August 2010 • JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA EDITION Celebrating the Life of... Bishop Walter Hawkins 1949-2010 Are You Hindering Your Own Elevation In God? Homemade Meals in Minutes Morning Routines Made Easy A specialFirst Lady will receive: A Make Over and Pampering at Salon 3:16 - Jacksonville, FL My First Lady A “Sensationnel” Woman of Style see page 7 Nominations end July 26th - Voting Starts July 28th -

August 2010 - Jacksonville, FL Edition

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Praise Reporter Jacksonville Florida

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Page 1: August 2010 - Jacksonville, FL Edition

a faith•based newsmagazinewww.praisereporter.com


Celebrating the Life of...

BishopWalter Hawkins


Are You Hindering Your Own Elevation In God?

Homemade Meals in Minutes

Morning Routines

Made Easy

A specialFirst Lady will receive:A Make Over and Pampering at

Salon 3:16 - Jacksonville, FL

My First LadyA “Sensationnel”Woman of Style

see page 7 Nominations end July 26th - Voting Starts July 28th -

Page 2: August 2010 - Jacksonville, FL Edition

Jacksonville, FL Edition | praisereporter.com | 904-410-2379 | August 20102

Ivory & Celeste Payne


Publisher’s PageStaffIvory D. Payne, Publisher

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The Praise Reporter is published 12 times per year (6 in print & 6 online) by Global Impact Media, LLC 4600 Touchiton Road, Building 100, Suite 250, Jacksonville, FL 32246. 866.961.7191 toll free

904.410.2379 Jacksonville, FL 614.678-5765 Columbus, OH 866.528.5267 fax www.praisereporter.com

The Praise Reporter reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement or editorial at anytime. We will not be responsible for checking accuracy of items submit-ted for publication or for more than one wrong insertion of advertising copy. All contents of this publication are

copyrighted by The Praise Reporter 2009.



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Pastors from Coast to Coast

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Pastor Glendon JonesChurch of JudahXenia, Ohio

Bishop Andy C. LewterHollywood Full Gospel Baptist ChurchAmityville, NY

Pastor LaTonya Costen-AltmanResurrected Life Apostolic ChurchBridgeport, CT

Ask the Church LadyDear Church Lady, I recently visited a church and I really enjoyed myself the people were nice the Choir was very good and the holy spirit moved throughout the building and I want to join my only concern is that the Pastor did 15 years in Prison now how can I trust a man who has been locked up to guide me in my spiritual path. Signed, Set Free Dear Set Free, Jesus, Peter, Ghandi, Martin Luther King,

Malcom X , Nelson Madela just some of the people I know who have been locked up and I would trust them to teach me just because a person makes a mistake in life does not mean they cannot change and become who God wants them to become, now you said the Holy spirit moved throughout the service well if GOD can be apart of that ministry so can you ..my advice go into into Prayer and ask God to guide you in your decision, just do not hold it against the Pastor that he made a mistake in Life. Church Lady

Submit your questions online at praisereporter.com

It is my pleasure to share my vision, The Praise Reporter with Jacksonville, Florida. For over 5 years this publication has been an inspiration and a blessing to readers in Columbus, Ohio where we reach over 50,000 readers each month. In 2008, I began to receive words of encouragement and prophecy from my pastors and trusted voices in the kingdom of God to expand the publication and we chose Jacksonville, FL. We believe that God’s favor is upon us and this City and we look forward to serving you. One our our primary goals is to be a bridge that connects the church to businesses, community organizations and govern-ment. Furthermore, we are a bridge that crosses denominational lines and allows readers from a variety of congregatons to know about community events, business opportunities and church events across the city of Jacksonville and surrounding areas.

Feel free to browse our robust website at www.praisereporter.com.Here you can read the publication online, send us a message, join our email list and place FREE event listings.Our publication is distributed free to churches, libraries and businesses and organizations across the city. Please email us if you would like us to consider your churchor business as a free distribution point.

Send us your news aat [email protected] In the months to come, we will enjoy sharing the “Good News” from the great communities in Jacksonville, FL. - Ivory D. Payne, Publisher [email protected]

Mark Your Calendar to Vote!Primary Election • AUGUST 24, 2010

visit praisereporter.com for links to voting information.

