PPC111913 RESOLUTION NO. 14-34 M:\Board\Resolutions\2014RES\R14-34 Prop K_AA Grouped SFMTA DPW.docx Page 1 of 5 RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $4,871,303 IN PROP K FUNDS, WITH CONDITIONS, AND $852,228 IN PROP AA FUNDS, WITH CONDITIONS, FOR THREE REQUESTS, SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED FISCAL YEAR CASH FLOW DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULES, AND AMENDING THE STREET RESURFACING, REHABILITATION AND MAINTENANCE 5- YEAR PRIORITIZATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, The Transportation Authority received four Prop K requests totaling $21,671,303 and two Prop AA allocation requests for $852,228, as summarized in Attachments 1 and 2; and WHEREAS, The requests seek funds from the following Prop K Expenditure Plan categories: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)/Transit Preferential Streets (TPS)/MUNI Metro Network; Muni Facilities; Street Resurfacing, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance; Transportation/Land Use Coordination; and from the Street Repair and Reconstruction category of the Prop AA Expenditure Plan; and WHEREAS, As required by the voter-approved Expenditure Plans, the Transportation Authority Board has adopted a Prop K or Prop AA 5-Year Prioritization Program (5YPP) for each of the aforementioned Expenditure Plan programmatic categories; and WHEREAS, The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s (SFMTA’s) request for the Mansell Corridor Improvement project and the Department of Public Works’ (DPW’s) request for the Chinatown Broadway Phase IV project are consistent with the relevant Prop K and Prop AA 5YPPs; and WHEREAS, The SFMTA’s requests for the Transit Effectiveness Project and the Escalator Rehabilitation project require amendments to the Bus Rapid Transit/Transit Preferential Streets/MUNI Metro Network 5YPP and the Muni Facilities 5YPP, respectively, and DPW’s

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PPC111913 RESOLUTION NO. 14-34

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WHEREAS, The Transportation Authority received four Prop K requests totaling

$21,671,303 and two Prop AA allocation requests for $852,228, as summarized in Attachments 1

and 2; and

WHEREAS, The requests seek funds from the following Prop K Expenditure Plan

categories: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)/Transit Preferential Streets (TPS)/MUNI Metro Network;

Muni Facilities; Street Resurfacing, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance; Transportation/Land Use

Coordination; and from the Street Repair and Reconstruction category of the Prop AA Expenditure

Plan; and

WHEREAS, As required by the voter-approved Expenditure Plans, the Transportation

Authority Board has adopted a Prop K or Prop AA 5-Year Prioritization Program (5YPP) for each

of the aforementioned Expenditure Plan programmatic categories; and

WHEREAS, The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s (SFMTA’s) request for

the Mansell Corridor Improvement project and the Department of Public Works’ (DPW’s) request

for the Chinatown Broadway Phase IV project are consistent with the relevant Prop K and Prop AA

5YPPs; and

WHEREAS, The SFMTA’s requests for the Transit Effectiveness Project and the Escalator

Rehabilitation project require amendments to the Bus Rapid Transit/Transit Preferential

Streets/MUNI Metro Network 5YPP and the Muni Facilities 5YPP, respectively, and DPW’s

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request for the Potrero Avenue Pavement Renovation project requires amendment of the Street

Resurfacing, Rehabilitation and Maintenance 5YPP; and

WHEREAS, After reviewing the requests, Transportation Authority staff recommended

allocating a total of $21,671,303 in Prop K funds, with conditions, and $852,228 in Prop AA funds,

with conditions, for five projects, as described in Attachment 3; and

WHEREAS, There are sufficient funds in the Capital Expenditures line item of the

Transportation Authority’s approved Fiscal Year 2013/14 budget to cover the proposed actions; and

WHEREAS, At its October 23, 2013 meeting, the Citizens Advisory Committee was briefed

on the subject requests and unanimously adopted a motion of support for the staff

recommendation; and

WHEREAS, On November 19, 2013, the Plans and Programs Committee reviewed the

subject requests and unanimously recommended approval of the Potrero Avenue Pavement

