B1^^ *Pél©ftTapli. Cable »eapatcn««. LCNJOOH, October; 15.-The -Ame> rioan doctrine is fully maintained in tho troaty just conolnded regarding naturalization. Johnson und Stan- ley are now considering the Alabama claims. Burlingame and his Chinese are gaining ground. Vesuvius is becoming violent, and immcnso streams of lava are flowing from tho craters. Despatches from Spain roport that Bischcof, of Tarragina, at tbo hoad of 2,000 men, has declared against the Junta. - Election Returns. "WASHINGTON, October 15.-Tho following is a summary of election news culled from the mass of eon- fleetin g and meagre reports: In Pennsylvania, the Republican majority is about 10,000. Covodo's election is more probable. Tho Le¬ gislature is Republican by a reduced majority-securing a Republican Se¬ nator, vioe Buckalow. The Age esti¬ mates tho majority at about 3,000. In Ohio, the latest advices indicate 15,000 Republican majority. In Indiana, the contest is very close. ; Baker'» election is, however, ropertod certain. Voorhies* election is again claimed by the Demo sra ts. Later rotnrns from Indiana show that tho contest is dose. Official re¬ turns aro needed to decido whether Hendricks or Baker aro elected. Holman and Vorrhees aro elected- a gain of ono. The Democrats gain eigbt Congressmen, and loso ono in Tuesday's election. ll P. M.-Latest returns make tho majority in Pennsylvania from ten to lifteen thousand ; Ohio about the samo. Both will probably be reduced by further returns. JVevra Items. CHAHTJESTON, October 15.-Sailed- Steamer Saragossa, New York; bark Mary and Louisa, Boston. Hon. John Quincy Adams has ac¬ cepted au invitation from the Demo¬ cracy of Charleston, to visit this city and address them. Ho is expected to-morrow night. NEW YOBK, October 15.-Tho World, in a double leaded article, suggests a change of candidates. The steamer Henry Chauncey brings $250,000 in specie. Ohirique revolted from Panama, and whipped the Government troops, killing their commander. Commander Olbadia invites the Panama troops to land in Chirique; ho is anxious to whip them. WASHINGTON, October 15.-Gen. Howard has issued orders to tho As¬ sistant Commissioner of the Freed¬ man's Bureau to'close his office 1st of November. Internal revenue receipts to-day, $201,000. John Philp, an Englishman, recent¬ ly discharged from the Freedmen's Bureau, cut his throat fatally; ho was drunk. Customs' receipts from the first to the tenth instant, inclusive, five mil¬ lions and a quarter. Bacon, Lard, &c. --3-a-^ 10,000 LBS. prime C. R. ©fe BACON SIDES, ^yrayfl 2¿)00 lbs. Natural LEAF \T aOomBs LARD-L. Davis, jr., brand. a&BBaHHBfa lOO choice S. C. HAMS, . bagged and unbagged. L 50 bbls. Refined 8ÜGABS, all gradee. Btaj, Brown SUGARS. ?^K Fino and Medium quality SYRUPS. Muscovado, Forto Rico and Common r MOLASSES. Old Government and Green Java, Lagui- ra and Rio COFFEE. Black and Green TEA8, various grades. Family and Extra FLOUR. Self-Baising FLOUR. With a full lino of Staplo GROCERIES, in store and in transit, and for Bale low by. Oct ll 3 C. H. BALDWIN <fc CO. WOOL, WOOL, WOOL. 5/\rvrv LBS. Clean Washed WOOL, . V/V/v/ wanted, for which we wiU pay 40 cents por pound, and upwards, ac¬ cording to quality' and quantity. Clean unwashed 28 cents, delivered at depot in Charleston. MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON. Oct 13 _Imo MRS. C. E. REED rtntr-^ WILL open, on WEDNES- wjjfiwT/^ DAY' next, 11th instant, for Wwii Vwfi inspection, tho most choice jHnitlJl 8eleotl° u of MILLINERY over "jfflJfrllffl offered in this city. HAIR BRAIDS* and CURLS of overy description. Please givo mo a caU, at my old stand, next to E. Pollard's Drug Store, Main streot, Columbia. Oct 13_ 8mo_ Nutal NutsTÑutsT- ENGLÏ8H WALNUTS, Brazil Nuts, Po- cans, Filberts and Almonds. Just roceivod and for sale by Oct ll _J. fi T. R. AGNEW. PUBLIC NOTICE r ¡j M IE public, including tho etrangors now X visiting Columbia, aro particularly re¬ quested to nato tho fact that tho choicest selection of FAMILY GROCERIES, Winos. Liquors, Segare and Tobacco, eau be fouuc at tho »toro of GEO. SYMMERS. Oct 10_, !_]_ SMOKE! SMOKE ! ! SMOKE il i ¿J SMOKED BEEF, Smoked Tongues, Smoked Su..ar-Cured Hams, Smoked Sugar-Cured Bacon, And 8EGABS, of genuino Havana Tobac¬ co, whioh can bo smoked by overy one, with perfect satisfaction, who has the money to pay for thom. For salo by _OctJ0__GEO. 8YMMERB. TO RENT, k ita*. A COMMODIOUS COTTAGE Hlfl HOUSE, situated on Laurel street, JUULln tho roar of tho Charlotte Depot. Apply at this oíSce. Oct a$ A NCIAX, ANO CÜMMKHCÍA1-. .LUMBIA, October 15.-^-Sab cotton to-day 100 bales-middlings NEW YORK, October 15-Noon.- Flour 5®10o. lower. Oom lo. lower. Mess pork quiet, at 29. Cotton a shade lower-25(5)25^. Gold 38. 7 P. M.-Cotton openod heavy and lower, but closed steady; sales 600 bales-'middlings 25®25>¿-with no sellers. Flour irregular and unset¬ tled-low grades Western 10@20c. lower; others unchanged; superfine 6.50@7: Southern dull and unchang¬ ed. \Vheat closes little more firm. Corn more steady, at noon's declino- mixed Western [email protected]. Moss pork lower, at 28.871¿@29-closing with sellers at 28.80. Lard quiet and heavy-steam 19V_@19%; kettle 19%®19%. Whiskey firmer, at 1.25 @1.28. Freights quiet-cotton by steam 3-16@>¿. Gold weak, at 37%. BAiiTiMOiuî, October 15.-South Carolina bonds.. 67 bid. Cotton drooping and nominally 25)_(_)26. Flour dull-Howard stroot suporfino 8®8.25; city mills [email protected]. Wheat firm and receipts small; prices un¬ changed, Corn dull-whito 1.20® 1.25; yellow 1.30(_}1.32. Oats firm- prime 80@82. Mess pork 30©30.50. Shoulders 14} CINCINNATI. October 15.