Atomic Physics Iprof

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  • 1

    Table of Contents

    Properties of X-rays ............................................................................................................................................. 3

    X-ray Spectrum ..................................................................................................................................................... 5

    Continuous X-ray Spectrum .............................................................................................................................................. 5

    Characteristic Spectrum ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

    Uses of X-rays ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8

    Moseleys Law ....................................................................................................................................................... 9

    de-Broglie Waves or Matter Waves ................................................................................................................. 13

    Properties of Matter Waves ............................................................................................................................................. 14

    Davisson Germer Experiment ...................................................................................................................................... 15

    Applications of de-Broglie Wave Hypothesis ................................................................................................................. 16

    Radiation Pressure/Force .................................................................................................................................. 19

    Laws of photoelectric effect (Experimental Observation) ............................................................................ 25

    First Law ............................................................................................................................................................................ 25

    Second Law ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25

    Third Law ........................................................................................................................................................................... 25

    Fourth Law ......................................................................................................................................................................... 26

    Fifth Law ............................................................................................................................................................................ 26

    Photoelectric Effect ............................................................................................................................................ 26

    Work Function ..................................................................................................................................................... 27

    Intensity of Radiation ....................................................................................................................................................... 28

    Two Theories of Radiation ................................................................................................................................ 30

    Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect .................................................................................................... 31

    Einsteins Explanation for Photoelectric Effect .............................................................................................................. 32

    Photoelectric Effect and Wave Theory ........................................................................................................................... 32

    Summary of Photoelectric Effect .................................................................................................................................... 32

    Graphical Variation ........................................................................................................................................................... 33

    Atomic Excitation ................................................................................................................................................ 39

    Ways of Atomic Excitation ............................................................................................................................................... 39

    Atomic Models ..................................................................................................................................................... 45

    Daltons Atomic Model...................................................................................................................................................... 45

    J.J. Thompsons Atomic Model ........................................................................................................................................ 45

    Special Points .................................................................................................................................................................... 46

    Results from Rutherfords Experiment ........................................................................................................................... 46

  • 2

    Failure of Thompsons Model .......................................................................................................................................... 47

    Rutherfords Atomic Model .............................................................................................................................................. 47

    Rutherfords - scattering experiment .......................................................................................................................... 47

    Failure of Rutherfords Atomic Model ............................................................................................................................. 50

    Bohrs Atomic Model ......................................................................................................................................................... 51

    Energy of Electrons .......................................................................................................................................................... 52

    Hydrogen Spectrum ........................................................................................................................................... 55

    Special Points .................................................................................................................................................................... 56

    Properties of Electron in nth Orbit ................................................................................................................................. 56

    Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................ 58

    Limitations of Bohrs Atomic Model ................................................................................................................................ 58

    Nuclear Motion .................................................................................................................................................... 63

    Special Points .................................................................................................................................................................... 66

  • 3

    Intensity of X-rays

    Properties of X-rays X-rays are invisible to human eyes

    X-rays affect photographic plate similar to visible radiation

    X-rays, under suitable condition cause photoelectric effect

    X-rays exhibit interference, diffraction and polarisation under suitable condition

    X-rays cause ionization of the gas through which they pass

    X-rays produce fluorescence and phosphorescence

    X-rays cause genetic mutation which leads to cancer

    X-rays are absorbed by the material through which they pass

    Due to interaction of X-ray photons with electrons of atoms of material

    Io = Intensity of incident radiation

    x = Thickness penetrated

    I = Io e-x

    = Absorption coefficient


    0 Depth of Penetration (x)

    X-ray equipments are never operated continuously

    X-ray equipments are always operated intermittently

    The process of X-ray production can be looked upon as inverse photo-electric


    The intensity of X-rays depends upon the number of electrons striking the target i.e.

    rate of emission of electrons from filament. This can be controlled by varying the

    filament current by adjusting electron gun circuit parameter.

  • 4

    the quality of X-rays which is measured by their penetrating power is a function of

    potential difference

    The efficiency of an X-ray tube is given as

    Efficiency = 1.4 x 10-19 Z V

    Z = Atomic no. of target

    V = Potential difference

    For example:

    Z = 74 (Tungsten as target)

    V = 100 kV

    Efficiency 1 %

    Hence, 99% of the energy of striking electrons is converted into heat.

    High Potential Difference

    High Penetrating Power

    Hard X-rays

    Low Potential Difference

    Low Penetrating Power

    Soft X-rays

  • 5

    X-ray Spectrum

    Continuous X-ray Spectrum

    These continuous X-rays are produced due to variable deceleration/retardation

    experienced by electrons beam as it hits and penetrates target metal.

    This is called continuous as we get all possible wavelengths starting from minimum

    wavelength called cut of wavelength.



    hceV hf




    Continuous X-ray Spectrum Characteristics X-ray Spectrum

    X-ray Spectrum

  • 6

    Intensity of

    radiation V = Voltage


    Intensity of

    radiation V = Voltage

    min max


    0 (wavelength)

    The continuous X-radiations are also known as Bremsstrahlung Radiation, a

    german word meaning, literally breaking radiations. This word is describing the

    mechanism of production of X-rays.

    In practice, X-rays of wavelength min are not produced.

    There is wavelength (m) corresponding to which intensity of radiation is maximum

    0 (wavelength)

    mV constant

  • 7

    Characteristic Spectrum

    These X-rays are produced due to knockout of electrons of target metal atom

    When electron from K-shell is knocked out and vacancy is filled by electron from L,

    we get K radiation, if it is filled by electrons from M shell, we get K radiations.

    Similarly K radiations. Hence, when electrons from K-shell is knocked out, we get K-


    hcE hf

    E is Energy difference between two transition levels

    E is minimum for K

    Hence, XK is longest. Also, first member of any series will have longest wavelength.

    The last member will have shortest wavelength.

    All members of K-series will have wavelength lesser than member of L-series and L-

    series members will have wavelength lesser than M-series.

