DETERIORATING PATIENT EDUCATION LEARNING PATHWAYS A guide to target audience identification August 2015

August 2015 - Agency for Clinical Innovation...August 2015 Page 8 ADULTS PATIENTS ONLY Nurses (Registered or Enrolled) and Medical Staff that work in areas with ONLY Adult patients

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    A guide to target audience identification

    August 2015

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 2

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 3



    Contents ....................................................................................................................................................................3

    Purpose .....................................................................................................................................................................5

    Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................................5

    Background ...............................................................................................................................................................5

    NSW Health Policy and National Standards ............................................................................................................5

    Program Frequency ..................................................................................................................................................6

    Data Migration ...........................................................................................................................................................6

    Related HETI documents ..........................................................................................................................................6

    Learning pathways – Between the Flags Education ................................................................................................7

    Adults patients ONLY ............................................................................................................................................8

    Nurses ................................................................................................................................................................8

    Adults patients ONLY ............................................................................................................................................9

    Allied Health Professionals (Group 1 & 2) ........................................................................................................9

    Paediatrics patients ONLY ................................................................................................................................. 10

    Nurses ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

    Paediatrics patients ONLY ................................................................................................................................. 11

    Allied Health Professionals (Group 1& 2) ...................................................................................................... 11

    Maternity Clients/patients only ........................................................................................................................... 12

    Obstetricians, Gynaecologists and Midwives ............................................................................................... 12

    Mixed - Adult / Paediatric Patients / Midwifery services .................................................................................... 13

    Staff ................................................................................................................................................................. 13

    Appendix 1: Learning pathways vs previous education ....................................................................................... 14

    Appendix 2: List of current and previous education ............................................................................................. 16

    Appendix 3: Course titles and codes .................................................................................................................... 16

    Appendix 4: eLearning modules learning objectives ............................................................................................ 17

    M1 - Awareness, Charts and Escalation - Tier 1 ........................................................................................... 17

    Length: 20 minutes ......................................................................................................................................... 17

    M2 – Communication, Teamwork and Documentation - Tier 2 .................................................................... 17

    Length: 20 minutes ......................................................................................................................................... 17

    M3 – Systematic Assessment – ADULT – Tier 2 ........................................................................................... 17

    Length: 15 minutes ......................................................................................................................................... 17

    M4 – Case Studies specific to professional groups – ADULT – Tier 2 ......................................................... 17

    Neurological Case Studies – ADULT (Medical, Nursing and Allied Health*) ............................................... 17

    Length: 10 minutes ......................................................................................................................................... 17

    Respiratory Case Studies – ADULT (Medical, Nursing and Allied Health**) ............................................... 17

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 4

    Length: 10 minutes ......................................................................................................................................... 17

    Cardiac Case Studies – ADULT (Medical and Nursing) ............................................................................... 17

    Length: 10 minutes ......................................................................................................................................... 17

    Renal Case Studies – ADULT (Medical and Nursing) ................................................................................... 17

    Length: 10 minutes ......................................................................................................................................... 17

    DETECT Junior – PAEDIATRICS (Medical / Nursing) – Package currently available in EDMORE .............. 18

    recommended deterioration patient education ................................................................................................. 18

    Emergency SEPSIS KILLS program (Medical and Nursing) ......................................................................... 18

    Length: 60 minutes ......................................................................................................................................... 18

    Inpatient SEPSIS KILLS program (Medical and Nursing) ............................................................................. 18

    Length: 60 minutes ......................................................................................................................................... 18

    Appendix 5: face-to-face workshops - Tier Two Learning objectives .................................................................. 20

    DETECT .......................................................................................................................................................... 20

    DETECT Junior ............................................................................................................................................... 20

    Allied Health T2T ............................................................................................................................................. 20

    CFHN T2T ....................................................................................................................................................... 20

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 5


    This document describes the learning pathways for the mandatory education related to the NSW Clinical

    Excellence Commission’s (CEC) deteriorating patient program, Between the Flags. The learning pathways

    provide the Local Health Districts and Specialty Networks with practical guidance on the requirements for, and

    how to target, staff to complete the Between the Flags education.


