.ik."- .. f i. ATLANTIC C f.. ~---NO. 51. MAY’SLANDING,N. J., FOR:SERVICE :iS OHE HUNHEO NINm,NINE .... EXEMPTION BOARD" I~OOKS . TO PILL QUOTA IN ¯ ., - FEW DAYS FORTY EXTRA FOR ALTERNATES THES~ To TAK’~PLACF.S oF ANY ExEMI~ED BY . DISTRICT BOARD . [7 .... RED GRO :,KITS FOR ¯ . ., , -.: :: ...... - oS÷’: -" t..~ ,=, ~.’ ’~ .... meven m~leruwtl| bemmto W~illt~o.~ Camp Dix. WHshtstOwn, N.J., week am durlmt the eomtnl; .’ Athtntie OMlnty’a ftnt eontrb button towarde the new N~ . ttonLl Army. The ExemptiOn. " " Boerd ~outtnued its JlddJn| to the- Ilat the ~tmea the~teels mud did who were reflxuM exemption or dlaeharl~ the to(st it4t of, men n~dlabis to date 190. I~xsminattons Tuesday, Wednesday andL’~nuredsY tn order to seeure u enfnclent number of men to fill the ennnty,~ qno~ or 214 and about 40 extrawho will be po~ted" lut alternates and taken to fill i: of (Ji~ nt 1- /o/ -. ¯ /" ~) :{’... \ ¯ I0, m . George Kovaes, Ventuof. Froderlok Briner, F4~Ili~rbor ~tW. Eugene Apel, ~Venthor. MIllurd .~ehford, Plmmntvlll/~ William i.~]Tton, Tuekahoe. Rosen ~llonlr Me~’n I.a~dlog. Arthur Murry, Northfleld. ., John Warner, Tueksho~ Cbarlm Loper, Ple.~tantvitle, Harl"y Rtebbln~ Northfleld. Baymou~ Pot~er,.Idnwood. Vtnes~t RobtntOn, Abso~on. Enoeh Gl~bld, Plmmmtvitla. Jamm ~olIo, Tuekahoe. Prank 6hIJlo; Me~a l~ndlug. Autontne Ma~rl, Himmonton. ¯ Os~r ~l, Engush Creek. Daniel w.u,, ~ Plmmntvllle. Z3w~e , ¸ .... Ant0nlo ~n’ouatet lismmonton. Otto Ue~’er, Dorott~, Lout, M.8teuber, 8emoTe’ Point. Thurman £~eda, Ooe~0viila. Willhun .1". BLuish. 8omere’ Point. Anael~ lYOnofHo~ ~ndlavlila,. Vlnmat.l[. Johnmn, Port Republ~ Antonio Luoa~ liammonton. Mark O. Sutton, Ltnwood. Antonio Mamu~ Pleaqantville. "~nlP~e ~0stelleni, Buena., Taft 0ohan~ ~ Harborq~lty. Angelo E~imMto, Hammonton. Joelsh H. Haying, 8omere’ Point, Wallar Naytor, Abeeeon. "o~elM e~u¯ed by o,~emptloue by the DlatHet- Domihlek C~rnse--Hnmm~d~m. B~r~ Tbme who leave forC~mpDix~t wee tr wlll be met Via ~mden, where ti~y will be provided with Juu0h and will lesvo helena the regular 11.9~ expm~ E~h nun’will be pro- vided by the Red Oroes_with a "comfort kit" o(mtslnlng brushes, umdles, Shred, button& sir. They, w.lil, l~ve Its follows: Wedneed~ Wutter W,’Otimue,.Hsmmonton. Joalal~ H. ~r,~rnere Point. Rmarto Roocueso, Minotol~ Thuredity Herman Kraus, l~el~’lvl|is. Wlibtir Yallevter, Ponmmnio. Msivt" Campbell! fruoltaho~ Friday Gnkeppe Mqliismm, plamm~tVllle. Frank Ordilie, B~enL ¯ Nelmu ~, Bnow, Hammonton. " Sotnmsy Edward Lewis Hernia, Pl~mantVill~ Harry Franela Kester, 8omere Point. ¯ Exemptions Granted Eighty-four were di~harpd from the draft ymtevday,by renan of depeuden~a or ~e. they are aliemk U follow| : Girard Smith, Rm.ymm~d Ireland, Oullam Bmmrth, Fred. Omen, casper Gentler, Admires, Ralph HaeketL William .~ t~ldn, Jam m H. ~’~flor. AJflMd ~m. Jamm Oonrlay, Bm5 I~ Pet"~ lbslph liar. J~k. aJ,~4 Theme L~’rtdSm’, ~:: 81un(.’E~rry D~yo, Joe ~ J[ohn Fred. &mold, Job Trout, Grow ~lvatoro’Arelus, Clmrles 8tutsl~eb ~aruso, Ellen MeAnney, Wllll L’n Gsnntt~ Ra~moad DowIht~’~narles M~role, WiI- lisa CamP, Domenioo ~hi, Rlehsed Long, PeH0e ]~eoelll, George Henry, Tony Degas, ]3enJ. Ireland, Tony l~gmUnto, Tony Meloro, Reglmdd Taylor, Clyde Tlylor, YGahtt"ro HJra0nml, Gerald Plaroey, Charles P. TaYtor, Romrlo Tomsaello, Pred. l:le~th,’ Cbarlm ,guel- let’, Eugene L~,lki~ BaJ’mond 8tevehson. Amos Wentsell, John ~f., ~rl J4beaff, Fred. Wilkens. Mtohael IMmvmky, U’b~do MassooL, Lewis Altman~ ESters CUisllarJ, O~0~r Tborp, BenedlttO 3~mto. ~qlok Bane, Wlltla~ J. Roeech, Melvin ~n, R~imtld Wtlllan~e, TJmoieo 8ampeisyo, Oeorg0 Abbott, P.leh~rd Robertson, DeEoy Coillm~, Antonio Marlancel, C. P. IAvengood. Charles Bosartb, Charlmt Lake, Prank Nlmno, Willie Lebnst& Jamm F~nglt~h, Kngelo 8orrentino, Gordon Mueller, Henry Davia " Other ehtime for discharge will be a~t"d upon u rapidly aa the proper aflldavila are filed and tnvmtlpttons made .by the Prom- auto,S o~e~ Accepted This Week The following ware accepted thle week and did not aak for exemption: John MarEllno, Hammonton. Llnval A. WilsOn, Jr., Ple~antvllle. Edward l~ayton, Tuekaboe. F.ruest BrullbardL Abeeeon. Egg HarborCIty, - . Claude Hill,. lily’s Landing. Eneeh K Turner, Ventnor, Angelo Momm, l~tmmonton. Itmm EL Tbomaa, l]i~mmonton. L~wla P~-ker Eemtt, May’a Landt"l~¯ ~/~o~ A. Davis, l~mmouton. Donate Fornataru, Mtnotois. Geoqle Taylor, Ms~’e lAtndinlL John Perry, Weymouth. P.d j. ~, t~is, goi.~ Albeit 8. Mm~t,CotMhe. NJek Idlf~oEIm. Idmdh~til& l,*ltoy A~m~ Pleaaa~tville. Anthony I)t Age~tln~ Hammonton. Jam Iteynolds, Nmeow " Beu~aln Campbell, Plasmntvitle. - Grover Mim~eLI, ftto~land. ~" Byron J~kth/, V~e~t"or. William JL. El~rnolda~ Noseo- I~tmuel P. Butler, F~I Harbor C~/ty. Charles It_ K~mek, l~ort l~pnbtio. Howard Tnit, ~tvtiis. Pletm Msrf~, Rlala~’. " Ueor~T. Yott~r, M~’o Landing. William IAepe, Oolofn~ John YSt~ North~dd. Frank C~armm, Hsmmonkm. Rum~ll ~ndloott, Oeeanviti~ Aihm H. Thompson,/:ismmonton. Ctdith A~ms, Mlnotois. Henry Arnold, Elwood. Wlltiam IL Evans, Hammontou. Denied ~Exemptlon And Drafted A. BroWn, Da Cats. Vernon Oooy, 1,ends Pot.t. " BUONII J. Brown, l/Junmonton. Jtm~ Teen0, E[ad"~n,onto n- Lewla H. ~lay, North~eld. ~k Id[ll~keti. Jr., Bo~re Point S~lves~r ~i, ~ ~ ~lty. Jame~ Btitiul~ Jr,, Mluotola. Philip Crane, pteMLutvtil~ Anthony F. Bruno, HsmmOnton. Mmlta J~nntteet, Ylnehmd ~. D. knthmly Nowatohl, ~88 HArbor CltT. lionme 0. Imis~, Ventoor. Philip J. ~d~r, ~ Harbor @Ity, John O. Hnlmr, I~arbo~ ~ty. -- Jmepl~ J. ~avtn~tl, ~ HArbor Clty; AlbertBlaue, Mtnotola. -. Already On List w~iisr ~k, ~’ Po4nt ¯Jo~ BoWOU, Lees Lhdnt Glmrlm C. C~oper. F.~ Harbor City¯ Fred, W. Nell. Egg Harbor ~. Joseph Domino, lamdisville. WIIiism l, Read, Antonio D’&amUno, [~lmdlavtlle. W~iter 8mlth. Abucon Hulro Krsns, Venthor. LumouA IX Thorn, Ltnwood. wttt~ oimu~ Hammo~ton. /l~rlo M~o~sso, MInotolL Herman Kmum, E~etvtlle. Wilber Valluter, Pomerania. Meivitz Campbell, T~kahoe. GnlNpim Mellism~, Pleaa~mtvllle. Funk OrdlUe, Buena. Nelmu 8now. Hammonton. Harry Kesthr, 8emoTe Point Edward Hemlg, Pleamutvllla. Melvin Wilson, Pimmntvllle." Tbomu Pemne, Hammonto~. Juliusgmly, Hammonto~ Antonio IIsroato, H|[xamonton. Jooeph Otordano, Hammontho- 8tanley Drlnkwat~r, Plmatntvllis. lamRoy 8trlckland, At~eo~ Punk PNI~IughI, ~ Vt"eland Qusiav Haheretroh, Egg Harbor City. Arthur Edw~rde, 1~wo04. Peter Yannetto, Ls~disvill*. Je*Jerk~ MoK~e City: Thomsa C~Mil, I~ Omt". Wlllllm~BMnm~5, ~bof City. emn Mmtam~t~matvil~. i Wnlism i. J~am, Northaeld. Charin Marlmll~ Hammouton. Jmeph It. Calm, Hammonto~ John Maohla~ ltamm0nto~ ¯ .,- . .. (;.. NTY RECORD. ..’/ SEPTEMBER t, 1917. WHOLE NUMBER. 2090. ITEM OF INTEREST ESTATE ACTIVII! GH IEST OlSPLAY OF FARM PHOOUC[ :’ TO -,,,0.SHOWN BY RECORDS IN HISTORY OF ATLANTIC COUNTY SHOWN AT THE GRANGERS’ HERE THIS WEEK or tt~e W~r COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE AND RECENT RURAL the mobilize- HAPPENINGS y .t RECENTLY THREE DAYS! EVEK~ SUC= ,h. MISCEL~NEOUS RECORDS c~ss FROM ALLSTAND- ~ It ta the" duLY of thewo.mM oftmtniogwilt Atlantic C,,. AND REAL ESTATE NEWS POINTS SAY FARMERS ~n every homo to oonMrvo :aA beaathllowet Joel Mason etux. to Alfred W, We~tney, ~x etore ~ough food during the be notified e2~ rt Wmtslde of Harrisburg Ave. 44 ft. Summer to tide her aunfl~over to amnnbla the from their 8outb of Ventnor Ave. ~4,500. Cancelled Mortgagee, Releases and the ~omtna Winter. I~veZl it dlatHeis at ~ ,mL E:s~b man Maude P. Andreveto J’~le C. Wrtsht, ~Sx Others Entered st Clerk’s Office. THOUSANDS VISIT FAIR GROUNDS all the g]lum Jam and. Un ~D~ wlll’be/~" " and meal 76 ft. West side of Roabor~ugh Park, 120 ft. I .’:’/’~ In the eottniy art filled them will be ~ tisk~ and wm~ by the local North of Atlantic Ave. $1,fi00, ---- qmuflitles of IP0Odfbo4stlowed to go to wssl~t bem~ The on which the George .MElvln~ toMary J. Chm~er, ~xe0 Cancellation 0f lortgape, Athmtic CIty. SHORE CONSUMERS A’I~END unlem other m~.hodlof pre~rw~tio~ are ~ lnthmtimUofrr~t/tmd|horta~wemanot Moui~lmtm/la~ rthePruvo~t ft. EMt side of SUmner Ave,~ ft, 8outh of Edward H. Mllne to AtlantleC~id B.&L. obviate delays in Winchester Ave. g~,fi00. Am. 26x93.7 ft. Nortbea~ eor. of Lincoln and EXHIBIT IN LARGE "% db~d to ,~tow the ,nu~e,tq~tr~e0~ NUMBERS ~/ food’ of any kl~ to go to ~ T~ ~ ~aeh~g the rand to Insure the ~ L. Mason eL vlr. to Margaret Baker, Ohio AVer. ~6,200. have more thgn ~ will IM~d ~zonl~e~a- a~qval ~ eu/tl~le for 21.SxS0-fL~25.5 fL Norther Atlantio We. and BenjaminELFoxtoWe|tJehtey&8. I~R.Co. - e0 ft. Wmtof Annapoll~ Ave. 14,fi00, irreg. Northeaat. eor. New HKmpenire add I Mrve It tO pl~vl~ for Othm who m not &s Northern Trust Co. eL uL Ttnlm and MadtsonAVos. 80,500. - KITCHEN RIVAL OF THE FIELD foftUna~uthey, lie Exere. to’Abuse L. Thorn. 28172~. Wmteide JohnMeaeham to _~.lexander Emkine‘ 25x ;:-: i~MdM et~x~Ng ~ qmtuUtlm Of food this will tlm~ be I e~J~mlt~tton n~A of Neshvllle Ave. 462 ft. 107.5 ft. 8outh side Atlantic Ave. 75 ft. Wmtof -- ,m.the~ er~es ,~ t~0. c~It~rn~ Ave. ~0. CANNING AND DRYING. DIS- oar ~ PauUneCarler to Mutual B.&L. Amo. 90x ’-~M.tll~:V~lMi)t’ then be -Ambr(me L. Hammell eLux. to Charlm COnover, 40x~0 ft. 8onth side of Fafrmount 112 ft. East side Brighton Ave. 185 It. North of PLAYS COMMAND Tbe home ~ ~lixtltlitl~t of thgl ATe. 45 ft. E~t of Montpetier Ave. I~,~0. Athtntte Ave. ~ ATTENTI~)N A4gi’k~ltui~l 0~lMe- NeW Bl~tmlek, ;will ; ~J’ ~n~ will & 8on, t.e. fi0xT~ ft. equal undivided 1-2 In~er- 8o~themd cor. of Baltic and North Carotiua gla~iF f@fallh reolpM for drylnE ffmtis and "Carleto~ E At~m~ et ux. to W. O. Taylor Minnie A. Hill to ~ KuehnIe, ~ ft. ,ve~elablegtoi~no|~lntore~ed. exerelM~ Ot~ dtq/M mtlnfoltowt.g: W~tsldeofBtJames~ Av~.l~00. ~ "The flnml farm exhibit l Spinach tMd may be planted at any time up ’and I~hoofin~ During tl~ ~’~ South of Paelfle Ave. ~,7~0. . Iaaae A~run Co. to Mary J.Stod~trd. ~0x~8 ft. have ever seen In Xtt"~t~e to September 5th with Ume for, the Orop to wtil bea/n. Pennis /~ Roderer et. vir. to Victor Fisher, Southwest eor. of Bellevue a~d Piffle Av~. ’_~ County:" develop fully, this FalL Prepare Umgroun4 Onhllarldv~l ~ 50x1~6 ft. Northeast corner of Atlantic and ~10,~. That wu the oi~tnio~ ~’ by mixing through It well rotted ~la be assil~, tO!, of the e~mp Hartq~bnrg Avm,~0. Elizabeth Gilmore to L~la 13. ~ 38x Robert D. Maltby, hind of the ,’.i manure, or better |till poultry" manure.’, mNrvedJk~e~l Abram LTh0m .et.nx. to IAnfordA. Car- 78ft. WesfsideBosboronahPark ~lgfLNorth c~untyfarm depanme=tss.n4 Harrow and. rake the soil until It be0omm of the dlv~lston~l the canton, man, ~8x77 ft. West side of N|mhvillo ATe. 462 of W/nehestor ATe. ~ it wu eoneurred In by the hundreds of . thoroughly pniverflmd and quitoeomlmeted. I~mtls~llahl~. NorthofAUa~UeAve.$4,f~0. WIIIIS~n Htalger to Rachel 8mllh~ ~x-~ft. of v.hdtore from far and n~tr w50 vl~te4. " Tbla crop prmlnatm and growl bettor If the and ~teh Frederick W. W0o~ to John H. 8tewlu’t, ~x East aide Mamm~busotla Ave. 47.5 ft. 8outh Of l~mape Pnrk from Wednesday until yeste .r~ay soHIsflrm. Llmeshould be eprmd nponth~ ~nit atthel~qn m~. Nortb eldeof Wuhlngton Ave. l~.7 tt BaltleAve. l~00. evening. EaatofOhtoAve. l~300. *MsJ~ton W.Newton toAJexander D.G~ Theflretlm, l "county ~tlr,, in manyy~J~s planted.’ One pound of lime should be q 90 ft. North side of Vqntoor Ave. 42.5 ft. West Pt"e~ IT,0G0. spite of general dry weather, the ~trm pro~ " of"" PLUSA I ~’At~Un Ave. $10,000. Mary C,.Poth to lielen EL Taylor,. ~fl00 t%, exhibited wu of the ~ qustlty m~ dee-, Th .u. o, ho. v...,* th 1 DAY ¯ to -ben . .ew J.., .re ,, MOHDAY PARK thn pr~oee of re.tables am very high. T~ ¯ . J0~eph EL Bartlett, Sheriff*to Sam. l~. Troth to Provident Life ¯ Treat Co. of fuod stuff’ u any aie~ttou oftheeonntry. enmlmerelall~rowereplantedmomextom/vely Bout Zlppler and ~0x~0ft. Eaat sideof Union Ave.100fl. South 100xl~0fkWestmlde MissourIAve.~0fLSoutb Prudoe~ng and eoud~winlj exhlblts thla year than ever ~rore and tt lure be-,. a e. of Winchester Ave. ~ of J~,Itlo Ave. 88,090. with meh other fok reeognittoo- The work: o ’ 1, JoelMamnet ux. toAlfredW.Westney,40x l?,obert B. Hterlt"g to Eugen~EL Uolloty, ~x thekltohe~ eislmed eqmd att,mUonwlthtbe SU0dlgrowlngsmaonunUl tl~me~at very~ry The fontqh lu~n~ ~]Ule, yof the ][qea~ ~ fl.~0 ft Norlhof Att"nUe Ave.and76 ft. ifi0fl. North~eor.ofAnnapol~dVmxtaor work of the field and orehaxd. Pt’nlis and ..... * wether. JuMwhyprloMshonldromahlhlgh utvtileAthl~leandMu~M_AJ~mou Will West of Dover Ave. tlf~00. Aves.$~0~ ~iget¯blm of every kind, ~oe4 Of dxtod. when there is e~oh a heavy Ftmiuotio~ Is not I~ held at l.~zmiw Park ll~tt Mo~J~f. From Wlllt"m Kennard to Armand T. Nleho~ ~x were exhibited Jn qmmUtlm that 8how e~dly explained, One theory’la Umt tim tho~- John F. ~ eL ux. to John IIohenad~l, 26x prment in~leatioas ~ ~e I~M~day will 88 ft.8outhwosteorner of Msmaehueetts and 100ft. 80nthweetcor.ofPKdtl~x|m~l~outhOsm. eount~, he.rewires am Is~Ang advent"go of MlmdJof home v~his~ started, thin Iml3~m ~ll ~’m0r lll~m~_. IMlso(theAsso. Orte~talAVeLlS~00. llnaAvm, e/c.M,~0, preesnt surplustoprovldeusalnstmi~.Whs~r ::,~ klprtnE have impulnrtNd the uMofvs~4&blaa, elathm and ’an. ~h~1~ ’crowd is Philip L Marvel eL ux. to Philtp G. Haw John F. Turner to W~ Zlmmer, lrre~ soarcit~. " , , . Afow shortrowe o[rb~am~be~l, es]Tote4m~ mtlteetedtothll~advantl~thUl~nr4mmon- num, Irreg. EMt aldeof Rhode Island Ave. NortheldeAUm~tloAV~. l~fl.~ofln~s~t 8corm of prominent Atisntte ~ ~ ~wwt refit I~vs the ~ a trod. of ~ ~dday’s otlUng. Ow~l~JL~mr ~ being ~ ft. South of 0rientni ATe. $8,500. Ave.14,000. ~ went over to view the ezhlbIM aad v%,stab[esln tiudr mo~t" palst~)le eondlU0~ & ~ holldl~’ma~ ~l~’be .able. to ~hmd 8omere Lumber Co- to Barbara Ferret eL Comnopoltts~ Clab to Henry 8. ~ 72x mtogis with /he.tram emd ode g~st OUt. , and ,t demon4 Par them 18 thereby orm~t~L that othm*wl~ might not ~ to ~aaw their vlr. lot No. 3 in block No. 5 on map or plan of 300 fit. Eaat elde Yemont ATe. Jd0 ft. North of rome of the ~r will tmd~bis~ly bee "~,~.e ,’~is prde~,the~,tm m- 0re~M~ tl~ ~ foreoal~ v~ge~lthlm, work of l~lltnm ~ ~ - Iot~ o.f the Dock & I2md Imp. Co. $IJ~0. Atis~t~ Ave. $&0~0. eo.olmmUo~ between t]~e two, ,w~ Committee are fur the vaxtous Jg~b~r~ Forrest eLvlr, to 8omers Lumber EmtisJ.Petm~toO. FnmkCope-8~.sx100ft tlmlmomprodueeralsedlntheeo~nt~wfllbo ’rJmu]ttm~te rm~it will betlMtta~ pro. events of enMx/a(sma~t day, whleh’ Co- I&fixM 11. Eat’ride of Connoeticut Ave. NortheldePaclfleAve.~0fl-g’mtoflow~Ave. eoldtoeo~utyeonsnmere, to the proflt of bo t~h. ". "" ~ porttomofthegrsh|,mmtand sthplaproduots wtillneludealmmbal~ Im~weenmaTrled If~.sftsonthofMedlterntneanAve.$1,0~0. ~,0U0. . ¯ AUs~tlo Citye~13 m plSOtlCalty tWery~Qp- " grown InthJa/eouDU~wlll be 8p~sd ~ ex. txtndoonoerta, FrederlekW.Huzlbuttetux.et. zl.toPr&nk C~uriston F.. Adams to Ouam~toe Trn~t CO. tablaprod,ueed~ntheeouuty. ... .... -... . , . ~lntLisUlaeofinterlaa~dnesd. |eventsof |dl r:uewell~aaquktl0 J. Myers,70xl2~fl. Emtt~deofCornwallPlaoe, ~0xI~fl. WesteldeguffolkPlw176fl. Nerth Prof. Alva Aae~ of the 8tttoX}elNtxtmgm.t, In 1|1~, Nmv~l evmy ~tn~ns arew ~0~0 am~ events of lnhsm~ of wbeat, yielding .at an avm~q~t rate ot 21) TI~ big event will tt 8.80 p. ~, 175 ft. I~orth of Atlantio Ave. 120,000. of Atis~Uc Ave. ~1.~0. sddrMaa~ the lhrmm Thm~hty ~-- mad ezhorted them to do tbetr l~mlb~tto. bush~l~lm’aer~oratot~ of I,g~,~0b~h~s, belugawrestlth8 boat~ two throws H$a~tooT0wnehip. ~ ~w~l~. pmduee sod tldr~proper.eure of erop~ The Thhl le o~ly obout CdMbflflh Of the amo~t Of o~t O~.’thl’lP~ style, between Wllllam IL’ErswelL et ux. to Robert TrueSt Max IAeber ,to Isue Aurora, lot8 M to 71 ~ world War, be ~ will de]prod ’]~k’~ - - "’- wheat eoamamed In the 8tare. Iu themt TM tw01°mi Ma~a, YAi~ Wootton- This et. uLlolalq~80aud ~0, block~ onphmof Imek~8;.lo~3to6tho- blockf~.to~eth~w~th npo~ A~nefkm,e al~llti~ tofesdh~,,mms d ~, ’/~0 atem of rye Were Erow~ produo. Ibstule Is nro tO ]?fo~O lo~ In May’e l~mdtng, etc. 81. Jmetory thereon erected a~ ala- ~ he ~ he believe corn brm~ win l~tva to t"g !~,~0 bmthal~ th@ averap mere yield youNImedot~ Thlawlll bee William F. I)~vla eLux. et. aLto National thrown eo~tldned;4ot~ at to ~0t"e. btoek~; tstr.etlml~a~eofwheatiatheUnttedlMatMeo ~l~ bmtbedL In the Isee of tho’prMeut l~eXhtt~lUODof ’lu’tof matching SandC~be~lnnt"gataelake ~etin theNorth totaltoe0 Inc. bloek 60; lolaltoMtne, bioek flmlr ~ be ehlppe~ to.~J~e ImidleasJ in the world-Wide ~5orlaa, e of Igl~n am@~amtt le ud ~ these two lees] side oftheWmt Jersey &t~mhore Rallread’s 61, aJ],onl~u~PNo.lofMiYIm, h, |~, no0. ~ l~w’mswarm Inkds In’ales c~ the on ~oot ~t the Enlted 8tak8 to In- rlghtofway, ele. splendid exhlMt made by. the ~srmem of the . oreuo the prodoottoin oG Wlntm" iflaekt mad the evenin~ In ~" ¯ oo~nty. rye. New Jmw~sl~m~t5ou fue US8 slmuM the imvillon- late witi be llamm~tes, oenrlre R~h to iXmgh~ C.Tarner, mxlSt t~ Urges Cou.ty Liberty Club bel,qo,~lm~r~meheml$ 8~ntoPrestlel. ux. to AntoninoS0o~dt, La0 SouthstdeCburchRoedsndt"ltheofOtmdlah Reed’e~a~,~00. ~on/~mmsu Imsc ~ w~ one of bmheb~, ~isma~ x,ew*. ELBouth to wtaleO0aow~, u~ theprtne/pmspmksm~est, s.ds~ s~tstn~,St~ t0x183 ft. Northeut ~of FJ~t of ~mmlLlmof.Umee ’|mdtM~mddmsmdmdtom . To l~obleme.. " SontheutofPammoveAve-0k " " Theobold Stein eL nw. to Ftorenes ]Eln)wln, Lrre~ W aahl04gton Awe. I~ ft. at length, m~tog, hla hearm~ to mmmt~ eo- All todl~ll$o~ 13oUrt to I1~ plSee8 IMzt Gov~’norWg/ter]~iMm~lMta~itednUmdb 40x183 ft, l~orthe~Jt sideof FIr~ P.oad’,~0fl. ~hmeaatfortheN~q~bem’ne~ofntote~mveyed OpelWlewtththee~rhJ of Hm*lm~C. ]f:Ulove~, ymr, and pm4ta prombmtobelW0d. Letno - poor 8o~ or poor Ilmd Iht ldle over Winter, ttonofe~MllesMmlln~tleti°ntnto4~mes tog. Champtou’by W.K Frambm, l~J~0. " Food A~tnistrstor, to emmerve "’the’foOd BOw mo~ grstn this year. lass than nl~e m@aths al~K~ lie h.m Mlaad the tJoutheaat of Pasamore ATe. |L i~lemm From ~. mppty of the natioa, g~vl~ dam mm ap~ Glovm-nment Of tlm ~ ~ Use i~qma lm~d~ ][~tv/]~. Henry J. Dl]tr- to Aabbroo~ IAn(~ln, aSx~ ft. meured p~momtlly from Mr. Hoover. Ntoel°Glnnta’Mayi~I~tndlng" The annual fleld ~bty of th~ qfamlmawarnofhla .po.w|mlal~abllRy. He William H. John~on to t~rah C. ntepben& Northwesteor. of CallendeyandLlneot"Aves. Otherapesker~yeaterdayanernooninctmled baa vlauslise~ ~ ead Iqisl~Uve aettou Charles D. Ix)veland, El~mmooton. perlm~mt ~ and of the New JerMy 81ste Judge John White, Dr. Underwood Coehran, James A. Blackmu, F4ga Harbor City. A4grto~ltumI ~ will be held at the form with elldted l~’es~to~ of the ~/igulty of’the e0.Sx~.5 ft. ~orthwest ~ of the 8here Road AtisnUe City, Antonio Olive, Hammonton. of Um New J~ 8tats O0~l~e of Agrteulture Mtate~lm~ of its dormm~t ~ Northeut of the Delilah P.o~l, etc I;3,460. Ousrantee Trust Co- to Carlet.m 13. Adam& E~-genatoc Edmund C. Wilson, Former Con- Andrew ~.mbel, Llnwood. at New Brumlwle~o~ Tbur~ay, 8sptember~ The M~numm ~luti~ limited ’by tbe war John Murtland et al.lo Dan@ll Murtht~d, ~0x’~ ft. West side of 5L JamM Pisoe (t40 ft. Eremma~ .John J. G~rdner, 8urinate L~ntel Nlobohul D*Abouda, Plaa~ntvltle. Yon und ymar tWtende am oordlally invited to foond him prelml~l and ~ esrvlee. , He lot No. 13 ou plan of lots of Rlaley & yarr, Ek3uth of Piw.lflc Kv~ $1,250. H.V. Bell and Mtm Lulu EL. Marvel traet No, 4, session 5, etc. |L Among the interesting exhibits &! the Fair GeorlJe W. Haberetrob, Egg Harbor ~lty. attend. TIm~ will be no ~ ad~esm. Imgdroppedlm~plu~lmre/~lty than Eric C. Petermu et, aL ExcnL to Mag~e C~iortp&~L wu that of the Con~erv~tion. of FoodCommlt. Porelo B. McMloking, Elammonton. Instead, the ~ of the Colle~ and 8tstims mint men holding Misfire" ell~.haa proved CbarlesJ. IdLlu’tman, T~a~ de~’rtmeni~ w Ulgive brtef~aec~mt=of their hlmmlf thermlghty A~la, rml~nelve to Marsh, ]otaNotl30 andl31,hown onm~pof MartonHaydentogtan~trdMu~eCo.,good~ tee. ofAtlanUcClty, con~mttngof m~.nykinds building iota belonging to D. ~. Rlaley, known etc. menUon~! in schedule and now in 2M0 At- of foods ~ned i~d dried by .wealthy wom~ ]Kromt J, L,oruh, IAnwood. Work. The exorcism will be~qn st 10.~a. m. the *all of the ~t, ,qdlngsmd~apporting aa B~yview Plat’e, $115. lantlc City. 11405. of the rmort. The exhibit of fancy needlewora Jo~ph A. Bo0hley, LAnwood. PurSes for the Imqmettou o( the grounde~ him t" eountlem wlk]~ ;~tkaow~ to the Imb|i¢. ~,a. l.,~UeChaM to Oliver H. G~tlridesCu. good~ wu one of the be~ ever shown In the munty. William J. Thompson, Philadelphl~ bull~n~ will be org~nU~d la the aflerno0~ Without atte~pth~ ¯ reetial of the many . - The pe..of ,he .~. ,re to.~ to.~..~ ~.~.... lawe--o.--..~v.roo~ LIFE AT MAY’S LANDIN6 " Tremontment °nedAve., Plemm, nLvllle.in setledale IH£’).lmd now in 234 L~]n~udedBisek, ~mln the exhtbltonll~nplements; were:Deice WHHSm, lr.,hUng ,Ha,bo, clty. ,h.dayo. ,he .isrorwi. to ,n, - THIR I6HT YEARS ,.on .gb,,ng l~ttll G~tklll, V!mtoor. be on the i~ounda to f0rnlah light Lunebes at @nilo~l whlo~ seem to ms to mthently fit him ~ ~gthtl M0rtl[ai~l. Ford tractor, other Ford cars lnclud~u~ a Ford 1ella Ckm~ena~n, Dorothy. moderate rate~ ~ who do uof ease to ~",the more important duties now being per- Reprinted Items ~ "~l’he Record" M&ude Idler to Willard M. Maao~ guoda etc. trnek J u~t oat nnd trucks aa foltow~ : May Harry .~Amab, Cologne. hike all the Inq~etton tony| over the Farm /brined by Prmldent WIISo~ ]F.dward T. Idtepheneon, Plesmntvitlo. will fln~ the aroun~e a p~isee for rmt We belisve th’~t G°vm’n°r Edge has qustld~" Of AugUSt 30. 18,79. roommeutl°nedtn Guamnteeln ~hedU)eTrustandco.nOWbuildlug,ln bllllardlat 8mltbWell" BruckwaY,Format ruckVim’and InternaUonaL _ AUat,Truxton Hudford. Johnglovtok, Rhdey, andavlaltwlth frteuda. ~ for the 01050o of PrelidemtofJJ~e United 8west potatomare retalltngat SL00abusbel. floor, AtlantieCIty,$~]00. Paul Manifold, of thi. place, ha~a.eut gl¯m ~wrene. P. Edward& EIwoo& Btateeoflara3~mtterprscUealvalue then throe Mr. andMrs¯Charlm G. Endicott, of Jer~y booth and, there wereascore of smaller ex- (~trla8 X. liubertol~, tlammontoa, p0~em~G by any oth~ ms~ In publi0 life. CRy, vi~ted relaUves here. J~d~me~t~. ~ohn,..