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Jacksonville, FL Edition | praisereporter.com | 904-410-2379 | August 2010 3

Moses drew water from a rock (Exd. 17:6), parted the Red Sea (Exd. 14:16), and was raised to the house of the Pharoah that should have killed him (Exd. 2); Jesus paid taxes with money from the mouth of a fish (Mat. 17:27) and turned water into wine (Jhn. 2:9); Naaman was healed by dipping himself in a muddy river (2Ki. 5:10); the children of Israel were sustained with food rained down from heaven(Exd 16:15); and a little boy’s lunch fed 5000 people (Jhn. 6:9-13).

These are just a few examples of unusual meth-ods, unusual things, and unusual places that God used to supply the needs of His kingdom and His people. Regardless of how strange His methods may seem, He has designed them all for our good. So, the next time you are faced with an unusual circumstance or unusual opportunity, before you reject it, ask God about it. It may be the “secret trea-sure,” or golden opportu-nity that will get you to the destiny He has prepared for you.


Have you ever wondered how others appear to be “moving on up” when it comes to their careers, families, finances or ministries and you’re sitting back wondering…”God why does it seem like everyone else is being blessed but me?” I’m quite sure ALL of us have wondered this at some point in time in our lives. What I have learned is that our ATTITUDES have a LOT to do with how God deals with us concerning eli-gibility of being promoted. The problem is, some PEOPLE have a problem with His process. Unlike GE, GM, Kraft or any other secular entity, your promotion is NOT always related or linked to your years of service (although in some cases it can be), but your MATURITY, READI-NESS AND OBEDIENCE to handle the next dimension. In case you weren’t aware and no matter what anybody else thinks, PROMOTION COMES FROM GOD!

There are several things I think the Lord considers before He decides to

“raise us up” to any level or dimen-sion that He desires to plant us in the Kingdom. For one (1), I believe that God LOVES Underdogs! He used them many, many times in scripture; seems like it was always the LEAST likely folk He would decide to use. The Bible declares in Psalm 75:6 & 7: For pro-motion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. Be care-ful how you view another person, treat them and what they are doing; if you are constantly critical of them, “hating” on what they are doing (or not doing), making fun of their efforts, not support-ive of anything they do, backstabbing behind their backs, “whining” at what God is doing in somebody else’s life instead of celebrating others, etc., this may be the very reason you’re in a state of stagnation. If you’re not responsible for calling a person to do, what they do, then learn how to keep your opinions to

yourselves. Sure, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but only a fool speaks every thought without giving a thought before releasing their words. God has a pur-pose and plan for whomever He’s called to duty; it’s not up to any one individual, group, clique or circle to decide that GOD is wrong and they are the deciding entity of who’s HOT and who’s NOT. Whenever you try to elevate yourself above the Will of God, then be prepared to be abased….BY THE FATHER HIM-SELF; He doesn’t play in this area! Mat-thew 23:12 states: And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. This scripture is so important, that it’s REPEATED TWO MORE TIMES in Luke 14:11 and Luke 18:14 which to me qualifies as a WARNING! Whether you realize it or not, when you behave in this manner, you are attempting to take God’s place (by trying to exalting yourself and your opinion above His) by

Are You Hindering Your Own Elevation In God?

Unusual Methods, Places, Circumstances, and Opportunities

“Black Pearls” by Psalmist Doris


EmpowermentSessions by

Celeste M. Payne

Continued on page 4

Page 4: August 2010 - Jacksonville, FL Edition

Jacksonville, FL Edition | praisereporter.com | 904-410-2379 | August 20104

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My Fathers’s Housewith Pastor Phil PoindexterMondays at 11:30 am

saying “I know what’s best for this situ-ation or this person” instead of allowing God to be God.

