Aula 15 - Bad Smells

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  • Bad Smells

    Baldoino Fonseca [email protected]

  • Introduc7on

    To learn common design problems so you can recognize them in your own code.

    The most common design problems result from code that is: Duplicated



  • Duplicated Code

    You have the same code structure in more than one


  • Duplicated Code

    Similarity between two expressions in two methods of the same class


    +advisedLine(loan : Loan) : double

    +termLoan(loan : Loan) : double

    return loan.getUnusedPercentage()* loan.getCommitment()* dura7on(loan)* riskFactFor(loan); return loan.getCommitment()*

    dura7on(loan)* riskFactFor(loan);

    +dura7on(loan : Loan) : double

    +riskFactFor(loan : Loan) : double Similarity = 75%

  • Duplicated Code Similarity between two expressions in subclasses


    +capital(loan : Loan) : double +dura7on(loan : Loan) : double +riskFactFor(loan : Loan) : double


    +capital(loan : Loan) : double


    +capital(loan : Loan) : double +dura7on(loan : Loan) : double

    return loan.getUnusedPercentage()* loan.getCommitment()* dura7on(loan)* riskFactFor(loan);

    return loan.getCommitment()* dura7on(loan)* riskFactFor(loan);

    Similarity = 75%

  • Duplicated Code Similarity between codes in two unrelated classes


    name areaCode number



    cnpj oceAreaCode oceNumber


    Similarity = 66%

  • Duplicated Code public class Loan { public Loan(oat no7onal, oat outstanding, int ra7ng, Date expiry){ this.strategy = new TermROC(); this.no7onal = no7onal; this.outstanding = outstanding; this.ra7ng = ra7ng; this.expiry = expiry; } public Loan(oat no7onal, oat outstanding, int ra7ng, Date expiry, Date maturity){ this.strategy = new RevolvingTermROC(); this.no7onal = no7onal; this.outstanding = outstanding; this.ra7ng = ra7ng; this.expiry = expiry; this.maturity = maturity; } public Loan(CapitalStrategy strategy, oat outstanding, int ra7ng, Date expiry, Date maturity){ this.strategy = strategy; this.no7onal = no7onal; this.outstanding = outstanding; this.ra7ng = ra7ng; this.expiry = expiry; this.maturity = maturity; }




  • Duplicated Code Similarity among the condi7onal logic applied throughout

    the system to deal with a null object


    +mouseDown() : boolean +mouseMove() : boolean


    +mouseDown() : boolean +mouseMove() : boolean


    +mouseDown() : boolean +mouseMove() : boolean

    If (mouseEventHandler != null) return mouseEventHandler.mouseMove(); return true; If (mouseEventHandler != null) return mouseEventHandler.mouseMove(); return true;


  • Long Parameter List

    To pass in as parameters everything needed by a rou7ne

  • Long Method The size of the parameter list

    analyze(start : String, end : String, startTime : int, endTime, amount, data: Type) : void

    5 args

  • Long Method When an object invokes a method, then passes

    the result as a parameter for a method

    Int basePrice = _quan7ty * _itemPrice; discountLevel = getDiscountLevel(); Double nalPrice = discountPrice ( basePrice, discountLevel);

    1 result

  • Long Method You are geEng several values from an object and

    passing these values as parameters in a method call

    Int low = range.getLow(); Int high = range.getHigh(); withinPlan = plan.withinRange(low, high);

    2 values

  • Long Method You have a group of parameters that naturally

    go together - Data Clumps


    amountInvoiceIn(start:Date, end:Date) amountReceivedIn(start:Date, end:Date)

    amountOverdueIn(start:Date, end:Date)

    2 parameters 3 places

  • Long Method

    A method is trying to do too much

  • Long Method You have many temporary variables

    Vegeta7on vegeta7on = new Vegeta7on( ); Slope slope = new Slope( ); Rain = new Rain( ); Soil = new Soil( ); Occupa7on occupa7on = new Occupa7on( ); Region region = new Region( );


    apply( ) : Strategy

    6 temps

  • Long Method

    The amount of switch statement for dispatching and handling request


    If ( ac7onName.equals(NEW_WORKSHOP){ //lots of code to create a new workshop } else if (ac7onName.equals(ALL_WORKSHOPS) { //lots of code to display informa7on about all workshops } many more else if statements

    2 ifs 2 requests

  • Long Method The amount of switch statement to gather data from numerous

    classes with dierent interfaces


    StringBuer results = new StringBuer(); NodeIterator nodes = parser.elements(); while(nodes.hasMoreNodes()){

    Node node = nodes.nextNode(); if(node instanceof StringNode){ add contents to results }else if(node instanceof LinkTag){ add contents to results }else if(node instanceof Tag){ add contents to results }else if }

    } return retults.toString();





    +extractText( ) : String

    4 ifs 4 gather data

  • Long Method The amount of versions of an algorithm and condiIonal

    logical to choose which version to use at runIme capital(){ if(expiry == null && maturity != null) return commitment*dura7on()*riskFactor(); if(expiry == null && maturity == null){ if(getUnusedPercentage() != 1.0) return commitment*getUnusedPercentage()* dura7on()*riskFactor(); else return (outstandingRiskAmount()*dura7on()*riskFactor() + (unusedRiskAmount()*dura7on()*unusedRiskFactor()); } return 0.0; }