    In January 2010, the CEC introduced a major state-wide system across all hospitals called Between the Flags

    (BTF) to improve the early recognition and response to deteriorating patients. BTF is a multi-element safety net

    system consisting of, (i) governance standards, (ii) calling criteria incorporated in standard observation charts,

    (iii) minimum standards for a clinical emergency response system (CERS), (iv) specially designed education

    materials and (v) feedback on performance.

    Between the Flags provides a tiered approach to education which includes:

    Tier 1 – (‘awareness’) an introduction to the NSW BTF system, the Standard Observation Charts, and


    Tier 2 – (DETECT/DETECT junior) a structured approach to clinical assessment of the patient, the local CERS

    escalation protocol and appropriate care to provide while waiting for assistance.

    Tier 3 – Training for clinical staff that respond to a Clinical Review or Rapid Response. Members of the Rapid

    Response team are required to have advanced clinical and resuscitation skills.


    The BTF education was first released in 2010 and focused on clinicians that work with adult patients. This

    blended education package included an awareness package, a manual, eLearning modules (available

    through Moodle) and a face-to-face workshop (DETECT). The paediatric Between the Flags education

    (DETECT Junior) was released in 2013 using the same framework, with the eLearning modules being available

    through EDMORE. More recently, the CEC has worked with the LHDs to develop specific face-to-face

    workshops for Allied Health Professionals and Child and Family Health Nurses. The BTF education is evolving

    and where required is becoming more specific to the clinicians scope of practice and clinical setting.

    In 2012 the CEC, in collaboration with HETI, commenced a revision of the adult eLearning modules and the

    final revised modules were endorsed by the CEC’s Deteriorating Patient Steering Committee in March 2015.

    During this time HETI online was launched and discussions commenced to move the NSW Health EDMORE

    eLearning materials (including DETECT Junior) to HETI online. With this in mind and considering feedback

    from the LHD/Specialty Networks, the revision of the adult eLearning modules aimed to reduce/eliminate any

    duplication while also tailoring the education (where possible) to the clinicians role and responsibilities.

    NSW Health Policy and National Standards

    NSW Health policy directive PD2013_049 ‘Recognition and Management of Patients who are Clinically

    Deteriorating’, mandates that Public Health Organisations must ensure that: all staff are aware of Between the

    Flags and know how to activate their local Clinical Emergency Response System and all clinicians providing

    direct patient care must complete both Tier 1 and Tier 2 of the BTF education curriculum for their clinical setting

    (Adult, Paediatric, Maternal/Newborn Services or mixed).

    The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care introduced the National Safety and Quality

    Health Service Standards in 2013. Section 9.6 of the National Standard 9 Recognising and Responding to

    Clinical Deterioration in Acute Health Care requires having a clinical workforce that is able to respond

    appropriately when a patient’s condition is deteriorating.

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 6

    Program Frequency

    The Between the Flags eLearning modules are to be completed once only, unless a Local Health District /

    Specialty Network make a decision to repeat the education in specific circumstances (i.e. as part of a

    professional development plan, remedial education).

    All Public Health facilities must establish systems to ensure that there are regular updates of the Between the

    Flags face-to-face education for existing staff and the training of new staff.

    Data Migration

    A large proportion of NSW Health staff have completed the Between the Flags mandatory training

    requirements since the original release in 2010. Migration of this information to HETI online is essential in order

    to accurately represent the significant investment LHDs have put into this training and to negate unnecessary


    Appendix 1 describes the courses/workshops that need to be completed by staff in order to meet the training

    requirements outlined in the targeting pathways which are based on patient as well as professional groups. A

    list of the current and previous courses and eLearning material are available in Appendix 2 and the allocated

    course codes are listed in Appendix 3.

    Related HETI documents

    Mandatory Training Matrix

    Guide to Target Audience Identification

    Summary Table - Mandatory Training Requirements

    Mandatory Education and Training Estimated Completion Time


  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 7

    Learning pathways – Between the Flags Education

    The learning pathways identify the mandatory and recommended training/education (eLearning and face-to-

    face) based on the following factors

    Professional group (Nursing, Medical, Allied Health) including pool/agency and locum staff; and

    Patient group (Adults, paediatric, maternity or mixed)

    Staff must complete the learning pathways based on the patients/clients that they provide care for. The

    learning objectives for the education (eLearning and Face-to-Face) are provided in appendices 4 and 5.