  • 8

    Characteristic X-ray radiations are so called as these radiations are characteristic

    target used in X-ray production.

    When target is changed say from tungsten to molybdenum, the positions of peaks

    will change.

    When target is not changed, only min is affected.

    fk = fk + fL

    Uses of X-rays




    Defective Departments

    Scientific Research



  • 9

    Slope = b


    Moseleys Law This states that square root of frequency of characteristic of spectral line is directly

    proportional to the atomic number of target used in X-ray production

    f b (Z a)

    a = screening constant

    b = A constant which depends on series

    0 Depth of Penetration Z

    For K-series

    a = 1

    For other series, it is determined experimentally

    The value of b is worked using atomic model

    From Bohrs atomic model


    2 2

    1 2

    1 1

    n n

    f = RCZ2

    2 2

    1 2

    1 1

    n n

  • 10

    The value of b for different members of K-series

    K K K K







    Example: A X-ray tube is operating at 12 kV and 5 mA. Calculate the number of electrons

    striking the target per second and the speed of striking electrons.


    We know that

    Q ne

    It t

    Where, n is the number of electrons striking the target per second.



    I.t 5x10 x1n 3.125x10 / s

    e 1.6x10 Ans.

    Also, 2eV


    = (2x1.6x10-19x12x103/9.1x10-31)1/2

    = 6.49x107 m/s Ans.

    Example: The wavelength of a certain line in the X-ray spectrum for tungsten (Z=74) is

    200 . What would be the wavelength of the same line for platinum (Z=78)? the constant

    is unity.


    Using Moseleys law, we get

    1 1


    f b(Z )

    b(Z )f

  • 11


    1 1


    2 2

    c (Z )

    c (Z )

    2 = 1





    (Z )

    (Z )

    = 200 x (74-1)2/(78-1)2 = 179.76 Ans.

    Example: The mass absorption coefficient for aluminium for X-rays having = 0.32 is 0.6

    cm2/g. If density of aluminium is 2.7 g/cm2, find

    (i) the linear absorption coefficient of aluminium,

    (ii) half value thickness, and

    (iii) the thickness of the absorber needed to cut down the intensity of beam to 1/20 of initial


    Sol. (i) The mass absorption coefficient m and linear absorption coefficient are related as

    m =

    where is the density of material

    = m = 2.7 0.6

    = 1.68 cm-1 Ans.

    (ii) Half value thickness =


    = 0.428 Ans.

    (iii) We know that I = I0 e-x

    According to problem



    = e-1.62x or 20 = e1.62x

    or x = 1.85 cm Ans.

  • 12

    Example: The wavelength of the characteristic X-ray K line emitted by a hydrogen like

    element is 0.32 . Calculate the wavelength K line emitted by the same element.

    Sol. For hydrogen like element

    = R

    For K line,

    = R

    For K line,

    = R


    or =

    = 0.27 Ans.

  • 13

    de-Broglie Waves or Matter Waves

    The waves associated with moving bodies are referred as de-Broglie waves or matter


    This concept of matter waves was given by de-Broglie.

    De-Broglie had following two things in mind while giving this hypothesis.

    . (1)

    Energy Plancks Constant Frequency of Radiation

    .. (2)


    Using above two relations, we get

    P =


    de-Broglie relation

    = de-Broglie wavelength

    P = momentum of moving body

    Dual Nature of Radiation Nature of Lone Symmetry

    E = hf

    P =


  • 14

    We know

    KE =

    P =

    Properties of Matter Waves

    de-Broglie waves are different from electromagnetic waves.

    Speed of matter wave is more than the speed of light.

    v = speed of wave = f




    As speed of particle can never exceed speed of light.

    In ordinary situation, de-Broglie wavelength is very small and wave nature of matter

    can be ignored.



    4.8 10-34 m

    The wave and particle aspects of moving bodies can never be observed at the same

    time i.e. the two natures are mutually exclusive.


    v > c

  • 15

    Davisson Germer Experiment

    (Proof of Matter Wave)

    In this experiment, high energy electron beam was made to impinge on a Nickel crystal and

    electron beam was found to be diffracted.

    One experimental observation indicated that the first order maxima of electrons, accelerated

    through a potential difference of 54 V, was obtained when both the incident beam and the

    detector made 65 angle with a particular family of crystal planes.

    For lower and higher voltages, the peak is suppressed.

    According to Braggs law, for maxima,

    2d sin = n

    where is the wavelength of electron.

    In this case, d = 0.91 10-10 m

    = 65

    n = 1

    2 0.91 10-10 sin 65 = 1

    or = 1.65

    V = potential difference (in volt) between two electrodes

  • 16

    mv2 = eV

    or mv2 = 2 eV

    or mv =

    If is the wavelength of wave associated with the electron


    or =

    we know that, h = 6.626 10-14 Js

    m = 9.1 10-31 kg

    e = 1.6 10-19 C


    or =

    For V = 54 V


    = 1.67

    Applications of de-Broglie Wave Hypothesis

    1. Electron Microscope

    2. Quantization of Angular Momentum

    2 r = n = n




    de- Broglie wavelength of a charged particle

    q = charge

    mvr =

  • 17

    V = potential difference through which charged particle is accelerated.

    charged particle =

    For electron,

    q = 1.6

    m = 9.1 kg

    de- Broglie wavelength of a gas molecule

    K.E.gas molecule =


    T= Absolute temperature

    K= Boltzmanns constant

    This relation is valid for any gas irrespective of type of gas molecule (mono atomic,

    diatomic, poly atomic).

    de- Broglie wavelength of a thermal neutron

    Thermal neutrons behave like gas molecule

    KE =


    KE = q v


    gas molecule =

    thermal neutron =

  • 18

    Example: Find the ratio of de-Broglie wavelength of proton and alpha particle which has

    been accelerated through same particle difference.