~n.r, V.n’~er PERSOUL HAPP~I~S ~mo, ~ 18 first Of 81L ¯ business man Rev. Allen It: Brown occupied the pulpit of Elwcod J. Turner v=. A. Frank gurgler and hibltorL \ Winners of Blue Ribbons AT THE COUNTY CAPITAL -- thth" with .. .,.. ofth, bnelu. n ,oded ~onyRomtho, May*|l.andll~g. ~ - ~ li~Isgaldealistwh(meldealearepntcU- J~.Ba~e vna ancLiooeer at-the fair In cott&EndlcotLAUy¯ lowing: I,eRoyAdlung, Plaaaantville. ~mithto~. HelanotheoHst Hesttemptsno Cl~rk’sHall~mdbyhlawtnningwayssuc~eed- AttaotlcCltyBrewlngCo. vaCharlestStoger. BenL Boar--(" ~’. Walton, English Creek, David C./~tleg, Mlnotol~ / Recent Visltors, and Other Incidents atsbta into Mrm~e flelde, lie ~onflnes him- t"g iu seJ.Sfog evcrythlng at good pr~ee~ Circuit Court: $1,31&47 be,ddm costs to be tazed, showing an ~0 pound Improved Chesty Andrew Romeh, Egg Hart~r City. Bunched For Quick ReadinE. aelftoeverydaythlnaa b4~tthesethinphetrles Prmldlog Elder Hill pre~tched intheM. E. Bolte,Sooy&GLll. Attye- Whtte3yearsll monthsold. . Eu|eua D. Oordery, Hammimton. Best ~v--Dr. WtU~m Them peon, English AlexersndPorehou. N6rthfleid. My. Mark Smith, of MillvtlJe. wua visitor tomlmuptohelghtsaeverbeforeattempted. Cboreh. In tim yea~ to come efter the w¯r. It te of @apt George Cramer has purchased the ~" "WIIIta~m EL.Dunnfu~ Elammonton. yesterday. Job~M;.L.larkTAbeeeon(~ty C FreebolderWliUam Blalr~of Elwood, wua eupremelmportmme tlmt our Prmddentshell 81oreont~ugar Htlland will nell grooerie~in- Richard IL i~lmer vt J¯m~’Clgrk andA. CrceL . 1)9 .a_.mlL~_ of~b~m thstt"Ota and b~l/nem elead of ploughing the ooesn blu~ H. Johnson. Common PIeu Court. U.G. Largest Waterme]on--S~ymour McKeague, tmJnlnE. Hemustlla~ th~ ptophet~evbdea --Mr~ I~eah Ankley wu buried In ~4atem ~tyron, Atty. Daniel 81mpklaa, May e Lauding. Wednesday_ ~ullvllle. Ch~rlm C. Wtnl~ler, ~ l~rbor CHy. Mtm Ntmt ~ner is’ spending a vam~m of the poet, biaa will he ~ to earry (mr naUon County with thirteen ehtidnen, ~me or them Ch~rle~ E. Bonner vs. Kverett Plummet, J r. Onlone--J,~ph Fabrizzio, thin’mouton. among fdende in Trenton. Be~ l’ea,--Elmer A. ttummel, May’~-I~ud- Charl~ P. i~eseb, ~ Herlt~’~lty. Mr. and Mrs. [40 nla O’Eeal. of Phlis~slphla, to jla proimr pismtn the mhk ofn~Uon~ In ImSt Ihret-~o0re4od-ten years, standing the and Warren Plummer. Common I’letsCoert MLeh~’l L. Ruberton, Hmmo~ton. the strenuous da~ wtu~ peace terms oome to servlee~ Her eh|ldren, gmnd-chtldren and Morris Bloom. Atty. tug. Prentlaa A. Myflek, Hammertoe- iixmt the wink here with relative, be nmtde, Governor ~ could be del~nded ’ greatdgrluad-~hiidren number 113. .. ]3,est nine baskets white and sweet potatoM Henry C. Grunow, Pomenmla. May*l l~tnfilne d~ealed I~outh Vlneisnd and tomat(~e~--Willl&m Llepe&blon~Cologne. ~esb It. Myers, VmzUlor, 8sturday aflevuoon ~ by tim seo~ of 5 to 8.U well. to the broadaat viewof bumsntty.Up°n to make them terms eombrm to Justioe met In Cl&rk’s HniL the exerelms opening withTh" of ~.rcb LATE EVENIN8 B ,I ZE ~.~ ouJe Haekne~,M~zlpZts. A]ttt~ DOU m84e hla &ppemi%noe M0~day After paa~e the ~eeonomk~e ~p~bof arbores after whh~z csmea clbm’~le "Stalr HEARLY @ESTHO~S HOHE .on,on Orgs~i~Don Exhibits--First E~Iogne; 2rid. Burto~ Abbott, May’s lan~Lng, last at the honm of Mr. s~l Mru. Tony Aurtello. the wotqd’8 ht~tory will b~dn. And wbeh that Carpet" by MIse~ Lott|e Clark and Emma Mr. ~md ~ Thomu Grant, of PhJisdel- ti~ aomm we ~tll ~ st.tho White Hou~ Veal." and M~r Willie Maloney ; " Polly Little ones Rescu~l by Father In Nick Leeds Point ;,3rd, Pomon~ AIbertNlek Palmisr,p. Cramer,Humm°ntou’l~aem Po/nt. ph~ awe the Eues~ of Mr. an4 ~ A.nto~o the ablmt ~tm~utstmtor theeountry pome~se. Ann," a dialer, us, by Annie H. G~sklll, Jennie of Time. ArrowCUp fOrso~l¯lbeSt Club.fruit In markehtble pae~ AUdio. 1~ Roy I~mm’, ~e L,m~ We believe Governor ]gAge lma show~ him- 8m~diwood. LtWy Hudson, Lizzie Morris und Fire thought to have started from a lamp Best p~ckag~L&wren0e Klenzle. ~IAs~Hammo~toL Mr. und MeL ]~mry i~llr~, of RalU"~’l~ ~lf~haV~ the ~t q~llfl~tto~l~e~ry NorrtlVe~;"TbeLtghtHous~,"ar~iUttion, |eftburnlng lnthe kttelum bad]y~¯ D.P. gtern, of I~keravtlle, c~,ptured the ~0 Edwax~Pt~s0ott, Abe~on. - MA.,m~t here sa the aum/a of Mr.~md M~. fur the soluttoa of timm, prubi~una and foetlmt by Miss Annie Ackley; "Human TrOis °’ ¯ hot~e owned byEdw¯rd C. Gasklll ~n Pen- prize fortheb~tbMketofeantaloupm, offere4 Frahk IL ~ ifamlno~tor~ Prenk tlarrl~ PeterCest"~Hammonf~m. The la~ of the P.ed Cram bnM~la hem had ~ we off~ ue~~ontoltm Utblmux , by Mimes Ida Baxter and Clara nlngtoo’8 Feint ThursdJyeventng, and tx~a- byMrs. H.L. I~utherford, of Weymouth, with Dmmto L~telll, ~ Harbor Cl~’.." an attractive booth ~ the Ihdr, end they m ]Etelmbtieans of thla StW~ timt Governor ~ Vaughn and Willie Maloney. pied by Mr. end MrU. Joe Vertlno. The blaze Charles T. Abbott, of thht place, a clme eseond. James V, Wray, Ab~oon. " wetlimtro~hmd, beiisean41datoat theNaStom~lO~m~hmtton foe - was dl|coveredJust before eleven o’clockand Them were ~coree ~" other pri~es, ninny of Ge0rgl Aumlel~ May’a ldmdin~.’ Mrs. Roy le I~aeh, Mr, lind Mt~ Harl4so~ the prmlds~j,.--Bu.yom~e II~tvlsw. Mrs, Alwilda Moore Claimed by Death. shouts ¯nd platol shots noon ermined the them lu sobeta,uUaJ cash form. --4’ Mr& Alvilda Moore, aged ~ yearL died ne/gbborhood. Tbe I~nem and AUanUc City buat"m~ men Thmdo~Otto, E~gHarborG~ty. Wtleon Ira4 Miss IMs H..B-,,th motorsd to Dlbtrict Mesthqg ofOdd Fei|owl. FrldaYorla~tyeekalthe homo0f herdaugh- Mr.s~t Mrs- Vertlno were sittLu~ cmthelr sreallehthus/utlcover thencoem of the~Ir DomttoLsxms~Lanmavlll~ theshorel~ttul~ayeveninE. & dstaEaUo~ of memb~nt from-Atla~Ue ter, Mm. Leon ~Loeey, at 8yracuae, N. Y., fr~ntporeh and thelrehUdt~m were~ui~ lind pr~et an even bigger and better one Mr. and Mrl. Wsti~oe Coveati~ m ~n~ Merm~n Mm’kord, E@~ Harbor City. Lodge No. 80, L O. O. P. ~ by Distrlet after several ymr~ illness, eta, lye. When they ~ in the house‘ smoke here next year. Roeeo ~ ~monto~ ~ oongr~a~ on the ~ of Cl~rtmldLBprallue,lem|tV|ladlmd HtUeg~mtlomsaatth~rhom& DelmtY~rt~mA"Osaklil*sttm~lod ¯ d~rlct She wu the daugbterof V~’|lliam ¯ndKe- ~dflrewerethiekln thekltchelL Th~father emoting held In Wll~tow’8 ~ quarters ¯t becea MatUx, pioneer residents of ISouth Jet- made ¯ dash Ul~alrs lind rmeued the children Dealers Must Report At Once. MI0b~leP~p~lto, Hamm0nton. Mlag~m Blpley, dau|ht~ Mr. an~ Mrs. litmmontou Wedn~y ~m~lng ]uL Dole- eey¯nd spent pnu~tt~l]yall her life at th t" tndthen madeavalnend~avorto put outtbe Uoder the provision- of the RevenUe BUl /4~lvln guaon, PteamntvlUe, - William F.Ipl~’, left Wednesda~ for Atimela, __. .~ Ga.,wheresh@wiIlependthelhdlsad W(SISr ptlmm were nlao p~t ~ Green Baok pla~. Mr, Wltllam Matrix; a brother, who fl/tmeswithabucltet now pending before @o~grem, It la provided FAST SWlMHERS COMIN6 with her uu~de- Mr. Geer~ RJple~, Jr. al~ an,’~4~ Harbor City. Be-- grand omoers h~ pemed the eighty-third .lleatooe of 11[e Flndtng he cou|d znake no hes4Wm3", he thlt there will be ¯ IprIMlusted tax on uq~,rt," ¯ wlfu. Bhe wUl~ttomd soboo/ dnrll~ that Ume wets pat aria d~tlvered sddtsmms. A fret- and ts stlll e.Joying exoellent b~Ith, survives fired bls plato! In the alr and shouted i~r help and ¯ddltional taxes on e]~r~Um, tobs~o, COHTEST IN ’lJ~ LEHAPE tnA... . , n. of tbegstherthg ~ tho preamztatton to her, a|sotwo mn, nnd ¯ daughter: Mr& L~ou and lo u ebo~ time 1~1~ Hoee (3ompnny d~atll|e~ splrtt~, re~qlded |pirtt~ Aixmmttod FOR s.~ Wll~tm Bernshoo~ofabeauUml gold A. Lmey, of 8yrscuae ~, Mr. Frank R. Moore, had etretms playing on the bisz~ wnieh waa Itquore, still wlnes, sweet wth~s, ere.. and, these . Pldvste Thom~m Thorpe of the ~ D~ emblem of ~ mrder In honor of hta sixty of Brooklyn ¯nd Mr. MarSh V. B. Moore, of ¯ stubborn one and required eoneldentble taxes will a~J’ne on all ~lm in the treads Of Aquatic Olub Promllal Hotebl@ Mogt lmlnumt, now ~mon~ st the PIm~mrg ~am aa’a nmmber of the festernlty, havt"g Rlehmond. Ve- effort to exUnEut~h. The houm ~ It~ con- dealers or held for ~Je on the ~ thsttlm ¯ H@reOn ~pta~r 0. ¯ ~anaok~ N. Y.. writes, that he le. emJoyhls,, ~ WJ~dOWI~ps In 18~. Tlmattt wan ~TheremsJo|werebroughttotniaplaee8un- tenlawere bedly~ 8nee of tlmflm- bitllapaas~L hin~lstf In the ad’m.y. Thbl le Um SIs he fl~\ Wll~lOWlm~is ~ mm premute~ by ~b~yand~rviees were held lu the Pre~b~:terbua men aemneartyovereome in the bui]ding by Tbedmderor permn ori~reoushoMAnglmy Cutmimm’mta"m~ .zmm l~r andmsrsm ~ -l"hm,.~ed u lth, klnp mot,we I~v~ md~a In fl~e~r 4~tir~M to M"~kLStu, Oftlw Ipl~aty Of re~l~[~l~’* HO Gang he Is In tide Past Gnmd ~r Dr. ~ of camden. Church, conducted by the I~V. Chai-les~V. thehm, tanddoke, of thess goods for male o~ th~ day will be. AUgntlo City Aqtm~M Clnl~ for the’thO ~ tO’ b~t of hMJUi’and eend$ best rql~ to all hie Mr. Bernshotms leSl y~ ofugu and hJ~e and Gir~ltu~ of Vlnehtnd. ]futerment wu made ~’. required to furnish an t"v~mtory ~n d,n~t~o I~srty m~l Is still Jn the Immem, being ¯ In Union Cemetery. First M. Church. of the stocks oa hand u of that date. luw~- be I~1~1 ~ 8elpis~her 8 In" latlr.o ~ ~ende bwL ~.l~t~M ~ memb~ Qf th@ ~ tram of bt8 sedge. A . 8ervicm tnthe M. F-. Churoh to-morrow, tortosghonid be fovwnrded tmm¯~teJasty totlm Proml~mtAthletfu ~ . Mr. and.Mnl~. Fad. WmT/a~tem t~stv~ Ixmqwtfu/low~IUm..mmt/ng. Our Heart In The War, follows: Clsas’mesUng at 9J0, Prmchlngat Ooll~toroftheDistrtctt"whleh lheta~Im~er to a~ks ofl~hti ~ of d~nliswot~Tu~t~ti~t 1thOr ~,Artb~r, I my tbeheartofthecouutry in’t" thlg wax ~0.30 a. re, and 7.00 p. m. I~unday 8choo~ at lal~tod,¯udthe addttion.~ tax, ffsay, must ¯ --- of o... .. ..... --u. I, ..o,d no, ha...on. ,o,o,, ,, ,la ,he .na, b.r A,, .el®.e. W be ,o ,.....YS Jdtn 0, ]h~s,w~s ~ In u4tMla Jm~Si~ou~&~ ll~lm/qaaa4|aqaU~t~lt~lMIvudbyth~Unlted zaartlm~not been preptredfor It, Itwould I.udtow, Putor. frumthedateoftl~lmmNt~oftl~elmt . M~qp.r ~m4 EdprBrue4m~o(’De~zolt; ~11- ~ ftmd. Ha i~vm a w~ ilw 8tstaaDepmrtmmtof&~risutUumthdi,,,Ltethat not have gone lnto lt Iflthadnotflrstbelt~ved ~ ImftTmalfnmon, of Phllad~plS~| O~ ~ ~~im-,~~ |im~mmm ofeertslnlMntmmumewl~teo~- that here wu an opportunity to exprem the Pr~lbytorlan ChMIr~h. ~ BMUetifl. -. TgdOuln and Bnd.Ooodwin, ~qowYork| UIINIODS~It3~t JJ[l...IkgglMlm. WalTtJ~g/o~have fdesdtnllptRItOUMktd~MOWbaktheelsore.12r d ohJu’acter of the Unkted- 8tataa.--Preeldeot t~ees ¯t the Pre~yterten C~umh to- Bundsy, Sept. S--lknmt H~ber~ 14; Csrt I/~ ltltter, forn~,r qum, t~ mile ebemptoa ttm~m~tt~,m~ttl~ofaNaof fttm~bem .. , Ou~ Ms~ek~b~ tn their id lserm~nmk U~ t~Unp Of whish ~dAmo.°Pe~ under Umm~nstory-bt~ ~ Wit, on. morrow wiu be aa ~: l"rmohd~ st 10J0 Knem~ e. a. m. and 7.10 p. m by the pe~0f. A~i III~WISU Mo¯~’, ~pL ~--~ Ik~o4k~ IL madetohe~,~tLmly IlesMet l~ve km~.fonMla4m~l Jot’ smml~ wueks Ybe delm~qment bde 4redmond ~ It ta Dance Every &turday NIEht. attheumadbo~r, Everybodywelemae. Its’. T~,~i~t.t*-WUllmaBame~’,0t&meplx andNorman ltemQoumkazld t~t01mStlt Mn0el~lmrepmt~ed~theml~M~k ~ll~w~ll~olm~L i~, BJay.~Moyaho~blr~l If yon wish to entmq~n youreelf or your Ek M. J~n~tth. Paatoe, VlmuU, DL the mat Lanp~ Ju~de U~ ~t’e m~t Je~ ~0 ya~ Ud hu ~ ~ ~ ~ t,, ~ ~ ~~ ~,t ~0~ pdOVer, VIMUng ~n~ take them to Egg Hnrbor ggt?rl M/ednmdlW, ISept &--Jompb marry. 8. whloh be I---talum ~m’t, whlis am Js Im~ Trespltuin E P~, ~eld. li~dl~q~l~is, WUsesl mlpe ~lt3" to the umald hk~et"l Da~oe given ever,/ Rb ng. , ---*-- IX~r IntlmspHnis. ’l’berlm~ueMba&e~d . N~ IS b#~MNr ~vm, toUmlm~M M~,,tlMolNlam~bt’wl~ehJn m’tt~ml’a’tYevtulng stAur~ml/stL Up-to.date Houeel~oldrel~ireofmeld~n~kthds,~b- E[ectlo~SMl~@8 ~.. to Mart at ll~r o~eisek. ~ , ~ 08 ~p~ ~~ New~enm~Is~t~lmA!nmtll toNevembefn0, danes m-,/e by tlmTrtoClub.--Adv. MngWork, ote. Boxier, Ma.WsLm~lng.---~lv. The t~unWGkek bes ~ a~d~vef.. tl~ttrmlmmmwatlm~attwalammmt~t~ t~tmtv,, f~r almmt~4t’nmn ~’o *- ~eum ~w p~e~M, ~n ~, ~, For Rwten ~.ailmmidM. kW. m.t~ immure --,pe Fenee r St¼. Bicycle For 8ale ~or u~ eonm~ mot wSI sttm~ elatd}m~ 1~ tvJU~ are t~oq~ AbbeU, M~a ~em4~,a bts ~m . J. w. use.in, teem among t~ ~ ~ " M~’e laCtic--Adv, the 0ounty ..... \ % . , -,.


