City of Bunbury 4 Stephen Street Bunbury WA 6230 Western Australia Correspondence to: Post Office Box 21 Bunbury WA 6231 Telephone: (08) 9792 7230 Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 TTY: (08) 9792 7370 www.bunbury.wa.gov.au Audit Committee Notice of Meeting & Agenda 14 April 2014 Committee Terms of Reference 1. The Audit Committee is to provide guidance and assistance to Council based on the following Terms of Reference: 1.1 To carry out Council’s functions in relation to audits carried out under Part 7 (Audit) of the Local Government Act 1995 1.2 To develop a process to be used to select and appoint a person to be an Auditor. 2. The Audit Committee may also provide guidance and assistance to Council as to: 2.1 Matters to be audited; 2.2 The scope of audits; 2.3 Council’s functions under Part 6 (Financial Management) of the Local Government Act 1995; and 2.4 The carrying out of Council’s functions relating to other audits and other matters relating to financial management. 3. The Audit Committee may evaluate tenders received for the provision of audit services and report to Council with a recommendation for appointment of an auditor for the City of Bunbury and the Bunbury-Harvey Regional Council for the five financial years 2006/2007 to 2010/2011. [Note: Appointment of an auditor for the Bunbury-Harvey Regional Council will be subject to endorsement by that Body.]

Audit Committee Notice of Meeting & Agenda 14 April 2014 · Audit Committee Notice of Meeting Dear Committee Members The next Ordinary Meeting of the Audit Committee will be held

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Page 1: Audit Committee Notice of Meeting & Agenda 14 April 2014 · Audit Committee Notice of Meeting Dear Committee Members The next Ordinary Meeting of the Audit Committee will be held

City of Bunbury

4 Stephen Street

Bunbury WA 6230

Western Australia

Correspondence to:

Post Office Box 21

Bunbury WA 6231

Telephone: (08) 9792 7230 ◌ Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 ◌ TTY: (08) 9792 7370 ◌ www.bunbury.wa.gov.au

Audit Committee

Notice of Meeting & Agenda

14 April 2014

Committee Terms of Reference

1. The Audit Committee is to provide guidance and assistance to Council based on the following

Terms of Reference:

1.1 To carry out Council’s functions in relation to audits carried out under Part 7 (Audit) of the

Local Government Act 1995

1.2 To develop a process to be used to select and appoint a person to be an Auditor.

2. The Audit Committee may also provide guidance and assistance to Council as to:

2.1 Matters to be audited;

2.2 The scope of audits;

2.3 Council’s functions under Part 6 (Financial Management) of the Local Government Act

1995; and

2.4 The carrying out of Council’s functions relating to other audits and other matters relating

to financial management.

3. The Audit Committee may evaluate tenders received for the provision of audit services and report

to Council with a recommendation for appointment of an auditor for the City of Bunbury and the

Bunbury-Harvey Regional Council for the five financial years 2006/2007 to 2010/2011. [Note:

Appointment of an auditor for the Bunbury-Harvey Regional Council will be subject to

endorsement by that Body.]

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Page 1

Audit Committee

Notice of Meeting Dear Committee Members

The next Ordinary Meeting of the Audit Committee will be held in the Council Chambers, City of Bunbury

Administration Building, 2-4 Stephen Street, Bunbury on Monday, 14 April 2014 at 5.15pm.


Greg Golinski

Manager Corporate Performance

(Issued on: 9 April 2014)

Agenda 14 April 2014

Members of the public to note that recommendations made by this committee are not final and will be subject to adoption (or

otherwise) at a future meeting of the Bunbury City Council.

Committee Members:

Member Name Representing

Mayor Gary Brennan City of Bunbury

Cr Jaysen Miguel (Presiding Member) City of Bunbury

Cr Michelle Steck City of Bunbury

Mr Stephen Foster Community Member

Mr John Barratt Community Member

Ex-officio Members:

Member Name Title

Mr Wayne Wright Director Corporate Services

Support Staff:

Name Title

Mr Greg Golinski (Minute Taker) Manager Corporate Performance

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14 April 2014

Agenda – Audit Committee


Page 2

1. Declaration of Opening

The Presiding Member declared the meeting open at ______pm.

2. Disclaimer

Not applicable to this committee.

3. Announcements from the Presiding Member

4. Attendances

4.1 Apologies

Mr Stephen Foster

Mr John Barratt

4.2 Approved Leave of Absence


5. Declaration of Interest

IMPORTANT: Committee members to complete a “Disclosure of Interest” form for each item on the agenda in which

they wish to disclose a financial/proximity/impartiality interest. They should give the form to the Presiding Member

before the meeting commences. After the meeting, the form is to be forwarded to the Administration Services Section

for inclusion in the Corporate Financial Disclosures Register.

6. Public Question Time

Not applicable to this committee.

7. Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Decision: Moved ___________ Seconded ___________

The minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held on 25 February 2014, are confirmed as a true

and accurate record.


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14 April 2014

Agenda – Audit Committee


Page 3

8. Presentations

8.1 Petitions


8.2 Presentations


8.3 Deputations


9. Method of Dealing with Agenda Business

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14 April 2014

Agenda – Audit Committee


Page 4

10. Reports

10.1 2014-15 Project List – Projects for Discussion

File Ref:

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Author: Greg Golinski, Manager Corporate Performance

Executive: Wayne Wright, Director Corporate Services

Attachments: Appendix 1: Projects for Discussion 2014-15


The purpose of this report is to enable the Audit Committee to consider projects for the 2014-15

budget, and in particular those that have previously been earmarked for discussion by Elected


Executive Recommendation

That the Committee receive the attached report entitled Projects for Discussion 2014-15 and

identify those projects requiring amendment, deferral, or removal.


As part of the development of the 2014-15 budget, Councillors have previously been provided with

a list of proposed projects for consideration. These projects may be capital or operating and fall

outside of the base operating budget.

Individual Councillors have subsequently submitted to the Executive those projects that they would

like discussed, with a view to rationalising the project list in preparation for 2014-15 budget


Council Policy Compliance


Legislative Compliance


Officer Comments

The attached report details those projects identified by Councillors as requiring some discussion.

There are effectively four options for each project identified, namely:

1. Leave project as is;

2. Amend the project (dollars or scope);

3. Defer the project for consideration in 2015-16 (or another year); or

4. Remove the project completely.

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14 April 2014

Agenda – Audit Committee


Page 5

It is suggested that the Committee works through each project in the attached report, and

identifies one of the four options listed above for each one. Officers will subsequently factor in

these recommendations when providing Council with a refined list of projects for consideration as

part of the development of the 2014-15 budget.

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

Consideration of these projects will facilitate to development of the 2014-15 annual budget.

Councillor/Officer Consultation

The attached report details those projects identified by Councillors as requiring some discussion.

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14 April 2014

Agenda – Audit Committee


Page 6

10.2 Annual Budget Program 2014-15 – Applications for Funding

File Ref:

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Author: Greg Golinski, Manager Corporate Performance

Executive: Wayne Wright, Director Corporate Services

Attachments: Appendix 2: Applications for Funding


The purpose of this report is for the Audit Committee to consider applications for funding for the

annual budget program 2014-15.

Executive Recommendation

That the Audit Committee receive the attached report entitled Applications for Funding and

identify those projects therein that it would like to see considered as part of 2014-15 budget



The attached report has previously been provided to Councillors as an attachment to a

memorandum from the Director Corporate Services dated 25 March 2014.

Council Policy Compliance

Council policy CEO-10 Community Funding provides for some projects to be considered as part of

the annual budget process rather than through the community funding pool.

Legislative Compliance


Officer Comments

The Audit Committee is requested to consider the projects listed in Appendix 2, which have

previously been assessed by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor (comments contained within the


Council Policy CEO-10 Community Funding provides an equitable and transparent process through

which Council determines its financial support to individuals, community and sporting groups, and

other legal entities.

There are two grant categories; the Community Funding round and funding through budget


Budget allocations are determined by Council on the following basis:

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14 April 2014

Agenda – Audit Committee


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• One-off Major Grants – contributions over $20,000 and to a maximum of 100% of the total

project cost.

• Ongoing Grants – contributions requested on a multi-year ongoing basis and to a maximum

100% of the total project cost.

• Seed Funding – contributions requested that require a commitment by Council to fund

projects in the next financial year and prior to the annual budget process.

There are three organisations who have requested funding for more than one year. Under the

Policy CEO-10, if Council determine to provide this funding, a Memorandum of Understanding

needs to be entered into. In this instance, this would mean that a Memorandum of Understanding

needs to be considered with:

• Enable SW/Art Partners (three years funding);

• Enable SW/Rotary Sail into Life (three years funding);

• CinefestOZ (two years in-kind support)

Any Memorandums of Understanding will effectively set aside the funding for the period over

which the agreement is put in place.

In previous years, applicants have been invited to speak to the Council and make a presentation

supporting their applications. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor feel that there is sufficient

information contained in the applications to make this time-consuming process obsolete.

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

Consideration of projects will have a direct financial impact on the 2014-15 budget.

Community Consultation


Councillor/Officer Consultation

This report is presented to the Audit Committee for consideration.

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Agenda – Audit Committee


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11. Applications for Leave of Absence

Not applicable.

12. Motions of Which Previous Notice has been given


13. Questions from Members

13.1 Response to Previous Questions from Members taken on Notice


13.2 Questions from Members

14. Urgent Business


15. Date of Next Meeting

3.30pm, Thursday 29 May 2014 in the Harbour Room

16. Close of Meeting

The Presiding Member closed the meeting at ____pm.

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Wednesday, 9 April, 2014

Projects for Discussion

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Wednesday, 9 April, 2014

Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2012/13

PR-1874 Contribute to Spencer St underground power proposal 1-Feb-2013 30-Jun-2015 $(500,000) $1,212,500 $712,500 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $712,500

Grant - State Government $500,000

Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

Undergrounding of power along Spencer St, Bunbury. Office of Energy to provide 50% external funding. The

project budget is $875k, with 50% ($437k) to be funded from the Office of Energy.

At the 2012/13 Budget workshop held 17/04/2012 it was agreed to defer this item to the 2013/14 Budget to enable

contact with Western Power to see if this project is still viable.

Project approved and as per phone conversation with Western Power elected to take late start as per project

proposal, therefore project now in 14/15 year.

The latest advice from Western Power is that potential cost of project has increased to $1.2million. This would

result in the City's contribution increasing to $700K. 30/10/2013

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Punters Pay!

Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

underground power - who is this benefitting? Shouldn't users pay?

PR-2481 Reconstruct and improve drainage in Spencer St, Bunbury 1-Jan-2013 30-Jun-2015 $214,217 $214,217 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $214,217 Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

This project was originally listed in the 2011/12 budget with a total expenditure of $115,000.

$107,511 to be carried forward from the 2011/12 budget to undertake upgrades to improve drainage in Spencer

Street as these will not be completed by 30/06/2012.

2012/13 Budget expenditure carried forward to 2013/14 ($6,847)

February 2013 Budget Review - Balance of budget to be carried forward to 2013/14 ($64,167).

Revised budget figure received from Geographe Civil of $149,000 on the 27/02/14. Allow an additional $21,000 for

dewatering, Allow $15,000 for preparation of a Dewatering Plan and an Acid Sulphate Soils Plan, Allow $15,000 for

site monitoring and post construction close out. Total budget now $200,000.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

One spot! Reduce 15%

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Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2012/13

PR-1369 Provide contamination report and decontamination works - Clay Target Gun Club for airport expansion 1-Jul-2012 30-Jun-2015 $180,000 $180,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $180,000 Team Leader Airport and Design - Nigel Archibald

The site has a significant build up of lead pellets as a result of many years of clay target shooting. As the pallets

are lead the degree of contamination has to be established prior to remedial action commencing. The estimate

has been obtained by council staff direct from consultants on the understanding that such sites are subject to DEC

/ EPA reporting conditions.

Council Resolution 57/12 from 27th March 2012.

At the Council Meeting held on the 28th February 2012, Council Decision 48-12 resolved to amalgamate the

former Clay Target Gun Club site into the Bunbury Airport to allow for the future development of a rescue

helicopter base and additional aircraft hangars. Due to lead contamination of the site caused by 50 years use as a

firing range, it is necessary to undertake both a Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) and a Detailed Site

Investigation (DSI). It was proposed that the PSI be undertaken in 2013/2014 with the DSI undertaken in

2014/2015. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services ( DFES ) have advised Council that preparation of

the DSI will need to be brought forward to allow construction of the rescue helicopter base to be completed by their

required date of December 2014.

Budget increased by $60,000 as part of the October Budget review to undertake requied works in 2013/2014.

Funded from PR-3074 Develop and implement environmental projects 2013/14. Contract awarded to GHD in

November 2013 to undertake DSI.

Opus preparing an offset management plan to itemise activities for the 9 ha offset site. $20,000 provisionaly

assigned for 14/15 to cover anticipated rehabilation activities.

