What have you learned from your audience feedback? Harrison Payne

Audience feedback

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Page 1: Audience feedback

What have you learned from

your audience feedback?

Harrison Payne

Page 2: Audience feedback

To achieve a large amount of target feedback I decided to create a survey form on Google docs. This allowed me to ask a range of questions to a large amount of people. Also Google docs allows all the information that is collected to be gathered, stored and monitored. This is a great advantage as it makes target feedback quick and efficient, yet also extremely relevant.Also through the increase in digital technology this survey can be shared through the embed code, therefore allowing me to put it on my blog. Some of my audience feedback was also done through comments over “blogger” this made peoples opinions easy to access and relevant to the correct product.

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Target audience feedback is important as it gives a second opinion on the products created. Also due to the target audience being specifically chosen this allows a wider variety of answers and opinions. After hearing a range of comments and opinions I will then adjust and modify my products to fit to the majority of audiences opinions.

My audience feedback allowed me to see the perspective of my target demographic. Due to having a range of different unique people the results should not of been the same unless the purpose of the video met the correct codes and conventions of which I aimed for. I made sure to ask the 19 other media students in my class, along with friends outside of school and family. All of which had different opinions on how to improve and changes I needed to make. I believe the audience feedback didn't’t just help my production of this project but will also improve my overall knowledge and skills within the subject.

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The evaluation form was created on ‘google docs’ and involved only a few questions. However some of the results were purely for numbers and results. The others were for opinions and ways to improve. Here are a few of my results from my questionnaire, each participant was left anonymous. This meant that every result were completely genuine and of a personal point of view. I found google docs (https://drive.google.com/#my-drive) to be a brilliant way to create and retrieve information in the form of a survey questionnaire.

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From my results I made sure to ask a question which allowed a personal response around what needed to be improved. The same issue was brought up multiple times and was a point made around the typography around 52 seconds into the film. The statement was correct that the font was too thin and therefore was hard to read and interpret in such a small space of time. I took this improvement into consideration and will not use the ‘thin line’ font later on in my future films. The use of the “thin line” font was to add to the forms and conventions of a niche BMX film, therefore I thought the unique font would appeal to the demographic and fit the correct requirements of the film and the typography needed to present the title.

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Another improvement that was specifically chosen was the use of a wider range of shots and a wider use of location. I took this into consideration but struggled to understand the use of more camera shots as I had already focused quite largely on using multiple shots, ranging from extreme pan close up’s to establishing long shots. I did agree with the statement about using more locations however I was limited on the amount of locations that the film could be shot in, however if I had more time and a larger budget then the possibility of more locations would have been made possible.

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I learnt from my questionnaire that the majority of people questioned agreed that the story line was clear. This was an important objective of mine as I found the creation of a story quite difficult in my particular film genre. The majority also agreed that the audio soundtrack was suitable for the genre. This was also important to my results as I focused a lot on the music and felt that it was important for the music to feel relevant to the film and meet the demands of the demographic. Also I wanted the music to interact with the audience and increase pace within the film.

I made sure to experiment with a lot of different angle types such as high and low angle shots. Along with a range of close ups and long shots to build different atmospheres to suit the clip.

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In conclusion I discovered that from my audience feedback I could receive the correct information to further my knowledge and skills. From making the correct changes and understanding the problems I could then figure out a solution and progress further in my work.