    The allocation of a specific pathway to a staff member is dependent on the services provided by the facility.

    For example, a large tertiary referral hospital that has adult general medical and surgical wards, maternity

    services, an adult intensive care unit, a mixed (adult and paediatric) emergency department, and a paediatric

    ward may allocate staff a pathway as below:

    Nursing Staff (dependant on areas they cover)

    o Adult general medical and surgical wards – ADULT PATIENTS ONLY pathways

    o Maternity services – MATERNITY CLIENTS / PATIENTS ONLY pathway

    o Adult intensive care unit - ADULT PATIENTS ONLY pathways

    o Mixed Emergency Department – ADULT and PAEDIATRIC pathways

    o Paediatric wards – PAEDIATRIC PATIENTS ONLY pathways

    o Midwives that works in maternity, general wards, ED and paediatric wards - ADULT,


    Allied Health Staff (dependant on areas they cover)

    o Only work in adult areas – ADULT PATIENTS ONLY pathways

    o If working / plan to work in ED / paediatric ward and adult general wards – ADULT and

    PAEDIATRIC pathways

    o Only working in paediatric areas - PAEDIATRIC PATIENTS ONLY pathways

    Medical staff (dependant on areas they cover / term rotations)

    o Only work in adult areas – ADULT PATIENTS ONLY pathways

    o If working / plan to work in ED / paediatric ward and adult general wards – ADULT and

    PAEDIATRIC pathways

    o Only working in paediatric areas - PAEDIATRIC PATIENTS ONLY pathways

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 8


    Nurses (Registered or Enrolled) and Medical Staff that work in areas with ONLY Adult patients

    *local determination required to identify staff allocated these ANZSCO codes that ONLY work in Adult areas

    M3 – Systematic Assessment - Adult

    Basic Life Support

    (Pre-requisite / conjoint education)

    Basic Life Support eLearning

    Life Support Assessment Tool

    Face-to-Face Training


    M4 – Case Studies – Adult (This will be a

    combined braching module)


    *254211 – Nurse Educator

    *254311 – Nurse Manager

    *254414 – Registered Nurse (Community Health)

    *254415 – Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency)

    *254416 – Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability)

    *254417 – Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)

    254418 – Registered Nurse (Medical)

    *254421 – Registered Nurse (Medical Practice)

    *254423 – Registered Nurse (Mental Health)

    *254423 – Registered Nurse (Perioperative)

    *254424 – Registered Nurse (Surgical)

    *254499 – Registered Nurse nec

    *411411 – Enrolled Nurse

    *254411 – Nurse Practitioner


    *252311 – Dental Specialist

    *252312 – Dentist

    *253111 – General Practitioner

    *253112 – Resident Medical Officer

    *253211 – Anaesthetist

    *253311 – Specialist Physician (General Medicine)

    *253312 – Cardiologist

    *253313 – Clinical Haematologist

    *253314 – Medical Oncologist

    *253315 – Endocrinologist

    *253316 – Gastroenterologist

    *253317 – Intensive care specialist

    *253318 – Neurologist

    *253322 – Renal Medicine Specialist

    *253324 – Thoracic Medicine Specialist

    *253399 – Specialist Physician (nec)

    *253411 – Psychiatrist

    *253511 – Surgeon (General)

    *253512 – Cardiothoracic Surgeon

    *253513 – Neurosurgeon

    *253514 – Orthopaedic Surgeon

    *253515 – Otorhinolaryngologist

    *253517 – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

    *253518 – Urologist

    *253521 – Vascular Surgeon

    *253912 – Emergency Medicine Specialist

    *253914 – Ophthalmologist

    *253915 – Pathologist

    *253917 – Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist

    *253918 – Radiation Oncologist

    253999 – Medical Practitioners (nec)

    M1 – Awareness, charts and escalation

    M2 – Communication, Teamwork and


    Recommended deteriorating patient

    education on HETI online

    Sepsis eLearning

    o Inpatient SEPSIS KILLS Program

    o Emergency SEPSIS KILLS Program

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 9


    Allied Health Professionals (Group 1 & 2) that work in areas with ONLY Adult patients