Transfer of budget ($30,000) from PR-3196 Conduct detailed contamination site investigation fro Nuytsia Ave


Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 50%

PR-3195 Implement Somerville Drive Offset Site Management Plan 1-Feb-2013 30-Jun-2018 $159,000 $159,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $159,000 Manager Sustainability and Integrated Land Use Planning - Thor Farnworth

The Somerville Drive Extension Project recently received conditional environmental approvals from the State and

Federal Governments, which require, inter alia, that the City of Bunbury coordinate of a range of ecological

restoration works at the nominated environmental offset site (R40664) over the next five years.

2012-13 project expenditure carried forward to 2013-2014.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 50%

PR-1090 Relocate and Upgrade street lighting at the intersection of Forrest Ave and Strickland St Bunbury 1-Jul-2012 30-Jun-2015 $50,000 $50,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $50,000 Team Leader Programs and Projects - Ian Browning

There is currently an overhead power pole immediately behind the kerb near the petrol station access on Forrest

Ave. This poses a crash threat and needs to be relocated. The relocated pole will also create space for a future

upgrade of the intersection in accordance with the Beach / Spencer / Forrest intersection upgrade.

February 2013 Budget Review - Balance to be carried forward to the 2013/14 financial year ($47,000)

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

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Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2012/13

PR-1816 Contribute to publication of South West armed services personnel 1-Jul-2012 30-Jun-2015 $45,000 $45,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $45,000 Executive Assistant to the Director Community Development - Vacant Position

This publication will showcase all of the armed services personnel from the South West that have served and

passed. This is a funding contribution.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Jones

This project is still undefined and could be funded from other sources.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

PR-1460 Support aboriginal youth engagement project 1-Dec-2012 30-Jun-2015 $30,000 $30,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $30,000 Team Leader Community Development - Deanna Sullivan

Engagement of aboriginal youth in inclusive City of Bunbury youth activities and projects. This program will work

with Goomburrup and the aboriginal community to deliver opportunities to aboriginal youth.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McCleary

Reduce - currently $30,00 reduce to $5,000 - in progress though. Source Fed Govt adn State Govt grants that are


Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

Total for Financial Year Project Start Year - 2012/13 -$500,000 $1,890,717 $1,390,717

Project Start Year - 2013/14

PR-2421 Construct stormwater quality and capacity improvements - Horseshoe Catchment East Bunbury (Design PR-1931) 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2016 $1,100,000 $1,100,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $300,000

COB Loan Borrowing $800,000

Manager Infrastructure and Assets - Vacant Position

This project is split into 3-4 distinct phases (NB dependent on scope outcomes in design project PR-1931)

delivered over 3 consecutive financial years. At this stage the project expenditure has been split equally over 3

years ($400k pa), however once defined in PR-1931 project expenditure may need to be adjusted.

$100,000 transferred to PR-1931 Design Horseshoe Lake as part of February 2014 Budget Review.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-1372 Upgrade electrical supply within airport 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2015 $330,084 $330,084 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $330,084 Team Leader Airport and Design - Nigel Archibald

Upgrade electrical supply within airport.

Current electrical supply overloaded.

Council Resolution 57/12 from 27th March 2012.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

One spot!

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Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2013/14

PR-3452 Implement joint onground works with SWCC in proposed Preston River to Ocean Regional Park 5-Sep-2013 31-Dec-2017 $288,000 $288,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $288,000 Manager Sustainability and Integrated Land Use Planning - Thor Farnworth

The City of Bunbury and South West Catchments Council (SWCC) have developed a joint four-year project

(2013/14 - 2017/18) to address critical environmental issues within the proposed Preston River to Ocean Regional


The project will be delivered by City and South West Catchments Council staff over a four year period. The City

will be making a $72k p.a. funding contribution to the project (i.e. $288,330 total)

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3178 Provide financial support to the St John of God Foundation Coronary and Cancer unit. 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2018 $125,000 $125,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $125,000 Chief Executive Officer - Andrew Brien

At the Council Meeting held 28 August 2012, Council resolved (Decision 272/12) to:

1. That council advise the St John of God Foundation that it is prepared to make a donation of $125,000 towards

the new coronary and cancer unit at St John of God Hospital, Bunbury and that this donation will be paid in yearly

payments of $25,000 per year over five (5) years commencing from August 2013.

2. That Council acknowledge the contribution that the St John of God Foundation provides to the City of Bunbury.

3. That suitable recognition, in the form of naming rights at the hospital, be requested.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-2595 Develop a Detailed Concept Plan and Detailed Design for a future LotteryWest House to be located at Jaycee

Park Community Precinct

1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2016 $(100,000) $114,500 $14,500 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $114,500 Chief Executive Officer - Andrew Brien

During the 2012/2013 financial year a study was undertaken on the needs of Not-for-Profit Accommodation within

the City of Bunbury. This was undertaken using LotteryWest funding and the outcome of the report was to be

provided to LotteryWest with a view to obtaining further funding to provide not-for-profit accommodation at two

sites within the City of Bunbury: the Stirling Street Arts Centre; and Jaycee Park.

A Detailed Concept Plan is required to provide an indication of the works which are needed to be undertaken at

Jaycee Park.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

All items related to lotterywest house at Jaycee Park to be removed

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


PR-2852 Refurbish Council Chambers and Function Building (heritage issue) 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2015 $97,540 $97,540 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $97,540 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

This project request was submitted by the Mayor. who would like to see repairs undertaken and function area

repainted, installation of a device to prevent leaves entering under door and upgrades to toilets by way of

handwahsing and drying equipment.

This project has now been completed with an additional funds $7,540 required.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 50%

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

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Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2013/14

PR-2537 Implement "Lighting up Bunbury" 2013/14 project - Bicentennial Square 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2014 $70,000 $70,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $70,000 Senior Project Officer - Mike Stewart

To continue the implementation of 'Lighting up Bunbury' concept included in the Nightscape plan.

The location identified for 2013/14 is 'Tree Uplighting, Bicentennial Square'.

Based on consultant report, and the 2012/13 financial year, an allocation has been assigned for the project cost for

the concept.

In the 2012/13 financial year, the South West Development Commission provided the City matching funds up to

$100,000. It is intended to up to 50% funding for the 2013/14 financial year.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce to $0

PR-3630 Reimbursement of minor building equipment purchased by the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre (BREC)

which are City of Bunbury Assets

1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2014 $65,000 $65,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $65,000 Grants Coordination Officer - Liz Allan

The Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre has purchased several items which are considered to belong on the

City of Bunbury Asset Register. These items were crucial for the impending opening of the new Centre.

The $65,000 ($64,356) in this current financial year’s budget review is a result of ongoing work that BREC has

undertaken in conjunction with the City of Bunbury Executive. BREC has been advised to submit critical capital

items, purchased for the operation of the expanded theatre facility for funding by the City of Bunbury as a budget

review item. A criterion has been determined by which a City of Bunbury Asset is one that would remain as it is

integral to the running of the BREC in the event that the Board of Management leave.

The work regarding the classifying of assets has allowed the two organisations to gain clarity around asset

management and ensure that assets purchased as part of critical systems for the facility are correctly managed

and accounted for.

The $65,000 for consideration in the 2013-2014 year is for items purchased as part of the expansion (the Cube

Theatre Lighting System) that are critical to open the buildings; and under the new asset classifications, will remain

on the City of Bunbury Asset Register. An itemised list has been provided by the BREC.

BREC paid for these out of fundraising which they had tirelessly undertaken however as these items are

considered to be City of Bunbury Assets, a reimbursement is being sought.

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-3632 Carry out repairs to leaking fire service on existing Regional Entertainment Centre 12-Mar-2014 30-Jun-2014 $60,000 $60,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $60,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Contractors have identified leaks in the fire service and cannot pass test. Work has been carried out

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-3238 Undertake programmed maintenance painting to Old Railway Station Carmody Place 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2020 $59,430 $59,430 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $59,430 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Carry Out full painting of station exterior in 2012/13 year and carry out maintenance painting over 7 year period.

Payments to be spread over 7-year period

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 10%

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Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2013/14

PR-3136 Design additional existing Hungry Hollow and Surf Club beach access stairs and investigate erosion control


1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2015 $50,950 $50,950 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $50,950 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

The existing stairs adjacent to the Hungry Hollow Restaurant, that access the beach no longer reach the shoreline.

Certain parts of the year cause severe erosion, leaving a major 5m gap between the bottom of the stairs and the

beach, a major hazard for residents using the stairs.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 50%

PR-3435 Close 10 public access ways in Withers - Withers Action Plan 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2015 $50,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: Reserve - Withers $50,000 Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

Lot 624 Davenport Way - Jacaranda Crescent

Lot 605 Plowers Place - Moriarty Park

Lot 604 Jacaranda Crescent - Whitely Place

Lot 55 & 56 Jacaranda Crescent - Wilkerson Way

Lot 55 Whitley Place - Hudson Road

Lot 55 Whitley Place - Open Reserve

Lot 623 Davenport Way - Open Reserve

Lot 157 Littlefair Drive - Crews Court

Lot 55 Lockwood Crescent - Craven Court

Lot 156 Whatman Way - Littlefair Drive

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-2590 Participate in Peron Naturaliste Partnership 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2015 $40,000 $40,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $40,000 Director Planning and Development Services - Bob Karaszkewych

Develop a climate change adaptations pathway report and undertake further research

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


PR-2553 Support the Bunbury Regional Trade Training Centre 2013/14 to 2015/16 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2016 $30,000 $30,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $30,000 Team Leader Community Development - Deanna Sullivan

The Bunbury Regional Trade Training Centre (BRTTC) will significantly impact the education and training

outcomes of up to 5050 secondary students by providing centralised support and opportunities to those young

people studying, or wishing to study, a trade in the Bunbury area. This number including 109 indigenous students

across 14 schools, two of which are education support facilities.

This initiative is proposed for a three year period during which the City would provide finacial support of $10,000 pa

(Total $30,000 over three years) to help support and develop sustainability. This was approved through the

2013/14 Budget.

An MOU is well underway between the Regional Trade Training Centre and the City outlining performance

measures for the three years funding.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

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Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2013/14

PR-2947 Support Bunbury Men of Song 2013/14 to 2015/16 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2016 $30,000 $30,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $30,000 Administration Project officer - Vacant Position

At the briefing session of 27 November there were presentations from Bunbury Men of Song and requesting

support over the next 3 years. $10,000 has been allocated in 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 for consideration.

This was approved through the 2013/14 Budget.

An MOU is well underway between the Bunbury Men of Song and the City outlining performance measures for the

three years funding.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Jones

Men of Song: seek alternative funding. Other choirs in Bunbury, eg. Vocal Fusion, what assistance is COB giving


PR-2946 Provide support to "Youth Care" 2013/14 to 2015/16 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2016 $27,000 $27,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $27,000 Community Development Officer Access - Isabell Evans

Following Youth Care presentation to Elected Member at the Briefing of 27 November, $9,000 to be provided over

the 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 financial years.

The briefing agenda stated:

"The Bunbury Regional YouthCARE (BRYC) is a community based organisation operating as a regional council.

BRYC’s role is to raise funds for and to support the provision and role of school chaplains in Government Schools.

While YouthCARE is a religious organisation, the chaplaincy services are those of pastoral care and counselling.

Due to projected demand for school chaplaincy services outstripping BRYC’s ability to maintain and expand its

community fundraising capacity, BRYC is approaching the City of Bunbury to seek a minor line item contribution of

$9,000 per year towards maintaining the 5 days per week school chaplains at Newton Moore Senior High School

and Bunbury Senior High School."

This was approved through the 2013/14 Budget.

An MOU is well underway between YouthCare and the City outlining performance measures for the three years


Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Jones.

Youth Care: could be funded by an alternative source, government agency "headspace" far more acceptable as

support for youth.

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2013/14

PR-3505 Investigate an opportunity to develop an Urban Bike Park at St Marks Park (Charter House Reserve) 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2015 $24,250 $24,250 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $24,250 Manager Sport Leisure and Active Lifestyles - Garry Stokes

St Marks park was previously established as a City Bike park but has deteriorated overtime and needs

considerable work and ongoing management. South West mountain Bike Club have volunteered to manage the

park under a MOU.

Possible CSRFF Funding - 1/3 DSR, 1/3 Club, 1/3 City of Bunbury

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 50%

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3629 Prepare Heritage Interpretation Signage for King Cottage 11-Mar-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(23,734) $23,734 $0 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash Restricted - Unspent Grants $23,734 Manager Development Assessment and Building Certification - Gary Fitzgerald

Prepare Heritage Interpretation Signage for King Cottage

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-3616 Acquisition of Lot 1028 Latrielle Rd South Bunbury 10-Mar-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(400,000) $19,867 $(380,133) Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $19,867 Manager Contracts and Property - Massimo Andreone

Acquisition - Joint Venture Agreement between the City and State of WA.

