive on using stealth to disabling guards, or prefer on a more "frontal" approach?

Aurora Watching walkthrough - solution

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Page 1: Aurora Watching walkthrough - solution

Aurora Watching walkthrough - solution


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and Aurora Watching FAQ/Walkthrough


For PC

Version 1.0

By Chris Zawada

User: antseezee

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.antseezee.com

Created: 7/5/06

Last Update: 7/13/06

Copyright 2005 Chris Zawada


Author's Note


Ever since the reigning days of Metal Gear Solid and the resurgence of the

stealth-action genre, few titles have been able to hold a steadfast lid on the

success of such titles. Soldier Elite is a budget title modeled mainly after a

title such as Metal Gear Solid. Many aspects ranging from the storyline (twists

and turns here and there) plus a plethora of stealth-action elements are tossed

in to mimic the MGS gameplay engine. Unfortunately, the game comes up short in

gameplay elements which are crucial to the success of a title. Because of this,

Soldier Elite is a fairly unknown gaming title that few gamers will ever play -

and it's most likely for good reasoning. Most people play a game like MGS and

are blown away, but most gamers would probably shun at the idea of a MGS & a

half. This is essentially what Soldier Elite is. Will you thrive on using

stealth to disabling guards, or prefer on a more "frontal" approach?

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If you have any contributions, feedback, or strategies you'd like to have

added to the guide, contact me via e-mail or on GameFAQs. I'll be more than

content to add your segment of information, and will also provide credit. If

you have any questions you'd like added to the Common Questions section, ask.

I simply don't have the time to sit around thinking of questions. Provide me

with what you want to know!



=7/13/06= v1.0

Finished the FAQ. My first FAQ in about 5 months or so. The game itself was

alright, a tad boring at certain parts, but doable.

=7/5/06= v1.0

Started the FAQ. May be a few weeks to completion as this guide will only be

worked on in spare time from work.

- I've now added a Quick Search function to the guide. Press CTRL + F, and

type in the designated (#.#) to be quickly forwarded to that specific section

of the guide.

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- Table of Contents -


1) Introduction

2) Game Basics

> Controls

> Screen HUD

3) Single-Player Walkthrough

> Training (3.1)

> The Worst Hangover Ever (3.2)

> The Straying Lamb (3.3)

> The Old Buddy (3.4)

> Who the Hell is Ivan? (3.5)

> Lethal Beauty (3.6)

> Arctic Rendezvous (3.7)

> Cleaning Time (3.8)

> Fireworks (3.9)

> Crazy Ivan (3.10)

4) Weapons (4.1)

> Ratings

5) Items (5.1)

> Ratings

6) Codes

7) Common Questions

8) Copyright/Distribution/Reproduction Guidelines

9) Proper Credits


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- 1) Introduction -


The stealth-action genre is fairly modern to the gaming world. While it has

been an established genre for a few years now, only a handful of titles have

been able to successfully market their way to the top. Soldier Elite is a title

based around the gameplay of Metal Gear Solid, ranging from storyline to direct

gameplay elements. You play the role of a man named White Fox who is sent in on

a uber-secret mission to find out what happened to a downed nuclear submarine.

What happens from there on is the interaction of a storyline, and a game that

is probably outdated by a few years to current gaming standards.

Along the way, you can use various weapons, sneak around using melee

techniques, or accomplish your objectives through complete evasion. However,

whatever the task, the same basic premise is that you go quietly, or down in a

riot. Developed by Metropolis Software, and published by Dreamcatcher

Interactive, Soldier Elite doesn't exactly have the flashy publisher or

widespread distribution to be a big hit. However, it has enough to count as a

worthy game for a playthrough, despite the flaws that have been thoroughly

accounted for by popular reviewing sites. Since everything is played from the

third-person perspective, the game has elements similar that can make it

appealing to most general gamers.

Here's a brief excerpt from the readme (credit to Metropolis Software):

You are White Fox - NATO's secret weapon. You've trained for 15 years to be

an elite and vicious fighting machine - and now you are only sent on the

most dangerous covert missions.

World peace is at stake when a Russian submarine mysteriously crashes in

the Arctic Sea. Upon further investigation, NATO intelligance discovers

that a few hours before the crash, the submarine was investigating an

underground military complex that was built for purposes unknown...

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##### GAME INFO #####


Players: 1

Developer: Metropolis Software

Released: 2006

Rarity: uncommon

Special Features: n/a

ESRB: Mature

Cover Art on box:

- Shows masked gunman pointing a pistol


> Windows 98 or better

> 1Ghz or better

> 128MB RAM +

> CD-ROM Drive (To install)

> 700MB+ free HD space

> DirectX 9.0

> 64MB Video Card or better


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- 2) Game Basics -


The best aspect about third-person titles on the PC is that you have a vast

amount of controls to operate your character. The mouse is used for looking

around and aiming while the typical W,S,A,D configuration moves your character.

Better yet is that special keys control special options.




Mouse - Look around, aim

W - Move forward

S - Move back

A - Move left

D - Move right

Left Click - Attack

Space - Aims

Left CTRL - Jumps

Right Click - Use object

E - Use item

TAB - Open inventory

Q - Enter sniper view

R - Reload

F5 - Quick save

F8 - Quick load

Left Shift - Leans

F - Run faster

C - Sneak slower

- As you can clearly see, the controls for Soldier Elite are fairly

prototypical of most PC titles. The left-area of the keyboard is assigned for

movement, while mouse movement shifts the camera view and allows for

interaction with the environment.

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/Screen HUD/



|[---] |

|[[5]] |

|[---] |

| |

| |

| | |

| --[4]-- |

| | |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|[##/#][1]{|||||[2]||} [3] |


Meaning Key:

[1] - Ammo Indicator - Shows how many bullets are currently reloaded

out of how many in your reserves.

[2] - Health Indicator - Shows your current life bar.

[3] - Item Indicator - Shows what current item is selected from your

inventory. Can be used with the E key.

[4] - Aiming Reticle - Shows what you are aiming at or currently

looking at.

[5] - Minimap - This shows your surroundings, and generally what

enemies are in the area.


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- 3) Single-Player Walkthrough -


As with any action game, most of them have linear paths to completion. While

you can sneak or assault a situation, they should technically end up on the

same guideline. This section will guide you through to complete the game

through any means necessary - and preferably the best route. Spoilers are

present, but only based on what the game provides.

"> There are 3 difficulties - Easy, Medium, Hard. The only change in

difference is that of damage taken, health, and powerups appearing.


/Training (3.1)/


Difficulty: *

Main Goal: + Introduce to the game

*Dizzy, your technician, will introduce you to the game. Follow her


- Start off by hitting the space bar to enter the overview mode. This will make

it easier to navigate through this maze. The path through the maze is along the

right portion, zig zag upward, then move onto the lit block to receive

instructions to proceed to the next room. For this next room, you want to run

through the first block, walk through the second, and sneak through the third.

Use your mousewheel or F & C keys to adjust your character's speed. Jump over

the metal pipes using the left CTRL key. Open the two doors with the right

mouse click (then left click to activate). Run up to the computer, and interact

with it. Hack it to disable the camera, then move into the next room with the


- Search the locker for the pistol. Move to the next room with the barrels and

equip your pistol by pressing TAB + Left clicking on the pistol. Shoot the

barrels and make sure all of them blow up. Head to the next room, and now enter

the sneak position. Creep up behind the bad guy, and wait until your aiming

reticle turns blue. Knock out the man. He should stay stunned. Slowly move to

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the newly opened door. Inside this next room, you must kill the guard without

moving out of the square. Aim at his head and this should take him out. Run up

to his body, interact with it, and drag the body over to the lit square. Search

the body for some pistol ammo.

- In the next room, 2 guards will be in front of you unaware of your presence.

Go to your inventory, and click on the bright orange pistol clip. This is

silent pistol ammo - beats having to use a silencer on your weapon. Once it is

loaded in, take 2 headshots to eliminate both targets. Rush to the next room.

This time, another guard will be around the corner of the wall. Strafe to the

near edge of the corner, then press the Left Shift key to peak out with a lean.

Take a headshot to eliminate the tango. In the next room, go to your inventory,

and plant a remote signaling device inside the small white square. Now move

ahead to the adjunct corner in this room. Go back into your inventory, and now

click on the planted signaling device. It will start to make a rabid noise.

Turn around so you can wait for the guard to rush to it. As he moves toward it,

fire a shot at his head to kill him. Your mission is accomplished.


/The Worst Hangover Ever (3.2)/


Difficulty: ***

Main Goal: + Reach the underground entrance

*A quick panning view of the ocean shows a downed submarine in the Arctic

Ocean. The video shifts to a dark hotel room with lots of garbage, empty

alcohol bottles, and the picture of a soldier above a fireplace. Two

dark-suited agents then walk into the room and start speaking to a

shirtless man on his couch. It's White Fox. They show him a picture of a

man he supposedly knows, and also inform him that a downed submarine

occurred in the same presence of this man. They want him eliminated. White

Fox agrees with no choice. We are then fast forwarded to where White Fox is

inserted outside of a snowy base camp. Let's kick some butt.*

- Go through the main gate. Sneak to the small computer station to the right,

and open the door. Crawl behind the typing guard, and kill him with your knife.

Move to his computer and hack it. You will notice a message about the one gate

closing after 3 minutes if no response is received from other guards. Head back

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out, but do not proceed too far ahead. Slightly ahead and diagonally right is a

patrolling guard with a submachine gun. He also has a radio controlling gate

access, so awaring him of your presence is the last idea you'd want to do.

