Christ the King Lutheran 1515 North Garden Street New Ulm, MN 56073 (507) 354-4672 or (888) 685-5895 Emergency cell phone: 507-766-3190 [email protected] Christ the King website http://christtheking-newulm.org Return Service Requested Worship Services Saturday 5:33 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. August 2018 Christ the King CtK Staff CtK Council Members Christ the King’s Pastor - Timothy Anderson Teri Arnoldt-Personnel Committee Mission Statement Finance/Office Manager-Laura Patterson Jen Dauer-Outreach/Social Ministry Communication Sec. - Ann Ayer Laura Gaylord-Youth/Education “A Family of Christians Custodian - Rita Beltz Sam Jacobs-Finance welcoming all as we journey Music Coordinator - Connie Jacobs Bobbi Jensen-Scholarship with God to teach, love, and Visitation Ministry Coordinator Mike Oetken-V.Pres./Worship serve others.” Helen Christenson Sharon Olson-Secretary Youth Ed. Coordinator- Margo Becker Stan Sheie-Property Youth Ministry Coordinator- Geri Groebner Carl Zeidler-President Non-Profit Org. Postage PAID New Ulm, MN 56073 Permit No. 142

August 2018 - Christ the King Church/New Ulm · contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an expression of love…to

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Page 1: August 2018 - Christ the King Church/New Ulm · contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an expression of love…to

Christ the King Lutheran

1515 North Garden Street New Ulm, MN 56073 (507) 354-4672 or (888) 685-5895 Emergency cell phone: 507-766-3190 [email protected] Christ the King website http://christtheking-newulm.org Return Service Requested Worship Services Saturday 5:33 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m.



Christ the King CtK Staff CtK Council Members Christ the King’s Pastor - Timothy Anderson Teri Arnoldt-Personnel Committee Mission Statement Finance/Office Manager-Laura Patterson Jen Dauer-Outreach/Social Ministry Communication Sec. - Ann Ayer Laura Gaylord-Youth/Education “A Family of Christians Custodian - Rita Beltz Sam Jacobs-Finance welcoming all as we journey Music Coordinator - Connie Jacobs Bobbi Jensen-Scholarship with God to teach, love, and

Visitation Ministry Coordinator – Mike Oetken-V.Pres./Worship serve others.” Helen Christenson Sharon Olson-Secretary

Youth Ed. Coordinator- Margo Becker Stan Sheie-Property Youth Ministry Coordinator- Geri Groebner Carl Zeidler-President

Non-Profit Org.

Postage PAID

New Ulm, MN


Permit No. 142

Page 2: August 2018 - Christ the King Church/New Ulm · contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an expression of love…to

King’s Messenger

Pastor’s Page August 1, 2018

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even

as I have been fully known. 13And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:12-13

My apologies for what follows, but I hope it makes sense. Lots of philosophy being read these days and sometimes it doesn’t get digested all the way. I love these words from 1 Corinthians 13 and am always a bit sad that they are usually not included in the reading for most weddings. I don’t know all the reasons for this, but one of them seems to be that the wedding is a means of self-expression rather than thanksgiving for the gift of the person one is marrying. Why the party? Why the invitations? Why all the money being spent? If the dress makes the wedding, then what happens when it is getting old and smelly in a box in the closet? We live in a world that sees life as our project, what we make of it. We give life its meaning and purpose. Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat are not the source of this, but the symptom of what has been coming for a long time. We have turned our technology into the perfect tool for our navel gazing rather than a means for us to reach out, we create a world of sameness, in which everyone else serves as a means to enrich our project. Two views of this issues come from Umberto Eco (philosopher and novelist) and Byung-Chul Han (philosopher/theologian):

1. In the liquid society many millions bid for attention, apparently driven by the sheer pleasure and excitement of being noticed. In the past, says [Umberto] Eco, people assumed recognition or praise was somehow earned, attached to the display of some skill or virtue widely prized. Now, however, it generally doesn’t take much to merit a legion of “followers,” a profusion of “likes.” It often just means laying claim to a parcel of media space. ( The Engaging Mind of Umberto Eco, by Brian Murray, JULY 16, 2018, http://www.libertylawsite.org/book-review/rose-the-engaging-mind-of-umberto-eco/)

2. [W]e are “achievement subjects” encouraged to see our lives as “projects,” presented with myriad opportunities

for self-improvement, and emotionally stimulated towards achievement. We worship our personal projects on the smartphone “rosaries” that keep track of our step-counts, likes, and retweets. Capital profits from this, of course. But no enemy Other oppresses or infects this modern society from the outside. Overachievers and “top dogs” suffer as much as underachievers and underdogs, if not more, from burnout and its characteristic symptom: depression. Without contemplation to create time for meaningful action, the modern “burnout society” destroys itself from within, fatigued by overexerting its own frantic energy. [Here is a short version: We are “burning out” on our own myriad self-improvement projects. The Internet

displays, exacerbates, and facilitates this burnout.]

