Design and Specification Style Guide

Athens 2004 Olympic Games - Style Guide Sample No1

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Page 1: Athens 2004 Olympic Games - Style Guide Sample No1

Design and Specification Style Guide

Page 2: Athens 2004 Olympic Games - Style Guide Sample No1

“The most impor tant thing in the Olympic Games

is not the winning but taking par t; the essential

thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.”

Baron Pierre de Courbertin - Founder of the Modern Olympic Movement, 1894

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Page 4: Athens 2004 Olympic Games - Style Guide Sample No1


Introduction 01

Athens 2004 Emblem Usage 03

Quality Control 04

Graphic Images 05

Copyright 06


Athena 07

Introduction 08

Mood and Colour Palette 09

Athena Lineplan 10

Athens 2004 Emblem Usage 18

Athena Graphic Art 21

Athena Black and White Art 24

Celebration 26

Introduction 27

Mood and Colour Palette 28

Celebration Lineplan 29

Athens 2004 Emblem Usage 33

Celebration Graphic Art 36

Celebration Black and White Art 39

Olympia 41

Introduction 42

Mood and Colour Palette 43

Olympia Lineplan 44

Athens 2004 Emblem Usage 54

Olympia Graphic Art 57

Olympia Black and White Art 61

Please see back of book for Athens 2004 Label Ar t

Athens 2004

Design and Specif ication Style Guide

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The following Design and Specification Style Guide for the production of

Licensed Products bearing the Olympic marks has been created for The

Organising Committee for the Olympic Games Athens 2004 (ATHOC), and

is intended for official licensees who have been authorised to manufacture

and/or produce official ATHOC merchandise products.

This initial launch Style Guide has been created to provide its users with a

creative springboard. It does not aim to provide licensees with the total range

of products but rather act as a stimuli, providing a range of themes and designs

suggesting applications across various product categories.

The themes in this guide have been chosen to represent the essence of

Athens 2004 and the original spirit of the Olympic Games, its rich cultural

history as well as Greece, the bir thplace of the Olympic Games.

We have provided three distinct themes that convey this message and communicate

a sense of simplicity and design that is an essential element to the Athens 2004

Olympic Games consumer products program.

It is essential that the guidelines provided in this Design and Specifications Manual

are observed and that they are exercised with the highest integrity, consistency and

an eye for detail and care.

All officially licensed Athens 2004 merchandise should aim to be of the highest

standard and quality and embody a set of values that will ensure a clear and

consistent consumer message.


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Core Imaging Values Upon Which Athens 2004 Olympic

Games Image and Identity is Based:






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Athens 2004 Olympic Games Emblem: Usage Information

The emblem of the Olympic Games Athens 2004 consists of three elements:

The symbol, the olive wreath

The emblem type, Athens 2004

The Olympic Symbol, the five Olympic Rings

Please refer to the Usage Specifications of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games

Emblem, as supplied by Athoc for full details.

Important Notice

All designs, graphics and emblem applications contained in this Design and Specification

Style Guide are the property of The Organising Committee for the Olympic Games

Athens 2004 (ATHOC) and are strictly intended for official merchandise to be used by

officially appointed licensed manufacturers only.

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Quality Control

To ensure that the integrity of the Olympic Games Athens 2004 is maintained at all

times, licensees must submit to The Organising Committee for the Olympic Games

Athens 2004 (ATHOC) for prior review and written approval, any proposed

application of the Emblem of the Olympic Games Athens 2004 and the contents

of this Design and Specification Style Guide.

Please note that this guide is intended to establish initial themes and graphic

directions for licensees and therefore approval is not based only on compliance

with designs depicted in this Design and Specifications Manual, the usage of the

Olympic Games Athens 2004 emblem must be strictly adhered to and observed.

The Organising Committee for the Olympic Games Athens 2004 (ATHOC) quality

control procedures require that licensees submit material for review on each of the

following stages:

1. Rough sketches or layout concepts

2. Finished artwork or final proofs

3. Pre-Production samples or strike-offs

4. Finished product (samples)

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Graphic Images

Three design themes are presented within this Style Guide:


Celebration and


1. Licensees may use any combination of all graphic images depicted without

restriction to a specific theme.

2. All images and graphics used in this guide can be applied to product extensions

and applications and are not limited to the specific products depicted.

3. Additional design elements may be developed and submitted to ATHOC

for prior approval.

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CelebrationBlue: The endless and intense blue of the Greek sky represents the hopes and dreams

of the Greek people.

Aqua: The seas. Of life and sustenance. For millennia Greece has used the sea to

explore; of reaching out; linking its people together.

White: Peace and purity. Ideals of the Olympic movement. Clean and fresh.

Ready for the 3rd Millennium.

Orange: A vivid flash of colour sits against brilliant white which represents the joy of life.








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OlympiaThe colours of antiquity are combined with the freshness of today. Rich dark bronze

with Stone. A flash of bright orange and turquoise. The blues of the sea and sky against

the stone of the city.

Clean lines and a classic styling are the key ingredients to this theme. The use

of language as a graphic. A word that conveys the true essence of the olympic

movement and the values of Athens 2004.







Warm Grey 3PANTONE




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