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Pursuant to Paragraphs 54 and 59 of the Commission’s Memorandum Opinion & Order

regarding how Comcast manages congestion on its High-Speed Internet (“HSI”) network,

Comcast hereby “disclose[s] to the Commission the precise contours of the network management

practices at issue here, including what equipment has been utilized, when it began to be

employed, when and under what circumstances it has been used, how it has been configured,

what protocols have been affected, and where it has been deployed.”1


Comcast’s HSI network is a shared network. This means that our HSI customers share

upstream and downstream bandwidth with their neighbors. Although the available bandwidth is

substantial, so, too, is the demand. Thus, when a relatively small number of customers in a

neighborhood place disproportionate demands on network resources, this can cause congestion

that degrades their neighbors’ Internet experience. In our experience, over the past several years,

the primary cause of congestion (particularly in the upstream portion of our network) has been

the high-volume consumption of bandwidth associated with use of certain peer-to-peer (“P2P”)

protocols. In order to tailor our network management efforts to this reality, Comcast’s current

congestion management practices were designed to address this primary contributor to

congestion. Our objective in doing so was to provide all our customers with the best possible

broadband Internet experience in the marketplace.

As described in Attachment B, in response to significant stated concerns of the Internet

community, Comcast had already announced plans to transition away from its P2P-specific 1 In re Formal Complaint of Free Press & Pub. Knowledge Against Comcast Corp. for Secretly Degrading Peer-to-Peer Applications; Broadband Industry Practices; Petition of Free Press et al. for Declaratory Ruling That Degrading an Internet Application Violates the FCC’s Internet Policy Statement & Does Not Meet an Exception for “Reasonable Network Management,” Mem. Op. and Order, FCC 08-183 ¶¶ 54, 59 (Aug. 20, 2008) (“Order”).

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congestion management practices and terminate them entirely by December 31, 2008. Paragraph

54 of the Order directs Comcast to describe these current practices, and we do so here.2

At the outset, we provide some background on how these practices came into being and

how they work in a general sense. We then provide the greater detail required by the Order.


To understand exactly how Comcast currently manages congestion on its network, it is

helpful to have a general understanding of how Comcast’s HSI network is designed.3 Comcast’s

HSI network is what is commonly referred to as a hybrid fiber-coax network, with coaxial cable

connecting each subscriber’s cable modem to an Optical Node, and fiber optic cables connecting

the Optical Node, through distribution hubs, to the Cable Modem Termination System

(“CMTS”), which is also known as the “data node.” The CMTSes are then connected to higher-

level routers, which in turn are connected to Comcast’s Internet backbone facilities. Today,

Comcast has approximately 3300 CMTSes deployed throughout our network, serving our

14.4 million HSI subscribers.

Each CMTS has multiple “ports” that handle traffic coming into and leaving the CMTS.

In particular, each cable modem deployed on the Comcast HSI network is connected to the

CMTS through the “ports” on the CMTS. These ports can be either “downstream” ports or

“upstream” ports, depending on whether they send information to cable modems (downstream)

or receive information from cable modems (upstream) attached to the port. Today, on average,

2 Although the Order focuses entirely on Comcast’s current practices with respect to controlling network congestion, Comcast’s efforts to deliver a superior Internet experience involve a wide variety of other network management efforts beyond congestion control. As Comcast has previously explained, we actively manage our HSI network in order to enhance our customers’ Internet experience by, among other things, blocking spam, preventing viruses from harming the network and our subscribers, thwarting denial-of-service attacks, and empowering our customers’ ability to control the content that enters their homes.

3 The reader may find it useful to refer to the attached glossary for additional explanation of unfamiliar terms.

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about 275 cable modems share the same downstream port and about 100 cable modems share the

same upstream port. As will be described later in this document, Comcast’s current congestion

management practices focus solely on a subset of upstream traffic.

Internet usage patterns are dynamic and change constantly over time. As broadband

networks deliver higher speeds, this enables the deployment of new content, applications, and

services, which in turn leads more and more households to discover the benefits of broadband

Internet services. Several years ago, Comcast became aware of a growing problem of congestion

on its HSI network, as traffic volumes, particularly for upstream bandwidth (which is

provisioned in lesser quantities than downstream bandwidth4), were growing rapidly and

affecting the use of various applications and services that are particularly sensitive to latency

(i.e., packets arriving slowly) or jitter (i.e., packets arriving with variable delay).