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~---NO. 51. MAY’S LANDING, N. J.,



.̄, - FEW DAYS



[7 .... RED GRO :,KITS FOR¯ . ., ,

-.: :: ...... - oS÷’:

-" t..~ ,=, ~.’ ’~ .... meven m~leru wtl| bemmtoW~illt~o.~ Camp Dix. WHshtstOwn, N.J.,

week amdurlmt the eomtnl; .’Athtntie OMlnty’a ftnt eontrbbutton towarde the new N~

. ttonLl Army. The ExemptiOn." " Boerd ~outtnued its

JlddJn| to the- Ilat the ~tmeathe~teels mud didwho were reflxuM exemption or dlaeharl~

the to(st it4t of, men n~dlabis to date190. I~xsminattonsTuesday, Wednesday andL’~nuredsY tn orderto seeure u enfnclent number of men to fill theennnty,~ qno~ or 214 and about 40 extrawhowill be po~ted" lut alternates and taken to fill


of (Ji~



/o/-. ¯ /"


:{’... \

¯ I0,

m .

George Kovaes, Ventuof.Froderlok Briner, F4~I li~rbor ~tW.Eugene Apel, ~Venthor.MIllurd .~ehford, Plmmntvlll/~William i.~]Tton, Tuekahoe.Rosen ~llonlr Me~’n I.a~dlog.Arthur Murry, Northfleld. .,

John Warner, Tueksho~Cbarlm Loper, Ple.~tantvitle,Harl"y Rtebbln~ Northfleld.Baymou~ Pot~er,.Idnwood.Vtnes~t RobtntOn, Abso~on.Enoeh Gl~bld, Plmmmtvitla.Jamm ~olIo, Tuekahoe.Prank 6hIJlo; Me~a l~ndlug.Autontne Ma~rl, Himmonton.

¯Os~r ~l, Engush Creek.Daniel w.u,, ~ Plmmntvllle.

Z3w~e , ¸ ....

Ant0nlo ~n’ouatet lismmonton.Otto Ue~’er, Dorott~,Lout, M. 8teuber, 8emoTe’ Point.Thurman £~eda, Ooe~0viila.Willhun .1". BLuish. 8omere’ Point.Anael~ lYOnofHo~ ~ndlavlila,.Vlnmat.l[. Johnmn, Port Republ~Antonio Luoa~ liammonton.Mark O. Sutton, Ltnwood.Antonio Mamu~ Pleaqantville.

"~nlP~e ~0stelleni, Buena.,

Taft 0ohan~ ~ Harborq~lty.Angelo E~imMto, Hammonton.Joelsh H. Haying, 8omere’ Point,Wallar Naytor, Abeeeon.

"o~elM e~u¯ed by o,~emptloue by the DlatHet- Domihlek C~rnse--Hnmm~d~m.B~r~

Tbme who leave forC~mpDix~t weetr

wlll be met Via ~mden, where ti~y will beprovided with Juu0h and will lesvo helena theregular 11.9~ expm~ E~h nun’will be pro-vided by the Red Oroes_with a "comfort kit"o(mtslnlng brushes, umdles, Shred, button&sir. They, w.lil, l~ve Its follows:

Wedneed~Wutter W,’Otimue,.Hsmmonton.Joalal~ H. ~r,~rnere Point.Rmarto Roocueso, Minotol~


Herman Kraus, l~el~’lvl|is.Wlibtir Yallevter, Ponmmnio.Msivt" Campbell! fruoltaho~

FridayGnkeppe Mqliismm, plamm~tVllle.Frank Ordilie, B~enL

¯ Nelmu ~, Bnow, Hammonton. "Sotnmsy

Edward Lewis Hernia, Pl~mantVill~Harry Franela Kester, 8omere Point.

¯ Exemptions GrantedEighty-four were di~harpd from the draft

ymtevday,by renan of depeuden~a or ~e.they are aliemk U follow| :

Girard Smith, Rm.ymm~d Ireland, OullamBmmrth, Fred. Omen, casper Gentler,Admires, Ralph HaeketL William .~t~ldn, Jamm H. ~’~flor. AJflMd ~m. JammOonrlay, Bm5 I~ Pet"~ lbslph liar.J~k. aJ,~4

Theme L~’rtdSm’, ~::81un(.’E~rry D~yo, Joe ~ J[ohn

Fred. &mold, Job Trout, Grow~lvatoro’Arelus, Clmrles 8tutsl~eb~aruso, Ellen MeAnney, Wllll L’n Gsnntt~

Ra~moad DowIht~’~narles M~role, WiI-lisa CamP, Domenioo ~hi, Rlehsed Long,PeH0e ]~eoelll, George Henry, Tony Degas,]3enJ. Ireland, Tony l~gmUnto, Tony Meloro,Reglmdd Taylor, Clyde Tlylor, YGahtt"roHJra0nml, Gerald Plaroey, Charles P. TaYtor,Romrlo Tomsaello, Pred. l:le~th,’ Cbarlm ,guel-

let’, Eugene L~,lki~ BaJ’mond 8tevehson.Amos Wentsell, John ~f., ~rl J4beaff,Fred. Wilkens. Mtohael IMmvmky, U’b~doMassooL, Lewis Altman~ ESters CUisllarJ,O~0~r Tborp, BenedlttO 3~mto. ~qlok Bane,Wlltla~ J. Roeech, Melvin ~n, R~imtldWtlllan~e, TJmoieo 8ampeisyo, Oeorg0 Abbott,P.leh~rd Robertson, DeEoy Coillm~, AntonioMarlancel, C. P. IAvengood. Charles Bosartb,

Charlmt Lake, Prank Nlmno, Willie Lebnst&Jamm F~nglt~h, Kngelo 8orrentino, GordonMueller, Henry Davia "

Other ehtime for discharge will be a~t"dupon u rapidly aa the proper aflldavila arefiled and tnvmtlpttons made .by the Prom-auto,S o~e~

Accepted This WeekThe following ware accepted thle week and

did not aak for exemption:John MarEllno, Hammonton.Llnval A. WilsOn, Jr., Ple~antvllle.Edward l~ayton, Tuekaboe.F.ruest BrullbardL Abeeeon.

Egg HarborCIty, - .Claude Hill,. lily’s Landing.Eneeh K Turner, Ventnor,Angelo Momm, l~tmmonton.Itmm EL Tbomaa, l]i~mmonton.L~wla P~-ker Eemtt, May’a Landt"l~¯

~/~o~ A. Davis, l~mmouton.Donate Fornataru, Mtnotois.Geoqle Taylor, Ms~’e lAtndinlLJohn Perry, Weymouth.P.d j. ~, t~is, goi.~Albeit 8. Mm~t, CotMhe.NJek Idlf~oEIm. Idmdh~til&l,*ltoy A~m~ Pleaaa~tville.

Anthony I)t Age~tln~ Hammonton.Jam Iteynolds, Nmeow "

Beu~aln Campbell, Plasmntvitle.

- Grover Mim~eLI, ftto~land. ~"Byron J~kth/, V~e~t"or.William JL. El~rnolda~ Noseo-I~tmuel P. Butler, F~I Harbor C~/ty.Charles It_ K~mek, l~ort l~pnbtio.Howard Tnit, ~tvtiis.Pletm Msrf~, Rlala~’.

" Ueor~T. Yott~r, M~’o Landing.William IAepe, Oolofn~John YSt~ North~dd.Frank C~armm, Hsmmonkm.Rum~ll ~ndloott, Oeeanviti~Aihm H. Thompson,/:ismmonton.Ctdith A~ms, Mlnotois.Henry Arnold, Elwood.

Wlltiam IL Evans, Hammontou.

Denied ~Exemptlon And DraftedA. BroWn, Da Cats.

Vernon Oooy, 1,ends Pot.t. "BUONII J. Brown, l/Junmonton.Jtm~ Teen0, E[ad"~n,onton-

Lewla H. ~lay, North~eld.

~k Id[ll~keti. Jr., Bo~re PointS~lves~r ~i, ~ ~ ~lty.Jame~ Btitiul~ Jr,, Mluotola.Philip Crane, pteMLutvtil~Anthony F. Bruno, HsmmOnton.Mmlta J~nntteet, Ylnehmd ~. D.knthmly Nowatohl, ~88 HArbor CltT.lionme 0. Imis~, Ventoor.Philip J. ~d~r, ~ Harbor @Ity,

John O. Hnlmr, I~arbo~ ~ty.

-- Jmepl~ J. ~avtn~tl, ~ HArbor Clty;Albert Blaue, Mtnotola.

-. Already On Listw~iisr ~k, ~’ Po4ntJ̄o~ BoWOU, Lees Lhdnt

Glmrlm C. C~oper. F.~ Harbor City¯

Fred, W. Nell. Egg Harbor ~.Joseph Domino, lamdisville.WIIiism l, Read,Antonio D’&amUno, [~lmdlavtlle.W~iter 8mlth. AbuconHulro Krsns, Venthor.LumouA IX Thorn, Ltnwood.wttt~ oimu~ Hammo~ton./l~rlo M~o~sso, MInotolLHerman Kmum, E~etvtlle.

Wilber Valluter, Pomerania.Meivitz Campbell, T~kahoe.GnlNpim Mellism~, Pleaa~mtvllle.Funk OrdlUe, Buena.Nelmu 8now. Hammonton.Harry Kesthr, 8emoTe PointEdward Hemlg, Pleamutvllla.

Melvin Wilson, Pimmntvllle."Tbomu Pemne, Hammonto~.Juliusgmly, Hammonto~

Antonio IIsroato, H|[xamonton.Jooeph Otordano, Hammontho-8tanley Drlnkwat~r, Plmatntvllis.lamRoy 8trlckland, At~eo~Punk PNI~IughI, ~ Vt"elandQusiav Haheretroh, Egg Harbor City.Arthur Edw~rde, 1~wo04.Peter Yannetto, Ls~disvill*.Je*Jerk~ MoK~e City:Thomsa C~Mil, I~ Omt".Wlllllm~BMnm~5, ~bof City.

emn Mmtam~ t~matvil~.


Wnlism i. J~am, Northaeld.Charin Marlmll~ Hammouton.Jmeph It. Calm, Hammonto~John Maohla~ ltamm0nto~

¯ .,- . ..




SEPTEMBER t, 1917. ’ WHOLE NUMBER. 2090.





~It ta the" duLY of thewo.mM oftmtniog wilt Atlantic C,,.

AND REAL ESTATE NEWS POINTS SAY FARMERS~n every homo to oonMrvo :aA beaathllowet Joel Mason etux. to Alfred W, We~tney, ~xetore ~ough food during the be notified e2~ rt Wmtslde of Harrisburg Ave. 44 ft.Summer to tide her aunfl~over to amnnbla the from their 8outb of Ventnor Ave. ~4,500. Cancelled Mortgagee, Releases andthe ~omtna Winter. I~veZl it dlatHeis at ~ ,mL E:s~b man Maude P. Andreve to J’~le C. Wrtsht, ~Sx Others Entered st Clerk’s Office. THOUSANDSVISIT FAIR GROUNDSall the g]lum Jam and. Un ~D~ wlll’be/~" "

and meal 76 ft. West side of Roabor~ugh Park, 120 ft. I .’:’/’~In the eottniy art filled them will be ~ tisk~ and wm~ by the local North of Atlantic Ave. $1,fi00, ----qmuflitles of IP0Odfbo4stlowed to go to wssl~t bem~ The on which the George .MElvln~ toMary J. Chm~er, ~xe0 Cancellation 0f lortgape, Athmtic CIty. SHORE CONSUMERS A’I~ENDunlem other m~.hodlof pre~rw~tio~ are ~lnthmtimUofrr~t/tmd|horta~wemanot Moui~lmtm/la~

rthePruvo~t ft. EMt side of SUmner Ave,~ ft, 8outh of Edward H. Mllne to AtlantleC~id B.&L.

obviate delays in Winchester Ave. g~,fi00. Am. 26x93.7 ft. Nortbea~ eor. of Lincoln and EXHIBIT IN LARGE"% db~d to ,~tow the ,nu~e,tq~tr~e0~ NUMBERS ~/food’ of any kl~ to go to ~ T~ ~ ~aeh~g the

rand to Insure the ’ ~ L. Mason eL vlr. to Margaret Baker, Ohio AVer. ~6,200. ’

have more thgn ~ will IM~d ~zonl~e~a- a~qval ~ eu/tl~le for 21.SxS0-fL~25.5 fL Norther Atlantio We. andBenjaminELFoxtoWe|tJehtey&8. I~R.Co. -

e0 ft. Wmt of Annapoll~ Ave. 14,fi00, irreg. Northeaat. eor. New HKmpenire add IMrve It tO pl~vl~ for Othm who m not &s Northern Trust Co. eL uL Ttnlm and MadtsonAVos. 80,500. - KITCHENRIVAL OF THE FIELDfoftUna~uthey,

lie Exere. to’Abuse L. Thorn. 28172~. Wmteide JohnMeaeham to _~.lexander Emkine‘ 25x ;:-:i~MdM et~x~Ng ~ qmtuUtlm Of food this will tlm~ be I

e~J~mlt~tton n~A of Neshvllle Ave. 462 ft. 107.5 ft. 8outh side Atlantic Ave. 75 ft. Wmt of --,m.the~ er~es ,~ t~0. c~It~rn~ Ave. ~0. CANNING AND DRYING. DIS-oar ~ PauUneCarler to Mutual B.&L. Amo. 90x’-~M.tll~:V~lMi)t’

then be -Ambr(me L. Hammell eLux. to CharlmCOnover, 40x~0 ft. 8onth side of Fafrmount 112 ft. East side Brighton Ave. 185 It. North of PLAYS COMMAND

Tbe home ~ ~lixtltlitl~t of thgl ATe. 45 ft. E~t of Montpetier Ave. I~,~0. Athtntte Ave. ~ATTENTI~)NA4gi’k~ltui~l 0~lMe- NeW Bl~tmlek, ;will

; ~J’ ~n~ will & 8on, t.e. fi0xT~ ft. equal undivided 1-2 In~er- 8o~themd cor. of Baltic and North Carotiuagla~iF f@fallh reolpM for drylnE ffmtis and

"Carleto~ E At~m~ et ux. to W. O. Taylor Minnie A. Hill to ~ KuehnIe, ~ ft.


Ot~dtq/M mtlnfoltowt.g: W~tsldeofBtJames~ Av~.l~00.

~ "The flnml farm exhibit lSpinach tMd may be planted at any time up ’and I~hoofin~ During tl~ ~’~ South of Paelfle Ave. ~,7~0. . Iaaae A~run Co. to Mary J.Stod~trd. ~0x~8 ft. have ever seen In Xtt"~t~e

to September 5th with Ume for, the Orop to wtil bea/n. Pennis /~ Roderer et. vir. to Victor Fisher, Southwest eor. of Bellevue a~d Piffle Av~.