    *local determination required to identify if staff allocated these ANZSCO codes who physically exert patients

    1 – ALLIED HEALTH GROUP 1: conduct observation and/or physically exert patients

    2 – ALLIED HEALTH GROUP 2: do not conduct observation or physically exert patients

    M1 – Awareness, charts and escalation

    M2 – Communication, Teamwork and


    Basic Life Support

    (Pre-requisite / conjoint education)

    Basic Life Support eLearning

    Life Support Assessment Tool

    Face-to-Face Training

    Allied Health Tier Two Training

    *234915 – Exercise Physiologist

    *252411 – Occupational Therapist

    *252511 – Physiotherapist

    *252712 – Speech Pathologist

    251111 – Dietician

    251211 – Medical Diagnostic Radiographer

    251212 – Medical Radiation Therapist


    251213 – Nuclear Medicine Technologists

    251214 – Sonographer

    251412 – Orthotists

    251211 - Pharmacist

    *252411 – Occupational Therapist

    *252712 – Speech Pathologist

    251912 – Orthotists or Prosthetist


    251999 – Health Diagnostic & Promotion Professional nec

    252299 – Complementary Health Therapist (nec)252611 –


    252711 – Audiologist

    272112 – Drug and Alcohol counsellor

    272114 – Rehabilitation Counsellor

    272199 – Counsellor (nec)

    272311 – Clinical Psychologist

    272312 – Educational Psychologist

    272399 – Psychologist (nec)

    272511 – Social Worker

    272613 – Welfare Worker

    411214 – Dental Therapist / Oral Health Therapist

    411311 – Diversional Therapist

    M3 – Systematic Assessment - Adult

    M4 – Case Studies Adult – Allied health

    (This will be a combined branching module)

    Recommended deteriorating patient

    education on HETI online

    Sepsis eLearning

    o Inpatient SEPSIS KILLS Program

    o Emergency SEPSIS KILLS Program

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 10


    Nurses (Registered or Enrolled) and Medical Staff that work in areas with ONLY Paediatric patients

    *local determination required to identify staff allocated these ANZSCO codes that work only in Paediatrics


    *254211 – Nurse Educator

    *254311 – Nurse Manager

    254413 Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health)

    *254414 – Registered Nurse (Community Health)

    *254415 – Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency)

    *254416 – Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability)

    *254417 – Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)

    *254421 – Registered Nurse (Medical Practice)

    *254423 – Registered Nurse (Mental Health)

    *254423 – Registered Nurse (Perioperative)

    254425 – Registered Nurse (Paediatrics)

    *254499 – Registered Nurse nec

    *411411 – Enrolled Nurse

    *411412 – Mothercraft Nurse

    *254411 – Nurse Practitioner


    253321 – Paediatrician

    *252311 – Dental Specialist

    *252312 – Dentist

    *253111 – General Practitioner

    *253112 – Resident Medical Officer

    *253211 – Anaesthetist

    *253311 – Specialist Physician (General Medicine)

    *253312 – Cardiologist

    *253313 – Clinical Haematologist

    *253314 – Medical Oncologist

    *253315 – Endocrinologist

    *253316 – Gastroenterologist

    *253317 – Intensive care specialist

    *253318 – Neurologist

    *253322 – Renal Medicine Specialist

    *253324 – Thoracic Medicine Specialist

    *253399 – Specialist Physician (nec)

    253516 – Paediatric Surgeon

    *253411 – Psychiatrist

    *253511 – Surgeon (General)

    *253512 – Cardiothoracic Surgeon

    *253513 – Neurosurgeon

    *253514 – Orthopaedic Surgeon

    *253515 – Otorhinolaryngologist

    *253517 – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

    *253518 – Urologist

    *253521 – Vascular Surgeon

    *253912 – Emergency Medicine Specialist

    *253914 – Ophthalmologist

    *253915 – Pathologist

    *253917 – Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist

    *253918 – Radiation Oncologist

    253999 – Medical Practitioners (nec)

    M2 – Communication, Teamwork and


    DETECT junior eLearning module


    M1 – Awareness, charts and escalation

    Basic Life Support

    (Pre-requisite / conjoint education)