Second (2), if you walk around with a sense of entitlement to any and every-thing good, this may be the reason you’re in a state of stagnation. God’s blessings are truly yea and amen, but that doesn’t mean He’s only raining them down on YOU! God is so sovereign, He will do what He wants, when He wants to WHOMEVER He chooses (GLORY TO GOD!) What I love about him?....He doesn’t have to call a meeting, gain a consensus, or get approval from ANY-BODY to move in His Mighty Authority! In reality, NOBODY is really entitled to anything! God grants promotion and elevation when He feels one of His own is ready for it and CAN HANDLE IT. You KNOW when God is promoting somebody because the devil and all his imps can’t “take” WHOM GOD has chosen to raise up! Just like Joseph; who doesn’t know his story? He was lied on, left for dead by his own broth-ers, accused of rape falsely and left in a pit to die…BUT GOD raised Him up, moved him to the PALACE and kept his heart from becoming hard; during the famine HE SAVED THE VERY BROTH-ERS THAT TRIED TO KILL HIM! Now THAT’S humility! It’s important to see

the bigger picture; consider and under-stand the responsibilities that come with elevation. There is no room for arro-gance; they must understand that His Word IS the LAST WORD concerning them, obedience is CRUCIAL to stay in a position of elevation; and HUMILITY is the key to staying grounded in Him at any level.

During the last Presidential election, I along with millions of others witnessed the power of a mighty God raise up an humble, quiet man that was a sit-ting Senator; no one took seriously as a candidate and was certainly considered the under-dog especially in compari-son to another more popular candidate that was considered “heir-apparent” to the “throne” of the Presidency simply because she had a husband who served previously in that role. What chance did he really have of winning? Well after the Iowa Primaries, THE WHOLE WORLD saw that there was a ray of hope com-ing from another camp that everyone previously counted as down, out and of non-importance.

So much so that His run for the highest office in the land, led to a LANDSLIDE VICTORY during the final campaign to the White House. I’m sure after all the criticism and hell (yes that word is in the Bible) that President Barack Obama endured (and is STILL

enduring) he could tell you, it not only didn’t come easy, but he held on and focused on the bigger picture. I believe God granted him VICTORY and ELE-VATION because of his humbleness to handle the job, and his demeanor and maturity to handle the role.

Lastly, I believe the Lord considers our FAITHFULNESS to WHAT we are doing before granting elevation. Are we engaging in our assignments to the best of our ability? Are we representing Him in excellence or in pompousness walk-ing around with a sense of entitlement to all that’s good and great? Are we good stewards over what He has allowed us to have? Are we arrogant in our present place in God? Are we focused and con-stantly seeking Him regarding what our next moves should be? Are we prayer-ful about EVERYTHING we do con-cerning our assignments or do we have a “whoredom spirit” running ONLY after the highest dollar? If you’re half-hearted, lazy, greedy, constantly looking for somebody else to blame or point the finger at because of your failures and lack of progress, this may be why you are in a state of stagnation. God’s heart and desire IS to promote us in our vari-ous vocations, talents, gifts, abilities and ministries. However, He’s watching and waiting for YOU to set yourself in a posi-tion to show Him you are ready, able,

willing and mature enough to handle the next dimension He sets you in.

Can you be genuine in celebrating somebody else’s victories and successes even if you had nothing to do with them getting it? Can you sincerely from your heart pray for others to progress in what they’re doing by participating in their efforts to advance in whatever their assignments are? Can you send a word of encouragement from time to time to another brother or sister, just to let them know “you have their back?” If you want to “go up”…then learn to grow up…God is willing, able and ready to elevate YOU, but He will NEVER ele-vate foolishness! Learn how to worship God with your HUMILITY, MATURITY & YOUR OBEDIENCE. Take personal inventory, because there may not be any-one to blame for your lack of progress but yourself. THINK on these things….Selah.Psalmist Doris Stokes is:President & CEO of Black Pearl Enterprises & 1 Voice Music MinistriesA Psalmist, Worship Leader, Recording Artist, Songwriter & Gospel Stage Play ActressEmail: [email protected] Websites: www.dorisastokes.com (the Official Website) www.facebook.com/Psalmist513DAStokes (On Facebook)

Black Pearls continued from page 3

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Jacksonville, FL Edition | praisereporter.com | 904-410-2379 | August 2010 5

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believers’ bookshelfBeing Passionate, Being your B.E.S.T.

Author’s newly released book encourages readers to settle on nothing but their B.E.S.T.

Only being and doing your B.E.S.T. is good enough. This is what has driven the author, Dr. Patricia Larkins Hicks, through the years—and which she hopes will also push others to achieve their desired results and success. In her newly published book, Be Your B.E.S.T., she invites everyone to discover, embrace, and fulfill their purpose by identifying, acknowledging, and using their gifts.