-Flour is dull-family 8.50@9. Corn declining to 97. Whiskey heavy, at 1.20®1.28. Moss pork-jobbing trade-33.25. Bacon dull-jobbing trado only- shoulders 13_'_; clear sides 17@17,4'. Lard 19'.<. CHARLESTON, October 15.-Cotton dull and 1¿®?4C lower; sales 500 bales-middlings 22,' .¿ ; receipts 1,072. AUGUSTA, October 15.-Cotton mar¬ ket quiet; prices lower-middlings 23; sales 430 bales; receipts 716. SAVANNAH, Ootober 15.-Cotton closed steady; sales 505 bales-mid¬ dlings 23}_@24; receipts 1,393. MoBTiiE, October 15.-Cotton sales 400 bales; market dull-middlings 22@22>¿; receipts 569. NEW ORLEANS, October 15.-Cot¬ ton in fair demand, but declined- middlings 23J_; sales 2,800 bales; receipts 5,907. Gold 88)¿. Sugar ruling upward-Cuba 12@14>_. Mo¬ lasses firm and unchanged. Flour dull-superfine 6.75; choice 10@15. Corn-very little on landing, but held firm, at 1.02.V_@,1.10. Mess pork firm, at 32. Bacon quiet- shoulders 13V,'; clear 17)4- LONDON, October 15-3 P. M.- Consols 94J_. Bonds 72.1 _, ex-divi¬ dends. LIVERTOOL, October 15-3 P. M.- Cotton dull and easier, tending downward. HAVRE, October 15.-Cotton 137; afloat 130. LIVERPOOL, October 15-Evening. Cotton quiet. CHOICE GOODS. BARRELS Now York ffi_i^_S. C. ITO HAMS, \SSSS Barrels New York S. C. ( Breakfast Bacon, Firkins Goshen Butter, Boxes Factory and Dairy Cheese, Now Bay Mackerel, in barrels and kits, Fresh Crackers-a variety, Fresh Teas and Coffees, With a largo stock of Merchandize, just received, by Oct 10_C. II. BALDWIN A CO. BELL HANGING, WILL ho executed at SHORT NOTICE and on REASONABLE TERMS, by calling on tho subscriber, at P. W. Kruft's store, Main street. Oct 8_F. A. SCIINIDER. Fresh Supplies. NEW YORK cured pickled Pig Pork, extra sugar cured Breakfast Strips, Hocker's Self-Raising Flour, new No. 1 Bay Mackerel, Pickled Salmon, Smoked Tongues. Together with daily supplies of all tho various STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS requisito in an establishment in thc Grocery lino, which aims at keeping tho best--and thc best is thc cheapest. Oct 4 _GEO. SYMMERS. Guns, Pistols, Etc. THE undersigned informs his friends, and the public generally, that ho has re¬ ceived a largo and scloet assortment of SINGLE and DOUBLE- BARREL GUNS, RIFLES and PISTOLS. CARTRIDGES for all kinds of Guns, Rillcs and Ropcators constantly on hand. ALSO, SPORTSMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, nil of which will bo sold low for cash. GUNS and PISTOLS made to order and repaired at short notice and moderate pneo. Cash system rigidly adhered to. Pot 7_RJV. KRAFT. NEW BOOKS. HISTORY OF THE NEW SCHOOL, and questions involved in tho dis¬ ruption or Presbyterian Church, in 1838. By J. Baird, D. D. Children with tho Poets. By Harriet Mikeever. Talcs of Algeria, or Lifo Among tho Arabs. Illustrations. Ab-Sa-Ra-Ka, Homo of the Crows, büing tho oxperienco of an officer's wifo on tho Plains. Talks with a Child on tho Beatitudes. The following now Novels: Gold Elsie From tho Gorman of Mar- litt. Moonstone By Wilkio Collins. Dallas Galbraith. By Mrs. Davis, author of Waiting for tho Verdict, Ac, and many other new books, at DUFFIE A CHAPMAN'S Oct 4_Book Store. Butter! Butter!! CHOICE GOSHEN BUTTER, just re¬ ceived and for salo by Oct 4 J. ic, T. B. AGNEW. Salt, Salt, Salt. PiilH SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, ox- tlvv tra largo slzo, on hand and for salo, AT REDUCED PRICES, by Sept 20 '_J. St T. lt. AGNEW. COTTON. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES made on COTTON consigned to JAMES W. TRASK, Now York, b* upplvlng to Soptembcr 16 35 E. A G. D. HOPE. JQEN ROBINSON'S GREAT COMBINATION cm tumut Forming a Grand Stock Enterprise, consolidating TEN SHOWS. At Columbia. Tuesday, Ootober 27. The "Boss" of ail Shows! THE Mammoth ZooloRical Dopartmcnt, including Ornithological selections of tho most beautiful specimens of FOREIGN BIRDS, Forming tho most extensive collection of Wild Animals In thc country, supported by thc largest Company of Equestrians lu America, numbering 150 men and 2ö0 horses, including Fifty Performers, FIVE LADY EQUESTRIENNES, THREE POPULAR CLOWNS, Enabling tho management to produce Startling Acts of Horsemanship, Daring Gymnastic Exorcises, Spectacles of Orien¬ tal Grandeur, with tho most dazzling splendor. In the Zoological Department Will be found A HERD OP TAPIRS ! A Flock of Australian Emeus, a Herd of Porcupines, Performing Elephant "Em¬ press," (introduced by Mr. Johnson,) African Lion and Lioness, Ruffed Lemur, Ocolot, Wild Dog of Tartary, Civit, Ac. Just added two Double Humped Bactrian Camels. Also, tho VALPUS, from Tartary, and WHITE POLAR BEAR. Prominent among tho attractive talent of tho Arena aro such Artists as MISS CORDELIA, Tho Champion Fomalo Rider of thc World. M'LLE «TRANCIS, MADAME MARGARET, MADAME GERTRUDE, MR. JOHN WILSON, MR. JOHN ROBINSON, MR. J. MCDONOUGH, MR. GEORGE SLOMAN, W. H. ASHTON and SONS. MR. G. N. ROBINSON, SIG. ADOLPH BRANDISI, MR. JOHN LOWLOW, Tho American Humorist and Tolito Local Clown. MR. FRANK ROBINSON, Clown par oxcollonco and modern Grimaldi. MR. ARCHIE CAMPBELL, Time-honored dispenor of Wit and Humor. Tho Nonpareil LEWIS, MR. LEWIS WILLIS. NOTICE.-First appcarunoo iu Amorica in two years of G. M. KELLEY, Tho Champion Leaper of tho World. . Grand Gratuitous Exhibition! A Gorgeous Ancient Pageant-The Grand Chariot of Mars, Oberon and Achilles; Living Lions in open Dens of Gold and Bronze; Knights and Gladiators, in Armor of Ancient Romans, as escort to the glittoring and costly Oriental Equip¬ ages. This grand and imposing Proces¬ sion wiU be preceded by tho Chariot of Oberon, containing Thomas Canham's Operatio Silver hud String Orchestra, of twenty first-class Musicians. TWO PERFORMANCES-At 2 and 7 o'clock P. M. SST Tho Procession will outer flu» cit" at 10 o'clock. GEO. MORRISON, Agent. Oct 16 t6 T0WLE3? Patent Elliptic new style Suspenders, combines the qualities of Brace and Sus¬ pender. For sale by C. F. JACKSON. Oct 8 NEW GOODS all styles, now opened at C. F. JACKSON'S. Oct 8 MEN'S WEAR. Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Jeans and Tweeds. New styles, low prices, at C. F. JACKSON'S. Oct 8_ NEW BLACK Cloth Cloaks; at low prices. Just received by C. F. JACKööN. Oct S OUR HOUSE RESTAURANT, ...«.-"ii Assault!;/ Street, Op¡>osiie the Market. THE undersigned respectfully notifies his patrouB, and the puliic generally, that ho has mado arrangements to bo supplied, daily, with tho best OYSTERS and FISH. Will also have the choice of tho Columbia Market. Has a commodious room for privato parties. His LIQUORS, WINES and SEGARS aro tho best. Families can bo supplied with Oysters. LUNCH from ll io 1 o'clock. Give mo a call. LOOK OUT ron THE BIG LAMP. DENNIS McGClNNIS, Cet 9 Superintendent. C. D. EBERHARDT HAS just returned from New York, with a well selected stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Veetings, which will bo made up at the shortest notice and in tho latest style. Call and examine for yourselves, Wash¬ ington street, opposite Lav, Lange. September 27 Im_t_ ? Extra Family Flour. . %f\f\ DARRELS and bags, at lowest ^¿\J\_/ cash prices. _8eptoniber 19_E. & G. D. HOPE. 2 £ ^ o g © ?¡3 o a g . & if O . 5 B eS g rj « M bD O ^ co ^ o . , H Pi o J: 5^ O O ÜJ Q gg ? S S P p G cd S ^ M w " w O ûj Q S H o fi < 32 O .*! O íH ü P P * w O 5 H O « M W ^ g « gs a ? te o I I I I I I fa u u 5M ÍM fi a a ooo +* T? ooo I OOO Fall and Winter of 1868. fe cc O tn SH fe I O FALL 1 AND WINTER CLOTHING, HATS AND Furnishing Goods, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL gW FOR CASH. "£* COUNTRY MERCHANTS WOULD DO WELL TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR PRICES BEFORE GOING TO CHARLESTON. R. & W. C. SWAFFiELD, Soptombor 8 Axes, Axes, Axes. 1f\f\ DOZEN best warranted AXES, _just received and foi salo iow, at wholesale and retail, by Sept 35 J. & T. R. AGNEW. ns ,.. PROCLAMATION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, "> EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT! COLUMBIA, October 9, 1SC3. To Hie Commissioners of Election. IN accordance with an Act of tho General Assembly, eutitled "An Act providing for the next general election and tho man¬ ner of conducting tho Baine," approvod thc 26lh day of September, A. D. 18G8, you aro hereby notified and required to cauao an election to bo hold in your respectivo Counties, on Tuesday, tho third day of November next, for six persons as Electors of President and Vice-president of tho United States; for four Representatives iu thc Congress of tho United 8tates, in their respoctivo Congressional Districts, and for eight Solicitors for tho several Circuits in the State, in their respectivo Circuits. Tho names of the persons voted for na Electors of President and Vice-Presidont, shall be upon a separato ticket; and the names of tho persons voted for as Repre¬ sentatives in Congress and Solicitors, snail bo also upon a separato ticket. The First Congressional District is cora- posod of thc Counties of Lancaster, Ches¬ terfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Marion, Horry, Georgetown, Williamsburg, Sum¬ ter, Clarendon and Kershaw. Tho Second Congressional District is composed of tho Counties of Charioston, Colleton, Deanfort and Barnwell. Tho Third Congressional District is com¬ posed of thc Counties of Orangcburg, Lex¬ ington, Richland, Newberry, Edgcficld, Abbeville and Anderson. Thc Fourth Congressional District is composed of thc Counties of Oconee, 1'ick- ens, Greenville, Laurens, Spartanburg, Union, York, Chester and Fairfield. The Solicitors shall be voted for in their respective Circuits, as follows: The Counties of Charleston and Orangc¬ burg constitute tho Fir6t Circuit. Tho Counties of Edgeiield, Barnwell, Colleton and Beaufort constitute tho Se¬ cond Circuit. The Counties of Sumter, Clarendon, Williamsburg, Georgetown and Horry con¬ stitute the Third Circuit. Tho Counties of Chesterfield, Marlboro, Mai ion, Darlington and Fairfield, consti¬ tute tho Fourth Circuit. Tho Counties of Kershaw, Richland, Newberry and Lexington constitute tho Fifth Circuit. Tho Counties of Chester, Lancaster, York and Union constitute thc Sixth Cir¬ cuit. The Counties of Abbeville, Laurena and Spartanburg constitute the Seventh Cir¬ cuit. The Counties of Greenville, Anderson, Oconee und Pickens constitute the Eighth Circuit. Now, therefore, you and each of you, are hereby required, after due publication and with strict regard to the provision of tho Constitution and of the laws of the State, touching your duty in such case, to cause such elections to bo held in your respective Counties, on tho day aforesaid, ami to take all the necessary stops for the holding of such elections, and for tho as¬ certaining and determining the persons who shall have been duly elected thereat. Given under my hand and the seal of tho State, in tho city of Columbia, this 9th day of October, tn tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- eight, and in the ninety-third year of tho Independence of tho United States of America. ROBERT K. SCOTT, Governor. F. L. CABDOZO, Secretary of State. Oct 14 The Charleston Courier. Abbeville Ban¬ ner, Anderson Intelligencer, Barnwell Sen¬ tinel, Bennettsvillo Journal, Camden Jour¬ nal, Chcraw Advertiser. Chester Standard, Horry Sentinel, Darlington Southerner, Edgeiield Advertiser, Georgetown Times, Greenville Mountaineer, Kingstrco Star, Laurcnsvillo Herald, Lancaster Ledger, Clarondon Banner, Marion