“Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom and cured every disease among the people.“ Cf. Mt 4:23 “Jesús predicaba el Evangelio del Reino y curaba las enfermedades y dolencias del pueblo.” Cfr Mt 4, 23 Parish Office Hours Mon.-Thurs: 11:00am-5:00pm Fri & Sat: Closed Sun: 8:30am-1:30pm Mass Schedule Weekday Mass Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. at 12:15pm Weds. At 6:00pm Spanish Sundays: 8am;10am &12pm Spanish Isela Celaya Office Assistant X301/ [email protected] Cindy Gomez-Parra Office Manager X302/ [email protected] Fr. Martin Martinez Pastor X303/ [email protected] Phone: (520) 625-1154 www.SanMartinSahuarita.org 5440 S. Santa Rita Rd. Sahuarita, AZ 85629 Mailing address: P.O. Box 65, Sahuarita, Arizona 85629 Rectory: (520) 303-1154 The after hours emergency line requiring last rites and sacraments ONLY PARISH STAFF SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 THE TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Al LePage Maintenance Technician Tina Arenas Administrative Clerk X314/ [email protected]

AUGUST 1, 2021 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME10:00am Mass: Armida & Enrique Zepeda+, Robin Huston+ 12:00pm Misa: Rosana Noriega Monge+, Martha Maldonado+ August 2, 2021: 12:15pm—

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Page 1: AUGUST 1, 2021 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME10:00am Mass: Armida & Enrique Zepeda+, Robin Huston+ 12:00pm Misa: Rosana Noriega Monge+, Martha Maldonado+ August 2, 2021: 12:15pm—

“Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom and cured every disease among

the people.“

Cf. Mt 4:23

“Jesús predicaba el Evangelio del Reino y curaba las enfermedades y dolencias

del pueblo.”

Cfr Mt 4, 23

Parish Office Hours Mon.-Thurs: 11:00am-5:00pm

Fri & Sat: Closed Sun: 8:30am-1:30pm

Mass Schedule Weekday Mass Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. at 12:15pm

Weds. At 6:00pm Spanish Sundays: 8am;10am &12pm Spanish

Isela Celaya Office Assistant

X301/ [email protected]

Cindy Gomez-Parra Office Manager

X302/ [email protected]

Fr. Martin Martinez Pastor

X303/ [email protected]

Phone: (520) 625-1154 www.SanMartinSahuarita.org 5440 S. Santa Rita Rd. Sahuarita, AZ 85629 Mailing address: P.O. Box 65, Sahuarita, Arizona 85629

Rectory: (520) 303-1154 The after hours emergency line requiring last rites and sacraments ONLY



Al LePage

Maintenance Technician

Tina Arenas Administrative Clerk

X314/ [email protected]

Page 2: AUGUST 1, 2021 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME10:00am Mass: Armida & Enrique Zepeda+, Robin Huston+ 12:00pm Misa: Rosana Noriega Monge+, Martha Maldonado+ August 2, 2021: 12:15pm—


September 5, 2021

8:00am Mass: Pedro Alaniz+, Dominik Igbokwe+, Bonnie Vega (health), Carmelita Benavidez (health), Souls in Purgatory

10:00am Mass: Pro-Populo

12:00pm Misa: Armando Bravo+, Hassan Haddad+

September 6, 2021: 12:15pm— Armando Bravo+

September 7, 2021: 12:15pm— Armando Bravo+

September 8, 2021: 6:00pm— Armando Bravo+

September 9, 2021: 12:15pm— Armando Bravo+

September 10, 2021: 12:15pm— Tom Buller+

September 11, 2021: 5:00pm— Angelica Celaya (special birthday intention)

This weekend’s second collection is for:

Utilities & Maintenance

The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Mission Statement

“We are the Catholic Community in Sahuarita, Arizona, committed to proclaiming and living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nurtured by the Eucharist, we spread His love to all through the Word, the Sacraments and acts of charity in our everyday lives.”

SAN MARTIN SCHEDULE Sunday 9/5: The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00am - Holy Mass

10:00am - Holy Mass

12:00pm - Santa Misa

Monday 9/6: Weekday

12:15pm - Mass

Tuesday 9/7: Weekday

12:15pm - Mass

Wednesday 9/8: Weekday

5pm-5:30pm Confessions; 5pm-6pm Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 9/9: Weekday

12:15pm - Mass

Friday 9/10: Weekday


Saturday 9/11: Vigil Mass

4pm-4:30pm– Confessions

5:00pm-Holy Mass

Page 3: AUGUST 1, 2021 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME10:00am Mass: Armida & Enrique Zepeda+, Robin Huston+ 12:00pm Misa: Rosana Noriega Monge+, Martha Maldonado+ August 2, 2021: 12:15pm—


If you would like to schedule a mass intention for your loved one, or have a special intention, please contact the

Parish Office.


If you have a family member or know of a parishioner in the San Martin de Porres area in need of having the

Eucharist brought to them regularly, please contact the Parish Office.


Eucharistic Ministers

Hospitality Ministry


If you are interested, please contact the Parish office.

Mass attendance has seriously impacted our weekly

collections. We ask that those who give by the offertory envelopes continue to do so and send those directly to the office either by mail or by

dropping it off in our mailbox located outside the parish office. Please use mailing address:

P.O. Box 65, Sahuarita AZ 85629

Please consider online giving if you haven't already done so. You can setup online giving by visiting sanmartinsahuarita.org and click on the

image and manage it directly from your account. If you have any questions regarding online giving, please call (520) 257-5128

La asistencia en la misa ha impactó nuestras ofrendas semanales. Pedimos que aquellos que entregan los

sobres del ofertorio continúen haciéndolo y los envíen directamente a la oficina, ya sea por correo o

dejándolos en nuestro buzón ubicado fuera de la oficina parroquial. Utilice la dirección postal:

P.O. Box 65, Sahuarita AZ 85629

Considere donar en línea si aún no lo ha hecho. Puede configurar las donaciones en línea visitando sanmartinsahuarita.org, haga clic en la imagen y adminístrela directamente desde su cuenta. Si tiene alguna

pregunta sobre las donaciones en línea, por favor llame al (520) 257-5128


FIRST READING: A reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (Is 35:4-7a )

PSALM: Praise the Lord, my soul, my soul.

