ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 o ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade ATLAS Week CERN, July 6 th G. Darbo - INFN / Genova Indico AGENDA page: http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=47255

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgradedarbo/IBL/talks/09-07-06_GD_AUW_PhaseI.pdf · G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009

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ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 o

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade

ATLAS Week CERN, July 6th

G. Darbo - INFN / Genova

Indico AGENDA page: •  http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=47255

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 2

IBL Status   Project formally started:

•  Project Leader endorsed by CB (Feb 2009) •  IBL Management Board

•  IBL Kick-off meeting – July 8th – Interested Institutes leaders invited •  To converge towards a MoU for the IBL project

  IBL General Meeting June 25th & 26th •  42 talks – 2 full day technical discussion •  Whole project covered including software

  TDR editor •  K. Einsweiller is the TDR editor, with Mar Capeans looking at the technical

implementation of the document.

EB Minutes – 3 April 2009

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 3

IBL Project & Organization   The IBL (Insertable B-Layer) is an ATLAS Upgrade project:

•  It will deliver a fourth pixel layer, including a new beam-pipe, to the Inner Detector •  When delivered, it will become a part of the Pixel Detector and of the Inner Detector

and the organization will be “absorbed” into the Pixel & ID   The organization structure has:

•  IBL MB: Management Board to execute the project •  IBL IB: Institute Board, which starts today as an extension of the existing Pixel IB and

will be chaired by C, Goessling.

Module WG

IBL MB (Management Board)

Stave WG


Off-det WG

IBL IB (Institute Board)

Pixel Institutes

in IBL

New Institutes

in IBL





ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 4

Management Board (MB)

Module WG (2 coordinators)

• FE-I4 • Sensors • Bump-Bonding • Modules • Test & QC • Irradiation

Stave WG (1 Phys + 1 Eng.)

• Staves • Cooling Design & Stave Thermal Management • HDI • Internal Services • Loaded Stave • Test & QC

IBL Integr.-Install. (2 Eng.)

• Stave Integration • Global Sup. • Beam Pipe (BP) • Ext.services inst. • IBL+BP Installation • Cooling Plant • Test & QC

Off-detector (1 Phys + 1 E.Eng.)

• Power • DCS • ROD • Opto-link • Ext.serv.design/proc. • Test Beam • System Test

IBL Management Board Membership: • IBL PL + IBL TC • 2 coordinators from each WG • Plus “extra” members

Ad-interim membership IBL Project Leader: G. Darbo IBL Technical Coordinator: H. Pernegger “Module” WG (2 Physicists): F. Hügging & M. Garcia-Sciveres “Stave” WG (1 Phy. + 1 M.E.): O. Rohne + D. Giugni “IBL Assembly & Installation” WG (2 M.E. initially, a Phy. Later): N. Hartman + R. Vuillermet “Off-detector” WG (1 Phy. + 1 E.E.): T. Flick + S. Débieux “Extra” members: Ex officio: Upgrade Coordinator (N. Hessey), PO Chair (M. Nessi), Pixel PL (B. Di Girolamo), ID PL (P. Wells), Pixel Chair (C. Gößling) Offline “liaison” Pixel Off-line coordinator: A. Andreazza TDR editor (temporary): K. Einsweiler

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 5

Ref: N. Hartman: •  http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=43496

Predominant Stave Layouts   Several layouts under study: 14 staves at Rmin=~3.2 cm

•  Single and double staves – One or two (redundant) cooling channels


Sensor Sensor


ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 6 R. Vuillermet

•  The support carbon tube is fixed in 2 point of PP0 and on PP1 walls on side C and A.

•  The structural pipe with a support system is moved out from the support carbon tube.

. The new beam pipe (in any configuration with OD up to 82,5 mm) is inserted from A-side. It has 2 supports at PP0 area and 2 floating wall at PP1 on side A and C.

  Two global support / installation scenarios: IBL support tube (1) / no tube (2):   An IBL support tube would have advantage on stiffness and simplicity/safety for IBL installation,

but drawback are envelope needs (~1÷1.5 mm) and increase of radiation length   Procedure studied on mock-up at bld.180 - procedure (1) animation:

•  The beam pipe flange on A-side is to close to the B-layer envelope - Need to be cut on the aluminum section

•  A structural pipe is inserted inside the Beam Pipe and supported at both sides. •  The support collar at PP0 A-side is disassembled and extracted with wires at PP1. •  Beam pipe is extracted from the C-side and it pulls the wire at PP1 •  New cable supports are inserted inside PST at PP0. •  A support carbon tube is pushed inside the PST along the structural pipe.