Sneak by, but do it after he turns around on his elevated platform. Move ahead

to the door. Sneak inside, and watch for the elevated guard to see you through

the glass. Make sure he is turned around. Go through this middle building, and

ignore the guard immediately to your left. Instead, go out the door at the far

end, and there should be a guard immediately to your right. Pull out your

pistol with silent ammo and neutralize him. Do the same to the other guard. If

the other guard gets alerted, wait around the corner, and take the shot when he

pops his head through the door. Now, continue along the left portion of the map

to where an isolated computer guard is. Sneak inside, and knife him from behind

for the instant kill. Check his body for a SMG. Crack the computer, and you

will unlock access through the first gate.

- Backtrack to where you were before, but pull out your sniper rifle now. Press

Q to zoom in, and take out the guard on the platform who was annoying you

before. Head north to another guard outpost where you will find yet another

computer guard. Neutralize the target, crack the computer, and access through

the second gate is permitted. Go through it. Our buddy will hop onto a

snowmobile. Pump the baby into second gear! Start flying ahead and fly over the

first ramp. Move along the left side and go up that ramp. The right side of

this area has a fenced in dead end. Continue ahead, then go in a spiral up the

hill. Make sure the gas is accelerated all the way, and fly over the ramp to

cross the road below. Make a right at the split road, then continue forth.

Avalanches will now start to occur. Avoid the rolling snowballs, but continue

to navigate through the tight tenches. At one point, it's going to get tough.

You will reach the top of what appears to be a hill, but only steel bridges

will allow you to cross. Slow down greatly using your brakes, and make sure the

turns are done slowly, and not too fast. If you fall down, you'll basically be

screwed since you only had 3 minutes to complete the course. Cross the 3

bridgeways. You'll only have a few more hundred feet of tight turns and jump

here and there.

*You should fly through the gate and bail out of your snowmobile. However,

you alert your presence to about 3 other guards. Here we go again.*

- This next part is very difficult as 4 guards are practically armed to the

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teeth, while you have minimal cover. When you first spawn, you aren't actually

in a safe spot. The box you are crouched behind still exposes your upper torso.

Crawl left behind the slightly elevated box. Now, to kill these guys, leaning

is not the best option. It works, but you will get shot doing it. I found it

best to crouch and move into the stand position using the mousewheel. Pop up

with your pistol and aim for a quick headshot. If you miss, duck back down by

rolling the mousewheel down. Repeat this process until you have killed all 4

guards. Most of your inventory items except for first aid kits will be useless.

The pistol works best as it is accurate and an instant kill if you headshot.

The SMG does not work here though as there is too much recoil. Check their

bodies after the battle, and continue ahead. Move through the gate.

*You will overhear a conversation between 2 guards. One of them believes

something is creepy going on with this whole submarine problem.*

- A patrolling guard may immediately notice your presence. Retreat to the

right, and wait for him to walk through the overhanging doorway. Pop a headshot

to disable him. Move ahead, and go right towards the compound with the 2

guards. Do not go in though, as one of the guards is looking directly at the

door. Instead, toss a rolling signal device outside the doorway, and go by the

fence line for protection. Shoot the lone guard that is distracted by the

signaler. Now, proceed to the far left of the facility by the stacked crates.

Pull out your sniper rifle and nail the crouched technician. Another guard

should go check out his body. Snipe him too. Now, sneak behind the computer

guard by reaching him through the rear door. Knife him, and crack the computer.

Check the exposed locker right before moving to the next area for a medkit.

- Once ahead, White Fox will notice a main camera and an alarm system guarding

the entrance. Cut a right inside the plastic tunnel so you're slightly right of

the camera. Head towards the lone guard, and take the rear door. Knife the

guard, and crack the computer to turn off the computer. Move back to the main

entrance. This next part can be tricky. There are 5 guards total. I just tossed

a rolling signal device in the middle to bring 2-3 guards out. Pull out your

sniper rifle, and pick them off as they rush towards it. Then, use a submachine

gun to take out the 2 patrols in the back. In the one station, there is a

sleeping guard. Either sneak up and knife him, or use some form of

incapacitator to distract him. Either way, check most of the corpses for

powerups. Move ahead by exiting this large tent area to the right.

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- Pull out your sniper rifle, and take out the machine gun guard all the way at

the end where the lone gate is. Move left and you'll find 2 guards. Disable

them silently if possible using gadgets, but make your way to the left building

and crack the computer. Head opposite of where this computer is, and you'll

find another unmanned computer. Use it to disable the gate where the power

generators are. This alternate route is safer from the main gate. Snipe off the

two guards down this chasym, otherwise, you'll have to use alternate methods if

you're out of sniper ammo. The SMG and a noise distractor works well, along

with a gas incapacitator. Make your move to the end of this pathway, and kill

the computer guard. Hack the computer to disable the camera at the main


- Return back to the main pathway. There are still 2 guards that are watching

this entranceway. To deal with them, crawl down, and then use the lean key to

pop each of them a happy face. Use your pistol, lean and take the headshot.

Repeat for the second guard. I prefer to take the one on the right, then the

left. Check the right building for a locker with some health & gadgets. Go

left, and kill the sleeping guard. Crack the computer. Run outside, and go to

the main elevator.

*HQ will inform you that they were unable to crack the computer for the

plans. You will have to do it yourself. White Fox was practically

anticipating it all along.*


/The Straying Lamb (3.3)/


Difficulty: ***

Main Goal: + Download map of base from computer

*A guard waits at the bottom of the elevator shaft as the lift descends.

Suddenly, White Fox sneaks behind him and snaps his neck. So much for his

patrolling duty.*

- Continue down the corridor and use a lean shot to take out the guard with a

smoke. Eventually you will reach a two-way split, left or right. Both ways are

infested with guards. Go left, and sneak ahead. Take a headshot on the first

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patrolling guard, and this should lure out a second. Take cover behind the

power box, and neutralize the second guard that checks his body. Take out the

third guard by the computer, then cut a left down the hall. Focus on

eliminating the lone guard, and you'll find a locker with some items in the

left rear. Head back out, but go straight down the hall. At the end, you'll see

the corner cut a right. There are 3 guys in this area. I basically just pulled

out the SMG and went rambo on their butts. It's too much of a pain with their

patrols and the linear pathway to steathily take them out. Continue ahead and

make a left. You will find a lone guard on a computer monitor. Take him out,

and check his body for a medkit. Move forward enough to activate a screen.

*You will see 3 guards near a computer area.*

- Take the pathway to the left, but do so silently. Try to use a rolling

incapacitating gas on the moving guard. If it fails, do a rambo with the SMG,

then retreat back around the corner. Use the lean and quick fire to take peck

shots at them. You should be able to gradually kill them after a few pistol

shots. Heal yourself up, and scour the bodies for powerups. Go inside the

computer terminal. Hack the first desktop computer (not the main computer).

Now, go to the main computer, and open just A1. If you try opening the other

doors, your previous security door will close. With A1 open, head on through

it. Cut a left, go to the end of the corridor, and head down this elevator


*A conversation between a crazy bald man and his cat pursues. Apparently

he is talking about some "Crazy Ivan" creature, and who to sell it to. If

one buyer does not take it, he knows another will. Definitely not looking


- Cut a left once the elevator reaches the bottom. You'll eventually come to an

underground garage with some snowmobiles. Wait for the mobile guard to go left,

then crawl right and slice the sleeping guard at the desk. Hack the computer to

unlock the nearby door. Then, eliminate the patrolling guard with a gun battle.

Move to the left side of the garage, sneak behind the other guard and take him

down. Hack the nearby computer to unlock another door. Open the unlocked hangar

door to your left. A quick fly-by in scenery will show you a ventilation shaft

that you should reach. There will be 2 nearby guards up ahead; one that roams

from one room to the other, and one that sleeps. Disable the roaming guard by

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either a headshot or getting into one of the rooms when he is not looking. Take

out the sleeping guard, and check the locker on the top portion of the room for

some powerups. Now, before leaving the room, look in the corner near the

ceiling for a gray vent. Interact with it to crawl in. Cross the spaceway and

you'll see two guards on computer terminals.

- Reach the other end, and hop out. Make sure the third guard is looking the

other way, otherwise you will be spotted. Take out all 3 men, then hack the

left computer to disable the alarm. Exit the room. Go right. Two guards and a

mobile camera will be in the area. Wait around the corner so the guard on the

right turns his back. Lean and snipe him. The other guards will take notice to

this. Take out the second guard who checks his body. You will now have one

guard left and the camera to deal with. Move along the right side, make your

way behind the patrolling guard and headshot him. Go inside the computer area

and disable the cameras via the console. Check one of the lockers for gadgets.

Go to the main console and open B2.

- Move ahead and take out the guard who is taking a smoke by leaning. Move

ahead a tad further and a few details are revealed about a prototype that

scientists are making. You can choose to kill them if you wish, but you will be

charged with civilian kills. They do have medkits on their bodies though. There

is nothing else of interest here. Head back to the main console, and open B3.

Head down the elevator. Move ahead, then cut a sneaky right to where you find a

guard on a console. Slice his head off, then engage the guard that rushes over

with your SMG. Move in to kill the third man who is unaware of your progress.

Continue forth. In this next area, it's very similar to the A & B computer

areas you had to deal with. Just use basic sneak tactics and headshots to deal

with the three guards at this station. Use the main console to open the doors.

The C1 corridor has one guard at the end with some ammo. Open up C2.

- Head down C2, and a quick flash of the screen will show 3 guards in this next

area. Here's how to get by with minimal damage. Right above this doorway is a

wide-view camera. You will have to crawl under it, and immediately cut left out

of its view. From here, disable the one guy who walks back and forth across the

room with your sniper rifle from a safe distance away. If you have anymore

ammo, take out the last guy standing in the open doorway who may spot you. Now,

look along the topside of this huge room for some hangar doors. Open one of

them. Two men will be inside this snow-filled room. You will also notice the

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tail end of a submarine sticking through the snow. Looks like they were

excavating something from it. Go into the nearby locker room, and navigate in

the dark hallway. Open the small door. Go into the small computer area to the

right, but sneak through as to not alert your presence. Hack the computer to

disable the alarm system. If you move back, and look slightly above the

computer area in the dark corridor, you can take an easy headshot on the guard

with a smoke. Clear the area of enemies, then head up the main hall. Enter the

big door to the right, not the one by the MGs. You will find a computer

surrounded by terminals inside. Crack it. You will now have the maps.