Renovation, Mansell Corridor Improvement and Chinatown Broadway Phase IV projects, but

continued its consideration of the requests for the Transit Effectiveness Project and Escalator

Rehabilitation - Phase 2 project until its December 10, 2013 meeting to allow Transportation

Authority and SFMTA staff to bring back additional information to support the requests; now,

therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the Transportation Authority hereby amends the Prop K Street

Resurfacing, Rehabilitation and Maintenance 5YPP, as detailed in the enclosed allocation request

form; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Transportation Authority hereby allocates $4,871,303 in Prop K

funds and $852,228 in Prop AA funds, with conditions, to SFMTA’s Mansell Corridor

Improvement Project and DPW’s Potrero Avenue Pavement Renovation and Chinatown Broadway

Phase IV projects, as detailed in the enclosed allocation request forms, which include the Prop K

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and Prop AA allocation amounts, required deliverables, timely use of funds requirements, special

conditions, and Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedules; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Transportation Authority finds the allocation of these funds to be in

conformance with the priorities, policies, funding levels, and prioritization methodologies

established in the Prop K and Prop AA Expenditure Plans, the 2013 Prop K Strategic Plan Baseline,

the 201 Prop AA Strategic Plan, and the relevant 5YPPs; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Transportation Authority hereby authorizes the actual expenditure

(cash reimbursement) of funds for these activities to take place subject to the Fiscal Year Cash Flow

Distribution Schedules detailed in the enclosed allocation request forms; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Capital Expenditures line item for subsequent fiscal year annual

budgets shall reflect the maximum reimbursement schedule amounts adopted and the

Transportation Authority does not guarantee reimbursement levels higher than those adopted; and

be it further

RESOLVED, That as a condition of this authorization for expenditure, the Executive

Director shall impose such terms and conditions as are necessary for the project sponsors to comply

with applicable law and adopted Transportation Authority policies and execute Standard Grant

Agreements to that effect; and be it further

RESOLVED, That as a condition of this authorization for expenditure, the project sponsors

shall provide the Transportation Authority with any other information it may request regarding the

use of the funds hereby authorized; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Capital Improvement Program of the Congestion Management

Program, the 2013 Prop K Strategic Plan Baseline, and the Prop AA Strategic Plan are hereby

amended, as appropriate.

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Attachments: 1. Summary of Applications Received 2. Project Descriptions 3. Staff Recommendations 4. Prop K Capital Budget 2013/14 5. Prop K 2013/14 Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution – Summary Table 6. Prop AA Capital Budget 2013/14 7. Prop AA 2013/14 Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution – Summary Table

Enclosure: Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Forms (3)

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PPC111913 RESOLUTION NO. 14-34

TI1e foregoing Resolution was approved and adopted by the San Francisco County Transportation

Authority at a regularly scheduled meeting thereof, this 26 th day of November, 2013, by the

following votes:


Ayes: Commissioners Avalos, Breed, Ch.iu, Cohen, K.im, Mar, Tang, Wiener and Y ee (9)

Nays: (0)

Absent: Commissioners Campos and Farrell (2)

T~ Date Executive Director

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Attachment 1: Summary of Applications Received


EP Line


Category 1


Sponsor 2 Project Name


Type 3


Prop K



Prop AA


Total Cost for




Leveraging by

EP Line 4


Leveraging by





Prop K 1 SFMTA Transit Effectiveness Project Capital $ 13,100,000 - $ 13,100,000 82% 0% Planning, Design Citywide

Prop K 20M SFMTA Escalator Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Capital $ 3,700,000 - $ 18,500,000 90% 80% Construction 3, 6, 7, 8

Prop K 34 DPW Potrero Avenue Pavement Renovation Capital $ 4,540,463 - $ 6,468,070 79% 30% Construction 9, 10

Prop K/

Prop AA44, Street SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvement Capital $ 330,840 $ 202,228 $ 743,693 40% 56% Design 9,10,11

Prop AA Street DPW Chinatown Broadway Phase IV Capital - $ 650,000 $ 910,851 na na Design 3

$ 21,671,303 $ 852,228 $ 39,722,614 86% 45%


Prop K Leveraging


1 "EP Line No./Category" is either the Prop K Expenditure Plan line number referenced in the 2009 Prop K Strategic Plan or the Prop AA Expenditure Plan category referenced in the 2012 Prop

AA Strategic Plan, including: Street Repair and Reconstruction (Street), Pedestrian Safety (Ped), and Transit Reliability and Mobility Improvements (Transit).2 Acronyms include SFMTA (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency) and DPW (San Francisco Department of Public Works).