Subsequent disposal to generate income for the City.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-2723 Acquire museum collection items 13/14 - 15/16 1-Jul-2013 30-Jun-2015 $15,000 $15,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $15,000 Museum Curator - Lauretta Davies

Provide funding to enable purchase and development of a Bunbury Museum collection of artefacts. The Collection

Policy specifies that the priority method of collecting will be through donations and bequests. However, if a

significant object with commercial value becomes available, for example, personal papers of one of Bunbury's

"Three Premiers", then it would be possible to consider purchasing.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 10%

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2013/14

PR-3631 Commission Report on the Counterweight Flying System, Pit Lift and General Safety at the Bunbury Regional

Entertainment Centre (BREC)

1-Apr-2014 30-Jun-2014 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Senior Contract and Procurement Officer - David Russell

A report needs to be commissioned on the Counterweight Flying System, Pit Lift and General Safety at the

Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre (BREC) prior to undertaking an upgrade of the system as proposed in the

2014/15 Budget.

It is proposed that the report be commissioned in the last quarter of 2013/14 to allow for the upgrade to commence

in 2014/15.

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-3617 Acquisition of Lot 361 Geographe Way Withers 10-Mar-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(195,000) $4,947 $(190,053) Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $4,947 Manager Contracts and Property - Massimo Andreone

Acquisition - Under terms of Joint Venture Agreement between the City and State of WA.

Subsequent disposal to generate income for the City.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Total for Financial Year Project Start Year - 2013/14 -$718,734 $2,630,302 $1,911,568

Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-1701 Construct a new waste transfer station (Design PR-1289) 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: Reserve - Refuse Collection and Waste Minimisation $1,300,000 Manager Waste - Tony Battersby

Construction of the facility for city of bunbury residents to take their waste and recyclables.

At the ELT Meeting held Tuesday 24/07/2012 it was agreed to defer this item to the 2014/15 budget for


Submitted for discussion by Cr Jones

New waste transfer station: must have, will save landfill space in the long term, green waste will go to organics, will

alleviate the need for one kerb-side collection per year, more convenient for residents, reintroduce tip pass.

PR-2276 Replace corporate vehicles 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(383,409) $947,030 $563,621 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $563,621

COB Proceeds from Disposal of Assets $383,409

Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Replace corporate vehicles 2014/15

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Delete - Lease

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3608 Establish an off leash dog exercise area(s) Lions Park 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2017 $686,000 $686,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $236,000

COB Loan Borrowing $450,000

Manager Sport Leisure and Active Lifestyles - Garry Stokes

Review the location of the Bunbury Dog Club and prospects of establishing an off leash dog exercise area(s).

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

Dog exercise area deferred

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce to $0

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Defer see PR-3440

Submitted for discussion by Cr McCleary

Staged - commence with fencing first year etc.

PR-2851 Design and Upgrade Ashrose Drive Reserve Withers (Design) - Withers Action Plan 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2021 $645,000 $645,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $450,000

Reserve - Withers $195,000

Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

Upgrade Ashrose Drive Reserve (design component) subject to inclusion in the Withers Urban Renewal Report.

THis will also require the rationalisation of Whiteman Park & Ray Bain Pk which are both located within 200m of

this new project.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 50%

PR-3440 Install playground, barbecue, lighting and shelters at Lions Park 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2019 $360,000 $360,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $190,000

Reserve - Withers $170,000

Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

Install playground, barbecue, lighting and shelters at Lions Park

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce to $0

PR-3510 Events grants round 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $350,000 $350,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $350,000 Team Leader Events - Deeanne Smith

To be managed in a similar way to the Community Grants program with application's going through a competitive

process and application's assessed on their ability to drive tourism, economic and community benefits.

Business case being prepared by Dee Smith (as at 30/10/2013)

Can potentially be funded from Councillor discretionary fund

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-1470 Renew and Upgrade Paths 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $320,000 $320,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $180,000 Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

Blair Street (Symons to Clifton) - in front of BREC

Blair Street (Cornwall to Park)

Wittenoom (Symons to Clifton) - both sides of road

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 20%

PR-1373 Upgrade access road to new Rescue Helicopter Base and Airport hanger sites 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $300,000 $300,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Loan Borrowing $300,000 Team Leader Airport and Design - Nigel Archibald

Upgrade access road to new rescue helicopter base and hanger sites created within former Clay Target Gun Club


Council Resolution 57/12 from 27th March 2012.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-2395 Renew, resleeve and improve drainage network 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $300,000 $300,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $200,000

Reserve - Asset Management and Renewal $100,000

Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

Renew, resleeve and improve drainage network 2014/15

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 10%

PR-2713 Supply and install mechanical and electrical services for museum use of the Paisley Centre to "A" class standard 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $300,000 $300,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Loan Borrowing $300,000 Director Community Development - Stephanie Addison-Brown

Stage Two of the Paisley Centre project will deliver final building modification and preparations relative to the

Museum standards.

Works will include appropriate light, temperature and humidity controls, (appropriate air conditioning) capacity to

stage changing exhibitions including a lighting system, power, educational resources including overhead projection

and wifi spots, secure storage, documentation, quarantine and washing facilities,IT,security and fire prevention and

internal painting.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-1868 Expand path network (excluding Withers) 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $254,000 $254,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $4,000

COB Loan Borrowing $400,000

Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

Jarvis Street (Hayward to Hoylake)

Blair Street (Strickland to Park)

Hoylake Avenue (Jarvis to Clarke)

Richmond (Austral to PAW)

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce by $250K

PR-1933 Renew drainage infrastructure - Leschenault Catchment 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $250,000 $250,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Loan Borrowing $250,000 Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

Renew various sections of drainabe infrastructure within the Leschenault catchment.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3626 Upgrade power supply to Hay Park South sports fields 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $250,000 $250,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $250,000 Manager Sport Leisure and Active Lifestyles - Garry Stokes

Upgrade power supply to hay Park South sports fields

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Delete ?!

PR-1218 Improve streetscape - Princep St, Bunbury 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2017 $230,000 $230,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $230,000 Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

Urban Landscape and Precinct Development - Upgrade of streetscape (Victoria Street to Wellington Street)

Design component year 1

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce by $10k

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

Princep St landscape deferred

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-1371 Construct taxiway into former Gun Club site - rescue helicopter base and hangars 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(113,564) $227,128 $113,564 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $3,564

COB Loan Borrowing $110,000

Grant - State Government $113,564

Team Leader Airport and Design - Nigel Archibald

Construct taxiway into former Gun club site to provide aircraft access to new rescue helicopter base and hangar

sites. New hangar sites expected to generate annual income of $81,000 per annum.

Council Resolution 57/12 from 27th March 2012.

Department of Transport have agreed to fund $113,564 through the Regional Airports Development Scheme.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Claw back

PR-3580 Apply for Funding for Club Development Program for 2014/15 and 2015/16 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2016 $(100,000) $150,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $50,000

Grant - State Government $100,000

Manager Sport Leisure and Active Lifestyles - Garry Stokes

The City of Bunbury has been a partner with the Department of Sport and Recreation in facilitating club

devlopment in Bunbury for the past three years. The current funding arrangements finish on the 30/6/2013 and this

application for funding is for the years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

PR-3644 PR-3644 STATE BLACK SPOT Road Works: Estuary Drive & Hamilton Road 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(100,000) $150,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $50,000

Grant - State Government Black Spot Program $100,000

Engineering Technical Officer - Rachel Griffiths

State Black Spot Road Works - Estuary Drive and Hamilton Road, Road widening, reseal, clear/prune RAB

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-2381 Rehabilitate foreshore marine walls 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $140,000 $140,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Loan Borrowing $140,000 Team Leader Programs and Projects - Ian Browning

Replace steel hand rails with stainless steel, repaint wall and pillars with marine grade mortar and replace

limestone blocks where required. Maintain structural integrity of marine defences and ensure hand rails and pillars

are safe. If not approved there is potential for failure of upstands and/or railings

Director Works and Services advised 21/6/13 to reduce the project from $200K to $140K.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-1296 Replace playground equipment 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $137,500 $137,500 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $137,500 Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

Replace equipment as per Playground Replacement Plan

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-2285 Replace corporate heavy plant 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(34,150) $121,368 $87,218 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $87,218

COB Proceeds from Disposal of Assets $34,150

Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Replace corporate heavy plant 2014/15

Corporate Heavy Plant inlcudes trucks, front end loaders, backhoes, tractors, elevated work platforms and


Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

1 more year

PR-3640 Reseal roads 14-15 (1) - Nuytsia Ave 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(108,000) $108,000 $0 Not Approved

Source of Funds: Grant - Commonweath Roads to Recovery Program $108,000 Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

Reseal Nuytsia Ave. Project is fully funded through Commonwealth Roads to Recovery Funding. This project has

resulted due to a split of previous PR-1116 into 4 discrete projects.

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-1370 Extend security fence around former Gun Club site - rescue helicopter base 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(28,222) $100,000 $71,778 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $71,778

Grant - State Government $28,222

Team Leader Airport and Design - Nigel Archibald

Extend security fence around former Gun Club site to provide security for new rescue helicopter base and hangars

as part of airport expansion.

Council Resolution 57/12 from 27th March 2012.

The Department of Transport has agreed to fund $28,222 through the RADS program as the fence extends

around the rescue helicopter base.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 50%

PR-1481 Expand Strategic cycle & path links 2014/15 (including Bike Plans) 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $100,000 $100,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Loan Borrowing $150,000 Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

Construct cycleway 2014/15 (implement Bunbury Bike Plan)

Ocean Drice (Tuart walk to Washington Ave)

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-2312 Renew city's irrigation equipment 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $100,000 $100,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $100,000 Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

General irrigation renewals.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 50% - audit H2O

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-2547 Replace and implement new Library Management System 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $100,000 $100,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $100,000 Manager Libraries and Learning - Erin Findlay

Key risks include: the inability of the system to undertake basic functions such as searching the cataloguie, track

items, generate correct invoices and total lack of reporting fuctions. Also the key risk that it will become

unsupported by the supplier (Sirsi Dynix) and it will experience little to no upgrades and will not be part of new 'blue

cloud' techonology. Not only will this affect the ability of the Library Service to interact with new technologies over

time it will render the system inert.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Delete - 1 more year

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3495 Investgate the upgrade or replacement of council Core Business System 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $100,000 $100,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $100,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

Investigate the options and viability of upgrading or replacing the core business system Authority.

Authority version 5 is now out of support and the perception is that it is becoming unstable.

An analysis of current situation and options is required. This project is to undertake this analysis

and complete the upgrade if determined the appropriate course of action.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce by $50k

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

Core business system - is this necessary?

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3516 Replace House Lighting at the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre (BREC) 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $100,000 $100,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $100,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Replacement of the House Lighting System at the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre as it is 22 years old and

is no-longer able to be repaired.

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3641 Reseal roads 14-15 (2) - (roads TBC) 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(100,000) $100,000 $0 Not Approved

Source of Funds: Grant - Commonweath Roads to Recovery Program $100,000 Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

Reseal roads, although roads still to be decided. Project is fully funded through Commonwealth Roads to

Recovery Funding. This project has resulted due to a split of previous PR-1116 into 4 discrete projects.

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3642 Reseal roads 14-15 (3) (roads TBC) 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(100,000) $100,000 $0 Not Approved

Source of Funds: Grant - Commonweath Roads to Recovery Program $100,000 Engineering Technical Officer - Rachel Griffiths

Reseal roads, although roads still to be decided. Project is fully funded through Commonwealth Roads to

Recovery Funding. This project has resulted due to a split of previous PR-1116 into 4 discrete projects.

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-3643 Reseal roads 14-15 (4) - (roads TBC) 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(100,000) $100,000 $0 Not Approved

Source of Funds: Grant - Commonweath Roads to Recovery Program $100,000 Engineering Technical Officer - Rachel Griffiths

Reseal roads, although roads still to be decided. Project is fully funded through Commonwealth Roads to

Recovery Funding. This project has resulted due to a split of previous PR-1116 into 4 discrete projects.

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3228 Support Bunbury Community Radio 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $85,000 $85,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $85,000 Team Leader Community Development - Deanna Sullivan

The Bunbury Community Radio Inc was established by a Steering Committee in 2011 and is run by a board of

volunteers. Bunbury Community Radio is a radio station for the community, by the community. For almost three

years the Bunbury Community Radio Inc has been developing plans, policies and infrastructure with a view to

providing a community radio station in Bunbury.

Work has commenced on an application to the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA) for a

community broadcasting licence. The technical requirements for the application are being compiled by members

of the Technical IT Sub Committee and a broadcast consultant. The application will be submitted to ACMA in

February 2014 and it is expected a licence will be grated by July 2014. The Bunbury Community Radio is seeking

to apply for an FM licence.