’_~ County:"develop fully, this FalL Prepare Umgroun4 Onhllarldv~l ~ 50x1~6 ft. Northeast corner of Atlantic and ~10,~. That wu the oi~tnio~ ~’

by mixing through It well rotted ~la be assil~, tO!, of the e~mp Hartq~bnrg Avm,~0. Elizabeth Gilmore to L~la 13. ~ 38x Robert D. Maltby, hind of the,’.i

manure, or better |till poultry" manure.’, mNrvedJk~e~l Abram LTh0m .et.nx. to IAnfordA. Car- 78ft. WesfsideBosboronahPark ~lgfLNorth c~untyfarm depanme=tss.n4

Harrow and. rake the soil until It be0omm of the dlv~lston~l the canton, man, ~8x77 ft. West side of N|mhvillo ATe. 462 of W/nehestor ATe. ~ it wu eoneurred In by the hundreds of .

thoroughly pniverflmd and quitoeomlmeted. I~mtls~llahl~. NorthofAUa~UeAve.$4,f~0. WIIIIS~n Htalger to Rachel 8mllh~ ~x-~ft. of v.hdtore from far and n~tr w50 vl~te4. "

Tbla crop prmlnatm and growl bettor If the and ~teh Frederick W. W0o~ to John H. 8tewlu’t, ~x East aide Mamm~busotla Ave. 47.5 ft. 8outh Of l~mape Pnrk from Wednesday until yeste .r~ay

soHIsflrm. Llmeshould be eprmd nponth~ ~nit atthel~qn m~. Nortb eldeof Wuhlngton Ave. l~.7 tt BaltleAve. l~00. evening.EaatofOhtoAve. l~300. *MsJ~ton W.Newton toAJexander D.G~ Theflretlm, l "county ~tlr,, in manyy~J~s

planted.’ One pound of lime should be q90 ft. North side of Vqntoor Ave. 42.5 ft. West Pt"e~ IT,0G0. spite of general dry weather, the ~trm pro~

" of"" PLUSA I ~’At~Un Ave. $10,000. Mary C,.Poth to lielen EL Taylor,. ~fl00 t%, exhibited wu of the ~ qustlty m~ dee-,

Th .u. o, ho. v...,* th 1 DAY ¯ to -ben ..ew J.., .re ,, MOHDAY PARKthn pr~oee of re.tables am very high. T~ ¯ . J0~eph EL Bartlett, Sheriff*to Sam. l~. Troth to Provident Life ¯ Treat Co. of fuod stuff’ u any aie~ttou oftheeonntry.

enmlmerelall~rowereplantedmomextom/vely Bout Zlppler and ~0x~0ft. Eaat sideof Union Ave.100fl. South 100xl~0fkWestmlde MissourIAve.~0fLSoutb Prudoe~ng and eoud~winlj exhlbltsthla year than ever ~rore and tt lure be-,. a e.

of Winchester Ave. ~ of J~,Itlo Ave. 88,090. with meh other fok reeognittoo- The work: o ’ 1,JoelMamnet ux. toAlfredW.Westney,40x l?,obert B. Hterlt"g to Eugen~EL Uolloty, ~x thekltohe~ eislmed eqmd att,mUonwlthtbeSU0dlgrowlngsmaonunUl tl~me~at very~ry The fontqh lu~n~ ~]Ule, yof the ][qea~ ~ fl.~0 ft Norlhof Att"nUe Ave.and76 ft. ifi0fl. North~eor.ofAnnapol~dVmxtaor work of the field and orehaxd. Pt’nlis and .....

*wether. JuMwhyprloMshonldromahlhlgh utvtileAthl~leandMu~M_AJ~mou Will West of Dover Ave. tlf~00.Aves.$~0~ ~iget¯blm of every kind, ~oe4 Of dxtod.when there is e~oh a heavy Ftmiuotio~ Is not I~ held at l.~zmiw Park ll~tt Mo~J~f. From

Wlllt"m Kennard to Armand T. Nleho~ ~x were exhibited Jn qmmUtlm that 8howe~dly explained, One theory’la Umt tim tho~- John F. ~ eL ux. to John IIohenad~l, 26xprment in~leatioas ~ ~e I~M~day will 88 ft.8outhwosteorner of Msmaehueetts and 100ft. 80nthweetcor.ofPKdtl~x|m~l~outhOsm. eount~, he.rewires am Is~Ang advent"go ofMlmdJof home v~his~ started, thin Iml3~m ~ll ~’m0r lll~m~_. IMlso(theAsso. Orte~talAVeLlS~00.

llnaAvm, e/c.M,~0, preesnt surplustoprovldeusalnstmi~.Whs~r ::,~klprtnE have impulnrtNd the uMofvs~4&blaa, elathm and ’an. ~h~1~ ’crowd is Philip L Marvel eL ux. to Philtp G. Haw John F. Turner to W~ Zlmmer, lrre~ soarcit~." , , .Afow shortrowe o[rb~am~be~l, es]Tote4m~ mtlteetedtothll~advantl~thUl~nr4mmon- num, Irreg. EMt aldeof Rhode Island Ave. NortheldeAUm~tloAV~. l~fl.~ofln~s~t 8corm of prominent Atisntte ~ ~

~wwt refit I~vs the ~ a trod. of ~ ~dday’s otlUng. Ow~l~JL~mr ~ being ~ ft. South of 0rientni ATe. $8,500.Ave.14,000. ’ ~ went over to view the ezhlbIM aad

v%,stab[esln tiudr mo~t" palst~)le eondlU0~ & ~ holldl~’ma~ ~l~’be .able. to ~hmd8omere Lumber Co- to Barbara Ferret eL Comnopoltts~ Clab to Henry 8. ~ 72x mtogis with /he.tram emd ode g~st OUt. ,and ,t demon4 Par them 18 thereby orm~t~L that othm*wl~ might not ~ to ~aaw their

vlr. lot No. 3 in block No. 5 on map or plan of 300 fit. Eaat elde Yemont ATe. Jd0 ft. North of rome of the ~r will tmd~bis~ly bee"~,~.e ,’~is prde~,the~,tm m-0re~M~ tl~ ~ foreoal~ v~ge~lthlm, work of l~lltnm

~ ~ -Iot~ o.f the Dock & I2md Imp. Co. $IJ~0. Atis~t~ Ave. $&0~0. eo.olmmUo~ between t]~e two, ,w~

Committee are fur the vaxtous Jg~b~r~ Forrest eLvlr, to 8omers Lumber EmtisJ.Petm~toO. FnmkCope-8~.sx100ft tlmlmomprodueeralsedlntheeo~nt~wfllbo’rJmu]ttm~te rm~it will betlMtta~ pro. events of enMx/a(sma~tday, whleh’ Co- I&fixM 11. Eat’ride of Connoeticut Ave. NortheldePaclfleAve.~0fl-g’mtoflow~Ave. eoldtoeo~utyeonsnmere, to the proflt of bot~h.

". "" ~porttomofthegrsh|,mmtand sthplaproduots wtillneludealmmbal~

Im~weenmaTrled If~.sftsonthofMedlterntneanAve.$1,0~0. ~,0U0. . ¯ AUs~tlo Citye~13 m plSOtlCalty tWery~Qp- "grown InthJa/eouDU~wlll be 8p~sd ~ ex.txtndoonoerta, FrederlekW.Huzlbuttetux.et. zl.toPr&nk ’ C~uriston F.. Adams to Ouam~toe Trn~t CO. tablaprod,ueed~ntheeouuty. ... .... -... . , .~lntLisUlaeofinterlaa~dnesd. |eventsof |dl r:uewell~aaquktl0 J. Myers,70xl2~fl. Emtt~deofCornwallPlaoe, ~0xI~fl. WesteldeguffolkPlw176fl. Nerth Prof. Alva Aae~ of the 8tttoX}elNtxtmgm.t,

In 1|1~, Nmv~l evmy ~tn~ns arew ~0~0 am~ events of lnhsm~

of wbeat, yielding .at an avm~q~t rate ot 21) TI~ big event will tt 8.80 p. ~,175 ft. I~orth of Atlantio Ave. 120,000. of Atis~Uc Ave. ~1.~0. sddrMaa~ the lhrmm Thm~hty

~-- mad ezhorted them to do tbetr l~mlb~tto.bush~l~lm’aer~oratot~ of I,g~,~0b~h~s, belugawrestlth8 boat~ two throws H$a~tooT0wnehip. ~ ~w~l~. pmduee sod tldr~proper.eure of erop~ TheThhl le o~ly obout CdMbflflh Of the amo~t Of o~t O~.’thl’lP~ style, between Wllllam IL’ErswelL et ux. to Robert TrueSt Max IAeber ,to Isue Aurora, lot8 M to 71 ~ world War, be ~ will de]prod ’]~k’~ - - "’-wheat eoamamed In the 8tare. Iu themt TM tw01°mi Ma~a, YAi~ Wootton- This et. uLlolalq~80aud ~0, block~ onphmof Imek~8;.lo~3to6tho- blockf~.to~eth~w~th npo~ A~nefkm,e al~llti~ tofesdh~,,mmsd~, ’/~0 atem of rye Were Erow~ produo. Ibstule Is nro tO ]?fo~O lo~ In May’e l~mdtng, etc. 81. Jmetory thereon erected a~ ala- ~ he ~ he believe corn brm~ win l~tva tot"g !~,~0 bmthal~ th@ averap mere yield youNImedot~ Thlawlll bee William F. I)~vla eLux. et. aLto National thrown eo~tldned;4ot~ at to ~0t"e. btoek~; tstr.etlml~a~eofwheatiatheUnttedlMatMeo~l~ bmtbedL In the Isee of tho’prMeut l~eXhtt~lUODof ’lu’tof matching SandC~be~lnnt"gataelake ~etin theNorth totaltoe0 Inc. bloek 60; lolaltoMtne, bioek flmlr ~ be ehlppe~ to.~J~e ImidleasJ in theworld-Wide ~5orlaa, e of Igl~n am@~amtt le ud ~ these two lees]

side oftheWmt Jersey &t~mhore Rallread’s 61, aJ],onl~u~PNo.lofMiYIm, h, |~,no0. ~ l~w’mswarm Inkds In’ales c~ theon ~oot ~t the Enlted 8tak8 to In- rlghtofway, ele. splendid exhlMt made by. the ~srmem of the .oreuo the prodoottoin oG Wlntm" iflaekt mad the evenin~ In ~" ¯ oo~nty.rye. New Jmw~sl~m~t5ou fue US8 slmuM the imvillon- late witi be llamm~tes, oenrlre R~h to iXmgh~ C.Tarner, mxlSt t~ Urges Cou.ty Liberty Clubbel,qo,~lm~r~meheml$ 8~ntoPrestlel. ux. to AntoninoS0o~dt, La0 SouthstdeCburchRoedsndt"ltheofOtmdlah

Reed’e~a~,~00. ~on/~mmsu Imsc ~ w~ one ofbmheb~, ~isma~ x,ew*. ELBouth to wtaleO0aow~, u~ theprtne/pmspmksm~est, s.ds~ s~tstn~,St~

t0x183 ft. Northeut ~of FJ~t of ~mmlLlmof.Umee

’|mdtM~mddmsmdmdtom . To l~obleme.. " SontheutofPammoveAve-0k" " ’ Theobold Stein eL nw. to Ftorenes ]Eln)wln, Lrre~ W aahl04gton Awe. I~ ft. at length, m~tog, hla hearm~ to mmmt~ eo-All todl~ll$o~ 13oUrt to I1~ plSee8 IMzt

Gov~’norWg/ter]~iMm~lMta~itednUmdb 40x183 ft, l~orthe~Jt sideof FIr~ P.oad’,~0fl. ~hmeaatfortheN~q~bem’ne~ofntote~mveyed OpelWlewtththee~rhJ of Hm*lm~C. ]f:Ulove~,ymr, and pm4ta prombmtobelW0d. Letno- poor 8o~ or poor Ilmd Iht ldle over Winter, ttonofe~MllesMmlln~tleti°ntnto4~mes

tog. Champtou’by W.K Frambm, l~J~0. " Food A~tnistrstor, to emmerve "’the’foOdBOw mo~ grstn this year.

lass than nl~e m@aths al~K~ lie h.m Mlaad the tJoutheaat of Pasamore ATe. |Li~lemm From ~. mppty of the natioa, g~vl~ dam mm ap~

Glovm-nment Of tlm ~ ~ Use i~qma lm~d~ ][~tv/]~. Henry J. Dl]tr- to Aabbroo~ IAn(~ln, aSx~ ft. meured p~momtlly from Mr. Hoover.Ntoel°Glnnta’Mayi~I~tndlng"The annual fleld ~bty of th~ qfamlmawarnofhla .po.w|mlal~abllRy. He William H. John~on to t~rah C. ntepben& Northwesteor. of CallendeyandLlneot"Aves. Otherapesker~yeaterdayanernooninctmled

baa vlauslise~ ~ ead Iqisl~Uve aettouCharles D. Ix)veland, El~mmooton. perlm~mt ~ and of the New JerMy 81ste Judge John White, Dr. Underwood Coehran,James A. Blackmu, F4ga Harbor City. A4grto~ltumI ~ will be held at the form with elldted l~’es~to~ of the ~/igulty of’the e0.Sx~.5 ft. ~orthwest ~ of the 8here Road AtisnUe City,Antonio Olive, Hammonton. of Um New J~ 8tats O0~l~e of Agrteulture Mtate~lm~ of its dormm~t ~

Northeut of the Delilah P.o~l, etc I;3,460. Ousrantee Trust Co- to Carlet.m 13. Adam& E~-genatoc Edmund C. Wilson, Former Con-

Andrew ~.mbel, Llnwood. at New Brumlwle~o~ Tbur~ay, 8sptember~ The M~numm ~luti~ limited ’by tbe war John Murtland et al.lo Dan@ll Murtht~d, ~0x’~ ft. West side of 5L JamM Pisoe (t40 ft.Eremma~ .John J. G~rdner, 8urinate L~ntel

Nlobohul D*Abouda, Plaa~ntvltle. Yon und ymar tWtende am oordlally invited to foond him prelml~l and ~ esrvlee. , Helot No. 13 ou plan of lots of Rlaley & yarr, Ek3uth of Piw.lflc Kv~ $1,250. H.V. Bell and Mtm Lulu EL. Marveltraet No, 4, session 5, etc. |L Among the interesting exhibits &! the FairGeorlJe W. Haberetrob, Egg Harbor ~lty. attend. TIm~ will be no ~ ad~esm. Imgdroppedlm~plu~lmre/~lty than Eric C. Petermu et, aL ExcnL to Mag~e C~iortp&~L wu that of the Con~erv~tion. of FoodCommlt.Porelo B. McMloking, Elammonton. Instead, the ~ of the Colle~ and 8tstims mint men holding Misfire" ell~.haa proved

CbarlesJ. IdLlu’tman, T~a~ de~’rtmeni~ w Ulgive brtef~aec~mt=of their hlmmlf thermlghty A~la, rml~nelve to Marsh, ]otaNotl30 andl31,hown onm~pofMartonHaydentogtan~trdMu~eCo.,good~ tee. ofAtlanUcClty, con~mttngof m~.nykinds

building iota belonging to D. ~. Rlaley, known etc. menUon~! in schedule and now in 2M0 At- of foods ~ned i~d dried by .wealthy wom~]Kromt J, L,oruh, IAnwood. Work. The exorcism will be~qn st 10.~a. m. the *all of the ~t, ,qdlngsmd~apporting aa B~yview Plat’e, $115. lantlc City. 11405. of the rmort. The exhibit of fancy needleworaJo~ph A. Bo0hley, LAnwood. PurSes for the Imqmettou o( the grounde~ him t" eountlem wlk]~ ;~tkaow~ to the Imb|i¢. ~,a. l.,~UeChaM to Oliver H. G~tlridesCu. good~ wu one of the be~ ever shown In the munty.William J. Thompson, Philadelphl~ bull~n~ will be org~nU~d la the aflerno0~ Without atte~pth~ ¯ reetial of the many .