3 "Project Type" differentiates between one-time capital projects (Capital) and on-going annual programs (Annual) funded by Prop K. Prop AA does not fund on-going annual programs.

4 "Expected Leveraging By EP Line" is calculated by dividing the total non-Prop K funds expected to be available for a given Prop K Expenditure Plan line item (e.g. Pedestrian Circulation and

Safety) by the total expected funding for that Prop K Expenditure Plan line item over the 30-year Expenditure Plan period. For example, expected leveraging of 90% indicates that on average non-

Prop K funds should cover 90% of the total project cost and Prop K should cover only 10% of the project cost.5 "Actual Leveraging by Project Phase" is calculated by dividing the total non-Prop K funds in the project's funding plan by the total cost for the requested phase or phases. If the percentage in the

"Actual Leveraging" column is lower than in the "Expected Leveraging" column, the particular request (indicated by yellow highlighting) is leveraging fewer non-Prop K dollars than assumed in the

Expenditure Plan.

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Page 8: Attachments - San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Attachment 2: Brief Project Descriptions 1

EP Line



SponsorProject Name

Prop K Funds


Prop AA Funds

RequestedProject Description

1 SFMTA Transit Effectiveness Project $ 13,100,000 -

The requested Prop K funds would support preliminary engineering and detailed design

work needed to advance the implementation of the Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP).

The TEP, which is currently undergoing an environmental review, is a comprehensive

program aimed at providing Muni system improvements related to increasing reliability,

reducing travel times, limiting overcrowding, and enhancing pedestrian and vehicle

safety. Specifically, the scope of work includes both preliminary engineering and detailed

design for 10 projects (10-Sansome; 14-Mission (segment 2); 30-Stockton, 5-Fulton, 71-

Haight (2 segments), 8X-Bayshore Express, 9-San Bruno (2 segments), N-Judah), and

only preliminary engineering for 5 additional projects (14-Mission (segments 1 and 3),

28-19th Ave, J-Church, L-Taraval). SFMTA staff must conduct engineering and design

work during Environmental Impact Report (EIR) certification and legislation processes

to enable TEP implementation immediately upon policy approval and funding

acceptance. The EIR is expected for the TEP by March 31, 2014, with legislation

anticipated by March 31, 2015. The total cost to implement the TEP scope included in

the subject request is estimated at $114.2 million. Implementation is anticipated by

September 30, 2020. SFMTA has just awarded a $1.5 million outreach and

communications contract to support the TEP.

20M SFMTAEscalator Rehabilitation - Phase

2 $ 3,700,000 -

The requested Prop K funds will be used for construction to modernize and/or replace

17 SFMTA escalators in the Muni Metro subway. The proposed scope includes two

platform-level escalators at Montgomery Station, four escalators at Powell Station

(including two street-level escalators accessing Hallidie Plaza and two platform-level

escalators), two platform-level escalators at Civic Center Station, two platform-level

escalators at Van Ness Station, one street-level and two platform-level escalators at

Church Station, and two street-level and two platform-level escalators at Castro Station.

The total cost of the project, including the subject request, is estimated at $18.5 million.

The SFMTA expects to advertise the contract in Fall 2013 and complete construction in

winter 2018. The total cost of construction is estimated at $18.5 million, with Prop K

leveraging $14.8 million in federal Section 5307 and 5309 funds to fully fund the project.

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Attachment 2: Brief Project Descriptions 1

EP Line



SponsorProject Name

Prop K Funds


Prop AA Funds

RequestedProject Description

34 DPWPotrero Avenue Pavement

Renovation $ 4,540,463 -

The requested Prop K funds will be used for the construction phase of the subject

project, which is the paving element of the Potrero Streetscape Improvement project, a

joint effort by DPW, SFMTA and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. The

project scope includes approximately 1.5 miles of pavement renovation, including 1 mile

of Potrero Avenue and short segments of 22nd, 23rd and Vermont Streets and San

Bruno Avenue. The project scope also includes construction of 26 curb ramps at 9

intersections and associated sidewalk repair. DPW expects to start construction in

Spring 2014, and complete the project in Summer 2015.