    Solution: We know that




    Alpha particle = doubly ionized helium particle

    = 4

    = 2

    = = = Ans.

    Example: Find the ratio of de- Broglie wavelength of molecule of hydrogen and helium

    which are at 27C and 127C respectively.


    For gas molecule, we know that






  • 19

    Radiation Pressure/Force

    The force/pressure experienced by any surface exposed to radiation is called

    radiation force/pressure as the case may be

    Radiation Pressure =

    c = speed of light

    Case (I) : Surface is perfectly reflecting I = Intensity of radiation

    E = Energy received by surface per sec

    = I A

    N = No. of photons falling per sec



    | | = change in momentum of one photon due to reflection

    = 2

    We know that the force is rate of change of momentum,

    F = N. P



    Calculation of Radiation Pressure/Force


    Particle nature of Photons

    E = hf E = P.c

    F =

  • 20

    Also, Radiation Pressure (P) =


    Case (II) : Surface is perfectly absorbing

    | | =

    Case (III) : Surface is partially reflecting

    Reflection coefficient = 0.7

    = +

    Due to reflected Due to absorbed photons


    and are in same direction,

    F = F1 + F2

    = 0.7

    + 0.3

    F =

    F =


    F =

  • 21

    Radiation is falling obliquely

    E = (I) (A cos )

    For Perfectly Surface

    pone photon = 2


    For perfectly absorbing surface

    p =

    In case of perfectly reflecting surface, the surface will experience force is downward

    direction and is care of perfectly absorbing surface, it will experience force in the

    direction of incident radiation.

    For partially reflecting surface

    F1 = force due to reflecting photons


    F2 = force due to absorbed photons


    f = Resultant force =

    Whenever exposed surface behaves like a black body

    Radiation force (F)=

    (projected area of surface in the direction of


    F =

    F =

  • 22

    Projected Area

    A =

    = RH

    Projected Area

    A =

    = 2 RH

    Example: A plank of mass m is lying on a rough surface having coefficient of friction as

    in situation as shown in figure. Find the acceleration of plank assuming that it slips and

    surface of body exposed to radiation is black body.

    Solution: E = Energy received by surface per second

    = I.A. cos = Iab cos

    N = number of photons received by surface per second




    F =

  • 23

    Pone photon =

    Fradiation = Pone photon .N =

    Let us draw the FBD of plank

    F sin - N = m.a

    N = mg + F cos

    From above two equations, we get

    a =



    If surface is perfectly reflecting then acceleration will be zero because surface will

    experience radiation force perpendicular to surface in downward direction.

    Example: A metallic sphere of radius R is kept in the path of a parallel beam of light beam

    of intensity I. Find the force exerted by the beam on the sphere.

    Solution: Let us consider an elementary ring as shown in figure.

    r = Radius of elementary ring = R sin

    A = Area of elementary ring

    = (2r) (R d) = 2R2 sin d

    Further, let us imagine a very small portion of this elementary ring of area A.

    E = Energy received per sec = (I) ( A cos )

  • 24

    N = Number of photon received per sec



    F = Force experienced = N Pone photon



    The direction of this force is radial as shown in figure.

    Force experienced by elementary ring is given by

    D =

    The components of F in the plane of elementary ring will cancel out.

    dF = cos





    2 R2 sin d

    The force on the entire sphere is given by


    or F =

    cos3 d =


  • 25

    IS = Saturation



    Had the sphere been perfectly absorbing, the expression of radiation force

    experienced would be same.

    The existence of radiation force supports quantum theory or photon nature of light.

    Laws of photoelectric effect (Experimental Observation)

    First Law

    Saturation photocurrent is directly proportional to intensity of radiation

    0 I (Intensity)

    Second Law

    There is no time lag between photon absorption and photoelectron emission (photoelectric


    Third Law

    Photoelectric effect takes place when frequency of incident radiation is more than a

    certaib minimum value known as threshold frequency (fo)

    If frequency of incident radiation is less than threshold frequency, then photoelectric

    effect does not take place, however intense is the radiation.

    Threshold wavelength (o) is the minimum wavelength which will cause photoelectric


    For photoelectric effect:

    i) o

    ii) f fo

  • 26

    Fourth Law

    Maximum Kinetic Energy of emitted photoelectron does not depend on intensity of radiation.

    It depends on frequency of wavelength of radiation.

    Fifth Law

    Photoelectrons emitted in photoelectric effect have a range of kinetic energies

    (K.E.)min = 0

    (K.E.)max = eVs

    Photoelectric Effect

    The phenomenon of ejection of electrons, when metallic surfaces are exposed to certain

    energetic radiations, is called photoelectric effect.

  • 27

    The electrons which The current constituted The minimum

    are ejected as a when randomly ejected energy required

    result of photoelectric photo electrons are to free an

    effect are known as made to flow in one electron from

    photo electrons. direction by suitable metal bondage is

    application of electric called work

    field. function.

    Work Function Work function is a property of metallic surface.

    Ionization energy should not be confused with work function. Ionization energy is

    the energy required to remove an electron from outer most shell in isolated state.

    Theoretically, we can expect that work function will be lesser than ionization energy.

    Experimentally, it is found

    Basic Terms

    Photo electrons Photo Current Work Function

    Work function () =

  • 28


    Metal Work Function

    Cesium 1.9 eV

    Potassium 2.2 eV

    Sodium 2.3 eV

    Lithium 2.5 eV

    Copper 3.2 eV

    Silver 4.5 eV

    Platinum 5.6 eV

    Table: Work functions for Some Photosensitive Metals

    Work Function can be overcome by many ways:

    Thermionic Emission: By application of heat.

    Field Emission: By application of high electric field.

    Secondary Emission: By impinging a beam of high speed electrons.

    Intensity of Radiation

    This is defined as energy flowing per second per unit area normally.