In order to diagnose the cause of the congestion and explore means to alleviate it, in May

2005, Comcast began trialing network management technology developed by Sandvine, Inc.

The Sandvine technology identified which protocols were generating the most traffic and where

in the network the congestion was occurring. After jointly reviewing significant amounts of

usage data, Comcast and Sandvine determined that the use of several P2P protocols was

regularly generating disproportionate burdens on the network, primarily on the upstream portion

of the network, causing congestion that was affecting other users on the network.

As previously explained on the record and described in greater detail below, in order to

mitigate congestion, Comcast determined that it should manage only those protocols that placed 4 This asymmetric provisioning of bandwidth is based on how the vast majority of consumers have historically used the Internet, i.e., most consumers have been far more interested in how fast they could surf the web, how fast they could download files, and whether they could watch streaming video than in uploading large files. Even today, with the widespread proliferation of services that place greater demand on upstream resources, most consumers still download much more than they upload, and so we continue to architect our network to optimize the experience of the vast majority of our users. As usage patterns change over time, so, too, will our provisioning practices.

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excessive burdens on the network, and that it should manage those protocols in a minimally

intrusive way utilizing the technology available at the time. More specifically, in an effort to

avoid upstream congestion, Comcast established thresholds for the number of simultaneous

unidirectional uploads that can be initiated for each of the managed protocols in any given

geographic area; when the number of simultaneous sessions remains below those thresholds,

uploads are not managed. The thresholds for each protocol vary depending upon a number of

factors discussed in detail below, including how the particular protocol operates and the burden

that the particular protocol was determined to place on our upstream bandwidth. These

management practices were not based on the type (video, music, data, etc.) or content of traffic

being uploaded.

The Sandvine equipment has been used (1) to determine when the number of

simultaneous unidirectional upload sessions for a particular P2P protocol in a particular

geographic area reaches its pre-determined threshold, and (2) when a threshold is reached, to

temporarily delay the initiation of any new unidirectional upload sessions for that protocol until

the number of simultaneous unidirectional upload sessions drops below that threshold.


The specific equipment Comcast uses to effectuate its network management practices is a

device known as the Sandvine Policy Traffic Switch 8210 (“Sandvine PTS 8210”). Literature

describing this product is attached. The following sections explain where and how Comcast uses

the Sandvine PTS 8210.

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Comcast initially began technical trials with the Sandvine PTS 8210s starting in May

2005. Commercial (i.e., not trial) deployment of this equipment took place over an extended

period of time, beginning in 2006. We achieved wide-scale deployment in 2007.5

On Comcast’s network, the Sandvine PTS 8210 is deployed “out-of-line” (that is, out of

the regular traffic flow)6 and is located adjacent to the CMTS. Upstream traffic from cable

modems will pass through the CMTS on its way to upstream routers, and then, depending on the

traffic’s ultimate destination, onto Comcast’s Internet backbone. A “mirror” replicates the traffic

flow that is heading upstream from the CMTS without otherwise delaying it and sends it to the

Sandvine PTS 8210, where the protocols in the traffic flow are identified and the congestion

management policy is applied in the manner described in greater detail below. In some

circumstances, two small CMTSes located near each other may be managed by a single Sandvine

PTS 8210.7 The following graphics provide a simplified illustration of these two configurations:

5 Some locations currently have a network design that is different from the standard Comcast network design because we are trialing new protocol-agnostic congestion management practices in those locations, we are preparing those locations for evolution to DOCSIS 3.0 (which has already been launched in one market), or we acquired those systems from other operators and are in the process of standardizing them. The congestion management practices described herein are not used in those systems. The locations of our trials have been widely publicized, but disclosure of proprietary plans regarding the order and timing for network investments and service upgrades would cause substantial competitive harm.

6 Comcast deploys the Sandvine PTS 8210 “out-of-line” so as to not create an additional potential “point-of-failure” (i.e., a point in the network where the failure of a piece of equipment would cause the network to cease operating properly). The Sandvine equipment can also be deployed “in-line,” which can make the management effectuated by the equipment nearly undetectable, but Comcast does not employ this configuration.

7 Although the PTS generally monitors traffic and effectuates policy at the CMTS level, the session management interface is administered at the Upstream Router, one layer higher in the overall architecture.

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Diagram 1: Sandvine PTS Serving One CMTS.

Diagram 2: Sandvine PTS Serving Two CMTSes.