Star, Newberry Herald, Orangebnrg News, Keowee Cou¬ rier, Pendleton Gazette, Spartanburg Re¬ press, Sumter Watchman, Lnionvillo Times, Fairfield Herald, Yorkvillc Enquirer, will plcaso publish tho above proclamation once, and send copy and bill to the oftlce of Secretary of State._ EOS AD ALIS Purifies the Blood. For Suie hy Druggist* Everywhere. July 21 HUlyr GREGG. PALMER & CO., BROKERS d; COMMIS. AGENTS, JgUY and sell GOLD. SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS and EXCHANGES. Advances made on COTTON. GRAIN and COUNTRY PRODUCE sold on commission. March 10 D. W. HAWTHORNE^ Broker and Commission Merchant, WALHALLA, S. C., aud Honoa Path, S. C., will attend to all business entrusted to his caro at either placo. August 13_ EATING HOUSE AT ALSTON. PASSENGERS on tho Greenville and Columbia Railroad, can get BREAK¬ FAST and DINNER at Alston-ample time being allowed. Doc 27 MARY A^ELKIN A 80N._ Dillon's Cotton Ties. AFULL supplv of DILLON'S IRON COTTON TIES constantly on hand and for salo low, at wholesale and retail, by J. AT. R. AGNEW. Gin Bristles. Cyr\f\ POUNDS COTTON GIN BRIS- \J\J TLE8, just received and for sale by J. St T. R. AGNEW. September 18_ Smoking Tobacco. 1 f\i\ LBS. Puro 8nanish SMOKING 1UU TOBACCO, KIO lbs. Lono Jack Smoking Tobacco. For salo low by E. St G. D. HOPE. ^ 4 On Consignment. BOXES TOBACCO for sale low. GREGG, PALMER »t CO. September 15 VJ » Auotiou Sales *~ SHÄIFFB SALE. BY virtue of a writ ol Herí facias to me directed, I will sell, on tho FIRST MONDAY in Novombor next, in front of the Court Houso, in Columbia, within the legal honra, tho following proporty, viz: 180 aoroa of LAND, in Richland County, bouuded as follows: On tho North by Betsy Thomas and Thomas Cooper, East by Bou- natus Thomas, South by S. J. Smithy and West by Lands formerly ownod by isaac Dent; lovied on as tho proporty of Sarah 8. Cosby, Exocutrix of Jamos Cosby, de¬ ceased, at tho suit of Thomas W. Radcliffe ts. Sarah S. Cosby, Exeoutrix of. James Cosby, deceasod. Terms cash. ' P. F. FRAZE is, Oct 13 tnf -,_8. lt. C. United States of America-District of South Carolina-In the District Court. WHEREAS no District Court will be hold from thia day, until 26th day of October, instant, except for tho purpose of adjourning o ver to that dav; it is, thorefore, ordered, that all Motions, Potitions, or matt :>ru of any kind whatever for tho final dischargo of Bankrupts, or for any other Eurposo, whioh havo been ordered to be eard boforo the said 26th day of October, be, and tho samo aro hereby, postponed until that day. GEO. 8. BRYAN, United States District Judge for District of South Carolina._Oct 8 f3 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that applica- cation -.viii bo made, in three months from this date, at thu State Tieasury, for a renewal of Certificate of State Stock, No. 62, dated November 27,1867, to tt. B. Mills, or assigus-tho original of which has boen lost or destroved. R. B. MILL8. Arr, rST 1, 1863._Aug 7 fm26 IP New hay Mackerel. QA WHOLE AND HALF BABRELS OVJ NEW MACKEREL, for salo low by Sept 17_E. & G. D. HOPE. Hams, Hams. fifi CHOICE Canvassed HAMS, just âv/v received and for sala low by w Sept 21_J. &, T. R. AGNEW. Molasses and Syrups. CUBA, Muscovado and Now Orleans MO¬ LASSES; also. Sugar House SYBUPS just received and for salo low by _8opt 12_ J. & T. B. AGNEW. Sugars and Coffee. -1 {\ HHDS. PORTO RICO SUGABS, ±\J 50 bbls. Refiued Sugars, 75 bags Rio Coffee, all grades, 15 bags Java and Laguavra Coffee. For sale low by E. &. G. D. HOPE. September 16 Candles and Soap. t BOXES ADAMANTINE AND XVjvJ SPERM CANDLES, 75 boxes Superfine Washing and Toilet Soaps. For sale low br September IC E. & G. D. HOPE. Woodenware and Brooms. TUBS, Painted and Rrass Bound Buck¬ ets, Churns, Well Buckets, Cothea- pins, Rune; Floggers. Darrel Covers, Wash Boards, Measures, Flour Pails, 8ngar Boxes, Lemon Squeezers, Bowls, Trays, Kegs, Mats, DasUets, Matches, ¿c., just received and for sale low by _Sept^_J. A T; B. AGNEW. "WASHINGTON HOUSE, nv AIns. M. ir. STRATTON. CORNER Gervais and Assembly streets, Columbia, 8. C. Convenient to the Greenville! and Charleston Raiiroatk, and tho business portion of tho city. Rates of transient board-$2 nor day. Lodgings can ho obtained with or with¬ out meals, at any time._Sept 30 3m Bagging and Hope. i r\f\ Pl ECES GUNNY AND BORNEO lVJVj RAGGING, 40 coils Greenleaf and Hemp Bone. For salo low by E. k G. D. HOPE. SeptemborlG_;_? Wrapping Paper. -f f\t\ BEAMS Grocer's WRAPPING 1UU PAPER for salo at New York primea._ E. & G. D. HOPE. MAGINLEY & CARROLL'S Great Legitimate CIRCUS. THOROUGHLY RE-ORGANIZED and equipped for tho Beason of 1868, and roprosonttng new features and faces; mul¬ tifarious, diversified and endless succes¬ sion of novelties, by a carefully selected troupe from tho Paragons of Equestrian Art Tho great aim of the Managers is ori¬ ginality and excollence; and with this view they havo congregated an assomblago of Artists, from tho most celobrated nebuols of Equestrian and GymtiShtto Art both in Enropo and America. Tho facilillos for speody and oortain transit aro unequaled. No jaded Horses and weary, travolrworn Performers. Everything Novel arid Brilliant. This ne plus ultra exhibition will bo ab OOLUMRIA, Friday, October, 28d, for Oho day only. Will alBO exhibit at the following towns: Unionville, Saturday, October 21th; Spar- tanburg, Monday, October 26tb; Newberry C. H., Tuosdav, October 27th; Laurena C. H., Wednesday 28tb; Abbevillo C. H., Thursday 29th; Greenville, Friday 80th; Walhalla, Saturday, Ootober 31st. Whore they will give two GRAND EX¬ HIBITIONS, at 2 and hnlf-past 6 o'clock P.M. < Admission.75 cents. Children.Í.50 cents. Oct 9 D. CROSBY, Agent.