Bunbury Community Radio was conceived out of the belief that existing radio services are not adequately

focussed on the Bunbury community or the target audience of mature adults and seniors. while the on-air content

will be aimed at a demographic of 45 to 70 year olds, provision will be made to cater to young people, the

indigenous community ad those with alternative musical tastes through programme segments and on-air features.

The base music programme will be supplemented with special features and segments that focus on specific areas

of interest in the community. The proposed music content has been confirmed through an on-line survey with

members, not for profit groups and the wider community.

Whilst existing public and commercial stations provide a range of services to the Bunbury area, the networking of

some of their programmes means that generic material not specifically targeted at this community is broadcast for

a number of hours each day. Two local commercial stations broadcasting on the AM band focus on a similar

demographic and music style to that planned by the Bunbury Community Radio, but are not able to provide a level

of promotional support required by not-for-profit groups sporting and cultural organisations.

Through on-line survey, community groups have expressed their need to be able to promote details of their

activities ad other information through free on-air announcements, the production of special interest features or the

broadcast of sponsorship announcements on the station. Local people will have the opportunity to become radio

announcers to produce their own specialist or community-based programs.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $42,000.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

Submitted for discussion by Cr McCleary

Currently $85,000 reduce to $42,000

PR-2594 Prepare detail design concept and a plan of management for Koombana Bay foreshore 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $84,000 $84,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $84,000 Manager Sustainability and Integrated Land Use Planning - Thor Farnworth

A detail design concept and a plan of management needs to be commissioned for the Koombana Bay Foreshore

to ensure continuity between that and the Waterfront and Leschenault Inlet.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3638 Continue to employ Museum Curator 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $79,542 $79,542 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $79,542 Director Community Development - Stephanie Addison-Brown

The current Museum Curator’s contract was for a period of three years and this has been extended to 30 June

2014. The contract was issued as a fixed term when the future of the Museum project was uncertain, however,

there is now a Council resolution to move ahead with the project, the Paisley Centre has been acquired for this

purpose and the development of a collection well underway in accordance with Council’s endorsed collection

policy. The later stages of the project are already included in Council’s ten year financial plan. In addition, a

community driven fund-raising committee has commenced actively seeking financial support for the project with a

target of $300,000 to support the fit out stage of the project. The Museum Curator has worked on feasibility

studies, provision of advice to the works team at the Paisley Centre, collection development and a series of

Museum programs including activities which link with the Australian curriculum. She is essentially a "Museum

without walls" already. This project seeks to continue the position as a permanent position to continue with the

current work that has been undertaken and to coordinate museum activities once the Paisley Centre is ready to

open to the public.

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-3559 Replace Organisational Phone System including Licences and Virtualisation 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $77,000 $77,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $77,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

A working and efficient phone system is critical to the business being able to deliver excellent customer service.

The Customer Service department have problems with the current system and it's limitation's on an ongoing basis.

The phone system presently used by the City has been in service a number of years. The hardware of the system

is located in three places (Admin Building, SWSC and Depot).

The risk of catastrophic failure of these units increases with age.

The existing hardware is physical and does not provide any portability in case of major site failures or disasters.

The City has embarked on a virtualisation program where servers and desktops are virtualised. This allows them

to "move" to an alternate hardware site or if needed the "cloud" in the event of a major system failure or site

disaster. To align the phone system with this strategy the upgrade project will provide a virtual phone system

backed by individual hardware elements as required. The virtual component will move with all the other virtual


As an advantage of performing the upgrade the city will benefit from the ability to enable "Unified

Communication's" that it does not have now. This includes features such as presence management and

conferencing as well as the ability to use soft phone on a PC, IPAD or Iphone. Greater flexibility and features

assist individual office's and the Customer Service Department to provide better service to the Customer.

The Upgrade also moves us into the use of Internet Phone Lines (SIP and VOIP). This is required to untie the

system from the telco provider and alllow greater options and the ability to save costs on phone usage fees.

The ability to run a soft phone on an iphone and using the Internet to make calls from the work pabx remotely,

along with the ability for office staff to call the mobile on an extension provides great potential to reduce mobile call


Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


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Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3467 Supply and install replacement generator - South West Sports Centre 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $76,520 $76,520 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $76,520 Director Works and Services - Phil Harris

To Supply and install replacement generator UVS 9kw UV generator with a rated capacity of 400j/M2@750M3 per

HR. Trisley Quote21/8/13 for SWSC.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3446 Upgrade underground power into Hay Park from Bussell Highway 26-Aug-2014 30-Jun-2015 $75,000 $75,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $75,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Current power coming in from bussel hawy distribution board has reached the limit of its carrying capacity. No

new works can be done until upgrade is complete

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3012 Support Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre (BREC) through the purchase of equipment 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $70,000 $70,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $70,000 Team Leader Arts and Cultural Development - Helena Sahm

Support BREC 2014/15.

This is an unallocated estimate for specific capital project bids received from the Bunbury Regional Entertainment


Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Negotiate - reduce 25%

PR-3627 Upgrade main power supply board and cabinet to supply power to Big Swamp play area, Wildlife Park and Ronald

McDonald House

28-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $65,000 $65,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $65,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

The current meter box is limited in its capacity to allow further increase in power demand from the addition of new

electrical appliances, BBQ`s, lighting etc

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


PR-3075 Develop and implement environmental projects 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $60,000 $60,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $60,000 Manager Sustainability and Integrated Land Use Planning - Thor Farnworth

This project provides for the completion of contaminated sites investigations for three of Council’s top priority sites

including ex-Council depots on Symmons St and at Big Swamp and Council’s dog pound. These and other

suspected contaminated sites were reported to the Department of Environment and Conservation in 2007 in

accordance with the City’s statutory responsibilities under the Contaminated Sites Act 2003.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3248 Install transportable lunch and change facility at McCombe Road 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $60,000 $60,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: Reserve - Refuse Collection and Waste Minimisation $60,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Project emanating from meeting around building asset priority

Submitted for discussion by Cr Jones

Transportable lunch and change facility: must have, current conditions would not comply with OHS regulations.

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3511 Provide funds to support CineFestOz 2014 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2016 $60,000 $60,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $60,000 Team Leader Events - Deeanne Smith

CinefestOZ is seeking to build upon it’s first year introduction into the City of Bunbury community and apply for a

further two years funding (ie 2014 and 2015 years).

Note: CinefestOZ is owned by Geographe French Australian Festivals Incorporated. it is a progressive,

professionally operated body managed by a volunteer board. It has ATO endorsement as a Deductable Gift

Recipient and is registered for GST.

Application has been for $25,000 in-kind and $25,000 cash for both 2014/2015 and 2015/2016.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $25,000 in-kind for 2014/2015 and 2015/2016.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

In-kind OK, if not, not OK

2/4/14 - Team Leader for Events, Dee Smith has been advised by the Cinefest Oz Festival Manager that should

the CIty of Bunbury not provide cash support for the 2014 event that it's very likely the event won't go ahead in

Bunbury, as the current contract that Cinefest Oz has with EventsCorp does not cover event activities in Bunbury.

PR-3607 Provide additional operating support to the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre (BREC) 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $60,000 $60,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $60,000 Team Leader Arts and Cultural Development - Helena Sahm

The BREC Board have requested 'Special Facility Funding' on top of their operation funding to be utilised on an 'as

needs' basis to assist with a forecast operating deficit in the first year of operating the newly expanded Centre.

There was a feasibility study prepared nine years ago as part of the BREC Expansion funding submission and this

predicted a deficit budget in the building year and then a return to balanced budgets once the expanded Centre is

operating at optimum capacity.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 50%

PR-1172 Contribute to EdWA school frontage program - road network expansion 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $50,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $50,000 Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

Contribute to EdWA school frontage program - road network expansion 2014/15

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 20%

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-1560 Upgrade compliance/infringement management system 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $50,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: Reserve - City of Bunbury General Parking $50,000 Manager Community Law Safety and Emergency Management - John Kowal

To purchase a new integrated system that activates and configures the authority system to provide an enhanced

enforcement issuing software related to property inspections; dangerous dog complaints; health enforcement; food

premises inspections and pool inspections across three divisional functional areas of responsibility.

Rangers currently use an electronic infringement system (Inforce) for the issue and process of infringement

notices. This system is linked to the city's computer network and enables the transfer of electronic data between

the portable devices and the City computer system. The current system has been operational for a number of

years and is antiquated and requirews an upgrade.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Make do! - Reduce by 50%

PR-2300 Replace corporate minor plant 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $50,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $50,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Replace corporate minor plant 2014/15

Corporate minor plant includes chainsaws, plate compactors, water pumps, generators, lawn mowers, whipper

snippers, edgers, lowers, post hole borers etc

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 40%

PR-2370 Install shade sails in public open space 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $50,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $50,000 Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

Annual provision of 2 x shade sails.

Of the 46 parks with playground equipment 18 have had shade sails installed, 13 are covered to an extent by tree

braches and 15 have no shade cover at all.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

Shade sails deferred

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3058 Purchase new public art annual allocation 2014/15 (Council resolution 17/12) 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $50,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $50,000 Team Leader Arts and Cultural Development - Helena Sahm

Purchase of new Public Art annual allocation 2014/15.

This is a Council resolution from January 2012 (Resolution #17/12) ($50K per annum is to be alloacted which will

accumulate year on year to enable a new commission/acquisition every couple of years).

ADD TO PR-3057 ($150K accrued to date)

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce by $25k

Submitted for discussion by Cr Jones

Do not fund until arts sorted out.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 50%

PR-3512 Replace Optic Fibre to Boulters Heights Transmission Site 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $50,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $50,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

The fibre optic installation between the Administration Building and Boulters Heights transmission site is not up to

modern standards and has degraded over time. Multiple failures have been periodically repaired, and this now

leaves no spare fibre if another failure occurrs.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


PR-3595 Prepare - Structure Plan Lot 70 Winthrop Ave, College Grove Joint Venture 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $50,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: Reserve - College Grove Subdvision $50,000 Manager Sustainability and Integrated Land Use Planning - Thor Farnworth

Current operational/ project commitments does not enable in-house preparation. Consultant to prepare a structure

plan incorporating supporting specialist documentation to guide future land use and development in accordance

with State requirements and scheme provisions. Project costs anticipated to be acquired from Joint Venture fund.

CEO has confirmed that the new College Grove JV will fund this project. $50,000 will come from the College

Grove Reserve. (7/2/14)

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3649 Deliver Youth Arts Festival and 3D Street Artwork 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $50,000 $50,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $50,000 Director Community Development - Stephanie Addison-Brown

Deliver Youth Arts Festival and 3D Street Artwork. This project has been proposed by the Youth Advisory Council


YAC are planning to organise a week long Youth Arts Festival in March 2015. The festival will include a 3D street

art project, workshops to up skill local young artists and a variety of events to draw tourists from the region into the

City to engage in the arts.

As youth engagement is one of the major reasons YAC are wanting to do the Youth Arts Festival, a strong

emphasis will be placed on youth and community engagement and YAC will work with local stakeholders such as

Bunbury Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Bunbury Events Reference Group, education providers (schools

etc) and arts based community groups.

Grant funding and sponsorship will be sought to offset the cost incurred by council.

A recommendation was put forward and approved at the YAC meeting held 12 March that Council allocate

$50,000 toward the festival. This recommendation was presented as a deputation at the Council meeting held 1

April. Council voted to defer the decision pending receipt of a report to be provided at the following Council


PR-3518 Replacement of fridges and upgrade of bars at the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre (BREC) 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $45,000 $45,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $45,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Replacement of old fridges which break down frequently and are expensive to fix.

Refurbishment of the bars to match the currently remodelling being undertaken as part of the BREC expansion


Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-1654 Replace bins - Annual bin replacement program 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $40,500 $40,500 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $40,500 Manager Waste - Tony Battersby

Replace agening bins as existing bins will become unserviceable

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 50%

PR-2413 Replace SCADA equipment 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $40,000 $40,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $40,000 Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

Upgrade and renew SCADA equipment 2014/15

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 25%

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3244 Refurbish Queens Gardens (skatepark) toilets 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $40,000 $40,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $40,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Refurbish/replace toilets as per meeting around Building assets

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

PR-3552 Replace Corporate Photocopiers 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $40,000 $40,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $40,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

Organisational information is published using a network of corporate photocopiers. These copiers perform a copy

and printing function. Printed material for inclusion in council's document management system "myDocs" needs to

be scanned. The photocopiers also provide a scanning fuction for this.

As the copiers age their reliability becomes less and therefore the cost of use becomes higher. The average

estimated lifespan of a copier is 3 to 5 years before it becomes unecconomical to run. Annual budget estimate for

the replacement of the copiers throughout the organisation for the 2014/15 financial year.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


PR-3573 Support the Healthy Lifestyle Program (SWWHIC) - LIFE 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $35,260 $35,260 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $35,260 Manager Sport Leisure and Active Lifestyles - Garry Stokes

The South West Women's Health and Information Centre are seeking funding to run the Healthy Lifestyle Program

- LIFE in 2014. SWWHIC applied for funding in the amount of $14,000 for a $29,000 project through the

Community Funding 2013/14 Funding Round and were unsuccessful due to the fact that their costs are

predominantly operational - wages, administration, etc. which is not permitted through Community Funding.