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For purposes of managing network congestion,8 the Sandvine PTS 8210 has been

configured to identify unidirectional P2P uploads for the protocols -- identified below -- that

were determined to be the primary causes of upstream congestion.9 To do this, the Sandvine

PTS uses technology that processes the addressing, protocol, and header information of a

particular packet to determine the session type. The Sandvine PTSes, as deployed on Comcast’s

network, do not inspect the content. These devices only examine the relevant header information

in the packet that indicates what type of protocol is being used (i.e., P2P, VoIP, e-mail, etc.).

The equipment used does not read the contents of the message in order to determine whether the

P2P packet is text, music, or video; listen to what is said in a VoIP packet; read the text of an e-

mail packet; identify whether any packet contains political speech, commercial speech, or

entertainment; or try to discern whether packets are personal or business, legal or illicit, etc.

The following diagram graphically depicts the session identification technique

undertaken by the Sandvine PTS 8210 as deployed on Comcast’s network. The first layers

include addressing, protocol, and other “header” information that tells the network equipment

what kind of packet it is. The “content” layer is the actual web page, music file, picture, video,

etc., and is not examined by the Sandvine equipment.

8 The Sandvine PTS 8210 has not been used solely to manage congestion. It also performs numerous functions related to network management and security, including traffic analysis, anti-spam measures, denial-of-service attack prevention, and other similar functions.

9 A “unidirectional upload” session is different from an upload associated with a “bidirectional upload” session. A session is considered bidirectional when the user is simultaneously uploading to and downloading from another individual using a single TCP flow. Two of the protocols that are managed, BitTorrent and eDonkey, use bidirectional sessions; the other protocols only use unidirectional sessions. A large percentage of P2P traffic is bidirectional and is not managed by these techniques.

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Diagram 3: Session Identification Technique.

In selecting which P2P protocol uploads to manage, network data were analyzed that

identified the particular protocols that were generating disproportionate amounts of traffic.

Based on that analysis, five P2P protocols were identified to be managed: Ares, BitTorrent,

eDonkey, FastTrack, and Gnutella. Four of those protocols have been subject to Comcast’s

management practices since Comcast first implemented these practices. Ares was added in

November 2007 after traffic analysis showed that it, too, was generating disproportionate

demands on network resources.

For each of the managed P2P protocols, the PTS monitors and identifies the number of

simultaneous unidirectional uploads that are passed from the CMTS to the upstream router.

Because of the prevalence of P2P traffic on the upstream portion of our network, the number of

simultaneous unidirectional upload sessions of any particular P2P protocol at any given time

serves as a useful proxy for determining the level of overall network congestion. For each of the

protocols, a session threshold is in place that is intended to provide for equivalently fair access

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between the protocols, but still mitigate the likelihood of congestion that could cause service

degradation for our customers.

Developing session thresholds for each P2P protocol must take into account the unique

characteristics and behavior of each particular protocol. For example, BitTorrent and eDonkey

use both bidirectional and unidirectional upload sessions, whereas Ares, FastTrack, and Gnutella

only use unidirectional upload sessions.10 And even between BitTorrent and eDonkey, there are

significant differences. The BitTorrent protocol more heavily promotes bidirectional uploads as

compared to eDonkey, so, while they both may have the same total number of sessions,

BitTorrent would have a much higher percentage of bidirectional sessions than eDonkey.

Differences also arise between Ares, FastTrack, and Gnutella. For example, each protocol

consumes different amounts of bandwidth per session (e.g., a high percentage of Ares

unidirectional uploads consume negligible bandwidth).

The following table lays out by protocol the simultaneous unidirectional upload session

thresholds for each protocol as well as the typical ratio of bidirectional to unidirectional traffic

observed on our HSI network for those P2P protocols that use both, and other factors that

contribute to the overall bandwidth consumption by protocol.

10 Session thresholds are not applied to bidirectional uploads so as to not interfere with the corresponding download.

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Protocol Ratio Bi:Uni

Session Equivalence11

Uni Threshold Notes

Ares (N/A) 150 150 Many overhead flows exist for signaling, using little or no bandwidth. The session limit is set higher to account for this. Ares is typically used for small files.

BitTorrent ~20:1 ~160 8 High ratio of bidirectional to unidirectional flows. The bidirectional to unidirectional ratio varies. Typically used for large files.

eDonkey ~.3:1 ~42 32 Low ratio of bidirectional to unidirectional flows. Used for large files.