Throughout this book, the author has presented analogies and stories to empha-size key concepts, some of which may be familiar to readers. But she highlights them here because these concepts are at the heart of what and how it means to be your B.E.S.T. Also, after each chapter, a “Something to Think About” segment is included; it offers questions to stimu-late one’s thinking about how the chapter information relates to the reader.

“… As you read “Be Your B.E.S.T.,”

you will make many discoveries about yourself and the actions that you must take to assist you in making choices that will lead you to your B.E.S.T. Be Your B.E.S.T. is designed with you in mind. Since we all have stories, I have chosen to tell “my story” as the vehicle for introducing you to what it means to “be your B.E.S.T.” Activities associated with my story have been created to connect you with the infor-mation from a practical perspective. You can only “be your B.E.S.T.” if you use the information to expand on how you view yourself and others,” shares the author.

This book is the author’s call to action, which she hopes everyone heeds. It is a guide to self-discoveries that will propel readers to be their B.E.S.T. in every—and whatever—journey they take. For more information on this book, log on to www.Xlibris.com.About the Author - Dr. Patricia Larkins Hicks

is founder and president of The Outcomes Manage-ment Group, Ltd. (OMG). She has thirty years of experience in health care, organizational devel-opment, education, and program evaluation. She brings to her entrepreneurial leadership a passion for results coupled with diverse experiences work

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Coming Soon to Jacksonville, Florida

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Jacksonville, FL Edition | praisereporter.com | 904-410-2379 | August 20106

The younger brother of gospel vocalist and choir director Edwin Hawkins, Bishop Walter Hawkins was one of gospel’s most successful per-formers. The leader of the Love Center Choir, Hawkins led the group to two Dove Awards, presented by the Gos-pel Music Association, and multiple Grammy nominations. The group’s debut album, “Going Up Yonder,” released in 1975, spent several months on the Top 40 gospel chart compiled by Billboard. Their second album, Love Alive II, sold nearly 300,000 copies. This was surpassed by their third album, “Love Alive III,” which topped the mil-lion sales mark. They continued this success with “Love Alive IV,” released in 1989, which remained in the top position on the gospel charts for 39 weeks.

Hawkins gave very little thought to a career in music until 1968. In an attempt to raise money to send the Ephesian Church of God in Christ’s youth choir, directed by Edwin Hawk-ins, to a convention in Washington, D.C., Hawkins helped the group record

an album, Let Us Go into the House of the Lord. Although initial plans called for the album to be sold locally, it became an international success when a single, “Oh, Happy Day,” sold more than a million copies. The group subse-quently toured as the Edwin Hawkins Singers.

In the early ‘70s, Hawkins left the group to pursue a career on his own. After earning a master’s of divinity degree from the University of California in Berkeley, he founded the Love Cen-ter Church in Oakland. Two years later, he returned to the Ephesian Church of God in Christ to record an album, Going Up Yonder, with the Love Center Choir.

In addition to continuing to work with the Love Center Choir, Hawk-ins periodically collaborated with his brother and other family members. While he joined his brother to record an album with the Oakland Symphony, he wrote and produced an album, “Baby Sis,” for his youngest sister, Lynette, in 1985. The same year, he wrote and produced one tune, “Everybody Ought to Know,” on his brother’s debut solo studio album, “The Search Is Over”. In 1988, he joined with the Hawkins Family to record the album Special Gift. Three years later, he co-produced and served as musical director and arranger for a Grammy-winning album, “Tra-maine Live,” featuring his ex-wife, Tra-maine Hawkins.