Started to setup a 1:1 mock-up of Pixel/beampipe/PP1 in Bat 180

A-side C-side

Installation Scenarios

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 7

Requirements for Sensors/Electronics   Requirements for IBL

•  IBL design Peak Luminosity = 3x1034 cm-2s-1

•  Integrated Luminosity seen by IBL = 550 fb-1 •  Total NIEL dose = 2.4 x 1015 ± 30% (σpp) ± 50% (damage factor) = 4.7 x 1015 neq/cm2

•  Total radiation dose > 200 Mrad

Φ(r) =493r2



•  Fit made for 2 < r < 20 cm for L=1000fb-1

•  Gives for IBL @ 3.7 cm (550 fb-1):

Φ1MeV=2.4x1015 (1.2 MGy) 

•  Safety factors not included in the computation (pp event generator: 30%, damage factor for 1 MeV fluences: 50%)

Ref. Ian Dawson - AUW

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 8

Module Layout - Convergence   Decision between Planar and 3D sensors will be done after TDR

•  Need module prototypes with FE-I4 (second half 2010) •  Diamonds could be another option

  Common sensor baseline for engineering and system purposes •  3D sensors – single chip modules •  Planar sensors – 2 chip modules •  Gap between sensors: 100µm for mechanical / high voltage requirements •  Maximum operating voltage: 1000 V (need more for planar?)
















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Credits: M.Garcia-Sciveres – F. Hügging

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 9

3D Sensors   Large collaboration

•  15 Laboratories and 3 processing facilities

Thickness 230±15 µm Module type single FE-I4 assembly #electrode 2 per 250µm Edge active 5µm Edges guard 200µm Signal (5x1015) ~12500 e- Bias (5x1015) ~150V Wcm-2( 5x1015) 33mW at -10oC Lorentz angle before irr. free Efficiency (3200 e-) 96% (0o) 99% (15o) Wafer dim. 4” Expected yield ~50% Bias bump-b and pad



Credits: C. Da Via on behalh of ATLAS 3D Sensor R&D

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 10

Planar Sensor   Planar sensor R&D

approved by sLHC USG

•  16 Institutions •  High dose (also for

IBL) •  Low cost – large

area @ sLHC •  N-on-n & n-on-p

  For IBL: •  improve radiation

hardening •  Slim edge (no

overlap in Z) •  Optimize guard-ring

vs. Vbias

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 11

Planar Sensors – Slim Edge

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 12

3D & Planar – Test Beam (June ‘09)   Comparison of 3D and Planar

•  Test beam with magnetic field •  Planar sensors are sensitive to Lorentz

angle: maximize charge at incidence angle = Lorentz angle

•  3D (electric field parallel to sensor surface) are not.

•  Active edge: ~5 to ~10 µm from edge (see picture at the right)

3D FBK ToT at 15o 3200e-


ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 13

Frontend Chip - FE-I4


8mm active


FE-I3 74%

active 16.8mm




FE-I4 ~89%




d r



le (


x 3






~19 mm

New FE-I4

Pixel size = 250 x 50 µm2

Pixels = 80 x 336 Technology = 0.13µm Power = 0.5 W/cm2


Largest Chip in HEP

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 14

FE-I4 Status   FE-I4 Status

•  Prototype blocks in MPW (MOSIS) submitted 3/2008, measurements, irradiation

•  Design review (3/2009): “Design Technical Issues” on full scale design

  FE-I4 Design Collaboration Meeting - Bonn July 1st and 2nd 2009

•  Very successful to finalize technical details needed for full design integration •  Target date for having complete chip layout done is still September 09 •  The technical schedule for each circuit block delivery is being updated •  Many interfaces have been finalized and documentation of the details is

under way •  Internal communication between circuit blocks •  data output format headers, configuration read-back, etc. •  Partitioning of power "planes" and power-up sequence •  Pinout (being updated)

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 15

FE-I4 Pixel Cell Layout

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 16

Cooling: CO2 or C3F8   IBL cooling Ptotal =1.5kW   Prototyping CO2 and C3F8 cooling system in cooperation with ATLAS

CERN cooling groups and NIKHEF   Prototype staves and cooling pipes/heater assemblies ready to

start measurements on heat transfer coefficient and thermal performance of stave

•  Pipe material plays important role in thermal gradient: figure of merit is between 16.5 °C.cm2/W (CF) and 2.4 °C.cm2/W (Ti), Ti therefore allows for higher sensor power before thermal run-away

•  Choice of coolant influences pipe diameter (CO2: ~1.6mm, C3F8 ~3mm) and minimal evaporation temperature (C3F8 min Tevap=-30°C, CO2 min Tevap= -45°C)

•  Want redundancy (2 pipes) to avoid this significant “single point failure” in case of leak/blockage of one pipe

Very preliminary & conservative material breakdown for different options:

Credits: D. Giugni, P. Schwemling, H. Pernegger

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 17

When is IBL Ready to Install?   Difficult answer…:

•  In February (AUW) we have been told that the installation date was delayed by one year •  End of 2012 -> end to 2013

•  Today we feel that the 2013 is optimistic •  Earliest starting date for Phase I is the 2013/2014 shutdown. •  The availability of LINAC4 (around 2014) will define the shutdown for

Phase I, upgrade, when the IBL would be installed. •  The Upgrade Project Office (May 12th) suggests to use 2014/2015 as a

guideline for the IBL installation date. •  We are now working with a schedule that foresee an installation date in

2014/2015 •  Need to agree with LHC machine on Phase I date -> LHCC •  The FE-I4 and Sensor/Module are on the critical path, and installing earlier

than 2014/2015 would require some compromises in the performance.

