The governance of spectrum – towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi - University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting technologies, services and applications’ – 18 March 2019, Geneva

–towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

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Page 1: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

The governance of spectrum– towards good media governanceDr. Krisztina Rozgonyi - University of Vienna

ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting technologies, services and applications’ – 18 March 2019, Geneva

Page 2: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

The emergence of new broadcasting technologiesand standards

i. What are the trends in the standardization work regardingnew broadcasting technologies, services and applications?

ii. What impacts these new broadcasting technologies, services and applications can have in the management and usage of spectrum?

iii. What are the developments in developed and developing countries related to new broadcasting technologies, services and applications?

iv. What are the economic and regulatory impacts of the currentand future developments of new broadcasting technologies,services and applications?

What future of broadcasting?

Page 3: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

‘Good governance’

Criteria of good governance

i.Human rights based

ii.Rule of law



v.Efficient and effective

vi.Responsive, inclusive and participatory

vii.Corruption control

Criteria of good governance

i. Human rights based

ii. Rule of lawiii. Transparent

iv. Accountablev. Efficient and effectivevi. Responsive, inclusive and participatory

vii. Corruption control

Page 4: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

The governance of spectrum

Objectives of spectrum governance

i. No interferenceii. Innovationiii. Efficiency and effectivenessiv. Social progressv. Economic developmentvi. National security and defence; life & propertyvii. Seamless flow of transportationviii. Dissemination of public interest informationix. Advancement of cultural heritage

Page 5: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

The governance of spectrum– Spectrum licensing as a possible venue of accountability

for global telecommunicationCommunications and media policy paradigms

Emerging communicationsindustry policy

Public servicemedia policy

New policyparadigm

Spectrum/telecoms licensing

Regulatory principles of good spectrum governance

‘By design’

‘Beyond regulatory silos’



Objectives of spectrum governance

i. No interference

ii. Innovation

iii. Efficiency and effectiveness

iv. Social progress

v. Economic development

vi. National security and defence; life & property

vii. Seamless flow of transportation

viii. Dissemination of public interest information

ix. Advancement of cultural heritage

Criteria of good governance

i. Human rights based

ii. Rule of law

iii. Transparent

iv. Accountable

v. Efficient and effective

vi. Responsive, inclusive and participatory

vii. Corruption control

Page 6: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

The governance of spectrum– The role of communicating policy (‘policy framing’)

Communications and media policy paradigms

Emerging communicationsindustry policy

Public servicemedia policy

New policyparadigm


Regulatory principles of good spectrum governance

‘By design’

‘Beyond regulatory silos’



Objectives of spectrum governance

i. No interference

ii. Innovation

iii. Efficiency and effectiveness

iv. Social progress

v. Economic development

vi. National security and defence; life & property

vii. Seamless flow of transportation

viii. Dissemination of public interest information

ix. Advancement of cultural heritage

Criteria of good governance

i. Human rights based

ii. Rule of law

iii. Transparent

iv. Accountable

v. Efficient and effective

vi. Responsive, inclusive and participatory

vii. Corruption control

Page 7: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

The governance of spectrum– Independence and accountability of national regulators

Communications and media policy paradigms

Emerging communicationsindustry policy

Public servicemedia policy

New policyparadigm

Spectrum regulation

Regulatory principles of good spectrum governance

‘By design’

‘Beyond regulatory silos’



Objectives of spectrum governance

i. No interference

ii. Innovation

iii. Efficiency and effectiveness

iv. Social progress

v. Economic development

vi. National security and defence; life & property

vii. Seamless flow of transportation

viii. Dissemination of public interest information

ix. Advancement of cultural heritage

Criteria of good governance

i. Human rights based

ii. Rule of law

iii. Transparent

iv. Accountable

v. Efficient and effective

vi. Responsive, inclusive and participatory

vii. Corruption control

Page 8: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

The governance of spectrum– towards good media governance

– ITU Licensing toolkit for DTTB and MTV Services

Emerging communicationsindustry policy

Public servicemedia policy

New policyparadigm

Spectrum policy design

Regulatory principles of good spectrum governance

‘By design’

‘Beyond regulatory silos’



Objectives of spectrum governance

i. No interference

ii. Innovation

iii. Efficiency and effectiveness

iv. Social progress

v. Economic development

vi. National security and defence; life & property

vii. Seamless flow of transportation

viii. Dissemination of public interest information

ix. Advancement of cultural heritage

Criteria of good governance

i. Human rights based

ii. Rule of law

iii. Transparent

iv. Accountable

v. Efficient and effective

vi. Responsive, inclusive and participatory

vii. Corruption control

Communications and media policy paradigms

Page 9: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

The governance of spectrum– towards good media governance

Communications and media policy paradigms

Emerging communicationsindustry policy

Public servicemedia policy

Regulatory principles of good spectrum governance

‘By design’

‘Beyond regulatory silos’



Objectives of spectrum governance

i. No interference

ii. Innovation

iii. Efficiency and effectiveness

iv. Social progress

v. Economic development

vi. National security and defence; life & property

vii. Seamless flow of transportation

viii. Dissemination of public interest information

ix. Advancement of cultural heritage

Criteria of good governance

i. Human rights based

ii. Rule of law

iii. Transparent

iv. Accountable

v. Efficient and effective

vi. Responsive, inclusive and participatory

vii. Corruption control

New policyparadigm

Page 10: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

The state of spectrum– a shrinking spaceor a more efficientlyused infrastructure?


New demandsor weakening

the scarcity rationalof media regulation?

Page 11: –towards good media governance€¦ · The governance of spectrum –towards good media governance Dr. Krisztina Rozgonyi -University of Vienna ITU Workshop ‘Trends in new broadcasting

Countries in the process of completingthe migration from analogue to digital

broadcasting technologies

§ Accelerate the transition

§ Narrow the digital divide

§ Public benefits utilizing the digital dividend

§ Public awareness on digital broadcasting

Future implications