Audouard -- Le Simulacre (English Synopsis)

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  • 8/18/2019 Audouard -- Le Simulacre (English Synopsis)


    Synopsis of Xavier Audouard, ‘Le simulacre’

    [‘The Simulacrum’]

    CpA 3.4:57–72

    Together with ea!"Clau#e $il!er ’% ‘&e 'oi!t #u %ig!i(ia!t’ )CpA 3.5*+ thi% article appear% i! ,olume three o( theCahiers pour l’Analyse u!#er the ge!eral hea#i!g‘Sur 'lato!. A propo% #u Sophi%te’ [‘-! 'lato: The Sophi%t’]. &i e /,e%0urou1’% ‘'% chologie et &ogi ue’ )CpA .2* a!# ac ue%"Alai!$iller ’% ‘Suture: l6me!t%#e la logi ue #u %ig!i(ia!t’ )CpA .3*+ Au#ouar#’% a!# $il!er’% piece% ha,e their imme#iate origi!% i! ac ue%&aca!’% Semi!ar 88+Crucial Problems forPsychoanalysis ) 9 5" *. Au#ouar#’% te1t wa% gi,e! a% a paper o! 2 $a 9 5 at the 2;th %e%%io! o( &aca!’% Semi!ar. The pre,iou% %e%%io!% o( &aca!’%

    %emi!ar ha# ra!?oi%@eg!ault i! ‘0ialecti ue

    #’6pi%t6mologie%’ )CpA 9.4*.2 The Sophist i!,ol,e% three participa!t%+ the Stra!ger (rom lea )a Bree %ettleme!t i! 8tal *+ who repre%e!t% the po%itio! o(

    'arme!i#e%+ Socrate%+ Theo#oru%+ a!# a ou!ger ma!+ Theaetetu%.3 Socrate% me!tio!% that the Stra!ger come% (rom a place where there are three #i((ere!ti!#% o( per%o! that merit atte!tio!: the Sophi%t+ State%ma!+ a!# 'hilo%opher )Sophist + 2 7a*. Socrate% a% % the Stra!ger to tell him how he #e(i!e% the Sophi%t.

    @ather tha! e1pou!# a theor + the Stra!ger choo%e% a #ialogue a% the mea!% (or arri,i!g at a true #e(i!itio!. The Stra!ger propo%e% that the practice the metho#o( #ichotom < ta i!g a (amiliar %u< ect a!# %u< ecti!g it to #ichotomic #e(i!itio!: the %u< ect cho%e! i% the (i%herma! )2 D#*. The Stra!ger ta e% Theaetetu% a%hi% i!terlocutor a!# a% % him a %erie% o( ue%tio!% that place the %u< ect o! either %i#e o( a #ichotom . 8% the (i%herma! a ma! o( art or !otE 8( e%+ i% he the!i!,ol,e# with the art o( pro#uctio! or ac ui%itio!E Ac ui%itio!+ Theaetetu% replie%. Fhat+ the!+ are the i!#% o( ac ui%itio!E A!# %o o!. The !e1t (ew page% o( the#ialogue are occupie# with per(ormi!g the %ame proce%% o( #ichotom o! the co!cept o( ac ui%itio! or ta i!g po%%e%%io!.

    8! hi% ope!i!g #e,elopme!t o( 'lato’% #ichotomou% treatme!t o( the (i%herma!+ Au#ouar# allu#e% to the po%%iorm%+ rather tha! the >orm% them%el,e%. ut thema i!g o( li e!e%%e% or copie% %houl#

  • 8/18/2019 Audouard -- Le Simulacre (English Synopsis)


    gauchissement de l’image réelle ] which i% attache# to the particular poi!t o( ,iew occupie# < the o

  • 8/18/2019 Audouard -- Le Simulacre (English Synopsis)


    Stra!ger’% aim i% to #i%co,er which ge!era ‘mi1’ or ‘or $il!er+ the auto!omou% %el("#i((ere!tiatio! o( the ge!era %er,e% a% the e to a logic o( the %ig!i(ier.

    8t i% %till !ece%%ar to co!(i!e the Sophi%t to hi% proper #omai!: i! ‘#i%cour%e’ ) D*. 8( (al%it ca!

  • 8/18/2019 Audouard -- Le Simulacre (English Synopsis)


    2. The #ialogue +heaetetus ha%