ARELLANO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING COURSE AUDIT 2 Second Semester AY 2010-2011 COURSE OUTLINE COURSE CODE: CA 2 COURSE TITLE: COURSE AUDIT 2 PLACEMENT: Level IV/ Second Semester CREDITS: 3 Units COURSE DESCRIPTION: Course Audit 2 deals with professional nursing theories, concepts, ideas and principles necessary to provide quality and safe nursing care to individual, family, group and community clients with simple to complex abnormality/illness/disease conditions, across age groups and in varied health care setting. It also gives emphasis on the curative and rehabilitative aspects of nursing care management to treat or limit the presence of abnormal health conditions and help regain optimum health. ENTRY COMPETENCE: Knowledge and skills in Pharmacology, Anatomy and Physiology, Fundamentals of Nursing, Research, Leadership and Management, Ethics, Professional Adjustment, Communicable Disease Nursing, Maternal and Child Health, Pediatric Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing and Mental Health Nursing. TERMINAL COMPETENCE: At the end of the course, the students shall be able to demonstrate core competencies of an entry level professional nurse in the practice of nursing care with the emphasis on treatment of illness and rehabilitation from long term disorders across age groups and in varied health care settings. COURSE OUTLINE: UNIT I: Disorders in Obstetric Nursing This unit deals with the common health problems in the pregnant client during the perinatal period. I. Nursing care of women with high-risk conditions A. Complications of pregnancy B. Complications of labor and delivery C. Complications of postpartum period II. Nursing care of high-risk newborn A. Prematurity B. Congenital defects C. Infections III. Nursing care of women with disturbances in reproduction and gynecology UNIT II: Disorders in Pediatric Nursing This unit deals with the common health problems occurring during infancy to adolescence stage. I. Health Problems That Develop During Infancy A. Intussusception B. Failure to thrive C. Shaken baby syndrome D. Sudden infant death syndrome E. Colic F. Tuner's syndrome G. Trisomy 21 H. Cleft lip/palate I. Imperforate anus J. Hirchsprung's disease K. Spina bifida L. Hydrocephalus M. Otitis Media N. G6PD II. Health Problems Most Common In Toddlers A. Burns B. Poisoning C. Child Abuse D. Cerebral Palsy E. Celiac Disease F. Cystic Fibrosis G. Sickle Cell Anemia H. Thalassemia III. Health Problems Most Common In Preschoolers A. Leukemia B. Wilm's Tumor (Nephroblastoma) C. Asthma D. Kawasaki Disease E. UTI IV. Health Problems Most Common In School Aged Children A. Hemophilia B. DM (Juvenile) C. Rheumatic Fever V. Health Problems Most Common In Adolescents

AU CA2 Course Outline

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ARELLANO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING COURSE AUDIT 2 Second Semester AY 2010-2011 COURSE OUTLINE COURSE CODE:CA 2 COURSE TITLE:COURSE AUDIT 2 PLACEMENT:Level IV/ Second Semester CREDITS:3 Units COURSE DESCRIPTION: Course Audit 2 deals with professional nursing theories, concepts, ideas and principles necessary to provide quality and safenursingcaretoindividual,family,groupandcommunityclientswithsimpletocomplexabnormality/illness/disease conditions, across age groups and in varied health care setting. It also gives emphasis on the curative and rehabilitative aspects of nursing care management to treat or limit the presence of abnormal health conditions and help regain optimum health. ENTRY COMPETENCE:KnowledgeandskillsinPharmacology,AnatomyandPhysiology,FundamentalsofNursing,Research,Leadershipand Management,Ethics,ProfessionalAdjustment,CommunicableDiseaseNursing,MaternalandChildHealth,Pediatric Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing and Mental Health Nursing. TERMINAL