Funding is being sought to offer participants a eight-week cycle of the LIFE program which will involve eight

mornings in a row.

The target group are women and men at risk of chronic disease such as heart disease or diabetes who reside in

all localities of the City of Bunbury. The participants will include indigenous people and those who do not use the

SWSC at present and would benefit from trying the facility in a supported program. Assessment will be

undertaken at the start and conclusion of the project. The content is a combination of presentations by the Health

Educator on healthy food preparation, choices and eating patterns. During each session there is exercise either at

the SWSC or other community programs.

Ideally there will be 15 people per cycle as this allows personalised attention by the Coordinator. Depending on

the level of funding provided the centre can increase the number of participants. The total cost of the program is

foreseen to be $45,260 and SWWHIC are requesting funding in the amount of $35,260. SWWHIC have advised

that a lesser amount of funding would be preferable to no funding.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $4,000.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3610 Development of City of Bunbury Ratepayer Phone and Tablet App 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $35,000 $35,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $35,000 Corporate Marketing Officer - Lucy Wiseman

Council Resolution 377/13 endorsed the implementation of a number of marketing and communications initiatives

including the development of an app for iPhones and Androids specifically for use by ratepayers including the

ability to submit consultation surveys; report problems; waste information; and news and events. Preliminary cost

indications have since been sourced with estimated costs in the vicinity of $32,000 plus support and maintenance


Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

App development - defer

PR-2447 Contribute to research to address identified regional issues as a member of the Regional Cities Alliance 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $34,257 $34,257 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $34,257 Chief Executive Officer - Andrew Brien

Collective action of alliance members producing more effective regional strategies and outcomes

Alliance members include City of Bunbury, City of Albany, City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, City of Geraldton, Town of

Port Headland, Shire of Roebourne, Shire of Broome

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce to $0

Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

Not sure why this is necessary

PR-3529 Expand path network through Bunbury Wildlife Park to improve access including to kangaroo enclosure 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2016 $32,000 $32,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $32,000 Manager Bunbury Wildlife Park - Kristina Knight

Many exhibits within the Bunbury Wildlife Park are not linked by sealed paths. This makes it difficult for people with

disabilities or those with prams to access all areas of the Park.

This project will enable most existing exhibits to be linked by the path network.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 50%

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-2240 Replace personal computers, mobile devices and printers 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $30,000 $30,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $30,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

Organisational communication's is conducted daily with the aid of desktop and mobile computers and the

publishing of information is via local network printers. This equipment has an average life of three to four years

then fails resulting in the inability for staff to communicate effectively. Annual budget estimate for the replacement

of personal computers, mobile devices and printers throughout the organisation for the 2014/15 financial year.

The current strategy of virtualisation is replacing traditional PC's with lower cost terminals. However not all users

will be able to use a terminal due to the limitations of desktop virtualisation. These users will retain the use of a

traditional PC and it will have an expected lifespan of 3 years.

This year will see the replacement of most of the remaining PC's as they have not been replaced since 2011.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 25%

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-2567 Develop Big Swamp Area Masterplan 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $30,000 $30,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $30,000 Landscape Architect - Myles Bovell

This is proposed as a one off initiative which will need input across the organistion to promote a unified approach

to the mangement of the area, provide vision for the future an and provide the big picture.

In conversations with some key staff it was identified that an updated and new masterplan should be developed for

the area to allow for appropriate growth of facilities and also address needs relating to matters such as parking,

public toilets, BBQ's and possible footpath/safe links to the swamp area.

As the Accessible Playground becomes increasingly popular among the Bunbury community it is pertinent to

develop a Master Plan which dictates appropriate directives for further expansion. Such a plan will outlay ideas,

proposals and designs for the expansion to the east of the current Big Swamp Accessible Playground. It is

anticipated that this will form a module of the Big Swamp / Wildlife Park / Playground precinct. Suggestions to date

include an accessible nature playground, older teens 'own-space' and skate facility.

Advised by Director of Community Development to pull project from 2016/17 back to 2014/15, as per Council

resolution (13/12/13).

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3491 Connect the Wildlife Park Public Toilets to the Water Corporations system once their Infill Sewer program is


1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $30,000 $30,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $30,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

The Water Corporation requires any buildings capable of being connected to deep sewer should be. The Sewer

infill program is progressing in this location and the City is obliged to connect the Public Toilets within the Wildlife

Park to be connected and the existing sewer pump system to be modified.

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3563 Replace the Touchmaster to Merit CRM Integration with Touchmaster to RMS Integration 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $30,000 $30,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $30,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

The Touchmaster system used by the Waste Management department to report issues while on the road uses an

integration with the Merit CRM system. Staff allocation jobs from the Merit system to action the issues that have

been reported. The integration allows the issue to automatiacally be entered into the Merit system with no user

action. The only departments using the Merit system at this stage are Customer Service, Community Law, Safety

and Emewrgency Management, and Waste Services.

The Merit system is being replaced by the Sharepoint based Request Management System that will be used by all

departments in council to report and track customer, councillor and IT Helpdesk reports.

To continue the ability of the Waste vehicles to proactively report issues automatically into the RMS system the

integration needs to be replaced.

This will aid council in providing better and more proactive customer service.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


PR-3568 Support Rotary Sail into Life Bunbury (Enable SW) 2014/15 to 2016/17 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2017 $30,000 $30,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $30,000 Team Leader Community Development - Deanna Sullivan

Rotary Sail into Life, under the umbrella of Enable SW, have made application for three year's funding of $10,000

per annum to provide a reliable income base to allow strong outcomes to be achieved and the program to continue

to operate. It is intended to spend this $10,000 per annum on volunteer coordination and training and participant

coordination and promotion.

Previously the City provided $20,000 in 2011 to help Rotary Sail Into Life to expand. Prior to this the progr4am

was very small, catering to only a handful of people and utilising Rotary volunteers exclusively. The grant from the

City was used to employ a project coordinator to expand the program. This has been hugely successful, and the

program now operates four sessions a week, catering to more than 100 people with intellectual and physical

disabilities, medical illnesses and mental health conditions.

In 2013 $2,500 was provided through Community Funding to provide t-shirts for the volunteers.

This application is for 3 years' funding and will require an MOU.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $5,000 per annum for 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3230 Support Aqua Spectacular 14/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $26,000 $26,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $26,000 Team Leader Events - Deeanne Smith

Initially it was felt that that this should be considered as part of the the Community Funding Round however the

amount of funding requested is outside that allowed through Community Funding and therefore this needs to be

considered through the Budget process.

The Rotary Club of Bunbury Leschenault is involved in many community programs as well as contributing to man

others. The Club has coordinated the revitalised Aqua Spectacular for three years. It is the aim of the club that

this event is listed on the State Event Calendar. The event will provide economic benefits associated with

increased visitation as well as providing support to community grtoups and sporting clubs whilst contributing to the

Bunbury lifestyle.

The Rotary Club of Bunbury Leschenault "was asked to coordinate a marine based event on behalf of the City of

Bunbury to miniise direct costs to the City. This has been undertaken for three years and the event is now

established locally and gaining wider state recognition. As te event grows it will increase visitation to the City with

direct economic benefits."

The increase of $1,000 in-kind from 2013/14 is so that the City can provide the Events Trailer (traffic management,

etc.) and bins for the event.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-2708 Conduct and deliver the Biennale Contemporary Art Exhibition July 2015 1-Oct-2014 30-Sep-2015 $25,000 $25,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $25,000 Team Leader Arts and Cultural Development - Helena Sahm

The Biennale Contemporary Art Exhibition is South West's most significant Regional Art & Cultural event. The

event is conducted every two years and attracts Interstate and WA prominent artists.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McCleary

Currently $25,000 reduce to $10,000 and look for other grant sources

PR-3547 Install Air Conditioning Units to four work spaces at the Stirling Street Arts Centre 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $25,000 $25,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $25,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

The office and the stand alone creche building are the only areas that are climate controlled

There is a need for air conditioning to be installed in:

- The Pottery Room.

This room is single brick with high glass fixed panels, the roof is constructed with iron and has no ceiling lining. In

2010/11 budget the City granted capital funds to installed batts and insulation cover. Whist this made some

improvement the building is still not viable in summer and winter

- Studio Two and Three.

These studios are part of the original building and do retain a more event temperature in the extreme heat,

however for children and the elderly the studios are not viable. SSAC has provided gas wall heaters in both these

studios for winter. These heaters are over 10 years old and are in need of repair or replacement

- The Green Room/Kitchen/Studio One/Wet Room.

This entire floor space was originally the veranda for the school and has been closed in with fibro single sheet

cladding on the outside and wooden frame.

The inside has single fibro sheeting over the frame extending to3/4 high and the remaining area has exposed

frame (no inside sheeting).

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles.

Air conditioning at Stirling Arts centre deferred

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3636 SWSC Water Treatment Upgrades 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $24,807 $24,807 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $24,807 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Replace existing steam generator with SAWO STP-90 steam generator (Q2062) and install impulse water

conditioner (Q2047)

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-3633 Create new opportunities for developing and expanding the SWSC group fitness and small group personal training


1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $22,255 $22,255 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $22,255 Manager Sport Leisure and Active Lifestyles - Garry Stokes

Increasing competition from other health and fitness companies requires the SWSC to adopt a more strategic and

driven approach in the group fitness area to ensuring we remain competitive in this market by appointing a staff

member to oversee the required ongoing review and development of this area.

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-1145 Install hotspot street lighting - to be determined 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $20,000 $20,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $20,000 Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

Install hotspot street lighting - to be determined 2014/15

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-1666 Upgrade CBD bin enclosures 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $20,000 $20,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $20,000 Manager Waste - Tony Battersby

Upgrade bin enclosures - CBD. Visual upgrade to city assets

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Deleted from budget

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce to $0

PR-2346 Purchase additional corporate minor plant 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $20,000 $20,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $20,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Purchase additional corporate minor plant 2014/15

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce by $15k

PR-2744 Implement digital strategy for Tourism and destination marketing 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $20,000 $20,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $20,000 Manager Corporate Projects - Felicity Anderson

Develop online digital strategy in order to enable development of digital marketing to a wider audience.

11/12/13 - TL for Events and Tourism updated the project title as this project will be to implement the

recommendations in the digital strategy that is being developed in the 13/14 FY.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3508 Create Geographic Information Systems centralised data model and implement the model using existing ARCGIS

server software.

1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $17,500 $17,500 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $17,500 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

Current GIS data management practices and systems requires that data is duplicated for the Intramaps system,

GIS team (working copy) and three departments (individual editing) to maintain control.

There is no central management location for GIS data.

This results in the following consequences.

-- Duplication of the data causes currency (what is latest version) issues resulting in lack of integrity.

-- Multiple data sources causes extra workload in maintaining control.

-- Duplication of data causes increased storage capacity on Information Technology systems.

-- GIS data is also routinely copied from these data stores to general file storage locations for editing. This is

unsupported by the Spatial Systems Team..

-- The potential for loss or corruption of data is increased with every copy.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-1799 Replace Christmas street decorations 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $16,215 $16,215 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $16,215 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Purchase of new Christmas decorations to allow replacement of weathered decorations and alllow for variety

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce by $11,215 to $5k

PR-3620 Conduct Love Where You Live outdoor cinema events 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(1,000) $16,000 $15,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $15,000

Grant - State Government $1,000

Director Community Development - Stephanie Addison-Brown

To rejuvenate public spaces by providing a community event whereby residents can enjoy spending time in their

local suburb, culminating a family friendly outdoor movie. With the aim to bring communities together and a great

way for families and friends to spend time together.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McCleary

Currently $15,000 reduce to $10,000

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-2551 Deliver a youth leadership forum 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $15,000 $15,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $15,000 Community Development Officer - April ten Brinke, Lisa Hoskin

Findings from the Bunbury 2030 survey completed earlier in 2012 demonstrate a strong desire for increased youth

development initiatives in Bunbury, particularly in regards to leadership skills and opportunities.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3316 Administer LPS environ assets and natural resources 14/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $15,000 $15,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $15,000 Team Leader Sustainability - Ben Deeley

Administer LPS environ assets and natural resources 14/15

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3555 Renovate office Stirling Street Arts Centre 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $15,000 $15,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $15,000 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Renovate office facility for administration Staff

Contact Heritage Officer Leigth Barret for confirmation on works

Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

Renovate office at SAC deferred

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3567 Support Art Partners (Enable SW) 2014/15 to 2016/17 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2017 $15,000 $15,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $15,000 Team Leader Arts and Cultural Development - Helena Sahm

Art Partners, under the umbrella of Enable SW, have made application for three year's funding of $5,000 per

annum for the purpose of putting two sets of partners through the Art Partners project per annum.

