The Seven Layers of the Auric Field The First layer of the human energy field, or aura: The first layer closest to the body is the auric level which reflects the physical body, and what the body is experiencing. It's color appears in shades of blue. A strong healthy body is reflected in this level as a strong, healthy energy field. A quiet or reserved personality shows in color as a light aqua/blue, whereas a robust personality shows up as a deeper blue/gray. Any problems with the physical body will show up as a problem or weak area in that portion of this auric layer. Pleasure, or any other physical sensation will show up in this auric layer, as well. A well defined physical body makes for a well defined first auric layer. When you tone up and develop your physical body, you tone and exercise this auric layer as well. Use it or lose it! The Second layer: The second auric layer is associated with feelings and emotions about the self. All colors are found in this level. Bright, cloud like colors are associated with a positive self image. Dark, or dirty colors here represent negative feelings about the self. Damage can be done to this auric layer by disallowing feelings or emotions about the self, thereby disrupting the natural flow of energy on this level. The energy in this level then becomes dark, dirty, and undercharged. It then proceeds to clog up this auric layer, and eventually disrupts the energy of other levels, leading to dis-ease of the energy system, and eventually dis-ease of the physical body, as well. The Third layer: The third auric level represents the mental, or rational world of the subject. The color of this level is a fine, light lemon yellow, and the delicate energy here pulsates at a very high rate. Having a strong, charged third auric level means the rational and intuitive sides of the subject's mind will work together

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The Seven Layers of the Auric Field

The First layer of the human energy field, or aura: The first layer closest to the body is the auric level which reflects the physical body, and what the body is experiencing. It's color appears in shades of blue. A strong healthy body is reflected in this level as a strong, healthy energy field. A quiet or reserved personality shows in color as a light aqua/blue, whereas a robust personality shows up as a deeper blue/gray. Any problems with the physical body will show up as a problem or weak area in that portion of this auric layer. Pleasure, or any other physical sensation will show up in this auric layer, as well. A well defined physical body makes for a well defined first auric layer. When you tone up and develop your physical body, you tone and exercise this auric layer as well. Use it or lose it! The Second layer: The second auric layer is associated with feelings and emotions about the self. All colors are found in this level. Bright, cloud like colors are associated with a positive self image. Dark, or dirty colors here represent negative feelings about the self. Damage can be done to this auric layer by disallowing feelings or emotions about the self, thereby disrupting the natural flow of energy on this level. The energy in this level then becomes dark, dirty, and undercharged. It then proceeds to clog up this auric layer, and eventually disrupts the energy of other levels, leading to dis-ease of the energy system, and eventually dis-ease of the physical body, as well. The Third layer: The third auric level represents the mental, or rational world of the subject. The color of this level is a fine, light lemon yellow, and the delicate energy here pulsates at a very high rate. Having a strong, charged third auric level means the rational and intuitive sides of the subject's mind will work together

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well. A weak or damaged third level will represent a subject whose mind is scattered and unclear. When negative thoughts appear, the energy in this layer becomes slower moving, and the usually fine and delicate lines of the layer become dark and distorted. But negative thought patterns will be difficult to change, because the subject will lack the mental agility to recognize negative thought forms. The Fourth layer: The fourth auric level represents the subject's world of relationships. This energy level contains all colors, and feels fluid in nature. An unhealthy fourth auric layer will seem dark, thick and mucus like. In this state, your body may begin to experience pain, discomfort, exhaustion, and eventually dis-ease. An unhealthy fourth layer may be seen in people who are loners, or have trouble with relationships with others. A healthy fourth layer will be seen in people who like to be around people, and have good, strong relationships with friends and family. The energy in this level extends outward to interact with others. The characteristics of the energy which is extended to the other person, or object reflects the nature of the interaction. For example, if the two people love one another, the energy will be sweet, and rosy, and flow in soft waves. If aggression is sensed between the two people, the energy will extend as sharp, harsh, invasive, and dark red. Envy will be portrayed as dark, gray-green, slimy and sticky. The Fifth layer: The fifth level is the level of divine will. It appears as a blueprint of the first auric level, with empty space appearing as a cobalt blue light, and where normally solid objects appear composed of empty or clear lines of energy. Life's patterns are created and manifested here. This seems to be the level where you as a soul, have the divine will to either align with the pattern of universal purpose, or not. But those who do, will feel a sense of connectedness to the universe, and to their life's purpose. Their life has order. This will

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be reflected by a strong, and energetic fifth auric level. If this level is weak or distorted, the subject will feel a lack of connectedness and purpose in their life. They may deny the importance of order or purpose itself, and may find understanding an overall system or patterns of things difficult. The Sixth Layer: Level six of the human aura extends about two and a half feet from the body. It is an unstructured field of very high frequency energy, and looks like beautiful streamers of light radiating out in all directions. It contains all the colors of the rainbow, and appears to have an opalescence. A healthy sixth auric level appears bright, and highly charged. It is the level of divine love, and spiritual feelings. Here we commune with our spiritual world, and experience its ecstasy and bliss. Here we hold our feelings of spiritual connectedness to all of humanity, as well as with plants, animals, Earth, and all other spiritual beings. When this level is weak you will experience a lack of spiritual experiences and inspiration. When this level is unhealthy, it appears thin, dark, and the beams of light it emits may appear to sag. This reflects a lack of spiritual nourishment. If this level is much stronger than the others, it will reflect a life which is spiritually unbalanced - a person who lives "in the clouds", and neglects the physical aspects of human life. The key to having more spiritual experiences is to charge this auric level. This is done by focusing your mind on meditative practices. The Seventh Layer s even of the human aura reflects the divine mind. When healthy it looks like beautiful golden lines of high frequency energy, which are very, very strong. This golden energy extends outward from the body to a distance of about three to three and a half feet. It is far enough out from the body that it envelopes it, holding the subject in a strong golden egg shaped energy field. It has a harder outer shell which further protects the subject, and it regulates the energy flow between the aura, and the space surrounding it.

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When this layer is healthy, the subject feels a conscious awareness of the divine mind field, and the great universal interconnectedness. Creativity will abound, and the subject will have the ability to understand broad overall concepts regarding the nature of existence and divine truth. An unhealthy seventh level will appear dull and weak, and will appear to be thinner in some areas than others. It may even be torn, thereby allowing energy to leak out from the subject's aura. The person with an unhealthy seventh auric level may feel isolated from the divine, and any universal truths about creation, and divinity. The subject may even find their own human imperfections intolerable, and may go from denying these imperfections, to obsessively struggling to eliminate them - an impossible task.