/The Old Buddy (3.4)/


Difficulty: ***

Main Goal: + Find and eliminate Jacek Parecki

*White Fox has some second thoughts before moving on to kill Jacek. Both

of them have former ties, and White Fox tells his boss that he may be able

to transfer him to their agency. His boss refuses the idea of such a

thought, and orders White Fox to kill him for good.*

- Move through the door. A quick overview of the upcoming area will show some

civilian scientists operating computers. This next part can get very sticky. In

most situations you would avoid killing the civilians, but you may have to as

the upcoming area has basically too many exposed areas. If you try sneaking by,

you will most likely be seen through the operating glass by a scientist, and

the alarm will be activated. What you want to do is peak around the corner and

headshot the first scientist. Try to get the attention of the 2nd scientist,

but not so much that he wants to set off the alarm. Use a noise maker to lure

him over, then headshot him as well. There goes the 2 big threats you have to

worry about setting off the alarm. Move along the left side of the room, and

you'll see a guard having a smoke. Open the door, and knife him. Search the

body for some ammo, then go slightly down and crack the computer. Move to the

top of the room and wait for the horizontal patrol to turn around. Snipe him

with a headshot as he walks away.

- Move down the hall. If you want, you can deal with the guard to your right by

planting a noise maker and some knockout gas by the door. Open the door and

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signal the noise maker. He will hear the sound and move there. Move back a few

feet and trigger the knockout gas as he walks over the noise maker. Finish him

off, and check the bodies for some powerups. Go through the new hall now. Cut a

left into the small cubicle brown room. It's actually an elevator and will

lower you below. Once below, you will discover a laser-tripped room almost like

a maze with 2 scientists and a guard. This next part can be taken of easily.

Simply avoid the lasers and just knife all 3 men in the room from behind. They

should not hear you if you crawl, nor see you because of their default

positioning. Move to the other end of the room once you have navigated the

mini-maze. Two guards will be on a console. Toss a rolling incapacitating gas

charge, and it will stun both of them. Knife them both, search the bodies, then

look right for a ventilation shaft. Hop into the shaft. Move up the ladder at

the end, then on the new floor, hop out of the shaft. Knife the computer guard.

- Crack the computer and will disable some lasers blocking a hallway. Crack the

other computer. This will unlock the door. You will find a crate on the shelves

with some devices inside it. Exit this room, and you will run into an encounter

of 3 guards ahead. This next part can be tricky. To deal with it, move into the

room silently, but avoid going in front of the T-hallway where you can be seen.

Plant a motion detector gas charge, and then toss a rolling signaling device.

Quickly exit the room through the door you came in. One or two of the men will

move to the device and get knocked out by the gas. The third man most likely

will not. Headshot both downed men, and then SMG the remaining guard to flush

them out. Search the corpses and replenish your health with medkits. Move

through now that the lasers have been disabled. Move slowly though. A security

camera will be to your right around the corner. Lean around the corner and give

the camera a direct shot to disable it.

- With the camera down, cut a left into the lone room and crack the computer.

Get the information, then move to the next area. You will notice two lone

guards. Disable them both by headshooting the one as he turns to look near the

other guard. And then take out the second guard before he can activate an

alarm. The two guards on the computer consoles should be unaware of your

presence. Sneak to where the door is, open it, then wait around the corner. Do

a peak headshot with your SMG. When the second guard gets up from the computer

quickly rush the corner and unload a clip from the SMG on him. Crack both

computers here. One of them will open a doorway. Move through the new


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- This next area will be a tad creepy. Move ahead, but wait as a camera is

scanning around the corner. Wait till it shifts left, then walk or run ahead.

Don't worry, the other people will not hear you as there are sealed doors. Once

you pass the camera, wait by the corner as a patrolling guard will come this

way. When he turns, take the headshot to disable him. Move ahead, and you will

notice a guard standing looking in the vicinity of your door. Move through and

try to leanshot the guard. Do it before he can aware his friends. With him

down, you now want to cut a right towards the hall with the guard that walks up

and down. Take him out with a headshot, then move to the lone room with the

tech. Stun him with a whack to the head. Crack his computer, and check the

nearby crate for powerups. Exit the room, or knock the tech out again before he

can warn anybody. Do not go into the elevator room by itself. Instead, move

past the room with the 2 guys left. And go near the two locked doors. Crack one

of them, and headshot disable the guard waiting around the corner. Again, you

will run into a laser-ridden room. Two more guards will be in an area ahead.

Headshot and engage them directly. Move near the doorway quietly, and crack the

console to open the door. Move through it.

*A conversation between a man and Jacek pursues. He says Ivan is not ready

for transport, and knows nothing of the submarine disappearance. This is

start to turn into a plot mess.*

- Unfortunately, you cannot reach Jacek from this current area. The doors will

not open. Backtrack to where the lone elevator room was. Go in that area now.

Take out the guard in front of you. Drag his body down near the elevator

entrance. Wait for a second guard to check out your area from the left.

Headshot him as well, then neutralize the third guard alone in the room with a

lean headshot. Move left where the 2nd guard came from. Open the non-

transparent door, then headshot the man standing in here. Push through the pile

of boxes. You will find a device inside the lone storage slot in the mini-room.

Exit this room and head left. Take out the computer guard, and crack his

software. Read the information, then head back to the elevator. Look where the

two closed doors are. Look for a control panel. Crack it. This will unlock the

two doors. Here comes a tricky part.

- There is a security camera right through this doorway. Disable the camera

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with a SILENT pistol shot - otherwise you will alarm all of the guards. Next

comes the tricky part. The central room will have 4 guards inside. One is

sleeping, one is on a computer, and the other 2 are patrolling. Sneak near some

solid walls and take out one of them. Quickly seek cover next to their booth,

and toss a rolling incapacitating gas charge. This should knock most of them

out. Headshot each of them, then search the bodies. Ensure that none of them

trigger an alarm. Crack the one computer to unlock a door. Move slightly

diagonally left where this door is and move in. Two more guards will await you

in this area. Use neutralizing shots and direct combat to take them out. Up

ahead will be an intersection of sealed doorways and hallways. To deal with

this area. Move to where the first doorway is. Wait for the civilian & guard to

not look this way, then go through it. Plant a motion detecting gas charge &

toss a signaling device. Go back out and wait for them to trigger. The gas

should knockout most of the men. Elimiant any stray civilians or guards that go

for an alarm.

- Check the second hallway for a crate with sniper ammo and a medkit. Now, move

slightly to the right and look for a ventilation shaft in an adjunct path. Move

into it, and climb the ladder. Exit the ventilation shaft on the new floor, and

sneak towards Parecki.

*A movie scene shows Parecki being confronted by three armored gunmen.

Apparently, the captain of the Russian submarine which got downed sent out

an SOS. Crazy Ivan, which was being transported, ended up betraying the

crew and killing them all. It was suppose to be deactivated for transport.

The men accuse Parecki of trying to sell him behind their backs. He warns

them that killing him will make them unable to control Ivan. The leader

shoots him anyway. So much for our assassination attempt.*


/Who the Hell is Ivan? (3.5)/


Difficulty: ****

Main Goal: + Find Out what the Crazy Ivan Project is about

*You inform HQ that this Crazy Ivan thing may be bigger than they expect.

Your boss gives you 2 hours to explore and kick some butt.*

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- Once your elevator reaches ground level, you may immediately notice a gun

battle pursuing between the armored men & Russian guards. Pull out your pistol

and dispose of the armored guards from the rear with headshots. The Russian

guards will now start to fire at you. Use leaning headshots to disable the

targets quickly and efficiently. Once everyone is dead, check the 6-7 corpses

for ammo, medkits, and gadgets. Move towards the right portion of this area,

and you'll notice an opened doorway with a guard looking through. Use the metal

column for cover, then perform a lean shot to disable him. Head back to the

main hall, but check out the left portion of this area. Move ahead along the

lockers, and check the far left locker for a device. Now, go through the door.

- Be careful as there are patrolling men and a ton of guys in the next area.

They will immediately be aware of your presence. Pull out the sniper rifle and

take out the armored man down the hall. Move down here, and you will find a few

more armored men right around the corner. Everyone else will have their hands

raised, and will refuse to fight. This is a good thing. Check out the desktop

computer around this corner. You will disable some lasers guarding a door.

^ALTERNATE ROUTE: If you wish, there is a ventilation shaft entrance before

this area where the armored guard is waiting down the

doorway. You can go through the ventilation shaft, and

drop in from the rear of the armored men.

- With the laser disabled, go through the sliding doors until you reach 2

stairwells. Go left up the flight of stairs then onto the next floor. You will

run into another gun battle between the armored men & guards. Use your sniper

rifle to disable the threats that are far down this hall, and pistol headshots

for the ones that are within close proximity. Head all the way down and cut a

right. The room to the left has nothing of interest in it. In the area to the

right, two more guards await you in separate rooms. You know the drill.

Eliminate them, but check out the small bathroom. There is a ventilation shaft

inside. Go in it, then navigate the pathway so you descend one floor through a

ladder. Continue navigating in the vent so you find the next ladder which will

lead you to a mainframe basement. Hop out. There are 5 men waiting in the next

room. If I were you, I'd plant a motion gas trap near the doorway, then lure

them out by running or using a noise maker. Headshot the men that are gassed

out, then lead headshot anyone else that is alive. Check the bodies and

replenish your health.