FastTrack (N/A) 24 24 Typically used for large files. Gnutella (N/A) 80 80 Typically used for small files.

Table 1: Managed Protocols, Relevant Thresholds, and Other Notes

When the number of unidirectional upload sessions for any of the managed P2P protocols

for a particular Sandvine PTS reaches the pre-determined session threshold, the Sandvine PTS

issues instructions called “reset packets” that delay unidirectional uploads for that particular P2P

protocol in the geographic area managed by that Sandvine PTS. The “reset” is a flag in the

packet header used to communicate an error condition in communication between two computers

on the Internet. As used in our current congestion management practices, the reset packet is used

to convey that the system cannot, at that moment, process additional high-resource demands

without creating risk of congestion. Once the number of simultaneous unidirectional uploads

falls below the pre-determined session limit threshold for a particular protocol, new uploads

using that protocol are allowed to proceed. Some significant percentage of P2P sessions last

11 This number reflects the total number of sessions that we estimate are on-going at any moment in time when the number of simultaneous upload sessions has met the threshold that has been established for that protocol.

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only a few seconds, so, even when the thresholds are met, new opportunities for unidirectional

uploads generally occur quite frequently.


Data collected from our HSI network demonstrate that, even with these current

management practices in place, P2P traffic continues to comprise approximately half of all

upstream traffic transmitted on our HSI network -- and, in some locations, P2P traffic is as much

as two-thirds of total upstream traffic. The data also show that, even for the most heavily used

P2P protocols, more than 90 percent of these flows are unaffected by the congestion

management. Data recently collected from our network show that, when a P2P upload from a

particular computer was delayed by a reset packet, that same computer successfully initiated a

P2P upload within one minute in 80 percent of the cases. In fact, most of our customers using

P2P protocols to upload on any given day never experienced any delay at all.

Nonetheless, as Comcast previously stated and as the Order now requires, Comcast will

end these protocol-specific congestion management practices throughout its network by the end

of 2008.

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Basic Glossary

Cable Modem: A device located at the customer premise used to access the Comcast High Speed Internet (HSI) network. In some cases, the cable modem is owned by the customer, and in other cases it is owned by the cable operator. This device has an interface (i.e., someplace to plug in a cable) for connecting the coaxial cable provided by the cable company to the modem, as well as one or more interfaces for connecting the modem to a customer’s PC or home gateway device (e.g., router, firewall, access point, etc.). In some cases, the cable modem function, i.e., the ability to access the Internet, is integrated into a home gateway device or embedded multimedia terminal adapter (eMTA). Once connected, the cable modem links the customer to the HSI network and ultimately the broader Internet.

Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS): A piece of hardware located in a cable operator’s local network (generally in a “headend”) that acts as the gateway to the Internet for cable modems in a particular geographic area. A simple way to think of the CMTS is as a router with interfaces on one side leading to the Internet and interfaces on the other connecting to Optical Nodes and then customers.

Cable Modem Termination System Port: A CMTS has both upstream and downstream network interfaces to serve the local access network, which we refer to as upstream or downstream ports. A port generally serves a neighborhood of hundreds of homes.

Channel Bonding: A technique for combining multiple downstream and/or upstream channels to increase customers’ download and/or upload speeds, respectively. Multiple channels from the HFC network can be bonded into a single virtual port (called a bonded group), which acts as a large single channel or port to provide increased speeds for customers. Channel bonding is a feature of Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) version 3.

Coaxial Cable (Coax): A type of cable used by a cable operator to connect customer premise equipment (CPE) -- such as TVs, cable modems (including embedded multimedia terminal adapters), and Set Top Boxes -- to the Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) network. There are many grades of coaxial cable that are used for different purposes. Different types of coaxial cable are used for different purposes on the network.

Comcast High Speed Internet (HSI): A service/product offered by Comcast for delivering Internet service over a broadband connection.

Customer Premise Equipment (CPE): Any device that resides at the customer’s residence.

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Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS): A reference standard that specifies how components on cable networks need to be built to enable HSI service over an HFC network. These standards define the specifications for the cable modem and the CMTS such that any DOCSIS certified cable modem will work on any DOCSIS certified CMTS independent of the selected vendor. The interoperability of cable modems and cable modem termination systems allows customers to purchase a DOCSIS certified modem from a retail outlet and use it on their cable-networked home. These standards are available to the public at the CableLabs website, at http://www.cablelabs.com.