- The pe..of ,he .~. ,reto.~ to.~..~ ~.~.... lawe--o.--..~v.roo~ LIFE AT MAY’S LANDIN6 " Tremontment °nedAve.,Plemm, nLvllle.in setledale IH£’).lmd now in 234 L~]n~udedBisek, ~mln the exhtbltonll~nplements; were:Deice WHHSm, lr.,hUng ,Ha,bo, clty. ,h.dayo. ,he .isrorwi. to ,n, - THIR I6HT YEARS ,.on .gb,,ngl~ttll G~tklll, V!mtoor. be on the i~ounda to f0rnlah light Lunebes at @nilo~l whlo~ seem to ms to mthently fit him ~ ~gthtl M0rtl[ai~l. Ford tractor, other Ford cars lnclud~u~ a Ford1ella Ckm~ena~n, Dorothy. moderate rate~ ~ who do uof ease to ~",the more important duties now being per- Reprinted Items ~ "~l’he Record" M&ude Idler to Willard M. Maao~ guoda etc. trnek J u~t oat nnd trucks aa foltow~ : MayHarry .~Amab, Cologne. hike all the Inq~etton tony| over the Farm /brined by Prmldent WIISo~]F.dward T. Idtepheneon, Plesmntvitlo. will fln~ the aroun~e a p~isee for rmt We belisve th’~t G°vm’n°r Edge has qustld~" Of AugUSt 30. 18,79. roommeutl°nedtn Guamnteeln ~hedU)eTrustandco.nOWbuildlug,ln bllllardlat 8mltbWell" BruckwaY,Format ruckVim’and InternaUonaL _ AUat,Truxton Hudford.Johnglovtok, Rhdey, andavlaltwlth frteuda. ~ for the 01050o of PrelidemtofJJ~e United 8west potatomare retalltngat SL00abusbel. floor, AtlantieCIty,$~]00. Paul Manifold, of thi. place, ha~a.eut gl¯m~wrene. P. Edward& EIwoo& Btateeoflara3~mtterprscUealvalue then throe Mr. andMrs¯Charlm G. Endicott, of Jer~y booth and, there wereascore of smaller ex-(~trla8 X. liubertol~, tlammontoa, p0~em~G by any oth~ ms~ In publi0 life. CRy, vi~ted relaUves here. J~d~me~t~.~ohn,..~n.r, V.n’~er PERSOUL HAPP~I~S ~mo, ~ 18 first Of 81L ¯ business man Rev. Allen It: Brown occupied the pulpit of Elwcod J. Turner v=. A. Frank gurgler and hibltorL \

Winners of Blue Ribbons

AT THE COUNTY CAPITAL -- thth" with .. .,.. of th, bnelu. n ,oded~onyRomtho, May*|l.andll~g. ~ - ~ li~Isgaldealistwh(meldealearepntcU- J~.Ba~e vna ancLiooeer at-the fair In cott&EndlcotLAUy¯ lowing:I,eRoyAdlung, Plaaaantville. ~mithto~. HelanotheoHst Hesttemptsno Cl~rk’sHall~mdbyhlawtnningwayssuc~eed- AttaotlcCltyBrewlngCo. vaCharlestStoger. BenL Boar--(" ~’. Walton, English Creek,David C./~tleg, Mlnotol~ / Recent Visltors, and Other Incidents atsbta into Mrm~e flelde, lie ~onflnes him- t"g iu seJ.Sfog evcrythlng at good pr~ee~ Circuit Court: $1,31&47 be,ddm costs to be tazed, showing an ~0 pound Improved ChestyAndrew Romeh, Egg Hart~r City. Bunched For Quick ReadinE. aelftoeverydaythlnaa b4~tthesethinphetrles Prmldlog Elder Hill pre~tched intheM. E. Bolte,Sooy&GLll. Attye- Whtte3yearsll monthsold. .Eu|eua D. Oordery, Hammimton.

Best ~v--Dr. WtU~m Them peon, EnglishAlexersndPorehou. N6rthfleid.

My. Mark Smith, of MillvtlJe. wua visitor tomlmuptohelghtsaeverbeforeattempted. Cboreh.In tim yea~ to come efter the w¯r. It te of @apt George Cramer has purchased the ~"

"WIIIta~m EL.Dunnfu~ Elammonton. yesterday.Job~M;.L.larkTAbeeeon(~tyC

FreebolderWliUam Blalr~of Elwood, wua eupremelmportmme tlmt our Prmddentshell81oreont~ugar Htlland will nell grooerie~in- Richard IL i~lmer vt J¯m~’Clgrk andA.


. 1)9 .a_.mlL~_ of~b~m thstt"Ota and b~l/nem elead of ploughing the ooesn blu~ H. Johnson. Common PIeu Court. U.G. Largest Waterme]on--S~ymour McKeague,

’ tmJnlnE. Hemustlla~ th~ ptophet~evbdea --Mr~ I~eah Ankley wu buried In ~4atem ~tyron, Atty.Daniel 81mpklaa, May e Lauding.Wednesday_ ~ullvllle.

Ch~rlm C. Wtnl~ler, ~ l~rbor CHy.Mtm Ntmt ~ner is’ spending a vam~m of the poet, biaa will he ~ to earry (mr naUon County with thirteen ehtidnen, ~me or them Ch~rle~ E. Bonner vs. Kverett Plummet, J r.

Onlone--J,~ph Fabrizzio, thin’mouton.

among fdende in Trenton. Be~ l’ea,--Elmer A. ttummel, May’~-I~ud-Charl~ P. i~eseb, ~ Herlt~’~lty. Mr. and Mrs. [40 nla O’Eeal. of Phlis~slphla, to jla proimr pismtn the mhk ofn~Uon~ In

ImSt Ihret-~o0re4od-ten years, standing the and Warren Plummer. Common I’letsCoertMLeh~’l L. Ruberton, Hmmo~ton. the strenuous da~ wtu~ peace terms oome to servlee~ Her eh|ldren, gmnd-chtldren and Morris Bloom. Atty. tug.

Prentlaa A. Myflek, Hammertoe- iixmt the wink here with relative, be nmtde, Governor ~ could be del~nded ’ greatdgrluad-~hiidren number 113... ]3,est nine baskets white and sweet potatoM

Henry C. Grunow, Pomenmla. May*l l~tnfilne d~ealed I~outh Vlneisnd and tomat(~e~--Willl&m Llepe&blon~Cologne.

~esb It. Myers, VmzUlor,8sturday aflevuoon ~ by tim seo~ of 5 to 8.U well. to the broadaat view of bumsntty.Up°n to make them terms eombrm to Justioe met In Cl&rk’s HniL the exerelms opening withTh"of ~.rcb


ouJe Haekne~,M~zlpZts. A]ttt~ DOU m84e hla &ppemi%noe M0~day After paa~e the ~eeonomk~e ~p~bof arbores after whh~z csmea clbm’~le "Stalr HEARLY @ESTHO~S HOHE.on,onOrgs~i~Don Exhibits--First E~Iogne; 2rid.

Burto~ Abbott, May’s lan~Lng,last at the honm of Mr. s~l Mru. Tony Aurtello. the wotqd’8 ht~tory will b~dn. And wbeh that Carpet" by MIse~ Lott|e Clark and Emma

Mr. ~md ~ Thomu Grant, of PhJisdel- ti~ aomm we ~tll ~ st.tho White Hou~ Veal." and M~r Willie Maloney ; " Polly Little ones Rescu~l by Father In Nick Leeds Point ;,3rd, Pomon~

AIbertNlek Palmisr,p. Cramer,Humm°ntou’l~aem Po/nt. ph~ awe the Eues~ of Mr. an4 ~ A.nto~o the ablmt ~tm~utstmtor theeountry pome~se. Ann," a dialer, us, by Annie H. G~sklll, Jennie of Time. ArrowCUp fOrso~l¯lbeSt Club.fruit In markehtble pae~AUdio.

1~ Roy I~mm’, ~e L,m~ We believe Governor ]gAge lma show~ him- 8m~diwood. LtWy Hudson, Lizzie Morris und Fire thought to have started from a lamp Best p~ckag~L&wren0e Klenzle.~IAs~Hammo~toL Mr. und MeL ]~mry i~llr~, of RalU"~’l~ ~lf~haV~ the ~t q~llfl~tto~l~e~ry NorrtlVe~;"TbeLtghtHous~,"ar~iUttion, |eftburnlng lnthe kttelum bad]y~¯ D.P. gtern, of I~keravtlle, c~,ptured the ~0Edwax~Pt~s0ott, Abe~on. - MA.,m~t here sa the aum/a of Mr.~md M~. fur the soluttoa of timm, prubi~una and foetlmt by Miss Annie Ackley; "Human TrOis °’ ¯ hot~e owned byEdw¯rd C. Gasklll ~n Pen- prize fortheb~tbMketofeantaloupm, offere4Frahk IL ~ ifamlno~tor~

Prenk tlarrl~

PeterCest"~Hammonf~m.The la~ of the P.ed Cram bnM~la hem had ~ we off~ ue~~ontoltm

Utblmux , by Mimes Ida Baxter and Clara nlngtoo’8 Feint ThursdJyeventng, and tx~a- byMrs. H.L. I~utherford, of Weymouth, with

Dmmto L~telll, ~ Harbor Cl~’.."an attractive booth ~ the Ihdr, end they m ]Etelmbtieans of thla StW~ timt Governor ~

Vaughn and Willie Maloney. pied by Mr. end MrU. Joe Vertlno. The blaze Charles T. Abbott, of thht place, a clme eseond.

James V, Wray, Ab~oon." wetlimtro~hmd,

beiisean41datoat theNaStom~lO~m~hmtton foe - was dl|coveredJust before eleven o’clockand Them were ~coree ~" other pri~es, ninny of

Ge0rgl Aumlel~ May’a ldmdin~.’Mrs. Roy le I~aeh, Mr, lind Mt~ Harl4so~ the prmlds~j,.--Bu.yom~e II~tvlsw. Mrs, Alwilda Moore Claimed by Death. shouts ¯nd platol shots noon ermined the them lu sobeta,uUaJ cash form.

--4’ Mr& Alvilda Moore, aged ~ yearL died ne/gbborhood. Tbe I~nem and AUanUc City buat"m~ menThmdo~Otto, E~gHarborG~ty. Wtleon Ira4 Miss IMs H..B-,,th motorsd to Dlbtrict Mesthqg ofOdd Fei|owl.

FrldaYorla~tyeekalthe homo0f herdaugh- Mr.s~t Mrs- Vertlno were sittLu~ cmthelr sreallehthus/utlcover thencoem of the~IrDomttoLsxms~Lanmavlll~ theshorel~ttul~ayeveninE.& dstaEaUo~ of memb~nt from-Atla~Ue ter, Mm. Leon ~Loeey, at 8yracuae, N. Y., fr~ntporeh and thelrehUdt~m were~ui~ lind pr~et an even bigger and better oneMr. and Mrl. Wsti~oe Coveati~ m ~n~

Merm~n Mm’kord, E@~ Harbor City. Lodge No. 80, L O. O. P. ~ by Distrlet after several ymr~ illness, eta, lye. When they ~ in the house‘ smoke here next year.Roeeo ~ ~monto~

~ oongr~a~ on the ~ of

Cl~rtmldLBprallue,lem|tV|ladlmdHtUeg~mtlomsaatth~rhom& DelmtY~rt~mA"Osaklil*sttm~lod ¯ d~rlct She wu the daugbterof V~’|lliam ¯ndKe- ~dflrewerethiekln thekltchelL Th~father

emoting held In Wll~tow’8 ~ quarters ¯t becea MatUx, pioneer residents of ISouth Jet- made ̄ dash Ul~alrs lind rmeued the children Dealers Must Report At Once.MI0b~leP~p~lto, Hamm0nton.

Mlag~m Blpley, dau|ht~ 0¢ Mr. an~ Mrs. litmmontou Wedn~y ~m~lng ]uL Dole-eey¯nd spent pnu~tt~l]yall her life at tht" tndthen madeavalnend~avorto put outtbe Uoder the provision- of the RevenUe BUl

/4~lvln guaon, PteamntvlUe,- William F.Ipl~’, left Wednesda~ for Atimela,

__. .~ Ga.,wheresh@wiIlependthelhdlsad W(SISr ptlmm were nlao p~t ~ Green Baok pla~. Mr, Wltllam Matrix; a brother, who fl/tmeswithabucltet now pending before @o~grem, It la provided


with her uu~de- Mr. Geer~ RJple~, Jr. al~ an,’~4~ Harbor City. Be-- grand omoers h~ pemed the eighty-third .lleatooe of 11[e Flndtng he cou|d znake no hes4Wm3", he thlt there will be ¯ IprIMlusted tax on uq~,rt,"¯

wlfu. Bhe wUl~ttomd soboo/ dnrll~ that Ume wets pat aria d~tlvered sddtsmms. A fret- and ts stlll e.Joying exoellent b~Ith, survives fired bls plato! In the alr and shouted i~r help and ¯ddltional taxes on e]~r~Um, tobs~o,

COHTEST IN ’lJ~ LEHAPEtnA... . , n. of tbegstherthg ~ tho preamztatton to her, a|sotwo mn, nnd ¯ daughter: Mr& L~ou and lo u ebo~ time 1~1~ Hoee (3ompnny d~atll|e~ splrtt~, re~qlded |pirtt~ Aixmmttod

FOR s.~ Wll~tm Bernshoo~ofabeauUml gold A. Lmey, of 8yrscuae ~, Mr. Frank R. Moore, had etretms playing on the bisz~ wnieh waa Itquore, still wlnes, sweet wth~s, ere.. and, these. Pldvste Thom~m Thorpe of the ~ D~ emblem of ~ mrder In honor of hta sixtyof Brooklyn ¯nd Mr. MarSh V. B. Moore, of ¯ stubborn one and required eoneldentble taxes will a~J’ne on all ~lm in the treads Of

Aquatic Olub Promllal Hotebl@ Mogt lmlnumt, now ~mon~ st the PIm~mrg ~am aa’a nmmber of the festernlty, havt"g Rlehmond. Ve- effort to exUnEut~h. The houm ~ It~ con- dealers or held for ~Je on the ~ thsttlm¯ H@reOn ~pta~r 0. ¯ ~anaok~ N. Y.. writes, that he le. emJoyhls,, ~ WJ~dOWI~ps In 18~. Tlmattt wan ~TheremsJo|werebroughttotniaplaee8un- tenlawere bedly~ 8nee of tlmflm- bitllapaas~Lhin~lstf In the ad’m.y. Thbl le Um SIs he fl~\ Wll~lOWlm~is ~ mm premute~ by

~b~yand~rviees were held lu the Pre~b~:terbua men aemneartyovereome in the bui]ding by Tbedmderor permn ori~reoushoMAnglmyCutmimm’mta"m~ .zmm l~r andmsrsm ~ -l"hm,.~ed u lth, klnp mot,we I~v~md~a In fl~e~r 4~tir~M to M"~kLStu, Oftlw Ipl~aty Of re~l~[~l~’* HO Gang he Is In tide Past Gnmd ~r Dr. ~ of camden. Church, conducted by the I~V. Chai-les~V. thehm, tanddoke, of thess goods for male o~ th~ day will be.

AUgntlo City Aqtm~M Clnl~ for the’thO ~ tO’ b~t of hMJUi’and eend$ best rql~ to all hie Mr. Bernshotms leSl y~ ofugu and hJ~e and Gir~ltu~ of Vlnehtnd. ]futerment wu made ~’. required to furnish an t"v~mtory ~n d,n~t~oI~srty m~l Is still Jn the Immem, being ¯ In Union Cemetery. First M. Church. of the stocks oa hand u of that date. luw~-be I~1~1 ~ 8elpis~her 8 In" latlr.o ~ ~ende bwL


memb~ Qf th@ ~ tram of bt8 sedge. A . 8ervicm tnthe M. F-. Churoh to-morrow, tortosghonid be fovwnrded tmm¯~teJasty totlmProml~mtAthletfu ~ . Mr. and.Mnl~. Fad. WmT/a~tem t~stv~ Ixmqwtfu/low~IUm..mmt/ng. Our Heart In The War, follows: Clsas’mesUng at 9J0, Prmchlngat Ooll~toroftheDistrtctt"whleh lheta~Im~erto a~ks ofl~hti ~ of d~nliswot~Tu~t~ti~t 1thOr ~,Artb~r,I my tbeheartofthecouutry in’t" thlg wax ~0.30 a. re, and 7.00 p. m. I~unday 8choo~ at lal~tod,¯udthe addttion.~ tax, ffsay, must¯ --- of o... .. ..... --u. I, ..o,d no, ha...on. ,o,o,, ,, ,la ,he .na, b.r A,, .el®.e.W be ,o ,.....YSJdtn 0, ]h~s,w~s ~ In u4tMla Jm~Si~ou~&~ ll~lm/qaaa4|aqaU~t~lt~lMIvudbyth~Unlted

zaartlm~not been preptredfor It, Itwould I.udtow, Putor. frumthedateoftl~lmmNt~oftl~elmt.M~qp.r ~m4 EdprBrue4m~o(’De~zolt; ~11- ~ ftmd. Ha i~vm a w~ ilw 8tstaaDepmrtmmtof&~risutUumthdi,,,Ltethatnot have gone lnto lt Iflthadnotflrstbelt~ved ~

ImftTmalfnmon, of Phllad~plS~| O~ ~ ~~im-,~~ |im~mmm ofeertslnlMntmmumewl~teo~-that here wu an opportunity to exprem the Pr~lbytorlan ChMIr~h. ~ BMUetifl. -.