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- Move to the top of this room, and crack the one computer. You will discover

that the Ivan project is actually human soldiers that were modified using

radiation & synthetic inserts. They are extremely strong and capable of

withstanding a wide degree of conditions. Exit the computer lab and move ahead.

You will reach a T-split in the hallway, with a battle going on between the

armored men & Russian guards. Let two of them die from each other's fire. Then

pop your head out to catch their attention. Focus on killing the armored man to

the right, then headshot the guard to the left. Salvage what you can from their

bodies. Go left down the T, and move through the blue door. The lasers you

disabled from before will now be down. Pass through here.

> If the lasers are not down, this may be because you did not disable them.

There is a weird glitch that may leave the lasers on if you loaded from a

save file even though you may have disabled the lasers.

- If the alarm sets off, prepare to engage in a tough headshots battle. If not,

sneak by the two side rooms to avoid contact. Continue ahead. Look in the top

room in a mainframe area. Check the computer for information.

> The ACCESS code is 8841

- Now that you have the access code, get back to the floor above you. Rather

than going to the top floor, go straight ahead through the two doors, and you

will see an access panel on the wall. Enter the code 8841. Enter inside.

*A video clip shows the armored boss leader and a woman discussing over the

body of Parecki. Apparently, the armored boss knows how to control Ivan,

and just needs to take some items from some people.*

- Continue ahead, and just a left at the T-split. Try to make use of knockout

gas and headshots to disable the two guards around the corner. You will most

likely attract the attention of 6 guards total. Just wait at the barricaded

doorway, and they will slow down. This is the ideal situation to ambush them

with headshots. Search through the bodies for useful medkits. Now, continue

forth. The side room on the left has some gadgets inside a crate. Make a left

at this next T-junction. Cut a left at the end of the passage, and silence the

patrolling guard in the room. Crack the computer in the room to find out who

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Ivan-1 is. Back track to where the T-junction is but go right. Three guards

will be waiting down here. Cut a right into the storage room, and go into the

vent shaft.

- Move through the vent shaft and hop into the bathroom. One of the 3 guards

will walk back away from the group. When he turns away from the bathroom, slide

the door open and silence him in the head. To take care of the 2 to your left,

plant a remote control gas charge when their heads are turned, then make some

noise by walking. Activate it when they walk by the gas charge, and kill them

both. The next part is quite difficult though. Approach this guard junction

from the left. Take cover behind the metal wall while you alert them of your

presence. Plant a remote control gas charge here. Now, wait patiently for the

men to come to your position. Move back behind the pillar, but just enough so

these foolish guards walk where you previously were. Trigger the gas when a

large group of them are there, Neutralize with headshots. Take care of the

remaining men with your pistol. Salvage the bodies for powerups. Check the

center guard station and hack the computer. A nearby door will be unlocked.

- The door is slightly diagonally left of the central station. Move on in.

Sneak along the right wall until you get very close to the room with the 2

guards. Open the door and SMG them both. Quickly plant a remote gas charge by

this door, then crack the computer for some information. If any guards approach

your door, activate the gas to stun them. Take them out while they are stunned.

Finish off the remaining men with direct tactics. Look near this lunch area for

a ventilation shaft. Hop into it, then go right, down the ladder, and then go

near the exit shaft.

*You will overhear a conversation between the armored guards and their boss.

They have control of the facility, but don't want anyone to go near the

prison area where they have locked all of the captives in.*

- When you exit the shaft, you will avoid the alarm system entirely. In the

next mainframe room, crack the computer along the left well. The alarm lasers

will be deactivated. Move towards the motherlord computer. Crack one of the


*Plenty of information will be revealed about Project Ivan. Ivan has the

goal of creating a cybernetic soldier capable of handling any task. They

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have strengthened skin, more life, and a resistance to all forms of combat.

The first test on Ivan-1 was a success, and they apparently follow orders

quite well. Suddenly, a woman points her gun to your head. She tells you

not to make a move. They move to lock you up in a seperate cell.*


/Lethal Beauty (3.6)/


Difficulty: *****

Main Goal: + Sneak into prison level - UNNOTICED

+ Free White Fox

*The girl that caught White Fox is named Amber. She too is an operative

that was inserted to infiltrate the Russians and their project Ivan. Her

boss orders her to free White Fox, however, it conflicts with her current

objective. She seems agitated over the scenario. Eh, at least you get to

play as a woman.*

- Walk to the far end of the mainframe room, then cut a left through the door.

Headshot the unaware guard to end his life. Move down the hall, and look for a

vent shaft slightly above. Enter it, then crawl right, and go up the ladder.

Continue down the vent shaft, and look for an exit to your left. Don't go out

until the walking guard looks the other way. Proceed right, but ensure that the

guard does not spot you. Silence him with a headshot. Now, move left. This next

part is VERY tricky. One guard will move in a fast manner from this room to the

next room, but only stays there for 10 seconds. When he walks away and the door

opens, walk/crawl ahead, then crouch, and snipe the man who stands still. Once

he is down, sprint against the wall right around the corner of the doorway. The

patrolling guard will come back and notice his buddy down. Pump a round into

his head to finish him off. That part is very difficult and must be perfected

to get by.

- Once in the next room, you will be back at the central guard station. There

are 2 guards inside this area. One will pace back and forth looking left &

right while the other stays stationary. Wait for the one guard to turn away.

Sneak by while he is not looking. You can yield 2 headshots to both men, but it

is a waste of ammo. Further ahead is one guard around the corner who paces

vertically down the hall. I would recommend killing him from the rear. You can

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flank him in a vent shaft accessible in the bathroom that connects to the

storage room. If you move down this area a tad further, one guard will be

staring near a wall, and another patrols at the left adjunct. Go to the left

adjunct and take care of the guard. Use subsonic rounds if necessary. There

will be another guard near the open doorway. Yield him the same fate. Now, move

past this area, and you will find a vent shaft along the right portion of this

area. Hop into it.

- This will lead you to a barracks room. This next part can be seen like this:

{ } - The patrolling guard will move between these 3 small rooms.

------- Follow him after he turns around from the bottom room. When he

[ ] reaches the top room, put a round in his head, but still stay

------- behind. There are 2 more guards outside this top room and

( ) both stand still.


- Once you are back in the main hall, it's time to kick some booty again. The 2

stationary guards have to be taken of exactly like this. Shoot the one closest

to you for a headshot. When his body falls, the second guard will move over to

check it out. Seek cover behind the thick pillar, then do a leaning headshot to

take him down for the count. With both guards dead, move left through the door,

and then down the lone manshaft elevator.

*The armored boss leader yells to his men to prepare something. Then, he

starts to wonder where the woman who was with him from before went.

Unfortunately, she is a traitor.*

- Rush straight ahead and crack open the door. Once inside, it's going to very

creepy. Remember the Ivans from before? Well, they are starting to hatch. These

suckers are a pain in the butt, as you have limited ammo, and they take

multiple shots to down. Aiming for the head works best, and takes about 3-4

pistol rounds. HOWEVER, their bodies explode upon death. So you have to sprint

away from the bodies. The best techniques is to fire accurate headshots, then

sprint away. Stay in WIDE OPEN space. Repeat this technique till they are dead.

Quickly rush to the control panel and hack open the door. Again, 3 more undead

bastards will intervene with your progress. You will start to run low on ammo.

I found it best to shoot one of them with 4 pistol rounds, then rush inside the

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control center room, and move away from the red canister against the wall. When

the zombies are near it, blast the canister to injure/kill one of them. Finish

them off with your remaining rounds. Crack the computer to unlock a nearby


- Check the empty cells for lockers with powerups/ammo. Go through to the

sealed door and crack through it. You'll now be in another underwater canal.

This next part is both scary and tricky. Start running down the main hall and

zombies will start to spawn out of their tubes. Keep going and DO NOT shoot any

of them .Conserve your ammo. When you pass a yellow gas tube laying on the

ground, get a safe distrance from it, and fire a pistol round to ignite it.

This should kill one zombie as he passes. Continue forth past the 2 zombies to

another sealed door. Waste 4 rounds on each zombie to down both of them, then

crack the door, and rush on through. Again, 2 more zombies will greet you. Use

any pistol ammo to relinquish their lives to hell. Now, check the nearby cell

rooms for ammo & health. Crack the next control panel, and proceed through the

door. Once inside, go left, and there will be a zombie waiting around the

corner. Eliminate the threat. Crack the control panel. This will open access to

a tube-infested room. Run into the room to grab the attention of the zombies.

- Now comes the tricky part. Look at the right side of this room, and you'll

notice a room with a dead end. Go into it. If you look around, the room is

filled with red tubes. Run to the end where the lockers are, and fire at the

red canisters as the zombie group is halfway into the room (only 5 feet or so

from you). The canisters will ignite practically eliminating 2-3 of the

zombies. Use your pistol to take care of the rest. Then, check the 2 lockers in

here for ammo & a medkit.

- OK, get ready to move through the next door. The zombies in the cell are not

secure. What you have to do is rush into this room to attract their attention.

Now, rush to the lower right corner where a large metal box blocks the way. Use

the jump key to get onto this metal box, then fire at the zombies. They cannot

jump or climb structures, so you have an advantage over them. Continue to fire

your pistol rounds till they all die. Now, go right into the computer lab and

crack the central computer. It will unlock a gate previously locked before.

Before leaving this area, check the cells. You will find ammo and a medkit.

Now, go back to where you were before. This next room will have 6-8 zombies.

The key is to getting onto the central stairway, and igniting the 2 fire

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barrels to eliminate some of them. One of the barrels is at the far end. The

other one is at the side of the central walkway. Finish off the remaining

zombies with your ammo. Again, the nearby cells have ammo & health.