    Basic Life Support eLearning

    Life Support Assessment Tool

    RESUS4Kids (eLearning /practical)

    Face-to-Face Training

    DETECT Junior

    Child and Family Health Tier Two


    Recommended deteriorating patient

    education on HETI online

    Sepsis eLearning

    o Inpatient SEPSIS KILLS Program

    o Emergency SEPSIS KILLS Program

    Other training requirements

    Neonatal/Newborn recognition of


    (not yet developed and/or not available

    state wide)

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 11


    Allied Health Professionals (Group 1& 2) that ONLY work with Paediatric patients

    *local determination required to identify staff allocated these ANZSCO codes that work only in Paediatrics

    Basic Life Support

    (Pre-requisite / conjoint education)

    Basic Life Support eLearning

    Life Support Assessment Tool

    Face-to-Face Training

    Allied Health Tier Two Training – Paediatric

    slides only.

    (Not yet developed)

    M1 – Awareness, charts and escalation

    M2 – Communication, Teamwork and


    DETECT Junior

    Allied Health eLearning

    (Not yet developed)

    *234915 – Exercise Physiologist

    *252411 – Occupational Therapist

    *252511 – Physiotherapist

    *252712 – Speech Pathologist

    251111 – Dietician

    251211 – Medical Diagnostic Radiographer

    251212 – Medical Radiation Therapist


    251213 – Nuclear Medicine Technologists

    251214 – Sonographer

    251412 – Orthotists

    251211 - Pharmacist

    *252411 – Occupational Therapist

    *252712 – Speech Pathologist

    251912 – Orthotists or Prosthetist


    251999 – Health Diagnostic & Promotion

    Professional nec

    252299 – Complementary Health Therapist (nec)

    252611 – Podiatrist

    252711 – Audiologist

    272112 – Drug and Alcohol counsellor

    272114 – Rehabilitation Counsellor

    272199 – Counsellor (nec)

    272311 – Clinical Psychologist

    272312 – Educational Psychologist

    272399 – Psychologist (nec)

    272511 – Social Worker

    272613 – Welfare Worker

    411214 – Dental Therapist / Oral Health


    411311 – Diversional Therapist

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 12


    Obstetricians, Gynaecologists and Midwives that ONLY work in Maternity services

    254111 – Midwife

    253913 – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

    M1 – Awareness, charts and escalation

    M2 – Communication, Teamwork and


    M3 – Systematic Assessment - Adult

    Basic Life Support

    (Pre-requisite / conjoint education)

    Basic Life Support eLearning

    Life Support Assessment Tool

    Face-to-Face Training

    Fetal Welfare Assessment (F)

    Obstetric emergency and Neonatal

    resuscitation training (ONT)

    Other training requirements

    Neonatal/Newborn recognition of


    (not yet developed and/or not available

    state wide)

    Recommended deteriorating patient

    education on HETI online

    Sepsis eLearning

    o Inpatient SEPSIS KILLS Program

    o Emergency SEPSIS KILLS Program

  • Deteriorating Patient Education – Learning Pathways. August 2015 Page 13


    Staff that work in areas with a mixed patient group or work across areas with different patient groups are

    required to complete the training/learning pathways for each patient group (Adult, Paediatric, Maternity).

    Modules that are duplicated across the pathways will only need to be completed once.

    local determination is required to identify staff allocated these ANZSCO codes that work with a mixed patient group (with

    Adult and/or Paediatric and/or Maternity patients)


    254211 – Nurse Educator

    254311 – Nurse Manager

    254413 Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health)

    254414 – Registered Nurse (Community Health)

    254415 – Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency)

    254416 – Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability)

    254417 – Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)

    254418 – Registered Nurse (Medical)

    254421 – Registered Nurse (Medical Practice)

    254423 – Registered Nurse (Mental Health)

    254423 – Registered Nurse (Perioperative)

    254424 – Registered Nurse (Surgical)

    254499 – Registered Nurse nec

    411411 – Enrolled Nurse

    254411 – Nurse Practitioner

    254111 – Midwife


    252311 – Dental Specialist

    252312 – Dentist

    253111 – General Practitioner

    253112 – Resident Medical Officer

    253211 – Anaesthetist

    253311 – Specialist Physician (General Medicine)