Hawkins worked with other artists as well. Together with the Love Cen-ter Choir, he performed on albums by Van Morrison and Lee Oskar. On his own, he worked with Diahann Carroll, Sylvester, and Jeffrey Osborne. In 1985, Hawkins wrote and produced three

songs for the Williams Brothers’ album Hand in Hand. During the 1990s, Hawkins was back leading the Love Center Choir on the Grammy-nomi-nated Love Alive V: 25th Anniversary Reunion, released in 1998. His catalog was revitalized in the new millennium, with a number of reissues and an all new recording, the Stellar Award-win-ning Song in My Heart, in 2005. Hawk-ins underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2008, but was well enough to join a subsequent Hawkins Family reunion concert tour. A sixth Love Alive recording was being planned for fall 2010 when Walter Hawkins succumbed to the pancreatic cancer at his home in Ripon, CA on July 11 of that year, at the age of 61. a Sample of Walter Hawkins albums



View top 10 Online and purchase these favorites at praisereporter.com



I Want to Say thank You

Lisa Page BrooksFeat. Royal Priesthood


they that WaitFred Hammond

Featuring John P. KeeLove Unstoppable

He Wants It all Forever Jones Get Ready

God favored Me Hezekiah Walker

& LFC Feat. Marvin Sapp & DJ Rogers

Souled Out

Resting On His Promise

Youthful PraiseFeat. J.J. Hairston

Resting on His Promise

Rain On us Ernest Pugh

Live (Rain on Us)

the LifterTed Winn


all I need Brian Courtney

WilsonJust Love

Good news Vanessa Bell

Armstrong The Experience

the Best In Me • Marvin Sapp • Here I Am

Celebrating the Life Of Grammy WinnerBishop Walter Hawkins

Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints. Psa 116:15

What’s Your favorite Walter Hawkins Song? Let us know at


Walter Hawkins performs in the East Room of the White House during Black Music Month in 2008

Freddie RhodesProgram Director

Page 7: August 2010 - Jacksonville, FL Edition

Jacksonville, FL Edition | praisereporter.com | 904-410-2379 | August 2010 7

My First Lady a “Sensationnel”

During the Sensationnel HairIcon 2010 (photo and runway competi-tion), which will take place at the Prime Osborn III Convention Center in Jacksonville, Florida on August 1st, positive role models for young women in the Jacksonville churches will be honored. These “First La-dies” will be honored for their style and service in a private reception pre-ceding the show. Sensationnel HairI-con 2010 is produced and staged by Glynn Jackson the Agency. Accord-ing to Glynn Jackson, the owner of Glynn Jackson the Agency, a “First Lady” is a woman who not only looks phenomenal but has an excep-tional spirit that is an inspiration to those around her. “A “First Lady” is

a woman who gives herself selflessly to her church, family, and communi-ty,” Jackson said. “She is an outstand-ing role model and the backbone of her congregation and this year, at Sensationnel HairIcon 2010, Hair Zone, the parent company of Sen-sationnel Hair, wants to honor these women and their accomplishments.” To nominate your “First Lady” visit www.sensationnelhairicon2010.com and post a comment about your “First Lady.” You can also send nomina-tions to [email protected] or [email protected] For more information about Sensa-tionnel HairIcon 2010 (photo and runway competition), call 904-346-1175. You can also find information

on Twitter at www.twitter.com/sen-hairicon2010 and on Facebook under “Sensationnel HairIcon 2010.” You can also visit www.sensationnel.com

or www.sensationnelhairicon2010.com. Check out our promotional link on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6n73oCZsMk.

Woman of Style

Dr. Diane ClarkKingdom Life Ministries International

Prophetess Taketa WilliamsUnited Ministries Church of Jacksonville

Minister Bessie HerringMt. Bethel Missionary Baptist Church

Voting Starts July 24th at www.sensationnelhairicon2010.com

• • • • • • • Y O U R V O T E C O U N T S • • • • • • •

A specialFirst Lady will receive:

A Make Over and Pampering at

Salon 3:16Jacksonville, FL

Pastor Pearl ColeMinistry of Reconciliation

Your first lady not listed? Visit sensationnelhairicon2010.com

Nominate her by Monday, July 26th at noon.

Voting beginning July 28th.Visit sensationnelhairicon2010.com

First Lady with the most votes accounced at the Sensationnel Hair Icon 2010

(photo and runway competition) August 1, 2010 at the Prime Osborne Convention Center

Page 8: August 2010 - Jacksonville, FL Edition

Jacksonville, FL Edition | praisereporter.com | 904-410-2379 | August 20108


Recipe Courtesy of Holly Clegg and Tyson Foods

Serves: 4Prep Time: 10 minutesCook Time: 6-7 minutes4 Tyson Grilled & Ready Whole Breast Fillets4 tablespoons (1/4 cup) Hoisin sauce2 cups chopped watermelon1/2 cup chopped red onion3 tablespoons chopped fresh mint1/4 cup reduced fat feta cheese1 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar1 teaspoon olive oil

Coat each chicken breast with Hoisin sauce and place in microwave safe dish. Follow microwave directions on Grilled & Ready packaging to heat.