    Case I : Point Source

    For a point source

    I =

    PS = Power of


  • 29


    0 r

    Case II : Linear Source

    I =

    Remark : In general, we can say, as we move away from source, intensity decreases. How

    intensity will be function of distance, will depend on the geometry of source.



    l r P

  • 30

    Two Theories of Radiation

    We assume, energy is We assume, energy is

    propagated in the form emitted in the form of

    of waves. energy packets known as

    We assume, the energy photons. Energy of photon is

    from the source is emitted given by


    E = energy of photon

    h = Plancks constant

    f = frequency of radiation

    * Energy from source is not

    emitted continuously.

    Photoelectric effect supports photon theory of radiation.

    A photon is a charge-less and mass-less particle.

    A photon is bound to move with speed of light.

    P = momentum of photon

    c = speed of light

    Whenever photon interacts with mater, it transfers energy and momentum.

    Wave theory Photon Theory

    E = hf

    P =

  • 31




    VS VP Voltage (V)

    Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect

    Variation of photoelectric current with anode potential

    (a) Saturation Current (Is): The maximum value of photocurrent in a given situation is

    called saturation point.

    (b) Stopping Potential (Vs): The negative collector plate potential at which corresponding

    photocurrent is zero, is called stopping potential. This is also known as cut off voltage.

    (c) Pinch of Voltage (VP): The positive plate potential at which photocurrent saturates, is

    called pinch of voltage. If plate voltage is increased beyond pinch off voltage, there is no

    increase in photocurrent.

  • 32

    Einsteins Explanation for Photoelectric Effect

    Einstein explained photoelectric effect using Plancks quantum theory of radiation

    Einstein says that the entire energy of incident photon is absorbed by electron

    E = + (K.E.)max

    or hf = + (K.E.)max

    represents work function

    It is very clear, photo electric effect will take place only if energy of incident photon

    is greater than work function

    = hfo = hc/o

    Hence photon theory of radiation beautifully explains the existence of threshold

    wavelength or frequency.

    The typical penetration of radiation is 10-8 cm. Hence, electrons are emitted out not

    only from surface but also from subsurface layer also.

    Photoelectric Effect and Wave Theory

    According to wave theory, energy radiation is bound to cause photoelectric effect.

    The more the intensity of radiation, the sooner is the photoelectric effect.

    According to wave theory, (K.E.)max will depend on the intensity of radiation.

    Wave theory predicts appreciable time lag between energy absorption and

    photoelectron ejection.

    Summary of Photoelectric Effect

    1. hf = + (K.E.)max

    2. (K.E.)max = eVs

    3. = hfo = hc/o

    Frequency of radiation is frequency of oscillation of electric field or magnetic field

    Einstein received Nobel Prize for explaining photoelectric effect not for his famous

    theory of relativity.

  • 33


    0 fo1 f

    Metal 1

    Metal 2

    Metal 3

    Slope = h

    fo2 fo3


    Graphical Variation

    1. Maximum Kinetic Energy Vs Frequency

    hf = + (K.E.)max

    or (K.E.)max = hf -

  • 34


    0 fo1 f

    Metal 1

    Metal 2

    Metal 3

    Slope = h/e

    fo2 fo3


    2. Stopping Potential Vs Frequency

    eVs = hf -



    hV f

    e e

  • 35


    0 fo1 f

    Metal 1

    Metal 2

    Metal 3

    Slope = h/e

    fo2 fo3


    3. Stopping Potential Vs






    hc 1V

    e e

  • 36


    0 f f0

    4. Maximum speed of photoelectron Vs frequency

    (K.E.)max = hf -



    = hf -

  • 37

    Example: The stopping potential for photoelectrons emitted from surface illuminated by

    light wavelength 5893 is 0.36 volt. Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of

    photoelectrons, the work function of the surface and the threshold energy.


    We know that

    (K.E.)max = hf - =




    Also, K.E.max = eVs = 0.36eV Ans.

    34 819


    (6.62x10 )(3x10 )0.36x1.6x10


    = 1.746 eV Ans.

    The threshold frequency is given by:


    o 34

    2.794x10f 4.22x10 hertzh 6.62x10

    Example : A beam of light has three wavelengths 4144 , 4972 and 6261 with a total

    intensity of 3.6 10-3 Wm-2 equally distributed amongst the three wavelengths. The beam

    falls normally on an area 1.0 cm2 of a clean metallic surface of work function 2.3 eV.

    Assume that there is no loss of light by reflection and that each energetically capable photon

    ejects one electron. Calculate the number of photoelectron liberated in two seconds.

    Solution : We know that threshold wavelength (0) =

    0 =

    = 5.404 10-7 m = 5404

    Thus, wavelength 4144 and 4972 will emit electrons from the metal surface.

    Energy incident on surface for each wavelength

    = Intensity of each wavelength Area of the surface


    (1.0 cm2) = 1.2 10-7 watt

  • 38

    Energy incident on surface for each wavelength in two second

    E = (1.2 10-7) (2) = 2.4 10-7 Joule

    Number of photons n1 due to wavelength 4144 = 4144 10-10 m

    n1 =

    = 0.5 1012

    Number of photons n2 due to wavelength 4972

    n2 =

    = 0.575 1012

    N = n1 + n2 = 0.5 1012 + 0.575 1012

    = 1.075 1012 Ans.

  • 39

    Atomic Excitation

    Ways of Atomic Excitation

    Two ways of Atomic Excitation

    An atom will not Whenever an atom is

    absorb photon of any excited by collision,

    arbitrary energy. collision must be


    For a photon to be If loss of K.E. as

    absorbed by an atom, it permitted by

    must have energy equal conservation of linear

    to difference of energy momentum is less than

    of ground state and any the minimum

    excited state excitation energy, then

    collision will be elastic.