Auotiou cmtumut - maginleycarrollcircus.commaginleycarrollcircus.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/1868-10-16...SteamerSaragossa, NewYork; bark MaryandLouisa, Boston. ... NEW YOBK, October

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B1^^ *Pél©ftTapli.Cable »eapatcn««.

LCNJOOH, October; 15.-The -Ame>rioan doctrine is fully maintained intho troaty just conolnded regardingnaturalization. Johnson und Stan-ley are now considering the Alabamaclaims.Burlingame and his Chinese are

gaining ground.Vesuvius is becoming violent, and

immcnso streams of lava are flowingfrom tho craters.Despatches from Spain roport that

Bischcof, of Tarragina, at tbo hoadof 2,000 men, has declared againstthe Junta.-

Election Returns."WASHINGTON, October 15.-Thofollowing is a summary of election

news culled from the mass of eon-fleeting and meagre reports:In Pennsylvania, the Republicanmajority is about 10,000. Covodo'selection is more probable. Tho Le¬gislature is Republican by a reducedmajority-securing a Republican Se¬nator, vioe Buckalow. The Age esti¬mates tho majority at about 3,000.In Ohio, the latest advices indicate15,000 Republican majority.In Indiana, the contest is veryclose. ; Baker'» election is, however,ropertod certain. Voorhies* electionis again claimed by the Demo sra ts.Later rotnrns from Indiana show

that tho contest is dose. Official re¬turns aro needed to decido whetherHendricks or Baker aro elected.Holman and Vorrhees aro elected-a gain of ono. The Democrats gaineigbt Congressmen, and loso ono inTuesday's election.

ll P. M.-Latest returns make thomajority in Pennsylvania from ten tolifteen thousand ; Ohio about thesamo. Both will probably be reducedby further returns.

JVevra Items.

CHAHTJESTON, October 15.-Sailed-Steamer Saragossa, New York; barkMary and Louisa, Boston.Hon. John Quincy Adams has ac¬

cepted au invitation from the Demo¬cracy of Charleston, to visit this cityand address them. Ho is expectedto-morrow night.NEW YOBK, October 15.-ThoWorld, in a double leaded article,suggests a change of candidates.The steamer Henry Chaunceybrings $250,000 in specie.Ohirique revolted from Panama,and whipped the Government troops,killing theircommander. CommanderOlbadia invites the Panama troopsto land in Chirique; ho is anxious towhip them.WASHINGTON, October 15.-Gen.

Howard has issued orders to tho As¬sistant Commissioner of the Freed¬man's Bureau to'close his office 1st ofNovember.

Internal revenue receipts to-day,$201,000.John Philp, an Englishman, recent¬ly discharged from the Freedmen'sBureau, cut his throat fatally; ho wasdrunk.Customs' receipts from the first tothe tenth instant, inclusive, five mil¬lions and a quarter.

Bacon, Lard, &c.--3-a-^ 10,000 LBS. prime C. R.©fe BACON SIDES,^yrayfl 2¿)00 lbs. Natural LEAF\T aOomBsLARD-L. Davis, jr., brand.a&BBaHHBfa lOO choice S. C. HAMS,

. bagged and unbagged.L 50 bbls. Refined 8ÜGABS, all gradee.Btaj, Brown SUGARS.?^K Fino and Medium quality SYRUPS.Muscovado, Forto Rico and Commonr MOLASSES.Old Government and Green Java, Lagui-ra and Rio COFFEE.Black and Green TEA8, various grades.Family and Extra FLOUR.Self-Baising FLOUR.With a full lino of Staplo GROCERIES,in store and in transit, and for Bale low by.Oct ll 3 C. H. BALDWIN <fc CO.

WOOL, WOOL, WOOL.5/\rvrv LBS. Clean Washed WOOL,

.V/V/v/ wanted, for which we wiUpay 40 cents por pound, and upwards, ac¬cording to quality' and quantity. Cleanunwashed 28 cents, delivered at depot inCharleston.


rtntr-^ WILL open, on WEDNES-wjjfiwT/^ DAY' next, 11th instant, forWwii Vwfi inspection, tho most choicejHnitlJl 8eleotl° u of MILLINERY over"jfflJfrllffl offered in this city.HAIR BRAIDS* and CURLSof overy description. Please givo mo acaU, at my old stand, next to E. Pollard'sDrug Store, Main streot, Columbia.Oct13_ 8mo_

Nutal NutsTÑutsT-ENGLÏ8H WALNUTS, Brazil Nuts, Po-

cans, Filberts and Almonds. Justroceivod and for sale byOct ll _J. fi T. R. AGNEW.PUBLIC NOTICE

r ¡j M IE public, including tho etrangors nowX visiting Columbia, aro particularly re¬quested to nato tho fact that tho choicestselection of FAMILY GROCERIES, Winos.Liquors, Segare and Tobacco, eau be fouucat tho »toro of GEO. SYMMERS.Oct 10_, !_]_SMOKE! SMOKE ! ! SMOKE il i ¿JSMOKED BEEF,Smoked Tongues,Smoked Su..ar-Cured Hams,Smoked Sugar-Cured Bacon,And 8EGABS, of genuino Havana Tobac¬co, whioh can bo smoked by overy one, withperfect satisfaction, who has the money topay for thom. For salo by_OctJ0__GEO. 8YMMERB.