In small bowl mix together water-melon, red onion, mint, feta, seasoned rice vinegar and olive oil. Place salsa on top of chicken breast and serve.

Serving Suggestion: Serve with corn on the cob or quick couscous cooked in orange juice and tossed with green onions. Source: Family Features

Homemade Meals in MinutesIt can be hard to fit cooking into busy schedules. Here are some tips to help you

spring ahead in meal preparation time. Mix and match last night’s leftover sauce with pre-cooked chicken breasts and tonight’s rice and veggies, and you have a new and delicious meal ready in minutes. Use items such as bread mixes that only require water, canned tomatoes, frozen and pre-chopped veggies and pre-cooked protein, such as Tyson Grilled & Ready Whole Breast Fillets. Tender, juicy and ready in min-utes straight from the microwave, the frozen chicken breasts are 98 percent fat free and contain no preservatives. FOR RECIPES, VISIT GRILLEDANDREADY.COM.

Grilled Chicken with Watermelon Salsa

health&wellness(Family Features) Heart disease is the

number one cause of death in the U.S. The good news is that there is much you can do to fight, as well as slow the progression of heart disease by simply following some heart-healthy habits. Here are six simple ways to protect your heart, from Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D.

1. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, cooked whole grains, and broth-based soups are typi-cally high in water, fiber and nutrients, but moderate in calories, so you feel fuller after eating them and are likely to consume fewer calories. Snack on watermelon, have fiber-rich oatmeal for breakfast, vegetable soup for lunch, and add an extra serving of steamed vegetables to dinner.

2. Use salt substitutes when cooking. Look for lower-sodium varieties of your favorite foods, including foods with the American Heart Association’s heart check mark on the label.

3. A varied diet filled with minimally-processed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and fish, is rich in vitamins, miner-

als, fiber and omega-3s, which help keep the heart in tip top shape. Include sliced water-melon, which contains citrulline, an amino acid that helps maintain the arteries, blood flow, and heart health.

4. Aim for at least the MyPyramid daily recommendations of two and a half cups of vegetables and two cups of fruit. Blend watermelon with lemon yogurt and a touch of ginger for a refreshing mid-morning snack. Besides, produce such as watermelon is cholesterol-free, fat-free, and very low in sodium.

5. Choose extra-lean meats and poultry without skin, preferably breast meat. Then prepare those meats with little or no saturated or trans fats. Also keep an eye on portions; a serving of meat is three to four ounces, about the size of a deck of cards.

6. Regular physical activity can help reduce blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, drop pounds, and is a great stress reliever. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physi-cal activity most days of the week.

Photo Courtesy of Getty

Six Steps for a Healthy Heart

Health Related Organizations Join Our Health and Wellness Guide at www.praisereporter.com or call 904.410.2379

Know a great restaurant? Let us know. We may feature it in our next edition. Send us a message on www.praisereporter.com

Looking for a special dish for dinner? Browse our online recipe database at www.praisereporter.com

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psa 51:10

Who giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy [endureth] for ever. Psa 136:25

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Jacksonville, FL Edition | praisereporter.com | 904-410-2379 | August 2010 9

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Morning can be tough, but now you don’t have to struggle with your youngsters to get them ready for the day if you follow a few help-ful hints:

• Do all your prep work at night:

1. Decide on breakfast foods, such as cold cereal, and have every-thing set out. Your little one can pop out of bed and head for the kitchen without your help.

2. Set out clothes, shoes and accessories for the next morning. That can save time on last-minute “debates” about what to wear.

3. Use shampoos, conditioners and styling products that nourish and soften your child’s hair to make

it more manageable and easier to style during the morning rush.

• If your little one fusses over hair combing because it pulls and hurts, try a detangling spray formu-lated with proteins and vitamins. The added conditioning will make brushing easier.