- Crack the console to proceed onward in the facility. Do the same for the next

door, and we're at yet another canal. Rush through this one like the previous

one. Make sure not to turn into an adjunct with tubes. Just follow all the way

to the sealed door. Six to seven zombies should have followed you. Use typical

killing techniques with 4 pistol shots and trying to keep your health high. Up

ahead, you will run into 4-5 zombies that come from cells. Eliminate them, and

check one of the cells for ammo. Enter the big cell for a control panel. Before

cracking it, take care of the 2 guards. Check the far side wall locker for ammo

& health. Then, crack it, and move onward. Another annoying part is up next.

About 6-7 zombies await you. There are 2 yellow canisters on the ground you can

make use of in disabling a few of the zombies. If you panick, jump onto a metal

box in the corner by the energy pistons. If you run out of pistol ammo, start

whacking them with your pistol till they are dead. Check the two inner cells

for ammo & health.

- Now, go and crack the prison door. Crack through the canal door. This next

part gives you an advantage. Cut a left at the intersection, but wait until you

see 2 zombies pass you through the glass. They will take the other tunnel,

avoiding you entirely. Rush and crack the door before their patrol comes back

and spots you. Move on in. Three zombies are waiting for you in this next area.

Wait until most of them are near the blue canister on the ground and ignite it

for some easy kills. Check the office for a crapload of ammo and health. Then,

move onward. Crack it again, and let's make a move onward. In the next canal,

take the left path until you see a yellow canister. Lure the lone zombie into

it and ignite it. Then, move onward and go left. Two more zombies will be at

the exit. Take care of them, and crack open the door.

- To your right will be 2 zombies in a storage room. Rush into the room, find a

corner, and fire at the red canisters to ignite the entire room and flush the

zombies into pieces. Then, move ahead into the next lab. Lure all 6 zombies out

into the hallway. Move back from the blue canister and ignite it when a

majority of them walk over it. Now, go back to the main room, and look for a

computer near the left portion to unlock the door. Then, once inside, look for

another computer along the left side, and crack it.

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*Amber has managed to unlock White Fox's cell. She tells him to meet him

within the half hour so they can take care of this mess. Hoorah.*


/Arctic Rendezvous (3.7)/


Difficulty: ****

Main Goal: + Meet Tatiana at Parecki's Place

*HQ informs White Fox that the woman he is working with is actually the

sister of test subject, Ivan-1. How ironic? However, you also have to

accept orders from her, and must first meet her to decide what to do next.*

- Start off by checking each cell room for ammo and supplies. Then go through

the prison door. Cut two lefts to make it to the guard station, and hack the

computer. You will turn off the ventilation fan. Before leaving, check the

locker behind you for an SMG. The ventilation fan you disabled will only lead

to a dead end with other moving fans, so it is useless to enter one of them as

of right now. Instead, proceed through the right door where 2 zombies await.

Kill them both, and move ahead, but DO NOT alert any more zombies. Instead, cut

a quick left around the corner, and sneak into the 2nd guard station. Interact

with both computers here. One of the computers will unlock a door. Head back

through the locked door to the aqua canal.

- This next canal isn't bad in how many zombies you have to kill; it's just a

really big canal. At the intersection, go left, and stay left. Keep on running

through ignoring the zombies, past the 9-cell centers until you reach the

sealed door. Shoot this lone zombie, then quickly crack the door and move

through. Most of the chasing zombies should get lost if you ran fast &

efficiently enough. This next large cell area will have silver fencing. Lure

the zombies out on the left & right flanks, then down them with your SMG. Check

each of the cell rooms for tons of ammo. Then, head into the hallway that

approaches the computer station. A hole was blown into one of the cells. Go

through it, crack the computer to shut down the fan. The fan you are looking

for is right of the computer station. You will have to around through the

fencing to reach it. Quickly navigate down and hop out before your AIR timer

runs out.

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- Now that you have hopped out, make a right into the hole-blown room. Open the

door. Four zombies will be in this room. There is a red canister you can

destroy on the left hand side. Move on in, but be careful as there are 2 humans

ALIVE! Unfortunately, they are enemies. Shoot them with headshots from your

pistol, then check out the computer consoles at this station. All computers

will unlock a series of doors. Backtrack, and some of these side rooms have

lockers with ammo. Go back out of the hole-blown room, and now go through the

unlocked door to a canal. This next canal is filled with zombies - but previous

stratgies work. Just keep running till you find the door, then kill anyone who

is close to the door before any chasing zombies get you. Stay along the right

paths on this one. Until you reach the end, take the left path. Once inside,

hop into the vent shaft, and rush straight down until you reach the far end

where several humans are preparing a last stand. Take cover behind the metal

panels for now.

- Each of the guards should be taken care of with pistol headshots. Check both

of the side rooms for ammo & health, and awaiting guards with guns. Start to

restock your inventory from their dead bodies. You will find a Shotgun in one

of the side rooms as well. Move into the main console area, and start to crack

each of the computers. Then, head back out the fan shaft to the main room. Exit

the main to the aqua canal. Now, go in the other cracked door in this canal.

Now, head on through since you just unlocked that door via the computer

hacking. Take out the zombie with your big shotgun, then crack the door to go

on through. This next canal has a split halfway through. You want to cut a

right, then reach the craked door. You will have 6 zombies to kill though once

you're through. There are no cheap explosives you can use. Once you are in,

move ahead, then go right through the door.

- There are about 4 zombies out in the open in this prison cell area. Lure them

near the red canister on the right and blow a few gibs up. Go into the empty

computer room where the two dead guards are. Crack the computer to shut down

the fan. Go down a bit for some ammo and stuff in the cells. One or two zombies

will greet you. Head back out to the introductory room, and go into the shut

down fan vent. Cut a left at the intersection and this will lead to the exit at

a bit of travel in the vents. Exit out. Go up and rid of both zombies. Check

the room on the left for two computers. Crack them both. Exit the computer

room, but continue left now. Go through the unlocked door. Five zombies will

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greet you. Lure them back to the introductory room. Look for 3 red canisters

bunched together against a wall. Lure the zombies there, then fire one shot,

and watch the organs fly. Head back to where you were, and continue onward.

Grab some ammo and supplies from the 2 side rooms. Then, go straight ahead into

the red elevator.

*Just as White Fox thinks he is done, a ton of zombies will start to ambush

you on this elevator. At least we're away from that stupid underwater


- This next part can be scary and tricky. First off, pull out your SMG. You

should have 400+ rounds if you gathered them correctly. Secondly, the zombies

will approach you in two ways. They will crawl from underneath and slip through

where the fencing is not there. Or they will crawl up the fence and drop from

above. There will be 25-30 zombies in total. The key to completion is NOT

getting overrun. If you get overrun, their bodies will self destruct and yield

too much damage. Use the SMG in bursts and take them down before they can get

near you. Look at the icons on your radar to locate where they are. If the icon

is orange, it means they are climbing. If it is red, it means they are on

elevator platform (which means WATCH OUT!). Use a medkit if necessary, but

still conserve ammo when possible.

*A movie shows the armored boss being informed that the sub is ready to go.

He says he will be there in 10 minutes.*


/Cleaning Time (3.8)/


Difficulty: *****

Main Goal: + Stop Trafimow

*White Fox meets up with Tatiana. She explains to him that Parecki was

planning on selling Ivan to the Arab countries behind the Russian Mafia's

back. They sent their goons to his facility to kill him and retrieve Ivan

for themselves as they found out of Parecki's plan. They took a silicon

implant which can be used to control Ivan. The sinking of the submarine was

performed so they could retrieve Ivan without having to cause much of an

incident. An armored guard then sees both of them, and tells them to

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freeze. Tatiana takes a bullet to the chest, but White Fox kills the guard.

Tatiana dies in his arms, and tells White Fox to save her brother, Ivan,

from those bastards.*

- Don't even move a muscle. There are 3 commandos waiting outside the doorway.

Pull out your pistol and deal with them with lean shots. You probably won't get

headshots since they are aware of your presence, but stay behind cover, and do

efficient combat to remain victorious. Once all 3 are dead, exit and move

onward. Watch for a shotgun commando waiting in the small room. Up ahead are

two more fools to deal with. Use the same headshot technique, then whip out

your shotgun when the reinforcements rush in towards you. Go left down the

ramp. Two men with shotties await your presence. The Shotgun is remarkably

accurate from a far distance in this game, SO MAKE USE OF IT. Check their

bodies for more shells & medkits. Go through the big door. Head for the


*Trafimow says he wants you captured. He would not be paying his men

so much money for no reason. He also asks his HQ who the woman was that

infiltrated his encampment.*

- Go down the elevator. Move forward, and cut a right towards the snow hangar.

Three men will be in this area, two left of the computer station, and one by

the locked door. It will be difficult as the shotguns do damage to you. Aim for

lean headshots if possible, or shotgun shots around the corners. Go down the

metal walkway. Take out the guard past the hanging chains with your shotty,

then move onto the scaled walkway. Enter the computer room and hack it. You'll

discover some information about a "blue battery" weakness on Ivan. Exit back

out. Here comes the tricky part. The guard that was there before has a sniper

rifle. His body most likely alerted the other elite troops in the upcoming

room. I found it best to seek cover behind the mini-transport vehicle. Pop your

head out and lay down headshots on any close guards. If you can snatch the

sniper rifle off of the body of the soldier, use it. If not, then you will have

to rush in Rambo style with your SMG. Seek cover behind the mini-vehicle in

this room, and pop out to lay down shotgun shots. To take out the man in the

far corner, shoot the red color you see behind him. These are explosive

barrels. That should take care of the threat. Salvage everything off of the

bodies, and crack the computer in the office. The ACCESS CODE is: 2828

You will also find a brute medkit in a storage crate left of the computer.

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There is also sniper ammo in the small ammo room left of the computer area.

> Access code is 2828.

- Now that you have the code, backtrack to the locked hangar door from before.