    By Photon


    By Collision

  • 40

    Example: A hydrogen atom is projected towards a stationary hydrogen atom in ground

    state. Find the minimum kinetic energy of projected hydrogen atom so that after collision,

    one of the hydrogen atom is capable of emitting photon. Given that ionization energy of

    hydrogen atom = 13.6 eV.


    v. v

    Before collision After collision

    Conservation of linear momentum gives

    mv = 2 mv

    Loss of K.E. =

    mv2 -

    m(v/2)2 =


    = 50 % of initial kinetic energy

    KEmin = (10.2 eV) 2 = 20.4 eV Ans.

    Example: A neutron of kinetic energy 65 eV collides in-elastically with a singly ionized

    helium atom at rest. It is scattered at an angle of 90 with respect to its original direction.

    (i) Find the allowed values of the energy of neutron and that of the atom after the


    (ii) If the atoms get de-excited subsequently by emitting radiation, find the

    frequencies of the emitted radiation.

    Solution: Applying the law of conservation of momentum in X and Y directions,

    We have,

    m = 4 m2 cos

    m1 = 42 sin

    Eliminating , we get

    v = v/2

  • 41

    2 + 12 = 16 2

    2 [sin2 + cos2 ] = 16 22

    22 =

    2 2



    If E represents the loss of energy in the collision, then COE gives

    65 eV = 1

    2m 1

    2 + 1

    2(4m) 2

    2 + E

    = 1

    2m 1

    2 + 1

    2(4m) +

    2 2



    + E

    = 1

    2m 1

    2 + 1

    8 u2 + 1

    8 m 1

    2 + E

    = 1

    2m 1

    2 + 1

    421 mu


    + 1

    8 m 1

    2 + E

    = 5

    8 m 1

    2 + 1

    4 (65 eV) + E

    or 3


    eV = 5

    8 m 1

    2 + E

    We know that, En =





    Here, Z = 4

    E1 = - 54.4 eV E2 = - 13.6 eV

  • 42

    E3 = - 6.04 eV E4 = - 3.4 eV

    E5 = - 2.17 eV

    Now, loss of energy in the collision process must have been used in

    exciting the atom. There may be different possibilities regarding the

    loss of energy in the collision process.

    First Possibility:

    Let E = 54.4 13.6 = 40.8 eV

    If we make substitution for this value of E, we get


    8m 1

    2 = 65 3

    4 - E =

    365 40.8



    = (48.75 40.8) eV = 7.95 eV

    Kinetic energy of scattered neutron is

    = 1

    2m 1

    2 + 4

    5 7.95 eV = 4 1.59 eV = 6.36 eV

    Hence 1st allowed values of the energy of neutron

    after collision = 6.36

    2 + 12 = 16 2


    or 1

    2m 2 + 1

    2m 1

    2 = 1

    2m 16 2


    or 1

    2m 2 + 1

    2m 1

    2 = 4 1

    2 (4m) 2


    or 65 eV + 6.36 eV = 4 K.E. of atom

    K.E. of atom = 71.36

    4 eV = 17.84 eV Ans.

    Second Possibility:

    Let E = 54.4 6.04 = 48.36 eV

    In this case, 5

    8m 1

    2 = 65 3

    4 - E = 365 48.36



    = (48.75 48.36) eV = 0.39 eV

  • 43


    2m 1

    2 = 4

    5 0.39 eV = 2.56

    5eV = 0.312 eV

    Hence 2nd allowed value of the energy of neutron

    after collision = 0.312 eV

    2 + 12 = 16 2


    or 1

    2m 2 + 1

    2m 1

    2 = 4 1

    2 (4m) 2


    or 65 eV + 0.312 eV = 4 K.E. of atom

    K.E. of atom = 65.312

    4 eV = 16.328 eV Ans.

    Proceeding as above, if E = 54.4 3.4 = 51 eV

    Kinetic energy of neutron is


    2m 1

    2 = 4

    5 (48.75 - 51) = - 4

    5 2.25 eV

    = - 4 0.45 eV = - 1.80 eV

    This gives negative energy. Hence, further values of energy are not allowed. Thus, allowed

    values of energies of neutron are 6.36 eV, 0.312 eV while the allowed values of energies of

    He-atom are 17.84 eV and 16.328 eV.

    (ii) It is clear from first part that the helium atom is excited to third state or second state.

    Hence, there can be three possible emission transitions i.e. 3 1, 3 2, and 2 1. The

    frequencies of radiations emitted in these transitions can be calculated as follows:




    = Z2 R

    2 2

    1 1

    1 3

    = 4 1.097 8

    9 107

    f1 =



    = (1.097 107) 4 8

    9 (3 108)

    = 11.7 1015 Hz Ans.




    = Z2 R

    2 2

    1 1

    2 3

    = 4 1.097 107 5


    f2 =



    = (1.097 107) 4 5

    36 (3 108)

    = 1.827 1015 Hz Ans.

  • 44




    = Z2 R

    2 2

    1 1

    1 2

    = 4 1.097 107 3


    f3 =



    = (1.097 107) 4


    4 (3 108)

    = 9.85 1015 Hz Ans.

  • 45

    Atomic Models Any explanation regarding atomic structure is called atomic model.

    Daltons atomic model.

    Thompsons atomic model.

    Rutherfords atomic model.

    Daltons Atomic Model

    According to this model, matter is made up of very tiny particles called atom.

    An atom is in divisible, i.e. it cant be divided by any physical or chemical process.

    J.J. Thompsons Atomic Model

    (Water- Melon Model)

    J. J. Thompson gave the first idea regarding structure of atom. The model is known

    after him as Thompsons atomic model.

    According to this model, whole of positive charge is distributed uniformly in the form

    of a sphere. Negatively charged electrons are arranged within this sphere here and

    there. The model is popularly known as plum pudding model.

    Every electron is attracted towards the centre of uniformly charged sphere while they

    exert a force of repulsion upon each other. The electrons get themselves arranged in

    such a way that the force of repulsion is exactly balanced.

    e e

    e e

    e e





    Positively Charged



    e e

  • 46

    Special Points

    (i) As the gold foil is very thin, it can be assumed that - particles will not suffer

    more than one collision during their passage through gold foil. Hence , single nucleus

    computation of - particles trajectory is sufficient.