COMPETENCE:Attheendofthecourse,thestudentsshallbeabletodemonstratecorecompetenciesofanentrylevelprofessional nurse in the practice of nursing care with the emphasis on treatment of illness and rehabilitation from long term disorders across age groups and in varied health care settings. COURSE OUTLINE: UNIT I: Disorders in Obstetric NursingThis unit deals with the common health problems in the pregnant client during the perinatal period. I. Nursing care of women with high-risk conditions A.Complications of pregnancy B.Complications of labor and delivery C.Complications of postpartum period II.Nursing care of high-risk newborn A.Prematurity B.Congenital defects C.Infections III. Nursing care of women with disturbances in reproduction and gynecology UNIT II: Disorders in Pediatric Nursing This unit deals with the common health problems occurring during infancy to adolescence stage. I. Health Problems That Develop During Infancy A.Intussusception B.Failure to thrive C.Shaken baby syndrome D.Sudden infant death syndrome E.Colic F.Tuner's syndrome G.Trisomy 21 H.Cleft lip/palate I.Imperforate anus J.Hirchsprung's disease K.Spina bifida L.Hydrocephalus M.Otitis Media N.G6PD II. Health Problems Most Common In Toddlers A.Burns B.Poisoning C.Child Abuse D.Cerebral Palsy E.Celiac Disease F.Cystic Fibrosis G.Sickle Cell Anemia H.Thalassemia III. Health Problems Most Common In Preschoolers A.Leukemia B.Wilm's Tumor (Nephroblastoma) C.Asthma D.Kawasaki Disease E.UTI IV. Health Problems Most Common In School Aged Children A.Hemophilia B.DM (Juvenile) C.Rheumatic Fever V. Health Problems Most Common In Adolescents A.Scoliosis B.Accidents (trauma/injury) C.STD D.Amenorrhea E.Dysmenorrhea F.Obesity G.Substance abuse H.Suicide UNIT III: Communicable Disease Nursing This unit deals with health programs, services and strategies of the Department of Health related to nursing care of clients with communicable diseases. I. Overview of Infection Control, Asepsis and Precautions A.Chain of infectionB.Infection control measuresC.Asepsis D.Isolation precautions E.Types of immunityF.Stages of disease/infectionII. Epidemiology A.Definition and Uses B.Epidemiological Triad C.Steps in epidemiological investigation D.Functions of the nurse in epidemiologyIII. Communicable Diseases Affecting the Human Body A.Diseases affecting the Central Nervous System 1.Tetanus 2.Meningitis 3.Poliomyelitis 4.Rabies B.Diseases affecting the Circulatory System 1.Dengue/H-Fever 2.Malaria 3.Leptospirosis C.Diseases affecting the Integumentary System 1.Leprosy 2. Measles 3. German measles 4. Chickenpox 5. Herpes Zoster 6.Scabies 7.Pediculosis capitis 8.Tinea Corporis/Pedis D.Diseases affecting the Respiratory System 1.Tuberculosis 2.Diptheria 3.Pertussis 4.Pneumonia 5.MeningococcemiaE.Diseases affecting the Gastrointestinal System 1.Typhoid fever 2.Cholera 3.Amebiasis 4.Paralytic Shellfish poisoning 5.Hepatitis A 6.Mumps 7.Ascariasis 8.Taeniasis 9.Paragonimiasis 10. SchistosomiasisF.Diseases affecting the Eye 1.Acute Conjunctivitis G.Diseases affecting the Lymphatic System 1.Filariasis H.Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1.AIDS 2.Syphilis 3.Gonorrhea 4.Chlamydia 5.Hepatis B IV. Emerging Communicable Diseases A.SARS B.Birds/Avian Flu C.Swine Flu D.A (H1N1) Virus V. Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses A.Introduction 1.Care Management Process 2.Integrated Care Management Process B.Management of the Sick Child 2 months up to 5 years 1.Assessment, Classification and Treatment of sick child 2 months up to 5 years 2.General Danger Signs 3.Assessment, Classification and Treatment of Cough or Difficulty of Breathing C.Assessment, Classification and Treatment of Diarrhea D.Assessment, Classification and Treatment of Fever E.Assessment, Classification and Treatment of Ear Problem F.Assessment, Classification and Treatment of Malnutrition and Anemia G.Immunization Status H.Vitamin A Status I.Other Problems J.Management of the Sick Infant (age 1 week up to 2 months) 1.Assessment, Classification and Treatment of the sick infant 2.Possible Bacterial Infection 3.Diarrhea 4.Feeding problem or low weight 5.Other problems UNIT IV: Maladaptations in Psychiatric Nursing A.Maladaptive patterns of behavior 1.Anxiety and anxiety related disorders 2.Somatoform and sleep disorders 3.Abuse and violence 4.Mood disorders 5.Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders 6.Personality disorders 7.Substance related disorders 8.Eating disorders 9.Sexual Disorders 10. Cognitive and emotional disorders of infants, children and adolescents UNIT V: Disorders in Medical Surgical Nursing 1A.Care of client in pain B.Perioperative care C.Disturbances in oxygenation 1.Respiratory disorders 2.Cardiovascular disorders 3.Hematologic disorders UNIT VI: Disorders in Medical Surgical Nursing 2A.Disturbances in metabolic and endocrine functioning 1.Gastrointestinal disorders 2.Endocrine disorders B.Disturbances in elimination 1.Genitourinary disorders C.Disturbances in fluids and electrolytes UNIT VII: Disorders in Medical Surgical Nursing 3A.Inflammatory and infectious disturbances B.Disturbances in immunologic functioning C.Disturbances in cellular functioning/cancer D.Client in biologic crisis E.Emergency and disaster nursing UNIT VIII: Disorders in Medical Surgical Nursing 4 A.Disturbances in perception and coordination 1.Neurologic disorders 2.Sensory disorders 3.Musculo-skeletal disorders 4.Degenerative disorders UNIT IX: Professional Adjustment, Leadership, Management, ResearchThiscoursedealswithnursesresponsibilitiesforpersonalandprofessionalgrowthanddevelopment,ethico-moraland legalresponsibilitiesinthesafeandqualitynursingcareofindividuals,familiesandcommunitiesinvarioushealth settings. I. Professional Adjustment A. Definition of a profession B. Criteria of a profession C. Nursing program and curriculum D. License to practice nursing E. The Board of Nursing F. Different fields of nursing G.Nursing Associations H. Roles and responsibilities of beginning nurse practitioner I. Career Planning J. Emerging Opportunities K. Issues and trends in nursing practice/education II. Nursing Jurisprudence / Legal Aspects of Nursing A. Legal Responsibilities of Nurses B. Laws Governing Nursing C. Legal issues affecting nurses D. Legal protections in the nursing service E.Good Samaritan LawG.Nurse-attorney relationship H.Rules of conduct I. Licensure J. Laws, Resolutions, Proclamations and Executive Orders Affecting the Practice of Nursing in the Philippines III. Nursing Ethics A. Ethico-moral Aspects of Nursing 1.Ethics 2.Nursing Ethics 3.Bioethics 4.Normative Ethics 5.Ethical Theories 6.Ethical Principles 7.Cardinal Virtues 8.Ethical Decision Making Model 9.Morality 10. Code ofEthics for NursesIV. Nursing Management and Leadership A.Nursing Management B.Management Process C.Roles of Managers D.Management and Leadership Theories E. Management Process a. Planning b. Organizing 1. Organizational concepts and structures2. Staffing 3. Organizing Client Care c. Directing 1. Leadership 2. Leadership Theories 3. Behavioral Approach 4. Bases of Power 5. Levels6. Styles 7. Delegation 8. Supervisiond. Controlling 1. Reasons for conducting evaluation 2. Components of controlling process 3 Principles of Control E. Leadership in community development Unit X. Nursing Research A. Introduction to Nursing Research 1. Definition and importance 2. Roles of Nurses in Research 3. Evolution of Nursing research 4. Purposes of Nursing Research B. Major Phases of a Research Process 1. Conceptual Phase 2. Design and Planning Phase 3. Ethical Aspects 4. Steps of Writing a Good Research Proposal 5. Empirical Phase 6. Analytical Phase 7. Dissemination Phase Prepared by: Ronald D. Bangui Academic and Review Program Director Research and Test Development Head Professional Review Network, Inc.