44, Street SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvement $ 330,840 202,228

Requested funds will be used to fund the design phase of the subject project. The

Transportation Authority Board has already allocated $172,724 and $88,259 in Prop K

funds for project development and environmental review, respectively, and

programmed $1,762,239 in OneBayArea Grant Program (OBAG) funds for design and

construction. The overall project, led by SFMTA in coordination with DPW and the

Recreation and Park Department, is to implement a complete street upgrade to Mansell

Street in McLaren Park between Visitacion Avenue and Sunnydale Avenue. This

includes constructing sidewalks, installing bike facilities, narrowing the roadway from 4-

lanes to 2-lanes, landscaping the median, and making improvements to several key

intersections. SFMTA and DPW will complete the detailed design and prepare all

required materials to receive Caltrans's approval to proceed with construction by March


Street DPW Chinatown Broadway Phase IV - 650,000

Requested funds will be used to fund the design phase of the subject project to

implement a complete street upgrade to Broadway between Columbus Avenue and the

Broadway Tunnel. The Transportation Authority Board has programmed $5,320,537 in

OBAG funds for design and construction, and allocated $5,686 in Prop K funds for the

Jean Parker Elementary School Safe Routes to School project as part of this OBAG

project. The overall project includes calming traffic by narrowing the roadway and travel

lanes; improving pedestrian crossings with bulb-outs, raised crosswalks, and special

paving; improving transit access with new bus bulbs and enhanced bus stops;

landscaping the existing sidewalk, new medians, and the Wayne Place; installing bike

sharrows; and adding new benches and street lights. DPW anticipates starting design in

January 2014, starting construction in April 2015, and completing the project by January


$ 21,671,303 $ 852,228 1 See Attachment 1 for footnotes.


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Attachment 3: Staff Recommendations 1

EP Line



Sponsor Project Name

Prop K Funds


Prop AA Funds

Requested Recommendation

1 SFMTA Transit Effectiveness Project $ 13,100,000 -

Multi-phase allocation.

5YPP Amendment: This allocation is contingent on a 5YPP amendment to the

Bus Rapid Transit/Transit Preferential Streets/MUNI Metro Network category

to consolidate a number of TEP line items and to reprogram $2,901,887 in

unallocated Fiscal Year 2010/11 funds programed to Geary BRT Final Design

and $3,535,253 in unallocated Fiscal Year 2012/13 funds programmed to Van

Ness BRT Construction to fund the request. The BRT projects do not need the

funds this fiscal year and will be made whole through the 2013 5YPP update. For

5YPP amendment details, see Allocation Request Form.

20M SFMTA Escalator Rehabilitation - Phase 2 $ 3,700,000

5YPP Amendment: This allocation is contingent on a 5YPP amendment to the

Facilities category to reprogram $608,000 in Fiscal Year 2011/12 design and

construction funds from the Woods Lifts - Phase 2 project to the subject project.

The Woods Lifts -Phase 2 project is fully funded from other sources. For details,

see the 5YPP amendment attached to the Allocation Request Form.

34 DPWPotrero Avenue Pavement

Renovation $ 4,540,463 -

5YPP Amendment: This allocation is contingent on a 5YPP amendment to the

Street Resurfacing, Rehabilitation and Maintenance 5YPP to add the subject

project and re-program $3,300,000 from the Sanchez (Duboce Ave. to Elizabeth

St.) project. Due to utility coordination conflicts, the Sanchez Street paving

project has been rescheduled for Fiscal Year 2016/17. Fully funding the project

also requires that unneeded Prop K funds from two pavement renovation

projects be re-programmed to the subject project, including $137,061 from

California Street Pavement Renovation and $839,291 from 17th Street Pavement

Renovation. Both projects were completed at costs below the engineer's estimate.

For details, see the 5YPP amendment attached to the Allocation Request Form.