    253312 – Cardiologist

    253313 – Clinical Haematologist

    253314 – Medical Oncologist

    253315 – Endocrinologist

    253316 – Gastroenterologist

    253317 – Intensive care specialist

    253318 – Neurologist

    253322 – Renal Medicine Specialist

    253324 – Thoracic Medicine Specialist

    253399 – Specialist Physician (nec)

    253411 – Psychiatrist

    253511 – Surgeon (General)

    253512 – Cardiothoracic Surgeon

    253513 – Neurosurgeon

    253514 – Orthopaedic Surgeon

    253515 – Otorhinolaryngologist

    253517 – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

    253518 – Urologist

    253521 – Vascular Surgeon

    253912 – Emergency Medicine Specialist

    253914 – Ophthalmologist

    253915 – Pathologist

    253917 – Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist

    253918 – Radiation Oncologist

    253999 – Medical Practitioners (nec)

    253913 – Obstetrician &Gynaecologist

  • Between the Flags Education – Learning Pathways. July 2015 Page 14

    Appendix 1: Learning pathways vs previous education

    TARGETING PATHWAYS Staff that have already completed the face-to-face workshops (or been granted RPL) have met

    the mandatory training requirements as per PD2013_049 for their learning pathway.

    (To attend the face-to-face workshop the participant must provide their eLearning certificate. Therefore if the

    below course has been completed it can be assumed that the eLearning has been completed) Patient Group Professional Group

    Adult patients ONLY

    Nurse DETECT workplace trainer or Super trainer workshop, OR

    DETECT workshop Medical Staff

    Allied Health (Group 1) DETECT workshop, OR

    Allied Health BTF Tier Two Education Face-to-Face workshop Allied Health (Group 2)

    Paediatric patients ONLY

    Nurse DETECT Junior workplace trainer or Super trainer workshop, OR

    DETECT Junior workshop Medical Staff

    Allied health (Group 1&2) Allied Health BTF Tier Two Education Face-to-Face workshop

    Maternity Clients/Patients ONLY Midwifery & Medical FONT1 OR DETECT workshop

    Mixed Patient group

    (Adult and/or Paediatric and /or



    Must complete training for each patient group under their care (as above) Medical Staff

    Allied Health (Group 1)

    Allied Health (Group 2)

    1 Fetal Welfare Assessment (F) Obstetric emergency and Neonatal resuscitation training (ONT)

  • Between the Flags Education – Learning Pathways. July 2015 Page 15

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  • Between the Flags Education – Learning Pathways. July 2015 Page 16

    Appendix 2: List of current and previous education

    Original ‘Between the Flags’ Education - eLearning

    BTF Awareness presentation 2010 (provided locally during orientation)

    DETECT eLearning Moodle: 2010 – 2013

    DETECT Junior eLearning (EDMORE) 2013 - present

    Initial revision to Between the Flags Education (released in 2013 - present)

    Deteriorating Patient – Adult eLearning modules via HETI online (Module 1 and 2)

    Between the Flags Tier Two Education: DETECT eLearning (Adult) - Moodle module made scorm

    compliant to make accessible through HETI online

    Current ‘Between the Flags’ face-to-face workshops

    DETECT face-to-face (full day/half day) - (2010)

    DETECT Junior Face-to-Face workshop (2013)

    Allied Health Tier Two Education (2014)

    Child & Family Health Network Tier Two Education (2014)

    FONT (Midwives ONLY – covers the required Tier Two face-to-face learning outcomes

    Appendix 3: Course titles and codes

    Course Title Course Code HETI online code

    BTF Awareness Training CSK909 39829919 (legacy code CSK979)

