Au Psy492 M7 A3 E Portf Williams G

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Page 1: Au Psy492 M7 A3 E Portf Williams G






FEBRUARY 27, 2011

Page 2: Au Psy492 M7 A3 E Portf Williams G

As I look back on my experience at Argosy University I believe I have grown in so many ways. There was

a time when I would avoid things that intimidated me. Let’s take math for instance, there we no subjects

that interested me less than math. Here at Argosy the instructors helped me to get over that fear of

failure which is what I experienced when a math class was put in front of me. There were a couple

classes that I had to repeat but with those classes I was determined to get through and not only the

instructors but the tutors and my advisor all pushed me to do so, they did not leave me to doubt myself

or my desire to get over those classes. I passed those classes in the end and if it wasn’t for those here at

Argosy I don’t think it would have been so easy.

The instructors here at Argosy are very reachable when you need them. They ask if you need help and

are there when you ask. The tutoring program is available for you at all hours and I used them often.

Argosy makes education reachable for so many and I want to thank them for giving me this opportunity

that I thought I had given up.

I plan on using this knowledge that has been given to me by Argosy to continue my education. I have

always been the type of person that cares about others and my goal is to use this gift to help those less

fortunate. I want to open a transitional housing program for young adults that are leaving the social

service system because they have turned eighteen and are considered adults. I want to help them build

self-esteem, acquire education and job training so that they do not end up back in the system as adults

but are able to be self sufficient in the world. In some cases these children are already parents and end

up back in the system or they don’t have what it takes to hold on a job in such a competitive workforce.

This situation makes these children turn to activity that leads them in directions that is hard for them to

come out of. I want to be there to steer them in the right direction.

I have raised four boys and have taught them that education is the key to success but not just a success

by making a decent salary but it is the key that opens so many doors, career wise, socially and

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personally. When you have an education you have choices. This is something my father always told me

and it took a while for me to catch on. I partied and I worked dead end jobs, it wasn’t until I married and

had children that the statement my father made clicked. I went back to further my education after my

first child and continued. Not only did I do this for me but I did it for my children because I wanted them

to see what comes with education. With each diploma, certificate or degree I acquired life got a little

better. So my time at Argosy has given me yet another chance to show my children and their friends

even the importance of an education. I want to pass this on to as many children as I can because it is

hard out there in the real world and there are no quick fixes or easy way outs. By giving these children

and even their parents if need be the skills to make it as self sufficient individuals I believe is so

rewarding not only for me but for the individuals that have worked so hard to achieve whatever it is that

they want to achieve. To finally get to the finish line and look back at all you endured and to still know

you made it despite it all is something to be very proud of.