Also make sure to use the right brushes: a plastic, wide-bristled one to detangle and a fine-bristled one for smoothing hair into a ponytail or taming flyaways along the hair-line. Another great way to tame flyaways is Just for Me! Hair Milk Smoothing Edges Crème. It’s gentle and takes the hassle out of taming your little one’s messy tresses.

Even if you’re creating braids, twists or ponytails, the morning routine doesn’t have to be stress-ful. Shampoo and condition at night with Just for Me! Hair Milk Sham-poo and Conditioner. With nutri-ents such as vitamins C and E and calcium, children’s hair is moistur-ized and softer, making hairstyling in the morning a cinch.

All of the products in the Just for Me! Hair Milk line are specially formulated with milk and honey, as well as essential nourishment for stronger-feeling hair that is tan-gle free and looks silky and shiny. There’s also a straightening mist and styling crème available at food, drug and mass market retailers.

Learn MoreYou can find more informa-

tion, tips and styling ideas online at www.jfmvipclub.com or by calling (800) 527-5879. (NAPSI)

Morning Routines Made EasyMy voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct [my prayer] unto thee, and will look up. Psa 5:3


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Page 10: August 2010 - Jacksonville, FL Edition

Jacksonville, FL Edition | praisereporter.com | 904-410-2379 | August 201010

First Baptist Church of Mandarin Dr. Gary L. Williams Sr.(904) 268-2422 3990 Loretto Rd Jacksonville FL 32223

All People Church of God in Christ Inc. Eric Murray (904)765-2206 1973 W Edgeworrd Ave Jacksonville FL 32208

All People International Church, Inc. Bishop At Jones (904)-765-2206 1993 West Edgewood Ave Jacksonville FL

Bethel Baptist Institutional Church Dr. Rudolph W. McKissick Sr. 904-354-1464 215 Bethel Baptist St Jacksonville FL

Bridge of Faith International Ministries 904-757-3226 2100 Dunn Ave Jacksonville FL 32218

Church Fellowship Worshop Ministies Dr. Bruce V. Allen (904)924-0000 9117 Lem Turner Rd Jacksonville FL

Church of God by Faith Bishop James E. McKnight, Sr. (904) 779-5469 2409 Old Middleburg Rd., N Jacksonville FL 32210

Church of God&Saints of Christ Pastor Rabbi Jehu A. Crowdy, Jr. 904-358-2291 3401 Stuart St Jacksonville FL Dayspring Baptist Church Rev. Jeffrey K. Rumlin (904)764-0303 1053 Jefferson St Jacksonville FL 32209

Family Life Fellowship of Arlington Dr. John Lumpkin 904-744-5509 5711 Nesbit Ln Jacksonville FL 32277

Faust Temple Church of God in Christ Bishop Rushie L. Dixon 904-353-1418 3328 Moncrief RD Jacksonville FL 32209

First New Zion Christian Academy Rev. Dr. James B. Sampson 904-766-2100 4819 Soutel Drive Jacksonville FL 32208

Greater Grant Memorial AME Church Rev. T. DeMarco Hansberry 904-764-5992 5533 Gilchrist Rd Jacksonville FL 32219

Greater Macedonia Baptist Church Dr. Landon William Sr. 904-764-9257 1880 W Edgewood Ave Jacksonville FL 32208

Greater Payne Chapel AME Dr. Elvin J. Parker 904-355-6015 1230 E 23rd St Jacksonville FL 32206

church directoryplaces to worship

United Ministries Church

Apostle Rod & Prophetess Taketa Williams

3208 Herring Road, Jacksonville, FL888.424.WORD (9673)

Thirsty Thursdays Bible Study 7-8pmSunday Worship 11am


“ A Deliverance Center, A Dream Center, A Destiny Center”

Enhanced Church Directory listings with photos available call 904-410-2379

Church not listed? send us a message at praisereporter.com

Household of Faith Dr. Lewis William 904-764-8400 1410 W Edgewood Ave Jacksonville FL 32208

Julington Baptist Church Pastor N.J McClain 904-268-2344 12740 Snyder St Jacksonville FL 32256

Mt. Zion Baptist Church Pastor Sam Norris (904)396-5662 2838 San Diego Rd Jacksonville FL

Northside Church of Christ Pastor Charlie Mc CLendon (904)765-9830 4736 Avenue B Jacksonville FL