    DETECT e-Learning (Moodle) CSK910 52884073

    DETECT Face-to-Face workshop (half day) CSK911

    DETECT Trainer the Trainer CSK926

    DETECT Super trainer #

    DETECT Junior – eLearning (Part I) CSK973

    DETECT Junior – Face-to-face workshop (Part II) CSK974

    DETECT Junior – Workplace trainer CSK975

    DETECT Junior – Super Trainer CSK976

    Child and Family Health Tier Two Education N/A 51576427

    Allied Health Tier Two Education OHS969

    BTF Tier Two RPL #

    Recommended deterioration patient education

    Emergency SEPSIS KILLS program CSK998 39941883

    Inpatient SEPSIS KILLS program N/A 49389821

    #allocated but unable to find in CEC records

    N/A new course, code allocated in 2014

    BTF Tier Two Education


    workshop that have been released state

    wide and assigned course


  • Between the Flags Education – Learning Pathways. July 2015 Page 17

    Appendix 4: eLearning modules learning objectives

    M1 - Awareness, Charts and Escalation - Tier 1 Length: 20 minutes

    Identify the reasons for implementation of the Between the Flags program

    Describe the five elements of the BTF program

    Describe the features of the NSW Standard Observation Charts

    Identify the standard response to observations in the Blue, Yellow and Red Zones

    M2 – Communication, Teamwork and Documentation - Tier 2 Length: 20 minutes

    Discuss the importance of effective communication and identify barriers to effective communication in the

    health care setting

    Identify effective use of a systematic communication tool (e.g. ISBAR)

    Discuss the importance of teamwork and demonstrate the ability to work effectively within a team

    Discuss the important of accurate and timely documentation and the importance of a clearly documented

    medical management plan

    M3 – Systematic Assessment – ADULT – Tier 2 Length: 15 minutes

    Identify what DETECT stands for

    Demonstrate a system-based approach to patient assessment (A-G)

    Identify patients at particular risk of clinical deterioration (The ‘E’ patient-at-risk categories)

    Identify, interpret and evaluate early and late warning signs of deterioration as part of a systematic

    approach to assessment

    Response to deterioration and apply initial management

    M4 – Case Studies specific to professional groups – ADULT – Tier 2

    Neurological Case Studies – ADULT (Medical, Nursing and Allied Health*) Length: 10 minutes

    Identify and evaluate early and late warning signs of neurological deterioration

    Recognise the initial management of neurological deterioration

    Report appropriate escalation for neurological deterioration *All Allied Health Professional(Group 2)

    Respiratory Case Studies – ADULT (Medical, Nursing and Allied Health**) Length: 10 minutes

    Identify and evaluate early and late warning signs of respiratory deterioration

    Discuss the initial management of respiratory deterioration

    Outline the appropriate escalation for respiratory deterioration **Allied Health Professionals (Group1) that who conduct observations and /or that physically exert patients

    Cardiac Case Studies – ADULT (Medical and Nursing) Length: 10 minutes

    Identify, interpret and evaluate early and late warning signs as part of a systematic approach to


    Respond to deterioration and apply initial management

    Renal Case Studies – ADULT (Medical and Nursing) Length: 10 minutes

    State the range for normal urine output

    Identify accurate assessment and documentation of urine, urine output and fluid balance

    Identify early and late signs of deterioration

    Recognise appropriate escalation for renal deterioration

  • Between the Flags Education – Learning Pathways. July 2015 Page 18

    DETECT Junior – PAEDIATRICS (Medical / Nursing) – Package currently available in EDMORE


    Describe the components of the BTF program and DETECT Junior

    List additional paediatric resources

    Outline the key differences in anatomy and physiology (A&P) between a child and adult

    Define developmental aspects of the different age groups

    Apply some helpful tips when assessing children




    The DETECT Process

    Provide healthcare practitioners with the knowledge, skills and understanding to recognise and

    response to early and late warning signs of clinical deterioration in infants and children

    Develop a systematic approach to ensure appropriate assessments and timely interventions

    and escalation

    Improve non-technical skills such as communication, teamwork, decision making and situation

    awareness in order to reduce the likelihood of adverse events as a result of human factors

    The DETECT Junior Assessment

    Quiz to evaluate knowledge after completing the introduction and the DETECT process


    Nursing / Medical Case Study 1 and 2

    Case study quiz testing knowledge gain in previous modules for each stage of the DETECT



    Emergency SEPSIS KILLS program (Medical and Nursing) Length: 60 minutes

    Inpatient SEPSIS KILLS program (Medical and Nursing) Length: 60 minutes

    Recognise that sepsis is a medical emergency.

    Identify the risk factors, signs and symptoms of sepsis.