The City has provided $500 per annum, through the Community Funding Round, for the past two years towards

the purchase of stationary, etc. for the program. State funding bodies have advised they now have less money to

provide towards the program and have encouraged Art Partners to look for funding locally.

Art Partners (launched in 2009) is a mentorship program which matches proteges (people with disability) with

mentors, ad together they attend mainstream art classes and activities in Bunbury. Mentors are not paid for their

participation in Art Partners, but share the same artistic interests as the people they are matched with. The

partnerships attend activities at the Stirling Stre4et Arts Centre (SSAC), the Bunbury Regional Art Galleries

(BRAG) and the Red Mill Studio Gallery. The primary objective of Art Partners is to create a more inclusive society

in which people with disability are genuinely welcome to attend mainstream activities.

Art Partners has a significant publishing program. The program is committed to telling the stories of the

participants. The stories are shared using media releases, which are almost always reported on by the local

media. The resulting published articles connect Art Partners with the community and serve to enlighten people

towards those with disability.

Over this three year period Art Partners plans to work with at least 15 people with disability ad 15 mentors across

three venues (BRAG, SSAC ad the Red Mill Studio Gallery). Art Partners will facilitate at least 200 art classes and

activities for people with disability.

The subsidised cost of participation for each person in Art Partners is $2,500 per annum. Art partners are

requesting $5,000 per annum in order to put through two partners each year.

This application is for 3 years funding - the applicant understands that this will require a MOU.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $2,500 per annum for 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3602 Implement CPTED working group projects 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $15,000 $15,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $15,000 Community Safety Officer - Peta Nolan

Through the Community Safety & Crime Prevention Plan; CCTV program; and the Alcohol Accord, a key issue is

the need to adopt CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) principles throughout the City of

Bunbury. The CPTED Working Group consists of all directorates operations and is critical to the current public

safety and amenity, and future planning of the CBD, local areas, parks, public spaces and infrastructure.

NOTE: 4 March 2014 - reallocated to Peta Nolan

The funds for 2014/2015 have been specifically allocated to using CPTED principles within the upgrade of the Bi

Centennial public toilets and has been identified as an outcome of the CPTED Audit report of works completed in

2011. These funds will be used to enhance Crime Prevention Grant Funds ($20,000) recently received for tiling

and other works to design out Graffiti, vandalism and antisocial behaviour at this very run down facility. This will be

a collaborative project, across divisions between members of the CPTED working group with the aim of

decreasing current maintenance issues at the major tourist and event facility in the City.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3606 Implement community safety initiatives to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $15,000 $15,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $15,000 Community Safety Officer - Peta Nolan

Implement community safety initiatives to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour. This projects mirrors PR-2153 in

13/14 but has been created seperately for consideration as part of 14/15 budget deliberations.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3471 Separate Carpark lighting from BREC house lighting and fit external controller 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $14,500 $14,500 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $14,500 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Currently the BREC carparklighting is operated from the centres distribution bpard and cannot be seperated for

costing. The board is also internaly mounted and cannot be readily accessed by council staff to control timers and

isolate etc.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3470 Paint interior of Visitors Centre in alignment with tourism branding 3-Oct-2014 30-Jun-2015 $12,300 $12,300 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $12,300 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Paint to new corporate colour scheme

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3628 Prepare a Conservation Plan for Lady Mitchell Memorial Child Health Centre 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $(10,800) $12,000 $1,200 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $1,200

Grant - State Government $10,800

Manager Development Assessment and Building Certification - Gary Fitzgerald

Prepare a Conservation Plan for Lady Mitchell Memorial Child Health Centre pending grant funding

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3554 Replace doors to Stirling Street Arts Centre (SSAC) 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $11,500 $11,500 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $11,500 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

The existing doors open inwards and therefore do not comply as exits. They also have more locking mechanisims

than allowed under the public buildings act and do not provide security to the building.

Need to consider hertiage requirements: Contact Heritage Officer Leigh Barrett

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-2172 Replace office cabinets, desks and chairs 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Contracts and Property - Massimo Andreone

Replace office cabinets, desks and chairs 2014/15

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


PR-2192 Replace office equipment 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Contracts and Property - Massimo Andreone

Replace office equipment 2014/15

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

PR-2209 Purchase personal computers, mobile devices and printers 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

Ongoing development and expansion of technology is driving the need for upgrades or replacement.

Purchase mobile devices and printers 2014/15

ELT Budget Meeting 17/6/13 – Project reduced from $30K to $15K.

ELT Budget Meeting 20/6/13 – Project reduced from $15K to $10K.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce by $5k

13/12/13 - Changed name to include personal computers (as per previous years). The organisation will still

require new (expansion) laptops and/or PC's where a virtual terminal is not appropriate.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 10%

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-2223 Install microwave/two way radio links 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

Ongoing development and expansion of technology is driving the need for upgrades or replacement.

Install microwave/two way radio links 2014/15

ELT Budget Meeting 17/6/13 – Project reduced from $20K to $10K.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce by $5k

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 10%

PR-2232 Install server/cable network infrastructure 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

Ongoing development and expansion of technology is driving the need for upgrades or replacement.

Install server/cable network infrastructure 2014/15

ELT Budget Meeting 17/6/13 – Project reduced from $20K to $10K.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce by $5k

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce 10%

PR-2242 Replace fixed and mobile phones 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

In order for staff to communicate effectively staff are allocated fixed line and or mobile phone hand sets. A annual

budget estimate for the replacement of fixed and mobile phones throughout the organisation for the 2014/15

financial year.

This process will decrease the risk of failed communication.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly


PR-2251 Replace microwave/two way radio links 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

Communication of voice and data across external council sites and to the mobile vehicle fleet is carried via

microwave antennas. These radios facilitates an effective communication between staff.

This annual budget estimate for the replacement of microwave/two way radio links throughout the organisation for

the 2014/15 financial year.

This process will decrease the risk of failed communication.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-2267 Replace server/cable network infrastructure 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

In order to facilitate the movement of staff and associated equipment and the introduction of new technology's

network the addition or replacement of cabling is required. Annual budget estimate for the replacement of

server/cable network infrastructure throughout the organisation for the 2014/15 financial year.

This process facilitates the ability of staff to communicate effectively.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 40%

PR-2357 Install drinking fountains CBD and open space 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

Install drinking fountains CBD and open space 2014/15

Drinking fountains are provided by external organisations.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

Drinking fountains deferred

Submitted for dicussion by Cr Cook - reduce to $0

PR-2739 Update SWSC brand collateral to promote new brand 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Corporate Projects - Felicity Anderson

Update brand collateral and promotional materials to give contemporary design to SWSC and reflect their activities

and facilities.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Delete or reduce by 50%

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-2931 Create digital displays and programs to promote healthy eating principles 2014/15 1-Feb-2015 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Sport Leisure and Active Lifestyles - Garry Stokes

Create digital displays and programs to increase facilities and activities offered by SWSC in order to increase

interest and membership for SWSC.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3000 Conduct a program of events to engage the community and promote literacy and learning 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Libraries and Learning - Erin Findlay

Provide a program of events that allows community members to interact with authors, illustrators and writing

professionals. These events assist The Library in evolving into a community hub as well as promoting literacy and


This has a significant impact on the community providing them with a 'third space' to engage with other members

of the community but also an opportunity to learn and increase literacy levels in a non threatening, fun


Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

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Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3185 Purchase paintings and sculptures (indoor display) 2014/2015 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Team Leader Arts and Cultural Development - Helena Sahm

Annual Budget allocation for the purchase of paintings and sculptures.

Aquisitions are part of the City Art Collection and undertaken by the City's Curator in collabartion with the City's Art

Collection Committee of Council. Purchases are in line with the City Collection policy.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Jones

Do not fund until arts sorted out.

PR-3392 Investigate options to acquire Lot 497 Ocean Drive 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Manager Contracts and Property - Massimo Andreone

Discussions are taking place with RDL as to the possiblity of having this lot transferred to the City of Bunbury for

future disposal. Income component is merely an estimate at this stage and will be refined as discussions progress.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3604 Support the City of Bunbury Surf Life Saving Club 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Team Leader Community Development - Deanna Sullivan

The CoBSLSC has been a major part of the Bunbury Community since 915 when the Club was officially opened.

Since them the members have volunteered countless hours to provide surf patrols in order to keep the beaches of

Bunbury safe for all users. Not only is this a vital rescue service, the Club educates members to become

responsible citizens whose values are built around volunteering, family, leadership, teamwork, meeting challenges

and pursuing excellence. The Club provides an opportunity for increase access and participation to families with

children, youth, seniors, Indigenous and those with culturally diverse backgrounds, people with disabilities and

people from any socio economic background.

In January 2015 the CoBSLSC will celebrate its centenary and wish to produce a history book to look back on

those 100 years with pride, acknowledging its pas and its members. To be able to do this, the Club needs to raise

$66,992 to cover the production of the book. Funding is being sought in the amount of $10,000 from the City with

further funding being sought from other major funding/sponsorship providers. The Club intends to offset the

remainder of the costs through sales (pre-sales) of the book. The Club would like to include at the front of the

book a Foreward from the Mayor supporting the Club and acknowledging the vital contribution which the

CoBSLSC makes. If successful in receiving funding the Club will provide the City with 50 copies of the book.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $0 (no funding).

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr McCleary

Reduce - currently $10,000 reduce to $2,000 - $3,000

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Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3622 Administer Community Funding (Capacity Building) Programs 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $10,000 $10,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $10,000 Director Corporate Services - Wayne Wright

Develop and implement capacity building activities targeting the City of Bunbury's community groups and

organisations in an effort to:

- reduce reliance on City of Bunbury funding

- develop grant writing and acquittal skills

- improve the delivery of services to the Bunbury community through educating organisations about available

external sources of funding.

In 2012/13 the Grants Officer developed a Grant Funding manual which is located on the City's website and is also

available in hard copy.

In 2013/14 the Healthy Community OIfficer (SWSC) and the Grants Officer hosted a workshop on sourcing, writing

and managing grants.

It is proposed in 2014/15 that the Grants Officer host a workshop at which professionals involved in Fundraising

will be asked to speak. Again this would be open to community groups, not-for-profit organisations, sporting

groups and others wishing to source funds.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3157 Implement community place-making initiatives 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $9,000 $9,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $9,000 Team Leader Community Development - Deanna Sullivan

This project will target specific locations within the City of Bunbury that require increased cohesion and pride.

Anti-social behaviour stems from a lack of ownership and thus respect, of local spaces and infrastructure. If the

community is involved with the development of these spaces, even in solely aesthetic terms, they will develop

ownership of such locations and are more likely to treat them with respect.

Long-term effects of simple place-making initiatives include increased community cohesion and pride, thus

reducing the risk of anti-social behaviour. Finally, initiatives such as this will act to protect the City of Bunbury's

assets through the development of respect and ownership towards them.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 10%

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3025 Support the 2014/15 Geographe Crush festival 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $8,500 $8,500 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $8,500 Team Leader Events - Deeanne Smith

Geographe Crush Food & Wind Festival is the flagship event ad promotes wine and food from the Graphe region

encouraging people to visit the event and also the region providing economic benefits not only to participants, but

also the hospitality and retail sector. In 2011/12the City provided $20,000. In 2012/13 the City provided in

$20,000. In 2013/14 the City provided no funding, however ended up providing $1,700 in-kind when the event

arrived. This year's request is for $8,500 towards the cost of advertising the event in Perth.

The Mayor/Deputy Mayor have made no Recommendation on this as they were awaiting the outcome of the

events review.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Giles

Geographe crush - isn't this leaving Bunbury?

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris

In- kind OK, if not, not OK

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce to $0

PR-3041 Enhance COB website 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $7,000 $7,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $7,000 Corporate Marketing Officer - Lucy Wiseman

ongoing appraisal and audit of COB website with a view to redeveloping the website with new informnation and


Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 10%

PR-2720 Develop and implement museum regional cultural heritage support program 14/15 and 15/16 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2016 $6,000 $6,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $6,000 Team Leader Arts and Cultural Development - Helena Sahm

Assist community historical and heritage groups with cultural programs to enable effective use of resources and to

encourage the sharing of items and exhibitions.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 10%

PR-3290 Conduct grandparents and grandkids fun day 14/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $6,000 $6,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $6,000 Community Development Officer - April ten Brinke, Lisa Hoskin

Conduct grandparents and grandkids fun day 14/15

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 10%

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

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Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3566 Support the Dolphin City Festival 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $6,000 $6,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $6,000 Team Leader Events - Deeanne Smith

An application has been received for both cash and in-kind funding for the Dolphin City Festival in 2014.