    (ii) The nucleus of gold is about 50 times heavier than an - particle, therefore gold

    nucleus remains stationary throughout the scattering process and produces a large

    deflection in - particle.

    (iii) The formula that Rutherford obtained for - particle scattering by a thin foil on

    the basis of the nuclear model, of the atom and Coulombs law is

    N =

    Where, N = Number of alpha particles per unit area that reach the screen at a

    scattering angle of .

    Ni = Total number of alpha particles that reach the screen

    n = Number of atoms per unit volume in the foil

    Z = Atomic number of the foil atoms

    r = Distance of the screen from the foil

    KE = Kinetic energy of the alpha particles

    t = Foil thickness.

    The - particles on striking the atoms of the foil, get scattered in

    different directions. By rotating the chamber, the number of particles

    scattered along different directions can be recorded by observing the

    scintillations on the fluorescent screen.

    Results from Rutherfords Experiment

    Most of the - particles, either passed straight through the metallic foil, or suffered only

    small deflections. This could be explained by Thompsons atomic model.

    A few particles were deflected through angles which were less than or equal to 90.

    Very few particles were found to be deflected at greater than 90. It was observed that

    only one in 2000 - particles was found to be deflected through 180. In other words, it

    was sent back in the same direction from where it came. The target could not be

    explained by Thompsons atomic model. It was one of the main reasons for rejecting

    Thompsons atomic model.

  • 47


    Scattering angle () = 180 r

    The graph between N and was found to be as shown in figure.

    If t is the thickness of the foil and N is the number of - particles scattered in a

    particular direction ( = constant) it was observed that

    = Constant

    When distributed, electrons vibrate to and fro within the atom and causes emission

    of visible, infrared and ultraviolet light.

    Failure of Thompsons Model

    According to this model, hydrogen can give rise to a single spectral line. Experimentally,

    hydrogen is found to give several spectral lines.

    Rutherfords Atomic Model

    This atomic model is based on Rutherfords - scattering experiment.

    Rutherfords - scattering experiment

    Rutherford performed experiments on the scattering of alpha particles by extremely thin

    metal foils. A radioactive source (radon) of - particles was placed in a lead box having a

    narrow opening as shown in figure. This source emits - particles in all possible directions.

    However, only a narrow beam of alpha particles emerged from the lead box, the rest being

    absorbed by the lead box. This beam of - particles is made incident on a gold foil, the -

    particle is made incident on a gold foil whose thickness is only one micron, i.e. 10-6 m. When

    passing through the metal foil, the - particles get scattered through different angles.

  • 48

    These particles fall on a fluorescent screen, producing a tiny flash of light on the screen.

    This can be easily viewed by a low power microscope in a dark room.


    (i) The fact that most of the - particles passed undeviated led to the conclusion

    that an atom has a lot of empty space in it.

    (ii) - particles are heavy particles having high initial speeds. These could be

    deflected through large angles only by a nearly the entire mass of the atom

    were concentrated in a tiny central core. Rutherford named this core as


    (iii) The scattering of - particles by the nucleus was found to be in accordance

    to coulombs law which proved that coulombs law hold for atomic distances


    (iv) The difference in deflection of various particles can be explained as follows:

    - particles which pass at greater distance away from the nucleus, shown as 2 and 8 in

    below figure., suffer a small deflection due to smaller repulsion exerted by the nucleus

    upon them. The particles like 3 and 7 which pass close to the nucleus experience a

    comparatively greater force and hence get deflected through greater angles.

  • 49

    A particle 5 which travels directly towards the nucleus is first slowed down by the

    repulsion force. Such a particle finally stops and is repelled along the direction of its

    approach. Thus, it gets repelled back after suffering a deviation of 180.

    Rutherfords Atomic Model:

    (i) An atom consists of equal amounts of positive and negative charge so that

    atom, as a whole, is electrically neutral.

    (ii) The whole of positive charge of the atom and practically whole of its mass is

    concentrated in a small region which forms the core of the atom, called the


    (iii) The negative charge, which is contained in the atom of electrons, is

    distributed all around the nucleus, but separated from it.

    (iv) In order to explain the stability of electron at a certain distance from the

    nucleus, it was proposed by Rutherford that the electrons revolve round the

    nucleus in circular orbits. The electrostatic force of attraction between the

    nucleus and the electrons provides the centripetal force.

    (v) The nuclear diameter is of the order of 10-14 m.

    This can be shown as follows:

    Let us consider an - particle projected towards a nucleus having charge +Ze with velocity

    v0 as shown in figure.

    Now, at a distance of closest approach (r0), - particle will come to rest instantly.

    From conservation of energy, we get


    2 =

    r0 =

  • 50

    In one of the experiments, - particles of velocity 2 107 ms-1 was bomdarded upon gold


    Here, Z = 79

    e = 1.59 10-19 C

    m = 4 1.67 10-27 kg

    v = 2 107 ms-1

    r0 = 4 9 109

    = 2.69 10-14 m

    This gives the radius of the nucleus.

    Failure of Rutherfords Atomic Model

    (i) According to electromagnetic theory, a charged particle in accelerated

    motion must radiate energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. As

    the electron revolves in a circular orbit, it is constantly subjected to

    centripetal acceleration

    . So, it must radiate energy continuously. As a

    result of this, there should be a gradual decrease in the energy of

    electron. The electron should follow a spiral path and ultimately fall into

    the nucleus.

    Electron spiraling inwards as it radiates energy due to its


    Thus, the whole atomic structure should collapse. This is contrary to the

    actual fact that atom is very stable.

    (ii) According to Rutherfords model, electrons can revolve in any orbit. If so,

    it must emit continuous radiations of all frequencies. But atoms emit

    spectral lines of only definite frequencies.