(Ps 146:6-7, 8-9, 9-10)

SECOND READING: A reading from the letter of Saint James (Jas 2:1-5)

GOSPEL: A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (Mk 7:31-37)

You can make a difference while you shop on Amazon. Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/86-0963558 or with

AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app and AmazonSmile will donate to San Martin De Porres.

Volunteer Opportunity

Fiesta Coordinator

We are looking for someone who can multi-task, meet deadlines and assign simple tasks. We need you and we would appreciate

your help! If you are interested, contact the Parish Office

Page 4: AUGUST 1, 2021 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME10:00am Mass: Armida & Enrique Zepeda+, Robin Huston+ 12:00pm Misa: Rosana Noriega Monge+, Martha Maldonado+ August 2, 2021: 12:15pm—


Page 5: AUGUST 1, 2021 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME10:00am Mass: Armida & Enrique Zepeda+, Robin Huston+ 12:00pm Misa: Rosana Noriega Monge+, Martha Maldonado+ August 2, 2021: 12:15pm—

The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men, 18 and over, guided by

the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Members and their families

work in support of service programsfocusing primarily on church, community, council, family, culture of life, and youth


For more information about San Martin de Porres Council #10070,

please contact Steve Slye at 805-215-0723

Page 6: AUGUST 1, 2021 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME10:00am Mass: Armida & Enrique Zepeda+, Robin Huston+ 12:00pm Misa: Rosana Noriega Monge+, Martha Maldonado+ August 2, 2021: 12:15pm—

The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time The Gospel is from St. Mark 7:31-37. During his discussion with the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob, our Lord told her that "salvation was to come from the Jews" (Jn. 4 : 22). This was in accordance with God's plan when he took Abraham from his pagan family and surroundings, and elected him to be the father of a Chosen People from whom God's blessing would come for all nations (Gn. 12: 1-4). This was the historic beginning of "salvation" for men. It was, as yet, a vague generic promise but down through the following eighteen-century history of the Chosen People (Abraham's descendants) this blessing eventually became crystallized in the Messiah — the anointed and holy one of God. It was He who would introduce the messianic age of which the prophets so often had spoken, and it was in Him that all peoples, Jews and Gentiles, would find their true "blessing."

It was right and fitting, therefore, that Christ should proclaim his kingdom and his Gospel among the Jews and in their promised land. Those who would accept him and his message would later spread the good news among the Gentile nations. This is what happened. His Apostles, including St. Paul, and the faithful disciples having done their best for their fellow-Jews, left Palestine and carried the great news of the incarnation — a blessing greater than any man could have imagined — to the pagan peoples of the then-known world. It was surely from the Jews that salvation came to us Gentiles.

While Christ reserved his preaching to the Jews according to God's plan, he visited some of the Gentile lands bordering on Palestine — Tyre, Sidon, Phoenicia, the Decapolis — and worked some miracles there. However, he did not preach to them. This exception — going into pagan lands — was evidently important to St. Mark, for he goes into details in describing the faith of the people of the place who asked for a miracle, and their enthusiastic reaction to Christ's power when he did what they requested.

Read more at: https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/calendar/day.cfm?date=2021-09-05

Pope Francis calls for prayer, fasting for Afghanistan At the Angelus, Pope Francis calls Christians to show solidarity with the people of Afghanistan, especially women and children, the victims of violent attacks in recent days. "Let us continue to assist those in need", he says, "and pray that dialogue and solidarity may lead to peaceful and fraternal coexistence." “I am following the situation in Afghanistan with great concern,” Pope Francis said on Sunday, adding, “I share in the suffering of those who mourn for the people who lost their lives in the suicide attacks last Thursday, and of those who are seeking help and protection.” Almost two hundred people were killed in the suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport last week, and thousands of people are still waiting desperately to flee to the country as the Taliban takes control of the war-torn nation. The Holy Father commended the souls of those who were killed “to the mercy of Almighty God.” At the same time, he thanked those who are working to help the “sorely tried population” of Afghanistan, especially women and children. “I ask everyone to continue to assist those in need,” the Pope said, “and to pray that dialogue and solidarity may lead to the establishment of peaceful and fraternal coexistence, and offer hope for the future of the country.” Pope Francis insisted that “in historical moments like this we cannot remained indifferent,” and for Christians it is a duty to respond. For this reason, he said, “I appeal to everyone to intensify prayer and practise fasting: prayer and fasting, prayer and penance. Now is the time to do it.” Adding emphasis to his appeal, he continued, “I’m serious: Intensify prayer and practice fasting, asking the Lord for mercy and forgiveness.”

Read more at: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2021-08/pope-francis-calls-for-prayer-fasting-for-afghanistan.html

Page 7: AUGUST 1, 2021 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME10:00am Mass: Armida & Enrique Zepeda+, Robin Huston+ 12:00pm Misa: Rosana Noriega Monge+, Martha Maldonado+ August 2, 2021: 12:15pm—
Page 8: AUGUST 1, 2021 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME10:00am Mass: Armida & Enrique Zepeda+, Robin Huston+ 12:00pm Misa: Rosana Noriega Monge+, Martha Maldonado+ August 2, 2021: 12:15pm—

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