TO RENT,k ita*. A COMMODIOUS COTTAGEHlfl HOUSE, situated on Laurel street,JUULln tho roar of tho Charlotte Depot.Apply at this oíSce. Octa $


cotton to-day 100 bales-middlingsNEW YORK, October 15-Noon.-Flour 5®10o. lower. Oom lo. lower.Mess pork quiet, at 29. Cotton a

shade lower-25(5)25^. Gold 38.7 P. M.-Cotton openod heavy andlower, but closed steady; sales 600

bales-'middlings 25®25>¿-with nosellers. Flour irregular and unset¬tled-low grades Western [email protected]; others unchanged; superfine6.50@7: Southern dull and unchang¬ed. \Vheat closes little more firm.Corn more steady, at noon's declino-mixed Western [email protected]. Mosspork lower, at 28.871¿@29-closingwith sellers at 28.80. Lard quiet andheavy-steam 19V_@19%; kettle19%®19%. Whiskey firmer, at [email protected]. Freights quiet-cotton bysteam 3-16@>¿. Gold weak, at 37%.BAiiTiMOiuî, October 15.-SouthCarolina bonds.. 67 bid. Cottondrooping and nominally 25)_(_)26.Flour dull-Howard stroot suporfino8®8.25; city mills [email protected]. Wheatfirm and receipts small; prices un¬changed, Corn dull-whito 1.20®1.25; yellow 1.30(_}1.32. Oats firm-prime 80@82. Mess pork 30©30.50.Shoulders 14}

CINCINNATI. October 15.-Flour isdull-family 8.50@9. Corn decliningto 97. Whiskey heavy, at 1.20®1.28.Moss pork-jobbing trade-33.25.Bacon dull-jobbing trado only-shoulders 13_'_; clear sides 17@17,4'.Lard 19'.<.CHARLESTON, October 15.-Cotton

dull and 1¿®?4C lower; sales 500bales-middlings 22,' .¿ ; receipts 1,072.AUGUSTA, October 15.-Cotton mar¬ket quiet; prices lower-middlings 23;sales 430 bales; receipts 716.SAVANNAH, Ootober 15.-Cotton

closed steady; sales 505 bales-mid¬dlings 23}_@24; receipts 1,393.MoBTiiE, October 15.-Cotton sales400 bales; market dull-middlings22@22>¿; receipts 569.NEW ORLEANS, October 15.-Cot¬

ton in fair demand, but declined-middlings 23J_; sales 2,800 bales;receipts 5,907. Gold 88)¿. Sugarruling upward-Cuba 12@14>_. Mo¬lasses firm and unchanged. Flourdull-superfine 6.75; choice [email protected] little on landing, butheld firm, at 1.02.V_@,1.10. Messpork firm, at 32. Bacon quiet-shoulders 13V,'; clear 17)4-LONDON, October 15-3 P. M.-Consols 94J_. Bonds 72.1 _, ex-divi¬dends.LIVERTOOL, October 15-3 P. M.-

Cotton dull and easier, tendingdownward.HAVRE, October 15.-Cotton 137;afloat 130.LIVERPOOL, October 15-Evening.Cotton quiet.

CHOICE GOODS.BARRELS Now Yorkffi_i^_S. C. ITO HAMS,\SSSS Barrels New York S. C. (Breakfast Bacon,Firkins Goshen Butter,Boxes Factory and Dairy Cheese,Now Bay Mackerel, in barrels and kits,Fresh Crackers-a variety,Fresh Teas and Coffees,With a largo stock of Merchandize,just received, byOct 10_C. II. BALDWIN A CO.BELL HANGING,

WILL ho executed at SHORT NOTICEand on REASONABLE TERMS, bycalling on tho subscriber, at P. W. Kruft's

store, Main street.Oct 8_F. A. SCIINIDER.

Fresh Supplies.NEW YORK cured pickled Pig Pork,extra sugar cured Breakfast Strips,Hocker's Self-Raising Flour, new No. 1Bay Mackerel, Pickled Salmon, SmokedTongues. Together with daily supplies ofall tho various STAPLE AND FANCYGOODS requisito in an establishment inthc Grocery lino, which aims at keepingtho best--and thc best is thc cheapest.Oct 4 _GEO. SYMMERS.Guns, Pistols, Etc.

THE undersigned informshis friends, and the publicgenerally, that ho has re¬ceived a largo and scloetassortment of SINGLE and DOUBLE-BARREL GUNS, RIFLES and PISTOLS.CARTRIDGES for all kinds of Guns,Rillcs and Ropcators constantly on hand.

ALSO,SPORTSMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, nil ofwhich will bo sold low for cash.GUNS and PISTOLS made to order andrepaired at short notice and moderatepneo. Cash system rigidly adhered to.Pot7_RJV. KRAFT.

NEW BOOKS.HISTORY OF THE NEW SCHOOL,and questions involved in tho dis¬ruption or Presbyterian Church, in 1838.By J. Baird, D. D.Children with tho Poets. By HarrietMikeever.Talcs of Algeria, or Lifo Among thoArabs. Illustrations.Ab-Sa-Ra-Ka, Homo of the Crows, büingtho oxperienco of an officer's wifo on thoPlains.Talks with a Child on tho Beatitudes.The following now Novels:Gold Elsie From tho Gorman of Mar-litt.Moonstone By Wilkio Collins.Dallas Galbraith. By Mrs. Davis, authorof Waiting for tho Verdict, Ac, and manyother new books, at

DUFFIE A CHAPMAN'SOct 4_Book Store.Butter! Butter!!

CHOICE GOSHEN BUTTER, just re¬ceived and for salo byOct 4 J. ic, T. B. AGNEW.

Salt, Salt, Salt.PiilH SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, ox-tlvv tra largo slzo, on hand and forsalo, AT REDUCED PRICES, bySept 20 '_J. St T. lt. AGNEW.

COTTON.LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES made onCOTTON consigned to JAMES W.TRASK, Now York, b* upplvlng toSoptembcr 16 35 E. A G. D. HOPE.


cmtumutForming a Grand Stock Enterprise,consolidatingTEN SHOWS.At Columbia. Tuesday, Ootober 27.

The "Boss" of ail Shows!

THE Mammoth ZooloRical Dopartmcnt,including Ornithological selectionsof tho most beautiful specimens of

FOREIGN BIRDS,Forming tho most extensive collection of

Wild AnimalsIn thc country, supported by thc largest

Company of Equestrianslu America, numbering 150 men and 2ö0

horses, including

Fifty Performers,FIVE LADY EQUESTRIENNES,THREE POPULAR CLOWNS,Enabling tho management to produceStartling Acts of Horsemanship, DaringGymnastic Exorcises, Spectacles of Orien¬tal Grandeur, with tho most dazzlingsplendor.

In the Zoological DepartmentWill be found

A HERD OP TAPIRS !A Flock of Australian Emeus, a Herd of

Porcupines, Performing Elephant "Em¬press," (introduced by Mr. Johnson,)African Lion and Lioness, Ruffed Lemur,Ocolot, Wild Dog of Tartary, Civit, Ac.

Just added twoDouble Humped Bactrian Camels.

Also, tho VALPUS, from Tartary, andWHITE POLAR BEAR.

Prominent among tho attractive talentof tho Arena aro such Artists asMISS CORDELIA,Tho Champion Fomalo Rider of thc World.



Clown par oxcollonco and modern Grimaldi.MR. ARCHIE CAMPBELL,Time-honored dispenor of Wit and Humor.Tho Nonpareil LEWIS,MR. LEWIS WILLIS.