Input the code on the control panel. You will have 6 guards to deal with in the

area of tunnels ahead. Two of them will be on patrols. Use leaning headshots to

deal with them. The other 4 will be hiding out near a computer station. I found

it best to take them out by alerting them to my whereabouts, then waiting by a

corner. Shotgun as many as possible. Rely on the SMG if you are out of shells.

Conserve your sniper ammo until later. Restock on supplies inside the room &

from the bodies. Crack the one computer as well. Go through the unlocked door


*Trafimow orders his men to plant explosives to halt your progress. Well

it's better than sending a bunch of zombies.*

- Cut a right, and enter the small door. This next segment of blown property is

going to have 5 guards total. Three will be in this area, and 2 will arrive as

reinforcements. Deal with them appropriately using lean-corner shotgun blasts.

Then, pull out your SMG if anymore men rush towards your position. Restock and

cut a left, then go through the main door. You will find a guard in a bathroom

that can easily be neutralized. Now go through the main door. Pull out your

sniper rifle. About 3-4 men will come to your position mainly from this long

walkway. Let them know you are here, then as they come towards you, aim for

easy headshots with the rifle. Just be patient, and make sure you are zoomed

out. Check the bodies, then enter this large room. Watch out for lots of

canisters that are prone to exploding. Move to the right portion of the room,

then move north to where the bright computer consoles are. Hack the one.

- Now, move through the next door for your next assignment. This large weapons

bay will be filled with about 5 guys total. Some of them are snipers,

shotgunners, and just regular SMGers. I found it best to use all my sniper ammo

to accomplish the task of ridding them. Simply crouch, and slowly strafe. Stay

zoomed in, get an easy headshot, and repeat. Check the bodies for more sniper

ammo and other relatively easy items. Move ahead past the winding turbines and

take out the guard who is on patrol. Then, you'll see several offices. Start

hacking away for intel. Both computers will unlock major doors. Now, turn

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around and head backwards. Look along the right. This is where the unlocked

door is. This next area up ahead is EXTREMELY hard if you are out of medkits.

You will need some sniper ammo as well. Zoom in with your scope, and take out

the immediate threat about 20 feet in front of you. There are no 2 snipers

across this gaping water gap. One sniper is on the left, the other on the

right. Just take your time, zoom in, and look for them. Strafe while zoomed in.

If you hear the "excited" sound playing, seek cover as some of the nearby

guards may be investigating the downed bodies. You don't want to get shot while

you are zoomed in.

- There are 5 guys total, and watch for the guy standing on the platform across

the river, but not at a high altitude. Check the corpses for ammo & medkits.

Two more guards will come out of each main hangar door on the other side as you

approach these locations. The door to the left has an ammo room where you can

restock from a supply crate. Take the right entrance now. In the helicopter

hangar is about 5 men total. Plant a gas or explosives charge right near the

corner, and lure some of the men into this ambush. Move along the left now

where these men came from. There are two men in a room that has some pipes

sticking in the middle. Take out the guard in the middle, and roll a gas charge

into the room with the other man. Hack the nearby computer to open a door. Move

on through. You will immediately be seen by 2 guards. Use the metal box for

cover, then lay back fire. Once the 2 assault guards are taken care of, use

your sniper rifle to take out the sniper on the far left, and far right. Hack

the nearby console to get in the gate.

*Trafimow confronts you and says he knew it was you all along. You insult

it by calling him a madman. He prefers to differ. It's nukem time!*

- The battle with Trafimow is pretty simple. First off, don't be an idiot like

him and pull out your sniper rifle. Your sniper rifle takes forever to hit

accurate targets when zoomed out. It can when zoomed in, but you CANNOT stand

still against him, otherwise you are dead meat. Instead, pull out your pistol.

Use the right column for cover. When he moves and stops, quickly strafe out and

force him to fire a shot. As he reloads, pop out standing up, and just fire a

few pistol rounds. Don't lean or wait for a headshot. Just fire a few rounds to

injure him. Repeat this process. Trafimow will move from about 3-4 different

spots. He will reload after 5 fired rounds - so pound him when he does so.

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*After killing him, White Fox crushes the implant control chip. Great, now

we got take Ivan out for good.*


/Fireworks (3.9)/


Difficulty: ****

Main Goal: + Abandon the area

+ Go to Bathyscaph Dock

*With Trafimow dead, the second-in-command informs his team that he is now

in control. The explosives have been planted, and everyone has 5 minutes to

meet out in the bay for extraction.*

^A 5 minute timer will start to countdown. HURRY!

- Start off by rushing through the main hangar door. You'll reach a large

docking room with some snipers along the left side. Pull out your sniper rifle,

but run along the right ramp. Snipe the 2 men along the left, and look straight

ahead for a man planting explosives. Nail him as well. Now, cut a left across

the ramp walkway, then check one corpse for some sniper ammo. Now, go through

the next doorway, and look right. Nail the sniper, but don't aim at him through

the beam (the bullets get clipped in the beam for some reason). Instead, move

left of the beam and headshot him. Two more targets will be to your left past

the mini-vehicle. To deal with them, just strafe right and aim for headshots

with your sniper rifle. Run across the metal walkway.

- Cut a left and move forward a bit but watch the right alleyway past the small

yellow room. There will be 3 alerted guards that are heavily armed. Nail the

one before they see you, then approach the corner and strafe with your sniper

scope zoomed in. Get headshots on the 3 remaining tangos around the corner.

They are armed with shotguns, so be quick or you will get burned badly. Move up

to the blue hangar door and crack the panel. You will find a medkit on one of

the bodies. Inside this area will be 3 more men, two on the left, and one on

the far right. Deal with the two left tangos, and use the pillar for cover. Run

into the office where the commando was and check the locker for a brute medkit.

Then, kill the man on the right, and move onward. Crack the control panel as

your time is running down. Run on through, and the explosions will occur behind

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*The leader says that explosives have been activated in Section 2. You had

to have known it wasn't going to be this easy.*

^Another 5 minute timer engages.

- You will most likely be low or out of sniper ammo. Your pistol is actually

quite useful for this next part. Switch to normal ammo and move into the room.

There will be about 6 men total, 3 on the left past the crates and 3 on the

right by the metal adjunct. Simply stand and aim at their heads with your

pistol. Fire for easy headshots. Repeat for all men in this area, then quickly

run onward. Cross both metal walkways. You can find a crate in a small storage

room with a medkit, as well as a medkit & sniper ammo on one of the corpses on

the left. Run through the door. Two more men await in this small snow tunnel.

Use leaning headshots to take care of them. Run through the next door. One

sniper will be in the left tunnel behind a crate. Take cover behind the mini-

vehicle with gas canisters on it, and snipe his head off. Then pull out a

close-range weapon to deal with the man that charges at you. Now, strafe left

of the mini-vehicle and snipe the head of the sniper & man behind the steel

cargo crate. Check some of the bodies for powerups, but quickly rush forward.

Go down the left tunnel and crack the controls.

*More explosives go off behind White Fox. However, you are clear of the

problem zone.*

- Now it's time to kick some butt without a goofy timer flinging off. Move

ahead until you see an office station. Do a leaning shotgun blast on the

standing guard, then take care of his buddy that reinforces from the left side.

Crack the computer inside the office. Now go down the left side. This next room

will have 3 men inside. One is directly right and a tough boy to hit. Aware him

to your presence, then try to nail a shotgun shell into his chest. The men in

this room will stay where they are, so using a trap won't work. The two other

guys can be dealt with easily. Use the pillars for cover, then do a leaning

shot on the red canister next to the guy on the left. This should kill both of

them. Check the office to your right for supplies. Look at the main conveyor

door. It should be broke. Look to the left of it for a ventilation shaft. Hop

in. Jump out into the storage room, then exit it.

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- Move on through, and 2 men will be down a major catwalk. To deal with them,

lay a direct headshot to the standing guard when he looks away, then do a

leaning shot for the man who pushes forward. Move ahead to where you see an

office with lighting. Sneak up towards the doorway, and then toss rolling

explosives towards it. Quickly run away. The guard will run out just in time to

get blown to pieces. Move back to the doorway where the second guard will walk

towards it. Do a leaning shotgun blast on him. Crack the computer inside the

office. A locker will have a medkit. Now that the door ahead is unlocked, go on

through. However, there will be 2 snipers directly ahead of you. You probably

have no ammo. Irregardless, IMMEDIATELY rush to the block ahead and duck. These

two snipers are so deadly. Here's a map of what it looks like:

| | - The 2 snipers will be directly ahead of you.

| |---S------S------ | Take out the man in the lower right first. Stay

| X | | ducked, but lean out with your pistol, and wait

| Walkway X | till your crosshair locks with the flashing

| | | icon. Nail him. Look to your right. Take cover

| X | | behind this green crate and stay crouched.

| | X | Move back a bit, just enough to let your

| \+++BLOCK+++ | crosshair at the snipers. Keep firing at them

| YOU | until you headshot them both.

- With the snipers down, focus on eliminating the surrounding side threats. One

of them may move to the bridge walkway and plant explosives. Just stand up and

aim for headshots with your trusty pistol. Run across the walkway, and then

take out the guard in the little shack. You will find a medkit in a crate.

Crack the computer to unlock the nearby door. Move in the door, then run along

the left and hop in the seadoo boat.

*White Fox will now ride this crappy boat to freedom. GREAT!*

- This next part can be difficult due to sly controls. First off, notice that

there are gray mines in the water. They damage your boat if you happen to touch

them. If your boat takes too much damage, then you die as well. You also have a

countdown timer, about 3 minutes or so. Start to push forward, and cut the

first turn. Your boat slides on turns, so turn quickly as needed. When you

reach the first large room with metallic fencing - go right. Then, when you

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reach a split, turn left. Then when you see a metallic fence along your right

and it ends, make a U-turn around this corner. The rest of it is pretty much

straightforward, however, you will have lots of moving mines (they look

pancakes, not round mines). Go as fast as you can through this area, otherwise

you will time out. Make the turns, but swivel your boat to avoid contact in

case you go near a wall with your mines. Don't forget to back up if caught in a

jimmy. You will be close to the end when your boat starts "waving" heavily.