TgdOuln and Bnd.Ooodwin, ~qowYork| UIINIODS~It3~t JJ[l...IkgglMlm. WalTtJ~g/o~have fdesdtnllptRItOUMktd~MOWbaktheelsore.12r d ohJu’acter of the Unkted- 8tataa.--Preeldeot t~ees ¯t the Pre~yterten C~umh to- Bundsy, Sept. S--lknmt H~ber~ 14; CsrtI/~ ltltter, forn~,r qum, t~ mile ebemptoa ttm~m~tt~,m~ttl~ofaNaof fttm~bem .. ,Ou~ Ms~ek~b~ tn their id lserm~nmk U~ t~Unp Of whish ~dAmo.°Pe~ under Um m~nstory-bt~ ~ Wit, on. morrow wiu be aa ~: l"rmohd~ st 10J0 Knem~ e.

a. m. and 7.10 p. m by the pe~0f. A~i III~WISU Mo¯~’, ~pL ~--~ Ik~o4k~ ILmadetohe~,~tLmly IlesMet l~ve km~.fonMla4m~l Jot’ smml~ wueks Ybe delm~qment bde 4redmond ~ It ta Dance Every &turday NIEht.

attheumadbo~r, Everybodywelemae. Its’. T~,~i~t.t*-WUllmaBame~’,0t&meplxandNorman ltemQoumkazld t~t01mStlt Mn0el~lmrepmt~ed~theml~M~k~ll~w~ll~olm~L i~, BJay.~Moyaho~blr~l If yon wish to entmq~n youreelf or your Ek M. J~n~tth. Paatoe, VlmuU, DLthe mat Lanp~ Ju~de U~ ~t’e m~t Je~

~0 ya~ Ud hu ~ ~ ~ ~ t,,~ ~ ~~ ~,t ~0~ pdOVer, VIMUng ~n~ take them to Egg Hnrbor

ggt?rlM/ednmdlW, ISept &--Jompb marry. 8.

whloh be I---talum ~m’t, whlis am Js Im~ Trespltuin E P~, ~eld. li~dl~q~l~is, WUsesl mlpe ~lt3" to the umald hk~et"l Da~oe given ever,/ Rb ng. , ---*--

IX~r IntlmspHnis. ’l’berlm~ueMba&e~d . N~ IS b#~MNr ~vm, toUmlm~M M~,,tlMolNlam~bt’wl~ehJn m’tt~ml’a’tYevtulng stAur~ml/stL Up-to.date Houeel~oldrel~ireofmeld~n~kthds,~b- E[ectlo~SMl~@8 ~..

to Mart at ll~r o~eisek. ~ , ~ 08 ~p~ ~~ New~enm~Is~t~lmA!nmtll toNevembefn0, danes m-,/e by tlmTrtoClub.--Adv. MngWork, ote. Boxier, Ma.WsLm~lng.---~lv. The t~unWGkek bes ~ a~d~vef..

tl~ttrmlmmmwatlm~attwalammmt~t~ t~tmtv,,f~r almmt~4t’nmn ~’o

*- ~eum ~w p~e~M, ~n ~, ~,For Rwten~.ailmmidM. kW. m.t~ immure --,pe Fenee r St¼. Bicycle For 8ale ~or u~ eonm~ mot wSI sttm~ elatd}m~

1~ tvJU~ are t~oq~ AbbeU, M~a ~em4~,a bts ~m . J. w. use.in,teem among t~ ~ ~

" M~’e laCtic--Adv, the 0ounty .....

\ %

. , -,.

AILANTIG o ouNTY RECORD[-: .... - ...... ¯ . ’ ’ (MAY)S LANnII~O RZCOItD) ¯ ’ ...

Publl*hed Every ~aturday Morning at Ma~, ¯

¯ I.~nd luK, N’,’.J. ’ -

¯ [U~adera of IiTnlR RaL~oltn’! tl~ay have their¯ papei, milled’ to any addr(~t Ill toe United¯8Islet.and Po~c~lo,ns, Cnnedn, Mexico ~odUub~,+peetage prepaid, ror I1,~ per annum,Itrtetly In advauee. , . ;

"+" : + Any subscriber wl~o fiLtls to receive "TIleRgCORD" regularly ctn h0ve the omlsslunlprbmpUy t~)rrceted by enterlng.complaLut ~tthe ofl~ ’ " r ’

Advortlslng r~tes will be fttrnlshed upon

L~OA, .... .¯+¯- L~’TAL, L

~IIERIFF’S I~ADE. 8HERIFF)S SALE.By vlrtuo of a writ ot nerl lacla~, Io reel ity. vlrtttOtof a .¢rli of fl_~.rl in qlan, to m?

dlreclcd) Isllued out of the Now Jersey Conrt i directed, Ig~uett out or" Tnn l~ew jbrsey houriof Chuneery, will be sold at public venduO, on [ of Cllaneery, will be 8old at pubne vendue, ouW’EDN~’~DAY, Tt[E TWEhI~I’H ~AY OF[ WEDNEtDA~£, THE N1NETEENTII DAY


~tt two o’clock In tile afternoon of mild day, [at tWo o’clock.ill the~flornOonof t~.ldin the Court Room No, 201, I~l~011d Floor, I Iti the Court Room 1~o. 201, Beoon¢ FOuamnteo Trust Building, in tile City of At- I Gluamnt~ Trttst Bulldhlg. in- the City olantlc City, County of Athtntle nnd Blat0 of] lantls City, Connty bl Atlantic and BinNew Jersey. ’ ’ I New Jereoy. . . ’ "¯ All that c0rtah, tract or l)ttrcsI of land and [ All that lot of land and premlses sltUitlo inpremises herelnafler Imrtleularly de~crlhed, I the City of VontuorClly, County of Atlanllo.ltsale lU t,h0 City of Ventnor ( fo,’lnerly In the I and Etale of New Jersey.Town,hill of Egg I[0,rbor)l in the County oft BeKLanlng m tho Westerly. line of DorsetAtlantic aud ~Iate nf New Jer~ey~

lleghulh,~ at tile Northtmat eor,l~r t)fCaln-npp]lcaUon. ’ ’ hrldge and Monmouth Avenue~ ~lnd extend., L~mh sent thnmgh tile mall will be at the from titent’e (Imt).North’wardly In the F.asterly

~ender’s rlmkvull remtthtneem mhonid lie matte Ilne’nf(?llnlhrldge Aventle two ll4,iidrt~l feel: morel,r less to Ihe HoUIhcrI~’ edKe of In¯Idaby r~l~+red letter, po~t office or exprt~ Th,)ruughh, re: thenee(2d)l,au4twardly along

money Ol~,ler nre!le~k. Addr01mnll rf~nillUtneell the Hoflthorly edge of ll, llldl~ Thoronghl~ile" tile~nde+mtmilnleptlonstotht~nrdco, ~everal etl,ir~e~ tbcr~o.f thre~ huadr¢~ feet,

lUl)rl~ nr leltq) to a pOlllt ttireo hurldrcll l’i~.LICit~=dward nf the F~mtcrly lino uf Culrlbrhlge

I+~’I’.%TI," Ill," I~ c. HHANI,+H0 i~(blisher. Avenue nleastlred on n Ihlc d~iIVll at rightIRA T. n, HM]Tll, /,;d/tar nnd J[¢l)tllf/,’r. Itlltrl-t¢ Ih,,reln theuco (3d) ~,uthwsrdly pur-

nlh, I with Calnbrhlge Avenne on(J htlntlredfret, InaPt or le~, to the Northerly line of

~ltUlied at tile May’it I~ndtug l’,mt-*drtec ~ Moniunuth Avenue l thence (4tb) Westwardly¯ Hoeoud~Ha.mq Matter, lU tile Northqrly nne of blonn|outh Avenue

thrt~ hundl’ed feet to tile place of hoKlnnlug." ~ -~ : l’;xeepthlg therefrom the following four par-

Pl’i~+ nf |filial :I. li(,~llJlilng hi tile North line nf ~loulnooth

A venile nile haiidred fPot F.astofCambrldgeAvenue theuee (I) North parlillel wltll Cam-I)rltlge Avenue tWO llllldrt~l feet, rnoi~.¯ nr leillt,to Inside ’t’horo~l~hfitre ~ thellce (2) [4~ll~t

+I¢ lind tth)In~ lilt+ Hotith lille, of In~lhle ’rllorollgh-

Mon~iy to.l~ui on Marinate.Convl~,alletng In nil Its brannheaCommlmt|o=Jer of Deeds for New Jersey. ’

Place" at n polntodletant one liundred feet~outhwnrdly from the Boutheily line of A+-laurie Avenue, and extending tllouce (tat)Westwurdly parallel wltil Atlantis Avenueone llundred twenty-live feet Ilieeco (2rid)

r~t: tlleneo t3rd) Eastwardly pareltel w llh+’~9,%llalltle Avenue one hllndcedtwenty-flve lentto the Westerly Line ef l)or~t piece; Ihenee(.llh) Norlhwardly Io aud nhlntr the said Wt~l-erly line nf Dorset Place fifty feet ’to theof bcglnnina.

I Hetng hit No. 9 lit bhlek 38, onsituate u Ventnor Cty, N.J.,

"~ of’nur’Tru.t Dell, trine,it I* con-’stallt~’ lUer~asLn~t. ,Mo¢~ p0op|o

~’. ~very’yc¯r llr~ r~ilzln~ tholidvau-rages+of naming thlsCompslly AS

~0~ theexeeut0roftllclr wills.l~ All bCmlue.~q entrusted .to us ~l

treated tu a strictly, euutldsntta!~

nl s n n c r. Im~l~ We llball l)e pleee0d to’ draw

yank wlll--frt~ of oharge--lf yotl

~ nalno thPl (,+linli,;lny as yonr OX,


2=. O. 21~ J~o. zm,eel i Phoi|n !Ii[o. i, Mayis Undlng, N. J.

t,~.,, ,+.+,,, ,+,,,..co.,+,ny;:==-=+~-:=~- ................... ~

~.j.+~0 feet; ,IAnuary I0,.I011; oy W, I. Itialey, . " Atlantic City,I Civil Engineer llnd ~urveyor. Atlantic City. + IL BEg ETC. "

N J " And I)elng p¯rt of the ~tlhe premises ’I)itnlel 14. White, l.resldenl.which I~0wls T. Brynnl et. UX. eL el., by died .... ~’m~ r~ t ~ ~’ Henry W. l~ed ..... .) ’.-

i dnted March 10, i~)), and of recnrd ’hi the Clareheo h, Cole, ~lce~rcslae~"Clerk’s Olllee of AtlanllcCounty In llooK’~o.~; or a~a.,i~ige l~ gn,.ted ..d eoavey~l When In Want Of. k ’ llerlnan M Bypherd,unlo tho lla dOeenn Fnmt l,nnd Company, Vice t’resldent and Trust ()meet.

]In fee. (’.harles I1. ,Ioffrle.q,+"lelzmlltsthepr°l~-rty°fOce°nl~’rentl+’und ’ Lumber +ndCOmp,u)y nnd’ taken In execution nt thesult ofi~vnnla ~iellvnln Cooper mid to be ~old lly \

+.o++ MGompany r .

North Carolina & Atlantic Ayes.,

Fir" , ,S0ft Yellow PineSash ’

¯ Cedar Screens~oore H0t-bed Sash

¯ Mouldings Screen DoOrsAll kinds of wllllwork.

(3) "it," e~ all,n I xiitd hi~hh. Tbllrilll~liflirl~ l(’ll tl,f,l) nloi’e

Prussian milLtarism never received nr le...i,,,l b)lnl olle llt, lldred llll(l i~lxt+, ¯ rt.lqI¯~ii~tl i)r Ihe I,]ll#ll Iliil) ()f I’iillil)rll~,! ~s.~¯l’liiloa more crushing Indictment than it nllqitlll+l’,t I)n tt Ilno drlte,’ll itt r/Kht It+lil~|l,+q

has at the hands of President x~VIl~on illl,rl,io; Ill,,n(¯el4 ~oulh mrulh.i wlni t,luil.I)rllllit. Avt’nol~ Iwo tlullltFt’lt n,vt. nl()l+e llr It’ll.

In his recent reply to the Pope’s plea il)ib, phweofbi’ghuiln~.4, Ib,lllllnlll I Ill llio i~i)llli iliio llf.’%ll)nlnl)ntii

for peace. Summing up his conclu- AvPnu(, lltiil!ly fetq l.~ti~l of(’llinl,lhlgi, Avt,iilll,;lhent+l, III I~t,~+t lu hie #Ni)rlb Ilnc ()r .~ll)liinl)ut stons, the President say~ : Av~..,. il.n reel; ib,,nce (2) Norti~ p)lralh’l

" We cannot take the word of the witil t’niili)rhlle Av~iitle two inil~<irell ft.,,l(It |l~tl, Ill lllK|de Thort)tlKhfare~ llletl¢’e

present rulers of Germany as a (:l) w(.,l In lilld illOUi~ nn, mild ll.(idt¯"l’hl)rlulsbrllre fl)ih,Wllll~ Itie lil.vlq-tl+l et)llr~.CR

~uarantee of anythlnt lhat is to en- liierl.I)f l(+ii flq’l, iliilro or I+mq, ll)it i)i)lnt iiliiely

dure. unless explicitly supported by ~.i i.:.~l i,fCl, nll, rldge Avcnue ,,,,.,i+*,ircdon a|lne drnwli ill rlgbl llliglo~l Ihert.ll); ih(.l)¢,l, (4)

such conclusive evidence of the wIH .~()illli i.irnnel wnll I’,llnl,rhi~,(, Avl,nu,, Iw,,hulldrPt| r(.PI. ,nlt, le (Ir It+N~) t,I Jill ~ I)ll~t’l’ I)f

and purpose of the" German people hl.gintih,::.ttelu~ Ii ll)ll’l Of lh<~ I~ltnle iiivid llill| t)rt.llxl~l’t4themselves as the other peoples of wl e T ,+ %"., ii t)r t’o Iptt Y I).%" tli,(,il i nl,.d

the world would be justified tn ac- mt~rel, m. lt~)z, ,itl~ rt.e,)rd,,d In, lilt, I’lerk’.I)lth’e of Alhinllt" (llnlnty, Ill ll<l<dl Ni). ~7il

ceptlng. Wlth0ut such guarantees dPi.a., i,, ~,, :l~ ,,re. ~m t,~l . I c<mv,,v,,li¯ treaties ~f settlement, agreements Ulill) lh," .nld Arvlile II, I’blllill. Ill r,+i? " ’

~etzl’d n.~ the ’)l’o ..rt;l" ofArvlne II. Piiiiil )~for disarmament, Co’yen;this to ~et tip et. e.IK. illld Iltk(!ll lu i.xt~l.(lll(io .li|, Ibe ~lult

~etvil)ll Kt?llii iiiid Io be I+ohi byarbitration In the place 0( force, ter- .IO~EPti It+ ItAl~Ti.~71"l’,ritorial adjustments, reconstitutions ¯ ~herllr.

[)llleli ¯+liitrliml IS, 1917.of small nations, tf made with theGerman Government. no man, nO H¯,t’tTANIIEn ISZAItD, ~i)lh.llor.pr,i, ft¯e,l~.71natt0n, could now depend on. V/e -

and we)it It qni0k, pbouo U¯, we hove Itat right grade aud right prlsclt. Wedt.llvni+ to~otir door.

¯ Egg HarborCo~ & Lumber Co.Phone 65-0~. Egg tlarb0r CRy, N.’J.

In tJle Court II,x)m NO. ’201 Hl’<?l)nd Floor,(tnllrilli’h,e TrllXl Ilulhihig, t I be ~11)’ o r At.Innlh" I’Jly. t’l)tlllly or +l~thllllle Ii11~] ~Jlllle of ;. ~_-+L~+ :-+ ]~ew .I i!Psey. .

All Jhllt (~,rlliln Inlet or pllrcel nf llilld andprl+l,lll~CS m|Itlltte hi tbe CIt.v of Atlantlet+ity,Counly (if Alhintle lind Hllile of ~ew ,h, rlley.boul,d(,(t Jill(! dPm~rlhed i|fi [(,ilowii

Iti,Kllllilng OI a l~int IU Iho l~:ltltterly lln~ ofVIrKhlht ,~lVellue illt41111it 750 fl~et HOllthwitrdlyfro)n lho _Houl+llf.~JIJLu ’l~n~+.~A+~aull-41ttll+

~Plll]~-~T)~-~llee I]) l¯~Islwardly I)lirllllel wllh l’ucl- 9Itt~ Avtulll+, I(t~l rl,l~t" thellee (2) Soathwardlypllriilh,I wllii Vh+l~hihi Avolltle ;IZ) fl~,l ; tl)on(!e IP.idlniltl@s fnrnlthl~d up<Hi lll)l)lleJlnon.13~ %Veitwllrilly I)lirliill.I wltli l’iiell~c+ Avenliell~) fel,i t(, lilo I.;a.h, rly nile ofVirglnhl Av~nill.I Addrell P. 0. BOX 41,Ihelll’l, (.li J~orlllWi3.rllJy hi it,i(| lih)ill ill(! I+’al~ll-i’rly Ihll, of %’Jrullllll AVl!llne :~’l fel.t t(i llie Mly’e’/~lindJllg, New Jerley.