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 18

FEI4 drives the schedule for modules - getting the next FEI4 asap is crucial for module qualification

Stave 0 plays a crucial to qualify the IBL system (mechanics, staves and off detector electronics)

Service installation happens in shutdowns - need definition & procurement of services (USA15->PP2) early on to use shutdown time efficiently

Commissioning as part of Pixel system

Credits: H. Pernegger

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 19

IBL Software - Migration to Athena/G4

  Attilio Andreazza coordinating the activities - mailing list for IBL software development • [email protected]

  Implement IBL in the existing ATLAS software framework •  Detector simulation based on Geant 4 •  Keep up with material updates in the ID and surroundings •  Use existing ATLAS track reconstruction algorithms •  Use existing b‐tagging algorithms

  Meeting end of July to discuss progress: •  G4 geometry implementation (Dmitri Tsybychev) •  Implementation of different digitizations (Vadim Kostyukhin) •  Simulation of radiation damage (from current pixel community) •  Define benchmarks for TDR

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 20

TDAQ @ sLHC Phase I   Work has started within Level-1 to

•  revisit the performance of current L1 algorithms at 1034 and extend to 3x1034 •  Understand the benefits of topological information •  Hardware changes necessary to propagate/use the topological info ν L1Calo and

L1Muon to understand together how •  L1Calo info can be propagated to L1Muon for muon isolation purposes

•  the max latency available to work within

  FTK is a hardware track reconstruction system •  It would work on L1A events and produce tracks in the whole InDet (not RoIs) within

10s of µs to be used by L2 (tracking performance similar to L2) •  Work has been hampered by difficulty in producing sizable simulation datasets at 1034 •  Asked to explore

•  How FTK deals with 3x1034 (needs simulation) •  How FTK can incorporate the IBL •  How the FTK compares with expanding the L2 farm

•  Planning to submit a TDR by end 2009

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 21

Muon @ sLHC Phase I   Muon detector has large uncertainty (factor 5) on cavern background:

•  Possible performance degradation in the very forward region 2.0<η <2.7 (CSC region)

•  Original Muon Spectrometer Design with 2 layers of CSC (8 precision measurements) but currently only one layer installed.

•  Study the possibility to reinforce the CSC region by inserting a thin (50 mm) detectors to provide more measuring points and possibly pad read-out

•  Current Options: •  TGC •  MicroMegas •  ThinTubes MDT

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 22


ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 23

New Beam Pipe   From Rayʼs presentation to PO 10/6

•  http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=60437

  Need beam pipe ready for integration in SR1 1 year before IBL installation •  Beam pipe production ARO long (2 years at manufacturer + 8mo for preparation at

Cern ??? - To be verified)

  2009: •  Aim to have full technical drawing of beam pipe by end of this year (flanges,..) •  Important: Need to make official request to Beam Pipe group now •  Start market survey

25mm radius compatible with aperture and mechanics

Open question to validate this number •  larger TAS, smaller VI •  Machine induced background •  Impedance requirement & Vacuum

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 24

IBL kick-off Meeting – Draft Agenda   9:00 – Introduction – G.Darbo (20 min)

•  What is IBL project – first project in the upgrade phase I – deliver a 4th layer for the pixel detector – model of resources

•  Scope of the meeting   9:30 – Technical Presentation of IBL project - H. Pernegger (30 min)

•  Where exists a technical baseline •  Where are open technical options and what are the planned steps for a convergence •  Where technical solutions have not discussed or are very little developed •  Manpower figure

10:15 Coffee Break   10:45 Project Cost – G. Darbo (20 min)   11:15 Round table – “Wishes and Interest of Institutes” – Chair C. Gößling 12:45 Lunch   14:15 Sharing of Work – “Interactive Session” G.Darbo, C. Gößling

•  Fill online a table with work sharing – “the big picture” •  Keep note of inputs from round table

16:45 Coffee Break   17:15 Memorandum of Understanding – M.Nordberg

•  What should be inside – look at ATLAS construction MoU •  How to map “the big picture” into the MoU

  18:00 End of the meeting

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 25

MB & WG Operation IBL organization is starting up:   Management Board (IBL MB)

•  Weekly meeting on Monday – closed meeting – issues tracking

  The 4 Working groups (WG) cover the whole project: •  WG1 – Module •  WG2 – Stave •  WG3 – Integration & Installation •  WG4 – Off-detector

  Mailing lists – open subscription to ATLAS active members •  IBL General: [email protected] •  WG1: [email protected] (alias [email protected]) •  WG2: [email protected] (alias [email protected])

(it was the [email protected]) •  WG3: [email protected] (alias [email protected]) •  WG4: [email protected] (alias [email protected])

•  To subscribe: https://e-groups.cern.ch/

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 26

Collaborative Workspace https://espace.cern.ch/atlas-ibl/default.aspx

ATLAS Preparations for LHC Phase-I Upgrade G. Darbo – INFN / Genova ATLAS Week, 8 July 2009 27

IBL Cost   Total cost 9.6 MCH:

•  Use this cost to “shape the project” – revise when better understanding of the design (TDR)

•  Funding Model: M&O-A, M&O-B, New project money