NOTICE.-First appcarunoo iu Amoricain two years ofG. M. KELLEY,

Tho Champion Leaper of tho World.

. Grand Gratuitous Exhibition!A Gorgeous Ancient Pageant-TheGrand Chariot of Mars, Oberon andAchilles; Living Lions in open Dens ofGold and Bronze; Knights and Gladiators,in Armor of Ancient Romans, as escort tothe glittoring and costly Oriental Equip¬ages. This grand and imposing Proces¬sion wiU be preceded by tho Chariot ofOberon, containing Thomas Canham'sOperatio Silver hud String Orchestra, oftwenty first-class Musicians.TWO PERFORMANCES-At 2 and 7o'clock P. M.SST Tho Procession will outer flu» cit"at 10 o'clock. GEO. MORRISON, Agent.Oct 16 t6

T0WLE3?Patent Elliptic new styleSuspenders, combines the

qualities of Brace and Sus¬pender. For sale by


NEW GOODSOí all styles, now openedat C. F. JACKSON'S.Oct 8

MEN'S WEAR.Broadcloths, Cassimeres,Jeans and Tweeds. New

styles, low prices, atC. F. JACKSON'S.Oct 8_

NEW BLACKCloth Cloaks; at low prices.Just received by

C. F. JACKööN.Oct S


Assault!;/ Street, Op¡>osiie the Market.THE undersigned respectfully notifieshis patrouB, and the puliic generally,that ho has mado arrangements to bosupplied, daily, with tho best OYSTERSand FISH. Will also have the choice oftho Columbia Market.Has a commodious room for privatoparties.His LIQUORS, WINES and SEGARS

aro tho best.Families can bo supplied with Oysters.LUNCH from ll io 1 o'clock.Give mo a call.

LOOK OUT ron THE BIG LAMP.DENNIS McGClNNIS,Cet 9 Superintendent.

C. D. EBERHARDTHAS just returned from New York,with a well selected stock of Cloths,Cassimeres and Veetings, which willbo made up at the shortest notice

and in tho latest style.Call and examine for yourselves, Wash¬ington street, opposite Lav, Lange.September 27 Im_t_? Extra Family Flour.. %f\f\ DARRELS and bags, at lowest^¿\J\_/ cash prices._8eptoniber 19_E. & G. D. HOPE.

2 £ ^o g ©

?¡3 oa g

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rj « M bD O^ co ^ o . ,

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w O ûjQ S H ofi < 32 O.*! O íH ü

P P * wO 5 HO « M W^ g «gs a ?




fa u u5M ÍMfi a aooo

+* T?ooo IOOOFall and Winter of 1868.






Furnishing Goods,AT







Axes, Axes, Axes.1f\f\ DOZEN best warranted AXES,_just received and foi salo iow, atwholesale and retail, bySept 35 J. & T. R. AGNEW.




STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ">EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT!COLUMBIA, October 9, 1SC3.To Hie Commissioners of Election.IN accordance with an Act of tho GeneralAssembly, eutitled "An Act providingfor the next general election and tho man¬ner of conducting tho Baine," approvodthc 26lh day of September, A. D. 18G8, youaro hereby notified and required to cauaoan election to bo hold in your respectivoCounties, on Tuesday, tho third day ofNovember next, for six persons as Electorsof President and Vice-president of thoUnited States; for four Representatives iuthc Congress of tho United 8tates, in theirrespoctivo Congressional Districts, and foreight Solicitors for tho several Circuits inthe State, in their respectivo Circuits.Tho names of the persons voted for naElectors of President and Vice-Presidont,shall be upon a separato ticket; and thenames of tho persons voted for as Repre¬sentatives in Congress and Solicitors, snailbo also upon a separato ticket.The First Congressional District is cora-posod of thc Counties of Lancaster, Ches¬terfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Marion,Horry, Georgetown, Williamsburg, Sum¬ter, Clarendon and Kershaw.Tho Second Congressional District iscomposed of tho Counties of Charioston,Colleton, Deanfort and Barnwell.Tho Third Congressional District is com¬posed of thc Counties of Orangcburg, Lex¬ington, Richland, Newberry, Edgcficld,Abbeville and Anderson.Thc Fourth Congressional District iscomposed of thc Counties of Oconee, 1'ick-

ens, Greenville, Laurens, Spartanburg,Union, York, Chester and Fairfield.The Solicitors shall be voted for in theirrespective Circuits, as follows:The Counties of Charleston and Orangc¬burg constitute tho Fir6t Circuit.Tho Counties of Edgeiield, Barnwell,Colleton and Beaufort constitute tho Se¬cond Circuit.The Counties of Sumter, Clarendon,Williamsburg, Georgetown and Horry con¬stitute the Third Circuit.Tho Counties of Chesterfield, Marlboro,Mai ion, Darlington and Fairfield, consti¬tute tho Fourth Circuit.Tho Counties of Kershaw, Richland,Newberry and Lexington constitute thoFifth Circuit.Tho Counties of Chester, Lancaster,York and Union constitute thc Sixth Cir¬cuit.The Counties of Abbeville, Laurena andSpartanburg constitute the Seventh Cir¬cuit.The Counties of Greenville, Anderson,Oconee und Pickens constitute the EighthCircuit.Now, therefore, you and each of you, arehereby required, after due publication andwith strict regard to the provision oftho Constitution and of the laws of theState, touching your duty in such case, to

cause such elections to bo held in yourrespective Counties, on tho day aforesaid,ami to take all the necessary stops for theholding of such elections, and for tho as¬certaining and determining the personswho shall have been duly elected thereat.Given under my hand and the seal of thoState, in tho city of Columbia, this 9thday of October, tn tho year of our Lordone thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and in the ninety-third year oftho Independence of tho United Statesof America.

ROBERT K. SCOTT, Governor.F. L. CABDOZO, Secretary of State.Oct 14The Charleston Courier. Abbeville Ban¬

ner, Anderson Intelligencer, Barnwell Sen¬tinel, Bennettsvillo Journal, Camden Jour¬nal, Chcraw Advertiser. Chester Standard,Horry Sentinel, Darlington Southerner,Edgeiield Advertiser, Georgetown Times,Greenville Mountaineer, Kingstrco Star,Laurcnsvillo Herald, Lancaster Ledger,Clarondon Banner, Marion Star, NewberryHerald, Orangebnrg News, Keowee Cou¬rier, Pendleton Gazette, Spartanburg Re¬press, Sumter Watchman, Lnionvillo Times,Fairfield Herald, Yorkvillc Enquirer, willplcaso publish tho above proclamationonce, and send copy and bill to the oftlceof Secretary of State._EOSADALISPurifies the Blood.