44, Street SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvement $ 330,840 202,228

Street DPW Chinatown Broadway Phase IV - 650,000

$ 21,671,303 $ 852,228 1 See Attachment 1 for footnotes.


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Page 11: Attachments - San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Attachment 4.

Prop K FY 2013/14 Capital Budget1

EP # Sponsor Project Name Total FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19

1 SFCTAGeary Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Analysis and Advanced Conceptual Engineering

2,790,598$ 1,860,399$ 930,199$

1 SFMTAMarket and Haight Street Transit and Pedestrian Improvements

233,000$ 233,000$

5 TJPATransbay Transit Center and Downtown Extension

4,500,000$ 4,500,000$

6 PCJPB Caltrain Early Investment Program 6,390,000$ 6,390,000$

7 PCJPB Right-of-Way Safety Fencing 429,869$ 429,869$

7 PCJPBTrain Departure Monitors at Terminal Stations

585,000$ 292,500$ 292,500$

8 BARTWayfinding and Bicycle Parking Improvements

415,800$ 166,320$ 207,900$ 41,580$

13 SFMTA Balboa Park Real-Time Transit Information 60,000$ 60,000$

17 SFMTA Replace 50 40-foot Hybrid Motor Coaches 15,996,040$ 15,765,881$ 46,032$ 46,032$ 46,032$ 46,032$ 46,031$

17 PCJPB MP 36 SEP HEP Replacement 1,000,000$ 200,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$

22 SFMTAMarket and Haight Street Transit and Pedestrian Improvements

338,000$ 338,000$

22 PCJPBBrisbane Tunnel Track and Drainage Rehabilitation

86,400$ 86,400$

22 PCJPB CTAMS Data Population 350,000$ 350,000$

22 PCJPB Jerrold Bridge North Span Replacement 118,160$ 118,160$

22 PCJPBMarin Street and Napoleon Avenue Bridge Replacement

120,000$ 120,000$

22 PCJPB Rail Grinding 154,143$ 61,657$ 92,486$

22 PCJPBRailroad Communication System State of Good Repair

118,428$ 118,428$

22 PCJPB South Terminal Wayside Power 28,197$ 28,197$

22 PCJPBUpgrade of Public Address & Visual Message Signs

838,000$ 838,000$

34,551,635$ 31,956,811$ 1,969,117$ 487,612$ 46,032$ 46,032$ 46,031$

23 SFMTA Paratransit 9,670,000$ 9,670,000$

9,670,000$ 9,670,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Visitacion Valley Watershed Subtotal


Cash Flow Distribution


Transit Subtotal


Paratransit Subtotal

Capital Budget FY 1314.xlsx Nov Capital Budget-1 Page 1 of 3

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Attachment 4.

Prop K FY 2013/14 Capital Budget1

EP # Sponsor Project Name Total FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19