    +capital( ) : double 4 ifs

    3 strategy

  • Long Method You have a single bulky method that accumulates informaIon to

    a local variable

    String result = new String(); result += ; Iterator it = children.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ TagNode node = (TagNode); result += node.toString(); } If(! tagValue.equals( )) result+= tagValue; result+= ; return result;


    toString( ) : String

    9 lines

  • Large Class

    A class is trying to do too much

  • Large Class Fields and Methods

    Home dvd: DVD cd: CD

    watchMovie() : void

    tv: TV

    tuner: Tuner light: Light

    temperature: Temperature projector: Projector

    endMovie() : void listenToCd() : void endCd() : void listenToRadio() : void endRadio() : void

    7 lines

    6 lines

  • Large Class The condiIonal expressions that control an objects state

    transiIons are complex.

    If ( state != REQUESTED && state != UNIX_REQUESTED)

    return; willBeHandledBy(admin); If ( state == REQUESTED)

    state = CLAIMED; else if (state == UNIX_REQUESTED)

    state = UNIX_CLAIMED;


    state: String REQUESTED : String

    claimedBy() : void

    CLAMED: String

    GRANTED: String DENIED: String


    grantedBy() : void deniedBy() : void

    4 Verica7ons

  • Large Class Numerous methods on a class combine elements of an

    implicit language

    List nonWhiteProductsBelowNineDollars = productFinder.belowPriceAvoidingAColor(9.00f, Color.white);


    byColor() : List byPrice() : List

    bySize() : List

    belowPriceAvoidingAColor() : List byColorAndBelowPrice() : List

    byColorSizeAndBelowPrice() : List


    6 lines

  • Divergent Change On class is commonly changed in dierent ways for dierent reasons.


    watchMovie() : void endMovie() : void

    listenToCd() : void

    endCd() : void listenToRadio() : void endRadio() : void

    onProjector() : void

    oProjector() : void

    8 methods 8 concerns

  • Shotgun Surgery When every 7me you make a kind of change, you have to make a lot of Liule changes to a lot of dierent classes

    Movie Cd DVD Radio Projector


  • Feature Envy A method that seems more interested in a class other than the one it actually is in.


    descrip7on: String gender : String

    mediaDescrip7on() : String


    email: String prex: String

    getEmail() : String

    areacode: String

    number: String webpage: String

    getPrex() : String getAreaCode() : String

    getNumber() : String

    getWebpage() : String

    return descrip7on + gender + getEmail() + getPrex() + getAreaCode() + getNumber() + getWebpage();

    6 interests

    2 auributes

  • Primi7ve Obsession

    It occurs when the designer uses primi7ve data types to represent domain ideas

  • Primi7ve Obsession You have an array in which certain elements

    mean dierent things

    String[] row = new String[3]; row[0] = Liverpool; row[1] = 15;

    2 dierent auributes

  • Primi7ve Obsession The primiIve value controls logic in a class and

    the primiIve value isnt type-safe SystemPermission

    state: String REQUESTED : String

    claimedBy() : void

    CLAMED: String

    GRANTED: String DENIED: String


    grantedBy() : void deniedBy() : void

    public nal sta7c String REQUESTED = REQUESTED;


    state = CLAIMED;

    7 Primi7ve Types

  • Primi7ve Obsession You have a data item that needs addiIonal data or behavior.


    customer : String

  • Primi7ve Obsession You have an immutable type code that aects

    the behavior of a class.


    ENGINEER : int

    SALESMAN: int

    type: int

  • Lazy Class A class that is not doing enough to pay for itself.



    Only one subclass

  • Specula7ve Generality

    I think we need the ability to this kind of thing someday.

  • Specula7ve Generality You have abstract classes that arent doing




    Only one subclass

  • Specula7ve Generality Methods with unused parameters


    getContact(date:Date) 1 unused parameter

  • Specula7ve Generality The name of a method does not reveal its




  • Message Chains The client is coupled to the structure of the navigaIon.

    object.getE().getD().getC().getB().getA().getValue(); 6 chains

  • Middle Man

    A class is doing too much simple delegaIon.

  • Middle Man If only a few methods arent doing much

    int getRa7ng(){ return (moreThanFiveLateDeliveries()) ? 2 : 1; } Boolean moreThanFiveLateDeliveries(){ return _numberOfLateDeliveries > 5; }

    1 line

  • Indecent Exposure

    It occurs when methods or classes that ought not be visible to clients are publicity visible to


  • Indecent Exposure Methods or classes that ought not to be visible

    to clients are publicly visible to them




    +BooleanDescriptor ()


    +DefaultDescriptor ()


    +ReferenceDescriptor ()


    3 subclass

  • Data Class

    These are classes that have elds, ge~ng and se~ng method for elds, and nothing else. In early stages these classes are dumb data holders and are almost certainly being manipulated in far too much detail by other classes.

  • Data Class Fields


    + dvd: DVD + cd: CD

    + tv: TV

    + tuner: Tuner + light: Light

    + temperature: Temperature + projector: Projector

    7 elds

  • Refused Bequest

    Subclasses get to inherit the methods and data of their parents. But what if they dont want or need what they are given? They are given all these great gis and pick just a few to play with.

  • Comments

    TIP: When you feel the need to write a comment, rst try to refactor the code so that any comment becomes superuous.