A wedding service is a celebration of a gift, not a claim or a self-expression of who we are, which is true of all worship

services. What is celebrated at a wedding is “that we do not yet know the meaning of what we have been given.” A

wise man once noted Plato’s quote of an ancient poem: “For this reason do the gods call Eros(Love) not the ‘winged

one’ but the ‘wing-giver.’” To put it a different way, “by absorbing beauty with the right disposition, we experience, not

gratification, satisfaction, and enjoyment but the arousal of an expectation; we are oriented toward something ‘not-yet-

here’” That’s what a wedding is because love is what life is about; this is what Paul does when he uses the Greek word

Agape as the Love which is God’s love for the us.

By absorbing the goodness, truth and beauty of God’s love for us it is just possible that we might have our lives oriented

toward that “something ‘not yet here.’” Love gives us wings, but not of our own making, they are a gift of God’s love for

Page 3: August 2018 - Christ the King Church/New Ulm · contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an expression of love…to

us. Worship “days are … an occasion for contemplation that lets God’s world be God’s. Only when we “linger” in

contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an

expression of love…to let Others be as they are. Love is attention, faithfulness, contemplation, allowing others their

space, bearing their burdens, and all of these things take time, just as a marriage lasts longer than a wedding and love is

the invitation to that which “not yet here.”

All of which reminds me of another wedding passage that is frequently read with verse 18 omitted for what we think are

obvious reasons: As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility,

meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as

the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything

together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:12-14

Pastor Tim

Worship Notes for August August 5 – Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Readings and Psalm: Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15; Psalm 78:23-29; Ephesians 4:1-16; John 6:24-35 Theme: The world demands proof, power, results and expects that God works according to its purposes and timetable. God’s purpose and time are not ours, but we will get what we need, because there is nothing that is, that was not first given.

August 12 – Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Readings and Psalm: 1 Kings 19:4-8; Psalm 34:1-8; Ephesians 4:25--5:2; John 6:35, 41-51 Theme: Imitate God, that sounds like a tall order, but only because we see only limits in our sin. God’s grace opens everything up in new and unexpected ways.

August 19 – Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost Readings and Psalm: Proverbs 9:1-6; Psalm 34:9-14; Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58 Theme: Make “the most of your time, because the days are evil.” These words of Paul don’t strike modern ears so well, because we generally are thinking that we must make the most of our time because they will come to an end. We scramble about, trying to cram as much into life as we can, hardly noticing what we miss along the way. So which way is the way of wisdom and why might we want to listen to Paul’s advice again. August 26 – Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Readings and Psalm: Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18; Psalm 34:15-22; Ephesians 6:10-20; John 6:56-69

Theme: “When many of his disciples heard it, they said, ‘This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?’” This

could be said of just about every teaching of Jesus. Maybe that is why the writer G. K. Chesterton wrote:

“Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.” It is not the

Christian faith that fails, but we as followers fail constantly, and must, like Peter, turn to the one who has the

words of eternal life.

Council Corner—the council’s complete minutes are on the church’s website. Please also keep in mind

that the minutes from June’s council meeting are approved at the Julymeeting and then published on the website in AUGUEST, there will always be a 2 month lag in reporting the council minutes.

Highlights from June:

~ Property Committee –Shed was cleaned out, Lights over the altar will be changed to make the front of the sanctuary brighter. (done in July)

~ Personnel Committee –Pastor Tim reports Ann Ayer is resigning as Choir director and we will search for a new person, hopefully we will have someone by this fall.

~Youth/Education Committee – Vacation Bible School is being worked on in coordination with painting event for kids; kids and older youth going to various camp activities, youth group going on mission trip to Chicago; Brat stand went well at Cashwise.

Page 4: August 2018 - Christ the King Church/New Ulm · contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an expression of love…to

New Business. July meeting was cancelled, meet again in August.

“God did not make this person as I would have made him. He did not give him to me as a brother for me to

dominate and control, but in order that I might find above him the Creator. Now the other person, in the

freedom with which he was created, becomes the occasion of joy, whereas before he was only a nuisance and an

affliction. God does not will that I should fashion the other person according to the image that seems good to

me, that is, in my own image; rather in his very freedom from me God made this person in His image. I can

never know beforehand how God's image should appear in others. That image always manifests a completely

new and unique form that comes solely from God's free and sovereign creation. To me the sight may seem

strange, even ungodly. But God creates every man in the likeness of His Son, the Crucified. After all, even that

image certainly looked strange and ungodly to me before I grasped it.”

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community

Upcoming Event for Confirmation September 5th at 6:30 p.m. Confirmation Parent and Student Meeting

If you are going into grades 7-9, you will be receiving a mailing about this event during August, so please watch for it. Classes will resume on September 12th.

Many thanks for Mary Carlson, Marlys Christensen, Gail Meier, Deb Alsleben, Judy Traurig

& Helen Christenson for washing windows on the inside of the church.

A special THANK YOU to all who donated school supplies for the United Way Backpack project and those who donated

food for our food pantry box in the parking lot.

*Lisa Meyer as she recovers from neck surgery.

*Bev Fischer’s cousin and family during her difficult labor and delivery.

*Doug Bode and family as they grieve the death of Doug’s father Willard.