Downstream: Description of the direction in which a signal travels. Downstream traffic occurs when users are downloading something from the Internet, such as watching a YouTube video, reading web pages, or downloading software updates.

Headend: A cable facility responsible for receiving TV signals for distribution over the HFC network to the end customers. This facility typically also houses the cable modem termination systems. This is sometimes also called a “hub.”

Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC): Network architecture used primarily by cable companies, comprising of fiber optic and coaxial cables that deliver Voice, Video, and Internet services to customers.

Internet Protocol (IP): Set of standards for sending data across a packet switched network like the Internet. In the Open System Interconnection Basic Reference Model (OSI) model, IP operates in the “Network Layer” or “Layer 3.” The HSI product utilizes IP to provide Internet access to customers.

Internet Protocol Detail Record (IPDR): Standardized technology for monitoring subscribers’ upstream and downstream Internet usage data based on their cable modem. The data is collected from the CMTS and sent to a server for further processing. Additional information is available at: http://www.ipdr.org.

Optical Node: A component of the HFC network generally located in customers’ local neighborhoods that is used to convert the optical signals sent over fiber-optic cables to electrical signals that can be sent over coaxial cable to customers’ cable modems, or vice versa. A fiber optic cable connects the Optical Node, through distribution hubs, to the CMTS and coaxial cable connects the Optical Node to customers’ cable modems.

Open System Interconnection Basic Reference Model (OSI Model): A framework for defining various aspects of a communications network in a layered approach. Each layer is a collection of conceptually similar functions that provide services to the layer above it, and receive services from the layer below it. The seven layers of the OSI model are listed below:

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Layer 7 – Application Layer 6 – Presentation Layer 5 – Session Layer 4 – Transport Layer 3 – Network Layer 2 – Data Link Layer 1 – Physical

Port: A port is a physical interface on a device used to connect cables in order to connect with other devices for transferring information/data. An example of a physical port is a CMTS port. Prior to DOCSIS version 3, a single CMTS physical port was used for either transmitting or receiving data downstream or upstream to a given neighborhood. With DOCSIS version 3, and the channel bonding feature, multiple CMTS physical ports can be combined to create a virtual port.

Provisioned Bandwidth: *Comcast-specific definition* The peak speed associated with a tier of service purchased by a customer. For example, a customer with a 16 Mbps/2 Mbps (Down/Up) speed tier would be said to be provisioned with 16 Mbps of downstream bandwidth and 2 Mbps of upstream bandwidth.

Quality of Service (QoS): Set of techniques to manage network resources to ensure a level of performance to specific data flows. One method for providing QoS to a network is by differentiating the type of traffic by class or flow and assigning priorities to each type. When the network becomes congested, the data packets that are marked as having higher priority will have higher likelihood of getting serviced.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): Set of standard rules for reliably communicating data between programs operating on computers. TCP operates in the “Transport Layer” or “Layer 4” of the OSI model and deals with the ordered delivery of data to specific programs. If we compare the data communication network to the US Postal Service mail with delivery confirmation, the Network Layer would be analogous to the Postal Address of the recipient where the TCP Layer would be the ATTN field or the person that is to receive the mail. Once the receiving program receives the data, an acknowledgement is returned to the sending program.


Description of the direction in which a signal travels. Upstream traffic occurs when users are uploading something to the network, such as sending email, sharing P2P files, or uploading photos to a digital photo website.

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Sandvine� Policy� Traffic� Switch� (PTS)� portfolio� helps� service� providers� to� better� profit� from�application� traffic.� Our� policy� management� solutions� address� key� challenges� such� as� managing�

bandwidth-intensive�traffic,�controlling�malicious�threats,�enabling�new�services�and�identifying�application�quality trends. These policy management solutions are deployed on a single intelligent platform to simplify the network architecture and ensure a fast return on investment.

Service providers today are focusing on policy management solutions to differentiate and protect their IP service offering. This critical technology must be easily deployed throughout the network and delivered

reliably for today’s demanding subscribers. Sandvine has recognized these important requirements with the introduction of 10 GE interfaces, scalable performance with the largest network deployment base of 80Gbps and an innovative approach to transparently handle asymmetry in large tier-one networks.

With extensive deployments worldwide, Sandvine has proven experience in large service provider networks. Let us show you how we can help your business.