  • 51

    Bohrs Atomic Model

    (i) Law of circular orbit: According to Bohr, electron revolve around

    nucleus in circular orbit and the necessary centripetal force is provided by

    electrical force of attraction between nucleus and electron


    (ii) Law of stationary orbit: The electrons revolve around nucleus in orbits

    known as stationary orbits. When electron revolve in stationary orbit, they

    are permitted to disobey the law of electrodynamics i.e. electrons do not

    radiate energy.

    (iii) Law of quantization of angular momentum: When electron revolves

    around nucleus in stationary orbit, its angular momentum is quantized

    and is given by

    mvr =

    (iv) Law of emission of radiation: When electron makes transition from

    higher orbit to lower orbit the different energy is emitted, as

    electromagnetic radiation emitting one or more photons.

    (v) Law of absorption of radiation: An electron can not absorb photon of

    arbitrary energy value. It absorbs photon of energy equal to difference of

    energy between ground state and any excited state. When an electron

    absorbs, photon is moved to higher orbit. In fact, probability of

    absorption of photon having energy not corresponding to difference of

    energy between ground state and any excited state.

  • 52

    Energy of Electrons

    All laws of classical mechanics are valid when an electron revolves around nucleus

    and are not valid during transition. During transition, quantum physics is applicable.

    The energy En of an electron in orbit having principle quantum number n is the sum

    of kinetic and potential energies

    En = KE + PE

    PE = Electrostatic potential energy

    + Gravitational Potential energy

    En =

    mv2 -

    We can write

    mv2 =

    En = -

    Now, we get

    r =

    This is the equation for the radius of the permitted orbits.

    Now, we get

    En =

    On substituting the value of different constants, we get

    En =


  • 53

    Special Points

    (i) In the derivation of above expression for the energy of the electron in the nth

    orbit, following assumptions are taken:

    a) Gravitational potential energy has been neglected and for writing electrostatic

    potential energy, infinity is taken as zero potential position.

    b) Nucleus is assumed to be infinitely massive i.e. nucleus is at rest.

    (ii) The quantity

    is known as Rydberg constant R and its value is

    1.09 107 m-1.

    Also, Rhc = 13.6 eV

    (iii) Total energy, (TE) =

    = - KE

    (iv) For Hydrogen atom, Z = 1

    En =

    For sake of convenience and fast calculation, it is better to remember following energy


    1. Excitation Energy:

    This is defined as energy difference between ground state and excited state.

    First excitation energy = E2 E1

    For Hydrogen atom = 10.2 eV

    Second excitation energy = E3 E1

    For Hydrogen atom = 12.1 eV

  • 54

    2. Excitation Potential:

    This is defined as the potential difference which will be required to accelerate

    electron to acquire energy equal to given excitation energy.

    Excitation potential =

    For Hydrogen Atom, first excitation potential energy = 10.2 V

    IInd Excitation potential =


    = 12.1 eV

    3. Ionization energy (IE):

    This is defined as the amount of energy required to ionize an atom.

    Energy required to make electron move from ground state to infinity.

    For hydrogen atom

    IE = 0 - (- 13.6 eV)

    = 13.6 eV

    4. Ionization potential (I.P.):

    o This is defined as the potential difference required to accelerate an electron

    so that it acquires energy to ionization energy.

    o I.P. =

    o For hydrogen atom

    o I.P. =

    = 13.6 eV

    IE = E- E1

  • 55

    Hydrogen Spectrum

    It has only Lyman series. It has many series.

    N = Number of spectral lines

    = nC2


    n = principal quantum of

    excited state

    let n = 3 (2nd excited state) N = 3C2 = 3

    3 1 3 2 2 1

    En =

    E2 - E1 = hf =

    Excited state Ground state

    R = Rydberg constant

    Lyman Series:

    n1 = 1

    Hydrogen Spectrum





    = R

  • 56

    n2 = 2, 3, 4, .

    Balmer Series :

    This is a series in which all the lines correspond to transition of electrons from

    higher state to the orbit having n = 2, n1 = 2,

    n2 = 3, 4, 5,

    Bracket Series :

    n1 = 3

    n2 = 4, 5, 6, ..

    Paschen Series :

    n1 = 4

    Pfund Series :

    n1 = 5

    Special Points

    (i) For any series, the wavelength of first member of series is longest and that of

    limiting member is shortest.

    (ii) Lyman series lies in ultraviolet region.

    Balmar series lies in visible region.

    Bracket series

    Paschen series lies in infrared region.

    Pfund series

    (iii) Absorption spectrum of H-atom consists of Lyman series only.

    Properties of Electron in nth Orbit

    (i) Energy of electron in nth orbit

    En me

    (ii) Bohr Radius


    En = -

    rn =

  • 57

    (iii) Velocity of electron in nth orbit

    Vn is independent of mass of electron

    (iv) Current (In)

    In = e fn

    fn =

    (v) Time Period (Tn)

    Tn =

    fn =

    (vi) Magnetic Dipole Moment (Mn)

    Mn = In An = (e fn) ( rn2)

    The value of magnetic moment in first Bohr orbit is called Bohr magneton

    (B). Its value is given by

    B =

    = 9.27 10-24 A m2

    It is independent of atomic number.

    (vii) Magnetic Field (Bn)

    The magnetic field at centre due to revolution of electron in nth orbit

    is given by

    Bn =

    Vn = 2.18 106




    Mn =


  • 58



    To calculate any property of atom, it is sufficient to remember dependency of

    ENERGY, RADIUS and VELOCITY on principal quantum number (n), atomic number

    (Z) and mass of electron (me).

    Dependency on mass of electron is required in situation where motion of nucleus is

    taken into consideration.

    Limitations of Bohrs Atomic Model

    It is applicable to one electron system only.

    Bohr could not explain why electrons are permitted to disobey law of

    electrodynamics while revolving in stable orbits.

    Bohr could not explain quantization of angular momentum.

    Bohr model could not account for splitting in magnetic and electric field.

