Materials Needed: Pen or Pencil Sheet of Paper Bowie’s Reminders: All materials are due this Friday, 8.27. AICE Language Only: Pick up Huckleberry Finn and read up to Ch. 18 by Wednesday, 9.1. Agenda Time 2-3 minutes 5-7 minutes 10 minutes 25 minutes 3 minutes Activity How Participation Works Hampton Background Textbook Pickup (2 nd , 4 th , 5 th period only) Moral Dilemmas Homework: Areas of Expertise / Huck Finn & 1984 August 25 th , 2010

August 25th, 2010 - PBworksjhampton.pbworks.com/f/082510b.pdf · Moral Dilemma: a problem that has no right or wrong answer. Moral Dilemmas Non-Example Example: A train is running

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Materials Needed:

•  Pen or Pencil

•  Sheet of Paper

Bowie’s Reminders:

All materials are due this Friday, 8.27.

AICE Language Only: Pick up Huckleberry Finn and read up to Ch. 18 by Wednesday, 9.1.

Agenda Time

2-3 minutes

5-7 minutes 10 minutes

25 minutes 3 minutes

Activity How Participation Works

Hampton Background Textbook Pickup (2nd, 4th, 5th period only)

Moral Dilemmas Homework: Areas of Expertise / Huck Finn & 1984

August 25th, 2010

August 25, 2010 (8.25.10)   Imagine that in 5 minutes, you have to give a

presentation to the class about your entire life. This presentation is to last no more than 5 minutes. Obviously, you’ll have to determine what is important to mention and what is not important. Use about 6-8 sentences and the next 5 minutes to “summarize” your life!

Warm Up


  Stated in syllabus: “I do not rely on hand raisers to answer questions in my class.

Mainly, you will be called on at random through the use of the card that is taped to your desk.”

How Participation Works

  Card taped to desk.   Mr. Hampton has duplicate cards in pocket.   Card is selected = You are selected

How Participation Works

  Born in 1983.   Grew up in South Florida.


  Went to University of Florida.   2002-2007

  Working at North Marion!   2007-present

Hampton Background

  Married on June 26, 2010   Honeymoon to the Florida Keys

  Duck Key (Marathon)

Hampton Background

  I play tennis.   Member of Ocala Tennis Federation.   Play in USTA (United States Tennis Association) League.   Team went to Regional and State competitions.

  Placed 1st in North Florida Region   Placed 2nd in state of Florida   Went 14-0 this season

Hampton Background

  2nd, 4th, 5th period only   Snack While You Work Challenge still in effect!

  Winning class…Mr. Hampton brings in snacks, sodas for free.   Given at end of Quarter (early October)

Textbook Pickup

  Looking at 2 moral dilemmas.   You will be writing.

Moral Dilemmas

  Moral Dilemma: a problem that has no right or wrong answer.

Moral Dilemmas

  Moral Dilemma: a problem that has no right or wrong answer.

Moral Dilemmas

Non-Example Example:

A train is running out of control down a track. In its path are 15 people who have been tied to the track. Fortunately, you can flip a switch that will lead the train down a different track to avoid hitting the 15 people, which would save their lives.

Should you flip the switch?

  Moral Dilemma: a problem that has no right or wrong answer.

Moral Dilemmas

Non-Example Example:

A train is hurtling down a track towards 15 people. The only way you can stop the train is by dropping a very heavy weight in front of it to save the 15 people. You notice there is a very fat man who could be pushed on the track to save the 15 people. However, doing this will kill the one very fat man to save the 15 people.

Should you push the very fat man on the track to save the 15 people?

  Mr. Hampton will read the situation.   Spend about 5 minutes answering.   Discussion via playing cards after.

Moral Dilemmas

A woman was near death from cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. The drug was expensive, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to make; he paid $200 for the drug and charged $2,000 for it.

The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about $1,000, which is half of what it would cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But, the druggist said: "No, I discovered the drug and I'm going to make money from it.”

So, Heinz got desperate and broke into the man's store and stole the drug for his wife.

Respond: Should Heinz have broken into the lab to steal the drug for his wife? Why or why not? Look at the passage above and use examples for your reasoning!

Heinz Dilemma

Your 18-year old brother comes home one night and explains that he wishes to get married to his “true love,” a girl who he met about three months ago. Unfortunately, both of your parents are against the marriage —they threaten that if your brother gets married to his “true love,” your parents will banish and disown your brother forever, meaning you would never see him again.

Respond: Should your brother get married to his “true love”? Why or why not? Are there any factors from this situation--length of time they’ve been dating, the age of your brother, etc.--that influence your decision? Explain.

True Love

  Huckleberry Finn eBook:   http://etext.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/Twa2Huc.html

  1984 eBook:   http://www.george-orwell.org/1984

  Drawback Not buying “real” book = must print out

Summer Reading Information

Homework Log

Date Given Assignment Due Date

Monday, 8.23 •  Buy all required materials; bring to class.

Friday, 8.27

Wednesday, 8.25 •  On a ½ sheet of paper, write 3-5 areas of expertise you have.

•  Write 1-2 paragraphs that explain why these are your areas of expertise.

Thursday, 8.26

Wednesday, 8.25 •  Get a copy of Huckleberry Finn and 1984. Read up to Ch. 18 of Huck Finn.

Wednesday, 9.1

  Something you are an “expert” in.


  What are YOU good at?

  Example (Mr. Hampton) 1.  Tennis 2.  Building projects 3.  Technology 4.  Video Games

Areas of Expertise