Sandvine Policy Traffic Switch Portfolio

Real Performance. Real Networks. Real Intelligence

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Policy Management SolutionsSandvine’s portfolio of policy management solutions addresses immediate challenges throughout the service provider: Engineering must manage growing bandwidth pressures; Marketing must launch new services; Security must control network threats; and Network Operations has to ensure service quality. Sandvine provides visibility into application traffic� along� with� a� powerful� set� of� policy� solutions.

Traffic OptimizationFile-sharing� traffic� still� dominates� networks� with� even� more�subscribers actively using P2P today. The implication is clear – Network�Engineering�must�preserve�the�subscriber�experience�while�managing�traffic�intelligently.�Sandvine’s�Intelligent�Traffic�Management�solution�offers�the�widest�range�of�subscriber�fairness�options�including�P2P�session�management�and�adaptive�traffic�shaping.�And�our�powerful�network-class�capability�enables�service�providers�to�easily�tailor�traffic�policies for each service category.

Network IntegrityA�service�provider’s�own�subscribers�have�become�a�major� source�of�malicious� traffic� leading� to� inconsistent� service�quality. Sandvine’s Network Integrity solution protects the network against unpredictable attacks such as worms, DoS attacks, spam trojans and DNS server attacks. Our unique combination of DPI signature recognition plus behavioral analysis means effective zero-day protection and fewer customer support calls.

Service CreationToday’s best-effort networks are poorly suited to deal with jitter and delay sensitive multimedia applications. This means service providers have an immediate opportunity to introduce new prioritized services for gaming, VoIP and other multimedia applications. The latest capabilities of the PTS enable service providers to generate an additional revenue stream from targeted advertising.

Operations ManagementResidential subscribers are demanding higher service quality as Internet applications, particularly VoIP, become a key part�of�our�lifestyles.�The�result�for�service�providers?�Escalating�costs�as�Customer�Support�deal�with�difficult�complaints�about service degradation. Sandvine’s solution uses comprehensive VoIP QoE metrics to alert Network Operations about VoIP quality trends so they can resolve problems before subscribers are affected.

What are your subscribers doing online?Subscriber� behavior� has� always� been� difficult� to� characterize.�What� applications� are� popular?� How� does� usage� vary� by�service? Are third-party services increasing? Sandvine Network Demographics reporting, without impinging on subscriber privacy, provides valuable insights into application behavior and trends.

And with an understanding of subscriber behavior comes the ability to implement policies that

improve the subscriber experience.

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PTS Platform AdvantagesGain Control & VisibilityMajor�service�provider�networks�are�prone�to�asymmetric�routes�where�inbound�and�outbound�traffic�for�a�subscriber�follow�different�routes�-�making�stateful�identification�impossible.�Sandvine�has�overcome�this�challenge�with�unique�cluster�technology�that�ensures�accurate�protocol�identification�without�any�changes�to�the�network�routing.�Today,�most service providers are deploying PTS platforms towards the services edge of the network for maximum visibility of�subscriber�traffic�–�this�ensures�application�traffic�is�properly�prioritized�as�it�first�enters�the�network�and�provides�complete network-wide reporting.

True ScalabilityOur PTS portfolio provides true scalability for extremely cost-effective deployments from small remote hubs to large centralized sites. The PTS 14000 and PTS 8210 platforms offer a broad selection of performance, interface types and port densities that are easily tailored to the wide-ranging sites across large service provider networks. Both platforms deliver�the�same�proven�feature�set�to�ensure�that�subscriber�services�and�traffic�management�policies�are�universal�across the entire network.

The�PTS�14000�architecture�delivers�up�to�a�remarkable�80�Gbps�easily�handling�today’s�growing�multimedia�traffic.�In addition, Sandvine’s Virtual Switch Clusters combine the inspection performance and data ports from multiple PTS 14000 units to deliver the performance necessary at major aggregation points.

Leading Redundancy OptionsHigh availability is critical throughout the services architecture so Sandvine provides a complete range of redundancy features and options. For many service providers, the preferred approach is to introduce n:n+1 redundancy, that is not only extremely cost-effective, but offers more comprehensive protection than simple hardware replication alone. Our integrated�interface-bypass�capability�ensures�that�subscriber�traffic�continues�uninterrupted�in�the�event�of�a�power�failure or major system event.