Cash Flow Distribution

26 DPWGreat Highway Reroute Project (Permanent Restoration)

49,596$ 49,596$

31 SFMTA New Signal Contract 61 1,745,000$ 872,500$ 872,500$

34 DPW Potrero Avenue Pavement Renovation 4,540,463$ 455,101$ 3,631,433$ 453,929$

35 DPW Street Repair and Cleaning Equipment 721,500$ 721,500$

37 DPW Public Sidewalk Repair 625,000$ 625,000$

38 SFMTALocal-Track Application-Based Traffic Calming Program

334,020$ 322,950$ 11,070$

38 SFMTA Chinatown (Safe Routes to School Match) 88,810$ 88,810$

38 SFMTAWest Portal Elementary School (Safe Routes to School Match)

49,500$ 49,500$

38 SFMTA Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School 45,200$ 45,200$

38 SFMTAJean Parker Elementary School (Safe Routes to School Match)

46,165$ 6,965$ 39,200$

39 BART Civic Center BART/Muni Bike Station 102,000$ 51,000$ 51,000$

39 SFMTA Automated Bicycle Counters Upgrade 331,000$ 200,000$ 131,000$

39 SFMTA Citywide Bicycle Wayfinding Plan 32,000$ 32,000$

39 SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvement Project 44,129$ 44,129$

40 SFMTA 6th Street Improvements 180,829$ 161,528$ 19,301$

40 SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvement Project 44,130$ 44,130$

42 DPW Tree Planting and Maintenance 1,204,429$ 1,204,429$

10,183,771$ 4,974,338$ 4,755,504$ 453,929$ -$ -$ -$

43 SFE Clean Transportation Program 365,231$ 365,231$

43 SFMTA WalkFirst Investment Strategy 206,000$ 206,000$

44 SFCTA Balboa Park Station Area Circulation Study 59,400$ 59,400$

44 SFCTABroadway Chinatown Neighborhood Transportation Plan

209,174$ 161,064$ 48,110$

44 SFMTAMarket and Haight Street Transit and Pedestrian Improvements

209,000$ 209,000$

44 DPWLongfellow Elementary School Safe Routes to School

24,981$ 14,667$ 10,314$

44 DPWER Taylor Elementary School Safe Routes to School

20,184$ 11,926$ 8,258$

44 SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvement 330,840$ -$ 330,840$

1,424,810$ 1,027,288$ 397,522$ -$ -$ -$ -$

TOTAL 55,830,216$ 47,628,437$ 7,122,143$ 941,541$ 46,032$ 46,032$ 46,031$

1 This table shows Cash Flow Distribution Schedules for all FY 2013/14 allocations approved to date, along with the current recommended allocation(s).

Shaded lines indicate allocations/appropriations that are part of the current action.


Streets and Traffic Safety Subtotal


TSM/Strategic Initiatives Subtotal

Capital Budget FY 1314.xlsx Nov Capital Budget-1 Page 2 of 3

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Attachment 5.

Prop K FY 2013/14 Capital Budget Summary1

Total FY2013/14 FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19Prior Allocations 50,958,913$ 47,173,336$ 3,159,870$ 487,612$ 46,032$ 46,032$ 46,031$ Current Request(s) 4,871,303$ 455,101$ 3,962,273$ 453,929$ -$ -$ -$ New Total Allocations 55,830,216$ 47,628,437$ 7,122,143$ 941,541$ 46,032$ 46,032$ 46,031$

1 This table shows total cash flow for all FY 2013/14 allocations approved to date, along with the current recommended allocation(s).

Capital Budget FY 1314.xlsx Nov CF Summary-1 Page 3 of 3

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Attachment 6.

Prop AA FY 2013/14 Capital Budget1

Sponsor Project Name Total FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17

DPW McAllister St Pavement Renovation 2,210,000$ 1,768,000$ 442,000$

SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvement 202,228$ 202,228$

DPW Chinatown Broadway Phase IV 650,000$ 600,000$ 50,000$

3,062,228$ 2,570,228$ 492,000$ -$ -$

Presidio Arguello Gap Closure 350,000$ 350,000$

UC Hastings

McAllister St Campus Streetscape 83,000$ 83,000$

433,000$ 433,000$ -$ -$ -$

BART Civic Center BART/Muni Bike Station 248,000$ 124,000$ 124,000$

248,000$ 124,000$ 124,000$ -$ -$

TOTAL 3,743,228$ 3,127,228$ 616,000$ -$ -$


Street Repair and Reconstruction Subtotal


Pedestrian Safety Subtotal


Transit Reliability and Mobility Improvements Subtotal

1 This table shows Cash Flow Distribution Schedules for all FY 2013/14 allocations approved to date, along with the current recommended allocation(s).Shaded lines indicate allocations/appropriations that are part of the current action.

Prop AA FY1314 Capital Budget November Capital Budget-1 Page 1 of 2

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Attachment 7.

Prop AA FY 2013/14 Capital Budget Summary1

Total FY2013/14 FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17Prior Allocations 2,891,000$ 2,325,000$ 566,000$ -$ -$ Current Request(s) 852,228$ 802,228$ 50,000$ -$ -$ New Total Allocations 3,743,228$ 3,127,228$ 616,000$ -$ -$

1 This table shows total cash flow for all FY 2013/14 allocations approved to date, along with the current recommended allocation(s).

Prop AA FY1314 Capital Budget November CF Summary-1 Page 2 of 2