Harry Jenkins,


Lumber and ~iHwork, Coal, Lime, Brick,Terra Cotta ~e, Paint, 0tl, (llass

and Builders’ Hardware

llo,se /;u,’,Ushin.¢" Goads¯

Luoas’ Paint, Varnishes, Brushes,Stains etc.

State ot Ohio, City of. Toledo, I s&Lucas CountyT 1’ Frank J. Cheney nlake~ oath thnt ]lo l~lsenior partner of the firm of I’% J, Chen.y& Co., doing" bilslness In the CIty of To-ledo. County ~ud Ht~lo a~oreeatd andthat sald firm wlll pay the sum o~ ONE~II~NI)RED DOLl.All8 for Peeh nnd ev-ery cane of Catarrh that cannot be curedby tho use of HA I,f.’S CATARRH CURl]I.

],~RAi~K J. CTIENI~,Y.Sworn to bsfors ms lind Ruhserlbed In

i~y presence, this .6Lh day of December,A. D, 188&

(Seal) A.W. £11,EABON.Notary Ptlblle.

HaWs Catarrh.Cur0 Is taken internallynnd acts dlrectl~" upon the blood and mu-e0us surfaces of the system¯ Send fortestimonials, free,

F. 3. CHENI & CO., Toledo, O,~sts, 75c. :

~’i" eon¯tlpatlon.

Varioue Colors,¯ Both Plain and Moulded.

Office and Works: MAY’S LANDING, N. J./

~’nITa ~OR I~AlSpLli.~ A~ll l’lllclia,

Egg Harbor City.


allilln~l tilt" (¯stJltl+ <)f the ~iehl d(s.t.dl,lil~ wnhhi +++-7- " i - : " ?.- : - - "-Y ~- : "-" -

~l]l/e iiitve llll fnenltle~ for lesthig )’our eyl~l.Yv Ily dtty or nlghl an Eye Hpeclalisl

lit your eonlllialld.

Henry go~te, Jr.,Jeweler & Optician,

Oz6 - 9is Atlantic Avenue,ll~ll I’hone 95 A, Arthritic City N.J.

L L ..... + + -.

. States, postage pre-

BIC~JN’~BB. JO lwJt’~£~ZC ~E~-D~D. 0aabottla haa killed 132 worm~. All Crnlf-

~cetS and flirters! eto:-.s, or by ~a11~-25o¯ or. ~-st. C. A. VOORWl?Elt.M.D..Pblla..pli.


Eye TroublesAre Hereditary ,

I fti, e parents need ltlail~,~ or ellll~rllf t]lein bttve defective vl~on IhereIs alnl¢)st h, vartably trouble In lhelrch[Idren’s eyes.

Take No ChancesHave slg|lt health O.lld eonlfort of],’our ehtld’rtui by )ettlng till Ih(Ir-¢)ughly PXltlnhle their= an~ reid

.It~ure L|lat only In needy e¯i~e~ghi~ell wou Id ever be preserlbed.

L.W. Bet , D.,

lnlll|l! (n,fi!lidlllll I)Pi.iill~l+ yl)tl tii)hL i1 NIY[’I( ~1": i )I" ,"4 I.:’I+I’I,HM H NT.

Nlilll’t’ I~l lteriH)y Klvl’li lhiil the llCeOllliLX Olllil~ gliD~crl|)(,r (l~ b4tiij;4111ullql ’J’rnlilt,e (if i.<liltl, ll{ Jlliry Alill (’nil)t+r iliNI~iilled willhi! illltllll,ll illi+l ~Uil(.d hy Ihl! i-tlll’rll~lil~ andrel~)rtt,d f()rl.lth!lnl.lll tlltht+lJrlihtllix (~<lurt<)fA[hilln¢, (’l)llnty ill, ~tlt’lqlllel4day the twenly-i~ xltl day tlf l~l!l)lelilltl!r , lll,ll~ at wllleh UnienlIpll cil I llill W I I I lie nliidu filr 17111i nl laldo hi4.

(Jiilirilllt(!e Trilll I’onlllunyAlhintl£ ++’It+/. N. J.

lllllt;d Ailgll~t ~+~. A¯ If+, 1917,I’r’- fee, lt,~7

paid, for

$-]~o2~ . The-Optometry Speclalistper annum. In advance. 912 Atlantlc Ave.,

- . _ .- ~_7~_~_ -_-_ : .7 ~-::-_~._~-r~ ATLANTIC CITY,NEW JEII,~I~EY.

LEG A h,

HII EltIFF’B ~ALEI ..........................lly vlrlile (if a wrll of flerl facies, tO nrie

direr.ted. Imtued ont of tho ~ieW Jerlley lSu-Dr. Arthur D. GoldhaftI)reliie Courl, will be ¯old at publh; vendue, co


IIUN llltl~D AN I) l-I[,:V iCNTI,:EN, heKt to linuotlllel? thitt ho liax opeln.d itItl tw’l) i,’l!l~!k In the tlftel’niln nf mild dliy, I-eterhisry hol+lllhll flit lhe Irealnienl+In the ~Jotirt llxloin No. 201, Ht.q~olid l*’hl<lr, lind h+ilird lif llll do/iit,~llclllt!d lllihiililxtttlll+rllnt(~i Trail Bulldlug. In tile City (if At-huiUl’+ t’lty, (Jounty of Anaiiih; alid HU,te nl Vineland, N.J.

Bell 0BNew Jersey.l. HIIUlill" In Ventonr Clly, lleKIluilng 011 lhe

Fit lille nf NewllrR Avelllll# .~0 feet HOtlth n[ ..............Athlnllc AvPuoc IP+¯sl 6+)I-2 feet by Houlh It)lbe ellerllir IInP.

F 5tile H<)uth line (If IJrant A ve.ue 100 feet e~ O~ ; ~ ewet, t (if Arkan~lul Avenue West ~5 feet bySOlllil 100 real.

i%lieli aa the pToptrty nf John W. h,gerl~>ll Always fr0m 10(3 to 300 head ofainl Utken hi elocnlh)n al tile sail of Ilieilard h0r-~¢-~ and muie~ of aii de~ortptlollsC. l{alghli and I 0 be =old by

JOtlEP[[ It. ItAltTIA+,"l"i’ -" for safe at my stablesHherl’ff.Da~Bepte,ni~rt, lm+, Joe Klndig, York, Pa.

Wll.qoN ,k CAvil, Attorney=,L’r’ll fce, IIO.M

N(JTIC~ ()li’ HE’I"J’I,EM ENT." Ni)thie Ill heroby given that ltleiu~cllUliUi ill C,,~T T#’%~I~ ~ I)OUtILA~t-+#-ENblcOT’IItile lluhl~:l’ll ....... Ext~’otor of the eslllte tff

ti~H~J~ JoxiilltOMblargttr,.t Jhlllowuy i deli~t~etl, will be audited.......... ~ Ll,ll, /)r(¢.,.llanli tltiilt~d by the ~Urr~y~nu~ and reported for

settleuleni U) thl~ Orphaml’ I’ourl (If AtlantictJonnty/¢,u, Ws~lnesday, tile Iwelllii day tlf SliO~ REPAIRIN0 ’

Hept~")ber’"ext’ntwillelili’"elilll0iealtl)liwnl JOSEPH LANZA-h4~ nntde for coramiaslous and el)Ull~l~i fill,

Andi’ew P, elnia f,Atlantic City, N. J,

Dstod A’ugu¯t ;;, A. D., iltiT. ’ May’0 Iilidinl, N. ],TltUMIPnoI~ & 14111i, Tllnllil I Pfootnrs,

Pr’s fee) 104 I. Neat to Fll~t ~aUoo¯l lJ~lk

. . ..

Trimmed andUntrimmed Hats’,+ Select ed Styles

Small Glose-fitting Turbans,

Dressy Sailors and

Newest TamsOn Display Now

’ B,CoBARTHADepartment Store



. Summer Footwearfur

Men, Women andGhildren


~Og a~ ~ ~ 0 0 j

gt0r0__1534 Atlantic Ave.,

Atlantic Gity


Of pe0pIe don’t give sufficient attention to theimportant matter of selecting an Executor. TheAtlantic Safe Deposit and Trust Co. is organized

under the law. If any of its o~cers die, they aresucceeded by men equally as capable. Therefore,when they are your Executor, there is no chance

of loss or mismanagement" through the deathof the party acting in this cap=lcity. We drawwills free when appointed Executors.

~ Boxlm Fox Rilrr, 16,10 l~r.

C, apltal "and Profits $525’,000 Deposits, $2,300,000

Theatlantic Safe Deposit:& Trust Co.,

Pay Household Bills Witha Check

W HEI~ the homewite pays her bill with ¯ check she gets ¯double reeeipL The tradesman receipts her bill. Tho aa..

celed cheek at the bank is an gdditional voucher.̄ If there i~ ¯dispute over t Io=t receipted bill the canceled check settles all

~arguments. Be~ides~you can tell atIthe end of the montK just how muehit colt~ to run your home. Let usIsta#t you right. Open an aceount]

\with = today. ~0u Wi~ not regret itj

F:: ST r£T10NiL tN~AY’S LANDINO, N. J.

. +v+s+mmmtInc.---

Conveyanclng in all Its Branches

Money to: Loan on Mortgage

Titles, Exsmlned%


Birch Building,

¯ ay’s Landing, N. J.





. NotJce.lS heteby~[Iven that. l, Gl/trk W.’Abboli, = ’Of .Taxes for Hamllioxl To,wnshlpl Akl~.ntlc County, New; Jers/y;.y

Fteh Imd Gime Seal0ne. Schedule of Election Proceedbigl. L

t~ualI, rabbit, squirrel¯ male Fmgli.h ring- I}tugult 81--Petttlonl for nbmin¯tlon’tornecked pheasant, ruffed gro{Ise, ’prairie membent of astembly. ¯lid oounty emceechicken and Hutli¯rtnn partrld~’e--Novdmber mtist be flied with the Connty.Olerk on or lie.10 to l)ee~tnber 15. . . fore this dat~Wild turkey -- elo~-+<l ~0n until M~rch 13, Bopt’ 4--B4~rds ’of relli.try at~d ’eleCtions

1919. ~ ’ meet for orgmnt~tlon, ’ - . ’Female English rhlg.nt~ked ph~ttt-- I~p(-’ ~-Petltlons 6ndor"tnz ~and|d~tte~ to be


;,z. ~’. .’,

¯ +5 , : ’.


¯ ~t Atlantlo Ctty~-lst ward, NOrris Smith¯

Alfred B, Smith, 2nd ward,F, gx HarbOr CIty-Hamuel Wlnterbottl3m

Egg llarbor City¯F4~ Harbor ToWn~hlp--Wllllam 8cull, IAn.

wood., Galloway Township -7 John H¯nselmann,

Cologne.¯ Hamilton T0wnnhlp--lr¯T. B, Smith, Ml~y’S

l~odlng,.llanmionlon -- William I~ .lIIaek, Cyrus F.

Mnrl~te. City --’ George %Vebb, Marga~( ’I ly. +

Muitlea Towrimhlp-- William L. Blair, EI-w(~. :

~qrthfleld Clty--WaltcrJ. ltyoo, let ward,llakersvllle; 2nd ward¯ William Oxlcy. ¯

Clark Adam,, ’2nd ward¯

elom~d seoson until April I~, 1919.

¯ l~ blrd--Beptember ¯nd October,Woodcock--OCtober I0 to November 80,Brook, brown ̄ nd rahibow trent ¯rid laud-:

tacked ~tlmon--Aprll I to July 15,Blick barn% Oswego bmm¯ white bmi% grapple

and pike perch--Juno 15 to N~vemb~r ~..Pike nod plekmrcl--,-May 20 to November ~0 ;

J¯nu¯ry l to ~0. ¯ " ’Sknnk, nllnk, mu.kr¯t, otter (may only be

trapped)--*Jnunary 1 to April I ; November 15to December 31.

Doer, on!y these having harris visible abovetim halr--l,ast three Wednesdays Ill Octoberand first Wod.esday In November.

[taccJmn--October t to Dtmembcr 15.W.tcrfowl, Including CO<lie and galllnulf~--

O~tober I to January’IS.

voted for at the prlmar¯ elation mutt befiled with the munlcllml uletk.+ ’ ¯

HopL 6--~rds make houle-tO-taotvle ran-~ster, voter.,. "

Sept, 14~unty ~rd sits to revltle andcOrrect pflmary election relitstry li.hl.

I~pL 15--Ii, eglstr~ lls~ premed for Innpection." I~pi. lg--Simple primary eleotl0nI Ilallols iobe re¯lied by election bl~rds to every regl~tercd voter.

Sept. 16.--Primary election day, ¯hid seenndregistry da¯. Tho~ not registered at lid.time ~ln do st) oil this date In order to voteatlille general election.

Sept, 98-Corrected registry II.~ Io be I~mted.Sept, 29--Annual m~ethig of con nty commit-

tees¯ + ,Oct¯ 2rid-State convenHilns,

Mail Order vice;¯IV Serprovided, will on ......¯ STOP’ "- ¯ . ’ -. -.~ ~ll .~

’ N " ’ ’

¯ :The /Seeli -Sy-setem Offer. I UESDAy, SEPTEMBER 11, :1917,

TO CiMPI ,,on^....+,..¯ Unusi]al Conveniences and Ad- at [fie hour of TwO o’clock P. M+tat L, ibrary+ Hall, sell the ELEVEN G0’+ "’.=-°=-’<-"o----< him IIW omoel In Atlantic Clt~,, will hive no

:’: vantages ,to the Out-of, several tracts and parcels.of land hereinafter specified on whichi ~ . . opix~dtlon if, the i++epuhltmn" noml~41on for

i ¯ ,, . . , . But’roK,~te~ and with ~ve~ ~te~on or ~e ~i~y

Town Customer taxes’for the year 1916 remain Unpaid to .such person NUMBER .NoW AVAILABLE¯ ’ 24~ AND MORE WILL¯ ~ afore, now In It= 44th year, hu e~tabllehed itself u persons as ,will purchase the same for the shortest term , law. ADDRDI leader b&n.me of It= "nr~t-d=m nrv~ee--It, dependable

pay the tax lien thereon, lnclu¢]Ing Interest and costs of salelmerchandise---and its remmmmablo pricu, It+ MAIL ORDER

in fee where no one will bid for a shorter term. ! ~r.

~l~d ¯rid Imek of him toUdly hi will be~sd In Novembei b#.a tubl~m~ll mil~Ofli~.

Mr. Abbott It well known thm~llhout theShunt¯, having lett~ 171vsl’ll yam al De lmty Lal~ l.,enlplfl pl¯eid bosom will be buffetedOounW Clerk durlull the terms of the late this afternoon by several or the belt =wlmmemLewi. p, Befit ¯rid the ’Isis Bl,nnel Kirby, In the ooantl7 ¯rid mine natlmlil records mi~fllllnithi.poelUoil with adlm¯l ¯blllty." Hei. be broken In the le~(~ of ~ sohedule~,

liM!er the ansp4mm of tile AUantle City Aq~


IN WATERS OF LENAP[I..-, v,.,,o...+¯,’ BunchodFor Qu~lteodlng.-r. C~rI ~ .rent T..~., i. Phi~.,.


HERE FOR AQUATIC’ ... "o,... i,,IIi,, ,~t ~ime.hy .. *i-lanlle ~lt¯.. k

CLUB MEET ~hool o~e.s ~onmmr m...l~+,bo~ a.a i~rhimm UaI~¯, (r) );+~ ,+

MI~ Be~te F,,~tth ~ with fr~ndhi totl~ Girt 8mzaly hwt. .~ -

Prlval~ ~ Tt(oql!;.l~ ~ staUmoed ¯t




. £tl~ttc CIW.John G. Verier el. ux. to Theresa KIIconrsm

eL ¯l. ~x~ fl. W~t aide of WI nd~or A-~ 118It. North of Atlantic Ave. 13,OO0.

John El. Vogler et, aa. to ThomM Klteourm

Others Entered at Clerk’s Office.

P.tacilhtlon of ilortpgel, Af.b~tlc City,Wllltem J. tidy Iv 8¯1lie A. Callender. Irreg.

We~t aide I~verelgn Ave. li0 fiB oath of Al-I¯ntlc Ave. 1&‘10.61,

"BenJ¯mln F. lt¯rrhlon to Dinlel Mye’r~ ~xI~5 ft. Weet ~lde Indl¯n¯ Ave. ~0 ft. Sou~ ofOr~at Ave. It%200.’ , . ,

Carletoti E. A~ms to William J. Cooper, 60x75 ft. We~i side St" Jamel Place 040 ft. Etouth ofPacific ,~ve. ~,~.


..,. ~..

- . . .





NUMBER 2091.