Centralized Policy ManagementOur�Service�Definition�Manager�grants�service�providers�complete�control�over�their�network.�The�intuitive�and�user-friendly�GUI�enables�them�to�configure�and�deploy�network-wide�policies�quickly�and�easily�from�a�central�management�system.� The� Service� Definition� Manager� also� provides� centralized� physical� element� administration,� deployments�management and network association control.

Let Sandvine recommend the best deployment options for your unique service provider network.

With over 150 fully-customizable reports, Sandvine Network Demographics provides decision-critical information to major organizational departments - including marketing, operations, security, and support.

Characterize and apply policy to:

Peer-to-Peer • Web Browsing • News Groups • Instant Messaging • Email • Database • Streaming Protocols • Tunneling (including VPN) •

VoIP • Remote Connectivity • Network Administration • File Access Protocols • Network Storage protocols • Gaming protocols • ...and many more. •

Page 19: ATTACHMENT A: COMCAST CORPORATION …downloads.comcast.net/docs/Attachment_A_Current_Practices.pdf · ATTACHMENT A: COMCAST CORPORATION ... congestion management practices and terminate

Technical SummaryGeneral

• PTS platforms are highly scalable network elements enabling Sandvine’s full suite of policy management solutions���Leading�stateful�traffic�identification�using�advanced� •signature recognition and behavioral analysis

Broadest range of policy management options including •unique subscriber fairness approaches to preserve your subscribers’ Internet experience

Cluster technology delivers unmatched scalability and easily •solves network asymmetric route challenges

Platform and Interface Options Platforms can be deployed independently or as clusters with PTS 14000 Virtual Switch Clusters delivering up to 80 Gbps performance.

Platform 1452X 1451X 1421X 8210

Performance 10 Gbps 10 Gbps 4 Gbps 1 Gbps

10 GE 2 port - - -

GE MM or SM - 12 port 12 port 4 port

10/100/1000T - 12 port 12 port 4 port

1GE Integration 4 8 8 1 port

10 GE Integration 6 port 2 port 2 port -

* Performance shown as aggregate throughput * Maximum number of interface ports is shown * Bypass interfaces can be internal and/or external * 10GE Integration ports are normally used for virtual switch cluster


High Availability

• n:n+1 for simple, cost-effective redundancy Interface bypass option for power failures and major system •events

Optional features such as hardware replication and link-pair •redundancy

Protocol Support

• Peer-to-peer, web browsing, news groups, instant messaging, email, database, streaming protocols, tunneling including VPN,�VoIP,�remote�connectivity,�network�administration,�file�access protocols, network storage protocols, game protocols

Policy Management

Powerful network-class capability to apply policy •management by service type

Session Management – optimizes upstream bandwidth - •intensive application sessions

FairShare™ - allocates equitable network resouces during •periods of congestion��Traffic�Shaping�-�manages�aggregate�or�per�subscriber�� � •application�traffic Integration Interfaces - targeted advertising, caching, •content�filtering�and�traffic�mirroring���Applicationn�Marking�-�sets�application�IP�TOS/DSCP�field�bits� •to�identify�prioritized�traffic Captive portal communications - redirects user HTTP •sessions to target URL for better service management �Attack�Traffic�Mitigation�detects�and�mitigates� •

network threats before services are affected

Subscriber Policy Broker

• Subscriber Policy Broker for simple, centralized policy definition�&�management�Service�Definition�Manager�-�user�friendly�and�intuitive� •

����GUI�for�quick�and�easy�centralized�policy�configuration� and deployment

Industry-standard API to easily integrate with external •systems��Subscriber�identification�option�via�DHCP,�RADIUS,�Diameter� •or OSS integration

Network Demographics

• Advanced application reporting with full network-wide, region and subscriber views

Unique network-class reporting to better understand •subscriber behavior

Value-added analysis including VoIP call details and QoE •reporting

Physical Specifications (PTS 14000 / 8210)

• Dimensions: W 17” x H 7” x D 23” (432mm x 177.8mm x 584.2mm) / W 16.75” x H 1.75” x D 22.5” (419mm x 44.4mm x 571.5mm)

Mounting: 19” rack - 4 RU / 19” rack - 1 RU • Weight: 75 lbs (34 kg) / 24 lbs (11 kg) • AC 100 – 240 V or DC 42 – 60 V input • Operating temperature 0°C to +40°C • Humidity 5% to 85% non-condensing •


NEBS Level 3 compliance • Product Safety and EMC approvals for Argentina, Australia, •Canada, Europe, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan and USA

Last Revised:2008-05-14

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