    Outline the escalation of the septic patient.

    Define the initial management actions for sepsis.

    Discuss the requirements for 48 hour sepsis management

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    Appendix 5: face-to-face workshops - Tier Two Learning objectives








    2.1 Communication

    2.1.1 Discuss the importance of effective communication

    2.1.2 Identify barriers to effective communication in the health care setting

    2.1.3 Identify methods for improving communication including specific strategies for telephone


    2.1.4 Demonstrate effective communication including use of a systematic communication tool e.g.


    2.2 Documentation

    2.2.1 Discuss the importance of accurate and timely documentation

    2.2.2 Discuss the importance of a clearly documented medical management plan

    2.3 Teamwork

    2.3.1 Discuss the importance of teamwork

    2.3.2 Demonstrate the ability to work effectively within a team

    3.1 Perform a systematic patient assessment

    3.1.1 Demonstrate the systems based approach to patient assessment.

    3.1.2 Identify the differences in approach to patient assessment across the age spectrum within the

    paediatric population

    3.1.3 Discuss the implications of the anatomical and physiological differences across the age

    spectrum within the paediatric populations

    3.1.4 Identify the differences in approach to patient assessment between children and adults.

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    3.1.5 Discuss the implications of the anatomical and physiological differences between children and


    3.1.6 Discuss the physiological changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy and how

    these will alter common findings (included for non-midwives that work in maternity services and

    cannot attend the FONT course)

    3.2 Recognise deterioration

    3.2.1 Identify, interpret and evaluate early (Yellow Zone Criteria) and late (Red Zone Criteria) warning

    signs of deterioration as part of a systematic approach to assessment

    3.2.2 Identify patients at particular risk of clinical deterioration

    3.3 Respond to deterioration and provide initial management

    3.3.1 Provide initial management of deterioration

    3.3.2 Discuss the process for escalation of concern in your facility

    3.3.3 Identify roles and responsibilities in relation to ongoing management and monitoring of the

    patient who has clinically deteriorated

    4.1 Preform an assessment

    4.1.1 Demonstrate a comprehensive assessment of a patients respiratory status (airway & breathing)

    4.1.2 Demonstrate a comprehensive assessment of a patient cardiovascular status

    4.1.3 Demonstrate a comprehensive assessment of a patient’s neurological status

    4.1.4 Discuss the physiological requirements for maintenance of adequate urine output

    4.1.5 State the range for normal urine output

    4.1.6 Discuss causes of oliguria and anuria and polyuria

    4.1.7 Discuss the investigations that are used to identify and monitor renal function

    4.1.8 Demonstrate accurate assessment and documentation of urine, urine output and fluid balance

    4.1.9 Demonstrate a comprehensive assessment fluid & electrolyte status for a paediatric patient

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    4.2 Recognise deterioration

    4.2.1 Identify, interpret and evaluate the early & late warning signs of respiratory deterioration

    4.2.2 Identify, interpret and evaluate the early & late warning signs of cardiovascular deterioration

    4.2.3 Identify, interpret and evaluate the early & late warning signs of neurological deterioration

    4.2.4 Identify early and late warning signs of renal deterioration

    4.2.5 Identify, interpret and evaluate the early & late warning signs of fluid and electrolyte disturbance

    4.3 Respond to deterioration and provide initial management

    4.3.1 Provide initial management of respiratory deterioration

    4.3.2 Demonstrate appropriate escalation for respiratory deterioration

    4.3.3 Provide initial management of cardiovascular deterioration

    4.3.4 Demonstrate appropriate escalation for cardiovascular deterioration

    4.3.5 Provide initial management of neurological deterioration

    4.3.6 Demonstrate appropriate escalation for neurological deterioration

    4.3.7 Discuss the initial management of a patient with renal deterioration

    4.3.8 Demonstrate appropriate escalation for renal deterioration

    4.3.9 Provide initial management of fluid and electrolyte imbalance

    4.3.10 Demonstrate appropriate escalation of concern regarding fluid & electrolyte imbalance

    5.1 Transport principles

    5.1.1 List equipment required for transporting deteriorating patients.

    5.1.2 Describe the process for verification that the patient is safe for transport