*White Fox will reach a docking station - he bails out.*

- Run across the two walkways over to the yellow submarine.

*White Fox hops in. HQ orders him to bring Ivan to them. The facility blows



/Crazy Ivan (3.10)/


Difficulty: *****

Main Goal: + Find Crazy Ivan

*His scooter submarine boards the Russian submarine. White Fox boards

the ship, but notices lasers scanning the area.*

- If you check the room in front of you, there will be a chest with some

powerups. Go back out to where the lasers were. Move into this narrow hall.

Wait for the first laser to get to the door. Then move left of the laser. It

will go down diagonally right. Quickly jut a left into the open doorway, and

look for a yellow electrical box. Crack it to open the main door. Move in this

door when the lasers are exposed. Move into the turbine room when the lone

laser backtracks (stay along the right, rush under it after it moves). The two

lasers in the next hall basically cross back and forth. Wait for the second

laser to move high, and the first laser to lower away. This is your signal to

run in, then crouch under the laser aiming high. In the third turbine room, the

laser moves up and down, along with some steam valves stemming off. Wait for

the laser to track down, and the steam to go off. Sprint up to the hallway.

There should be a dead body to your left.

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- The next turbine room has a laser that scans horizontally, but it can be

ducked under. Move as the steam ducts turn off, stay in between the two, then

move again when they turn off. Stay crouched the entire time. Move into the

next room with the two chests. Retrieve the items from both & save your game.

Open the door and move in.

*Guess who is here? That Crazy Ivan bastard. He looks like a mutated cyborg

and he will sprint towards you*

- The room setup is pretty simple. You got 4 main pillars for cover, but mostly

everything is dark. Crazy Ivan has an energy shield which protects him from

damage. Pull out your SMG, and fire at his chest where the blue balls are

located. When Ivan runs at you, RUN away. It is best to run around the two

pillars. When steams shoots out, try to avoid it. Anyhow, keep firing your SMG

until you see Ivan stall and appear to grab a blue ball out of his pocket.

QUICKLY pull out your sniper rifle, and aim at the center of his chest where

the blue socket is. Fire one round. Ivan should crouch to the ground. Reload

your SMG & Sniper Rifle. Repeat this strategy. Remember not to fire at Ivan if

he runs. When he runs, this means he will melee swipe you. When he starts

walking, that is the best time to shoot him with the SMG. It takes about 30

shots from the SMG to wear down his shield, and make sure you do a quick switch

to the sniper rifle in time. It takes 3 times for Ivan to finally get injured.

*Ivan will say that he wants you to kill him. Then he runs off. White Fox

tries to plead with him.*

- This next part is filled with lasers. The first hall has trip lasers that

scan up and down. Use the side pot holes for cover from the lasers. Make your

way ahead towards the second room. The second room has a laser that moves

horizontally at head height, so you will have to crouch. It also has two

vertical lasres that alternate on scanning vertically in this room. To get by,

crouch under the diagonal one, and stay crouched. Go on the side where the one

vertical laser is at the far end of the room. When it comes back, move to the

left/right side of the room where the other alternated laser is not there. Use

the side pot hole for cover, and then rush to the room with the body. Search it

for items, then open the door.

- This next part, you need to go right first. There is a yellow electrical box

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at the end here which must be hacked. The laser goes at varying heights, but

basically moves in a DIAMOND shape. Move ahead when the diagonal is away from

you. Hack the box to open the door next store. Backtrack, now move up the left

side past the vertical beam. In this next room is two horizontal beams, and a

pesky beam along the right side. Check the two bodies in this mess hall for

ammo. The door on the right is where you want to go. Wait for the one laser to

move away from it. Open it, jump in it, then CLOSE the door. If you don't the

laser will pierce through and you'll die. Search the chest for some powerups,

then crack the electrical box. One of the lasers on the left door will be

disabled. Get over there, and crack the door once the VERTICAL beam scales away

from you. This next room has beams that move diagonally. You want to crouch and

stay underneath some of them. However, 2-3 of them will scan directly under

them (the middle two). Run to the far corner where the electrical box is. Stay

crouched there, then hack and disabled the laser guarding the crackable door.

With it down, move there and now crack the door. Go inside. Check the chest for

ammo. Move on in!

*Crazy Ivan is back, and now we got gas canisters to deal with!*

- Ivan will now start to use invisibility. You cannot hit him while he is

invisible. Also note that there are explosive canisters around the room. Run

away from Ivan until you hear him yell and he appears out of thin air. Stay

away from him though as he will jump and do an explosive smash on the ground.

The explosion can ignite some of the nearby canisters which will kill you. His

attack does a fair amount of damage as well. You must simply shoot him when he

appears. I started off using my pistol as I could not get close enough.

Eventually, after 3-4 of his smashes, most of the canisters in the room will be

blown to bits. This is a good time to pull out your shotgun, and shoot him when

he appears. Just stay about 6-8 feet away from him when he does the smash

attack, but still try to lay exposed shots on him. He will crouch to the ground

when injured.

*White Fox says Tatiana sent him. Ivan is starting to have memories, but

grunts away.*

- Check the body and crack the electrical box to permit access. Move up near

the captain's deck, but wait for the one laser to move back just a bit. Scoot

along the left walkway and disable the laser via an electrical box. Now, move

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to the electrical box on the right via a scoot walkway and disable it as well.

There goes the other laser. Crack the two computers on this deck way. A laser

should get disabled, along with a door opened. Move ahead, but do a reverse

turn onto both scoot walkways. Disable both electrical boxes around the

corners. Check the 3 chests for supplies, ammo, and explosives. Move forward.

*Ivan will now be armed to the teeth with a chaingun. So he wants to play

hardball, eh?*

- This next part is fairly difficult. The room is basically split into a

crossing of pillars and solid walls. There are vertical lasers that scan all

areas, but about 25% of the blocks will be free when the lasers are scanning.

Ivan will have no shield, but is armed with a powerful chaingun. However, you

can use stealth as an advantage. Since the room is fairly large, Ivan is

attracted to sounds, your walking, or explosions. Start off by planting motion-

sensor explosives in and around the perimeter. Lure Ivan over by blasting your

shotgun. Move away from your explosives and lure Ivan to take damage. Repeat

the process with your remote explosives as well. DO NOT confront Ivan with your

weaponry, it will be futile and you will get raped by his chaingun. Use rolling

explosives if you must. Once your explosives are out, start to crawl around,

and get behind Ivan as he walks around. Peak around corners and aim for

headshots with your sniper rifle. When you run out of sniper ammo, rely on

pistol headshots. Using the shotgun or SMG is alright, but it attracts

attention and is not superbly accurate. Ivan will eventually die.

*Crazy Ivan ends up sneaking up to you and grabs you by the neck. He tells

you that he could easily kill you, but does not since you were sent by

Tatiana. You explain to him that you destroyed the control implant in his

head. He makes mention that he no longer hears voices inside his head.

Woohoo! Ivan says he does not want to be a killing machine anymore. The

only way for that to happen would be for somebody to kill him. He tells you

that if you were really sent by Tatiana, then you must kill him. He wants

you to destroy the submarine, and thus end his life. White Fox agrees.*

*White Fox escapes via his scooter submarine, The Russian submarine starts

to implode and mines start to drop at its position. The credits then

scroll. No secret message afterwards.*

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- 4) Weapons (4.1) -


While Soldier Elite is supposedly a stealth action game, nearly 90% of the

action will occur in direct shootouts. Thus, it becomes a need to be able to

understand and use weapons for certain scenarios. This section will describe

weapons with a brief ratings system, and their effectiveness.


.../ KNIFE |................................................................


Power: **

Accuracy: *

Range: *

Overall: **

- The Knife is the ultimate weapon for stealth kills as it does not eat ammo,

and can be used either from the rear or as a melee weapon. Unfortunately, what

the knife suffers as is its usefulness. The knife should only be used when an

enemy is unaware of your presence. It generally takes 3-5 slices on an aware

enemy to the front, and normally by then, you're dead. Switch to it when you

are moving in to take out a sleeping guard, or standing patrol, but never use

this on a regular basis.


.../ PISTOL |...............................................................


Power: ***

Accuracy: ***

Range: ****

Overall: ****

Ammo: Default, Subsonic, or Silent

- The Pistol is a much more useful weapon, and primarily the main weapon your

character will have in the game. It is one of the best for laying down instant-

kill headshots, and is particularly useful when teamed with the lean button.

Unfortunately, the pistol can only hold 6 bullets at a time before having to be

reloaded. You do not find an overwhelming amount of pistol ammo throughout the

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game, just 6-round clips here and there. The Pistol excels is in stealth as

well. It is generally not a loud weapon. If you use subsonic ammo, the sound of

the weapon decreases a bit. If you use silent ammo, the shots are entirely

silent. No other weapon can attain complete silence. If you run out of ammo in

a ranged weapon, use the pistol for laying down long-range headshots.


.../ SMG |................................................................


Power: **

Accuracy: **

Range: ***

Overall: **

- The SMG is a weapon found commonly in the game, but its usefulness is quite

overrated. The gun itself is a submachine gun, which means it has a high rate

of fire, and larger clip, but generally does not deal a ton of damage. The SMG

can hold 18 bullets in a clip, and you'll normally have a stockload of 200+

bullets in reserve clips throughout the game. Unfortunately, its range is worse

than the pistol, and the damage each round does is not as great as well. This

gun can lay down leaning headshot kills, but you must be close to the enemy.

The SMG is useful is taking down opponents who rush towards you, or using

automatic fire to suppress a group. It is also useful against any stronger

bosses as you can keep firing on the move.


