TEAMWOR K Coming together is beginning. K eeping tog ether is progr ess. Working together is success. -Henry Ford  

Ateam Teamwork

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Page 1: Ateam Teamwork

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Coming together is beginning.Keeping together is progress.

Working together is success.

-Henry Ford


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!hi"e e#eryone ismo#ing

  $or!%rd together&

'uccess t%kes c%re o$itse"$. (

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Wh%t is Te%m!ork)

  Concept o$ peop"e!orking together %s %te%m

   Te%ms m%kedecisions& so"#eprob"ems& pro#idesupport& %ccomp"ishmissions& %nd p"%n

their !ork.

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F%ctors th%t hinder good !orkingre"%tionships

  Lack of understanding of others' jobs and responsibilities

  Lack of concern about total staeorts

  Disregard for feelings of others  Unwillingness to compromise  Poor communication  Negative and destructive criticism  No involvement in administrative

decisions  Lack of leadership  Over sensitivit!  Lack of privac!  Disregard for talents of others  No opportunities for sta


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  "ossip# rumors  Lack of trust  Negative and sarcastic remarks  Lack of common goals and philosoph!  Dislo!alt! to sta and organi$ation  %olding a grudge  Poor job attitudes  •

 Uneven work loads  • Lack of con&dence in fellow workers

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F%ctors th%t promote good

!orking re"%tionships  ta meetingswithagenda and su(cienttime to discuss

  )nowledge of others' jobdescriptions andresponsibilities

  Openness andwillingness tocommunicatelistening

  *rust# +ourtes! andLo!alt!

  ,espect for others in

spite of professionaldierences  ,espect for

professionalismregardless of person'sse-# age# and race

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  ,ecogni$ing talents of the others  "iving credit  ,ecogni$ing a job well done  Understanding and supporting others' programs.  /greed upon priorities  0illingness to talk over problems  +ooperation  incere caring for others with a respect for privac!  +onstructive criticism

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 Te%m!ork 'ki""s



  Persuade  ,espect


  hare  Participate

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What are Characteristics of

Effective Teams?  Members have a clear goal  The focus is on achieving results  There is a plan for achieving the

goal  Members have clear roles  Members are committed to the goal  Members are competent  They achieve decisions through


There is diversity among teammembers

  Members have effectiveinterpersonal skills

  They know each other well andhave good relationships

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Group Problem olving

•*n#o"#e peop"e

•+et in$orm%tion

•+ener%te ide%s

•Assign responsibi"ities

• Find resources

•Monitor progress




• *,E/T*F0 RO12EM•*n#o"#e peop"e

•+ener%te ide%s

•Assign responsibi"ities

• Find resources

•Monitor progress




• *,E/T*F0 RO12EM

•2isten $or common  Themes

• Org%ni3e ide%s

•E#%"u%te %"tern%ti#es

• M%n%ge con4ict

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E#ery Te%m Member C%nHe"p5

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