*Scott & Diane Rolloff, Gary & Julie Untiedt and families as they grieve the loss of their step-mother, Lois.

*Please keep Lucas Kjelshus in your prayers.

*Jackie Roesch and family as they grieve the death of Jackie’s mother.

*Micah Anderson and family as he undergoes surgery.

*Sam Jacobs & family as they grieve the death of his uncle, David Fleck.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Red Cross Bloodmobile

August 29,.30 & 31 at the New Ulm Civic Center. Christ the King is responsible for serving meals to the workers at the

bloodmobile. Please see the sign up sheet in the narthex if you are able to donate food or help serve.

Drew’s Crew

September 8, 2018. See poster on the kiosk for more information.

Financial Report Given in May $27,856

Budget for May 26,559

Given this year to date 135,988

Budgeted this year to date 145,701

Page 5: August 2018 - Christ the King Church/New Ulm · contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an expression of love…to


Sunday School Supplies needed that will be put to use for the 2018-19

year. Items can be dropped off in the office/youth office. Thank you!

Washable watercolor paint sets (our kids love to do this!)

Washable regular paint sets

Pom-poms assorted sizes and colors

8oz bubbles

Paper towels

Play-doh assortment of colors

Washable dabbers assorted colors

Washable ink stamp pads-gold, yellow, assorted colors

Star stamps assorted sizes, etc.

Mini flashlights

Googly eyes assorted sizes and colors

Lysol disinfectant wipes


Empty 8 oz. sour cream containers

New/gently used little animals (not stuffed) Parents, Grandparents, Families of all ages of children, have facebook? Join Christ the King

Youth! Stay up-to-date on local church & community events available for our kids! This is a great

way to get a heads up of when kids are singing in church and other news!

CtK Q&A What are the official names of the different areas of the church building? Narthex—the entrance or lobby area of the church. Nave—the main worship area of the church containing the pews/chairs where the congregation sits. Sanctuary—meaning “sacred place” this is the altar area, usually on a raised platform or stage. Pulpit/Lecturn—the large podium from which the readings are done and the sermon may be preached. Many churches have two such podiums, the one on the left as you look at the altar is the pulpit and the one on the right is called the lecturn. Sacristy—a room where special objects used in worship are stored (banners, robes, communion supplies, music/sound equipment, etc.)

Page 6: August 2018 - Christ the King Church/New Ulm · contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an expression of love…to

Please consider signing on to help with our children & youth by August, so we can be ready to go for the upcoming year. Our kids thrive with consistent positive mentors. Our SS Prep Team preps the lesson for you. You just need to preview the lesson and CARE about

the kids. Jr. High + can teach! YOU make the difference!

1 teacher to share teaching time in 3rd grade

Substitutes, if you have an age preference, please let me know!

Helpers to assist in classrooms

Please contact Margo Becker at [email protected]

VBS and Canvas Creations at CTK Aug 7-9th: VBS, "Where Jesus' Love is Cool", from 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., for ages 3 year old preschool- completed 4th grade. Cost: $10. Scholarships

available. 5th grade and older are encouraged to help! Friends are welcome! Lunch will be provided for those that stay on Aug. 9th, (9:00 a.m.- 3:00p.m.) for

Canvas Creations.

August 9th: Children’s Canvas Creations, from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Cost: $20 or sponsored. All ages beginning at 4-5yr+. Bring friends! You are welcome to accompany the younger children, too. This is a fundraiser to raise money for our Campership fund which provides contributions for children and youth to attend camp, retreats, and adventures!

We want all children to be able to come and paint if they would like! If you are interested in sponsoring a child(ren), please let the office know.

To register for VBS and/or Canvas Creations, please pick up a form from the office, bulletin

board, or online and return it to the church with your payment attached, if applicable. Please

sign up at your earliest convenience, so we will know how many to plan for with supplies & space. Thank you! Questions or to sign up to help, please contact: Margo at [email protected] or Geri at [email protected] CTK Children’s Library: Our PreK-2nd graders enjoyed checking out books this past spring! We have a small beginning collection of stories and are in need of books to update our children’s library to include PreK-6th grade book choices. Our goal is to provide opportunities for our children and families to gather & grow in faith by having access to stories that are relevant to their everyday experiences. If you are interested in donating books to the Children’s library, please check out the public Amazon wishlist to order from or check in with the office/Margo. To access the Amazon wishlist go to www.amazon.com: Find a List or Registry (or Gift Cards and Registry)- (Friends List)- type in the search box: CTK Children’s Library. Thank you for your consideration!

SAVE THE DATE: SEPTEMBER 9, 2018- Fall Mixer Event with Sunday School Registration

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“Christ the King Youth” on Facebook!

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Page 12: August 2018 - Christ the King Church/New Ulm · contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an expression of love…to
Page 13: August 2018 - Christ the King Church/New Ulm · contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an expression of love…to
Page 14: August 2018 - Christ the King Church/New Ulm · contemplation can we find something outside of ourselves to commit ourselves to. [Byung-Chul] Han argues this is an expression of love…to