For Suie hy Druggist* Everywhere.July21 HUlyrGREGG. PALMER & CO.,


JgUY and sell GOLD.SILVER,



on commission. March 10D. W. HAWTHORNE^

Broker and Commission Merchant,WALHALLA, S. C., aud Honoa Path,S. C., will attend to all businessentrusted to his caro at either placo.August 13_EATING HOUSE AT ALSTON.

PASSENGERS on tho Greenville andColumbia Railroad, can get BREAK¬FAST and DINNER at Alston-ample timebeing allowed.Doc 27 MARY A^ELKIN A 80N._

Dillon's Cotton Ties.AFULL supplv of DILLON'S IRONCOTTON TIES constantly on handand for salo low, at wholesale and retail,by J. AT. R. AGNEW.

Gin Bristles.Cyr\f\ POUNDS COTTON GIN BRIS-\J\J TLE8, just received and for sale

by J. St T. R. AGNEW.September 18_Smoking Tobacco.

1 f\i\ LBS. Puro 8nanish SMOKING1UU TOBACCO,KIO lbs. Lono Jack Smoking Tobacco.For salo low by E. St G. D. HOPE.^ 4 On Consignment.

BOXES TOBACCO for sale low.GREGG, PALMER »t CO.September 15

VJ »

Auotiou Sales*~ SHÄIFFB SALE.

BY virtue of a writ ol Herí facias to medirected, I will sell, on tho FIRSTMONDAY in Novombor next, in front ofthe Court Houso, in Columbia, within thelegal honra, tho following proporty, viz:180 aoroa of LAND, in Richland County,bouuded as follows: On tho North by BetsyThomas and Thomas Cooper, East by Bou-natus Thomas, South by S. J. Smithy andWest by Lands formerly ownod by isaacDent; lovied on as tho proporty of Sarah8. Cosby, Exocutrix of Jamos Cosby, de¬ceased, at tho suit of Thomas W. Radcliffets. Sarah S. Cosby, Exeoutrix of. JamesCosby, deceasod.Terms cash. ' P. F. FRAZE is,Oct 13 tnf -,_8. lt. C.United States of America-Districtof South Carolina-In the DistrictCourt.WHEREAS no District Court will behold from thia day, until 26th day ofOctober, instant, except for tho purpose ofadjourning o ver to that dav; it is, thorefore,ordered, that all Motions, Potit ions, ormatt :>ru of any kind whatever for tho finaldischargo of Bankrupts, or for any otherEurposo, whioh havo been ordered to beeard boforo the said 26th day of October,be, and tho samo aro hereby, postponeduntil that day. GEO. 8. BRYAN,United States District Judge for Districtof South Carolina._Oct 8 f3

NOTICE.NOTICE is hereby given that applica-cation -.viii bo made, in three monthsfrom this date, at thu State Tieasury, fora renewal of Certificate of State Stock,No. 62, dated November 27,1867, to tt. B.Mills, or assigus-tho original of whichhas boen lost or destroved.

R. B. MILL8.Arr, rST 1, 1863._Aug 7 fm26IP New hay Mackerel.QA WHOLE AND HALF BABRELSOVJ NEW MACKEREL, for salo low bySept 17_E. & G. D. HOPE.

Hams, Hams.fifi CHOICE Canvassed HAMS, justâv/v received and for sala low by

w Sept 21_J. &, T. R. AGNEW.Molasses and Syrups.CUBA, Muscovado and Now Orleans MO¬LASSES; also. Sugar House SYBUPSjust received and for salo low by_8opt 12_ J. & T. B. AGNEW.Sugars and Coffee.

-1 {\ HHDS. PORTO RICO SUGABS,±\J 50 bbls. Refiued Sugars,75 bags Rio Coffee, all grades,15 bags Java and Laguavra Coffee.For sale low by E. &. G. D. HOPE.September 16Candles and Soap.t BOXES ADAMANTINE ANDXVjvJ SPERM CANDLES,75 boxes Superfine Washing and ToiletSoaps. For sale low br

September IC E. & G. D. HOPE.Woodenware and Brooms.

TUBS, Painted and Rrass Bound Buck¬ets, Churns, Well Buckets, Cothea-pins, Rune; Floggers. Darrel Covers, WashBoards, Measures, Flour Pails, 8ngarBoxes, Lemon Squeezers, Bowls, Trays,Kegs, Mats, DasUets, Matches, ¿c., justreceived and for sale low by_Sept^_J. A T; B. AGNEW."WASHINGTON HOUSE,nv AIns. M. ir. STRATTON.CORNER Gervais and Assembly streets,Columbia, 8. C. Convenient to theGreenville! and Charleston Raiiroatk, andtho business portion of tho city.Rates of transient board-$2 nor day.Lodgings can ho obtained with or with¬out meals, at any time._Sept 30 3m

Bagging and Hope.i r\f\ PlECES GUNNY ANDBORNEOlVJVj RAGGING,40 coils Greenleaf and Hemp Bone.For salo low by E. k G. D. HOPE.SeptemborlG_;_?

Wrapping Paper.-f f\t\ BEAMS Grocer's WRAPPING1UU PAPER for salo at New Yorkprimea._ E. & G. D. HOPE.

MAGINLEY & CARROLL'SGreat Legitimate


THOROUGHLY RE-ORGANIZED andequipped for tho Beason of 1868, and

roprosonttng new features and faces; mul¬tifarious, diversified and endless succes¬sion of novelties, by a carefully selectedtroupe from tho

Paragons of Equestrian ArtTho great aim of the Managers is ori¬

ginality and excollence; and with this viewthey havo congregated an assomblago ofArtists, from tho most celobrated nebuolsof Equestrian and GymtiShtto Art both inEnropo and America. Tho facilillos forspeody and oortain transit aro unequaled.No jaded Horses and weary, travolrwornPerformers.Everything Novel arid Brilliant.This ne plus ultra exhibition will bo abOOLUMRIA, Friday, October, 28d, for Ohoday only.Will alBO exhibit at the following towns:Unionville, Saturday, October 21th; Spar-tanburg, Monday, October 26tb; NewberryC. H., Tuosdav, October 27th; Laurena C.H., Wednesday 28tb; Abbevillo C. H.,Thursday 29th; Greenville, Friday 80th;Walhalla, Saturday, Ootober 31st.Whore they will give two GRAND EX¬HIBITIONS, at 2 and hnlf-past 6 o'clockP.M. <Admission.75 cents.Children.Í.50 cents.Oct 9 D. CROSBY, Agent.