In 2012 the Dolphin Discover Centre ran the Inaugural Bunbury Dolphin City Festival to coincide with the

commencement of the Dolphin Swim Tour Season in mid-October. In 2013 this event was run again - the City

contributed $2000 cash and $1000 in-kind towards the running of this Festival through the Community Funding

Round 2013/14. It is proposed to run the same event again using the same model as the aqua spectacular festival

where a variety of sporting/social/tourism activities are marketed under a single banner to attract visitors to the

City. No other location in Austr4alia has a dolphin Festival so it is an opportunity for us to establish a natural

tourism profile.

The local community objective is to increase residents' sense of place and recognition of what the lifestyle benefits

of Bunbury are. Locals will be able to engage in a number of activities over the weekend at a minimal cost. This

will raise perceptions of Bunbury's tourism product offer among locals. The intrastate, interstate and national

profile of Bunbury as a tourism destination will be raised with economic benefits to the those within Bunbury.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $2,500 cash and $1,000 in-kind.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

In-kind OK, if not, not OK

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3613 Conduct a review and health check of the Marlston Hill Television Network 1-Aug-2014 30-Sep-2014 $6,000 $6,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $2,086

Reserve - Marleston Hill TV Aerial Network $3,914

Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

Conduct a review oif the Marlston Hill Network to determine the current condition and risk to the City of Bunbury.

The network is experiencing an increasing number of failures especially in the cable network. This is costing the

City more over time and is expected to grow.

This project is to provide an accurate representation of the state of the cable network, current spares and the

current risk to the City of Bunbury.

The resultant report will also show the shortfall in current spare parts that have been aquired as a risk mitigation

strategy for the network.

As part of this the exect location of pits in the network will be GPS located and intramaps layer be updated.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 10%

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3637 Undertake renewal of Vacation Room at the South West Sports Centre 28-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,700 $5,700 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,700 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Remove existing vanity and plumbing and replace with new HWU and waste service

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

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DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-2158 Purchase office cabinets, desks and chairs 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Manager Contracts and Property - Massimo Andreone

Purchase office cabinets, desks and chairs 2014/15

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce to $0

PR-2201 Purchase fixed and mobile phones 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Manager Information and Technology - Adam Ewing

Ongoing development and expansion of mobile computing.

Purchase fixed and mobile phones 2014/15

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Cook - reduce to $0

PR-2748 Undertake Creative Industries pilot project that investigates the business support for short term occupany of

vacant retail shops in Bunbury's CBD

1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Manager Corporate Projects - Felicity Anderson

The Creative Industries pilot project will investigate the scope, business plan and development of templates to

enable Bunbury's creative business program to be established collaboratively between Bunbury's Art & Culture

networks and Business communities.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-2755 Support the Bunbury Cruise Ship Committee 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Team Leader Events - Deeanne Smith

The Bunbury Cruise Ship Committee is the South West's peak body responsible for the development and

implementation of the region's cruise ship strategy. The Committee is represented and supported by the: Bunbury

Chamber of Commerce and Industries; Bunbury Port Authority; City of Bunbury; South West Development

Commission'; Australia's South West - the Regional Tourism Organisation; and local tourism operators (attraction

business, transport business).

The Cruise Ship Committee aims to assist with cruise ship visits to Bunbury by providing welcome tents, bands,

shuttles, etc. and to market Bunbury as a cruise ship destination for Western Australia. It's objective is to ensure a

high standard of satisfaction for ships visiting Bunbury during the 2014/15 cruise season.

Encouraging cruise ships to visits ensure spending by passengers and crew at many businesses on things such

as sourvenires, meals, drinks, taxis and buses.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $2,500.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

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Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3053 Contribute to the Annual John Boyle O'Reilly Commemoration Ceremony 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Team Leader Community Development - Deanna Sullivan

The Association is a community initiative to help create more public awareness of the heritage and cultural

importance of John Boyle O'Reilly. Events held help stimulate tourism vistations to the City of Bunbury.

The funding will go towards hosting the events for the John Boyle O'Reilly Heritage Trail, along with interpretive

signage. It is hoped that this will bring tourism dollars into Bunbury. The Irish Ambassador and the WA Irish

Consul will attend the March Event in Bunbury which will spread "good politicial will throughout the City".

There is an annual function held each March for which funding was successfuly obtained from the City in 2013.

The previous Mayor also hosted a Civic Reception for the launch of the John Boyle O'Reilly DVD in June or July


The John Boyle O'Reilly Association is currently unincorporated - an application has been made to theWA

Departmetn of Commerce for Incorporation. The Association has been in operation for 25 ears.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $1,000.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

Submitted for discussion by Cr Jones

John Boyle O'Reilly: do not fund until sponsorship identified.

Submitted for discussion by Cr McCleary

Currently $10,000 reduce to $7,000

Submitted for discussion by Cr McNeill

PR-3070 Conduct training courses in libraries to access online resources 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Manager Libraries and Learning - Erin Findlay

Technology is progressing to digital formats of literacy, learning materials and devices. A large cross section of the

community is aware of this progression and are looking to a Library service to provide training and education

based on this topic.

The delivery of this training program will allow the City Libraries to meet informal and formal educational need of

identifiable groups and foster wider information interests. This includes but is not limited to training to download

e-books and audio books onto personal devices.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3556 Maintain Library interior spaces Bunbury and Withers 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Manager Libraries and Learning - Erin Findlay

As public spaces the libraries can become run down quite quickly, they require regular refreshment on a small

scale e.g. new public furniture, shelving.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 10%

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Wednesday, 9 April, 2014

Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3570 Support the South West Super Science Spectacular 2014 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Team Leader Events - Deeanne Smith

Application has been made for $5,000 funding towards the cost of advertising this event (which is in its third year).

In 2013/14 Ocean Lutheran College (independent K-10 coeducational school located in Dalyellup) was

unsuccessful in obtaining funding through the City of Bunbury budget. In 2012/13 $5,000 was provided through

the Environmental Officer's budget.

The event draws people and families from throughout WA through its wide catchment advertising and through the

quality of its keynote speakers. By keeping the entry fee for the event as a gold coin donation, families and

members of the community are able to access these world class interactive displays and take part in presentation

by our speakers (2014 - Dr Karl Kruzselnicki and Rueben Meerman at a cost of $25,647) at a minimal cost. This

draws more people to the event and into the Greater Bunbury region from surrounding towns and regions. This

will in turn provide the City of Bunbury wit tourists who will pay for accommodation and food and will visit other

tourist destinations whilst here. It is important to note that families travelled from as far as Albany and Kalgoorlie to

attend this event.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $0 (no funding).

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3572 Support the South West Wind and Jazz 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Team Leader Arts and Cultural Development - Helena Sahm

Funding is being sought by the South West Wind and Jazz Orchestra for operational costs. The Orchestra has

been operating since 1985 and consists of two not-for-profit community bands. Many members perform in both

bands and there are approximately 40 playing members who come from the community and span a wide age


The SWW&JO seeks to:

* encourage a passion and enthusiasm for music in the wider community by offering opportuniteis for musicians of

all ages to rehearse and perform a wide range of music to suit a variety of audiences.

* produce an exceptional standard of musical performance for the people of Bunbury and the WSouth West and

visitors to the area.

* assist the younger members to develop within the community, and foster their love of music.

* characterise the quality of theSouth West and its lifestyle to the wider community as representatives of the


The SWW&JO received $1,500 through the Community Funding Round 2013/14 (application was for $5,000).

They advise that they received $5,000 in 2012/13 and $6,500 in 2011/12. The SWW&JO have requested $5,000

towards: purchase of musical scores; sound equipment; musical instruments; Honorarium for Director/Conductor;

insurance of instruments; sign writing and fitout of a trailer; and utilities and cleaning costs.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $2,500.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-3599 Undertake tourism product development training 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $5,000 $5,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $5,000 Team Leader Events - Deeanne Smith

Undertake research of the products such as accommodation and tourist operations, and determine ways in which

to improve and add to the tourism products available in Bunbury

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

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Wednesday, 9 April, 2014

Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3639 Upgrade King Cottage alarm system 28-Jul-2014 30-Nov-2014 $4,100 $4,100 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $4,100 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Upgrade existing system to Honeywell Vistsa

Submitted for discussion. "This project has been added since the last distribution of project details to Councillors"

PR-2630 Create and maintain engaging promotions and displays in the Administration building welcome area (foyer) 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $4,000 $4,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $4,000 Manager Information and Customer Support - Sharon Chapman

Ensure the Admin Building Welcome Foyer is maintained to a high standard.

Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

PR-2717 Develop and deliver museum activities for schools and community events 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $4,000 $4,000 Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $4,000 Museum Curator - Lauretta Davies

Contemporary museums avoid exhibition overload by providing high standard written activities such as work books

and links to research content for visiting schools to meet national Australian Curriculum requirements. This

approach to in house content within the museum also allows for material to be developed for the museum to

participate in both community cultural heritage events, such as centenaries, Heritage Festivals, and Museum

Week. Schools and community groups are also sought to participate in audio and video recording for use online

and in displays, particularly in the Noongar language. This project would become part of operational activities at

the museum.

Following a review by ELT on 2/12/13, this project can no longer be justified in 2013/14 given our financial

constraints and has been deferred to 2014/15.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

PR-3279 Implement accessible events (DAIP action) 14/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $4,000 $4,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $4,000 Community Development Officer Access - Isabell Evans

Implement accessible events (DAIP action) 14/15

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 10%

PR-3600 Implement youth life skills workshop 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $2,000 $2,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $2,000 Team Leader Community Development - Deanna Sullivan

The transition from secondary school into further study or into the workforce is a difficult time for young people, as

it represents a move into adulthood and adolescence. Given the contemporary pressure to continue with tertiary

education, as well as increasing numbers of youth moving away from home and into unfamiliar environments, it is

pertinent to provide school leavers with guidance into the next stage of their lives. Life skills workshops will be

provided to Year 12 students and inform and guide them on a range of subjects such as health and nutrition,

personal finance, housing, and education and training options.

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 10%

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Wednesday, 9 April, 2014

Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2014/15

PR-3565 Support Bunbury Sea Rescue 2014/15 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $1,540 $1,540 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $1,540 Team Leader Community Development - Deanna Sullivan

Bunbury Wea Rescue had previously written to the CEO requesting a $1500 per annum allocation towards

ongoing costs.

This application has requested funding for specific items, being an antenna for thhe HF Radio on the vessell and

an upgraded computer.

It would be more beneficial for the Bunbury Sea Rescue to receive $1500 per annum towards their ongoing costs

as they help provide a service to theBoating and watersports population of Bunbury.

The Bunbury Sea Rescue provide marine rescue services (through volunteers) and boating safety education with a

view to saving lives at sea.

The aims of the BSR for the next year are to:

* Continue to provide Recreational Skippers ticket training;

* Increase volunteer membership

* Provide high waulity marine rescue services to the Greater Bunbury region.

This will provide affordable RST training and assessment and provide marine rescue services for recreational and

commercial vessels.

Mayor/Deputy Mayor Recommendation $1540 (full amount)

Submitted for discussion by Cr Kelly

Reduce by 10%

PR-1681 Paint Marlston hand rails and bollards 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2015 $655 $655 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $655 Manager Building and Trades - Stephen Stirton

Undertake exterior painting to Marlston hand rails and bollards to protect the fabric of the building and maintain


Submitted for discussion by Cr Morris.

Delete from budget

Total for Financial Year Project Start Year - 2014/15 -$1,179,145 $10,847,677 $9,668,532

Project Start Year - 2015/16

PR-2490 Improve Koombana Drive - modify turn pockets at Koombana Beach and Lyons Cove (Design PR-1086) 1-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2017 $(600,000) $900,000 $300,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $150,000

COB Loan Borrowing $150,000

Grant - State Government $600,000

Manager Engineering - Jason Gick

Koombana Drive - modify right turn slip lane at Koombana Beach and Lyons Cove side roads.

The design is complete.

The project will be delivered in two stages addressing utilities and existing feature pine trees, and then the civil


Submitted for discussion by the Mayor

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Wednesday, 9 April, 2014

Net (Income)









DateProjects for Discussion Project


Project Start Year - 2015/16

PR-3442 Construct graffiti maze - Withers Action Plan 1-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2020 $162,000 $162,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $112,000

Reserve - Withers $50,000

Manager Civil and Open Space - James Shepherd

Construct graffiti maze - Withers Action Plan

Submitted for discussion by Cr McCleary

Delete - a wish not a need

PR-1889 Prepare a detailed design for a multi-purpose cultural centre - creative and performing arts - Stirling St (Construct


1-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2022 $100,000 $100,000 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $100,000 Director Community Development - Stephanie Addison-Brown

Design of community facility - Stirling Street.