Pentocostal Church of God Bishop Charles G. Scott 904-354-7761 1757 McQuade St Jacksonville FL

Perez Ministries International902 South EdgewoodJacksonville, FL904-384-9848

Phillippian Community Church BishopVirgil C. Jones Sr (904)-765-7173 7578 New Kings Rd Jacksonville FL 32209 Potters House Christian Fellowship Multiplex Bishop McLaughlin (904) 695-0181 5119 Normandy Blvd Jacksonville FL

Southside Church of God in Christ Bishop Edward Robinson Sr 904-398-1625 2179 Emerson Street Jacksonville FL 32207

St. Paul AME Church Pastor Marvin C. Zanders, II 904-764-2755 6910 New Kings Rd Jacksonville FL

St. Paul Baptist Church Dr. John E. Guns 904-768-7112 3738 Winton Dr Jacksonville FL

St. Phillips Episcopal Church Pastor Hugh Chatman 904-354-1053 321 W Union St Jacksonville FL

St. Simions Baptist Church Rev. William H. Randall 904-269-2119 1331 Miller St Orange Park, FL St. Stephens AME Church Reverend G.B. Wilson 904-358-2399 931 W 5th St Jacksonville FL

St. Thomas Missionary Baptist Pastor Ernie L. Murray Sr. 904-355-6839 5863 Moncrief Rd Jacksonville FL

St. Paul Community Empowerment Center Pastor Edward Wright (904)-768-7112 3738 Winton Drive Jacksonville FL 32208

St.Luke Baptist Church Pastor Eric L. Alexander 904-768-5122 742 Franklin St Jacksonville FL

Summerville Baptist Church Pastor James W. Henry 904-354-8186 2842 Mars Ave Jacksonville FL

Sunday Morning House of Prayer Dr. Robert L. Jones 904-356-4310 3308 N. Lee St Jacksonville FL Tabernacle BaptistInstitutional Church Pastor Michael C. Edwards 904-356-7736 903 E Union St Jacksonville FL

Wayman Chapel AME Church Pastor Mark L. Griffin 904-739-7500 8855 Sanchez Rd Jacksonville FL

West Friendship Baptist Church945 Carrie StreetJacksonville FL904-356-1016

Woodlawn Presbyterian Church Rev. Dr. Joe W. Rigsby 904-768-5905 3026 Woodlawn Rd Jacksonville FL

Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Clifford Johnson, Jr. 904-764-9353 2803 Edgewood Ave Jacksonville FL

Page 11: August 2010 - Jacksonville, FL Edition

Jacksonville, FL Edition | praisereporter.com | 904-410-2379 | August 2010 11

calendar of eventsHealth Insurance Fair & ForumTuesday, July 27, 2010Beaver Street Enterprise Center9am -12noonCost: $15.00 Don’t delay! Register today and join us here at the Beaver Street Enterprise Center and get smart about your insurance needs by attending this informative Health Insurance Fair & Forum moder-ated by Certified Business Analyst, Paul Arrington of the SBDC at UNF! Our panel will discuss the following topics: Health Insurance, Disability Insurance, Life Insurance, Supplemental Insurance, Disaster Preparedness, Tax implications of health care reform Meet our Pane:l Tiffany Reeves, Florida Department of Financial Services; Lionel & Janeen Smith, Lionel Smith & Associates; Keith Johnson, Keith E. Johnson, CPA ; David Winters, Aetna General Agent; Andre Green, John Hancock Financial Network. After our panel discussion, please be sure to stick around and visit exibitor booths that will provide additional information about Health Insur-ance, Workers Compensation Insurance, Supplemental Benefits and much much more! To RSVP, please call (904) 265-4701 or by email: [email protected]. Space is limited! “Introduction to QuickBooks” Cost: $15.00 (per session)Beaver Street Enterprise CenterThursday, August 5th (9am - 10:30am)Thursday, September 9th (9am - 10:30am)Thursday, October 7th (9am - 10:30am)Thursday, Nov 4th (9am - 10:30am)Thursday, December 9th (9am - 10:30am)Participants will work in a computer lab with instructor during this training session and learn QuickBooks basics. JSEB Vendors earn 15 points towards recertification!

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