    Bohr atomic model could not explain hyperfine structure of spectral line.

  • 59

    Example: A gas of identical hydrogen like atom has some atoms in the lowest (ground)

    energy level A and some atoms in a particular upper (excited) energy level B and there are

    no atoms in any other energy level. The atom of the gas make transition to higher energy

    level by absorbing monochromatic light of photons have energy 2.7 eV. Some have more

    and some have less than 2.7 eV.

    (i) Find the principal quantum number at initially excited level B.

    (ii) Find the ionization energy for the gas atoms.

    (iii) Find the maximum and the minimum energies of the emitted photons.


    Above figure shows the energy levels A, B of the hydrogen like atom. When light of photon

    energy 2.7 eV is absorbed, let the electrons go to an excited state C. Since subsequently the

    atom emits six different photons, state C should be such that six different transitions are

    possible. The possible transitions are shown in the above figure and it is obvious that energy

    level C must correspond to quantum number 4. The quantum number corresponding to

    state B must therefore be between 1 and 4. This means that it is either 2 or 3.

    Also, EC EB = 2.7 eV

    If nB = 3, there will be no subsequent radiations with energy less than 2.7 eV. But we are

    given that there are some subsequent radiations with energy less than 2.7 eV. This is

    possible only if there is some other energy state between B and C having a difference less

    than 2.7 eV. Therefore, nB must be 2.

    (i) En = -


    EB = E2 = -

    Z2 = - 3.4 Z2

  • 60

    and EC = E4 = -

    Z2 = - 0.852 Z2 (- 3.4 Z2) = 2.55 Z2

    EC EB = 2.7 eV = - 0.852 Z2 = - 13.6 eV

    Z = 1 Ans

    (ii) The ionization energy = E1 = - 13.6 Z2 = - 13.6 eV Ans.

    (iii) The maximum energy of the emitted radiation Emax corresponds to a transition from n =

    4 to n =1

    Emax = - 0.852 (- 13.6) = 12.748 eV Ans.

    and Emin = E4 E3 = 15.1 0.85

    = 0.66 eV Ans.

    Example: Consider an excited hydrogen atom in state n moving with a velocity v (v < c). It

    emits a photon in the direction of its motion and changes its state to a lower state m. Find

    the frequency of emitted radiation in terms of frequency f0 emitted if the atom were at rest.

    Solution: Consider the situation as shown in figure

    mv = mv +

    or m(v v) =


    mv2 + En =

    mv 2 + Em + hf

    (v2 v 2)+ En Em = hf . (2)


    (v + v) (v v) + hf0 = hf [ En Em = hf0]

    Using equation (1), we get

  • 61


    + hf0 = hf

    or f = f0


    < 1, expanding binomially and neglecting higher powers, we get

    f = f0


    Example: Suppose the potential energy between electron and proton at a distance r is

    given by

    . Use Bohrs theory to obtain energy levels of such a hypothetical atom.

    Solution: We know that -

    = F

    It is given that U = -

    Hence, F = -

    = -


    According to Bohrs theory, this force provides the necessary centripetal force for orbital




    Also, mvr =

    . (2)

    Hence, v =

    . (3)

    Substituting this value in equation (1), we get


    or r =

    Substituting this value of r in equation (2), we get

    v =

  • 62

    Total Energy (E) = K.E. + P.E. =

    mv2 -



    or E =

    , k =


  • 63

    Nuclear Motion When motion of nucleus is taken into consideration, it is dealt with the concept of

    reduced mass.

    In situation, where nucleus as well as electrons is moving, it is better to say that

    both revolve around common centre of mass.

    The motion of nucleus is taken into account when the physical properties of the

    system (atom) are affected significantly compared to the situation when nucleus is

    assumed to be stationary. When motion of nucleus is accounted, it is more

    appropriate to say that both electron and nucleus revolve around their common

    centre of mass.

    r = rN + re

    From the property of mass

    mN rN = me re

    On solving above equations, we get

    rN =

    re =

    Example: Taking into account the motion of the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, find the

    expressions for the electrons energy in the ground state and for the Rydberg constant. How

    much (in percent) do the binding energy and the Rydberg constant, obtained without taking

    into account the motion of the nucleus, differ from the more accurate corresponding values

    of these quantities ?

    Solution: We know that when motion of nucleus is taken into consideration, mass of

    electron is replaced by reduced mass of system which is given by


  • 64

    where me = mass of electron

    mN = mass of nucleus

    Now for H-atom, binding energy is given by

    Eb = - E1 =

    Eb =

    Hence, relative difference in binding energy of the electron in the two cases is given




    0.055 % Ans.

    For hydrogen atom with stationary nucleus, Rydberg constant is given by

    R =

    Hence, Rydberg constant considering motion of nucleus is given as

    R =

    Therefore, relative difference in two values of Rydberg constant is given as



    0.055 % Ans.

    where I = moment inertial of system (atom)

    Ie = moment of enertia of electron

    IN = moment of enertia of nucleus

    I = me re2 + mN rN


    = me

    + mN

    = r2

    = reduced mass =

    I = Ie + IN

  • 65

    is angular momentum of system

    is angular momentum of electron

    is angular momentum of nucleus

    L = me ve re + mN vN rN

    = me w re2 + mN vN rN


    = w r2


    is less than one, hence it is called reduced mass.

    To calculate any property of such system, we can look upon as system of

    particle having mass equal to reduced mass () revolving around stationary

    nucleus at a separation r.

    Law of Circular Orbit:



    Law of Quantisation of Angular Momentum:

    me ve re + mN vN rN =

    = +

  • 66

    Special Points

    (i) The concept of nuclear motion led to the discovery of deuterium isotopes.

    (ii) When motion of nucleus is considered in hydrogen atom, all the energy levels

    are changed by the fraction

    = 0.99945

    This represents an increase of 0.55 percent of energy.


    In all situation of motion of nucleus, replace mass of electron by its reduced mass.