.../ SHOTGUN |..............................................................


Power: ****

Accuracy: ***

Range: ****

Overall: *****

- The Shotgun is the best weapon for engaging any encounter in the game.

Normally, in any other gaming title, the shotgun has horrible spread, and has

limited range. Apparently, the developers of this game let the shotgun hit

targets up to around 30 feet, which is pretty far. The gun itself almost fires

a solid round, which means you can fire a few shells from a safe distance and

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hit somebody. Unfortunately, the weapon is not discovered until the last few

stages in the game. One shot can take down a guard with no problems. The weapon

can hold 5 shotgun shells at once, but you normally do not find plenty of

shotgun ammo, which means its use is sparingly. Enemies that carry this weapon

are extremely dangerous.


.../ SNIPER RIFLE |..........................................................


Power: *****

Accuracy: *****

Range: *****

Overall: ****

Ammo: Default, or Subsonic

- The Sniper Rifle is a superb weapon for long-range encounters, yet you rarely

find ammo for it. The gun itself deals an instant kill, and has a scope that

can be zoomed in or out with the mousewheel. The gun can hold 4 rounds at one

time before having to be reloaded. There is also subsonic ammo which reduces

the sound of the bullet, but no silent ammo. The Sniper Rifle is particularly

useful against bosses, other snipers at a long-range, and what not. The gun

suffers in unzoomed combat though, and takes a long time to focus on a target

when you are not zoomed in. Zoom in with the Q key.


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- 5) Items (5.1) -


Items, also known as gadgets, are one of the excellent assisting devices when

it comes to stealthiness or cunning abilities in Soldier Elite. Many devices

are ideal for luring enemies out, or taking out a large group without much

resistance. Other items are necessary to survival. This section will document

the usefulness of each.




Usefulness: **

Types: Rolling, Remote Control

Description: The Noise Maker is a device used for luring out opponents

to an area to investigate. It makes a large shrieking sound

for about 5 seconds, then dissapates. Due to the game's

programming though, the shrieking does not always pierce a

room's closed door, and can often seem like a waste. You can

also artificially make your own noise by running or walking

loud enough to lure an enemy out. There are better devices

than these, although these are great for pulling patrols out

of their normal routes.




Usefulness: ****

Types: Rolling, Remote Control, Motion Sensitive

Description: Incapacitating Gas is very useful in this game because it

does stun an enemy for about 10-15 seconds, giving you the

choice of execution style kills, or simply ignoring them. The

gas itself has a radius of about 6 feet or so, which means

you hit somebody not necessarily right on top of it. The gas

will cause the opponent to kneel on the ground, which makes

it almost 100% instant kill from a weapon. This device is

useful to toss right by a corner where enemies are being

lured to where you are. You can trigger it manually, based on

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their movement, or roll one into a room.




Usefulness: *****

Types: Rolling, Remote Control, Motion Sensitive

Description: Explosives are acquired later in the game, but they cause

a massive explosion based on three different triggering

mechanisms. They are best used on bosses, or groups of elite

enemies that you cannot engage directly due to their

weaponry. Explosives are VERY useful in dishing out damage,

but you MUST stay within 10 feet or so away from them. If you

are not, then you will take a tremendous amount of damage.


== AID KIT ==


Usefulness: *****

Types: Small, Brute

Description: The First Aid Kit heals your character. Small kits heal about

25% of the bar. Brute kits heal about 85% of the bar. Brute

kits are rare, and are best used when your health is near

empty. Small kits are best used when your health is about

halfway or so down. Aid kits are essential to surviving in

the game, and it's best to save them as you do not know when

you will need them. They are very necessary near the end of

the game, so try to conserve them if possible.




Usefulness: *

Description: They're practically binoculars. You can zoom in with them,

and they identify your target, along with a description of

their health and what weapon they are carrying. So what. It's

great for scouting out snipers, but most snipers will already

be firing at you if you can see them. I never used these for

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any legitimate reason in the game.




Usefulness: **

Types: Sound Recorded, Personal Files, Cheat Menu

Description: The Portable Computer is where all of your data goes from

hacking computers, or viewing movie sequences. You can


the audio clips of the movie sequences from the game, or read

up on the information you hacked out of computers. What


the Portable Computer useful is the fact that it is where you

input cheats.

To input a cheat, press the key "g" and the key "0" at the

same time. This will bring up a cheat menu. You then type in

the 4-number code to activate a cheat.


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- 6) Codes -


Soldier Elite is a fairly difficult game. Because of that, the developers

tossed in a cheat menu that allows you to input an endless stream of codes.

This section will tell you how to access the cheat menu and input codes. I'd

like to give credit to:


- for providing these cheat codes.

^ IMPORTANT: To enter any cheat, pick the Portable Computer out of your

inventory. Now, press the letter "g" and "0" (zero) on your

keyboard. A new menu will pop up inside your portable


saying to enter a cheat code. Now, enter one of these 4-number

codes to get the appropriate cheat:

3815 - Invincible

8745 - Health slowly regenerates

0132 - Better med kits

6422 - Better damage protection

7663 - Do more damage

7018 - Receive all items

8700 - Receive all weapons

4394 - Never miss

2733 - Invisible

1554 - Always stealthy

0926 - Sneaky

8249 - Endless ammo

- To deactivate a cheat, enter the code again in the cheat menu. The code

will deactivate.

- When you use a cheat code, even if only for a second, the game keeps track

of it. If you deactivate the code, the game still keeps track of it, and

your end mission ranking will say "Cheats were used." There is no way to

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undue this without cheating during any level of the game.


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- 7) Common Questions -


)) Gameplay ((


<< What would you rate Soldier Elite? >>

- I'd rate the game a [6/10]. A majority of the gaming sites on the internet

have been slamming this game (anywhere from a 3.0 to 5.0) because its a cheap

budget title that seems to be worse at just about every aspect compared to

Metal Gear Solid. Well, they're right. But it's still a decent game that has

great graphics, and attempts to hit the stealth-action genre. The graphics are

absolutely great for a 2006 title. Everything is crisp clear, and most of the

FMV sequences are decently good. The gameplay engine seems to suffer though

from a stealth aspect. The only melee attacks you get is with a knife, or gun

butting. When you knock somebody out, they don't get knocked out. They just get

temporarily stunned. It becomes frustrating because I feel as if I have to

shoot people just to make sure they don't re-awake to sound off an alarm. Most

of the levels are dragged on TOO long. Level design is adequately good, and a

few mini-games are tossed here and there (snowmobiling, boat driving), but

they're are REPETITIVE. When I say repetitive, I mean you may see the same

segment in the level 3 times, just with different twists and turns. It becomes

frustrating. Nonetheless, Soldier Elite is about an average game with great

graphics and that's why I rate it a [6/10]. If I paid $20 for it, I'd be

slightly disappointed, but it would be a worthwhile 15 hours of my time.

<< Are there any other versions of this game? >>

- No. It was just created for the PC. The game's name is actually Aurora

Watching, but it was released as Soldier Elite in the USA. The company that

created the game was Polish or Russian, not quite sure.

<< How do I deal with civilians in this game? >>

- Civilians are typically scientists or unarmed men that may go to sound off an

alarm, or alert others of your presence. The problem is that you get penalized

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for killing civilians in the game. The only way to avoid this is to stun them

with a headbutt from the rear. Other than that, try not to shoot them. It is

difficult on one stage as they will try to sound alarms, and you have no choice

but to shoot them. Just try to melee butt them if you can sneak up on them.

Shoot them if they are going to sound an alarm.

<< Who is the character you play in the game? >>

- His name is White Fox. He's supposedly an elite agent sent in by the CIA to

rid of this mess. You also play as a female character later on in the game for

one level.

<< Did they copy off of Metal Gear Solid? >>

- Probably. I find the game to be relatively different from MGS, but for the

most part, a lot of the "theme" items seem to be copied. For example, in MGS,

Solid Snake is found as a mess inside his home. In this game, White Fox is

found half-drunk on his couch. In MGS, you infiltrate an Alaskan military base.

In Soldier Elite, you infiltrate an Arctic military base. In MGS, there is the

Metal Gear creature. In Soldier Elite, there is the Crazy Ivan. It pretty much

revolves continuously around and around.


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- 8) Copyright/Distribution/Reproduction Guidelines -


This FAQ/Strategy Guide/Walkthrough is my own published work, and copyrighted

by Christopher Zawada. Whatever you do, DO NOT edit this FAQ in any way. DO

NOT steal anything from this FAQ. If you want to use some information in your

own guide, simply ask me. If you want to place this guide on your website,

either link to the GameFAQs game page, or download the file and place it on

your own web server. Basically, you can post this on your website as long as

it's in ORIGINAL form, and not linking directly to GameFAQs. Aside from that,

all proper credit is due when necessary. Also, don't even think about selling

FAQs. Trying to prosper off of other people's work will get you in big time

trouble (coming from an eBay seller myself).

Any site out there has permission to host my FAQs (following the above terms),

however, these are a list of current sites that host my FAQs officially:

- http://www.gamefaqs.com/

- http://www.ign.com/

- http://www.neoseeker.com/

- http://www.cheatcc.com/

- http://www.cheatplanet.com/


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- 9) Proper Credit -


I'd like to thank the following people for their help in making this FAQ


)) CJayC (( for constantly updating GameFAQs, and dedicating his entire life

to it. Takes a lot of effort to keep a site going this long.

)) Rootsecure.net (( for letting me use an excellent ASCII generator, which

composed this typical-style art. Excellent.

)) Metropolis Software (( for creating an average action game that entertained

me for a good two weeks.

)) Gamespot.com (( for providing several cheat codes that can be inputted into

the cheat console.

"Some people make sacrifices to make other people happy." - Chris Zawada

"Freeeeeeddooommmmmmmmm!" - William Wallace (Braveheart)