Refer to PR-1252 for construction of multi-purpose cultural centre - creative and performing arts - Stirling St

Submitted for discussion by Cr McCleary

Move it to 2016

PR-3201 Restore City of Bunbury Piano 1-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2016 $15,100 $15,100 Not Approved

Source of Funds: COB Cash - Unrestricted $15,100 Team Leader Arts and Cultural Development - Helena Sahm

The City has recently become aware that the piano within the Music Room at the Bunbury Regional Art Galleries is

an asset of the City of Bunbury. This Piano has been used on past occasions, however is clearly in need of

restoration to enable continued use. A report and quote from Albany based piano technician/ restorer is noted

below. This project budget includes an allowance of $3,000 in transport costs on top of the quote for restorations

and repairs.

Submitted for discussion by Cr McCleary

Move it - non urgent. Opportunity to look for cheaper options to have the piano restored ie Piano Warehouse Perth

Total for Financial Year Project Start Year - 2015/16 -$600,000 $1,177,100 $577,100

-$2,997,879 $16,545,796 $13,547,917 160 Projects

D:\CammsApps\Hosted Applications\CAMMS_Applications\ipm\CustomReports\COB Projects for Discussion.rpt

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Cash In-kind Total Cash In-kind Total Cash In-kind Total Cash In-kind Total Cash In-kind Total Cash In-kind Total

Bunbury Community Radio

Support Bunbury Community Radio (PR-3228)

Appeared in 2015/2016 - been moved to 2014/2015.

The Radio believe that their licence will be issued in September and

need the works to occur in 2014/15 as one-off setup costs Stephanie Addison-Brown $85,000 $85,000 $0 $0 $85,000

No able to be funded

through Community

Funding as only

applications up to $20,000

can be considered $42,000 $42,000 $0 $0 $42,000

Bunbury Cruise Ship Committee

Support the Bunbury Cruise Ship Committee 2014/2015 (PR-2755)

Justification application Stephanie Addison-Brown $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000

Not able to be funded

through Community

Funding as it includes

administration costs $2,500 $2,500 $0 $0 $2,500

Bunbury Entertainment Centre

Provide additional operating support to the Bunbury Regional

Entertainment Centre (BREC) 2014/15 (PR-3607)

The BREC Board feel that they will need an additional $60,000

additional support in the 2014/15 financial year. The breakdown is

included in PR-3607 Stephanie Addison-Brown $60,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $60,000

A feasibility study was

prepared approximately

ten years ago as part of the

BREC Expansion funding

submission. The study

predicted a deficit budget

in the building expansion

year. $60,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $60,000

Bunbury Sea Rescue

Support Bunbury Sea Rescue 2014/15 (PR-3565)

The application is a result of a letter which was sent to the Chief

Executive Officer requesting $1500 per annum ongoing costs.

In this application they have actually requested funding for antenna

for the HF Radio on the vessel and an upgraded computer.

It would be more beneficial for them to receive $1500 per annum

ongoing to help provide the service which they provide to the Boating

population of Bunbury Stephanie Addison-Brown $1,540 $1,540 $0 $0 $1,540

If the Bunbury Sea Rescue

continue to apply for

individual items they can

apply through community

funding however if they do

require a $1500

contribution annually then

it must be through the

budget as it is ongoing,

and as a contribution

would be used for admin $1,540 $1,540 $0 $0 $1,540

City of Bunbury Surf Life Saving Club

Support the City of Bunbury Surf Life Saving Club 2014/15 (PR-3604)

The application is for $10,000 towards the preparation of a book to

celebrate the Club's Centenary in 2015. Initially the application was

made to pay the author, however after a meeting with Club

representatives where it was clarified that only expenditure in

2014/15 could be covered (not retrospective), the request is now

towards the printing cost of the book. The Club would like for the

Mayor to do the Foreword in the book to show the City's support for

the Club and the valuable work that it does for the community. Stephanie Addison-Brown $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000

Could be applied for

through Community

Funding $0 $0 $0 $0

Geographe French Australian Festivals

Inc. (CinefestOZ)

Provide funds to support CinefestOZ 2014 (PR-3511)

This was originally entered by Dee Smith for $35,000. I have left the

first year's funding as $35,000 but put the second year's funding in as

$25,000 in-kind.


WOULD REQUIRE AN MOU Stephanie Addison-Brown $25,000 $25,000 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $50,000 $0 $100,000

Submissions cannot be

made for multi-year

funding through the

Community Funding


After the original

application was made,

CinefestOZ advised that

they also would like

$25,000 cash per annum. $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $0 $50,000

Dolphin Discovery Centre

Support the Dolphin City Festival (PR-3566)

The Dolphin Discovery Centre received $2,000 in cash and $1,000 in-

kind support through the 2013/14 Community Funding Round for the

Dolphin City Festival. Stephanie Addison-Brown $5,000 $1,000 $6,000 $0 $0 $6,000

Could apply for funding

through the Community

Funding Round $2,500 $1,000 $3,500 $0 $0 $3,500

Enable SW - Art Partners

Support Art Partners 2014/15 to 2016/17 (PR-3567)

The City has provided $500 per annum for the past two years towards

purchase of stationery, etc. for the program. State Funding Bodies

have now less money to provide towards the program and have

encouraged Art Partners to look for funding locally.

The submission is for $5,000 per annum for the next three financial

years which will pay for two sets of partners per annum to go through


Discussion with Wanda has led me to believe that some funding is

better than no funding in this case. Stephanie Addison-Brown $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $15,000

Submissions cannot be

made for multi-year

funding through the

Community Funding

round. $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $7,500

Enable SW - Sail into Life

Provide funds for ongoing support for the Sail Into Life Project

(Enable SW) 2014/15 TO 2016/17 (PR-3568)

Funds are requested for training, coordination and promotion.

The submission is for $10,000 per annum for the next three financial


Stephanie Addison-Brown $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $30,000

Submissions cannot be

made for multi-year

funding through the

Community Funding

round. $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $15,000

Bunbury Geographe Marketing Alliance


Support the 2014/15 Geographe Crush Festival (PR-3025)

This is a significant drop in funding requested. Stephanie Addison-Brown $8,500 $8,500 $0 $0 $8,500

Could apply for funding

through the Community

Funding Round $0 $0 $0 $0

Refer to the Bunbury Event

Coordination Group

John Boyle O'Reilly Association Inc.

Contribute to the Annual John Boyle O'Reilly Commemoration

Ceremony 2014/15 (PR-3053)

Stephanie Addison-Brown $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000

Could apply for funding

through the Community

Funding Round $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000

Ocean Forest Lutheran College

Support South West Super Science Spectacular 2014 (PR-3570)

The College were unsuccessful in obtaining $5,000 funding through

the budget in 2013/2014

Previously this has been paid out of Ben's budget Stephanie Addison-Brown $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000

Could apply for funding

through the Community

Funding Round

Have requested advice on

whether SailUP can fund

this project. $0 $0 $0 $0

Rotary Club of Bunbury Leschenault

Support Aqua Spectacular 14/15 (PR-3230)

Already entered to 2015/16 by Anna - 2014/15 figure currently

$25,000 $25,000 $1,000 $26,000 $0 $0 $26,000

Cannot be applied for

through the Community

Funding Round as it is

$25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0

Refer to the Bunbury Event

Coordination Group



Grants Officer Explanatory


Advice from the Mayor and

Deputy Mayor Further Advice


FUNDINGName Project Name Project Sponsor

Requests for Funding as submitted through Application for Budget Funding Recommendations on Funding from the Mayor and Deputy Mayor

2014/15 2015/16 2016/172016/172015/162014/15

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Stirling Street Arts Centre

Support Stirling Street Arts Centre 2014/15 (PR-3004)

Application for storage cabinets as a result of proposed capital works

(City of Bunbury) to turn the previous storage space into an office. Stephanie Addison-Brown $10,200 $10,200 $0 $0 $10,200

This is not funded through

Community Funding - it is

considered in conjunction

with the base operating

component $10,200 $10,200 $0 $0 $10,200

South West Academy of Sport

Support South West Academy of Sport (SWAS) 2014/2015 (PR-3030)

The SWAS have advised that they need the $5,000 cash component

as a contribution and the $5,000 in-kind so that the athletes can train

without incurring more expense Wayne Wright $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000

Could apply for funding

through the Community

Funding Round $2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $0 $0 $7,500

South West Wind and Jazz

Support South West Wind and Jazz 2014/15 (PR-3572)

Applied for Community Funding in the amount of $5,000 and were

successful in obtaining $1,500. They wrote and advised this was

significantly less than usual and they would need to review their


This application is for $5,000 Stephanie Addison-Brown $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000

Could apply for funding

through the Community

Funding Round $2,500 $2,500 $0 $0 $2,500

South West Women's Health and

Information Centre

Support the Healthy Lifestyle Program: LIFE 2014/15 (PR-3573)

Applied for Community Funding in the amount of $14,000 for a

$29,000 project. They were unsuccessful due to the fact that they

were requesting wages (which is outside the scope of the Policy).

Also discussion with Brady van Wyk (who previously funded this

through her funding) led us to believe that these classes could be run


I note in this application that they have applied for $35,260 - my

discussion with Lesley leads me to believe that even a portion of this

would be better than nothing at all. Wayne Wright $35,260 $35,260 $0 $0 $35,260

Cannot be applied for

through the Community

Funding Round as it is over

$20,000 and has an


component $4,000 $4,000 $0 $0 $4,000

The City should not be paying


TOTALS $305,500 $32,000 $337,500 $40,000 $25,000 $65,000 $15,000 $0 $15,000 $417,500 $42,000 $42,000 $0 $0 $42,000

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Cash In-kind Total Cash In-kind Total Cash In-kind Total Cash In-kind Total Cash In-kind Total Cash In-kind Total

Bunbury City Band

This is operational funding. Currently BCB receive an allocation of $6,000 per

annum and they are looking to increase this to $7,600 for 2014/15. (BCB

received $11,250 through the Community Funding Round 2013/14 towards the

110th Anniversary Celebrations) Stephanie Addison-Brown $6,150



increase $7,600 $7,600 $0 $0 $7,600

The Bunbury City Band

are requesting additional

funds as "Since 2010,

funding from the City for

the band has decreased

leaving the band to

absorb shortfalls from

savings in the 2013/14


Also of interest is the

statement that insurance

coverage for the

instruments owned by

the City and used by the

Bunbury City Band

through the City of

Bunbury insurance - IS

THIS THE CASE? $3,800 $3,800 $0 $0 $3,800

Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre

This is operational funding. The bid is for the same funding as last year with a

$2.9% increase Stephanie Addison-Brown $355,450 2.9% increase $365,758 $365,758 $0 $0 $365,758 $360,782 $360,782 $0 $0 $360,782

The Mayor and Deputy

Mayor believe that an

increase of 1.5% will be


Carols by Candlelight Committee

Support Carols by Candlelight Event

($34,110 in 2013/14) Stephanie Addison-Brown $34,963



increase $28,805 $5,415 $34,220 $0 $0 $34,220 14000 $14,000 $0 $0 $14,000

WA Performing Arts Eisteddfod Inc. The

City of Bunbury Eisteddfod

Support Eisteddfod Event

(45,327 in 2013/14)

Have asked that the City pay for parking permits - has TBC in the in-kind column

for this Stephanie Addison-Brown $46,460



increase $45,000 $45,000 $0 $0 $45,000 40000 $40,000 $0 $0 $40,000

The Bunbury

Eisteddfod is to be

requested to report to

Council on how the

event would be

sustained without

contribution from the

City of Bunbury

Bunbury Historical Society (Inc.)

Support King Cottage Museum

($30,775 in 2013/14)

The increase has occurred due to the need to hire someone to run the Museum

as the demographic is aging and it is increasingly difficult to entice Volunteers Stephanie Addison-Brown $31,544



increase $61,720 $61,720 $0 $0 $61,720

King Cottage have

included in their

application an email

from the Team Leader

Arts and Culture advising

that they may include a

request for a paid staff

member in the budget

submission along with a

business case for the

increase. THERE WAS


ATTACHED 30000 $30,000 $0 $0 $30,000

The City should not be

paying wages

Stirling Street Arts Centre

Support Stirling Street Arts Centre

($65,000 in 2013/14)

Have asked for $80,000 as they wish to pay a new part-time person to come in

and help the Manager Stephanie Addison-Brown $66,625


increase $80,000 $80,000 $0 $0 $80,000

The increase in

requested funds is due

to the need for an

additional part-time

person to help out the

Manager. With an

additional resource, the

Manager will be able to

focus on obtaining

grants for the SSAC. 66625 $66,625 $0 $0 $66,625

The City should not be

paying wages

TOTAL $179,592 $215,525 $5,415 $220,940 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $220,940 $150,625 $0 $150,625 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,625

Further Advice

2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Requests for Funding as submitted through Application for Budget Funding


Recommendations on Funding from the Mayor and Deputy Mayor



Advice from the

Mayor and Deputy


Grants Officer

Explanatory Comments

2014/15 2015/16

Name Project Name Director under whom this is listed



